Renew your loans

You can extend your loan period multiple times, provided that others have not reserved the material.

Users and visitors in the Library Garden. The Royal Aarhus Library

Photo: Laura Stamer

When you want to renew a loan, you must log in to your account and do it from there. You can renew your loan at any time during the loan period, if the material has not been reserved by someone else.

Generally, the loan period is one month, and you can renew your loan several times - up to a total of six months.

Materials only to be used in reading rooms

You can renew materials that may only be used in reading rooms by turning up every ten days and contacting a member of staff regarding the material in question. You can do this for up to six months, unless others reserve the material.

If you wish to have the material renewed without having to turn up in person, you must contact us at [email protected].

Materials borrowed from other libraries

Special rules apply to materials borrowed from other libraries. You can renew the material when the due date is less than seven days away. The lending library decides whether renewal of the material is possible.

Log in to renew your loans

You can extend your loans, provided that they have not been reserved by others.

Log in to your profile