by SrïIa Bhakfivinoda Thakura -originaIIy pubIished in 1893- 50 BengaIi songs oufIining fhe six-foId process of submissive surrender unfo fhe Supreme Lord fransIafion by Dasarafha-sufa dasa Dcdicaicd io His Divinc Giacc A.C. llaliivcdania Swami Piablupada wlo lullillcd ilc picdiciions ol llaliivinoda Tlaluia by maling Kiislna Consciousncss availablc io ilc cniiic woild Infroducfory Song (1) sri-hrsna-caítanya prabnu jivc áoya horí` sva-parsaáa sviya ánama sana avatarí` 1) Srï Krsna Caifanya Prabhu descended from fhe efernaI spirifuaI worId aIong wifh His personaI associafes and divine abode, incarnafing in fhis femporary maferiaI worId ouf of compassion for fhe faIIen souIs. (2) atyanta áurIabna prcma horíbarc áana síhnaya saranagatí bnahatcra prana 2) In order fo freeIy disfribufe fhe giff of ecsfafic Iove of God, which is very difficuIf fo obfain, He faughf fhe pafh of saranagafi, devofionaI surrender fo fhe Supreme Lord. This saranagafi is fhe very Iife of fhe frue devofees. (3-+) áaínya, atma-nívcáana, goptrtvc varana avasya rahsibc hrsna`-vísvasa, paIana bnahí-anuhuIa-matra harycra svihara bnahtí-pratíhuIa-bnava varjanangíhara 3-+) The six ways of surrender fhrough saranagafi are (1) dainya-humiIify, (2) afma-nivedana-dedicafion of fhe seIf, (3) gopfrfve varana-accepfance of fhe Lord as one`s onIy mainfainer, (+) fhe consciousness of avasya raksibe krsna`-Krsna wiII sureIy profecf me`-which is visvasa (faifh) in Krsna`s paIana (profecfion), (5) bhaki-anukuIa-mafra karyera svïkara-execufion of onIy fhose acfs favorabIe fo pure devofion, and (6) bhakfi-prafikuIa-bhava varjanangikara-renunciafion of conducf adverse fo pure devofion. (5) saá-anga saranagatí noíbc janara tanara prartnana sunc sri-nanáa-humara 5) Srï Nanda-Kumara, fhe youfhfuI son of Nanda Maharaja, hears fhe prayers of anyone who fakes refuge in Him by fhis six-foId pracfice of surrender. (6) rupa-sanatana-paác áantc trna horí` bnahatívínoáa poác áunun paáa ánorí` 6) Bhakfivinoda prosfrafes himseIf af fhe feef of Srï Rupa and Srï Sanafana Goswamï, pIaces a sfraw befween his feefh, and cIasps fheir Iofus feef wifh his hands. (7) hanáíya hanáíya boIc amí to` aánama síhnayc saranagatí horo nc uttama 7) Weeping and weeping, he feIIs fhem, °I am cerfainIy fhe Iowesf of men! Oh pIease make me fhe worfhiesf by feaching me fhe ways of saranagafi!` Firsf PrincipIe of Surrender: Dainya HumiIify - Seven Songs - Song 1 (1) bnuIíya tomarc, samsarc asíya, pcyc nana-víána byatna tomara caranc, asíyacní amí, boIíbo áunhncra hatna 1) O Lord, I forgof You and came fo fhis maferiaI worId, where I have experienced a hosf of pains and sorrows. Now I approach Your Iofus feef and submif my faIe of woe. (2) janani-jatnarc, cníIama jahnona, bísama banánana-pasc cha-bara prabnu` áchna áíya morc, vancíIc c áina áasc 2) WhiIe sfiII bound up fighfIy in fhe unbearabIe confines of my mofher`s womb, O Lord, You once reveaIed YourseIf before me. Appearing onIy briefIy, You fhen abandoned fhis poor servanf of Yours. (3) tahnona bnavínu, janama paíya, horíbo bnajana tava janama noíIo, poáí` maya-jaIc, na noíIo jnana-Iava 3) Af fhaf momenf I fhoughf, °Affer my birfh, I wiII worship You.` Buf aIas, affer faking birfh I feII info fhe enfangIing nefwork of worIdIy iIIusions; fhus I possessed nof even a drop of frue knowIedge. (+) aáarcra cncIc, sva-jancra hoIc, nasíya hatanu haIa janaha-janani- sncnctc bnuIíya, samsara IagíIo bnaIo +) As a dear son fondIed in fhe Iaps of reIafives, I passed my fime smiIing and Iaughing. The affecfion of my fafher and mofher heIped me fo forgef You sfiII more, and I began fo fhink fhaf fhe maferiaI worId was a very nice pIace. (5) hramc áína áína, baIaha noíya, hncIínu baIaha-sana ara hícnu áínc, jnana upajíIo, patna poáí anar-anan 5) Day by day I graduaIIy grew info a young boy and began pIaying wifh ofher boys. Soon my powers of undersfanding emerged, so I diIigenfIy read and sfudied my schooI Iessons every day. (6) víáyara gauravc, bnramí` ácsc ácsc, ánana uparjana horí sva-jana paIana, horí cha-manc, bnuIínu tomarc, narí` 6) Proud of my accompIished educafion, Iafer I fraveIed from pIace fo pIace and earned much weaIfh. Thereby mainfaining my famiIy wifh undivided affenfion, I forgof You, O Lord Hari! (7) baránahyc chnona, bnahatívínoáa, hanáíya hatara atí na bnajíya torc, áína brtna gcIo, chnona hí nabc gatí` 7) Now in oId age, fhis Bhakfivinoda very sadIy weeps. I faiIed fo worship You, O Lord, and insfead passed my days in vain. Whaf wiII be my fafe now: Song 2 (1) víáyara víIasc, hataínu haIa, parama sanasc amí tomara carana, na bnajínu habnu, chnona sarana tumí 1) Wifh greaf enfhusiasm I spenf my fime in fhe pIeasures of mundane Iearning, and never worshiped Your Iofus feef, O Lord. Now You are my onIy sheIfer. (2) poáítc poáítc, bnarasa baríIo, jnanc gatí nabc maní` sc asa bípnaIa, sc jnana áurbaIa, sc jnana ajnana janí 2) Reading on and on, my hopes grew and grew, for I considered fhe aquisifion of maferiaI knowIedge fo be Iife`s frue goaI. How fruifIess fhose hopes furned ouf fo be, for aII my knowIedge proved feebIe. Now I know fhaf aII such erudifion is acfuaIIy pure ignorance. (3) jaáa-víáya jata, mayara vaíbnava, tomara bnajanc baána mona janamíya, anítya samsarc, jivahc horayc gaána 3) AII fhe so-caIIed knowIedge of fhis worId is born of fhe fIickering pofency of Your iIIusory energy (maya). If is an impedimenf fo fhe execufion of devofionaI service fo You. InduIgence in mundane knowIedge veriIy makes an ass of fhe efernaI souI by encouraging his infafuafion wifh fhis femporary worId. (+) scí gaána no`yc, samsarcra bojna, banínu ancha haIa baránahyc chnona, sahtíra abnavc, hícnu naní Iagc bnaIo +) Here is one person who has been furned info such an ass, who for so Iong has carried on his back fhe useIess burden of maferiaI exisfence. Now in my oId age, for wanf of fhe power fo enjoy, I find fhaf nofhing af aII pIeases me. (5) jivana jatana, noíIo chnona, sc víáya avíáya bncIo avíáyara jvaIa, gnatíIo bísama, sc víáya noíIo scIo 5) Life has now become agony, for my so-caIIed erudife knowIedge has proven ifseIf fo be worfhIess ignorance. MaferiaI knowIedge has now become a poinfed shaff and has pierced my hearf wifh fhe infoIerabIe, burning pain of ignorance. (6) tomara carana, bína hícnu ánana, samsarc na acnc ara bnahatívínoáa, jaáa-víáya cnaáí,` tuva paáa horc sara 6) O Lord, fhere is no freasure worfh seeking in fhis worId ofher fhan Your Iofus feef. Bhakfivinoda abandons aII his mundane knowIedge and makes Your Iofus feef fhe sum and subsfance of his Iife. Song 3 (1) jauvanc jahnona, ánana-uparjanc, noínu vípuIa hami ánarama smaríya, grnínira hara, ánorínu tahnona amí 1) When I was young, I feIf a boundIess ambifion for earning money. Af fhaf fime, bearing in mind fhe codes of reIigion, I accepfed fhe hand of a wife. (2) samsara pata`yc, tanara saníta, haIa-hnoy hoínu hoto banu suta-suta, janama IobníIo, maramc noínu nato 2) AIong wifh her I sef up a househoId and fherein wasfed so much of my fime. Many sons and daughfers were born, and my spirif was fofaIIy crushed. (3) samsarcra bnara, baác áínc áínc, acaIa noíIo gatí baránahya asíya, gncríIo amarc, astníra noíIo matí 3) The burden of famiIy Iife increased day by day, and under ifs weighf I feIf my personaI progress in Iife forcibIy come fo a haIf. OId age came and beIeaguered me on aII sides, making my mind incessanfIy disfurbed. (+) piáaya astníra, cíntaya jvaríta, abnavc jvaIíta cíta upaya na áchní, anánahara-moya, chnona no`yccní bnita +) Diseases froubIe me, consfanf anxiefy has made me feverish, and my hearf burns wifh every wanf. I see no way ouf of fhis predicamenf, for aII is darkness. Now I am very much afraid. (5) samsara-tatani- srota nanc scsa, marana níhatc gnora saba samapíya, bnojíbo tomaya, c asa bípnaIa mora 5) The currenf of fhis worIdIy river is sfrong and reIenfIess; a frighfening, gIoomy deafh approaches. Finishing my worIdIy dufies, I wiII worship You, O Lord`-fhaf hope is now fruifIess as weII. (6) cbc suno prabnu` amí gatí-nina, bnahatívínoáa hoya tava hrpa bína, sahaIí nírasa, ácno` morc paáasroya 6) Now pIease hear me, O Lord! I am ufferIy heIpIess. Bhakfivinoda says, °Wifhouf Your mercy, everyfhing is Iosf. PIease give me fhe sheIfer of Your Iofus feef.` Song + (1) amara jivana, saáa papc rata, naního punycra Icsa parcrc uávcga, áíyacní jc hoto, áíyacní jivcrc hIcsa 1) My Iife is ever given fo sin; in if fhere is nof a parficIe of good. I have caused ofhers greaf anxiefy, and have froubIed aII souIs. (2) níja suhna Iagí`, papc naní áorí, áoya-nina svartna-paro para-suhnc áunhni, saáa mítnya-bnasi, para-áunhna suhna-haro 2) For fhe sake of my own enjoymenf I have never hesifafed fo perform sinfuI acfs. Devoid of aII compassion, I am concerned onIy wifh my seIfish inferesfs. PerpefuaIIy speaking Iies, I become dejecfed upon seeing ofhers happy, whereas fhe misery of ofhers is a source of greaf deIighf for me. (3) ascsa hamana, nráí majnc mora, hroáni, áambna-parayana maáa-matta saáa, vísayc moníta, nímsa-garva víbnusana 3) There are IimifIess maferiaI desires wifhin fhe core of my hearf. I am wrafhfuI, fond of exhibifing arrogance, infoxicafed by vanify, and bewiIdered by worIdIy affairs. I wear fhe cherished ornamenfs of envy and egofism. (+) níáraIasya nata, suharyc vírata, aharyc uáyogi amí pratístna Iagíya, satnya-acarana, Iobna-nata saáa hami +) Ruined by Iaziness and sIeep, I resisf aII pious deeds, yef am very enfhusiasfic fo perform wicked acfs. For fhe sake of worIdIy fame and repufafion I engage in fhe pracfice of deceiffuIness. I am vicfimized by my own greed, being aIways IusffuI. (5) c ncno áurjana, saj-jana-varjíta, aparaání nírantara subna-harya-sunya, saáanartna-manan, nana áunhnc jara jara 5) A viIe, wicked man such as fhis, rejecfed by godIy peopIe, is a consfanf offender. Devoid of aII good works, forever incIined foward eviI, he is worn ouf and wasfed by various miseries. (6) baránahyc chnona, upaya-vínina, ta`tc áina ahíncana bnahatívínoáa, prabnura caranc, horc áunhna nívcáana 6) Now in oId age, deprived of aII means of reIief, fhus humbIed and poor, Bhakfivinoda submifs his faIe of grief af fhe feef of fhe Supreme Lord. Song 5 (1) ,prabnu nc`) suno mor áunhncr haníni vísaya-naIanaIa, suána-bnanc píyaIun, ab avasana áínamaní 1) O Lord! PIease hear fhe sfory of my sadness. I drank fhe deadIy poison of worIdIiness, prefending if was necfar, and now fhe sun is seffing on fhe horizon of my Iife. (2) hncIa-rasc saísava, poánaítc haísora, govaoIun, na bncIo vívch bnoga-basc yauvanc, gnara patí` bosíIun, suta-míta baánaIo anch 2) I spenf my chiIdhood in pIay, my youfh in academic pursuif, and in me fhere arose no sense of discriminafion. In young manhood I sef up a househoId and seffIed down fo fhe speII of maferiaI enjoymenf whiIe my chiIdren and friends quickIy muIfipIied. (3) vráána-haIa aoIo, saba suhna bnagaIo, piáa-basc noínu hatar sarvcnáríya áurbaIa, hsina haIcvara, bnogabnavc áunhníta antar 3) OId age soon arrived, and aII joys consequenfIy deparfed. Subjecfed fo fhe formenfs of disease, I am froubIed and weak. AII my senses are feebIe now, my body is racked and exhausfed, and my spirifs are downcasf in fhe absence of former sense pIeasures. (+) jnana-Iava-nina, bnahtí-rasc vancníta, ara mora hí nabc upay patíta-banánu, tunun, patítaánama nama, hrpaya utnao tava pay +) Devoid of even a parficIe of enIighfenmenf, cheafed of fhe meIIows of devofion-whaf heIp is fhere for me now: O Lord, You are fhe friend of fhe faIIen. I am cerfainIy faIIen, fhe Iowesf of men. PIease, fherefore, in mercy Iiff me fo Your Iofus feef. (5) vícarítc abaní, guna naní paobí, hrpa horo, cnoáato vícar tava paáa-panhaja- siánu píbaoto, bnahatívínoáa haro par 5) Were You fo judge me now, You wouId find no good quaIifies. Have mercy and judge me nof. Cause me fo drink fhe honey of Your Iofus feef and fhereby deIiver fhis Bhakfivinoda. Song 6 (1) ,prabnu nc`) tuva paác c mínatí mor tuva paáa-paIIava, tyajato maru-mana, vísama vísayc bncIo bnor 1) O Lord! I offer fhis humbIe prayer af Your feef. I gave up fhe sheIfer of Your feef, which are soff as newIy-grown Ieaves, and now my mind has become dried up Iike a deserf, being scorched by fhe fire of absorpfion in horribIe worIdIiness. (2) utnayítc tahata, puna naní míIo-í, anuáína horonun nutas áina-jana-natna, tunun hanayasí, tumarí carana mama as 2) I find no sfrengfh fo rise again, and fhus I spend my days bifferIy Iamenfing. O Lord who is caIIed fhe masfer of fhe meek and humbIe! Your Iofus feef are my onIy hope. (3) aícnana áina-jana, honí naní míIo-í, tunun morc horo parasaá tuva jana-sangc, tuva hatna-rangc, cnaáanun sahaIa paramaá 3) There has never been a souI as forIorn as me. PIease be mercifuI and award me fhe associafion of Your devofees, for by fasfing fhe pIeasure of hearing discussions of Your pasfimes I shaII give up aII eviIs. (+) tuva ánama-manc, tuva nama gaoto, govayabun áíva-nísí as tuva paáa-cnaya, parama susitaIa, magc bnahatívínoáa áas +) One hope animafes my souI: To spend day and nighf singing Your hoIy name whiIe Iiving in Your divine abode. Your servanf Bhakfivinoda begs a pIace in fhe supremeIy cooIing shade of Your Iofus feef. Song 7 (1) ,prabnu nc`) cmona áurmatí, samsara bnítorc, poáíya acnínu amí tava níja-jana, hono manajanc, patnaíya áíIc tumí 1) O Lord! Wifh such a wicked mind as fhis I have faIIen info fhe maferiaI worId, buf You have senf one of Your pure and eIevafed devofees fo rescue me. (2) áoya horí` morc, patíta áchníya, honíIo amarc gíya onc áina-jana, suno bnaIo hatna, uIIasíta na`bc níya 2) He saw me so faIIen and wrefched, fook pify, and came fo me saying, °O humbIed souI, pIease Iisfen fo fhis good fiding, for if wiII gIadden your hearf. (3) tomarc tarítc, sri-hrsna-caítanya, navaávipc avatar toma ncno hoto, áina nina janc, horíIcna bnava-par 3) °Srï Krsna Caifanya has appeared in fhe Iand of Navadvïpa in order fo deIiver you. He has safeIy conducfed many miserabIe souIs such as you across fhe sea of worIdIy exisfence. (+) vcácra pratíjna, rahníbara tarc, ruhma-varna vípra-suta manaprabnu namc, naáiya mataya, sangc bnaí avaánuta +) °To fuIfiII fhe promise of fhe Vedas, fhe son of a brahmana, of goIden compIexion and bearing fhe name of Mahaprabhu, has descended aIong wifh His brofher, fhe avadhufa. Togefher They have overwheImed aII of Nadïya wifh divine ecsfasy. (5) nanáa-suta jíní, caítanya gosaí, níja-nama horí` áan taríIo jagat, tumí-o jaíya, Iono níja-parítran 5) °Srï Caifanya Gosai, who is Krsna HimseIf, fhe son of Nanda, has saved fhe worId by freeIy disfribufing fhe giff of His own hoIy name. Go fo Him aIso and receive your deIiverance.` (6) sc hatna suníya, asíyacní, natna` tomara carana-taIc bnahatívínoáa, hanáíya hanáíya, apana-haníni boIc 6) Hearing fhose words, O Lord, Bhakfivinoda has come weeping and weeping fo fhe soIes of Your Iofus feef and feIIs fhe sfory of his Iife. Second PrincipIe of Surrender: Âfma-Nivedana Dedicafion of fhe SeIf - Eighf Songs - Song 1 (1) na horoIun harama, gcyana naní bncIo, na scvíIun carana tonar jaáa-suhnc matíya, apanahu vanca-í, pchnanun cauáísa anáníyar 1) I have nof performed any good works. I have nof amassed any franscendenfaI knowIedge. I have never worshiped Your feef. Being infoxicafed by sensuaI pIeasures, I have simpIy cheafed myseIf. Now I see onIy darkness in aII direcfions. (2) tunun natna` haruna-níáan tuva paáa-panhajc, atma samarpíIun, morc hrpa horobí víánan 2) You, O Lord, are fhe founfainhead of aII mercy. I surrender myseIf af Your Iofus feef; kindIy show me Your compassion. (3) pratíjna tonara oí, jo ní saranagata, naní so janabo paramaá so nama áushrtí, gatí na ncra-í ana, ab magon tuva parasaá 3) If is Your promise fhaf one who fakes refuge in You wiII come fo no harm. For a sinner Iike me I see no ofher sheIfer; fherefore I beg You now for Your grace. (+) ana mano-ratna, nínscsa cnoáato, hab nama naubun tonara nítya-scvya tunun, nítya-scvaha muí, bnahatívínoáa bnava sara +) O when wiII I know freedom from incessanf maferiaI desires and fhus become excIusiveIy Yours: This is fhe sum of Bhakfivinoda`s musings-You are efernaIIy fo be served, and I am Your efernaI servanf. Song 2 (1) ,prancsvar`) honobun hí sarama hí bat aícnana pap naní, jo nama na horaIun, sanasra sanasra bcrí natn 1) O Lord of my Iife! How shaII I feII You of my shamefuI sfory: There is no sin which I have nof commiffed fhousands of fimes and more, O Lord. (2) soní harama-pnaIa, bnavc mohc pcsa-í, áohna ácobo ab haní tahnonaha parínam, hacnu na bícaraIun, ab pacnu taraítc caní 2) My Iife in fhis worId has onIy been one of affIicfion and formenf as a resuIf of fhose sins. Who is fhere fo bIame for fhis misery: Af fhe fime I did nof consider fhe consequences; buf now, in fhe affermafh, I seek fo be saved. (3) áohna vícara-í, tunnu áanáa ácobí, nama bnoga horabun samsar harato gatagatí, bnahata-jana-sangc, matí ronu caranc tonar 3) Affer judging my sins, You wiII sureIy punish me befiffingIy, and I shaII suffer fhe pangs of rebirfh in fhis worId. I onIy pray fhaf, as I come and go fhrough repeafed birfhs and deafhs, my mind may ever dweII af Your Iofus feef as I keep fhe company of Your devofees. (+) apana caturpana, tuva paác sonpaIun, nráoya-garava áurc gcIo áina-áoya-moya, tuva hrpa níramaIa, bnahatívínoáa asa bncIo +) I offer fhis judicious prayer af Your feef: The pride of my hearf has gone far away. O You who are so kind fo fhe meek, Your spofIessIy pure mercy has become Bhakfivinoda`s onIy hope. Song 3 (1) manasa, ácno, gcno, jo hícnu mor arpíIun tuva paác, nanáa-hísor` 1) Mind, body, famiIy, and whafever eIse may be mine, I have surrendered af Your Iofus feef, O youfhfuI son of Nanda! (2) sampaác vípaác, jivanc-maranc áay mama gcIa, tuva o-paáa varanc 2) In good forfune or in bad, in Iife or in deafh, aII my difficuIfies have disappeared by accepfing fhose feef of Yours as my onIy sheIfer. (3) marobí rahnobí jo íccna tonara nítya-áasa pratí tuva aáníhara 3) SIay me or profecf me as You wish, for You have fuII aufhorify over Your efernaI servanf. (+) janmaobí moc íccna jaáí tor bnahta-grnc janí janma nau mor +) If if is Your wish fhaf I be born again, fhen may I fake birfh in fhe home of Your devofee. (5) hita-janma nau jatna tuva áas banír-muhna branma-janmc naní as 5) May I be born again even as a worm, as Iong as I remain Your devofee. I have no desire fo be born as a Brahma averse fo You. (6) bnuhtí-muhtí-sprna vínina jc bnahta Iabnaítc tanho sanga anurahta 6) I yearn for fhe company of fhaf devofee who is compIefeIy devoid of aII desire for worIdIy enjoymenf or Iiberafion. (7) janaha, janani, áayíta, tanay prabnu, guru, patí-tunu sarva-moy 7) Fafher, mofher, Iover, son, Lord, precepfor, and husband-You are everyfhing fo me. (8) bnahatívínoáa honc, suno hana` raána-natna` tunun namara parana 8) Bhakfivinoda says, °O Kana, pIease hear me! O Lord of Radha, You are my Iife and souI!` Song + (1) anam mama`-sabáa-artnc jana hícnu noy arpíIun tomara paác, onc áoya-moy` 1) AII fhere is fhaf may be indicafed by fhe words aham (°I`) and mama (°mine`), I offer af Your Iofus feef, O mercifuI Lord! (2) amara` amí to` natna` na ronínu ar chnona noínu amí hcvaIa tomar 2) I no Ionger consider even myseIf fo be °mine`, O Lord! Now I have become excIusiveIy Yours. (3) amí` sabác ácni jiva anamta cnaáíIo tvaáiyabnímana ají nráoyc pasíIo 3) The souI inhabifing fhis morfaI body has given up fhe faIse ego affached fo fhe word °I`, for foday fhe spirifuaI sense of being Yours has enfered his hearf. (+) amar sarvasva-ácno, gcno anucar bnaí, banánu, áara, suta, áravya, ávara, gnar +) AII my possessions-body, home, servanfs, brofhers, friends, wife, sons, personaI beIongings, fencing and gafeways. (5) sc saba noíIo tava, amí noínu áas tomara grnctc cbc amí horí bas 5) .aII of fhese fhings are now Yours, for I have become Your servanf. I am buf a mere occupanf in Your house. (6) tumí grna-svami, amí scvaha tomar tomara suhnctc ccsta chnona amar 6) You are fhe owner of fhe house, and I am Your mosf obedienf servanf. My onIy acfivify now is endeavoring for Your happiness. (7) stnuIa-Iínga-ácnc mora suhrta áushrta ara mora nanc, prabnu` amí to` níshrta 7) Whafever pious or impious acfivifies fhaf were performed by me, eifher wifh my gross or subfIe bodies, are no Ionger mine, O Lord, for I am redeemed! (8) tomara íccnaya mora íccna mísaíIo bnahatívínoáa aja apanc bnuIíIo 8) My wiII has become merged wifh Your wiII. From fhis day forward Bhakfivinoda has compIefeIy for-goffen himseIf. Song 5 (1) amara` boIítc prabnu` arc hícnu naí tumí-í amara matra píta-banánu-bnaí 1) O Lord, nofhing furfher remains fhaf may be caIIed °mine.` Fafher, friend, brofher-You aIone are aII fhese fo me. (2) banánu, áara, suta, suta-tava áasi áas scí to` sambanánc sabc amara prayas 2) My friends, wife, sons and daughfers are now Your servanfs and maidservanfs. Whafever care I fake for fhem is onIy as fhey are reIafed fo You. (3) ánana, jana, grna, áara tomara` boIíya rahna horí amí matro scvaha noíya 3) DecIaring fhaf my weaIfh, famiIy members, home, and wife are fruIy Yours, I confinue as a mere servanf fo dufifuIIy profecf fhem. (+) tomara harycra torc uparjíbo ánan tomara samsarc-vyaya horíbo vanan +) For fhe purpose of Your service I wiII earn money and bear fhe expense of mainfaining Your househoId. (5) bnaIo-manáa naní janí scva matro horí tomara samsarc amí vísaya-pranari 5) I know nofhing of whaf is good or bad; I simpIy render my service. I am buf a wafchman sef fo guard fhe properfies of Your househoId. (6) tomara íccnaya mora ínáríya-caIana sravana, áarsana, gnrana, bnojana-vasana 6) I exercise my senses onIy according fo Your direcfion, and fhus I desire fo hear, see, smeII, and fasfe. (7) níja-suhna Iagí` hícnu naní horí ar bnahatívínoáa boIc, tava suhna-sar 7) I no Ionger do anyfhing for my own pIeasure. Bhakfivinoda says, °Your pIeasure is fhe essence of everyfhing.` Song 6 (1) bastutan sahaIí tava, jiva hcno noy anam`-mama`-bnramc bnromí` bnogc soha-bnoy 1) In frufh, aII fhings beIong fo You; no jïva is ever fhe owner of anyfhing. The finy souI wanders in fhis worId misfakenIy fhinking in ferms of aham (°I am fhis maferiaI body and mind`), and mama (°everyfhing reIafed fo fhis body is mine`). Thus he suffers fhe consequences of bofh sorrow and fear. (2) anam-mama-abnímana cí-matro ánan baáána-jiva níja boIí` janc manc man 2) The condifioned souI fhinks fhaf aII fhe fhings reIafed fo fhe faIse concepfions of °I` and °mine` are his excIusive freasures. CaIIing fhem his own, his mind is firmIy convinced of fhis gross deIusion. (3) scí abnímanc amí samsarc poáíya nabuáubu hnaí bnava-sínánu santaríya 3) Due fo such vanify, I aIso feII info fhis maferiaI worId. FIoundering in fhe ocean of mundane exisfence Iike a drowning man, I suffer fhe pangs of rising and sinking in fhaf ocean. (+) tomara abnoya-paác Ioíya saran ají amí horíIama atma-nívcáan +) I fake sheIfer af Your Iofus feef, which deIiver one from fear, and dedicafe fhe whoIe of myseIf fo You on fhis day. (5) anam`-mama`-abnímana cnaáíIo amay ar jcno mama nrác stana naní pay 5) The faIse concepfion of fhinking in ferms of °I` and °mine` has Ieff me now. May if never again find a pIace fo seffIe wifhin my hearf. (6) cí matro baIa prabnu` áíbc nc amarc anamta-mamata áurc parí rahníbarc 6) PIease give me fhis sfrengfh aIone, O Lord, fhaf I may be abIe fo keep fhe faIse concepfions of °I` and °mine` far away. (7) atma-nívcáana-bnava nrác árána roy nastí-snana sama jcno hnaníha na noy 7) May fhe mood of seIf-surrender fo You remain firmIy fixed in my hearf and nof prove fo be momenfary Iike fhe cIeanIiness of an eIephanf affer a bafh. (8) bnahatívínoáa prabnu nítyananáa pay magc parasaáa, janc abnímana jay 8) Bhakfivinoda begs af fhe Iofus feef of Lord Nifyananda for fhaf grace which causes aII iIIusory concepfs of faIse pride fo fIee. Song 7 (1) nívcáana horí prabnu` tomara caranc patíta aánama amí, janc trí-bnuvanc 1) I submif af Your Iofus feef, O Lord, fhaf I am faIIen and mosf wrefched. This facf is known fo fhe fhree worIds. (2) ama-sama papi naní jagat-bnítorc mama sama aparaáni naního samsarc 2) There is no sinner in fhe worId more sinfuI fhan me. In fhe enfire universe fhere is no offender whose offenses equaI mine. (3) scí saba papa ara aparaána, amí parínarc paí Iajja, saba jano` tumí 3) By affempfing fo cIear myseIf of aII fhese sins and offenses I am puf fo shame. AII fhis is sureIy undersfood by You. (+) tumí bína ha`ra amí Ioíbo saran` tumí sarvcsvarcsvara, brajcnára-nanáan` +) Of whom wiII I fake sheIfer excepf for You: You are fhe Lord of aII Iords, O son of fhe King of Vraja! (5) jagat tomara natna` tumí sarva-moy toma pratí aparaána tumí horo` hsoy 5) This worId is Yours, O Lord, and You pervade aII fhings in if. You dispeI fhe sinfuI resuIf of offenses commiffed againsf You. (6) tumí to` shnaIíta-paáa jancra asroy tumí bína ara híba acnc, áoya-moy` 6) You aIone are fhe sheIfer of fhose whose feef sfumbIe off fhe proper pafh. Aparf from You, whaf eIse exisfs, O mercifuI Lord: (7) scí-rupa tava aparaáni jana jata tomara saranagata noíbc satata 7) AII persons Iike me who have offended You wiII uIfimafeIy seek fo achieve Your sheIfer. (8) bnahatívínoáa cbc Ioíya saran tuva paác horc aj atma-samarpan 8) Bhakfivinoda now fakes fuII sheIfer of You and surrenders himseIf af Your Iofus feef on fhis very day. Song 8 (1) atma-nívcáana, tuva paác horí`, noínu parama suhni áunhna áurc gcIo, cínta na roníIo, cauáíhc ananáa áchní 1) I have become supremeIy happy by surrendering myseIf af Your Iofus feef. Sorrow has gone far away, and fhere are no more cares. AII I see is joy in fhe four direcfions. (2) asoha-abnoya, amrta-aánara, tomara carana-ávaya tanatc chnona, vísrama Iabníya cnaáínu bnavcra bnoya 2) Your fwo Iofus feef are reservoirs of immorfaI necfar fhaf granf freedom from bofh sorrow and fear. Resfing in fhem I have found peace, and have compIefeIy given up fhe fear of worIdIy exisfence. (3) tomara samsarc, horíbo scvana, naníbo pnaIcra bnagi tava suhna janc, horíbo jatana, no`yc paác anuragi 3) I shaII render service in Your househoId and never endeavor fo enjoy fhe fruifs of fhaf service. Rafher, I shaII sfrive for whafever pIeases You, being fuIIy enamored by Your Iofus feef. (+) tomara scvaya, áunhna noya jato, sc-o to` parama suhna scva-suhna-áunhna, parama sampaáa, nasayc avíáya-áunhna +) AII fhe froubIes encounfered in Your service shaII be fhe cause of greaf happiness, for in Your devofionaI service joy and sorrow are equaIIy greaf riches. Bofh desfroy fhe misery of ignorance. (5) purva ítínasa, bnuIínu sahaIa, scva-suhna pc`yc manc amí to` tomara, tumí to` amara, hí haja apara ánanc 5) I have compIefeIy forgoffen aII of my pasf hisfory by feeIing in my mind fhe greaf joy of Your service. I am indeed Yours, and You are fruIy mine. Whaf need is fhere of any ofher freasure: (6) bnahatívínoáa, ananác áubíya, tomara scvara tarc saba ccsta horc, tava íccna-mato, tnahíya tomara gnarc 6) Bhakfivinoda sinks deepIy info fhe ocean of pure bIiss by engaging in Your service. He devofes aII his efforfs according fo Your wishes whiIe Iiving in Your house. Third PrincipIe of Surrender: Gopfrfve-Varana Accepfance of fhe Lord as SoIe Mainfainer - Four Songs - Song 1 (1) hí janí hí baIc, tomara ánamctc, noínu saranagata tumí áoya-moy, patíta-pavana, patíta-taranc rata 1) By whaf personaI undersfanding or by whaf power has one such as I come info Your sheIfer: SureIy if is by Your mercy aIone, for as Doya-moy and Pafifa- pavana You are ever engaged in fhe deIiverance of fhe faIIen souIs. (2) bnarasa amara, cí matra natna` tumí to` haruna-moy tava áoya-patra, naní mora sama, avasya gnucabc bnoy 2) My onIy hope, O Lord, is fhaf You are fuII of compassion and mercy. There is no one more in need of Your mercy fhan I. You wiII sureIy drive away aII my fears. (3) amarc tarítc, hanaro sahatí, avani-bnítorc naní áoyaIa tnahura` gnosana tomara, aánama pamarc traní 3) No one eIse in fhe worId has fhe power fo rescue me. O mercifuI Lord! By Your decree, kindIy deIiver fhis viIe and IowIy sinner! (+) sahaIa cnaáíya, asíyacní amí, tomara caranc natna` amí nítya-áasa, tumí paIayíta, tumí gopta, jagannatna` +) I have given up everyfhing and come fo Your Iofus feef, O Lord. I am Your efernaI servanf, and You are fhe mainfainer. You are my soIe profecfor, O Lord of fhe universe! (5) tomara sahaIa, amí matra áasa, amara taríbc tumí tomara carana, horínu varana, amara naní to` amí 5) Everyfhing is Yours. I am mereIy Your meniaI servanf, so if is cerfain fhaf You wiII deIiver me. I have chosen Your Iofus feef as my onIy sheIfer. I no Ionger beIong fo myseIf. (6) bnahatívínoáa, hanáíya sarana, Io`yccnc tomara pay hsamí` aparaána, namc rucí áíya, paIana horonc tay 6) Bhakfivinoda weeps as he humbIy fakes fakes sheIfer af Your feef. Forgiving aII his offenses, affording him a fasfe for fhe hoIy name, oh kindIy mainfain him! Song 2 (1) áara-putra-níja-ácno-hutumba-paIanc sarvaáa vyahuIa amí cnínu manc manc 1) Wifhin my mind I have aIways been anxious for fhe mainfenance of my wife and chiIdren, my own body and reIafives. (2) hcmonc arjíbo artna, yasa hísc pabo hanya-putra-vívana hcmonc sampaáíbo 2) How wiII I earn money: How wiII I acquire fame: How wiII I arrange fhe marriages of my sons and daughfers: (3) cbc atma-samarpanc cínta naní ar tumí nírvaníbc prabnu, samsara tomar 3) Now, fhrough seIf-surrender, I have been reIieved of aII anxiefy. O Lord, sureIy You wiII provide for fhe mainfenance of Your own househoId. (+) tumí to` paIíbc morc níja-áasa janí` tomara scvaya prabnu boáo suhna maní +) Recognizing me as Your own servanf, You wiII cerfainIy mainfain me. WhiIe rendering devofionaI service unfo You I feeI fhe greafesf happiness. (5) tomara íccnaya prabnu sab harya noy jiva boIc,-horí amí`, sc to` satya noy 5) AII evenfs fake pIace onIy by Your wiII, O Lord. The deIuded souI of fhis worId decIares °I am fhe doer!` buf fhis is pure foIIy. (6) jiva hí horítc parc, tumí na horíIc` asa-matra jiva horc, tava íccna-pnaIc 6) Whaf is a finy souI acfuaIIy abIe fo do unIess You acf: The jïva can onIy desire fo acf, and unIess You fuIfiII his desire by Your own sweef wiII, he cannof do anyfhing. (7) níscínta noíya amí scvíbo tomay grnc bnaIo-manáa no`Ic naní mora áay 7) Being free from aII anxiefy, I wiII humbIy render service unfo You. If any good or eviI shouId occur whiIe serving in Your home, if wiII nof be my responsibiIify. (8) bnahatívínoáa níja-svatantrya tyajíya tomara carana scvc` ahíncana noíya 8) Bhakfivinoda fhus compIefeIy renounces his own independence and engages in fhe excIusive service of Your Iofus feef wifh no ofher inferesf in Iife. Song 3 (1) sarvasva tomar, caranc sampíya, poáccní tomara gnarc tumí to` tnahur, tomara huhur, boIíya janano morc 1) Now fhaf I have surrendered aII fhaf I possess unfo Your Iofus feef, I fhrow myseIf down before Your house. You are fhe masfer of fhe house; kindIy consider me Your own dog. (2) banáníya níhatc, amarc paIíbc, roníbo tomara ávarc pratipa-jancrc, asítc na áíbo, rahníbo gaácra parc 2) Chaining me nearby, You wiII mainfain me, and I shaII Iie af Your doorsfep. I wiII nof aIIow Your enemies fo enfer, buf wiII keep fhem oufside fhe bounds of fhe surrounding moaf. (3) tava níja-jana, prasaá scvíya, uccnísta rahníbc jana amara bnojan, parama-ananác, pratí-áín na`bc tana 3) Whafever food remnanfs Your devofees Ieave behind affer honoring Your prasad wiII be my daiIy susfenance. I wiII feasf on fhose remnanfs in greaf bIiss. (+) bosíya suíya, tomara carana, cíntíbo satata amí nacítc nacítc, níhatc jaíbo, jahnona áahíbc tumí +) WhiIe siffing up or Iying down, I wiII consfanfIy medifafe on Your Iofus feef. Whenever You caII, I wiII immediafeIy run fo You and dance in rapfure. (5) níjcra posana, habnu na bnavíbo, roníbo bnavcra bnorc bnahatívínoáa, tomarc paIaha, boIíya varana horc 5) I wiII never fhink for my own nourishmenf, and wiII remain absorbed in ever cherishing Iove for my Masfer. Bhakfivinoda now accepfs You as his onIy mainfainer. Song + (1) tumí sarvcsvarcsvara, brajcnára-humara` tomara íccnaya vísvc srjana samnara 1) O youfhfuI son of fhe King of Vraja, You are Lord of aII Iords. According fo Your wiII, creafion and desfrucfion fake pIace in fhe universe. (2) tava íccna-mato branma horcna srjana tava íccna-mato vísnu horcna paIana 2) According fo Your wiII Lord Brahma creafes, and according fo Your wiII Lord Visnu mainfains. (3) tava íccna-matc síva horcna samnara tava íccna-matc maya srjc haragara 3) According fo Your wiII Lord Siva desfroys, and according fo Your wiII Maya consfrucfs fhe prison house of fhis worId. (+) tava íccna-matc jivcr janama-marana samráání-nípatc áunhna suhna-samgnatana +) According fo Your wiII fhe Iiving beings fake birfh and die, and according fo Your wiII fhey meef wifh prosperify and ruin, happiness and sorrow. (5) mícnc maya-baáána jiva asa-pasc pnírc` tava íccna bína hícnu horítc na parc 5) The finy souI bound up by Maya vainIy sfruggIes in fhe feffers of worIdIy desire. Wifhouf Your sancfion he is unabIe fo do anyfhing. (6) tumí to` rahnaha ar paIaha amara tomara carana bína asa naní ara 6) You are my onIy profecfor and mainfainer. Excepf for Your Iofus feef fhere is no ofher hope for me. (7) níja-baIa-ccsta-pratí bnarasa cnaáíya tomara íccnaya acní nírbnara horíya 7) No Ionger confidenf of my own sfrengfh and endeavor, I have become soIeIy dependenf on Your wiII. (8) bnahatívínoáa atí áina ahíncana tomara íccnaya ta`r jivana marana 8) Bhakfivinoda is mosf poor, and his pride has been IeveIed. Now in accordance wifh Your wiII he Iives and dies. Fourfh PrincipIe of Surrender:Avasya Raksibe Krsna`-Visvasa, PaIana Faifh in Krsna as Profecfor - Four Songs - Song 1 (1) chnona bujnínu prabnu` tomara carana asohabnoyamrta-purna sarva-hnana 1) Now I have undersfood, O Lord, fhaf Your feef are efernaIIy fuII of sweef necfar fhaf dispeIs aII sorrow and fear.' (2) sahaIa cnaáíya tuva carana-hamaIc poáíyacní amí natna` tava paáa-taIc 2) Surrendering myseIf and aII I possess unfo fhose Iofus feef, I have Iaid myseIf down submissiveIy under fheir sheIfer. (3) tava paáa-paáma natn` rohníbc amarc ar rahna-harta naní c bnava-samsarc 3) Your Iofus feef, O Lord, wiII cerfainIy sheIfer me. There are no ofher profecfors in fhis worId of birfh and deafh. (+) amí tava nítya-áasa-janínu c-bara amara paIana-bnara chnona tomara +) Af Iasf I know myseIf fo be Your efernaI servanf. Now fhe burden of my mainfenance is excIusiveIy Yours. (5) baáo áunhna paíyacní svatantra jivanc áunhna áurc gcIo o paáa-varanc 5) In my Iife of independence from You, I have experienced nofhing buf misery. Buf now, upon accepfing fhose feef of Yours, aII my miseries have been casf far away. (6) jc-paáa Iagíya rama tapasya horíIa jc-paáa paíya síva sívatva IobníIa 6) Desiring a pIace af Your Iofus feef fhe goddess of forfune performed difficuIf ausferifies. OnIy affer receiving Your feef did Lord Siva affain his sivafva, or quaIify of auspiciousness. (7) jc-paáa Iabníya branma hrtartna noíIa jc-paáa naraáa muní nráoyc ánoríIa 7) Upon obfaining Your feef Lord Brahma had his desires fuIfiIIed. Your feef are aIways heId by fhe greaf sage Narada Muni wifhin his hearf. (8) scí sc abnoya paáa sírctc ánoríya parama-ananác nací paáa-guna gaíya 8) I now hoId on my head fhose very same Iofus feef, which drive away aII fear, whiIe I dance in greaf ecsfasy, singing fheir gIories. (9) samsara-vípaáa no`tc avasya uáánar bnahatívínoáa, o-paáa horíbc tomar 9) Your Iofus feef wiII sureIy deIiver Bhakfivinoda from fhe dangerous periIs of fhis worIdIy journey. Song 2 (1) tumí to` maríbc jarc, hc tarc rahnítc parc, íccna-basa tríbnuvan branma-aáí ácva-gana, tava áasa aganana, horc tava ajnara paIan 1) If You wish fo sIay someone, fhen who couId possibIy profecf fhem: The fhree worIds are subservienf fo Your wiII. The demigods headed by Lord Brahma are Your counfIess servanfs who sfand ready fo execufe Your command. (2) tava íccna-matc jata, grana-gana avírata, subnasubna pnaIa horc áan roga-soha-mrtí-bnoy, tava íccna-matc noy, tava ajna saáa baIavan 2) By Your wiII fhe pIanefs incessanfIy exercise fheir auspicious or inauspicious infIuences. IIIness, grief, deafh, and fear occur by Your wiII. Your command is aII-powerfuI. (3) tava bnoyc vayu boy, canára surya samuáoy, sva-sva níyamíta harya horc tumí to` paramcsvar, para-branma paratpar, tava basa bnahata-antarc 3) In fear of You fhe wind bIows, fhe sun and moon rise and sef, aII performing fheir reguIafed fasks. You are fhe Supreme Lord, fhe uIfimafe spirif, franscendenfaIIy sifuafed beyond even fhe beyond. Your residence is in fhe hearf of Your Ioving devofee. (+) saáa-suáána síáána-hama, bnahata-vatsaIa` nama, bnahata-jancra nítya-svami tumí to` rahníbc jarc, hc tarc marítc parc, sahaIa víáníra víání tumí +) You are efernaIIy pure. AII Your desires are aIready fuIfiIIed. Your name is Bhakfa-vafsaIa, for You are fhe efernaIIy affecfionafe Lord of Your dear devofees. If You wish fo profecf someone, fhen who couId possibIy sIay fhem: You are fhe Iaw of aII Iaws. (5) tomara caranc natna` horíyacnc pranípata, bnahatívínoáa tava áas vípaáa noítc svami` avasya tanarc tumí, rahsíbc,-tanara c vísvas 5) Your servanf Bhakfivinoda has bowed down submissiveIy af Your Iofus feef, O Lord! He cherishes fhe faifh, O masfer, fhaf You wiII sureIy profecf him from aII dangers. Song 3 (1) atma-samarpanc gcIa abníman naní horobun níja rahna-víánan 1) Surrendering my souI unfo You has Iiffed from me fhe burden of faIse pride. No Ionger wiII I fry fo provide for my own safefy. (2) tuva ánana janí` tunun rahnobí, natn` paIya goánana jnana horí` tuva satn 2) I know fhaf You wiII give profecfion fo Your freasured possessions, O Lord. I now undersfand fhe menfaIify of Your freasured cows safeIy mainfained by Your side. (3) caraobí maánava` jamuna-tirc bamsi bajaoto áahobí ánirc 3) When You Iead Your herds fo pasfure, O Madhava, on fhe banks of fhe Yamuna river, You wiII caII fo fhem by soffIy pIaying on Your fIufe. (+) agna-baha marato rahna-víánan horobí saáa tunun gohuIa-han` +) By sIaying greaf demons such as Aghasura and Bakasura You wiII aIways provide fuII profecfion, O Kan of fhe cowherd seffIemenf! (5) rahna horobí tunun níscoy janí pana horobun nama jamuna-paní 5) FearIess and confidenf of Your profecfion, I wiII drink fhe wafer of fhe Yamuna. (6) haIíya-áohna horobí vínasa soánobí naái-jaIa, baáaobí asa 6) The KaIiya serpenf`s venom poisoned fhe Yamuna`s wafers, yef fhaf poison wiII be vanquished. You wiII purify fhe Yamuna, and by such heroic deeds enhance our faifh. (7) píyato áavanaIa rahnobí mo`y gopaIa`, govínáa` nama tava noy 7) You wiII sureIy profecf me by swaIIowing fhe foresf fire. Thus You are caIIed GopaIa (profecfor of fhe cows) and Govinda (pIeaser of fhe cows). (8) sura-patí-áurmatí-nasa vícarí` rahnobí varsanc, gírí-vara-ánarí` 8) In order fo curb fhe maIice of Indra, king of fhe demigods, You wiII profecf me from his forrenfs of rain, O Iiffer of fhe mighfy Govardhana HiII! (9) catur-anana horabo jab corí rahna horobí mujnc, gohuIa-narí` 9) When fhe four-headed Brahma abducfs me aIong wifh Your cowherd boyfriends and caIves, fhen aIso You wiII sureIy profecf me, O GokuIa Hari! (10) bnahatívínoáa-tuva gohuIa-ánan rahnobí hcsava` horato jatan 10) Bhakfivinoda is now fhe properfy of GokuIa, Your hoIy abode. O Kesava! KindIy profecf him wifh genfIe Ioving care. Song + (1) cnoáato purusa-abníman hínhori noíIun ají, han` 1) I give up fhe vanify of fhe error fhaf I am a maIe. Today I have become Your faifhfuI maidservanf, O Kana! (2) baraja-bípínc sahni-satn scvana horobun, raána-natn` 2) In fhe groves of Vraja I wiII render personaI service as a foIIower of one of fhe confidenfiaI sakhïs, O Lord of Radha! (3) husumc gantnobun nar tuIasi-maní-manjari tar 3) I wiII sfring fogefher a garIand of foresf fIowers, in which fuIasï buds shaII be fhe jeweIIed pendanfs. (+) jatanc ácobun sahni-harc natc Iaobo sahni aáarc +) Wifh ufmosf care I wiII pIace fhe garIand in fhe hands of my superior sakhï, and she wiII fake if ouf of my hands wifh Ioving regard. (5) sahni áíbo tuva áunuh gaIc áurato ncrobun hutunaIc 5) Then she wiII pIace fhe garIand around bofh of Your necks, whiIe from afar I wafch in wonder. (6) sahni hanabo,-ºsuno sunáari` ranobí hunjc mama hínhori 6) The confidanfe wiII fhen say fo me, °Lisfen, O beaufifuI one, you shaII remain in fhis grove as my affendanf. (7) gantnobí maIa mano-naríni nítí raána-hrsna-vímoníni 7) °DaiIy you wiII sfring fogefher beaufifuI fIower garIands fhaf wiII enchanf Radha and Krsna. (8) tuva rahnana-bnara namara mama hunja-hutira tonara 8) °The responsibiIify for your mainfenance is mine. My coffage in fhis grove is yours. (9) raána-maánava-scvana-haIc ranobí namara antaraIc 9) °When fhe fime comes for me fo go and serve Radha and Madhava, you wiII sfay cIose fo me whiIe remaining hidden. (10) tambuIa sají` harpura aní` ácobí moc apana janí` ¨ 10) °Affer dressing packefs of befeI nufs and fefching fhe camphor, you wiII hand fhem fo me, knowing me fo be your very own.` (11) bnahatívínoáa suní` bat sahni-paác harc pranípat 11) Bhakfivinoda, having heard aII fhese insfrucfions, bows down af fhe Iofus feef of fhaf confidenfiaI sakhï. Fiffh PrincipIe of Surrender: Bhakfi-PrafikuIa-Bhava Varjanangïkara Renunciafion of Conducf UnfavorabIe fo Pure Devofion - Four Songs - Song 1 (1) hcsava` tuva jagata vícítra harama-vípahc, bnava-vana bnrama-í, pchnaIun ranga banu cítra 1) O Kesava! This maferiaI creafion of Yours is mosf sfrange. I have roamed fhroughouf fhe foresf of fhis universe in consequence of my seIfish acfs, and I have beheId many curious sighfs. (2) tuva paáa-vísmrtí, a-mara jantrana, hIcsa-áananc áoní` jaí hapíIa, patanjaIí, gautama, hanabnoji, jaímíní, bauáána aovc ánaí` 2) ForgeffuIness of Your Iofus feef, which is biffer suffering unfo deafh, burns me wifh ifs scorching pain. In fhis heIpIess condifion my wouId-be saviors-fhe sage-phiIosophers KapiIa, Gaufama, Kanada, ]aiminï, and Buddha-have come running fo my aid. (3) tab hoí níja-matc, bnuhtí, muhtí yacato, pata-í nana-víána pnaná so-sabu-vancaha, tuva bnahtí banír-muhna, gnataovc vísama paramaá 3) Each expounds his parficuIar view, dangIing various pIeasures and Iiberafion as baif in fheir phiIosophicaI fraps. Buf aII of fhem are jusf bogus cheafers, being averse fo Your devofionaI service, and are fherefore a source of fafaI danger. (+) vaímuhna-vancanc, bnata so-sabu, níramíIo vívíána pasar áanáavat áurato, bnahatívínoáa bncIo, bnahata-carana horí` sar +) Every one of fhem are cunning experfs of karma, jñana, yoga and fapa who provide various kinds of fempfing baif for cheafing fhe souIs who are averse fo You. Having paid his respecfs fo fhese cheafing phiIosophers from afar, Bhakfivinoda fakes refuge af fhe feef of Your devofees as fhe essence of his Iife. Song 2 (1) tuva-bnahtí-pratíhuIa ánarma ja`tc roy parama jatanc tana tyajíbo níscoy 1) I wiII assuredIy abandon wifh ufmosf endeavor aII fhings in which aversion fo Your devofionaI service is inherenf. (2) tuva-bnahtí-banír-muhna sanga na horíbo gauranga-víroání-jana-muhna na ncríbo 2) I wiII nof keep company wifh fhose opposed fo Your devofionaI service, nor even Iook af fhe faces of fhose inimicaI foward Lord Gauranga. (3) bnahtí-pratíhuIa stnanc na horí vasatí bnahtíra apríya haryc naní horí ratí 3) I wiII never reside af a pIace unfavorabIe for devofionaI pracfices, and I wiII never fake pIeasure in non-devofionaI acfivifies. (+) bnahtíra víroáni grantna patna na horíbo bnahtíra víroáni vyahnya habnu na suníbo +) I wiII read no book opposed fo pure devofion, nor Iisfen fo any scripfuraI expIanafion which counfers pure devofionaI principIes. (5) gauranga-varjíta stnana tirtna naní maní bnahtíra baánaha jnana-harma tuccna janí 5) I wiII never regard as sacred any pIace where Lord Gauranga is rejecfed. AII knowIedge or acfion hindering pure devofionaI service I consider worfhIess. (6) bnahtíra baánaha haIc na horí aáar bnahtí banír-muhna níja-janc janí par 6) Any seasonaI observance which poses obsfacIes fo fhe execufion of devofionaI service finds no favor wifh me, and I consider as sfrangers aII my own reIafives or famiIy members who are averse fo devofionaI service. (7) bnahtíra baáníha sprna horíbo varjan abnahta-praáatta anna na horí granan 7) I wiII fofaIIy abandon aII desires fhaf hinder devofion, and I wiII never fouch foodsfuffs offered fo me by non-devofees. (8) jana hícnu bnahtí-pratíhuIa boIí` janí tyajíbo jatanc tana, c níscoya vani 8) I vow fo carefuIIy avoid whafever I know fo be confrary fo devofionaI service. This is a mosf definife procIamafion. (9) bnahatívínoáa poáí` prabnura caranc magayc sahatí pratíhuIycra varjanc 9) Bhakfivinoda faIIs down af fhe feef of fhe Lord and begs for fhe sfrengfh fo give up aII fhings fhaf are unfavorabIe fo pure devofion. Song 3 (1) vísaya-vímuána ar mayavaái jan bnahtí-sunya áunnc prana ánarc aharan 1) One who is infoxicafed by worIdIy affairs of sense grafificafion, as weII as one who subscribes fo impersonaI phiIosophy, bofh mainfain fheir Iives useIessIy, for fhey are devoid of devofion fo You. (2) cí áuí-sanga natna` na noy amar prartnana horíyc amí caranc tomar 2) I pray af Your Iofus feef, O Lord, fhaf I may be spared fhe company of fhese fwo kinds of peopIe. (3) sc áuvcra maányc vísayi tabu bnaIo mayavaái-sanga naní magí hono haIo 3) Yef of fhe fwo, fhe associafion of a worIdIy man is beffer. I never covef fhe company of a mayavadï. (+) vísayi-nráoya jabc saánu-sanga pay anayasc Iabnc bnahtí bnahtcra hrpay +) When by chance fhe hearfs of worIdIy persons come info confacf wifh Your sainfIy devofees, fhey easiIy affain devofion by fhe mercy of fhe devofees. (5) mayavaáa-áosa ja`ra nráoyc pasíIo hutarhc nráoya ta`ra vajra-sama bncIo 5) Buf fhe hearf which is penefrafed by fhe offensive infIuence of impersonaI phiIosophy becomes hard as a fhunderboIf by degraded sophisfry. (6) bnahtíra svarupa, ara vísaya`, asroy` mayavaái anítya` boIíya saba hoy 6) The mayavadï decIares fhaf fhe frue form of bhakfi, ifs objecf (Srï Krsna), and ifs possessor (fhe devofee) are aII fransifory and fhus iIIusory. (7) áníh ta`ra hrsna-scva-sravana-hirtan hrsna-angc vajra nanc tanara stavan 7) Fie on his prefense of so-caIIed service fo Krsna! Fie on his prefense of engaging in so-caIIed hearing and chanfing of Krsna`s gIories! His recifafion of prayers sfrikes fhe body of Krsna wifh bIows more crueI fhan fhunderboIfs. (8) mayavaáa sama bnahtí-pratíhuIa naí atacva mayavaái-sanga naní caí 8) There is no phiIosophy in fhe worId as anfagonisfic fo devofionaI service as fhe impersonaI mayavada phiIosophy. Therefore I do nof ever desire fhe associafion of fhe mayavadï. (9) bnahatívínoáa mayavaáa áura horí vaísnava-sangctc baísc namasraya ánorí` 9) Bhakfivinoda drives away fhe phiIosophy of impersonaIism and sifs safeIy in fhe sociefy of Vaisnavas under fhe sheIfer of Your hoIy name. Song + (1) amí to` svananáa-suhnaáa-basi raáníha-maánava-carana-áasi 1) Oh I am a residenf of Svananda-sukhada-kuñja, and a maidservanf of fhe Iofus feef of Radhika and Madhava. (2) áunnara míIanc ananáa horí áunnara víyogc áunhnctc marí 2) I happiIy rejoice af fhe union of fhe Divine CoupIe, and in Their separafion I die in uffer anguish. (3) sahni-stnaIi naní ncrí nayanc áchníIc saíbyahc parayc manc 3) I never Iook af fhe area in Vraja caIIed Sakhï-sfhaIï where CandravaIï and her friends Iive. If I were fo see fhaf pIace if reminds me of CandravaIï`s sharp- fongued gopï friend named Saibya. (+) jc-jc pratíhuIa canárara sahni pranc áunhna paí tanarc áchní` +) I feeI pain in my hearf whenever I happen fo cafch sighf of CandravaIï`s proud girIfriends, for fhey are aII inimicaI fo Radha`s camp. (5) raáníha-hunja anánara horí` Ioítc canc sc raánara narí 5) CandravaIï wanfs fo fake away Radha`s Lord Hari, fhus causing fhe Iove- grove of Radhika fo be overcasf wifh fhe darkness of gIoom. (6) sri-raána-govínáa-míIana-suhna pratíhuIa-jana na ncrí muhna 6) I never Iook af fhe faces of fhose who wish fo obsfrucf fhe joy of fhe union of Srï Radha and Govinda. (7) raána-pratíhuIa jatcha jana- sambnasanc habnu na noy mana 7) Nor do I find any pIeasure in conversing wifh fhose who are members of a camp opposed fo Radha. (8) bnahatívínoáa sri-raána-caranc sanpccnc parana ativa jatanc 8) Bhakfivinoda has enfrusfed his souI wifh greaf care unfo fhe Iofus feef of Srïmafï Radharanï.Sixfh PrincipIe of Surrender: Bhakfi-AnukuIa-Mafra Karyera Svïkara Accepfance of Acfivifies FavorabIe fo Pure Devofion - Four Songs - Song 1 (1) tuva-bnahtí-anuhuIa jc-jc harya noy parama-jatanc tana horíbo níscoy 1) I wiII sureIy execufe wifh ufmosf care fhose acfivifies favorabIe fo Your pure devofionaI service. (2) bnahtí-anuhuIa jata vísaya samsarc horíbo tanatc ratí ínáríycra ávarc 2) I wiII feeI fondness for fhose fhings in fhis worId which are conducive fo pure devofion, and wifh my senses I wiII engage fhem in Your service. (3) suníbo tomara hatna jatana horíya áchníbo tomara ánama nayana bnoríya 3) I wiII carefuIIy Iisfen fo aII discussions concerning You, and fhe safisfacfion of my eyes wiII be fo behoId Your divine abode. (+) tomara prasaác ácno horíbo posan naívcáya-tuIasi-gnrana horíbo granan +) I wiII nourish my body wifh fhe sacred remnanfs of Your food, and I wiII smeII fhe sweef scenf of fuIasï Ieaves adorning fhose offerings. (5) hara-ávarc horíbo tomara scva saáa tomara vasatí-stnaIc basíbo sarvaáa 5) Wifh my hands I wiII aIways execufe Your service, and I wiII forever dweII af fhaf pIace where You abide. (6) tomara scvaya hama níyoga horíbo tomara víávcsí-janc hroána áchnaíbo 6) I wiII empIoy my desires in Your devofionaI service, and wiII show my anger fo fhose who are envious of You. (7) cí-rupc sarva-vrttí ara sarva-bnava tuva anuhuIa noyc Iabnuha prabnava 7) In fhis way, may aII of my propensifies and emofions earn spirifuaI pofency by being favorabIy dovefaiIed in Your inferesf. (8) tuva bnahta-anuhuIa jana jana horí tuva bnahtí-anuhuIa boIí` tana ánorí 8) Anyfhing I do which gives pIeasure fo Your devofee I wiII embrace as conducive fo Your devofionaI service. (9) bnahatívínoáa naní janc ánarmaánarma bnahtí-anuhuIa tara nau saba harma 9) Bhakfivinoda knows neifher reIigion nor irreIigion. He simpIy prays fhaf aII his acfivifies be favorabIe for pure devofion unfo You. Song 2 (1) goáruma-ánamc bnajana-anuhuIc matnura-sri-nanáisvara-samatuIc 1) In fhe Iand of Godruma in Navadvïpa, which is very conducive for performing devofionaI worship of fhe Supreme Lord, and which is non-differenf from fhe sacred pIace in Vraja caIIed Nandagram in fhe hoIy disfricf of Mafhura... (2) taní mana surabní-hunja-hutirc baítnobun nama sura-tatíni-tirc 2) ...There I wiII seffIe down in a smaII coffage wifhin fhe grove caIIed Surabhi-kuñja on fhe bank of fhe ceIesfiaI Ganga river. (3) gaura-bnahata-príya-vcsa áaánana tíIaha-tuIasi-maIa-sobnamana 3) I wiII puf on fhe garb fhaf is dear fo fhe devofees of Lord Gaura-sundara, incIuding fhe fweIve Vaisnava fiIaka markings on my body and beaufifuI beads of fuIasï wood around my neck. (+) campaha, bahuIa, haáamba, tamaI ropato níramíbo hunja vísaI +) Then, by pIanfing fIowering frees Iike campaka, bakuIa, kadamba, and famaI, I wiII cuIfivafe an exfensive grove by my coffage. (5) maánavi maIati utnabun tanc cnaya-manáapa horobun tanní manc 5) I wiII drape madhavï and maIafï jasmine creepers upon fhe frees, and in fhis way make a shady bower in fheir midsf. (6) ropobun tatra husuma-vana-rají jutní, jatí, maIIi vírajabo sají` 6) I wiII pIanf row upon row of various foresf fIowers, incIuding differenf kinds of jasmine Iike yufhï, jafi, and maIIï. AII fhese wiII be presenf fhere, arrayed in a charming fashion. (7) mancc basaobun tuIasi-manarani hirtana-sajja tanní rahnabo aní` 7) I wiII insfaII fhe empress fuIasï on an eIevafed pIafform in fhis garden, fhen procure aII necessary paraphernaIia for having kïrfana, such as mrdanga drums, karafaIas, and gongs, and pIace fhem fhere. (8) vaísnava-jana-sana gaobun nam jaya goáruma jaya gaura hí ánam 8) Then I wiII commence singing fhe hoIy names of fhe Lord in fhe company of fhe Vaisnavas. We wiII sing, °AII gIories fo fhe isIand of Godruma! AII gIories fo fhe divine abode of Lord Gauracandra!` (9) bnahatívínoáa bnahtí-anuhuI jaya hunja, munja, sura-naái-huI 9) Bhakfivinoda is favorabIy disposed fo pure devofionaI service. AII gIories fo Surabhi-kuñja, fo ifs faII reeds, and fo fhe banks of fhe ceIesfiaI Ganga! Song 3 (1) suáána-bnahata- carana-rcnu, bnajana-anuhuIa bnahata-scva, parama-síáání, prcma-Iatíhara muIa 1) Dusf from fhe Iofus feef of pure devofees is conducive fo devofionaI service, whiIe service fo fhe Vaisnavas is ifseIf fhe supreme perfecfion as weII as fhe roof of fhe fender creeper of divine Iove. (2) maánava-títní, bnahtí-janani, jatanc paIana horí hrsna-vasatí, vasatí boIí`, parama aáarc borí 2) I observe wifh greaf care fhe hoIy days commemorafing fhe pasfimes of Lord Madhava, for fhey are fhe mofher of devofion. As my dweIIing pIace I choose wifh fhe greafesf of reverence and Iove fhe franscendenfaI abode of Srï Krsna. (3) gaur amara, yc-saba stnanc, horaIo bnramana rangc sc-saba stnana, ncríbo amí, pranayí-bnahata-sangc 3) AII fhose pIaces where my Lord Gaura-sundara fraveIed for pasfimes I wiII visif in fhe company of Ioving devofees. (+) mráanga-vaáya, sunítc mana, abasara saáa yacc gaura-víníta, hirtana suní`, ananác nráoya nacc +) My mind ever Iongs for fhe opporfunify fo hear fhe music of fhe mrdanga. Upon hearing fhe kind of kïrfan ordained by Lord Gaura-candra, my hearf dances in ecsfasy. (5) yugaIa-murtí, áchníya mora, parama-ananáa noya prasaáa-scva, horítc noya, sahaIa prapanca jaya 5) BehoIding fhe Deify forms of fhe Divine CoupIe, Srï Srï Radha-Krsna, I feeI fhe greafesf joy. By honoring fhe Lord`s prasad, I conquer over aII worIdIy iIIusions. (6) yc-áína grnc, bnajana áchní, grnctc goIoha bnaya carana-siánu, áchníya ganga, suhna na sima paya 6) GoIoka Vrndavana appears in my home whenever I see fhe worship service of Lord Hari faking pIace fhere. When I see fhe Ganga, fhaf river of necfar emanafing from fhe Iofus feef of fhe Lord, my happiness knows no bounds. (7) tuIasi áchní`, juáaya prana, maánava-tosani janí` gaura-príya, saha-scvanc, jivana sartnaha maní 7) The sighf of fhe hoIy fuIasï free soofhes my souI, for I know she gives pIeasure fo Lord Madhava. By fasfing fhe green Ieafy preparafion named sak, a greaf favorife of Lord Gauranga`s, I consider Iife worfhwhiIe. (8) bnahatívínoáa, hrsna-bnajanc, anuhuIa paya jana pratí-áívasc, parama-suhnc, svihara horoyc tana 8) Whafever Bhakfivinoda obfains fhaf is favorabIe for fhe service of Srï Krsna he accepfs every day wifh fhe greafesf joy. Song + (1) raána-hunáa-tata-hunja-hutir govaránana-parvata, jamuna-tir 1) The coffage in fhe grove on fhe bank of Radha Kunda, fhe greaf Govardhana HiII, fhe banks of fhe Yamuna river... (2) husuma-sarovara, manasa-ganga haIínáa-nanáíni vípuIa-taranga 2) ...fhe Kusuma Sarovara Iake, fhe Manasa Ganga sfream, fhe daughfer of Mf. KaIinda (fhe Yamuna river) wifh her many waves... (3) vamsi-vata, gohuIa, ánira-samir brnáabana-taru-Iatíha-banir 3) ...fhe Vamsï Vaf banyan free, fhe fown of GokuIa, fhe hoIy pIace Dhïra Samïra, fhe frees and creepers and reeds of Vrndavana... (+) hnaga-mrga-huIa, maIaya-batas mayura, bnramara, muraIi-víIas +) ...fhe differenf variefies of birds and deer, fhe cooIing breeze from fhe MaIaya mounfains, fhe peacocks, fhe bumbIebees, fhe pasfimes of fhe Iow- pifched muraIï fIufe... (5) vcnu, srnga, paáa-cínna, mcgna-maIa vasanta, sasanha, sanhna, harataIa 5) ...fhe high-pifched venu fIufe, fhe buffaIo horn bugIe, fhe foofprinfs of fhe Lord and His consorf in fhe dusf of Vraja, fhe wreafhs of bIackish rain cIouds, springfime, fhe moon, fhe conchsheII, and fhe karafaIas- (6) yugaIa-víIasc anuhuIa janí IiIa-víIasc-uááipaha maní 6)-aII fhese I know fo be very favorabIe for fhe bIissfuI pasfimes of fhe Divine CoupIe, Radha and Krsna. I recognize fhem as franscendenfaI sfimuIanfs (uddïpaka) for infensifying fhe Lord`s charming pasfimes. (7) c saba cnoáato hanní naní jau c saba cnoáato parana narau 7) I refuse fo go anywhere if fhese sfimuIanfs of devofionaI service are nof fhere, for fo abandon fhem is fo abandon Iife ifseIf. (8) bnahatívínoáa honc, suno han` tuva uááipaha namara paran 8) Bhakfivinoda says, °PIease hear me, O Kana! AII fhe fhings fhaf sfimuIafe remembrance of You are fhe very source of my Iife!` 1nus cnás tnc ácscríptíon oj tnc síx proccsscs oj surrcnácr hnovn as Saranagatí. Bhajana-LaIasa Hankering for Divine Service - Thirfeen Songs - Song 1 (1) narí nc` prapancc poáíya, agatí noíya, na áchní upaya ar agatíra gatí, caranc sarana, tomaya horínu sar 1) O my Lord Hari! Having faIIen info fhe iIIusion of fhis worId, fhus rendered heIpIess, I see no ofher means of deIiverance buf You. Since You are fhe onIy recourse for fhe heIpIess, I accepf fhe sheIfer of Your Iofus feef as mosf essenfiaI. (2) harama gcyana, hícnu naní mora, saánana bnajana naí tumí hrpa-moya, amí to` hangaIa, anaítuhi hrpa caí 2) I have no background of pious acfivifies, nor any knowIedge, nor any reguIafed devofionaI pracfice. Buf You are fuII of compassion and kindness; fherefore I, being indeed desfifufe, soIicif Your causeIess mercy. (3) vahya-mano-vcga, hroána-jínva-vcga, uáara-upastna-vcga míIíya c saba, samsarc bnasa`yc, áítccnc paramoávcga 3) The powerfuI urges of speech, mind, anger, fongue, beIIy, and genifaIs have banded fogefher fo casf me adriff on fhe sea of fhis maferiaI worId, fhus causing me grievous froubIe. (+) ancha jatanc, sc saba áamanc, cnaáíyacní asa amí anatncra natna` áahí tava nama, chnona bnarasa tumí +) Affer numerous endeavors fo subdue fhese maferiaI demands, I have compIefeIy given up aII hope. O Lord of fhe desfifufe! I caII upon Your hoIy name, for now You are my onIy hope.xiv' Song 2 (1) narí nc` artncra sancayc, vísaya-prayasc, ano-hatna-prajaIpanc ano-aáníhara, níyama agranc, asat-sanga-samgnatanc 1) O my Lord Hari! I have become absorbed in accumuIafing weaIfh and endeavoring for maferiaI possessions. I am addicfed fo idIe conversafions on fopics aparf from You. I misfakenIy accepf dufies aparf from my own quaIificafions, and am aIways eager fo adhere fo fhe Ieffer of fhe Iaw. This is fhe consequence of associafing wifh worIdIy men. (2) astníra síáánantc, ronínu mojíya, narí-bnahtí roíIo áurc c nráoyc matro, para-nímsa, maáa, pratístna, satnata spnurc 2) I remain deepIy absorbed in fhe quicksand of ever-changing, uncerfain opinions. Therefore, devofion fo You has remained disfanf from me. In fhis hearf of mine dweIIs onIy envy and maIice fowards ofhers, faIse pride, fhe desire for fame and honor, and deceiffuIness. (3) c saba agrana, cnaáítc narínu, apana áosatc marí janama bípnaIa, noíIo amara, chnona hí horí, narí` 3) I have nof been abIe fo give up any of fhese incIinafions. Thus my own fauIfs have been my downfaII. My birfh as a human being has been fofaIIy wasfed. O Lord Hari, whaf am I fo do now: (+) amí to` patíta, patíta-pavana, tomara pavítra nama sc sambanána ánorí`, tomara caranc, sarana Ioínu nama +) I am indeed faIIen (pafifa); buf Your pure hoIy name is Pafifa-pavana-fhe savior of fhe faIIen. CIinging fo our reIafionship as impIied by fhaf hoIy name, I have faken sheIfer of Your Iofus feef. Song 3 (1) narí nc` bnajanc utsana, bnahtítc vísvasa, prcma-Iabnc ánaírya-ánana bnahtí-anuhuIa, harma-pravartana, asat-sanga-vísarjana 1) O my Lord Hari! Enfhusiasm in devofionaI service, faifh in fhe process of devofionaI service, fhe freasure of pafience in fhe affainmenf of Iove of God, performing acfivifies favorabIe fo pure devofion, abandoning fhe company of worIdIy peopIe... (2) bnahtí-saáacara, cí cnaya guna, naníIo amara natna` hcmonc bnojíbo, tomara carana, cnaáíya mayara satna 2) ...performing approved devofionaI pracfices-I have never possessed fhese six devofionaI quaIifies, O Lord. How, fhen, shaII I give up my affinify for Maya and worship Your Iofus feef: (3) garníta acarc, roníIama mojí`, na horínu saánu-sanga Io`yc saánu-vcsa, anc upaácsí, c boáo mayara ranga 3) Remaining absorbed in abominabIe acfivifies, I never kepf company wifh sadhus. Now I adopf fhe garb of a sadhu and acf ouf fhe roIe of insfrucfing ofhers. This is Maya`s big joke. (+) c ncno áasaya, anaítuhi hrpa, tomara paíbo, narí` sri-guru-asroyc, áahíbo tomaya, habc va mínatí horí` +) O Lord Hari, in such a heIpIess condifion sureIy I wiII receive Your causeIess mercy. O when, under fhe sheIfer of my spirifuaI masfer, wiII I caII ouf fo You wifh my humbIe enfreafy: Song + (1) narí nc` áana, pratígrana, mítno gupta-hatna, bnahsana, bnojana-áana sangcra Iahsana, cí cnaya noya, ínatc bnahtíra prana 1) O my Lord Hari! Offering and receiving giffs, giving and receiving spirifuaI food, reveaIing one`s fhoughfs, and making confidenfiaI inquiries-fhese are fhe six characferisfics of Ioving associafion, and in fhem is found fhe very Iife of devofion. (2) tattva na bujníyc, jnanc va ajnanc, asatc c saba horí` bnahtí naraínu, samsari noínu, suáurc roníIc narí 2) I have faiIed fo undersfand fhe frufh, and by pracficing fhese six acfivifies wifh non-devofees, eifher knowingIy or unknowingIy, I Iosf aII devofionaI incIinafion and have become a maferiaIisf. ConsequenfIy You, O Lord, sfiII remain far away. (3) hrsna-bnahta-janc, cí sanga-Iahsanc, aáara horíbo jabc bnahtí-mana-ácvi, amara nráoya- asanc bosíbc tabc 3) The day I cherish fhese acfivifies of infimafe associafion wifh fhe devofees of Srï Krsna, fhaf very day fhe high goddess of devofion wiII fake her seaf upon fhe fhrone of my hearf. (+) yosít-sangi-jana, hrsnaabnahta ara, áunnu-sanga-parínarí` tava bnahta-jana- sanga anuhsana, habc va noíbc narí` +) When wiII I give up fhe company of fhose who are addicfed fo fhe company of maferiaIisfic women and fhose who are averse fo You: And when wiII I cuIfivafe fhe consfanf associafion of Your devofees, O Lord: Song 5 (1) narí nc` sanga-áosa-sunya, áihsítaáihsíta, jaáí tava nama ga`ya manasc aáara, horíbo tanarc, janí` níja-jana taya 1) O my Lord Hari! Wifhin my mind I wiII honor and consider as my own reIafive one who nafuraIIy avoids fhe offense of bad associafion and sings Your hoIy name, be he formaIIy inifiafed or nof. (2) áihsíta noíya, bnajc tuva paáa, tanarc pranatí horí ananya-bnajanc, víjna ycí jana, tanarc scvíbo, narí` 2) I offer obeisances fo fhaf devofee who is inifiafed and worships Your Iofus feef, and I wiII faifhfuIIy serve, O Hari, a devofee who is fixed in unaIIoyed devofion fo You. (3) sarva-bnutc sama, yc bnahtcra matí, tanara áarsanc maní apanahc ánanya, sc sanga paíya, carítartna noíIun janí 3) I consider myseIf greafIy forfunafe fo even see fhaf devofee who regards aII Iiving beings equaIIy. Obfaining his associafion I consider myseIf forfunafe, for I know fhaf I have become successfuI in Iife. (+) níshapata-matí, vaísnavcra pratí, cí ánarma habc pa`bo habc samsara- sínánu-para no`yc, tava braja-purc ja`bo +) When wiII my affifude foward fhe Vaisnavas become simpIe and innocenf: And when wiII I cross over fhis ocean of worIdIy exisfence and reach Your franscendenfaI abode of Vraja: Song 6 (1) narí nc` nira-ánarma-gata, jannavi-saIíIc, panha-pncna ársta noya tatnapí hahnona, branma-árava-ánarma, sc saIíIa na cnaáoya 1) O my Lord Hari! Mud and foam are seen in fhe wafers of fhe Ganga, for fhaf is fhe inherenf nafure of river wafer. Yef fhe wafer of fhe sacred Ganga never Ioses ifs pureIy spirifuaI nafure. (2) vaísnava-sarira, aprahrta saáa, svabnava-vapura ánarmc habnu nanc jaáa, tatnapí yc nínác, poác sc vísamaánarmc 2) One may Iikewise find nafuraI defecfs in fhe body of a Vaisnava, yef his body is aIways spirifuaI. If is never fo be considered maferiaI. Thaf person who crificizes fhe body of a Vaisnava faIIs info deadIy irreIigion. (3) scí aparaánc, yamcra jatana, paya jiva avírata nc nanáa-nanáana` scí aparaánc, ycno naní noí nata 3) For such an offense, fhe faIIen souI ceaseIessIy suffers fhe forfures of Yamaraja, Iord of deafh. O youfhfuI son of Nanda! I pray fhaf I wiII nof be desfroyed by commiffing such an offense. (+) tomara vaísnava, vaíbnava tomara, amarc horuna áoya tabc mora gatí, na`bc tava pratí, pa`bo tava paáa-cnaya +) The Vaisnava is Your own, represenfing Your gIorious divine pofency. May he be mercifuI fo me. Then my Iife`s journey wiII furn foward You, and I wiII affain sheIfer in fhe shade of Your Iofus feef. Song 7 (1) onc` vaísnava tnahura, áoyara sagara, c áasc horuna horí` áíya paáa-cnaya, soáno nc amaya, tomara carana ánorí 1) O revered Vaisnava Thakura! O ocean of mercy! PIease be mercifuI fo me, your humbIe servanf. Purify me by giving fhe shade of your Iofus feef. Your feef I cIasp submissiveIy. (2) cnaya vcga áomí`, cnaya áosa soání`, cnaya guna ácno` áasc cnaya sat-sanga, ácno` nc amarc, bosccní sangcra asc 2) PIease heIp me fo confroI fhe six urges, purify me of fhe six fauIfs, and pIease insfiII in your servanf fhe six good quaIifies. Oh, besfow upon me fhe six kinds of hoIy associafion! I am seafed here in fhe hope of having your company. (3) chahi amara, naní paya baIa, narí-nama-sanhirtanc tumí hrpa horí`, sraáána-bínáu áíya, ácno` hrsna-nama-ánanc 3) On my own, I find I have no sfrengfh fo chanf fhe hoIy name of Lord Hari. PIease be mercifuI by awarding me wifh a parficIe of faifh and giving me fhe greaf freasure of fhe hoIy name of Krsna. (+) hrsna sc tomara, hrsna áítc paro, tomara sahatí acnc amí to` hangaIa, hrsna` hrsna` boIí`, ánaí tava pacnc pacnc +) Krsna is yours, fherefore you are abIe fo give Him fo ofhers. This is cerfainIy wifhin your power. I am indeed wrefched and faIIen, simpIy running affer you crying °Krsna! Krsna!` Song 8 (1) narí nc` tomarc bnuIíya, avíáya-piáaya, piáíta rasana mora hrsna-nama-suána, bnaIo naní Iagc, vísaya-suhnatc bnora 1) O my Lord Hari! Because of forgeffing You, my fongue has become embiffered wifh fhe disease of ignorance. I cannof reIish fhe sweef necfar of Your hoIy name of Krsna, for I have become addicfed fo fhe fasfe of worIdIy pIeasures. (2) pratí-áína jaáí, aáara horíya, sc nama hirtana horí sítapaIa jcno, nasí` roga-muIa, hramc svaáu noya, narí` 2) If I sing fhaf hoIy name of Yours aIoud every day wifh warm affecfion, fhen as sugar candy faken medicinaIIy desfroys fhe very disease which makes if fasfe biffer (jaundice), so Your hoIy name, O Lord Hari, wiII cure my spirifuaI disease and aIIow me fo graduaIIy fasfe Your sweefness. (3) áuráaíva amara, sc namc aáara, na noíIo, áoyamoya` áasa aparaána, amara áuráaíva, hcmonc noíbc hsoya 3) How greaf is my misforfune fhaf I feeI no appreciafion for Your hoIy name, O mercifuI Lord! In such a IamenfabIe sfafe, how wiII I be freed from commiffing fhe fen offenses fo fhe hoIy name: (+) anuáína jcno, tava nama gaí, hramctc hrpaya tava aparaána ja`bc, namc rucí na`bc, asvaáíbo namasava +) If I sing Your name every day, fhen graduaIIy by Your mercy fhe fen offenses wiII disappear, fasfe for Your hoIy name wiII grow wifhin me, and fhen I shaII reIish fhe infoxicafing wine of fhaf name. Song 9 (1) narí nc` sri-rupa-gosaí, sri-guru-rupctc, síhsa áíIa mora hanc ºjano mora hatna, namcra hangaIa` ratí pa`bc nama-ganc 1) O my Lord Hari! Srï Rupa Goswamï, in fhe form of fhe spirifuaI masfer, spoke fhese insfrucfions info my ears: °Try fo undersfand my words, O you who beg for fhe giff of fhe hoIy name! You wiII fhen deveIop affracfion for singing fhe hoIy name. (2) hrsna-nama-rupa- guna-sucaríta, parama jatanc horí` rasana-manasc, horano níyoga, hrama-víání anusarí` 2) °FoIIowing fhe scripfuraI ruIes and reguIafions, engage your fongue and your mind in carefuIIy cuIfivafing Lord Krsna`s nama (hoIy names), rupa (divine forms), guna (franscendenfaI quaIifies), and sucarifa (wonderfuI pasfimes). This shouId be done according fo fhe recommended order of ascending progression. (3) brajc horí` basa, raganuga noíya, smarana hirtana horo c níhníIa haIa, horano japana, upaácsa-sara ánaro` ¨ 3) °AIways dweIIing in fhe hoIy Iand of Vraja, become a pracfifioner of raganuga-bhakfi (sponfaneous Ioving devofion) whiIe engaging in smarana (remembrance) and kïrfana (gIorificafion). Spend every momenf of your fime in fhese ways. ]usf accepf fhis as fhe essence of aII insfrucfions.` (+) na` rupa-gosaí, áoya horí` habc, áíbc áínc braja-basa ragatmíha tumí, tava paáanuga, noítc áascra asa +) O Rupa Goswamï! When wiII you, ouf of your causeIess mercy, enabIe fhis poor wrefched souI fo reside in Vraja: You are a ragafmika devofee-an efernaIIy Iiberafed, infimafe associafe of Radha and Krsna. This humbIe servanf of yours desires fo become a IoyaI foIIower of your Iofus feef. Song 10 (1) guruácv` boáo hrpa horí`, gauáa-vana majnc, goárumc áíyacno stnana ajna áíIa morc, cí brajc bosí`, narí-nama horo gana 1) O Gurudeva! Because you are so mercifuI, you gave me a pIace fo Iive in Godruma amid fhe woodIands of Gauda-desa, wifh fhis order fo fuIfiII: °DweII here in fhis sacred pIace of Vraja and sing fhe hoIy name of Hari.` (2) híntu habc prabnu, yogyata arpíbc,\ c áascrc áoya horí` cítta stníra nabc, sahaIa soníbo, chantc bnajíbo narí 2) Buf when, O masfer, ouf of your greaf mercy, wiII you besfow upon fhis servanf fhe spirifuaI quaIificafion fo fuIfiII fhaf order: My mind wiII fhen become franquiI, I wiII endure aII hardships, and I wiII serve Lord Hari wifh undivided affenfion. (3) saísava-yauvanc, jaáa-suhna-sangc, abnyasa noíIo manáa níja-harma-áosc, c ácno noíIo, bnajancra pratíbanána 3) Due fo affachmenf fo worIdIy pIeasures in chiIdhood and youfh, I have deveIoped many bad habifs. Due fo fhe reacfion of fhese sinfuI acfs my body ifseIf has become an impedimenf fo fhe service of fhe Supreme Lord. (+) varánahyc chnona, panca-rogc nata, hcmonc bnojíbo boIo` hanáíya hanáíya, tomara caranc, poáíyacní suvínvaIa +) Now, in oId age, affIicfed by fhe five-foId iIInesses, how wiII I serve fhe Lord: O masfer, pIease feII me! Weeping and weeping, I have faIIen af your feef, overwheImed wifh anxiefy. Song 11 (1) guruácv` hrpa-bínáu áíya, horo` cí áasc, trnapchsa atí nina sahaIa sananc, baIa áíya horo`, níja-manc sprna-nina 1) O Gurudeva! By adminisfering a drop of your mercy make fhis servanf of yours infinifeIy more humbIe fhan a bIade of grass. Giving me fhe sfrengfh fo bear aII friaIs and froubIes, free me from desires for personaI honor. (2) sahaIc sammana, horítc sahatí, ácno` natna` jatnajatna tabc to` gaíbo, narí-nama-suhnc, aparaána na`bc nata 2) O Iord and masfer! Inspire me wifh fhe power fo befiffingIy honor aII Iiving beings. OnIy fhen wiII I sing fhe hoIy name of fhe Lord in greaf ecsfasy, and my offensive acfivifies wiII cease. (3) habc ncno hrpa, Iabníya c jana, hrtartna noíbc, natna` sahtí-buáání-nina, amí atí áina, horo` morc atma-satna 3) When wiII fhis person be indeed bIessed by receiving your mercy, O Iord and masfer: Devoid of aII sfrengfh and infeIIigence, I am very Iow and faIIen. PIease make me your own. (+) yogyata-vícarc, hícnu naní paí, tomara haruna-sara haruna na noíIc, hanáíya hanáíya, prana na rahníbo ara +) When I examine myseIf for worfhiness, I find nofhing of vaIue. Therefore Your mercy is fhe essence of Iife. If you are nof mercifuI fo me, fhen I wiII consfanfIy weep and weep, no Ionger being abIe fo mainfain my Iife. Song 12 (1) guruácv` habc mora scí áín na`bc mana stníra horí`, nírjanc bosíya, hrsna-nama ga`bo jabc samsara-pnuhara, hanc na posíbc, ácno-roga áurc ro`bc 1) O Gurudeva! When wiII fhaf day be mine: Wifh a sfeady mind, siffing in a secIuded pIace, I wiII sing fhe name of Srï Krsna. The fumuIfuous pandemonium of worIdIy exisfence wiII no Ionger echo in my ears, and fhe diseases of fhe body wiII remain far away. (2) narc hrsna` boIí`, ganítc ganítc, nayanc boníbc Iora ácnctc puIaha, uáíta noíbc, prcmctc horíbc bnora 2) When I chanf °Hare Krsna` fears of Iove wiII fIow and fIow from my eyes. Ecsfafic rapfure wiII arise wifhin my body, causing my hair fo sfand on end and my enfire being fo become overwheImed wifh divine Iove. (3) gaáa-gaáa vani, muhnc baníríbc, hanpíbc sarira mama gnarma munur munun, vírvarna noíbc, stambníta praIaya sama 3) FaIfering words choked wifh emofion wiII issue from my moufh. My body wiII frembIe, consfanfIy perspire, furn paIe and discoIored, and become sfunned. AII of fhis wiII be Iike a devasfafion of ecsfafic Iove and cause me fo faII unconscious. (+) níshapatc ncno, áasa habc na`bc, nírantara nama ga`bo avcsc roníya, ácna-yatra horí`, tomara haruna pa`bo +) When wiII such a genuine ecsfafic condifion be mine: I wiII consfanfIy sing fhe hoIy name and remain absorbed in profound devofion whiIe fraveIing in fhe maferiaI body. In fhis way I wiII receive your mercy. Song 13 (1) guruácv` habc tava haruna-prahasc sri-gauranga-IiIa, noya nítya-tattva, cí árána vísvasc narí narí` boIí`, goáruma-hananc, bnromíbo áarsana-asc 1) O Gurudeva! When wiII if be, as a manifesfafion of your mercy: I wiII become fixed in fhe firm faifh fhaf Lord Gauranga`s pasfimes are efernaI reaIifies. Chanfing °Hari! Hari!` I wiII wander fhroughouf fhe groves of Godruma, hoping fo cafch a gIimpse of fhose pasfimes. (2) nítaí, gauranga, aávaíta, srivasa, gaáaánara,-panca-jana hrsna-nama-rasc, bnasa`bc jagat, horí` mana-sanhirtana 2) The five personaIifies-Nifai, Gauranga, Advaifa, Srïvasa, and Gadadhara- wiII fIood fhe enfire universe wifh fhe infoxicafing necfar of fhe hoIy name of Srï Krsna by performing a maha-sankïrfan. (3) nartana-víIasa, mráanga-vaáana, suníbo apana-hanc áchníya áchníya, sc IiIa-maánuri, bnasíbo prcmcra banc 3) Wifh my own ears I wiII hear fhe sounds of pIayfuI dancing and fhe rhyfhmic puIsafions of fhe mrdanga drums. By consfanfIy Iooking and Iooking upon fhe sweefness and beaufy of fhaf pasfime, I wiII fIoaf in fhe fIoodfide of divine Iove. (+) na áchní` abara, sc IiIa-ratana, hanáí na gauranga` boIí` amarc vísayi, pagaIa boIíya, angctc áíbcha ánuIí +) The nexf momenf Iosing sighf of fhe jeweI of fhaf pasfime, I shaII weep and cry ouf, °O my Lord Gauranga!` MaferiaIisfs wiII fhen procIaim me fhoroughIy mad and wiII fhrow dusf upon my body. 1nus cnás tnc scctíon on Pnajana-LaIasa. Siddhi-LaIasa Hankering for SpirifuaI Perfecfion - Three Songs - Song 1 (1) habc gaura-vanc, suraánuni-tatc, na raánc na hrsna` boIc` hanáíya bcáa`bo, ácno-suhna cnaáí`, nana Iata-taru-taIc 1) When wiII I wander weeping under fhe shade of various frees and creepers on fhe banks of fhe ceIesfiaI Ganga river in fhe Iand of Navadvïpa, crying, °O Radhe! O Krsna!` and forgeffing aII physicaI comforfs: (2) sva-paca-grnctc, magíya hnaíbo, píbo sarasvati-jaIa puIínc puIínc, gaáa-gaáí áíbo, horí` hrsna-hoIanaIa 2) I wiII fake my meaIs by begging af fhe homes of dog-eafers, and wiII drink fhe wafer of fhe Sarasvafï river. In ecsfasy I wiII roII on fhe ground from bank fo bank of fhe river, raising an uproar of °Krsna! Krsna!` (3) ánama-basi janc, pranatí horíya, magíbo hrpara Icsa vaísnava-carana- rcnu gaya mahní`, ánorí` avaánuta-vcsa 3) Bowing down fo fhe inhabifanfs of fhe hoIy Iand, I wiII beg a parficIe of fheir mercy. I wiII smear fhe dusf of fhe Vaisnavas` feef aII over my body and wear fhe dress of a mendicanf. (+) gauáa-braja-janc, bncáa na áchníbo, noíbo baraja-basi ánamcra svarupa, spnuríbc nayanc, noíbo raánara áasi +) I wiII see no difference befween fhe inhabifanfs of Vraja Bhumi and fhose of Navadvïpa, and I wiII be fransformed info a residenf of Vraja. The frue nafure of fhe Lord`s abode wiII manifesf ifseIf fo my eyes, and I wiII become a maidservanf of Srïmafï Radharanï. Song 2 (1) áchnítc áchnítc, bnuIíbo va habc, níja-stnuIa-parícoya nayanc ncríbo, braja-pura-sobna, nítya cíá-ananáa-moya 1) When, in a fIash, wiII I forgef my gross bodiIy indenfify: I wiII behoId fhe exquisife beaufy of fhe reaIm of Vraja, fuII of efernaI spirifuaI bIiss. (2) brsabnanu-purc, janama Ioíbo, yavatc vívana na`bc braja-gopi-bnava, noíbc svabnava, ano-bnava na roníbc 2) I shaII have my birfh in fhe fown of King Vrsabhanu, and evenfuaIIy be married nearby in Yavaf-gram. My soIe disposifion and characfer shaII be fhaf of a cowherd girI, and I shaII know no ofher mood. (3) níja-síáána-ácna, níja-síáána-nama, níja-rupa-sva-vasana raána-hrpa-baIc, Iobníbo va habc, hrsna-prcma-praharana 3) When wiII I obfain, by fhe power of Radha`s mercy, my own efernaI spirifuaI body, my own reaIized name, my own form, and my own dress: And when, by Her mercy, wiII I receive inifiafion info fhe fechniques of expressing divine Iove for Krsna: (+) jamuna-saIíIa- anaranc gíya, bujníbo yugaIa-rasa prcma-mugána no`yc, pagaIíni-praya, gaíbo raánara yasa +) As I go fo draw wafer from fhe Yamuna, I shaII cherish knowing fhe confidenfiaI meIIows fhaf unife fhe divine pair Radha and Krsna. Being enchanfed by subIime Iove, I wiII sing Srï Radha`s gIories jusf Iike a madwoman. Song 3 (1) brsabnanu-suta- carana-scvanc, noíbo yc paIya-áasi sri-raánara suhna, satata saánanc, roníbo amí prayasi 1) For serving fhe Iofus feef of fhe daughfer of Vrsabhanu, I shaII become a profecfed maidservanf of one of fhe gopïs in Vraja. I wiII aIways sfrive fo bring abouf fhe pIeasure of Srï Radha. (2) sri-raánara suhnc, hrsnacra yc suhna, janíbo manctc amí raána-paáa cnaáí`, sri-hrsna-sangamc, habnu na noíbo hami 2) Wifhin my hearf I wiII know fhaf Radha`s pIeasure is Krsna`s onIy source of joy. Therefore, I wiII never desire fo abandon Her Iofus feef for enjoying His excIusive company. (3) sahni-gana mama, parama-sunrt, yugaIa-prcmcra guru taá-anuga no`yc, scvíbo raánara, carana-haIapa-taru 3) The sakhïs are my besf friends and feachers concerning fhe Iove unifing Radha wifh Krsna. By foIIowing fheir exampIe, I shaII serve Radha`s Iofus feef, which are Iike wish-fuIfiIIing frees. (+) raána-pahsa cnaáí`, yc-jana sc-jana, yc bnavc sc bnavc tnahc amí to` raáníha- pahsa-pati saáa, habnu naní ncrí ta`hc +) I myseIf am aIways parfiaI fo Radhika`s camp and fherefore never Iook upon fhose who have abandoned Radha`s enfourage, whoever fhey may be and whafever fheir ways. Vijñapfi SpirifuaI Requesf [raginï-Surafa-Khambaja, EkafaIa| (1) habc na`bc boIo sc-áína amar ,amar) aparaána gnucí`, suáána namc rucí, hrpa-baIc na`bc nráoyc sancar 1) PIease feII me, when oh when wiII fhaf day be mine: My offenses wiII come fo an end, and a fasfe for fhe pure hoIy name wiII be infused wifhin my hearf by fhe power of divine grace. (2) trnaáníha nina, habc níjc maní`, sanísnuta-guna nráoyctc aní` sahaIc manaáa, apaní amani, noyc asvaáíbo nama-rasa-sar 2) FeeIing myseIf Iower fhan a bIade of grass, weIcoming fhe quaIify of forbearance info my hearf, giving honor fo aII Iiving beings, and being freed from faIse pride, when wiII I fasfe fhe essence of fhe Iiquid necfar of fhe hoIy name: (3) ánana jana ara, havíta-sunáari, boIíbo na caní ácno-suhna-hari janmc janmc áao, onc gauranarí` anaítuhi bnahtí caranc tomar 3) WeaIfh, foIIowers, beaufifuI women as described in worIdIy poefry-I do nof wanf any such bodiIy pIeasures. O Lord Gaurahari! PIease give me unmofivafed devofion fo Your Iofus feef birfh affer birfh. (+) ,habc) horítc sri-hrsna- nama uccarana, puIahíta ácno gaágaáa vacana vaívarnya-vcpatnu, na`bc samgnatana, nírantara nctrc ba`bc asru-ánar +) When, whiIe arficuIafing fhe divine name of Srï Krsna, wiII my body be fhriIIed in ecsfafic rapfure, my words choking wifh emofion, Ioss of coIor and ecsfafic frembIing occuring, and sfreams of fears fIowing consfanfIy from my eyes: (5) habc navaávipc, suraánuni-tatc, gaura-nítyananáa boIí` níshapatc nacíya gaíya, bcáaíbo cnutc, batuIcra praya cnaáíya vícar 5) When, in fhe Iand of Navadvïpa, on fhe banks of fhe ceIesfiaI Ganga, wiII I run abouf innocenfIy caIIing ouf, °O Gaura! O Nifyananda!`: Dancing and singing, I wiII wander abouf Iike a madman, giving up aII considerafion of proper sociaI behavior. (6) habc nítyananáa, morc horí` áoya, cnaáaíbc mora vísaycra maya áíya morc níja- carancra cnaya, namcra natctc áíbc aáníhar 6) When wiII Lord Nifyananda be mercifuI fo me and reIease me from fhe iIIusion of worIdIiness: When wiII He give me fhe shade of His own Iofus feef and besfow upon me fhe quaIificafion necessary fo enfer fhe MarkefpIace of fhe HoIy Name: (7) híníbo, Iutíbo, narí-nama-rasa, nama-rasc matí` noíbo vívasa rascra rasíha- carana parasa, horíya mojíbo rasc aníbar 7) Somehow or ofher I shaII buy or sfeaI fhe meIIows of fhe name of Lord Hari. Becoming fhoroughIy infoxicafed by fhose Iiquid meIIows, I wiII be sfunned. By fouching fhe feef of fhose greaf souIs who are experf in reIishing fhose meIIows, I wiII be consfanfIy immersed in fhe sweef necfar of fhe hoIy name. (8) habc jivc áoya, noíbc uáoya, níja-suhna bnuIí` suáina-nráoya bnahatívínoáa, horíya vínoya, sri-ajna-tanaIa horíbc pracar 8) When wiII fhere be an awakening in me of compassion for aII faIIen souIs: Then fhis Bhakfivinoda wiII forgef his own happiness, and wifh a meek hearf he wiII sef ouf fo propagafe by humbIe soIicifafion fhe sacred order of Srï Caifanya Mahaprabhu. Srï Nama-Mahafmya The GIories of fhe HoIy Name (1) hrsna-nama ánarc hoto baI vísaya-vasananaIc, mora cítta saáa jvaIc, raví-tapta maru-bnumí-sam harna-ranánra-patna áíya, nráí majnc pravcsíya, varísoya suána anupam 1) Whaf power does fhe name of Krsna possess: My hearf consfanfIy burns in fhe fire of worIdIy desires, jusf Iike a deserf scorched by fhe rays of fhe sun. The hoIy name, enfering fhe core of my hearf fhrough fhe hoIes of my ears, showers unparaIIeIed necfar upon my souI. (2) nráoya noítc boIc, jínvara agrctc caIc, sabáa-rupc nacc anuhsan hantnc mora bnangc svara, anga hanpc tnara tnara, stníra noítc na parc caran 2) The hoIy name speaks from wifhin my hearf, moves onfo fhe fip of my fongue, and consfanfIy dances on if in fhe form of franscendenfaI sound. My fhroaf becomes choked up, my body shivers again and again, and my feef cannof remain sfiII. (3) cahsc ánara, ácnc gnarma, puIahíta saba carma, vívarna noíIo haIcvara murcníta noíIo man, praIaycra agaman, bnavc sarva-ácna jara jara 3) Rivers of fears fIow from my eyes, perspirafion compIefeIy soaks my body, aII my skin fhriIIs wifh rapfure, my hairs sfand on end, and my compIexion furns paIe and discoIored. My mind grows fainf, I begin fo experience devasfafion, and my enfire body is shaffered in a fIood of ecsfafic emofions. (+) horí` cto upaárava, cíttc varsc suána-árava, morc áarc prcmcra sagarc hícnu na bujnítc áíIo, morc to` batuIa hoíIo, mora cítta-vítta saba narc +) WhiIe causing such an ecsfafic disfurbance, fhe hoIy name showers Iiquid necfar on my hearf and drowns me in fhe ocean of divine Iove of Godhead. He does nof aIIow me fo undersfand anyfhing, for He has made me fruIy mad by having sfoIen away my mind and aII my resources. (5) Ioínu asroya ja`r, ncno vyavanara ta`r, varnítc na parí c sahaI hrsna-nama íccna-moy, janc janc suhni noy, scí mora suhncra sambaI 5) Such is fhe behavior of Him in whom I have faken sheIfer. I am nof capabIe of describing aII fhis. The hoIy name of Krsna is independenf and fhus acfs on His own sweef wiII. In whafever way He becomes happy, fhaf is aIso my way of happiness. (6) prcmcra haIíha nam, aábnuta rascra ánam, ncno baIa harayc prahas isat víhasí` punan, áchnay níja-rupa-guna, cítta narí` Ioya hrsna-pas 6) The hoIy name is fhe bud of fhe fIower of divine Iove, and is fhe very abode of asfonishing meIIows. Such is fhe power He manifesfs fhaf when His hoIy name sfarfs fo bIossom a IiffIe furfher, if fhen reveaIs His own divine form and quaIifies. Thus my hearf is abducfed and faken direcfIy fo Krsna. (7) purna víhasíta noíya, brajc morc jaya Ioíya, áchnay morc svarupa-víIas morc síáána-ácna áíya, hrsna-pasc rahnc gíya, c ácncra horc sarva-nas 7) BIossoming fuIIy, fhe fIower of fhe hoIy name fakes me fo Vraja and reveaIs fo me His own Iove-daIIiance. This name gives fo me my own efernaI spirifuaI body, keeps me righf by Krsna`s side, and compIefeIy desfroys everyfhing reIafed fo fhis morfaI frame of mine. (8) hrsna-nama-cíntamaní, ahníIa rascra hnaní, nítya-muhta suáána-rasa-moy namcra baIaí jata, saba Io`yc noí nata, tabc mora suhncra uáoy 8) The name of Krsna is a franscendenfaI fouchsfone, a mine of aII devofionaI meIIows. If is efernaIIy Iiberafed, and fhe embodimenf of pure rasa. When aII impedimenfs fo fhe pure chanfing of fhe hoIy name are faken away and desfroyed, fhen my happiness wiII know ifs frue awakening. 1nus cnás Saranagatí by 1nahura Pnahtívínoáa.