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State of Decay
State of Decay is a 2013 third-person open world zombie apocalypse video game developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Studios. It blends various genres including action, stealth, simulation and survival horror in its depiction of a zombie apocalypse as it strikes in the remote Trumbull County somewhere in the United States. Players control multiple characters as they scavenge supplies, sneak and fight to survive and protect their group of fellow survivors.
The game's combat has an equal focus on melee weapons and firearms, and it features some 100 firearms divided into several categories across nine calibers. Due to the sheer variety of different guns available, calibers are simplified somewhat for gameplay purposes. Some guns are described as being rechambered in more common calibers, and 'similar' calibers are grouped together for simplicity's sake (e.g. 7.62x39, 7.62x51 and .30-06 guns all use "7.62" ammo). It is also worth mentioning that some of the guns in-game has some minor changes and/or features to their real-life models.
Weapons and ammunition can be found by looting various buildings in the valley, like houses, gun shops, police stations and military camps. Loot is largely randomized, which means that what guns you find varies widely from one playthrough to the next.
Weapon accuracy, rate of fire and recoil are affected by the player character's skill level, as is the speed of reloading and clearing jams. The game's guns feature durability, jamming (when at low condition), +1 reloading where appropriate, varying levels of noise depending on design and caliber, and many of them can be fitted with improvised suppressors to muffle their report.
Due to the emphasis on stealth, sound is a huge factor in gameplay. Any sound, from a broken window to a gunshot, can attract any zombies within earshot. Accordingly, louder guns are more hazardous to use due to the amount of attention they bring, and improvised suppressors are a big asset, though some guns (such as revolvers and shotguns) cannot be suppressed.
The first DLC, Breakdown, adds an additional 36 firearms.
The second DLC, Lifeline, adds an additional 40 firearms.
A sequel, State of Decay 2, was released on May 22, 2018.
The following weapons appear in the video game State of Decay:
1911 Variant
"Carrier 1911"
The unknown subcompact 1911 pistol appears in the game as the "Carrier 1911". It appears to be a two-tone variant, with a stainless steel slide, but a parkerized finish frame.
"D 1911"
The unknown 1911 pistol appears in the game as the "D 1911". It appears with a black finish and custom grips.
AMC Auto Mag Pistol
The AMC Auto Mag Pistol appears in the game as the "Automag".
Beretta 84FS
The Beretta 84FS appears in the game as the "84 Wildcat".
Beretta 92
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS appears in the game as the "M9".
Beretta 93R
The Beretta 93R appears in the game as the "93 Raffica".
Beretta Px4 Storm
The Beretta Px4 Storm appears in the game as the "PX4 Storm".
Browning Hi-Power
The Browning Hi-Power appears in the game as the "Hi-Power".
Colt M1911A1
The Colt M1911A1 appears in the game as the "1911A1 Officer".
CZ 75
CZ 75
The CZ 75 appears in the game as the "BZ 75".
CZ 75 Automatic
The CZ 75 Automatic appears in the game as the "Bz 75 Automatic".
CZ 75 Compact
The CZ 75 Compact appears in the game as the "BZ 75 ST".
CZ P-07 Duty
The CZ P-07 Duty appears in the game as the "P 07 Duty" in 9mm with a gray-colored frame.
CZ P-07 Duty "Tactical"
The CZ P-07 Duty appears in the game as the "P 07 Tactical Duty" in .40 caliber with a green frame.
Desert Eagle Mark XIX
The Desert Eagle appears in the game as the "Condor". It uses the same generalized .50 caliber ammo as the rifles, but with significantly less power.
FN Five-seveN ODG
The FN Five-seveN appears in the game as the "Fifty-Seven". It has an ODG (Olive Drab Green) frame finish and black controls.
The FNP-45 appears in the game as the "F45", with a stainless steel slide.
FN FNX Tactical
The FNX-45 Tactical appears in the game as the "F45 Tactical" with a tan frame and red dot sight.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 appears in the game as the "G17C". One of the most common pistols in the game, along with the Glock 19. Despite the name, the slide does not appear to have compensator cuts.
Glock 18
The Glock 18 appears in the game as the "G 18 (Compensated)".
Glock 19
The Glock 19 appears in the game as the "G19".
Glock 20
The Glock 20 appears in the game as the "G20", and is fitted with a scope.
Glock 21
The Glock 21 appears in the game as the "G21".
Glock 22
The Glock 22 appears in the game as the "G22".
Glock 26
The Glock 26 appears in the game as the "G26".
Glock 31
The Glock 31 appears in the game as the "G 31".
Glock 32
The Glock 32 appears in the game as the "G 32".
Glock 33
The Glock 33 appears in the game as the "G 33".
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
The Heckler & Koch USP Compact appears in the game as the "OHWS 40"; this appears to be a slightly off-the-mark reference to SOCOM's Offensive Handgun Weapon System (OHWS) program, which ultimately led to the development and adoption of the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 (the USP series' predecessor). It incorrectly holds 13+1 like a USP Compact chambered in 9mm instead of 12+1 like an actual .40 S&W USP Compact.

Kimber Tactical Pro II
The Kimber Tactical Pro II appears in the game as the "Tac Master 1911", and is fitted with a scope on top of a rail.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 appears in the game as the "P.08".
Ruger Mk III
The Ruger Mk III appears in the game as the "Mk. 3 Target". A common, entry-level pistol. Due to the relatively quiet report (even without a suppressor) and common ammo, this gun is often used to train rookie survivors in shooting.
SIG-Sauer P220
SIG-Sauer P226
SIG-Sauer P226
The SIG-Sauer P226 appears in the game as the "P226".
SIG-Sauer P226 Equinox
The SIG-Sauer P226 Equinox appears in the game as the "P 226 SG". P 226 SG has a custom finish and uses .357 SIG rounds.
SIG-Sauer P228
The SIG-Sauer P228 appears in the game as the "M11". Its journal description erroneously refers to it as a P226.
SIG-Sauer P229
SIG-Sauer P229
The SIG-Sauer P229 appears in the game as the "P229". It appears to be the newer E2 model with the P228-style slide but it is fitted with older-style grips. Second model appears in the game as the "P 229-40" It uses .40 S&W rounds.
SIG-Sauer P229-40
SIG-Sauer P250
The SIG-Sauer P250 appears in the game as the "CLEO STRIKER 40".
Smith & Wesson M&P
Smith & Wesson M&P40
The Smith & Wesson M&P40 appears in the game as the "Mi.Le".
Smith & Wesson M&P45
The Smith & Wesson M&P45 appears in the game as the "MiLE .45".
Springfield Armory XDM
Springfield Armory XDM
The Springfield Armory XDM appears in the game as the "X-Lock".
Springfield Armory XDM Compact
The Springfield Armory XDM Compact appears in the game as the "X-Lock Tactical".
Walther P38
The Walther P38 appears in the game as the "P 38 Stobaugh." This appears to be starting character Hawke's sidearm of choice, and the weapon's in-game description suggests it was war trophy brought back from WWII by one of her relatives.
Walther PP
The Walther PP (.22 Version) appears in the game as the "PP 22"
Chiappa Rhino
Chiappa Rhino 40DS
The Chiappa Rhino 40DS appears in the game as the "CLEO Revo C".
Chiappa Rhino 50DS
The Chiappa Rhino 50DS appears in the game as the "Safari".
Colt Anaconda
The Colt Anaconda appears in the game as the "River Snake".
Colt Bankers Special
The Colt Bankers Special appears in the game as the "Snub Special 22".
Colt Python
The Colt Python appears in the game as the "Viper P357". In "Year One Survival Edition", the revolver has no textures.
M1917 Revolver
The M1917 Revolver appears in the game as the "M1917".
Ruger Blackhawk
The Ruger Blackhawk appears in the game as the "Blackbird".
Ruger SP101
The Ruger SP101 appears as the "SP 101". This model is chambered for the .357 Magnum rounds, has a 2.25" barrel and a bobbed hammer.
Smith & Wesson Model 29
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 appears in the game as the "Model 29".
Smith & Wesson Model 500
Smith & Wesson Model 500
The Smith & Wesson Model 500 appears in the game as the "Anvil".
Smith & Wesson Model 500 Performance Center
The Smith & Wesson Model 500 appears as the "Anvil Hammer" and has a 10.5" barrel. The barrel is inscribed ".500 Custom Center," suggesting it may be chambered for something other than .500 Smith and Wesson.
Smith & Wesson Model 986
The Smith & Wesson Model 986 appears in the game as the "Model 986".
Taurus Raging Judge
Taurus Raging Judge M513
The Taurus Raging Judge M513 appears in the game as the "Diplomat".
Taurus Raging Judge
The Taurus Raging Judge appears in the game as the "Burning Diplomat".
Taurus Raging Bull
The Taurus Raging Bull appears in the game as the "Toro Bravo".
Webley .455 Mk VI
The Webley .455 Mk VI appears as the "Mark VI".
The AA-12 appears in the game as the "A12".
AA-12 Customized
A customized AA-12 appears as the "A12 Custom". This version is fitted with a 20 round drum magazine and limited to semi-automatic fire rather than fully automatic.
Benelli M4 Super 90
Benelli M4 Super 90
The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears in the game as the "M1014"
Benelli M4 Super 90 "Super 90 KIWF"
The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears in the game as the "Super 90 KIWF".
Crye Precision SIX12
Crye Precision SIX12
The Crye Precision SIX12 appears in the game as the "REVO 6-12".
Crye Precision SIX12 "CLEO REVO Shotgun"
The Crye Precision SIX12 appears in the game as the "CLEO REVO Shotgun".
Double barreled shotgun
Double barreled shotgun
A Double Barreled shotgun appears as the "Coachgun".
Sawed-off shotgun
The Sawed-off shotgun seems to be a "Baikal Shotgun" and appears as the 'Doubleshort'.
Kel-Tec KSG
The Kel-Tec KSG appears in the game as the "A-Series Mod. 1". Has a correct capacity of 14 rounds, and given the lack of more advanced animations in the game, State of Decay may be the first in which a lack of magazine tube switching is an egregious oversight.
Maverick Model 88
Mossberg Maverick 88
The full-size Maverick Model 88 with extended magazine appears in the game as the "Warrior Police".
Maverick Model 88 Sawed-Off
The Maverick Model 88 with wooden furniture and sawed-off stock and barrel appears in the game as the "Hooker". The in-game version for some reason has only a two-shot capacity; this may be for balance reasons, although from a practical standpoint an actual double-barreled shotgun would be more useful in literally any situation.
Mossberg 590
Mossberg 590 SP
The Mossberg 590 SP (Special Purpose) appears as the "590 SP". This variant has a heatshield and a longer barrel.
Mossberg 590A1 Tactical Tri-Rail
The Mossberg 590 appears in the game as the "Warrior". It is worth noting that it still has a Maverick 88's safety switch.
The UTAS UTS-15 appears as the "TS 15".
Remington 870
Remington 870 "Model 870 X"
Remington 870 appear in the game as the "Model 870 X".
Remington 870 "Model 870 T"
Remington 870 appear in the game as the "Model 870 T".
Remington 870 "Aggressor AD"
Remington 870 appear in the game as the "870 Aggressor AD".
Remington 870 "870 Combat"
Remington 870 appear in the game as the "870 Combat".
Remington 1100
Remington 1100
The Remington 1100 appears in the game as the "Model 1100".
Remington 1100 "Tactical"
The Remington 1100 appears in the game as the "Model 1100 Tactical".
Remington 1100 "Malone"
The Remington 1100 appears in the game as the "Model 1100 Malone".
Remington 1100 "1187 Chop"
The Remington 1100 appears in the game as the "1187 Chop".
Remington 1100 "1187 NITRO"
The Remington 1100 appears in the game as the "1187 NITRO".
Saiga 12K
The Saiga 12K appears in the game as the "Russian 12K".
"R12K Dragon"
The Saiga 12K appears in the game as the "R12K Dragon".
Serbu Super Shorty
The Serbu Super Shorty appears in the game as the "Warden". Oddly enough, unlike the previous versions, it is modeled on base of Mossberg 500.
Winchester 1300
Winchester 1300
The Winchester 1300 appears in the game in 3 versions called: "1300 Hunter", "1300 Hunter SP" and "1300 Defender". The "1300 Hunter" and "1300 Hunter SP" uses a ribbed barrel, while the "1300 Defender" has the extended magazine and rifle sights from a Deer Slug version.
Winchester 1300 Defender
Winchester 1300 SP
Winchester Model 1887
Winchester Model 1887
The Winchester Model 1887 appears in the game as the "Model 1887", which is an original full-length one.
Winchester Model 1887 "1887 T800"
The Winchester Model 1887 appears in the game as the "1887 T-800" which has its stock and barrel sawn-off. The name is an obvious homage to Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun"
The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" appears as the "1897".
Submachine Guns
Brügger & Thomet APC9
A Brügger & Thomet APC9 with a custom stock appears in the game as the "Tactical Police (Version C)".
Brügger & Thomet MP9
The Brügger & Thomet MP9 appears in the game as the "TMP9".
Colt 9mm SMG (RO635)
The Colt 9mm Submachine Gun appears in the game as the "Samurai PDW".
CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A
The CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A appears in the game as the "Skorpion Evo 3 A1".
FN P90
The FN P90 TR appears in the game as the "MP90".
The FN PS90 appears in the game as the "MPS 90B".
Heckler & Koch MP5
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 appears in the game as the "MP5A3".
Heckler & Koch MP5K
The Heckler & Koch MP5K appears in the game as the "MP5K".
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 appears in the game as the "MP7A1" and uses 9mm bullets instead of 4.6×30mm.
Heckler & Koch UMP
Heckler & Koch UMP40
The Heckler & Koch UMP .40 S&W appears in the game as the "UMP40".
Heckler & Koch UMP Customized
A customized Heckler & Koch UMP appears as the "UMP Pro". It has a camo paint, a foregrip and a scope.
The IMI Uzi appears in the game as the "Uzi".
IMI Mini Uzi
The IMI Mini Uzi appears in the game as the "Mini Uzi 22".
Ingram MAC
Ingram MAC-10
The Ingram MAC-10 appears in the game as the "M-10".
MasterPiece Arms MPA930DMG
The MasterPiece Arms MPA930DMG appears in the game as the "DMG 40".
M1A1 Thompson
The M1A1 Thompson appears in the game as the "M1A1".
M3 "Grease Gun"
The M3 "Grease Gun" appears as the "M3" and uses .45 ACP rounds
PP-19 Bizon
The PP-19 Bizon appears in the game as the "PP 19".
Ruger MP9
The Ruger MP9 appears in the game as the "P9 Forge".
The SIG-Sauer MPX-C prototype appears as the "MPX", and is stated to be chambered in .357 SIG.
The KRISS SDP appears in the game as the "Super Z".
The KRISS SDP appears in the game as the "CLEO PDW".
Assault Rifles / Battle Rifles
The AKM appears in the game as "AK47".
AKM Custom
The custom variant of AKM appears in the game as "AK47 Custom".
AKM "AK47 Grenade Launcher"
The custom variant of AKM appears in the game as "AK47 Grenade Launcher".
The AKMS appears in the game as the "AKMS".
The AK-74 appears in the game as the "AK 74".
The AKS-74U appears in the game as the "AKS 74U".
The AKS-74U appears in the game as the "AKS 74U Valentine".
Bofors Ak 5C
The Bofors Ak 5C appears in the game as the "CLEO HCQB".
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine
The Colt Law Enforcement Carbine appears in the game in two versions called "AR 15" and "AR 15 Custom".
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine Custom
Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle
Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle
The prototype Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle appears in the game as the "Micro Dynamic Rifle".
Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle Scoped
The prototype Desert Tech Micro Dynamic Rifle appears in the game as the "Micro Dynamic Rifle Scoped", which has a holosight and magnifier mounted on its top rail, both are semi-auto only and use 5.56mm ammo.
Enfield SA80
The L85A2 appears as the "L85A1".
L85A2 (L41A1)
The L41A1 appears as the "L41A1". This appears to be the "cadet" version of the L85A2 converted to fire .22 LR rounds.
The FN FAL with a ribbed metal foreend appears as the "FAL".
The FN SCAR-H appears as the "MK.17 Mod.0".
The FN SCAR-L appears in the game as the "Mk.16 Mod.0".
Heckler & Koch G3A4
The Heckler & Koch G3A4 appears in the game as the "G3".
Heckler & Koch G36
Heckler & Koch G36C
The Heckler & Koch G36C appears in the game as the "G36C" with a desert paint scheme.
Heckler & Koch G36V
The Heckler & Koch G36V appears as the "G36".
Heckler & Koch HK416
Heckler & Koch HK416
The Heckler & Koch HK416 appears in the game in 2 version called "416 CQB" and "416D".
Heckler & Koch HK416D
Heckler & Koch XM8
The Heckler & Koch XM8 appears in the game as the "XM8".
The IMI Galil ARM appears in the game as the "Gal SAR". It has a folded bipod, but lacks a carry handle.
IMI Tavor TAR-21
IMI Tavor TAR-21
The IMI Tavor TAR-21 appears in the game as the "Tar 21".
IMI Tavor TAR-21 "Tar 21 Overwatch"
The IMI Tavor TAR-21 appears in the game as the "Tar 21 Overwatch" with a scope and a longer barrel.
IMI Tavor TAR-21 "T21 Carbine 9mm"
The IMI Tavor TAR-21 appears in the game as the "T21 Carbine 9mm" which is converted to 9mm, lacks full-auto capability, and has a desert paint scheme.
Kel-Tec RFB
The Kel-Tec RFB appears as the "RFB". In "Deadline" this rifle is always Hawke's starting weapon, alongside a Walther P38.
The LWRC M6A2 appears in the game as the "M6 SBR".
The M4A1 appears in the game as the "M4A1".
M4 Grenade Launcher
The M4A1 appears in the game as the "M4 Grenade Launcher".
The M14 appears in the game as the "M14". Though it's actually a battle rifle, it's categorized as an assault rifle in the game because it's select-fire.
Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM II
The Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM II appears in the game as "SOCOM II ETR".
M14 with JAE-100 stock
A customized M14 with JAE-100 stock of some sort appears in the game as the "M14 Talon DMR". Its name and description indicate that it's the signature weapon of the "Red Talon Executive Security" mercenary group encountered in the game; the PMC's name itself appears to be a reference to Fallout 3.
The M16A4 appears in the game as the "M16A4".
Remington ACR-E
The Remington ACR-E appears in the game as the "ACR".
Rock River Arms LAR-15
Rock River Arms LAR-15 Pistol
The Rock River Arms LAR-15 Pistol appears in the game as the "LAR 15".
Rock River Arms LAR-PDS Pistol
The Rock River Arms LAR-PDS Pistol appears in the game as the "PDS".
Sa vz. 58 P
The Sa vz. 58 P appears in the game as the "Vz. 58 P".
SIG SG 550
SIG SG 552
SIG SG 552 "552 Commando"
The SIG SG 552 appears in the game as the "552 Commando" with iron sights.
SIG SG 552 "552 CS"
The SIG SG 552 appears in the game as the "552 CS" with a longer barrel and a scope.
SIG-Sauer SIG556
SIG-Sauer SIG556
The SIG-Sauer SIG556 appears in the game as the "556S".
SIG-Sauer SIG556 "556S SWAT"
The SIG556 appears in the game as the "556S SWAT".
SIG-Sauer SIG556 "556 Grenade Launcher"
The SIG556 appears in the game as the "556 Grenade Launcher".
Steyr AUG A3
The Steyr AUG A3 appears in the game as the "AUG A3".
De Lisle Carbine
The De Lisle Carbine appears in the game as "WINTAGE COMMANDO".
Henry Big Boy
The Henry Big Boy appears in the game as the "Ranch King".
Kel-Tec SUB-2000
The Kel-Tec SUB-2000 appears in the game as the "Survivor 2K". It uses .40 caliber ammunition.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I appears as the "Lenfield No.4 MkI".
M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine appears in the game as the "M1 Carbine". It uses .357 caliber ammunition.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand appears in the game as "M1 Garand".
Marlin 983
The Marlin Model 983 appears in the game as the "983 Squirrel".
Mosin-Nagant 1891/30
The Mosin Nagant Rifle appears in the game as the "Monag 90/31".
Mossberg Model 464
Mossberg Model 464
The Mossberg Model 464 appears in the game as the "Sidekick".
Mossberg Model 464 "464 Brushgun"
The shortened Mossberg Model 464 with scope appears as the "464 Brushgun". It's outlook maybe was inspired by Mare's Leg from Serenity. It also chambered for .357 caliber - version, nonexistent in real life.
Mossberg Model 464 SPX
The Mossberg Model 464 appears in the game as the "464 Custom 22". It has a small reflex sight mounted on it and uses .22 caliber ammunition, as the name implies.
Remington 597
The Remington Model 597 appears in the game as the "597 Varmint".
Remington 700
Remington 700
The Remington Model 700 appears in the game as the "700 Huntsman" (with a scope).
Remington 700 Camo
The Remington Model 700 appears in the game as the "700 Huntsman Camo" (with iron sights and camouflage).
Remington 750
The Remington Model 750 appears in the game as the "750 Forester." Maya Torres always carries this rifle when recruited, and the sound of her shooting at zombies with it is what allows Marcus and Ed to find her during the game's opening quest.
Rossi Circuit Judge
The Rossi Circuit Judge appears as the ".45 Justice". It is worth noting that despite the description, it is actually based on the .22 caliber version (pay attention to the length of the cylinder), but with furniture from .410/.45 version.
Ruger 10/22
The Ruger 10/22 appears in the game as the "10/22".
Ruger Gunsite Scout
The Ruger M77 Gunsite appears in the game as the "Bolt Scout".
Ruger Mini 14
The Ruger Mini-14 appears in the game as "Mini 14". The weapon's description seems to be a shout-out to The A-Team.
Ruger Police Carbine
The Ruger Police Carbine .40 S&W appears as the "RC 40".
Simonov SKS
Simonov SKS
The Simonov SKS appears in the game as the "SKS".
Simonov SKS "SKS Survivor"
The Simonov SKS appears in the game as the "SKS Survivor" and has an M203 grenade launcher
Springfield M1903
The Springfield M1903 appears in the game as the "Model 1903".
Tokarev SVT-40
The Tokarev SVT-40 Rifle appears in the game as the "SVT-40".
Winchester Model 70
The Winchester Model 70 appears in the game as the "Model 70." The weapon's in-game description specifically states it's a pre-'64 variant.
Winchester 1892 "Mare's Leg"
A Winchester 1892 "Mare's Leg" appears in the game as the "Dog Leg".
Sniper Rifles
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare
The Accuracy International Arctic Warfare appears in the game as the "Arctic Warrior".
Barrett M107
Barrett M107CQ
The Barrett M107CQ appears in the game as "M107 CQ".
Barrett M107 Customized
A customized Barrett M107 in Mossy Oak Shadow Grass appears as the "Eli". One has to wonder what kind of duck hunting this rifle is intended for.
Knight's Armament SR-25
The M110 SASS appears in the game as the "M110 SASS".
Knight's Armament SR-25 "CLEO DMR"
The heavily modified Knight's Armament SR-25 rifle appears in the game as "CLEO DMR".
McMillan TAC-50
The McMillan TAC-50 appears in the game as the "Mk. 15," its USSOCOM designation.
Machine Guns
Browning Automatic Rifle
The Browning Automatic Rifle appears as the "M1918A2". The in-game version omits the bipod and the carrying handle.
Knight's Armament Stoner LMG
The Knight's Armament Stoner LMG appears as the "CLEO LSW".
The M60E4 appears in the game as "M60E4".
M249 SAW
The M249 SAW appears in the game as "M249 SAW".
Patriot Ordnance Factory IAR
The Patriot Ordnance Factory IAR appears in the game as the "M27 IAR", fitted with a 100-round drum magazine.
The RPK appears as the "RPK".
Grenade Launchers
Brügger & Thomet GL-06
The Brügger & Thomet GL-06 appears in the game as the "GL 06 Riot".
Heckler & Koch XM25
The Heckler & Koch XM25 appears in the game as the "CLEO GL40".
Airsoft M203 grenade launcher
The M203 grenade launcher. In the game, it is mounted to variants of several weapons.
Milkor MGL Mk 1S
The Milkor MGL Mk 1S appears in the game as the "GL M32".