SACRAMENTO — It wasn’t for lack of trying, rather a lack of tries that hampered the Mother Lode Rugby U19 girls side that fell short to Fullerton 15-8 at last weekend’s State Cup match at Jesuit High School.
Mother Lode, composed of girls from Oak Ridge, Ponderosa and El Dorado, struck first on a 3-point kick by Gabrielle Schmaeling before Fullerton ran off 15 unanswered points. Rebecca Bratsch’s scored a 5-point try but Mother Lode failed to convert the conversion, The El Dorado County side knocked on the door the last 10 minutes with the ball in the try zone twice but couldn’t draw closer.
“I asked the girls to leave it all on the field and though the score doesn’t reflect it these girls are the Northern California champs and we walked off the field with our heads up,” Mother Lode coach Robert Monforte said.
Schmaeling, Bratsch and Samantha Gaither were all “outstanding” according to Monforte in the season-ending match that saw Mother Lode dominate the scrums against the bigger Fullerton team.
“Technically we were the superior side but each girl (Fullerton) in the pack outweighed us. While we’re not the biggest or fastest our girls play with heart, play through injuries, play physical and show up with 100 percent dedication.” Monforte said.
Mother Lode went 6-0 during the regular season in its varsity Gold division against teams from Sacramento, Rio Linda, Davis, Santa Rosa and two from the Bay Area. The team was ranked 5th in the nation at the beginning of the year.
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