The Story of Samuel

Scripture References:

  • Samuel’s miraculous birth: 1 Samuel 1:1-23

  • Samuel’s childhood service at the temple: 1 Samuel 1:24-28, 1 Samuel 2:18-22, 26

  • Samuel hears the voice of God: 1 Samuel 3:1-21

Family Discussion:

Children don’t need to wait to grow up before they can serve God:

  • 1 Samuel 2:18 says that, even though he was only a boy, Samuel served God.

  • What ways can you serve God this week?

Discuss the importance of choosing to serve God:

  • Samuel’s mother dedicated him to the Lord before he was born, but Samuel still had to choose for himself if he was going to believe.

  • When he heard God’s voice, he chose to believe and serve the God of his mother.

  • Discuss how each child needs to make their own decision to believe and trust God.

Consider Samuel’s full life of service to God:

  • Samuel grew up to serve God in many different ways. He became a prophet, a judge, and a priest for the nation of Israel. Samuel even anointed David as king!

  • Samuel’s commitment to serve God as a child gave him a lifetime of exciting opportunities to do things that matter.

  • Ask your child what ways they would want to serve God as they get older.

Prayer Prompts:

  • Thank God for the positive example of parents and family members who believe in Jesus

  • Ask God to help your children make their own choice to believe in God

  • Pray for God to give each child a life full of exciting opportunities to serve him

Other Stories of Children in the Bible