We all need a helping hand sometimes. Here are some resources that you may find helpful.
St. Vincent de Paul SocietySt.VincentdePaulSociety
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) offers rent and utility assistance to those who live in our parish boundaries. Please leave them a message at 303.414.2283. They will contact you generally within 24 hours to learn more about your situation and how they might be able to help.
*Note: Please make sure that your phone is able to receive blocked calls. Please make sure your voicemail box is not full.
Catholic Charities of DenverCatholicCharitiesofDenver
A great resource for just about any assistance you might need is Catholic Charities of Denver. They oversee several shelters and ministries whose mission it is to assist those in need. For more information, please visit ccdenver.org.
Food Bank of the RockiesFoodBankoftheRockies
Once a month, we distribute food from Food Bank of the Rockies to those in need in our parish parking lot. Please contact the parish office to confirm their next distribution date at 303.766.3800. You are also welcome to visit foodbankrockies.org/find-food to search for other locations that Food Bank of the Rockies serves and for more information.
Grief and Emotional SupportGriefandEmotionalSupport
We have several care and support ministries here to walk with you in your time of need. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, going through a difficult life change, raising a child with special needs, or are looking for ways to connect with other veterans, we are here to walk with you. Please visit our Care & Support Ministry page for more information on the ministries we offer.
Spiritual SupportSpiritualSupport
We offer the Sacrament of Confession every Saturday morning after the 7:30am Mass until the line ends. Can’t make it on Saturday morning? Contact the parish office at 303.766.3800 and we’ll help you get in touch with a priest so you can schedule a time for Confession.
Questions? Contact the Parish Office at 303.766.3800.