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Fear the Walking Dead - Season 3
The third season is created by Robert Kirkman and Dave Erickson and directed by Andrew Bernstein, Stefan Schwartz and others. The season takes the Madison group to the Broke Jaw Ranch, a militaristic community led by the Otto family. There, the Clarks and their allies find themselves embroiled in a long-running war with another Native American community. The season consists of sixteen episodes and was premiered on June 4, 2017 on AMC.
NOTE: See the Discussion Page for the weapons used in "Passage" webisode.
The following weapons were used in Season 3 of the television series Fear the Walking Dead:
Beretta 92FS
Militia soldiers, including Blake Sarno (Michael William Freeman), are seen carrying holstered Beretta 92FS pistols in "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). A Gonzalez Dam guard (Faustino Bojorquez Arellano) led by Dante points the pistol at Victor in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). The head of security at the Gonzalez Dam, J.C. (Ricardo Chacon), guard named Othón (Rodrigo del Villar Casas) and another guard (Joe Ordaz) use pistols in "100" (S3E04) when Daniel refuses to stand up to Dante and later, patrolling the streets of Tijuana. Daniel (Rubén Blades) himself also receives the gun after the promotion, and gives it to Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena) at the end of the episode, but gets it back in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05). Troy's men Jimmie (Nathan Sutton), Cooper (Matt Lasky) and Blake Sarno carry holstered pistols as they go on a scouting mission to Phil McCarthy's outpost in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05). Zombified corrections officers Clinton (Arnold Chon), Dargah (Jennifer Caputo) and Johnson (Freddie Joe Farnsworth) carry holstered pistols when Troy's squad meets them later in the episode. After losing her previous gun, Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) begins to carry the Beretta in "Red Dirt" (S3E06), using it in her search for the Trimbol family. Jimmie is also seen with the holster in the same episode. Alicia Clark (Alycia Debnam-Carey) carries the Beretta 92FS before bending confiscated in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Madison and Blake also fire pistols in the episode. After finding out who organized the poisoning, Madison takes Ofelia hostage at the beginning of "Children of Wrath" (S3E08) and goes to the reservation. Finding several walkers on his luxury Abigail yacht Victor (Colman Domingo) pulls the pistol on zombified Mexican Naval Officers Tintos (Thomas Rosales Jr.) and Galvan (Nito Larioza) and kills them. Later, Madison gives Jeremiah (Dayton Callie) her gun, convincing him to kill himself to prevent war, but he returns it, refusing. Madison threatens Troy with the Beretta at the end of "Minotaur" (S3E09) and later her holstered gun is seen in "The Diviner" (S3E10). Daniel shoots his Beretta in "La Serpiente" (S3E11). After the banishing, Troy (Daniel Sharman) is left with the Beretta 92FS without a magazine and one bullet in the barrel. At the beginning of "Brother’s Keeper" (S3E12), he shoots into the sky, refusing to suicide. Later, Jake (Sam Underwood) pulls another gun out of the glove compartment of a pickup truck and threatens his brother with it. Alicia, Cooper, Ofelia Salazar (Mercedes Mason) and Blake also use guns in the same episode. Troy fires Jake's Beretta in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13). Ofelia and Madison's pistols are also seen in "El Matadero" (S3E14). Victor Strand uses the Beretta during the confrontation with Daniel in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15), as well as Proctor Nineteen (Brian Duffy) and briefly Efraín Morales (Jesse Borrego), while Madison's and Daniel's pistols are only seen in holsters. Proctor Nineteen, Madison and Victor also uses pistols in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

Beretta 92A1
A Militia soldier named Willy (Noel Fisher) uses a Beretta 92A1 as his sidearm in "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). Almost the whole time, the gun is only visible in a holster, and Willy only pulls it out once, executing a prisoner. Troy Otto (Daniel Sharman) gives the Beretta to Nick before going hunting in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03), after which Nick (Frank Dillane) threatens him. Due to a continuity error, Madison (Kim Dickens) uses the 92A1 saving Alicia at the end of "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13). Daniel Salazar (Rubén Blades) points the Beretta M9A1 at Madison in "El Matadero" (S3E14). Daniel snatches the gun from a killed Proctor in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16) and later shoots a group of Proctors.

Beretta 84FS
Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) steals a Beretta 84FS from the glove box of the truck and carries it holstered in "The New Frontier" (S3E02) and "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). She uses it in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05) on a mission on Phil McCarthy's outpost. However, upon encountering Walker's men Clark is forced to surrender her gun. The resident of the Broke Jaw Ranch Terrance Shafford (Philip Fallon) pulls out the Beretta about to attack the reservation settlers at the dinner in "Minotaur" (S3E09).

Beretta 8000 Cougar
When ranchers and settlers from the reservation get into a fight over water in "The Diviner" (S3E10), Lee "Crazy Dog" (Justin Rain) fires a Beretta 8000 Cougar into the air, forcing everyone to stop. One of Gonzalez Dam guards (Sergio Garcia) fires the Beretta at a group of Proctors during the siege at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). Daniel (Rubén Blades) gives the Beretta Cougar to Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena) in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16), however she later picks up the same gun and attacks the Proctors despite taking Daniel's Beretta earlier.

Colt MK IV Series 70
Qaletaqa "Taqa" Walker (Michael Greyeyes) carries what appears to be a holstered nickel Colt MK IV Series 70 as his sidearm in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05), "The Unveiling" (S3E07) and "Children of Wrath" (S3E08). He grabs the gun when Troy refuses to surrender his guns in "Minotaur" (S3E09). Taqa draws his Colt in "La Serpiente" (S3E11) but lowers it when he sees an ally. Nick Clark (Frank Dillane) and Taqa both use the nickel-plated 1911 in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13). Walker's gun is also seen golstered in "El Matadero" (S3E14).

Colt M1911A1
A militiaman points a Colt M1911A1 at Travis when he is brought to the military base at the beginning of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). Troy (Daniel Sharman) pulls out the pistol about to shoot the wounded Luciana in "The New Frontier" (S3E02), but Nick (Frank Dillane) asks him to do it himself, then suddenly points it at Troy. Jeremiah (Dayton Callie) convinces him and takes the gun away. Troy also briefly uses the gun during a night hunt in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). Lee "Crazy Dog" (Justin Rain) carries what appears to be a Colt M1911A1 with black grips and adjustable rear sight as his sidearm in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08), "Minotaur" (S3E09) and "The Diviner" (S3E10). El Bazar guard (Eddie Diaz) takes the gun from a survivor in the same episode. Ofelia Salazar (Mercedes Mason) carries what appears to be a 1911 in a left handed holster despite being right handed. Lee fires his pistol in "Brother's Keeper" (S3E12) and after wasting all the ammo he throws it away. Alicia Clark (Alycia Debnam-Carey) also carries the pistol in the holster. Proctor Eleven (Panuvat Anthony Nanakornpanom) is armed with nickel engraved M1911 during the attack on the Gonzalez Dam at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). Proctor Nine (Travis Johns) is also armed with what appears to be 1911 with black grips (similar to Lee's pistol) in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16), but pulls it out of his holster very briefly.

Colt Gold Cup National Match
The Black Hat Reservation member Klah Jackson (Kalani Queypo) pulls out what appears to be a Colt Gold Cup National Match about to execute Troy at the end of "Minotaur" (S3E09), but Madison talks him out of it. Member of Proctors shoots Dam's guard with what appears to be a Colt Gold Cup during the attack on the Gonzalez Dam at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15).
Colt Rail Gun
In "The Diviner" (S3E10), Proctor Nineteen (Brian Duffy), lieutenant of El Bazar, shoots what appears to be a suppressed Colt Rail Gun at walkers. Another Proctor (Kenny Sheard) also carries the holstered pistol at the Gonzalez Dam in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

Glock 17
Militia members Troy Otto (Daniel Sharman) and Charlene Daley (Lindsay Pulsipher) carry holstered Glock 17s in "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). Charlene and Jake Otto (Sam Underwood) also carry pistols in holsters after the helicopter crash in "The New Frontier" (S3E02). Jake gives his Gen. 2 Glock Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) for self-defense and she returns it after rescuing him. Two Gonzalez Dam guards (Sergio Garcia and Joe Ordaz) carry holstered pistols at the end of "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). Troy continues to carry his Glock in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05), as well as his fellow Militia member Mike Trimbol (Justin Deeley). Jake is seen with his holstered Glock in "Red Dirt" (S3E06) and "The Unveiling" (S3E07), but Lee (Justin Rain) takes it away when Jake arrives at the reservation. In the same episode and later in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08) Troy also carries the holstered Glock. As Walker's men collect weapons from the ranchers in "Minotaur" (S3E09), Troy suddenly snatches his Glock, starting a gunfight. The Glock also appears as the holstered sidearm of El Bazar guards in "The Diviner" (S3E10). A member of the Proctors points the Glock at Nick with the detonator in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

Luger P08
In "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16), Proctor John (Ray McKinnon) is armed with a Luger P08 with black grips.
Smith & Wesson M&P
Lee "Crazy Dog" (Justin Rain) starts carrying a Smith & Wesson M&P as his sidearm in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13), having lost his 1911. Freeing the vent from the dead body Ofelia (Mercedes Mason) grabs his gun and briefly uses it. The pistol is also seen in Lee's holster in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15) and "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).
SIG-Sauer P226
Despite carrying the Glock previously, during the confrontation at the gate in "The New Frontier" (S3E02), Jake Otto (Sam Underwood) aims a SIG-Sauer P226 at Nick in a continuity error.

Springfield Armory XD
An angry Tijuana survivor chases a water truck from a dam firing what appears to be a Springfield Armory XD on the run at the beginning of "La Serpiente" (S3E11). Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) gives another XD to Ofelia (Mercedes Mason) in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13).
Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB
At the Rosarito Beach Hotel, Hector Reyes (Ramses Jimenez) holds a Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB during a conversation with Strand in "The New Frontier" (S3E02). Jeremiah Otto Sr. (Dayton Callie) carries the same revolver in a holster in the TV commercial at the beginning of "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). He practices firing the revolver at the beginning of "Red Dirt" (S3E06), and later uses it after finding Trimbol family's abandoned RV. Jeremiah shoots a zombified Joseph with his Model 10 in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08). Coming to Nick's (Frank Dillane) house at night in "The Diviner" (S3E10), Blake Sarno (Michael William Freeman) offers him the same revolver, encouraging him to resist the reservation people. But by the end of the episode, Nick returns the revolver, finding a peaceful path. At the beginning of "Brother’s Keeper" (S3E12), Nick executes a cow with the revolver. He also carries what appears to be a Model 10HB in "El Matadero" (S3E14). Several Proctors (including Anthony Lucero) carry revolvers in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). One of them fails to use the Model 10 HB in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16) when Daniel attacks him and the other Proctors.

Smith & Wesson Model 19
One of the Proctors (Sala Baker) is armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 19 during the attack on the Gonzalez Dam at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15) and later in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).
Single Action Army
One of the four Broke Jaw Ranch founders Russell Brown (Worth Howe) holds a nickel-plated Single Action Army revolver with ivory grips in the production shot for "The New Frontier" (S3E02), however in the episode itself he seen just sitting on a folding chair. After seeing that his wife Martha (Heather Wynters) has died, Russell commits suicide at the beginning of "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05), accidentally causing a fire. Later, Jeremiah (Dayton Callie) finds the damaged gun and presents it to Nick (Frank Dillane) after restoration. He practices firing the revolver at the beginning of "Red Dirt" (S3E06), and later uses it after finding Trimbol family's abandoned RV. The holstered gun is briefly seen in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Nick suddenly fires his revolver at the end of "Children of Wrath" (S3E08), and Madison (Kim Dickens) takes it away, setting up a suicide. The holstered SAA of one of the ranchers is seen in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13).

Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
A Militia member aims a Heckler & Koch MP5A2 at Nick in "The New Frontier" (S3E02).
IMI Micro Uzi
One of Gonzalez Dam guards (Anthony Martins) fires an IMI Micro Uzi at a group of Proctors during the siege at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15).
In a flashback in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08) Jeremiah Otto (Dayton Callie) carries what appears to be a scoped AKS-74 after meeting Ofelia at the border, however in the previous season he used a different 7.62 AK.

Century Arms AK
Some Militia members are armed with what appears to be an uncertain model of Century Arms AK at the military base in "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01) and later at the Broke Jaw Ranch gates in "The New Frontier" (S3E02). Cooper (Matt Lasky) holds the rifle at the end of "Red Dirt" (S3E06). In "The Unveiling" (S3E07) during a visit to Black Hat Reservation, one of the residents is armed with the rifle with lack of the front sight. Later the same episode, Jimmie (Nathan Sutton) shoots the rifle on the shooting range along with other residents of the Ranch. In "Minotaur" (S3E09), one of Taqa's people uses the same AK during the shootout. Several of them are also armed with rifles during the horde of walkers invading the ranch in "Brother’s Keeper" (S3E12). The same AK is seen inside Troy's car in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13) which Troy (Daniel Sharman) holds in "El Matadero" (S3E14). One of Gonzalez Dam guards fires the rifle at a group of Proctors during the siege at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). At least one Proctor is armed with AK in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

Century Arms AKMS
Several Black Hat Reservation members are armed with Century Arms AKMS rifles when Troy (Daniel Sharman) starts a mutiny in "Minotaur" (S3E09). Troy also gives Nick (Frank Dillane) the rifle during the shootout. Several Proctors (including Tim J. Smith) are armed with AKMS in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15).

Texas Shooter's Supply AK-103
At least one militiaman carries what appears to be an Texas Shooter's Supply AK-103 rifle at the military base at the beginning of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). A Broke Jaw Ranch guard named Joseph (Dominic Bogart) holds the rifle meeting the convoy with Troy and Madison at the beginning of "The New Frontier" (S3E02).

Almost all of the militiamen are armed with M4A1s at the military base at the beginning of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). At the end of the episode, Troy Otto (Daniel Sharman) fires the carbine during an evacuation. At least two Broke Jaw Ranch guards hold rifles during Nick and Troy's conflict at the ranch gate in "The New Frontier" (S3E02). At least one soldier carries the rifle on the belt in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). The head of security at the Gonzalez Dam, J.C. (Ricardo Chacon) and guard named Othón (Rodrigo del Villar Casas) are armed with rifles patrolling the streets of Tijuana in "100" (S3E04), later Othón and another guard (Joe Ordaz) are seen with rifles during the execution of Dante's traitors. Troy, Jimmie (Nathan Sutton), Cooper (Matt Lasky), Blake Sarno (Michael William Freeman) and Mike Trimbol (Justin Deeley) hold rifles during a mission on Phil McCarthy's outpost in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05). Daniel Salazar (Rubén Blades) also takes the M4A1 with him when he goes with Victor to find Ofelia in the same episode. Jimmie, Blake and several unnamed Militia member also carry rifles in "Red Dirt" (S3E06). Deciding to go to Walker's reservation in "The Unveiling" (S3E07), Jake (Sam Underwood) and Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) carry rifles but turn them in upon arrival. Troy gives Nick Clark (Frank Dillane) the M4A1 for training to be part of the militia and later together with Coop, Jimmie, Blake and several other Ranch residents are armed with carbines later in the episode attacking the reservation. Several reservation residents aim rifles at Madison in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08) after she takes Ofelia hostage. Troy shoots during a diversion in the same episode. Gonzalez Dam guards, Black Hat Reservation residents, including Klah Jackson (Kalani Queypo) and Lee (Justin Rain), and Troy are seen with M4A1 in "Minotaur" (S3E09). In "The Diviner" (S3E10), several El Bazar guards as well as Klah are seen with the M4A1s. Dam guards fires M4A1s at walkers in "La Serpiente" (S3E11). Several ranchers including Cooper are armed with rifles during the siege of the Ranch in "Brother’s Keeper" (S3E12). Most of the Proctors, as well as the Dam and El Bazar guards, are armed with assault rifles in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). The Proctors also continue to use rifles in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

At least one militiawoman is armed with an M16A2 rifle at the military base at the beginning of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). In "The Diviner" (S3E10), several El Bazar Trading Stadium guards also carry M16s. Several Proctors armed with rifles arrive on boats at the beginning of "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).
Heckler & Koch G36C
A Gonzalez Dam guard led by Dante points a Heckler & Koch G36C at Victor in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03). The same scene is seen from another angle in "100" (S3E04). The ranch militiaman holds the rifle in "Red Dirt" (S3E06). Another rifle lies on a table at the Ranch shooting range in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Victor Strand (Colman Domingo) takes the G36C from Mexican Naval Officers on the Abigail yacht in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08).
M1 Garand
An M1 Garand rifle is carried by a Black Hat Reservation resident on a sling in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). In "Children of Wrath" (S3E08), he aims the rifle at Madison when she takes Ofelia hostage.
Ruger Mini-14
One of Gonzalez Dam guards fires a short barreled Ruger Mini-14 at a group of Proctors during the siege at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). This appears to be the same prop used by Luciana in the previous season.
Smith & Wesson M&P15
Jake Otto (Sam Underwood) quickly takes the Smith & Wesson M&P15 evacuating on the helicopter at the end of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). He uses the rifle after encountering several walkers in the middle of the night in "The New Frontier" (S3E02). Troy Otto (Daniel Sharman) carries a M&P15 during a mission on Phil McCarthy's outpost in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05). Jake practices rifle shooting in "Red Dirt" (S3E06), when Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) comes up he gives her a rifle and teaches her how to shoot. In "The Diviner" (S3E10), Lee (Justin Rain) is seen carrying the M&P15. In "Brother's Keeper" (S3E12), Alicia Clark, Ofelia Salazar (Mercedes Mason), Lee, and the Ranchers use carbines. Lee and Alicia use rifles in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13) and "El Matadero" (S3E14). Strand (Colman Domingo) also carries several rifles behind his back in "El Matadero" (S3E14) until he surrenders it to El Bazar guards. Qaletaqa "Taqa" Walker (Michael Greyeyes), Alicia and at least one Proctor member carry M&P15 in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). A Proctor (Jess R King) holds a M&P15 in "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).

Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy"
One of Walker's men takes aim with what appears to be a Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" luring Troy's squad into a trap in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05).
Winchester Model 1873
One of the Black Hat Reservation residents holds a Winchester Model 1873 in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Troy (Daniel Sharman) grabs the carbine and props the door with it during the gunfight in "Minotaur" (S3E09).

Sniper Rifles
A resident of the Black Hat Reservation is briefly seen holding a scoped M14 rifle during a fire in their community in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08). Lee "Crazy Dog" (Justin Rain) carries the scoped M14 with bipods in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). He kills several Proctors at the end of "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16).
Lee "Crazy Dog" (Justin Rain) carries what appears to be a camouflaged M24 Sniper Rifle in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05), "The Unveiling" (S3E07), "Children of Wrath" (S3E08), and "Minotaur" (S3E09) but never used it.

Remington Model 700
Qaletaqa "Taqa" Walker (Michael Greyeyes) carries what appears to be a Remington Model 700 behind his back when meeting Troy's squad in "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05). One of the Black Hat Reservation residents (Lloyd Barachina) is armed with what appears to be a rifle after noticing suspicious activity at night in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). The rifle is also seen on the saddle of Walker's horse in a flashback in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08).

Winchester Model 70
A Black Hat Reservation resident carries what appears to be a Winchester Model 70 behind the back in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Another resident points the rifle at Madison when she takes Ofelia hostage in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08).
High Standard Flite King K-1200
Jake Otto (Sam Underwood) gives a High Standard Flite King K-1200 to Travis Manawa (Cliff Curtis) during the evacuation from the military base on the helicopter at the end of "Eye of the Beholder" (S3E01). Travis manages to shoot several walkers before they fly away. This is most likely the same shotgun he used at the end of the previous season. Proctor (Jess R King) holds the same shotgun during the attack on the Gonzalez Dam at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15).

Mossberg 500 Cruiser
Member of Proctors (Tony Flores) is armed with what appears to be a Mossberg 500 Cruiser during the attack on the Gonzalez Dam at the end of "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15).
Remington Model 870
One of Taqa's men is armed with a Remington 870 shotgun when Jake and Alicia arrive at the reservation in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Ofelia Salazar (Mercedes Mason) carries the Remington 870 in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08).

M79 Grenade Launcher
Troy (Daniel Sharman) finds an M79 Grenade Launcher hidden behind the wall at Phil McCarthy's outpost in "Brother’s Keeper" (S3E12). He shoots it while leading the herd of walkers to the Ranch. Nick (Frank Dillane) uses it in "This Land Is Your Land" (S3E13).

Machine Guns
Browning M2HB
Two Browning M2HB machine guns are seen mounted on a Humvee and sandbags at the entrance to the Black Hat Reservation in "The Unveiling" (S3E07) and "Children of Wrath" (S3E08). A Humvee with the M2 belonging to Walker's men pulls into the Ranch at the beginning of "Minotaur" (S3E09).
An M249 machine gun is seen mounted on the jeep at the entrance to the Black Hat Reservation in "The Unveiling" (S3E07) and "Children of Wrath" (S3E08).

Madison and Troy set explosives inside the dam in "Things Bad Begun" (S3E15). In "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16), Nick sets off the detonator, blowing up the dam supports.
Compound Bow
In "Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame" (S3E05) Cooper (Matt Lasky) shoots a walker with a compound bow saving Madison. The bow is also seen in the hands of another militiaman in "The Unveiling" (S3E07). Coop and another Militia member (Hannah Betts) carry bows in "Minotaur" (S3E09) and "The Diviner" (S3E10).

After finding his yacht Abigail in "Children of Wrath" (S3E08), Victor (Colman Domingo) takes a speargun from the toolbox, killing several walkers.
Broke Jaw Ranch Armory
Jeremiah Otto shows Madison the ranch arsenal in "TEOTWAWKI" (S3E03), where many rifles are seen. Lots of weapons are seen. Various rifles and handguns are seen in "Red Dirt" (S3E06). Jake shows thr arsenal to Walker and Lee in "Minotaur" (S3E09).