February 20 – 22, 2024
Meeting Purpose
The purpose of this three-day meeting was to bring grantees and partners within the PEPH network together for the first time since February 2020 to discuss common issues, approaches, and opportunities. The focus was on engaging diverse teams in the context of the intersection of climate change and environmental justice.
PEPH Background
Since its implementation, the PEPH program has become a recognized community of practice that brings together scientists, community members, educators, health-care providers, public-health officials, and policy makers with a shared commitment to advancing the impact of environmental public-health research at the local, regional, and national level. Additionally, PEPH is a valued source of information about environmental health issues. For more than 10 years, PEPH has promoted and championed Environmental Public Health as the science of conducting and translating research into action to address environmental exposures and health risks of concern to the public.
In 2022, NIEHS outlined a new 10-year plan that builds upon the unifying environmental public health framework for the Division of Extramural Research and Training (DERT) as well as the institute. PEPH affirms the division's on-going commitment to community-engaged research and strong foundation in environmental public health.
Over the next 10 years, PEPH will enhance its role as an incubator for ideas and an amplifier for key messages. PEPH will strengthen its role as a Community of Practice. In this capacity, PEPH will bring together NIEHS staff, grantees from different programs, and other partners to consider complex issues and identify gaps and opportunities around four key areas in environmental public health: (1) capacity building, (2) research, (3) communication, as well as (4) action and sustainability. PEPH, in continued partnership with the NIEHS Communication Office, will also enrich its efforts to produce quality materials to raise awareness of environmental health topics by promoting the work of NIEHS-funded grantees.
Visiting NIEHS
The visiting NIEHS webpage has helpful information on the entrance gates, security measures, directions and parking, campus maps, and more.
Workshop and Poster Presentation Information
Workshops took place the morning of Tuesday, February 20, and the afternoon of Thursday, February 22, 2024. Please see the Workshop Abstracts document (429KB) for a detailed list.
Poster sessions took place the afternoons of Tuesday, February 20, and Wednesday, February 21, 2024.
Information for presenters:
- Poster boards are 70.5 in. wide by 47 in. tall.
- Push pins will be provided.
- There is no set format for posters.
PEPH 2024 Presentations
Intergenerational Engagement
- Victoria Triana - Intergenerational Engagement: Strategies From a Youth Climate Education Partnership (1MB)
- Rahul Mitra - Establishing Multidisciplinary Teams With Undergraduate and Graduate Students for Translating Environmental Public Health Research (1MB)
- Jaron Burke - WEACT for Environmental Justice (1MB)
- Natalie Sampson - Environmental Health Research-to-Action (627KB)
Engaging Communities in Oceans and Human Health
- Paul Sandifer and Geoff Scott - OHH Overview: Research and Community Engagement to Enhance Ocean and Human Health (4MB)
- Dan Kilpatrick - Whether HABS or Hurricanes, Vibrios or Volcanoes, Community-managed Disaster Risk Reduction As a Grassroots Community Engagement Framework (3MB)
- George Bullerjahn - Great Lakes Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health – A Summary of Community Engagement Core Activities (4MB)
Sensors, Tools, and Resources
- Patrick Ryan - RISE Communities (1MB)
- Scott Hersey - Community-driven Air Justice in Boston, MA (2MB)
- Robbie Parks - Heat Exposure And Temperature Equity (HEATE): Characterizing Indoor Heat Stress in Housing in NYC (2MB)
- Irvan Luhung - Aptamer Biosensor for 1,4 Dioxane (854KB)
Translating Research to Protect Children’s Health and Achieve Health Equity in a Changing Climate
- Elizabeth Kamai - Southern California Children’s Environmental Health Research Translation Center (6MB)
- Grace Ahn - Leveraging Emerging Technologies to Translate the Science of Children’s Environmental Health (7MB)
- Marilyn Howard - Working to Achieve Children’s Environmental Health Equity in a Changing Climate (5MB)
Building and Sustaining Local Capacities
- Dwayne Porter - OHHC2! Community Engagement Core and EJ STRONG: Empowering Communities to “Use Data and Sound Science to Make Noise!” (5MB)
- Sheldwin Yazzie - Indigenous Healthy Homes & Healthy Communities: A Community-led Initiative to Improve Health and Support Indigenous Resilience (1MB)
For questions that can't be answered by the content of this website, please contact Liam O'Fallon (984-287-3298). For logistical questions, please contact Devan Smith-Brown (703-765-0060, 112).