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OJWT Cover
Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)
OJWT, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research results on web technologies. OJWT distributes its articles under the open access model. All articles of OJWT are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately.
Publisher: RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany
Contact: OJWT Editorial Office
ISSN: 2199-188X
Call for Papers: txtUTF-8 txtASCII pdf
OJWT Cover
Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)
OJWT, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, publishes original and creative research results on web technologies. OJWT distributes its articles under the open access model. All articles of OJWT are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately.
Publisher: RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany
Contact: OJWT Editorial Office
ISSN: 2199-188X
Call for Papers: txtUTF-8 txtASCII pdf

Aims & Scope

The web is everywhere in daily life. Business is not possible any more without the fast communication through the web. The knowledge of the humans is reflected in the information accessible in the web. New challenges occur with the flood of information and electronic possibilities for the human being. This journal especially investigates how web technologies can help the human being to open the new possibilities of the web.

OJWT publishes regular research papers, short communications, reviews and visionary papers in all aspects of web technologies. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. 

Short communications report novel research ideas. The work represented should be technically sound and significantly advancing the state of the art. Short communications also include exploratory studies and methodological articles.

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Visionary papers identify new research issues and future research directions, and describe new research visions in the field. The new visions will potentially have great impact for the future society and daily life. 

Research reviews are insightful and accessible overview of a certain field of research. They conceptualize research issues, synthesize existing findings and advance the understanding of the field. They may also suggest new research issues and directions.

We invite submissions on all topics of the web, including but not limited to:

  • Web protocols and standards
  • New forms of web applications
  • Web security and privacy
  • Web trust
  • Web usability
  • Web mining
  • Web information retrieval
  • E-Commerce
  • E-Society
  • E-learning
  • Web services
  • Web big data
  • Web 2.0
  • Web science
  • Semantic web
  • XML technologies
  • Web search
  • Social Networks
  • Mobile web
  • Web games

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Our journal follows the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and deals with the cases of misconduct according to the COPE Flowcharts

Articles of OJWT

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 Open Access 

From JSON to JSEN through Virtual Languages

Antonello Ceravola, Frank Joublin

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 8(1), Pages 1-15, 2021, Downloads: 2652

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021070419330368593832 | GNL-LP: 123649881X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: In this paper we describe a data format suitable for storing and manipulating executable language statements that can be used for exchanging/storing programs, executing them concurrently and extending homoiconicity of the hosting language. We call it JSEN, JavaScript Executable Notation, which represents the counterpart of JSON, JavaScript Object Notation. JSON and JSEN complement each other. The former is a data format for storing and representing objects and data, while the latter has been created for exchanging/storing/executing and manipulating statements of programs. The two formats, JSON and JSEN, share some common properties, reviewed in this paper with a more extensive analysis on what the JSEN data format can provide. JSEN extends homoiconicity of the hosting language (in our case JavaScript), giving the possibility to manipulate programs in a finer grain manner than what is currently possible. This property makes definition of virtual languages (or DSL) simple and straightforward. Moreover, JSEN provides a base for implementing a type of concurrent multitasking for a single-threaded language like JavaScript.


        title     = {From JSON to JSEN through Virtual Languages},
        author    = {Antonello Ceravola and
                     Frank Joublin},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2021},
        volume    = {8},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--15},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2021070419330368593832},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {In this paper we describe a data format suitable for storing and manipulating executable language statements that can be used for exchanging/storing programs, executing them concurrently and extending homoiconicity of the hosting language. We call it JSEN, JavaScript Executable Notation, which represents the counterpart of JSON, JavaScript Object Notation. JSON and JSEN complement each other. The former is a data format for storing and representing objects and data, while the latter has been created for exchanging/storing/executing and manipulating statements of programs. The two formats, JSON and JSEN, share some common properties, reviewed in this paper with a more extensive analysis on what the JSEN data format can provide. JSEN extends homoiconicity of the hosting language (in our case JavaScript), giving the possibility to manipulate programs in a finer grain manner than what is currently possible. This property makes definition of virtual languages (or DSL) simple and straightforward. Moreover, JSEN provides a base for implementing a type of concurrent multitasking for a single-threaded language like JavaScript.}

 Open Access 

Adding Semantics to Enrich Public Transport and Accessibility Data from the Web

Paloma Cáceres, Almudena Sierra-Alonso, Belén Vela, José María Cavero, Miguel �ngel Garrido, Carlos E. Cuesta

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 7(1), Pages 1-18, 2020, Downloads: 3742, Citations: 2

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020011918333806107393 | GNL-LP: 1203064683 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Web technologies and open data practices have now begun to promote new issues and services addressed to both final and specialized users. The smart cities initiative has also introduced new trends and ideas to offer to the public, one of which is the challenge of a more inclusive society that will provide the same opportunities for all. One of the major areas that could benefit from these new initiatives is public transport by, for example, providing open and accessible datasets, which include information by and about people with special needs. In this sense, the Google Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a format to describe public transportation and associated geographic information. It includes details regarding accessibility and what people with special needs might require to get around using public transport. We are, however, of the opinion that this specification has a low granularity and is not sufficient, since it only takes into account only mobility needs. As suggestions for improvement, we propose to enrich GTFS data by combining public transport data from multiple Web sources with semantic metadata techniques. Those data are stored in a public semantic dataset. To define this dataset, we propose a systematic method to extract data from different sources and integrate them. This method is applied to obtain data about the metro system from the website of Metro Madrid and GTFS. Relevant SPARQL queries and two applications are developed to evaluate the usefulness of the dataset obtained.


        title     = {Adding Semantics to Enrich Public Transport and Accessibility Data from the Web},
        author    = {Paloma C\~{A}�ceres and
                     Almudena Sierra-Alonso and
                     Bel\~{A}�n Vela and
                     Jos\~{A}� Mar\~{A}�a Cavero and
                     Miguel \~{A}�ngel Garrido and
                     Carlos E. Cuesta},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2020},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--18},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020011918333806107393},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Web technologies and open data practices have now begun to promote new issues and services addressed to both final and specialized users. The smart cities initiative has also introduced new trends and ideas to offer to the public, one of which is the challenge of a more inclusive society that will provide the same opportunities for all. One of the major areas that could benefit from these new initiatives is public transport by, for example, providing open and accessible datasets, which include information by and about people with special needs. In this sense, the Google Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) defines a format to describe public transportation and associated geographic information. It includes details regarding accessibility and what people with special needs might require to get around using public transport. We are, however, of the opinion that this specification has a low granularity and is not sufficient, since it only takes into account only mobility needs. As suggestions for improvement, we propose to enrich GTFS data by combining public transport data from multiple Web sources with semantic metadata techniques. Those data are stored in a public semantic dataset. To define this dataset, we propose a systematic method to extract data from different sources and integrate them. This method is applied to obtain data about the metro system from the website of Metro Madrid and GTFS. Relevant SPARQL queries and two applications are developed to evaluate the usefulness of the dataset obtained.}

 Open Access 

Securing J2EE SOA Enterprise Applications with a Pattern-Based Approach

Antonio Navarro, Wilmer Eduardo Parra, Eduardo Romero, Sergio Martin, Rodrigo de Miguel

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 7(1), Pages 19-45, 2020, Downloads: 2985

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020112218331345722172 | GNL-LP: 1221942654 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Security is a key issue in SOA J2EE applications. The literature and a considerable number of frameworks address security issues for this type of enterprise application. However, there are two significant problems in this body of knowledge: (i) it is hard to find an architectural approach for dealing with security threats to SOA J2EE applications; and, (ii) technologies are constantly changing, making it is difficult to have an abstract view of the problems that are solved using specific technologies. The Core Security Patterns (CSP) catalogue solves both problems because it provides a comprehensive architectural solution to J2EE security issues and abstracts specific security technologies into security patterns. However, the CSP pattern catalogue is huge (more than 1,000 pages) and there are three significant challenges to understanding it completely: (i) the integration of the CSP security patterns and the Core J2EE Patterns (CJP) for the software architecture of SOA J2EE applications is not evident; (ii) the high abstraction level of the CSP patterns, in some cases, obscures the security problems that the patterns solve; and (iii) the implementation of the CSP patterns involves the configuration of complex security frameworks, adding a layer of complexity to securing a J2EE application using a pattern-based approach. To address these issues, we have developed a SOA multitier application based on the patterns described in the CJP catalogue, and we have secured it by implementing the patterns described in the CSP catalogue. This paper describes the work carried out during these developments. The main goal was to relate the CSP patterns with: (i) CJP patterns; (ii) the security concerns that the CSP patterns address; and (iii) the present security frameworks. As a result of this paper, we expect the inclusion of security elements in SOA enterprise applications to be easier for software architects and developers. Finally, four main conclusions can be drawn from our study: (i) security is an orthogonal aspect for SOA multitier development; (ii) implementation of security patterns relies heavily on security frameworks, with the configuration of security frameworks thus becoming one of the most complex issues when securing J2EE SOA multitier applications; (iii) no J2EE application servers are needed to deploy secure J2EE SOA enterprise applications; and (iv) whether or not applications servers are used, security-related implementations are closely tied to the application container and frameworks used for SOA implementation.


        title     = {Securing J2EE SOA Enterprise Applications with a Pattern-Based Approach},
        author    = {Antonio Navarro and
                     Wilmer Eduardo Parra and
                     Eduardo Romero and
                     Sergio Martin and
                     Rodrigo de Miguel},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2020},
        volume    = {7},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {19--45},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2020112218331345722172},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Security is a key issue in SOA J2EE applications. The literature and a considerable number of frameworks address security issues for this type of enterprise application. However, there are two significant problems in this body of knowledge: (i) it is hard to find an architectural approach for dealing with security threats to SOA J2EE applications; and, (ii) technologies are constantly changing, making it is difficult to have an abstract view of the problems that are solved using specific technologies. The Core Security Patterns (CSP) catalogue solves both problems because it provides a comprehensive architectural solution to J2EE security issues and abstracts specific security technologies into security patterns. However, the CSP pattern catalogue is huge (more than 1,000 pages) and there are three significant challenges to understanding it completely: (i) the integration of the CSP security patterns and the Core J2EE Patterns (CJP) for the software architecture of SOA J2EE applications is not evident; (ii) the high abstraction level of the CSP patterns, in some cases, obscures the security problems that the patterns solve; and (iii) the implementation of the CSP patterns involves the configuration of complex security frameworks, adding a layer of complexity to securing a J2EE application using a pattern-based approach. To address these issues, we have developed a SOA multitier application based on the patterns described in the CJP catalogue, and we have secured it by implementing the patterns described in the CSP catalogue. This paper describes the work carried out during these developments. The main goal was to relate the CSP patterns with: (i) CJP patterns; (ii) the security concerns that the CSP patterns address; and (iii) the present security frameworks. As a result of this paper, we expect the inclusion of security elements in SOA enterprise applications to be easier for software architects and developers. Finally, four main conclusions can be drawn from our study: (i) security is an orthogonal aspect for SOA multitier development; (ii) implementation of security patterns relies heavily on security frameworks, with the configuration of security frameworks thus becoming one of the most complex issues when securing J2EE SOA multitier applications; (iii) no J2EE application servers are needed to deploy secure J2EE SOA enterprise applications; and (iv) whether or not applications servers are used, security-related implementations are closely tied to the application container and frameworks used for SOA implementation.}

 Open Access 

A Survey of the Ability of the Linux Operating System to Support Online Game Execution

Cathryn Peoples

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 6(1), Pages 1-15, 2019, Downloads: 5759

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018122318342028340425 | GNL-LP: 117412279X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Linux has suffered sluggish home user uptake due mainly to the dominance of rivals, and has seen numerous incarnations as a gaming platform fall flat. Gaming is a particularly sensitive application given its intensive bandwidth and system response requirements; these applications therefore place specific demands on the Operating System platform on which game play is supported. In this work, the ability of the Linux operating system to support execution of online games is explored through a survey of the state-of-the-art in this area. Given the recent increase in cloud-based online gaming, it can be concluded that the time is ripe for more widespread Linux uptake, especially in the gaming domain. This is particularly true today given the amount of exposure to Information Technology across society in general, and ongoing deployment of Internet of Things environments: Linux's open source, modular and freely customisable design may therefore not be as daunting as before, and the unique benefits of this platform may be exploited for the experiences it can bring to applications in general and, specific to the context of this work, players in their game play. This paper makes a unique contribution to the field: Although a number of articles are available within the general area of Linux and gameplay, a thorough survey on this issue has not been seen so far. This is therefore the gap to which this paper contributes.


        title     = {A Survey of the Ability of the Linux Operating System to Support Online Game Execution},
        author    = {Cathryn Peoples},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2019},
        volume    = {6},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--15},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018122318342028340425},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Linux has suffered sluggish home user uptake due mainly to the dominance of rivals, and has seen numerous incarnations as a gaming platform fall flat. Gaming is a particularly sensitive application given its intensive bandwidth and system response requirements; these applications therefore place specific demands on the Operating System platform on which game play is supported. In this work, the ability of the Linux operating system to support execution of online games is explored through a survey of the state-of-the-art in this area. Given the recent increase in cloud-based online gaming, it can be concluded that the time is ripe for more widespread Linux uptake, especially in the gaming domain. This is particularly true today given the amount of exposure to Information Technology across society in general, and ongoing deployment of Internet of Things environments: Linux's open source, modular and freely customisable design may therefore not be as daunting as before, and the unique benefits of this platform may be exploited for the experiences it can bring to applications in general and, specific to the context of this work, players in their game play. This paper makes a unique contribution to the field: Although a number of articles are available within the general area of Linux and gameplay, a thorough survey on this issue has not been seen so far. This is therefore the gap to which this paper contributes.}

 Open Access 

The Design of a Gamification Algorithm in a Music Practice Application

Steven Frazier-Roberts, Cathryn Peoples

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 6(1), Pages 16-30, 2019, Downloads: 6449

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018122318343712132047 | GNL-LP: 1174122811 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Keeping track of pupils' progress across different instruments and lessons, and what they are meant to be practicing, can be challenging. The typical solution is to use a book in which teachers write notes and pupils record practice. This can, however, easily be lost or become illegible. Furthermore, music education and self-directed practice is one area of education which is not widely gamified, with gamification describing a technique that drives specific human behaviors, motivates users, and has proven success in influencing learning. An application could therefore be created to respond to these needs by recording and tracking music practice whilst also gamifying student learning. An algorithm which accommodates these requirements is presented in this paper.


        title     = {The Design of a Gamification Algorithm in a Music Practice Application},
        author    = {Steven Frazier-Roberts and
                     Cathryn Peoples},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2019},
        volume    = {6},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {16--30},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018122318343712132047},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Keeping track of pupils' progress across different instruments and lessons, and what they are meant to be practicing, can be challenging. The typical solution is to use a book in which teachers write notes and pupils record practice. This can, however, easily be lost or become illegible. Furthermore, music education and self-directed practice is one area of education which is not widely gamified, with gamification describing a technique that drives specific human behaviors, motivates users, and has proven success in influencing learning. An application could therefore be created to respond to these needs by recording and tracking music practice whilst also gamifying student learning. An algorithm which accommodates these requirements is presented in this paper.}

 Open Access 

Towards an Inclusive Definition and Framework Development for M-Learning

Taurayi Rupere, August Chikomo

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 6(1), Pages 31-43, 2019, Downloads: 2550

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2019051219330848798511 | GNL-LP: 118596780X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Mobile learning has changed the course of learning in higher and tertiary education. However, there are still mixed views on the inclusive definition and best usable frameworks for implementing mobile learning in formal education system. Hence, the question, which has been posed but not been explicitly answered by researchers, is: What is the correct view of mobile learning? This question has left so many researchers mystified but the answer lies in the way in which mobile learning is defined. How then should mobile learning be defined? This article serves to propose an inclusive definition that can be used to guide the development of mobile learning systems in formal education. In addition to the guide, this paper proposes a framework for usage and implementing multimedia mobile e-learning.


        title     = {Towards an Inclusive Definition and Framework Development for M-Learning},
        author    = {Taurayi Rupere and
                     August Chikomo},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2019},
        volume    = {6},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {31--43},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2019051219330848798511},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Mobile learning has changed the course of learning in higher and tertiary education. However, there are still mixed views on the inclusive definition and best usable frameworks for implementing mobile learning in formal education system. Hence, the question, which has been posed but not been explicitly answered by researchers, is: What is the correct view of mobile learning? This question has left so many researchers mystified but the answer lies in the way in which mobile learning is defined. How then should mobile learning be defined? This article serves to propose an inclusive definition that can be used to guide the development of mobile learning systems in formal education. In addition to the guide, this paper proposes a framework for usage and implementing multimedia mobile e-learning.}

 Open Access 

The First International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018)

Sven Groppe, Christophe Cruz

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 1-5, 2018, Downloads: 3668

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018110508370722588082 | GNL-LP: 1170594662 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The first Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR) workshop in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) taking place in Berlin, Germany in 2018 is a forum for all researchers especially interested in processing of and reasoning on web data. The proceedings of WDPAR@KI 2018 are published in the Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT) ( as special issue and the publisher of OJWT is RonPub. This editorial provides an overview over the aims and scope of the workshop and the review procedure. Furthermore, we introduce the accepted papers and their topics in the editorial.


        title     = {The First International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018)},
        author    = {Sven Groppe and
                     Christophe Cruz},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--5},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018110508370722588082},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The first Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR) workshop in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) taking place in Berlin, Germany in 2018 is a forum for all researchers especially interested in processing of and reasoning on web data. The proceedings of WDPAR@KI 2018 are published in the Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT) ( as special issue and the publisher of OJWT is RonPub. This editorial provides an overview over the aims and scope of the workshop and the review procedure. Furthermore, we introduce the accepted papers and their topics in the editorial.}

 Open Access 

Hijacking DNS Subdomains via Subzone Registration: A Case for Signed Zones

Peter Thomassen, Jan Benninger, Marian Margraf

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 6-13, 2018, Downloads: 4610, Citations: 3

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019300979542360 | GNL-LP: 1168144450 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: We investigate how the widespread absence of signatures in DNS (Domain Name System) delegations, in combination with a common misunderstanding with regards to the DNS specification, has led to insecure deployments of authoritative DNS servers which allow for hijacking of subdomains without the domain owner's consent. This, in turn, enables the attacker to perform effective man-in-the-middle attacks on the victim's online services, including TLS (Transport Layer Security) secured connections, without having to touch the victim's DNS zone or leaving a trace on the machine providing the compromised service, such as the web or mail server. Following the practice of responsible disclosure, we present examples of such insecure deployments and suggest remedies for the problem. Most prominently, DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) can be used to turn the problem from an integrity breach into a denial-of-service issue, while more thorough user management resolves the issue completely.


        title     = {Hijacking DNS Subdomains via Subzone Registration: A Case for Signed Zones},
        author    = {Peter Thomassen and
                     Jan Benninger and
                     Marian Margraf},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {6--13},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019300979542360},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {We investigate how the widespread absence of signatures in DNS (Domain Name System) delegations, in combination with a common misunderstanding with regards to the DNS specification, has led to insecure deployments of authoritative DNS servers which allow for hijacking of subdomains without the domain owner's consent. This, in turn, enables the attacker to perform effective man-in-the-middle attacks on the victim's online services, including TLS (Transport Layer Security) secured connections, without having to touch the victim's DNS zone or leaving a trace on the machine providing the compromised service, such as the web or mail server. Following the practice of responsible disclosure, we present examples of such insecure deployments and suggest remedies for the problem. Most prominently, DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) can be used to turn the problem from an integrity breach into a denial-of-service issue, while more thorough user management resolves the issue completely.}

 Open Access 

Anonymous Shopping in the Internet by Separation of Data

Sven Groppe, Felix Kuhr, Mehmet Atilla Coskun

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 14-22, 2018, Downloads: 3660, Citations: 2

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019301629565937 | GNL-LP: 1168144469 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Whenever clients shop in the Internet, they provide identifying data of themselves to parties like the webshop, shipper and payment system. These identifying data merged with their shopping history might be misused for targeted advertisement up to possible manipulations of the clients. The data also contains credit card or bank account numbers, which may be used for unauthorized money transactions by the involved parties or by criminals hacking the parties' computing infrastructure. In order to minimize these risks, we propose an approach for anonymous shopping by separation of data. We argue for the feasibility of our approach by discussing important operations like simple reclamation cases and criminal investigations.


        title     = {Anonymous Shopping in the Internet by Separation of Data},
        author    = {Sven Groppe and
                     Felix Kuhr and
                     Mehmet Atilla Coskun},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {14--22},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019301629565937},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Whenever clients shop in the Internet, they provide identifying data of themselves to parties like the webshop, shipper and payment system. These identifying data merged with their shopping history might be misused for targeted advertisement up to possible manipulations of the clients. The data also contains credit card or bank account numbers, which may be used for unauthorized money transactions by the involved parties or by criminals hacking the parties' computing infrastructure. In order to minimize these risks, we propose an approach for anonymous shopping by separation of data. We argue for the feasibility of our approach by discussing important operations like simple reclamation cases and criminal investigations.}

 Open Access 

Word Embeddings for Wine Recommender Systems Using Vocabularies of Experts and Consumers

Christophe Cruz, Cyril Nguyen Van, Laurent Gautier

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 23-30, 2018, Downloads: 3831, Citations: 6

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019302313586232 | GNL-LP: 1168144477 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: This vision paper proposes an approach to use the most advanced word embeddings techniques to bridge the gap between the discourses of experts and non-experts and more specifically the terminologies used by the twocommunities. Word embeddings makes it possible to find equivalent terms between experts and non-experts, byapproach the similarity between words or by revealing hidden semantic relations. Thus, these controlledvocabularies with these new semantic enrichments are exploited in a hybrid recommendation system incorporating content-based ontology and keyword-based ontology to obtain relevant wines recommendations regardless of the level of expertise of the end user. The major aim is to find a non-expert vocabulary from semantic rules to enrich the knowledge of the ontology and improve the indexing of the items (i.e. wine) and the recommendation process.


        title     = {Word Embeddings for Wine Recommender Systems Using Vocabularies of Experts and Consumers},
        author    = {Christophe Cruz and
                     Cyril Nguyen Van and
                     Laurent Gautier},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {23--30},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019302313586232},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {This vision paper proposes an approach to use the most advanced word embeddings techniques to bridge the gap between the discourses of experts and non-experts and more specifically the terminologies used by the twocommunities. Word embeddings makes it possible to find equivalent terms between experts and non-experts, byapproach the similarity between words or by revealing hidden semantic relations. Thus, these controlledvocabularies with these new semantic enrichments are exploited in a hybrid recommendation system incorporating content-based ontology and keyword-based ontology to obtain relevant wines recommendations regardless of the level of expertise of the end user. The major aim is to find a non-expert vocabulary from semantic rules to enrich the knowledge of the ontology and improve the indexing of the items (i.e. wine) and the recommendation process.}

 Open Access 

Consuming Web Data in a Guiding App for Public Bus Users

Miguel �ngel Garrido Blázquez, Paloma Cáceres, Belén Vela, Carlos E. Cuesta, José María Cavero Barca, Almudena Sierra-Alonso

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 31-43, 2018, Downloads: 3376, Citations: 3

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019302970779034 | GNL-LP: 1168144485 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The complexity of urban public bus networks in big cities makes their use very difficult. This paper presents, a set of pervasive services for mobility that employs open data from the public bus network in Madrid. Our solution provides both a guiding service to assist users travelling by bus and a notifying service (visual, acoustical and sensorial) that informs them when a relevant point on their route has been reached (transfer or destination). needs a starting point, which can be the user's current location, a destination and the preferences regarding the best route for the user. requests a route from the Madrid public bus company via SOAP Web services. The back-end responds with the calculated route, the user's route, which includes the bus lines, the transfers and the pedestrian routes needed to reach the destination. Finally, an empirical evaluation of the experiences of users who employed is presented.


        title     = {Consuming Web Data in a Guiding App for Public Bus Users},
        author    = {Miguel \~{A}�ngel Garrido Bl\~{A}�zquez and
                     Paloma C\~{A}�ceres and
                     Bel\~{A}�n Vela and
                     Carlos E. Cuesta and
                     Jos\~{A}� Mar\~{A}�a Cavero Barca and
                     Almudena Sierra-Alonso},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {31--43},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019302970779034},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The complexity of urban public bus networks in big cities makes their use very difficult. This paper presents, a set of pervasive services for mobility that employs open data from the public bus network in Madrid. Our solution provides both a guiding service to assist users travelling by bus and a notifying service (visual, acoustical and sensorial) that informs them when a relevant point on their route has been reached (transfer or destination). needs a starting point, which can be the user's current location, a destination and the preferences regarding the best route for the user. requests a route from the Madrid public bus company via SOAP Web services. The back-end responds with the calculated route, the user's route, which includes the bus lines, the transfers and the pedestrian routes needed to reach the destination. Finally, an empirical evaluation of the experiences of users who employed is presented.}

 Open Access 

Webpage Ranking Analysis of Various Search Engines with Special Focus on Country-Specific Search

Sinan Babayigit, Sven Groppe

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 5(1), Pages 44-64, 2018, Downloads: 4438, Citations: 1

Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing & Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019303617104000 | GNL-LP: 1168144493 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: In order to attract many visitors to their own website, it is extremely important for website developers that their webpage is one of the best ranked webpages of search engines. As a rule, search engine operators do not disclose their exact ranking algorithm, so that website developers usually have only vague ideas about which measures have particularly positive influences on the webpage ranking. Conversely, we ask the question: "What are the properties of the best ranked webpages?" For this purpose, we perform a detailed analysis, in which we compare the properties of the best ranked webpages with the worse ranked webpages. Furthermore, we compare countryspecific differences.


        title     = {Webpage Ranking Analysis of Various Search Engines with Special Focus on Country-Specific Search},
        author    = {Sinan Babayigit and
                     Sven Groppe},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2018},
        volume    = {5},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {44--64},
        note      = {Special Issue: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Web Data Processing \& Reasoning (WDPAR 2018) in conjunction with the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI) in Berlin, Germany.},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2018093019303617104000},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {In order to attract many visitors to their own website, it is extremely important for website developers that their webpage is one of the best ranked webpages of search engines. As a rule, search engine operators do not disclose their exact ranking algorithm, so that website developers usually have only vague ideas about which measures have particularly positive influences on the webpage ranking. Conversely, we ask the question: "What are the properties of the best ranked webpages?" For this purpose, we perform a detailed analysis, in which we compare the properties of the best ranked webpages with the worse ranked webpages. Furthermore, we compare countryspecific differences.}

 Open Access 

The mf-index: A Citation-Based Multiple Factor Index to Evaluate and Compare the Output of Scientists

Eric Oberesch, Sven Groppe

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 4(1), Pages 1-32, 2017, Downloads: 4586, Citations: 4

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2017070914565 | GNL-LP: 1136555501 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Comparing the output of scientists as objective as possible is an important factor for, e.g., the approval of research funds or the filling of open positions at universities. Numeric indices, which express the scientific output in the form of a concrete value, may not completely supersede an overall view of a researcher, but provide helpful indications for the assessment. This work introduces the most important citation-based indices, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages and provides an overview of the aspects considered by them. On this basis, we identify the criteria that an advanced index should fulfill, and develop a new index, the mf-index. The objective of the mf-index is to combine the benefits of the existing indices, while avoiding as far as possible their drawbacks and to consider additional aspects. Finally, an evaluation based on data of real publications and citations compares the mf-index with existing indices and verifies that its advantages in theory can also be determined in practice.


        title     = {The mf-index: A Citation-Based Multiple Factor Index to Evaluate and Compare the Output of Scientists},
        author    = {Eric Oberesch and
                     Sven Groppe},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2017},
        volume    = {4},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--32},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2017070914565},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Comparing the output of scientists as objective as possible is an important factor for, e.g., the approval of research funds or the filling of open positions at universities. Numeric indices, which express the scientific output in the form of a concrete value, may not completely supersede an overall view of a researcher, but provide helpful indications for the assessment. This work introduces the most important citation-based indices, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages and provides an overview of the aspects considered by them. On this basis, we identify the criteria that an advanced index should fulfill, and develop a new index, the mf-index. The objective of the mf-index is to combine the benefits of the existing indices, while avoiding as far as possible their drawbacks and to consider additional aspects. Finally, an evaluation based on data of real publications and citations compares the mf-index with existing indices and verifies that its advantages in theory can also be determined in practice.}

 Open Access 

Query Processing in a P2P Network of Taxonomy-based Information Sources

Carlo Meghini, Anastasia Analyti

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 3(1), Pages 1-25, 2016, Downloads: 6045

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291402 | GNL-LP: 1133021654 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: In this study we address the problem of answering queries over a peer-to-peer system of taxonomy-based sources. A taxonomy states subsumption relationships between negation-free DNF formulas on terms and negation-free conjunctions of terms. To the end of laying the foundations of our study, we first consider the centralized case, deriving the complexity of the decision problem and of query evaluation. We conclude by presenting an algorithm that is efficient in data complexity and is based on hypergraphs. We then move to the distributed case, and introduce a logical model of a network of taxonomy-based sources. On such network, a distributed version of the centralized algorithm is then presented, based on a message passing paradigm, and its correctness is proved. We finally discuss optimization issues, and relate our work to the literature.


        title     = {Query Processing in a P2P Network of Taxonomy-based Information Sources},
        author    = {Carlo Meghini and
                     Anastasia Analyti},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2016},
        volume    = {3},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--25},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291402},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {In this study we address the problem of answering queries over a peer-to-peer system of taxonomy-based sources. A taxonomy states subsumption relationships between negation-free DNF formulas on terms and negation-free conjunctions of terms. To the end of laying the foundations of our study, we first consider the centralized case, deriving the complexity of the decision problem and of query evaluation. We conclude by presenting an algorithm that is efficient in data complexity and is based on hypergraphs. We then move to the distributed case, and introduce a logical model of a network of taxonomy-based sources. On such network, a distributed version of the centralized algorithm is then presented, based on a message passing paradigm, and its correctness is proved. We finally discuss optimization issues, and relate our work to the literature.}

 Open Access 

Semantic and Web: The Web Part

Sven Groppe, Paulo Rupino da Cunha

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 2(1), Pages 1-3, 2015, Downloads: 7251, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705194864 | GNL-LP: 1132361222 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: One major aim of the Semantic Web is to enable a machine-processable Web of data. Hence, the Semantic Web community regards it as extension of the traditional web. On the other hand, the applications of the Semantic Web rely deeply on web technologies in order to work in a distributed fashion, world-wide. The goal of this special issue is to bring together contributions from these communities to address the challenges in Semantic Web and Web technologies in cooperation. The papers included in this special issue demonstrate how new technologies of the Web and Semantic Web complement each other and provide more contributions to the area of web technologies. The semantic part of this special issue, which contains substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to Semantic Web, is published in Open Journal of Semantic Web (OJSW).


        title     = {Semantic and Web: The Web Part},
        author    = {Sven Groppe and
                     Paulo Rupino da Cunha},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2015},
        volume    = {2},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--3},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705194864},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {One major aim of the Semantic Web is to enable a machine-processable Web of data. Hence, the Semantic Web community regards it as extension of the traditional web. On the other hand, the applications of the Semantic Web rely deeply on web technologies in order to work in a distributed fashion, world-wide. The goal of this special issue is to bring together contributions from these communities to address the challenges in Semantic Web and Web technologies in cooperation. The papers included in this special issue demonstrate how new technologies of the Web and Semantic Web complement each other and provide more contributions to the area of web technologies. The semantic part of this special issue, which contains substantial theoretical and empirical contributions to Semantic Web, is published in Open Journal of Semantic Web (OJSW).}

 Open Access 

Why Is This Link Here? Identifying Academic Web Interlinking Motivations in Nigerian Universities

Anthony Nwohiri

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 2(1), Pages 4-15, 2015, Downloads: 4903, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291363 | GNL-LP: 1133021581 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: This paper investigates the university websites of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Its aim is to identify motivations why authors embed outbound hyperlinks on these websites. A classification scheme for academic web interlinking motivations was applied to over 5,000 hyperlinks pointing from the websites of 107 Nigerian universities. Classifying the motivations based on studying the source and target pages is a big challenge, especially due to the following three reasons: there could be many possible reasons available; guessing the true intentions of link creators could be a difficult task; multiple link creation motivations could exist. The pioneer application of Pearson's chi-square test of independence offers a better picture of motivations. The chi-square test identifies the significant differences in interlinking motivations, which are peculiar to Nigerian universities of a particular category (federal, state and private universities). The study is a stepping stone toward further research on feasibility of findings in other developing countries. Results obtained from this research will be of great use for academic webpage developers and web authors, and will modify their work towards improving the use of hyperlinks as one of the major communication tools on the Web.


        title     = {Why Is This Link Here? Identifying Academic Web Interlinking Motivations in Nigerian Universities},
        author    = {Anthony Nwohiri},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2015},
        volume    = {2},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {4--15},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291363},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {This paper investigates the university websites of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Its aim is to identify motivations why authors embed outbound hyperlinks on these websites. A classification scheme for academic web interlinking motivations was applied to over 5,000 hyperlinks pointing from the websites of 107 Nigerian universities. Classifying the motivations based on studying the source and target pages is a big challenge, especially due to the following three reasons: there could be many possible reasons available; guessing the true intentions of link creators could be a difficult task; multiple link creation motivations could exist. The pioneer application of Pearson's chi-square test of independence offers a better picture of motivations. The chi-square test identifies the significant differences in interlinking motivations, which are peculiar to Nigerian universities of a particular category (federal, state and private universities). The study is a stepping stone toward further research on feasibility of findings in other developing countries. Results obtained from this research will be of great use for academic webpage developers and web authors, and will modify their work towards improving the use of hyperlinks as one of the major communication tools on the Web.}

 Open Access 

Detecting Vital Documents in Massive Data Streams

Shun Kawahara, Kazuhiro Seki, Kuniaki Uehara

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 2(1), Pages 16-26, 2015, Downloads: 6402, Citations: 3

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291373 | GNL-LP: 113302159X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Existing knowledge bases, includingWikipedia, are typically written and maintained by a group of voluntary editors. Meanwhile, numerous web documents are being published partly due to the popularization of online news and social media. Some of the web documents, called "vital documents", contain novel information that should be taken into account in updating articles of the knowledge bases. However, it is practically impossible for the editors to manually monitor all the relevant web documents. Consequently, there is a considerable time lag between an edit to knowledge base and the publication dates of such vital documents. This paper proposes a realtime detection framework of web documents containing novel information flowing in massive document streams. The framework consists of twostep filter using statistical language models. Further, the framework is implemented on the distributed and faulttolerant realtime computation system, Apache Storm, in order to process the large number of web documents. On a publicly available web document data set, the TREC KBA Stream Corpus, the validity of the proposed framework is demonstrated in terms of the detection performance and processing time.


        title     = {Detecting Vital Documents in Massive Data Streams},
        author    = {Shun Kawahara and
                     Kazuhiro Seki and
                     Kuniaki Uehara},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2015},
        volume    = {2},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {16--26},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291373},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Existing knowledge bases, includingWikipedia, are typically written and maintained by a group of voluntary editors. Meanwhile, numerous web documents are being published partly due to the popularization of online news and social media. Some of the web documents, called "vital documents", contain novel information that should be taken into account in updating articles of the knowledge bases. However, it is practically impossible for the editors to manually monitor all the relevant web documents. Consequently, there is a considerable time lag between an edit to knowledge base and the publication dates of such vital documents. This paper proposes a realtime detection framework of web documents containing novel information flowing in massive document streams. The framework consists of twostep filter using statistical language models. Further, the framework is implemented on the distributed and faulttolerant realtime computation system, Apache Storm, in order to process the large number of web documents. On a publicly available web document data set, the TREC KBA Stream Corpus, the validity of the proposed framework is demonstrated in terms of the detection performance and processing time.}

 Open Access 

Context-Dependent Testing of Applications for Mobile Devices

Tim A. Majchrzak, Matthias Schulte

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 2(1), Pages 27-39, 2015, Downloads: 6670, Citations: 4

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291390 | GNL-LP: 1133021646 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Applications propel the versatility of mobile devices. Apps enable the realization of new ideas and greatly contribute to the proliferation of mobile computing. Unfortunately, software quality of apps often is low. This at least partly can be attributed to problems with testing them. However, it is not a lack of techniques or tools that make app testing cumbersome. Rather, frequent context changes have to be dealt with. Mobile devices most notably move: network parameters such as latency and usable bandwidth change, along with data read from sensors such as GPS coordinates. Additionally, usage patterns vary. To address context changes in testing, we propose a novel concept. It is based on identifying blocks of code between which context changes are possible. It helps to greatly reduce complexity. Besides introducing our concept, we present a use case, show its application and benefits, and discuss challenges.


        title     = {Context-Dependent Testing of Applications for Mobile Devices},
        author    = {Tim A. Majchrzak and
                     Matthias Schulte},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2015},
        volume    = {2},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {27--39},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291390},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Applications propel the versatility of mobile devices. Apps enable the realization of new ideas and greatly contribute to the proliferation of mobile computing. Unfortunately, software quality of apps often is low. This at least partly can be attributed to problems with testing them. However, it is not a lack of techniques or tools that make app testing cumbersome. Rather, frequent context changes have to be dealt with. Mobile devices most notably move: network parameters such as latency and usable bandwidth change, along with data read from sensors such as GPS coordinates. Additionally, usage patterns vary. To address context changes in testing, we propose a novel concept. It is based on identifying blocks of code between which context changes are possible. It helps to greatly reduce complexity. Besides introducing our concept, we present a use case, show its application and benefits, and discuss challenges.}

 Open Access 

A Comparative Evaluation of Current HTML5 Web Video Implementations

Martin Hoernig, Andreas Bigontina, Bernd Radig

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 1(2), Pages 1-9, 2014, Downloads: 27696, Citations: 3

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291328 | GNL-LP: 1133021514 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: HTML5 video is the upcoming standard for playing videos on the World Wide Web. Although its specification has not been fully adopted yet, all major browsers provide the HTML5 video element and web developers already rely on its functionality. But there are differences between implementations and inaccuracies that trouble the web developer community. To help to improve the current situation we draw a comparison between the most important web browsers. We focus on the event mechanism, since it is essential for interacting with the video element. Furthermore, we compare the seeking accuracy, which is relevant for more specialized applications. Our tests reveal varieties of differences between browser interfaces and show that even simple software solutions may still need third-party plugins in today's browsers.


        title     = {A Comparative Evaluation of Current HTML5 Web Video Implementations},
        author    = {Martin Hoernig and
                     Andreas Bigontina and
                     Bernd Radig},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2014},
        volume    = {1},
        number    = {2},
        pages     = {1--9},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291328},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {HTML5 video is the upcoming standard for playing videos on the World Wide Web. Although its specification has not been fully adopted yet, all major browsers provide the HTML5 video element and web developers already rely on its functionality. But there are differences between implementations and inaccuracies that trouble the web developer community. To help to improve the current situation we draw a comparison between the most important web browsers. We focus on the event mechanism, since it is essential for interacting with the video element. Furthermore, we compare the seeking accuracy, which is relevant for more specialized applications. Our tests reveal varieties of differences between browser interfaces and show that even simple software solutions may still need third-party plugins in today's browsers.}

 Open Access 

Getting Indexed by Bibliographic Databases in the Area of Computer Science

Arne Kusserow, Sven Groppe

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 1(2), Pages 10-27, 2014, Downloads: 13599, Citations: 2

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291343 | GNL-LP: 1133021557 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: Every author and publisher is interested in adding their publications to the widely used bibliographic databases freely accessible in the world wide web: This ensures the visibility of their publications and hence of the published research. However, the inclusion requirements of publications in the bibliographic databases are heterogeneous even on the technical side. This survey paper aims in shedding light on the various data formats, protocols and technical requirements of getting indexed by widely used bibliographic databases in the area of computer science and provides hints for maximal database inclusion. Furthermore, we point out the possibilities to utilize the data of bibliographic databases, and describes some personal and institutional research repository systems with special regard to the support of inclusion in bibliographic databases.


        title     = {Getting Indexed by Bibliographic Databases in the Area of Computer Science},
        author    = {Arne Kusserow and
                     Sven Groppe},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2014},
        volume    = {1},
        number    = {2},
        pages     = {10--27},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291343},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {Every author and publisher is interested in adding their publications to the widely used bibliographic databases freely accessible in the world wide web: This ensures the visibility of their publications and hence of the published research. However, the inclusion requirements of publications in the bibliographic databases are heterogeneous even on the technical side. This survey paper aims in shedding light on the various data formats, protocols and technical requirements of getting indexed by widely used bibliographic databases in the area of computer science and provides hints for maximal database inclusion. Furthermore, we point out the possibilities to utilize the data of bibliographic databases, and describes some personal and institutional research repository systems with special regard to the support of inclusion in bibliographic databases.}

 Open Access 

SIWeb: understanding the Interests of the Society through Web data Analysis

Marco Furini, Simone Montangero

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 1(1), Pages 1-14, 2014, Downloads: 11412, Citations: 4

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291334 | GNL-LP: 1133021522 | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: The high availability of user-generated contents in the Web scenario represents a tremendous asset for understanding various social phenomena. Methods and commercial products that exploit the widespread use of the Web as a way of conveying personal opinions have been proposed, but a critical thinking is that these approaches may produce a partial, or distorted, understanding of the society, because most of them focus on definite scenarios, use specific platforms, base their analysis on the sole magnitude of data, or treat the different Web resources with the same importance. In this paper, we present SIWeb (Social Interests through Web Analysis), a novel mechanism designed to measure the interest the society has on a topic (e.g., a real world phenomenon, an event, a person, a thing). SIWeb is general purpose (it can be applied to any decision making process), cross platforms (it uses the entire Webspace, from social media to websites, from tags to reviews), and time effective (it measures the time correlatio between the Web resources). It uses fractal analysis to detect the temporal relations behind all the Web resources (e.g., Web pages, RSS, newsgroups, etc.) that talk about a topic and combines this number with the temporal relations to give an insight of the the interest the society has about a topic. The evaluation of the proposal shows that SIWeb might be helpful in decision making processes as it reflects the interests the society has on a specific topic.


        title     = {SIWeb: understanding the Interests of the Society through Web data Analysis},
        author    = {Marco Furini and
                     Simone Montangero},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2014},
        volume    = {1},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {1--14},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-201705291334},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {The high availability of user-generated contents in the Web scenario represents a tremendous asset for understanding various social phenomena. Methods and commercial products that exploit the widespread use of the Web as a way of conveying personal opinions have been proposed, but a critical thinking is that these approaches may produce a partial, or distorted, understanding of the society, because most of them focus on definite scenarios, use specific platforms, base their analysis on the sole magnitude of data, or treat the different Web resources with the same importance. In this paper, we present SIWeb (Social Interests through Web Analysis), a novel mechanism designed to measure the interest the society has on a topic (e.g., a real world phenomenon, an event, a person, a thing). SIWeb is general purpose (it can be applied to any decision making process), cross platforms (it uses the entire Webspace, from social media to websites, from tags to reviews), and time effective (it measures the time correlatio between the Web resources). It uses fractal analysis to detect the temporal relations behind all the Web resources (e.g., Web pages, RSS, newsgroups, etc.) that talk about a topic and combines this number with the temporal relations to give an insight of the the interest the society has about a topic. The evaluation of the proposal shows that SIWeb might be helpful in decision making processes as it reflects the interests the society has on a specific topic.}

 Open Access 

Integrating Human Factors and Semantic Mark-ups in Adaptive Interactive Systems

Marios Belk, Panagiotis Germanakos, Efi Papatheocharous, Panayiotis Andreou, George Samaras

Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT), 1(1), Pages 15-26, 2014, Downloads: 11562, Citations: 1

Full-Text: pdf | URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2017052611313 | GNL-LP: 113283600X | Meta-Data: tex xml rdf rss | Show/Hide Abstract | Show/Hide BibTex

Abstract: This paper focuses on incorporating individual differences in cognitive processing and semantic mark-ups in the context of adaptive interactive systems. In particular, a semantic Web-based adaptation framework is proposed that enables Web content providers to enrich content and functionality of Web environments with semantic mark-ups. The Web content is created using a Web authoring tool and is further processed and reconstructed by an adaptation mechanism based on cognitive factors of users. Main aim of this work is to investigate the added value of personalising content and functionality of Web environments based on the unique cognitive characteristics of users. Accordingly, a user study has been conducted that entailed a psychometric-based survey for extracting the users' cognitive characteristics, combined with a real usage scenario of an existing commercial Web environment that was enriched with semantic mark-ups and personalised based on different adaptation effects. The paper provides interesting insights in the design and development of adaptive interactive systems based on cognitive factors and semantic mark-ups.


        title     = {Integrating Human Factors and Semantic Mark-ups in Adaptive Interactive Systems},
        author    = {Marios Belk and
                     Panagiotis Germanakos and
                     Efi Papatheocharous and
                     Panayiotis Andreou and
                     George Samaras},
        journal   = {Open Journal of Web Technologies (OJWT)},
        issn      = {2199-188X},
        year      = {2014},
        volume    = {1},
        number    = {1},
        pages     = {15--26},
        url       = {},
        urn       = {urn:nbn:de:101:1-2017052611313},
        publisher = {RonPub},
        bibsource = {RonPub},
        abstract = {This paper focuses on incorporating individual differences in cognitive processing and semantic mark-ups in the context of adaptive interactive systems. In particular, a semantic Web-based adaptation framework is proposed that enables Web content providers to enrich content and functionality of Web environments with semantic mark-ups. The Web content is created using a Web authoring tool and is further processed and reconstructed by an adaptation mechanism based on cognitive factors of users. Main aim of this work is to investigate the added value of personalising content and functionality of Web environments based on the unique cognitive characteristics of users. Accordingly, a user study has been conducted that entailed a psychometric-based survey for extracting the users' cognitive characteristics, combined with a real usage scenario of an existing commercial Web environment that was enriched with semantic mark-ups and personalised based on different adaptation effects. The paper provides interesting insights in the design and development of adaptive interactive systems based on cognitive factors and semantic mark-ups.}

OJWT Publication Fees

All articles published by RonPub are fully open access and online available to readers free of charge. To be able to provide open access journals, RonPub defrays the costs (induced by processing and editing of manuscripts, provision and maintenance of infrastructure, and routine operation and management of journals) by charging an one-time publication fee for each accepted article. In order to ensure that the fee is never a barrier to publication, RonPub offers a fee waiver for authors from low-income countries. Authors who do not have funds to cover publication fees should submit an application during the submission process. Applications of waiver will be examined on a case by case basis. The scientific committee members of RonPub are entitled a partial waiver of the standard publication fees as reward for their work. 

  • Standard publication fee: 338 Euro (excluding tax).
  • Authors from the low-income countries: 71% waiver of the standard publication fee. (Note: The list is subject to change based on the data of the World Bank Group.):
    Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic), Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (Democratic People’s Republic), Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao (People’s Democratic Republic), Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Micronesia (Federated States of), Moldova, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, São Tomé and Principe, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Yemen (Republic), Zambia, Zimbabwe
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OJWT Indexing

In order for our publications getting widely abstracted, indexed and cited, the following methods are employed:

  • Various meta tags are embedded in each publication webpage, including Google Scholar Tags, Dublic Core, EPrints, BE Press and Prism. This enables crawlers of e.g. Google Scholar to discover and index our publications.
  • Different metadata export formats are provided for each article, including BibTex, XML, RSS and RDF. This makes readers to cite our papers easily.
  • An OAI-PMH interface is implemented, which facilitates our article metadata harvesting by indexing services and databases.

The paper Getting Indexed by Bibliographic Databases in the Area of Computer Science provides a comprehensive survey on indexing formats, techniques and databases. We will also continue our efforts on dissemination and indexing of our publications.

OJWT has been indexed by the following libraries and bibliographic databases:

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Manuscript Preparation

Authors should first read the author guidelines of the corresponding journal. Manuscripts must be prepared using the manuscript template of the respective journal. It is available as word and latex version for download at the Author Guidelines of the corresponding journal page. The template describes the format and structure of manuscripts and other necessary information for preparing manuscripts. Manuscripts should be written in English. There is no restriction on the length of manuscripts.


Authors submit their manuscripts via the submit page of the corresponding journal. Authors first submit their manuscripts in PDF format. Once a manuscript is accepted, the author then submits the revised manuscript as PDF file and word file or latex folder (with all the material necessary to generate the PDF file). The work described in the submitted manuscript must be previously unpublished; it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else. 

Authors are welcome to suggest qualified reviewers for their papers, but this is not mandatory. If the author wants to do so, please provide the name, affiliations and e-mail addresses for all suggested reviewers.

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RonPub is academic publisher of online, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All articles published by RonPub is fully open access and online available to readers free of charge.

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As a reward for the work of a Editor-in-Chief, the Editor-in-Chief will obtain a 25% discount of the standard publication fee for her/his papers (the Editor-in-Chief is one of authors) published in any of RonPub journals.

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Editors assist the Editor-in-Chief in the scientific quality and in decision about topics of the journal. Editors are also encouraged to help to promote the journal among their peers and at conferences. An editor invites at least three reviewers to review a manuscript, but may also review him-/herself the manuscript. After carefully evaluating the review reports and the manuscript itself, the editor makes a commendation about the status of the manuscript. The editor's evaluation as well as the review reports are then sent to EiC, who make the final decision whether a paper can be published after peer-review and revisions. 

The communication with Editorial Board members is done primarily by E-mail, and the Editors are expected to respond within a few working days on any question sent by the Editorial Office so that manuscripts can be processed in a timely fashion. If an editor does not respond or cannot process the work in time, and under some special situations, the editorial office may forward the requests to the Publishers or Editor-in-Chief, who will take the decision directly.

As a reward for the work of editors, an editor will obtain a 25% discount of the standard publication fee for her/his papers (the editor is one of authors) published in any of RonPub journals.

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Our editorial office will have the right directly asking authors to revise their paper if there are quality issues, e.g. weak quality of writing, and missing information. Authors are required to revise their paper several times if necessary. A paper accepted by it's quest editor may be rejected by the EiC of the journal due to a low quality. However, this occurs only when authors do not really take efforts to revise their paper. A high-quality publication needs the common efforts from the journal, reviewers, editors, editor-in-chief and authors.

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Upon the quality of reviewing work, a reviewer will have the potential to be promoted to a full editorial board member. 

As a reward for the reviewing work, a reviewer will obtain a 25% discount of the standard publication fee for her/his papers (the review is one of authors) published in any of RonPub journals.

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Publication Criteria

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In order to filter fabricated submissions, the editorial office will check the authenticity of the authors and their affiliations before a peer-review begins. It is important that the authors communicate with us using the email addresses of their affiliations and provide us the URL addresses of their affiliations. To verify the originality of submissions, we use various plagiarism detection tools to check the content of manuscripts submitted to our journal against existing publications. The overall quality of paper will be also checked including format, figures, tables, integrity and adequacy. Authors may be required to improve the quality of their paper before sending it out for review. If a paper is obviously of low quality, the paper will be directly rejected.

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Call for Journals

Research Online Publishing (RonPub, is a publisher of online, open access and peer-reviewed scientific journals.  For more information about RonPub please visit this link.

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