Termination of Pre-Nuptial Agreement

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Termination of Pre-Nuptial Agreement

THIS AGREEMENT made as of [Date of Agreement (ie. July 1, 2002)] between [Name of
Husband] (the "Seller") of [Address of Husband] and [Name of Wife] (the "Buyer") of [Address
of Wife].


(A) The Wife and the Husband have been married since [Date of Marriage];

(B) The Wife and the Husband entered into a pre-nuptial agreement dated [Date of Pre-
Nuptial Agreement] (the "Pre-Nuptial Agreement");

(C) The Wife and the Husband now wish to terminate the Pre-Nuptial Agreement;

NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the recitals, the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth,
and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

1. The Wife and The Husband hereby terminate the Pre-Nuptial Agreement and release one
another from any and all further claims and obligations thereunder. The Pre-Nuptial
Agreement is hereinafter null and void.

2. Each party acknowledges and agrees that he or she has reviewed the contents of the
other’s will.

3. Each party,

(a) has fully and completely disclosed to the other the nature, extent and probable
value of all his or her significant assets and all his or her significant debts or other
liabilities existing at the date of this Agreement, and in addition to this disclosure,

(b) has given all information and particulars about his or her assets and liabilities that
have been requested by the other,

(c) is satisfied with the information and particulars received from the other, and

(d) acknowledges that there are no requests for further information or particulars that
have not been met to his or her complete satisfaction.

4. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of [State (ie. California)].

5. Each party acknowledges that he or she,

(a) has had or hereby waives independent legal advice;


(b) understands the nature and the consequences of this Agreement, and

(c) is signing this Agreement voluntarily.

To evidence their agreement, each of the parties has signed this Agreement before a witness.


Witness [NAME OF WIFE]

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