Key Contact:
Ken Scherrible - Camden Group
2 First Avenue, Oswego
Phone: (315) 342-3777
Fax: (315) 342-8233
Hours: Monday thru Friday - 7 am to 3 pm
71Mercer Street, Oswego
Phone: (315) 342-2500
Fax: (315) 342-8233
Hours: Monday thru Friday - 7 am to 3 pm
Westside Waste Water Treatement: Provides treatment of all sewage generated for the West Side of the City of Oswego including the college. The plant is a 4.0 million gallons per day (MGD) activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The Plant went through an upgrade in 2013, which included increasing the wet weather capacity from 8 MGD to 12 MGD. The plant is manned on a single shift operation with SCADA computer monitoring the off shifts. Sludge removal is accomplished by dewatering using a centrifuge and then the sludge is hauled to a landfill for disposal. Phosphorus removal is accomplished by addition of ferrous chloride to the activated sludge. For safety reasons we switched from using gaseous Chlorine to liquid Sodium Hypochlorite (Hypo) for disinfection. The final step before discharging to the lake is the addition of Sodium Bisulfite to neutralize the Hypo. We also operate the Excess Flow Management Facility (EFMF Pump Station). In 2014 the EFMF pump station underwent a complete upgrade.
Eastside Wast Water Treatment: Provides treatment of all sewage generated for the East Side of the City of Oswego including parts of Scriba which includes Novelis. The plant is a 5.35 MGD activated sludge wastewater treatment facility. The plant is manned on a single shift operation with SCADA computer monitoring the off shifts. Sludge removal is accomplished by dewatering using a centrifuge and then the sludge is hauled to a landfill for disposal. Phosphorus removal is accomplished by addition of ferrous chloride to the activated sludge. In 2014, we switched from using gaseous Chlorine to liquid Sodium Hypochlorite (Hypo) for disinfection. The final step before discharging to the lake is the addition of Sodium Bisulfite to neutralize the Hypo. We also operate a pump station on the East Side which was upgraded from a 1.5 MGD to an 11.5 MGD capacity, in 2008.