The Catholic Church, with a history spanning the last 2000+ years has a wealth of knowledge and spiritual teaching to explore. Below you will find links to a number of fantastic online resources to help answer your questions about Catholicism and inspire your spiritual life.

Our rich Catholic heritage provides a wealth of knowledge and spiritual teachings that are waiting for you to explore. We have included just a few links to sites that we feel will open the doors to more learning, more awakening and more joy for you.

 The Archdiocese of Denver link is provided to you as a way for you know how we are connected in this big Catholic family. There are many resources on the Archdiocese’s website for you to dig deeper into the Catholic tradition. 

Formed is an online site that provides Catholic video and audio designed to inform and inspire. You can access Formed using our parish code.  

The Vatican website is offered for those who desire an even wider net of information concerning the Catholic faith. There are many options including everything from homilies by the Pope to encyclicals, to recent news.  

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