Lenntech Water treatment & purification Lenntech Water treatment & purification

Pilot Units

Pilot Plants Testing

One water, one solution.

Our broad experience allows us to predict most treatment without any necessary field tests. But when a complex water is involved, we always recommend to perform pilot test to confirm the design

Pilot testing enables our customers to verify the best feasibility of the proposed separation processes by Lenntech water treatment. In addition, innovative solutions and new developments and designs can be optimized to supply our customers with the best and most cost-effective solution to their separated wishes.

Lenntech can also build customer specific pilot plants to solve problems occuring in exceisting processes of our customers.

Lenntech has various pilot testing plants available for rent on request:

Dow Filtration
Bag Filtration
EDI units
UV systems

For more information or a quotation , please contact Lenntech by E-mail.

Lenntech (European Head Office)

Distributieweg 3
2645 EG Delfgauw
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 152 610 900
fax: +31 152 616 289
e-mail: [email protected]

Lenntech USA LLC (Americas)

5975 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Phone: +1 877 453 8095
e-mail: [email protected]

Lenntech DMCC (Middle East)

Level 6 - OFFICE #101-One JLT Tower
Jumeirah Lake Towers
Dubai - U.A.E.
Phone: +971 4 429 5853
e-mail: [email protected]

Lenntech terms of business are according to Orgalime SI 24 conditions. A copy can be provided on request.

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