The Story of the Daniel & His Friends
Scripture References:
Daniel and his friends stand for God in their youth: Daniel 1:1-21
Daniel interprets the king’s dreams: Daniel 2:1-49, Daniel 4:1-37
Daniel and the writing on the wall: Daniel 5:1-29
Daniel and the lion’s den: Daniel 6:1-28
Family Discussion:
Discuss the benefits of having good friends:
Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Daniel and his 3 friends were in a scary situation, but together they found the courage to stand for what was right.
Ask your child to share the story of a time a friend encouraged them recently.
Ask your child to think of a friend who needs help or encouragement and make a list of ways they can help.
Discuss specific ways to serve God with friends:
Make a short list of specific things your child can do with their friends this week that would be a blessing to someone else.
Prayer Prompts:
Thank God for specific friends of your children
Ask God to use your child and their friends to be a blessing to each other and to others around them
Pray for the needs of 2-3 of your children’s closest friends