fhe Moon of fhe IsIand of Godruma-dvïpa by SrïIa Thakura Bhakfivinoda (1893) TransIafion by Dasarafha-sufa dasa (1) yaáí tc narí-paáa-saroja-suána- rasa-pana-param nráayam satatam parínrtya grnam haIí-bnava-mayam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum yaáí-il; tc-youi; narí-paáa-saroja-ilc loius lcci ol Loid Haii; suána-rasa- ncciai-mcllows; pana-param-cngiosscd in diinling; nráayam-ilc lcaii; satatam-always; parínrtya-giving up; grnam-ilc lomc; haIí-bnava-mayam-lull ol ilc moods ol Kali-yuga; bnaja-plcasc woislip; goáruma-ol ilc island ol Godiuma-dvïpa; hanana-in ilc loicsi; hunja-ol ilc bowci; víánum-ilc Moon. 1) If your hearf wishes fo be aIways absorbed in drinking fhe ambrosiaI meIIows of fhe Iofus feef of Lord Hari, fhen give up mundane househoId Iife, fuII of KaIi-yuga quarreIs and sfrife, and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (2) ánana-yauvana-jivana-rajya-suhnam na ní nítyam anuhsana-nasa-param tyaja gramya-hatna-sahaIam vípnaIam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum ánana-wcalil; yauvana-youil; jivana-longcviiy; rajya-ol ilc lingdom; suhnam-lappincss; na-noi; ní-cciiainly; nítyam-pcimancni; anuhsana-ai cvciy momcni; nasa-param-icnd io bc dcsiioycd; tyaja-plcasc icnouncc; gramya-hatna-common gossip; sahaIam-all; vípnaIam-liuiilcss. 2) MaferiaI riches, youfh, a Iong Iife, and royaI happiness-none of fhese are cerfain; af every momenf fhey are being desfroyed. Give up aII useIess mundane conversafions and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (3) ramani-jana-sanga-suhnam ca sahnc caramc bnayaáam purusartna-naram narí-nama-suána-rasa-matta-matír bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum ramani-jana-bcauiilul womcn; sanga-ilc company; suhnam-ilc plcasuic; ca- also; sahnc-O liicnd!; caramc-uliimaicly; bnaya-áam-causcs lcai; purusa- artna-ilc goal ol luman lilc; naram-ialcs away; narí-nama-ilc loly namc ol Loid Haii; suána-rasa-ncciai-mcllows; matta-matín-inioxicaicd consciousncss. 3) O friend! The pIeasure fo be had in fhe company of beaufifuI young women uIfimafeIy furns fo fearfuIness, and disfracfs one from fhe frue goaI of human Iife. Wifh your mind infoxicafed by fhe necfarean meIIows of fhe hoIy name of Lord Hari, jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (+) jaáa-havya-raso na ní havya-rasan haIí-pavana-gaura-raso ní rasan aIam anya-hatnaáy anusiIanaya bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum jaáa-havya-woildly pociiy; rasan-ilc iasic; na-noi; ní-cciiainly; havya- rasan-ilc aciual iasic ol pociiy; haIí-pavana-ilc savioi ol ilc agc ol Kali; gaura-Loid Gauianga; rasan-ilc iasic; ní-cciiainly; rasan-is aciual iasic; aIam-usclcss; anya-hatna-oilci iopics; aáí-and so loiil; anusiIanaya-by ilc culiivaiion. +) The fasfe of mundane poefry never provides fhe sweef fasfe of acfuaI poefry. The sweef meIIows of frue poefry are veriIy found in descripfions of Lord Gaura, fhe savior of aII souIs in fhe KaIi-yuga. The diIigenf sfudy of aII ofher fopics is useIess! ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (5) vrsabnanu-sutanvíta-vama-tanum yamuna-tata-nagara-nanáa-sutam muraIi-haIa-gita-vínoáa-param bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum vrsabnanu-suta-ilc dauglici ol Visablanu (siï Radla); anvíta-cndowcd; vama- tanum-ilc lcli sidc ol His body; yamuna-tata-ilc banl ol ilc iivci Yamuna; nagara-ilc clcvci paiamoui; nanáa-sutam-ilc son ol Nanda Malaiaja; muraIi- ilc lluic; haIa-gita-soli songs; vínoáa-param-cngagcd in giving plcasuic. 5) His Ieff side enhanced by fhe daughfer of Vrsabhanu, Nanda-Sufa fhe franscendenfaI paramour sfands on fhe bank of fhe Yamuna river absorbed in fhe pIeasure-giving pasfime of pIaying soff, meIodious songs on His fIufe. ]usf worship Him, fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (6) narí-hirtana-maánya-gatam sva-janaín parívcstíta-jambunaáabna-narím níja-gauáa-janaíha-hrpa-jaIaáním bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum narí-hirtana-congicgaiional claniing ol ilc loly namc ol Haii; maánya-gatam- in ilc midsi; sva-janaín-by His own associaics; parívcstíta-suiioundcd; jambunaáa-gold; abna-ilc lusici; narím-Loid Haii; níja-gauáa-jana-His own Gaudïya dcvoiccs; cha-ilc only; hrpa-jaIaáním-occan ol mcicy. 6) In fhe midsf of Hari-kïrfana, surrounded by His Ioving associafes He is fhe same dark Lord Hari, buf now shining wifh fhe Iusfer of moIfen goId. He is fhe excIusive ocean of mercy for His own Gaudïya devofees. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (7) gíríraja-suta-parívita-grnam nava-hnanáa-patím yatí-cítta-naram sura-sangna-nutam príyaya sanítam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum gíríraja-suta-ilc dauglici ol ilc bcsi ol mouniains (iivci Ganga, dauglici ol ilc Himalayas); parívita-suiioundcd; grnam-ilc lomc; nava-hnanáa-ol ilc icgion dividcd inio ninc aicas; patím-ilc Loid; yatí-cítta-ilc lcaiis ol ilc icnunciaics; naram-Hc wlo sicals; sura-sangna-ilc asscmbly ol sainily souls and dcmigods; nutam-Hc wlo is bowcd io; príyaya sanítam-along wiil His bclovcd wilc (Siïmaiï Visnu-piiya). 7) His isIand home is surrounded by fhe river Ganga, daughfer of fhe king of mounfains. He is fhe Lord of fhe nine-foId isIands of Navadvïpa and fhe sfeaIer of fhe hearfs of fhe renunciafes. AIong wifh His beIoved wife Visnu-priya He is gIorified by demigods and sainfIy persons. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (8) haIí-huhhura-muágara-bnava-ánaram narí-nama-manausaána-áana-param patítarta-áayarára-su-murtí-ánaram bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum haIí-huhhura-ilc dog-lilc pcisonaliiy ol ilc agc ol Kali; muágara-a siicl; bnava- ánaram-Hc wlo posscsscs ilc mood; narí-nama-ilc loly namc ol Loid Haii; mana-ausaána-ilc gicai mcdicinc; áana-param-wlo is cngagcd in adminisiciing; patíta-arta-lallcn and disiicsscd; áaya-arára-mclicd wiil compassion; su-murtí-ánaram-Hc wlo posscsscs a bcauiilul loim. 8) His mood is fhaf of wieIding a sfick for chasing away fhe mad dog of KaIi- yuga. He is absorbed in disfribufing fhe hoIy name of Hari, fhe greaf remedy for maferiaI exisfence. His hearf is meIfed wifh compassion for fhe faIIen souIs who are suffering, and His franscendenfaI form is very beaufifuI. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (9) rípu-banánava-bncáa-vínina-áaya yaá-abnihsnam uáctí muhnabja-tatau tam ahrsnam ína vraja-raja-sutam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum rípu-banánava-cncmics and liicnds; bncáa-ilc dillcicncc bciwccn ilc iwo; vínina-complcicly bcicli; áaya-ilc mcicy; yat-ilai wlicl; abnihsnam- consianily; uáctí-is aiising; muhna-abja-tatau-in His loius lacc; tam-Him; ahrsnam-noi blaclisl; ína-lcic; vraja-raja-sutam-ilc son ol ilc ling ol Viaja. 9) ConfinuaIIy beaming from His Iofus face is causeIess mercy fhaf makes no disfincfion befween so-caIIed friends` or enemies.` AIfhough fhe son of Maharaja Nanda, He appears here in a form unIike fhaf of Krishna`s dark compIexion. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (10) ína copanísat-parígita-víbnur ávíja-raja-sutan puratabna-narín níja-ánamaní hncIatí banánu-yuto bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum ína-lcic; ca-also; upanísaá-in ilc Upanisads; parígita-cclcbiaicd; víbnun-ilc all-pcivading Loid; ávíja-raja-sutan-ilc son ol ilc ling ol ilc iwicc-boin; purata-gold; abna-ilc lusici; narín-Loid Haii Himscll; níja-ánamaní-in His own abodc; hncIatí-is spoiiing; banánu-yutan-along wiil His boyliicnds. 10) In fhis worId and in fhe Upanisads He is ceIebrafed as fhe aII-pervading Supreme Lord. He appears now as fhe son of fhe king of brahmanas and is Lord Hari HimseIf, wifh a shining goIden compIexion. In His own abode He pIays efernaIIy wifh His cowherd boyfriends. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (11) avatara-varam parípurna-haIam para-tattvam ínatma-víIasa-mayam vraja-ánama-rasambuání-gupta-rasam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum avatara-varam-ilc bcsi ol incainaiions; parípurna-haIam-complcic in all aspccis; para-tattvam-iiansccndcnial iiuil; ína-lcic; atma-víIasa-mayam-lond ol cnjoying Himscll; vraja-ánama-ol ilc abodc ol Viaja; rasa-ambuání-in ilc occan ol mcllows; gupta-rasam-ilc mosi conlidcniial mcllows. 11) He is fhe mosf exceIIenf of avafaras, and wifhin Him exisfs fhe consummafe expansions of Godhead. He is fhe Supreme Trufh, enjoying HimseIf here in greaf pIayfuIness. He embodies fhe mosf confidenfiaI meIIows fIowing wifhin fhe ocean of rasa in Vraja-dhama. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (12) srutí-varna-ánanaáí na yasya hrpa- jananc baIavaá-bnajancna vína tam anaítuha-bnava-patna ní sahnc bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum srutí-vasi lcaining; varna-ligl biiil; ánana-wcalil; aáí-and so on; na-noi; yasya-wlosc; hrpa-jananc-in gcnciaiing ilc mcicy; baIavat-powcilul; bnajancna-by ilc woislip; vína-wiiloui; tam-Him; anaítuha-bnava- unmoiivaicd aiiiiudc; patna-on ilc pail; ní-cciiainly; sahnc-O liicnd! 12) O friend! Wifhouf fhe devofionaI performance of pureIy infense bhajan, your vasf schoIarship, nobIe famiIy Iineage, weaIfh, and so on are compIefeIy ineffecfive for invoking fhe mercy of fhe Lord. Wifh a service affifude fhaf is unmofivafed, jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (13) apí nahra-gatau nraáa-maánya-gatam ham amocayaá-arta-janam tam ajam avícíntya-baIam síva-haIpa-tarum bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum apí-also; nahra-gatau-capiuicd by ilc ciocodilc; nraáa-maánya-gatam-laving cnicicd ilc lalc; ham-indccd; amocayat-iclcascd; arta-janam-ilc disiicsscd pcison; tam-Him; ajam-ilc unboin onc; avícíntya-baIam-ol inconccivablc siicngil; síva-auspiciousncss; haIpa-tarum-ilc dcsiic-iicc. 13) This same Lord once Iiberafed fhe eIephanf Gajendra from fhe crocodiIe`s grasp wifhin fhe Iake. He is fhe unborn one, possessing inconceivabIe power, and is fruIy a desire-free of pure auspiciousness. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (1+) surabninára-tapan-parítusta-mana vara-varna-ánaro narír avírabnut tam ajasra-suhnam muní-ánaírya-naram bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum surabní-ilc surabni cow; ínára-and Loid India; tapan-ilc pcnancc; parítusta- mana-wlosc mind was vciy saiislicd; vara-varna-ánaran-wlo posscsscs an cxccllcni complcxion; narín-Loid Haii; avírabnut-las appcaicd; tam-Him; ajasra-suhnam-cndlcss joy; muní-ánaírya-ilc paiicncc ol ilc sagcs; naram-Hc wlo sicals. 1+) Being pIeased wifh fhe penances of Indra and fhe surabhi cow, Lord Hari has appeared again in fhis worId possessing a superexceIIenf compIexion. He is endIess happiness, and He pIunders fhe pafience of fhe Iearned sages. ]usf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (15) abníIasa-cayam taá-abncáa-áníyam asubnam ca subnam tyaja sarvam íáam anuhuIataya príya-scvanaya bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum abníIasa-cayam-ilc muliiiudc ol aspiiaiions; tat-abncáa-ilc absoluic non- dillcicncc ol ilc living cniiiics and ilc Supicmc Pcisonaliiy ol Godlcad; áníyam- ilc undcisianding; asubnam-inauspicious; ca-also; subnam-auspicious; tyaja- plcasc givc up; sarvam íáam-all ol ilcsc; anuhuIataya-by ilc lavoiablc aiiiiudc; príya-scvanaya-by cndcaiing scivicc. 15) The muIfifude of worIdIy desires, phiIosophicaI medifafions on fhe impersonaI oneness of aII beings, as weII as fhe reIafive concepfions of whaf is auspicious or inauspicious-ufferIy renounce aII of fhese fhings. In a favorabIe mood whiIe rendering Ioving devofionaI service, jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (16) narí-scvaha-scvana-ánarma-paro narí-nama-rasamrta-pana-ratan natí-áaínya-áaya-para-mana-yuto bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum narí-scvaha-ilc scivanis ol Loid Haii; scvana-ilc scivicc; ánarma-ilc occupaiional duiy; paran-lixcd; narí-nama-ilc loly namc ol Loid Haii; rasa- amrta-ncciai-mcllows; pana-ratan-addicicd io diinling; natí-modcsiy; áaínya-lumiliiy; áaya-compassion; para-oilcis; mana-yutan-cndowcd wiil ilc ollciing ol icspcci. 16) Remaining fixed in fhe service of Hari`s servanfs, being addicfed fo drinking fhe sweef necfar of fhe hoIy name of Hari, and endowed wifh modesfy, humiIify and compassion, offering aII respecf unfo ofhers, jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (17) vaáa yaáava maánava hrsna narc vaáa rama janaráana hcsava nc vrsabnanu-suta-príya-natna saáa bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum vaáa-plcasc clani; yaáava-O Yadava!; maánava-O Madlava!; hrsna-O Kisna!; narc-O Haii!; vaáa-plcasc clani; rama-O Rama!; janaráana-O Janaidana!; hcsava-O Kcsava!; nc-O!; vrsabnanu-suta-ol ilc dauglici ol Visablanu; príya-natna-O dcai Loid!; saáa-always. 17) IncessanfIy caII ouf fo fhe Lord, °O Yadava! O Madhava! O Krsna! O Hari!` Chanf, °O Rama! O ]anardana! O Kesava!` °O beIoved Lord of Vrsabhanu`s daughfer!`-and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (18) vaáa yamuna-tira-vanaárí-patc vaáa gohuIa-hanana-punja-ravc vaáa rasa-rasayana gaura-narc bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum vaáa-plcasc clani; yamuna-tira-on ilc banl ol ilc Yamuna; vana-ilc loicsis; aárí-and mouniains; patc-O Loid!; vaáa-plcasc clani; gohuIa-hanana-ilc giovcs ol Golula Viindavan; punja-ilc muliiiudcs; ravc-O sun!; vaáa-plcasc clani; rasa-rasayana-ilc lilc-giving ionic ol ilc rasa-dancc; gaura-narc-O Gauia-laii! 18) PIease chanf, °O Lord of fhe foresfs and hiIIs aIong fhe banks of fhe river Yamuna!` Chanf, °O briIIianf sun of fhe groves of GokuIa!` Chanf, °O eIixir of Iife for fhe rasa dance!` °O Gaura-hari!`-and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (19) caIa gaura-vanam nava-hnanáa-mayam patna gaura-narcs carítaní muáa Iutna gaura-paáanhíta-ganga-tatam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum caIa-plcasc piocccd; gaura-vanam-io ilc loicsi ol Gauia; nava-hnanáa-mayam- dividcd inio ninc paiis; patna-plcasc icad oi icciic; gaura-narcn-ol ilc Goldcn Haii; carítaní-ilc aciiviiics; muáa-lappily; Iutna-plcasc ioll on ilc giound; gaura-paáa-anhíta-mailcd wiil ilc looipiinis ol Gauia; ganga-tatam-ilc banl ol ilc iivci Ganga. 19) PIease go fo fhe foresf of Lord Gaura, divided info nine isIands. PIease read and recife wifh greaf joy fhe pasfimes of Lord Gaura-hari. PIease roII abouf in ecsfasy on fhe bank of fhe river Ganga marked wifh fhe foofprinfs of Lord Gaura-and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers. (20) smara gaura-gaáaánara-hcIí-haIam bnava gaura-gaáaánara-pahsa-caran srnu gaura-gaáaánara-caru-hatnam bnaja goáruma-hanana-hunja-víánum smara-plcasc icmcmbci; gaura-gaáaánara-ol Gauia and Gadadlaia; hcIí- haIam-amoious aiis; bnava-plcasc bccomc; gaura-gaáaánara-ol Gauia and Gadadlaia; pahsa-caran-onc wlo ialcs sidcs; srnu-plcasc lcai; gaura- gaáaánara-ol Gauia and Gadadlaia; caru-hatnam-capiivaiing discussions. 20) ]usf remember fhe arfisficaIIy pIayfuI pasfimes of Gaura and Gadadhara. ]usf become a IoyaI foIIower of Gaura and Gadadhara`s camp. ]usf Iisfen fo fhe capfivafing sfories of Gaura and Gadadhara-and jusf worship fhe beaufifuI Moon of Godruma`s foresf bowers.