Week Theme Skills / Specifications: World of Self
Week Theme Skills / Specifications: World of Self
Week Theme Skills / Specifications: World of Self
Week Theme
World of Self Sub-Theme
Skills / Specifications
1 1.1 Llisten and repeat vowels in the initial position 1.1.3 Listen to and group words according to the same sounds 1.1.4 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: as in 1.1.4 2.1.3 Repeat expressions with correct intonation and stress 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2 4.2 Recite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes in full 2.7.1 Exchange greetings 2.7.2 Bid farewell 3.1.1 Identify letter sounds of the alphabet and combinations of letters 3.1.2 Identify letter shapes by their sounds 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases 4.1.1 Copy the letters of the alphabet in clear and legible print - small letters - capital letters - combination of small and capital letters 4.1.3 Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.2.1 Write the letters in clear and legibly paying attention to: - small letters - capital letters - combination of small and capital letters 4.2.3 Write the words and phrases in clear and legibly 4.3.1 Match words to pictures 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words with the initial consonants 1.1.2 Listen to and repeat word families: the ong family, the in family 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.5.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs and rhymes
1 2 3
Grammar Item(s)
Proper Nouns Gender
4 5
Personal Details 1.6.2 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond verbally 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: as in 1.1.3 2.1.2 Pronounce other monosyllable and 2-syllable words clearly 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read 2.7.3 Give details about oneself: (e.g. likes and dislikes) 2.7.5 Talk about ones family 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: as in 1.1.3 3.1.4 Read and group words according to word families: the ong family, the in family 3.2.1 Recognise complete words 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences (3-5 words) 3.3.3 Read and understand a simple paragraph of 3-4 sentences 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in notices, and simple texts. 4.1.3 Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.6.1 Spell seen words correctly. 4.7.1 Use the question mark at the end of questions. 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat ; a. vowels in the initial position b. consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.1.4 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions 1.3.5 Listen to simple spoken phrases and sentences and match them to picture(s) and the written word (s) 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: a. vowels in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.3.4 Give longer replies when answering questions 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read
Grammar Item(s)
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World of Self
Grammar Item(s)
Personal Pronouns
2.7.5 Talk about ones family 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: a. vowels in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 3.2.1 Recognise complete words 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in notices, and simple texts. 4.1.3 Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.2.3 Write words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.2.4 Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print 4.3.1 Match words to pictures 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts 4.6.1 Spell seen words correctly. 4.6.2 Spell seen phrases correctly. 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat ; a. vowels, b. consonants: in the initial position 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.14 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words in a story 1.6.3 Listen to fairy tales, fables and short stories and answer simple questions on the people and animals in the story, and the place of the story 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: a. vowel in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.4.3 Complete parts of a story heard before 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them 2.6.2 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: a. vowels in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words for each topic taught
World of Stories
10 11 12
A Bundle of Sticks
Grammar Item(s)
3.4.3 3.7.2 4.1.3 4.2.4 4.4.3 Read aloud simple poems and stories expressively and fluently Read and give details about the people, animals and places in the story. Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s). (with little guidance in the form of a composite picture) 4.5.1 Form simple sentences by arranging words (3-5 words in a sentence).
13 14 15
World of knowledge
Grammar Item(s)
Demonstrative Pronouns
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat ; a. vowels in the initial position b. consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.14 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of simple monosyllable and 2 syllable words 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and point to the pictures 1.3.5 Listen to simple spoken phrases and sentences and match them to picture(s) and the written word (s) 1.5.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs and rhymes 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: a. vowel in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.1 Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies. 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.3.1 Respond with Yes/No replies 2.3.2 Give one-word replies when naming things, animals, etc 2 3.5 Refute statement and give the correct name or number 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: a. vowel in their medial position b. blends in their initial position 3.2.1 Recognise complete words 3.2 .2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words for each topic taught 3.3.3 Read and understand a simple paragraph of 3-4 sentences 3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and signs
3.6.1 4.2.3 4.3.1 4.4.2 Read and recognise words in simple word chains. Wwrite the words and phrases in clear and legibly Match words to pictures Complete simle instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s) (with guidance in the form of a words and pictures). 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words). 4.6.1 Spell seen words correctly. 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words with initial consonants 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.1.4 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: a. vowels in the medial position b. blends in the initial position 1.3.4 Listen to and understand the numbers 16-20 1.5.1 Listen to and enjoy children's songs and rhymes 1.6.3 Listen to fairy tales, fables and short stories and answer simple questions on the people and animals in the story, and the place of the story 2.1.1 Pronounce words that have: as in 1.1.4 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.3 Ask questions about numbers 2.3.3 Give replies pertaining to numbers 16-20; identifying, stating 2 3.5 Refute statement and give the correct name or number 2.4.3 Complete parts of a story heard before 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read 2.6.2 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.3.1 Read and understand phrases 4.5.1 Form simple sentences by arranging words (3-5 words in a sentence). 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words).
World of knowledge
16 17 18
Grammar Item(s)
19 20
1.1.1 Listen to and repeat ; Consonants in initial position 1.1.2 Listen to and repeat word families: the ong family, the in family 1.1.3 Identify the correct the sounds. 1.1.4 Listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: 1.2.1 Listen to and repeat the pronunciation of simple monosyllable and 2 syllable words 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words in a story 1.6.1 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond non-verbally 1.6.2 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond verbally 1.6.3 Listen to fairy tales, fables and short stories and answer simple questions on the people and animals in the story, and the place of the story 2.1.1 (a) pronounce words that have: vowels in the medial position 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.4.3 Complete parts of a story heard before 2.5.1 Name the people or the animal in the story 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them 2.6.2 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds: (a) vowels in the medial position 3.1.4 Read and group words according to word families: the ong family, the in family 3.2.4 Learn another 5 key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences. 3.3.3 Read and understand a simple paragraph of 3-4 sentences 3.4.3 Read aloud simple poems and stories expressively and fluently 3.7.2 Read and give details about the people, animals and places in the story. 3.8.1 Read widely at ones own pace according to ones interest. 4.2.4 Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word. 4.5.1 Form simple sentences by arranging words (3-5 words in a sentence). 4.6.1 Spell seen words correctly. 4.7.2 Revise the use of the full stop and capital letters. 1.1.1 (b) listen to and repeat ; Consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 (b) identify the correct sounds. 1.1.4 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: blends in the initial position
World of stories
1 2 3
Once Upon a time
Grammar Item(s)
World Of Knowledge
Colours 1.2.3 1.3.3 1.5.1 2.1.1 2.1.4 2.2.1 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4.1 3.1.3 3.2.1 3.2.4 3 5.1 3.7.1 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.2.3 4.3.1 4.4.1 4.5.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes Listen to all the words in the word list and point to the pictures Listen to and enjoy children's songs and rhymes (b) pronounce words that have: blends in their initial position Ask questions and give answers clearly Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies. Respond with Yes/No replies Give one-word replies when naming things, animals, etc Recite simple poems & chant nursery rhymes by joining in with words & phrases (b) read aloud words that have the following sounds: blends in their initial position Recognise complete words Learn another 5 key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues Read aloud simple nursery rhymes Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print Copy sentences ( 3-5 words) in clear and legible print Write words and phrases in clear and legible print Match words to pictures Complete missing letters in texts Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words).
Grammar Item(s)
Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns
4 5 6
Wh' Questions
4.6.2 Spell seen phrases correctly. World Of Knowledge 1.1.1 (b) listen to and repeat ; Consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 (b) identify the correct sounds. 1.1.4 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: blends in the initial Position 1.3.3 Listen to all the words in the word list and point to the pictures 1.3.5 Listen to simple spoken phrases and sentences and match them to picture(s) and the written word(s) 2.1.1 (b) pronounce words that have: blends in the initial position 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information
7 8 9
Grammar Item(s)
Commons Nouns 2.3.1 Respond with Yes/No replies 2 3.5 Refute statement and give the correct name or number 3.1.3 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds:blends in the initial position 3.1.6 Compare words for similar and different sounds 3.2.4 Learn another 5 key words for each topic and use these key words in sentences of their own. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences (3-5 words) 3.4.1 Read aloud words in lists and signs 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in notices, and simple texts. 3 5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues 4.1.3 Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.2.4 Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print 4.3.1 Match words to pictures 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words). 4.6.1 Spell seen words correctly. 4.7.2 Revise the use of the full stop and capital letters. 1.1.1 (b) listen to and repeat ; Consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 (b) identify the correct sounds. 1.1.4 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: blends in the initial position 1.4.2 Listen to and learn words of directions 1.4.3 Listen to and follow simple instructions 1.4.4 Listen to and follow simple directions 1.6.2 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond verbally 2.1.1 (b) pronounce words that have: blends in the initial position 2.1.3 Repeat expressions with correct intonation and stress 2.1.4 Ask questions and give answers clearly 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 3.1.3 Read aloud words that have the following sounds:blends in initial position 3.1.6 Compare words for similar and different sounds 3.4.2 Read aloud sentences in notices, and simple texts.
Prepositions Adjectives
10 11 12
World Of Knowledge
Grammar Item(s)
Wh' Questions Prepositions
Simple Past Tense 3 5.1 Understand the meaning of words by looking at picture clues 4.1.3 Copy words and phrases in clear and legible print 4.3.2 Match words to signs 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s). (with little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s)
13 14 15
World Of Knowledge
Grammar Item(s)
Simple Past Tense Conjunction
1.1.1 (b) listen to and repeat ; Consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 (b) identify the correct sounds. 1.1.4 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: blends in the initial position 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words in a story 1.3.5 Listen to simple spoken phrases and sentences and match them to picture(s) and the written word(s) 2.1.1 (b) pronounce words that have: blends in the initial position 2.2.1 Ask simple questions requiring Yes/No replies. 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2.3.4 Give longer replies when answering questions 3.1.3 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds:blends in the initial position 3.2.2 Read and learn the meaning of 5 key words for each topic taught 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences (3-5 words) 3.6.2 Make small words from words 3.8.1 Read widely at ones own pace according to ones interest. 4.1.4 Copy sentences ( 3-5 words) in clear and legible print 4.2.4 Write sentences (3 - 5 words per sentence) clearly and legibly) 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s) 4.5.2 Form simple sentences by matching sentence parts. 4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words). 4.6.2 Spell seen phrases correctly.
4.7.2 Revise the use of the full stop and capital letters.
16 17 18
World Of Stories
The Tasik Cini Dragon Mu - Lan
Grammar Item(s)
Nouns Prepositions Simple Past Tense
1.1.1 (b) listen to and repeat ; Consonants in the initial position 1.1.3 (b) identify the correct sounds. 1.1.4 (b) listen to and group words according to the beginning sounds: blends in the initial position 1.2.3 Listen to and repeat simple rhymes 1.3.5 Listen to simple spoken phrases and sentences and match them to picture(s) and the written word(s) 1.6.1 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond non-verbally 1.6.2 Listen to simple short stories and fairy tales and respond verbally 1.6.3 Listen to fairy tales, fables and short stories and answer simple questions on the people and animals in the story, and the place of the story 2.1.1 (b) pronounce words that have: blends in the initial position 2.2.2 Ask questions to get some information 2 4.2 Recite simple poems and chant nursery rhymes in full 2.5.1 Name the people or the animals in the story 2.5.2 Give details of the people or animals in the story heard or read 2.5.3 Name the good and bad characters and talk a little about them 2.6.1 Give non-verbal response to the story heard or read 2.6.2 Say whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read 3.1.3 (b) read aloud words that have the following sounds: blends in the initial position 3.3.3 Read and understand a simple paragraph of 3-4 sentences 3.4.3 Read aloud simple poems and stories expressively and fluently 3.7.2 Read and give details about the people, animals and places in the story. 3.8.1 Read widely at ones own pace according to ones interest. 4.1.4 Copy sentences ( 3-5 words) in clear and legible print 4.2.4 Write sentences ( 3-4 words) in clear and legible print 4.4.1 Complete missing letters in texts 4.4.2 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s). (with little guidance in the form of a composite picture). 4.4.3 Complete simple instructions and directions, descriptions, rhymes with the missing word(s)
4.5.3 Construct simple sentences independently (3-4 words). 4.6.2 Spell seen phrases correctly.
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