
Beads are collectibles that appear in Yoshi's Woolly World and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, based on the items of the same name that appear in Kirby's Epic Yarn. They are present in place of coins that appear in other games of the Yoshi franchise franchise. While coins come in different colors delineating their value, the varying colors of beads do not do the same. Instead, size determines value: Small beads are worth one bead, medium beads are worth five beads, and large beads are worth ten beads. A bead's color is sometimes used thematically, such as A Little Light Snowfall primarily having white beads to be representative of the snow.
As beads replace coins, they are used in much the same way: minor collectibles that indicate the path forward and as rewards for Yoshi when they enter hidden areas. They can also be inside bead jars. Most beads that exist without player interaction float in place. Beads that do appear because of player interaction can vary in their response to gravity. Some of them float while others drop to the ground. Much like coins, the latter kind of bead despawns after a certain amount of time has passed. Common ways to have beads appear are entering hidden areas, hitting Winged Clouds, and after pulling bows to unravel parts of the scenery. Some of Yoshi's transformations, such as Mega Yoshi and Sky Pop Yoshi, make enemies drop beads when they are defeated. Every boss except Mega Baby Bowser drops beads when they take damage, and Burt the Bashful additionally does so when he vanishes after being defeated. When a boss is defeated, their level or Boss Challenge does not end until all of the beads they dropped have been collected or vanish. If Yoshi gains hearts while they already have 20 hearts and therefore a full health display, the hearts are converted into beads.
Yoshi can collect beads by touching them, by throwing yarn balls or Poochy Pups at them, by spitting enemies or yarn balls into them, or by spitting watermelon seeds at them, Other characters can collect them for Yoshi: Poochy always can, and the Poochy Pups can do so while they are attacking an enemy. Mermaid Yoshi, Sky Pop Yoshi, and Mole Yoshi pull nearby items in toward them. The player can add a more powerful magnetic force across all of Yoshi's forms, including normal Yoshi, by using the "Pull items towards you with magnetic force!" Power Badge. Beads are among the objects that can also be obtained using Yoshi's tongue with the "Grab items with Yoshi's tongue!" Power Badge.
The Goal Ring has a number of effects relating to beads. Every space not occupied by a Smiley Flower collected during the level is instead occupied by a bead. Going through the goal ring while the white light is on a bead means that Yoshi gets that bead, adding it to their the counter after the victory dance. Any enemies, Chomp Rocks, and arrow wheels on the screen as Yoshi goes through the Goal Ring turn into beads, which are automatically collected. The same is true for the yarn balls or Fluffin' Puffin chicks following Yoshi once Yoshi lands after going through the ring. During any victory dance, including those of boss battles, one or more beads can rise in the background before "exploding" into fireworks patterns of beads. All of these beads are considered collected as they disappear.
When beads are collected, a counter showing the total number of beads Yoshi has is displayed in the top left corner of the screen. The number of beads Yoshi has is tracked as part of the item statistics for a save file. Collecting 100 beads does not reset the bead counter, nor does Yoshi gain an extra life. Lives are not a mechanic in Yoshi's Woolly World and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World. The counter's maximum is 999,999, after which collecting more beads has no meaningful effect. Note that reaching this maximum is not part of completing the game, no unlockable content is tied to it. This total can be spent to purchase Power Badges, extra bonuses and powers that function for one level only.
Twenty beads in each level contain Stamp Patches. These are instead Pencil Patches in Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World. There is no distinguishing feature of beads containing these patches. If the player completes a level after having collected beads with patches, those beads are marked with a small icon of the Stamp Patch/Pencil Patch on subsequent playthroughs. This is just as Red Coins work compared to normal coins in platform games of the Yoshi franchise. Beads with these items can also be indicated by purchasing the 'See hidden items!' Power Badge, which causes each such bead to glow even if they are not marked through the prior method.
In Sponge Cave Spelunking, if Yoshi Ground Pounds the green Mushroom Platforms, ring formations of beads will drop down from the caps.
In Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, there are more ways to obtain beads. The player can play the Poochy Dash mode, where Poochy is the player character. In Poochy Dash, beads are tracked on a per level basis, being more of a scoring mechanic than a currency. However, all beads collected are added to the main game. Poochy can collect beads just as Yoshi does, though he only has the ability to jump, stomp and slide, and none of Yoshi's bead collecting moves. Poochy drops beads when he bounces off a wall or takes damage. These beads land all over, and vanish very quickly after landing. Poochy is unable to collect some of them because the mode is an auto-runner, so Poochy cannot stop or move backward. Running through lava drains Poochy's beads.
Some beads fall from the sky and land on the ground as Poochy approaches places in the course. Sometimes, if Poochy reaches certain places or performs certain actions, fireworks patterns of beads appear to reward it. These beads are pulled into Poochy after appearing. After Poochy goes through or past the goal, a bead will rise up and "explode" into a firework of 50 beads for each of the three Poochy Pup he found along in the level. These beads are collected as as well. After these "fireworks" are completed, the player receives a medal for the number or beads they collected.
One of the missions for every course is to collect 1500 beads. This value corresponds to a platinum medal, the highest grade of all the medals. Hotheaded Lava Fields has another mission to collect all of the beads that fall from the sky. When Poochy Dash is played in Gold Rush mode, a Gold Lakitu flies on the right side of the screen and constantly leaves behind yellow beads on the course's primary path. The bead count obtained in courses in Gold Rush is tracked separately from the bead counts of courses in normal play, and the former only be seen while Gold Rush is toggled on in the Poochy Dash menu.
Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World also adds the Yoshi Theater. After watching one of the videos, the player is asked a question about its events. If the player selects the correct answer, they receive 500 beads.
Yoshi's Woolly World / Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World[edit]
- Instruction Manual description: "Collect these to purchase Power Badges. Beads come in different sizes and values: small (1), medium (5), and large (10)."