Home > Plants > Hydrangeas


Hydrangea Macrophylla
Macrophylla Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 3 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 2 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 2 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,20 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 1,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -15�C View prices
H: 1 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 0,80 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 2 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
Hydrangea Paniculata
Paniculata Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 2 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 2,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -20�C View prices
H: 3 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 3 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
H: 2,50 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -20�C View prices
Hydrangea Arborescens
Arborescens Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 1 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -30�C View prices
Hydrangea Quercifolia
Oak leaved Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 2 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -23�C View prices
Hydrangea Petiolaris
Climbing Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 15 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -25�C View prices
Hydrangea Serrata
Serrata Hydrangea
Height Flowering Period Hardiness  
H: 1,20 m J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D -20�C View prices
J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D :
Month of the year, foliage present during the months in bold
(Ex. Here the flowering is from May to September.)
H: 3m
: Adult height of plant, here it is 3m
: Adult plant hardy to -20�C

Know everything about hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are among the most popular plants grown in the garden. Their luxurious foliage and their abundant flowering in summer make them an excellent ornamental plant. Ranging from an intense blue to a deep red as well as a perfect white in colour, means that there is a vast choice of colour shades. Bunches of their cut flowers will make a nice decoration for any table, even once their flowers have faded.

Hydrangeas do not like alkaline soil but prefer one that is damp and rich in humus. Do not hesitate to give them some fertilizer each year in the spring. The foliage is deciduous. The adult size will scarcely reach 2 metres.

Hydrangeas are of two main types, the Mopheads and the Lacecaps.

- The Mopheads are large leaved hydrangeas. They are also the type that gives the widest choice of colours. They are usually planted in the shade or semi-shade, but they do tolerate sunshine as long as it is not too strong. Their pompom like flowers will cover the plant all summer long.

- The Lacecaps are hydrangeas with long panicular flowers. The flower colour is usually light actually white. These hydrangeas are planted in full sun or partial shade.

The flower colour of the hydrangea can vary
When you buy a hydrangea, the colour of the flower is shown on the label. However, once in the ground the colour of the flowers that you get may not be the same. Hence, a hygrangea 'Adria' could have pink /lilac flowers and a 'Merveille sanguine' hydrangea could provide purple flowers. It is only the white hydrangeas that stay white, as they possess no color pigments.

Here is an explanation why this phenomenon occurs:
If aluminium is present in the soil, it is absorbed by the roots and fixes itself to the coloured pigments in the petals of the flowers. In this case, these pigments will take on a blue colour; the intensity will depend on the variety.
This element is not always present in sufficient quantities in the soil to make the flowers turn blue. It is true that the more acidic the soil, the easier it is for the roots to absorb the aluminium.
There are therefore two factors to take into account when understanding the colour of the flowers, the acidity of the soil and the amount of aluminium that is present.

How to make the hydrangeas flowers blue: If you hydrangeas are always pink then you need to make the soil more acidic and add aluminium. To increase the acidity of the soil, add peat to the earth and mulch with pine needles or bark. There even exists a special product to make your hydrangea's flowers turn blue, it is called French blue. Always dose progressively and be patient, if not you could end up killing the hydrangea by causing too sudden and drastic a change in its environment.

How to make the hydrangeas flowers pinker: Simply do the opposite of what is needed to make them blue. If your soil is very acidic then add lime to it as this will neutralize the acidity.

Colours obtained for some varieties depending on the acidity of the soil :
Hydrangea 'Marie Claire' : light blue in acid soil, pale pink in neutral soil,
Hydrangea 'Leuchtfeuer' : violet in acid soil, red in neutral soil,
Hydrangea 'Merveille sanguine' : violet in acid soil, deep red in neutral soil,
Hydrangea 'Adria' : Deep blue in acid soil, lilac pink in neutral soil.

Looking after hydrangea
Hydrangeas are greedy and each year need a dose of fertilizer as soon as the first leaves appear. Regular watering is also a good guarantee of plentiful flowering.
It will also be necessary to prune your hydrangeas to keep them a compact shape.
Click here for further pruning advice.

Hydrangea diseases
Hydrangeas that are planted in well-ventilated positions will be less susceptible to disease.

However, some fungi can affect hydrangea:
Botrytis or grey mould, rust, oidium or powdery mildew are the main fungi that will attack hydrangeas.
Chlorosis can also affect hydrangeas. This disease is caused by the soil being too alkaline. It provokes an iron deficiency and causes the leaves to turn yellow. Looked at from a higher level, an acid soil allows the roots to better develop and absorb the necessary minerals, whilst an alkaline soil encourages deficiencies. It is therefore not a good idea to plant susceptible plants in these types of soil. If the soil is only slightly alkaline add peat and an anti chlorosis solution.

Finally, parasites can also attack hydrangea. Green fly can be removed via a strong water spray, or by spraying with a soapy solution.
When the young leaves appear, beware of slugs, snails and rodents who will all devour these tender treats.

And to keep your flowers for longer
You can air-dry your hydrangea flowers. The colour will become paler, but the pleasure of a beautiful bouquet will last at least a year, or even longer!

To do this, cut the flowers when they are at their best, preferably at the end of the day, on a dry and sunny one (the aim here is to have the least possible humidity to avoid damaging the petals).
Remove the leaves and suspend the flowers head down, in a dark, warm and dry room. Let them dry out well. The air must circulate freely around the flowers.
When the flowers are fully dry, spray them with some hairspray to make them less fragile, and then arrange your bouquets.
For beautiful country-style bouquets, combine your hydrangeas with other wildflowers dried out in the same way!

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