North Words

Airs: Fourth Friday of every month, 12-1 pm; new podcast episodes weekly
Latest episode: Wednesday, Feb 26th, 2025 EditionNorth Words: the kind of true story of Much Music VJ Bill Welychka

Mitch Teich
Host Mitch Teich

About North Words

What is it that makes this place so special? From North Creek to South Colton, from the Eastern Townships to West Stockholm, host Mitch Teich brings you interviews, on-site recordings, and special features that remind us what makes the region a special and unique place to be, zooming in on the people and the culture of the North Country.

Before taking the helm as NCPR's station manager in July 2019, Mitch spent more than 13 years as the executive producer and co-host of the daily interview show at Milwaukee Public Radio, and 16 years before that in radio journalism roles in Iowa, Minnesota, Arizona, and – for two years in the 1990s – at NCPR. In those years he’s interviewed thousands of people about thousands of subjects, and yet still remains interested in just about everything. Fun fact: Mitch put his question-asking skills to good use back in 1999, when he was a two-day champion on “Jeopardy!”

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