Superfund Research Program
The NIEHS Superfund Research Program provides administrative supplements to SRP grant recipients to meet increased costs that are within the scope of the approved award but were unforeseen when the new or renewal application or grant progress report for non-competing continuation support was submitted. Administrative supplements must support work within the scope of the original project/core. Grant recipients are highly encouraged to contact their assigned SRP Program Officer prior to submitting an administrative supplement.
Please see the following for more information:
- PA-20-272 "Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)": This is the parent announcement to which applicants must apply and includes application instructions and submission details.
- NOT-ES-21-003 "Notice of Clarification to NIEHS' Participation on PA-20-272, 'Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)'": This notice clarifies the SRP’s participation in supplement parent announcement.
Additional Information:
- Contact your assigned SRP Program Administrator (Danielle Carlin - [email protected] or Heather Henry - [email protected]) about the nature of the request and to determine whether the Administrative Supplement process is appropriate for the request. Please contact your Program Administrator at least two months before submitting the supplement application.
- There are three receipt dates per year, as provided on the NIEHS Administrative Supplements webpage. Grant recipients are highly encouraged to submit supplement requests by the April due date for potential funding within a given fiscal year. Applications received after the April receipt date will not be guaranteed for funding within the associated fiscal year. For grant recipient planning purposes, the earliest anticipated funding date would be three months after the date of application submission. Please note, decisions depend on availability of funds and Congressional Appropriation.
- Follow the instructions in PA-20-272 for details on format, page limits, and application submission instructions. The following additional tips are provided here:
- Project Summary: For the project summary, include a plain language abstract describing the proposed supplement activity.
- Research Strategy: In the research strategy section, please include the proposed aims of the activity and a brief description of the SRP project/core and its aims. The description should be scientifically justified, should clearly convey the potential impact of the activity, and should be relevant to Superfund. Descriptions should be written so that they can be easily understood by individuals outside of your specific area of expertise. Abbreviations should be spelled out and highly technical language/terms that may not be known to the broader scientific community should be avoided unless clearly defined. The Research Strategy section should be between 3-6 pages.
- Supplement proposals need to be within scope of the original project/core (i.e. the proposal should not request to do something that is significantly different than the original proposal).
- Supplement timeframe cannot extend beyond the current budget period. Funds must be obligated in this time period and must be feasible for what is planned scientifically.
- Supplement budget must be adequately justified and must represent a bona fide need that cannot be met by existing or prior year (carryover) funds. Applicants must provide a strong justification for why existing or prior year funds cannot be used for the proposed activity.