Trade Facilitation Measures During Outbreak of COVID-19
In view of the exigency due to outbreak of Corona Virus and, in order to facilitate the trade, CBIC has undertaken various Trade Facilitation measures. All Circulars & Notifications (as amended) released under COVID-19 advisory are listed below.
S No. | Subject | Measures Taken | Download Link |
1 | Exemption of customs duty on ventilators, personal protection equipment, covid-19 testing kits and inputs for these good. | Ventilators, face masks and surgical masks, personal protection equipment, Covid-19 testing kits, and inputs for the manufacture of these items – have been fully exempted from customs duty | Notification no. 20/2020-Customs,dt. 09-04-2020 |
2 | Measures to facilitate trade during the lockdown period under section 143AA of the Customs Act, 1962 . | Permitting the submission of undertakings in lieu of bonds for clearance of goods. | Circular no. 17/2020-Customs dt.03-04-2020 |
3 | Clearance of goods under India’s Trade Agreements without original Certificate of Origin. | Provisional clearance of goods while extending preferential treatment, without the submission of original signed certificates of origin. | Circular no. 18/2020-Customs dt.11-04-2020 |
4 | Paperless Customs – Electronic Communication of PDF based Gate-pass and OOC Copy of Bill of Entry to Custom Brokers/Importers. | Enabling electronic communication of out of charge, bill of entry and gate-pass to importers/customs brokers. | Circular no. 19/2020-Customs dt.13-04-2020 |
5 | Special refund and drawback disposal drive. | Drive to expeditiously process all pending customs refund and drawback claims in order to provide immediate relief to business entities, especially MSMEs | Instruction no. 03/2020-Customs; dt 09-04-2020 |