Palm Court Plaza
Thank you to the more than 10,000 fans who participated in the 2004 SD Ballpark Brick Program. Your personalized bricks are located in Palm Court Plaza, the main entrance to Petco Park from the Gaslamp District and adjacent to the historic Western Metal Supply Co. Building.
This locator system will assist you in locating your personalized brick in the Palm Court Plaza ONLY. This search tool requires that you search by the LAST NAME of the person who PURCHASED THE PERSONALIZED BRICK. This search tool is not designed to search by the text written on the brick.
- Please click on the letter below that corresponds with the first letter of the last name of the person who purchased the brick.
- Scroll down to the brick purchaser's name and the appropriate brick inscription which is listed in the second column.
- The third column lists a baseball term, which identifies the specific quadrant within Palm Court Plaza that your brick is located. There are 33 quadrants in Palm Court Plaza, each with approximately 200 bricks and each assigned a baseball term, so this system allows you to look for your special brick among the 200 or so bricks in this area versus looking through the more than 10,000 bricks in the entire Palm Court Plaza.
- Once you have looked up the name of the quadrant in which your brick is installed, please follow the link to the Palm Court Plaza map and locate your quadrant within Palm Court Plaza.
- If you are able to visit Palm Court Plaza at Petco Park, you'll notice that each quadrant is identified by a brick with white letters that indicates the baseball term for that quadrant. For a complete list of the 33 baseball terms used and their definitions, please click on the link below.
We thank you for your generous support of this program and hope that you enjoy your permanent piece of Petco Park.
Map of Palm Court Plaza

List of Baseball Terms used in Palm Court Plaza
Term | Definition |
5.5 Hole | The 5.5 hole is the area of the infield between the third baseman & shortstop. Mr. Padre, Tony Gwynn, became known for his success in hitting into the "5.5 hole." |
Ace | A baseball team's best and most consistent starting pitcher is the team's "ace." |
Around the Horn | A play goes "around the horn" when the ball is hit to the third baseman, who then throws to second base for one out, and the ball is then thrown to first base for a second out. |
Béisbol | Spanish word for "baseball." |
Bullpen | The area in a ballpark where pitchers warm up during a game. Also refers to the relief pitchers on a team. |
Can of Corn | An easy catch made for an out is a "can of corn." |
Chin Music | When a pitch is thrown high and inside to a batter, very close to the head it is referred to as "chin music." |
Cup of Coffee | When a minor league player is called up for only a short stay in the Major Leagues before they are sent back to the minors. |
Cutter | A fastball thrown with a slight curve arriving at home plate away from the side of the plate from which it is thrown is known as a "cutter." |
Dinger | A home run is also known as a "dinger." |
Dish | The term "dish" is another name for home plate. |
Double Play | A "double play" is a play made which includes two consecutive outs. |
Ducks on the Pond | When there are at least two runners on base it is referred to as having "ducks on the pond." |
Five-Tool Player | A player who excels in five fundamental abilities (speed, fielding, throwing, hitting for power and hitting for average) is referred to as a "five-tool player." |
Four Bagger | A "four bagger" is another name for a home run. |
Frozen Rope | A very hard and low-hit line drive is known as a "frozen rope." |
Fungo | The long, narrow bat used to hit practice fly balls and grounders during warm-ups is known as a "fungo" bat. |
Gold Glove | The "Gold Glove" award is given annually to the best fielder at his position in both the American and National Leagues. |
Hit and Run | A "hit and run" play happens when the batter is asked to swing at the pitch to try and hit the ball, while the base runner simultaneously attempts to steal a base. |
Hot Corner | The "hot corner" is a term used when referring to third base. |
Knuckler | A "knuckler" is a pitch that is thrown by holding the baseball with the knuckles (or fingertips), causing the ball to move slowly and unpredictably. |
Oh, Doctor! | A favorite saying of San Diego broadcaster and 2005 Ford C. Frick Award winner Jerry Coleman. After a spectacular play Jerry would say, "Oh, Doctor , you can hang a star on that baby!" |
Pepper | Pepper is a warm-up game in which an infielder quickly tosses a ball to a batter at close range and the batter hits it back to the infielder. |
Pickle | A "pickle" is a play in which a base runner is trapped between bases and fielders are tossing the ball back and forth as the runner tries to reach either base safely. |
Ramicackle | A "ramicackle" refers to a line drive hit. This term is often used during Padres home games. |
Shoestring Catch | The words "shoestring catch" are used when a fielder makes a running catch just above his shoe tops. |
Silver Slugger | The "Silver Slugger" award is given annually to the best offensive player at his position in both the American and National Leagues. |
Snowcone | A "snowcone" catch is a catch made by a fielder where the ball is caught and is still showing at the top of the web of the fielder's glove. |
Southpaw | A "southpaw" is another name for a left-handed pitcher. |
Squeeze Play | A "squeeze play" is a play made when the runner on third base tries to score as the pitch is delivered, and the batter is expected to bunt. |
Turn Two | The words "turn two" are used when referring to a double-play. |
Wheelhouse | A hitter's power zone is known as his "wheelhouse." |
Yard | Yard is a term that refers to both a ballpark and a home run. |