Arihant Aieee Physics (Nitin M Sir)

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The document provides information about various physics and exam preparation books published by Arihant Prakashan. It also details the content covered in the AIEEE Physics book by D.B. Singh.

Some other useful books mentioned are books on physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, general chemistry, coordinate geometry, algebra, calculus, trigonometry, vector geometry and more by authors like Dr. R.K. Gupta, S.K. Goyal and Amit M. Agarwal.

The AIEEE Physics book is divided into 34 chapters covering topics like units and dimensions, kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, circular motion, work energy and power, gravitation, wave motion, sound waves, heat and thermodynamics, optics and modern physics.

Nitin M Sir (physics-iitjee.blogspot.


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Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (





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Vigyan Gurkui, KOTA


K A L I N D I , T.R NAGAR, M E E R U T - 2 5 0 0 0 2

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Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Other Useful Books

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Physical C h e m i s t r y - ' Organic C h e m i s t r y Inorganic C h e m i s t r y General C h e m i s t r y Co-ordinate G e o m e t r y ^ Algebra ^ ^ Calculus (Differential, Integral) Trigonometry Vector & 3 D G e o m e t r y Play With Graphs ^ M e c h a n i c s (Vol. 1, II) ^ Electricity & M a g n e t i s m Waves & T h e r m o d y n a m i c s Optics & M o d e r n Physics Oiftetiuc C h e m i s t r y Oijtctio*. M a t h e m a t i c s Otycctive Physics AIEEE M a t h e m a t i c s AIEEE C h e m i s t r y '

Dr. R.K. Gupta Dr. R.K. Gupta Dr. R.K. Gupta Dr. R.K. Gupta S.K. Goyal S.K. Goyal Amit M. Agarwal Am it M. Agarwal Amit M. Agarwal Amit M. Agarwal D.C. Pandey D.C. Pandey D.C. Pandey D.C. Pandey Dr. R.K.Gupta S.K. Goyal D.C. Pandey Prafull K. Agarwal Sanjay Sharma



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Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

T h e o v e r w h e l m i n g r e s p o n s e g i v e n to my b o o k "AIEEE Physics" f r o m students & t e a c h i n g faculties has g i v e n m e synergistic e n e r g y to bring forth ' S e c o n d Edition' of this b o o k . "AIEEE Physics" s e c o n d e d i t i o n is d i v i d e d into 3 4 c h a p t e r s , constituting i n c r e a s e d n u m b e r of questions- O b j e c t i v e questions, d i v i d e d into level 1 a n d level 2 , with star m a r k e d questions w h i c h a r e m a i n l y subjective in n a t u r e . At t h e e n d of the b o o k w e h a v e g i v e n AIEEE S o l v e d Papers ( 2 0 0 2 , 0 3 , 0 4 a n d 2 0 0 5 ) M y t e a c h i n g e x p e r i e n c e has p o l i s h e d my skills in presenting this b o o k , e l i m i n a t i n g all d o u b t s in t h e m i n d of y o u n g students giving t h e m a c l e a r a p p r o a c h o n t h e subject, p r e p a r i n g t h e m m o r e confidently without the examination phobia. S o , students all t h e very best for y o u r f o r t h c o m i n g e x a m i n a t i o n s . D.B. Singh

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

Uniis a n d Dimensions Vector Quantity Kinematics Newton's Laws of M o t i o n Circular M o t i o n W o r k , Energy und Power Centre of Mass Rotation Gravitation Simple H a r m o n i c M o t i o n Fluid Mechanics S o m e M e c h a n i c a l Properties of Matter W a v e motion a n d W a v e on String SoundWaves H e a t , Temperature a n d Calorimetry Physics for G a s e o u s State' Laws of Thermodynamics H e a t Transfer Reflection of Light Refraction of Light W a v e Optics Photometry a n d Doppler Effect Electric C h a r g e Gauss's Law a n d Electric Potential Electric C a p a c i t o r Current Electricity M a g n e t i c Field Magnetostatics Electromagnetic Induction Alternating Current a n d Electromagnetic Waves C a t h o d e Rays, Photoelectric effect of Light a n d X-rays Atomic Structure Nucleus Semi-conductor Devices AIEEE Solved Papers ( 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 ) AIEEE Solved Papers 2 0 0 5 ,

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1 20 34 70 100 112 127 144 167 178 194 211 224 237 255 269 279 295 307 325 350 359 366 383 410 432 467 486 495 514 523 533 544 556 1 - 36 1-16

N O T E : * In objective questions practice purpose,

* (star) marked questions are subjective in nature. These questions are for concept.

to understand the theoretical

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Units and Measurements
Syllabus: Units for measurement, system of unitsSI, fundamental and derived units, dimensions and their applications.

Review of Concepts
1. Grammar of units: (a) The unit is always written in singular form, e.g., foot not feet. (b) No punctuation marks are used after unit, e.g., sec not sees. (c) If a unit is named after a person, the unit is not written with capital initial letter, e.g., newton not Newton. (d) If a unit is named after a person, the symbol used is a capital letter. The symbols of other units are not written in capital letters, e.g., N for newton (not n). (e) More than one unit is not used at a time. e.g., 1 poise = 1 g/s cm (and not 1 gm/s/cm) 2. Representation of physical quantity: (a) Physical quantity = nu Here n = numerical value of physical quantity in a proper unit u. (b) MjUl = 21'2 Here, nx = numerical value of physical quantity in proper unit Wj n 2 = numerical value of physical quantity in proper unit M2. (c) As the unit will change, numerical value will also change, e.g., acceleration due to gravity, g = 32 ft/s2 = 9.8 m/s2 (d) Addition and subtraction rule: Two or more physical quantities are added or subtracted when their units and dimensions are same. (e) UA + B = C-D Then unit of A = unit of B = unit of C = unit of D Also, dimensions of A = dimensions of B = dimensions of C = dimensions of D (f) After multiplication or division, quantity may have different unit. 3. Unit the resultant (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) independent to each other. In other words, one fundamental unit cannot be expressed in the form of other fundamental unit. Fundamental Units in Different System of Measurement: A. MKS System (Mass, Kilogram, Second System) Quantity Unit Abbreviation kg m s kilogram (i) Mass Length or Distance metre (ii) second (iii) Time CGS System or Gaussion System (Centimetre, Gram, Second System) Quantity Unit Abbreviation g cm s gram (i) Mass Length or Distance centimetre (ii) second (iii) Time FPS System (Foot, Pound, Second System) Quantity Unit Abbreviation ft s slug (i) Mass (ii) Length or Distance foot second (iii) Time MKSA System Quantity (i) Mass (ii) Length (iii) Time (iv) Electric current MKSQ System Quantity Mass Length Time Electric charge Unit kilogram metre second coulomb Abbreviation kg m s C Unit kilogram metre second ampere Abbreviation kg m s A

Fundamental Derived Supplementary Practical unit unit unit unit (I) Fundamental unit: It is independent unit. Fundamental units' in any system of measurements are

F. SI System (International System of Units) This system is result of CGPM meeting in 1971. Now-a-days this system is popular throughout the world.

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 7 Units and Measurements

Quantity (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Mass Length Time Electric current Temperature Unit kilogram metre second ampere kelvin candela Abbreviation kg m s A k mol cd (1) 1 barn = 10~28 m 2 (m) 1 atmospheric pressure = 1.013 x 105 N/m 2 = 760 mm of Hg (n) 1 bar = 105 N/m 2 or pascal (o) 1 torr = l mm of Hg = 133-3 N/m2 (p) 1 mile = 1760 yard = 1.6 kilometre (q) 1 yard = 3 ft (r) 1ft = 12 inch (s) 1 inch = 2.54 cm (t) 1 poiseuille = 10 poise (u) One chandra shekhar limit = 1.4 x mass of Sun (IV) Derived units: Derived unit is dependent unit. It is derived from fundamental units. Derived unit contains one or more than one fundamental unit. Method for Finding Derived U n i t : Step I : Write the formula of the derived quantity. Step I I : Convert the formula in fundamental physical quantities. Step I I I : Write the corresponding units in proper system. Step I V : Make proper algebraic combination and get the result. Example : Find the SI unit of force. Solution : Step I F = ma >
Az m As TT Step n - * Fr = m - ' = - -

Amount of substance mole

(vii) Luminous intensity

Definition of Fundamental Units : (i) Kilogram : The standard of mass was established in 1887 in France. One kilogram is defined as the mass of a cylinder made of platinum-iridium placed at the international Bureau of weights and measures in Sevres, France. (ii) Metre : The SI unit of length was defined with most precision in 1983, at the seventeenth general conference on weights and measures. According to this, one metre is defined as the distance travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1 second. 299792458 (iii) Second : One second is defined as the time required for 9192631770 periods of the light wave emitted by caesium-133 atoms making a particular atomic transition. (II) Supplementary unit: The unit having no dimensions is supplementary unit. e.g., Plane angle Solid angle > Radian > Steradian

Step III r


kilogram x metre r second x second

(III) Practical units : A larger number of units are used in general life for measurement of different quantities in comfortable manner. But they are neither fundamental units nor derived units. Generally, the length of a road is measured in mile. This is the practical unit of length. Some practical units are given below : (a) 1 fermi = 1 fm = 10~15 m (b) 1 X-ray unit = l x u = 10 m -to,m (c) 1 angstrom = 1 A - 10""" (d) 1 micron = 1 (.im = 10~6 m (e) 1 astronomical unit = 1 Au = 1.49 x 1011 m [Average distance between sun and earth, i.e., radius of earth's orbit] (f) 1 light year = 1 l y = 9.46 x l 0 1 5 m [Distance that light travels in 1 year in vacuum] (g) 1 parsec = 1 pc = 3.08 x 10 16 m = 3.26 light year [The distance at which a star subtends an angle of parallex of 1 s at an arc of 1 Au]. (h) (i) (j) (k) One One One One shake = 10 _s second. slug = 14.59 kg pound =453.6 gram weight metric ton =1000 kg

Step IV The unit of force >

2 = kilogram metre per second

4. Abbreviations for multiples and submultiples: Symbol Prefix Factor 10 24 10 21 10 18 10 15 10 12 109 106 103 102 101 10- 1 ur2 10" 3 10" 6 10" 9 10" 12 yotta zetta exa peta tera g'g a mega kilo hecto deka deci centi milli micro nano pico femto Y Z E P T G M k h da d cm m M n P f



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 8 Units and Measurements

Factor 10 -18 10- 21 10- 24 10 6 109 10 12 Prefix atto zepto yocto million billion Symbol a z 8. Dimensions and Dimensional Formulae: The dimensions of a physical quantity are powers raised to fundamental units to get the derived unit of that physical quantity. The corresponding expression is known as dimensional formula. In the representation of dimensional formulae, fundamental quantities are represented by one letter symbols. Fundamental Quantity Length in metres 2 x 10 26

trillion 5. Some approximate lengths: Measurement Distance to the first galaxies formed Distance to the Andromeda galaxy Distance to the nearest star. (Proxima Centauri) Distance of Pluto Radius of Earth Height of Mount Everest Thickness of this page Length of a typical virus Radius of a hydrogen atom Radius of a proton 6. Some approximate time intervals: Measurement Life time of a proton (predicted) Age of the universe Age of the pyramid of cheops Human life expectancy Length of a day Time between human heart beats Life time of the Muon Shortest lab light pulse Life time of the most unstable particle The Plank time 7. Some approximate masses: Object Known universe Our galaxy Sun Moon Asteroid Eros Small mountain Ocean liner Elephant Grape Speck of dust Penicillin molecule Uranium atom Proton Electron Mass in kilogram 1 x 10 M 2 x 10 41 2 x 10 30 7x 1x 10 22 10 12 5 x 10 15 7 x 107 5xl03 3 x 10~3 7x10 4x10 2x10 9x10

Symbol M L T I K mol cd

2 x 10 4 X 10 16 6 X 10 12 6 x 106 9 x 103 1 x 10 _ 4 1 x 10" 8 5 x 107 11 1 X 10~


Mass Length or Distance Time Electric current Temperature Amount of substance Luminous intensity

Time interval in second

1 xlO'

Method for finding dimensional formulae : Step I : Write the formula of physical quantity. Step I I : Convert the formula in fundamental physical quantity. Step I I I : Write the corresponding symbol for fundamental quantities. Step I V : Make proper algebraic combination and get the result. Example : Find the dimensions of momentum. Momentum = Mass x Velocity Displacement Step II Momentum = Mass x > Time Step III Momentum _ M A > = Solution : Step I

5 x 10 17 1 x 1 0 11 2xl09 9 x 10 4 8 x 1 0 -1 2 x 10" 6 6x10 1x10



Dimensional formula of momentum = [Momentum] = [MLT - 1 ] The dimensions of momentum are 1 in mass, 1 in length and - 1 in time. Example: The unit of gravitational constant is Nm /kg . Find dimensions of gravitational constant. Solution : Step I Write physical quantities of corres> ponding units. Here, Nm 2 Force (Length)2 =- = 5 kg 2 (Mass)2 physical quantities in



1 x 1 0, - 4 3

Step II Convert derived > fundamental quantities. Gravitational constant =

Force x (Length) (Mass)2

(Mass x Acceleration) x (Length) (Mass) Mass (Mass)2 (Length)' Mass x Time Change in velocity Time
/ Distance

5 x 10 - 1 7
-25 -27 -31



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 9

Step III Use proper symbols of fundamental quantities. > [L2] Gravitational constant = [MT] [L] [T]

Units and Measurements


= [Gravitational constant] =

= [M~ 1 L 3 T~ 2 ]

.. The dimensional formula of gravitational constant 9. Unit and Dimensions of some Physical Quantities s. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Physical Quantity Displacement or distance or length Mass Time Electric current Thermodynamic temperature Amount of substance Luminous intensit" J Area Volume Density Relative density or specific gravity Velocity or speed Acceleration or retardation or g Force (F) Formula length

Name of SI Unit metre kilogram second ampere kelvin mole

SI Units m kg s A K mol cd m2 m3 kg/m 3 kg/m 3

Dimensional Formula ML 1 T M W ML T 1 MLT

length x breadth length x breadth x height mass volume density of substance density of water at 4C distance time change in velocity time mass x acceleration

candela square metre cubic metre kilogram per cubic metre

ML 2 T ML 3 T M1L"3T MLT 0 or dimensionless ML1T_1 MVT-2 M1L1T-2 MVT-1 MVT

- 1 M 1 L _1 t

kg/m 3 = no unit m/s m/s 2 N or kg m/s kg m/s Ns N/m2 or Pa kg-m /s or J kg m 2 /s 2 or J kg m 2 /s 3 or J/s or watt (W) Nm 2 /kg 2 rad rad/s

12. 13. 14.

metre per second metre per square second newton or kilogram metre square second kilogram metre second newton-sec

per per

15. 16. 17. 18.

Linear momentum (p) Impulse Pressure Work

mass x velocity force x time interval force area force x distance

pascal or newton per square metre kilogram-square metre per square second or joule kilogram square metre per square second or joule watt (W) or joule per second or kilogram square metre per cubic second newton-square metre per square kilogram radian radian per second





equivalent to work



Power (P)

work time



Gravitational constant (G) mim2 arc radius angle (9) time

- 1

- 2

22. 23.

Angle (8) Angular velocity (co)

MLT or dimensionless M0LT_1

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 5 Units Measurements and

Physical Quantity Angular acceleration (a) Formula change in angular velocity time taken mass x (distance) 2 distance Name of SI Unit radian second per square rad/s kgm2 m kg m 2 /s MLTM1L2T M ^ T

SI Units

Dimensional Formula

Moment of inertia (J) Radius of gyration (K) Angular momentum (L) Torque ( ? )

kilogram square metre metre kilogram square metre per second newton metre or kilogramsquare metre per square second newton per metre or kilogram per square second newton per metre joule per metre square newton metre No unit per square

force displacement force length energy area force area change in dimenson original dimension L logitudinal stress logitudinal strain volume s tress or volume strain normal stress volume strain V 7 1_ Bulk modulus shearing s tress shearing strain F 11= /. ^ Au A T~ Ax stress strain prVc or

M 1 L 2 T~ 2

N-m or kg m 2 /s 2

(Spring) force constant (k) Surface tension Surface energy Stress Strain

N/m or kg/s N/m J/m 2 N/m 2

M 1 LT~ 2 M1LT-2 M ^ T 2


newton metre newton metre per per square square N/m metre per per square N/m


Young's modulus (Y) Bulk modulus (B)


Compressibility Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus Coefficient of viscosity (r|)

square newton newton metre

N_1 m2 N/m


- 1

- 2

poise or kilogram per metre per second kg m *s newton metre no unit metre per second or hertz per square

or poise


Coefficient of elasticity Reynold's number (R) Wavelength (X) Frequency (v)


il-It-2 MLT

distance number of vibrations second co = 2 U T> m s" 1 or Hz radian per second second I=ln2n2a2pv or energy watt per square metre transported per unit area per second rad/s s W/M


Angular frequency (co) Time period Intensity of wave (I)



Gas constant (R) Velocity gradient

nT velocity change distance

joule per mole kelvin per second

J mol - 1 K" 1

M1L2T_2K_1 M0L0T_1

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 6

S. No. 48. 49. Physical Quantity Rate of flow Thermal conductivity (K) Formula volume flow time K Name of SI Unit cubic metre per second kilocalory per metre per degree celsius per second joule per kilogram per kelvin joule per kilogram joule-second joule per kelvin watt per square metre per (kelvin) 4 ampere-second or coulomb no unit newton per coulomb or volt per metre volt or joule per coulomb coulomb-metre ohm volt-metre square coulomb per newton per square metre farad ohm-metre SI Units
s" m a

Units and Measurements

Dimensional Formula ML3T_1


kcal m~ lo C

- 3

- l

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

Specific heat (c) Latent heat (L) Planck's constant (h) Boltzmann constant (fc/j) Stefan's constant (a) Charge Dielectric constant Electric field Potential (electric) Electric dipole moment Resistance (R) Electric flux (0 or <(>E) Permittivity of free space (E0) Capacitance Specific resistance electrical resistivity Conductance or Boltzmann


?ti At

Jkg^K"1 J/kg


ML2T-2 M1L2T_1 mVT^K"1


energy frequency PV TNA E AtT" q = It K F AV F E = or E = q a W V:

J/K Wm - 2 K~

- 3

- 4

A-s or C Unit less N/C or V/m J/C or volt C-m Q V-m C 2 N- 1 m" 2 F Q-m

MLT dimensionless



p = 2qL

mVT1!1 M1L2T_3F2

<j) E =^ E dA 1 <71*72 4tiF r 2 C= V RA


61. 62.


63. 64. 65.

M _1 L~ 2 T 4 I 2


- 3

G - I - l


Current density EMF (E) Magnetic field (B) Permeability of free space (Mo) Magnetic dipole moment (M) Magnetic flux Inductance (L or M) Time constant or CR or



ohm 1 or mho or seimen or ampere per AV - 1 or S or mho volt ampere per square Am metre volt tesla or newton per ampere per metre tesla-m per ampere newton-metre per tesla weber weber per ampere or henry T or N A ' ! m _ 1 TmA" N - m - T- 1 Wb Wb A - 1 or H


ML _ 2 TI 1

- 3



69. 70. 71. 72.

" Idl sin 6 M = IA or M = NIA = B-A

M1LT_2R1 M!L] T_2F2

M1L2T_2F1 M1L2T_2F2


I = I0e


,-t/CR 1= In e



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 12 Units and Measurements

10. Homogeneity principle: If the dimensions of left hand side of an equation are equal to the dimensions of right hand side of the equation, then the equation is dimensionally correct. This is known as homogeneity principle. Mathematically, [LHS] = [RHS] 11. Uses of dimensions : (a) To check the correctness of a given physical equation: According to homogeneity principle; if the dimensions of left hand side of an equation is same as that of right hand side of the equation, then the equation of physical quantity is dimensionally correct. Generally, physical equation contains one or more than one dimensionless constant. But homogeneity principle becomes failure to give information about dimensionless constant. Due to this reason, a dimensionally correct equation may or may not be physically correct. Example : Show that the expression of velocity of sound given by v is dimensionally correct. [L.H.S.] = [R.H.S.] or [ML T] = [MLa + h T ~2b] For dimensional balance, dimensions on both sides should be same.

a + b = 0 and -2b = l

1 =T = 2tt S [since, numerical value of k in case of simple pendulum is 2it.] (c) To convert a physical quantity from one system to the other: Dimensional formula is useful to convert the value of a physical quantity from one system to the other. Physical quantity is expressed as a product of numerical value and unit. In any system of measurement, this product remains constant. By using this fact, we can convert the value of a physical quantity from one system to the other. Example : Convert one joule into erg. Solution: Joule is SI unit of work. The dimensions of work in SI = [Wa] = [MjL? T f 2 ] in SI. But erg is CGS unit of work. The dimension of work is CGS = [W 2 ] = [M 2 L 2 T 2 2 ] "1 ["ll = 2 ["2] i [MjL 2 T f 2 ] = n 2 [M 2 L 2 T 2 2 ] Here, Ml = kg Lj = metre Tj = second M 2 = gram L 2 = cm T 2 = second M j = 1000M 2 Lj = 100L 2 and

Here, E = coefficient of elasticity p = density of medium Solution : [L.H.S.] = [v] = [LT~ [R.H.S.] = E
W t

2 Y

/ 2

M L- 3 [L.H.S.] = [R.H.S.]

= [T ] L

Hence, equation is dimensionally correct. (b) To derive new relation among physical quantities: Homogeneity principle of dimensions is powerful tool to establish the. relation among various physical quantities. Example: The time period T of simple pendulum depends upon length / of the pendulum and gravitational acceleration. Derive the formula for time period of simple pendulum. Solution : Let, T =f (I, g) Tcla

t 1 = T2 "1 = 1
n2 = n1

where, a and b are dimensionless constant.


2[Til M
2 . [TIL A = 10

T = klagh
where, k is dimensionless constant. [L.H.S.] = [T] = [MLT] and

"IOOOM2" "100L 2 M2 1 joule = 10 erg 12. Limitations of dimensions:

[R.H.S.] = (l"gb)
= [L H (LT" 2 ) b ]
= [ L

(a) Numerical constant has no dimensions e.g., (b) Trigonometrical ratios have sin G, cos 0, tan 9 etc. no

2n etc.

dimensions e.g.,

= [MLa


(c) Exponents have no dimensions, e.g., ex In this case, ex and x both have no dimensions.

According to homogeneity principle,

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 8

(d) Logrithms have no dimensions, e.g., In x Here In x and x both have no dimensions. (e) This method gives no information about dimensional constants. Such as the universal constant of gravitation (G) or Planck's constant (h) and where they have to be introduced. (f) This technique is useful only for deducing and verifying power relations. Relationship involving exponential, trigonometric functions, etc. cannot be obtained or studied by this technique. (g) In this method, we compare the powers of the fundamental quantities (Like M, L, T etc.) to obtain a number of independent equations for finding the unknown powers. Since, the total number of such equations cannot exceed the number of fundamental quantities, we cannot use this method to obtain the required relation if the quantity of interest depends upon more parameters than the number of fundamental quantities used. (h) In many problems, it is difficult to guess the parameters on which the quantity of interest may depend. This requires a trained, subtle and intuitive mind. 13. Significant figure : (a) The significant figures are those number of digits in a quantity, that are known reliably plus one digit that is uncertain. (b) All the non-zero digits are significant. 1325 has significant figures - 4 . (c) All zeros between two non-zero digits are significant. 1304 has four significant figures. (d) The zeros of the right of decimal point and to the left of a non-zero digit are significant. 0.0012 has significant figures as two whereas 6400 has of two. Measured Values 1234 86.234 0.0013 3100 23.100 1.80 xlO 1 5 Number of Significant Figures 4 5 2 2 5 3

Units and Measurements

Example: Round of the following numbers to four significant digits. (a) 7.36489 (b) 8.465438 (c) 1567589 (d) 1.562576 Solution: (a) Here the fourth digit is 4 and next one is 8 which} is greater than 5. So, 7.36489 becomes 7.365. (b) Here, the fourth digit is 5 and next one is 4 which is less than 5. So, 8.465438 becomes 8.465. (c) 1567589 = 1.567589 xlO 6 Here, the fourth digit is 7 and next one is 5. But digit 7 is odd. So, 1.567589 x 106 becomes 1.568 x 106. (d) Here the fourth digit is 2 and next one is 5. But digit 2 is even. So, 1.562576 becomes 1.562. Addition and subtraction rule : Before addition and subtraction, all measured values are rounded off to smallest number of decimal places. Example : Evaluate 1.368 + 2.3 + 0.0653. Solution : Here least number of significant figures after decimal is one. 1.368=1.4 2.3 = 2.3 0.0653 = 0.1 1.4 + 2.3 + 0.1=3.8 Example : Evaluate 5.835 - 2.3. Solution: 5 . 8 3 5 - 2 . 3 After application of subtraction rule, 5 . 8 - 2 . 3 = 3.5 Multiplication and division rule: In the case of multiplication and division, answer should be in the form of least number of significant figures. 15. Error in measruement: There are many causes of errors in measurement. Errors may be due to instrumental defects, ignoring certain facts, carelessness of experimenter, random change in temperature, pressure, humidity etc. When an experimenter tries to reach accurate value of measurement by doing large number of experiments, the mean of a large number of the results of repeated experiments is close to the true value. Let yi, y2, ., yn are results of an experiment repeated n times. Then the true value of measurement is 2/mean
yi+y2 + + Vn


14. Round off a digit: The rules for rounding off a measurement are given below : (a) If the digit right to the one rounded is more than 5, the digit to be rounded is increased by one. (b) If the digit right to the one rounded is less than 5, the digit to be rounded remains the same. (c) If the digit right to the one rounded is equal to 5, the digit to be rounded is increased by one, if it is odd. (d) If the digit right to the one rounded is equal to 5, the digit to be rounded remains the same, if it is even.

The order of error is a.


" X (x, i=l


The value of quantity is y m e a n o.

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

9 Units and Measurements

Example : The gravitational acceleration at the surface of earth is measured by simple pendulum method by an experimenter in repeated experiments. The results of repeated experiments are given below : Number of Observations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Gravitational acceleration (m/s 2 ) 9.90 9.79 9.82 9.85 9.86 9.78 9.76 9.92 9.94 9.45 (c) Percentage error = Ay ymean x 100

Example: The average speed of a train is measured by 5 students. The results of measurements are given below : Number of Students 1 2 3 4 5 Speed (m/s) 10.2 m/s _ 10.4 m/s 9.8 m/s 10.6 m/s 10.8 m/s

The standard value of gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s but as shown in 10 experiments the value differ from standard value. This shows that errors in the measurements are done by air resistance, instrumental defects or any other circumstances. 16. Calculation of Magnitude of Error: (a) Absolute error: It is defined as difference of the true value and the measured value of a quantity. Vi+?/2 + - - - + y J/mean

Calculate: (a) mean value (b) absolute error in each result (c) mean absolute error (d) relative error (e) percentage error (f) express the result in terms of percentage error. Solution : 10.2 + 10.4 + 9 . 8 + 1 0 . 6 + 1 0 . 8 ( a ) mean c 51.8 = 10.4 m/s

(b) A y i = y m e a n = 10.4 - 1 0 . 2 = 0.2 Ay2 = ymean-y 2 = 1 0 . 4 - 1 0 . 4 = 0.0 Al/3 = ymean-y 3 = 1 0 . 4 - 9 . 8 = 0.6 Aj/4 = ymean " 2 4 = 10-4 - 10.6 = - 0.2 / Ay5 = J/mean ~ Vs = 10 4 - 10.8 = - 0.4 (c) I Ayj I + I At/21 + I Ay3 I + I Ay41 + IAy51 Ay = ^ 0.2 + 0.0 + 0.6 + 0.2 + 0.4 5 Ay 1.4

The absolute error in first observation is Aj/i =}/ m -J/l The absolute error in second observation is Aj/2 = V ~ J/2 m The absolute error in nth observation is Ay=ym-y The mean absolute error is I A}/j I + IAy21 + ... + I Ay I Ay = -

(d) Relative error =

0 28 = + ymean 10-4

(b) Relative error or fractional error =

Ay J/mean

Ay 0 28 (e) Percentage error = - x 100 = t x t x 100 10.4 ' ymean (f) Result = y m e a n . . . %


Questions. Level-1
4. Which of the following is dimensionally correct ? (a) Specific heat = joule per kilogram kelvin (b) Specific heat = newton per kilogram kelvin (c) Specific heat = joule per kelvin (d) None of the above 5. A. 2 T, If v = + Bt + Ct where v is velocity, t is time and A, B and [MLT] (b) [ML 0 T] (a) C are constant then the dimensional formula of B is : (c) [MLT] (d) [MLT~ 3 ]

1. Which of the following quantities is not dimensionless ? (a) Reynold's number (b) Strain (c) Angle (d) Radius of gyration 2. Which of the following pairs have same dimensions ? (a) Torque and work (b) Angular momentum and work (c) Energy and Young's modulus (d) Light year and wavelength 3. Which of the following physical quantities has neither dimensions nor unit ? (a) Angle (b) Luminous intensity (c) Coefficient of friction (d) Current

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6. Which of the following is not correct for dimensionless quantity ? (a) It does not exist (b) It always has a unit (c) It never has a unit (d) It may have a unit 7. Taking density (p), velocity (v) and area (a) to be fundamental unit then the dimensions of force are : (a) [av p] (c) [avp2] (a) [ M L T ] (c) [ M L T _ 1 ] (b) [a2vp] (d) [ A p ] (b) [MLT] (d) none of these

Units and Measurements

(a) [ M _ 1 L _ 3 T 3 A 2 ] (c) [ M 2 L 3 T ~ 3 A 2 ] (b) [ M L 3 T 3 A 2 ] (d) [ML 3 T - 3 A~ 2 ]

19. Which of the following pair has same dimensions ? (a) Current density and charge density (b) Angular momentum and momentum (c) Spring constant and surface energy (d) Force and torque

The dimensional formula Of the Hall coefficient i s : (a) [ M 0 L A - 2 T _ 1 ] (c) [ML AT] (b) [ M L 3 A J ] (d) [ M L 3 A " 1 T ]

8. The dimensions of radian per second are : j

The equation of alternating current 7 = J 0 ^ the dimensions of CR is : (a) [MLT - 1 ] (c) [MLT] (b) [MLT] (d) none of these

where t

9. The dimensional representation of gravitational potential is identical to that o f : (a) internal energy (b) angular momentum (c) latent heat (d) electric potential 10. The volume of cube is equal to surface area of the cube. The volume of cube is : (a) 216 unit (c) 64 unit (a) [ML _ 1 T - 1 ] (c) [MLT ] (b) 512 unit (d) none of these (b) [M _ 1 LT 2 ] (d) none of these (b) angular momentum (d) none of these

is time, C is capacitance and R is resistance of coil, then

22. The dimensional formula of radius of gyration is : (b) [ M L T ] (a) [ML T] (c) [MLT] (d) none of these 23. Universal time is based on : (a) rotation of earth on its axis (b) oscillation of quartz crystal (c) vibration of caesium atom (d) earth's orbital motion around the sun 24. In the equation y = a sin (cot + kx), the formula of co is : (a) [ M L T _ 1 ] (c) [MLT] (b) [MLT _ 1 ] (d) [ML _ 1 T] dimensional

11. The dimensional formula of compressibility is :

12. Velocity gradient has same dimensional formula as: (a) angular frequency (c) velocity 13. An (a) (b) (c) (d)

atmosphere: is a unit of pressure is a unit of force gives an idea of the composition of air is the height above which there is no atmosphere (b) [MLT]

25. Farad is not equivalent to : (a) (c) V (b) qV2

14. The dimensional formula of Reynold's number is : (a) [MLT] (c) [ML T j (d) none of these 15. The dimensions of time constant are : (a) [ M L T ] (c) [MLT] (a) [MLT~2A~2] (c) [ML 2 T - 2 A~ 2 ] (b) [MLT] (d) none of these (b) [ML 2 T _ 1 A~ 2 ] (d) [ M L 2 T " 2 A 2 ]


(q = coulomb, V = volt, / = joule) 26. If P represents radiation pressure, C represents speed of light and Q represents radiation energy striking a unit area per second then non zero integers a, b and c such that P"QbCc is dimensionless, are : (a) a = l,b = l,c = 1 (b) a = l , b = - l , c = l (c) a=-l,b = l,c = l (d) fl = l,& = l , c = l 27. Taking frequency /, velocity v and density p to be the fundamental quantities then the dimensional formula for momentum will b e : (a) pv 4 f- 3 (c) p i f f (b) pi'3/-1 (d) p V / 2

16. The dimensions of self-inductance are :

17. State which of the following is correct ? (a) joule = coulomb x volt (b) joule = coulomb/volt (c) joule = volt + coulomb (d) joule = volt/coulomb 18. The dimensional formula of electrical conductivity is :

1. The amount of water in slug containing by a cylindrical vessel of length 10 cm and cross-sectional radius 5 cm is (The density of water is 1000 kg/m 3 ) : (a) 157 x 10 slug (c) 10.7 slug (b) 5 3 . 7 6 x l O " 3 slug (d) 14.6 slug

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2. The capacity of a vessel is 5700 m . The vessel is filled with water. Suppose that it takes 12 hours to drain the vessel. What is the mass flow rate of water from the vessel ? [The density of water is 1 g/cm ] (a) 132 kg/s (b) 100 kg/s (c) 32 kg/s (d) 152 kg/s 3. The height of the building is 50 ft. The same in millimetre is : (a) 560 mm (b) 285 mm (c) 1786.8 mm (d) 15240 mm 4. The name of the nearest star is proxima centauri. The distance of this star from Earth is 4 x 10 16 m. The distance of this star from Earth in mile is : (b) 2.5 xlO 1 3 mile (a) 3.5 xlO 1 3 mile (c) 5.3 xlO 1 3 mile 5x10

13. The concorde is the fastest airlines used for commercial service. It can cruise at 1450 mile per hour (about two times the speed of sound or in other words, mach 2). What is it in m/s ? (a) 644.4 m/s (b) 80 m/s (c) 40 m/s (d) None of these * 14. When pheiridippides run from Marathon to Athans in 490 B.C. to bring word of the Greek victory over the persians on the basis of approximate measurement, he ran at a speed of 23 ride per hour. The ride is an ancient Greek unit for distance, as are the stadium and the pletheron. One ride was defined to be 4 stadium, one stadium was defined to be 6 pletheran and in terms of SI unit, one pletheron is 30.8 m. How fast did pheiridippides run in m/s ? (a) 5.25 m/s (approx) (b) 4.7 m/s (approx) (c) 11.2 m/s (approx) (d) 51.75 m/s (approx) 15. One light year is defined as the distance travelled by light in one year. The speed of light is 3 x 10 m/s. The same in metre is : (a) 3 x 10 12 m (c) 3 x 10 15 m (b) 9.461 x 10 1 5 m (d) none of these

(d) 1.5 xlO 1 3 mile atom in ground state is

5. The radius of hydrogen is (1 fm = 10- 15 m ) : (a) 5 x 104 fm (c) 5 x 10 fm

m. The radius of hydrogen atom in fermi metre (b) 2 x 10 fm (d) 5 x 10 fm

6. One nautical mile is 6080 ft. The same in kilometre is : (a) 0.9 km (b) 0.8 km (c) 1.85 km (d) none of these 7. The area of a room is 10 m 2 The same in ft 2 is : (a) 107.6 feet2 (c) 77.6 feet2 (b) 77 feet2 (d) none of these

16. The acceleration of a car is 10 mile per hour second. The same in ft/s is : (a) 1.467 ft/s2 (b) 14.67 ft/s2 (c) 40 ft/s2 (d) none of these 17. One slug is equivalent to 14.6 kg. A force of 10 pound is applied on a body of one kg. The acceleration of the body is : (a) 44.5 m/s 2 (c) 44.4 ft/s2 (b) 4.448 m/s 2 (d) none of these

8. The density of iron is 7.87 g/cm3. If the atoms are spherical and closely packed. The mass of iron atom is 9.27 x 10~26 kg; What is the volume of an iron atom ? (a) 1.18 x 10~29 m3 (b) 2.63 x 10 - 2 9 m3 (c) 1.73 x 10~2S m 3 (d) 0.53 x 10 - 2 9 m 3

9. In the previous question, what is the distance between the centres of adjacent atoms ? (a) 2.82 x 10 (c) 0.63 x 10~y m m (b) 0.282 x l 0 " 9 m (d) 6.33xl0~9m

18. The speed of light in vacuum is 3 x 108 m/s. How many nano second does it take to travel one metre in a vacuum ? (a) 8 ns (c) 3.34 ns 10n s (b) y (d) none of these

10. The world's largest cut diamond is the first star of Africa (mounted in the British Royal Sculpture and kept in the tower of London). Its volume is 1.84 cubic inch. What is its volume in cubic metre ? (a) 30.2 x 10~6 m 3 (b) 33.28 m 3 (c) 4.8 m 3 (d) None of these 11. Crane is British unit of volume, (one crane = 170. 474 litre ). Convert crane into SI unit: (a) 0.170474 m 3 (c) 0.0017474 m 3 (b) 17.0474 m 3 (d) 1704.74 m 3

19. The time taken by an electron to go from ground state to excited state is one shake (one shake = 10 s). This time in nanosecond will be : (a) 10 ns (b) 4 ns (c) 2 ns (d) 25 ns 20. The time between human heart beat is 8 x 10~' second. How many heart beats are measured in one minute ? (a) 75 (b) 60 (c) 82 (d) 64 21. The age of the universe is 5 x 10 17 second. The age of universe in year is : (a) 158 x 10 (c) 158 x 10 (b) 158 xlO 9 .11 (d) 1 5 8 x 1 0 '

12. Generally, sugar cubes are added to coffee. A typical sugar cube has an edge of length of 1 cm. Minimum edge length of a cubical box containing one mole of the sugar cubes is: (a) 840 km (b) 970 km (c) 780 km (d) 750 km

22. Assuming the length of the day uniformly increases by 0.001 second per century. The net effect on the measure of time over 20 centuries is : (a) 3.2 hour (b) 2.1 hour ,(c) 2.4 hour (d) 5 hour

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23. The number of molecules of H 2 0 in 90 g of water is : (a) 35.6x10'

Units and Measurements

34. One bar is equivalent to 10 N/m2. The atmosphere pressure is 1.013 x 10 N/m . (a) 1.88 bar (b) (c) 2.013 bar (d) 35. 1 revolution is equivalent revolution per minute is : (a) 2 n rad/s (b) (c) 3.14 rad/s (d) 36. If v = velocity of a body c = speed of light Then the dimensions of is : c
r(b) [MLT"l i (d) none of these (c) [ML2T~2] * 37. The expression for centripetal force depends upon mass of body, speed of the body and the radius of circular path. Find the expression for centripetal force: (a) [MLT]

(b) 41.22x10'


(c) 27.2 x ! 0 :23

: (d) 30.11 x l 0 ,23

.24, 24. The mass of earth is 5.98 x 10 kg. The average atomic weight of atoms that make up Earth is 40 u. How many atoms are there in Earth ? n49 (a) 9 x l 0 5 1 (b) 9 x 104 (c) 9 xlO 4 6 (d) 9 xlO 5 5 25. One amu is equivalent to 931 MeV energy. The rest mass qi of electron is 9.1 x 10" 01 kg. The mass equivalent energy is (Here 1 amu = 1.67 x 10~ 27 kg) (a) 0.5073 MeV (b) 0.693 MeV (c) 4.0093 MeV (d) none of these

The same in bar is : 1.013 bar none of these to 360. The value of 1 0.1047 rad/s none of these

One atomic mass unit in amu = 1.66 x 10~27 kg. The atomic weight of oxygen is 16. The mass of one atom of oxygen is : (a) 2 6 . 5 6 x l O - 2 7 k g (c) 74xlO"27kg (b) 10.53 x l O - 2 7 kg (d) 2.73x 10 (b) 756 watt (d) 766 watt
-27, -z/


(a) F t \ r

mv 2r 3
m v

(b) F =

mv m 2 v2 2r

27. One horse power is equal to : (a) 746 watt (c) 736 watt 28- If E = mc2

(c) F = -

(d) F

38. The maximum static friction on a body is F = |iN. Here, N = normal reaction force on the body (J. = coefficient of static friction The dimensions of p is :
(a) [ M L T "

where, m = mass of the body c = speed of light Guess the name of physical quantity E : (a) Energy (b) Power (c) Momentum (d) None of these 29. One calorie of heat is equivalent to 4.2 J. One BTU (British thermal unit) is equivalent to 1055 J. The value of one BTU in calorie is : (a) 251.2 cal (b) 200 cal (c) 263 cal (d) none of these 30. The value of universal gas constant is R = 8.3 J/kcal/mol. The value of R in atmosphere litre per kelvin/mol is : (a) 8.12 atm litre/K mol (b) 0.00812 atm litre/K mol (c) 81.2 atm litre/K mol (d) 0.0812 atm litre/K mol 31. Refer the data from above question. The value of R in calorie per C mol is : (a) 2 cal/mol C (b) 4 cal/mol C (c) 6 cal/mol C (d) 8.21 cal/mol C 32. Electron volt is the unit of energy (1 eV = 1.6 x 10" 19 J ). In H-atom, the binding energy of electron in first orbit is 13.6 eV. The same in joule (J) is: (a) 10 xlO" 1 9 J (b) 21.76xlO" 1 9 J
! (c) 13.6 x 10 -19 J


[ M W E

(c) dimensionless
(a) [ M L
_ 1

(d) none of these

(b) [ M L T "

39. What are dimensions of Young's modulus of elasticity ?

T "
1 2


[ M L T "

(d) None of these

* 40. If F = 6 r c r f / V , where, F = viscous force r] = coefficient of viscosity r - radius of spherical body v = terminal velocity of the body Find the values of a, b and c : (a) a = l,b = 2,c = l (b) = l,fc = l , c = l (c) a = 2,b = \,c = \ (d) a = 2,b = \,c = 2 F 41. The surface tension is T = y surface tension is: (a) [ M L T t 2 ] (b)
[ M T "

then the dimensions of

(d) none of these

33. 1 mm of Hg pressure is equivalent to one torr and one torr is equivalent to 133.3 N/m2. The atmospheric pressure in mm of Hg pressure is : (a) 70 mm (b) 760 mm (c) 3.76 mm (d) none of these

(c) [ M L T ] (d) none of these * 42. A gas bubble from an explosion under water oscillates with a time period T, depends upon static pressure P, density of water 'p' and the total energy of explosion E. Find the expression for the time period T (where, k is a dimensionless constant.): (a) T=kP~5/6p1/2E1/3 (b) T = -A/7 l/2 r l/3 kp-*//pl/zE (c) T = kP~5/6 p 1/2 E 1/2 (d) T = kP"4/7 p 1/3 E 1/2

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43. The dimensions of heat capacity is : (a) [L 2 T" 2 e _ 1 ] (c) [M"* 1 L 2 T -2 e" 1 ] (b) [ML 2 T" 2 e _ 1 ] (d) none of these 52. The workdone by a battery is W = e Aq, where Aq = charge transferred by battery, e = emf of the battery. What are dimensions of emf of battery? (b) [ML 2 T" 3 A~ 2 ] (a) [MLT~ 2 A- 2 ] (c) [M 2 T~ 3 A] (d) [ML 2 T - 3 A - 1 ] 53. The expression for drift speed is vj = J/ne Here, / = current density, n = number of electrons per unit volume, e = 1.6 xlO - 1 9 unit The unit and dimensions of e are : (a) coulomb and [AT] (b) ampere per second and [AT -1 ] (c) no sufricient informations (d) none of the above 54. The unit of current element is ampere metre. The dimensions of current element is : (a) [MLA] (b) [ML 2 TA] (c) [M]LT2] F = q ( v x B) Here, q = electric charge "v=. velocity of the point charge B = magnetic field The dimensions of B is : (b) [MLT~2A_1] (a) [MLT - l , A] (d) none of these (c) [MT" 2 A _1 ] 56. What are dimensions of E/B ? (a) [LT"1] [MVT"1] (b) [LT" 2 ] (d) [ML 2 T - 1 ] (c) 57. What are the dimensions of (i<)o ? Here, n 0 = magnetic permeability in vacuum = electric permittivity in vacuum Q (a) [ML" 2 T- 2 ] (c) [L- 2 T 2 ] (b) [L~2T~2] (d) none of these (d) [LA] 55. The magnetic force on a point moving charge is

44. If A H = mL, where'm' is mass of body A H = total thermal energy supplied to the body L = latent heat of fusion The dimensions of latent heat of fusion is : (a) [ML2 T ~2] (b) [L 2 T" 2 ] (d) [M 1 LT~ 1 ] (c) [MLT~2] 45. Solar constant is defined as energy received by earth per per minute. The dimensions of solar constant is : (a) [ML 2 T~ 3 ] (c) [MT
- 3 i

(b) [M 2 LT _1 ] (d) [ML1 T~2] The

46. The unit of electric permittivity is C2/Nm2. dimensions of electric permittivity is : (a) [M _ 1 L" 3 T 4 A 2 ] (c) [M- : L~ 3 TA 2 ] (b) [M _ 1 L _ 3 T 4 A] (d) [ML" 3 T 4 A 2 ]

47. A physical relation is e = e0 ,where, e = electric permittivity of a medium E(j = electric permittivity of vacuum e r = relative permittivity of medium What are dimensions of relative permittivity ? (a) [M 1 L 2 T - 2 ] (c) [M 0 LT] (b) [ML Z T" 3 ] (d) [MLT _1 ]

48. The dimensions of 1/2 eE are same as : (a) energy density (energy per unit volume) (b) energy . (c) power (d) none of the above 49. The electric flux is given by scalar product of electric field strength and area. What are dimensions of electric flux? (a) (c) [ML3T~2A~2] [ML 3 T~ 3 A _1 ] (b) (d) [ML 3 T" 2 A _ 1 ] [M 2 LT _1 A]

50. Electric displacement is given by D = eE Here, e = electric permittivity E = electric field strength The dimensions of electric displacement is : (a) [ML~2TA] (b) [L" 2 T _1 A] (c) [L~2TA] (d) none of these 51. The energy stored in an electric device known as capacitor is given by U = q /2Cwhere, U = energy stored in capacitor C = capacity of capacitor q = charge on capacitor The dimensions of capacity of the capacitor is : (a) [M^L^A2] (b) [ f v T V 2 T 4 A ] (d) [ML~2T4A] (c) [M" 2 L" 2 T 4 A 2 ]

58. In the formula, a = 3 be1 'a' and 'c' have dimensions of electric capacitance and magnetic induction respectively. What are dimensions of 'V in MKS system : (a) [M" 3 L" 2 T 4 Q 4 ] (b) [M" 3 T 4 Q 4 ] (d) [M~ 3 L 2 T 4 Q~ 4 ] (c) [M" 3 T 3 Q] AV 59. If X = eo L At Here, Eg = electric permittivity of free space L = length AV = potential difference Af = time interval What are the dimensions of X ? Guess the physical quantity : (a) Electric current, [A 0 M 0 LT H ] (b) Electric potential, [AMLT] (c) Electric current, [AMLT] (d) None of the above

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60. The dimensions of ^ is : Here, R = electric resistance L = self inductance (a) [T - 2 ] (c) [ML" 1 ] E =i LIb. (b) [T - 1 ] (d) [T] Find the value of V and V :

Units and Measurements

68. The dimensions of frequency is : (b) [MLT] (a) [T - h (d) none of these (c) [MLT~ 69. The dimensions of wavelength is : (a) [MLT] (c) [ML -1 T] (b) [MLT] (d) none of these 2tc What

* 61. The magnetic energy stored in an inductor is given by

70. The optical path difference is defined as A x = are dimensions of optical path difference ? (a) [ML -1 T] (b) [MLT ] (d) [M L - 2 T] (c) [MLT]

Here, L = self inductance, I = electric current (a) a = 3,b = 0 (c) a-0,b = 2 (b) a = 2,b = l (d) a = l , b = 2

62. In L-R circuit, / = 70 [1 e~l/X] Here, J = electric current in the circuit. Then (a) the dimensions of Iq and X are same. (b) the dimensions of t and X are same. (c) the dimensions of I and Iq are not same. (d) all of the above B2 63. A physical quantity u is given by the relation u = - 2M o Here, B = magnetic field strength p0 = magnetic permeability of vacuum The name of physical quantity u is (a) energy (b) energy density (c) pressure (d) none of these 64. The energy of a photon depends upon Planck's constant and frequency of light. The expression for photon energy is : h (a) E = hv (b) E = v (c) E : h (d) E = hv2

71. The unit of intensity of a wave is W/m ? What are dimensions of intensity of wave ? (a) [M T ] (b) [A M L T - 2 ] (d) None of these the dimensions of 'B' and 'C' are (c) [ M L - 1 T - 2 ] 72. If A = B + D+E

[L T and [ML T], respectively. Find the dimensions of A, D and E : (a) A = [ M V r 1 ] , D = [T], E = [LT] (b) A = [MLT0], D = [T 2 ], E = [T 2 ] (c) A = [LT -1 ], D = [MT], E = [M T] (d) A = [LT -1 ], D = [T], E = [T] * 73. l f x = (a) (b) (c) (d) a sin 6 + b cos 0 , then: a+b the dimensions of x and a are same the dimensions of a and b are not same x is dimensionless none of the above dv

74- J;

wJi d * 65, If energy of photon is E hacXa Here, h = Planck's constant c - speed of light X - wavelength of photon Then the value of a, b and d are (a) 1, 1, 1 (b) 1 , - 1 , 1 (c) 1 , 1 , - 1 (d) none of these 1 66. The radius of nucleus is r = r0A , where A is mass
number. The dimensions of C is q (a) [MLT" 2 ] (b) [M 0 LT - 1 ] (c) [MLT] (d) none of these 67. The power of lens is P = -j, where '/' is focal length of the lens. The dimensions of power of lens is : (a) [LT -2 ] (b) [ML - 1 T] (c) [MLT] (d) none of these

- 1 on the basis of dimensional --=<? sin -1 V2av - v2 analysis, the value of 1 is : 1 (a) 0 (b) - 2 (c) 3 (d) none of these

Find the value of following on the basis of significant figure rule : 75. The height of a man is 5.87532 ft. But measurement is correct upto three significant figures. The correct height is : (a) 5.86 ft (b) 5.87 ft (c) 5.88 ft (d) 5.80 ft 76. 4.32 x 2.0 is equal to : (a) 8.64 (c) 8.60 (b) 8.6 (d) 8.640

77. 4.338 + 4.835 x 3.88 + 3.0 is equal to : (a) 10.6 (b) 10.59 (c) 10.5912 (d) 10.591267 78. 1.0x2.88 is equal to : (a) 2.88 (b) 2,880 (c) 2.9 (d) none of these

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15 Units and Measurements

79. 1.00 x 2.88 is equal to: (a) 2.88 (c) 2.9 82. The relation gives the value of 'x' (b) 2.880 (d) none of these a3b3 The percentage error in 'x', if the percentage error in a, b, c, d are 2%, 1%, 3% and 4% respectively, is : (a) 8 % (b) 1 0 % (c) 12% (d) 14% 83. While measuring the diameter of a wire by screw gauge, three readings were taken are 1.002 cm, 1.004 cm and 1.006 cm. The absolute error in the third reading is : (a) 0.002 cm (b) 0.004 cm (c) zero (d) 1.002 cm

80. The velocity of the body within the error limits, if a body travels uniformly a distance of (13.8 0.2) m in a time (4.0 0.3), is : (a) (3.45 0.2) m/s (b) (3.45 0.4) m/s (c) (3.45 0.3) m/s (d) (3.45 0.5) m/s 81. The fractional error


[ if

| .,

x = a is :


Aa a Aa

(b) n

Aa a

(c) l o g f

(d) l o g ^

Answers. Level-1

(d) (b) (c)

2. 12. 22.

(a) (a) (c)

3. 13. 23.

(c) (a) (a)

1 1

4. 14. 24.

(a) (c) (a)

5. 15. 25.

(d) (b) (b)

6. 16. 26.

(b) (c) (b)

7. 17. 27.

(a) (a) (a)

8. 18.

(c) (a)

9. 19.

(c) (c)

10. 20.

(a) (d)

11. 21.

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (c) (c) (c) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. .'.67. 77. (a) (a) (a) (b) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (a) (a) (c) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. (b) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (b) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. (a) (a) (d) (b) (c) (b) (a) (c)


(b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (a) (d) (a) (b)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82.

(a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (d) (b) (d) (d)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43.' 53. 63. 73. 83.

(d) (a) (d) (b) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81.

54. , (d) 64. (a) 74. (a)


"(b) (a)

Solutions Level-1
3. Coefficient of friction = Applied force Normal reaction
*[MLT" 2 i

r1 19. Spring constant = y = [ML0 T~2] Surface energy = Energy Area

[MLT" 2 ]

= No dimensions

N Unit = TT = No unit N

= [ML0 T~ 2 ] 21. CR is known as time constant CR = [M _1 L ~ 2 T 4 I 2 ] [ M L 2 T " 3 r = [ML T]


6=^*=m=[LTt [T

v = Bt l


10. Let us take side of cube = a

C= Also potential =

Charge q Potential - V Work Charge


a3 = 6a2
(7 = 6


V =

iv '1

a3 11. Compressibility

,3 = =

( 6) 3

= 216

1 Bulk modulus = [M

C = -7- as well as C = J V2 Thus (a), (c), (d) are equivalent to farad but (b) is not equivalent to farad.

LT 2 ]

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Vector Operations

Scalars and vectors, vector addition, multiplication of a vector by a real number, zero vector and its properties, resolution of vectors, scalar and vector products. tail to tail, e.g., in the fig, the angle between a and 1> is 60 not 120. (viii) The angle between two vectors is always lesser or equal to 180. (i.e., 0 < 0 < 180) (ix) A vector never be equal to scalar quantity. The magnitude or modulus of a vector quantity is (x) always a scalar quantity. Two vectors are compared with respect to (xi) magnitude. The minimum value of a vector quantity is always (xii) greater than or equal to zero. (xiii) The magnitude of unit vector is one. (xiv) The direction of zero vector is in indeterminate form. (xv) The gradient of a scalar quantity is always a vector quantity 1 a u * du * du a Here, F = conservative force and U - potential energy (xvi) If a vector is displaced parallel to itself, it does not change. (c) Tensor Quantity : The physical quantity which is not completely specified by magnitude and direction is known as tensor quantity, eg., moment of inertia, stress etc. 2. Types of Vector: (a) Zero or empty or null vector: The vector whose magnitude is zero and direction is indeterminate is known as zero vector (7?). Properties of zero vector : - > 7* "7* (ii) + b + 0 = Y+ b (iii) I f ~0 (iv) The cross-product of two parallel vectors is always a^zero vector. (v) n 0 = 0 , where n is any number. (b) Unit vector: A vector of unit magnitude is iJ known as unit vector. If n IS a unit vector, then II An I = 1. I The unit vectors along X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis are denoted by i , f and (i)

Review of Concepts
1. Physical Quantity: Physical quantity is that which can be measured by available apparatus. Observation + Measurement = Physics Physical Quantity

(a) Scalar quantity (b) Vector quantity (c) Tensor quantity (a) Scalar Quantity: The quantity which does not change due to variation of direction is known as scalar quantity, e.g., mass, distance, time, electric current, potential, pressure etc. Some Important Points: (i) It obeys simple laws of algebra. (ii) The scalar quantity, which is found by modulus of a vector quantity is always positive, e.g., distance, speed etc. (iii) The scalar quantity which is found by dot product of two vectors may be negative, e.g., work, power etc. (iv) The tensor rank of scalar quantity is zero. (b) Vector Quantity: The quantity which changes due to variation of direction is known as vector quantity, e.g., displacement, velocity, electric field etc. Some Important Points: (i) Vector does not obey the laws of simple algebra. (ii) Vector obeys the laws of vector algebra. (iii) (iv) (v) Vector does not obey division law. e.g.

* . * 15

meaningless. The tensor rank of vector quantity is one. Division of a vector by a positive scalar quantity gives a new vector whose direction is same as initial vector but magnitude changes. T? = ^ e.g., b




Here n is a positive scalar. In this case, the directions of "a^and b are same to each other. A scalar quantity never be divided by a vector quantity. V b The angle between two vectors is measured

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Vector Operations

Some important points : (i) 1 * j * fc (ii) I il = I j l = I ft I = 1 a> (iii) The unit vector along a vector a is n = -p=x I< I 1

(b) Magnitude of R : Let a = angle between "a* and b, then,


Parallel vectors

RI = Va + b2 + 2ab cos a
Like parallel vector Unlike parallel vector

(c) Direction of R : Let resultant R makes an angle 6 with Then, tan 0 = b sin a a + b cos a

Some important points : If vectors are parallel, then their unit vectors are (i) same to each other. Suppose l^and b are parallel vectors, then 1^1

(d) IRImax -a + b
(e) I R U i n=




(g) Vector addition obeys commutative law. i.e., (h) Vector addition obeys associative law. i.e.,


(ii) The angle between like parallel vectors is zero. (iii) The angle between unlike parallel vectors is 180. (iv) The magnitude of parallel vectors may or may not be same. (v) If the magnitude of like parallel vectors are same, then the vectors_are known as equal vectors. Suppose i f and b are equal vectors, then

~?+(l>+ -?) = (+ T>) + "?

5. Subtraction of vectors: Let two vectors "5* and b make an angle a with each other. We define

Hh = ll?l .

(d) Polar vectors: The vectors related to translatory motion of a body are known as polar vectors, e.g., linear velocity, linear momentum etc. (e) Axial or pseudo vectors: The vectors which are rotatory to rotatory motion of a body are known as axial vectors, e.g., torque, angular velocity etc. 3._^Iultiplication of a vector by a number: Let a vector b which is result of multiplication of a number k and "a* be

i.e., the magnitude of b is k times that of 11 If k is positive, then the direction of b isesame as that of ~J! If k is a negative, then the direction of b is opposite as that of ~t. 4. Addition law of vectors : (a) According to addition law of vector:

Then, R is resultant of "a* and ( - 1?). > The angle between a and ( - b ) is n - a. According- to parallelogram law of magnitude of R



= I Rl = Va 2 + b2 + lab cos ( n - a) = Vfl2 + b2-2ab and cos a b sin (7t - a) b sin a tan a = : , = ; a + b cos (JC- a) a-b cos a

6. Components of a vector: Here, x-component = a cos 0 and u-component = a sin 9 and a = a cos 01 + a sin 0 j y-component Also, tan 0 = ^-component 7. Vector in three dimension: If 1?= x i + y") + zic (a) = Vx2 + y 2 + z 2 (b) Let "remakes a, (3 and y angles with x-axis, y-axis and z-axis respectively, then

OA + AB = OB i.e.,

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

cos a = and
A/X2 + y2 + z2

Vector Operations 22
cos (3 = form is +z

b I sin 6 n, where n is

cosy= , Vx^ + y + z^

9. Vector product or Cross product of two vectors : (a) 1?= I unit vector perpendicular to * and (b) 1> * *

(c) cos 2 a + cos 2 (3 + cos 2 y = 1 8. Scalar product or dot product: (a)


b' = I 7 1

. I~r>. cos 9 b' I

(b) Dot product of two vectors may be negative.

(c) b ' = b'

(c) * x * = "0 (d) U U o ? j x ? = 0*and fcx 1 = 0*

(d) (e)

(b+C^ = a2


(i) t x t = f c (ii) j x lc = 'l (iii) lex 1 = 1 (iv) t x f e = - t (v) Ic X j = - t (vi) | x t = - 1c (e) The -zrI*x bI (f) If * = ax * +fly* + az tc and b = then
-r> Positive Negative

(f) i ; i = l / j ' j ' = l and ii ii = 1 ?4=oJ.iUo,t.k=o^ +flvf+ and b =frj.'i+ byf + (h) If

7 T> = axbx + ciyby + azbz (i) The angle between vectors 7 and 6 = cos


in vector form is I bT

e =

a ^ Htxt)







(j) The component of "^parallel to

("aN b') b'

t + by f + bz ft; t

fcj fay

(k) The component of * perpendicular to b in vector


Questions. Level-1

1. Two vectors A and B are aciting as shown in figure. If I A I = IB I = 1 0 N then the resultant i s : (a) 10V2N (b) 10 N (c) 5V3 N (d) none of the above
10 N


If P + Q = R and > IPI IQI = V3 and ICI = 3, then the = > angle between P and Q is : (a) 0 (b) Ji/6 (c) 7t/3 (d) k / 2

- - -


2. A force F = (6t - 8 f + 101c) N produces an acceleration of 1 m/s in a body. The mass of body would be : (a) 200 kg (c) 10V2 kg (a) 0 (c) 60 (b) 20 kg (d) 6V2 kg 1c and f ? (b) 45 (d) None of these

6. The angle between A x B and A + B is : (a) 90 (b) 180 (c) 60 (d) none of these
7. Minimum number of unequal coplanar forces whose

vector sum can be equal to zero is : (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) any 8. If IA + BI is : (a) 0 (c) 60

3. What is the angle between

I A - B I then, the angle between A and B (b) 90 (d) 180

4. For two vectors A and B, which of following relations are not commutative ? (a) P + Q (c) P Q (b) P*x Q (d) None of these

Resultant of which of the following may be equal to zero ? (a) 10N, 10N, 10N (b) 10 N, 10N, 25 N (c) 10 N, 10 N, 35 N (d) None of these

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Vector Operations

10. The maximum resultant of two vectors is 26 unit and minimum resultant is 16 unit, then the magnitude of each vector is: (b) 13, 13 (a) 21, 5 (d) none of these (c) 20, 6
- > - - >

19. The modulus of the vector product of two vectors is times their scalar product. The angle between vectors is :

(a) g

(b)f <d>?

11. If P x Q = 0 and Q x R = 0, then the value of P x R is : (a) zero (b) AC sin 0 n (c) AC cos 9 (d) AB tan 0 12. Two vectors P and Q are such that P + Q = R and I P l z + I Q I = I RI Which of the following is correct ? > . (a) P is parallel to Q (b) P is anti-parallel to Q
> >

i \


20. The resultant of two vectors makes angle 30 and 60 with them and has magnitude of 40 unit. The magnitude of the two vectors are : (a) 20 unit, 20 unit (b) 20 unit, 28 unit (c) 20 unit, 20V3 unit (d) 20 unit, 60 unit 21. A child takes 8 steps towards east and 6 steps towards north. If each step is equal to 1 cm, then the magnitude of displacement is: (a) 14 m (b) 0.1 m (c) 10 m (d) none of these 22. A cyclist is moving on a circular path with constant speed. What is the change in its velocity after it. has described an angle of 30 ? (a) v<2 (b) c (0.3V3) (c) v<3 (d) None of these 23. Angle between A x B and B x A is :
(a) n

(c) P is perpendicular to Q

(d) P and Q are equal in magnitude 13. What is the property of two vectors P and Q if P +Q=P- Q ? (a) P is null vector (c) P is proper vector > > 14. Two vectors P and Q have equal magnitude of 10 unit. They are oriented as shown in figure. The resultant of these vector is : (a) 10 unit (b) lOVTunit (c) 12 unit (d) none of the above 15. If P = Q + R and Q = R + P then the vector R is : (a) + Q > P> (c) P - Q (b) Q - F (d) null vector



(b) Q is null vector (d) Q is proper vector

p (30'

2 (b )* 135

(d) none of the above

Bx A

24. Given P = P cos 01 + P sin t- The vector P which is perpendicular to Q is given by : (a) Q cos 0 i - Q sin 0 j (c) Q c o s G t + Q s i n O f (b) Q s i n 0 i - Q c o s 0 j (d) Q s i n 0 t + Q c o s 0 j

16. If A =aii + and B = a2'i + b2J, the condition that they are parallel to each other is : , l

25. The resultant R of vectors P and Q is perpendicular to P also IP I = I R I , the angle between P and Q is : (a) 45 (c) 225

a2 "2

(b) fljbj = a2b2 (d) none of these

(b) 135 (d) none of these

"l (c) a2

_1 >

17. A vector P makes an angle of 10 and Q makes an angle of 100 with x-axis. The magnitude of these vectors are 6 m and 8 m. The resultant of these vectors is : (a) 10 m (b) 14 m (c) 2 m (d) none of these 18. The algebraic sum of modulus of two vectors point is 20 N. The resultant of these perpendicular to the smaller vector and has a of 10 N. If the smaller vector is of magnitude value of b is : (a) 5 N (c) 7.5 N (b) 20 N (d) none of these acting at a vectors is magnitude b, then the

26. A force F = 3 i - 2 j + displaces an object from a point P (1^ 1,1) to another point of co-ordinates (2, 0, 3). The work done by force is : (a) 10 J (b) 12 J (c) 13 J (d) none of these 27. The arbitrary number ' - 2 ' is multiplied with vector A then : ( a ) the magnitude of vector will be doubled and direction will be same (b) the magnitude of vector will be doubled and direction will be opposite (c) the magnitude of vector and its direction remain constant (d) none of the above

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (


Vector Operations 25
A man first moves 3 m due east, then 6 m due north and finally 7 m due west, then the magnitude of the resultant displacement is: (a) Vl6~ (b) V24 (c) yt40 (d) V94 particle of mass m is moving with constant velocity v along x-axis in x-y plane as shown in figure. Its angular momentum with respect to origin at any time ' f , if . position vector r , is : (a) 3mv k (b) m v k (d) mvli

(c) i mv \t

29. A

30. The maximum and minimum resultant of two forces are in ratio 5 : 3, then ratio of the forces is : (a) 10 : 6 (b) 3 : 5 (c) 4 : 1 (d) none of the above

l. Pressure is : (a) a scalar quantity (b) a vector quantity (c) a tensor quantity (d) either scalar or vector 2. If electric current is assumed as vector quantity, then: (a) charge conservation principle fails (b) charge conservation principle does not fail (c) Coulomb's law fails (d) none of the above The direction of area vector is perpendicular to plane. If the plane is rotated about an axis lying in the plane of the given plane, then the direction of area vector: (a) does not change (b) remains the same (c) may not be changed (d) none of the above 4. In previous problem if the plane is rotated about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the given plane, then area vector : (a) must be changed (b) may not be changed (c) must not be changed (d) none of the above 5. An insect moves on a circular path of radius 7m. The maximum magnitude of displacement of the insect is : (a) 7 m (b) 1471 m (c)

10 m. The total distance travelled by the man is : (a) 10 m (b) 2 m (c) 12 m (d) 7 m

i> 1 m

"1 m

9. Two forces of magnitudes 3N and 4N are acted on a body. The ratio of magnitude of minimum and maximum resultant force on the body is : (a) 3/4 (b) 4/3 (c) 1/7 (d) none of these 10. A vector * makes 30 and makes 120 angle with the x-axis. The magnitude of these vectors are 3 unit and 4 unit respectively. The magnitude of resultant vector is : (a) 3 unit (b) 4 unit (c) 5 unit (d) 1 unit 11. If two forces of equal magnitude 4 units acting at a point and the angle between them is 120 then the magnitude and direction of the sum of the two vectors are : (a) 4 , 0 = tan -1 (1.73) (c) 2, 0 = tan" 1 (1.73) 12. If bl (b) 4, 0 = tan" 1 (0.73) (d) 6, 0 = tan" 1 (0.73)

(d) 14 m

6. In previous problem, if the insect moves with constant

speed 10 m/s, the minimum time to achieve maximum magnitude of displacement is : (a) 10 s (b) 2 s (c) 1 . 4 s (d) 2 . 2 s * 7. The IIT lecture theatre is 50 ft wide and has a door at the corner. A teacher enters at 7.30 AM through the door and makes 20 rounds along the 50 ft wall back and fourth during period and finally leaves the class-room at 9 AM through the same door. If he walks with constant speed of 10 ft/min, find the distance and the magnitude of displacement travelled by the teacher during the period : (a) 2000 ft and 0 ft (b) 100 ft and 0 ft (c) 2000 ft and 50 ft (d) none of these 8. A man walks from A to C , C to D and D to B (as shown in figure). The magnitude of displacement of man is

* -

: 1, then the angle, between a and b is : (by 45 (d) 60

(a) 0 (c) 90

13. The angle between A and the resultant of ( A + B ) and

( A - B ) will be : (a) 0 (c) tan" 1 ^ 14. Mark correct option: (a) l * - ~ l = 1*1 (b) I * - b I < I * l - I bl (c) (d) I * - 1 > I > I * l (b) tan" 1 (d) tan i

B (A-B A+B

l*-l?l > 1*1 - l tT

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Vector Operations

15. How many minimum number of vector of equal magnitude are required to produce zero resultant ? (a) 2 (c) 4 (b) 3 (d) More than 4

23. A block of 150 kg is placed on an inclined plane with an angle of 60. The component of the weight parallel to the inclined plane is : (a) 1300 N (b) 1400 N (c) 1100 N (d) 1600 N 24. In the previous problem, the component of weight perpendicular to the inclined plane is : (a) 980 N (b) 1500 N (c) 1000 N (d) 750 N 25. If three forces F

16. Three forces are acted on a body. Their magnitudes are 3 N, 4 N and 5 N. Then (a) the acceleration of body must be zero (b) the acceleration of body may be zero (c) the acceleration of the body must not be zero (d) none of the above 17. In previous problem, the minimum magnitude of resultant force is : (a) = 0 (b) > 0 (c) < 0 (d) < 0 18. In the given figure, O is the centre of regular pentagon ABCDE. Five forces each of magnitude Fq are acted as shown in figure. The resultant force is : (a) 5F 0 (b) 5F 0 cos 72 (c) 5F 0 sin 72 (d) zero 19. ABCD is a parallelogram, and * TJ, "C* and cT are the position vectors of vertices A, B, C and D of a parallelogram. The correct option is : (a)

= 3i 4|+5fc F3 = - 5 l

F 2 = - 3 i + 4 f and

are acted on a body, then the direction of resultant force on the body is : (a) along x-axis (b) along i/-axis (c) along z-axis (d) in indeterminate form 26. A cat is situated at point A (0, 3, 4) and a rat is situated at point B (5, 3, - 8). The cat is free to move but the rat is always at rest. The minimum distance travelled by cat to catch the rat is : (a) 5 unit . (b) 12 unit (c) 13 unit (d) 17 unit 27. An insect started flying from one corner of a cubical room and reaches at diagonally opposite corner. The magnitude of displacement of the insect is 40>/3 ft. The volume of cube is : (a) 64 V3"ft3 (c) 64000 ft3 (b) 1600 ft3 (d) none of these


(b) "<?-

= d*-

(c) b - c = d - a

(d) none of these

20. A man walks 4 km due west, 500 m due south finally 750 m in south west direction. The distance and magnitude of displacement travelled by the man are : (a) 4646.01 m and 5250 m (b) 5250 m and 4646.01 m (c) 4550.01 m and 2300 m (d) none of the above 21. From Newton's law of motion, F = ma, (shown in figure) are acted on the body of mass 0.8 kg. The magnitude of acceleration of the body is : (a) 1 m/s 2 (b) 2 m/s 2 (c) 1.6 m/s 2 (d) none of the above 22. Calculate the resultant force, when four forces of 30 N due east, 20N due north, 50N due west and 40 N due south, are acted upon a body : (a) 20V2N, 60, south-west (b) 2 0 V 2 N , 45, south-west (c) 20 V2" N, 45 north-east (d) 20 V2 N, 45 south-east three forces

28. In previous problem, if the insect does not fly but crawls, what is the minimum distance travelled by the insect ? (a) 89.44 ft (b) 95.44 ft (c) 40 ft (d) 80 ft 29. The position vector of a moving particle at time t is 1?= 3 t + 4 f2 J f 3 lc. Its displacement during the time interval t = 1 s to t = 3 s is : (a)f-lt (b)3i + 4 j - k (c) 9 t + 3 6 ^ - 2 7 Is (d) 3 2 f - 2 6 l * 30. If a rigid body is rotating about an axis passing through the point 2 * - f - ic and parallel to i - 2 | + 2 & with an angular velocity 3 radians/sec, then find the velocity of the point of the rigid body whose position vector is 2t+3j-4-lc: (a) - 2 t + 3 | + 4 k (c) - 2 ? + 3 ? - 4 fc (b) 2 t - 3 j + 4 k (d) - 2 t - 3 f - 4 t c

* 3 1 . Obtain the magnitude and direction cosines of vector ( ~ Z - t ) , if l = 2 l + 3 t + ft, t = 2? + 2 f + 3 k : 1 - 2 2 1 (a) 0 , - ^ - p (b) 0,<5 V5" V5 V5 1 (d) none of these (c) 0,0, V5

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Vector Operations 27

32. The vertices of a quadrilateral are A (1,2, - 1 ) , B ( - 4,2, - 2), C (4,1, - 5) and D ( 2 , - l , 3 ) . Forces of magnitudes 2 N, 3 N, 2 N are acting at point A along the lines AB, AC, AD respectively. Their resultant is : (a) (c) A/26 i + 9? + 16fc (b) (d) V26 19f + 6fc 41. A force F = 2* + 3* + 1c acts on a body. The work done by the force for a displacement of - 2^ + J 1c is : (a) 2 unit (b) 4 unit (c) - 2 unit (d) - 4 unit 42. The work done by a force F = (i + 2 j vector of A is "r^ = (a) 5 J (c) 2 J by Here, + N, to displace a body from position A to position B is : [The position 1c) m and the position vector (b) 3 J (d) 10 J of B is ^ = (2i + 2 f + 3 t c ) m ]

V26 V26 33. The position vectors of four points A, B, C and D are * = 2 f +3j +4 i = i + 2j +3 l t = 3 f + 5 t + 7t, and t = 3 i + 6 j + 9 l

43. Magnetic force on a moving positive charge is defined

respectively Then vectors AB and CD are : (a) coplanar (b) collinear (c) perpendicular (d) none of these 34. A force F = a l + b ' j + cic is acted upon a body of mass 'm'. If the body starts from rest and was at the origin initially. Its new co-ordinates after time t are :


at2 2m at2 (c) m


bt2 2m bt2 m

ct2 2m ct2 2m


, at2 2bt2 ct2 2m m 2m '

velocity of the body l f = magnetic field If velocity of charged particle is directed vertically upward and magnetic force is directed towards west, the direction of magnetic field is : (a) north (b) east (c) west (d) south 44. If U then : (a) the direction of "c* changes, when the angle between

(d) none of these v vectors (b) cos - i f J L 15 (d) c o s " 1 ^ 2"! + j and

35. The angle between -F* A . A . , b = 31 - 4 j is equal to : (a) cos


a*x l> increases up to 6 (0 < 180) (b) the direction of 1?changes, when the angle between * and b decreases up to 0 (0 > 0) (c) the direction of "c^does not change, when the angle between "a* and b increases (d) none of the above 45. The unit vector perpendicular to vectors * = 3 f + | and = 2 * - * 5 tc is : (a) (c) (i-3f+fc) (2f-t-5t) A/30

(c) zero

36. The angular relationship between the vectors A and B is : A = 3 t + 2| + 4 i (a) 180 (b) 90 B = 2f+t-2lc (c) 0 (d) 240



31 + j

is :

* 37. The resultant of two vectors P and Q is R. If the vector > > Q is reversed, then the resultant becomes S, then choose the correct option (a) R2 + S2 = 2(P2-Q2) (b) R2 + S2 = 2(P2 + Q2) (c) R2 + S2 = (P2 - Q2) (d) R2 -S2 = 2 (P2 + Q2)

(d) none of these

46. The value of I x (I x (a) * (c) - 2 * 47. If b+

38. The velocity of a particle is v = 61 + 2 | - 2 l The component of the velocity of a particle parallel to vector "a*- f + ^ + t in vector form is : (a) 6 t + 2 j + 2 l (b) 2 t + 2 | + 2fe (c)i+j+tc (d) 6 i + 2 | - 2 t c 39. In previous problem, the component of V in perpendicular direction of * i n vector form is ? (a) - 2 f - 2 t - 2 f e (b) 4 f - 4 t c (c) 6 i + 2 j - 2 l (d) l \ + 2 ) + 2\i 40. For what value of x, will the two vectors A = 2i + 2 j - x t c and B = 2i - j - 31c are perpendicular to each other ? (a) x = 2/3 (b) x = 3/2 (c) x = 4/3 (d) x = 2/3

+ j x (j x + k x (1 x (b) * x fc (d) -a> . 0, then "^x b i s : (b) (d) none of these


a W

48. Choose the correct option for A x B = C : -4 ' > (i) C is perpendicular to A (ii) C is perpendicular to B (iii) C is perpendicular to ( A + B ) (iv) C is perpendicular to ( A x B) (a) (b) (c) (d) Only (i) and (ii) are correct Only (ii) and (iv) are correct (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct. All are correct



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Vector Operations 49. The vector area of a triangle whose sides are * (a) - ( b x (b) (c) | (d) none of the above 50. If three vectors x * - 2 b + 3~ct - 2~t+ y b - 4 * and cx *x b) b, ~cf is :

where r = distance between charges 0 = electric permittivity of vacuum. If electric force on first point charge due to second point charge is directed along the line from q2 t0 <7lElectrostatic force on first poir.t charge due to second point charge in vector form is : (a)


<M2 ("3 ' 4TIq I r ? - ~?213 47ieo \ Y l - Y 1 \ 3


4TIq I T ^ - T f

- zl) + 21? arc coplanar, where are unit (or any) vectors, then (a) xy + 3zx 8z = 4 (b) 2xy - 2 z x - 3z - 4 = 0 (c) 4xi/-3zx-t-3z = 4 (d) x y - 2 z x + 3 z - 4 = 0 51. A force F = ( 2 i ' + 3 * - t:) N is acting on a body at a position (6r-+3^ - 2 lc). The torque about the origin is : (a) (3i + 2 j + 1 2 i ) N m (c) (I + 2) + 12K)Nm 52. The values of x and A = (6t + x * - 2 i c ) parallel are: ' 2 (a) x = 0, y = 15 23 (c) x = ->y = 53. The area of the (b) (9i + j + 7 ^ ) Nm (d) (3I + 12) + tc) Nm and y for which vectors may be B = (5t - 6 j - t / k ) , 36 5 (b) x = - T y = 36 15 (d) x = >y= parallelogram determined by

* 58. The system is shown in the figure, consists of a uniform beam of 400 N weight on which objects of weight 200 N and 500 N are hanging. Calculate the magni- tude of forces R] and R2 exerted in the supports : . J A 1 FE +L/3-W W-L74 +

' 1r 200 N 400 N 500 N (a) Ra = 590 N, RZ = 840 N (b) R\ = 420 N, R2 = 580 N (c) R x = 458 N, R 2 = 642N (d) RJ = 1390 N, R2 = 375 N

A = 2i + | - 3 l c a n d ~B = 1 2 j - 2 l c is: (a) 42 (b) 56 (c) 38 (d) 74 54. Choose the correct option : (a) "a*x (1? x + 1J x ("Fx * ) + ~<?x ( * x T?) = 0 ( * x b) = 0 (b) * x ( * x b) + b x ( * x * ) + (d) none of the above 55. The three conterminous edges of a parallelopiped are

59. A particle is moving along a circular path with a constant speed 30 m/s. What is change in velocity of a particle, when it describes an angle of 90 at the centre of the circle ? (a) Zero (c) 60V2 m/s (b) 30^2 m/s (d) ^z:m/s V2

(c) * x ( * x ~tj) + 1j x (~c*x * ) - c*x ( * x = 0

The volume of parallelopiped is : (a) 36 cubic unit (b) 45 cubic unit (c) 40 cubic unit (d) 54 cubic unit 56. If the three vectors are coplanar, then value of 'x' is:

60. One day in still air, a motor-cyclist riding north at 30 m/s, suddenly the wind starts blowing westward with a velocity 50 m/s, then the apparent velocity with which the motor-cyclist will move, is : (a) 58.3 m/s (b) 65.4 m/s (c) 73.2 m/s (d) 53.8 m/s 61. A man walks 20 m at an angle of 60 north-east. How far towards east has he travelled ? (a) 10 m (b) 20 m , , , 10 (d)-m (c) 20a/3 m * 62. If the system shown in the figure is in equilibrium then, calculate the value of weight w. Assume pulleys to be weightless and frictionless:

B = x f + 3fc C = 7t + 3 j - l l f e (a) 36/21 (b) -51/32 (c) 51/32 (d) -36/21 57. The position vectors of point charges q\ and q2 are 7} and respectively. The electrostatic force of interaction between charges is F = <M2 4rcnr2 (a) 60 N (c) 150 N (b) 120 N (d) 90 N

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63. The distance travelled by the car, if a car travels 4 km towards north at an angle of 45 to the east and then travels a distance of 2 km towards north at an angle of 135 to the east, is : (a) 6 km (c) 5 km (b) 8 km (d) 2 km

Vector Operations 28
65. If a particle is moving on an elliptical path given by

~t = b cos (oti+a
r is: (a) co r* 2 * (c) - C r O

sin cof*, then its radial acceleration along (b) co2 "r* (d) none of these

64. On one rainy day a car starts moving with a constant acceleration of 1.2 m/s 2 . If a toy monkey is suspended from the ceiling of the car by a string, then at what angle the string is inclined with the vertical ? (a) tan" 1 (0.25) (c) tan" 1 (0.12) (b) tan - 1 (0.63) (d) tan - 1 (A/3)

66. What is the V| at the point (0, 1, 0) of a scalar function <> <> if (j) = 2x 2 + y2 + 3z 2 ? |,

(b) 3 ?

(a) 2 j

(c) 4 i + 2 | (d) 3 i + 3 |

Answers Level-1

11. 21.

(b) (a) (b)

2. 12. 22.

(c) (c) (b)

3. 13. 23.

(d) (b) (a)

4. 14. 24.

(b) (c) (b)

5. 15. 25.

(c) (d) (b)

6. 16. 26.

(a) (a) (c)

7. 17. 27.

(b) (a) (b)

8. 18. 28.

(b) (c) (c)

9. 19. 29.

(a) (a) (b)

10. 20. 30.

(a) (c) (c)


11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61.

(a) (a) (b) (a)


(a) (a)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62.

(a) (c) (b) (b) (a) (b) (c)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63.

(b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64.

(c) (c) (d) (a) (c) (a) (c)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65.

(d) (a) (d) (d) (a) (c) (c)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66.

(d) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (a)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57.

(a) (a) (c) (b) (a) (a)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58.

(c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59.

(c) (b) (d) (b) (a) (b)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.

(c) (a) (a) (a) (d) (a)

IFI 2. m = = - ^ ^ = 1 0 V 2 kg


3 '


(+l + *)-J V(l) 2 + (l) 2 + (l) z V(l) 2 I(fl2 = I P 1 2 +


f. s

1 + 2IP1 l^lcosG

ii. PxQ=0 PI

I->Q ;

Q x R = 0 => Q I I R P x R = 0 then P I I R fljfl2 + &1&2 = 0

ala2 =

3 2 = 3 + 3 + 2(3) cos 0 7 = 1 + cos 6

1 cos ae = -

2 ...(i)

e = 60
9. H i n t : The resultant of three vectors will be zero if and only if the sum of two smaller vectors is equal to or greater than third vector. 10. Let

18. and

b + C = 20
c 2 = (10) 2 + bz (20 400 -

b)2 = (10)2 + b2 40b + b2 = 100 + b2

300 ,


A + B = 26 A-B = 16
2A = 4 2

400 - 1 0 0 = 40 b


B = 7.5

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Syllabus: Motion in a straight line, uniform motion, its graphical representation, projectile motion. uniform accelerated motion and its applications,

Review of Concepts
1. Time : It is measure of succession of events. It is a scalar quantity. If any event is started at t - 0 then time will not be negative. But if the oDservation is started after the start of event then time m a y be negative. 2. Distance and Displacement: Suppose an insect is at a point A (Xj, t/1; Zj) at t = tp It reaches at point B (x2, yi, Z2) at t = f 2 through path ACB with respect to the frame shown in figure. The actual length of curved path ACB is the distance travelled by the insect in time At = t2 - fj.


If a body is moving continuously in a given direction on a straight line, then the magnitude of displacement is equal to distance. (vii) Generally, the magnitude of displacement is less or equal to distance. (viii) Many paths are possible between two points. For different paths between two points, distances are different but magnitudes of displacement are same. (ix) The slope of distance-time graph is always greater or equal to zero. The slope of displacement-time graph may be (x) negative. Example : A man walks 3 m in east direction, then 4 m in north direction. Find distance covered and the displacement covered by man. Solution: The distance covered by man is the length of path = 3 m + 4 m = 7 m .


If we connect point A (initial position) and point B (final position) by a straight line, then the length of straight line AB gives the magnitude of displacement of insect in time interval At = t 2 - tp The direction of displacement is directed from A to B through the straight line AB. From the concept of vector, the position vector of A is

= x 1 t + 2/if+Z;[ it and that of B is

Let the man starts from O and reaches finally at B (shown in figure). OB represents the displacement of man. From figure, I OB I =

rB = * 2 l + l/2j+Z2k. According to addition law of vectors,


{OA)2 + (AB)2
4m 3m 4 3 3 v /

+ AB

= rB

= (3 m) 2 + (4 m) 2 = 5 m

AB = rg - rA

= (X2~X1) l + (t/2-yi)
The magnitude of displacement is

) + (Z2-Zl) k


tan 6 =

) = tan'1

IABI = V ( x 2 - x 1 ) 2 + ( y 2 - y i ) 2 + ( 2 2 - 2 i ) 2 Some Conceptual P o i n t s : (i) Distance is a scalar quantity. (ii) Distance never be negative. (iii) For moving body, distance is always greater than zero. (iv) Distance never be equal to displacement. (v) Displacement is a vector quantity.

The displacement is directed at an angle tan

of east. 3. Average Speed and Average Velocity : Suppose we wish to calculate the average speed and average velocity of the insect (in section 2) between i - 1 ] and t = t2. From the path (shown in figure) we see that at t = fj, the position of

3 v y


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the insect is A (x a , y\, zx) and at t = t2, the position of the insect is B (x2, y2, z 2 ). The average speed is defined as total distance travelled by a body in a particular time interval divided by the time interval. Thus, the average speed of the insect is Mathematically, : tan 0 =



vav =

The length of curve ACB : 7 t2 - h

The average velocity is defined as total displacement travelled by a body in a particular time interval divided by the time interval. Thus, the average velocity of the insect in the time interval t2 - tj is -4 AB

(vi) The area of speed-time graph gives distance. (vii) The area of velocity-time graph gives displacement. (viii) Speed can never be negative. 4. Instantaneous Velocity : Instantaneous velocity is defined as the average velocity over smaller and smaller interval of time. Suppose position of a particle at t is ~r*and at t + At is r + A r. The average velocity of the particle for time interval Ar AT From our definition of instantaneous velocity, At should be smaller and smaller. Thus, instantaneous velocity is
S Vflt,=




r B~ r = A - t2t]

- If -xiA + position
A y^


V = H M

Ar dr AT = Tt at an instant t is

(*2 - * l ) 1 + (yi - ?/l) ) + (22 - Zl) ^



Some Important Points: (i) Velocity is a vector quantity while speed is a scalar quantity. (ii) If a particle travels equal distances at speeds i>i, v2, v3, ... etc. respectively, then the average speed is harmonic mean of individual speeds. (iii) If a particle moves a distance at speed V\ and comes back with speed v2, then vav But (iv) 2v\v2 =Vi + v 2

+ lie, then zi

dx x-component of velocity is vx = ~ y-component of velocity is vy = z-component of velocity is vz = Thus, velocity of the particle is > A A
V = VX l +


If a particle moves in two equal intervals of time at different speeds v^ and v2 respectively, then Vi + v2
V.av = 2

Vav 0




The average velocity between two points in a time interval can be obtained from a position versus time graph by calculating the slope of the straight line joining the co-ordinates of the two points.

Some Important Points: (i) Average velocity may or may not be equal to instantaneous velocity. (ii) If body moves with constant velocity, the instantaneous velocity is equal to average velocity. (iii) The instantaneous speed is equal to modulus of instantaneous velocity. (iv) Distance travelled by particle is s = J \v\ dt

1 + di%
dz A

x-component of displacement is Ax = J vx dt y-component of displacement is Ay = J Vy dt

(t 2 -t n ) :


z-component of displacement is Az = Thus, displacement of particle is


(b) The graph [shown in fig. (a)], describes the motion of a particle moving along x-axis (along a straight line). Suppose we wish to calculate the average velocity between t = tj and t = t2. The slope of chord AB [shown in fig. (b)] gives the average velocity.

A~r = Axt + Ayf + Az 1c If particle moves on a straight line, (along x-axis), (vi) dx then v = dt (vii) The area of velocity-time graph gives displacement. (viii) The area of speed-time graph gives distance. (ix) The slope of tangent at position-time graph at a particular instant gives instantaneous velocity at that instant. 5. Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Acceleration : In general, when a body is moving, its velocity is not always

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the same. A body whose velocity is increasing is said to be accelerated. Average acceleration is defined as change in velocity divided by the time interval. Let us consider the motion of a particle. Suppose that the particle has velocity "vj at f = fi and at a later time t = t2 it has velocity ~V2- Thus, the average acceleration during time interval At = t2 - t\ is

If the time interval approaches to zero, average acceleration is known as instantaneous acceleration. Mathematically,

a= lim = "37 A DT
AT->O ' Some Important Points: (i) Acceleration a vector quantity. (ii) (iii) (iv) Its unit is m/s . The slope of velocity-time graph gives acceleration. The area of acceleration-time graph in a particular time interval gives change in velocity in that time interval.




2 ~



~ At

6. Problem Solving Strategy : Motion on a Straight Line (one dimensional motion)

Uniform velocity

Motion with constant acceleration (i) (ii) s=

(i) (ii)

s = vt a=0

fu + v

Motion with variable acceleration (i) (ii) If =/(*), = dv dt

1 7 s = ut + ^ ar

(iii) v2 = u2 + las (iv) v = u+at

(v) Sth = M

dv ds dv (iii) If a =/&>), = dt If a =/(s), a = v (iv) (v) (vi) v= ds dt

+ (2-l)|

s = { vdt v-jadt


For retardation, 'a' will be negative.

7. Motion in Two or Three Dimension : A body is free to move in space. In this case, the initial position of body is taken as origin. Any convenient co-ordinate system is chosen. Let us suppose that at an instant t, the body is at point P (x, y, z). The position vector of the body is r = x t + velocity dr In this way, dx A dx dvx dt A az A dz + z it. Thus,

Discussion: (i) (a) If ax is constant, vx = ux + axt x = uxt +


.2 -axt

. v2 _ x . 2 + laxx x=u x'

(b) If ax is variable, x= jvxdt

V* =


jdvx = jax dt (ii) (a) If ay is constant,

and acceleration along x-axis is ax = The velocity along y-axis is dy

y = uyt + -ay


and the acceleration along y-axis is ay - dt Similarly, vz = and dv. az=-dt



Vy = Uy+ayt
v2 = u2y + layy (b) If ay is variable,

y = jvydt
jdvy = jaydt

The acceleration of the body is ~a = a x ^ + a A + a z ic.

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(iii) (a) If az is constant, or or or Also, jvzdt jazdt uz = 0 the x-y plane with .'. Position of particle is y = or or 3t

dx dt~

z= u2f+-a2r v\ = u\ + 2az z (b) If az is variable, z= jdvz = az = 0, Example: A car



= 3t

3 tdt


If the motion of the body takes place in x-y plane, then vz = 0, in moves

acceleration (3 m/s 2 t + 4 m/s 2 f ) (a) Assuming that the car is at rest at the origin at / = 0, derive expressions for the velocity and position vectors as function of time. (b) Find the equation of path of car. Solution : Here, ux = 0, a x = 3 m/s 2 , (a) or and or vx = 31
VY =

xt + y| f3 3 3t 2 A 2

uy = 0,

uz = 0
flr =

ay = 4 m/s 2 and

dt dt dt

d (t2) = 21 dt


= 3t




= 4t A
V =

fly = 3 unit


a = flxi + flyj = 2ft + 3 j

(ii) or and or

1 a *=lx3f2 = |f2
x = uxt + ^axt 1 l2 t y = uyt + ayt y = ~(4)t2 o 2 = 2t2 4

= (3fi + 4 f j )

8. Motion Under Gravity: The most familiar example of motion with constant acceleration on a straight line is motion in a vertical direction near the surface of earth. If air resistance is neglected, the acceleration of such type of particle is gravitational acceleration which is nearly constant for a height negligible with respect to the radius of earth. The magnitude of gravitational acceleration near surface of earth is g = 9.8 m/s 2 = 32 ft/s2. Discussion: Case I : If particle is moving upwards : In this case applicable kinematics relations are: v = u-gt (i) (ii) h= ut-gt2

y= 3*
Hence, the path is straight line, (b) The position of car is r = xi+yj =-ri + 2r j

(iii) v2 = u2- 2gh (iv) Here h is the vertical height of the particle in upward direction. For maximum height attained by projectile

Example: A bird flies in the x-y plane with a velocity v'=/ 2 t + 3 f A t f =0, bird is at origin. Calculate position and acceleration of bird as function of time. Solution: Here, vx = t , vu = 3t and vz = 0

i.e., (0)2 = u2 i U_ "mav <

v=0 2ghmax


Case II: If particle is moving vertically downwards : In this case,

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(i) (ii) (iii) v = u+ gt v2 = u2 + 2gh h = ut + ^gt2 Also,

X = Ux t (Vq COS 0) t = Vqt COS 0
y= 1 uyt--gt 1 2 Q)t--gt

:: I1

Here, h is the vertical height of particle in downward direction. 9. Projectile Motion: A familiar example of two dimensional motion is projectile motion. If a stone is thrown from ground obliquily, it moves under the force of gravity (in the absence of air resistance) near the surface of earth. Such type of motion is known as projectile motion. We refer to such object as projectile. To analyse this type of motion, we will start with its acceleration. The motion of stone is under gravitational acceleration which is constant in magnitude as well as in direction. Now let us consider a projectile launched so that its initial velocity Vq makes an angle 0 with the horizontal (shown in figure ) For discussion of motion, we take origin

y = (z>0sin

The position of the projectile is > A A r = xi+yj

: Vqt COS 0 i + y o t s i n 0 - - (
(ii) Trajectory of projectile: The y-x graph gives the path or trajectory of the projectile. From discussion of instantaneous velocity of projectile. x = u o <cos0 ...(1) t-and 1 2 y = v0t sin 0 - - gt ...(2) ...(3)

Vq COS 0 r x

Putting the value of t from (3) in the equation (2), y = vo sin 0 or


- ^ VQ COS 0
2VQ COS 2 0

;g Vq

0 ..(4)

y = x tan 0 -

This is the required path of projectile. at the point of projection. Horizontal direction as x-axis and vertical direction as y-axis is taken. The initial velocity of projectile along x-axis is ux = Vq COS 0. The component of gravitational acceleration along x-axis is ax=gcos 90 = 0. The component of initial velocity along y-axis is Uy = Vq sin 0. The acceleration along y-axis is Uy = -g. Discussion: (i) The instantaneous velocity of the projectile as function of time : Let projectile reaches at point (x, y) after time t (shown in figure). Multiplying the equation (4) by we get x

2z;2 cos 2 0

to both sides,

2v sin g



2v cos 0


Vq sin 0 cos 0
g sin 0 cos 0

to both sides, we get

2vq C O S 2 0

g This is of the form,


1 Vq sin9 0

Vx = Ux = Vq COS 0
and Vy = Uy-gt = v= vxi+vy) + (UQ sin 0 - gt) f v0smQ-gt

(x-a) =c(y-b) which is the equation of a parabola. Hence, the equation of the path of the projectile is a parabola. (iii) Time of flight: The time taken by projectile to reach at point A from point O is known as time of flight. Here, OA = vx T, where T is time of flight. The total displacement along y-axis during motion of projectile from O to A is zero so, y = 0, But or

y= uyT~ 2sT
0 = (vq sin T= 2v0 sin 0 g

2 Q)T-jgT2

~V = t>0 COS 0*1

The instantaneous speed = l~vl = V(u0 cos 0)2 + (Vq sin 0 - gt)2

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(iv) Range of projectile: Distance OA is known as range. The time taken to reach to point A from point 0 is 2I>Q sin 0 (b) (i)

If for the two angles of projection a j and a 2 , the speeds are same then ranges will be same. The condition is a j + a 2 = 90.


The range R-uxT=

(v0 cos 0)
= v

r 2 vr,

sin 0 '

(2 sin 0 cos 9) 20

vq sin

g The time taken by projectile to reach from O to B is equal T to the time taken by projectile to reach from B to A = (v) Height attained by projectile : At the maximum height (at point B) the vertical component of velocity is zero. y J i vy = B H

If particles be projected from the same point in the same plane so as to describe equal parabolas, the vertices of their paths lie on a parabola. (iii) The locus of the foci of all parabolas described by the particles projected simultaneously from the same point with equal velocity but in different directions is a circle. (iv) The velocity acquired by a particle at any point of its path is the same as acquired by a particle in falling freely from the directrix to that point. (v) A projectile will have maximum range when it is projected at an angle of 45 to the horizontal and the maximum range will be At the maximum range, H = Rn



(vi) In the case of projectile motion, at the highest point, potential energy is maximum and is 1 2 2 equal to mu sin a. (vii) If the body is projected at an angle of 45 to the horizontal, at the highest point half of its mechanical energy is potential energy and rest is kinetic energy. (viii) The weight of a body in projectile motion is zero as it is freely falling body. (ix) If two projectiles A and B are projected under gravity, then the path of projectile A with respect to the projectile B is a straight line. 10. The equation of trajectory of projectile is
X -

v2 =


(0) 2 = (v sin 0) 2 - 2gH H =

2 VQ

sin 0


Alternative method: A particle is projected with a velocity u at an angle a to the horizontal, there being no force except gravity, which remains constant throughout its motion. > A . A u =u cos a i + u sin a j y A

u sin a cos a g 2 u2


cos a g

u2 sin 2 a


(a) Latus rectum =

cos 2

a z A Aa > S N.

s =xi+y j +

S be the focus, then \^t2 (0,0)



AS = ^ (latus rectum) SM = -

A A , A A. , 1 ,2A xi + y j = (u cos a i + u sin a j ) t-^g* J x = ut cosa, For the maximum height, T t=rr 2u sin a T= ' g H= (a) For the range, x = R, R= y = 0, u2 sin 2a t=T 2^ R x = ' 2 y=H *

u2 cos2


y = ut sin a - ^ gt2

(b) The co-ordinates of the focus u2 sin a cos a u 2 - 2 a sin g


(c) The equation of directrix, y = The range of Mth trajectory <u

u2 sin 2 a

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u2 sin 2a

where e is the coefficient of restitution. 11. Projectile motion on an inclined plane: A projectile is projected up the inclined plane from the point O with an initial velocity v0 at an angle 9 with horizontal. The angle of inclination of the plane with horizontal is a (as shown in figure) or fit+

l=ut + ^ t

o f = ( cos (a - P ) * + u sin ( a - P ) " j ) T - | s T 2 ( s i n Pi + c o s P j )

Equating the coefficients of 1 and f separately. We get, R = uT cos ( a - P ) - 1 gT2 sin (3 1 2 0 = uT sin a - - gT cos P

g sin ( 9 0 - a ) = g cos a


2Msin(a-p) g COS P 2u cos a sin (a + P) gcos2p

(b) Range is R =

The acceleration along x-axis is ax = - g sin a and <h/ = - g cos a.

y \


The component of velocity along x-axis is (a) Time of flight: During motion from point O to A, the displacement along y-axis is zero. y = 0 at t = T ,2 y=Uyt+ Clyt or 1 ? 0 = v0 sin (0 - a ) T - ^ g cos a T z T= 2v0 sin (0 - a ) gcosa OA

. 1

: 1 [ s i n ( 2 a - p ) - s i n p] gcos P (c) For maximum range 2-P=f ^max

u 2 (1 - sin p) g cos 2 p S (! + sin P)

(b) Range of projectile: As shown in figure represents the range of projectile. For range, x = R, t=T 1 1 ?

T2g = 2Rmax

x=uxt+^axt or

R=v0 COS (9 - a) T - ^gsin ol T


Putting the value of T =

R =-


2v0 sin (0 - a ) ^ ^ in eq. (1) g cos a

g cos' a

[sin (20 - a ) - sin a]

Alternative method: Here, P = The angle of inclination of the inclined plane a = The angle of projection u = The velocity of projection /. In vector form, !i = - g sin p i - g cos p j1 u cos {d - P) 1 + u sin (d - p) j For the point A, t = T= the time of flight.

When the range of a projectile on an inclined plane is maximum, the focus of the path is on (e) (i) the plane. From a point on the ground at distance x from (ii) a vertical wall, a ball is thrown at an angle 45, it just clears the wall and strikes the ground at a distance y on the other side. Then the xy height of the wall is 6 x+y (iii) If a body moves along a straight line by an 2/o engine delivering constant power, then t ~ s (iv) If a, b, c be distances moved by a particle travelling with uniform acceleration during xth, yth and zth second of its motion respectively, then a (y - z) + b(z - x) + c (x - y) = 0 12. Relative velocity: ~vAB = relative velocity of A with respect to 8 VAB = - Vb

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= vB -




AB =

(a) If a satellite is moving in equatorial plane with velocity "v and a point on the surface of earth with velocity u relative to the centre of earth, the velocity of satellite relative to the surface of earth
VSE : :


Vt;2 -

t= In this case, the magnitude of displacement = d. (f) If boat crosses the river along the shortest path, then time is not least. (g) If c is a space curve defined by the function r (f), then dt. is a vector in the direction of the tangent to c. If dt the scalar t is taken arc length s measured from some d~t fixed point on c, then c jmd is a unit tangent vector to R. Then

V -

(b) If a car is moving at equator on the earth's surface with a velocity relative to earth's surface and a point on the surface of earth with velocity V relative to its centre, then


= v - uE

(c) If the car moves from west to east (the direction of motion of earth)


+ V

and if the car moves from east to west (opposite to the motion of earth) C = - E (d) For crossing the river in shortest time, the boat should sail perpendicular to the flow. C B vT If the width of river is d. v = the velocity of boat in V' still water, then, tJ-

the arc length is denoted by



(h) (i) (j)

The position of boat at the other bank is C (not B). The displacement of the boat = OC = OB + BC OC = V(OB)2 + (BC)2 = Vi2 + (vrt)2 = Vd2
- - - >


= k~ii where is a unit normal vector. ds The derivative of vector of constant magnitude is perpendicular to the vector itself. The derivative of a vector of constant direction is parallel to that vector. y-x curve gives actual path of the particle. The tangent at a point o n y - x curve gives the direction of instantaneous velocity at that point, When n number of particles are located at the vertices of a regular polygon of n-sides having side length a and if they start moving heading to each other, time t = they must collide at the centre of polygon after the 1 - COS 271 1 where v is speed of each particle.

(e) For crossing the river in shortest distance, the boat moves as such its horizontal component of velocity balances the speed of flow.

13. Velocity of approach: If two particles A and B separated by a distance d at a certain instant of time move v2 with velocities Vi and v2 at / angles 0j and 0 2 with the b ~ direction AB, the velocity by which the particle A approaches B = Uj cos 0! - v2 cos 0 2 . The angular velocity of B with respect to A z 2 sin 0 2 _ > sin 0j =

OB = the shortest path = d vr = v sin 0 cos 0 = V1 - sin 2 0 sin 0 = -

Example : Four particles are located at the corners of a square whose side equals a. They all start moving simultaneously with velocity v constant in magnitude, with the first particle heading continually tor the second, the second for the third, third for the fourth and fourth for the first. How soon will the particles converge?

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42 Solution :


The paths of particles are shown in figure. The velocity of approach of A to B v-v cos90 = v-0 =v


Questions. Level-1
(a) goes up (c) remains unchanged (b) goes down (d) none of these

1. The two ends of a train moving with uniform acceleration pass a certain point with velocities u and v. The velocity with which the middle point of the train passes the same point is : (a) (c) v+u 2 A/5 + v2 (b)
2 u2 +tt

A particle starts from rest with constant acceleration for 20 sec. If it travels a distance y\ in the first 10 sec and a distance y 2 i n the next 10 sec then: (a)

Vi = 2yi

(b) y 2 = 3ya (d) y 2 = 5 y i

(d) AIv + u

2. A point particle starting from rest has a velocity that increases linearly with time such that v = pt where p = 4 m/s . The distance covered in the first 2 sec will be : (a) 6 m (b) 4 m (c) 8 m (d) 10 m 3. A body starts from rest, with uniform acceleration a. The acceleration of a body as function of time t is given by the equation a = pt where p is constant, then the displacement of the particle in the time interval f = 0 to t = fj will be : (a) (c) (b) \vt\


(c) y2 = 4yi

A body is moving in a straight line as shown in velocity-time graph. The displacement and distance travelled by body in 8 second are respectively:

(in sec) (a) 12 m, 20 m (c) 12 m, 12 m (b) 20 m, 12 m (d) 20 m, 20 m

4. If the relation between distance x and time t is of the form t = a x 2 + px here a and P being appropriate constants, then the retardation of the particle is : (a)


(b) 2pi; (d) 2 p V


(c) lafiv*

5. A car starts from rest requires a velocity v with uniform acceleration 2 m/s then it comes to stop with uniform retardation 4 m/s . If the total time for which it remains in motion is 3 sec, the total distance travelled is: (a) 2 m (b) 3 m (c) 4 m (d) 6 m 6. A beaker containing water is balanced on the pan of a common balance. A solid of specific gravity one and mass 5 g is tied on the arm of the balance and immersed in water contained in the beaker, the scale pan with the beaker:

A train starts from station with an acceleration 1 m/s . A boy who is 48 m behind the train with a constant velocity 10 m/s, the minimum time after which the boy will catch the train is : (a) 4.8 sec (b) 8 sec (c) 10 sec (d) 12 sec A particle moves 200 cm in the first 2 sec and 220 cm in the next 4 sec with uniform deceleration. The velocity of the particle at the end of seven second is : (a) IS ciit/'s (b) 20 cm/s (c) 10 cm/s (d) none of these releases a bomb at a height of 78.4 m from the ground, when will the bomb strike the ground ? (a) 8 sec (b) 6 sec (c) 4 sec (d) 10 sec

11. An aeroplane flying horizontally with speed 90 km/hr

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12. The velocity of a particle at an instant is 10 m/s. After 3 sec its velocity will become 16 m/s. The velocity at 2 sec before the given instant, will be : (a) 6 m/s (b) 4 m/s (c) 2 m/s (d) 1 m/s 13. A stone is thrown vertically upwards from cliff with velocity 5 m/s. It strikes the pond near the base of cliff after 4 sec. The height of cliff is : (a) 6 m (b) 60 m (c) 40 m (d) 100 m 14. A stone is released from a hydrogen balloon, going upwards with velocity 12 m/s. When it is at height of 65 m from the ground, time the stone will take to reach the ground is : (a) 5 sec (b) 6 sec (c) 7 sec (d) 8 sec 15. A parachutist jumps from an aeroplane moving with a velocity of u. parachute opens and accelerates downwards with 2 m/s2. He reaches the ground with velocity 4 m/s. How long is the parachutist remained in the air ? (a) 1.5 m (b) 2.5 m (c) 4 m (d) None ot these 16. A stone is projected upwards and it returns to ground on a parabolic path. Which of the following remains constant ? (a) Speed of the ball (b) Horizontal component of velocity (c) Vertical component of velocity (d) None of the above 17. A stone is released from the top of a tower. The total distance covered by it in the last second of its motion equals distance covered by it in the first three seconds of its motion. The stone remains in the air for : (a) 5 sec (b) 8 sec (c) 10 sec (d) 15 sec 18. A dust packet is dropped from 9th storey of a multi-storeyed building. In the first second of its free fall another dust packet is dropped from 7th storey 15 m below the 9th storey. If both packets reach the ground at same time, then height of the building is : (a) 25 m (b) 15 m (c) 20 m (d) 16 m 19. A stone is thrown vertically upwards in air, the time of upward motion is fj and time of down motion is t2. When air resistance is taken into consideration then: (a) f1 = f2 (b) f i < f 2 (a) t ' (c)

distance covered by the car in time t is proportional to :


t 3/2 (d) t*

22. For a particle moving in a straight line, the velocity at any instant is given by 4f - 21, where t is in second and velocity in m/s. The acceleration of the particle when it is 2 m from the starting point, will be : (a) 20 m/s2 (c) 14 m/s2 (b) 22 m/s 2 (d) none ot these 23. A body initially at rest is moving with uniform acceleration a. Its velocity after n second is v. The displacement of the body in 2 sec is : 2v (n - 1) virj-11 n n v ( + 1) 2v (In + 1) (c) n ti 24. A point moves with constant acceleration and Uj, v2 and v3 denote the average velocities in the three successive intervals fj, f2 and t3 of time. Which of the following relations is correct ? (a) (c)


t2 + t3

(b) (d) v '

v2 -v3

h~ h
f j - f3





t2 + t3

h + '2

25. A large number of bullets are fired in all directions with the same speed v. The maximum area on the ground on which these bullets will spread is :

/\ (a)

K v

(b) (d)

S 2 KV 2


26. A piece of marble is projected from earth's surface with velocity of 50 m/s. 2 seconds later, it just clears a wall 5 m high. What is the angle of projection ? (a) 45 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) None of these 27. Two stones having different masses mj and m2 are projected at an angle a and (90 - a) with same velocity from same point. The ratio of their maximum heights is : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : tan a (c) tan a : 1 (d) tan 2 a : 1 28. A stone of mass 2 kg is projected with velocity 20 m/s at an angle 60 with the horizontal, its momentum at the highest point is: (a) 20 kg ms" 1 (c) 40 kg ms - 1 (b) 2<W3 kg ms" 1 (d) none of these

(c) tx>t2

(d) fa> = <t2

20. Two different masses m and 2m are fallen from height Hi and H2 respectively. First mass takes t second and another takes It second, then the ratio of Hj and H 2 is : (a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 0.25 : 1 (d) none of these 21. A car start from station and moves along the horizontal road by a machine delivering constant power. The

29. A body is projected with speed v m/s at angle G. The kinetic energy at the highest point is half of the initial kinetic energy. The value of 0 is : (a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90

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30. A body projected with velocity u at projection angle 6 has horizontal displacement R. For the same velocity and projection angle, its range on the moon surface will b e :


31. Three balls of same masses are projected with equal speeds at angle 15, 45, 75 and their ranges are respectively Rp R2 and R3 then :
(a) R2>R2>R3 (c) R-[ = R2 = R3 (b) RX<R2<R3 ( d ) R1=R3<R2


(a) 36R


(d) 6R

For the same horizontal range, in how many projections can an object be projected ? (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 39. The range of projectile projected at an angle 15 is 10V3~m. If it is fired with the same speed at angle of 30, its range will be : (a) 60 m (b) 45 m (c) 30 m (d) 15 m A body is projected with initial velocity of ( 8 t + 6 f ) m/s. The horizontal range is : (a) 9.6 m (b) 14 m (c) 50 m (d) none of these 41. A ball of mass M is thrown vertically upwards. Another ball of mass 2M is thrown at an angle 9 to vertical. Both of them stay in air for the same period of time, the heights attained by the two are in the ratio : (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : cos 9


(a) 3 sec (c) 1.5 sec

(b) 2 sec (d) 1 sec

32. A projectile can have the same range R for two angles of projection 9 and (90 - 9). If fj and t2 are the times of flight in the two cases then : (a) R o c J t f a (c) R oc t\t2 (b) 1*2

(d) none of these

33. Two stones are projected with same velocity v at an angle 0 and (90 - 0). If H and Hj are greatest heights in the two paths, what is the relation between R, H and Hj ? (a) R 4VHHj (b) =

AH7 /H

(c) R = 4HHj

(d) None of these

34. A bullet fired from gun at sea level rises to a maximum height 10 m. When fired at a ship 40 m away, the muzzle velocity should be : (a) 20 m/s (b) 15 m/s (c) 16 m/s. (d) none of these 35. A ball is projected with velocity u at an angle a with horizontal plane. Its speed when it makes an angle p with the horizontal is : (a) w cos a (c) u cos a cos (J (b) (d)

A tennis ball rolls off the top of a stair case way with a horizontal velocity u m/s. If the steps are b metre wide and h metre high, the ball will hit the edge of the nth step, if: /\ 2/iw (a) = gb 2huz (c) n = ,, ,
(b) n

2huz ~ gb 2" ii

/J\ (d) n = ^ gb 43. The co-ordinates of the initial point of a vectors (2,1) and those of terminal point are (7, 9). The magnitude of vector is: (a) 8 (b) A/84 (c) V89 (d) 10


u cos a cos P 36. An aeroplane is flying horizontally with velocity 150 m/s at a height 100 m from the ground. How long must the distance from the plane to target be, if a bomb is released from the plane to hit the target ? (a) 671 m (b) 67 m (c) 335 m (d) 1.34 km 37. A stone is projected with a velocity of 10 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal. It will hit the ground after time:

44. One of the rectangular components of a velocity of 60 m/s is 30 m/s, the other rectangular component is : (a) 30 m/s (b) 30 a/3 m/s (c) 30 a/^ m/s (d) none of these 45 A river is flowing from west to east at a speed 15 m/s . A boy on the south bank of the river, capable of swimming at 30 m/s in still water, wants to swim, cross the river in the shortest time. He should swim in direction ? (a) due north (b) 30 east of north (c) 30 west of north (d) 60 east of north 2. In the two dimensional motions : (a) x-t graph gives actual path of the particle (b) y-t graph gives actual path of the particle (c) vx2 + y2 versus t graph gives the actual path of the particle (d) y-x graph gives actual path of particle

Motion in One Dimension 1. Mark correct option or options : (a) displacement may be equal to the distance (b) displacement must be in the direction of the acceleration of the body (c) displacement must not be in the direction of velocity (d) none of the above

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3. A cat wants to catch a rat. The cat follows the path whose equation is x + y = 0. But rat follows the path whose equation is x 2 + y2 = 4. The co-ordinates of possible points of catching the rat are : (a) (V2,V2) (b) ( - V 2 , V2) (c) (<2, a/3) (d) (0, 0) 4. A deer wants to save her life from a lion. The lion follows a path whose equation is x2 + y2 = 16. For saving life, the deer moves on a path whose equation is/are : (a) x2 +y 2 = 4 (b) x2 +y 2 = 16 (c)
* 11

9. A car moves at 80 km/hr in the first half of total time of motion and at 40 km/h -1 in the later half. Its average speed is : (a) 60 km/hr (b) 30 km/hr (c) 120 km/hr (d) none of these 10. A particle moves with constant speed v along a regular hexagon ABCDEF in same order, (i.e., A to B, B to C, C to D, D to E, E to F and F to A) The magnitude of average velocity for its motion from A to C is : (a) v (b)f (d) none of these

(c) x2 + y2 - 64 = 0 (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 5. Which of the following position-time graph does not exist in nature ?

One rickshaw leaves Patna Junction for Gandhi Maidan at every 10 minute. The distance between Gandhi Maidan and Patna Junction is 6 km. The rickshaw travels at the speed of 6 km/hr. What is the number of rickshaw that a rickshaw puller driving from Gandhi Maidan to Patna Junction must be in the route if he starts from Gandhi Maidan simultaneously with one of the rickshaw leaving Patna Junction : (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 5 (d) 1

* 6. There is a square caromboard of side a. A striker is projected in hole after two successive collisions. Assuming the collisions to be perfectly elastic and the surface to be smooth. The angle of projection of striker is : (a) cot" 1 || (b) cos"1 || (c) s i n - ^ | (d) none of these 7. Speed is to velocity as: (a) centimetre is to metre (b) force is to torque (c) velocity is to acceleration (d) distance is to displacement 8. A person travelling on a straight line moves with a uniform velocity i'i for some time and with uniform velocity v2 for the next the equal time. The average velocity v is given by : I'i + v2 1 (a) v = (b - = + v i>i v2

12. During the shooting of a super hit film 'MARD' Amitabh Bachchan was waiting for his beloved 'Amrita Singh' with his dog. When he saw her approaching, the dog was excited and dashed to her then back to master and so on, never stopping. How far would you estimate the dog ran if its speed is 30 km/hr and each of them walked at 4 km/hr, starting from a distance 400 m apart? (a) 400 m (b) 880 m (c) 1500 m (d) 30 km 13. Two particles start from the same point with different speeds but one moves along y = a sin (ax and other moves along curve y = a cos cox : (a) they must collide after some time (b) they never collide with each other (c) they may collide at a point P ' V / (d) they must collide at the point P 14. A sheet of wood moves over a smooth surface (shown in the figure). The magnitude of velocity of C is :



\2 1
1 1

(a) v (c) 2v sin 9

(b) 2v cos 9 (d) 2v

(c) V = Vl^t'2

(d) - = +
V 2

15. The given hing construction consists of two rhombus with the ratio 3 : 2. The vertex A2 moves in the horizontal direction with a velocity v. The velocity of A-[ is :

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(a) m / s


( b ) 2 A/3

(c) (d) (a) 0.6v (c) 3v 0.7v (d) 2v



<1m/s 2

m/s m/s vA

16. In the arrangement shown in figure, the ends P and Q of an inextensible string move downwards with uniform speed u. Pulleys A and B are fixed. The mass m moves upwards with a speed : (a) 2u cos G (c) 2u cos G (b) cos 0

20. Two intersecting straight lines moves parallel to themselves with speeds 3 m/s and 4 m/s respectively. The speed of the point of intersection of the lines, if the angle between them is 90 will be : (a) 5 m/s (b) 3 m/s (c) 4 m/s (d) none of these 21. The displacement time graph is shown in figure. The instantaneous velocity is negative at the point: (a) D (b) F (c) C (d) E 22. In the given x-t curve : (a) the velocity at A is zero but at B is non-zero (b) the velocity at A and B is zero (c) the velocity at A and B is non-zero (d) the directions of velocity at A and B are definite 23. A particle moves along X-axis whose velocity varies with time as shown in the figure :

(d) u cos 0

* 17. In the given figure, find the speed of pulley P :

(a) f

(b) 2v cos 0 (d) 2 sin 0

cos 0

* 18. A tractor A is used to hoist the body B with the pulley arrangement shown in fig. If A has a forward velocity vA, find the velocity of the body B :

Then which of the following graphs is/are correct ?


(a) (c)

2 xvA

XVA (b)-/
(d) none of these (b)


19. A link AB is moving in a vertical plane. At a certain instant when the link is inclined 60 to the horizontal, the point A is moving horizontally at 3 m/s, while B is moving in the vertical direction. What is the velocity of B ?


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26. Two particles describe the same circle of radius a in the same sense with the same speed v. What is their relative angular velocity ? (a) via (b) 2via (c) v/2a (d) va 27. A particle is moving on a straight line path with constant acceleration directed along the direction of instantaneous velocity. Which of following statements are false about the motion of particle ? (a) Particle may reverse the direction of motion (b) Distance covered is not equal to magnitude of displacement (c) The magnitude of average velocity is less than average speed (d) All the above 28. Mark the correct statements for a particle going on a straight line : (a) if the velocity and acceleration have opposite signs, the object is slowing down (b) if the position and velocity have opposite signs, the particle is moving towards the origin (c) if the velocity is zero at an instant, the acceleration should also be zero at that instant (d) if the velocity is zero for a time interval, the acceleration is zero at any instant within the time interval (e) (a), (b) and (d) are correct. 29. A particle of mass m is initially situated at the point P inside a hemispherical surface of radius r as shown in figure. A horizontal acceleration of magnitude a 0 I s suddenly produced on the particle in the horizontal direction. If gravitational acceleration is neglected, the time taken by particle to touch the sphere again i s : (a) 25. Which of the following speed-time graphs exists in the nature ? (a) (c) -^4r s i n a r sin a" ^jAr tan a



(d) All the above 24. The position of a particle at any instant t is given by x = a cos cot. The speed-time graph of the particle is :





44r cos a 0

(d) none of these

30, A particle starts with a velocity of 2 m/s and moves in a straight line with a retardation of 0.1 m/s 2 . The time that it takes to describe 15 m is : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 s in its backward journey 30 s in its forward journey 10 s in its forward journey 30 s in its backward journey both (b) and (c) are correct



(d) All the above

31. A particle starts from rest with acceleration 2 m/s . The acceleration of the particle decreases down to zero uniformly during time-interval of 4 second. The velocity of particle after 2 second i s : (a) 3 m/s (b) 4 m/s (c) zero (d) 8 m/s

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32. In the previous problem, the distance travelled by the particle during the time interval of 4 s is : (a) 10.66 m (b) 20 m (c) 4 m (d) 2 m 33. If the greatest admissible acceleration or retardation of a train be 3 feet/sec , the least time taken from one station to another at a distance of 10 metre is [the maximum speed being 60 mile per hour]: (a) 500 sec (b) 58.67 sec (c) 400 sec (d) 3 1 4 1 sec

(a) the particle has a constant acceleration (b) the particle has never turned around (c) the average speed in the interval 0 to 10 s is the same as the average speed in the interval 10 s to 20 s (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 40. The acceleration of a train between two stations 2 km apart is shown in the figure. The maximum speed of the train is:


34. A person walks up a stalled escalator in 90 second. When standing on the same escalator, now moving, he is carried in 60 second. The time it would take him to walk up the moving escalator will be : (a) 27 s (b) 72 s (c) 18 s (d) 36 s 35. A body starts from rest and moves with a constant acceleration. The ratio of distance covered in the nth second to the distance covered in n second is : , a) 2 1 ( , n n n n /\ (c)
2 1


12 00



(a) 60 m/s (b) 30 m/s (c) 120 m/s (d) 90 m/s 41. When acceleration of a particle is a=f(t), (a) the velocity, starting from rest is

then :

,,, 2 1 ( d ) r + ~2 n n

f(t) dt

36. A particle moving with a uniform acceleration along a straight line covers distances a and b in successive intervals of p and q second. The acceleration of the particle is : pcj (p + q) 2 (aq - bp) (a) (b) 2 (bp-aq) f*?(p-<1) bp - aq 2 (bp-aq) (c) (d) pq(p-q) pq (p + q) 37. A body moves along x-axis with velocity v. If the plot v-x is an ellipse with major axis 2A and minor axis 2vq, the maximum acceleration has a modulus :

(b) velocity may be constant (c) the velocity must not be function of time (d) the speed may be constant with respect to time 42. A particle moves in a straight line so that after f second, the distance x from a fixed point O on the line is given by x = (t-2)2(t-5). Then: (a) after 2 s, velocity of particle is zero (b) after 2 s, the particle reaches at O (c) the acceleration is negative, when t< 3 s (d) all the above 43. A bee flies in a line from a point A to another point B in 4 s with a velocity of I f - 2 i m/s. The distance between A and B in metre is : (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8 44. When acceleration be function of velocity as a=f(v). Then: v dv f(v) (b) the acceleration may be constant (c) the slope of acceleration versus velocity graph may be constant (d) (a) and (c) are correct




(c) VQA

(d) none of these

38. The distance time graph of a particle at time t makes angle 45 with respect to time axis. After one second, it makes angle 60 with respect to time axis. What is the acceleration of the particle ? (a) V3 - 1 unit (b) V3~+ 1 unit (c) V3~ unit (d) 1 unit 39. The velocity-time plot for a particle moving on a straight line is shown in the figure, then:

45. If the acceleration of a particle is the function of distance as a = f(x). Then: (a) the velocity must be the function of displacement (b) the velocity versus displacement graph cannot be a straight line (c) the velocity may be the function of displacement


(d) the acceleration versus displacement graph may be straight line

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46. A particle moves as such whose acceleration is given by a = 3 sin 4f, then : (a) the initial velocity of the particle must be zero (b) the acceleration of the particle becomes zero after each interval of second 4 (c) the particle does not come at its initial position after some time (d) the particle must move on a circular path 47. A particle moves along a straight line such that its 2 o position .v at any time t is x = 3t - t , where x is in metre and t in second, then : (a) at t = 0 acceleration is 6 m/s 2 (b) x-t curve has maximum at 8 m (c) x-t curve has maximum at 2 s (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 48. The motion of a body falling from rest in a resisting medium is described by the equation ^ = a - bv, where a and b are constant. The velocity at any time t is : (a) a (1 (c) abe

52. A stone is released from a balloon moving upward with velocity W at height h at t = 0. The speed-time graph is : Q

(b) (d) none of these

53. If the velocity of a moving particle is v^.x" where .t is the displacement, then: (a) when A: = 0, the velocity and acceleration are zero (b) n > (c)

n< -




(d) (a) and (b) are correct 54. Which of the following statements is correct ? (a) When air resistance is negligible, the time of ascent is less than the time of descent (b) When air resistance is not negligible, time of ascent is less than the time of descent (c) When air resistance is not negligible, the time ascent is greater than the time of descent (d) When air resistance is not negligible, the time of ascent is lesser than the time of descent 55. A particle is projected veritically upward ;n vacuum with a speed 40 m/s then velocity of particle when it reaches at maximum height 2 s before, is : (Take g = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 20 m/s (c) 9.8 m/s (b) 4.2 m/s (d) none of these

(d) abz(l-t) 49. A rectangular box is sliding on a smooth inclined plane of inclination 9. At f = 0, the box starts to move on the inclined plane. A bolt starts to fall from point A. Find the time after which bolt strikes the bottom surface of the box :


g cos a (d)

g sin a


56. A juggler keeps on moving four balls in the air throws the balls in regular interval of time. When one ball lea- es his hand (speed =20 m/s), the position of other balls will be : (Take g = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 10 m, 20 m, 10 m (b) 15 m, 20 m, 15 m (c) 5 m, 15 m, 20 m (d) 5 m, 10 m, 20 m 57. Balls are thrown vertically upward in such a way that the next ball is thrown when the previous one is at the maximum height. If the maximum height is 5 m, the number of balls thrown per minute will be : (Take g= 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 120 58. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the ground. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent motion and air resistance, its speed v varies with the height h above the ground as:

50. A point moves in a straight line under the retardation 2 kv . If the initial velocity is u, the distance covered in t second is : 1 (a) kut (b) ^logkut (c) | l o g ( l +kut) (d)

k log k ut

51. An object moves, starting from rest through a resistive medium such that its acceleration is related to velocity as a = 3 - 2v. Then : (a) the terminal velocity is 1.5 unit (b) the terminal velocity is 3 unit (c) the slope of a-v graph is not constant (d) initial acceleration is 2 unit

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* 62. Two stones A and B are dropped from a multistoried building with a time interval to where f0 is smaller than the time taken by A to reach the floor. At t = to, stone A is dropped. After striking the floor, stone rorr.cs to rest. The separation between stones plotted against the time lapse t is best represented by :

* 59. A ball is projected vertically upwards. If resistance due to air is ignored, then which of the following graphs represents the velocity-time graph of the ball during its flight ? 63. A balloon going upward with a velocity of 12 m/s is at a height of 65 m from the earth surface at any instant. Exactly at this instant a packet drops from it. How much time will the packet take in reaching the surface of earth ? (# = 10 m/s2) (a) 7.5 sec (b) 10 sec (c) 5 sec (d) none of these 64. A stone is released from a balloon moving upward with velocity Vq at height h at f = 0. Which of the following graphs is best representation of velocity-time graph for the motion of stone ?



* 60. An object is thrown upward with a velocity u, then displacement-time graph is:




Motion in Two and Three Dimensions 61. A particle P is sliding down a frictionless hemispherical bowl. It passes the point A at t = 0. At this instant of time, the horizontal component of its velocity is v. A bead Q of the same mass as P is ejected from A at t = 0 along the horizontal string AB, with the speed v. Friction between the bead and the string may be neglected. Let tP and Q . be the respective times by P and Q to reach the point B. Then : (a) tP<tQ 65. A particle is projected at angle 60 with the horizontal with speed 10 m/s then equation of directrix is : (Take g = 10 m/s2) (a) y = 5 (b) x = 5 (c) x = 10 (d) x + y = 5 66 Three particles of equal masses are located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose side equals a. They all strart moving simultaneously with constant speed v with the first point heading continuously for second, the second for third and third for first. Then : (a) the distance travelled by each particle is 2a/3 (b) at every instant before collision the momentum of the system is zero (c) the force on each particle is perpendicular to velocity of the particle at any instant before collision (d) all the above

(b) tP=lQ (c) tP>tQ

(d) tP

7Q L

length of arc ACB length of chord AB

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Nitin M Sir ( Kinematics

67. Eight particles are situated at the vertices of a regular octagon having edge length 10 cm. They all start moving simultaneously with equal constant speed 1 cm/s heading towards each other all the time. Then : (a) momentum of system does not remain constant (b) kinetic energy of the system remains constant after collision (c) they will collide after time

upward with a velocity v0/2 having downward acceleration AQ/2, the other end moves downward with : (a) zero initial velocity having zero acceleration (b) zero initial velocity having A downward acceleration Q (c) non-zero initial velocity and zero acceleration (d) none of the above 75. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the directions of its velocity and acceleration are : (a) parallel to each other (b) inclined to each other at an angle of 45 (c) anti parallel to each other (d) perpendicular to each other 76. A projectile is thrown at an angle of 0 = 45 to the horizontal, reaches a maximum height of 16 m, then: (a) its velocity at the highest point is zero (b) its range is 64 m (c) its range will decrease when it is thrown at an angle 30 (d) (b) and (c) both are correct 77. A heavy stone is thrown from a cliff of height h in a given direction. The speed with which it hits the ground (air resistance may be neglected) : (a) must depend on the speed of projection (b) must be larger than the speed of projection (c) must be independent of the speed of projection (d) (a) and (b) both are correct 78. A particle is projected with speed v at an angle 0 0 < 0 < ] above the horizontal from a height H above V / the ground. If v = speed with which particle hits the ground and f = time taken by particle to reach ground, then: (a) as 0 increases, v decreases and t increases (b) as 0 increases, v increases and t increases (c) as 0 increases, v remains same and t increases (d) as 0 increases, v remains same and t decreases 79. A particle of mass m is projected with a velocity v making an angle of 45 with the horizontal. The magnitude of angular momentum of projectile about the point of projection when the particle is at its maximum height h is: (a) zero (c) tnvh


(d) every particle moves with constant acceleration 68. A particle P is at the origin starts with velocity u* = (2i- 4^) m/s with constant acceleration (3 i + 5]) m/s2. After travelling for 2 second, its distance from the origin is : (a) 1 0 m (b) 10.2 m (c) 9.8 m (d) 11.7 m 69. At an instant t, the co-ordinates of a particles are 2 2 x = at , y = bt and z = 0. The magnitude of velocity of particle at an instant t is: (a) t Va2 + b2 (d) 2t Va2 + b2 70. If x = a (cos 6 + 0 sin 0) and y = a (sin 0 - 0 cos 0) and 0 increases at uniform rate co. The velocity of particle is : (a) flco (c) 0 C O


' C O

(d) 00 C O



71. If co-ordinates of a moving point at time t are given by x = a(t + sin t), and y = a (1 - cos t), then : (a) the slope of acceleration time graph is zero (b) the slope of velocity-time graph is constant (c) the direction of motion makes an angle t/2 with x-axis (d) all the above 72. A particle moves along the positive branch of the curve x2 t2 y = where x = ' where x and y are measured in metre and t in second. At t = 2 sec, the velocity of the particle is : (a) ( 2 i - 4 j ) m/sec (c) (2i + 2 j ) m/sec by (b) (2i + 4 j ) m/sec (d) ( 4 i - 2 j ) m / s e c

(d) none of these

* 73. The velocity of a particle moving in the x-y plane is given dy dx = 871 sin 2nt and = 5 7i cos 2nt dt dt where t = 0, x = 8 and y = 0. The path of the particle is : (a) a straight line (b) an ellipse (c) a circle (d) a parabola 74. A light rigid rod is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Initially the end A begins to move vertically upward with constant velocity Vq and centre of the rod

V 2

80. Two particles are projected vertically upwards with the same velocity on two different planets with accelerations due to gravity g j and g2 respectively. If they fall back to their initial points of projection after lapse of time f j and t2 respectively, then: (a) tit2 = glg2 (b) tlg1 = t2g2


(d) t\ +


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Nitin M Sir ( 52

81. A particle is projected from a horizontal plane to pass over two objects at heights h and k and a slant distance d apart. The least possible speed of projection will be : (a) g(h + k + d) (b) ^IgQi + k +d) (d) ylh(g + h + d) (c) h(g + k + d) 82. The graph below shows one half period of a sinusoidal wave. It might represent the time dependence o f : (b) the focus of the path is below the plane (c) the focus of the path is above the plane (d) the focus of the path lies at any place 88. If a number of particles are projected from the same point in the same plane so as to describe enual parabolas, then the vertices of their paths lie on a : (a) parabola (b) circle (c) square (d) rectangle 89. The locus of foci of all parabolas described by the particles projected simultaneously from the same point with equal velocities but in different directions is a : (a) circle (b) parabola (c) ellipse (d) hyperbola 90. A particle is projected at an angle 60 with the horizontal with a speed 10 m/sec. Then latus rectum i s : (Take g= 10 m/s2) (a) 5 m (b) 15 m (c) 10 m (d) 0 Relative Velocity 91. A bus moves over a straight level road with a constant acceleration a. A boy in the bus drops a ball out side. The acceleration of the ball with respect to the bus and the earth are respectively : (a) a and g (b) a + g and g - a (c) V ? + p ~ a n d g (d) V a 2 + g 2 and a 92. A man swims relative to water with a velocity greater than river flow velocity. Then : (a) man may cross the river along shortest path (b) man cannot cross the river (c) man cannot cross the river without drifting (d) none of the above 93. Two cars move in the same direction along parallel roads. One of them is a 200 m long travelling with a velocity of 20 m/s. The second one is 800 m long travelling with a velocity of 7.5 m/s. How long will it take for the first car to overtake the second car ? (a) 20 s (b) 40 s (c) 60 s (d) 80 s 94. A motor boat covers the distance between two spots on the river banks in i j = 8 h and f 2 = 12 h in down stream and upstream respectively. The time required for the boat to cover this distance in still water will be : (a) 6.9 hr (b) 9.6 hr (c) 69 second (d) 96 second * 95. A man rows directly across a river in time t second and rows an equal distance down the stream in T second. The ratio of man's speed in still water to the speed of river water i s : (a) (c) t2 t2 T2


(a) height of a projectile (b) vertical component of a projectile's velocity (c) X-component of a projectile moving in uniform circular motion (d) speed of an object subjected to a force that grows linearly with time 83. A number of particles are projected from a given point with equal velocities in different directions in the same vertical plane. At any instant, they will lie o n : (a) parabola (b) circle (c) hyperbola (d) rectangle
84. Two inclined planes are located as shown in figure. A


particle is projected from the foot one frictionless plane along its line with a velocity just sufficient to carry it to top after which the particle slides down 9.8m\ the other frictionless inclined plane. The total 45X /\45 time it will take to reach the point C is : (a) 2 sec (b) 3 sec (c) 2 V2~ sec (d) 4 sec 85. Rain water is falling vertically downward with velocity v. When velocity of wind is u in horizontal direction, water is collected at the rate of Rm 3 /s. When velocity of wind becomes 2it in horizontal direction, the rate of collection of water in vessel i s : (a) R (c) 2 R (b) (d) R 2 R V 4u2 + v2 Alu2 + v2

86. A particle is projected at an angle a with the horizontal from the foot of an inclined plane making an angle p with horizontal. Which of the following expression holds good if the particle strikes the inclined plane normally? (a) cot P = tan (a - P) (b) cot p = 2 tan ( a - p ) (c) cot a = tan ( a - P) (d) cot a = 2 tan ( a - p ) 87. When the range of a projectile on an inclined plane is maximum then : (a) the focus of the path is on the plane

-T2 T2 -12

(b) (d)



t2 - T 2 T2 +12

T2 + t2

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96. To a person going toward east in a car with a velocity of 25 km/hr, a train appears to move towards north with a velocity of 25 V J km/hr. The actual velocity of the train will b e : (a) 25 km/hr (b) 50 km/hr (c) 5 km/hr (d) 53 km/hr 97. A beautiful girl is going eastwards with a velocity of 4 km/hr. The wind appears to blow directly from the north. She doubles her speed and the wind seems to come from north east. The actual velocity of wind is : (a) 4 V2 km/hr towards south east (b) 4 V2 km/hr towards north west (c) 2 V2~ km/hr towards south east (d) none of the above 98. Rain drops fall vertically at a speed of 20 m/s. At what angle do they fall on the wind screen of a car moving with a velocity of 15 m/s if the wind screen velocity inclined at an angle of 23 to the vertical ? (a) 60 (c) 45 (b) 30 (d) 90


* 99. A cyclist is moving with a constant acceleration of 1.2 m/s on a straight track. A racer is moving on a circular path of radius 150 m at constant speed of 15 m/s. Find the magnitude of velocity of racer which is measured by the cyclist has reached a speed of 20 m/s for the position represented in the figure : Cyclist


(a) 18.03 m/s (c) 20 m/s

(b) 25 m/s (d) 15 m/s

Answers Level-1

(c) (c) (b) (d) (d)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42.

(c) (a) (b) (c) (b)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43.

(d) (b) (a) (a) (c)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44.

(a) (a) (d) (a) (b)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45.

(d) (c) (b) (d) (a).

6. 16. 26. 36.

(a) (b) (b) (a)

7. 17. 27. 37.

(b) (a) (d) (d)

8. 18. 28. 38.

(a) (c) (a) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39.

(b) (b) (b) (c)

10. 20. 30. 40.

(c) (c) (d) (a)

11. 21. 31. 41.


(d) (a) (d) (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (b) (c)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92.

(d) (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93.

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91.

(b) (c) (d) (b) (b) (b) (c) (b) (b) (d)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94.

(d) (c) (c) (d) (d) (d) (a) (b) (d) (b)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95.

(C) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96.

(a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (d) (d) (b) (b)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97.

(d) (c) (d) (a) (d) (a) (c) (d) (a) (a)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98.

(a) (c) (e) (a) (b) (b) (b) (c) (a) (a)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99.

(a) (c) (c) (d) (a) (c) (d) (b) (a) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90.

(c) (a) (e) (b) (c) (a) (d) (b) (a)

Solutions Level-1
1. v2-u2
where I = length of train

= 2al



= -

2[(v')2-u2] v2 + u2 V +u



= 2a-t


(v'f - u2 = al From eqs. (i) And (ii)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

Syllabus: Force and inertia, Newton's laws of motion, conservation of linear momentum, inertial frames of references, static and kinetic friction, laws of friction, rolling friction. lFz maz

Review of Concepts
1. Concept of Force and net Force : Force is familiar word in science. From your own experience, you know that forces can produce changes in motion. If a force is applied to a stationary body, the body comes in motion. It can speed up and slow down a moving body or change the direction of its motion. In nut shell, the force is cause of change in velocity of the body. In other words, force is the cause of acceleration of the body. If a number of forces act on a body, the net or resultant force on the body is vector sum of all forces. Newton's second law gives a good relation between net force and acceleration of body. According to Newton's second law of motion, iF=ma If the resultant force on the body is zero, body remains either in rest or moves with constant velocity. A non-zero net force is referred to as an unbalanced force. Unbalanced force is cause of acceleration of the body. 2. Newton's Second Law: The resultant force on a body is equal to product of mass and acceleration of the body. The direction of acceleration is same as the direction of resultant force. Mathematically, F =ma Here, F = net force on the body m = mass of the body acceleration of the body Application of methods using Newton's second law of motion : Concentrate your mind on the body which is (i) considered by you. (ii) Make a separate sketch for the considered body. (iii) Show all forces acting on the body. (iv) Reduce the considered body to a single point (point mass) and redraw the forces acting on the body, such that tails of all force vectors are on the point mass. This is known as free body diagram. (v) Choose a co-ordinate system for the problem whose origin is at the point mass. (vi) Find X Fx, X Fy and X F z . (vii) Write Newton's second law for each of the co-ordinate system. i.e., X Fx = max, X Fy = may

Case I : Free body diagram of connected bodies on a horizontal smooth surface. Situation: Two blocks of masses mi and m2 are connected by a massless string (shown in figure). m2

Solution : Draw force diagram of each block : N, nig

m2g Force diagram of m 2 -N, T m. No


Free body diagram of m 2

A Ni

<r mi9 Force diagram of m .

Free body diagram of m-.

Case II: Choose Newton's second law: For m 2 :





XFy = N2-m2g

Since, both bodies move in horizontal direction (along x-axis), x' hence, y-component of acceleration of both blocks should be zero. ay = 0 X Fy = may N2 - m2g = mx 0 = 0 N2 = m2g Also, Similarly for m\, Y.FX = F -T = m2a2x F -T = m2a2x ...(i) "

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!Fy N1-m1g and =0 =0 N1 = mlg X Fx = mi a l x T=m1alx Since, the length of string remains constant,


= a2x =

F-T= and


...(iii) ...(iv)

T = mifl

From equations (iii) and (iv) or F - m^a = m2a F a=nti + m 2 Also, T = m-[a = - + m mi 2 m{F

The direction of force which exerts by you on the ball is in the opposite direction to the force that ball exerts on your foot. This type of pair of forces is known as action-reaction pair. If you kick forcely the ball, you feel more pain. This is due to increase in the force which is exerted by ball on your foot. It means, when action force increases, reaction force also increases. It shows that whenever two bodies interact, then two forces (action and reaction) that they exert on each other are always equal in magnitude and opposie in direction. Statement of Newton's third l a w : "If a force is exerted on block A by block B, then a force is also exerted on block B by block A." These forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. 4. Different Types of Forces in Nature :

(1) '


Alternative m e t h o d : Since, the accelerations of both blocks are same, so, they are taken as a system. nN m-i + m2

(a) Gravitational force : The force of attraction between bodies by virtue of their masses is known as gravitational force. Let two blocks of masses m\ and m 2 are separated by a distance r. The force on block 1 by block 2 is F 1 2 acting towards m 2 along line joining wij and m 2 . Similarly, the force on block 2 by block 1 is F 2 j acting towards m j along line joining m2 and mj (as shown in figure)

(m, + m2)g

From the concept of Newton's third law, F12 = - F21 In the sense of magnitude, f 12 = F 2 1 = F = Gwi1ot2

From the force diagram (shown in figure), N = (mi + mi) g and F = (mi + m2) a a= F mi + m 2

Here G = gravitational constant = 6.7 x 1CT11 N m V k g 2 (b) Weight of body (mg): It is defined as the force by which earth attracts a body towards its centre. If body is situated either on the surface of earth or near the surface of earth, then gravitational acceleration is nearly constant and is equal to rn g = 9.8 m/s 2 . The force of gravity (weight) on a block of mass m is w = mg acting towards centre of earth mg (shown in figure)

3. Newton's Third Law of Motion : Newton's third law of motion is often called the law of "action and reaction". For a simple introduction to the third law, consider the forces involved in kicking a ball by foot. If you kick a ball by your foot, the pain you feel is due to the force that the ball exerts on your foot. From this point of view, it is obvious that a force acting on a body : s always the result of its interaction with another body.

(c) Electromagnetic force

Electrical force

Magnetic force

Force of tension

Spring force

Normal reaction

Force of friction

Viscous force

Buoyancy force

Coulomb force

Electrical force in electrical field

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Nitin M Sir ( 72(A) Electrical force : (i) Coulomb force or force of electrostatic interaction between charges : The force of interaction between two particles by virtue of their charges is known as electrostatic force of interaction. The force of electrostatic interaction takes place along the line joining the charges. Some Important Points: (i) Like point charges repel each other. (a) F=- F* 12 (b)
Fip = -

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

In the language of physics, the book exerts a force on your head normal to the surface of contact in downward direction. According to Newton's third law of motion, the head exerts a force of same magnitude on the book normal to the surface of contact in upward direction. These forces are known as normal reaction forces. Normal reaction forces in different situations : (i)
ii N

-q 2 luuiumumm -92
Direction of n o r m a l reaction on the block

u N
Direction of normal reaction o n surface


Unlike point charges attract each other.

+ q, F12
positive charge

-q 2
negative charge

Inclined plane Direction of normal reaction on the block


F,2 = ~ F12 ~ The magnitude of force of electrostatic interaction is f 12 - F 2 \ - F <M2 4Kq r

Here :


= 9 x 10 9 N m 2 / C 2 S i

rN rrrrrrrm
N o r m a l reaction o n horizontal surface

(ii) Electrical force in an electric field : If a charged par tide A of charge q is placed in a region where an electric field E created by other charges is present, the particle A

rVTTTTTTTTTTTTTV Direction of normal reaction on the inclined p l a n e

experiences an electric force F = q~E. The electric force on positive charge is in the direction of electric field. But the electric force on negative charge is in opposite direction of electric field (shown in figure).
- >

The number of normal reaction pairs is equal to number of contact surfaces. (iii) A M2 B

' Nb

F = qE 1 Isolated positive c h a r g e



F = qE-*

Isolated negative c h a r g e

(B)^Magnetic force on a moving charge in an magnetic field B : The magnetic force an a charged particle of charge q is given by F = qv*< B. (C) Normal reaction force: If two blocks come in contact, they exert force on each other. The component of contact force perpendicular to the surface of contact is generally known as normal reaction. For a simple introduction to the normal reaction force, consider a situation in whch you put a book on your head and continue your stationary position. In this case, the pain you feel is due to the force that the book exerts on your head.

r m r TTT1 NA The normal reaction on upper block is in upward direction and normal reaction on lower block is in downward direction. (iv)


|N2 ummiimmiim

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(v) For small elongation or compression of spring, spring force is proportional to its elongation or compression. i.e., F x F = kx where k is proportionality constant known as spring constant or stiffness constant. Its unit is N/m. The direction of spring force is always towards the natural length of spring.

-L + x |

-L-x Spring in the condition of compression (c)

'mWOOQSpring in natural length

(a) (vii)

Spring in the condition of elongation (b)

F = 0

-L + x | F = kx F = kx - > -


No spring force on body (d)

Spring force on the body is leftward

Spring force on the body is rightward


5. Combination of Springs : (i) Springs in series : (D) Spring force : Coiled metallic wire is known as spring. The distance between two successive coillsions in a spring remains the same. If a spring is placed on a smooth surface, the length between ends of spring is known natural length (shown in figure). I=JL+JL+JL k~ ki k2 k3


where k is equivalent spring constant. In general, 1 1 1 - = _ + _ + . . . (ii) Springs in parallel:

As you may have discovered itself, springs resist attempts to change their length. If the length of spring is greater than its natural length, the spring is in the condition of elongation (shown in figure ahead). If the length of spring is lesser than its natural length, the spring is in the condition of compression (shown in figure ahead). In fact, the more you alter a spring's length, the harder it resists. From this point of view, spring force increases, when elongation or compression increases.

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Nitin M Sir ( 74k = k1 + k2 In general, (iii)' k = k-i + k2 + k3 + ...

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

(b) Massive string: The tension in massive rope varies point to point. Some Important Points : (a) If string, slacks, tension in string becomes zero. (b) The direction of tension on a body or pulley is always away from the body or pulley. The directions of tension in some cases are shown below: (i) k = ki + k2 (iv) If spring of spring constant k and length I is cut into two pieces of length /[ and l2, then rri2 mm m, TTT TT unuumu 1 m m.



h+h 1 h 1 h


If spring is massive then the effective mass of m u ( spring is ' where trig IS mass of spring.
Massless k ' OOOO'O'OO (!HO + M\ J '

Spring is massless a n d pulley is light a n d smooth

1 ooodOOO n - M

Massive spring

6. String: If a block is pulled by a string, the string is in the condition of tension (shown in figure)

String is massless and pulley is light a n d smooth



From microscopic point of view, the electrons and protons near point A of string exerts forces on electrons and protons of the block. According to Newton's third law of motion electrons and protons of the block exerts same magnitude of force on electrons and protons near point A of the string. These forces are cause of tension in the string. This is why, force of tension is an example of electromagnetic force. String

Pulleys are light a n d smooth and string is massless

Massless string

Massive string

(a) Massless string: In the cae of massless string, the tension, every where remains the same in it.

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(vi) Acceleration = a = Tension = T =

(ffl! - m2) g (mi + m2)


lmim 2 x mi + m2

(b) Bodies accelerated on a horizontal surface by a falling body:

String is massless and there is friction b e t w e e n string and pulley


(vii) Ml, m. Ji

String is massless and there is friction between pulley and string

I m2

T=m2a mig-T=mia
Acceleration = a = mi + m2 g
\ ;

...(i) ...(ii)

If m2 tends to move downwards, then T 2 > T 1 and T2 = T 1 e^ a where (0, = coefficient of friction a = angle subtended by string at the centre of pulley (viii)


wi1m2 N Tension = T = mi +m 2 g \ y (c) Motion on a smooth inclined plane:


String is massless a n d there is friction b e t w e e n pulley a n d string

rm 2 g ..:(i) T ~ m 2 g sin 6 = m^ a= and T=

r mi

Discussions: (i) (ii) Momentum = p*= mv* Change in momentum is known as Impulse = p^- = m (v*- u*) = F At (iii) If mass and velocity both are variable; dp* dv*

...(ii) g

- m2 sin mi + m2





If mass of body remains constant f=ma where m = mass of body, a^= acceleration of body Motion of connected bodies. (a) Unequal masses {m\ > m2) suspended from a pulley:

mim2 (1 +sin 0)g (mx + m2) (vi) Apparent weight of a moving lift: (a) The weight that we feel is the normal force and not the actual weight. (b) If lift is moving upwards with constant acceleration a 0 : g Here apparent weight (i.e.,~N)is greater than the actual weight (i.e., mg). (c) If lift is accelerated downwards with constant acceleration a 0 : N = mg + nta0 = mg

(K> m2g

N = mg 1 - o

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Here apparent weight is lesser than the actual weight. In this case, if A = g (Free fall) Q N=0 (weightlessness) Some Important Points: (i) Normal reaction and weight of the body are not action-reaction pair. (ii) When F increases, normal reaction shifts from centre of mass to right. At the time of toppling, normal reaction acts through point A. Also, the net force on the body gives acceleration of the centre of mass. (iii) The number of _ normal forces acting is equal to the number of points or surfaces in contact. (iv) If the body is in rest with respect to the surface, then fr < \isN. (v) If the body is just in motion, then fr = \isN (vi) If the body is in motion, then fr = pj-N (vii) If some bodies have same accelerations, then they are taken as a system. If they do not move together, bodies are not taken as a system. (viii) During walking on ice, it is better to take short steps. (ix) The force of friction during pushing is greater than that of pulling in the same manner. (x) The mass is measure of inertia of the body. (xi) It is misconception to say that friction always opposes the motion of the body. It only opposes the relative motion between surfaces. (xii) Monkey climbing a rope : Case I : When monkey moves up with constant speed: In this case, T=mg where m = mass of the monkey, T = tension in the rope. Case I I : When monkey is accelerated upwards, T-mg = ma Case III: When monkey accelerated downwards, mg -T=ma (xiii) (xiv) Gravitational force: Electromagnetic


When two surfaces roll on each other (as in case of ball bearings), the rolling friction comes into play. (xvii) The force acting on m2 is f2 = P2m2If the system moves with the common acceleration, then

F - p! (mx + m2) g=(mi+ f2 = m2a M-2m2g =


m2) a

a = \i2g (xviii) If force is applied on upper block: f2 = limiting friction between mj and m2 = \i2m2g. fl = limiting friction between the surface and

m1 = \i1(m1 + m2)g
If F > f v then both blocks move with different acceleration and the maximum friction acts between the blocks. F - f 2 = m2a2 F - P2m2& = m2fl2

N2 = m2g Ni=N2 + mig

= (wj + m2) g /l = PlN! = pj (mi + m2) g f l = 2m2g If f2 < fi, then mx remains in rest.




If f2 >/], then mi moves in the direction of f2. f l ~f\ ~ force: Ni N, m.



Strong force : Weak force = 1 : 1 0 3 6 : 1 0 3 8 : 1 0 2 5 . If a body is in rest on a rough surface and no pulling force is applied, then the force of friction on the body is zero. For the equilibrium of a body on an inclined plane, mg sin 6 = \ismg cos 0 ps = tan 6


this case,


If F </2, then no relation is found between mx and m2. i.e., mx and m2 move together. If F <fi then the system is in rest. If F > f , the system moves with the common acceleration a. In this case,

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77- Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

F - f x = ( f f i j + m2) a or (xix) F ~ Hi (mi + m2) g = (/i + m2) a The ratio of masses on an inclined plane : The coefficient of friction = p. In this type of problem, find the accelerations of blocks without contact.

m, (a) If ai > a2, then both blocks move separately (a) When mj starts moving downwards, then > sin 0 + p cos 9 m2 (b) When m2 starts mi > sin 0 - p cos 0 m2 moving downwards, with respective acceleration Oj and a2. (b) Ii Ui < o2, then both blocks move together with a common acceleration a. In this case, both blocks are treated as a system of mass (mi + m2) (mx + m2) g sin 0 - pj m-\g cos 0 - P2W2& c o s =


mx (c) When no motion takes place, 1 = sin 0. m2 Frictional force does not depend upon the area of contact. The microscopic area of contact is about 10

(mi + m 2 ) a

(xxii) To solve the problem involving the motion of a particle, we can use , T> -tK F = m (ax 1 + Oy j + az k) using normal and tangential components, we had dv ~ mv SFt=mdT SF"=~r

times the actual area of contact. m>wt>Mr


Blocks in contact on an inclined plane:

where p = the radius of curvature. (xxiii) In many problems involving the plane motion of a particle, it is found convenient to use radial and transverse components. In this method, X Fr = m

dt2' dt


Questions. Level-1

1. A ship of mass 3 x 107 kg initially at rest is pulled by a force of 5 x 10 4 N through a distance of 3 m. Assume that the resistance due to water is negligible, the speed of the ship is : (a) 1.5 m/s (b) 60 m/s (c) 0.1 m/s (d) 5 m/s 2. A young man of mass 60 kg stands on the floor of a lift which is accelerating downwards at 1 m/s2 then the reaction of the floor of the lift on the man is: (Take g = 9.8 m/s 2 ) (a) 528 N (b) 540 N (c) 546 N (d) none of these 3. A block of mass M is kept on a smooth inclined plane of inclination 0. The force exerted by the plane on the block has a magnitude:


cos 0 (c) mg tan 0

(b) mg (d) mg cos 0

4. A block of mass M is suspended by a string A from the ceiling and another string B is connected to the bottom of the block. If B is pulled on steadily : (a) A breaks earlier than B (b) B breaks earlier than A (c) both break simultaneously (d) not possible to say which one will break earlier A machine gun fires 10 bullets per second, each of mass 5" 10 g, the speed of each bullet is 20 cm/s, then force of recoil is : (a) 200 dyne (b) 2000 dyne (c) 20 dyne (d) none of these

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6. A block of mass 2 kg is placed on the floor. The coefficient of static friction is 0.4. If a force of 2.8 N is applied on the block parallel to floor, the force of friction between the block and floor is (take g = 10 m/s 2 ): (a) 2.8 N (b) 8 N (c) 2 N (d) none of these 7. Two. bodies having masses m^ = 40 g and m2 = 60 g are attached to the end of a string of negligible mass and suspended from massless pulley. The acceleration of the bodies is: (a) 1 m/s 2 (c) 0.4 m/s 2

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

(a) 8 N (c) 0.8 N 15 (b) 10 N (d) zero

2 m/s 2

(d) 4 m/s 2

Two blocks of masses mj = 4 kg and m2 = 2 kg are connected to the ends of a string which passes over a massless, frictionless pulley. The total downward thrust on the pulley is nearly : (a) 27 N (b) 54 N (c) 2.7 N (d) none of these 16. Three blocks of masses mj, m2 and m3 are connected with weightless string and are placed on a frictionless table. If the mass m3 is dragged with a force T, the tension in the string between m2 and m3 is: (a) (c) Tm3 ni\

8. The ratio of the weight of a man in a stationary lift and when it moving downwards with uniform acceleration a is 3 : 2 then the value of a is: (a) f * (c) g

g 3 \g

+ m2 + m3 (rtt\ + m2)T


Tm2 m\ + m2 + m3


9. In a rocket fuel burns at rate 1 kg/s and ejected with velocity 48 km/s, then the force exerted by the exhaust gases on the rocket is : (a) 48000 N (b) 48 N (c) 480 N (d) none of these 10. An open knife edge of mass 200 g is dropped from height 5 m on a cardboard. If the knife edge penetrates distance 2 m into the cardboard, the average resistance offered by the cardboard to the knife edge is: (a) 7 N (b) 25 N (c) 35 N (d) none of these 11. A block is released from top of a smooth inclined plane. It reaches the bottom of the plane in 6 sec. The time taken by the body to cover the first half of the inclined plane is: (a) 3 sec (b) 4 sec (c) 3^2 sec (d) 5 sec 12. A disc of mass 100 g is kept floating horizontally in air by firing bullets, each of mass 5 g with the same velocity at the same rate of 10 bullets per second. The bullets rebound with the same speed in opposite direction, the velocity of each bullet at the time of impact is: (a) 196 cm/s (b) 9.8 cm/s (c) 98 cm/s (d) 980 cm/s 13. A block of mass 10 kg is kept on a horizontal surface. A force f30 F is acted on the block as M shown in figure. For what minimum value of F, the block will be lifted up ? (a) 98 N (b) 49 N (c) 200 N (d) None of these 14. Figure shows a block of mass m kept on inclined plane with inclination 6. The tension in the = 0.8 string is:

(d) none of these 17. A body weighs 8 g when placed in one pan and 18 g when placed on the other pan of a false balance. If the beam is horizontal when both the pan are empty, the true weight of the body is : (a) 13 g (b) 12 g (c) 15.5 g (d) 15 g 18. A rod of length L and weight -* W is kept horizontally. A small 1 weight w is hung at one end. If the system balances on a fulcrum placed at T then : , , L (a) x = , c. x ( )

ttii+m 2 + m3



WL 2(W + w)


(d) none of these

19. A rope of length L is pulled b y a constant force F. What is the tension in the rope at a distance x from the end when the force is applied ? F(L-x) v FL (b) (a) L-x L Fx FL (d) (c) L-x x 20. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are connected by a massless spring as shown in figure. A force of 100 N acts on the 10 kg mass. At the instant shown the 5 kg mass has acceleration 10 m/s2. The acceleration of 20 kg mass is:
5 kg


100 N 10 kg

(a) 10 m/s (c) 2 m/s 2

(b) 5 m/s' (d) none of these

21. Two blocks of masses 6 kg and 4 kg are connected with spring balance. Two forces 20 N and 10 N are applied on the blocks as shown in figure. The reading of spring balance is:

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(a) 20% (c) 35% (a) 14 N (c) 6 N (b) 20 N (d) 10 N (b) 25% (d) 15%

22. Three blocks of masses m\, m2 and are placed on a horizontal frictionless surface. A force of 40 N pulls the system then calculate the value of T, if m1 = 10kg, m2 = 6 kg, m3 = 4 kg : m,
10 kg T

25. A block of mass 4 kg is kept on a rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of static friction is 0.8. If a force of 19 N is applied on the block parallel to the floor, then the force of friction between the block and floor is : (a) 32 N (b) 18 N (c) 19 N (d) 9.8 N
26. A chain lies on a rough horizontal table. It starts sliding

6 kg

4 kg

when one-fourth of its length hangs over the edge of the table. The coefficient of static friction between the chain and the surface of the table is : (i (c)

(a) 40 N (c) 10 N 23

(b) 20 N (d) 5 N

A block A of mass 2 kg rests on another block B of mass 8 kg which rests on a horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.2 while that between B and floor is 0.5. When a horizontal force 25 N is applied on the block B, the force of friction between A and B is : (a) zero (b) 3.9 N . (c) 5.0 N (d) 49 N

< > d

24. A heavy uniform chain lies on a horizontal top of table. If the coefficient of friction between the chain and the table is 0.25 then the maximum percentage of the length of the chain that can hang over one edge of the table is :

27. A block of mass 0.1 kg is held against a wall by applying a horizontal force of 5 N on the block. If the coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is 0.5, the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block is: (a) 2.5 N (b) 0.98 N (c) 4.9 N (d) 0.49 N 28. A block is moving up an inclined plane of inclination 60 with velocity of 20 m/s and stops after 2.00 sec. If g = 10 m/s2 then the approximate value of coefficient of friction is: (a) 3 (b) 3.3 (c) 0.27 (d) 0.33

Newton's Laws of Motion 1. Two bodies have same mass and speed, then: (a) their momentums are same (b) the ratio of momentums is not determined (c) the ratio of their magnitudes of momentum is one (d) both (b) and (c) are correct. 2. Mark correct option or options : (a) The body of greater mass needs more forces to move due to more inertia (b) Force versus time graph gives impulse (c) Microscopic area of contact is about 10 - 4 times actual area of the contact (d) All of the above 3. In the superhit film 'Raja Hindustani', Amir Khan greets his beloved by shaking hand. What kind of force do they exert ? (a) Nuclear (b) Gravitational (c) Weak (d) Electromagnetic 4. Impulse indicates : (a) the momentum generated in the direction of force (b) the combined effect of mass and velocity (c) the main characteristics of particle nature (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 5. A heavy block of mass m is supported by a cord C attached to the ceiling, and another cord D is attached to the bottom of the block. If a sudden jerk is given to D, then: (a) cord C breaks (b) cord D breaks (c) cord C and D both break (d) none of the cords breaks
6. At time


t second, a particle of mass 3 kg has position metre where ~r > =3ft-4 cos t\. The impulse of

the force during the time interval 0 < t < is : (a) 1 2 j N - s (b) 9 j N - s

(c) 4 j N - s (d) 14 j1 N-s 7. A parrot is sitting on the floor of a closed glass cage which is in a boy's hand. If the parrot starts flying with a constant speed, the boy will feel the weight of cage as (a) unchanged (b) reduced (c) increased (d) nothing can be said

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Nitin M Sir ( 808. A particle is acted by three forces as shown in the figure. Then:

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

13. A 0.1 kg body moves at a constant speed of 10 m/s. It is pushed by applying a constant force for 2 sec. Due to this force, it starts moving exactly in the opposite direction with a speed of 4 m/s. Then : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) the deceleration of the body is 7 m/s the magnitude of change in momentum is 1.4 kg-m/sec impulse of the force is 1.4 Ns the force which acts on the ball is 0.7 N all of the above

(a) the resultant force on the particle may or may not be zero (b) the particle must be in rest (c) the direction of acceleration is in indeterminate form (d) the particle moves with variable velocity 9. If F = Fq (1 - >"f /X), the F-f graph is : FA

14. Water jet issues water from a nozzle of 2 cm 2 cross-section with velocity 30 cm/s and strikes a plane surface placed at right angles to the jet. The force exerted on the plane is : (a) 200 dyne (b) 400 dyne (c) 1800 dyne (d) none of these 15. Mark correct option or options : (a) The normal reaction and gravitational force on a body placed on a surface are action-reaction pair (b) The normal reaction on a body placed on a rough surface is always equal to weight of the body (c) v2 = u2 + 2gh is always applicable to a falling body on the earth in the absence of air (d) All are wrong 16. The action and reaction forces referred to Newton's third law of motion: (a) must act upon the same body (b) must act upon different bodies (c) need not to be equal in magnitude but must have the same line of action (d) must be equal in magnitude but need not have the same line of action 17. Choose the correct option or options : (a) Tension force always pulls a body (b) Tension can never push a body or rope (c) Tension across massless or frictionless pulley remains constant (d) Rope becomes slack when tension force becomes zero (e) All of the above 18. A man is pulling a rope attached to a block on a smooth horizontal table. The tension in the rope will be the same at all points: (a) if and only if the rope is not accelerated (b) if and only if the rope is massless (c) if either the rope is not accelerated or is massless (d) always 19. A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis under the influence of a force of attraction towards the origin O k r* given by F = -~ri. If the particle starts from rest at

10. A particle of mass m is moving under the variable force F* If IF* I is constant, then the possible path of the particle can never b e : (a) rectilinear (b) circular (c) parabolic (d) elliptical 11. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane. It follows that: (a) its velocity is constant (b) its kinetic energy is constant (c) it moves in a circular path (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 12. A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis as follows. It starts from rest at t = 0 from the point x = 0, and comes to rest at t = 1 at the point x = 1. No other information is available about its motion at intermediate time (0 < t < 1). If a denotes the instantaneous acceleration of the particle, then: (a) a cannot remain positive for all f in the interval 0 < f <1 (b) I a I cannot exceed 2 at any point in its path (c) I a I be > 4 at point or some points in its path (d) both (a) and (c) are correct


x=a. The speed it will attain to reach at distance x from the origin O will be : 1/2 rzrr a + , -ii/2 k x-a (a) (b) ax m m ax





ax m x-a


a-x 2k ax


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20. A particle is on a smooth horizontal plane. A force F is applied whose F-t graph is given. Then:

25. In the given arrangement, w number of equal masses are connected by strings of negligible masses. The tension in the string connected to t h mass is :
n 4 3 _2_ J _

m ""|~m"| i

t(a) at ti acceleration is constant (b) initially body must be in rest (c) at t2, acceleration is constant (d) initially acceleration is zero (e) both (c) and (d) are correct 21. A force F is applied to the initially stationary cart. The variation of force with time is shown in the figure. The speed of cart at t = 5 sec is : (a) mMg (b) mMg

/ /

nm + M (c) mg

nmM (d) mng

26. A 40 N block is supported by two ropes. One rope is horizontal and the other makes an angle of 30 with the ceiling. The tension in the rope attached to the ceiling is approximately: (a) 80 N (c) 34.6 N (b) 40 N (d) 46.2 N


t(sec) (a) 10 m/s (b) 8.33 m/s (c) 2 m/s (d) zero 22. The mass m is placed on a body of mass M. There is no friction. The force F is applied on M and it moves with acceleration a. Then the force on the top body is : (a) F (b) ma (c) F -ma (d) none of these

27. A weight W is suspended from the midpoint of a rope, whose ends are at the same level. In order to make the rope perfectly horizontal, the force applied to each of its ends must be : (a) less than W (b) equal to W (c) equal to 2W (d) infinitely large 28. In the given figure, pulleys and strings are massless. For equilibrium of the system, the value of a is

m M F



23. Two bodies A and B of masses 20 kg and 10 kg respectively are placed in contact on a smooth horizontal B surface (as shown in the figure) 20kg 10kg A force of 10 N is applied on either A or B in comfortable manner. Then the force F must be applied on : (a) /I (b) B (c) either A or B (d) all

(a) 60 (c) 90

(b) 30 (d) 120


Three identical blocks each of mass M are along a B frictionless table and a force F is acting as shown. Which of the following statements is false ? (a) The net vertical force on block A is zero (b) The net force on block A is F/3 (c) The acceleration of block C is F/3M (d) The force of interaction between A and B is 2F/3

29. A ring of mass 5 kg sliding on a frictionless vertical rod is connected by a block B of mass 10 kg by the help of a massless string. Then at the equilibrium of the system the value of 0 i s : (a) 30 (b) 6 0 (c) 90 (d) 0


30. A body of mass 10 kg is to be raised by a massless string from rest to rest, through a height 9.8 m. The greatest tension which the string can safely bear is 20 kg wt. The least time of ascent is : (a) 2 sec (b) 3 sec (c) 4 sec (d) none of these

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82* 31. - A body of mass m is hauled from the earth's surface by applying a force F= 2(ah-l)m where a is positive constant and h is height from the earth's surface. (a) at height h = the velocity of the body is maximum Then: (a) flj = a 2 = a 3

Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

(b) fli > a3 > a2 (d) flj > fl2, a2 = a 3



* 36. In the ideal case :

(b) at height h = - the velocity of particle is zero (c) the motion of particle is oscillatory (d) all the above are correct * 32. Which of the following expressions correctly represents T] and T2 if the system is given an upward acceleration by a pulling up mass A ? (a) T1 = T2 = M b MA(a-g)+MB(a-g), (a-g) + Ms(g-a), a ' (a) magnitude of acceleration of A is sum of magnitude of acceleration of B and C (b) magnitude of acceleration of A is arithmetic mean of magnitude of acceleration of B and C (c) acceleration of pulley P is same as that of mass B (d) if P is massless, net force on pulley is non-zero 37. The actual acceleration of body A is it. Then :

(b) Ti = MA(g-a) T2 = M B (g -a)

(c) Ti = MA(g + a) + MB(g + i>), T2 = MB(g + a) (d) T1 = MA(g + a), T2 = Mg (g + a) * 33. A chain consisting of 5 links each of mass 0.1 kg is lifted vertically with a constant acceleration of 2.5 m/s as shown in the figure. The force of interaction between the top link and the link immediately below it, will be : (a) 6.15 N (b) 4.92 N (c) 3.69 N (d) 2046 N 34. In the given figure : (a) acceleration of Wj and m2 are same (b) the magnitude of relative acceleration of mj with respect to m2 is twice the magnitude of acceleration of mx (c) the velocity of m\ and m2 are same (d) the speed of and m2 are not same

(a) the acceleration of B is a (b) the acceleration of B is lit (c) the magnitude of relative acceleration of B with respect to A is (d) the momentum of A may be equal to that of B * 3 8 . In the arrangement shown in figure, pulleys A and B are massless and the thread is inextensible. Mass of pulley C is equal to m. If friction in all the pulleys is negligible, then


(a) tension in thread is equal to mg (b) acceleration of pulley C is equal to g/2 (downward) (c) acceleration of pulley A is equal to g (upward) (d) acceleration of pulley A is equal to 2g (upward) 39. In the given ideal pulley system : (a) tension in string is zero (b) pulleys B and C rotate counter clockwise and the pulley A clockwise (c) A and B are same and is equal to g A (d) all the above

* 35. In the figure, the blocks A, B and C each of mass m have accelerations ax, a2 and a3 respectively. Fj and F2 are external forces of magnitude 2 mg and mg respectively.



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40. If the surface is smooth, the acceleration of the block w?2 will b e : 44. In the given figure: (a) both masses always remain in same level (b) after some time, A is lower than B (c) after some time, B is lower than A v-| m ] | m | (d) no sufficient information 45. Observer Oj is in a lift going upwards and is on the ground. Both apply Newton's law, and measure normal reaction on the body : (a) (c)

4 mi + m 2
2l g

(b) (d)

4 mi + m2

mi + m2

mi + 4 m2

41. Pulleys and string are massless. The horizontal surface is smooth. The acceleration of the block A is : (a) the both measure the same value (b) the both measure zero (c) the both measure different value (d) no sufficient data 46. A particle is found to be at rest when seen from frame S j and moving with a constant velocity when seen from another frame S2. Mark the possible points from the following: (a) both the frames are inertial (b) both the frames are non-inertial (c) S j is non-inertial and S 2 is inertial (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 1 47. A block of mass 10 kg is suspended 1 1 1 1 through two light springs which are g balanced as shown in the figure. Then : (a) both the scales will read 10 kg (b) both the scales will read 5 kg (c) the upper scale will read 10 kg and the lower zero (d) the readings may be of any value but their sum will be 10 kg

F (a) m (c) 4m





(d) 0

42. n-blocks of different masses are placed on the frictionless inclined plane in contact. They are released at the same time. The force of interaction between (n - l) t h and ?ith blocks is : (a) (m _i~ mn) g sin 0 (b) zero (c) mng cos 0 (d) none of these 43. For the system shown in the figure, the pulleys are light and frictionless. The tension in the string will be :



(a) mg sin 0 (c) ^ mg sin 0

(b) mg sin 0 (d) 2mg sin 0

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8449. The normal reaction on a body placed in a lift moving up with constant acceleration 2 m/s2 is 120 N. Mass of body is (Take g = 10 m/s2) (a) 10 kg (b) 15 kg (c) 12 kg (d) 5 kg 50. A body is kept on the floor of a lift at rest. The lift starts descending at acceleration a : 1 2 (a) if a > g, the displacement of body in time t is gt 1 2 (b) if a < g, the displacement of body in time t is gt 1 (d) if a<g, 51. \("+g)t2 A block of mass m is moving on a wedge with the acceleration The wedge is moving with the acceleration a\. The observer is situated on wedge. The magnitude of pseudo force on the block is ? (a) ma0 (b) ma\ faj+flo' (c) mVa2 + a\ (d) m 2 Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction other side. If b = 2a: (a) the end descends with a constant acceleration g/3. (b) the end descends with acceleration depends upon hanging position (c) acceleration can not be determined (d) acceleration is variable 57. A mass m is placed over spring of spring constant k, the acceleration of mass at the lowest m position is : (a) g (b) zero fkx "t (c) ~~g \ where x is compression in spring (d) none of the above 58. In the figure, the ball A is released from rest when the spring is at its natural length. For the block B of mass M to leave contact with the ground at some stage, the minimum mass of A must be : (a) (b) , , W 2M M M 2 T o o o

(c) if a > g, the displacement of body in time t is at the displacement of body in time t is


52. A simple pendulum hangs from the roof of a moving train. The string is inclined towards the rear of the train. What is the nature of motion of the train ? (a) Accelerated (b) Uniform (c) Retarded (d) None of above 53. A point mass m is moving along inclined plane with acceleration a with respect to smooth triangular block. The triangular block is moving horizontally with acceleration % The value of a is : (a) g sin 6 + a0 cos 0 (c) g cos 0 - a0 sin 0 (b) g sin 0 - a0 cos 0 (d) g cos 0 - a0 tan 0


(d) a function of M and the force constant of the spring. 59. In , the given figure, the inclined surface is smooth. The body releases from the top. Then: (a) the body has maximum velocity just before striking the spring (b) the body performs periodic motion (c) the body has maximum velocity at the compression mg sin 0 T where k is spring constant (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 60. Which of the following does not represent actual surface of water ?

54. Two weights and w2 are suspended from the ends of a light string passing over a smooth fixed pulley. If the pulley is pulled up with acceleration g, the tension in the string will be:

4zvizv2 W + w2 \ U 1 - IV2 > Wj + w2


n 2wxw2 (b) W1 +W 2 WXW2 (d)' " 2(wi~IV2) (a) VVv ^\Y 'O ^


55. A uniform fine chain of length I is suspended with lower end just touching a horizontal table. The pressure on the table, when a length x has reached the table is: (a) mgx (b) 2mgx (cj 3mgx (d) H p

x a=2m/s2

(b) ja
/ /

f y;

/ / / / / , a=
A'/''///' A''/'/*/'', '/'I

56. A uniform chain is coiled up on a horizontal plane and one end passes oyer a small light pulley at a height 'a' above the plane. Initially, a length 'b' hangs freely on the

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

85- Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction 61. A vessel containing water is moving with a constant acceleration as shown in figure. Which of the following diagrams represents surface liquid ? 67. Look at the situation, when the body F is in air and is moving with pure translation. This situation is shown in the figure. What happens when the body hits the surface ? Frictional surface (a) Sliding friction will act in the in rest backward direction (b) The velocity of the point of contact gradually decreases (c) The sliding friction acts in such a way so as to try to make the point of contact velocity of the body same as that of the surface (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct 68. Let F, FN and / denote the magnitudes of the contact force, normal force and the frictional force exerted by one surface on the other kept in contact. If one of these is zero, then:
(a) F > F

f> -

" V

r --_--1 --_--: (c) (d)

Friction 62. Mark correct option or options : (a) Friction always opposes the motion of a body (b) Friction only opposes the relative motion between surfaces. (c) Kinetic friction depends on the speed of body when the speed of body is less than 10 m/s (d) The coefficient of friction is always less than or equal to one 63. A bicycle is in motion. When it is not pedaled, the force of friction exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such that it acts : (a) in the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear wheel (b) in the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction oh rear wheel (c) in the backward direction on both the front and the rear wheels (d) in the forward direction on both the front and the rear wheels 64. If a body of mass m is moving on a rough horizontal surface of coefficient of kinetic friction p, the net electromagnetic force exerted by surface on the body is : (a) (c) mg 1+n2 (b) [img (d) m g V l - p 2



(c) FN-f<FN+f

(d) all the above

69. A car starts from rest to cover a distance s. The coefficient of friction between the road and the tyres is p. The minimum time in which the car can cover the distance is proportional t o : (a) p (b) v;r (c) 1/p (d) 1/Vp 70. A block 'A' of mass 2 kg rests on a rough horizontal plank, the coefficient of friction between the plank and the block = 0.2. If the plank is pulled horizontally with a constant acceleration of 3.96 m/s , the distance moved in metre by the block on the plank in 5 second after starting from rest, is: (a) 25 (b) 2 5 x 0 . 9 8 (c) 2 5 x 1 . 9 8 (d) 0 71. A body of mass 2 kg is placed on rough horizontal plane. The coefficient of friction between body and plane is 0.2. Then: (i=0.2 (a) body will move in forward direction if F = 5 N (b) body will be move in backward direction with acceleration 0.5 m/s 2 if force F = 3 N (c) If F = 3 N then body will be in rest condition (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 72. A block of mass m lying on a rough horizontal plane is acted upon by a horizontal force P and another force Q inclined at an angle 9 to the vertical. The block will remain in equilibrium if the coefficient of friction between it and the surface is : P -f Q sin 9 . PcosO + Q (a) mg-~ Q s>n 9 mg + Q cos 9 P + Q cos 9 ^ P sin 9 - Q (c) m g - Q cos 0 mg + Q sin 0


65. A block is placed on a rough floor and a horizontal force F is. applied on it. The force of friction by the floor on the block is measured for different values of F and a graph is plotted between them, then : (a) the graph is a straight line of slope 45 (b) the graph is a straight line parallel to the F-axis (c) the graph is a straight line of slope 45 for small F and a straight line parallel to the F-axis for large F (d) there is a small knik on the graph 66. When body is in rest in the condition of a horizontal applied force. Then the slope of force-friction graph is : (a) 1 (b) p (c) 0 (d) - 1


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8673. Two blocks of masses M = 3 kg and m = 2 kg are in M contact on a horizontal table. A constant horizontal force F = 5 N is applied to block M as shown. There is a constant frictional force of 2 N between the table and the block m but no frictional force between the table and the first block M, then acceleration of the two blocks is : (a) 0.4 ms - 2 (c) 0.8 m s - 2 (b) 0.6 ms" 2 (d) 1 ms" 2 Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

74. The coefficient of static friction between the bodies A and B is 0.30. Determine minimum stopping distance that the body A can have a speed of 70 km/h and B constant deceleration, if the body B is / not to slip forward, is : A Vq (a) 3 m (b) 30.3 m _ (c) 70 km (d) 63 m 75. In the given figure force of friction on body B is :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

system may remain in equilibrium both bodies must move together the system cannot remain in equilibrium none of the above

79. The coefficient of static friction between the two blocks is 0.363, what is the minimum acceleration of block 1 so that block 2 does not fall ? (a) 6 ms (c) 18 ms" 2 * 80. A flat car is given ar acceleration flg = 2 m/s' (b) 12 ms' (d) 27 ms"


(a) towards left (b) towards right (c) either left or right (d) no sufficient data 76. In the given figure, the coefficient of friction between and m2 is p and m2 and horizontal surface is zero: (a) if F > [imx g, then relative acceleration is found n2=0 between and m2 (b) if F < p m i g , then relative acceleration is found between and m2 (c) if F > pmj g, then both bodies move together (d) a and (b) are correct 77. Two blocks A and B of masses 4 kg and 3 kg respectively rest on a smooth horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.36. Then : (a) the maximum horizontal force F which can be applied to B so that there is no relative motion between A and B is equal to 0.36 x 3 x 9.8 N (b) the maximum horizontal force F on B with no relative motion between A and B is equal to 0.63 x 3 x 9.8 N (c) the maximum horizontal force F which can be applied to A (no force on B) with no relative motion between A and B is 0.84 x 3 x 9.8 N (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 78. Consider the situa- tion shown in the figure. The wall is smooth but the surfaces of A and B in contact are rough. Then :

starting from rest. A cable is connected to a crate A of weight 50 kg as" shown . Neglect friction between the floor and the car wheels and also the mass of the pulley. Calculate corresponding tension in the cable if p = 0.30 between the crate and the floor of the car: (a) 350 (b) 250 (c) 300 (d) 400 81. Two masses A and B of 5 kg and 6 kg are connected by a string passing over a frictionless pulley fixed at the corner of table as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction 7777777^^^77777777, between A and table is 0.3. The minimum mass of C that must be placed B on A to prevent it from moving is equal to : (a) 15 kg (b) 10 kg (c) 5 kg (d) 3 kg 82. In the given figure, the horizontal surface below the bigger block is smooth, the co-efficient of friction between blocks is p. Then :

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

87- Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction if block B slips upward, F is maximum if block B slips upward, F is minimum if block B slips downward, F is maximum if block B slips downward, F is minimum both (a) and (d) are correct (a) at x = 1.16 m (b)atx = 2m (c) at bottom of plane (d) at x = 2.5 m 89. A given object takes n times as much time to slide down a 45 rough incline as it takes to slide down a prefectly smooth 45 incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the object and the incline is given b y : 1 (a) p = (b) 11 = 1 (l-2)

83. In the given figure (Take g = 10 m/s2):

Hi=0.l(A1kg] HZ=0.2 B 2kg 3kg g= 1 0 m / s 2 ;g] g = f=10N


1 -n

M4=0 7kg ^ x ^ X xxxx\xxxx\\\\<VSNx (a) the acceleration of A and B are same to each other . (b) the acceleration of A is 9 m/s2 (c) the acceleration of B, C and D are not same to each other (d) all bodies move with common acceleration 84. Two bodies of masses and m2 connected by an ideal massless spring of constant k. The coefficient of friction between the bodies and surface is p. The minimum force required to shift the body m2 is F. Then: '00000^ (a) the mass m2

having 90. Two blocks masses mj and m2 are connected by a thread and are placed on smooth inclined plane with thread loose as shown in figure. When blocks are released: (a) thread will remain loose if mj < m2 (b) thread will remain loose if.m 2 <mi (c) thread will remain loose for all values of (d) none of the above 91. The coefficient of friction between m2 and inclined plane is p (shown in the
ml figure). If = sin 0 : m2 (a) no motion takes place

and m2

will first accelerate then deaccelerate

(b) the mass mx is first accelerated upto a maximum velocity VQ and then declerates to come to rest (c) the mass will accelerate continuously (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 85. A body is in equilibrium on a rough inclined plane under its own weight. If the angle of inclination of the inclined plane is a and the angle of friction is X, then: (a) a > A , (b) a > }J2 (c) a = X (d) a > X 86. For the equilibrium of a body on an inclined plane of inclination 45, the coefficient of static friction will be : (a) greater than one (b) less than one (c) zero (d) less than zero 87. Fine particles of a substance are to be stored in a heap on a horizontally circular plate of radius a. if the coefficient of static friction between the particles is k. The maximum possible height of cone is: (a) ak (c) a/k (b)f * (d) ak1

(b) wij moves downward (c) mi moves upward (d) no sufficient information 92. In the above question mi (a) > s i n 0 + p c o s 0 m2 (c) = sin0 + p c o s 0 m2 mi (a) < s i n 9 - p c o s 0 m2 (c) = sin0- p cos 0 m2

starts coming down if:

mi (b) < sin 0 + p cos 0 m2 m\ (d) > s i n 0 - p c o s 0 m2

93. In the above question, when m2 starts coming down ?

ml (b) > sin 0 - p cos 0 m2

(d) no sufficient information

94. A plank is required as a ramp where by people may get up a one metre step as shown in the figure. What is the

88. A body is moving down a long inclined plane of slope 37. The coefficient of friction between the body and plane varies as p = 0.3 x, where x is distance travelled down the plane. The body will have maximum speed. (sin 37 = | and g = 10 m/s2)

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88least length of wood you would consider suitable for this purpose if the coefficient of friction between the person 1 and the plank is ? (a) 2 m (c) 4 m (b) 3 m (d) 5 m (a) p < - tan a (c) p c t a n a (b) p > - tan a (d) p > ^ tan a Newton's Laws of Motion and Friction

95. A heavy circular disc whose plane is vertical is kept at rest on rough inclined plane by a string parallel to the plane and touching the circle (shown in the figure). Disc starts to slip i f :

11. 21. (c) (c) (a) 2. 12. 22. (a) (d) (b) 3. 13. 23. (d) (c) (a) 4. 14. 24. (a) (d) (a) 5. 15. 25. (a) (c) 7. 17. 27.


(b) (b) (b)

8. 18. 28.

(b) (b)

9. 19.

(a) (a)

10. 20.

(a) (b)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. (d) (d) (b) (d) (b) (b) (a) (d) (a) (a) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. (d) (a) (d) (c) (b) (a) (b) (a) (e) (a) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93. (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (b) (b) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94. (a) (c) (d) (b) (c) (a) (a) (d) (d) (c) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95.

(b) (d) (a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (b) (c)


6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86.


7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87.


8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88.

(c) (c) (a)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89.

(c) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90.

(c) (e) (a) (a) (a)

(a) (c)

(d) (d)
(c) (a) (c)

(b) (a)

(c) (c) (c) (c)

(a) (a)

(d) (a)

(d) (d)

(d) (d) (d)





5. Time taken for 1 bullet = n Force = the rate of change of momentum = mvn 7. = 10 x 20 x 10 = 2000 dyne (m2 - mx) a= ? (mj + wjz) _ (60 - 40) x 10 60+40 _ 20 x l O

(0) 2 = (10) 2 + 2a x 2 a= 100 = - 2 5 m/s 2 2x2

This is total retardation due to gravity and air resistance. /.Retardation due to air resistance a' =g + a = (10 + 25) m/s 2 = 35 m/s 2 Force due to air resistance = Ma' = 200 x 10~3 x 35 = 7000 x 10" 3 = 7 N 11. We get f2/


2 3g-3a

mg m(g- a) = 2g=> a= 8

10. Velocity acquired in falling through height h u = V2g/T = V2 x 1 0 x 5 = 10m/s 2 Again v2 = u2 + 2as,

1/2 h V / 'h = 2 => h 36 2 ~2~ ~

- h

f z =Vl8'=3>/2 sec

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Circular Motion
Syllabus: Uniform circular motion and its applications.

Review of Concepts
(a) If a tube filled with an incompressible fluid of mass m and closed at both ends is rotated with constant angular velocity co aboi' 1 an axis passing through one end then the fon_c exerted by liquid at the other end is ^ ffiLco2. (b) If a particle moves on a curved path and radial acceleration is a function of time, then tangential acceleration xnay or may not be the function of time. (c) If a particle moves on a curved path as tangential acceleration is either constant or the function of time, then the radial acceleration must be the function of time. (d) When a particle describes a horizontal circle on the smooth inner surface of a conical funnel as such the height of the plane of circle above the vertex of cone is h. Then the speed of the particle is ^Igh. (e) Tangential acceleration changes the magnitude of the velocity of the particle. Total acceleration a = Va2 + a2 (f) Regarding circular motion following possibilities will exist: (i) If nr = 0 and aT = 0, then a = 0 and motion is uniform translatory. (ii) If ar = 0 and a-j-^0, then a=a? and motion is accelerated translatory. (iii) If 0 but = 0, then a=ar and motion is uniform circular. (' v ) I f ar * 0 and aT * 0, then a = Va2 + a 2 and motion is non-uniform circular. (g) A cyclist moves on a curve leans towards the centre to maintain radial force from the frictional force. In this case, mv M "'g - r

The angle of banking, tan 6 = rg (h) The maximum velocity of vehicle on a banked road is Vrg tan 0. (i) The height of the outer edge over inner edge in a road =h = l sin 0 where I is the width of the road. (j) When a vehicle is moving^ over a convex bridge, the maximum velocity v = ^Irg, where r is the radius of the road. When the vehicle is at the maximum height, reaction mv Nl = mgfNi









mv2 N2 = mg + ~y (k) The weight that we feel is the normal force and not the actual weight, (1) Centripetal force: Centripetal force can be expressed as z* ? 2 A F = - mco r = - mco r r = (i) If the body comes to rest on a circular path i.e., v*~> 0, the body will move along the radius towards the centre and if ar vanishes, the body will fly off tangentially, so a tangential velocity and radial acceleration are necessary for uniform circular motion. (ii) As F * 0, so the body is not in equilibrium and linear momentum of the particle does not remain conserved but angular momentum is conserved as the force is central i.e., t = 0. (iii) In the case of circular motion, centripetal force changes only the direction of velocity of the particle.

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Circular Motion (m) Centrifugal force: (i) Centrifugal force is equal and opposite to centripetal force. \ IV where p is radius of curvature. /\
(p) p= _



I F x vl

(q) Expression for the radius of curvature for a particle at the highest point in the case of projectile motion:
Centrifugal force on string

u cosa


Under centrifugal force, body moves only along a straight line. It appears when centripetal force ceases to exist. (iii) In an inertial frame, the centrifugal force does not act on the object. (iv) In non-inertial frames, centrifugal force arises as pseudo forces and need to be considered. (n) When body losses the contact, normal force reduces to zero. (o) The concept of radius of curvature : The normal on tangent at a point on the curve gives the direction of radius. 1+ i.e., P=-



mv1 r

But v = ucos a u2 cos 2 a

r =-

where r is the radius of curvature, (r) In vertical circular motion : (i) critical velocity at upper most point vc = ^frg. (ii) critical velocity at lowest point vc = V5rg. (s) Maximum velocity for no skidding u max = Vprg. (t) Maximum speed for no over turning >max = ^ where, h height of centre of gravity. d distance between outer and inner wheels. > j


1 3/2




speed with which a car can move without leaving the ground at the highest point ? (take g = 9.8 m/s2) (a) 19.6 m/s (b) 40 m/s (c) 22 m/s (d) none of these A bucket full of water is rotated in a vertical circle of radius R. If the water does not split out, the speed of the bucket at top most point will be :
(a) ^Rg (b)

1. A car moving on a horizontal road may be thrown out of the road in taking a turn : (a) by a gravitational force (b) due to lack of proper centripetal force (c) due to the rolling frictional force between the tyre and road (d) due to the reaction of the ground 2. When a body moves with constant speed in a circular path, then : (a) work done will be zero (b) acceleration will be zero (c) no force acts on a body (d) its velocity remains constant 3. Two planets of masses m-y and m2 (wij > m2) are revolving round




V8 f


the sun in circular

orbits of radii rx

and and


> r2)

respectively. The velocities of planets be

In an atom two electrons move round the nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R respectively. The ratio of the time taken by them to complete one revolution is : 1 (a) 4 , , 8 d 1 When a simple pendulum is rotated in a vertical plane with constant angular velocity, centripetal force is :

I>2 respectively. Which of the following statements is true ? (a) uj = v2 (c) i'i < v2 (b) (d) > v2 T\ " r2

< >l

A national roadway bridge over a canal is in the form of an arc of a circle of radius 49 m. What is the maximum

(a) (b) (c) (d)

maximum at highest point maximum at lowest point same at all points zero

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102 8. The wheel of toy car rotates about a fixed axis. It slows down from 400 rps to 200 rps in 2 sec. Then its angular retardation in rad/s2 is : (a) 200 7 C (b) 100 (c) 400 7t (d) none of these 9. Two toy cars of masses mx and m2 are moving along the circular paths of radii and r2. They cover equal distances in equal times. The ratio of angular velocities of two cars will be : (a) mx : m2 (c) 1 : 1 (b) rx: r2 (d) m\rx: m2r2 Circular Motion 17. The radial and tangential acceleration are represented by ar and a-j- respectively. The motion of a particle will be circular if: (a) ar = 0 but at * 0 (c) ar 0 but at = 0 (b) ar = 0 and a, = 0 (d) ar * 0 and at * 0

18. A motor cyclist rides around the well with a round vertical wall and does not fall down while riding because : (a) the force of gravity disappears (b) he loses weight some how (c) he is kept in this path due to the force exerted by surrounding air (d) the frictional force of the wall balances his weight 19. The string of a pendulum is horizontal. The mass of bob attached to it is m. Now the string is released. The tension in the string in the lowest position, is: (a) mg (b) 2mg (c) 3mg (d) 4mg 20. A stone of mass 1 kg tied to a light inextensible string of length L = is whirling in a circular path of radius L in vertical plane. If the ratio of the maximum tension to the mininum tension in the string is 4, what is the speed of stone at the highest point of the circle ? (Taking g = 10 m/s2) (a) 10 m/s (b) 5^2 m/s (c) 10V3 m/s (d) 20 m/s 21. A wheel of radius R is rolling in a straight line without slipping on a plane surface, the plane of the wheel is vertical. For the instant when the axis of the wheel is moving with a speed v relative to the surface, the instantaneous velocity of any point P on the rim of the wheel relative to the surface will be : (a) v (c) v V2 (1 + cos 9) (b) v (1 + cos 9) (d) none of these

10. A stone tied to the end of 20 cm long string is whirled in a horizontal circle. If the centripetal acceleration is 9.8 ms - 2 , its angular speed in radian per sec is : 22 (b) 7 (a) y (c) 14 (d) 20 11. A particle of mass 100 g tied to a string is rotated along a circle of radius 0.5 m. The breaking tension of string is 10N. The maximum speed with which particle can be rotated without breaking the string is : (a) 10 m/s (b) 9.8 m/s (c) 7.7 m/s (d) 7.07 m/s 12. A car wheel is about its axis. rotates through 2 sec, it rotates
f 02


rotated to uniform angular acceleration Initially its angular velocity is zero. It an angle 0j in the first 2 sec, in the next through an additional angle 9 2 , the ratio

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 13. A mass of stone 1 kg is tied at one end of string of length 1 m. It is whirled in a vertical circle at constant speed of 4 m/s. The tension in the string is 6 N when the stone is at: (g = 10 m/s2) (a) top of the circle (b) bottom of the circle (c) half way down (d) none of these 14. A car travels with a uniform velocity in north direction. It goes over a piece of mud which sticks to the tyre, the particles of the mud, as it leaves the ground are thrown : (a) vertically downward (b) vertically upward (c) horizontally to north (d) horizontally to south 15. A chain of 125 links is 1.25 m long and has a mass of 2 kg with the ends fastened together. It is set for rotating at 50 rev/s, the centripetal force on each link is : (a) 3.14 N (b) 0.314 N (c) 314 N (d) none of these 16. A coin placed on a rotating turntable just slips if it is placed at a distance of 8 cm from the centre. If angular velocity of the turntable is doubled, it will just slip at a distance of: (a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 8 cm

22. A small body of mass m slides down from the top of a hemisphere of radius R. The surface of block and hemisphere are frictionless. The height at which the body lose contact with the surface of the sphere i s : (a) | R (b) | R (c) \ R (d)

23. A thin circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity CO. Two objects, each of mass m, are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The ring now rotates with an angular velocity : Mco CO (M - 2m) (a) (b) (M + 2m) (M + m) . . . co(M + 2m) Mco (c) (d) M M + 2m 24. A heavy stone hanging from a massless string of length 15 m is projected horizontally with speed 147 m/s. The speed of the particle at the point where the tension in the string equals the weight of the particle is : (a) 10 m/s (b) 7 m/s (c) 12 m/s (d) none of these

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Circular Motion 25. A stone of mass 1 kg is tied to a string 4 m long and is rotated at constant speed of 40 m/s in a vertical circle. The ratio of the tension at the top and the bottom is : ( = 10 m/s2) (a) 11:12 (b) 3 9 : 4 1 (c) 4 1 : 3 9 (d) 12:11 103

1. In circular motion: (a) radial acceleration is non-zero (b) radial velocity is zero (c) body is in equilibrium (d) all of the above 2. Mark correct option or options from the following: (a) In the case of circular motion of a particle, centripetal force may be balanced by centrifugal force (b) In the non-inertial reference frame centrifugal force is real force (c) In the inertial reference frame, centrifugal force is real force (d) Centrifugal force is always pseudo force 3. A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane. It follows that: (a) its velocity is constant (b) its acceleration is constant (c) its kinetic energy is constant (d) it does not move on a circular path 4. A stone of mass m tied to a string of length I is rotated in a circle with the other end of the string as the centre. The speed of the stone is v. If the string breaks, the stone will: (a) move towards the centre (b) move away from the centre (c) move along a tangent (d) stop 5. Two particles A and B having mass m each and charge <7i and respectively, are connected at the ends of a non conducting flexible and inextensible string of the length I. The particle A is fixed and B is whirled along a vertical circle with centre at A. If a vertically upward electric field of strength exists in the space, then for minimum velocity of particle B : (a) the tension force in string at lowest point is zero (b) the tension force at the lowest point is non-zero (c) the tension force at the highest point is zero (d) the work done by interaction force between particles A and B is non-zero 6. Particles are released from rest at A and slide down the smooth surface of height h to a conveyor B. The correct angular velocity (0 of the conveyor pulley of radius r to prevent any sliding on the belt as the particles transfer to the conveyor is :


2%h (b) - 2 r (d) 2gh2

( 0

7. Two moving particles P and Q are 10 m apart at a certain

instant. The velocity of P is 8 m/s making an angle of 30 with the line joining P and Q and that of Q is 6 m/s making on angle 30 with PQ as shown in figure. Then angular velocity of P with respect to Q is:
6 m/s 30


(a) zero (c) 0.4 rad/sec

(b) 0.1 rad/sec (d) 0.7 rad/sec

A solid body rotates about a stationary axis so that its angular velocity depends on the rotational angle $ as a = CQ - faj) where CQ and k are positive constants. At the O 0 moment f = 0, (j> = 0, the time dependence of rotation angle is: ,-kt (a) fccooe' (0 (b) f (d) e*

9. The position of a point P is ~T = a cos Qi+b sin Q% where

a and b are constants and 0 is angle between r and x-axis. If the rate of increasing of 0 is to, the equation of path of particle is: (a) circle (b) parabola (c) ellipse (d) straight line

A boat which is rowed with constant velocity u, starts from point A on the bank of river which flows with a constant velocity v and it points always towards a point

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73 B. On the other bank exactly opposite to A, the equation of the path of boat is : of/v (a) r sin 0 = c | tan | (c) r2 sin 0 = v (e) none of the above (b) r sin 9 = v (d) ur2 = v sin 2 0
M L coz M L coz

Circular Motion
(a) (c)




ML2 co2

* 11. The angular displacement of the rod is defined as 3 2 0 = t where 0 is in radian and t is in second. The 20 collar B slides along the rod in such a way that its distance from O is, r = 0.9 - 0.12/2 where r is in metre and t is in second. The velocity of collar at 0 = 30 is : .A

17. A point on the periphery of a rotating disc has its acceleration vector making an angle of 30 with the velocity vector. The ratio ac/at (ac is centripetal acceleration and at is tangential acceleration) equals : (a) sin 30 (b) cos 30 (c) tan 30 (d) none of these 18. A car of 1400 kg is moving on a circular path of radius 30 m with a speed of 40 km/h. When the driver applies the brakes and the car continues to move along the circular path, what is the maximum deceleration possible if the tyres are limited to a total horizontal friction of 10.6 kN ? (a) 10 m/s 2 (c) 4 m/s2 (b) 6.36 m/s 2 (d) None of these

(a) 0.45 m/s (c) 0.52 m/s

(b) 0.48 m/s (d) 0.27 m/s

19. A cyclist is travelling on a circular section of highway of radius 2500 ft at the speed of 60 mile/h. The cyclist suddenly applies the brakes causing the bicycle to slow down at constant rate. Knowing that after eight second, the speed has been reduced to 45 mile/h. The acceleration of the bicycle immediately after the brakes have been applied is : (a) 2 ft/s (c) 3.10 ft/s2 (b) 4.14 ft/s (d) 2.75 ft2/s

12. Two buses A and B are moving around concentric circular paths of radii rA and rg. If the two buses complete the circular paths in the same time, the ratio of their linear speeds is : r A (a) 1 (b) rB (c) r A (d) none of these

20. A .road of width 20 m forms an arc of radius 15 m, its outer edge is 2 m higher than its inner edge. For what velocity the road is banked ? (a) VlOm/s (b) Vl47 m/s (c) V9iT m/s (d) None of these 21. Three identical cars A, B and C are moving at the same speed on three bridges. The car A goes on a plane bridge, B on a bridge convex upwards and C goes on a bridge concave upwards. Let F A , Fg and F c be the normal forces exerted by the cars on the bridges when they are at the middle of the bridges. Then : (a) FA is maximum of the three forces (b) F B is maximum of the three forces (c) F c is maximum of the three forces (d) FA=FB = FC 22. A car runs from east to west and another car B of the same mass runs from west to east at the same path along the equator. A presses the track with a force Nj and B presses the track with a force N2. Then :
( a ) NX>N2 (b) NX<N2

13. A stone of mass 0.3 kg attached to a 1.5 m long string is whirled around in a horizontal circle at a speed of 6 m/s. The tension in the string is : (a) 10 N (b) 20 N (c) 7.2 N (d) none of these 14. A cyclist goes round a circular path of length 400 m in 20 second. The angle through which he bends from vertical in order to maintain the balance is : (a) sin"1 (0.64) .(b) tan -1 (0.64) (c). cos -1 (0.64) (d) none of these 15. The maximum speed with which an automobile can round a curve of radius 8 m without slipping if the road is unbanked and the co-efficient of friction between the road and the tyres is 0.8 is (g = 10 m/s 2 ): (a) 8 m/s (b) 10 m/s (c) 20 m/s (d) none of these 16. A tube of length L is filled completely with an incompressible liquid of mass M and closed at both ends. The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane about one of its ends with a uniform angular velocity co. The force exerted by the liquid at the other end is :

(c) NX=N2

(d) none of these

* 23. A smooth track is shown in the figure. A part of track is a circle of radius R. A block of mass m is pushed against a spring of constant k fixed at the left end and is then released. The initial compression of the spring so that the block presses the

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Circular Motion 105

k 171 U00W1 i , i, i,I i;I i IJ I I rT f V I V I ' I ' ' i r f i i i III track with a force mg when it reaches the point P of the track, where radius of the track is horizontal:

JmgR ^ 3k J3mgR


A/M mk (a) 3.01 m/s (c) 8.2 m/s (b) 4.01 m/s (d) 3.96 m/s

k 24. A person wants to drive on the vertical surface of a large kR cylindrical wooden well commonly known as death well in a circus. The radius of well is R and the coefficient of friction between the tyres of the motorcycle and the wall of the well is ps. The minimum speed, the motorcyclist must have in order to prevent slipping should be : (b) V K


(d) V X 25. A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of radius 10 m with a constant speed of 10 m/s. A plumb bob is suspended from the roof of the car by a light rigid rod of length 1 m. The angle made by the rod with the track is : (a) zero (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60 26. A particle of mass m is attached to one end of a string of length I while the other end is fixed to a point h above the horizontal table, the particle is made to revolve in a circle on the table, so as to make P revolutions per second. The maximum value of P if the particle is to be in contact with the table will b e : (a) 2P<gh (b) (d) v '

29 The skate board negotiates the circular surface of radius 4.5 m (shown in the figure). At 0 = 45, its speed of centre of mass is 6 m/s. The combined mass of skate board and the '^-i person is 70 kg and his centre of mass is 0.75 m from the surface. The normal reaction between the surface and the skate board wheel is : (a) 500 N (b) 2040 N (c) 1045 N (d) zero 30. The small spherical balls are free to move on the inner surface of the rotating spherical chamber of radius R = 0.2 m. If the balls reach a steady state at angular position 0 = 45, the angular speed co of device is :

1 " v

/ (

1 1



(b) 2 rad/sec (d) 9.34 rad/sec

(a) 8 rad/sec (c) 3.64 rad/sec

(c) 2P


27. A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is brought to a horizontal position and released. The angular velocity of the rod when it is in vertical position is:


(b) JL 2L (d)

31. In the given figure, the square plate is at rest at position A at time t = 0 and moves as such 0 = 1.5f2, where angular displacement 0 is in radian and time t is in second. A small object P of mass 0.4 kg is temporarily fixed to the plate with adhesive. The adhesive force F that the adhesive must support at time t = 3 sec is :

28. Two wires AC, and BC are tied at C of small sphere of mass 5 kg, which revolves at a constant speed v in the horizontal circle of radius 1.6 m. The minimum vlaue of v is:

(a) 20 N (c) 45.6 N

(b) 10 N (d) zero

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106 * 32. A rod OA rotates about a horizontal axis through O with a constant anticlockwise velocity co = 3 rad/sec. As it passes the position 0 = 0 a small block of mass m is placed on it at a radial distance r = 450 mm. If the block is observed to slip at 0 = 50, the coefficient of static friction between the block and the rod is : (Given that sin 50 = 0.766, cos 50 = 0.64) (a) 0.2 (b) 0.55 (c) 0.8 (d) 1 33. A particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal circle of (-k\ radius r under a centripetal force given by where fc is a constant, then : (a) the total energy of the particle is

Circular Motion (c) the potential energy of the particle is (d) the kinetic energy of the particle is j 34. Kinetic energy of a particle moving along a circle of radius R depends on the distance covered as T = ks,2 where fc is a constant. The force acting on the particle as a function of s is :

2fc s

V 7

(b) 2fcs V 1 + (d)


(c) 2fcs

V 7


35. A projectile is projected at an angle 60 with horizontal with speed 10 m/s. The minimum radius of curvature of the trajectory described by the projectile is: (a) 2.55 m (b) 2 m (c) 10 m (d) none of these 36. A particle moves on a curved path with constant speed v. The acceleration of the particle at x = 0 is The path of particle i s : (a) straight line (c) elliptical (b) parabolic (d) none of these

(b) the kinetic energy of the particle is

11. 21. (b) (d) (c) 2. 12. 22. (a) (c) (b) 3. 13. 23. (c) (a) (c) 4. 14. 24. (c) (d) (b) 5. 15. 25. (a) (c) (b) 6. 16. (d) (b) 7. 17. (c) (c) 8. 18. (a) (d) 9. 19. (c) (c) 10. 20. (a) (a)

Lev el-2
11. 21. 31. (d) (c) (c) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. (c) (b) (a) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. (c) (c) (c) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. (c) (b) (a) (c) 5. 15. 25. 35. (a) (a) (c) (a) 6. 16. 26. 36. (c) (a) (d) (b) 7. 17. 27. (d) (c) (b) 818. 28. (c) (b) (d) 9. 19. 29. (C) (b) (c) 10. 20. 30. (a) (b) (c)


v = VglT= V9.8 x 49 = 21.9 m/s = 22 m/s Mj = 2n x 400 rad/s ct>2 = 2k x 200 rad/s

15. We know F = tnrat2 1 1 O R


T5 X

X ( 1 0 0 7 t ) 2


= 2n


2 x 5 0


= 100jcN = 314N 16. We know F = mm2 2 rco = constant (02 oc 1 r 2 fflj n. >2 r 2 = 2 c m

_ 2n (400 - 200) 2

a = 200 rt rad/s2 11. Centripetal force F = ' _ V f r F l _ A/0-5 x 1 0 x 1 0 0 " Im I 100 = V50 m/s = 7.07 m/

4o>! 8 = cof r 2

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Work, Energy and Power
Syllabus: Concept of work, energy and power, energy-kinetic and potential. Conservation of energy. Different forms of energy.

Review of Concepts
1. Work: (i) Work is said to be done by a force. It depends on two factors: (a) force applied and (b) distance travelled by the body in the direction of force. (ii) The work done by constant force is W= F ~?=Fscos0. If (a) 9 = 0; W = Fs, (c) 9 = 180, W < 0 , (e) s = 0, W = 0 Unit of work : (b) 9 = 90; W = 0, (d) F = 0 , W = 0, If F = F x t + F y t + F z ic d "?= dx 1 + dy'j+dz fc W J^F d ~r = J (Fx dx + Fvdy + Fz dz)

(xiii) The work done by a force F exerted by a spring on a body A, during a finite displacement of the body from A\(x = x{) to A2(x = x2) was obtained by writing Wj - > 2



kx dx


2 2 S.I. Joule or Nm or kg m /s 2 2 erg or dyne cm or g cm /s > C.G.S. Foot pound > F.P.S. (iv) Work depends upon the frame of reference. (v) If a man is pushing a box inside a moving train,

(xiv) The work of force F is positive when the spring is returning to its undeformed position. (xv) The work is said to be done when the point of application of force makes the body to move. Work may be negative. (xvi) The work done by a boy lifting a bucket of water is positive, while work done by gravitational force in this case is negative. (xvii)When two springs A and B are such that kA>kB, then work done when they are stretched by the same amount, WA > WB. But when they are stretched by the same force then WB > Vs'A. 2. Energy: (i) The energy of a body is defined as the capacity of doing work. (ii) The unit of energy is same as that of work. (iii) Energy can be classified further into various well defined forms such as : (a) mechanical, (b) heat (c) electrical, (d) atomic energy, etc. (iv) In the case of a simple pendulum, as the pendulum vibrates there is a continuous transformation between kinetic energy and potential energy and the total energy remains conserved. (v) When the velocity of a body changes from u to v, the work done by the resultant force W = ^ mi? - ^ mu2 (vi) The total work done by an external force F in carrying a particle from a point A to a point B along

the work done in the frame of train will be F s, while in the frame of ground will be F ( s s 0 ) where ~ Q is the displacement of the train relative to S the ground. Work done by conservative force does not depend upon path followed by the body. (vii) The work done by constant force does not depend upon path. (viii) If a particle moves in a plane curve under conservative forces, the change in kinetic energy is equal to work done on the body. (ix) Power of heart = hpg x blood pumping by heart per second. (x) If a light body of mass m1 and a heavy body of (vi) mass m2 have same momentum, then m2 K2 mx where Kj is the kinetic energy possessed by mx and K2 is KE possessed by m2. The lighter body has (xi) more kinetic energy. When a porter moves with a suitcase in his hand on a horizontal level road, the work done by the lifting force or the force of gravity is zero. (xii) Work done by a variable force is given by

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Work, Energy and Power a curve C is equal to the kinetic energy gained in the process. (vii) If 1?=fclsNvhereA is a constant and ~s*is a unit vector : along the tangent to the element of arc d s on a curve, on which a particle is constrained to move under the force F. Then F is non- conservative. (viii) If a single particle is moving under a conservative field of force, the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy is always constant. (ix) Two bodies of mass mx (heavy) and mass m2 (light) are moving with same kinetic energy. If they are stopped by the same retarding force, then (a) The bodies cover the same distance before coming to rest. (b) The time taken to come to rest is lesser for m2 p as it has less momentum i.e., t = (c) The time taken to come to rest is more for m\ as it has greater momentum. (x) When a light and a heavy body have same kinetic energy, the heavy body has greater momentum = p = V(2 mK), where K = kinetic energy. (xi) When two blocks A and B, coupled by a spring on a frictionless table are stretched and released, then kinetic energy of blocks are inversely proportional to their masses. (xii) A body cannot have momentum without kinetic energy. (xiii) (a) Mechanical energy of a particle, object or system is defined as the sum of kinetic and potential energy i.e., E=K+U. 113(b) A body can have mechanical energy without having either kinetic or potential energy. (c) Mechanical energy of a body or a system can be negative and negative mechanical energy implies that potential energy is negative and in magnitude it is more than KE.Such a state is called bound state. (xiv) The concept of potential energy exists only in the case of conservative forces. 3. Power: (i) Rate of doing work is called power. If velocity vector makes an angle 0 with the force vector, then P = F v = Fv cos 0 (ii) Unit of power : erg/sec > CGS system

horse power (= 746 watt) > FPS system J/sec or watt > SI system (iii) In rotatory motion
d Q



If a body moves along a rough horizontal surface, with a velocity v, then the power required is P = \imgv (a) If a block of mass m is pulled along the rough inclined plane of angle 0 then power is P = (mg sin 0 + pmg cos 0) v (b) If a same block is pulled along the smooth inclined plane with constant velocity v, the power spent is P = (mg sin 0) v



4. A flywheel of mass 60 kg, radius 40 cm is revolving 300 revolutions per min. Its kinetic energy will be : (a) 480TC2J (c) 48 7iJ (b) 48 J (d) ~J 71

1. A lorry and a car, moving with the same KE are brought to rest by applying the same retarding force then: (a) lorry will come to rest in a shorter distance (b) car will come to rest in a shorter distance (c) both will come to rest in the same distance (d) none of the above 2. In a certain situation, F and s are not equal to zero but the work done is zero. From this, we conclude that: (a) F and s are in same direction (b) F and s are perpendicular to each other (c) F and s are in opposite direction (d) none of the above 3. A gas expands from 5 litre to 205 litre at a constant pressure 50 (a) 2000 J (c) 10000 J N/m 2 . The work done is: (b) 1000 J (d) none of these

5. A constant force of 5 N is applied on a block of mass 20 kg for a distance of 2.0 m, the kinetic energy acquired by the block is: (a) 20 J (b) 15 J (c) 10 J (d) 5 J 6. Under the action of a force, a 2 kg body moves such that f3 its position x as function of time t is given by x = where x is in metre and t is in sec, the work done by the force in first two sec is : (a) 16 J (b) 32 J (c) 8 J (d) 64 J

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114 7. The momentum of a body of mass 5 kg is 10 kg m/s. A force of 2 N acts on the body in the direction of motion for 5 sec, the increase in the kinetic energy i s : (a) 15 J (b) 50 J (c) 30 J (d) none of these 8. A block of mass 5 kg slides down a rough inclined surface. The angle of inclination is 45. The coefficient of sliding friction is 0.20. When the block slides 10 m, the work done on the block by force of friction i s : (a) 50 ^ J (c)50J (b) - 5 0 V 2 J (d) - 5 0 J (a) 0.08 W (c) 4 W Work, Energy and Power (b) 0.04 W (d) 1 W

17. Ten litre of water per second is lifted from power of the motor is : (a) 1.5 kW


20 m and delivered with a velocity of 10 m/s, then the (b) 2.5 kW

(c) 3.5 kW (d) 4.5 kW 18. A bomb of mass M at rest explodes into two fragments of masses rti\ and m2. The total energy released in the explosion is E. If E j and E 2 represent the energies carried by masses mj and m2 respectively, then which of the following is correct ? ttl2
(a) E ^ E

9. A particle moves along the x-axis from x = 0 to x = 5 m under the influence of a force given by F = 7 - 2x + 3Z2. The work done in the process is : (a) 70 J (c) 35 J (b) 270 J (d) 135 J

mi (b) Ei = - E m2 m2 (d) Ei = E mi

10. A 2 kg brick of dimension 5 cm x 2.Z cm x 1.5 cm is lying on the largest base. It is now m a de to stand with length vertical, then the amount ui work done i s : (taken g = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 35 J (c) 7 J (b) 5 J (d) 9 J


19. The earth's radius is R and acceleration due to gravity at its surface is g. If a body of mass m is sent to a height h = from the earth's surface, the potential energy 5 increases b y : (a) mgh (c) 5 -mgh (b) -mgh

11. A bomb of 12 kg explodes into two pieces of masses 4 kg

and 8 kg. The velocity of 8 kg mass is 6 m/s. The kinetic energy of other mass is : (a) 48 J (b) 32 J (c) 24 J (d) 288 J 12. A torque equal to x"l O " Nm acting on a body K / produces 2 revolutions per second, then the rotational power expended i s :

(d) | mgh

20. At a certain instant, a body of mass 0.4 kg has a velocity of ( 8 * + b f ) m/s. The kinetic energy of the body is : (a) 10 J (b) 40 J (c) 20 J (d) none of these 21. A chain of mass M is placed on a smooth table with 1/3 of its length L hanging over the edge. The work done in pulling the chain back to the surface of the table i s : MgL MgL (b) (a) 3 6 MgL MgL (d) (c) v ~' 9 18 22. When a man increases his speed by 2 m/s, he finds that his kinetic energy is doubled, the original speed of the man i s : (a) 2 (V2 - 1 ) m/s (b) 2 ( V 2 + l ) m / s (c) 4.5 m/s (d) none of these 23. Two springs A and B are stretched by applying forces of equal magnitudes at the four ends. If spring constant is 2 times greater than that of spring constant B, and the energy stored in A is E, that in B i s : (a) E/2 (c) E (b) 2E E (d)

(a) x 10 - 5 J/s

(b) 2 x 10 (d) ^


(c) 2.5TCX 10


xlO" 8 J/s

13. A coolie 1.5 m tall raises a load of 80 kg in 2 sec from the ground to his head and then walks a distance of 40 m in another 2 second. The power developed by the coolie is : (g= 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 0.2 kW (c) 0.6 kW (b) 0.4 kW (d) 0.8 kW

14. A lorry of mass 2000 kg is travelling up a hill of certain height at a constant speed of 10 m/s. The frictional resistance is 200 N, then the power expended by the engine is approximately : (take g = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 22 kW (b) 220 kW (c) 2000 W (d) none of these 15. A spring of force constant 10 N/m has initial stretch 0.2 m. In changing the stretch to 0.25 m, the increase of PE is about : (a) 0.1 J (b) 0.2 J (c) 0.3 J (d) 0.5 J 16. Sand falls vertically at the rate of 2 kg/s or. to a conveyer belt moving horizontally with velocity of 0.2 m/s, the extra power required to keep the belt moving is :

24. A block of mass m slides from the rim of a hemispherical bowl of radius R. The velocity of the block at the bottom will b e : (a) VRF (c) yl2nRg (b) (d) VjtRg"

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Work, Energy and Power 25. A glass ball is dropped from height 10 m. If there is 20% loss of energy due to impact, then after one impact, the ball will go upto : (a) 2 m (b) 4 m (c) 6 m (d) 8 m 26. A moving neutron collides with a stationary a particle. The fraction of the kinetic energy lost by the neutron is : (a) 16/25 (c) 3/5 (b) 9/25 (d) 2/5 115-

27. A stone of mass 2 kg is projected upward with KE of 98 J.

The height at which the KE of the body becomes half its original value, is given b y : (take g = 9.8 m/s 2 ) (a) 5 m (b) 2.5 m (c) 1.5 m (d) 0.5 m

1. A body of mass 10 kg is moving on a horizontal surface by applying a force of 10 N in forward direction. If body moves with constant velocity, the work done by applied force for a displacement of 2 m is : (a) 20 joule (b) 10 joule (c) 30 joule (d) 40 joule 2. In previous problem Q. (1), the work done by force of friction is: (a) - 2 0 joule (b) 10 joule (c) 20 joule (d) - 5 joule 3. In previous problem Q. (1), the work done by normal reaction is: (a) 20 joule (b) 196 joule (c) zero (d) none of these 4. A body of mass 10 kg is moving on an inclined plane of inclination 30 with an acceleration 2 m/s2. The body starts from rest. The work done by force of gravity in 2 second is: (a) 10 joule (b) zero (c) 98 joule (d) 196 joule 5. In previous problem Q. (4), the work done by force of friction is : (a) - 5 8 joule (b) 58 joule (c) 98 joule (d) - 1 1 6 joule 6. A body of mass 1 kg moves from point A (2 m, 3 m, 4 m) to B (3 m, 2 m, 5 m). During motion of body, a force

(a) - 2ka (c) - ka2

(b) 2kaz (d) ka2

9. During swinging of simple pendulum :

(a) the work done by gravitational force is zero (b) the work done by tension force is always zero (c) the mechanical energy of bob does not remain constant in the absence of air (d) the mechanical energy remains constant in the presence of air resistance
10. If a man having bag in his hand moves up on a stair,

then: (a) the work done by lifting force is zero (b) the work done by lifting force is non-zero with respect to ground (c) the work done by lifting force is zero with respect to ground (d) the work done with respect to ground is same as that with respect to him
11. Work done during raising a box on to a platform:

(a) (b) (c) (d)

depends upon how fast it is raised does not depend upon how fast it is raised does not depend upon mass of the box both (a) and (b) are correct


F = (2N) i - (4N) j acts on it. The work done by the force on the particle during displace- ment is : (a) 2 i - 4 j joule (c) - 2 joule (b) 2 joule (d) none of these

12. A Swimmer swims upstream at rest with respect to the shore: (a) in the mechanical sense, he does not perform work (b) in physical sense, he does not perform work (c) in the mechanical sense, he may perform work (d) in physical sense, he may perform work 13. A force of 0.5 N is applied on upper block 1kg F=0.5N n=0.1 as shown in figure. The work done by lower block on upper block for a displacement 3 m Smooth of the upper block is : (Take = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) 1 joule (c) 2 joule

7. A force F = Ay2 + By + C acts on a body in the y-direction. The work done by this force during a displacement from y = -a to y = i s :
(a) (c)



2Aa 2Aa3 Ba2 + Ca



+ 2Ca

(d) none of these

8. A force F = - f c ( y i + x j ) (where k is a positive constant) acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point (a, 0) and the parallel to the y-axis to the

point (a, a). The total work done by the force F on the particle i s :

(b) - 1 joule (d) - 2 joule 14. In previous problem, work done by lower block on upper block in the frame of lower block i s : (a) - 1 joule (b) - 2 joule (c) 2 joule (d) zero 15. In previous problem, work done by upper block on lower block is : (a) 1 joule (b) 1 joule (c) - 2 joule (d) 2 joule

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116 16. A body of mass m was slowly halved upon the hill by a force which at each point was directed along a tangent to the path. The work done by the applied force : (a) does not depend upon path followed by the body (b) depends upon path (c) does not depend upon position of A and B (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 17. In an elastic string whose natural length is equal to that of a uniform rod be attached to the rod at both ends and suspended by the middle point: (a) the rod will sink until the total work done is non-zero (b) the rod will sink until the total work done is zero (c) sinking of rod is not determined or. ihe basis of work done (d) sinking of rod is not possible 18. A particle moves along a curve of unknown shape but magnitude of force F is constant and always acts along tangent to the curve. Then: (a) F may be conservative (b) F must be conservative (c) F may be non-conservative (d) F must be non-conservative 19. If a particle is compelled to move on a given smooth plane curve under the action of given forces in the plane F = xi + yj, then : (a) F dr = xdx + ydy (c) F dr * xdx xydy 1 2 (b) J F dr * mv > >

Work, Energy and Power 11623. If a man of mass M jumps to the ground from a height h and his centre of mass moves a distance x in the time taken by him to hit the ground, the average force acting on him is : Mgx Mgh (b) (a) (c) Mg

(d) Mg

24. The potential energy of a particle of mass 0.1 kg moving along the x-axis is given by U = 5x (x- 4) J, where x is in metre. It can be concluded that: (a) the particle is acted upon by a constant force (b) the speed of the particle is maximum a t x = 2 m (c) the particle cannot execute simple harmonic motion K (d) the period of oscillation of the particle is s 25. The potential energy as a function of the force between two atoms in a diatomic molecule is given by U (x) = - -^r where a and b are positive constants and

x is the distance between the atoms. The position of stable equilibrium for the system of the two atoms is given b y :
(a) * =

(b) x =

/X (C) x =

(d) x =

26. The potential energy of a particle of mass 5 kg moving

in the x-y plane is given by U = (-7x + 24y)]. x and y being in meter. If the particle starts from rest from origin then speed of particle at t = 2 sec is : (a) 5 m/s (b) 14 m/s (c) 17.5 m/s (d) 10 m/s 27. The potential energy of a particle of mass 5 kg moving in the x-y plane is given by U = -7x + 24y joule, x andy being in metre. Initially at f = 0 the particle is at the origin. (0,0) moving with a velocity of 6 [2.4t + 0.7^ ] m/s. The magnitude of force on the particle is : (a) 25 units (b) 24 units (c) 7 units (d) none of these 28. Which one of the following units measures energy ? (a) kilo-watt-hour (b) (volt)2 (sec) -1 (ohm) -1 (c) (pascal) (foot) (d) none of the above 29. A balloon is rising from the surface of earth. Then its potential energy: (a) increases (b) decreases (c) first increases then decreases (d) remains constant 30 If a compressed spring is dissolved in acid : (a) the energy of the spring increases (b) the energy of acid decreases (c) the potential energy and kinetic energy of molecules of acid increases (d) the temperature of acid decreases

(d) -mv

* J (xdx + ydy)

20. If c is a closed curve, then for conservative force F : (a) (j>~F d r * 0 (c) { F dr> 0 (b) (j> dr<0

(d) <j>"F. dr = 0

21. Which of the following is/are not conservative force ? (a) Gravitational force (b) Electrostatic force in the coulomb field (c) Frictional force (d) All of the above 22. If F = Fx t + Fy j1 + Fz fc is conservative, then : dFx dFv dFv dFz dFz dFx (a) - = = - = dy dx dz dy dx dz dFx dFu (b) ~dy*~dx dFx dF7 dF (C) dy + dx dz (d) none of the above

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Work, Energy and Power 31. Two identical cylindrical shape vessels are placed, A at ground and B at height h. Each contains liquid of density p and the heights of liquid in A and B are hx and h2 respectively. The area of either base is A. The total potential energy of liquid system with respect to ground is : (a) ~(h\ (c) h.Apg(h1 + hl + 2hh2)
+ Pg (h + h f +hi 1 2 2 Apg (h +h (d) + h\ 2

117(c) at the maximum compression of spring, acceleration of mass is zero (d) the point mass moves with constant velocity 37. An object kept on a smooth inclined plane of height 1 unit and length / can be kept stationary relative to inclined plane by a horizontal acceleration equals to : (a) (c)
S 8


h + h2)

V/M 1

(d) g ^ F ^ i

32. A long spring, when stretched by x cm has a potential energy U. On increasing the length of spring by stretching to nx cm, the potential energy stored in the spring will b e : (a) ^ (c) nzU (b) nU
, J\ u (d) - 7

38. The work done on a particle is equal to the change in its kinetic energy : (a) always (b) only if the force acting on the body are conservative (c) only if the forces acting on the body are gravitational (d) only if the forces acting on the body are elastic 39. If a car is moving on a straight road with constant speed, then: (a) work is done against force of friction (b) net work done on car is zero (c) net work done may be zero (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 40. The kinetic energy of a particle moving on a curved path continuously increases with time. Then : (a) resultant force on the particle must be parallel to the velocity at all instants (b) the resultant force on the particle must be at an angle less than 90 all the time (c) its height above the ground level must continuously decrease (d) the magnitude of its linear momentum is increasing continuously (e) both (b) and (d) are correct 41. Force F acts on a body of mass 1 kg moving with an initial velocity VQ for 1 sec. Then : F (a) distance covered by the body is VQ + (b) final velocity of body is (VQ + F) (c) momentum of body is increased by F (d) all of the above 42. A block of mass m is hanging over a smooth and light pulley through a light string. The other end of the string is pulled by a constant force F. The kinetic energy of the block increases by 20 J in 1 s is : (a) the tension in the string is mg (b) the tension in the string is F (c) the work done by the tension on the block is 20 J in the above 1 s (d) the work done by the force of gravity is 20 J in the above 1 s

33. Two identical massless springs A and B consist spring constant kA and kB respectively. Then : (a) if they are compressed by same force, work done on A is more expanded when kA > kg (b) if they are compressed by same amount, work done on A is more expanded when kA < kB (c) if they are compressed by same amount, work done on A is more expanded when kA > kg (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 34. Mark correct option : (a) The negative change in potential energy is equal to work done (b) Mechanical energy of a system remains constant (c) If internal forces are non-conservative, the net work done by internal forces must be zero (d) None of the above 35. A point mass m is released from rest on an undeformed massless spring of force constant k. Which of the following graphs represents U-x graph for reference level of gravitational potential energy at initial position ?



(c) 36. In the above problem : (a) first the point mass decelerates then accelerates (b) first the point mass accelerates then decelerates

43. When a bullet of mass 10 g and speed 100 m/s penetrates up to distance 1 cm in a human body in rest. The resistance offered by human body-is : (a) 2000 N ' (b) 1500 N (c) 5000 N (d) 1000 N

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118 44. A 60 g bullet is fired through a stack of fibre board sheet, 200 mm thick. If the bullet approaches the stack with a velocity of 600 m/s, the average resistance offered to the bullet is : (a) 54 kN (b) 2 kN (c) 20.25 kN (d) 10 kN 45. In the given curved road, if particle is released from A then: (a) kinetic energy at B must be mgh (b) kinetic energy at B may be zero (c) kinetic energy at B must be less than mgh (d) kinetic energy at B must not be equal to zero 46. A bucket tied to a string is lowered at a constant g acceleration of If the mass of the bucket is m and is 4 lowered by a distance d, the work done by the string will be: mgd (a) fa) ~ i m g d IT (c) - - m g d (d) -mgd the second stretching is :

Work, Energy and Power



\k(xl+y2) + y)

(c) \k(x + y)2

(d) \ky(2x

51. An insect is crawling up a fixed hemispherical bowl of radius R. The coefficient of friction between insect and bowl is The insect can only crawl upto a height:

(a) 60% of R (b) 10% of R (c) 5% of R (d) 100% of R * 52. Two small balls of equal mass are joined by a light rigid rod. If they are released from rest in the position shown and slide on the smooth track in the vertical plane. The speed of balls when A reaches B's position and B is at B' is:

47. A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a vertical circle with the other end of the string at the centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed u. The magnitude of the change in its velocity as it reaches a position where the string is horizontal i s : (a) Vu2 - 2gL (c) V u 2 - g l (b) V^L (d) V2 (u2 - gL)

(a) 4 m/s (b) 4.21 m/s (c) 2.21 m/s (d) none of these * 53. In the given figure, the natural length of spring is 0.4 m and spring constant is 200 N/m. The 3kg slider and attached spring are released from rest at end move in the vertical plane. The slider comes in rest at the point B. The work done by the friction during motion of slider is : r=0.8m !


48. A small sphere of mass m is suspended by a thread of length I. It is raised upto the height of suspension with thread fully stretched and released. Then the maximum tension in thread will be: (a) mg (c) 3mg
49. An object of mass m is tied

f \ |<0.6m > (a) - 3.52 J (b) - 0 . 8 J (c) - 1 0 0 J (d) - 1 0 . 5 4 J 54. Power is: (a) the time derivative of force (b) the time derivative of kinetic energy (c) the distance derivative of work (d) the distance derivative of force

(b) 2mg (d) 6mg

s^y////////// to a string of length L and a variable horizontal force is applied on it which starts at zero and gradually increases until the string makes an angle 0 with the vertical. Work done by the force F is: (a) mgh (1 - sin 0) (b) mgL (c) mgL (1 - cos 0) (d) mgL (1 + cos 0) 50, An elastic string of unstretched length L and force constant k is stretched by a small length x. It is further stretched by another small length y. The work done in

55. A man weighing 60 kg climbs a staircase carrying a 20 kg load on his hand. The staircase has 20 steps and each step has a heigh,t of 20 cm. If he takes 20 second to climb, his power is: (a) 160 W (b) 230 W (c) 320 W (d) 80 W 56. The average human heart forces four litre of blood per minute through arteries a pressure of 125 mm. If the density of blood is 1.03 x 103 kg/m 3 , then the power of heart is: (a) 112.76 x 10" 6 HP (c) 1 . 0 3 x 1 0 HP (b) 112.76 HP (d) 1 . 0 3 x l O - 6 HP

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Work, Energy and Power 57. An object of mass M, initially at rest under the action of a constant force F attains a velocity v in time t. Then the average power supplied to the mass is: (a) Fv (c) zero (b)





. . mJkVt5

(d) zero


mv 2t 58. The power supplied by a force acting on a particle moving in a straight line is constant. The velocity of the particle varies with the displacement x as : (a) VF (b) x (c) x 2 (d) x 1/3 59. A particle of mass m is moving in a circular path of constant radius r such that its centripetal acceleration ac is varying with time t as ac = k^rt2. The power is :

60. A wind powered generator converts wind energy into electrical energy. Assume that the generator converts a fixed fraction of the wind energy intercepted by its blades into electrical energy for wind speed v, the electrical power output will be proportional to : (a) v (c) v3 (b) v2 (d) v*

61. A particle moves with a velocity (5 i - 3 j ) m/s under the influence of a constant force F = 1 0 t + 1 0 j l + 20icN. The instantaneous power applied to the particle is (a) 200 J/sec (b) 40 J/sec (c) 140 J/sec (d) 170 J/sec

11. 21. (c) (d) (d) 2. 12. 22. (b) (b) (b) 3. 13. 23. (c) (c) (b) 4. 14. 24. (a) (a) (b) 5. 15. 25. (c) (a) (d) 6. 16. 26. (a) (a) (a) 7. 17. 27. (c) (b) (b) 8. 18. (a) (a) 9. 19. (d) (c) 10. 20. (a) (c)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. (a) (b) (c) (a) (d) (c) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. (a) (a) (a) (c) (b) (c) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. (c) (b) (a) (c) (c) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. (d) (d) (b) (d) (a) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. (d) (a) (d) (b) (b) (a) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. (c) (a) (d) (b) (b) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. (b) (b) (a) (a) (d) (b) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. (c) (d) (a) (a) (c) (d) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. (b) (a) (b) (d) (c) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. (b) (d) (c) (e) (d) (c)


0 = IFI IsI c o s e cos 9 = 0 6 = 90 or

KE = | mv2 = | x 20 x ( l ) 2 = 10 J Work done, W = Fs = 5 x 2 = 10 J 6. Given:

X =


W = PdV = 50 (205 - 5) = 10000 J



300 _ . = 5rev/s

t3 3 1

dt 2

v = t'

to = 2nn = 10 n KE = ^ mi? = \ 2 2 mr2 to2

Work done, W = ^ mv = | x 2 x i 4 = |x2x(2)4=16J 7. Initial velocity = ^ = ^ r = 2 m/s 2 2 Acceleration = = 0.4 m/s


= |x60x(0.4)2x(107t)2 = | x 60 x 0.16 x 100 Tt2 = 4807c2 J 5. Acceleration "


5 1 , 2 20 = 4 m / S

v = V(2as)

=Vf 2x2 ' = 1 m/s

From euqation of motion 1 > 1 s = ut + - a r = 2 x 5 + 2 * 0.4 x 5 x 5

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Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision
Syllabus: Elastic collisions in one and two dimensions, conservation of linear momentum, rocket propulsion, centre of mass of a two particle system, centre of mass of a rigid body.

Review of Concepts
1. (a) (b) (c) Centre of Mass : The centre of mass need not to lie in the body. Internal forces do not change the centre of mass. When a cracker explodes in air, the centre of mass of fragments travel along parabolic path. (d) The sum of moment of masses about its centre of mass is always zero. (e) The position of centre of mass does not depend upon the co-ordinate system chosen. (f) If we take any closed area in a plane and generate a solid by moving it through space such that each point is always moved perpendicular to the plane of the area, the resulting solid has a total volume equal to area of the cross-section times the distance that the centre of mass moved. The volume generated by spinning it about an axis is the distance that the centre of mass goes around times the area of the plane. (g) When a body is allowed to fall freely from a height hi and if it rebounds to height h2, then e = y- (h) If light (mx) and heavy (m2) bodies have same Ex m2 momentum, then = E 2 mi (i) Momentum transferred to a floor when a ball hits the floor is Ap = p l - e where e = coefficient of restitution explained in article 4(e). 3. Conservation of Momentum: (a) If the external force acting on a system of particles (or body) is zero, then net linear momentum of the system (or body) is conserved. r> - dp i.e., If F ext = 0 then F e x t = =0 i.e., dp = 0

(h) When a bullet of mass m penetrates upto a distance x in the large stationary wooden block, the resistance offered by the block = R = v = constant or mv 2x

Xi x2

(b) Law of conservation of linear momentum always holds good for a closed system. (c) It is a consequence of Newton's third law. 4. Collision: (a) When elastic collision takes place in one dimension between two bodies of masses mj and m2 having initial velocities as Mj, u 2 and Vy v2 ?s the final velocities after collision, then MJ - M2 = V2 Vi l>j = 02 = mi - m2 mi

2. Momentum: (a) The linear momentum of a body is defined as the product of mass of body and its velocity i.e., p = mv (b) It depends on frame of reference. (c) A body cannot have momentum without having energy but the body may have energy (i.e., potential energy) without having momentum. (d) The momentum of a body may be negative. (e) The slope of p versus f curve gives the force. (f) The area under F versus t curve gives the change in momentum. (g) A meteorite burns in the atmosphere. Its momentum is transferred to air molecules and the earth.



mx + m2


m2 mx mx + m2

2miUi u2 + mx + m2

(b) Two bodies of equal masses exchange their velocities after suffering one dimensional elastic collision. It means m \ = m1> Uj = w v 2 = Ui 2 and (c) When two bodies of same mass are approaching each other with different velocities and collide, then they simply exchange the velocities and move in the opposite direction. (d) When a heavy body moving with velocity u collides with a lighter body at rest, then the heavier body remains moving in the same direction with almost

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128 same velocity. The lighter body moves in the same direction with a nearly velocity of 2m. (e) The coefficient of restitution = e = (i) (ii) (iii) (f) The : E=
V\ ~V2

Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision (a) Two bodies of mass m\ (heavy) and mass m2 (light) are moving with same kinetic energy. If they are stopped by the same retarding force, then (i) The bodies cover the same distance before coming to rest. (ii) The time taken to come to rest is lesser for m2 as it has less momentum i.e., t = (iii) The time taken to come to rest is more for OTj as it has greater momentum, (b) Two bodies A and B having masses mj and m2 have equal kinetic energies. If they have velocities V\ and v2, then v2 and PI P2 mi

2-i For a perfectly elastic collision, e = l . For a perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0. For an elastic collision, 0 < e < 1. relation between momentum and kinctic energy P2 p = momentum of the particle of the mass m.

(g) When a body of mass M suspended by a string is hit by a bullet of mass m moving / / / / / / / / / / / / / / with velocity v and embeds in the body, then common velocity of the system, mv Vl~ m+M M ] (h) The height to which system O [ rises: (.M + m)gh=-(m+ .




where pi and p2 are their momenta. (c) If a single particle is moving under a conservative field of force, the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy is always constant. (d) The impulse of a force in a given time is equal to the change in momentum in the direction of the force during that time. (e) If a bullet of mass mi moving with a velocity u, strikes a mass m2 which is free to move in the direction of the bullet and is embedded in it, then the ( 2^ 1 mim2u loss of kinetic energy is = b} 2 mi +m 2 V > A shell of mass nij is ejected from a gun of mass m2 by an explosion which generates kinetic energy equals to E. Then the initial velocity of the shell is

M) v{

v\ -2g

The velocity of bullet = v =

+ mA <2gh m

(i) When a body brought in rest by frictional force, then 1 2 [imgs = mv (j) Fraction of kinetic energy lost in an elastic collision.

_ {mi + m2 )2


(k) The fraction of energy lost (which may appear as heat, light, sound, etc.) in an inelastic collision is AKiost _ '2 (1 ~ g2) Kj ~ (mx + m2) 5. When Elastic Collision Takes Place in Two Dimensions: 1 2

2m?E mi (mi + m2)

1 2

1 2

1 m2v2 ' 2'

(g) A gun of mass m2 fires a shell of mass mj horizontally and the energy of explosion is such as would be sufficient to project the shell vertically to a height h. Then the velocity of recoil of the gun is 2 m\gh m2 (mi + m^ (h) A bullet of mass mi penetrates a thickness of a fixed plate of mass m2. If m2 is free to move and the resistance is supposed to be uniform, then the m2s thickness r penetrated is mi + m2 (i) The position of centre of mass remains unchanged in rotatory motion while the position is changed in translatory motion.

tfijUj + m2u2 = m\V\ cos 9j + m2v2 cos 0 2 m-[Vi sin Bj - m2v2 sin 0 2 = 0

U 1 m2 v2

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129 Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 6. The centre of Mass of Some Rigid Bodies : Shape of the Body Uniform rod Cubical box Circular ring Circular disc Triangular plane lamina Cylinder Sphere Cone Position of Centre of Mass The middle point of the rod. The point of intersection of diagonals. Centre of the ring. Centre of the disc. The point of intersection of the medians of the triangle. Middle point of the axis. Centre of the sphere. On the line joining the apex to the centre of the base at a distance 1 /4 of the length of this line from the base.

7. Centre of Mass of Common Shapes of Areas and Lines:

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130 Shape Figure Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision Area

Circular sector

2r sin a 3a


Quarter circular arc


\ i

2r K

2r K

nr 2

- X>

Semicircular arc

2r K


Arc of circle

r sin a a

2 ar


5. A body of mass M moving with velocity v m/s suddenly breaks into two pieces. One part having mass M/4 remains stationary. The velocity of the other part will be (a) v t\ ( )

1. In an elastic collision : (a) only KE of system is conserved (b) only momentum-is conserved (c) both KE and momentum are conserved (d) neither KE nor momentum is conserved 2. An example of inelastic collision is : (a) scattering of a particle from a nucleus (b) collision of ideal gas molecules (c) collision of two steel balls lying on a frictionless table (d) collision of a bullet with a wooden block 3. Two solid rubber balls A and B having masses 200 g and 400 g respectively are moving in opposite directions with velocity of A which is equal to 0.3 m/s. After collision the two balls come to rest when the velocity of B is : (a) 0.15 m/s (b) 1.5 m/s (c) - 0.15 m/s (d) none of these 4. Two bodies of identical mass m are moving with constant velocity v but in the opposite directions and stick to each other, the velocity of the compound body after collision is : (a) v (c) zero (b) 2v (d)f

(b) 2v T (d)f

6. A bomb at rest explodes in air into two equal fragments. If one of the fragments is moving vertically upwards with velocity VQ, then the other fragment will move : (a) vertically up with velocity v0 (b) vertically down with velocity v0 (c) in arbitrary direction with velocity v0 (d) horizontally with velocity va A ball of mass m moving with velocity v collides with another ball of mass 2m and sticks to it. The velocity of the final system is : (a) v/3 (b) v/2 (c) 2v (d) 3v

8. A particle of mass M is moving in a horizontal circle of

radius R with uniform speed v. When it moves from one point to a diametrically opposite point, its : (a) momentum does not change

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131 Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision (b) momentum changes by 2Mv (c) KE changes by Mv2 (d) none of the above 9. Two balls of masses 2 g and 6 g are moving with KE in the ratio of 3 : 1. What is the ratio of their linear momenta ? (a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) None of these 10. A body of mass 3 kg is moving with a velocity of 4 m/s towards left, collides head on with a body of mass 4 kg moving in opposite direction with a velocity of 3 m/s. After collision the two bodies stick together and move with a common velocity, which is : (a) zero (b) 12 m/s towards left 12 (c) 12 m/s towards right (d; m/s towards left 11. A ball of mass m moving with velocity v collides elastically with another ball of identical mass coming from opposite direction with velocity 2v. Their velocities after collision will be : (a) -v, 2v (b) -2v,v (c) v,-2v (d) 2v, -v 12. Two perfectly elastic objects A and B of identical mass are moving with velocities 15 m/s and 10 m/s respectively, collide along the direction of line joining them. Their velocities after collision are respectively : (a) 10 m/s, 15 m/s (b) 20 m/s, 5 m/s (c) 0 m/s, 25 m/s (d) 5 m/s, 20 m/s 13. A bullet of mass 5 g is moving with a velocity 10 m/s strikes a stationary body of mass 955 g and enter it. The percentage loss of kinetic energy of the bullet is : (a) 85 (b) 0.05 (c) 99.5 (d) none of these 14. A ball of mass mx is moving with velocity v. It collides head on elastically with a stationary ball of mass m2. The v velocity of ball becomes after collision, then the value m2 of the ratio is : (a) 1 (c) 3 (b) 2 (d) 4

15. A bomb of mass 1 kg explodes in the ratio 1 : 1 : 3 . The fragments having same mass move mutually perpendicular to each other with equal speed 30 m/s, the velocity of the heavier part is :

(a) 10V2 m/s

(c) 3 0 ^ m/s

(b) 20V2 m/s

(d) none of these 16. Two spherical bodies of the same mass M are moving with velocities vx and v2. These collide perfectly inelastically, then the loss in kinetic energy is: (a) \ M { V x - V 2 ) 2 (b) \M{V\-V\) (c) I M ^ J - ^ ) 2 (d) 2 M{P[-vl)

17. A body of mass 8 kg collides elastically with a stationary mass of 2 kg. If initial KE of moving mass be E, the kinetic energy left with it after the collision will be : (a) 0.80E (b) 0.64E (c) 0.36E (d) 0.08E 18. A ball falling freely from a height of 4.9 m hits a horizontal surface. If e = ' then the ball will hit the 4 surface second time after: (a) 0.5 sec (b) 1.5 sec (c) 3.5 sec (d) 3.4 sec

1. Four particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are placed at the corners A, B, C and D respectively of a square ABCD of edge 1 m. If point A is taken as origin, edge AB is taken along X-axis and edge AD is taken along Y-axis, the co-ordinates of centre of mass in S.I. is : (a) (1, 1) (b) (5, 7) (c) (0.5, 0.7) (d) none of these 2. Two homogeneous spheres A and B of masses m and 2m having radii 2a and a respectively are placed in touch. The distance of centre of mass from first sphere is: (a) a (b) 2a (c) 3a (d) none of these 3. A circular hole of radius 1 cm is cut off from a disc of radius 6 cm. The centre of hole is 3 m from the centre of the disc. The position of centre of mass of the remaining disc from the centre of disc is: (a) - - c m (b) 35 cm (d) None of these A non-uniform thin rod of length L is placed along X-axis as such its one of end is at the origin. The linear mass density of rod is X = Ao x. The distance of centre of mass of rod from the origin is :

(a, |


( \ L (c) 4


Centre of mass of a semicircular plate of radius R, the density of which linearly varies with distance, d at centre to a value 2d at circumference is: 4R (a) from centre (b) 2it from centre Tt (d) from centre (c) from centre V ' K 5Jt Mark correct option or options : (a) Nagpur can be said to the geographical centre of India (b) The population centre of India may be Uttar Pradesh (c) The population centre may be coincided with geographical centre (d) All the above
5R 7R

, . 3 (c) - cm

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132 7. Which of the following has centre of mass not situated "in the material of body ? (a) A rod bent in the form of a circle (b) Football (c) Handring (d) All the above 8. In which of the following cases the centre of mass of a rod is certainly not at its geometrical centre ? (a) The density continuously decreases from left to right (b) The density continuously increases from left to right (c) The density decreases from left to right upto the centre and then increases (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct 9. Fi-'d the velocity of centre of mass of the system shown in the figure :

Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 13. Two blocks A and B are connected by a massless string (shown in fig.) A force of 30 N is applied on block B. The distance travelled by centre of mass in 2 second starting from rest is :
10kg Smooth B 20kg F=30N

(a) 1 m (c) 3 m

(b) 2 m (d) none of these

14. The motion of the centre of mass of a system of two particles is unaffected by their internal forces : (a) irrespective of the actual directions of the internal forces (b) only if they are along the line joining the particles (c) only if they are at right angles to the line joining particles (d) only if they are obliquely inclined to the line joining the particles 15, A loaded spring gun of mass M fires a shot of mass m with a velocity v at an angle of elevation 0. The gun is initially at rest on a horizontal frictionless surface. After firing, the centre of mass of the gun-shot system :

2m/s (a) (c)

(a) moves with a velocity v ~ (b) moves with a velocity direction (c) remains at rest (d) moves with a velocity in the horizontal cos 0 in the horizontal

2 + 2 V3~ A 2 1~ 3 ' 3 2 - 2 -43 a 1A J

(b) 4 f (d) None of these

10. A ball kept in a closed box moves in the box making collisions with the walls. The box is kept on a smooth surface. The centre of mass : (a) of the box remains constant (b) of the box plus the ball system remains constant (c) of the ball remains constant (d) of the ball relative to the box remains constant 11. A man of mass M stands at one end of a plank of length L which lies at rest on a frictionless surface. The man walks to the other end of the plank. If the mass of plank is M/3, the distance that the mass moves relative to the ground is: 3L (a) 4 4L <d)| (c) 5 12. The centre of mass of a system cannot change its state of motion, unless there is an external force acting on it. Yet the internal force of the brakes can bring a car to rest. Then : (a) the brakes stop the wheels (b) the friction between the brake pads and the wheel stops the car (c) the car is stopped by the road (d) the car is stopped by the driver pressing the pedal

direction 16. Two bodies A and B of masses m^ and m2 respectively are connected by a massless spring of force constant k. A constant force F starts acting on the body A at t = 0. Then: m2 UfflRRP

(a) at every instant, the acceleration of centre of mass is F ttlj + ttt2 (b) at t = 0, acceleration of B is zero but that of A is maximum (c) the acceleration of A decreases continuously (d) all the above 17. In the given figure, two bodies of masses m\ and m2 are connected by massless spring of force constant k and are placed on a smooth surface (shown in figure), then : m2 (a) the acceleration of centre of mass must be zero at every instant (b) the acceleration of centre of mass may be zero at every instant (c) the system always remains in rest (d) none of the above

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133 Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 18. In the given figure the mass m2 starts with velocity Vq and moves with constant velocity on the surface. During motion the normal reaction between the horizontal surface and fixed triangular block mx is N. Then during motion : (a) N = (m1 + m 2 )g (c) N<(m1 + m2)g (b) N = mig (d) N>(m 1 + m 2 )g then (m2 25. Two observers are situated in different inertial reference frames. Then : (a) the momentum of a body by both observers may be same (b) the momentum of a body measured by both observers must be same (c) the kinetic energy measured by both observers must be same (d) none of the above 26. A man is sitting in a moving train, then : (a) his momentum must not be zero (b) his kinetic energy is zero (c) his kinetic energy is not zero (d) his kinetic energy may be zero 27. When a meteorite bums in the atmosphere, then: (a) the momentum conservation principle is applicable to the meteorite system (b) the energy of meteorite remains constant (c) the conservation principle of momentum is applicable to a system consisting of meteorites, earth and air molecules (d) the meteorite momentum remains constant 28. A bomb dropped from an aeroplane explodes in air. Its total: (a) momentum decreases (b) momentum increases (c) kinetic energy increases (d) kinetic energy decreases 21. Two bodies of masses m and 4m are moving with equal linear momentum. The ratio of their kinetic energies is : (a) 1 : 4 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 2 22. If momentum of a given mass of body is increased by n%, then: (a) the kinetic energy of body changes by 2n%, when ti<5 (b) the kinetic energy of body changes by 2n%, when n >50 (c) the kinetic energy may be constant (d) the kinetic energy must be constant 23. If the momentum of a body increases by 20%, the percentage increase in its kinetic energy is equal to: (a) 44 (b) 88 (c) 66 (d) 20 24. Mark correct option or options : (a) The kinetic energy of a system may be changed without changing momentum (b) The momentum of a system may be changed without changing kinetic energy (c) If momentum of a system is zero, kinetic energy of system must be zero (d) If different bodies have same momentum, kinetic energy of lightest body will be maximum 29. If a bullet is fired from a gun, then: (a) the mechanical energy of bullet gun system remains constant (b) the mechanical energy is converted into non-mechanical energy (c) the mechanical energy may be conserved (d) the non-mechanical energy is converted into mechanical energy 30. A nucleus moving with a velocity "if emits an a-particle. Let the velocities of the a-particle and the remaining nucleus be ~r?i and 1?2 and fheir masses be mi and m2, then: (a) "it 7?i and T?2 must be parallel to each other (b) none of the two of 7?, 7?], 7?2 should be parallel to each other (c) 7?! + l t 2 must be parallel to 11 (d) mi"i?i + m 2 l? 2 must be parallel to it 31. A 15 gm bullet is fired horizontally into a 3 kg block of wood 10 cm above its initial level, the velocity of the bullet was: (a) 251 m/sec (b) 261 m/sec (c) 271 m/sec (d) 281 m/sec


19. If momentum of a body remains constant, mass-speed graph of body is : (a) circle (b) straight line (c) rectangular hyperbola (d) parabola

20. If kinetic energy of a body remains constant, then momentum mass graph is :

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134 32. Two bodies of mass M and m are moving with same kinetic energy. If they are stopped by same retarding force, then: (a) both bodies cover same distance before coming to rest (b) if M > m, the time taken to come to rest for body of mass M is more than that of body of mass m (c) if m > M, then body of mass m has more momentum than that of mass M (d) all the above 33. Two blocks of mass m^ and m2 are connected by a massless spring and placed at smooth surface. The spring initially stretched and released. Then : (a) the momentum of each particles remains constant separately (b) the momentum of both bodies are same to each other (c) the magnitude of momentum of both bodies are same to each other (d) the mechanical energy of system remains constant (e) both (c) and (d) are correct 34. When two blocks A and B coupled by a spring on a frictionless table are stretched and then released, then: (a) kinetic energy of body at any instant after releasing is inversely proportional to their masses (b) kinetic energy of body at any instant may or may not be inversely proportional to their masses K.E. of A mass of B . . . , ' when spring is massless (c) - r = K.E. of B mass of A r o (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 35. Two bodies are projected from roof with same speed in different directions. If air resistance is not taken into account. Then: (a) they reach at ground with same magnitude of momenta if bodies have same masses (b) they reach at ground with same kinetic energy (c) they reach at ground with same speed (d) both (a) and (c) are correct * 36. A shell of mass m is fired from a gun carriage of mass M which is initially at rest but is free to roll frictionlessly on a level track. The muzzle speed of shell is v relative to gun. Maximum range of shell if gun is inclined at a to horizontal is : Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision gets stick to it. Then : (a) first string becomes slack and after some time becomes taut (b) the momentum conservation principle is applicable to B and C (c) the string becomes taut only when down displacement of combined mass B and C is occured A (m) Q B f c (d) both (a) and (b) are correct m/2 38. A bullet hits horizontally and gets embeded in a solid block resting on aj frictionless surface. In this process : (a) momentum is conserved (b) kinetic energy is conserved (c) both momentum and K.E. are conserved (d) neither momentum nor K.E. is conserved 39. Mark correct option or options : (a) Mutual gravitational attraction between two bodies can be considered as interaction force during collision (b) Collision is process in the absence of impulsive force (c) During collision, momentum of system may change (d) Mutual gravitational attraction between two bodies cannot be considered as impulsive force during collision 40. If a ball is dropped from rest, it bounces from the floor. The coefficient of restitution is 0.5 and the speed just before the first bounce is 5 m/sec. The total time taken by the ball to come to rest is : (a) 2 sec (b) 1 sec (c) 0.5 sec (d) 0.25 sec 41. Three identical blocks A, B and C are placed on horizontal frictionless surface. The blocks B and C are at rest. But A is approaching towards B with a speed 10 m/s. The coefficient of restitution for all collision is 0.5. The speed of the block C just after collision is: A B C (a) 5.6 m/s (b) 6 m/s (c) 8 m/s, (d) 10 m/s 42. A thin uniform bar lies on a frictionless horizontal surface and is free to move in any way on the surface. Its mass is 0.16 kg and length is 1.7 m. Two particles each of mass 0.08 kg are moving on the same surface and towards the bar in the direction perpendicular to the bar, orre with a velocity of 10 m/s and other with velocity b m/s. If collision between particles and bar is completely inelastic, both particles strike with the bar simultaneously. The velocity of centre of mass after collision is: (a) 2 m/s (b) 4 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) 16 m/s 43. A body is dropped and observed to bounce a height greater than the dropping height. Then (a) the collision is elastic (b) there is additional source of energy during collision (c) it is not possible (d) this type of phenomenon does not occur in nature


v2 sin 2 a g (f cos a - v)


v1 sin 2a

S Mg 37. Two identical masses A and B are hanging stationary by a light pulley (shown in the figure). A shell C moving upwards with velocity v collides with the block B and


mv sin 2 a


+ m


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Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 44. When two bodies collide elastically, the force interaction between them is : (a) conservative (b) non-conservative (c) either conservative or non-conservative (d) zero of



The first bullet hits the block at t = 0. The second bullet hits t= ^ , i at t = JM + m 2ny:' the third bullet hits at

45. In the case of super elastic collision : (a) initial K.E. of system is less than final K.E. of system (b) initial K.E. = final K.E. (c) initial K.E. > final K.E. (d) initial K.E. > final K.E. 46. The graph between the fraction loss in energy in a head-on elastic collision and the ratio of the masses of the colliding bodies is :

M+m M + 2m + 2n 4 and so on. The maximum 2n4 k k compression in the spring after the nth bullet hits is: nmv0^Ik ^ (M + nm)3/2
, (M + nm)'3 / 2

nmv0 Vfc"


Vnmvg k (M + nm)3/2


nmvo V c (M + nm) /

* 50. In the given figure four identical spheres of equal mass M suspended by wires of equal length IQ S that all O spheres sre almost touching to each other. If the sphere 1 is released from the horizontal position and all collisions are elastic, the velocity of sphere 4 just after collision is : i; i; i' i; i; i; i' i; iz^j

47. A body of mass M moving with a speed u has a head-on collision with a body of mass m originally at rest. If M>>m, the speed of the body of mass m after collision will be nearly: um (b) ^ (a) M m

(a) (c) 51. A ball moving with a certain velocity hits another


(d) 2u

48. Which one of the following is the best representation of coefficient of restitution versus relative impact velocity ?

identical ball at rest. If the plane is frictionless and collision is elastic, the angle between the directions in which the balls move after collision, will be : (a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 120 52. A shell is fired from a cannon with a velocity v at an angle 0 with the horizontal direction. At the highest point in its path, it explodes into two pieces, one retraces its path to the cannon and the speed of the other pieces immediately after the explo- sion is : (a) 3v cos 0 (b) 2v cos 0 . . . V3 (d) v cos 0 (C) - \v cos 0 53. A smooth steel ball strikes a fixed smooth steel plate at an angle 0 with the vertical. If the coefficient of restitution is e, the angle at which the rebounce will take place is: tan 0 (b) tan (a) 0 (c) etanG (d) tan'-1 tan 0


* 49. A block of mass M lying on a smooth horizontal surface is rigidly attached to a light horizontal spring of force constant k. The other end of the spring is rigidly connected to a fixed wall. A stationary gun fires bullets of mass m each in horizontal direction with speed VQ one after other. The bullets hit the block and get embedded in it.

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136 * 54. Two negatively charged particles having charges e\ and e2 and masses mj and m2 respectively are projected one after another into a region with equal initial velocities. A* Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision bullets get embeded. If each bullet has a mass m and arrive at the target with a velocity v, the average force on the target is: (a) 60mnv mnv (c) 60 mn mv (d) 60 n

! 1
/ /

f F

The electric field E is along the y-axis, while the direction of projection makes an angle a with the y-axis. If the ranges of the two particles along the x-axis are equal then one can conclude that: (a) e\ = e 2 and mj = m2 (b) ei - e2 only (c) mi = m2 only (d) ejml = e2m2 55. If two bodies A and B of definite shape (dimensions of bodies are not ignored) A is moving with speed of 10 m/s and B is in rest. They collide elastically. Then :, (a) body A comes to rest and B moves with speed of 10 m/s (b) they may move perpendicular to each other (c) A and B may come to rest (d) they must move perpendicular to each other 56. All surfaces are frictionless. The speed of ball just before striking is 24 m/s, the coefficient of restitution e = 0.8. The velocity of ball just after collision is :

61. A gun is 'aimed' at a target in line with its barrel. The target is released at the every instant the gun is fired. The bullet will: (a) hit the target (b) pass above the target (c) pass below the target (d) certainly miss the target 62. Two boys of masses 10 kg and 8 kg are moving along a vertical rope, the former climbing up with acceleration of 2 m/s 2 while later coming down with uniform velocity of 2 m/s. Then tension in rope at fixed support will be (Take g = 10 m/s ) : (a) 200 N (b) 120 N (c) 180 N (d) 160 N * 63 Two blocks mi and m2 (m2 > mi) are connected with a spring of force constant k and are inclined at an angle 6 with horizontal. If the system is released from rest, which one of the following statements is/ are correct ? in the spring (a) Maximum compression (mi - m2) g sin 0 if there is no friction any where



(a) 18 m/s (c) 17.2 m/s

(b) 12.2 m/s (d) none of these

(b) There will be no compression or elongation in the spring if there is no friction any where (c) If mj is smooth and m2 is rough there will be compression in the spring (d) Maximum elongation in the spring is (mi - m2) g sin 0 if all the surface are smooth k 64. The end of uniform rope of mass m and length L that is piled on a platform is lifted vertically with a constant velocity v by a variable force F. The value of F as a lifted position x of the rope is: (a) f(gx (c) ^(gx2 + v2) + xv) (b) m(gx + v2) (d) none of these

57. In classical system : (a) the varying mass system is not considered (b) the varying mass system must be considered (c) the varying mass system may be considered (d) only varying of mass due to velocity is considered 58. A body in equilibrium may not have : (a) momentum (b) velocity (c) acceleration (d) kinetic energy 59. A machine gun fires 120 shots per minute. If the mass of each bullet is 10 g and the muzzle velocity is 800 m./sec, the average recoil force on the machine gun is: (a) 120 N (b) 8 N (c) 16 N (d) 12 N 60. A machine gun fires a steady stream of bullets at the rate of n per minute into a stationary target in which the

65. A truck moving on a smooth horizontal surface with a uniform speed u is carrying stone-dust. If a mass Am of the stone-dust leaks from the truck in a time At, the force needed to keep the truck moving at uniform speed is: , . uAm (a) At . . Am ,. . du (d) zero (c) u

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Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision 66. An athelete diving off a high spring board can perform a variety of physical moments in the air before entering the water below. Which one of the following parameters will remain constant during the fall? The athelete's: (a) linear velocity (b) linear momentum (c) moment of inertia (d) angular velocity 137 67. A YO-YO is a toy in which a string is wound round a central shaft as shown in figure. The string unwinds and rewinds itself alternately making the YO-YO rises and fall. The ratio of the tensions in the string during descent and ascent is: (a) 1 : 1 (c) rx:r2 (b) r 2 : rx (d) rx: 1

11. (c) (b) 2. 12. (d) (a) 3. 13. (c) (c) 4. 14. (c) (b) 5. 15. (d) (a) 6. 16. (b) (c) 7. 17. (a) (c) 8. 18. (b) (b) 9. (a) 10. (a)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. (c) (b) (b) (d) (a) (c) (a) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. (b) (c) (a) (d) (b) (a) (a) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. (a) (b) (a) (e) (b) (b) (b) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. (b) (a) (d) (d) (a) (a) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. (d) (c) (a) (d) (a) (b) (d) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. (d) (d) (d) (b) (a) (b) (d) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. (d) (a) (c) (d) (d) (c) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. (d) (c) (c) (a) (a) (c) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. (a) (c) (d) (d) (d) (c) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. (b) (c) (d) (c) <a) (c)





+ mEvB

wi =


w2 = 3 m / s


200 x 10" 3 x 0.3 400 x 1 0 " 60 = -0.15 400

3 kg
mxui + m2u2 = (mj +

m2 = 4 kg




= (m + m) o
v = =

3 x 4 + 4 x (-3) = (3 + 4)o o=0



- 2mv

= mvx

+ v2




- v

+ - j M v

- v = V\ +

..(i) .(ii)

and (.-.Pi = 0)

o2-ox = 1 => v2 - vx = 3v v + 2v v2-vx v2 + = 3v vx=-v

Mv - - Mv2 v2 = 7. 4v -

Solving eqs. (i) and (ii),

mv = (m + 2m)vx

2V2 = 2v .-. v2 = v and -vx - 2v :. vx = -2v 12. 15m + 10m = mvx + mv2 and v2-vx 25 = vx + v2 =1 ..(i)

9. K = \mi;



2m or

or K = -" 2m f = x| 1 p2 2



02-0! =1 15-10 02 - Oi = 5 + o 2 = 25 02-0i=5 2O2 = 30 02 = 15 m/s, Oi = 10 m/s .(ii)

PI =1 Vl
p i

: p

l : l

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Sy llabus:

General motioti of a rigid body, nature of rotational motion, torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications, moment of inertia and its physical significance, parallel and perpendicular axes theorem, expression for moment of inertia for ring, disc and sphere.

Review of Concepts
1. Moment of Inertia Calculation for moment of inertia by digits: (i) y (xi) The sum of moment of masses about its centre of mass is always zero. (xii) 0 = 2nn, where n = the number of revolutions. (xiii) Angular displacements of all points of a rigid body are same. But in the case of non-rigid body, greater the distance of the point from the axis of rotation, greater will be its angular displacement.

M.I. about an axis of symmetry is Mass x the sum of squares of perpendicular semi axis 3 or (4 or 5) where denominator to be 3 or 4 or 5 according as the body is rectangular, elliptical (including circular) or ellipsoidal (Including spherical) e.g., for ellipse, r (ii) M . 2 i2n


Expression for moment of inertia of a lamina about an axis passing through origin making an angle 9 with x-axis is I = I X cos 2 Q + Iy sin 2 0 - 2F sin 0 cos 0

Rigid body e,=e 2

Pi P2

where F = mxy = the product of inertia. (iii) In the case of symmetrical two dimensional bodies, the M.I. for all axes passing through centre of mass and in the plane of body will be same. Both axes need not to be perpendicular to each other. The angular velocity of all points of a rigid body are same. The areal velocity is given by r2co.

Pi P2
Non-rigid body 6 1 < 6 2


(xiv) Rolling motion on an inclined plane : velocity v = 2gs sin 0

(v) (vi)

If a number of coplanar forces are acting on a system, then the sum of torques of all forces about any point is equal to torque of resultant force about the same point. (vii) Couple can not be balanced by a single force. (viii) Friction is responsible for pure rolling motion but dissipation of energy against friction is zero. (ix) Couple is always balanced by a couple. It is not balanced by a single force. (x) Twice the vector area of a closed plane polygon is equal to the sum of torques about any point in the plane of the polygon of forces represented by sides of polygon taken in order.

acceleration a -


K2 R2

gsin 0


where, s = distance of inclined plane K = radius of gyration R = radius of symmetrical body (xv) The angular velocity depends on the point about which rotation is considered. (xvi) Angular velocity of a point whose motion is in a plane:

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Rotation Let a point P be in motion in a plane if O be a fixed point, OX is a fixed line in the plane.

145 (xx) The large moment of inertia helps keeping the motion uniform. (xxi) If a number of torques acted on a system and the system is in rotational equilibrium, then clockwise torque = anticlockwise torque (xxii) If a body or system is in Complete equilibrium, then net force and net torque on the body or system are zero. (xxiii) In the case of couple, the sum of moment of all forces about any point is the same. (xxiv) Conservation principle of angular momentum

dG ZPOQ=AG OP = r OQ = r + Ar OY is perpendicular on PQ. Let Q (r + Ar, 6 + AG) is the position of the point P after time t + At where At is very small. v = lim EQ A f - > 0 At But or 1 r(r + Ar) sin AG = area of OPQ = r (r + Ar) sin AG = 2PQ x OY

where is the component of angular momentum along the axis of rotation. If X x = 0, then

L = constant

(xxv) Angular impulse = j T dt dL , x =-j a n d dt .-> K L = m ( r x v)


dL f> d~v d > ~dF = m\ TX~dF + ~dfX v The angular momentum of a system about a point O is given by L = 2, ffi|i;X v/ 1=1 L = L c m + m t0 x v 0

2 AG 2PQ J i = M X 2vxp


r * - =

where p = perpendicular from the point O upon tangent at P to the path of the moving particle, (xvii) Areal velocity: The rate at which area XOP increases per unit time where X is the point in which the path of P meets OX,
Q (r+Ar,O+A0)

where L c m = the angular momentum as seen from the centre of mass frame, m~?0x~v0 represents the angular momentum of body if it is assumed to be concentrated at the centre of mass translating with the velocity v0. e.g., we consider a situation shown in the figure. In this situation a solid sphere of radius R and mass m performs pure rolling motion. If we want to calculate the angular momentum of the sphere about origin O, then we can use the formula L = L c m + mr^ x ~v0 In this case, *

, , ... dA .. area of POQ areal velocity = = lim ^ At Af - o dA dt ( r + Ar) sin (AG) " Af

- 2 7 = / co = - mR a (for the pure rolling motion)


v = R(0

1 7 AQ_l2dQ 2 At 2 dt dA 1 7 = -roo (xviii) Moment of inertia depends upon the position of the axis of rotation. (xix) The moment of inertia of a body about a given axis depends upon mass, the shape and size and the distribution of masses from the axis of rotation.

L c m = /co = MR co = - mRv0

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146 In the given figure, In A OCB, 1"r^, x ~va I = r0v0 sin 0 = vr0 sin 0
o R sin 0 =

Rotation If a body performs pure rolling motion, then the path of any point on the surface of body is cycloid. 3. Rolling Motion on an Inclined Plane : We consider an inclined plane of 0 inclination on which a body performs pure rolling motion. At any instant f, the body is at a height from the horizontal surface. We suppose that body is released from height h. According to conservation principle of energy, l -K L = L c m + m (ic x v 0 ) ? 7 I LI = mRva + mvR = mRv0 5 5 But 1 r 2


:. R = r0 sin 0

l ^ x ^ o i =VoR The directions of r0 x v 0 and L c m are same to each other.

1 "


mgh = 2 /a> vcm = rco

mgh = j la2 + j mr1 co2 or or mgh = ^ mu2


2. A uniform rod of mass m and length I is set rotating with the constant angular velocity. 7ne work is minimum for setting motion when the axis is passing through the centre of mass.

mr ...(i)

mgh = ^ mv2 p

where (3 is a constant for a given body. The value of (3 does not depend upon mass and radius of the body. It only depends upon shape of the body. The value of (3 is always greater or equal to one. From the equation 2gh v2 = or But dv 2g sin 0 ds T r p Tt ds



fr = 0, CO = 0 Kr=\/2mv\n
KR = 0

KT = 0
KR = 1/2 /CO2
l v

(where h s sin 0)


g sin 0 p

s = \at2 t= 1 sin 0

fr* 0 "cm = K K=Kt+KR Here, fr - force of friction K T = translatory kinetic energy KR = rotatory kinetic energy f c m = the velocity of centre of mass (i) If no relative motion is found between surface and the point of contact, then the motion is rolling without slipping or pure rolling motion. The rolling motion may be treated as pure rotatory motion about an axis through the point of contact. The velocity of instantaneous axis is same as that of the centre of mass of the body.

:. Two bodies of the same shape but of different masses and radii reach the bottom at the same time. (i) In the case of rolling, slipping and falling from the same height, the speeds of sliding and falling are equal but that of rolling is lesser, acceleration is maximum in falling and minimum in rolling. (ii) The falling body reaches the bottom first and the rolling body reaches the bottom last. (iii) As factor P = 1 + d e p e n d s on shape of body and mr is independent of mass so, if a solid and hollow body of same shape are allowed to roll down an inclined plane then as p < solid body will reach the bottom first with greater velocity.

(ii) (iii)

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Rotation (iv) (v) If a cylinder, ring, disc and sphere roll on inclined plane then as (3r = max while ps = min, the sphere 147 will reach the bottom first with greater velocity while ring will reach the bottom with least velocity.

Comparison of various motions of a body on an inclined palne:

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Rotation 149


(c) remains the same (d) depends on the speed of girl A ball is rolling on a rough horizontal surface. It gradually slows down and stops. The force of friction tries to : (a) decrease the linear velocity (b) decrease the angular velocity (c) increase the linear momentum (d) decrease the angular velocity The angular momentum of a projectile projected at angle 0 with, the horizontal with speed u about the point of projection when it is at the highest point is : i i mu cos 0 mu sin 0 (b) (a) (d) none of these 2-8 Two cylinders P and Q are of equal mass and length but made of metals with densities pp and p^ (p p > p^). If their

1. A sphere of mass 5 kg and radius 1 m rotates about a tangent. The moment of inertia of the sphere is : (a) 5 kgm 2 (c) 7 kgm 2 (b) 2 k g m 2 (d) none of these

2. A solid cylinder of mass 1 kg and radius 10 cm is rotating about its natural axis. What is the moment of inertia of cylinder ? (a) 5 kgm 2 (c) 10 kgm (b) 5 x l O - 3 k g m 2 (d) None of these

3. A ring of mass m and radius r is suspended from a horizontal nail in a vertical wall in a room. The moment of inertia of the ring about the nail is : (a) MR 2 (c) 4 MR 2 (b) 2 MR 2 (d) 8 MR 2 ^

4. The moment of inertia of a thin uniform circular disc about one of the diameters is I. Its moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through its centre is : (a) V2 I (b) 21

mu sin 8 cos 9


moment of inertia about an axis passing through centre and normal to the circular face be Jp and IQ, then : (a) IP = IQ (c) IP <IQ (b) (d)


5. A thin uniform rod is rotating about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its length, moment of inertia is IQ. M.I. of rod about an axis through one end and perpendicular to the rod will b e :

12. Radius of a ring is 4 cm and its mass is 10 gm. Its moment of inertia about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane is : (a) 160 g-cm 2 (c) 16 g-cm 2 (b) 80g-cm 2 (d) none of these

(b) 3 IQ (d) 4 J 0

(c) 5 J 0

6. Three thin uniform rods, each of mass m and length I lie along x, y, z axes with one end of each at the origin. The moment of inertia about the z-axis for the three rod system is : (a) | ml2 (c) \ml2 (b) (d) \ml2 ml2

13. A cubical body of mass m and edge a slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination a with a uniform velocity. The torque of the normal force on the body, has magnitude: 1 (b) - mga sin a (a) mga cos a (c) mga (d) zero 14. The kinetic energy of a ring of mass m and radius r which rotates about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to the plane with angular velocity co, is: (a) mrco (c) imr 2 co 2 (b) m r V (d) mm2

7. The moment of inertia of two bodies are l\ and J2. Their geometrical shapes are same, the first made of iron and the second of aluminium, then : (a) h < I 2 (b) h = I 2 (c) h > l 2 (d) relation between I\ and J 2 depends on the actual shape of the bodies. 8. A naughty girl sits stationary at the back end of a long trolley moving uniformly with speed i> on a smooth horizontal floor. If she gets up and runs forward, then the speed of the centre of mass of (trolley and girl) system : (a) increases (b) decreases

15. A uniform rod of length 1 m and mass 1/2 kg rotates at angular speed 6 rad s~\ about one of its ends. The kine energy of the rod is : (a) 1 J (b) 2 J (c) 3 J (d) 4 J The ratio of its rotational kinetic energy and translational kinetic energy of a sphere, which is rolling without slipping on a horizontal plane, will b e : (a) 5 : 2 (b) 2 : 5 (c) 7 : 5 (d) 5 : 7


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150 17. A disc and a sphere of the same mass and radius are rolling. Their kinetic energies are equal. The ratio of their velocities is: (a) 10 : 7 (b) 7 : 10 (c) 2 : 5 (d) 5 : 2 18. A flywheel rotating about a fixed axis has angular speed 20 rad/s -1 and kinetic energy 360 J. The moment of inertia of the flywheel is : (a) 1.8 kg m 2 (b) 2.5 kg m 2 (c) 1 8 k g m 2 (d) none of these 19. If the angular momentum of a body increases by 40% its kinetic energy of rotation increases by : (a) 80% (b) 20% (c) 96% (d) none of these 20. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg rolls on a table with the linear speed 3 m/s. Its total kinetic energy is: (a) 15 J (b) 18 J (c) 12.6 J (d) 11.5 J 21. A uniform ring of mass 20 kg and radius 0.2 m is making 420/22 revolutions per minute about its geometrical axis then, the rotational kinetic energy of the ring about the axis is : (a) 22 kj (b) 1.6 J (c) 1.8 J (d) none of these 22. A disc at rest have angular velocity 30 rad/s in 6 sec, with a constant angular acceleration. The total angle turned during this interval is : (a) 216 rad (b) 144 rad (c) 108 rad (d) 90 rad 23. Two identical discs slip from top of two identical planes of slant length x and 2x but height h is same as shown in figure. The velocities Vi and v2 acquired by the discs, when they reach the bottom of the incline, are related as : (a) Jlgh (c) Rotation

(b) (d)


V ifc

26. The angular velocity of a body is c?=2'i + j1 + 4ic. A torque 2 t + 2 f + 2 lc acts on it. The rotational power is : (a) 14 W (b) 1 0 W (c) 15 W (d) none of these 27. A rigid body is rotating with angular acceleration a and moment of inertia of the body is I. If the power supplied to the body is P, its instantaneous angular velocity is: (a) PI a Pa , , PI (d) (c) I a 28. Radius of gyration of a body about an axis at a distance of 4 cm from its centre of mass is 8 cm. The radius of gyration about a parallel axis through its centre of mass is: (a) 7 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 4 cm (d) none of these 29. A constant couple of 200 Nm turns a wheel of moment of inertia 50 kgm 2 about an axis through its centre. The angular velocity gained in 4 second is : (a) 4 rad/s (b) 16 rad/s (c) 8 rad/s (d) 2 rad/s 30. A particle of mass 20 g is moving with linear velocity 5 t m/s and having position vector (3* + 4 j ) m about origin. The angular momentum of its particle is : (a) 4lcJs (b) - 4 f c j s (c) - 0 . 4 t c j s (d) 0.4icjs 31. A body of mass m is moving in a plane along a circle of radius r. Its angular momentum about the axis of rotation is L. The centripetal force acting on the particle will b e :

(a) (a) vi = v 2 (c) 2v\ = v2 (b) V-i=2V2 (d) none of these (c)

mr mr3

1 2

(b) (d)


m r2

24. Two bodies A and B initially at rest, move towards each other under a mutual force of attraction. At the instant when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2v, the speed of the centre of mass of the system is : (a) zero (c) l.5v (b) 3v (d) v

32. The distance between the sun and the earth be V then the angular momentum of the earth around the sun is proportional t o : (a) (c) r (b) r 3 7 2 (d) none of these

33. A ceiling fan of moment of inertia 0.6 kg m is turned up to working speed fan is: (a) 6 kg m 2 s - 1 (c) 0.12 kg m 2 s - 1 (b) 12 kg m 2 s - 1 (d) none of these rps. The angular momentum of the

25. A disc of mass m and radius r rolls down an inclined plane without slipping, the speed of its centre of mass, when it reaches the bottom, is :

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Rotation 151

1. Mark correct option or options : (a) Radial acceleration is equal to time derivative of radial velocity (b) Radial acceleration is not equal to time derivative of radial velocity (c) Transverse acceleration is time derivative of transverse velocity (d) Both (b) and (c) are correct 2. A rigid body rotates with constant angular velocity Q) (a) the spring cannot elongate before t la (b) the spring elongates as soon as the rotation starts (c) the stored energy in the spring- goes on increasing right from t = 0 onwards (d) the maximum spring force acts at t = Vla

y z about the line x = = ' the speed of particle at the

instant, it passes through the point (2, 3, 5) is : (a) (b) 2(0 (c) 3co (d) V2co 3. The instantaneous velocity of point B of the given rod of length 0.5 metre is 3 m/s in the represented direction. The angular velocity of the rod for minimum velocity of end A is :

Moment of inertia Of a copper sphere : (a) depends upon temperature (b) depends upon angular velocity (c) depends upon the position of axis of rotation (d) both (a) and (c) are correct Let 1,4 and Ig be moment of inertia of a body about two axis A and B respectively. The axis of body A passes through the centre of mass of the body but B does not. Then:
(a) lA<h

(b) if I4 < lg, the axes are parallel (c) if the axes are parallel IA < Ig (d) if the axes are not parallel IA > Ig An arc making 120 at the centre of ring of mass m and radius r is cut from the ring. The arc is made to rotate about z-axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through the centre of the ring. The moment of inertia of the arc about the z-axis: (a) mr1 , . mr2

(a) 1.5 rad/s (c) 2.5 rad/s

(b) 5.2 rad/s (d) none of these

4. A car is moving in a circular horizontal track of radius 10 m with a constant speed of 10 m/sec. A plumb bob is suspended from the roof of the car by a light rigid rod of length 1 m. The angle made by the rod with the track is : (Take g = 10 m/s 2 ) (a) zero (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60 5. If a body completes a vertical circle, then (a) total energy of body remains constant (b) angular momentum remains constant (c) angular velocity remains constant (d) none of the above * 6. A block of mass m having coefficient of friction p with the floor F is placed at one end of the spring. The spring is attached to this block and a vertical shafts. The floor with the shaft is given an angular acceleration a. Then:

(b) (d)

mr2 3 mi2 ^r 4

10. Mass of bigger disc having radius 2R is M. A disc of radius R is cut from bigger disc as shown in figure. Moment of inertia of disc about an axis passing through periphery and perpendicular to plane (shown in figure) is :

Axis of rotation


27MR 8


29MR 8

(c) 3.5MR f t

(d) 2MR 2

11. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc and a

circular ring of the same radii about a tangential axis in the plane i s : (a) 1 : 2 (b) <6 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 2 : 1 12. The M.I. about an axis of symmetry is given by (mass x sum of square of perpendicular semi axes) x ^ Then :

/ N

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152 (a) (b) (c) (d) if n = 3, body is rectangular if n = 4, body is elliptical if n = 5, body is spherical all the above (c) the magnitude of (d) all the above 20. Mark correct option or options : (a) For neutral equilibrium, the potential energy is constant (b) In stable equilibrium, potential energy is minimum (c) For unstable equilibrium, potential energy is neither constant nor minimum (d) All the above 21. If a body is moving on a horizontal table with constant velocity, then equilibrium is : (a) stable (b) unstable (c) neutral (d) none of these 22. A portmanteau of length 1.5 m and height 1 m is carried up stairs by two men, who hold it by the front and back edges of its lower face. If the portmanteau is inclined at 30 to the horizontal and weighs 100 kg, how much of the weight each man support ? (a) 6925 N and 30.75 N (b) 6.925 N and 3075 N (c) 500 N and 600 N (d) 400 N and 600 N * 23. The tricycle weighing 20 kg has a small wheel symmetrically placed 1 m behind the two large wheels, which are also 1 m apart. If the centre of gravity of machine be at a horizontal distance of 25 cm behind the front wheels and the rider whose weight is 40 kg, be 10 cm behind the front wheels. The thrust on each front wheel is: (a) 255 N (b) 90 N (c) 200 N (d) 400 N 24. Two halves of a round homogeneous cylinder are held together by a thread wrapped round the cylinder with two equal weights. The complete cylinder weighs 31.4 kg. The plane of contact of both of its halves is vertical. For equilibrium of both halves of the cylinder, the minimum value of m is : (a)fg
(c) f kg

Rotation does not change with time

13. The moment of inertia of a uniform solid right circular cone of mass 10 kg, height 2 m and vertical angle 90 about a diameter of its base, is : (a) 10 kgm 2 (c) 30 kgm 2 (b) 20 kgm 2 (d) none of these

14. Ram says, "A body may be in pure rotation in the presence of a single external force." Shyam says, "This is possible only for a non rigid body", then : (a) Ram's statement is correct (b) both statements are correct in different situations (c) both statements are wrong (d) both statements are stated by physicists 15. A particle of mass m rotates in a circle of radius a with a uniform angular speed (OQ. It is viewed from a frame rotating about the z-axis with a uniform angular speed co. The centrifugal force on the particles is : (a) may a (c) m
CO + G)q
( d ) OTOXOQ

(b) mcoofl

16. The formula that torque equals the rate of change of angular momentum is true in following general cases: (a) a fixed axis in inertial space (b) an axis through the centre of mass even though the object may be accelerating (c) a variable axis in inertial space (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 17. Mark correct option or options : (a) The vector product of two polar vectors may be axial vector (b) The vector product of two polar vectors must be axial vector (c) The sense of direction of axial vector depends on the handedness of reference frame (d) Both (b) and (c) are correct 18. If a raw egg and a boiled egg are spinned on the table by applying same torque, then : (a) boiled egg will spin faster (b) raw egg will spin faster (c) moment of inertia of boiled egg will be lesser than that of the raw egg (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 19. The torque ^ o n a body about a given point is found to be equal to ^ x l ! where A* is constant vector and l ! is the angular momentum of the body about that point. From this it follows that: (a) is perpendicular to at all instant of time does not

25. A rod of length L is pivoted at one end and is rotated with a uniform angular velocity in a horizontal plane. L 3L Let Tj and T 2 be the tensions at the points and away from the pivoted end. Then :
(a) T I > T

(b) T 2 > T 1 (c) T1 = T2 (d) the relation between Tj and T 2 depends on whether the rod rotates clockwise or anti-clockwise 26. A rectangular plate of mass 20 kg is suspended from points A and B as shown. If the pin B is suddenly removed, determine the angular acceleration (in rad/sec 2 ) of the plate:

(b) the component of ~L in the direction of change with time

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Rotation 153 31. A rod of length L is hinged from one end. It is brought to a horizontal position and released. The angular velocity of the rod when it is in vertical position, is :

(a) (c)


(b) (d)





(a) 48 (c) 29.4

(b) 19.6 (d) 23.6

27. A uniform rod of length I and mass m is suspended by two vertical inextensible string as shown in figure. Then tension in the left string when right string snaps, is : 3 mg

32. A light rod carries three equal masses A, B and C as shown in figure. The velocity of B in vertical position of rod if it is released from horizontal position as shown in figure is : (a) <2gl

( b ) f


( d ) f

* 28. Two uniform equal ladders AB and AC, each of weight 'w' lean against each other and a string is tied between B and C. They stand on a smooth horizontal surface. Then: (a) the force exerted by one rod on the other at A is equal to the extension T in the string (b) tension T = | cot0 (c) the normal reaction at B and C are equal (d) both (a) and (b) are correct * 29. In the given figure, the mass of blocks A and B are mx and ?2 respectively, the pulley is circular disc of B mass m and radius r. The pulley is free to rotate about O. No friction exists between A and B and the floor. The magnitude of acceleration of block B is a 0 . Then the magnitude of acceleration of A is : (a) a 0 (c) V2fl0 (b) 2a0 (d) g

33. The kinetic energy of a lamina moving in its plane is : (a)

(c) | / o ) 2



\M(v2cm * V )

(d) none of these

34. Mark correct option or options : (a) The centre of gravity may be coincided with centre of mass (b) Due to movement of body, centre of gravity changes but centre of mass does not change (c) The centre of gravity must not be coincided with the centre of gravity (d) The centre of gravity is always above the centre of mass 35. At any instant, a rolling body may be considered to be in pure rotation about an axis through the point of contact. This axis is translating forward with speed : (a) equal to centre of mass (b) zero (c) twice of centre of mass (d) no sufficient data 36. In the case of falling, rolling and sliding from same height: (a) the falling body reaches bottom first and rolling at last (b) the acceleration is maximum in falling and minimum in rolling (c) the velocity of sliding is greater than that of rolling (d) all the above 37. A sphere of radius R is rolling on a rough horizontal surface. The magnitude of velocity of A with respect to ground will b e :

30. A simple pendulum is vibrating with an angular amplitude of 90 as shown in the figure. For what value of a, the acceleration is directed horizontally ? (a) 0 (b) 90 (c) cos (d) sin 1 V3 1 V3


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(a) ^ c m

Rotation (b) 2vcm sin 0 43. In the given figure, a solid sphere is placed on a plank having acceleration a0 (shown in the figure). Then:

(c) V 2 u c m Vl + sin 0
(d) no sufficient information 38. When a wheel moves a distance shorter than 2KR while making one rotation, then : (a) vcm<Rw (c) vcm>R(o (b) (d) vcm<Ra vcm>Rco (a) if ap = a0, pure rolling takes place (b) if vp = VQ, pure rolling takes place (c) if flp = a0, vp * v0 pure rolling takes place (d) if flp = a0, vp = v0, pure rolling takes place 44. In the given figure, for pure rolling of spheres :

39. If a body moves through a distance greater than 2NR in one full rotation. Then : (a) vcm>Ra (b) v c m < Ra> (c) vcm>Rco (d) vcm<Rco 40. A circular disc of radius R rolls without slipping along the horizontal surface with constant velocity % We consider a point A on the surface of the disc. Then the acceleration of the point A is : (a) constant (b) constant in magnitude (c) constant in direction (d) constant in magnitude as well as direction *41. The bobbin with thread around it lies on a horizontal floor and can roll along it without slipping. Both pulleys P j and P 2 are light and frictionless. The pulley P\ moves downwards with constant velocity VQ. The velocity of centre of mass of bobbin is :

(a) friction on B is in forward direction (b) friction on A is in backward direction (c) friction on A and B are in forward direction (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 45. A uniform sphere of radius a rotating with an angular velocity co about an axis perpendicular to the plane of motion and its centre impinges on a horizontal plane, let u and v are horizontal and vertical component of velocity before impact. Then : (a) (b) (c) (d) if u - ad), u and co are unaltered if u = oco, surface is frictionless if u > AO), angular velocity increases all the above sphere moves from rest down a angle a to the horizontal. The between the inclined plane and the sphere never rolls

v0R in forward direction R-r 2v0R in backward direction (b) R-r


* 46. An imperfectly rough plane inclined at an coefficient of friction sphere is |i.. Then 2 (a) if n < - tan a, then

(b) if ji = - tan a, then the maximum friction always being exerted 2 (c) n > - tan a, then pure rolling takes place (d) all the above * 47. A ball rolls down an inclined groove acquiring a velocity Vf as it reaches the bottom. If the same ball slides without friction rather than rolled from the same height down a similar 'Tick to acquire a velocity vs, which of the following statements is true ? (a) Vf< vs because work must be done by the rolling ball against frictional forces (b) Vf> vs because the rotational kinetic energy acquired makes the rolling ball travel faster (c) Vf= vs because K.E. must be conserved (d) vj<v s because the rolling ball acquires rotational as well as translational K.E.

VQR in backward direction (c) R-r 2VqR in forward direction (d) R-r 42. In the given figure, the sphere rolls without slipping on the plank which is moving with constant velocity VQ. The radius and angular velocity of the sphere is r and co v0 respectively. The velocity of centre of mass of the sphere is : (a) VQ + rco (b) v0-m (c) rco (d)

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Rotation 48. A rod AB of mass 10 kg tied with a string at C such that AC = AB. At 9 = 30 : (a) rod is in equilibrium (b) the force of friction on the rod by ground is 25 N (c) the force of friction acts in the forward direction (d) all the above 49. In the given figure : 155 54. Mark correct option or options : (a) Rolling friction always oppose the motion of centre of mass of rolling body (b) Sliding friction always oppose the motion of centre of mass of rolling body (c) Rolling friction depends upon hardness of the surface (d) Rolling friction does not depend upon roughness of the surface (e) (a), (c) and (d) are correct 55. Mark correct option or options : (a) A uniform cube has minimum moment of inertia about an axis passing through centre and is passing through opposite corners (b) The moment of inertia of a complicated shape bodies can be determined by using inertia of table (c) Displacing of axial vectors is meaningless (d) All the above (a) if ball performs pure rolling then friction in surface is absent (b) if air resistance is absent, after point A, angular momentum of ball remains constant (c) after A, path of centre of mass is parabolic (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 50. A uniform rod is placed vertically on a smooth surface and then released. Then : (a) the centre of mass of rod follows straight line path (b) the centre of mass of rod follows circular path (c) the instantaneous axis is passing through the contact point (d) all the above 51. Three links are hinged together to form a triangle ABC as shown in the figure. At a B certain instant, the point A is moving towards the mid point of BC with a velocity of 5 m/s and B is moving at a perpendicular direction to AC. The velocity of point C is: (a) 5 m/s (b) 10.4 m/s (c) 10.8 m/s (d) 1.8 m/s 52. A ball rolls off the top of a step ladder with a horizontal velocity of 10 m/s. If the steps are 1 m high and 1 m wide, the ball will just hit: (a) 3rd step (b) 20th step (c) 12th step (d) 10th step 53. A cylinder of mass m rests in a carriage shown. The maximum acceleration of carriage so that the cylinder does not loose contact at B is : (a) 3.66 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2 (c) 45 m/s2 (d) 8 m/s2 56. A uniform cube of mass m and edge a moves on a horizontal surface along the positive x-axis, with initial velocity v0: (a) during motion, N>mg (b) during motion, normal reaction acts on the centre of mass (c) during motion, the normal reaction shifts towards positive x-axis from the centre of mass (d) during motion, normal reaction shifts in the direction of the forces of friction 57. In the case of toppling of the body about the point A. (Shown in the figure):

(a) vq>i>2>v\> (c) vA>0


(b) vx > v2 > vc > vA (d) vc< vx <v2< vA

58. In the above problem, acceleration of the point A is : (a) > 0 (b) ^ 0 (c) < 0 (d) = 0 59. Two cubes A and B of same shape, size and mass are placed on a rough surface in the same manner. Equal forces are applied on both the cubes. But at the cube A, the force is applied at the top in horizontal direction. But at the cube B just above the centre of mass of the cube in the same manner. Then : (a) (b) (c) (d) A will topple first B will topple first both will topple at the same time none of the above

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156 * 60. A cube of side a is placed on rough surface (shown in the figure). Then : Ms (a) if f<~Y' then the body Rotation 67. A particle is projected with initial velocity u at an angle a above the horizontal, then variation of torque and angular momentum with time will be :

will move in pure rotation and will not topple (b) if F > Mg the body will topple

(c) if n > 0.5, the body will move by toppling (d) all the above 61. For the toppling of the shown regular hexagon, the coefficient of friction must be: (a) >0.21 (b) <0.21 (c) =0.21 (d) < 0.21 62. A regular polygon of n sides is placed on a rough surface vertically as such one of the side of regular polygon touches the surface. A force is applied horizontally at the top. The chosen value of n are 3, 5 and 8. For which value of n, the polygon first is likely to topple ? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) all the above 63. A particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum L. If the frequency of particle motion is doubled and its K.E. is halved, the angular momentum becomes: (b) 4L (a) 2L



68. If a particle of mass m is projected at an angle a with the horizontal, then: (a) the angular momentum remains constant (b) the linear momentum of particle remains constant (c) total mechanical energy remains constant in the absence of air resistance (d) all the above 69. A mass m is moving with a constant velocity along a line parallel to the x-axis, away from the origin. Its angular momentum with respect to the origin : (a) is zero (b) remains constant (c) goes on increasing (d) goes on decreasing 70. When a body is projected at an angle with the horizontal in the uniform gravitational field of the earth, the angular momentum of the body about the point of projection, as it proceeds along its path: (a) remains constant (b) increases (c) decreases (d) initially decreases and increases after its highest point 71. A particle of mass m is projected with velocity v moving at an angle of 45 with horizontal. The magnitude of angular momentum of projectile about point of projection when particle is at maximum height, is: (a) zero


64. L = /(o formula is : (a) always correct (b) sometimes correct (c) always wrong (d) physically correct but dimensionally wrong 65. A person can balance easily a moving bicycle, but cannot balance a stationary bicycle. This statement is based upon: (a) conservation principle of linear momentum (b) conservation principle of angular momentum (c) conservation principle of energy (d) all of the above principle 66. Mark correct option or options (a) The angular momentum of a rotating body must be parallel to the angular velocity (b) The angular momentum may or may not be parallel to angular velocity (c) The kinetic energy of rotational body is half of product of angular momentum a^d angular velocity (d) Both (b) and (c) are correct

(b) (d)

mv 4 <2g m<lgh3

mv <2g

72. A man is standing at the centre of a big flat disc which is rotating with angular speed to. The man starts running with ac -deration a with respect to disc. If M, m, I, R are mass df disc, mass of man, M.I. of disc and radius of disc respectively, the angular acceleration of disc when man is at a distance x from centre is : Ico .fir /co 2mx 4Iax (b) s/2ax (a) (1 + mx2) (1+ mx2)2 /co 2 mx ^2ax (d) none of these (c) (1 + mx2)2

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Rotation 73. A lady dancer is dancing on a turn table. During dancing, she stretches her hands. Then : (a) the angular velocity increases (b) the angular velocity decreases (c) the angular velocity first increases, then decreases (d) the angular velocity remains constant 74. Two particles, each of mass m and moving with speed v in opposite directions along parallel lines are separated by a distance d. The vector angular momentum of this system of the particles will b e : (a) maximum when the origin is taken beyond the two parallel lines on either sides (b) maximum when the origin is taken beyond the two parallel lines on either sides (c) maximum when the origin is taken beyond the two parallel lines on either sides (d) same, no point is taken as the origin 75. A uniform rod of length la is held with one end resulting on a smooth horizontal table making an angle a with the vertical. When the rod is released : (a) its centre of mass moves vertically downwards on a straight line (b) its centre of mass remains in rest (c) the rod rotates about a vertical axis (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 76. A 70 kg man standing on ice throws a 3 kg body horizontally at 8 m/s. The friction coefficient between the ice and his feet is 0.02. The distance, the man slips is : (a) 0.3 m (b) 2 m (c) 1 m (d) ~ 77. In a radioactive decay, a number of fragments are found. If parent nucleus is initially at rest then after decay centre of mass will: (a) move on a straight line (b) move in a circle (c) remain in rest (d) move in parabolic path 78. A particle of mass m strikes elastically, a rod of mass M and length L suspended from a fixed support, then: (a) conservation of linear momentum can be applied (b) conservation of angular momentum can be applied (c) both the above (d) none of the above 79. A weightless rod of length I carries two equal masses m one fixed at the end and other in the middle of the rod. The rod can revolve in a vertical plane about A. Then horizontal velocity which must be imparted to end C of rod to deflect (a) 90 (c) 120 it to horizontal position is :


V H gl

(b) V3gl (d) < l g i

( 0 V f 'gl

80. Two balls A and B of angular velocities co^ and tog collide with each other. Then after collision: (a) both have same angular velocities (b) co^XDg (c) Myj = Wg, when balls are smooth (d) (Da > a>T~ when balls are smooth 81. A uniform solid cylinder rolling without slipping along a horizontal plane suddenly encounters a plane inclined at angle 0 as shown in figure. The value of 0 which could bring the cylinder immediately to rest after impact, i s :

A\\<\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (b) 60 (d) 30

82. A body whose mass is m\ is acted upon at a given point P by a blow of impulse x. If v and v' be the velocities of P in the direction of x just before and just after the action of x, the change in kinetic energy is :

v+v Ix


(v + v') x

(c) ~(v' + v)x

(d) all of these

83. A uniform rod OA of mass M and length 2zJ rests on a smooth table and is free to turn about a smooth pivot at its end O, in contact with it at a distance b from O is an inelastic particle of mass m, a horizontal blow of impulse . j> is given to rod at a distance x from O in a direction perpendicular to the rod. The resultant instantaneous angular velocity of the rod is :

px 4Ma ,2 r + mb px ma +mb

px <-b)M


(d) none of these

84. A uniform rod AB of mass m and length I is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface. An impulse p is applied to the end B. The time taken by the rod to turn through a right angle i s : B (a) 2ti ml
(b) 271 (d)


, . reml T2p 0 <

np ml

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158 Rotation 109

11. 21. 31. (c) (c) (b) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. (b) (a) (d) (a) 3. 13. 23. 33. (b) (b) (a) (b) 4. 14. 24. (b) (c) (a) 5. 15. 25. (d) (c) (b) 6. 16. 26. (a) (b) (a) 7. 17. 27. (a) (b) (b) 8. 18. 28. (c) (a) (a) 9. 19. 29. (a) (c) (b) 10. 20. 30. (c) (c) (C)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. (d) (b) (c) (b) (d) (b) (a) (b) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. (d) (d) (b) (d) (a) (b) (c) (c) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. (b) (a) (a) (b) (d) (a) (d) (b) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. (c) (c) (c) (a) (d) (e) (b) (d) (c) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (a) (b) (a) (a) (d) (d) (b) (d) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. (a) (d) (a) (d) (d) (c) (d) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. (d) (d) (b) (c) (a) (b) (d) (c) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. (c) (d) (d) (a) (c) (d) (c) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. (b) (d) (c) (a) (d) (a) (b) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. (b) (d) (c) (b) (a) (d) (b) (c)


2 ~ cj

7 = | x 5 x ( l ) 2 = 7kgm2

or or




IP<IQ 2. Z = i m r 2 = | x l x ( O . l ) 2

14. KE = i l c o 2 = |mr2co2


= 5xlO-

4 ~ 4 = 4 l 2 = 4 I 8. Since, the system is isolated, no external force is acting

5 I =

_ .



Rotational kinetic energy 16. Translational kinetic energy 17.

1 2 2 5'


jMv2 J R2

therefore, the speed of the C.M. does not change. 10. Height of the projectile is, H= u2 sin 2 6

Total KE = | Mv2 + | /to2 = | MV2 + MK2 KE = ^Mv2 i 1 J , l+;

K +_2 R2

Velocity at highest point = u cos 6

2 . m (u2 sin22 1 L 9) L = mvH = r 2 u cos 9 2s 8

('.' KE are equal masses are also equal.) R2 vj

mu3 sin2 0 cos 9 2g 11. Mass of cylinder M = nR Ip n2 1 R <* IP \MRP


v2' 1 + V2d ,2 v. 10 2R 5R 2


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Syllabus: Acceleration due to gravity, one and two dimensional motion under gravity. Universal law of gravitation, variation in the acceleration due to gravity of the earth. Planetary motion, artificial satellite, geostationary satellite, gravitational potential energy near surface of earth, gravitational potential and escape velocity.

Review of Concepts
1. Newton's law of Gravitation : Gm1m2 F=r where G is a gravitational constant. Its value does not depend upon medium. > ? ? G = 6.67 x TO-11 Nm2/kg2 = 6.7 x 10" dyne cm /gm (a) Gravitational force is central force and conservative in nature. (b) The value of G is determined by Cavendish method in 1798. (c) Gravitational force is always attractive in nature. (d) Relation between g and G:
g =

Isogram is defined as the line joining the places have same gravitational acceleration. (vi) For flying off the object situated at equator, the angular speed about its own axis should be larger than seventeen times the present value. (vii) If a planet moves around sun, work done by gravitational force is zero. So, total mechanical energy of planet remains constant. 3. Escape Velocity: It is defined as minimum speed of projection with which if a body is projected upwards, then it does not return back to earth. Mathematically, ve


GM^ = V2gR R



where M = mass of earth, R = radius of earth 2. The variation of g : (a) The value of g falls with height: 8h=8 R R+h n2 =8 1+

where M = mass of planet (a) Escape velocity is independent of the mass of projectile, but it depends on the mass of planet. (b) Escape velocity does not depend on angle of projection. (c) The trajectory of a projectile projected from a very tall tower parallel to the surface of earth depends upon its velocity v as follows : Velocity of Projectile Ve v < - = v0

Trajectory Projectile does not revolve around earth. It fall back on the surface of earth. Projectile revolves around the earth in circular orbit. Projectile moves elliptical path. around earth in

where g^ = gravitational acceleration at height h from the surface of earth. If h R, gh=g

(b) The variation of g with depth d from the surface of earth: fi


- <v<ve V2 v = ve V>Ve

(c) The value of g at the centre of earth is zero. (d) Due to rotation of earth, the value of g decreases as the speed of rotation of earth increases. The value of acceleration due to gravity at a latitude X is gx=gRa>2 cos 2 X At equator, X = 0 and at the pole, X = 90 (i) At the equator, gE=g~ Rco2 (ii) At the pole, g p o ie=^ (iii) If the earth stops spinning, then the value of g is siime as everywhere. (iv) The earth has a bulge at the equator because of the spinning motion.

It escapes from the gravitational field of earth in parabolic path. It escapes from the gravitational field of earth in a hyperbolic path.

(d) If a particle of mass m is dropped from the end of tunnel along diameter of earth, then the motion of the particle is S.H.M. having angular frequency of

03 =

8_ R

(e) The time period of longest pendulum on the surface of earth is given by T where R = 6400 km, g = 9.8 m/s'

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

4. Intensity and Potential: (a) Gravitational field at a point distance r from a point mass m is E = towards the point mass and r gravitational potential is r (b) Spherical shell or hollow sphere Case I: > r > R, where R is radius of spherical shell. E= Case II: Gm r2 and V= Gm Case I : >hR, AU = mgRh (R + h) mgh AU^^^mgh
1 +


Case II:


R mgR AU = ^-r=mgR

1+h 6. Satellite: (a) Orbital velocity: (i) Orbital velocity of a satellite revolving around the earth in a circular orbit at a height h is

r<R, E = 0,V = - ^ -



r 2

(R + h)2

- V(R+h) V r GM

where, R = radius of earth, M = mass of earth (ii) If satellite is revolving near the earth i.e, h R, then vo = ^gR ~ 8 km/sec (b) Time period: (i) The period of revolution is
t =

2 *(R + h ) = 2 x

(.R + hf

(c) A uniform solid sphere of mass m: Case I: Case II: and . D >r>R,


Gm ... Gm E=z~ andV = -

(ii) If h R, then T = 2 V (c) Kinetic energy:

v K-R =

= 84.6 min

r, Gm -*r<R, E = r R V-Gm 2R3 (3R2 - r 2 )

2 GMm 2mv=YiR7h)

(d) Potential energy:

5. Gravitational Potential Energy : (a) The gravitational potential energy of a point mass m placed in the gravitational field of a point mass M can be found out by the work done in moving that point mass m from infinity to the point at which gravitational potential energy is to be determined i.e., G M GMm U=mV=m r

So, total energy E = K.E. + P.E. = K.E. - 2K.E. GMm = -K.E. = 2 (R+h) Some Important Points: (a) The total energy of a satellite in the orbit is always negative i.e., the body is bound to the earth. (b) If we place a satellite in an orbit with a velocity v, then the velocity v for which the satellite revolves around the earth in an orbit of radius r is


When v < v0; the satellite does not revolve around the earth and spirals inwards till it falls on earth. When v0>v<ves; the satellite revolves in

r, being the distance between masses. Or the gravitational potential energy or self energy for a system of n masses is given by n n GMt rru U=- I I i= 1 ; = 1 (b) The change occurred in potential energy when a point mass m is moved vertically upwards through a height h from earth's surface.


elliptical orbit. (iii) When v > ves; the satellite escapes following hyperbolic orbit. (c) The total energy of satellite when it is thrown with a velocity v, is : (i) positive, if v > ves (ii) zero, if v = v^ (iii) negative, if v < ves

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Gravitation 169


(a) density of the planet (b) mass of the planet (c) radius of the planet (d) mass of the satellite A body is projected with escape velocity 11.2 km/s from 10. earth's surface. If the body is projected in a direction 30 angle to the vertical, its escape velocity in this case will b e : (a) 11.2 km/s (c) 11-2 WTl km/s (b) 11.2 x | km/s (d) none of these

1. The radius of the earth shrinks by 1%. The acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface would (mass remaining constant): (a) increase by 2% (b) increase by 1% (c) decrease by 1% (d) decrease by 0.5% 2. If Fj is the magnitude of the force exerted on earth by moon and is the magnitude of force exerted on moon by earth then :
(a) F J > F 2 (b) F
1 =

(c) Fj < F 2

(d) none of these

3. The gravitational force of attraction between two spherical bodies, each of mass 100 kg, if the distance between their centres is 100 m, is : (G = 6.67 x 10" 11 Nm 2 kg - 2 ) (a) 6.67 x 10 - 1 1 N (c) 6.67 N (b) 6 . 6 7 x l 0 " 9 N (d) none of these

11. A planet is moving in an elliptical orbit. If T, V, E and L are respectively the kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum of the planet then the true statement out of the following is: (a) T is conserved (b) V is always positive (c) E is always negative (d) L is conserved but continuously changes

4. A particle is fired vertically upwards with a speed of v = V0.8 ve. If the radius of the earth is Re then the maximum height attained by the particle will b e : (a) Re (c) 3Re (b) 2R e (d) 4R e

the a

direction region is

vector given

L by





5. A planet has radius and mass, both half of those of the earth, then the value of g on that planet will be : (a) 4.9 m/s 2 (c) 19.6 m/s 2 (b) 9.8 m/s2 (d) 13.8 m/s2

E = (51 + 12 ] ) N/kg then the magnitude of the gravitational force acting on a particle of mass 2 kg placed at the origin, will be : (a) zero (b) 13 N (c) 26 N (d) 75 N -I 5 The minimum energy required to launch a'm' kg satellite from earth's surface in a circular orbit at an altitude of 2R which is the radius of each, will b e ; (a) 3mgR (c) 2mgR
14. The

6. A body is projected vertically from the earth's surface with velocity equal to half of the escape velocity. Maximum height reached by the body is : . . 5R R (A) (b) ^

(b) \\mgR (d) ~mgR

. . 2R <0 T

(d)f reduces by 4% density escape velocity will: increase by 2% decrease by 2%

7. If the radius of the earth remaining the same, then the (a) increase by 4% (b) (c) decrease by 4% (d)

8. The time period of artificial satellite in a circular orbit of radius R is T. The radius of the orbit in which time period is 8T is : (a) 2R (b) 3R (c) 4R (d) 5R 9. A satellite is orbiting very close to planet. Its time period depends only upon :

gravitational potential difference between the surface of a planet and a point 20 m above it is 16 J /kg. Then the work done in moving a 2 kg mass by 8 m on a slope 60 from the horizontal, is : (a) 11.1 J (b) 5.55 J (c) 16 J (d) 27.7 J

15. Three particles, each of mass 10 kg are brought from infinity to the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 0.1 m, the work done is: (a) 2 x 10 - 8 J (c) 2 x 10~12 J (b) 2 x l O ~ n J (d) 2 x 10 - 1 3 J

1. The gravitational force of attraction between two spherical bodies, each of mass 1 kg placed at 10 m apart (G = 6.67 x 10" 11 Nm2/kg2) is : (a) 6.67 x 10" 13 N (c) 6.67 x 10 ~7 N (b) 6.67 x 10 - 1 1 N (d) none of these

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

170 2. If the distance between the two particles is increased by 2%, then the force of attraction between them will: (a) decrease 6% (b) decrease 4% (c) increase 4% (d) increase 6% 3. How the gravitational constant will change if a brass plate is introduced between two bodies? (a) No change (b) Decreases .(c) Increases (d) No sufficient data 4. Six particles each of mass m are placed at the corners of a regular hexagon of edge length a. If a point mass m0 is placed at the centre of the hexagon, then the net gravitational force on the point mass m0 is :

Gravitation (b) f

J_ p GmR3 x 2 ' 4Gmp

1 2 (2x - R)

3 (R2+: x Y 2 (d) none of the above 9. Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the n th power of the distance. Then the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will be proportional t o : (a) Rn
(c) R C - D 7 2

(b) tf("

+ 1>/2


a (c) zero

a (d) none of these



6 Gmrtin


10. A straight rod of length L extends from x = a to x = L + a. The gravitational force exerted by it on a point mass m at x - 0 if the linear density of rod is \i~A + Bx2, is : (a) Gm + BL A a+L (b) Gm (d) Gm BL1 + BL a+L

5. Two particles each of mass m are placed at A and C as such AB = BC = L. The gravitational force on the third particle placed at D at a distance L metre on the perpendicular bisector of the line AC, is:

(c) Gm BL + m

Gvf V2L2 Gm'

along BD along AC


Gnf <2 L 2

along DB

(c) 6.

(d) none of these

In a hypothetical concept, electron of mass me revolves around nucleus due to gravita- tional force of attraction between electron and proton of mass nip. If the radius of circular path of electron is r then the speed of electron is : Gmp?ne
(a) V

A gravitational field is present in a region. A point - Path(i) mass is shifted from A to B, from different paths shown Path(ii) in the figure. If Wi, W2 and W3 represent work done by Path(iii) gravitational force for respective paths, then : (a) = W2 = W3 (b) W 1 > W 2 > W 3 (c) Wj > W3 > W2 (d) none of these

4r Gm




(d) none of these

12 The mass of the moon is about 1.2% of the mass of the earth. The gravitational force exerted by moon on earth as compared to the gravitational force exerted by earth on moon: (a) is the same (b) is smaller (c) is greater (d) varies with its phase 13. A point mass mo is placed at distance R/3 from the centre of a spherical shell of mass m and radius R. The gravitational force on the point mass m0 is :

7. Three point masses each of mass m rotate in a circle of radius r with constant angular velocity a> due to their mutual gravitational attraction. If at any instant, the masses are on the vertex of an equilateral triangle of side a, then the value of co is : ^jGm yjSGm (a) (b)

4Gmmo R 9Gmm$ R2

(b) zero (d) none of these


Gm 3 fl3

(d) none R

8. A spherical mass of radius r = is taken out from a

uniform sphere of radius R and mass density p. The force which this sphere having a cavity will exert on a mass m placed at a distance of x from its centre x (x > R) is : 4n pGmR (a) 3 x2

14. n-parties ach of mass m0 are placed on different comers of a regular polygon of edge length a. The distance between vertex and centre of polygon is r0. The gravitational potential at the centre of the polygon is : GnrtiQ Gmo (a) (b) ro r0


(d) none of these

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Gravitation * 15. Suppose that in a region only gravitational field due to masses M\ and M 2 are present. A particle of mass m goes from surface of to the surface of M 2 in a spaceship moving with constant velocity. Neglect all other objects besides Mj, M 2 and m. 171 21. At the surface of a certain planet acceleration due to gravity is one-quarter of that on the earth. If a brass ball is transported to this planet, then which one of the following statements is not correct ? (a) The mass of the brass ball on this planet is quarter of its mass as measured on the earth (b) The brass ball has same mass on the other planet as on the earth (c) The brass ball has same volume on the other planet as on the earth (d) None of the above 22. If the radius of earth decreases by 10%, the mass remaining unchanged, what will happen to the acceleration due to gravity? (a) Decreases by 19% (b) Increases by 19% (c) Decreases by more than 19% (d) Increases by more than 19% 23. A man covers 60 metre distance in one minute on the surface of earth. The distance he will cover on the surface of moon per minute is : (assuming g m o o n = (a) (c) 16. In the given figure, for small displacement of particle of mass m along y-axis, the motion of the particle is : y , (-a,0) m0 (a,0) @ m0 (a) 60 m /\ m (C)


Which part of figure 15 (B) best represents the net gravitational force on the particle as a function of time ?


(b) 60 x 6 m (d) V60 m

o 'm y

24. A body is suspended on a spring balance in a ship sailing along the equator with a speed v'. If (0 is the angular speed of the earth and U>Q is the scale reading when the ship is at rest, the scale reading when the ship is sailing, will be very close to : /X (a) w0 (c) Wo I T '

,i \ L 2GK/ (b) w0 1 + -

(a) (b) (c) (d)

simple harmonic motion with constant acceleration non-oscillatory none of the above

(d) none of these

17. In previous problem, the acceleration of the particle of mass m at origin is : (a) zero (b) greater than zero (c) less than zero (d) none of these 18. A point mass of 10 kg is placed at the centre of earth. The weight of the point mass is : (a) zero (b) 98 N (c) 49 N (d) none of these 19. The time period of a simple pendulum at the centre of earth is: (a) zero (b) infinite (c) less than zero (d) none of these 20. A particle hanging from a massless spring stretches it by 2 cm at earth's surface. How much will the same particle stretch the spring at height 2624 km from the surface of earth ? (Radius of earth = 6400 km) (a) 1 cm (c) 3 cm (b) 2 cm (d) 4 cm

25. If earth were to rotate faster than its present speed, the weight of an object will: (a) increase at the equator but remain unchanged at poles (b) decrease at the equator but remain unchanged at the poles (c) remain unchanged at the equator but decrease at the poles (d) remain unchanged at the equator but increase at the poles 26. If the earth stops rotating about its axis, the acceleration due to gravity will remain unchanged a t : (a) equator (b) latitude 45 (c) latitude 60 (d) poles 27. The gravitational field in a region is 10 N/kg ( t - f ) . The work done by gravitational force to shift slowly a particle of mass 1 kg from point (1 m, 1 m) to a point (2 m, - 2 m) is: (a) 10 joule (b) - 1 0 joule (c) - 40 joule (d) + 40 joule

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

172 28. In previous problem, the work done by external agent is : (a) 40 joule (b) - 4 0 joule (c) zero (d) + 10 joule 29. The gravitational force in a region is given by a , A E = ayi + ax j The work done by gravitational force to shift a point mass m from (0, 0, 0) to (x0, y0, z 0 ) is: (a) maxQyoz0
(c) - ma XQI/Q



Ar Ar



(d) none of these

(b) ma x0y0
(d) zero

30. Let V and E be the gravitational potential and gravitational field at a distance r from the centre of a hollow sphere. Consider the following statements : (A) the V-r graph is continuous (B) the E-r graph is discontinuous (a) (b) (c) (d) both A and both A and A is correct A is wrong B are wrong B are correct but B is wrong but B is correct

37. A satellite is orbiting a planet at a constant height in a circular orbit. If the mass of the planet is reduced to half, the satellite would : (a) fall on the planet (b) go to an orbit of smaller radius (c) go to an orbit of higher radius (d) escape from the planet 38. A satellite is launched into a circular orbit of radius R around the earth. A second satellite is launched into an orbit of radius 1.01.R. The time period of the second satellite is larger than that of the first one by approximately: (a) 0.5% (c) 1% '(b) 1.5% (d) 3.0%

31. The work done by an external agent to shift a point mass from infinity to the centre of earth is : (a) = 0 (b) > 0 (c) < 0 (d) < 0 32. The work done in shifting a particle of mass m from centre of earth to the surface of earth is : mgR (a) -mgR (b) +(c) zero (d) none of these 33. If a rocket is fired with a speed v = 2 4gR near the earth's surface and coasts upwards, its speed in the inter-steller space is: (a) 4 JgR (b) <2gR (c) JgR (d) <4gR 34. In the above question, if the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and allowed to fall freely onto the earth, the speed with which it hits the surface of the earth is: (Assume g = 10 m/sec2 and R = 6400 km) (a) 4 km/sec (b) 8 km/sec (c) 2 km/sec (d) 6 km/sec 35. A projectile is fired vertically upwards from the surface of the earth with a velocity kve, where ve is the escape velocity and k < 1. If R is the radius of the earth, the maximum height to which it will rise measured from the centre of earth will be : (neglect air resistance) R (b) 1 -fc 2 R (c) R U - f c 2 ) (d) 1+fc 2 36. A satellite is moving on a circular path of radius r around earth has a time period T. If its radius slightly increases by Ar, the change in its time period i 1(a) R fc2

39. The period of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius R is T. What is the period of another satellite in a circular orbit of radius 4R ?
(a) 4 T (c) (b)

(d) 8T

40. Two satellites S and S' revolve around the earth at distances 3R and 6R from the centre of earth. Their periods of revolution will be in the ratio: (a) 1 : 2 21'5 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : (d) 1 : 2 0 ' 6 7 41. An artificial satellite of the earth releases a packet. If air resistance is neglected, the point where the packet will hit, will b e : (a) ahead (b) exactly below (c) behind (d) it will never reach the earth 42. If the universal constant of gravitation is decreasing uniformly with time, then a satellite in orbit would still maintain its: (a) radius (b) tangential speed (c) angular momentum (d) period of revolution 43. A satellite of mass ms revolving in a circular orbit of radius rs around the earth of mass M has a total energy E. Then its angular momentum will be :

(b) (d)

E 2 msr? V2E^

(c) V2Em/S

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Gravitation 44. A satellite S is moving in an elliptical orbit around the earth. The mass of the satellite is very small compared to the mass of the earth : (a) the acceleration of S is always directed towards the centre of the earth (b) the angular momentum of S about the centre of the earth changes in direction but its magnitude remains constant (c) the total mechanical energy of S varies periodically with time (d) the linear momentum of S remains constant in the magnitude 45 A planet revolves in elliptical orbit around the sun. (see fig.) The linear speed of the planet will be maximum a t : 173
48. If an artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit

around the earth with a speed equal to half the magnitude of the escape velocity from the earth, the height of the satellite above the surface of the earth is: (a) 2R
(c) R



49. A particle of mass m is projected from the surface of earth

with a speed VQ (VQ < escape velocity). The speed of particle at height h-R (a) ^ R (c) - gR (radius of earth) is: (Here (b) M ~ 2 g R (d) none of these R = 6400 km and g = 9.8 m/s2)

50. The ratio of the radii of the planets P j and P 2 is k. The ratio of acceleration due to gravity is r. The ratio of the escape velocities from them will be : (a) kr (a) A (c) C (b) B (d) D

(b) Vfr 7k\


46. Mark correct option or options : (a) Only equatorial orbits are stable for a satellite (b) Escape velocity does not depend upon angle of projection (c) A communication satellite rotates in a direction from west to east (d) All the above 47. Two bodies each of mass 1 kg are at a distance of 1 m. The escape velocity of a body of mass 1 kg which is midway between them is : (a) 8 x 10" 5 m/s (c) 4.2 x 1CT5 m/s (b) 2.31 x 10" 5 m/s (d) zero

51. The escape velocity on the surface of the earth is 11.2 km/sec. If mass and radius of a planet are 4 and 2 times respectively than that of earth. The escape velocity from the planet will be : (a) 11.2 km/sec (b) 1.112 km/sec (c) 15.8 km/sec (d) 22.4 km/sec 52. The escape velocity of a body on the surface of the earth is 11.2 km/sec. If the earth's mass increases to twice its present value and radius of the earth becomes half, the escape velocity becomes : (a) 5.6 km/sec (b) 11.2 km/sec (c) 22.4 km/sec (d) 44.8 km/sec

Answers Level-1

(a) (c)

2. 12.

(b) (c)

3. 13.

(a) (b)

4. 14.

(d) (a)

5. 15.

(c) (d)













(a) (a) (a) (c) (d)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42.

(b) (a) (d) (b) (c)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43.

(a) (b) (a) (b) (c)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44.

(c) (a) (c) (b) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45.

(b) (d) (b) (b) (a)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46.

(c) (a) (d) (a) (d)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47.

(b) (a) (d) (d) (b)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48.

(b) (a) (b) (b) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49.

(b) (b) (b) (d) (c)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

(b) (a) (b) (c) (b)

11. 21. 31. 41.



52. .(c)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Simple Harmonic Motion
Syllabus: Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion and its equation of motion, energy in S.H.M., oscillations of a spring and simple pendidum.

Review of Concepts
1. To prove S.H.M., prove that the acceleration on the body is proportional to the displacement and directed opposite to it throughout f he motion. co = VV f * m

General Method
Situation: A block of mass m is connected by a massless spring of constant k as shown in figure. Prove that motion of the block is S.H.M. Step-I: Determine the equilibrium position of the block. At equilibrium position of block, acceleration is zero. Hence, net force is zero. nsmrnp

T ~

From force diagram, F = kx0 at equilibrium position. Step-II: Displace the block for small displacement x from -F equilibrium position. Let the block is displaced a small displacement fHH x in rightward direction. For solving the problem, the direction of displacement is taken as positive and mean position is taken as origin. ' Step-III: Determine the acceleration at the displaced position of block.

m k v y (i) In the case of S.H.M., total energy of the system remains constant at every instant. (ii) In the case of S.H.M., particle is in stable equilibrium at the mean position. 2. Displacement: Displacement of particle in the case of S.H.M. is always measured from mean position. (a) If particle is at mean position at t = 0, then displacement x = A sin oof T = 2K where A ~ amplitude, co = angular frequency = where /= frequency and T = time period. (b) If particle is at extreme position at f = 0, then x = A cos (Ot. (c) In general x = A sin (cof + < >, where < is initial phase |) > j or epoch. 3. Velocity: x = A sin (cof + <> {) dx v = = Aco cos (cof + <> t) at = Aco [1 - sin 2 (cof + (f))]1/2
= 2nf

m 1/

From the force diagram shown in figure F -k (x0 + x) = ma or or F - kx0 -kx = ma -kx = ma a= k m ('.' kxQ = F) mg
- > +

= /ko 1 -F



= co V A 2 - * 2

(a) At mean position, velocity is maximum, i.e., vmax = A(oatx = 0. (b) At extreme position, velocity is zero, i.e., = 0 at x = A. 4. Acceleration: Acceleration is a = ~ = - A co2 sin (cof + <> = - co2* () (a) Acceleration is zero at mean position, i.e., a = 0, at x = 0. (b) Acceleration is maximum at extreme position, i.e., mav = - co2A at x = A.

a -x Step-IV: Compare the acceleration: In the case of S.H.M., a a>2x k x=m


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Simple Harmonic Motion . '.'i ji "' 5. Energy: (a) Potential energy U = ~ m(02x2 U == x2 (b) Kinetic energy = - mm2 (A2 - x2) Total energy = P.E. + K.E. = j mA2co2 = constant. 6. Phase: (a) The phase of SHM is the sine function of (cot -f (j)). (b) If the phase is zero at a certain instant then from the equation of SHM, i.e., y = A sin (cof + <(>), y- 0 and v = far* dt i.e., particle is crossing the equilibrium position. If (cof + ( > = |) y = A and so, v = ~ = 0 T = 2K

179 ki _ smrmp (v)

' dbooo 1

If two masses mi and m2 are connected by a massless spring: k 1


m. k v / mim2 where, (i = : = reduced mass mi + m2 (b) Simple pendulum : T = 2 7 i V Here, geff = I

T = 2n


ge ff tension in the string of stationary pendulum

mass of the bob I = length of pendulum (c) Physical or compound pendulum:

i.e., particle is at extreme position. 7. Time period: (a) Spring mass system : (i) If the spring is massless, T=2n s, V

g where I = distance of centre of gravity from point of suspension and K =' radius of gyration about an axis passing through centre of gravity. Some Important Points: (a) Motion which repeats itself after a fixed interval of time is called periodic motion. (b) For periodic function sin (0 + 2n) = sin 9. (c) In the case of water oscillating in a LZ-tube, T = 2n rv

(ii) If the spring is massive of mass ms,

T = 2n



(iii) Series combination of springs :

kt '00000 1


k3 nsmrn^ i; r; i; r i; i n k2

where h is the height of liquid column in each limb.




where k is equivalent spring constant. T = 2n = 27rV ml



k3 (d) In the case of a balanced wheel or torsional pendulum, k3+...)

(iv) Parallel combination of springs : Here, k = k1 + k2 + k3 ...



m +

where, I = moment of inertia C = torsional constant = restoring torque per unit twist. (e) When a ball of mass m is made to oscillate in the neck of an air chamber having volume V and neck area A, then PA*

o . o. o ok. c k4 c 3 1 c 2 o o o c

X o

T o

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180 (f) If a person sitting on an oscillating swing stands up, the time period of the swing decreases. (g) When a pendulum is kept in a car which is sliding down, then I <?cos 0 v J where 0 is an angle of inclination, (h) If a Simple pendulum oscillates in a non-viscous liquid of density a, then its time period is T = 2nV ' = 271 \ 1-5 Simple Harmonic Motion where k = force constant p = density of suspended mass (j) If time period of one spring is Tj and that of second spring is T 2 and if they are connected in all ies, then ^series = Vr 1 2 + T 2 2 . If they are connected in parallel,


TiT2 Vr! 2 + T 2 2

(k) The time period of a simple pendulum having long length is IR where, R = radius of earth If length is infinite, then T = 2;t V

(i) If the mass m attached to a spring oscillates in a non-viscous liquid of density o, then its time period is VI r / m T = 2n - 1 - O 1 p V


5. The ratio of time periods of oscillations of situations shown in figures (i) and (ii) is: k-| = k k2 = 2k WW -WW 1 uu<uuuvuu m n uu u u (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 :3 3 : V2 4 :3 1 :1 straight line passing through origin parabolic circle none of the above k2=2k k-| = k \w/ WW vvmmmmmrtmmmm

l. In the case of S.H.M., at the time of maximum kinetic energy : (a) potential energy must be zero (b) potential energy is minimum (c) potential energy must not be zero (d) potential energy is maximum 2. A particle of mass m is executing S.H.M. of time period T, and amplitude a 0 . The force on particle at the mean position is :


4ti2 m -a 0

(b) (d)

27t2m a0 n2ma0

6. For a simple pendulum, the graph between T 2 and L is:

(c) zero

3. Two particles A and B execute simple harmonic motion of periods T and 5T/4. They start from mean position. The phase difference between them when the particle A completes an oscillation will be :

(a) 0


(c) J


4. The equation of displacement of a particle is x = A sin (at, x is displacement as a function of time, the correction variation of acceleration a with displacement x is given by : t k n-> (b) af

7. A hollow metal sphere is filled with water through a small hole in it. It is hanging by a long thread and is made to oscillate. Water slowly flows out of the hole at the bottom. How will the period of oscillation be affected ? (a) The period will go on decreasing (b) the period will not be affected (c) The period will first increase then decrease till the sphere is empty (d) The period will go on increasing
8. Two particles executing S.H.M. have time periods in ratio



of 1 : 4. Both are given small displacements in the same direction at the same instant. They will again be in phase at the mean position after the second particle has completed n oscillations. The value of n is : (a) 4 (b) 2


(d) zero

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181 Simple Harmonic Motion 9. If a particle is acted by two simple harmonic motions simultaneously, the path of particle is: (a) stream line motion (b) Lissajous figure (c) just like motion of a particle under gravity (d) none of the above 10. For a particle executing S.H.M., the potential energy is given by U=UQ sin 2 cof. The maximum kinetic energy of the particle is :
(a) U 0

(a) does not change (c) decreases

(b) increases (d) none of these x = a sin cof y = a sin 2cof along x-axis along y-axis

16. The equations of two linear S.H.M.'s are

If they act on a particle simultaneously, the trajectory of the particle is: v2 (a) I.

5= a V 4a


(b) y2 = ( a 2 - x 2 ) a (d) none of these


(c) y2 = Tax



(d) none of these

11. The time period of particle executing S.H.M. is doubled, then: (a) angular frequency becomes half (b) frequency becomes half (c) frequency becomes double (d) none of the above 12. A particle of mass 10 kg is executing S.H.M. of time period 2 second and amplitude 0.25 m. The magnitude of maximum force on the particle is : (a) 5 N (b) 24.65 N (c) zero (d) 40.6 N 13. Two S.H.M.'s x = a sin cot and y-b cos cof directed along y-axis respectively are acted on particle. The path of the particle is : (a) circle (b) straight line (c) ellipse (d) parabola 14. The minimum phase difference between two S.H.M.'s . 7 . C , . 7t y i = sm sin cof + sin cos cof 6 3 n . n 1/2 = c s T sin cof + cos cos cof is: 6 3 (b) 71/6 (d) 0

17. In the case of S.H.M., if the particle is at the mean position, then the particle is i n : (a) stable equilibrium (b) unstable equilibrium (c) neutral equilibrium (d) none of these
18. The

equation of acceleration of a particle is a = -k(x + b), where x is distance along x-axis and k is a positive constant. The motion of particle is : (a) oscillatory (b) periodic (c) S.H.M. (d) all of these

19. In previous problem, the mean position of the particle with respect to origin is at distance : (a) -b (b) +b (c) 0 (d) none of these 20. A particle executes S.H.M., its time period is 16 s. If it passes through the centre of oscillation then its Velocity is 2 m/s at time 2 sec. The amplitude will b e : (a) 7.2 m (b) 4 cm (c) 6 cm (d) 0.72 m 21. A body executing S.H.M. has its velocity 10 cm/s and 7 cm/s, when its displacements from the mean position are 3 cm and 4 cm respectively. The length of path is: (a) 10 cm (b) 9.5 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 11.36 cm

22. A pendulum clock is observed to give correct time at the

equator. What will happen if the same pendulum clock is taken to the pole of the earth ? (a) It will gain time (b) It will loss time (c) Unchanged (d) None of these

(a) 7t/3 (c) TI/12

15. If the mass of bob of simple pendulum is increased by 50%, the time period of the pendulum:

1. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has amplitude of 1 metre and time period 2 second. At t = 0, net force on the particle is zero. The equation of displacement of particle is: (a) x = sin %t (b) x = cos Kt (c) x = sin27tf (d) x = cos27if 2. In previous question, maximum velocity and maximum acceleration are respectively: (a) 1 m/s, 7t m/s (b) 7t m/s and tc2 m/s2 (c) k m/s and n m/s 2 (d) none of these 3. A particle executes simple harmonic motion. amplitude of vibration of particle is 2 cm. displacement of particle in one time period i s : (a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) zero The The

4. In previous problem, the distance travelled by the particle is: (a) 8 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) zero

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182 5. Ram say's, "The average value of displacement, velocity and acceleration for one time period in the case of S.H.M. is zero." Shyam say's "The acceleration of particle is maximum at extreme position." (a) Ram's statement is correct (b) Shyam's statement is correct (c) Both statements are wrong (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct 6. A particle moves along y-axis according to equation y = 3 + 4 cos cof. The motion of particle is : (a) not S.H.M. (b) oscillatory but not S.H.M. (c) S.H.M. (d) none of the above 7. In previous problem, the amplitude of vibration is : (a) 3 unit (b) 4 unit (c) 5 unit (d) none of these 8. A body with speed V is moving along a straight line. At the same time it is at distance x from a fixed point on the line, the speed is given by v = 144 - 9x . Then : (a) displacement of the body < distance moved by body (b) the magnitude of acceleration at a distance 3 m from the fixed point is 27 m/s (c) the motion is S.H.M. with T = ~ unit Simple Harmonic Motion 13. A body is doing S.H.M. having x amplitude a and time period T. r t The figure shows position-time O graph. At any time 'f, acceleration of body is '/'. Which of the following graphs is/are appropriate ?


O (c) (d) 14. A particle executes S.H.M. along a straight line so that its period is 12 second. The time it takes in traversing a distance equal to half its amplitude from its equilibrium position is: (a) 6 second (b) 4 second (c) 2 second (d) 1 second 15. A particle executes S.H.M. with an amplitude of 10 cm and frequency 2 Hz. At t = 0, the particle is at a point where potential energy and kinetic energy are same. The equation of displacement of particle is : (a) 0.1 sin 4*f + J (c) 0.1 cos 4rcf+ (b) 0.1 sin 4nt (d) none of these

(d) the maximum displacement from the fixed point is 4 unit (e) all the above 9. If ~s = a sin cof t + b cos coff, the equation of path of particle is : (a) x2 + y2 = 4a2 + l (b)

h + h= 1

x2 y2

(d) none of these a b 10. The motion of a particle is given by


x2 y2

y = 4 sin cof + 8 sin cof + : v The motion of particle is : (a) S.H.M. (b) not S.H.M. (c) periodic but not S.H.M. (d) none of the above 11. In previous problem, the amplitude of vibration is : (a) 4 unit (b) 8 unit (c) 10.58 unit (d) none of these 12. The motion of a particle varies with time according to the relation y = a sin cof + a cos cof. Then : (a) the motion is oscillatory but not S.H.M. (b) the motion is S.H.M. with amplitude a (c) the motion is S.H.M. with amplitude ^2a (d) none of the above

16. A pdrticle executes simple harmonic motion with a frequency /. The frequency with which the potential energy oscillates is: (a) / (b) f / 2 (c) 2/ (d) zero 17. A particle of mass m is executing oscillation about the origin on the X-axis. Its potential energy is U{x)=k Ixl 3 , where k is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period T is : (a) proportional to - p (c) proportional to 4a (b) independent of a (d) proportional to 3/2 a3

* 18. A particle of mass m is free to move along the x-axis and has potential energy given by U(x) = k[l-e~x\ for - o < x < <> where k is positive *, appropriate dimensions. Then : constant of

(a) at points away from the origin, the particle is in unstable equilibrium (b) for any finite non-zero value of x, there is a force directed away from the origin . . if its total mechanical energy is k/2, it has its minimum kinetic energy at origin (d) for small displacement from x = 0, motion is S.H.M.

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183 Simple Harmonic Motion 19. During S.H.M., a particle has displacement x from mean position. If acceleration, kinetic energy and excess potential energy are represented by a, K and U respectively, then choose the appropriate graph : K / K 25. A system shown in figure, consists of a massless pulley, a spring of force constant k and a block of mass m. If block is just slightly displaced vertically down from its equilibrium position and released then the period of vertical oscillations is : (a) T -




T = 2K4

(c) T = 27tV

(d) T = 271 V

A simple harmonic oscillator has amplitude A, angular velocity to, and mass 'm'. Then average energy in one time period will be : 1 2 (a) - mo)2A2 M 1 ma?A 4 (c) mar A (d) zero

26. In figure, the spring has a force constant k. The pulley is light and smooth, the spring and the string are light. The suspended block has a mass m. If the block is slightly displaced from its equilibrium position and then released, the period of its vertical oscillation i s : (a) 2ti (b) 4ti

21. A point mass m= 20 kg, is suspended by a

massless spring of constant 2000 N/m. The point mass is released when elongation in the spring is 15 cm. The equation of displacement of particle as function of time is : (Take g = 10 m/s2) (a) y = 10 sin lOf (b) y = 10 cos lOf (c) y = 10 sin lOf + (d) none of these



(d) 4Vp|
27. A load of mass m falls from a height h on to the scale pan hung from a spring as shown in the adjoining figure. If the spring constant is k and mass of the scale pan is zero and the mass m does not bounce relative to the pan, then the amplitude of vibration is : ( a ) ? (b)

22. A spring of spring constant 200 N/m has a block of mass 1 kg hanging at its one end and of other end spring is attached to a ceiling of an elevator. The elevator rising upwards with an acceleration of g/3. When acceleration is suddenly cease, then what should be the angular frequency and elongation during the time when the elevator is accelerating ? (a) 14.14 rad/s, 0.07 m (b) 13 rad/s, 0.1 m (c) 14 rad/s, 0.05 m (d) 10 rad/s, 0.07 m 23. A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces such that one piece is double the length of the other. Then the long piece will have a force constant o f :

k mg k

[ k

mg J mgJ(l+2hP mg mg k


m g J f l + 2hk mg k

< l k
(c) 3k

<b)3' 2 (d) 6k

24. A solid copper sphere is suspended from a massless spring. The time period of oscillation of the system is 4 second. The sphere is now completely immersed in a liquid whose density is l/8th that of brass. The sphere remains in liquid during oscillation. Now the time period is: (a) 4 second (b) 2 second (c) 3 second (d) none of these

28. A block of mass 1 kg is connected with a massless spring of force constant 100 v=0 N/m. At t = 0, a constant smump m -*F force F = 10 N is applied t=o on the block. The spring is in its natural length at f = 0. The speed of particle at x = 6 cm from mean position is : (a) 4 cm/s (b) 10 cm/s (c) 80 cm/s (d) 50 cm/s
29. The collision between both blocks shown in figure is completely inelastic. The total energy of oscillation after collision i s :

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184 Simple Harmonic Motion * 35. Two blocks lie on each other and connected to A=mkg k=600N/m Us a spring as shown in nmuuipB=6kg figure. What should be the mass of block A placed on block B of mass 6 kg so that the system period is 0.75 sec ? Assume no slipping, what should be the minimum value of coefficient of static friction (JLS for which block A will not slip relative to block B, if block B is displaced 50 mm from equilibrium position and released ? (a) 2 kg, m = 0.4 (b) 4.2 kg, = 0.358 (c) 2.56 kg, ns > 0.358 (d) 2.55 kg, ns < 0.358 * 36. Two blocks A and B, each of mass m are connected by a massless spring of natural length L and spring constant k. The blocks are initially resting on a smooth horizontal floor with the spring at its natural length, as shown in figure.


m mv




, . mv


(d) none of these

30. In previous problem, the amplitude of vibration is :


mv mv 4k


mv 2k


(d) none of these

31. Two point masses of 3 kg and 1 kg are attached to opposite ends of a horizontal spring whose spring constant is 300 N/m as shown in figure. The 3kg natural vibrational 1kg '"0W00" 1 frequency of the system , is of order: (a) 4 Hz (b) 3 Hz (c) 2 Hz (d) 1 Hz 32. Two blocks connected by a spring rest on a smooth horizontal plane as shown in figure. m, jroOTOTp.j


A third block C, also of mass m, moves on the floor with a speed v along the line joining A and B and collides with A. Then: (a) the kinetic energy of the A + B system at maximum compression of the spring is zero (b) the kinetic energy of A + B system, at maximum compression of the spring is mu2

A constant force F starts acting on the block m2, then (a) length of spring increases continuously if Wj > m2 (b) blocks start performing S.H.M. about centre of mass of the system with increasing amplitude (c) blocks start performing S.H.M. about centre of mass of the system which moves rectilinearly with constant acceleration (d) acceleration of m 2 is maximum at initial moment of time only * 33. A naughty boy is sitting on the roof of a flat toy car of mass 6 kg. If no slipping takes place between car and the boy then what should be the mass of the child in order to have period of system equal to 0.758 sec ?

(c) the maximum compression of the spring is v (d) none of the above


37. There is a spring with natural length L0. Two masses mj and m2 are connected to both of its ends as shown in figure. The whole system is held at rest. At any time f = 0, m2 is released and system starts free fall. Initial stretched length of spring before fall is L. What is the displacement of centre of mass as a function of time ?

(b) (d)

\gt2 m-i + m2 xt m]tn2


(a) 2.74 kg (c) 3 kg

(b) 6 kg (d) None of these

34. In the previous problem, if car is displaced 5 cm from the equilibrium position and released, the minimum value of coefficient of friction for not slipping the boy is : (a) 0.8 (b) 0.35 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.83

38. A second's pendulum has time period 2 sec. The spherical bob which is empty has mass of 50 g. This is replaced by another solid bob of same radius but having mass of 100 g. The new time period will be : (a) 4 sec (b) 1 sec (c) 2 sec (d) 8 sec 39. A clock pendulum is adjusted for giving correct time in Patna. This clock pendulum also gives correct time i n : (a) Delhi (b) Kota (c) Hyderabad (d) none of these

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185 Simple Harmonic Motion
40. A simple pendulum of length L and mass M is oscillating

in a plane about a vertical line between angular limits - < and + <> For an angular displacement, the tension in | > |. the string and the velocity of the bob are T and v respectively. The following relation holds good under the above conditions : (a) T = Mg cos 0 (b) T c o s 0 = Mg (c) T - Mg cos 0 = Mv (d) none of these


41. Between the plates of the capacitor with potential difference V across its plate such that upper plate is - ve, a ball with positive charge 'q' and mass 'm' is E suspended by a thread of length 'V. If the electrostatic + force acting on a ball is less than the gravitational force, what should be the period of the ball?

(a) 10.3 sec/day (b) 19 sec/day (c) 5.5 sec/day (d) 6.8 sec/day There are two pendulums of length and l 2 whcih start vibrating. A t some instant, the both pendulum are in mean position in the same phase. After how many vibrations of shorter pendulum, the both pendulum will be in phase in the mean position ? [(Zj > l2), Za = 121 cm, l 2 = 100 cm] (a) 11 (b) 10

(c) 9 (d) 8 47. A block is performing S.H.M. along a vertical line with amplitude of 40 cm on a horizontal plank. The block just lose the contact with plank when plank is momentarily at rest. Then : (Take g = 10 m/s") 2tc (a) the period of its oscillation is - y sec (b) the period of its oscillation is ~ sec

(a) T = 2 n


(b) 2n

(c) the period of its oscillation is ^ sec q_E) (d) none of the above 48. An elastic ball of density d is released and it falls through a height Z before striking the surface of liquid of density i p (d < p). The motion of ball is : (a) periodic (b) S.H.M. (c) circular (d) parabolic 49. A ring of mass m and radius R is pivoted at a point O on its periphery. It is free to rotate about an axis perpendicular to its plane. What is the period of ring ?

8+ m
(c) T = 2ny 8 - m (d) 2JC

4 Ulm\ J

42. From the ceiling of a train a pendulum of length T is suspended. The train is moving with an acceleration a0 on horizontal surface. What must be the period of oscillation of pendulum? (a) T = 2 n


(a) T = 2 n ^ \ (c) T = 7 l V f 8

(b) T =
(d) T

8 8



50. There is a rod of length 'V and mass 'tn'. It is hinged at one end to the ceiling. The period of small oscillation is :

43. A simple pendulum has a time period Tj when on the earth's surface, and T2 when taken to a height R above the earth's surface, where R is the radius of earth. The T2 value of is : h (a) 1 (b) V2 (c) 4 (d) 2 44. The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length L, suspended from the roof of a vehicle which moves without friction down an inclined plane of inclination a, is given by : (a) 2ti (c) 2tc

(c) T = 271 V 51. A lady dancer of 55 kg stands at the middle of end supported plank and causes a midspan deflection of 2.2 cm. If she flexes her knees slightly for performing a vertical vibration, the period of vibration is nearly equal to: (a) 0.3 sec (c) 0.7 sec

(b) T

(d) T = 2n

V g cos a

(b) 2k
(d) 271

gsina gtana

45. There is a clock which gives correct time at 20C is subjected to 40C. The coefficient of linear expansion of the pendulum is 12 x 10 loss in time ? per C, how much is gain or

(b) 0.8 sec (d) 0.9 sec

52. A 15 kg rod is supported by two uniform discs, each of mass 8 kg and radius 8 cm. Discs roll without slipping. The spring constant of the spring is 300 N/m. If the rod

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186 is displaced right and released then the period of oscillation is: Simple Harmonic Motion B. The lower face of B is rigidly held on a horizontal surface. A small force F is applied perpendicular to one of the side faces of A. After the force is withdrawn, block A executes small oscillation, the period is : (a) 2n VqmL (c) 271 (b) 2n

nsmur^(a) 8 sec (c) 10 sec (b) 3.32 sec (d) none of these

A i m
m i)L

53. A particle of mass m is allowed to oscillate near the minimum of a vertical parabolic path having the equation x 2 = 4ay. The angular frequency of small oscillations is given by : (a) V^T (b) V2gh

55. A cylindrical piston of mass M slide smoothly inside a Uh>| long cylinder closed at one P end, enclosing a certain mass A of gas. The cylinder is kept with its axis horizontal. If the piston is disturbed from its equilibrium position, it oscillates simple harmonically. Its period is : (a) T=2n^I(Mh) PA (b) T-= 2 7 t V ' MAN Ph

Vw M

(d) 2tc


'. 54. A highly rigid cubical block of mass m and side L is fixed rigidly on to another cubical block B of the same dimensions and of low modulus of rigidily r| such that the lower face of A completely covers the upper face of

(c) T = 2ti


(d) T = 2n ^MPhA

11. 21. (b) (b) (d) 2. 12. 22. (c) (b) (a) 3. 13. (d) (c) 4. 14. (b) (b) 5. 15. (b) (a) 6. 16. (a) (b) 7. 17. (c) (a) 8. 18. (a) (d) 9. 19. (b) (a) 10. 20. (a) (a)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. (a) (c) (c) (b) (c) (a) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. (b) (c) (a) (c) (b) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. (d) (c) (b) (a) (d) (c) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. (a) (d) (a) (b) (a) (d) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. (d) (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. (c) (c) (b) (b) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. (b) (a) (b) (b) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. (e) (d) (c) (c) (a) ' 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. (c) (c,d) (c) (d) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. (a) (a) (b) (c) (a)

1. In the case of S.H.M. P.E. + K.E. = constant P.E. = constant-K.E. (P.E.)min = constant - (K.E.) max 2. At mean position, 3. F = - mco2 x * =0 F=0 A 0 = I C0jf dit I = I C ! - 211 O 271 _ 271 T 5T/4 For one compiete vibration, t = T
Y j


yi = aj sin cOjt y 2 = a 2 si n

= 2tc

2tc 5

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Fluid Mechanics
Syllabus: Flow of fluids, Bernoulli's theorem and its applications.

Review of Concepts
1. Definition of a fluid: Fluid mechanics deals with the behaviour of fluid at rest. A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application of a shear (tangential) stress no rr"er how small the shear stress may be. The distinction between a fluid ard the solid state of matter is clear if you compare fluid and solid behaviour. A solid deforms when a shear stresc x3 applied but it does not continue to increase with time. However, if a shear stress is applied to a fluid, the deformation continues to increase as long as the stress is applied. If then m\ = m2 2pip 2 P1 + P2

Case I I : If two liquids of densities pj and p2 having volumes Vj and V2 are mixed, then the density of mixture Total mass P = Total volume i+ m2 Vj + V2 Pi^l + P2^2 V1 + V2 If then V,

P1 + P2

M///mM//m/wmwMw/M//w 7777777/777777777777777777777777777777777?.7
(a) Solid Fig.: (b) Fluid Behaviour of solid and a fluid, under the action of a constant shearforce.

(e) Effect of temperature on density: As the temperature of liquid is increased, the mass remains same while the volume is increased and hence, the density of liquid decreases (as P = P_ P V or Thus,

2. Density: In a fluid (which includes both liquid and gas), density p of a point mass is defined as Am dm p = lirn -T7} = -77} (a) It is a scalar quantity. to) Unit: kg/m3 g/cc S.I. > C.G.S.

V + dV 1 +y0


where y= thermal coefficient of volume expansion A6 = rise in temperature (f) Effect of pressure on density: As pressure is increased, volume decreases and hence, density will decrease. Thus, P' _V _ V p ~ V' V + dV V dP V B or P dP

(c) Relative density or specific gravity is defined as the the ratio of density of substance to density of water at 4C. Hence, R.D. = Density of substance Density of water at 4C

(d) Density of a mixture of two or more liquids : Case I : Suppose two liquids of densities p^ and p2 having masses wij and m2 are mixed together. Then density of mixture Total mass Total volume

+ ml) (Vj + y 2 ) (mt + m2) / \ mj m2 Pi P2 or

1 -


dP B

where dP = change in pressure B = Bulk modulus of elasticity of liquid

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Nitin M Sir ( Fluid Mechanics 3. Pressure: It is defined as normal force per unit area.
(a) It is scalar quantity. (b) Unit: dyne/cm 2 > C.G.S. N/m or pascal > S.I. (c) If we consider a point at a depth h below the surface of a liquid of density p, hydrostatic pressure P is given by, P = P0 + hpg where P 0 represents the atmospheric pressure. The pressure difference between hydrostatic pressure and atmospheric pressure is called gauge pressure which is P-P0 = hpg (d) One atmospheric pressure = 1.013 x 105 N/m2 . (e) One bar = 10 5 N/m2 (f) One torr = 1 mm of Hg. ax 4. If a container is accelerated: tan 0 = - ay+8


x' y'


Here 0 = angle which the liquid surface makes with the horizontal. 5. Pascal's law: When the excess pressure is exerted on a confined liquid at any point, then it is transmitted equally in all directions. 6. (a) Expression for total thrust on a horizontally immersed surface:
Liquid surface

F = wAx a* where w = specific weight = weight per unit volume A = the area of immersed surface x = the depth of the horizontal surface from the liquid level (b) The total thrust on a vertically immersed surface is F = w J xbdx = w x moment of surface area about the liquid level = wAx where, x = the depth of centre of gravity of the immersed surface from the liquid surface (c) Upthrust or Buoyant force is independent of all the factors of the body such as its mass, size, density, etc. except the volume of the body inside the liquid, i.e., E x ^in (Volume of body inside the liquid) This is the reason that two bodies of different masses shapes and sizes may experience same thrust when their volumes inside a fluid are equal. The centre of buoyancy is the point through which the force of buoyancy is supposed to act. The centre of buoyancy is the centre of area of the immersed section. When the metacentre is higher than the centre of gravity of the floating body, then the floating body is in stable equilibrium. When the metacentre is lower than the centre of gravity of the floating body, then the floating body is in unstable equilibrium. When the metacentre coincides with the centre of gravity of the floating body, then the floating body is in neutral equilibrium.

Here, ax = horizontal component of acceleration of container = vertical component of acceleration of container 0 = the angle of inclination of free surface of the liquid with horizontal (a) If container is accelerated horizontally: Here ay = 0, ax = af}
ao tan 0 = g

(b) If container is moving with constant velocity: Here ax = 0, av = 0 tan 0 = 0 0= 0 v0 (d)


(c) If fluid container is subjected to an acceleration along inclined plane: Here ax = Q c o s a ' tan 0 = av + g
fly = a0 s ' n a


cos a a0 s i n a +


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= weight in air - force of buoyancy = mg - pVg. weight of body in air (i) Specific gravity = loss in weight of the body in water (j) Condition for a body to float in a liquid: weight of body = buoyant force 7. Continuity equation: Pl^l = p2A2

Fluid Mechanics
where h is the distance of orifice from the level of liquid in the container. (b) The time of emptying a square or rectangular or circular tank through an orifice at its bottom. T ='

2A (VH7-VHT)

A'here, A = the surface area of the tank H1 = the initial height of the liquid H 2 = the final height of the liquid a = the area of the orifice (c) The time of making empty a hemispherical tank through an orifice at its bottom. Initially tank is full of water and finally tank is completely made empty.
, R5 / 2 T = 14rt \Sa<2g

when fluid is incompressible, then p^ = p2 AjWi = A2v2 8. Bernoulli's theorem: For an ideal fluid under steady state condition, the sum of kinetic energy per unit volume, potential energy per unit volume and pressure energy per unit volume is constant. Mathematically,

P = constant

where, R = the radius of the hemispherical tank a'= cross-sectional area of the orifice

9. (a) Velocity of efflux: v = ilgh


Questions. Level-1
6. A common hydrometer reads specific gravity of liquid. Compared to the mark 1.6 on the stem, the mark 1.5 will be : (a) upward (b) downward (c) in the same plane (d) may be upward or downward depending on hydrometer 7. The1 weight of wooden block of size 8 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm is 307.2 g. When it is floating in water, the height of the wooden block above water level is : (a) 4.8 cm (b) 3.2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 6 cm g A body weighs 40 g in air. If its volume is 10 cc in water it will weigh: (a) 30 g (c) 50 g (b) 40 g (d) none of these

1. Equal masses of water and liquid are mixed together, then the mixture has a density o f : (a) 2/3 (b) 4/3 (c) 3/2 (d) 3

2. Two stretched membranes of area 2 cm and 3 cm are placed in a liquid at the same depth. The ratio of the pressures on them are : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 2 : 3 2 3. A cylindrical vessel containing a liquid is closed by a smooth piston of mass m. If A is the cross-sectional area of the piston and Pq is the atmospheric pressure, then the pressure of the liquid just below the piston is : _mg (a) Po (b) PQ + <c) m A (d) none of these

4. An iceberg is floating partially immersed in sea watei. If the density of sea water is 1.03 g/cc and that of ice is 0.92 g/cc, the fraction of the total volume of iceberg above the level of sea water i s : (a) 8% (c) 34% (b) 11% (d) 89%


9. A hydrogen balloon released on the moon would : 2 (a) climb up with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s 2 (b) climb up with an acceleration of 9.8 x 6 m/s (c) neither climb nor fall 9 (d) fall with an acceleration of 8 m/s2 6 A 700 g solid cube having an edge of length 10 cm floats in water. The volume of cube outside water is : (a) 2.4 cm 3 (c) 300 cm (b) 4.8 cm .(d) 500 cm

5. A piece of solid weighs 120 g in air, 80 g in water and 60 g in a liquid, then the relative density of the solid and that of liquid are respectively : (a) 3,2 3 (b) 2, (d) 4, 3


A body weighs 150 g in air, 120 g in water a liquid. The density oi liquid in g cm" 1 is : (a) 2/3 (c) 13/15 (b) 4/5 (d) 15/13

(c) 3,

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12. A boy carries a fish in one hand and a bucket of water in the other hand; if he places the fish in the bucket, the weight now carried by him : (a) (b) (c) (d) is less than before is more than before is the same as before depends upon his speed Hg = 13.6 g/cm ) (a.) 350 cm 3 (c) 250 cm 3 (b) 300 cm 3 (d) 22 cm 3


17. A diver is 10 m below the surface of water, the approximate pressure experienced by the water is : (a) 105 Pa (c) 3 xlO 5 Pa

(b) 2 xlO 5 Pa (d) 4 xlO 5 Pa

13. When a large bubble rises from the bottom of a lake to the surface, its radius doubles. The atmospheric pressure is equal to that of column of water of height H. The depth of the lake is : (a) H (b) 2H (c) 7H (d) 8H 14. A boat full of scrap iron is floating on water in a lake. If all the iron is dropped into water the level of water will: (a) go up (b) remain the same (c) rise very high (d) go very deep 15. A piece of material weighing 50 g is coated with 6.3 g of wax of relative density 0.9. If the coated piece weighs 16.3 g in water, the density of the material is : (a) 1.515 (b) 2.3 (c) 4.8 (d) 6.2 16. An inverted bell lying at the bottom of lake 47.6 m deep has 50 cm of air trapped in it. The bell is brought to the surface of the lake. The volume of the trapped air will be (atmospheric pressure = 70 cm of Hg and density of

An object of density 12gcijrT 3 is weighed with brass weights of density 8 g e m - 3 by a physical balance. If the

density of air is 12. x 10 g cm then the percentage error in weighing is : (a) 0.005% (b) 0.001% (c) 0.05% (d) 0.01% 19. Bernoulli's principle is based on the law of conservation of : (a) mass (b) momentum (c) energy (d) none o! these 20. Action of paint gun is based cn : (a) Bernoulli's principle (b) Boyle's law (c) Faraday's law (d) Archimedee's principle

1. Which of the following is/are correct about pressure ? (a) Pressure at a point acts equally in all directions (b) Liquid at rest exerts lateral pressure which decreases with depth (c) Pressure acts normally on any area whatever orientation the area may be held (d) Both (a) and (c) are correct 2. A triangular element of the liquid is shown in the figure. PXi Py and Pz represent the pressure on the element of the 1 liquid. Then: / Px (a) Px = Py*Pz (b) P x Py = Pz (c) Px*Py*Pz (d) P 2 + Pi + P\ = constant then the pressure by fluid at the bottom of vessel is (a) P = P0 + pgh + pha0 (c) P = P0 + ph(g-a0) (b) P = Pc + pgh (d) P = P(J - pgh

5. If a vessel contains n types of fluid of densities Pi' P2' Pn a t depth h\, respectively, then guage pressure at bottom is : (a) g I Pihj i=1

(b) P0+g

I i- 1



(d) P 0 + I p h (c) I P k i=i i= 1 * 6. The figure shows a conical vessel having its outlet at A to which Lf-tube manometer is connected. The reading of

3. The pressure at the bottom of a tank of liquid is not proportional to : (a) the density of the liquid (b) the area of the liquid surface (c) the height of the liquid (d) the acceleration 4. If a vessel containing a fluid of density p upto height h is accelerated vertically downwards with acceleration a 0

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the manometer given in the figure shows when the vessel is empty. Find the reading at manometer when the vessel is completely filled with water : 0?) 400 mm (b) 300 mm (c) 430 mm (d) 330 mm 7. The hydraulic press shown in the figure is used to raise the mass m through a height of 0.05 cm by performing 500 J of work on the small piston. The diameter of the large piston is 10 cm while that of the smaller or.e is 2 cm. The mass m is : (a) 100 kg (c) 10 3 kg (b) 104 kg (d) 105 kg

Fluid Mechanics
output of the heart ? (Assume 60 heart beat per minute) (a) 1 W (b) 2.75 W (c) 1.06 W (d) 0.5 W 13. A liquid is contained in a vertical U-tube. The total length of the liquid column inside the tube is I. When the liquid is in equilibrium, the liquid is just pushed down slightly. If one of the arms of U-tube are released, the entire liquid column will start a periodic motion. Then : (a) the motion is not S.H.M. (b) the motion is S.H.M. (c) if it undergoes S.H.M., the time period will be u. (d) if it undergoes S.H.M., the time period will be

8. One end of a li-tube of uniform


bore (area A) containing mercury is connected to a sanction pump. Because of it the level of liquid of density p falls in one limb. When the pump is removed, the restoring force in the other limb is : (a) 2xpAg (b) xpg (c) yips (d) xpAg * 9. A l/-tube of uniform cross-section is partially filled with a liquid (i) and another liquid (ii), which does not mixed with liquid (i) , is poured into one side. It is found that the liquid levels of the two sides of the tube are the same while the level of liquid (i) has risen by 2 cm. If the specific gravity of liquid (i) is 1.1 then specific gravity of liquid (ii) must be : (a) 1.12 (b) 1.1 (c) 1 : 05 (d) 1.2 10. A U-tube is partially filled with water. Oil which does not mix with water, is next poured into one side until water rises by 2.5 cm on the other side. If the density of oil be 0.8, the oil level will stand higher the water level by: (a) 6.25 cm (b) 12.5 cm (c) 31.35 cm (d) 20 cm *11. A small uniform tube is bent into a circle of radius r whose plane is vertical. The equal volumes of two fluids whose densities are p and O (p > a), fill half the circle. Find the angle that the radius passing through the pvg interface makes with the vertical: p-o (a) cot 9 = (b) tan 9 = p+o p+q (c) sin 0 = (d) sin 9 =

14. A cylindrical vessel of radius r containing a liquid is rotating about a vertical axis through the centre of circular base. If the vessel is rotating with angular velocity co, then what is the difference of the heights of liquid at centre of vessel and edge ? (a) (b) (d) and densities together then r V

(c) V2grco

15. When n fluids of masses mj, m2, PJ, p2, ...,p respectively are mixed resultant density of mixture is :
n n


1 mi i=l



I m, p,1=1 (b) n 1 mi
1= 1


I Wlj i=l nu

(d) infinity


i = i Pi 16. When equal volumes of two substances are mixed, the specific gravity of mixture is 4. When equal weights of the same substances are mixed, the specific gravity of the mixture is 3. The specific gravity of the two substances would b e : (a) 6 and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) 2.5 and 3.5 (d) 5 and 3

17. If the weight of a body in vacuum is w and w^ and w2 are weights when it is immersed in a liquid of specific gravity pi and p2 respectively, then the relation among

p+ a p -


and w2 is : ^lP2 + ^2Pl W + W2 \ (b) w = ZViP2~ w2py P2-P1 W1P2 + W2P1 P1+P2

(a) w =

12. In each heart beat, a heart pumps 80 ml of blood at an average pressure of 100 mm of Hg. What will the power

(c) w = V>x p! + W2p2 P1 + P2

(d) H = 7

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18. An alloy is prepared by mixing equal volume of two metals. The specific gravity of alloy is 4. But when equal masses of two same metals are mixed together, the specific gravity of alloy is 3. The specific gravity of each metal is: (a) 2, 4 (b) 6, 4 (c) 6, 2 (d) 4, 8 19. If a liquid is subjected to a horizontal acceleration then : (a) slope of the liquid is inversely proportional to the horizontal acceleration (b) slope of the liquid is directly proportional to the horizontal acceleration (c) there is no direct relation between acceleration and inclination (d) none of above * 20. A liquid of density p is completely filled in a po rectangular box. The box is accelerating horizon- ^ Qo O R tally with acceleration 'a'. What should be the gauge pressure at four points ?/////////J?//////J?///// 'J7//////27//. P. Q,R,S? (a) PP = 0,PQ = 0,PR = pgh,Ps = 0 (b) PP = pgh, P Q = 0, P R = pga, Ps = paL (c) PP = 0 , P Q = pgh, PR = pgh + paL, Ps = paL (d) PP = pgh, PQ = 0 , P S = pgh - paL, Ps = pgL 21. On a smooth inclined plane, making an angle a with horizontal, a trolley containing a liquid of density p slides down. What is the angle of inclination 0 of free surface with horizontal ? (a) 0 = - a (b)e-f (0 e = f (d) 0 = a 22. On a horizontal surface, an open vessel containing water is given a constant acceleration 'a'. Due to accelerated motion, the free surface of water gets sloped with horizontal at an angle 0 given by : (a) 0 = tan -1 (c) 0 = sin" l (b) 0 = tan -1 j ^ -1 (d) 0 = cos

24. A closed rectangular tank 10 m long, 5 m wide and 3 m deep is completely filled with an oil of specific gravity 0.92. The pressure difference between the rear and front corners of the tank, if it is moving with an acceleration of 3 m/s in the horizontal direction, is : (a) 27.6 kPa (b) 50kPa (c) 60 kPa (d) 70kPa 25. The force of buoyancy on an immersed body is : (a) due to weight of the body (b) due to the pressure difference between upper surface and lower surface of the body (c) due to atmospheric pressure (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 26. A body weighs 5 N in air and 2 N when immersed in a liquid. The buoyant force is : (a) 2 N (b) 3 N (c) 5 N (d) 7 N 27. A neckless weighing 50 g in air, but it weighs 46 g in water. Assume copper is mixed with gold to prepare the neckless. How much copper is present in it ? (Specific gravity of gold is 20 and that of copper is 10) (a) m = 25 g (b) m = 30g (c) m = 35 g (d) m = 20 g 28. If air of weight w is filled in a empty balloon which weighs Wy the weight of balloon will become w2. Suppose the density of air inside and outside the balloon is same, then : (a) w2 = Wi + w (c) w2 = wi (b) w2 = Vwjw (d) w2 = w-[ - w


29. In air, a metallic sphere with an internal cavity weighs 40 g and in water it weighs 20 g. What is the volume of 3 cavity if the density of material with cavity be 8 g/cm ? (a) zero (c) 5 cm 3 (b) 15 cm3 (d) 20 cm 3

30. A soft plastic bag of weight WQ is filled with air at S.T.P. Now weight of the bag is w in air. Then : (a) w>w0 (b) iv = w0 (c) W>W0 (d) W<WQ 31. A block of ice of area A and thickness 0.5 m is floating in the fresh water. In order to just support a man of 100 kg, the area A should b e : (the specific gravity of ice is 0.917 and density of water = 1000 kg/m3) (a) 1.24 m 2
a=3m/s 2

(b) 4.21m 2


A rectangular box containing water is accelerated upwards at 3 m/s on an inclined plane making 30 to the horizontal. The slope of the free liquid surface is: J_ (a) 0.23 (b) V3 (c) V3" (d) 0.32

(c) 2.41m 2 (d) 7.23 m 2 32. A dog is sitting in a boat which is floating in a pond. If the dog drinks some water from the pond then: (a) the level of water in the pond decreases (b) the level of water in the pond increases (c) the level of water in the pond first increases, then decreases (d) the level of water in the pond remains unchanged

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33. A glass bulb is balanced by a brass weight in a sensitive beam balance. Now the balance is covered by a glass-jar which is then evacuated. Then : (a) the beam will remain horizontal (b) the pan containing the bulb will go down (c) the pan containing the bulb will go up (d) none of the above 34. A piece of ice is floating in water. The fraction of volume of the piece of ice outside the water is : (Given: density of ice - 900 kg/m3 and density of water = 1000 kg/m3) (a) 0.21 (b) 0.01 (c) 0.1 (d) 0.9 35. A block of wood floats with 1/4 of its volume under water. What is the density of the wood ? (Density of water = 1000 kg/m3) (a) 750 kg/m 3 (c) 300 kg/m 3 (b) 250 kg/m 3 (d) 260 kg/m 3

Fluid Mechanics
density of the metal is large compared to that of alcohol. It can be shown that: (a) W > w2 \ (b) Wi = w2 (c) Wi < w2 (d) none of these 42. In English, the phrase 'tip of the iceberg' is used to mean a small visible fraction of something that is mostly hidden. For a real iceberg, what is this fraction if the density of sea water is 1.03 g/cc and that of ice is 0.92 g/cc ? (a) 0.106 (b) 10.6 (c) 0.901 (d) 0.801 43. A vessel contains oil (density 0.8 g/cc) over mercury (density 13.6 g/cc). A homogeneous sphere floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of the sphere in g/cc is: (a) 3.3 (b) 6.4 (c) 7.2 (d) 12. 8 44. ^ tank accelerates upwards with acceleration a = 1 m/s 2 contains water. A block of mass m c i m , 1 kg and density 0.8 g/cm3 is held stationary inside the tank with the help of the string as shown in figure. The tension in the string is : (density of water ='l000 kg/m3) (a) T = 2.2 N (c) T = 3 N (b) T = 2.75N (d) T = 2.4N

36. A boat is floating on the surface of water in a tank carrying steel balls. If the balls are thrown into the tank one by one, how will it affect the level of water ? (a) It will rise (b) It will fall (c) It will remain unchanged (d) First it will rise and then fall 37. A solid floats in a liquid in the partially submerged position : (a) the solid exerts a force equal to its weight on the liquid (b) the liquid exerts a force of buoyancy on the solid which is equal to the weight of the solid (c) the weight of the displaced liquid equals the weight of the solid (d) all the above 38. A solid is completely immersed in a liquid. The force exerted by the liquid on the solid will: (a) increase if it pushed deeper inside the liquid (b) change if its orientation is changed (c) decrease if it is taken partially out of the liquid (d) none of the above 39. A block weighs 15 N and 12 N in air and water respectively. When it is immersed in another liquid, it weighs 13 N, then the relative density of the block is : (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 10 (d) 2 40. In a beaker containing liquid, an ice cube is floating. When ice melts completely, the level of liquid rises. Then the density of the liquid is : (a) more than the density of ice (b) less than the density of ice (c) same as the density of ice (d) none of the above 41. A metal ball immersed in alcohol weighs Wj at 0C and w2 at 50C. The co-efficient of cubical expansion of the metal is less than that of alcohol, assuming that the

* 45. As the figure shows, S j and S2 ^re spring balances. A block A is hanging from spring balance S) and immersed in a liquid L which is contained in a beaker B. The mass of a beaker B is 1 kg and mass of liquid L is 1.5 kg. The S j and S2 balances reads 2.5 kg and 7.5 kg respectively. What will be the readings of S j and S2 when block A is pulled up out of the liquid : (a) S j will read 5 kg and S 2 will read 5 kg (b) S j will read 7.5 kg and S2 will read 2.5 kg (c) S] will read 2.5 kg and S2 will read 7.5 kg (d) S j will read 10 kg and S 2 will read 2.5 kg 46. In a liquid of density o, a rectangular block of mass m and area of cross-section a, floats. If the block is given a small vertical displacement from equilibrium position, it starts oscillation with frequency /. Then : (a) / I (c) / m (b) fee a (d) foc v<r

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47. A liquid of density po is filled in a wide tank to a height h. A solid rod of length L, corss-section area A and density p is suspended freely in the tank. The lower end of the rod touches the base of the tank and h = (where q > 1). Then what should be angle of inclination of the rod with the horizontal in the equilibrium position (a) 6 = sin (c) 6 = sin

(c) Total energy per unit volume of the liquid is greater at A than that at B (d) Axis of pipe can be horizontal 52. For compressible fluid, continuity equation is : (a) PIAM = p2A2v2 (c) A1v1 = A2v2 (b) p2AIVI = PIA2V2 ~ (d)


(b) 6 = sin - 1 q (d) 0 = sin-1

48. In a steady incompressible flow of a liquid : (a) the speed does not change if the area of cross-section changes (b) the speed increases if the area of cross-section increases (c) the speed decreases if the area of cross-section increases (d) bubbles are produced when the area of the cross-section increases 49. Air is blown through a pipe AB at a rate -of 15 litre per minute. The cross-sectional area of the wide portion of the pipe AB is 2 cm and that of the narrow portion is 0.5 cm 2 .
(Pair = 1-3

53. A tube of flow is shown in the figure : (a) the fluid particles must be accelerated from A to B (b) fluid particles may accelerate from A to B (c) the fluid particles must be decelerated from A to B (d) the fluid particles may be decelerated from B to A 54. A pipe GB is fitted with two pipes C and D as shown in the figure. The pipe has area A = 24 m 2 at G and velocity of water at G is 10 m/s, and at C is 6 m/s. The velocity of water at D is : (a) 21 m/s (b) 3.3 m/s (c) 30 m/s (d) none of the above 55. Bernoulli's equation is applicable to points : (a) in a steadily flowing liquid (b) in a stream line (c) in a straight line perpendicular to a stream line (d) in any non-viscous liquid 56. Bernoulli's equation is based upon: (a) isochoric process (c) isothermal process (a) pressure difference (c) density of fluid (b) isobaric process (d) adiabatic process (b) amount of fluid (d) all the above

kg/m 3 )







(a) 16 mm (c) 10 mm

(b) 1.55 mm (d) 3.2 mm

50. Water from a tap emerges vertically downward with an initial speed of 1 m/s. The cross-sectional area of the tap is 1CT4 m 2 . Assume that the pressure is constant throughout the stream of water and that the flow is steady. The cross-sectional area of the stream 0.15 m below the tap is : (a) 5 x l O " 4 m 2 (c) 5.83 x 10~5 m 2 (b) l x l 0 ~ 5 m 2 (d) 2 x 10~5 m 2

57. The horizontal flow of fluid depends upon

58. In steady horizontal flow : (a) the pressure is greatest where the speed is least (b) the pressure is independent of speed (c) the pressure is least where the speed is least (d) (a) and (c) are correct 59. In a horizontal tube with area of cross-section A\ and A2 as shown in fig, liquid is flowing with velocities V\ and v2 respectively. The difference in the level of the liquid in the two vertical tubes is h. Then :

51. Through a non-uniform pipe, a non-viscous liquid is flowing from section A to B as shown in figure. Which of following is correct ? (a) Since, liquid is flowing from A to B, therefore, pressure at A is greater than at B (b) Velocity at B, than that at A greater

h i! ! J I



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Fluid Mechanics
65. The difference of square of speeds of fluid particles at two ends of the conical section of a pipe, if the radii of its ends are 0.1 m and 0.04 m and the pressure drops across its length is 10 N/m2, is: (The density of flowing fluid through the pipe is 1.25 x 103 kg/m 3 ) (a) 16 x 10 - 3 mJs (c) 4 x 10~3 m/s (b) 10" 3 m/s (d) none of these

(a) the volume of the liquid flowing through the tube in unit time is AfOi (b) v2 - vi = ^llgh J 7 (c) v2 - i>i - 2gh (d) the energy per unit mass of the liquid is the same in both sections of the tube 60. A-vessel is filled with water and kerosene oil. The vessel has a small hole in the bottom. Neglecting viscosity if the thickness of water layer is hi and kerosene layer is h2, then the velocity v of flow of water will b e : (density of water is pj g/cc and that of kerosene is p2 g/cc) (a) v = ^l2g(h1+h2) (b) v


2S hi + h:

P2 Pi

66. A pilot tube was inserted in a pipe to measure the velocity of water in it. If the water rises in the tube is 200 mm, the velocity of water is : (a) 9.8 m/s (b) 1.98 m/s (c) 19.6 m/s (d) 196 m/s 67. A cylindrical vessel is filled with water to a height H. A vessel has two small holes in the side, from which water is rushing out horizontally and the two streams strike the ground at the same point. If the lower hole Q is h height above the ground, then the height of hole P above the ground will be :

(c) V = V2g(hx Pi + h2 p2)

(d) v= V 2g hi + h2 P2

61. Mark correct option(s) : (a) two stream lines may cross each other (b) two stream lines must cross each other (c) two stream lines never cross each other (d) none of above

A non viscous liquid of constant density 500 kg/m flows in a variable cross-sectional tube. The area of crosssection of the tube at two points P and Q at heights of 3 m and 6 m are 2 x 10~3 m 3 and 4 x 10~3 m 3 lespectively. The work done per unit volume by the forces of gravity as the fluid flows from point P to Q, is: (a) 2ii (c) H-h (b) H/h (d) H/2


(a) 29.4 J/m3

(b) - 1.47 x 104 J/m3

68. A water tank standing on the floor has two small holes vertically one above the other punched on one side. The holes are hi cm and h2 cm above the floor. How high does water stand in the tank when the jets from the holes hit the floor at the same point ? (a) (h2-hi) (b) (h2 + hi) h2 (c) (hi-hf) (d) 69. A liquid having area of free surface 'A' has an orifice at a depth 'h' with an area 'a', below the liquid surface, then the velocity v of flow through the orifice is: (a) v = ^2gh (c) v ^ l g h 70. There is a wide tank of cross-section area A contain a liquid to a height H has a small orifice at its base of area 'a' (a<< A). The time during which liquid level falls to a height h = : (b) v = (d) v = <2gh

(c) - 2.94 x 104 J/m3 (d) none of these 63. Two identical cylindrical vessels with their bases at the same level each contains a liquid of density d. The height of the liquid in one vessel is hi and that in the other vessel is h2. The area of either base is A. The work done by gravity in equalizing the levels, when the two vessels are connected is : (a) (hi-h2)gd (b) (hi-h2)gAd (c) \ (hi-h2)gAd (d) l ( h - h 2 )gAd


64. Water flows along a horizontal pipe whose cross-section is not constant. The pressure is 1 cm of Hg where the velocity is 35 cm/s. At a point where the velocity is 65 cm/s, the pressure will be : (a) 0.89 cm of Hg (b) 8.9 cm J Hg (c) 0.5 cm of Hg (d) 1 cm of Hg

A -

: C

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(where r| > 1) (a) t-(b) t = (c) t = (d) f = - V H (a) 294 x 10 J N (c) 100 x 10" N 73. An isosceles triangle of base 3 m and altitude 6 m, is immersed vertically in water having its axis of symmetry horizontal as shown in the figure. If height of water on its axis is 9 m, the total thrust on the plate is : (a) 793.8 x l 0 J N (c) 500 x 10d N (b) 700 x 10 N (d) 300 x 10-3 N (b) 294 N (d) 400 x 10 J N


Tl -Lfvn-V^ T,


71. Water stands at a depth of 15 m behind a reservoir dam. A horizontal pipe 4 cm in diameter passes through the dam 6 m below the surface of water as shown. There is plug which secures the pipe opening. Then the friction between the plug and pipe wall is:

* 74. Two lock gates of 7.5 m height are provided in a canal of 16 m width meeting at A an angle of 120. The force acting on each gate, when the depth of water in 16m upstream side is 5 m, is : (a) 1000 kN (b) 1133 kN (c) 500 kN c (d) 400 kN * 75. A cylindrical buoy of 3 m diameter and 4 m long is weighing 150 kN when immersed in water. Then : (a) it may float vertically in water (b) it cannot float vertically in water (c) it must float vertically in water (d) (a) and (c) are correct

(a) 70 N (c) 74 N

(b) 79 N (d) 65 N

72. A rectangular plate 2 m x 3 m is immersed in water in such a way that its greatest and least depth are 6 m and 4 m respectively from the water surface. The total thrust on the plate is :

Answers Level-1 1.
11. (b) (a) 2. 12. (a) (a) 3. 13. (b) (c) 4. 14. (b) (b) 5. 15. (c) (a) 6. 16. (a) (b) 7. 17. (b) (b) 8. 18. (a) (a) 9. 19. (d) (c) 10. 20. (c) (a)

Level-2 1.
11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. (d) (b) (d) (c) (c) (a) (c) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. (b) (c) (a) (d) (a) (a) (b) (a) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. (b) (d) (a) (b) (c) (c) (d) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) (a) (a) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (a) (c) (b) (b) (b) (d) (a) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. (c) (a) (b) (b) (d) (c) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. (b) (b) (b) (d) (a) (a) (c) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) (a) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. (b) (b) (b) (a) (b) (c) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. (b) (c) (b) (a) (c) (b) (d)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Some Mechanical Properties of Matter
Syllabus: Interatomic and intermodular forces, states of matter, elastic properties, Hooke's law, Young's modulus of elasticity, Bidk modulus of rigidity, Forces of cohesion and adhesion, surface energy and surface tension, viscosity. Stoke's law, terminal velocity.

Review of Concepts
1. Definition of elasticity : The property of a material by virtue of which it resists strain when deforming forces are applied on it and recovers from strain, when deforming forces are removed, is called elasticity of that material: (a) If the body regains its original shape and size completely after the removal of deforming forces then the body is said to be perfectly elastic. (b) If the body does not recover its original shape and size, the body is said to be perfectly plastic. 2. Stress: The restoring force setup inside the body per unit area is known as stress. Restoring force : If the magnitude of applied deforming force at equilibrium = F then, Stress = A

(ii) If the change in volume is occurred, the strain is called volumetric strain. AV Volumetric strain = -rr-

(iii) Generally, if the change in shape is occurred, the strain is called shearing strain or shear.

In SI system, unit of stress is N/m . (a) When the stress is applied normal to a surface, then it is known as normal stress. (b) When the stress is applied tangentially to a surface, then it is called tangential or shearing stress. Both stress and pressure are defined as force even then they differ from each other due to following reasons : (i) Pressure is scalar but stress is tensor quantity. (ii) Pressure always acts normal to the surface, but stress may be normal or tangential. (iii) Pressure is compressive in nature but stress may be compressive or tensile. 3. Strain : When the size or shape of a body is changed under an external force, the body is said to be strained. The change occurred in the unit size of the body is called strain. Change in dimension Original dimension (a) It has no dimension as it is a pure number. (b) (i) If the change in length is occurred, the strain is called linear strain or longitudinal strain.
L I l~F T . ,. , strain. = A L Logitudinal

Shearing strain = 0 4. Stress-strain graph : From graph, it is obvious that in elastic limit, stress is proportional to strain. This is known as Hooke's law.
A Breaking T strength co
8 Elastic limit


Stress j.

Strain Stress Strain

Stress = E x strain

where E is proportionality dimensional constant known as coefficient of elasticity.

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Nitin M Sir ( 212.

5. Types of coefficient of elasticity : (a) Young's modulus = Y = ^ ^ t r e s s Longitudinal strain Y =(b) Bulk modulus = B Volumetric stress Volumetric strain Compressibility = 1 B (a) F _ FL AL'AAL ^ ^

Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

(c) Relation among some elastic Constants viz., Y, B, q and CT. (i) Y = 2q (1 + ct) (ii) Y = 3 B ( 1 - 2 c t ) 36-2" 9Bq (iii) Y = (iv)CT= v ' 3B+q 6B + 2q (d) When temperature increases, coefficients of elasticity (Y, B, q) decrease. (e) Gases have two Bulk moduli, (i) Isothermal elasticity E 0 = P (ii) Adiabatic elasticity E^ = yP 8. Surface tension: Here L = length of imaginary line drawn at the surface of liquid, and F = force acting on one side of line (shown in figure) (a) Surface tension does not depend upon surface area. (b) When temperature increases, surface tension decreases. (c) At critical temperature surface tension is zero. 9. Rise or fall of a liquid in a capillary tube, , 2T cos 0 h= rpg Here : 0 = angle of contact r = radius of capillary tube p = density of liquid For a given liquid and solid at a given place, hr = constant. 10. Surface energy density is defined as work done against surface tension per unit area. It is numerically equal to surface tension. W = work = surface tension x area (a) For a drop of radius R, W=4nR2T (b) For a soap bubble, W = 8nR2T 11. Excess pressure : (a) For drop, P = 2 T R 4T (b) For soap bubble, P = R 12. Viscosity: (a) Newton's law of viscous force : F = -qA dv where = velocity gradient A = area of liquid layer q = coefficient of viscosity The unit of coefficient of viscosity in CGS is poise. (b) SI unit of coefficient of viscosity = poiseuille = 10 poise. (c) In the case of liquid, viscosity increases with density. (d) In the case of gas, viscosity decreases with density. (e) In the case of liquid, when temperature increases, viscosity decreases. dv dy


(c) Modulus of rigidity p ~11 = Shearing sLess ~ Shearing strain

6. Poisson's ratio: The ratio of the lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is constant for a given material. This constant is called as Poisson's ratio which is denoted by a. Poisson's ratio = o = Lateral strain Longitudinal strain

iR AR^ R A L) L

(a) CT has no units and dimensions. (b) Theoretically, (c) Practically -1 <a < 0 <a <

7. Work done or Potential energy stored in a stretched wire : When a wire is stretched work is done against the interatomic forces. This work is stored in the wire in the form of elastic potential energy. Elastic energy stored, 1 1 1 ? U = - x load x extension = - Fx = - far 2 2 2 For twisting motion, 1 1 1 > U = - x torque x angular twist = - T X 0 = - C 0 Elastic energy density, 1 1 U = -^x stress x strain J/m3 = - Y x strain 2 J/m3 2 Some important points regarding elasticity : (a) Greater is the modulus of elasticity, the material is more elastic. (b) ^solid > ^liquid > ^gas (v F = kx)

= stress x strain x volume

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213. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

(f) In the case of gas, when temperature increases, viscosity increases. Pur* 8 x\L where V = the volume of liquid flowing per second through a capillary tube of length L and radius r r| = coefficient of viscosity and P = pressure difference between ends of the tube 14. Stoke's law: The viscous force acting on a spherical body moving with constant velocity v in a viscous liquid is F = 6nr\rv where r = radius of spherical body 13. Poiseuille's equation V = 2^(p-a)g 15. Determination of T): T = | 9v where r = radius of spherical body moving with constant velocity v in a viscous liquid of coefficient of viscosity T| and density p and a = density of spherical body 16. Critical velocity (i>0) M v0 = pr where k = Reynold's number, for narrow tube, k ~ 1000. (a) For stream line njotion, flow of velocity v < vq. (b) For turbulant motion, flow of velocity v > VQ.


Questions. Level-1
8. A cable that can support a load of 800 N is cut into two equal parts. The maximum load that can be supported by either part is : (a) 100 N (b) 400 N (c) 800 N (d) 1600 N

1. A one metre long steel wire of cross-sectional area 1 mm 2 is extended by 1 mm. If Y = 2 x 1 0 u N n f 2 , then the work done is : (a) 0.1 J (b) 0.2 J (c) 0.3 J (d) 0.4 J 2. A long rod of radius 1 cm and length 2 m which is fixed at one end is given a twist of 0.8 radian. The shear strain developed will be : (a) 0.002 (b) 0.004 (c) 0.008 (d) 0.016 3. Two wires of the same material and length are stretched by the same force. Their masses are in the ratio 3 : 2, their elongations are in the ratio : (a) 3 : 2 (b) 9 : 4 (c) 2 : 3 (d) 4 : 9 4. A long wire hangs vertically with its upper end clamped. A torque of 8 Nm applied to the free end twisted it through 45, the potential energy of the twisted wire is :
(a) 7i joule

The breaking stress of wire of length I and radius r is 5 kg wt m - 2 . The length and radius of wire are doubled, the breaking stress in kg wt m~2 is: (a) 5 (c) 20 (b) 10 (d) 80

10. The Young's modulus and Bulk modulus of elastic

material is 7 x 10 10 Nm - 2 and 11 x 10 10 Nm - 2 respectively then the Poisson's ratio of the material is : (a) 0.12 (b) 0.24 (c) 0.31 (d) 0.39 H- When a weight of 5 kg is suspended from a copper wire of length 30 m and radius 0.5 mm, the length of the wire increases by 2.4 cm. If the radius is doubled, the extension produced is: (a) 1.2 cm (b) 0.6 cm .(c) 0.3 cm (d) 0.15 cm 12. A cylindrical rod has breaking stress of 106 Nm - 2 . The maximum possible height of the rod is 5 m. The density of material of the rod is : (taken g = 10 m/s ) (a) 103 kg m" 3 (c) 2 x 104 kg m - 3

(b) - j o u l e (d) | joule

(c) | joule

5. Theoretically the value of Poisson's ratio C lies between : (a) O c c c l (b) - 1 < c < 0 . 5 (c) 0 . 2 < o < 0 . 4 (d) - 1 <<T< 1 6. When a rubber cord is stretched, the change in volume with respect to change in its linear dimension is negligible, the Poisson's ratio for rubber is : (a) 1 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.75 7. A uniform rod suffers a longitudinal strain of 2 x 10 -3 . The Poisson's ratio of the material of the rod is 0.50. The percentage change in volume is : (a) zero (b) 0.1 (c) 0.2 (d) 0.6

(b) 104 kg m~3 (d) l k g m --3

The pressure applied from all directions on a cube is P. How much its temperature should be raised to maintain the original volume ? The volume elasticity of the cube is B and the coefficient of volume expansion is y: (b) (0 Y Py T yB


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 214. Level-2

1. The dimensions of Potsson's ratio is : (a) [MLT 0 ] (b) [ML _ 1 T~ 2 ] (c) [ M ^ T " 4 ] (d) [ML 2 T" 3 ]

Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

8. Three blocks system is shown in the figure. Each has

mass 3 kg. String connected to P and Q are of equal cross-section and Young's modulus of 0.005 cm 11 9 2 x 10 N/m respectively, neglect friction. longitudinal strain in A and B are : A and The

2. One end of a wire 2 m long and diameter 2 mm, is fixed in a ceiling. A naughty boy of mass 10 kg jumps to catch the free end and stays there. The change in length of wire is : (Take g = 10 m/s2, Y = 2 x 10 11 N/m2) (a) 31.84 x l 0 " 5 m (c) 3 mm (b) 2 mm (d) 4 m

3. In above problem, if Poisson's ratio is a = 0.1, the change in diameter i s : (a) 3.184 x l O " 5 m (c) 3.184 x 10~8 m (b) 31.84x 10" 5 m (d) 31.84 x 10" 8 m (a) 2.5 x l O - 4 , 1 x 1 0 " 4 (c) 0.2 x 10" 4 , 2 x 1 0 " 4 In the previous 9. problem, the elastic potential energy stored per unit volume in wire connecting blocks P in steady state i s : (Take g = 10 m/s2) (b) 1 x 10" 4 , 2 x 10" 4 (d) none of these

4. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are connected by a metal wire shown in figure. A force of 10 N is applied on the body of mass 2 kg. The breaking stress of metal wire is 2 x 10 9 N/m2. What should be F=10N 1kg 2kg minimum radius of the wire used, if it is Smooth surface not to break ? (b) 4 X 10~4 m (a) 0.23 x 10~4 m 4 m (c) 5 x 10~ (d) 5.2 x 10 m 5. Two wires, one made of copper and other of steel are joined end to end. (as shown in figure). The area of cross-section of copper wire is twice that of steel wire.
Copper Steel IK-F

A .

(a) 500 J/m (b) 1000 J/m3 3 (c) 2000 J/m (d) 3000 J/m One end of a steel wire is fixed to 10. ceiling of an elevator moving up with an acceleration 2 m/s2 and a load of 10 kg hangs from other end. Area of cross-section of the wire is 2 cm . The longitudinal strain in the 2 and wire is : (Take g = 10 m/s Y = 2 x 1 0 u N/mz) (a) 4 xlO 1 1 (c) 8 x l O - 6 (b) 3 x l O " 6 (d) 2 x l O " 6

i i a 0 =2m/s 2

They are placed under compressive force of magnitudes F. The ratio of their lengths such that change in lengths of both wires are same i s : Yc = 1.1 xlO 1 1 N/m2) (a) 2.1 (c) 1.2 (b) 1.1 (d) 2 (Yg = 2 x 10 11 N/m2 and

11. Equal weights are suspended from two wires of the same

6. The total elongation of the bar, if the bar is subjected to axial forces as shown in figure and the cross-sectional area of bar is 10 cm 2 , is : (Take = 8 x 10 2 dyne/cm2)
A 5tf B I^3t C -J It -120cmD |>1t



metal one of these wire is of length 2 m and diameter 1 mm, while the other is of length 1 m and diameter 0.5 mm. Then: (a) first wire has greater extension (b) second wire has greater extension (c) both wire have the same extension (d) extension in both wires are zero
12. Two wires one of copper and other of steel having same

(a) 0.01 cm (c) 0.0675 cm

(b) 0.5 cm (d) 0.775 cm

7. When tension in a metal wire is Tj, its length was l\ and when tension is T 2 , the length is Z2. Its unstretched length is: (a). (c) CIT2-/2T:) T,-Ti (b) (d) h + h hTi + Tih Ti+T,

cross-sectional area and lengths 1.0 m and 0.5 m respectively, are fastened end to end and stretched by a load M. If copper wire is stretched by 1 mm, the total extension of the combined wire is : (Given: Young's modulii are Y c o p p e r = 1 x 10 11 N/m2, and Vsteel= 2 x 1 0 1 1 (a) 0.125 cm (c) 0.120 cm

(b) 0.2 cm (d) 0.25 cm

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Nitin M Sir ( 215. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

13. Two bodies of masses 1 kg and 2 kg are connected by a steel wire of crosssection 2 cm 2 going over a smooth pulley (as shown in figure). The longitudinal strain in the wire is: (Take g = 10 m/s2, Y = 2 x 10 11 N/m2) (a) 3.3 x 10~7 (c) 2 x 10 - 6 (b) 3.3x10' n-6 (d) 4 x 1 0 " 19. The velocity of projection of a missile of mass 5 g, when a rubber cord is stretched to 12 cm and then released to project the missile, is: (Given: Area of cross-section of cord = 1 mm 2 , total unstretched length =10 cm, Young's modulus of rubber = 5 x 108 N/m2) (a) 20 m/s (b) 25 m/s (c) 22 m/s (d) 18 m/s 20. When does an elastic metal rod change its length ? (a) If it fall vertically under its weight (b) If it is pulled along its length by a force acting at one end (c) If it is rotated about an axis at one end (d) If it slides on a smooth surface 21. On what factor should the coefficient of restitution depend when two bodies having masses m and M (m < M) collide with each other ? (a) Coefficient of restitution depends upon Young's modulus of elasticity of heavier body only (b) Coefficient of restitution depends upon Young's modulus of elasticity of lighter body only (c) Coefficient of restitution depends upon Young's modulus of elasticity of both the bodies (d) Coefficient of restitution depends upon Nature of collision (wheather it is head on or oblique) 22. If a metal wire of length L, having area of cross-section A and Young's modulus Y, behaves as a spring of spring constant k. The value of k is : YA YA (b) (a) 2L L YL 2 YA (d) (c) A L 23. Two identical springs of steel and copper are equally stretched. VV4 and Wg represent works for steel and copper. Then: (a) WA>WB (c) WA = WB

14. A body of mass 1 kg is fastened to one end of a steel wire of cross-sectional area 3 x 10 - 6 m 2 and is rotated in horizontal circle of radius 20 cm with a constant speed 2 m/s. The elongation of the wire is : (Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2) (a) 0.33 x 10~5 m (c) 2 x 10~5 m (b) 0 . 6 7 x l 0 ~ 5 m (d) 4 x 10 - 5 m

15. A body of mass m = 10 kg is attached to a wire of length 0.3 m. The maximum angular velocity with which it can be rotated in a horizontal circle is: (Breaking stress of 7 9 wire =4.8 x 10 N/m and area of cross-section of a wire = 10 - 6 m 2 ) (a) 4 rad/s (b) 8 rad/s (c) 1 rad/s (d) 2 rad/s 16. Two equal parts of a cable are joined together. The maximum load that can be supported by either part is w. Then the maximum load that can be supported by the cable after joining is : (a) wl2 (b) wl3 (c) wl4 (d) w 17. From the ceiling, a light rod of length 200 cm is suspended horizontally Steel Brass wire 200cm wire with the help of two vertical wires of equal length as shown in figure. If one wire is made of brass and have crosssectional area 0.2 cm 2 and other of steel of 0.1 cm 2 of cross-sectional area, then at what distance along rod a weight may be hung to produce equal stress in both the wires ?



(d) W A > W B

(a) m from steel wire (b) m from brass wire (c) 1 m from steel wire 1 (d) m from brass wire

In the figure three identical springs x ^ ^ ^ x ^ x x v x are shown. From spring A, a mass o of 4 kg is hung and spring shows o A elongation of 1 cm. But when a o weight of 6 kg is hung on B, the Hook's descends: o o (a) 1 cm O B o (b) 2 cm o JL (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm

18. If a conical wire is stretched by two forces F applied parallel to its length and in opposite direction, normal to end faces. The length of wire is L and its end radius are rj and r2- Find out the extension produced: (Given: Y = Young's modulus of wire) (a) - 4 " 7tr2Y FL (c) nr^Y (b) (d) K rjY FLY 7t rjr 2

25. A system consists of two springs and a mass xsssxs^ m = 1 kg as shown in figure. If mass m is displaced slightly along vertical and released. The system oscillates with a period of 2 sec. Then the spring constant k is: (a)

(b) (d)

7T 6 ^


(c) it 8

/ / / / / / /

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Nitin M Sir ( 141. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

26. Which of following graphs satisfies the Hooke's law under elastic limit ? 35. The stress for one litre of a perfect gas, at a pressure of 72 cm of Hg, when it is compressed isothermally to a volume of 900 cc, is : (a) 9.88 xlO 3 N/m2 (c) 1.088 x 103 N/m2 (b) 10.88 x 103 N/m2 (d) 2 xlO 3 N/m2 36. The force needed to punch a hole in shape of square of edge length 2 cm in a steel sheet 2 mm thick, is : (Given: Shearing stress = 3.5 x 108 N/m2) (a) 5.6 x 103 N (b) 6.2 x 104 N
> Ext.


(c) 5.6 x 104 N (d) 7.6 x 10 4 N 37. If the shear modulus of 5.9 x 10 n dyne/cm2 then the potential energy of a v/ire of 4 x 10~3 cm in diameter and 5 cm long twisted through an angle of 10', is: (a) 1.253 x l O " 1 2 J
12 i (c) 1.00 x lO--1^ J

27. Elongation-load graph within elastic limit i? shown in figure of three wires A, B and C made of same material and of same length. The thickest wire is : (a) A (b) B (c) C Elongation (d) none of the above 28. What will happen if a metal wire is stretched a little beyond its elastic limit (or yield point) and released ? (a) It loses its elastic property completely (b) It does not contract (c) It contracts, but its final length will be greater than its initial length (d) It contracts only up to its length at the elastic limit 29. The linear strain in x, y and z-directions are ex, ey and ez respectively. Then the volumetric strain is given by : (a) exeyez (b) ex + ey + ez (c) e er + e v (d) ez = -

(b) 2 x 10~12 J (d) 0.8 x 10~12 J

38. Two cylinders of same material and of same length are joined end to end as shown in figure. The upper end of A is rigidly fixed. Their radii are in ratio of 1 : 2 respectively. If the lower end of B is twisted by an angle 8, the angle of twist of cylinder A is :

<> i f 9 (Ojfe

d <> ii6

39. What happen to the elastic property of a substance after annealing (cooling slowly after heating) ? (a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remain as such (d) Becomes zero 40. The curve in figure represents potential energy (U) in between two atoms in a diatomic molecule as a function of distance 'x' between atoms. The atoms are :

30. Young's modulus is defined for : (a) solid (b) liquid (c) gas (d) all of these 31. The bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is : (a) (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2 32. The value of modulus of rigidity for liquids is : (a) ~ (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 2 33. If for a material, Y and B are Young's modulus and Bulk modulus then : (a) Y < 3B (b) Y = 3B (c) Y > 3B (d) 3Y = B 34. When a sphere is taken to bottom of sea 1 km deep, it contracts by 0.01%. The bulk modulus of elasticity of the material of sphere is: (Given: Density of water = 1 g/cm ) (a) 9.8 xlO 1 0 N/m2 (c) 0.98 x 10 10 N/m2 (b) 10.2 x 10 10 N/m2 (d) 8.4 xlO 1 0 N/m2


y A\

I ii\ iB

C i

(a) attracted when x lies between 'A' and 'B' and repelled when x lies between B and C (b) attracted when x lies between B and C and repelled when x lies between A and B (c) attracted when they reach B (d) repelled when they reach B 41. Surface tension of liquid : (a) rises with rise in temperature (b) fall with rise in temperature (c) is independent of temperature (d) none of the above

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Nitin M Sir ( 217. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

42. A capillary tube of area of cross-section A is dipped in water vertically. The amount of heat evolved as the water rises in the capillary tube up to height h is : (The density of water is p) (a) Apgh2 (b) Aghzp (d) none of these 48. The work done by a boy in making a soap bubble of diameter 1.4 cm by blowing, if the surface tension of soap solution is 0.03 N/m, i s : (a) 3 x 10 - 5 J "(c) 2 x 10~5 J (b) 3.696 x 10~5 J (d) 4.2 x 10~5 J

(c) 2Agh p

49. A drop of radius r is broken into n equal drops. The work done if surface tension of water is T, is :
(a) 4MR2nT (b) 4KR2T (N*3 - 1)

43. In an experiment a capillary tube is kept vertical, then water rises up in the tube up to 3 mm height. When the tube is tilted at an angle of 60 with vertical, what should be the height of water rise ? (a) 6 mm (c) 3 mm (b) 4 mm (d) None of these

(c) 4jcR2T (n1/3 - 1)

(d) none of these

44. The rise of water in a capillary tube when kept vertical in water whose radii is l/4th of that capillary tube which when kept, vertical water rise in it upto a height of 3 mm, is : (a) 12 mm (b) 10 mm (c) 4 mm (d) 3 mm 45. The heat evolved for the rise of water when one end of the capillary tube of radius r is immersed vertically into water, is : (Assume surface tension = T and density of water to be p) (a) (c) 2kT PS TjzT ... (b) nT2 PS

50. What will happen if n drops of a liquid each has surface energy E, combine to form a single drop ? (a) No energy will be released in the process (b) Some energy will be absorbed in the process 2/3 (c) Energy released or absorbed will be E (n - n ) (d) Energy released or absorbed will be NE

- 1)

51. If a bigger drop of liquid at temperature t, breaks up into number of small droplets, then what is temperature of the droplets ? (Assume bigger drop is isolated from its surroundings) (a) Equal to t (b) Greater than t (c) Less than t (d) Either (a), (b), (c) depending on surface tension of liquid 52. The excess pressure inside a soap bubble of radius 4 cm is 30 dyne/cm . The surface tension is : (a) 30 dyne/cm (b) 20 dyne/cm (c) 40 dyne/cm (d) 80 dyne/cm 53. The work done against surface tension in formation of a drop of mercury of radius 4 cm is : (surface tension for mercury = 465 dyne/cm) (a) 9.34 x l O - 3 J (b) 1 0 x l 0 ~ 2 J (c) 4 x 10 - 3 J (d) 466 J 54. The energy required to increase the radius of a soap bubble from 1 cm to 2 cm i s : (The surface tension is 30 dyne/cm)
(a) 240TI erg (b) 720K erg

(d) none of these PS 46. Two parallel glass plates having separation 'd' are dipped in water. Some water rise up in the gap between the plates. The surface tension of water is S, atmospheric pressure = PQ, pressure of water just below the water surface in the region between the plates is P, find the relation between them:

(c) 48071 erg

(d) none of these

55. A film of a liquid is held on a circular ring of radius r. If the surface tension of the liquid is T, the surface energy of liquid is: (a) (a) P = P


(b) 2 n ? T (d) none of these


(c) P = P o - f

2S (b) P = P 0 + d AS (d) P = P 0 +

(c) 4nt^T

56. The common radius of curvature V , when two soap bubbles with radii r-y and r2 (?\ > r2) come in contact, is: (a) r = (c) r = r i+r2 2 r,r2 (b) r = L i r

47. In a liquid there is air bubble of radius 1 mm at a depth 10 cm below the free space. The surface tension of liquid is 0.075 N/m and density is 1000 kg/m 3 . By what amount is the pressure inside the bubble greater than the atmospheric pressure ? (a) 1130 pascal (b) 1200 pascal (c) 1100 pascal (d) 1000 pascal

\ ~

n + r2


(d) r = y[r\r2

57. Water is flowing in a river. If the velocity of a layer at a distance 10 cm from the bottom is 20 cm/s, the velocity of layer at a height of 40 cm from the bottom is : (a) 10 m/s (b) 20 cm/s (c) 30 cm/s (d) 80 cm/s

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Nitin M Sir ( 218.

58. A horizontal plate (10 cm x 10 cm) moves on a layer of oil of thickness 4 mm with constant speed of 10 cm/s. The coefficient of viscosity of oil is 4 poise. The tangential force applied on the plate to maintain the constant speed of the plate is : (a) 103 dyne (c) 105 dyne (b) 104 dyne (d) none of these

Some Mechanical Properties of Matter

terminal velocity of big drop is : (a) 16 cm/s (b) 32 cm/s (c) 64 cm/s (d) none of these 62. At 20C, to attain the terminal velocity how fast will an aluminium sphere of radii 1 mm fall through water ? [Assume flow to be laminar flow and specific gravity (Al) = 2.7, qwater = 8 x 1 0 - 4 Pa] (a) 5 m/s (c) 4 m/s 63. The journey of a small spherical solid ball dropped in a viscous liquid is best described by: (a) curve A (b) curve B (c) curve C (d) curve D (b) 4.7 m/s (d) 2 m/s

59. A liquid is flowing through a narrow tube. The coefficient of viscosity of liquid is 0.1308 poise. The length and inner radius of tube are 50 cm and 1 mm o respectively. The rate of flow of liquid is 360 cm /min. The pressure difference between ends of tube is: (a) 106 dyne/cm2 (b) 104 dyne/cm2 (c) 10 dyne/cm2 (d) none of these 60. The terminal velocity of solid sphere of radius 0.1 m moving in air in vertically downward direction, is: (q = 1.8 x 10 - 5 Ns/m2, density of sphere = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 10 m/s2) (a) 2 x l O 5 m/s (c) 4 x 102 cm/s (b) 1.2xlO 8 cm/s (d) none of these

x Distance

64. The speed of flow of water through a long cylindrical pipe of diameter 2 cm so that flow become turbulent, is : (Assume at temperature of 20C, viscosity q = 1 x 10~3 Pa. second, Reynold number = 3000) (a) 1.5 m/s (b) 0.15 m/s (c) 2 m/s (d) 1 m/s

61. Eight equal drops of water each of radius r = 2 mm are falling through air with a terminal velocity of 16 cm/s. The eight drops combine to form a big drop. The

Answers. Level-1
1. 11. (a) (b) 2. 12. (b) (c) 3. 13. (c) (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d)

1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (b) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (b) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. (b) (a) (d) (b) (c) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. (c) (d) (a) (c) (a) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. (b) (c) (c) (c) (b) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. (b) (a) (b) (b) (c) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. (b) (b) (a) (b) (c) (b)

Solutions. Level-1
F= YA AL 1 YAAL2 = 2 L 2 x 10 1 1 x 10~* x 10" 6 2x1 = 0.1 J 3. or Again m-Al p Al Y= FL A AL A or m<x A J_

... , , lrAT Work done = -FAL

m Al, m2 2 Al2 ~ mx ~ 3

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Motion and Waves on String
Syllabus: Wave motion, speed of a wave, transverse wave, superposition of waves, progressive and standing waves, vibration of string.

Review of Concepts
1. Wave : It is a process by which transfer of energy and momentum take place from one portion of medium to another portion of medium. (a) If a wave reaches at a point, then the particle of that point starts to oscillate. The presence of a wave at a point is caused by disturbance at that point. The disturbance consists of momentum and energy. (b) Wave function: Any function of space and time cPy l &y which obeys ^ = - represents a wave. a*2 c2 dt2 Mathematically, y = f(x, t) Remember that wave function should be continuous, single valued, harmonic and finite. 2. Travelling or progressive wave : Any wave equation which is in the form of y = /((of kx) represents a progressive wave. (a) If the sign of f and x are opposite, wave is propagating along positive x-axis. (b) If the sign of f and x are same, then wave is propagating in negative x-direction. (c) Wave speed, c = (d) If a t - k x - phase = constant, then the shape of wave remains constant. dy (e) Particle velocity, uparticle = dy (f) Slope = 1 (g) For a wave, particle = ~ c (Slope). (h) For a given f, y-x graph gives the shape of pulse or string. 3. Plane harmonic progressive or travelling wave : For progressive wave, y = /(cof kx). If the function '/' is sine or cosine function, then the wave is harmonic progressive wave. (a) The equation of plane harmonic progressive wave moving along positive x-axis is y = A sin (cof - kx) y = A sin (cof - kx + <> () (In general) (b) The equation of plane harmonic progressive wave moving along negative axis is y = A sin (cof + kx) In general, y = A sin (cof + kx + <}>) (c) Different form of plane harmonic progressive wave :
/ \

y = A sin co

y = A cos co f - " c

y = A sin (cof - kx), y = A sin (cof + kx), ft x y = A sin 2n - v y = A sin k (ct - x),

y = A cos (cof - kx) y = A cos (cof + kx) A y = A cos o ft - ;2n V y = A cos k (ct - x)

y = A cos k (ct + x) y=Asink (ct + x), 4. Speed of transverse wave : X pA where, T = force of tension (X = linear density = mass per unit length p = volume density 5. Stationary or standing wave : The superposition of two identical waves travelling in opposite direction along the same line is known as stationary wave. If two waves yi = a sin (cof - kx) and y 2 = a sin (cof + fcx) These two waves form stationary wave. Then y = y\ + y2 = 2a cos kx sin cot Some important points regarding standing or stationary waves : (a) Every particle of the medium vibrates in SHM manner but amplitude depends on position, i.e., A = 2A cos fcx. (b) The point of medium with zero amplitude is a point of node and the point of medium with maximum amplitude (i.e., A m a x = 2a) is a point of antinode. (c) The particle of medium at node remains permanently at rest. Also nodes divide the medium into loops. All particles of a medium lying in a loop (node to node) vibrate in same phase having different amplitude. (d) Total energy of a loop remains constant. (e) At node displacement is zero but pressure is maximum. (f) At antinode, displacement is maximum but pressure is minimum. (g) The equation of stationary wave for a string fixed at one end is y = 2a sin kx cos cof

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Wave Motion and Waves on String

For a given time f, the y-x graph gives the shape of string. (ii) The distance between two successive nodes or the distance between two successive antinodes is A/2. (iii) The distance between nearest node and antinode is m. (h) The equation of stationary wave on a string fixed at one end is y = 2a sin kx cos cof 6. Mode of vibration of string fixed at both ends: (a) The frequency of vibration is (c) Characteristics of different harmonics and overtones : s. No. 1. 2. 3. Harmonic 1st Ilnd Illrd Mode Fundamental 1st overtone Ilnd overtone Number of loops 1 2 3 Number of nodes 2 3 4 Number of antinodes 1 2 3 Frequency tii = n n2 = 2n n3=3 Wavelength 21 1 21 2 21 3 21 V (i) fn " 2 1

A Ratio of harmonics produced = 1 : 2 : 3 where, I = length of string T = tension in string p = linear mass density, (b) If the strings vibrates in p loops, pth harmonic is produced then frequency of pth harmonic is fv

p VfT



( p - l)th overtone

(P + l )

np = pn

Some important points about vibration of string: (i) If string is in resonance with a source, then any one of its natural frequencies coincides with that of the source. (ii) If a string is vibrating in nth mode of vibration, then (a) number of harmonics = n. (b) fn = hf, where / is frequency of first or fundamental mode of vibration. (c) the number of loops = n. (d) the number of antinodes = n. (e) the number of nodes = n + 1. (f) the number of overtones = n - 1. But at n = 1, overtones is fundamental. (iii) If the vibration takes place in a composite string formed by joining two strings of different lengths, cross-section and densities but having same tension throughout the string, then the common frequency of vibration is
/O = " L / L = " 2 / 2

frequencies. (v) The meaning of octave is 2, e.g., if f2 is wth octave higher than /1( then /2 = 2"/, 7. The P = ^pA 2 co 2 c. 8. The intensity of wave is / = ^ pco2 A2c 9. The amplitude of reflected wave is amplitude of transmitted wave is At = A{ f 2c2
CJ + C 2







CJ + C 2

Aj and the


Here, Aj = amplitude of incident wave in first medium cj = speed of wave in first medium c 2 = speed of wave in second medium 10. Melde's law : p ^ T = constant

Here, /j = fundamental frequency for first string /2 = fundamental frequency for second string (iv)The meaning of interval is the ratio of two


Questions. Level-1
2. The speed of wave of time period T and propagation constant k is: 2tt Tk ^ (a) Tk W 2x T

1. A transverse wave consists of : (a) only crest. (b) only trough (c) both crest and trough (d) rarefactions and compressions

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3. The equation of a travelling wave is y = 60 cos (18001 - 6x) where y is in microns, t in seconds and x in metres. The ratio of maximum particle velocity to velocity of wave propagation is : (a) 3.6 x 10~ n (c) 3.6xlO" 4 (b) 3.6 x l O - 6 (d) 3.6 (a) 15 cm (c) 7.5 cm

Wave Motion and Waves on String 226

(b) 30 cm (d) none of these


4. The phase difference between the prongs of a tuning fork is : (a) n (b) 3n (c) 2n (d) none of these f \ n 5. I f * i = f l s x n I co t+~ and x2 = a cos cof, the phase difference 6 between waves is:
< \

In the case of standing wave, constructive interference is formed at: (a) node (b) antinode (c) either node or antinode (d) none of the above

(a) 3 i \^ (c)


(d> *

12. A string of length 2 m fixed between two supports vibrates in two loops. The distance between node and antinode is: (a) 50 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 100 cm (d) 200 cm 13. Standing waves are produced in a 10 m long stretched string. If the string vibrates in 5 segments and the wave velocity is 20 ms - 1 then the frequency is : (a) 2 Hz (b) 4 Hz (c) 5 Hz (d) 10 Hz A note has a frequency 200 Hz. The frequency of a note 3 octaves higher than it is : (a) 200 Hz (b) 600 Hz (c) 1600 Hz (d) 1200 Hz A pulse or a wave train trands along a stretched string and reaches the fixed end of the string. It will be reflected back with: (a) the same phase as the incident pulse but with velocity reversed (b) a phase change of 180 with no reversal of velocity (c) the same phase as the incident pulse with no reversal of velocity (d) a phase change of 180 with velocity reversed.
16. The number

6. Figure shows the shape of string, which pairs of points are in opposite phase ! A



(a) A and B (c) C and E

(b) B and C (d) none of these

The phase change between incident and reflected sound wave from a fixed wall is : (a) 0 (b) K (c) 371 (d)f

8. Which of following represents the equation of standing wave ? (a) a cos cof sin kx (b) a cos kx cos cof (c) a sin kx sin cof (d) all of these 9. For the standing wave y = 2 sin cos 96 Ttf, where x and

of waves each of wavelength 10 cm produced in string of 100 cm length, is : (a) 1 (b) 10 (c) 20 (d) 30 The example of forced vibration is : (a) resonance (b) beats (c) interference (d) diffraction


y are in cm and f is in second, the amplitude at node is : (a) zero (b) 2 cm (c) 4 cm (d) none of these 10. In previous problem, the minimum distance between node and antinode is :

18. Coherent sources are characterized by the same : (a) phase and phase velocity (b) wavelength, amplitude and phase velocity (c) wavelength, amplitude and frequency (d) wavelength and phase

1. Which of the following cannot represent a travelling wave ? (a) y = a cos (cof + kx) (b) y = a cos (ax + bt) (c)

equation of wave is: (a) y =f(x + ct) (c) y = f(cx + f)

(b) y =f(x - ct) (d) none of these

= Asm(x-vt)

(d) y=f(x2-vt2)

3. A wave pulse is propagating with speed c towards positive x-axis. The shape of pulse at f = 0, is y = ae~xib where a and b are constant. The equation of wave i s :

2. A wave pulse in the shape of y =/(x) at f = 0 is moving along positive x-axis with a constant speed c. The

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Motion and Waves on String
_{x-ct ct + x

11. If wave y = A cos (cof + kx) is moving along x-axis, the shape of pulse at t - 0 and f = 2 s : (a) are different (b) are same (c) may not be same (d) none of these 12. At any instant a wave travelling along the string is shown in fig. Here, point 'A' is moving upward. Which of the following statements is true ?

(a) ae (c) ae" -ct

(b) ae b

(d) none of these 4. A wave propagates on a string in positive x-direction with a speed of 40 cm/s. The shape of string at f = 2 s is x y = 10 cos ' where x and y are in centimetre. The wave equation is: (a) y = 10 cos (c) y = 10cos I8


(b) y = 10 sin

- 8f

- 8 f + 16 (d) y = 10 sin - - 8f + 1 6 (a) The wave is travelling to. the right (b) The displacement amplitude of wave is equal to displacement of B at this instant (c) At this instant 'C' also directed upward. (d) None of these 13. In the given figure :

5. A travelling wave is propagating along negative x-axis through a stretched string. The displacement of a particle of the string at x = 0 is y = a cos at. The speed of wave is c. The wave equation is : (a) y = a cos cot (b) y = 2a cos at (c) y - a c o s c o V 6. The equation of a wave travelling on a stretched string along the x-axis is y =ae~^bx + ct\ The direction . of propagation of wave is : (a) along negative y-axis (b) along positive y-axis (c) along negative x-axis (d) along positive x-axis 7. In above problem, the maximum displacement of particle of string is : (a) a (b) b (c) c (d) c/b 8. In previous problem, the speed of wave is : (a) c/b (b) b/c (c) (d) c 9. The wave travels along a string whose equation is y= P3 p2

. cox (d) y = a cos C t + O

(a) (b) (c) (d)

the speeds of particles B and C are same the speeds of particles A, C and are maximum the particle F moves upward all particles have same speed

14. If a wave propagates through a medium, then the velocity of particle of medium is given b y : (a) wave velocity x strain wave velocity




where p =2 unit and q = 0.5 unit. The *

direction of propagation of wave is : (a) along + y-axis (b) along - x-axis (c) along + x-axis (d) none of these 10. If a travelling wave y = a sin (kx - at) is moving along x-axis, which of the following represents the shape of pulse ?

strain (c) wave velocity angular frequency ^ propagation constant 15, In a wave motion y = a sin (kx - at), y can represent: (a) electric field (b) magnetic field (c) displacement, pressure (d) all of the above 16. The equation of a wave travelling on a stretched string is: y
= 4 s i n 2 7 t





Here x and y are in cm and f is in second. The speed of wave is: (a) 50 m/s (b) 40 m/s (c) 50 cm/s (d) 40 cm/s 17. In previous problem, the ratio of maximum particle velocity and wavelength i s : (a) N (b) 2K (c) 3rt (d) 4n

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Nitin M Sir ( 228

18. In previous problem, the relative deformation amplitude of medium is : (a) 0.027t (b) 0.087t (c) 0.0671 (d) none of these 19. A plane wave y = a sin (cot - kx) propagates through a stretched string. The particle velocity versus x graph at t = 0 is :

Wave Motion and Waves on String 228

25. A long rubber tube having mass 0.9 kg is fastened to a fixed support and the free end of the tube is attached to a cord which passes over a pulley and supports an object, with a mass of 5 kg as shown in fig. If the tube is struck by a transverse blow at one end, the time required for the pulse to reach the other end is : (a) 5 s (b) 0.47 s (c) 4.7 s (d) 3.2 s 26. For a wave f x^ y = 0.0002 sin 271 1 1 0 f - v

Cord Rubber tube


is travelling in a medium. The energy per unit volume being transfered by wave if density of medium is 20. In above problem relative deformation versus x graph is : 1.5 kg/m3, is: (a) 1 4 x 1 0

J/m 3

T /3 (b) 143.2x10"-4 J/m

(c) 14.3x10" 4 J/m 3 (d) 1.43x10" 4 J/m 3 27. The time taken by a transverse wave to travel the full length of a uniform rope of mass 0.1 kg and length 2.45 m hanging from the ceiling, is : (a) 1 s (b) 0.5 s (c) 2 s (d) 1.5 s 28. The speed of the wave travelling on the uniform circular hoop of string, rotating clockwise in absence of gravity with tangential speed Vq, is : 21. Along a stretched string equation of transverse wave is ( .x ft vi y-3 sin 2n 20 0.01 where, x, y are in cm and f is in sec. The wave velocity is: (a) 20 m/s (b) 30 m/s (c) 15 m/s (d) 25 m/s 22. A transverse wave along a string is given by y = 2 sin 2 i c ( 3 f - * ) + J where, x and y are in cm and f in second. The acceleration of a particle located at x = 4 cm at t = 1 s is : (a) 36 V2TC2 cm/s2 (c) - 36 V2 7C2 cm/s2 23. If y = y0 sin 2K ft (b) 367i2 cm/s2 (d) - 36K2 cm/s2 is the equation of transverse wave, (a) v = v0
(C) V =

(b) v = 2v0 (d) v =


29. A transverse wave is passing through a light string shown in the figure. The equation of wave is y = A sin (cof - kx). The area of cross-section of string is A and density is p. The hanging mass is : _co (a) Aco (b) kg pAuf (d) none of these (c) 30. A transverse wave of equation y = 2 sin (O.Olx + 30f) moves on a stretched string from one end to another end. In the equation of wave, x and y are in cm and f is in second. The time taken by wave to reach from one end to another end of string is 5 s. The length of string is : (a) 10 m (b) 100 m (c) 150 m (d) 160 m 31. A sinusoidal wave travelling in the same direction have amplitudes of 3 cm and 4 cm and difference in phase by 71/2. The resultant amplitude of the superimposed wave is: (a) 7 cm (b) 5 cm (c) 2 cm (d) 0.5 cm

then for what value of 'X' the maximum particle velocity is equal to four times the wave velocity ? y0K (a) y0K (b) (c) 2y 0 n (d) 1.5y07t 24. Along a stretched wire a transverse wave passes with speed 3000 m/s. If the tension in the wire increased four times, then the velocity of the wave is (a) 1500 m/s (b) 3000 m/s (c) 6000 m/s (d) 9000 m/s

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Motion and Waves on String 32. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations i/i = 10 sin (Wf + ^ and (a) V3 (c) 2 1 2 = 5 (3 sin 3nt + V3~ cos 3nt) / (b) 1/V3 (d) 1/6

229 38. The equation of the standing wave in a string clamped at both ends, vibrating in its third harmonic is given by y = 0.4 sin (0.314x) cos (600nt) where x and y are in cm and t is in sec : (a) The frequency of vibration is 300 Hz (b) The length of the string is 30 cm (c) The nodes are located at x = 0, 10 cm, 30 cm (d) All of the above 39 The equation of standing wave is y = a cos kx sin oaf T which one of following graphs is for the wave at t = ?

Their amplitudes are in the ratio of :

33. Predict for the wave y = A cos r sin A. (a) It is a porgressive wave (b) It is a transverse progressive wave (c) It is a longitudinal progressive wave (d) It is a stationary wave

34. A string of length I is fixed at both ends and is vibrating in second harmonic. The amplitude at antinode is 2 mm. The amplitude of a particle at distance II8 from the fixed end is : (b) mm V2 , ,, 10 (c) 5 mm (d) mm V2 35. In above problem, the tension in string is T and the linear mass density of string is (J.. The ratio of magnitude of maximum velocity of particle and the magnitude of maximum acceleration is : (a) 2n (c) 2n
U )

(a) 5V2~mm

(d) AK T \ y y 36. In above problem, if at t = 0, y = 2.5 mm, the equation of standing wave is :

rj ^


(b) 2 ? t V at

(d) none of the above 40. If a string fixed at both ends vibrates in four loops, the wavelength is 10 cm. The length of string is : (a) 5 cm (c) 30 cm (b) 15 cm (d) none of these

J f y t

(a) (2.5 mm) sin

V 7 L (b) (5 mm) sin y x cos 2nt


\ T x cos f 2n V f 1
< 11 > J \ n/2 V /y
( T

41. In above problem, the distance of plucking point from the fixed end is : (a) 5 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 2.5 cm (d) 7.5 cm 42. A stretched wire carries a body of density a = 8000 kg/m 3 at its end. The fundamental frequency of vibration of wire is 260 Hz. The body is dipped completely in a vessel of water. The new frequency of fundamental mode of vibrations is: (The density of water is p = 1000 kg/m3) (a) 262 Hz (c) 243.2 Hz (b) 260 Hz (d) 255.5 Hz

(c) (5 mm) sin

x cos 2n 1 I :




37. What is the resultant wave obtained for < = rad when | > two harmonic waves are yi (x, t) = 0.2 sin (x - 3t) y 2 (:x, t) = 0.2 sin (x - 3t + <|>) ? (a) y = 0.28 sin j x - 3 f (b) y = 3 s i n ( x - 3 f ) 3t-f 4

43. An elastic string of length 2 m is fixed at its end. The string starts to vibrate in third overtone with a frequency 1200 Hz. The ratio of frequency of lower overtone and fundamental is: (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 44. In the given arrangement, if hanging mass will be changed by 4%, then percentage change in the wave speed in string will be :

(c) y = 0.28 sin x - 3t - - j (d) y = 0.28 sin x +

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 230

t a\ ( )

Wave Motion and Waves on String 230

m a (c) 2m 2a m a (d) 3m (b)

(a) 2% (c) 3%

(b) 8% (d) 4%

52. Find the radius vector defining the position of a point source of spherical waves if the source is situated on the straight line between the points with radius vectors Tj and ~r2 at which the intensities of waves are equal to i and n2. The medium is homogeneous and the damping of wave is negligible :

45. If a string is stretched with a weight 4 kg then the fundamental frequency is equal to 256 Hz. What weight is needed to produce its octave ? (a) 4 kg wt (b) 12 kg wt (c) 16 kg wt (d) 24 kg wt 46. The minimum possible length of the string when both ends of string are fixed and has consecutive standing wave mode for which distance between adjacent nodes are 18 cm and 16 cm respectively, is : (a) 150 cm (b) 144 cm (c) 140 cm (d) 142 cm 47. In the case of standing wave, if the amplitude of component waves are not equal, then : (a) the minimum intensity may be zero (b) the minimum intensity must be zero (c) node will be permanently at rest (d) some energy will pass across the node 48. The relation between frequency 'ri of the string, if n2, w3, are the frequencies of segments of the stretched string, is : (a) n = + n 2 + n 3 + ... (b) n x n 2 x n 3 x ... . , 1 1 1 1 (c) - = + + + . . . n3 n2 n ti, (d) none of these

r W




dj + a2

(d) none of these

53. A wave of angular frequency co propagates so that a certain phase of oscillation moves along x-axis, y-axis and z-axis with speeds C\, c 2 and c 3 respectively. The propagation constant k is : co (a) ( M + t ) , C A C A C A O O O (b) i + i + k cx c2 ' c 3 (c) ( m + cn| + o ) t c ) (d) none of the above 54. Mark correct option/s : (a) The phase of transmitted wave always remains unchanged (b) The amplitude of transmitted wave does not depend upon the velocity of wave in media (c) The amplitude of reflected wave and transmitted wave are same to each other for a given incident wave (d) The amplitude of reflected wave is equal to the amplitude of incident wave 55. Wave of frequency 500 Hz has a phase velocity 360 m/s. The phase difference between two displacement at a certain point at time 10,-3 s apart will be : (a) K radian (c) radian (b) ^ radian (d) 2 C radian T The

49. In a sonometer experiment the bridges are separated by a fixed distance. If T ' is tension in slightly elastic wire, which emits a tone of frequency V , then frequency of the tone emitted by the wire when tension is increased to 4%, is : (a) n (b) 2n (c) slightly greater than n (d) slightly less than 2n 50. A sonometer wire 65 cm long, is in resonance with a tuning fork of frequency /. If the length of the sonometer wire is increased by 1 cm and it is vibrated with the same tuning fork, 8 beats are heard per second. The value of / is: (a) 256 Hz (b) 512 Hz (c) 260 Hz (d) 520 Hz 51. A rectangular membrance of length a and breadth b is fixed at x = 0 and x = a. If the surface of membrance is disturbed, the distance between two successive nodal lines in the condition of m mode of vibration, is :

56. Equation of a plane wave is given by 4 sin 2f +

phase difference at any given instant of two particles 16 cm apart is: (a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 30 (d) 120 57. Two points lie on a ray are emerging from a source of simple harmonic wave having period 0.045. The wave speed is 300 m/s and points are at 10 m and 16 m from the source. They differ in phase by : (a) TI (c) 0 or 2k (b) K/2 (d) none of these

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Nitin M Sir (

Wave Motion and Waves on String

231 Level-1

e 1 .

(c) (a)

2. 12.

(a) (a)

3. 13.

(c) (c)

4. 14.

(c) (c)

5. 15.

(a) (b)

6. 16.

(c) (b)

7. 17.

(a) (a)

8. 18.

(d) (b)






1 .

(d) (b)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52.

(b) (b) (c) (b) (c) (c)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53.

(a) (b) (b) (d) (b) (b)

4: 14. 24. 34. 44. 54.

(c) (a) (c) (b) (a) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55.

(d) (d) (b) (a) (c) (a)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56.

(c) (a) (b) (c) (b) (b)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57.

(a) (d) (a) (a) (d) (a)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48.

(a) (b) (a) (d) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49.

(c) (a) (c) (b) (c)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

(a) (d) (c) (b) (b)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51.

(b) (c) (a)

Solutions. Level-1

271 C = y O and (0 27t k'Tk (pp) max


X = 30 cm The distance between node and antinode is 1 30 7 C - = = 7.5 cm 4 4

C= X



^ 6


12. X = 2 metre Distance between nearest node and antinode is X 2 1 __ = - = - m = 50 cm 4 4 2


= 60 X 10 - 6 = 3.6 x l O "

= a sin cof + 6 and = a sin cof + : A(j) = cof + - - cot 7t _ 7t



P /= 2/ =5x _ 100
" 20


20 2x10 = 5 Hz

6 ~

2T: _ 7t : 6 ~3 10. The standard equation is y = 2a sin kx cos cof



fl f2 = 2 3 /i = 8 x 2 0 0 = 1600 Hz I 100


2n 7i X ~ 15




y=f(x-ct) p \

4. y=10cos-|y=10cos(2=4l> x 3 =10cos(-|8t+16) t=t


y =/(* - ct)

t=0i .. 2c=80cm .. t=2sec x = ct = 40t

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Sound Wave
Syllabus: Longitudinal wave, vibration of air column, beats, resonance, Doppler's effect in sound.

Review of Concepts
1. Longitudinal wave: If a longitudinal wave is passing through a medium, the particles of medium oscillate about their mean position along the direction of propagation of wave. The propagation of transverse wave takes place in the form of crest and trough. But the propagation of longitudinal wave takes place in the form of rarefaction and compression. Some important points regarding longitudinal wave : (i) Mechanical transverse wave is not possible in gaseous and liquid medium. But longitudinal wave is possible in solid, liquid and gas. (ii) In liquid and gas, sound is longitudinal wave. But in solid, sound wave may be transverse, may be longitudinal. (iii) The velocity of longitudinal wave (sound) is Cp Here, y = ~pr = adiabatic constant P = normal pressure p = density of gas Newton's formula: According to Newton, when sound propagates through air, temperature remains constant, i.e., the process is isothermal. So, B = Ee = P ViT = At NTP for air, P = 1.01 xlO 5 N/m 2 and p = 1.3 kg/m3 So, 1.01 x 103 1.3 = 279 m/s


Here, E = coefficient of elasticity p = density of medium 2. Velocity of sound : (a) Velocity of sound in a medium is given by , where E is the modulus of elasticity and vPy p is the density of the medium. Velocity of sound is maximum in solids and minimum in gases since, solids are more elastic. In a solid, elasticity E is replaced by Young's modulus Y so that v (d) In a fluid (liquid or gas) E is replaced by Bulk's modulus B so that v (e) In a gas, B vP, (g)

This value is very much less than the value obtained experimentally (= 332 m/s). Laplace's correction: The formula given by Newton is modified by Laplace assuming that propagation of sound in air is an adiabatic process, i.e., B = E* = yP So that


= V L 4 f x 279 = 331.3 m/s Some important points regarding velocity of sound in air or gaseous medium: (i) The speed of sound does not change due to variation of pressure. (ii) (iii) 2

=f V

h Ti

- i s )

Due to change of temperature by 1C, the speed of sound is changed by 0.01 m/s. (iv) For small variation of temperature, ct = (CQ + 0.61f) m/s where, C = speed of sound at 0C Q c, = speed of sound at tC (v) The speed of sound increases due to increase of humidity.

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The velocity of sound in air is measured by resonance tube. (vii) The velocity of sound in gases is measured by Quinke's tube. (viii) Kundt's tube is useful to measure the speed of sound in solid and gases. 3. Displacement wave and pressure wave: If displacement wave equation is y = A sin (cof - kx), then the pressure wave is P = Po cos (cof - kx) (a) Pressure amplitude is P 0 = BAk. where, B = Bulk modulus of elasticity. A = displacement amplitude k = propagation constant or angular wave number (b) The phase difference between pressure wave and displacement wave is 7t/2. (c) Longitudinal wave may be considered either as displacement wave or pressure wave. 4. Energy of sound: The kinetic energy per unit volume of medium = ~ pa2(02 cos 2 (cof - kx) Here, p = density of medium a = displacement amplitude 1 2,-2 Energy density = (KE) max = - pfl^co' 5. Power: It is defined as rate of transmission of energy. P = ^pc(D2a2A 6. Intensity: I = -pcoac 2K

Sound Wave
(vi) (a) Closed end organ pipe: Its one of end is closed. /=(2m-l)| = (2m-l)J where, v = speed of wave organ pipe I = length of tube m = 1,2,3,... = number of modes of vibration 2m - 1 = number of harmonics Some important points regarding closed end organ pipe: (i) The closed end is always a point of displacement node and pressure antinode. (ii) Open end of the closed end organ pipe is always a point of displacement antinode and pressure node. (iii) If end correction is taken into account, then the effected length of tube is Z=L+e where, L = actual length of tube e = 0.3 D (iv) The maximum possible wavelength is 4Z. v The fundamental frequency is f\ = (V) 41 (vi) Present harmonics : first, third, fifth and so on Present overtones : fundamental, first, second and so on (vii) The modes of vibration of closed end organ pipe are similar to the modes of vibration of rod fixed or clamped at one end. (b) Open end organ pipe: Its both ends are open. The frequency of vibration is mv f f~ 21 where, m = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . v = speed of wave
I = l e n g t h of t u b e Open end organ pipe. Closed end

2 2

P P0 = = - A 2pc

Here, PQ = pressure amplitude. (a) I ^ a 2 (b) IocP* (c) The intensity due to point source of power P is 1=

47tr2 I c -4-' for point source r

(d) The intensity due to straight line source is / y (e) The intensity due to a source situated at infinity is constant at every point. (f) Loudness = intensity level = L = 101og 10 decibel Jo (dB). Here, /0 = 10" 12 W/m 2
V 7

Some important points regarding open end organ pipe: (i) All harmonics are present. (ii) Open ends are points of displacement antinode and pressure node. (iii) Possible harmonics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Possible overtones: fundamental, 1, 2, 3, 4 (iv) The number of overtones is n = m - 1 . (v) The number of harmonics = m. (vi) The maximum possible wavelength is 21. (vii) Fundamental frequency f\ = (viii) The modes of vibration of open end organ pipe are similar with the modes of vibration of rod clamped at the middle. (ix) When a closed end organ pipe is converted into open end organ pipe, frequency becomes twice.

For zero level sound, 7 = IQ. 7. Organ p i p e : It is a cylindrical tube of uniform cross-section.

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Nitin M Sir ( Sound Wave

(x) When an open end organ pipe is submerged in water upto half of its length. It behaves as a closed end organ pipe. But frequency remains unchanged. If end correction is taken into account, the effected length of the open end organ pipe is I = L + 2e where, e = 0.3 D (D is diameter of the pipe) (xii) If the diameter of organ pipe decreases, frequency increases. (xiii) The frequency of open end organ pipe does not change if the ratio of speed of sound in it to its length remains constant. 8. Resonating air column experiment: (a) At first resonance,
Ll + e

239 11. Doppler's effect of sound:

n =

v-vn v-vs


v = velocity of sound in medium. v0 = velocity of observer in the medium vs = velocity of source in the medium Here, n' = apparent frequency. n = frequency of source For solving the problem, source to observer direction is taken as positive. (a) When source moves towards stationary observer / v \ n = V-Vc (b) When source moves away from observer / v \ \ n = n v + vs (c) When observer moves towards the stationary source / , v + v0 \ n =


At second resonance, 3X L2 + e = 4 So, or (b) End correction, (La- 3Lj) e=9. Beats: The superposition of two waves of small difference in frequency in same direction is known as beats. If then Here, and y\=a sin cojf and y 2 = a sin co^t y = 2a cos cof sin coflD f i " . (/i-fi) co = - - 2 % U-L 3X 4 X=2 X 4: (L2-Lj)

(d) When observer moves away from the stationary source n = (e) Here, n = v-vn K

(v - vs cos 9)

C j + co2 O = 231 C0fl7, = (f) Here,

Some important points regarding beats: (i) The beats frequency = number of beats per second = l/l-/21In the case of beats, the intensity at a point varies periodically. (iii) If beats frequency is fraction then round off is not allowed, e.g., if beats frequency is 5.2 Hz, then in five second 26 beats (not 25) are heard. (iv) Due to waxing or wanning to a tuning fork, frequency decreases. (v) Due to filing a tuning fork, frequency increases. 10. Musical sound: A musical sound consists of a quick succession of regular and periodic rarefactions and compressions without any sudden change in its amplitude. (a) A note is a musical sound consisting of two or more tones. (b) A tone is a musical sound of a single frequency. (ii)

(g) When source is at centre and observer is moving on the circular path M =n (h) For solving the problem, Doppler's effect in vector form is comfortable. O
S Observer

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n = Here, v v r =57T v r - vQ r

Sound Wave rv0 = velocity of observer ~vs = velocity of source n = actual frequency of source n' = apparent frequency

r = unit vector along the line joining source and observer. ~v = velocity of sound in the medium. Its direction is always taken from source to observer


The sound of lightning flash is heard 3 second after the flash is seen. The distance of the lightning is 1020 metre. The speed of sound is : (a) 1400 m/s (b) 332 m/s (c) 340 m/s (d) none of these 11. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, while in water is 1445 m/s. If the wavelength of sound in water is 8.5 cm, the wavelength of sound in air is : (a) 2 cm (b) 4.5 cm (c) 5.5 cm (d) 8.5 cm
10. 12.

1. Which of the following is the longitudinal wave ? (a) Sound waves (b) Waves on plucked string (c) Water waves (d) Light waves 2. Which of following can not travel through vacuum ? (a) Electromagnetic wave (b) Sound wave (c) Light wave (d) X-ray 3. A longitudinal wave consists of: (a) rarefactions and compressions (b) only compressions (c) only rarefactions (d) crest and trough 4. The velocity of sound is maximum in : (a) C 0 2 (b) S 0 2 (c) NH 3 (d) CH 4 5. A longitudinal wave is passing through a medium of density p. If the speed of wave is c, bulk modulus of elasticity of medium is : pc 1 2 (c) p C 2 (a) (b) pc2 (d) none of these

At which temperature, velocity of sound at 27C doubles ? (a) 54C (b) 327C (c) 927C (d) -123C (Bulk modulus of elasticity of 0 2 is 1.41 x 105 Pa and density is 1.43 kg/m ) : (a) 300 m/s (b) 340 m/s (c) 314 m/s (d) none of these Consider the following statements : Assertion (A): Due to variation of pressure, speed of sound does not change. Reason (R) : The variation of pressure is proportional to variation of density. (a) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (b) R is the wrong explanation of A (c) Both A and R are wrong (d) A is wrong but R is correct An astronaut can not hear his companion's sound at the surface of moon because : (a) produced frequencies are above the audio frequency (b) sound wave does not propagate through vacuum (c) temperature is too low during night and high during day (d) none of the above The speed of sound in air is 333 m/s. The fundamental frequency of the open pipe is 333 Hz. The second overtone of the open organ pipe can be produced with a pipe of length : (a) 0.5 m (b) 1 m (c) 1.5 m (d) 2 m Velocity of sound waves in air is 330 m/s. For a particular sound in air, a path difference of 40 cm is equivalent to a phase difference of 1.6 n. The frequency of this wave is: (a) 165 Hz (b) 150 Hz (c) 660 Hz (d) 330 Hz

13. Calculate the speed of sound in oxygen at 0C and 1 atm.


6. If Newton's formula is applicable, then the formula for velocity of sound is : (a) (c)



(d) none of these

7. According to Laplace correction, the propagation of sound in gas takes place under : (a) isothermal condition (b) isobaric condition (c) isochoric condition (d) adiabatic condition 8. The velocity of sound in water is 1400 m/s. The density of water is 1000 kg/m . The bulk modulus of elasticity is : (a) 5 x l O 1 1 N/m2 (c) 4 x 109 N/m 2 (b) 1.96xlO 9 N/m2 (d) none of these



9. The ratio of speed of ultrasonic wave and sound wave is : (a) = 1 (c) < 1 (b) > 1 (d) > 1

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Nitin M Sir ( Sound Wave

18. Which one is not produced by sound waves in air ? (a) Polarisation (b) Diffraction (c) Refraction (d) Reflection 19. If yi = a sin cof and y 2 = " cos cof the resultant amplitude due to superposition of both equations i s : (a) <2 a (b) a (c) 2a (d) none of these 20. The ratio of amplitudes at distances r and 3r from a point source is: (a) 3 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 2 : 3 21. The intensity for loudness 20 dB is : (a) 10watt/m 2 (b) 10" 10 watt/m 2 none of these 20 dB is combined, the 30 dB 10 dB increased nine times, then amplitude of the wave is 6 V3 (c) 10 10 watt/m 2 (d) 22. If two sources of loudness resultant loudness is: (a) 23 dB (b) (c) 40 dB (d) 23. If intensity of sound wave is by what factor the pressure increased ? (a) 3 (b) (c) 9 (d)

The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s. The length of air column is: . , 15 6 tu\ 1^ m (a) - m (b) t\ 3 m (c) ^ (d) none of these

31. The musical interval between two tones of frequency 400 Hz and 200 Hz is : (a) 2 (b) 200 (c) 1 (d) none of these 32. A cylindrical resonance tube, open at both ends, has a fundamental frequency, F in air. If half of the length is dipped vertically in water, the fundamental frequency of the air column will be :

(c) 3F

(b) F (d) 2F

33. The walls of the hall built for music concerts should : (a) amplify sound (b) transit sound (c) reflect sound (d) absorb sound 34. When a tuning fork vibrates, the waves produced in the stem are : (a) longitudinal (b) transverse (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these 35. Tuning forks A and B produce two beats in the time interval of 0.4 second. The beats frequency is : (a) 5 Hz (b) 8 Hz (c) 10 Hz (d) 6 Hz 36. A tuning fork of frequency 100 Hz when sounded together with another tuning fork of unknown frequency produces 2 beats per second. On loading the tuning fork whose frequency is not known and sounded together with a tuning fork of frequency 100 Hz produces one beat, then the frequency of the other tuning fork i s : (a) 102 (b) 98 (c) 99 (d) 101 37- A tuning fork and sonometer wire were sounded together and produce 4 beats per second. When the length of sonometer wire is 95 cm or 100 cm, the frequency of the tuning fork is : (a) 156 Hz (b) 152 Hz (c) 148 Hz (d) 160 Hz 38. Two tuning forks A and B vibrating simultaneously produce 5 beats. Frequency of B is 512. It is seen that if one arm of A is filed, then the number of beats increases. Frequency of A will be : (a) 502 (b) 507 (c) 517 (d) 522 39. A tuning fork of frequency 480 Hz, produces 10 beats per second when sounded with a vibrating sonometer string. What must have been the frequency of the string if a slight increase in tension produces fewer beats per second than before ? (a) 460 Hz (b) 470 Hz (c) 480 Hz (d) 490 Hz

24. If the temperature increases, then what happens to the frequency of the sound produced by the organ pipe ? (a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Remains unchanged (d) None of these 25. An open organ pipe has fundamental frequency of 300 Hz. The length of pipe is : (speed of sound = 330 m/s) (a) .10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 55 cm (d) none of these 26. In the open organ pipe, the fundamental frequency is 30 Hz. If the organ pipe is closed, then the fundamental frequency will be : (a) 10 Hz (b) 20 Hz (c) 30 Hz (d) 15 Hz 27. Two open organ pipes of length 50 cm and 50.5 cm produce 0.3 beats/sec then the velocity of sound is : (a) 300 m/s (b) 30 m/s (c) 303 m/s (d) none of these 28. The air column in a pipe which is closed at one end will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork at a frequency 260 Hz, if the length of the air column is : (a) 31.73 cm (b) 62.5 cm (c) 35.75 cm (d) 12.5 cm 29. In closed end organ pipe, the frequency of first harmonic is 300 Hz. The frequency of third overtone is : (a) 900 Hz (b) 2100 Hz (c) J500 Hz (d) none of these 30. The air column in a closed end organ pipe is vibrating in second overtone. The frequency of vibration is 440 Hz.

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40. An unknown frequency x produces 8 beats per second with a frequency of 250 Hz and 12 beats with 270 Hz source then x is : (a) 258 Hz (b) 242 Hz (c) 262 Hz (d) 282 Hz 41. Two tuning forks have frequencies 450 Hz and 454 Hz respectively. On sounding these forks together, the time interval between successive maximum intensities will be : 1 1 (a) sec (b) 2 s e c (c) 1 sec (d) 2 sec 42. A source of sound is travelling with a velocity 40 km/hour towards stationary observer and emits sound of frequency 2000 Hz. If velocity of sound is 1220 km/hour, then what is the apparent frequency heard by the obCQiVer ? (a) 2210 Hz (b) 1920 Hz (c) 2068 Hz (d) 2086 Hz 43. A source of sound is travelling towards a stationary observer. The frequency of sound is HQ. The frequency 5n 0 heard by observer is The ratio of speed of sound and the speed of source is : (a) 1 : 5 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 1 : 2 44. A source of frequency 150 Hz is moving in the direction of a person with a velocity of 110 m/s. The frequency heard by the person will be (speed of sound in medium = 330 m/s) (a) 225 Hz (b) 200 Hz (c) 15 Hz (d) 100 Hz 45. A whistle sends out 256 waves in a second. If the whistle approaches the observer with velocity of the velocity

Sound Wave
48. An object producing a pitch of 1200 Hz is moving with a velocity of 40 m/s towards a stationary person. The velocity of sound is 350 m/s. The frequency of sound heard by stationary person is : (a) 700 Hz (b) 1400 Hz (c) 1050 Hz (d) 1250 Hz 49. Two passenger trains moving with a speed of 108 km/hour cross each other. One of them blows a whistle whose frequency is 750 Hz. If speed of sound is 300 m/s, then passengers sitting in the other train, after trains cross each other, will hear sound whose frequency will b e : (a) 900 Hz (c) 750 Hz (b) 625 Hz (d) 800 Hz

50. A source of sound emitting a note of frequency 200 Hz moves towards an observer with a velocity v equal to the velocity of sound. If the observer also moves away from the source with the same velocity v, the apparent frequency heard by the observer is : (a) 50 Hz (c) 150 Hz (b) 100 Hz (d); 200 Hz

51. A source of sound is travelling towards a stationary observer. The frequency of sound heard by the observer is of the three times of the original frequency. The velocity of sound is v m/s. The speed of source will be : /x / \ (c)


(b) c (d) 3v

52. Suppose that the speed of sound in air at a given temperature is 400 m/s. An engine blows a whistle at 1200 Hz frequency. It is approaching an observer at the speed of 100 m/s. The apparent frequency as heard by the observer will be : (a) 600 Hz (c) 1500 Hz (b) 1200 Hz (d) 1600 Hz

of sound in air, the number of waves per second will be received by the observer, is: (a) 384 (b) 192 (c) 300 (d) 200 46. A source of sound of frequency 450 cycles/s is moving towards a stationary observer with speed 34 m/s. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, then the apparent frequency will be : (a) 410 cycle/s (b) 500 cycle/s (c) 550 cycle/s (d) 450 cycle/s 47. An observer is watching two vehicles moving with same velocity 4 m/s. The former is approaching towards the observer while the later receding. If the frequency of the siren of the vehicle is 240 Hz and velocity of sound in air is 320 m/s, then the beats produced is : (a) 6 (c) zero (b) 3 (d) 12

53. A star radiates radiation of wavelength X and it is receding from the earth with a speed v$. The speed of light is CQ. The shift in spectral line is : (a) (c)-X C o (b) - X vj cl (d) none of these

54. The frequency of a radar is 780 MHz. The frequency of the reflected wave from aeroplane is increased by 2.6 kHz. The velocity of the aeroplane is : (a) 2 km/s (b) 1 km/s (c) 0.5 km/s (d) 0.25 m/s

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Sound Wave Level-2

1. Mark correct option(s): (a) In gas sound wave is always longitudinal wave (b) In liquid, sound wave is always transverse wave (c) In solid, sound waves may be transverse wave motion (d) In solid, sound waves may be longitudinal wave motion 2. A Physicist points out that glass is rarer than water : (a) This statement is correct in the case of sound (b) This statement is always wrong (c) This statement is correct in the case of light (d) This statement is always correct 3. When height increases, velocity of sound decreases : (a) this is due to decrease of pressure (b) this is due to decrease in temperature (c) this is due to both decrease in temperature and pressure (d) statement is wrong 4. The velocity of sound is not affected by change in : (a) temperature (b) medium (c) pressure (d) wavelength 5. A 40 cm long brass rod is dropped, one end first on to a hard floor but it is caught before it topples over. With an oscilloscope it is determined that the impact produces a 3 kHz tone. What is the speed of sound in brass ? (a) 1200 m/s (b) 2400 m/s (c) 3600 m/s (d) 3000 m/s If copper has modulus of rigidity 4 x 10 10 N/m2 and Bulk modulus 1.2 x 1011 N/m2 and density 9 g/cm3, then the velocity of longitudinal wave, when set-up in solid copper, is : (a) 4389 m/s (b) 5000 m/s (c) 4000 m/s (d) 4300 m/s 7. A piezo electric quartz plate of Young's modulus of elasticity 8 x 10 10 N/m2 and density 2.65 x 103 kg/m3 is vibrating in resonant condition. The fundamental frequency of vibrating is 550 kHz. What is thickness of the plate ? (a) 0.05 cm (b) 0.5 cm (c) 1.25 cm (d) 0.55 cm 8. The value of adiabatic constant y for oxygen and nitrogen is same. The speed of sound in oxygen is 470 m/s at STP. The speed of sound in nitrogen at STP is : (a) 340 m/s (b) 580 m/s (c) 502 m/s (d) none of these 9. The speed of sound in air at 27C is 340 m/s in rainy season, it is found that sound travels 660 m in two second in a given season. Assume that no variation takes place in density of air due to variation of season. The season on the basis of temperature is : (a) winter (b) summer (c) may be summer or winter (d) all of the above At STP, the speed of sound in hydrogen is 1324 m/s then 10. the speed of sound in air is : (a) 331 m/s (b) 220 m/s (c) 340 m/s (d) 230 m/s 11. If the speed of sound is changed by 1 per cent, how much must the temperature of air near 0C be changed ? (a) 5C (b) 6C (c) 5.5C (d) 6.5C 12. If the speed of sound wave in a stretched string is v and Hooke's law is obeyed, then the extenion in string is x. The extension in the string if the speed of sound wave will become 1.22v, is : (a) 1.5* (b) lx (c) 0.5* (d) 2x 1 ^ A boy watches a jet plane flying from north to south. When the jet is just seen above his head, the sound of jet appears to reach him making some angle with horizontal from north. If the velocity of sound is v, and velocity of jet is v!2, then the angle is : (a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 15 ^ If a stone is dropped into a lake from a tower, the sound of splash is heard by a man after 11.5 s, then what is the height of tower ? (a) 1000 m (b) 100 m (c) 500 m (d) 150 m 15. A light pointer fixed to one prong of a tuning fork touches a vertical plate. The fork is set vibrating at a frequency of 56 Hz and allowed to free fall. How many complete oscillations are counted when plate falls at 10 c m ? (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 (d) 7 16. The equation of a sound wave in air is P = 0.01 cos (lOOOf - 3x) where P, x and t are in SI. The bulk modulus of elasticity is 1.4 x 105 N/m2. The displacement amplitude is : (a) 0.24 m (c) 8 x 10 - 7 m (b) 0.24 x 10~7 m (d) 10 m 17. A sound wave of pressure amplitude 14 pascal propagates through the air medium. The normal pressure of air is 1.0xl0 5 N/m 2 . The difference between maximum and minimum pressure in the medium is : (a) 5xlO 5 N/m 2 (c) 10 N/m2 (b) 1 0 x l 0 5 N / m 2 (d) none of these


18. Choose the correct statement with respect to the plane

harmonic sound wave: (a) The excess pressure (P) is ahead of displacement in phase by ^

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(b) The excess pressure (P) is lagging behind displacement in phase by n/2 (c) The excess pressure and displacement are in the phase (d) The excess pressure and displacement are out of the phase 19. A sound wave has a frequency of 100 Hz and pressure amplitude of 10 Pa, then the displacement amplitude is : (Given speed of sound in air =340 m/s and density of air = 1.29 kg/m 3 ) (a) 3.63 x 10~5 m (c) 4.2 x 10" 5 m (b) 3 x l 0 ~ 5 m (d) 6 . 4 x l 0 ~ 5 m

Sound Wave
where k = 6 x 109 Nm2/C2, a = instantaneous acceleration, c = speed of light If an electron is oscillating along a straight line with frequency/o and amplitude A, how much energy would it radiate away during one cycle ? Assume that the motion is described adequately by x = A sin 2n f0t during any one cycle: (a) (c) Ahe2 c3 /

At A V (b) 8</b'3 (d) A2e2 c


20. The equation of a transverse wave is f , k, ,1 z = a sin jco1 - (x + y) j The equation of v. avefront is : (a) x = constant (b) y = constant (c) x + y = constant (d) v - x = constant 21. In above problem, the dirtxiion of propagation of wave with the x-axis is : (a) 135 (b) 45 (c) 90 (d) none of these 22. The displacement wave is given by y = A sin (cof - kx). The wave is reflected by rigid surface situated at x = 0. The intensity of reflected wave is 0.16 times that of the incident wave. The corresponding equation of reflected wave is : (a) (b) (c) (d) y = - 0.4v4 cos (cox - kx) y = - 0AA sin (cof + kx) y = 0.4 A sin (cof + kx) none of the above

27. A small speaker has a capacity of power 3 watt. A microphone is placed at distance 2 m from the speaker. The displacement amplitude of particles of air near the microphone if the frequency of sound emitted by speaker is 1.0 kHz, is : (Density of air =1.2 kg/m and speed of sound in air = 330 m/s) (b) 4 x l O " 4 c m (a) 2 . 7 6 x l O " 4 c m (d) 3.8 x 10" cm (c) 10 xlO" 4 cm 28. From a height of 2 m, a drop of water of radius 2 x 10" 3 m fall and produces a sound. The sound produced can be heard upto a distance of 20 metre. If the gravitational energy is converted into sound energy in 0.5 s, then the intensity at a distance of 20 m is: (a) 2 x 10~7 W/m2 (c) 2.6xlO" 7 W/m 2 (b) 2.6xlO" 6 W/m 2 (d) 3xlO" 7 W/m 2

29. The difference of sound level between two points is 30 decibel. The ratio of pressure amplitude between points is : (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 32 30. If the sound emitted by a point source reaches a particular position with an intensity /, then the change in intensity level at that position if N such sources are placed together, is: (a) log N (b) 2 log N (c) 10 log N (d) 12 log N 31. For audible sound, the time interval between two words should b e : (a) 0.1 s (b) 0.2 s (c) 0.4 s (d) none of these 32. Which of the following represents loudness versus intensity of sound graph ? (a) (b)

23. When a wave is propagated from rarer medium to denser medium, which of the following will remain unchanged ? (a) Wave speed (b) Propagation constant (c) Frequency (d) None of the above 24. In passing through a boundary, refraction will not take place, if (a) the index of refraction of the two media are same (b) the boundary is not visible (c) angle of incidence is lesser than angle of refraction but greater than (d) all the above sin



25. Lissajous figure obtained by combining x = a sin cof and (a) an ellipse (c) a circle 26. According to y = a sin cof + |, will be : (b) a straight line (d) a parabola classical electromagnetic theory,


fceV accelerated electron radiates energy at the rate 5

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33. Beats are the result of : (a) diffraction (b) destructive interference (c) constructive and destructive interference (d) superposition of two waves of nearly frequencies (a) the beat frequency is 2 (b) the beat frequency is not determined by this graph (c) the beat frequency may be 2 equal (d) sources of wave must be same 41. Two wires A and B of same length, radius and same material are in unison. If tension in A is increased by 4%, 4 beats are heard, then the frequency of the note produced when they were in unison, will b e : (a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 150 Hz (d) 200 Hz 42. If two tuning forks side by side are vibrating at 225 and 257 Hz, then their combined effect would be : (a) that of middle octave (b) that of one of tuning fork (c) that of middle C (d) 256 vibration per second 43. Two sound waves of length 1 m and 1.01 m in a gas produce 10 beats in 3 s. The velocity of sound in gas is : (a) 360 m/s (b) 300 m/s (c) 337 m/s (d) 330 m/s 44. The fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe is equal to second overtone of an open organ pipe. If the length of closed organ pipe is 15 cm, the length of open organ pipe i s : (a) 90 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 20 cm 45. In the case of closed end organ pipe : (a) the maximum possible wavelength is same as that of open end organ pipe (b) the maximum possible wavelength is less than that of open end organ pipe (c) the maximum possible wavelength may be less than that of open end organ pipe (d) the maximum possible wavelength is greater than that of open end organ pipe 46. An organ pipe closed at one end resonates with a tuning fork of frequencies 180 Hz and 300 Hz. It will also resonate with tuning fork of frequencies: (a) 360 Hz (c) 480 Hz (b) 420 Hz (d) 540 Hz


34. Mark correct option or options : (a) Any function y (x, t) =/(f + kx) repre- sents a progressive wave (b) The stationary wave on a string under tension fixed at end does not have well defined nodes (c) The phenomenon of beats is not observed in the case of visible light waves (d) All of the above 35. Beat phenomenon is physically meaningful only; if: (a) I C0X - 0)2 I I C j + 0)2 I O (b) Ifflj- 2 I I <! + 2 I 1
(C) 7 7


(d) I i + 0)2 I

1 2

36. A tuning fork A of frequency 512 Hz produces 4 beats per second when sounded with a tuning fork B. Due to filing of the prongs of the tuning fork B, the number of the beats per second becomes 6. The actual frequency of Bis: (a) 516 Hz (b) 508 Hz (c) 512 Hz (d) none of these 37. A tuning fork A of frequency 260 c/s produces 4 beats per second with tuning fork B. When the tuning fork A is loaded with wax, then the number of beats produced per second becomes 3. Then what is the frequency of tuning fork B ? (a) 264 (b) 263 (c) 256 (d) 260 38. If beat frequency is 3.2 Hz, then : ( a ) in 5 th second, only four beats will be heard (b) in 3 rd second, only three beats will be heard (c) in first second only three beats will be heard (d) all the above 39. When temperature of air is 20C, a tuning fork sounded over the open end of an air column produces 4 beats per second, the tuning fork given a lower note. If the frequency of tuning fork is 34 Hz, then how many beats will be produced by the tuning fork if temperature falls to 5C ? (a) 2 beat/sec (b) 4 beat/sec (c) 1 beat/sec (d) 3 beat/sec

47. Figures shows the vibrations of four air columns. The ratio of frequencies n\n^\ ns is :

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(a) 1 2 : 6 : 3 : 4 (c) 4 : 2 : 3 : 1 at the open end is : (a) > 0 (c) = 0 (b) < 0 (d) none of these (b) 1 : 2 : 4 : 3 (d) 4 : 3 : 2 :1 (a) 7 x 10 10 N/m2 (c) 0.7xlO 1 0 N/m 2

Sound Wave
(b) 7.2xlO 1 0 N/m 2 (d) 6.8xlO 1 0 N/m 2

48. In the case of standing waves in organ pipe, the value of

57. The frequency of a note next higher to fundamental as given by a rod of an alloy 1 meter long and clamped at its mid point is 1000. If the density of rod is 7500 kg/m3, its Young's modulus is: (a) i x 10 10 N/m2 (c) |xlO 1 0 N/m 2 (b) \ x 10 10 N/m2

49. Two organ pipes are emitting their fundamental notes. When each closed at end, give 5 beats per sec. If their fundamental frequencies are 250 Hz and 255 Hz, then the ratio of their lengths is : , , 49 49 ( a ) 50 . , 50 . . . 51 ( C ) 51 ( d ) 50 50. In the case of vibration of closed end organ pipe in fundamental mode of vibration, the pressure is maximum at: (a) open end (b) closed end (c) at middle (d) none of these 51. An air column in a pipe which is closed at one end will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz if the length of the air column in cm is : (Speed of sound in air = 340 m/s) (a) 32.19 cm (b) 64.39 cm . (c) 100 cm (d) 140 cm 52. At the temperature of 27C, the length of the organ pipe is 30 cm. What should be the change in the length required, if the temperature falls to 7C but frequency remains unchanged ? (a) Decreased by 1 cm (b) Increased by 1 cm (c) Decreased by 2 cm (d) Iecreased by 2 cm 53. A closed organ pipe and an open pipe of the same length produce 4 beats when they are set into vibrations simultaneously. If the length of each of them were twice their initial lengths, the number of beats produced will be : (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 8 54. A tube with both ends closed has same set of natural frequency as : (a) one end closed organ pipe (b) both end open organ pipe (c) vibratory string fixed at both ends (d) vibratory string fixed at one end 55. In organ pipe reflection does not take place exactly at open end due to : (a) finite momentum of air molecules (b) finite weight of air molecules (c) finite elasticity of air molecules (d) finite elasticity of organ pipe 56. A metal rod of length 1.5 m is clamped at the centre. When it is set with longitudinal vibrations it emits a note of 1000 Hz. Determine the Young's modulus if the density of material = 8 x 1 0

(d) |xlO 1 0 N/m 2

58. A metallic rod of length one metre is rigidly clamped at its mid-point. Longitudinal stationary waves are set-up in the rod in such a way that there are two nodes on either side of the mid-point, then : (a) wavelength of wave is 0.4 m (b) the standard form of the equation of stationary wave is y = A cos kx sin cof (c) the standard form of the equation of stationary wave is y = A sin kx cos cof (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 59. A whistle gives a note when sounded at temperature 18C. What must be the temperature, so that it gives a note of 9/8 of first frequency ? (a) 25C (b) 50C (c) 60C (d) 95.3C 60. A long tube of length I = 25 cm and Air diameter equal to 2 cm is taken and at its mouth air is blown as shown in figure. The sound emitted by tube will have all the frequencies of the group : (velocity of sound = 330 m/s) (a) 660, 1320, 1980 Hz (b) 660, 1000, 3300 Hz (c) 302, 684, 1320 Hz (d) 330, 990, 1690 Hz 61. ~KQ_ and X3 are the wavelength of the waves giving resonance in the fundamental, first and second overtones respectively. Within a pipe closed at one end, the ratio of the wavelengths is: (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 5 : 3 : 1 1 1 ,, , 1 1 (d) 1 : (c) 1 ^ : 3 3 '5 62. The equation of a stationary wave in a metal rod is given nx by y = 0.002 sin sin lOOOf where x is in cm and f is in second. The maximum tensile stress at a point x = 2 cm : 11 (Young's modulus Y of material of rod = 8 x 10 dyne/square cm) will be (a) j x 10 dyne/square cm 471 o (b) x 10 dyne/square cm (c) ^ x 108 dyne/square cm 27t o (d) -^-xlO dyne/square cm


kg/m :

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Nitin M Sir ( Sound Wave

63. Two boats are floating on a pond in the same direction with the same speed v. Each boat sends a signal to the other through water. The frequencies /Q of the generated signals are the same. Then: (Speeds of boats are lesser than speed of sound) (a) the time of journey of both signals are same (b) the wavelengths are same (c) the frequencies received by the boats are same (d) none of the above 64. A source of sound whose frequency is n0, is moving with a speed v (v < c). The waves travel to a fixed obstacle and reflected by the obstacle and are registered by a receiver that moves together with the source. What frequency is registered by the receiver if the speed of sound in the medium is c ?

faster train is : (Assume speed of sound to be 1100 ft/s) (a) 2000 vib/s (b) 1500 vib/s (c) 1000 vib/s (d) 2500 vib/s 70. A disc of radius R is rotating uniformly with angular frequency co. A source of sound is fixed to the rim of the disc. The ratio of maximum and minimum frequencies heard by stationary observer, far away from the disc and in the plane of the disc is : (Given: v = speed of sound) v v (b) (a) u + Rco v-Ra

'v-Riol u + Rco


v + Ra v-Ro

71. A boy with a radio, playing a music at a frequency '/' is moving towards a wall with velocity vb. A motorist is following the boy with a speed vm. The expression for the beat frequency heard by the motorist., if the speed of sound is v, is : (v + v,\ v + v (a) f (b) v-v f V + VB b (c) 2vb (v + vm) ^ /

1-5' c



1-* c




(d) None of these


2vm (v + vb) (v2-vl)

65. Two sources A and B are sounding notes of frequency 680 Hz. A listener moves from A to B with a constant velocity n. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s, what must be the value of w, so that he hears 10 beats per second ? (a) 2 m/s (b) 2.5 m/s (c) 3 m/s (d) 3.5 m/s 66. The apparent frequency is f\ when a source of sound approches a stationary observer with a speed u and f2 when the observer approches the stationary source with same speed. If v is the velocity of sound, then :
(a) h=h

(b) /i > h i f " < v (c) relation between (d) f2 >/j if u < v

and f2 cannot be predicted

67. A source at rest sends waves of constant wavelength. A wall moves towards the source with a velocity 33 m/s. The velocity of sound in the medium is 330 m/s. What is the percentage change in wavelength of sound after reflection from the wall? (a) 0.1% (b) 2% (c) 9.1% (d) 1% 68. A locomotive engine approaches a railway station and whistles at a frequency of 400 Hz. A stationary observer on the platform observes a change of 40 Hz as the engine passes across him. If the velocity of sound is 330 m/s, the speed of the engine is (a) 33 m/s (b) 18 m/s (c) 16.5 m/s (d) 24 m/s 69 Two trains, one moving at a speed of 30 mile/hour and other at 60 mile/hour, approaching each other. When a faster train blows a whistle, the apparent frequency of the note heard by an observer at rest behind the faster train is 1852 Hz. The frequency of note produced by

* 72. A source of sound S having frequency of generated sound 300 Hz is moving in a circle of radius 2 m with angular speed 10/7t rps. A detector D in the plane of the iA circle is at a distance of 30 m from the centre. The speed of sound in air is 300 m/s, then : (a) the maximum frequency detected at D will be 340 Hz (b) the minimum frequency detected at D will be D 280 Hz the average frequency of listening the frequency 300 (c) Hz is per second K r (d) the source reaches A when maximum frequency is detected at D * 73. A boy is sitting on a swing and blowing a whistle at a frequency of 1000 Hz. The swing is moving to an angle of 30 from vertical. The boy is at 2 m from the point of

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support of swing and a girl stands infront of swing. Then the maximum frequency she will hear, is : (Given: velocity of sound =330 m/s) (a) 1000 Hz (b) 1001 Hz (c) 1007 Hz (d) 1011 Hz 74. There is a road between two parallel rows of buildings and distance between the rows of buildings is 106 m. The velocity of car if a car blows a hom whose echo is heard by the driver after 1 s, is : (Given: speed of sound = 340 m/s) (a) 180 m/s (b) 165 m/s (c) 323 m/s (d) 150 m/s 75. Bullets are fired at regular interval of 20 s from a car A, moving with 54 km/h towards a car, B which is approaching A with 30 km/h. If the speed of sound is 330 m/s and that of wind is 10 m/s along BA, then the firing interval observed by a person in the car B i s : (a) 21.64 s (c) 18.5 s (b) 22.2 s (d) 18 s

Sound Wave

76. The graph between distance between source and observer and apparent frequency in the case of Doppler's effect will be : (a) S

(c) S


Answers. Level-1
11. 21. 31. 41. 51. (a) (a) (b> (a) (a) (a) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (d) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. (a) (c) (a) (d) (a) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. (d) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) 5. 15. 25, 35. 45. (b) (b) (c) (a) (a) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. (a) (a) (d) (a) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. (d) (c) (b) (a) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. (b) (a) (a) (d) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. (c) (a) (a) (a) (c)

1. (d)
11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. (c) (b) (a) (d) (a) (d) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. (a) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (c) (c) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. (b) (a) (c) (d) (c) (a) (c) (c) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. (c) (c) (d) (d) (a) (b) (a) (c) 3. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (b) (c) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b) (c) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. (a) (b) (b) (a) (b) (b) (d) (d) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. (b) (c) (a) (c) (b) (a) (c) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. (c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (d) (c) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. (a) (a) (d) (d) (d) (d) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. (a) (c) (c) (a) (b) (a) (d)

Solutions. Level-1
4. CH 4 is the lightest. 5. c= B= pc2 10. Speed = Distance Time 1020 = 340 m/s

11. Frequency does not change due to change of medium. cj =/Xj and C2=/X2 -f2 Xi ~ d '340 x 8.5 = 2 cm 1445


c B - pc = 1000 x (1400)2 = 196 x = 1.96 107 N/m 2

xlO 9

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Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry
Syllabus: Thermal expansion of solids and liquids and their specific heats.

Review of Concepts
1. Conversion of temperature reading from one scale to another. C F -32 51 9 K - 273 5 R : 4 Rn~ 492 hgl = hg2 But Hence, l2 = h [(1 + a ( f 2 - Z 1 ) ] h = V+a(t2-t1)]g1 g2=Sl[l+(f2-fl)] When 'g' remains constant, then T2 _ Ti ^J PI J l ,/

-0) = l1g2 [From (i)]

Here, C = reading in centigrade, F = reading in Fahrenheit, R = reading in Reaumur, K = reading in Kelvin, Rn = reading in Rankin 2. Linear expansion: (a) l2 = li[l + a. (f 2 - fi)] (b) The value of 'a' does not depends upon initial and the final length of the solid. (c) The value of 'a' slightly depends upon initial and final temperature of the solid. (d) The value of ' a ' may be negative . (e) The value of 'a' depends upon the unit chosen. In the given formula : /j = length at f ^ C , Z2 = length at f2C The given formula is applicable only for the small range of temperature. For the large range of temperature. lt = l0(l+at + bt2 + ...) (f) Percentage change in length, % A = 100 a Af Z (g) If a scale gives correct reading Zj at tiC, when temperature changes to f2C, such that f 2 > f1( the length of scale increases. Hence, it gives reading lesser than true value. True value = scale reading [(1 + a (f2 - fj)] (h) In the case of pendulum, due to variation of temperature, the length of pendulum changes, hence, time period changes. T = 2n Ii T2

[(I+(T2 U

^ = [l+a(f2-Z1)]1/2 1 T2 = l+-aAf where Af = f2 - fj = change in temperature. T2 AT = T - i = T 1 + ^ a A f - l Ti

AT = - a Af .T

If Ax is change in time and T is the total time

If AT is positive, the watch becomes slow. If AT is negative, the watch becomes fast, (j) When rod is rigidly fixed, thermal strain

AZ I a At '' I I - a At

Thermal stress = Ya At Thermal force = stress x area = YAa At (k) When rod is not fixed; thermal strain is zero. (1) If there is a hole A in a plate C, the area of the hole increases due to heating. The expansion in solid is independent of the presence of hole. (m)If the difference of lengths of two rods of different materials are same at all temperatures then =02 ; 2 04

hg2 hgi

If time period is correct. Then Tj - T 2

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(n) The range of temperature, t Af I = length at tC Al = 1 a At At = AI (c) (d) (e) (f)

Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry

Here yr = coefficient of real expansion of liquid, Yfl = coefficient of apparent expansion of liquid, Yf, = coefficient of expansion of container. If Yr > Y> the level of liquid in container will rise due b to rise of temperature. If Yr = Yiv the level of liquid in container remains steady due to rise of temperature. If Yr < Yfv the level of liquid in container will fall due to rise of temperature. The expression for thrust on a body of volume V dipped in a liquid of density p, F, = F 0 [1 + (Y S -Y;)f] Here Ff = thrust on the body at tC, F0 = thrust on the body at 0C, Ys = coefficient of volume expansion of solid, Yi - coefficient of volume expansion of liquid. (g) Since, ys < Y;, SO, due to rise of temperature, thrust on the body decreases. (h) The coefficient of expansion of water at 4C is zero. 8. Anomalous expansion of water : (a) Some substances contract when heated over a certain temperature range. The most common example is water. The volume of water decreases as the temperature is raised from 0C to 4C, at which point, the volume is a minimum and the density is a maximum (1000 kg/m3). (b) Above 4C, water expands with increasing temperature like most substances. (c) The anomalous behaviour of water arises due to the fact that water has three types of molecules, viz., H 2 0 , (H 2 0) 2 and (H 2 0)3 having different volumes per unit mass and at different temperatures their properties in water are different. 9. Methods of measuring coefficient of expansion of liquid: (a) Weight thermometer or specific gravity bottle.
Y =-


(o) Variation of moment of inertia with temperature : Z = Io(l + otf) or Z2 = Z02 (1 + af) 2 or ml2 = ml02 (1 + a2t2 + 2at) 22 a t are very small, so, it can be neglected ml2 = ml02 (1 + lot) or kml2 = kml2 (1 +2at) where A is a numerical constant : but kml = M.I. at fC = I and
,,2. km% = M.I. at 0C = I 0

I = I0(l+2of) 3. Superficial expansion: A2 = AX [l + P ( t 2 - f i ) ] where Ax = surface area at txC, A2 = surface area at f2C P = coefficient of superficial expansion For isotropic material, p = 2a S.I. unit of P is per kelvin. 4. Cubical expansion: Vi[l+Y(f2-^i)3 where, V2 = volume at f2C, Vx = volume at t\C, y= temperature coefficient of cubical expansion SI unit of y is per kelvin. For isotropic medium y = 3a. 5. Variation of density with temperature : Pl = P2 [ l + Y t o - ' l ) ] where, pj = density at txC, p2 = density at t2C 6. Effect of temperature on upthrust: F' = F f 1 + Ys AT^ l+y,A ^

mx-m2 m2(t2-ti)

mxyb m2

If Y S > Y / , F ' > F and if ys = Yf/ F ' = F

where ys = ratio of specific heats of solid Y; = ratio of specific heats of liquid 7. Expansion in liquid: Liquids have no definite shape. So, only volume expansion is found in the case of liquid. (a) Apparent expansion: The observed expansion is the combined effect of expansion in container and the expansion in liquid. i.e., real expansion in liquid = apparent expansion in liquid + expansion of container or AVr = AVa + AVj, (b) Yr = 7a + lb

Here y= coefficient of real expansion of liquid mx = mass of experimental liquid in the bottle at fjC. m2 = mass of experimental liquid in the bottle at f2C. Yb = coefficient of expansion of the bottle, (b) Duldng and Petifs method: In this method, a column of experimental liquid at PC is balanced against other column of the experimental liquid at 0C by taking them in U-tube. Here


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(c) Sinker's method: A body of mass in air is dipped into liquid at two different temperatures. Here y = (>0 - '"l) - ('"o - m2) ('"0 - m2) (f2 - ti) f-mQ - m1 + ys m m
o ~ 2

t c 0 c

(d) The S.I. unit of heat energy is joule. 10. Debyer T 3 law : Specific heat of a solid varies wi th temperature. It is 3R at higher temperature and near absolule zero Cv oc T 3 11. Clausius clapeyron's equation (or Latent heat equation) representing change of M.P. or B.P. with pressure is dP _ Jl dt ~ T (V2 - Vi) Relation among different units : (i) 1 pound calorie = 453.6 calorie (ii) 1 British thermal unit = 252 calorie (iii) 1 calorie =4.2 joule.. (iv) 1 Therm = 105 British thermal unit (v) The relation between specific heat (s) and heat capacity (C): C = ms (vi) Water equivalent (W) : W= ms 4200 (In SI)

Here m\ = apparent weight of body in the liquid at tiC. m2 = apparent weight of liquid at t2C. ys = coefficient of volume expansion of the body. 10. Calorimetry: (a) It is based upon conservation principle of energy. heat lost = heat gained (b) AH = msAQ (c) If n bodies of masses m\,m2,m3,...,mn at temperatures 0j, 0 2 , 3, ..., 0 are mixed together provided states of bodies do not change during mixing then

w ^ 0! + m2s2 0 2 + ... + mn s 0 mi + m2 + ... + mn

where 0 = equilibrium temperature of the mixture.

where W = water equivalent in kg. (vii) Water equivalent in gram and heat capacity in calorie per centigrade are numerically equal. (viii) Latent heat = mL (ix) During phase change, specific heat is infinity.


Questions. Level-1
(a) 11 x 10" cm longer (b) 11 x 10" 6 cm shorter (c) 11 x 10~5 cm shorter (d) 11 x 10~5 cm longer 7. Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body through 1 K is called its : (a) water equivalent (b) thermal capacity (c) entropy (d) specific heat 8. A pendulum clock keeps correct time at 20QC, the correction to be made during summer per day where the average temperature is 40C (a = 10~5/C) will be : (a) 5.64 s (b) 6.64 s (c) 7.64 s (d) 8.64 s 9. The 0.38 x coefficient 10~3/C 10"3/C, If of real the expansion density of of Hg mercury at 0C is is

1. When a metal rod is heated it expands because : (a) the size of its atoms increases (b) the distance among its atoms increases (c) atmospheric air rushes into it (d) the actual cause is still unknown 2. When rod is heated but prevented from expanding, the stress is independent of : (a) material of the rod (b) rise in temperature (c) length of rod (d) none of these 3. Significant motion for the molecules of a monoatomic gas corresponds to: (a) trartslatory (b) vibratory (c) rotatory (d) none of these 4. A sphere, a cube and disc all of the same material quantity and volume are heated to 600C and left in air. Which of these will have the lowest rate of cooling ? (a) Sphere (b) Cube (c) Disc (d) All will have same rate 5. Coefficient of cubical expansion of water is zero at: (a) 0C (b) 4C (c) 15.5C (d) 100C 6. A bar of iron is 10 cm at 20C, at 19C it will be (a of iron = 11 x 10~VC):

13.6 x its density at 20CTC will be : (a) 13.3 g/cc (b) 13.2 g/cc (c) 13.1 g/cc (d) 13.6 g/cc 10. Two metal strips that constitute a thermostate must necessarily differ in their : (a) masses (b) lengths (c) resistivities (d) coefficients of linear expansion

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11. The standard fixed point for temperature measurement is used these days is : (a) melting point of ice at S.T.P. (b) that temperature at which ice, water and water vapour coexist (c) that temperature at which pure ice and pure water coexist (d) none of the above 12. Water does not freeze at the bottom of the lakes in winter because: (a) ice is a good conductor of heat (b) ice reflects heat and light (c) of anomalous expansion of water between 4C to 0C (d) nothing can be said 13. When the pressure on water is increased, the boiling temperature of water SG compared to 1Q0C will be : (a) lower (b) the sa^ie (c) higher (d) or the critical temperature 14. The density of substance at 100C is 7.25 g/cc and at 0C is 7.5 g/cc, coefficient of linear expansion is : (a) 111 x 10~6/C (c) 111 x 10~4/C (b) 111 x 10~5/C (d) 111 x 10~3/C 15. On heating a liquid of coefficient of cubical expansion a in a container having a coefficient of linear expansion oc/3, the level of the liquid in the container will: (a) rise (b) fall (c) remain almost stationary (d) it is difficult to say 16. The specific heat of gas in an isothermal process is: (a) zero (b) infinite (c) negative (d) remains constant

Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry

17. Two spheres made of same substance have diameters in the ratio 1 : 2, their thermal capacities are in the ratio of: (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 8 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1 18- A thin copper wire of length / increases in length by 1% when heated from temperature T1 to T2. What is the percentage change in area, when a thin copper plate having, two dimensions is heated from Tx to T 2 ? (a) 1% (b) 3% (c) 2% (d) 4% 19. The volume coefficient expansion of a metal whose linear coefficient is 15 x l C r V C , will be :
(a) 45X1CTVC

(b) 25 x 10 /C (d) 5 x 10 /C

(c) 35 x 10 /C

20. The coefficient of linear expansion of crystal in one direction is and that in every direction perpendicular to it is a 2 . The coefficient of cubical expansion is : (a) a a + a 2 (c) a j + 2a 2

(b) 2a x + a 2 (d) none of these

As the pressure on the gas is increased from 1 to 2 atmosphere, its heat capacity : (a) decreases linearly (b) increases linearly (c) increases logarithmically (d) is practically constant

22. Heat conducted through a rod of radius 1 cm and length 22 cm in five minutes, if the coefficient of conduction is 0.1 CGS unit when the ends are at 30C and 100C, is : (a) 300 cal (b) 100 cal (c) 150 cal (d) 400 cal

1. The temperature at which Centigrade thermometer and Kelvin thermometer gives the same reading, is : (a) 4 (b) 273 (c) not possible (d) 0 2. What is the change in the temperature on Fahrenheit scale and on Kelvin scale, if a iron piece is heated from 30 to 90C ? (a) 108F, 60K (b) 100F, 55K (c) 100F, 65K (d) 60F, 108K 3. What is the resistance of the wire at 30C, if at 5C, the resistance of same wire is 200 t i and at 10C, the resistance is 200.2 2 ? (a) 200 2 (b) 201 a (c) 204 Q (d) 195 4. Which of the following carries anomalous expansion ? (a) Mercury (b) Water (c) Copper (d) Sodium 5. Two thermometers are constructed in such a way that one has a spherical bulb and the other has elongated cylindrical bulb. The bulbs are made of same material and thickness. Then: (a) spherical bulb will respond more quickly to temperature changes (b) cylindrical bulb will respond more quickly to temperature changes. (c) both bulbs will respond same to temperature changes (d) none of both bulbs respond to temperature changes

Mark correct option or options : (a) Sun temperature is measured by radiation pyrometer (b) Insect temperature is measured by thermocouple thermometer (c) Moon's temperature is measured by berthometer (d) All of the above

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7. The temperature of a point in space is given by T = (x2 + y2 - z2). A mosquito located at (1,1, 2) desires to fly in such a direction that it will get heat as soon as possible. Then unit vector is : 2 * (a) i + l 3 3 ' , . 2 A 2 A 1A

is: (a) ^ af AT (c) |aAT (b) 2af AT (d) 2aAT

2 A 2 A 1A "3 1_3 >+

(d) none of these

8. A bird is flying at a speed of 5 m/s in the direction of the vector 4 i + 4 j - 2 T h e temperature of the region is given by T = x 2 +1/2 - z 2 . The rate of increase of temperature per unit time, at the instant it passes through the point (1, 1, 2) is : (a) y C/s (b) 3C/s (d) 4C/s

15. A second's pendulum clock having steel wire is calibrated at 20C. When temperature is increased to 30C, then how much time does the clock lose or gain in one week ? [a s t e e l = 1.2 x 10~5 (C) -1 ] (a) 0.3628 s (b) 3.626 s (c) 362.8 s ' ( d ) 36.28 s 16. A uniform brass disc of radius a and mass m is set into spinning with angular speed (I)Q about an axis passing through centre of disc and perpendicular to the plane of disc. If its temperature increases from G^C to 0 2 C without disturbing the disc, what will be its new angular speed ? (The coefficient of linear expansion of brass is a), (a) (BQ [1 + 2a (02 - 0j)]

(c) 18C/s

9. At 30C, the hole in a steel plate has diameter of 0.99970 cm. A cylinder of diameter exactly 1 cm at 30C is to be slide into the hole. To what temperature the plate must be heated ? (Given : a s t e e l = 1.1 x 10" 5 "C" 1 ) (a) 58C (b) 55C (c) 57.3C (d) 60C 10. If same amount of heat is supplied to two identical spheres (one is hollow and other is solid), then : (a) the expansion in hollow is greater than the solid (b) the expansion in hollow is same as that in solid (c) the expansion in hollow is lesser than the solid (d) the temperature of both must be same to each other. 11. The metal sheet shown in figure, with two holes cut of unequal diameters and d2 (dj > d2). If the sheet is heated : (a) both dx and d2 will decrease (b) both di and d2 will increase (c) dx will increase, d2 will decrease (d) dj will decrease, d2 will increase 12. A steel scale gives correct reading at fjC. When temperature changes to t2C, then: (a) if t2 > 11, reading is greater than true value (b) if t2 > t1, reading is lesser than true value (c) the reading is always equal to true value (d) the reading is always less than true value 13. At 20C, a steel ruler of 20 cm long is graduated to give correct reading, but when it is used at a temperature of 40C, what will be the actual length of the steel ruler? [ 0 ^ , = 1.2 x i o - 5 c c r 1 ] (a) 22.02 cm (b) 19.6 cm (c) 20.0048 cm (d) 18.0002 cm 14. The temperature of a pendulum, the time period of which is t, is raised by AT. The change in its time period

(b) co0 [1 + a (0 2 - Oj)]

0 (d) None of these [l + 2a (02 - 0 j ) ] 17. Two identical rods A and B are of equal lengths and at the same temperature. The rod A is placed at smooth surface but B is placed at rough surface. If the temperature of both are raised by the same amount, then :
Copper A Copper B

. - -

(a) final length of A is greater than that of B (b) final length of both are same (c) final length of A is lesser than that of B (d) none of the above 18. Calculate the compressional force required to prevent the metallic rod of length I cm and cross-sectional area

A cm when heated through fC, from expanding along lengthwise. The Young's modulus of elasticity of the metal is E and mean coefficient of linear expansion is a per degree celsius: (a) EAat


EA* (1 + af)

EAat (d) Elat (1-at) 19. A plate composed of welded sheets of aluminium and iron is connected to an electrical circuit as shown Fe in fig. What will happen Al if a fairly strong current be passed through the HH circuit ? (a) Strip bends upward

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(b) Strip bends downward (c) Strip remains in its initial condition (d) None of the above 20. A steel rod of 30 mm diameter and 0.3 m long is subjected to a tensile force W kilo newton acting axially. The temperature of the rod raised through 80C and total extension measured as 0.35 mm. The value of W is : (Ys = 2 x 105 N/mm2, a s = 12 x 10~6 /C) (a) 29.20 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 12 21. At temperature TQ, two metal strips of length !g and thickness d, is bolted so that their ends coincide. The upper strip is made up of metal A and have coefficient of expansion a^ and lower strip is made up of metal B with coefficient of expansion otg. (a^ > ag). When temperature of their blastic strip is increased from TQ to (T0 + AT), one strip become longer than the other and blastic strip is bend in the form of a circle as shown in fig. Calculate the radius of curvature R of the strip :

Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry

23. A copper rod of length IQ at 0C is placed on smooth surface. The rod is heated up to 100C. The longitudinal strain developed is: (a = coefficient of linear expansion) 100Z0oc (b) 100 a (a) Z0 + l O g C O ZC (c) zero (d) none of these 24. A steel rod of diameter 1 cm is clamped firmly at each end when its temperature is 25C so that it cannot contract on cooling. The tension in the rod at 0C is: (a = 10~5/C, Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2) (b) 7000 N (a) 4000 N (c) 7400 N (d) 4700 N *25. Two metal rods are fixed end to end between two rigid supports, as shown ^ [ in figure. Each rod is of ^ length T and area of <x2y2 iYi cross-section is A. When the system is heated up, determine the condition when the junction between rods does not shift ? [Given: Y\ and Y2 are Young's modulus of materials of the rods, 04 and a 2 are coefficients of linear expansion.]
(a) a 1 Y 2 = a 2 Y 1 (b) A1Y1=A2Y1

(c) a j = a 2

(d) Y 1 = Y 2

26. What will be the stress at 20C, if a steel rod with a cross-sectional area of 150 mm 2 is stretched between two fixed points ? The tensile load at 20C is 5000N : (a) R = (b) R = (c) R = [2 + (a A + otB) AT] d 2(aA-aB) [2 -(aA AT + uB) AT]d AT] d AT] d (Assume a = 11.7 x 10" 6 /C and Y = 200 x 1011 N/m 2 ) (a) 12.7 xlO 6 N/m 2 (c) 127 xlO 6 N/m 2 (b) 1.27 xlO 6 N/m 2 (d) 0.127 xlO 6 N/m 2

2 (ccA - ag) AT [2+(aA-aB) 2{aA-aB)A [2-(aA-ccB)

" 2(aA-aB)A$ 22. A cube of ice is placed on a bimetallic strip at room temperature as shown in the figure. What will happen if the upper strip is of iron and the lower strip is of copper ?
(d) R

27. Two steel rods and copper Steel rod of equal length IQ and Copper equal cross-sections are Steel joined rigidly as shown. All the rods are in a state of zero tension at 0C. The temperature of system increases upto 30C, then: (a) tensile force on either steel plate is half of copper plate (b) the net expansion in copper plate is less than the thermal expansion of the copper plate (c) the expansion in either steel plates is larger than thermal expansion in steel plates (d) all of the above * 28. An equilateral triangle ABC is formed by joining three rods of equal length and D is the mid-point of AB. The coefficient of linear expansion for AB is a. 1 and for AC and BC is a 2 . Find the relation between 04 and a 2 , if

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ice moves downwards Ice moves upwards Ice remains in rest None of the above

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261 Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry
distance DC remains constant for small changes in temperature (a) a] = a 2 (b) a j = 4a 2 (c) a 2 = 4a. (d) a , = - a 2 Density of wood at 0C = 8.8 x 10 2 kg/m 3 Density of benzene at 0C = 9 x 10 2 kg/m 3 Cubical expansivity of wood = 1.5 x 10~4 Cubical expansivity of benzene = 1.2 x 10" 3 K - 1 (a) 27C (c) 31C (b) 21.7C (d) 31.7C

29. In an anisotropic medium, the coefficients of linear expansion of a solid are 04, a 2 and a 3 in three mutually perpendicular directions. The coefficient of volume expansion for the solid is (a) oti - a 2 + a 3 (c) a] + a 2 + a 3 (b) a! + a2 + a3

36. In a U-tube, a liquid is poured to a height 'h' in each arm. When left and right arms of the tube is heated to temperature Tj and T 2 respectively, the height in each arm changes to and h2 respectively. What is the relation between coefficients of volume expansion of liquid and heights, h-y and h2 ? hi - hi hi + hi (b) y = (a) y = Tihi - T2hi Tih2 - T2hi (c) y = hi + h2 T\h2 + T^i (d) y = hi-h2 Tihx - T2h2

(d) none of these

30. The density of a liquid at 0C is p0. The density of liquid at 0C is : [volume expansion of liquid is y ] (a) Po [l + y ( 0 2 - e , ) ] (b) P o [ l + y ( e 2 - 0 , ) ] (d) none of these

(c) Po [1 + y 0 2 ]

31. The coefficient of linear expansion of glass is a^ per C and the cubical expansion of mercury is ym per C. The volume of the bulb of a mercury thermometer at 0C is V 0 and cross-section of the capillary is A0. What is the. length of mercury column in capillary at TC, if the mercury just fills the bulb at 0C ? V0T (y, - 3a ? ) VT (Y, + 3a g ) (a) (b) A 0 (1 + 2agT) A0 (1 + 2agT) V0T( Y, + 2a g ) (c) A (1 + 3a T) 0 s
(d) v '

V0T(ym-2af) A0 (1 + 3 a ? T )

37. A physicist says "a body contains 10 joule heat" but a physics learner says "this statement is correct only when the body is in liquid state". Mark correct option or options: (a) physicist statement is correct (b) physics learner's statement is correct (c) both statements are correct (d) both statements are wrong 38. A sphere A is placed at smooth table. An another sphere B is suspended as shown in figure. Both spheres are identical in all respects. Equal quantity of heat is supplied to both spheres. All kinds of heat loss are neglected. The final temperatures of A and B are TA and Tg respectively, then:

32. The bulk modulus of water is 2 . 1 x l 0 9 N / m 2 . The pressure required to increase the density of water by 0.1% is : (a) 2.1 xlO 3 N/m 2 (c) 2.1 x 10 5 N/m 2 (b) 2.1 x l O 6 N/m 2 (d) 2.1 x l O 2 N / m 2

33. At a temperature tC, a liquid is completely filled in a spherical shell of copper. If AT increases temperature of the liquid and the shell, then the outward pressure dP on the shell resulted from increase in temperature is given b y : (Given, K = Bulk modulus of the liquids, y = coefficient of volume expansion, a = coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the shell) K (a) ( y - 3a) AT (b) K (3a - y) AT (c) 3 a (K - y) AT (d) y (3a - K) AT 34. A liquid when heated in a copper vessel and when heated in a silver vessel, the apparent coefficient of expansion is 'C' and 'S', respectively. If coefficients of linear expansion of copper is 'A', then coefficient of linear expansion of silver is : C + S - 3A C + 3A - S (a) (b) (c) 3 A-S-C 3

(a) TA = TB (b) TA>TB

(c) TA < Tg

(d) none of these

39. The resulting temperature when 20 g of boiling water is poured into an ice-cold brass vessel of mass 100 g, is: (specific heat =0.1 cal/g C) : (a) 66.66C (b) 6.66C (c) 0.66C (d) 50C 40. The ratio of thermal capacities of two spheres A and B, if their diameters are in the ratio 1 : 2, densities in the ratio 2 : 1, and the specific heat in the ratio of 1 : 3, will be: (a) 1 : 6 (b) 1 : 12 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 1 : 4 41. In similar calorimeters, equal volumes of water and alcohol, when poured, take 100 s. and 74 s respectively to cool from 50C to 40C. If the thermal capacity of each

(d) '

C + S + 3A 3

35. Using the following, data, at what temperature will the wood just sink in benzene ?

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calorimeter is numerically equal to volume of either liquid, then the specific heat capacity of alcohol is : (Given: the relative density of alcohol as 0.8 and specific heat capacity of water as 1 cal/g/C) (a) 0.8 cal/gC (b) 0.6 cal/gC (c) 0.9 cal/gC (d) 1 cal/gC 42. The molar heat capacity of rock salt at low temperatures varies with temperature according to Debye's T

Heat, Temperature and Calorimetry

part ST of the graph represents :

o Is < D Q. | 2
Heat Input E

law". (a) (b) (c) (d)

Thus, C = k 5- where, k = 1940 J mol" 1 fT 1 , 0 = 281 K. 03 How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of rock salt from 10 K to 50 K ? (a) 800 J (b) 373 J (c) 273 J (d) None of these 43. The specific heat of a substance at temperature tC is s = at2 + bt + c. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of m g of the substance from 0C to foC, is : into a btn2 (a) - | ~ + - - + ct 0 mt03a mbt02 (c) + 3 2 , , (a) X btl T + mt03a vibto (b) + - - + md 0 (d) none of these

the latent heat of the vapour the specific heat of the vapour the thermal capacity of the vapour the reciprocal of the thermal capacity occurs,

49. The temperature at which phase transition depends on : (a) pressure (b) volume (c) density (d) mass

50. Under some conditions, a material can be heated above or cooled below the normal phase change temperature without a phase change occurring. The resulting state : (a) may be stable (b) may be unstable (c) must be stable (d) must be unstable 51. Water at - 10C is present in a thermally insulated container. The ratio of mass of ice formed and initial mass of water, if a small crystal of ice is thrown into it, will b e : (a) 1/15 (b) 1/17 (c) 2/15 (d) 1/8 52. It takes 20 minutes to melt 10 g of ice, when rays from the sun are focussed by a lens of diameter 5 cm on to a block of ice. The heat received from the sun on 1 cm per minute is : (Given: L = 80 k cal/kg) (a) R = 2.04 cal/cm 2 -min (b) R = 3.04 cal/cm 2 -min (c) R = 0.204 cal/cm 2 -min (d) R = 204 cal/cm 2 -min 53. If in 1.1 kg of water which is contained in a calorimeter of water equivalent 0.02 kg at 15C, steam at 100C is passed, till the temperature of calorimeter and its contents rises to 80C. The mass of steam condensed in kilogram is: (a) 0.131 (b) 0.065 (c) 0.260 (d) 0.135 54. 5 g of water at 30C and 5 g of ice at - 20C are mixed together in a calorimeter. The water equivalent of calorimeter is negligible and specific heat and latent heat of ice are 0.5 cal/gC and 80 cal/g respectively. The final temperature of the mixure is : (a) 0C (b) - 8C (c) - 4C (d) 2C 55. In an energy recycling process, X g of steam at 100C becomes water at 100C which converts Y g of ice at 0C into water at 100C. The ratio of X/Y will be : (a) | (c) 3 >! (d) 2
( b

44. In above problem, average value of specific heat is:

+ 0

... at0 (b) (d) zero



(c) atQ + bto + c

45. If rotation of the earth stopped suddenly then the rise in temperature of the earth, assume total rotational energy is converted into thermal energy, is : (specific heat of earth = 0.15, radius of earth = 6400 km) (a) 78.76C (b) 6.876C (c) 68.76C (d) 0.6876C 46. A drilling machine of 10 kW power is used to drill a bore in a small aluminium block of mass 8 kg. If 50% of power is used up in heating the machine itself or lost to the surroundings then how much is the rise in temperature of the block in 2.5 minutes ? (Given: specific heat of aluminium = 0.91 J/gC) (a) 103C (b) 130C (c) 105C (d) 30C 47. A thermally insulated piece of metal is heated under atmosphere by an electric current so that it receives electric energy at a constant power P. This leads to an increase of the absolute temperature T of the metal with time t as follows T = atVi Then the heat capacity Cp is : (a) APT" APT'

(c) APT2


(d) none of these

48. A source of heat supplies heat at a constant rate to a solid cube. The variation of the temperature of the cube with the heat supplied is shown in the fig. The slope of the

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56. At 30C, a lead bullet of 50 g, is fired vertically upwards with a speed of 840 m/s. The specific heat of lead is 0.02 cal/gC. On returning to the starting level, it strikes to a cake of ice at 0C. The amount of ice melted is : (Assume all the energy is spent in melting only) (a) 62.7 g (b) 55 g (c) 52.875 kg (d) 52.875 g

Answers Level-1

11. 21.

(b) (b) (d)

2. 12. 22.

(c) (c) (a)

3. 13.

(a) (c)

4. 14.

(a) (a)

5. 15.

(b) (a)

6. 16.

(c) (b)

7. 17.

(b) (b)

8. 18.

(d) (c)

9. 19.

(c) (a)

10. 20.

(d) (c)


11. 21. 31. 41. 51.

(c) (b) (a) (b) (b) (d)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52.

(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53.

(b) (c) (c) (a) (b) (a)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54.

(b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55.

(b) (d) (b) (b) (c) (a)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56.

(d) (c) (c) (a) (a) (d)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47.

(a) (a) (d) (d) (a)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48.

(a) (b) (b) (c) (d)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49.

(c) (a) (c) (a) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

(a) (a) (a) (b) (d)

Solutions. Level-1
6. and L = L 0 (1 + a AO) 10 = L 0 (i + 20a) V = L 0 (1 + 19a) U _ 1 + 19a _ 1 + 1 9 (11 x 10" 6 ) 10 ~ 1 + 2 0 a ~ i + 20 (11 x l O - 6 ) Solving, we get U = 9.99989 cm U is shorter by (10 - 9.99989) = 0.00011 cm = 11 x 10~5 cm 8. Time difference per day = - a (0 2 - 0i) x 86400 sec = ~ x 10~5 (40 - 20) x 86400 = 8.64 sec 14. d2 = d! [ i - y ( f 2 - f i ) ] ; 7.25 = 7.5 (1 - y x l O O ) 22.

. 3

ex = =

333 x I P - 6 3

= 111 x 10_6/C V=Vo(l+y0) L 3 = L 0 (1 + a j A0) Ll (1 + a 2 A0)2 1 + y A0 = (1 + a j A0) (1 + a 2 A0)2 y = a ! + 2a 2 ['" L 3 = Lq (1 +yA0)]


KA (0 2 - i)f

1 22 1 70x300 = 0.1xyxlx = 300 cal

1. Since, where and Hence, T = 273 + t T = temperature in kelvin f = temperature in centrigrade T*t

ATQ = 90 - 30C = 60C A TF = | ATC = | (60) = 108F AT = ATC = 60 K.

Hence, (c) is correct.

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Physics for Gaseous State

Syllabus: Thermal expansion in gases, ideal gas laws.


Review of Concepts
1. Ideal gas equation: (a) PV = nRT <b Here R = universal gas constant = 8.31 joule/mol-K 2. Gas laws : (a) Boyle's law: PV = constant In general, P ^ = P2V2 = M v y (b) Most probable speed :

3. Different types of speeds of gas molecules : (a) RMS speed :


(c) Average speed :

m = Constant T = Constant


(i) a = 0o (ii)



3 +

(b) Charle's law: ; = constant In general,

(8RT) T 8 7zM 371 V V V / (iii) vmp Vav < yrms Some important points concerning kinetic theory of gases : (a) Pressure P exerted by an ideal gas is given by
P =

vf l

i!nN 3 V



where v2 is the mean square velocity

P = Constant m = Constant

2 + v2 +

(b) Mean kinetic energy per gram mole of a gas is given by Emole = | ^ N = | p T (c) Average translational K.E. of gas molecules depends only on its temperature and is independent of its nature. (d) (i) Mean free path is the average distance travelled by a gas molecule between two successive collisions and is given by
x =

(c) Gay Lussac's law: P = constant

V = Constant m = Constant

^2nd2n where d is the diameter of molecules and n is the number of molecules per unit volume, (ii) The mean free path for air molecules at NTP is 0.01 pm.

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(e) The internal energy of p moles of a gas in which each molecule has / degrees of freedom, will be

Physics for Gaseous State

(ii) For diatomic gas, /=5, so, U = \IRT (iii) For polyatomic gas, /= 6, so, U = ^ pRT (i) For monoatomic gas,/=3, so, U = ~\xRT


Questions Level-1
9 If P = 10 KT, then the number of molecules per unit volume of the gas is : (a) 1 (c) 10 3 (b) 102 (d) 10 6

1. Kinetic theory of gases provides a base for : (a) Charles' law (b) Boyle's law (c) Charles' law and Boyle's law (d) none of the above 2. The vapour of a substance behaves as a gas : (a) below critical temperature (b) above critical temperature (c) at 100C (d) at 1000C 3. Gas exerts pressure on the walls on the container because : (a) gas has weight (b) gas molecules have momentum (c) gas molecules collide with each other (d) gas molecules collide with the walls of the container 4. The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 27C to 927C. The root mean square speed of its molecules becomes : (a) twice (b) half (c) four times (d) one-fourth 5. 4 moles of an ideal gas is at 0C. At constant pressure it is heated to double its volume, then its final temperature will b e : (a) 0C (b) 273C (c) 546C (d) 136.5C 6. In a gas of diatomic molecules, the ratio of the two specific heats of gas (a) 1.66 (c) 1.33

10. The mean kinetic energy per mole of an ideal gas at 0C is approximately: (a) 3.4 J (c) 3.4 x 103 J (b) 3.4 x 102 J (d) 207 J

H . At what temperature the KE of gas molecule is half that of its value at 27C ? (a) 13.5C (b) 150C (c) 150 K (d) -123 K I 2 - A mixture of two gases A and B is in a container at a constant temperature. Gas A is diatomic and B is monoatomic. The ratio of molecular masses of A and B is 4, the ratio of the rms speeds of A and B is : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1:A/2 (c) <2:1 (d) 1 : 2
13. A gas in a vessel is at the pressure PQ. If the masses of

all the molecules be made half and their speed be made double, then the resultant pressure will be : (a) 4P 0 (b) 2P 0 (c) P 0


is : (b) 1.40 (d) 1.00

A flask containing air at 27C at atmospheric pressure is corked up. A pressure of 2.5 atm. inside the flask would force the cork out. The temperature at which it will happen, is: (a) 67.5C (b) 577C (c) 670C (d) 750 K by 20% on kelvin scale and volume is reduced by 10%. How much percentage of the gas has to leak for pressure to remain constant ? (a) 30% (b) 40% (c) 15% (d) 25%

7. Four molecules of a gas are having speeds 1, 4, 8 and 16 ms - 1 . The root mean square velocity of the gas molecules is : (a) 7.25 ms" 1 (c) 84.25 ms" 1 (b) 52.56 ms - 1 (d) 9.2 ms" 1

15. A gas is filled in a cylinder. Its temperature is increased

8. At 0C the value of the density of fixed mass of an ideal gas divided by its pressure is x. At 100C, this quotient is : , , 100 273 (a) x (b) v ' 273 100 x , > 273 ,a\ 373 (d) ( C ) 373 X

At a certain temperature, hydrogen molecules have rms velocity 2 km/s. The rms velocity of the oxygen molecules at the same temperature is : (a) 2 km/s (b) 8 km/s (c) 0.5 km/s (d) 1 km/s 17. At a given temperature the ratio of rms velocities of hydrogen molecules and helium atoms will be :

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(a) V 2 : l (c) 1 : 2 (b) 1:V2 (d) 2 : 1 (a) 2 (c) 1.6 (b) 1.58 (d) 1.31

18. The root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecule at 27C is vH and that of oxygen at 402C is v0 then : (a) v0>vH (c) 8v0 = 3vh (b) 4V0 = 9VH (d) 9P0 = 134Uh

23. The average translational kinetic energy of 0 2 (molar mass 32) molecules at a particular temperature is 0.048 eV. The translational kinetic energy of N 2 (molar mass 28) molecules in eV at the same temperature i s : (a) 0.0015 (c) 0.048 (b) 0.003 (d) 0.768

19. The rms speed of the molecules of a gas in a vessel is 400 m/s. If half of the gas leaks out at constant temperature, the rms speed of the remaining molecules will be : (a) 800 m/s (b) 400 V2 m/s (c) 400 m/s (d) 200 m/s 20. 22 g of C 0 2 at 27C is mixed with 16 g of 0 2 at 37C. The temperature of the mixture is : (a) 32C (b) 27C (c) 37C (d) 30.5C 21. Maximum density of H 2 0 is at the temperature : (a) 32F (c) 42F (b) 39.2F (d) 4F

24. The molecular weight of gas is 44. The volume occupied by 2.2 g of this gas at 0C and 2 atm. pressure, will b e : (a) 0.56 litre (b) 1.2 litre (c) 2.4 litre (d) 5.6 litre 2 5- The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule at 27C is 6.21 x 10 - 2 1 J. Its average kinetic energy at 227C will be : (a) 52.2 x 10~21 J (c) 10.35 x 1 0
--2 11 Z

(b) 5.22 x 10~21 J (d) 11.35 xlO~ 2 1 J

22. The respective speeds of five molecules are 2,1.5, 1.6,1.6 and 1.2 km/s, the most probable speed in km/s will be :

At constant temperature on increasing the pressure of a gas by 5%, the gas will decrease in its volume b y : (a) 5% (b) 5.26% (c) 4.26% (d) 4.76%

1. A gas behaves more closely as an ideal gas at: (a) low pressure and low temperature (b) low pressure and high temperature (c) high pressure and low temperature (d) high pressure and high temperature 2. In troposphere, temperature varies linearly with elevation as T = TQ- ay, where TQ is the temperature at the earth's surface, then : (a) the pressure does not change with elevation in troposphere (b) the variation of pressure with elevation is linear (c) the dimension of a is (d) the pressure is independent of variation temperature in the given situation with

o " 2 5. 12 g of gas occupy a volume of 4 x 10 m at a temperature of 7C. After the gas is heated at constant pressure, its density becomes 6 x 10" 4 g/cm 3 . What is the temperature to which the gas was heated ? (a) 1000 K (b) 1400 K (c) 1200 K (d) 800 K A closed vessel with a capacity of 1 m 3 contains 0.9 kg of water and 1.6 kg of 0 2 . The pressure in the vessel at a temperature of 500C at which all the water will be converted into steam, is : (a) 3.2 xlO 5 N/m 2 (b) 6 . 4 x l O 5 N / m 2

3. A vessel contains a mixture of nitrogen of mass 7 g and carbon dioxide of mass 11 g at temperature 290 K and pressure 1 atm. The density of the mixture is: (a) 1.1 g/L (b) 1.2 g/L '(c) 1.515 g/L (d) 1.6 g/L g of a gas at 'Pj g of a gas at 'P 2 ' with each other. If common pressure 4. Two chambers, one containing 'm{ pressure and other containing 'm2 pressure, are put in communication temperature remains constant, the reached will be :
(a) (c)

(d) 9.6 x l O 5 N/m 2 (c) 1.6 xlO 5 N/m 2 ^ The pressure of a gas kept in an isothermal container is 200 kPa. If half the gas is removed from it, the pressure will b e : (a) 100 kPa (b) 200 kPa (c) 400 kPa (d) 800 kPa 8 . Let T a ' and 'TB be the final temperatures of the samples A and B respectively in the previous question, then
(a) (B) (c) TA<TH TA = TB TA>TB

(d) the relation between TA and TH cannot be deduced 9. The critical volume of a gas obeying van der Waal's equation is : a (b) ( a ) 27R b 2 7b2R (c) 3b (d) a 2 7Rb

P t P 2 (>! + m2) P2mi + P\m2 PiPzh P2ffl\ + P\in2

mxm2 ( P ! + P 2 ) (b) (P mj + P m ) 2 x 2 niim 2 P 2 (d) (P m + m P ) 2 x 2 x

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10. A uniform tube is shown in figure which is open at one end and closed at the other. To enclose a column of air inside the tube, a pellet of mercury is introduced. If Mercury the length of air column at 27C is 18 cm, at what temperature its length will be 21.6 cm ? (a) 87C (b) 91C (c) 85C (d) 97C 11. How many cylinders of hydrogen at atmospheric pressure are required to fill a balloon whose volume is 500 m , if hydrogen is stored in cylinders of volume T r 0.05 m at an absolute pressure of 15 x 10 Pa ? (a) 700 (b) 675 (c) 605 (d) 710 12. Two identical containers A and B have frictionless pistons. Both contain same volume of ideal gas at same temperature. The gas in each cylinder is allowed to expand isothermally to double the initial volume. The mass of the gas in A is mA and the mass of the gas in B is ?nB. The changes in the pressure in A and B are AP and 1.5 AP respectively, then : (a) 4mA = 9mB (b) 2mA=3mB (c) 3mA = 2mB (d) 9mA = 4mB 13. Two gases A and B are contained in the same vessel which is at temperature T. The number of molecules of gas A is 'N' and mass of each is 'm'. The number of molecules of gas 'B' is 2N, each of mass (2m). If mean square volocity of molecules of 'B' is v and mean square velocity of x component of the velocity of 'A' type is 2 2 2 given by 'co ' then co /v is : 1 (a) 2 (b) (d) 14. When without change in temperature, a gas is forced in a smaller volume, its pressure increases because its molecules: (a) strike the unit area of the container wall more often (b) strike the unit area of the container wall at higher speed (c) strike the unit area of container wall with greater force id) have more energy 15. 'n' molecules of a gas are enclosed in a cubical vessel of edge length I, -then pressure exerted by the gas if each molecule has mass'm' and rms speed (v), is:

Physics for Gaseous State (a) wij > m2 (b) m2 > mx (c) m1 = m2 (d) insufficient data T T

17. Figure shows graph of pressure versus density for an ideal gas at two temperatures Tj and T2. Then: (a) Tj > T 2 (b) Tj = T2 (c) Ti < T2 (d) any three is possible 18. A cyclic process ABCA is shown in a V-T diagram, the corresponding P-V diagram is:




2E 19. The pressure of an ideal gas is written as P = ' here E refers to: (a) translational kinetic energy (b) rotational kinetic energy (c) vibrational kinetic energy (d) total kinetic energy 20. A gas is contained in a closed vessel at 250K, then the percentage increase in pressure, if the gas is heated through 1C, is: (a) 0.4% (b) 0.6% (c) 0.8% (d) 1.0% 21. What volume will be occupied by the molecules contained in 4.5 kg water at STP, if the intermolecular forces vanish away ? (a) 5.6 m (c) 11.2 m 3 (b) 4.5 m (d) 5.6 L

mtiv 2





nm2r (d) 21

16. The 3 /3 figure shows, the P-V diagram of two different masses and m2 drawn at constant temperature T, then :

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22, The highest temperature of the gas, attained if the pressure of ideal gas varies according to the law, P = P n - aVz where Pg and (a)T 3P 0 are constants, i s :

(a) mp > Vav > wrms

(b) "rms > Vav > ump


2 R 3 a I I 3nR


_ 2 Po f P o f 2 max-3^ 3a

(c) Tn

(d) none of these

* 23. A horizontal cylinder open from one end and closed from the other, is rotated with a constant angular velocity 'co' about a vertical axis passing through its open end. If outside air pressure is Pg, the temperature is T, and the molar mass of air is m, then find the air pressure as a function of the distance V from the rotational axis, : (Assume molar mass is independent of r):
2 2 (a) P = P 0Jmm r /2RT) ^

(C) (d) Vmp>V rms > Vav 29. Five gas molecules chosen at random are found to have speeds of 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 m/s. T h e n : (a) the rms speed and the average speed are. the same (b) the rms speed is 14 m/s higher than the average speed (c) the rms speed is 14 m/s lower than that the average speed (d) the rms speed is VlT m/s higher than that the average speed. 30. In case of molecules of an ideal gas, which of the following, average velocities cannot be zero ? (a) < v > (c) < v >

(b) < v 3 > (d) < v 5 >

31. Choose the correct relation between the rms speed ( r m s ) of the gas molecules and the velqcity of sound in that gas (vs) in identical situations of pressure and temperature: (a) vrms = vs (c) vT1 ve (b) rms = (d) yu r m s = 3us

p =

p (m coV/RT) ma>V/2RT

(c) P = P 0 e

in co r'/RT

(d) P = P0e

24. The pressure exerted by 6 x 10 hydrogen molecules which will strike per second a wall of area 10~4 m 2 at 60 with normal if theNYmass of hydrogen molecules and O speed are 3.32 x 1CT" kg and 10 m/s respectively is : (a) 19.92 x 10 m/s (c) 1.992 xlO-3 m/s (b) 18.2 x 10 m/s (d) 0.1992 x 10 J m/s

25. Mark correct option/s : (a) The root mean square speeds of the molecules of different ideal gases, maintained at the same temperature are the same (b) Electrons in a conductor have no motion in the absence of a potential difference across it (c) One mole of a monoatomic ideal gas is mixed with one mole of a diatomic ideal gas The molar specific heat of the mixture at constant volume is 2R (d) The pressure exerted by an enclosed ideal gas depends on the shape of the container 26. Four molecules of a gas have speeds 1, 2, 3 and 4 km/s. The value of the root-mean square speed of the gas molecules is : (a) ~ Vl5"km/s (c) 2.5 km/s (b) | M k m / s (d) '

32. At what temperature is the effective speed of gaseous hydrogen molecules equal to that of oxygen molecules at 47C ? (a) 50 K (b) 20 K (c) 40 K (d) 100 K 33. How many times the molecules of a diatomic gas is expanded to reduce the root mean square velocity of the molecules to 20/30 of the initial value? (a) 2 times (b) 3 times (c) 1.5 times (d) 2.5 times 34. Which of the following quantities is zero on an average for the molecules of an ideal gas in equilibrium? (a) Kinetic energy (b) Momentum (c) Density (d) Speed 35. On a fast moving train, a container is placed enclosing some gas at 300 K, while the train is in motion, the temperature of the gas (a) rises above 300 K (b) falls below 300 K (c) remains unchanged (d) becomes unsteady 36. If at a pressure of 10 6 dyne/cm 2 , one gram mole of nitrogen occupies 2 x 10 4 c.c. volume, then the average energy of a nitrogen molecules in erg is : (Given: Avogadro's number = 6 x 10 23 ) (a) 14 x l O " 1 3 (b) 10 x l O - 1 2 (c) 10 6 (d) 2 x l O 6 37. The temperature at which average translational K.E. of a molecule is equal to the K.E. of an electron accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 1 V, is : (a) T = 7729 K (c) T = 7.72 K (b) T = 8 8 7 9 K (d) T = 772.9 K


27. The temperature of H 2 at which the rms velocity of its molecules (a) 2100 K (c) 1350 K is seven times the rms velocity of the molecules of nitrogen at 300 K, is (b) 1700 K (d) 1050 K

28. Choose the correct order of the root mean square velocity (n rms ), the average velocity (z;av) and the most probable velocity (u m p ):

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38. The temperature of the mixture, if two perfectly monoatomic gases at absolute temperatures and T2 and number of moles in the gases nx and n2, respectively are mixed, is: (Assume no loss of energy) n{T 2 + h2TJ iT2-n2Tj % (b) T = (a) T+ n2 n i + n2 (c) T = fijTi + n 2 T 2 7Ij + H2 (d) T = ' ' n j T j - n2T2 Hj - n 2

Physics for Gaseous State

3.10 x 10~10 m. Its mean free path is : (a) 100 nm (b) 90 nm (c) 93.6 nm (d) 95 nm 42. Increase of pressure : (a) always increases the boiling point of a liquid (b) always increases the melting point of a solid (c) increases the melting point of solid which expand on melting (d) always decreases the melting point of solid 43. When two gases combine in a chemical reaction, then the volume needed : (a) always stand in simple integral proportion (b) may stand in simple integral proportion (c) always stand in fractional proportion (d) may stand in fractional proportion 44. Unsaturated vapour obeys : (a) Ideal gas law (b) van der Waal's law (c) Boyle's law (d) Gay-Lussac law 45. In the case of saturated vapour : (a) pressure ' depends upon volume at constant temperature (b) pressure varies non-linearly with temperature at constant volume (c) pressure becomes less than one atmosphere at boiling point (d) pressure varies linearly with temperature at constant volume

39. In a model of chlorine (Cl2), two CI atoms are rotated about their centre of mass as shown. Here the two 'CI' atoms are 2 x lO" 10 m apart and angular speed (0 = 2 xlO 1 2 rad/s. If the ci - - 1 molar mass of chlorine is 70 g./mol, then what Is the i rotational kinetic energy of one Cl 2 molecule ?
i (d) 2-32 x 10 - 2 2 J 40. If the temperature of 3 moles of helium gas is increased by 2 K., then the change in the internal energy of helium gas is : (a) 70.0 J (b) 68.2 J (c) 74.8 J (d) 78.2 J 41. At 20C temperature, an argon gas at atmospheric pressure is confined in a vessel with a volume of 1 nr. The effective hard-sphere diameter of argon atom is

(a) 2 32 x 10~zu J i (c) 2-32 x 10 J

-20 ,

(b) 2-32 x 10~21 J

Anszvers Level-1
11. 21. (c) (c) (b) 2. 12. 22. (b) (d) (d) 3. 13. 23. (d) (b) (c) 4. 14. 24. (a) (d) (a) 5. 15. 25. (b) (d) (c) 6. 16. 26. (b) (c) (d) 7. 17. (d) (a) 8. 18. (c) (c) 9. 19. (d) (c) 10. 20. (c) (a)

11. 21. 31. 41. (b) (b) (a) (b) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. (0 (b) (b) (c) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. (c) (d) (a) (a) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. (b) (c) (c) (a) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. (b) (b) (d) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. (a) (a) (d) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. (a) (a) (b) (c) 9. 19. 29. 39. (c) (a) (b) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. (a) (a) (c) (c)



Solutions. Level-1
7. c = V! ! 8 L t ! 9. or
ms-i = 9.178


10. Mean kinetic energy per mol = RT = |X8.3X273 = 3.4X103J


PV=]RT = n V


P =10bkT= kT kT

T _1 300" 2 T = 150 K

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Laws of Thermodynamics
Syllabus: Specific heat of gases, relation between Cp and Cy for gases, first law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes, second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, efficiency of heat engine.

Review of Concepts
1. Zeroth law of thermodynamics : When two bodies A and B are in thermal equilibrium with a third body C separately, then A as well as B are in thermal equilibrium mutually, i.e., if TA = TC and Tg = TQ, then TA = Tg. 2. First law of thermodynamics :
AH = AU + AW Here, AH = heat supplied to the system, AU = change in internal energy AW = work done by gas Some important points : Work is path dependent in thermodynamics. Work is taken as positive when system expands against external force U (Internal Energy) P (Pressure)

For ideal gas

Isobaric Isochoric Adiabatic Isothermal

If PVn = constant.



n = 0, (Isobaric)

The area of P-V diagram gives work done In cyclic process, work done is area of P-V diagram cycle. It is positive when process is clockwise. It is negative when process is anticlockwise. The change in internal energy is independent of path. It depends only on initial and final states. 3. Thermodynamic processes : s. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Process Isochoric Isobaric Free expansion Throttling process Isothermal process Adiabatic process Polytropic process Cyclic process Law applicable Gay-Lussac's law Charles' law

n = co " (Isochoric)

.n = 1 (Isothermal) n = 2 (Adiabatic)

Quantity remains constant Volume Pressure Temperature Temperature Temperature

AU nCydT nCydT 0 0 0

AW 0 P(V'f0 0 AM nRT In 7 / [Vi) nR (Tj - T 2 ) Y-l P1Vl-P2V2 in-1) Area of P-V diagram vo

AH=AU+AW nCvdT nCpdT 0 0 fV2) nRT In j r IV\) . 0" X AW

Boyle's law

6. 7. 8.

PV"1= constant P V " = constant X

-AW nCvdT 0


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Nitin M Sir ( 280

4. Molar heat capacity : AH C-n'AT (a) Cp - Cv = R (c) y = 1 + 2 CP (b) ^ = y (c) Cy of the mixture

Laws of Thermodynamics
"1 Cy, + n 2 C V i Hj + H2

(d) Cp of the mixture i Cp, + " 2 Cp 2 Hj + ?!2 (e) y of the mixture Hi + n 2 Y-l "1 Yi-1 2 Y2"l

For monoatomic, f = 3 For diatomic, / = 5 For polyatomic, f = 6 yR R (e) Cp = (d) C v = Y-l F T (f) In' adiabatic process: . P1V1Y=P2V2y= T i V i 1 ' 1 = T2V2 ...

= ...

5. Thermodynamic parameters for a mixture of gas: When iii ffioles of gas with molar mass Mj are mixed with ii2 moles of a gas with molar mass M 2 ; then (a) "Equivalent molar mass M= HJMJ + n2M2 111 + n2

6. Second law of thermodynamics : (a) Kelvin's statement: It is impossible for a engine in a cyclic process to extract heat from a reservoir and convert it completely into work i.e., a perfect heat engine can never be constructed. (b) Clausius statement: It is impossible for a self-acting device unaided by any external agency to transfer heat from cold body to hot body i.e., heat by itself cannot pass from a colder to hotter body. 7. Heat engine : Efficiency = q = 1 8. Refrigerator : Coefficient of performance AH, AHi - AH2 TI - T2 AH? =1 AHH


(b) Internal energy of the mixture U=Ui + U2


Questions Level-1
(b) Room is heated (c) Room is either cooled or heated (d) Room is neither cooled nor heated
6. The process in which the heat is not transferred from one

1. Which of the following parameters does not characterize the thermodynamic state of matter ? (a) Volume (b) Temperature (c) Pressure (d) Work 2. Internal energy of ideal gas depends on : (a) only pressure (b) only volume (c) only temperature (d) none of these 3. In a thermodynamic system working substance is ideal gas, its internal energy is in the form of: (a) kinetic energy only (b) kinetic and potential energy (c) potential energy (d) none of the above 4. The first law of thermodynamics is essentially a statement: (a) implying that heat cannot flow from a cold body to a hot body (b) of conservation of energy (c) that gives the mechanical equivalent of heat (d) regarding isothermal process 5. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open, then which of following is true ? (a) Room is cooled

state to another, is : (a) isothermal process (b) adiabatic process (c) isobaric process (d) isochoric process 7. When the pressure of water is increased, the boiling temperature of water as compared to 100C will be : (a) lower (b) the same (c) higher (d) on the critical temperature 8. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its absolute CP temperature. The ratio -p for the gas is : Cy

, , 3

(b)l <d)

(c) 2

9. Compared to a burn due to water at 100C a burn due to steam at 100C is: (a) more dangerous (b) less dangerous (c) equally dangerous (d) none of these

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10. For (a) (b) (c) (d) an isolated system : volume is constant pressure is constant temperature is constant all of the above 18. A block of mass 100 g slides on a rough horizontal surface. If the speed of the block decreases from 10 m/s to 5 m/s, the thermal energy developed in the process is : (a) 3.75 J (b) 37.5 J (c) 0.375 J (d) 0.75 J 19. If the heat of 110 J is added to a gaseous system and change in internal energy is 40 J, then the amount of external work done is : (a) 140 J (b) 70 J (c) 110 J (d) 150 J 20. For one complete cycle of a thermodynamic process on a gas as shown in the P-V diagram, which of following is correct ?
(a) AEj n t = 0, Q < 0 (b) AE, nt = 0, Q > 0 (c) AE, nt > 0, Q < 0 (d) AE; nt < 0, Q > 0

11. The change in internal energy of perfect gas will b e : (a) Cy x A0 (b) C P x A O (c) (Cp-Cy) AO (d) (Cp + Cy) A9 12. Triple point of water is : (a) 273.16 F (b) 273.16 K (c) 273.16 C (d) 273.16 R 13. A thermodynamical system is changed from state (Pi, V]) to (P2, V2) by two different processes, the quantity which will remain same will be : (a) AQ (c) AQ + AW 14. Work done in converting steam at 100C is : (a) 3045 ] (c) 721 J (b) AQ (d) A Q - A W one gram of ice at - 10C into (b) 6056 J (d) 616 J

15. An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal change in volume with pressure then : (a) PyV = constant (c) (PV)y= constant (b) PVy = constant (d) PV = constant

21. Hailstone at 0C falls from a height of 1 km on an insulating surface converting whole of its kinetic energy into heat. What part of it will melt ? (g = 10 m/s2) 1 (b) (a) 8 3^3

16. The isothermal Bulk modulus of perfect gas at pressure P is given by : (a) P P

(o ^ * 1 ( r 4

(d) All of it will melt

(b) 2P (d) yP

22. A gas expands under constant pressure P from volume Vi to V2, the work done by the gas is: (a) P(Vi-V2) (b) zero V2-V, \ J 23. The adiabatic elasticity of hydrogen gas (y = lr4) at N.T.P. is : (a) 1 xlO 5 N/m 2 (c) 1.4 N/m (b) 1 x 10" 8 N/m 2 (d) 1.4 xlO 5 N/m 2
(c) P (Vx - V2)

17. In an adiabatic change, the pressure P and temperature T of a monoatomic gas are related by the relation P T where C equals :
(a) 5

(d) P


(c) 5

3 3

o (d)

1. A boy weighing 50 kg eats bananas. The energy content of banana is 1000 cal, if this energy is used to lift the boy from ground, then the height through which he is lifted : (a) 8.57 m (b) 10.57 m (c) 6.57 m (d) 5.57 m 2. Which one of the following reversible cycles, represented by right angled triangles in a T-S diagram, is the least efficient ?
(a) T * (c) T,

(d) Tj 2T

Tn-2S 3S 0


(b) TA 2T n -- B
C ->S C -+>S

3. An ideal gas is heated at constant pressure and absorbs amount of heat Q. If the adiabatic exponent is y, then the fraction of heat absorbed in raising the internal energy and performing the work, is :
1 I -y


(b) 1 + -





(d) 1 + Y

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4. The work done (W^g) by the gas, if 5 moles of an ideal gas is carried by a quasi state isothermal process at 500 K to twice its volume, is : (a) 1500 J (b) 14407 J (c) 13380 J (d) 14890J Laws of Thermodynamics 9. In the given elliptical P-V diagram : P,



VB v -

5. The work done for the cycle shown in given figure, will be:

(a) the work done is positive (b) the change in internal energy is non- zero (c) the work done = - 1 (P 2 - P x ) (V2 - Vj) (d) the work done =n(V2Vx)2 = n(P2Py)2

10. A mass of monoatomic gas is taken through a cycle as indicated in the diagram. The efficiency of the cycle is :

3/2 P n

2 Pa

(b) 54 J (d) 32.5 J 6. A cyclic process for 1 mole of an ideal gas is shown in the V-T diagram. The work done in AB, BC and CA respectively are : (a) 0, RTi In ~ , R (Tx - T 2 ) V2 (b) R (Tj - T 2 ), R, RTI In (c) 0, RT2 In (d) 0, RT2 In 7. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA as shown in the P-V diagram. The work done 2P,2V 2PV during cycle is given by : (a) \ P V (b) PV (c) 2PV (d) 4PV 8. Three moles of an ideal monoatomic gas performs a p cycle as shown in the fig. The gas temperature in different states are Tj = 400K, T 2 = 800K, T 3 = 2400K, T 4 = 1200K. What is the work done by the gas during the cycle ? (a) 10 kj (b) 20 k j (c) 5 k j (d) 8.3 k j

(a) 45 J (c) 22.5 J



12 -K 2k (c) 24 - 7 C

12 + 71 1 (d) v ' 12 - 7t is inflated by filling it from final volume of the balloon 95 kPa. The work done in 4.75 x 107 J





11. A balloon that is initially flat, a tank of compressed air. The is 5 m . The barometer reads this process is: (a) 475 x 10 J (b) (c) 4.75 x 10 J

(d) 4.75 x 10 J

12. What work will be done, when 3 moles of an ideal gas are compressed to half the initial volume at a constant temperature of 300 K ? (a) - 5 1 8 8 J (b) 5000 J (c) 5188 J (d) - 5000 J 13. Two moles of an ideal gas at a temperature of T = 273 K was isothermally expanded 4 times the initial volume and then heated isochorically, so that the final pressure becomes equal to the initial pressure. The ratio of molar specific heat capacities if total amount of heat imparted to the gas equals Q = 27.7 kj, is : (a) 1.63 (b) 1.66 (c) 2.63 (d) 1.49 14. A gas is contained in a cylinder and expands according to the relation P V 1 - 3 = constant. The initial pressure and initial volume of the gas is 30 atm and 30 mm 3 respectively. If the final pressure is 15 atm, then the work done on the face of piston by the pressure force of the gas, is : (a) 5 x 10 J (c) 3 x 10 4 J (b) 4.35 x 10 J (d) 4 x 1 0 4 J

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Nitin M Sir ( 283 Laws of Thermodynamics

* 15. Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by a spring loaded piston of cross-section o o area 4 x 10 m . Initially the spring of spring constant k= 1920 N/m is in its relaxed state. Now, the gas was heated by an electric heater, placed inside the cylinder, for some time and due to which gas expands and does 50 J of work in moving piston through a distance of 0.1 m. The temperature of the gas increases by 50 K. Assume piston and spring to be massless and there is no friction between the piston and the cylinder. Heat supplied by the heater: (a) 1295 J (b) 1200 J (c) 1195 J (d) 1350 J 16. One mole of an ideal gas is enclosed in a conducting vertical cylinder under a light piston. If isothermally the volume of the gas is increased n times, then the work done in increasing the volume is : [Assume atmospheric pressure is PQ and temperature is T 0 ] (a) RT0logeti (b) - RTQ logt, N (c) RT0 log, n - (n - 1) RT0 (d) (n - 1 ) RT0 - RT0 loge n 17. If we consider molecules of an ideal gas in a box with a frictionless piston and now the box is heated and piston moves slowly outwards, then : (a) the force on piston is due to molecular collision with piston (b) the molecules collide with piston and return back with same speed (c) the molecular collision with piston is inelastic (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 18. A vertical cylinder is divided into two parts by a frictionless piston in the ratio of 5 : 4. The piston is free to slide along the length of the vessel and length of the vessel is 90 cm. Each of the two parts of the vessel contains 0.1 mole of an ideal gas and the temperature of gas is 300K. The mass of the piston is : (a) 14 kg (c) 16 kg (b) 12.7 kg (d) 15 kg cylinder is 1 m and area of cross-section is 10" 2 m 2 The natural length of the spring connected to the piston and right wall of the cylinder is 1 - 50 cm and fc = V2~x 103 N/m. If the initial pressure in each part is P0 = 4lx 105 N/m2 that what work must be done by the gas in the right part ? (a) - 1414 J (b) 1414 J (c) - 1515 J (d) 1515 J 20. When a gas is allowed to expand suddenly into a vacuum chamber, then: (a) heat supplied is zero (b) temperature remains constant (c) volume does not change (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 21. During an isothermal expansion of an ideal gas : (a) its internal energy decreases (b) its internal energy does not change (c) the work done by the gas is equal to the quantity of heat absorbed by it (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 22. If a gas is compressed adiabatically : (a) the internal energy of gas increases (b) the internal energy of gas decreases (c) the internal energy of gas does not change (d) the work done is positive 23. In a polytropic process, PV n = constant: (a) If n = 1, process is isothermal (b) If n = process is isochoric (c) If n = 0, process is isobaric (d) all the above 24. In a given process for ideal gas, dW = 0 and dH > 0. Then for the gas : (a) the volume remains constant (b) the volume will increase (c) temperature will increase (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 25. P-V diagram for adiabatic process is shown in the figure. Then : (a) (b) (c) v1>v2>v3 v1<v2<v3 v1>v3>v2

* 19. An adiabatic cylinder closed at both ends consists of a freely moving non-coducting thin piston which divides the cylinder into two equal parts and each part contains 28 g of N 2 . Initially l/3rd molecules of nitrogen in the right part are dissociated into atoms. The length of the

(d) none of the above 26. In the given graph, adiabatic and isothermal curves are shown : (a) the curve A is isothermal (b) the curve B is isothermal (c) the curve A is adiabatic (d) the curve B is adiabatic (e) both (b) and (c) are correct

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27. The process on an ideal shown in figure is : (a) isothermal (b) isobaric (c) isochoric (d) none of the above gas,

Laws of Thermodynamics
a-b is isovolumic process and c-a is isobaric process. The 4 temperature at 'a' and 'b' are T = 300 K and Tb = 500 K F and pressure at 'a' is 1 atmosphere. The volume at 'c' is :
(Given: Y=

' p

Cp = 5,

28. Which of the following best represents the process of above problem?



R = 8.205 x 10" 2 litre/atm/mol-K) (a) 6.9 L (b) 6.68 L (c) 5.52 L (d) 5.82 L 32. The P-V diagram shows that two adiabatic parts for the same gas intersect two isothermals at and T 2 . How the ratio ( V a / V d ) and (Vj,/Vc) are related to each other?


Vb) Vr (Vb\ Vc Vb]

V 'i,


(d) All of these


r v Yz vr

29. A thermodynamic ideal gas is shown Choose the correct represents the same

cycle of an in the figure. option which cycle :


(Vb Vr


33. In P-V graph of an ideal gas, which describe the adiabatic . process: (a) AB and BC (b) AB and CD (c) AD and BC (d) BC and CD O

(c) .




30. n moles of an ideal gas undergoes a process 1-2 as shown in figure. Maximum temperature of gas during process is :

34. The initial state of an ideal gas is represented by the . point a on the P-V diagram T and its final state by the point e. The gas goes from P the state a to the state e by : (i) abe (ii) ace (iii) ade The heat absorbed by the gas is: (a) (b) (c) (d) the same in all the three processes the same in processes (i) and (ii) greater in process (i) than in (iii) none of the above


3 PnV, 0"0 nR 4P 0 V 0

nR 6PqVQ (c) nR 9 PqVQ nR 31. 0.2 moles of an ideal gas, is taken rouna the cvcle abc as shown in the figure. The path b-c is adiaDauc j -icess, (d)

35. In the given P-V diagram the path (2) from A to B is zig-zag path, but (1) is simple path. Then: (a) Wj = W2
(b) AU1=AU2

(c) W ! > W 2 (d) both (b) and (c) are correct

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36. A thermodynamic process is defined for an ideal gas. In this process PV " = constant. Mark the correct options: (a) 7!j > n2 > 113 > 714 (b) 2 > H] > II4 > H3 (c) n 2 > H 4 > ! ! 3 > H ] (d) None of the above 37. At 27C, a motor car tyre has a pressure of 2 atmospheres. The temperature, if the tyre suddenly burst will be : (Given: Yair = l-4) (a) 246.1 K (c) 246.1C (b) 250 K (d) 248 K

^ N







1. 35 ... -60 ... 2. -15 ... 80 60 (a) for process 1 AW = - 15 J; U / = - 1 0 J > for process 2 AW = 5 J; > (b) for process 1 AW= 15 J; AL7 = - 2 0 J u f = 10 J


for process 2 AW = - 5 J; All = - 20 J (c) for process 1 AW= - 5 J; > for process 2 AW = 15 J; > (d) data incomplete 42. In an adiab't'c expansion, a gas does 25J of work while in an adiabatic compression 100J of work is done on a gas. The change of internal energy in the two processes respectively are: (a) 25 J and - 100 J (b) - 25 J and 100 J (c) - 25 J and - 100 J (d) 25 J and 100 J 43. A closed system undergoes a change of state by process 1 2 for which Q 1 2 = 10 J and W 12 = - 5 J. The system is > now returned to its initial state by a different path 2 1 for which Q2\ is - 3 J. The total energy for the cycle > is: (a) - 8 J (b) zero (c) - 2 J (d) + 5 J 44. Electrolysis is : (a) reversible process (b) irreversible process (c) either reversible or irreversible (d) neither reversible or irreversible 45. The molar heat capacity of oxygen gas at STP is nearly 2.5R. As the temperature is increased, it gradually increases and approaches 3.5R. The most appropriate reason for this behaviour is that at high temperature: (a) oxygen does not behave as an ideal gas (b) oxygen molecules dissociate in atoms (d) none of these

A!i = - 10 J

38. If 'V' is the volume of a vessel, which is to be evacuated by means of a piston air pump, then how many strokes are required to reduce the pressure in the vessel r| times? One piston stroke captures the volume AV. Assume the process to be isothermal and the gas ideal: (a) n = lo logll


(b) n -

logTl log 1 + AV

log ii (c) n = AV log V

(d) None of these

* 39. A process on one mole of an ideal gas is defined as follow :

(PA. VA. TA) >(P = A,V = 2VA, T = TA) T1=B) = C)

-4 (P 1 = P, VJ = 2VA,
-> (P2 = PA,V2=VA,T2

The values of a, b, and c are :


(PA TA 2



(c) 40.

PA TA IA) 4 4,

(c) the molecules collide more frequently (d) molecular vibrations gradually become effective 46. During adiabatic change, specific heat is : (a) zero (b) greater than zero (c) less than zero (d) infinity 47. Molar heat capacity is directly related to : (a) temperature (b) heat energy (c) molecular structure (d) mass 48. If at NTP, velocity of sound in a ga? is 1150 m/s, then the rms velocity of gas molecules at NTP is : (Given: R = 8.3 joule/mol/K, C P = 4.8 cal/mol/K) (a) 1600 m/s (b) 1532.19 m/s (c) 160 m/s (d) 16 m/s 49. What is the molar heat capacity for the process, when 10 J of heat added to a monoatomic ideal gas in a process in which the gas performs a work of 5 J on its surrounding? (a) 2R (b) 3R (c) 4R (d) 5R

Pb = ~3PA

Isochoric process

through isochoric process


= PA

3 -=b TB The value of is


(a) 1 (c) 3

(b) 2 (d) 4

* 41. The table given below shows two different processes. Calculate the unknown values with help of first law of thermodynamics. All the data are in joule :

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50. A gaseous mixture consists of 7g of nitrogen and 20 g of argon. Assume gases to be ideal. The specific heat capacities Cy and Cp in J/g-K for gaseous mixture are: (a) C P = 0.66 J/g-K, C v = 18.25 J/g-K (b) Cp = 1.66 J/g-K, Cy = 1.82 J/g-K (c) Cp = 0.421 J/g-K, Cy = 15.2 J/g-K (d) Cp = 0.65 J/g-K, Cy = 0.421 J/g-K 51. A gaseous mixture consists of pj = 2 moles of oxygen and = 3 moles of carbon di-oxide. Assume gases to be ideal. Cp The value of y = for the gaseous mixture is :

Laws of Thermodynamics
58. A monoatomic ideal gas is expanded adiabatically to n times of its initial volume. The ratio of final rate of collision of molecules with unit area of container walls to the initial rate will be : -4/3 (b) ri,4/3 (a) ti (c) n 2/3 (d) n 5/3 59. In the case of solid, number of degrees of freedom is : (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7 60. A given quantity of an ideal gas is at the pressure P and the absolute temperature T. The isothermal bulk modulus of the gas is : (a) | P (c) ? P (b) P (d) IP

(a) 2.33 (c) 0.33

(b) 1.33 (d) 3.33

52. The molar specific heat of mixture at constant volume, if one mole of a monoatomic gas is mixed with three moles of a diatomic gas is : (a) 3.33R (b) 2.25R (c) 1.15R (d) 6.72R 53. If a gas is heated at constant pressure, then what percentage of total heat supplied is used up for external work ? (Given: y for gas = 4/3) (a) 25% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) 80% 54. One mole of a gas isobarically heated by 40K receives an amount of heat 1.162 kj. What is the ratio of specific heats of the gas? (a) 1.7 (b) 1.4 (c) 1.3 (d) 1.5 55. 3 moles of a gaseous mixture having volume V and temperature T ' are compressed to (l/5)th of its initial volume. The change in its adiabatic compressibility, if gas obeys the equation PV 19/13 = constant, is: (R = 8.3 J/mol-K) (a) AC = - 0.0248 y m 2 /N (b) AC = - 0.035 Y (c) A C - 0.0426 j
m 2/N

61. If temperature of the atmosphere varies with height as T = (TQ - ah), where a and T 0 are positive constants, then find pressure as a function of height (h). Assume atmospheric pressure at sea level (h = 0) is PQ and molecular mass M of the air and acceleration due to gravity g to be constant: Mg/Ra *3Mg/Ra T0-ah T0-ah (a) P = P0 (b) P = P0 To 0 -AMg/Ra T0-ah)3Ms/Ra To-ah (c) P = P 0 (d) P = P 0 62. At a temperature'f the moment of inertia of a body is I. When the temperature of the body is increased from t + At, its moment of inertia also increases from I to (I + AI). If coefficient of linear expansion of the body is AI . a, I (a)
Af _ . 2Af


T a At

~T (d) 2a At

63. A Carnot engine is made to work first between 200C and 0C, and then between 0C and 200C. The ratio of efficiencies

m 2 /N

of the engine in the two cases is

(d) AC = - 0.0137 Y m 2 /N 56. In a process PT = constant, if molar heat capacity of a gas is C = 37.35 J/mol-K, then the number of degrees of freedom of molecules in the gas is : (a)/=10 (b)/=5 (c)/= 6 (d) f=7 57. If in an adiabatic process, the pressure is increased by
CP 3 2/3%, then volume decreases by Assume =

(a) 1 : 1 5 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 1.73 :1 64. The inside and outside temperatures of a refrigerator are 273 K and 303 K respectively. Assuming that refrigerator cycle is reversible, for every joule of work done, the heat delivered to the surrounding will be : (b) 20 J (c) 30 J (d) 50 J 65. The coefficient of performance, if in a mechanical refrigerator, the lower temperature coils of a evaporator are - 23C, and compressed gas in the condenser has a temperature of 77C, is : (a) 7 0 % (b) 2 0 % (c) 0.23% (d) 2.5%
(a) 10 J


(a) f %
(c) 4%

(b) - % (d) | %

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11. 21.

(d) (a) (a)

2. 12. 22.

(c) (b) (a)

3. 13. 23.

(b) (d) (d)

4. 14.

(b) (a)

5. 15.

(b) (d)

6. 16.

(b) (a)

7. 17.

(c) (d)

8. 18.

(a) (a)

9. 19.

(a) (b)

10. 20.

(d) (a)


11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61.

(a) (d) (d) <b) (a) (b) (a)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62.

(d) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (d)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63.

(a) (a) (d) (c) (b) (a) (d)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64.

(b) (b) (d) (c) (a) (b) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65.

(a) (a) (b) (d) (d) (a) (d)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56.

(c) (d) (e) (a) (a) (b)

7. 17. 27.

(b) (d) (c) (a) (c) (a)

47. 57.

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58.

(b) (b) (d) (b) (b) (d)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59.

(c) (a) (c) (a) (b) (c)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.

(b) (b) (b) (b) (d) (b)

Solutions. Level-1
14. W = J Q = 4.2 (0.5 x 10 + 1 x 80 + 1 x 100 + 1 x 540) = 3045 J 18. Thermal energy = loss in kinetic energy = \ m{v\ - V2) = 1 1 0 0 x 10~3 (102 - 5 2 ) = 3.75 J


mgh = KmL L 10 x1000 ~ 3.36 x 10 5 ~ 1


Latent heat of ice = 3.36 x 10 5 J/kg

1. Energy used by boy is E = 1000 x 4.2 J = mgh = 50 x 9.8 x h h = 8.57 m 3. Heat absorbed by the system at constant pressure Q = nCP AT and change in internal energy AU = nCvAT W = Q - AU , W Q-AU . AU fraction = = = 1- Q Q Q AU = 1 1-1 y Q 4. Work done in isothermal expansion = nRT In
rV B

During BC, process is isothermal. AT = 0 V2 W = RT2 In j f During CA, process is isobaric. So, pressure is constant W= But P(V1-V2) RTI=:R72 VX V2 RT, RT2 PVi = RTi

The area of P-V diagram gives work done W=(2V-V)(2P-P) The segments 1 - 2 and 3 - 4 indicate that pressure is directly proportional to the temperature. Hence, the volume of gas remains unchanged. We have to calculate the work done during isobaric process 2 - 3 and 1 - 4 . W2_3 = = PV



= (5) (8.314) (500) (In 2) =14407J 5. The area of P-V diagram gives work. 1 The area of Aabc is A = - x 30 x 3 = 45 J = work done 6. During AB, process is isochoric AV= 0 W=0


W4-i = Pi(Vi-V4)

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Heat Transfer
Syllabus: Modes of heat transfer, thermal conductivity, black body radiation, Wein's displacement law, Stefan's law of radiation and Newton's law of cooling.


Review of Concepts
1. Definition of heat transfer : Heat can be transferred from one place to the other by any of three possible ways: conduction, convection and radiation. In the first two processes, a medium is necessary for the heat transfer. Radiation, however, does not have this restriction. This is also the fastest mode of heat transfer in which heat is transferred from one place to other in the form of electromagnetic radiation. 2. Heat conduction : (a) The rate of flow of heat in steady state is AH At

2KQ (4-4) where, p is density of ice, L be the latent heat of ice, K be the conductivity. Out of all gases, H 2 is good conductor of heat 3. Radiation: (a) Stefan's law: AH = eoT4 A At AH Here, ~ ; = rate of radiated energy per unit area o = Stefan's constant = 5.67 x 10" 8 WnT 2 K~ 4 e = emissivity T = temperature of body in kelvin (b) If a body of temperature T is placed in environment of temperature Tg (T0 < T), then the rate of lossing of energy is: AH Alr
(C) e a ( T

KA (61-62) L dx

m=_KAd& dt d& Here, = temperature gradient, K ~ thermal conductivity Unit of K is watt per metre per Kelvin. thermal conductivity heat cajpacity per unit volume AH A At

(c) Thermal diffusivity =

.rj* 4 _ 4. ) -T

(d) Thermal resistance = -r/ KA Some important points : In steady state, the temperature of a point remains constant with respect to time. Thermal conduction in metal takes place due to free electrons. Heat transfer in mercury takes place by conduction not by convection. A substance which is good conductor of heat is also good conductor of electricity. If thermal resistances are in parallel, i _ J _ + _1_ + R ~ R 1 R2 ' " When thermal resistances are in series, R = R j + R2 + . . . Growth of ice on ponds: The time taken to double and triple the thickness of ice will be in ratio of f1:t2:f3 = l2:22:32. Time taken for thickness of ice growing from x\ to x2 is given by

ms dT A dt

(d) Kirchhoff's law: If a = absorptive power, eg = emissive power then - = emissive power of black body Here, a =
eo 0

a^dX, Here a\ = spectral absorptive power Here e% = spectral emissive power

Some important points: Good absorber is good emitter. Propagation of heat in vacuum only takes place by radiation. At 0 K, radiation stops. Heat radiation obeys all laws of light. For black body, e = 1. 0 <e< 1 e has neither unit nor dimensions. The value of e depends upon nature of surface. More surface, more radiation.

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296 4. Wein's displacement law : Xm T = constant = 2.892 x l(T 3 mK (a) Blue star is hotter than red star. (b) Solar constant = 1.34 x (c) When a black body is heated, Xm decreases with rise of temperature. 5. Newton's law of cooling : (a) ^ = K ( 0 - 0 O ) Here, 0 = temperature of body, 0g = temperature of surroundings (b) If a body cools from 0iC to 02C in time f, then

Heat Transfer t =K 31 + 0 2 -0n

10 4

Jm~ 2 s _1 .

Some important points : Newton's law of cooling is special case of Stefan's law. It is only applicable for small temperature difference. If two liquids of equal mass, equal surface area are cooled from initial temperature 0iC to 02C in same environment temperature, then i S2

l h

Here, ty and t2 are times of cooling for respective liquids.


constant oT K (c) = constant

1. If the wavelength of maximum intensity of radiation emitted by sun and moon are 0.5 x 10" 6 m and 10" 4 m respectively, the ratio of their temperatures is : 1 1 (a) ( b > 200 100 (c) 100 (d) 200 2. A red glass piece is heated until it glows in dark. The colour of the glow will be : (a) red (b) orange (c) green (d) violet 3. An object is at temperature of 400C. At what temperature would it radiate energy twice as fast ? The temperature of the surrounding may be assumed to be negligible : (a) 200C (b) 200 K (c) 800C (d) 800 K 4. The maximum wavelength of radiation emitted at 200 K is 4 pm what will be the maximum wavelength of radiation emitted at 2400 K ? (a) 3.33 pm (b) 0.66 pm (c) 1 pm (d) 1 m 5. For the measurement of temperature of the order of 400C, the preferred thermometer will be : (a) Hg thermometer (b) alcohol thermometer (c) radiation thermometer (d) thermocouple 6. For measuring temperature near absolute zero the thermometer used is: (a) thermoelectric thermometer (b) radiation thermometer (c) magnetic thermometer (d) resistance thermometer 7. The mode of transfer of heat which requires no medium, is called as : (a) radiation (b) conduction (c) combusion (d) convection 8. If K and a respectively are the thermal and electrical conductivities of a metal at absolute temperature T then :

constant o o = constant (d) KT (b)

9. The thermal conductivity of copper is : (a) less than that of iron (b) less than that of aluminium (c) less than that of wood (d) more than that of all the three given above 10. Though air is bad conductor yet a body kept in air losses heat, quickly this is due to : (a) conduction (c) radiation

(b) convection (d) none of these

A bucket full of hot water is kept in a room and it cools from 75C to 70C in T1 minutes, from 70C to 65C in T2 minutes and from 65C to 60C in T3 minutes then:
(a) T

= T > T

= T > T

(b) (d)


< T < T

< T > T

( C ) T


In a closed room, heat transfer takes place b y : (a) conduction (b) convection (c) radiation (d) all of these

13. A body of length 1 m having cross-sectional area 0.75 m has thermal conductivity 6000 J/s then the temperature difference if K= 200 Jm _ 1 K _ 1 , will be : (a) 20C (c) 80C (b) 40C (d) 100C

14. The volume of block of metal changes by 0.12% when heated through 20C then a is : (a) 2.0 x 10" 5 (C) _1 (b) 4.0 x 10~5 (C) _1 (c) 6.0 x 10~5 (C) _1 (d) 8.0 x 10" 5 PC) - 1 15. 1 g of ice at 0C is mixed with 1 g of steam at 100C. After thermal equilibrium is attained, the temperature of mixture will be : (a) 1C (b) 50C (c) 81C (d) 100C

Nitin M Sir (

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Heat Transfer 16. Woollen clothes keep the body warm because wool: (a) is a bad conductor (b) increases the temperature of the body (c) decreases the temperature of the body (d) all of the above 17. In a composite rod, when two rods of different lengths and of the same area of cross-section, are joined end to end then if K is the effective coefficient of thermal h + h conductivity is equal to : K h

297 18. A black body is maintained at 27C and 927C. What will be the ratio of radiation emitted ? (a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 16 (c) 1 : 64 (d) 1 : 256 19. Thermal radiation are : (a) electromagnetic wave (b) mechanical transverse wave (c) mechanical longitudinal wave (d) none of the above

h X}'Y2 h

H K2

H Kl


h h (d) ^ + ^ K2

1. If a rod is in a variable state (not in steady state), then : (a) temperature gradient remains constant (b) temperature from one of (c) temperature one of end (d) temperature of rod is function of time and distance end of rod is only function of distance from of rod is only function of time length 8 cm fixed in the opposite walls of the box. The thermal conductivity of the material of the plug is 0.5 cal/s/cm/C. If outer surface A is kept at 100C while outer surface B of the other plug is maintained at 4C and a source of energy generating 36 cal/s is enclosed inside the box, then find the equilibrium temperature of the inner surface of the box, assuming that it is same at all points of the inner surface :

2. One end of a metal rod is kept in steam. In steady state, the temperature gradient (a) may be variable (c) must be variable j: (b) must be constant (d) none of these

-V 100 C 0 cm -V,

02 =

3. End A of a copper rod is maintained in steam chamber and other end is maintained at 0C. Assume x = 0 at A. The T-x graph for the rod in steady state is :

4 C

(a) (b)

(a) 0 = 71C (c) 9 = 83C Cylindrical rod of

(b) 0 = 76C (d) 9 = 64C copper of length 2- m and

cross-sectional area 2 cm 2 is insulated at its curved surface. The one end of rod is maintained in steam chamber and other is maintained in ice at 0C. (The thermal conductivity of copper is 386 J/m-s-C). The temperature at a point which is at a distance of 120 cm from the colder end is : (a) 80C (b) 50C (c) 60C (d) none of these In previous problem, the temperature gradient i s : (a) 0.5C/m (b) lC/m (c) 2C?m (d) none of these In the previous problem, the amount of ice melts per second is: (a) 48.25 g (b) 80 g (c) 20.8 g (d) none of these Cylindrical copper rod of length 1 m and a cylindrical steel rod of length 1.5 m are joined together end to end. The cross-sectional area of each rod is 3.14 cm2. The free ends of steel rod and copper rods are maintained at 0C and 100C respectively. The surfaces of rods are thermally insulated.

(c) none of these (c)

4. The daily loss of energy by the earth if the temperature

gradient in the earth's crust is 32C per km and mean conductivity of the rock is 0.008 of C.G.S. unit, is : (Given : radius of earth = 6400 km) (a) 10 4 0 cal
(c) 10 18 cal

(b) 10 3 0 cal (d) 10 1 0 cal

* 5. A 8 cm thick walled closed cubical block made up of perfectly insulating material and the only way for heat to enter or leave the box is through two solid cylindrical metallic plugs each of cross-sectional area 12 cm and

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298 The temperature of copper-steel junction is: (Thermal conductivity of steel =46J/m-s-C and the thermal conductivity of copper = 386 J/m-s-C) (a) 40C (b) 60C (c) 93C (d) 80.64C 10 In previous problem, the rate of loss of heat at free end of copper is : (a) 2 J/s (b) 0.89 J/s (c) 1.07 J/s (d) none of these 11. A block of ice at 0C rests on the upper surface of the slab of stone of area 3600 cm 2 and thickness of 10 cm. The slab is exposed on the lower surface to steam at 100C. If 4800 g of ice is melted in one hour, then the thermal conductivity of stone is : (Given: The latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 cal/gm) (a) K = 2.96 X 10~3 cal/cm sC (b) K = 1.96 x KT 3 cal/cm sC (c) K = 0.96 x 10" 3 cal/cm sC (d) none of the above 12. The ice is filled in a hollow glass sphere of thickness 2 mm and external radius 10 cm. This hollow glass sphere with ice now placed in a bath containing boiling water at 100C. The rate at which ice melts, is : (Neglect volume change in ice) (Given: thermal conductivity of glass 1.1 W/m/K, latent heat of ice =336 x 103 J/kg) m m (a) j = 0.01 kg/s (b) j = 0.002 kg/s m (c) j = 0.02 kg/s m (d) y = 0.001 kg/s law K = K, 1 Heat Transfer x

The temperature at the boundries of

the composite slab are 2Tq and T(0

16. A compound rod is formed of a steel core of diameter lcm and outer casing is of copper, whose outer diameter is 2 cm. The length of this compound rod is 2 m and one end is maintained as 100C, and the end is at 0C. If the outer surface of the rod is thermally insulated, then heat current in the rod will b e : (Given: Thermal conductivity of steel =12 cal/m-K-s, thermal conductivity of copper =92 cal/m-K-s) (a) 2 cal/s (b) 1.13 cal/s (c) 1.42 cal/s (d) 2.68 cal/s 17. Three slabs, are placed in contact in order 1, 2 and 3 as shown in figure. The thickness of the slabs are Xy x2 and ^ v __ v 15 and made of materials of -4- X1 _ ^ x2 - M x3 > thermal conductivities 3 1 2 Ky K2 and K3 respectively. Assume that there is no loss of heat due to radiation. At K2 K3 KI steady state the combination will behave as a single material, if thermal conductivity K will be : (*! + X2 + *3) 2{xy +x2 + x3) (a) K = x (b) K = ' \ + *2 ' V + + Ki K2 Kj K2 K3 (c) K = (*l + x2 + x3) K2 K3 (d) none of these

13. 5 cm thick walls of a box like cooler is made of plastic foam. Its total surface area is 1.5 m 2 . If outside temperature is 30C, then how much ice melts each hour inside the cooler to hold its temperature at 0C ? (Given: K for plastic =0.04W/mK L 0 = 80cal/g and 1 kcal = 4.184 kj/kcal) (a) 4 kg (b) 0.39 kg (c) 3.9 kg (d) 0.2 kg 14. If in two identical containers, equal quantity of ice melts completely in 30 and 20 minutes respectively, then the ratio of the thermal conductivities of the material of two containers is: (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1: 2 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 : 3 * 15. Find the temperature at the interface for steady flow of heat through the slab, if heat conductivity of first slab of length T is K0 and is x 2 In uniform every where but the conductivity of second slab of length '21' K0 K = K(?+7 ) varies with the distance V measured from the interface according to the k ! kl H

* 18. An aluminium rod of length L and cross- sectional area '2A' is joined with a copper rod of length '2L' and area of cross-section is 'A', as shown in figure. The temperature of aluminium-copper junction in the steady state of the system is :


(Given : Thermal conductivity X A ] = 240 J/m-sec-C, K C u = 400J/m-sec-C (a) 300C (b) 400C (c) 288.24C (d) 275.4C 19. A uniform metal ring with centre C have two points A and B , such that angle ACB is 0. A and B are maintained

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Heat Transfer at two different constant temperatures. If the angle between A and B, i.e.. 9 = 180, the rate of heat flow from A to B is 1.2 W, then what will be the rate, when 0 = 90 ? (a) 0.6 W (b) 0.9 W (c) 1.6 W (d) 1.8 W 20. Two rods A and B of same length and cross-sectional area are connected in parallel and a temperature difference of 100C is maintained across the combination as shown in the figure. If the thermal conductivity of the rod A is 3K and that of rod B is K, then what is the equivalent thermal resistance ?
T, 100C B T2 0C 100 C

299 24. In previous problem if A is maintained at 100C and C is maintained at 0C. The rate emitted at C is: (assume the curve surfaces of rods are thermally insulated) 50A (Kj + K2) 100A (Kj + K2) (a) (b) Z 1 A(K 1 + K2) (d) none of these (c) 1 25. Three rods are arranged as a letter Y. The rods have same dimensions and have thermal conductivities 3K, 2K and K. If the ends of the rods are at a temperature of 100C, 50C and 0C, then temperature of the junction O is :
50 C 3 K K

(a) R =

4 KA

(b) R =


= YA

1 2 KA 31 (d) R = 2 KA

0 C

(a) 75C (c) 40C 26. A metal rod of length L and cross-sectional area A converts a large tank of water at temperature 0Q and a small vessel containing mass m of water at initial temperature of 9j (< 9 0 ). If the thermal conductivity of rod is K, then the time taken for the temperature of water in smaller vessel to become 9 2 (9j < 9 2 < 9 0 ) is : (Given: Specific heat capacity of water is s and all other heat capacities are neglected) , . ~ ms . (9o ~ e i ) KA (0o-~02) 00-01 (b) T = ^ l o g 00 02 2mLs (0o-0i)l log KA 0o _ 0 2 (d) none of the above 27. The thermal conductivity of a material of a cylinder of radius R is Kj, which is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius R and outer radius 2R made of the material of thermal conductivity K2. The two ends of the combined system are maintained at two different temperatures. Assume, that there is no loss of heat across the cylindrical surface and the system is in steady state. The effective thermal conductivity of the system is:
(c) T =

21. A metallic sphere having inner and outer radii a and b respectively has thermal con- ductivity K =y (a<r<b)

The thermal resistance between inner surface and outer surface is:
(a) (c)

(b-a) 47iK0 471K0 (b-a)


(b2-a2) 471K0 ab

(d) none of these

22. In above problem if the temperature of inner and outer surfaces are G^ and 0 2 C (Gj > 9 2 ). The rate of flow of heat in steady state is : 4TIK 0 (b-a) 4xK0 (9! - 8 2 ) (a) (b) (b-a) (01 - 02)

4nK0 ab (9 t (bZ -a2)


(d) none of these

23. Five wires each of crosssectional area A and length I are combined as shown in figure. The thermal conductivity of copper and steel are and K2 respectively. The equivalent thermal resistance between points A and C is : I (a) (K1 + K2)A /(Kq + K2) (c) K K A X 2

(a) Ka + K 2

(b) (d)

KJK2 (Ki+K 2 ) (3K1+K2) 4



, , (Kj + 3K 2 ) (c) 4

(d) none of these

28. Choose the correct option, if heat is flowing through a conductor of length I from x = 0 to x-l. Assume thermal resistance per unit length is uniform :

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300 (a) (b) Statement (B) is correct (c) Both are correct (d) Both are wrong 36. The power T ' is received by a surface at temperature T0K from a small sphere at temperature T (T > > T 0 ) and at a distance 'd'. If both 'T' and 'd' are doubled, then power received by surface will become : (a) P (b) 2P (c) 4P (d) 16P 37. What will be the increment in heat energy radiated when the temperature of hot body is raised by 5% ? (a) 5% (b) 6% (c) 11.65% (d) 21.55% 38. Two spheres of the same material have radii r and 4r and temperatures 2Tq and T 0 respectively. The ratio of rate of radiation of energy by the spheres is : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 :1 (d) 3 : 1 39. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate all of same material having same mass are initially heated to 200C. Which of these will cool fastest ? (a) Circular plate (b) Sphere (c) Cube (d) All of these 40. A sphere and a cube of the same material and same total surface area are placed in the same evacuated space turn by turn, after they are heated to the same temperature. Let initial rate of cooling of sphere and cube are R j and R2, respectively, then compare their initial rate of cooling : Heat Transfer


29. If the thermal conductivity of the material of the rod of length /, is K , then the rate of heat flow through a tapering rod, tapering from radius rj and r2, if the temperature of the ends are maintained at Tj and T2, is :
(a) (c)


+ T2)

(d) v

nK ^ r2 (Ty - J2)
I xK r? (T, - T 2 )

tiK r, r2 (Ty - T 2 )



30. The time in which a layer of ice of thickness h will grow on the surface of the pond of surface area A, when the surrounding temperature falls to - T C is : (Assume K = thermal conductivity of ice, p = density fo water, L = latent heat of fusion)
(a) t =
(C) T:

(b) pLh 3KT


t - ^

pLh (d) f = ' 4KT

(a) Rl>R2
(c) R j = R 2

(b) Rj < R2
(d) none of these

31. Which process has maximum rate of heat transfer ? (a) Conduction (b) Convection (c) Radiation (d) In all the above heat is transferred with the same velocity 32. The propagation of heat in air takes place by : (a) conduction (b) convection (c) radiation (d) all of these 33. The propagation of heat in vacuum takes place by : (a) conduction (b) convection (c) radiation (d) none of these 34. The thermal radiation emitted by a body per second per AH ,t4 unit area is . , , = kT A Af If a is Stefan's constant, then body : (a) may be polished (b) may be black body (c) must be black body (d) must not be black body 35. Read the following statements carefully (A) Black body radiation is white (B) Emissivity of a body is equal to its absorptive power Mark correct option: (a) Statement (A) is correct

41. A body at a temperature of 727C and has surface area 2 5 cm , radiates 300 J of energy each minute. The emissivity is : (Given: Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10~8 watt m 2 (K) 4 ) (a) e = 0.18 (b) e = 0.02 (c) e = 0.2 (d) e = 0.15 42. Choose the correct relation, when the temperature of an isolated black body falls from Tj to T 2 in time ' f , and assume 'c' to be a constant: (a) t c T2
i f

Ti 1

(b) t = c (d) t = c

1 T22 1

(c) f = c (JL

43. The temperature and the surface area of the body are 227C and 0.15 m respectively. If its transmitting power is negligible and reflecting power is 0.5, then the thermal power of the body is : (Given: o = 5.67 x 10" 8 J/m 2 s K) (a) 300 watt (b) 265.78 watt (c) 201 watt (d) 320.89 watt 44. The surface temperature of the sun is 'T'K and the solar constant for a plate is's'. The sun subtends an angle 0 at the planet. Then:

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Heat Transfer (a) s T (c) s k G2 (b) s = T 2 (d) s 9
Temp. Temp.


45. Newton's law of cooling is derived from (a) Wien's displacement law (b) Kirchhoff's law of radiation (c) Stefan's law (d) Planck's law 46. Read the following statements (A) Water can be boiled inside the artificial satellite by convection. (B) Heavy liquid can be boiled in artificial satellite by convection. Mark correct option/s : (a) Both statements are correct (b) Both statements are wrong (c) A is correct but B is wrong (d) B is correct but A is wrong 47. What amount of ice at - 14C, required to cool 200 g of water from 25C to 10C ? (Given : C ice = 0.5 cal/gC, L for ice = 80cal/g) (a)31g '(b) 41 g (c) 51 g (d) 21 g 48. The cooling curve of pure 0 , wax material after heating is (Q) shown in the figure. It first 90 cools from A to B and solidifies along BD. The ratio 80 of L/C, if L and C are respective values of specific latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of the liquid wax is : (Assume rate of heat loss remain constant) (a) 40 (c) 100 (b) 80 (d) 20



50. A body initially at 60C cools to 50C in 10 minutes. What will be its temperature at the end of next 10 minutes, if the room temperature is 25C. Assume Newton's law of cooling : (a) 42.85C (b) 45C (c) 40.46C (d) 44.23C 51. A body starts cooling in a surrounding which is at a temperature of 9 0 . A graph is plotted between temperature 0 and time t. Assume Newton's law of cooling is obeyed. Tangents are drawn to the curve at point P and Q at temperatures of 02 and 0j respectively. If tangent meet the time axis at angle of fc and <t>i, then

tan <> j2 tan < i j >


2 min

I 4 min) *


tan ( > |i

0i - 0O 02 O n 02 02



tan <j)2 tan<t>! tan 02

02 - 0o 01 - 0 O

' tan


Time (min)

49. A metal block is heated well above the room temperature and then left to cool in the room. Choose the correct graph which shows the rate of cooling :
. 0) (b)

52. When a blackened platinum wire is heated gradually, it appears ? (a) first blue, then red and finally white (b) first red, then blue and finally white (c) first white, then blue and finally red (d) first red, then white and finally blue 53. Surface temperature of the sun as estimated is 6032.25 K. The wavelength at which sun radiates maximum energy, is : (Given : Wein's constant = 0.2898 cm-K (a) ^ = 5000 A (b) ^ = 4804.2 A (d) Xm = 2891.6 A (c) A = 3809.5 A



11. (d) (b) 2. 12.



(c) (b) 3. 13. (d) (b) 4. 14. (a) (a) 5. 15. (d) (d) 6. 16. (c) (a) 7. 17. (a) (c) 8. 18. (a) (d) 9. 19. (d) (a) 10. (b)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. (b) (a) (a) (c) (a) (b) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. (b) (c) (a) (d) (c) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. (a) (b) (b) (c) (b) (b) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. (c) (d) (a) (c) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. (b) (b) (b) (c) (c) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. (c) (b) (b) (c) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. (a) (a) (c) (d) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. (a) (c) (c) (a) (d) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. (c) (c) (b) (a) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. (b) (a) (a) (a) (a)

Nitin M Sir (

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Reflection of Light
Syllabus: Reflection of light at plane and curved surfaces.

Review of Concepts
1. Reflection of light: When waves of any type strike the interface between two optical materials, new waves are generated which move away from the barrier. Experimentally it is found that the rays corresponding to the incident and reflected waves make equal angles with the normal to the interface and that the reflected ray lies in the plane of incidence formed by the line of incidence and the normal. Thus, the two laws of reflection can be summarised as under : (i) Incident ray, reflected ray and normal on incident point are coplanar. (ii) The angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection.
Incident Reflected Ray " r- Ray

(x) For solving the problem, the reference frame is chosen in which optical instrument (mirror, lens, etc.) is in rest. (xi) The formation of image and size of image are independent of size of mirror. (xii) Visual region and intensity of image depend on size of mirror.

/ a t Point P
Plane Surface Convex Surface


^ ^
Concave Surface


Tangent at Point A

Some important points: In case of plane mirror : (i) For real object, image is virtual. (ii) For virtual object, image is real. (iii) Image size = Object size. (iv) The converging point of incident beam behaves as object. (v) If incident beam on optical instrument (mirror, lens etc) is converging in nature, object is virtual. (vi) If incident beam on the optical instrument is diverging in nature, the object is real. (vii) The converging point of reflected or refracted beam from an optical instrument behaves as image. (viii) If reflected beam or refracted beam from an optical instrument is converging in nature, image is real.

(xiii) If the plane mirror is rotated through an angle 0, the reflected ray and image is rotated through an angle 20 in the same sense. (xiv) If plane mirror is cut into a number of pieces, then the focal length does not change. (xv) The minimum height of mirror required to see tne full image of a man of height h is h/2. (xvi)



Virtual Object

} {<!iHsEH
* Real Object Real Image Virtual Object

Rest v sinG v sin9


v cose

v cos 9


(ix) If reflected beam or refracted beam from an optical instrument is diverging in nature, image is virtual.


Reai Object


\ ^ Virtual Object Object Image

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308 (xix) Vi

Reflection of Light

Object In rest



x' y'<

y r

' " J s-y'

r x

i .y X rY


V-4- - 4 -


2. Number of images formed by combination of two plane mirrors : The imaees formed by combination of two plane mirrors are lyir~ qn a circle whose centre is at the meeting point of mirrors. Also, object is tying on that circle. Let 9 = angle between mirrors, 360 (i) If is even number, the number of images is n- 1. 360 is odd number and object is placed on (ii) If 9 bisector of angle between mirrors, then number of images is n - 1. 360 (iii) If is odd and object is not situated on bisector 9 of angle between mirrors, then the number of images is equal to n. 3. Law of reflection in vector form :


The mirror formula is + = v Also, R = 2/ u f



These formulae are only applicable for paraxial rays. All distances are measured from optical centre. It means optical centre is taken as origin. The sign conventions are only applicable in given values. The transverse magnification is image size (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ' _

object size u If object and image both are real, (3 is negative. If object and image both are virtual, p is negative If object is real but image is virtual; P is positive. If object is virtual but image is real, P is positive. Image of star; moon or distant objects are formed at focus of mirror.

Let e\ = unit vector along incident ray. e 2 = unit vector along reflected ray n = unit vector along normal or point of incidence Then, e 2 = e\ - 2 (ey n) n 4. Spherical mirrors : (i) It is easy to solve the problems in geometrical optics by the help of co-ordinate sign convention. If y = the distance of sun or moon from earth. D = diameter of moon or sun's disc. /= focal length of the mirror d = diameter of the image Then tan 9 = 6 = = ~c Here, 9 is in radian.


Questions Level-1
3. When a plane mirror is rotated through an angle 9, then the reflected ray turns through the angle 29, then the size of image: (a) is doubled (b) is halved (c) remains the same (d) becomes infinity 4. A ray of light makes an angle of 10 with the horizontal above it and strikes a plane mirror which is inclined at

1. What is the angle of reflection, if the ray of light is incident normally on a plane mirror ? (a) 0 (b) 90 (c) will not be reflected (d) None of these 2. The ray A plane mirror produces a magnification of : (a) - 1 (b) +1 (c) zero (d) between 0 and < ~

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Reflection of Light an angle 9 to the horizontal. The angle 0 for which the reflected ray becomes vertical is : (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 80 (d) 100 5. A ray is reflected in turn by three plane mirrors mutually at right angles to each other. The angle between the incident and the reflected rays is : (a) 90 (b) 60 (c) 180 (d) none of these 6. The change in reflected wave, when light wave suffers reflection at the interface from air to glass is: (a) 0 (c) 71 ' (b) | (d) 271

309 (b) a concave mirror (c) a convex mirror (d) concave-parabolic mirror 14. Image formed by convex mirror is : (a) virtual (b) real (c) enlarged (d) inverted

7. What will be the deviation produced in the ray, if a ray of light incidents on a plane mirror at an angle of 30 ? (a) 30 (b) 60= (c) 90 (d) 120 8. If for angle of incidence, the incident ray and reflected ray from two mirrors be parallel to each other, then angle between two plane mirrors will be : (a) 60= (b) 90 (c) 120= (d) 175 9. A plane mirror is infront of you in which you can see your image. It is approaching towards you at a speed of 10 cm/s, then at what speed will your image approach you ? (a) 10 cm/s (b) 5 cm/s (c) 20 cm/s (d) 15 cm/s 10. At an instant a watch shows time 3 : 25. When seen through a mirror, time appeared will be : (a) 8 : 35 (b) 9 : 35 (c) 7 : 35 (d) 8 : 25 11. Calculate the velocity of image with respect to observer if an observer is walking away from the plane mirror with 6 m/s : (a) 6 m/s (b) - 6 m/s (c) 12 m/s (d) 3 m/s 12. Convergence of concave mirror can be decreased by dipping in : (a) water (b) oil (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these 13. Diminished virtual image can be formed only in : (a) plane mirror

Mark the correct option. An object is placed 40 cm away from a concave mirror of focal length 20 cm. The image formed is : (a) real, inverted and same in size (b) real, inverted and smaller (c) virtual, erect and larger (d) virtual, erect and smaller A boy of length 10 m, to see his own complete image, requires a mirror of length at least equal to : (a) 10/4 / (b) 10/3 A (d) 10 (c) 10/2

17. The size of the image, if an object of 2.5 m height is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a cancave mirror is : (Take radius of curvature of concave mirror = 30 cm) (a) 10.5 cm " (b) 9.2 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 5.6 cm jg A virtual image larger than the object can be obtained by: (a) concave mirror (b) convex mirror (c) plane mirror (d) concave lens 19. Which mirror should a boy use, if he stands straight infront of a mirror at a distance of 30 cm away from it and sees his erect image whose height is ^ th of his real height, is : (a) plane mirror (b) convex mirror (c) concave mirror (d) plano-convex mirror The focal length of convex mirror is 20 cm, its radius of curvature will be : (a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 40 cm


1. Mark correct option : (a) The laws of reflection of light hold only for plane surfaces (b) The size of virtual image can be measured by receiving it on screen (c) Plane mirror alongs form an erect image (d) Plane mirror may form inverted image 2. A plane mirror : (i) can form real image of a real object (ii) neither converges nor diverges the rays (iii) cannot form real image of a real object Choose the correct option or options : (a) (i) is correct (b) (i) and (ii) are correct (c) (ii) and (iii) are correct (d) none of the above

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310 3. A hair dresser stands with her nose 20 cm infront of a plane mirror for what distance must she focus her eyes in order to see her nose in the mirror ? (a) 40 cm (b) 50 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 60 cm 4. A plane mirror is placed along positive x-axis facing along positive y-axis. The equation of a linear object is x = y. The equation of its image is : (a) x = y (b) x + y = 0 (c) 2x + y = 0 (d) none of these 5. A man of height 1.8 m stands infront of a large vertical plane mirror. The distance of the image from the man if he Stands at a distance of 1.5 m from the mirror is : (a) 1 m (b) 2 m (c) 3 m (d) 4 m 6. A clock fixed on a wall shows time 04 : 25 : 37. What time will its image in a plane mirror show ? (a) 0 7 : 4 3 : 3 2 (b) 0 7 : 4 3 : 3 2 (c) 0 7 : 3 5 : 2 3 (d) 4 3 : 2 7 : 3 6 7. A car is moving towards a plane mirror at a speed of 30 m/s. Then the relative speed of its image with respect to the car will be : (a) 30 m/s (b) 60 m/s (c) 15 m/s (d) 45 m/s 8. A man is running towards a plane mirror with some velocity. If the relative velocity of his image with respect to him is 4 m/s, then the velocity of a man is : (a) 2 m/s (b) 4 m/s (c) 8 m/s (d) 16 m/s 9. A plane mirror is placed in y-z plane. A point object approaches the plane mirror with velocity 31 + 4 j. The velocity of image with respect to mirror is : .-.A , A X ^A , A (a) - 3 i + 4 j (b) 3 i - 4 j (c) - 3 I - 4 ] 1 (d) none of these 10. A plane mirror is placed along the y-axis as such x-axis is normal to the plane of the mirror. The reflecting surface of the mirror is towards negative x-axis. The mirror moves in positive x-direction with uniform speed of 5 m/s and a point object P is moving with constant speed 3 m/s in negative x-direction. The speed of image with respect to mirror is : (a) 8 m/s (c) 5 m/s (b) 16 m/s (d) 10 m/s Reflection of Light 310 infront of the mirror with a velocity (3 cm/s)i + (4 cm/s)! + (5 cm/s) 1c. The velocity of image with respect to mirror is : (a) ( - 3 cm/s)^ + (4 cm/s)j + (5 c m / s ) l (b) (3 c m / s ) i + (4 c m / s ) f - 5 ( c m / s ) l (c) - (3 c m / s ) ! - (4 c m / s ) f - (5 cm/s) fc (d) none of the above 13. A bullet of mass m2 is fired from a gun of mass ni\ with horizontal velocity v. A plane mirror is fixed at gun facing towards bullet. The velocity of the image of bullet formed by the plane mirror with respect to bullet is :

m2 1+ mx 2 (mi + m 2 ) mi v


m, + m2


(d) none of these

14. A cubical room is formed with 6 plane mirrors. An insect moves along diagonal of the floor with uniform speed. The velocity of its image in two adjacent walls are 20 V2 cm/s. Then the velocity of image formed by the roof is : (a) 20 cm/s (b) 40 cm/s , (c) 20 <2 cm/s (d) 10 <2 cm/s 15. On a plane mirror, a ray of light is incident at an angle of 30 with horizontal. To make the reflected ray 'vertical, at what angle with horizontal must a plane mirror be placed? (a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 45 (d) 54 16. A mirror is inclined at an angle of 0 with the horizontal. If a ray of light is incident at an angle of incidence 0, then the reflected ray makes the following angle with horizontal: (a) 0 (b) 20 (c) 0/2 (d) none of these

Incident Ray

11. A plane mirror is placed in y-z plane facing towards negative x-axis. The mirror is moving parallel to y-axis with a speed of 5 cm/s. A point object P is moving infront of the mirror with a velocity 3^ + 4 p The velocity of image is : (a) - 3 f + 4 | (c) - 3 ?
(b) 3i-4f

17 The mirrors are perpendicular to each other as shown in fig. A light ray AB is incident M,/ on the mirror M j . Then the / reflected ray will also suffer a reflection from the mirror B / M2. Then the final ray after / / m2 reflection from M2 will be / parallel to the incident ray, if : (a) i = 45 (c) i < 30 (b) i = 60 (d) for any i between 0and 90

(d) 3 l + 4 l

12. A plane mirror is placed in y-z plane facing towards negative x-axis. The mirror is moving parallel to y-axis with a speed of 5 cm/s. A point object P is moving

18. Two mirrors each 1.6 m long are facing each other. The distance between the mirrors is 20 cm. A light ray is incident on one end of the mirror at an angle of incidence of 30. How many times is the ray reflected before it reaches the other end ?

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Nitin M Sir (

Reflection of Light 24. A point object P is situated infront of plane mirror shown in figure. The width of mirror AB is d. The visual region on a line passing through point P and parallel to the mirror is :
(a) d


(a) (b) (c) (d)

There There There None

are 15 are 13 are 12 of the

reflections counting the first one reflections counting the first one reflections counting the first one above

(b) 2d (c) 3d (d) none of the above 25. A point source S is centred infront of a 70 cm wide plane mirror. A man starts walking from the source along a line parallel to the mirror. The maximum distance that can be walked by man without losing sight of the image of source is: (a) 80 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 70 cm (d) 90 cm 26. A beautiful girl with two normal eyes wants to see full width of her face by a plane mirror. The eye to eye and ear to ear distances of her face are 4 inch and 6 inch respectively. The minimum widti, of the required mirror is : (a) 1 inch (b) 2 inch (c) 3 inch (d) 4 inch

19. Two plane mirrors M j and M 2 each have length 1 m are separated by 1 cm. A ray of light is incident on one end of mirror M 1 at angle 45. How many reflections the ray will have before going at from the other end ?

(a) 50 (b) 51 (c) 100 (d) 101 20. A pole 5 m high is situated on a horizontal surface. Sun rays are incident at an angle 30 with the vertical. The size of shadow on horizontal surface is : (a) 5 m
(c) 10

27. The size of the face of a dancer is 24 cm x 16 cm. The minimum size of a plane mirror required to see the face of dancer completely by : (i) one eyed dancer. (ii) two eyed dancer. (Distance between the eyes is 4 cm.) (a) (i) 1 2 x 8 cm 2 (ii) 1 2 x 6 cm 2 (c) (i) 10 x 12 cm 2 cm 2 (b) (i) 8 x 1 0 cm 2 (ii) 1 2 x 2 cm 2 (d) (i) 12 x 2 cm 2




(d) none of these

21. A man wants to distinguish between two pillars located at a distance of 11 km. What should be the minimum distance between pillars ? (a) 3.2 m (b) 1.2 m (c) 1.1 m (d) 1.8 m 22. If distance between the wheel and mirror is'd' then the velocity of light is: (Given that m be the number of teeth and 'n' the number of revolutions made in one second), (a) mnd (b) 2 mnd (c) 3 mnd (d) 4 mnd
23. A ray is incident

(ii) 9 x 8 (ii) 6 x 13 cm 2 28. A narrow beam of light after reflection by a plane mirror falls on a scale 100 cm from the mirror. When the mirror is rotated a little the spot moves through 2 cm, the angle, through which the mirror is rotated is : (a) 0.02 rad (b) 0.01 rad (c) 200 rad (d)
P fl1



on a plane surface. If t + f - i c represents a vector along the direction of incident ray. t + 1 is a vector along normal on incident point in the plane of incident and reflected ray. Then vector along the direction of reflected ray is :

29. A ray of light falls on a plane mirror. When the mirror is turned, about an axis at right angle to the plane of the mirror through 20, the angle between the incident ray and new reflected ray is 45. The angle between the incident ray and original reflected ray is : (a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 45 (d) 60 30. A lamp and scale arrangement, used to measure small deflection is shown in the figure. SS' is the glass My scale placed at a distance / / 1 m of 1 m from the plane / 1 / mirror. MM and I is the A f position of the light spot R MA formed after reflection M' M from the underdeflected g


Vl9~ 1 VET 1

3 t + 3 * + ic)


A A.

(d) fc

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312 mirror MM. The mirror is deflected by 10 and comes to the deflected position M'M'. The distance moved by the spot on the scale (IR) is : (a) 24.6 cm (b) 36.4 cm (c) 46.4 cm (d) 34.9 cm 31. One end of the strip of a plane mirror is fixed and the other end rests on the top of the small vertical rod. The length of the plane mirror strip is 25 cm. A ray of light is incident on the mirror and reflected from the mirror and forms a spot on a screen 3 m away from the mirror. Now, if the top of the rod is moved upwards 0.1 mm, then what will be movement of the spot ? (a) 0.24 cm (c) 5 cm (b) 3.4 cm (d) 4.5 cm Reflection of Light 312 37. Infront of a vertical wall, a plane mirror of square shape is mounted parallel to the wall at some distance from it. On the wall, a point light source is fixed and light from it gets reflected from the mirror and forms a path on the wall. If the mirror is moved parallel to itself towards the wall, then (i) centre of the patch may remain stationary (ii) the patch may remain square in shape (iii) area of patch decreases Choose correct statement: (a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (i) and (iii) are correct (c) (ii) and (iii) are correct (d) none of the above 38. The shortest height of a vertical mirror required to see the entire image of a man, will be (a) one-third the man's height (b) half the man's height (c) two-third the man's height (d) data insufficient 39. A fluorescent lamp of length 1 m is placed horizontal at a depth of 1.2 m below a ceiling. A plane mirror of length 0.6 m is placed below the lamp parallel to and symmetric to the lamp at a distance 2.4 m from it. The length of the reflected patch of light on the ceiling is : (a) 3 m (b) 4 m (c) 7 m (d) none of these *40. In figure shown, a ray of light is incident at 50 on the middle of one of a pair of mirrors arranged at 60 : (i) Calculate the image at which the ray is incident on the second mirror (ii) Calculate the angle at which the ray is incident on the first mirror after being reflected from the second mirror. (a) (i) 45 (b) (i) 30 (ii) 10 (ii) 45 (c) (i) 10 (d) (i) 20 (ii) 70 (ii) 50 41. In the given figure, the angle between reflected rays is J equal to : (a) A (b) 2 A (c) 3 A (d) 4 A 4? - t a

32. A plane mirror is mounted parallel to a vertical wall at the distance 'd' from light fixed on the wall gets reflected by the mirror to form a path of light on the wall. When the mirror is moved parallel to itself towards the wall, the path of light on the wall: (a) remains unchanged in position and vertical height (b) moves along the wall away from the source without changing in vertical length (c) will increase in vertical length with the lower end fixed (d) moves along the wall away from the source and is increasing in vertical length. 33. The shape of spot light produced when bright sunshine passes perpendicular through a hole of very small size, is : (a) square because hole is square (b) round because it is an image of the sun (c) round with a small pinumbra around it (d) square with a small pinumbra 34. Images in spherical mirrors suffer from several defects. Some of which is/are : (a) diffraction effect (b) the magnification varies with the distance of the object from mirror (c) a point source will not produce a point image (d) all of the above 35. A flat mirror revolves at a constant angular velocity making 2 revolutions/sec. With what velocity will a light spot move along a spherical screen with a radius of 10 m, if the mirror is at a centre of curvature of the screen ? (a) 251.2 m/s (b) 261.2 m/s (c) 271.2 m/s (d) 241.2 m/s 36. A ' plane mirror which rotates 104 times per minute reflects light on to a stationary mirror 50 m away. This mirror reflects the light normally so that it strikes the rotating mirror again. The image observed in the rotating mirror is shifted through 2.4 minutes from the position it occupies. When the rotating mirror is stationary, what is the speed of light (a) 3 x l O 8 m / s (c) 5 x 108 m/s (b) 4 x l 0 8 m / s (d) 6 xlO 8 m/s

42. Two plane mirrors are perpendicular to each other. A ray after suffering reflection from the two mirrors will be (a) perpendicular to the original ray (b) parallel to the original ray (c) parallel to the first mirror (d) at 45 to the original ray

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Reflection of Light 43. A vessel consists of two plane mirrors at right angles (as shown in figure). The vessel is filled with water. The total deviation in incident ray is : (a) 0 (b) 90 (c) 180 (d) none of the above 44. Two plane mirrors are inclined at an angle 6. A ray of light is reflected from the first mirror and is then incident on the second mirror from which it is again reflected. What is deviation of incident ray ? (a) 360+ 20 (b) 360 - 0 (c) 3 6 0 - 2 0 (d) 360+ 0 45. A light ray is incident on a horizontal plane mirror at an angle of 45. At what angle should a second plane mirror be placed in order that the reflected ray finally be reflected horizontally from the second mirror, as shown in figure : (a) (b) (c) (d) harmonic progression arithmetic progression geometric progression both harmonic and arithmetic progression 313

50. Two plane mirrors are parallel to each other and spaced 20 cm apart. A luminous point object is placed between them and 5 cm from one mirror. What are the distances from each mirror of the three nearest images in each ? (a) For 1st mirror, - 5,35 and 45 cm For 2nd mirror, - 15,25 and 55 cm (b) For 1st mirror, - 2,23 and 54 cm For 2nd mirror, - 3,35 and 50 cm (c) For 1st mirror, - 35,40 and 30 cm For 2nd mirror, - 3,50 and 40 cm (d) None of the above 51. Two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other as shown in the figure. There is an object 'O' placed between the mirrors, at 5 cm from mirror M 2 . What are the distance of first three M, images from the M 2 ? (a) 5, 10, 15 (b) 5, 15, 30 (c) 5, 25, 25 (d) 5, 15, 25

5 cm 15 cm


p /77777B777777 q

(a) 0 = 30 (c) 0 = 22.5

(b) 0 = 24 (d) 0 = 67.5

46. A number of images of a bright bulb can be seen in a thick mirror. The image is seen at a large angle of reflection. The brightest image is : (a) the first one (b) the second one (c) the third one (d) the fourth one 47. Two plane mirrors are combined to each other as such one is in y-z plane and other is in x-z plane. A ray of light along vector t + f + lie is incident on the first mirror. The unit vector in the direction of emergence ray after successive reflections through the mirror is: 1a 1A 1 J ,,, 1A 1A 1A (c) - t - |+ 1c (d) none of these

52. If an object is placed between two plane mirrors, a distance 2b apart, the object is situated at mid-point between mirrors, the position of n th image formed by one of the mirrors with respect to the object is: (a) nb (b) 2nb (c) 3nb (d) 4nb 53. If two mirrors are inclined at some angle and an object is placed between the mirrors and there are 7 images formed for an object. Then what is angle between the mirrors? (a) 54 (b) 50 (c) 60 (d) 64 54. Two plane mirrors are placed at some angle. There are five images formed, when an object is placed symmetrically between them, the angle between the mirrors is: (a) 60 (b) 65 (c) 30 (d) 45 55. Two plane mirrors are inclined at an angle such that a ray incident on a mirror undergoes a total deviation of 240 after two reflections. The angle between mirrors. Also discuss the formation of image : (a) 60, 5 (b) 5, 60 (c) 45, 5 (d) 30, 6 * 56. Two plane mirrors are inclined at > (a, b) 90. An object is placed between them whose coordinates are (a, b). 777777m Yrrrrrr o Find the position vectors of all the images formed: (Take i, j are unit vectors along x-y axis) A . A A ,A A .A (a) - a i - b j, a i - b j, - a i + b j

48. A source of light lies on the angle bisector of two plane mirrors inclined at an angle 0. The values of 0, so that the light reflected from one mirror does not reach the other mirror will be : (a) 0 > 120 (b) 0 >90 (c) 0 < 120 (d) none of these 49. Two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other. A, point object is placed between them. The distance of image formed in one of the mirror is in: M, M,

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Reflection of Light 314 (b) -ai

, . A
A . 7 A

+ bj,-ai -ai-b],

- b), a 1 - bj +

, A

, A

(c) ai+b],

, A

. A


. A

(d) none of the above 57. If two adjacent walls and the ceiling of a rectangular room are mirror surfaced, then how many images of himself, a man can see ? (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 9 58. A convex mirror of focal length 10 cm is shown in figure. A linear object B A AB = 5 cm is placed along the optical axis. Point B is at distance 25 cm from the 25 cm pole of mirror. The size of image of AB is : (a) 2.5 cm (b) 0.64 cm (c) 0.36 cm (d) none of these 59. A point object P is placed at centre of curvature of a concave mirror of focal length 25 cm. The mirror is cut into two halves and shifted symmetrically 1 cm apart in perpendicular to the optical axis. The distance between images formed by both parts is : (a) 2 cm (b) 1 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm 60. In the measurement of the focal length / of a concave mirror, the object distance u = 40 0.1 cm and image distance u = 2 0 0 . 2 cm. The maximum % error in the measure of / is : (a) 1.75 (b) 0.75 (c) 0.3 (d) 2.25 61. If u represents object distance from pole of spherical mirror and v represents image distance from pole of mirror and / is the focal length of the mirror, then a straight line u = v will cut u versus v graph at: (a) (/,/) (b) ( I f , I f ) (c) ( f , 2 f ) (d) (0, 0) 62. A short linear object of length I lies on the axis of a spherical mirror of focal length /, at a distance x from the mirror. Then the length of the image (P) so obtained will b e : (a) (c)

64. In the figure, AB and BK represent incident and reflected rays. If angle BCF = 0, then ZBFP will be equal to : (a) (b) (c) (d) e 20 30 3.5 0

65. The speed at which the image of the luminous point object is moving, if the luminous point object is moving at speed v0 towards a spherical mirror, along its axis, is : . (Given : R = radius of curvature, u = object distance) (a) v, = -v0

(b) v, = -vn 2u - R R (d) Vi = - V a

R 2 u-R ' R 2 u-R

Vj = -v

66. A concave mirror produces an image n times the size of an object. If the focal length of the mirror is '/' and image formed is real, then the distance of the object from the mirror is : (a) (c) (n-l)f (" +1) (b) ^ n f

(d) (n +1)/

67. The sun subtends an angle a = 0.5 at the pole of a concave mirror. The radius of curvature of concave mirror is R (= 1.5 m). The size of image formed by the concave mirror is: (a) 0.785 cm (c) 0.755 cm (b) 0.654 cm (d) 0.622cm

68. An observer is sitting 20 cm away from a circular convex mirror, with his eyes on the axis of the mirror. The mirror has diameter of 6 cm and focal length 30 cm is fixed with its principal axis horizontal. The image is formed at distance 12 cm from the mirror and the distance of mid-point of diameter from the pole is 0.75 cm. The angular field of view in the horizontal plane seen in the mirror by the observer is : (a) tan 0 = 0.5672 (b) tan = 0.3014 (c) tan 0 = 0.5279 (d) tan 0 = 0.2516 69. The position of 1 cm tall object which is placed 8 cm infront of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 24 cm is : (a) 24 cm (b) 25 cm (c) 26 cm (d) 27 cm 70, A convex driving mirror of focal length 20 cm, is' fitted in a motor car. If the second car 2 m broad and 1.6 m high is 6 m away from first car and overtakes the first car at a relative speed of 15 m/s, then how fast will the image be moving ? (a) 0.016 m/s (c) 0.162 m/s (b) 0.0257 m/s (d) 0.0073 m/s

Cx-fi V

(b) (d)

{x-ff Hx-f)

63. A rear view mirror of a vehicle is cylindrical having radius of curvature 5 cm and length of arc of curved surface is 10 cm. The field of view in radian, if it is assumed that the eye of the driver is at a large distance from the mirror, is : (a) 0.5 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

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Reflection of Light 71. When an object is placed at a distance of 25 cm from a mirror, the magnification is m-y. But the magnification becomes m2, when the object is moved 15 cm farther
mi away with respect to the earlier position. If = 4, then W2 Z

315 curvature of the convex mirror is 20 cm. At what distance from the object a plane mirror should be placed so that the image in the spherical mirror and plane mirror may be in one plane ? (a) 20 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 28 cm (d) 32 cm * 76. A body of mass 100 g is tied to one end of spring of constant 20 N/m. The distance between pole of mirror and mean position of the body is 20 cm. The focal length of convex mirror is 10 cm. The amplitude of vibration of image is :

find the focal length of the mirror and what type of mirror it is ? (a) 20 cm, convex (b) 20 cm, concave (c) 10 cm, convex (d) 10 cm, concave 72. Two objects 'A' and 'B' when placed in turns infront of a concave mirror, give images of equal size. The focal length of the concave mirror is 7.5 cm and size of object A is three times the size of object B. The distance of B from the mirror, if A is placed 30 cm from the mirror, is : (a) 18 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 25 cm 73. An object of height 5 cm is placed in midway between a concave mirror of radius of curvature 30 cm and a convex mirror of radius of curvature 30 cm. The mirrors are placed opposite to each other and are 60 cm apart. The position of the image formed by reflection at convex mirror is : (a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 13 cm 74. Two spherical mirrors, one convex and other concave are placed coaxially at a distance 2R from each other. Both the mirrors have same radius of curvature R. What is the radius of 3rd image from first three images of the 2R circle, if a small circle of radius a is drawn on the convex mirror shown in the figure ? a a (a) (b) 43 41 a a (c) (d) 39 56 75. An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a convex spherical mirror as shown in figure. The radius of

20 cm


(a) 10 cm (c) 0.67 cm

(b) 50 cm (d) 0.33 cm

77. In the given figure, the angle of reflection is :

* x (a) 30 (c) 45 (b) 60 (d) none of these

78. The reflective surface is given by y = 2 sin x. The reflective surface is facing positive axis. What is the least values of co-ordinate of the point where a ray parallel to positive x-axis becomes parallel to positive y-axis after reflection ?

(a) (c)

(b) (d)



+ Q'

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316 Refraction of Light 4


(b) (c)

2. 12.

(b) (d)

3. 13.

(c) (c)

4. 14.

(a) (a)

5. 15.

(c) (a)

6. 16.

(c) (c)

7. 17.

(d) (c)

8. 18.

(b) (a)

9. 19.

(c) (b)

10. 20.

(a) (d)



(d) (a) (a) (a) (b) (c) (b) (b)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72.

(0 (a) (d) (a) (b) (b) (b) (b)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73.

(a) (c) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (a)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74.

(b) (b) (b) (d) (c) (a) (b) (b)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75.

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71.

(c) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (d) (b)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76.

(c) (d) (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77.

(b) (d) (a) (a) (a) (c) (b) (c)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78.

(a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (c) (d) (a)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69.

(a) (d) (c) (a) (c) (a) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70.

(a) (b) .(d) (c) (a) (a) (a)

1. If an object is placed on the surface of plane mirror, inverted image is formed (shown in fig.) * B
A inverted Image B' Man

(As crossing from origin)


2. The position of image is the point of divergence or convergence of reflected rays. If light from a real object incident on a plane mirror, the rays incident will be diverging. As power of the plane mirror is zero, hence, it neither converges nor diverges the rays. 3. From the figure, image is situated at 40 cm from eye. Hence, (a) is correct. / / / / / /
Image / A1 Object A 20 cm

1.5 m -

1.5 m

From figure, AA' = 3 m'. Due to plane mirror, clockwise watch is converted into anticlockwise watch (shown in figure). Here, (c) is correct.


20 cm


The car and its image move opposite to each other with the same speed v.

vTel = 2v = 60 m/s The slope of image is m = tan ( - 45) = - 1 Hence, (b) is correct.


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Nitin M Sir (

Refraction of Light
Syllabus: Refraction of light at plane and curved surfaces, total internal reflection, optical fibre, deviation and dispersion of light by a prism, lens formula, magnification and resolving power, microscope and telescope.

Review of Concepts
1. Laws of refraction: When light passes from one medium, say air, to \e'J Hi another, say glass, a part is reflected back into the first medium and the rest passes into the second medium. When it passes into the second medium, its direction of e2\ travel is changed. It either bends towards the normal or bends away from the normal. This phenomenon is known as refraction. There are two laws of refraction. (a) The incident ray, the refracted ray and normal on incidence point are coplanar. (b) pi sin 6] = P2 sin 0 2 = ... = constant. (vi)

The frequency of light does not depend upon medium.

C\ =



M _f2 a 1 ^^ X (a) When observer is in rar^r medium and object is in denser medium: real depth apparent depth

" 2.

This is known as Snell's law. Snell's law in vector form : Let, ej = unit vector along incident ray e 2 = unit vector along refracted ray. n = unit vector along normal on incidence point. Then pj (ej x n) = p 2 (e 2 x n) Hi
Real depth Denser medium

Some important points : (i) The value of absolute refractive index p is always greater or equal to one. (ii) The value of refractive index depends upon material of medium, colour of light and temperature of medium. (iii) When temperature increases, refractive index decreases. (iv) Optical path is defined as product of geometrical path and refractive index. i.e., (v) i.e., optical path = px P l * ! = p 2 x 2 = ... constant Hi dt dx-y :p 2 dx2 dt For a given time, optical path remains constant.

(b) When object is in air and Observer is in denser medium: apparentposition ^ real position' (c) The shift of object due to slab is x~t 1 - i


Object shiftness


Ml ci = p 2 c 2 P! i.e., c2

1 p-

This formula is only applicable when observer is in rarer medium. (ii) The object shiftness does not depend upon the position of object. (iii) Object shiftness takes place in the direction of incident ray. (i)

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326 (d) The equivalent refractive index of a combination of a number of slabs for normal incidence is If i 11 = M; Here, Z f,- = fj +1 2 + M i Hi H2 4. The 8 - i graph is (i) Critical angle depends upon colour of light, material of medium, and 4 temperature of medium. ^ (ii) Critical angle does not depend upon angle of incidence. Refraction of Light

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Deviation produced by prism is 8 i + r + r' = A For grazing incidence, i = 90 For grazing emergence, i' = 90 For not transmitting the ray from prism, A p > cosec i'-A.

(e) The apparent depth due to a number of media is U

(f) The lateral shifting due to a slab is d = t sec r sin (i - r).

M -

-A ^ r\ \
\ \



(a) Critical angle : When a ray passes from denser medium (p2) to rarer medium (pj), then for 90 angle of refraction, the corresponding angle of incidence is critical angle. Mathematically, sin C = Hi M 2

(f) For limiting angle of prism, i = f = 90, the limiting angle of prism =2C where C is critical angle. If angle of prism exceeds the limiting values, then the rays are totally reflected. (g) 8i graph for prism:

// V


^ Denser

(h) For minimum deviation, (i) i = i' and r = / sin (ii) II=sin In the case of minimum deviation, ray is passing through prism symmetrically, (i) For maximum deviation (8 max ). i = 90 or i' = 90 (j) For thin prism, 8 = (p - 1 ) A (k) Angular dispersion, D = (p - m) A (1) Angular deviation, 8 y = (py - 1) A / \ Mt>-Mr (m) Dispersive power = to = My' 1

(b) (i)

When angle of incidence is lesser than critical angle, refraction takes place. The corresponding deviation is 5 = sin M 2 -sinz Ml'


for i < C

Rarer medium



Denser medium


(n) M = y

, ,

m + Mr


(*>) When angle of incidence is greater than critical angle, total internal reflection takes place. The corresponding deviation is 5 = n-2i when i < C

(o) For dispersion without deviation, I8y = 0 (p) For deviation without dispersion, SD =0

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Refraction of Light Refractive Surface Formula, 327 (f) If a lens is cut along the diameter, focal length does not change. (g) If lens is cut by a vertical, it converts into two lenses of different focal lengths.

v u


+ Here, ] v = image distance, u = object distance, r = radius of curvature of spherical surface. (a) For plane surface, r =
(b) Transverse magnification, image size fcP m =fc" object size (c) Refractive surface formula is only applicable for paraxial ray.


I _ 1 1 / /l + /2

1. Lens formula: I _ I = 1 v u f (a) Lens formula is only applicable for thin lens. (b) r = 2f formula is not applicable for lens. , % h (c) m - image size = v object size u (d) Magnification formula is only applicable when object is perpendicular to optical axis. (e) Lens formula and the magnification formula is only applicable when medium on both sides of lenses are same.

(h) If a lens is made of a number of layers of different refractive indices (shown in figure), then number of images of an object formed by the lens is equal to number of different media, (l) The minimum distance between real object and real image in the case of thin lens is 4/. (j) The equivalent focal length combination of two lenses is given d < f

+ +
+ +


M 3


of by


f(+ve) (i)

f (-ve) (ii)


f(~ve)itf(+ve) (iii) (iv)

1 _ d I _ I F ~ / l + / 2 /l/2

(k) If a number of lenses are in contact, then 1 f (-ve)


f (+ve) (vi)

F - r r (1) (i) Power of thin lens, P = j; (ii) Power of mirror, P = - j ; (m)If a lens is silvered at one surface, then the system behaves as an equivalent mirror, whose power P = 2PL + Pm Here, P i = Power of lens = ffc-fc) f l _ r rj r2

(g) Thin lens formula is applicable for converging as well diverging lens. Thin lens maker's formula : ^ /\ ^ 1 2.


J_ rz

(a) Thin lens formula is only applicable for paraxial ray. (b) This formula is only applicable when medium on both sides of lens are same. (c) Intensity is proportional to square of aperture. (d) When lens is placed in a medium whose refractive index is greater than that of lens, i.e., Pj > (i2, then converging lens behaves as diverging lens and vice versa. (e) When medium on both sides of lens are not same, then both focal lengths are not same to each other.

Pm = Power of silvered surface = - jrr 2 Here, Fm = where r 2 = radius of silvered surface.


= "F

Here, F = focal length of equivalent mirror.

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328 Reflection of Light 328 3. Astronomical telescope : (a) If image is formed at least distance of distinct vision 1+ (b) If image is formed at infinity (normal adjustment) M= - y Je 4. Galilean telescope: (a) For normal adjustment :

Optical Instrument
1. Simple microscope : Magnifying power of a simple microscope is M = 1 + y-' where D = least distance of distinct vision = 25 cm (in general) 2. Compound microscope: (a) If image is formed at least distance of distinct vision rvn M-1 + where, vn and u are the image and object distances for the objective. fe = focal length of eye piece, (b) If final image is formed at infinity: -vnD M = U0fe



(b) If final image is formed at least distance of distinct vision : M= 1-


Questions Level-1
(b) 45 (c) 90 (d) equal to the angle of incidence Light of different colours propagates through air: (a) with velocity of air (b) with different velocities (c) with velocity of sound (d) with equal velocity
8. Arrange the following in ascending order of frequency:

1. Mark the correct option of source which is associated with a line emission spectrum : (a) Electric fire (b) Neon street sign (c) Red traffic light (d) Sun 2. A rectangular tank of depth 8 m is full of water the bottom is seen at the depth: (a) 6 m (c) 8 cm (b)fm (d) 10 cm ^= 3

3. Ray optics fails when the size of the obstacle is: (a) 5 cm (b) 3 cm (c) less than the wavelength of light (d) (a) and (b) both 4. If light travels from one medium to the other of which the refractive index is different, then which of the following will change ? (a) Frequency, wavelength and velocity (b) Frequency, wavelength (c) Frequency and velocity (d) Wavelength and velocity 5. If the wavelength of light is increased, the angle of minimum deviation S m , the refractive index (I and the frequency v : (a) will decrease (b) will increase (c) will remain unchanged (d) do not depend upon the wavelength 6. The angle of refraction, when a light ray approaches a glass-air interface from the glass side at the critical angle, will b e : (a) 0

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Red, blue, yellow, green Blue, green, yellow, red Red, yellow, green, blue Red, green yellow, blue

One can not see through fog because : (a) fog absorbs light (b) light is scattered by the droplets in fog (c) light suffers total reflection by the droplets in fog (d) the refractive index of fog is in infinity 10. A cut diamond sparkles because of its : (a) hardness (b) high refractive index (c) emission of light by the diamond (d) absorption of light by the diamond 11. The combination of convex lens and concave lens each of focal length 10 cm when combines, behaves as : (a) convex lens (b) concave lens (c) as a slab of glass (d) as convex mirror 12. The refractive index of the medium, if a light wave has frequency of 4 x 10 14 Hz and a 7 5 x 10 metres in a medium, will be : (a) 1.5 (b) 1.33 (c) 1.0 (d) 0.66 a wavelength of

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Reflection of Light 13. The number of wavelengths in the visible spectrum is : (a) 4000 (b) 6000 (c) 2000 (d) inifinite 14. The spectrum of molecular form of the substance is called : (a) band spectrum (b) line spectrum (c) absorption spectrum (d) continuous spectrum 15. Mark the correct option in impure spectrum : (a) Order of colours is reverse (b) Order of colours is irregular (c) Colours are overlapped (d) No colours is present , , 8
(a) 9

329 <b)f (d) none of these


21. The dispersive power, if the refractive indices for the

material of the prism are p= 1.6 and p r = 1.4, is (a) 3 (b) 1.6 (c) 0.4 (d) 1
22. If angle of prism is 10 and refractive indices of violet

16. It is given that refractive index of water is 1.33. A diver in water will see the setting sun, at an angle of: (a) 0 (b) 41 (c) 90 (d) 60 17. The mirage in desert is caused because : (a) the refractive index of atmosphere does not change with height (b) there is effect of height on refractive index (c) light is reflected by the sand particles (d) none of the above 18. Select the correct alternative, in case of dispersion without deviation : (a) The emergent ray's of all the colours are parallel to the incident ray (b) Only yellow coloured ray is parallel to the incident ray (c) Only red coloured ray is parallel to the incident ray (d) All the rays are parallel, but not parallel to the incident ray 19. Find the length of the optical path of two media in contact of lengths dy and d2 of refractive indices Pi and p 2 respectively : (a) M 1 + M 2

and red light are 1.54 and 1.52 respectively, then the angular dispersion is: (a) 0.02 (b) 0.2 (c) 3.06 (d) 30.6 23. When a prism is dipped in water then the angle of minimum deviation of a prism with respect to air will _ 4 be aHg 2' ~3 1 8 3 (c) 4

(b) (d)

24. Angle of minimum deviation for a prism of refractive index 1.5 is equal to the angle of prism. The angle of prism is (cos 41 = 0.75) (a) 62 (b) 41 (c) 82 (d) 31 25. When a ray of light falls on a prism, light gets dispersed because: (a) it is made of glass (b) it is triangular (c) refractive index of the prism material is different for different colours (d) light is of seven colours
26. The false statement is :

(b) M 2 + M 1 (d) dy + d2

dyd 2

(a) A = ry + r2 (c) i =

(b) 5 = 2 i - A

8 = (i - r-y) + (e- r2)

20. Calculate the refractive index of glass with respect to water. It is given that refractive indices of glass and 3 ,4 water with respect to air are and respectively.

{where, Z i = incidence angle, Zr = angle of refraction, Z e = emergent angle, A = angle of prism, 8, = angle of minimum deviation}

1. Due to increase of temperature of medium, refractive index will b e : (a) decreased (b) increased (c) unchanged (d) none of these 2. In the case of refraction : (a) the frequency of light changes (b) the phase changes (c) the wave length changes (d) all the above 3. The rising and setting of sun appear red because of: (a) refraction (b) reflection (c) diffraction (d) scattering The electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space are 0 and Po, respectively. The index of refraction of the medium, if e and p are the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability in a medium is :

eoHo EoHo

(b) (d)

HL 0



EM OO ep


Which of the following graphs represents the variation of longitudinal spherical aberration with the radius of the lens aperture for lenses of the same focal length and refractive index?

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

330 (a) (a) 3 xlO" 1 0 sec (c) 4-3 x 10

Reflection of Light 330 (b) 2-22 xlO" 6 sec (d) 3 xlO" 6 sec


11. In a medium of refractive index wj, a monochromatic light of wavelength X] is travelling. When it enters in a denser medium of refractive index n 2 , the wavelength of (c) (d) the light in the second medium is : fn^ fW (a) (b) ^ "2 " v. V J \ 1, J M2-l) , , , M 2 - i) (d) (c) n2 ' ' nx 12. If 'c' is the velocity of light in vacuum, then the time taken by the light to travel through a glass plate of thickness '(' and having refractive index |i is :
(a) (c)


The maximum possible deviation of the ray, when a ray of light travels from an optically denser to rarer medium and the critical angle for the two medium is C, is : (a) (7i - C ) (b) (7t-2C) (K (c) 2G (d) Itt+ C 7. A ray of light falls on a transparent glass slab of refractive index 1.62. What is the angle of incidence, if the reflected ray and refracted ray are mutually perpendicular ? (a) tan (0


(b) tjxc (d)^


(b) tan-1


tan" 1 (1.62)

(d) None of these

8. A ray of light travelling in glass having refractive index = 3/2, is incident at a critical angle C on the glass-air a interface. If a thin layer of water is poured on glass air interface, then what will be the angle of emergence of this ray in air when it emerges from water-air interface ? (a) 180 (b) 0 (c) 90 (d) 45 9. The time required for the light to go from A to B, when a ray of light goes from point A in a medium where the speed of light is to a point B in a medium where the speed of light is v2 as shown in figure, is :

13. The focal lengths of a thin convex lens for red and violet colours are 44.6 cm and 42.5 cm. The focal length for the mean colour and dispersive power of the lens are respectively: (a) focal length = 43.53 cm dispersive power = 0.048 (b) focal length = 28.53 dispersive power = 0.048 (c) focal length = 63.53 cm dispersive power = 8.48 (d) focal length = 30.43 dispersive power = 4.8 14. Abeam of parallel rays of width 6 cm propagates in glass at an angle 0 to its plane face. What would the beam width bj, be after it goes over to air through this face ? (The refractive index of the glass is (I.) (a) bp (b) bp cot 0

b (1 - p 2 cos 2 0) 1/2 sin 0


b( 1 p 2 sin 2 0) 1 / 2 cos 9

15. Solar rays are incident at 45 on the surface of water (p = 4/3). What is the length of the shadow of a pole of length 1.2 m erected at the bottom of the pond, if the pole is vertical assuming that 0.2 m of the pole is above the water surface ? (a) 1 m (b) 0.75 m (c) 0.825 m (d) 1.2 m * 16. x-y plane separates two media, z > 0 contains a medium of refractive index 1 and z < 0 contains a medium of refractive ind^x 2. A ray of light is incident from first medium along a vector i + f - tc, the unit vector along refracted ray is :

1 a 2V3 1
1 +

1 A ->/5~<^ i + J - V 7 lc 2^3

v2 10. The time taken by the light to travel a distance of S00 metre in water of refractive index of 4,'J is : (Given : velocity of light in vacuum = 3 x 10" un/u.


2^3 / \A >


1 2^3


(d) none of the above

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Refraction of Light 17. A light ray strikes a flat glass plate, at a small angle '6'. The glass plate has thickness't' and refractive index 'p'. What is the lateral displacement'd' ? tQ (h +1) p t (c)^(H-D

331 down from above, observes that, a mark at the bottom of the glass slab appears to be raised up to position 6 cm from the bottom of the slab. The refractive index of oil (p) is: (a) 1.5 (b) 2.5 (c) 0.5 (d) 1.2 22. n transparent slabs of refractive index 1.5 each having thickness 1 cm, 2 cm, ... to n cm are arranged one over another. A point object is seen through this combination with near perpendicular light. If the shift of object by the combination is 1 cm then the value of n is: (a) either 2 or 3 (c) 3 (b) 2 (d) 0.3

te ( p - 1 ) p

(d) ^ ( H + l)

18. A glass slab has thickness T and refractive index p. If a ray of light from air is incident on a glass slab, at an angle of incidence equal to the angle of total internal refraction of glass, then the displacement of the ray due to this slab in terms of thickness and refractive index of glass p is:

1 -

wM"1 + Vp2 1+ 1 _ P
(d) 1 i 1+ m i + Vp2 - 1

I ( 0 1p 1 2 + i Vp

19. Considering normal incidence of ray, the equivalent refractive index of combination of two slabs shown in figure is:



23. In the figure, a point source 'P' is placed at a height h above the plane mirror in a medium of refractive index p. An observer O, vertically above P, outside the liquid, sees P and its image in the mirror. The apparent distance between these two i s : (a) 2ph (b) 2h M

? 10 cm

4 = 3 3 Ul = 2 Air

15 cm k

(a) 1.8 (c) 2 * 20. A tank contains two different liquids which do not mix with each other. The lower and upper liquids are at depth h2 and hi respectively and of refractive indices p 2 and

(b) 1.43 (d) none of these

M * 24. In a lake, a fish rising vertically to the surface of water uniformly at the rate of 3 m/s, observes a bird diving vertically towards the water at a rate of 9 m/s vertically above it. The actual velocity of the dive of the bird is : (Given: refractive index of water = 4/3) (a) 9.2 m/s (b) 4.5 m/s (c) 9.0 m/s (d) 3.2 m/s 25. An object O is placed at 8 cm infront of a glass slab, whose one face is silvered as shown in the figure. The thickness of the slab is 6 cm. If the image formed 10 cm behind the silvered face, the refractive index of glass is : (a) p = 1.8 (c) p = 1.5 6 cm M M


2h p-1

(d) h


Pl. An object 'O' is located at the bottom, when seen vertically from above. Locate the position of image of the object O as seen from above :
(a) (c)

hi Hi hi M Mi 2 H2

(b) (d)

Hl + H2 hi h_2 M Mi 2

(b) p = 1.2 (d) p. = 1.3

21. A vessel contains a slab of glass 8 cm thick and of refractive index 1.6. Over I i the slab, the vessel is filled by oil of refractive index p 6 cm ------------- "4"-" Water V. . ------ upto height 4.5 cm and also rJHrOiir-24.5 cm by another liquid i.e., water Glass of refractive index 4/3 and 8 cm 6 cm 1 height 6 cm as shown in i figure. An observer looking

26. A concave mirror with its optic axis vertical and mirror facing upward is placed at the bottom of the water tank. The radius of curvature of mirror is 40 cm and refractive index for water p = 4/3. The tank is 20 cm deep and if a bird is flying over the tank at a height 60 cm above the surface of water, the position of image of a bird is : (a) 3.75 cm (c) 5.2 cm (b) 4.23 cm (d) 3.2 cm

27. Word 'Newton' is printed on a paper and is placed on a horizontal surface below a cubical glass. The minimum value of refractive index of a cubical glass for which

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

332 letters are not visible from any of vertical faces of the glass, is : (a) V3 (b) 0.5 (c) 1 (d) V2 28. In a tank filled with water of refractive index 5/3, a point source of light is placed 4 m below the surface of water. To cut-off all light coming out of water from the source, what should be the minimum diameter of a disc, which should be placed over the source on the surface of water ? (a) 1 m (c) 3 m (b) 4 m (d) 6 m Reflection of Light 332 34. A glass prism of refractive index 8/5 is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 4/3. A ray of light incident at grazing angle on one face emerges at grazing angle on the other face of the prism. The angle of the prism is : (a) 30 (b) 60 (c) 37 (d) none of these 35. An equilateral prism deviates a ray through 45 for the two angle of incidence differing by 20. The angle of incidence is: (a) 60 (b) 40 (c) 120 (d) none of these 36. There is a glass prism of refractive index p and angle of prism is A. A ray of light enter the side AB face of the prism at an angle of incidence i. The value of angle of incidence i so, that no ray emerges from the face AC of the prism, is : (a) sin - 1 [V|i2 - 1 sin A - cos A] (b) sin - 1 [V|i2 + 1 sin A - cos A] (c) sin - 1 [Vp2 + 1 sin A + cos A] (d) none of the above 37. On one face ML of a prism of refractive index 'p' and refracting angle 'A', a ray of light PQ is incident at an angle i, and refracted along QR, as shown in figure. If after refraction from MN, this ray travels along RN at grazing emergence, then choose the correct option : 1/2 'sin A + cos f 2" (a) (b) p = (c) p =

29. A person is looking into a cubical vessel with opaque wall. It is so placed that the eye of an observer cannot see its bottom but can see the entire wall CD as shown in the figure. At a distance A O b = 10 cm from corner D, a K-b-w small object is placed at O. Upto how much height should the vessel must be filled with water (p = 4/3), so the observer can see the object ? (a) x = 2.67 cm (b) x = 267cm (c) x = 26.7 cm (d) x = 0.267 cm * 30. You stand at one end of a long airport runway. A vertical temperature gradient in the air has resulted in the index of refraction of the air above the runway to vary with the height 1 / according to n = n0 (1 + ay) where n 0 is refractive index at the runway surface and a = 1 . 5 x l 0 ~ 6 m - 1 . Your eyes are at a height = 1.7 m above the runway. Beyond what horizontal distance 'd' can you not see the runway (shown in figure) ? (a) 652 m (b) 752 m (c) 460 m (d) 370 m 31. In a prism a ray deviates towards : (a) base of prism (b) refracting edge of a prism (c) normal to the base (d) second phase of the prism 32. In the condition of minimum deviation position, a ray travels within the prism : (a) symmetrically (b) assymmetrically (c) normally (d) transversally 33. The maximum refractive index of a prism which permits the passage of light through it, when the refracting angle of the prism is 90, is : (a) V3 (b) V2 (c) V f (d) |

1/2 'sin i - cos A 2" sin i v 38. The refractive index of the material of prism, if a thin prism of angle A = 6, produces a deviation 5 = 3, is : (a) 1.5 (b) 1.2 (c) 1.1 (d) 1.25 (d) p = i + 39. Figure shows, a glass prism. ABC (refractive index 1.5), immersed in water (refractive index 4/3). A ray of light incident normally on face AB. If it is totally reflected at face AC then : -----

- v sin/l J -

(sin i + cos A '2" sin A 2" 'sin / + cos AN sin A

1/2 1/2

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Reflection of Light (a) sin 0 > 9 (b) s i n 0 > | (d) ! < s i n 0 < | 333 45. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colour is incident on a right angled prism as shown in the figure. Light of red, green and blue colour travel in prism with velocities respectively 5/7, 20/29 and 2/3 times that in the air. The prism will: (a) separate all three colours from one another (b) not separate even partially any colour from the other two colours (c) separate the blue colour partially by transmission frotr. red and green colours (d) separate the part of the red colour from the green and the blue colour 46. In a glass prism, spectrum is produced due to : (a) refraction (b) dispersion (c) scattering (d) diffraction 47. If a crown glass prism of refracting angle 10 have refractive indices for red and violet rays 1.514 and 1.523 respectively, then the dispersion caused by a crown glass prism is : (a) 0.07 (b) 0.08 (c) 0.09 (d) 0.10 48. A thin prism of angle 7 made of glass of refractive index 1.5 is combined with another prism made of glass of p = 1.75 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of second prism is : (a) 7 (b) 4.67 (c) 9 (d) 5 49. Four similar prisms of same material having same angle of prism are arranged. Which of the following arrangements give no net angular deviation ?

(c) sin 9 = H 2

40. The refractive index of the material, if a prism having an angle A = 60 which produces a minimum deviation of 30? (a) A/3 (b) V2 (c) V5 (d) l W 2 41. Which of the following graphs will represent the angle of deviation S by a prism versus angle of incidence i for a monochromatic light ?



42. A drop of liquid is spread on the hypotenuse of 30-60-90 prism as shown and a ray of light incident normally on face AB of the prism. If the refractive index of liquid is 1.3, then the refractive index of prism, so that total internal reflection take place, is : A (a) 1.2 (c) 1.3 (b) 1.4 (d) 1.5

43. One face AC of the glass prism is silvered as shown and the principal section of a glass prism is an isosceles triangle ABC with AB = AC. The Z BAC, if the ray incident normally on face AB and after two reflections, it emerges from the base BC, perpendicular to it, is : (a) 70 (b) 36 (c) 72 (d) 44 44. The prism shown in the figure has one side silvered. The angle of the prism is 30 and \i = <2. What should be angle of incidence, if the incident ray retraces its initial path ? (a) 50 (b) 45 .(c) 60 (d) 75


50. In n simillar thin prisms of same material and refractive index are arranged in series as shown:

(a) if n is even number, no net deviation and no net dispersion (b) if n is odd, no net deviation and no net dispersion (c) it depends upon angle of prism (d) no sufficient information 51. A small object is enclosed in a sphere of solid glass 8 cm in radius. It is situated 2 cm from the centre and is viewed from the side to which it is nearer. Where will it appear to be if p of glass = 1.5 ? (a) 6 cm from the centre

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Nitin M Sir (

334 (b) 4 cm from the nearer surface (c) 3 cm from the nearer surface Refraction of Light upper half of the lens L3 has a refractive index pj and the lower half has p 2 (shown). A point object O has an image at Oj by the * Oi o2 lens Lj and at 0 2 by the lens L 2 placed in the same position. If L 3 is placed at the same place : (a) there will be an image at O j (b) there will be an image at 0 2 (c) the only image will forms somewhere between 0\ and 0 2 (d) (a) and (b) are correct * 58. A point source is placed on the axis of a symmetrical convex lens of focal length 20 cm at a distance 40 cm. If lens is raised by 1 cm, by how much will the image be lifted relative to the previous axis ?

2 (d) 3 cm from the centre 52. T-he human eye can be regarded as a single spherical refractive surface of curvature of cornea 7.8 mm. If a parallel beam of light comes to focus at 3.075 cm behind the refractive surface, the refractive index of the eye is: (a) 1.34 (b) 1 (c) 1.5 (d) 1.33 53. In a glass sphere, there is a small bubble 2 x 10~2 m from its centre. If the bubble is viewed along a diameter of the sphere, from the side on which it lies, how far from the surface will it appear ? The radius of glass sphere is 5 x 10 m and refractive index of glass is 1.5 : (a) 2.5 x 10 (c) 6.5 x 10 m m (b) 3.2 x 10 (d) m 0.2xl0~2m

54. Where would an object be placed in a medium of refractive index pj, so that its real image is formed at equidistant from the sphere of radius R and refractive index p2, which is also placed in the medium of refractive index pj as shown in figure ?

Pfl ran

T 1

1 cm


1 cm *

Lifted axis Previous axis

O x

(a) 1 en, (c) 2 cm
(a) (c)

(b) 3 cm (d) 4 cm

55. A ray incident at a point at an angle of incidence 60 enters a glass sphere of p = V3^ and is reflected and refracted at the further surface of the sphere. The angle between the reflected and the refracted rays at this surface is: (a) 50 (b) 90 (c) 60 (d) 40 56. Which of the following statements is/are correct? (a) The lens has two principal foci, but may have one focal length (b) A single lens can never bring a beam of white light to a point focus (c) A burning glass brings light rays to same focus as heat radiation (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct 57. Consider three converging lenses L\, L 2 and L3 having identical geometrical construction. The index of refraction of and L 2 are Pi and p 2 respectively. The

* 59. A thin convex lens is used to form a real image of a bright point object. The aperture of the lens is small. A graph shown is obtained by plotting, a suitable parameter y against another suitable f parameter x. If / the focal length of = the lens - 1 u = the object distance v = image distance (a) (uv) x, ( + v) y (b) u + v > xf uv > y 1 1 u (c) u (d) U y V v 60. If the resolution limit of the eye is 1 minute and at a distance x km from the eye, two persons stand with a leteral separation of 3 metre, then the value of x for which the positions of the two persons can be just resolved by the nacked eye, is: (a) 10 km (b) 15 km (c) 20 km (d) 30 km

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Reflection of Light 61. Which of the following best represents object distance u versus image distance u-graph for a convex lens ?

335 67. A light source is placed at a distance b from a screen. The power of the lens required to obtain A>fold magnified image is: fc+1 kb kb (c) k+1


(b) (d)

(k + l)2 kb kb (kl)2


->u U 62. Mark correct option or options : (a) The minimum distance between a real image and the real object in concave mirror is zero (b) The minimum distance between a real object and real image in concave mirror is greater than 4/, where/is focal length of the lens (c) The focal length of concave mirror depends upon the wavelength of light incident on it (d) The focal length of mirror depends upon medium infront of the mirror 63. Select the correct alternative(s): (a) A convex lens may form a real image

68. In the given arrangement, a lens of refractive index 1.5 is placed having media of Hi refractive indices Pi and p 2 in either sides. Then the value of and \\ with respect to lens are : (a) 1.5 and 1.5 (b) less than 1.5


(c) greater than 1.5 and less than 1.5 (d) 1 and 1 69. The refractive index of a lens material is p and focal length f. Due to some chemical changes in the material, its refractive index has increased by 2%. The percentage decrease, in focal length for p = 1.5 will be : (a) 4% (b) 2% (c) 6% (d) 8% 70. The focal length of a convex lens when placed in air and then in water will: (a) increase in water with respect to air (b) increase in air with respect to water (c) decrease in water with respect to air (d) remain the same 71. A lens forms a sharp image of a real object on a screen. On inserting a parallel slide between the lens and the screen with its thickness along the principal axis of the lens, it is found necessary to shift the screen parallel to itself distance d away from the lens for getting image sharply focussed on it. If the refractive index of the glass relative to air is p, the thickness of the slab is :

(b) R = 2/ formula is applicable to only paraxial ray (c) A convex lens becomes less convergent when it is immersed in water (d) All of the above 64. From an air craft flying at an altitude of 2000 m, photograph of the ground are taken from a camera, whose size of the film is 18 cm x 18 cm and the focal length of camera is 50 cm. The area of the ground can be photographed by the camera is : (a) 648910 m z (c) 518400 m 2 . (b) 721879 m (d) 482529 m 2

65. The distance between the object and screen is x and a convex lens is placed somewhere in between an object and a screen. The focal length (/) of the lens, if the numerical value of magnification produced by the lens is m is : mx mx (a) (b) (in + If (m - l) z On +1) 2 (m - 1 ) 2 (d) m m 66. On the axis of a spherical mirror of focal length/, a short linear object of length L lies on the axis at a distance u from the mirror. Its image has an axial length U equal to :


(a) p -

(b) [id (d)

( p - V


72. The radius of curvature of the face of planoconvex lens is 12 cm and its refractive index is 1.5. If the plane surface of the lens is now silvered, then the focal length of the lens is : (a) 26 cm (b) 22 cm (c) 24 cm (d) 20 cm 73. When a thin convergent glass lens (p ? = 1.5) and has power of + 5.0 D, is immersed in a liquid of refractive index p;, it acts as a divergent lens of focal length 100 cm. The value of p; is :

(a) L (c) L

L(" - / ) .


(b) L

(" + / )




(d) L



5 3

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

336 74. The change in the focal length of the lens, if a convex lens of focal length 20 cm and refractive index 1.5, is immersed in water having refractive index 1.33, is: (a) 62.2 cm (b) 5.82 cm (c) 58.2 cm (d) 6.22 cm 75. A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen. When the upper half of the lens is covered by an opaque screen: (a) the complete image will be formed (b) the intensity of image will increase (c) the intensity of image will decrease (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 76. A layered lens is made of materials indicated by shades in the figure. The number of images formed is : (a) 1 (b)

Reflection of Light 336 81. A symmetric double convex lens is cut in two equal parts along its diameter. If the power of the original lens was 4 D, the power of a divided lens will be : (a) 2 D (b) 3 D (c) 4 D (d) 5 D 82. If an equiconvex lens of focal length 30 cm is cut into two equal parts by a horizontal plane, then : (a) the light transmitting area of each part becomes half of the initial (b) the intensity will reduce to half 1 (c) the aperture becomes times of tis initial value (d) all the above 83. If an equiconvex lens of focal length 20 cm is cut into two equal parts by a vertical plane, the focal length of each part will become : (a) 40 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 5 cm 84. A convex lens of focal length 0.2 m, is cut into two halves each of which is displaced by 0.0005 m and a point object is placed at a distance of 0.3 m from the lens, as shown in figure. The position of the image is : (a) 0.2 m (b) 0.3 m (c) 0.6 m (d) 0.5 m 85. Two similar piano convex lenses are placed with their convex surfaces in contact and the space between them is filled with a liquid of refractive index 1.7, as shown in figure. The focal length of piano convex lens is 25 cm and radius of curvature of the curved surface is 12.5 cm and is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. The focal length of the combination i s : (a) - 3 1 . 2 5 cm (b) - 4 2 . 0 5 cm (c) - 3 7 . 7 3 cm (d) - 5 2 . 6 5 cm

(d) 4

77. Two plano-convex lens each of focal length / are placed as shown in figure. The ratio of their focal lengths is:


0) (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (c) 1 : 2 : 1 (b) 1: 1 : 1 (d) 3 : 2 : 1


78. The number of images formed by the lens, if an object is placed on the axis of the lens is : (a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four 79. How many images are formed by the lens shown, if an object is kept on its axis ? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four 80. The focal length of each half, if the symmetrical lens of focal length / cut along AB is :

M a M a


86. Mark correct option or options : (a) The image formed by a convex lens may coincide with object (b) The image formed by a plane mirror is always virtual (c) If one surface of convex lens is silvered, then the image may coincide with the object (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct 87. A convex lens forms real image at a point P. A plane mirror is placed at 45 to the line joining pole O of mirror and before point P at distance 10 cm, then : (a) the final image is virtual (b) the final image is on line the PO produced (c) the final image is above the PO produced at distance 10 cm (d) the final image is below the PO produced at distance 10 cm



(c) 2/

(d) zero

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Reflection of Light 88. The object distance u for a concave mirror: (a) must be positive (b) must be negative (c) must not be negative (d) may be negative * 89. Two thin convex lenses of focal lengths fi and /2 are separated by a horizontal distance d (where d <fv d </2) and their centres are displaced by a vertical separation A. Taking the origin of co-ordinates O at the centre of the first lens, the x and y co-ordinates of the focal point of this lens system for a parallel beam of rays coming from the left, are given by : R, then find the refractive index of the liquid : (a) H = (b) p = 2 (c) H = 2 + f (d) P = 2 - f 94. The focal length of the objective of a compound microscope is f0 and its distance from the eye piece is L. The object is placed at a distance u from the objective. For proper working of the instrument: (a) L>u (b) L<u (c)/ 0 <L<2/ (d) L>2f0 95. The magnification of a compound microscope is 30 and the focal length of its eye piece is 5 cm. The magnification produced by the objective, when the image is to be formed at least distance of distinct vision (25 cm), is: (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 10 96. A convergent doublet of separated lens, corrected for spherical aberration, are separated by 2 cm, and has an equivalent focal length of 10 cm. The focal length of its component lenses are: (a) fx = 18 cm /2 = 10 cm (c) f i = 20 cm /2 = 18cm (b) f = 20 cm f 2 = 28 cm (d) fi = 24 cm /2=18cm 337


= 7 T T ' ! /

Afe /1+/2

. A /1+/2 A (f 1 - d) f\+h-d

(b) x = ,,

h f o + d) fi+fi-d

M + d(fx~d) h+k-d

f i f i + d(A-d) (d) * = h+h-i 'y= 90. A drop of water is placed on a glass plate. A double convex lens having radius of curvature of each surface 20 cm is placed on it. The focal length of water lens (p for water 4/3) in metre is : (a) - 0 . 2 0 (b) 0.60 (c) - 0 . 6 0 (d) 0.20 * 9 1 . An arrangement of an object, a lens with a focal length of /= 30 cm, a flat mirror and a tray is shown in figure. A flat mirror is turned through 45 with respect to the optic axis of the lens. At what height 'h' from the optic axis should the bottom of a tray filled with water up to depth d = 20 cm be placed to obtain a sharp image of the object at the bottom ? a = 36 cm / :1 m

97. A compound microscope has an eye piece of focal length 10 cm and an objective of focal length 4 cm. The magnification, if an object is kept at a distance of 5 cm from the objective and final image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision (20 cm), is : (a) 10 (c) 12 (b) 11 (d) 13

:-:-:-.- Water

.... d

(a) h = 0.62 m (c) h = 0.25 m

(b) h = 0.85 m (d) h 1.25 m

98. A simple microscope consists of a concave lens of power - 1 0 D and a convex lens of power + 20 D in contact. If the image formed at infinity, then the magnifying power (D = 25 cm) is : (a) 2.5 (b) 3.5 (c) 2.0 (d) 3.0 99. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of magnitude 5 for distant object. The separation between the objective and the eye piece is 36 cm and final image is formed at infinity. The focal length of the objective and focal length of eye-piece respectively are : (a) f0 - 45 cm and fe = - 9 cm (b) f0 = 50 cm and fe = 10 cm (c) f0 = 7.2 cm and fe = 5 cm (d) f = 30 cm and fe = 6 cm

92. The focal length of plano-convex lens, the convex surface of which is silvered is 0.3 m. If p of the lens is 7/4, the radius of curvature of the convex surface is : (a) 0.45 m (b) 1.05 m (c) 3 m (d) 0.9 m * 93. On a horizontal plane mirror, a thin equi-convex lens of glass is placed and when the space between the lens and mirror is filled with a liquid, an object held at a distance D vertically above the lens is found to coincide with its own image as shown in figure. If equi-convex lens of glass has refractive index p = 1.5 and radius of curvature

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

338 100. A planet is observed by an astronomical refracting telescope having an objective of focal length 16 cm and eye-piece of focal length 20 cm. Then : (a) the distance between objective and eye-piece is 16.02 m (b) the angular magnification of the planet is 800 (c) the image of the planet is inverted (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 101. A telescope consists of two lenses of focal length 10 cm and 1 cm. The length of the telescope, when an object is kept at a distance of 60 cm from the objective and the final image is formed at least distance of distinct vision, is : (a) 15.05 cm (b) 12.96 cm (c) 13.63 cm (d) 14.44 cm 102. What is the power of the lens, if the far point of a short sighted eye is 200 cm ? (a) - 0.5 D (c) I D Reflection of Light 338 (b) 2 D (d) - 1.5 D

103. The limit of resolution of microscope, if the numerical aperture of microscope is 0.12, and the wavelength of light used is 600 nm, is : (a) 0.3 pm (b) 1.2 pm (c) 2.3 pm (d) 3 pm 104. The power and type of the lens by which a person can see clearly the distant objects, if a person cannot see objects beyond 40 cm, are : (a) - 2.5 D and concave lens (b) - 2.5 D and convex lens (c) - 3.5 D and concave lens (d) - 3.5 D and convex lens


(b) (c) (c)

2. 12. 22.

(a) (a) (b)

3. 13. 23.

(d) (d)

4. 14. 24.

(d) (a) (c)

5. 15. 25.

11. 21.

(a) () (c)

6. 16. 26.

(c) (b) (d)


(d) (b)


8. 18.

(c) (b)

9. 19.

(b) (a)

10. 20.

(b) (b)


(a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (c) (c) (c) (c) (b) (b)

2. 12. 22. 32'. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. 102.

(c) (c) (b) (a) (d) (a) (a) (c) (d) (b) (a)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93. 103.

(d) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (d) (b) (a) (b) (d)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94. 104.

(b) (c) (b) (d) (b) (c) (c) (c) (c) (b) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95.

(c) (c)


7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97.

(a) (b) (d) (b)


8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98.

(c) (c) (C)


9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99.

(a) (b)
(c) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100.

(b) (b) (b)

(a) (a) (a) (a)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. 101.


(a) (a)

(b) (d) (d) (d) (c)




(d) (b) (b) (d)


(d) (d) (d)




(c) (d)


Solutions. Level-1
i i . /= 10 x (-10)

Total path, x = p ^ + p2d2 20. y y _ 3/2 _ 9

' '

19. Optical path = nt 1st optical path = p j ^ 2nd optical path = p2d2

~ 4 / 3 ~ 8

_ey_ 4. Refractive index = = v EM O O a/2 6. When the ray passes into the rarer medium, the deviation is 5 = <) - 9. | If 0 = C and < = ^ '8' is maximum { > Vp^eo -C VpF

where, c = velocity of light in vacuum = v = velocity of light in the medium =

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Optics
Syllabus: Wave nature of light, Interference: idea of polarisation. Young's double slit experiment, Diffraction : diffraction due to a single slit, elementary

Review of Concepts
1. Interference : (a) If 1 1 = a, sin cof and y2 = a2 sin (cof + <j>), then / Resultant amplitude is amplitude i.e., I A 4cos (j) (i) Initial path difference : The difference of paths of light waves from real source S while reaching slits Si and S2. In Fig. (A), initial path difference is Axj = SS 2 - SSj = 0 (ii) Geometrical path difference : This is the difference of paths travelled by light waves from Si and S 2 to point P in vacuum. In Fig. (A), the geometrical path difference is -yD Ax2 = S2P-S1P In Fig. (B), Ax2 = S'P-SP Here, d = SS' = h = - f yd = ^

(b) The intensity of wave is proportional to square of :. Resultant intensity is I = Il + I2 + 2<I-[I2 COS < F > (c) /max = ^ k f and /min = ( < h - V^) 2 (d) For constructive interference or formation of bright fringe or formation of maxima, path difference Ax = mX, where in = 0,1,2, ... and phase difference is A ( = 2mn < > (e) For destructive interference, path difference is X Ax = (2m - 1)where m = 1, 2, 3 , . . .

(f) The relation between path difference and phase difference is . . 271 A > = Ax ( | (g) Concept of path difference: Following types of path difference occur during solving the problem: (i) Initial path difference (Axj) (ii) Geometrical path difference (Ax2) (iii) Path difference due to introduction of transparent sheet (AX3) (iv) Path difference due to reflection (Ax4) Total path difference is Ax = Axj + Ax2 + Ax3 + Ax4.

(iii) Path difference due to introduction of transparent sheets : In Fig. (/I) Ax3 = ( p 2 - l ) t 2 - ( p i - l ) f i In Fig. (B), no transparent sheet is introduced. Hence, Ax3 = 0 Path difference due to reflection: When light ray suffers reflection while travelling from rarer medium to denser medium, then reflected ray has an additional path X/2 with respect to incident ray. In Fig. (A), A X 4 = 0


In Fig. ( B ) , A X 4 = X/2 (h) Young's double slit experiment: yd (i) Path difference = Ax =

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Optics (ii) Position of maxima from centre of screen is

351 mXD

m=0,1,2, 3,...

monochromatic light of wavelength X is used to illuminate a single slit of width e, the minima are given by e sin 0 = nX, n = l , 2 , 3 (b) Diffraction at a plane grating: When polychromatic or monochromatic light of wavelength X is incident normally on a plane transmission grating, the principal maxima are (e J- d) sin 0 = nX where n = order of maximum, 0 = angle of diffraction, e + cl- grating element (c) Angular radius of central maximum in a fraunhofer diffraction is sin 0 = or sin 0 = 0 = 1.22X d 1.22X (for 0 small)

(iii) For central maxima, m = 0 (iv) Position of minima, (2m - 1 ) XD 2d


Here, m = 1 , 2 , . . .

D, Fringe width, j3 = X =^ = ~

(vi) Angular fringe width,

(vii) For coherent source, phase difference is constant. (viii) For incoherent sources, the resultant intensity
I = I1 + I 2 + . . .

(i) Due to interference of light, we see different colours in the films. In this case, for constructive interference, 2|if cos r = (2n +1) X/2 and for destructive interference 2pf cos r = (n + l)X for reflected system, (j) For the transmitted light 2pf cos r = nX, the constructive interference takes place. 2. Diffraction of light: (a) Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single slit: When

(d) Diffraction phenomenon is easily observed in sound as compared to light because Xs0und > ^Hght-


Questions. Level-1
waves coming from two 4 : 1, is :1 :1

1. The ratio of amplitudes of the slits having widths in the ratio (a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 4

d2 (c)




d-i Xo



2. The resultant intensity after interference of two coherent waves respresented by y\=a\cos and y2 = a2 cos -z-atcof i will be ^(a) a 1 - a 2 (b) ax+a2 (c) a\-a\ (d) a\ + al 3. A ray of light is coming from the source S. If a thin flim of thickness f and refractive index p is placed in its path, the increase in length of optical path is : (a) pf (c) (p - 1) f 4. The ratio diffraction (a) 1 : 2 : 2

6. Light of wavelength X is incident on a slit of width d and distance between screen and slit is D. Then width of maxima and width of slit will be equal, if D is : . . 2d2 2d (d) ( v c') y ' 2X X X X. T 7. What is the amplitude of resultant wave, when two waves if \ = Ax sin (tof - Bj) and y2 = A2 sin (cof - B 2 ) superimpose ?



+ A

(b) COS (Bx -

I A ! - A B2)

( c ) V A F + A\ + 2AJA2

(b) f (d) none of these

(d) VA? + A\ + 2AxA2 COS BxB2 The slit width, when a light of wavelength 6500 A is incident on a slit, if first minima for red light is at 30, is (a) l x l 0 ~ 6 m (c) 1 . 3 x l O " 6 m (b) 5 . 2 x l 0 " 6 m (d) 2.6x 1 0 " 6 m

of intensities in consecutive maxima in a pattern due to a single slit is : 3 (b) 1 : 4 : 9 3 1 : 4 : 4 (d) K2 7t z ' ' 9rS 25n*

5. In Young's double slit experiment, if wavelength of light changes from to and distance of seventh maxima changes from dx to d2 then :

Two wave-fronts are emitted from coherent sources of path difference between them is 2.1 micron. Phase difference between the wave-fronts at that point is 7.692 K. Wavelength of light emitted by sources will be : (a) 5386 A (b) 5400 A (c) 5460 A (d) 5892 A

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

352 Wave Optics

1. Light propagates 2 cm distance in glass of refractive index 1.5 in time tg. In the same time f0, light propagates a distance of 2.25 cm in a medium. The refractive index of the medium is : (a) 4/3 (b) 3/2 (c) 8/3 (d) none of these 2. A wave equation which gives the displacement along y-direction is given by y = 10" 4 sin (60f + 2x), where x and y are in metre and t is in sec. This represents a wave: Ia) travelling with velocity of 30 m/s in the negative x-direction (b) of wavelength (TI) m (30 (c) of frequency Hz

8. If Young's double slit experiment, is performed in water : (a) the fringe width will decrease (b) the fringe width will increase (c) the fringe width will remain unchanged (d) there will be no fringe 9. In Young's double slit experiment, the spacing between the slits is'd' and wavelength of light used is 6000 A. If the angular width of a fringe formed on a distant screen is 1, then value of 'd' is: (a) 1 mm (b) 0.05 mm (c) 0.03 mm (d) 0.01 mm 10. In Young's double slit experiment, when violet light of wavelength 4358 A is used, then 84 fringes are seen in the field of view, but when sodium light of certain wave- length is used, then 62 fringes are seen in the field of view, the wavelength of sodium light is : (a) 6893 A (b) 5904 A (c) 5523 A (d) 6429 A 11. In a double slit experiment, 5th dark fringe is formed opposite to one of the slits. The wavelength of light is: (a) (b) (c) 6D 5D 15D

(d) all of the above 3. The wave front due to a source situated at infinity is: (a) spherical (b) cylindrical (c) planar (d) none of these 4. A wave front is represented by the plane y = 3 - x. The propagation wave takes place at: (a) 45 with the +ve x-direction (b) 135 with the +ve x-direction (c) 60 with the +ve-direction (d) no sufficient data 5. In Young's double slit experiment with monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm, the distance between slits is c 10 m. For changing fringe width by 3 x 10 m : (a) the screen is moved away from the slits by 5 cm (b) the screen is moved by 5 cm towards the slits (c) the screen is moved by 3 cm towards the slits (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 6. In Young's double slit experiment, the distance between slits is 0.0344 mm. The wavelength of light used is 600 nm. What is the angular width of a fringe formed on a distant screen ? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 7. Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference ? (a) The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or the two interfering waves must intersect at very small angle (b) The wave must have the same period and wavelength (c) The amplitude of the two waves must be equal (d) The two interfering beams of light must originate from the same source


Two non-coherent sources emit light beam of intensities I and 41. The maximum and minimum intensities in the resulting beam are: (a) 97and/ (b) 91 and 31 (c) 5/ and I (d) 5/and 3/

13. When two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4/ are superimposed, what are the maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beams : (a) 51 and I (b) 51 and 31 (c) 91 and I (d) 91 and 31 14. A parallel beam of light of intensity I 0 is incident on a glass plate, 25% of light is reflected by upper surface and 50% of light is reflected from lower surface. The ratio of maximum to minimum intensity in interference region of reflected rays is:

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Optics 353 20. Newton's rings are observed by keeping a spherical surface of 100 cm radius on a plane glass plate. The wavelength of light used is 5880 A. If the diameter of the 15th bright ring is 0.590 cm, then diameter of the 5th ring is : (a) 0.226 cm (c) 0.336 cm (b) 0.446 cm (d) 0.556 cm



1 4

vr vr


15. In an interference pattern the position of zeroth order maxima is 4.8 mm from a certain point P on the screen. The fringe width is 0.2 mm. The position of second maxima from point P is : (a) 5.1 mm (b) 5 mm (c) 40 mm (d) 5.2 mm 16. In the given figure, C is middle point of line S ^ . A monochromatic light of wavelength X is incident on slits. The ratio of intensity of S 3 and S4 is:


21. Lenses are generally coated with thin films of transparent substance like, MgF 2 (p = 1.38) in order to reduce the reflection from the glass surface. How thick a coating is needed to produce a minimum reflection at the centre of visible spectrum of wavelength 5500 A ? (a) 1000 A (b) 5500 A (c) 2000 A (d) 500 A 22. Interference fringes are obtained in Young's double slit experiment on a screen. Which of the following statements will not be correct about the effect of a thin transparent plate when placed in the path of one of the two interfering beams ? (a) The separation between fringes remains unaffected (b) The entire fringe system shifts towards the side on which the plate is placed (c) The condition for maxima and minima are reversed i.e., maxima for odd multiple of X/2 and minima for even multiple of X/2 (d) The shape of the fringe also remains unaffected 23. A transparent sheet of thickness 1178 pcm and refractive index 1.60 is placed in the path of the interfering beams in YOung's double slit experiment using sodium light of wavelength 5890 A. The central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied b y : (a) 11th fringe (b) 12th fringe (c) 13th fringe (d) 9th fringe 24. One slit of a double slit experiment is covered by a thin glass plate of refractive index 1.4, and the other by a thin glass plate of the refractive index 1.7. The point on the screen where the central maximum fall before the glass plate was inserted, is now occupied by what had been the fifth bright fringe was seen before. Assume the plate have the same thickness t and wavelength of light 480 nm Then the value of f is: (a) 2.4 mm (b) 4.8 mm (c) 8 pm (d) 16 mm 25. In a Young's experiment, one of the slit is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 3.6 x 10 cm due to which position of central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by 30th bright fringe. The refractive index of the sheet, if X = 6000 A, is : (a) 1.5 (b) 1.2 (c) 1.3 (d) 1.7 26. In the given figure, if the gap between lenses decreases, the fringe width: (a) decreases (b) increases (c) remains constant (d) no sufficient information


S2 Y

'o "0


In t (a) 0 (c) 4 : 1


(b) 00 (d) 1 : 4

17. In the given figure, S| and S 2 are coherent sources. The intensity of both sources are same. If the intensity at the point P is 4 watt/m2, the intensity of each source is: (a) 1 W/m (c) 3 W/m 2 (b) 2 W/m 2 (d) 4 W/m 2

18. n incoherent sources of intensity I 0 are superimposed at a point, the intensity of the point is :
(a) n l 0


k n

(c) n Iq

(d) none of these

19. The maximum intensity in the case of n identical 1 1 incoherent waves, each of intensity 2 W/m is 32 W/m . The value of n is : (a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

354 27. In the given arrangement, S j and S2 are coherent sources S2 S, (shown in figure) The point P is 2Xa point of: (a) bright fringe (b) dark fringe (c) either dark or bright (d) none of these Wave Optics p 34. While an aquarium is being filled with water, a motionless fish looks up vertically through the surface of water at a monochromatic plane wave source of frequency /. If the index of refraction of the water is p and the water level rises at a rate dh/dt, the shift in frequency which the fish observes, will then be : p dh (p - 1 ) dh (b) (a) c dt dt dh_ (d) none of these (c) c'dt 35. Which of the following quantities is not carried by light ? (a) Angular momentum (b) Linear momentum (c) Energy (d) None of the above 36. In Fraunhofer diffraction pattern due to a single slit, the slit of width 0.1 mm is illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm. What is the ratio of separation between the central maximum and first secondary minimum to the distance between screen and the slit ? (a) 6 x 10~3 m (c) 6 m (b) 0.1m (d) 100 m

28. In Fresnel's biprism experiment, the distance between biprism and screen is 4m. The angle of prism is 2 x 10 radian, the refractive index of glass of biprism is 1.5. The fringe width observed on the screen is 15 x 10" 4 m. The number of fringes on the screen is: (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 8 29. In Young's double slits experiment, the length of band is 1 mm. The fringe width is 0.021 mm. The number of fringes is : (a) 45 (b) 46 (c) 47 (d) 48 30. Two coherent sources S j and S2 are situated on the x-axis, screen S is in y-z plane (as shown). The shape of the fringe on the screen is : (a) straight line (b) elliptical (c) circular (d) rectangular

0 . 5 mm i - 1 mm

37. The first diffraction minimum due to single slit diffraction is 9, for a light of wavelength 5000 A. If the width of the slit is 1 x 10" 4 cm, then the value of '0' is : (a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 15 38. A screen is at a distance of l m away from the aperture. If light of wavelength 500 nm falls on an aperture, then area 'of first HPZ and radius of third HPZ are : (a) 1.57 mm 2 , 1.22 mm (c) 1.65 mm 2 , 2.79 mm (b) 1.22 mm 2 , 1.57 mm (d) 2.63 mm 2 , 0.22 mm

31. If the width of slit is gradually increased, it will be observed experimentally that: (a) bright fringes become reduced in intensity (b) brignt fringes become increased in intensity (c) the intensity of minima is strictly zero (d) the fringes become more distinct 32. In the given figure, the convex lens is cut into two pieces and displace along the axes for small distance. The shape of fringe formed on the screen is :

39. The sodium yellow doublet has wavelengths 5890 A and 'k'A and resolving power of a grating to resolve these lines is 982, then value of A is : . (a) 5896 A (b) 5880 A (c) 5869 A (d) 5876 A 40. A beam of circularly polarised light is completely absorbed by an object on which it falls. If U represents absorbed energy and co represents angular frequency, then angular momentum transferred to the object is given b y : JJ , . U (b) (a) - 2 2co co
u /\ (c) V ' C O V

G >
(a) elliptical (c) circular

' C O

(b) hyperbolic (d) none of these

33. The true shapes of interference fringes in Young's double slit experiment, if the sources are pinholes, are : (a) hyperboloids with sources at foci (b) parabolas with sources at foci (c) spherical with centre at screen (d) cuboids

41. Which of the following phenomena can be used to analyse a beam of light into its component wavelength ? (a) Reflection (b) Refraction (c) Polarisation (d) Interference 42. Which of these waves can be polarised ? (a) Sound waves (b) Longitudinal waves on a string (c) Transverse waves on a string (d) Light waves

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Wave Optics 43. Polarisation of light proves that: (a) (b) (c) (d) corpuscular nature of light quantum nature of light transverse wave nature of light longitudinal wave nature of light 355 (c) white (d) blue 45. If n coherent sources of intensity IQ are super imposed at a point, the intensity of the point is: (a) nl 0 (b) n2Io
(c) n\

44. If white light is used in Young's double slit experiment, then the central fringe is : (a) red (b) coloured

Answers Level-1
(b) (d)












11. 21. 31. 41. (a) (d) (a) (a) (b) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. (d) (d) (c) (c) (d) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. (c) (c) (b) (a) (c) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. (a) (a) (c) (a) (c) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. (d) (a) (a) (d) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. (a) (b) (b) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. (c) (a) (a) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. (a) (a) (c) (a) 9. 19. 29. 39. (c) (b) (c) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. (b) (c) (c) (c)

2. The two waves differ in phase by

D= 2X d sin 6 = nX nX sin 9



( 2




1: 5.

9K2 ' 25K

1x6500 xlO-10 1 2


= 1.3 x 10 - 6 m 9. 0= X=

d2 =


di=h d X2 6. For linear width of central maxima 2XD 2x = : =d


x 2.1 x 10" 7.692 71

= 5460 x 10 - 1 0 m

1. For a given time, optical path remains constant P j * ! = p2X2 or 1.5x2 = p2x2.25 1.5x2 p2 = 2.25 _2 20 1 . 5 " 15 : 4. The propagation of ray takes place in perpendicular direction of wave front. Here m\m2 = - 1 Here, m} = slope of wave front = - 1 wi2 = slope of ray ffii?n2 = 1

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Photometry and Doppler's Effect of Light
Syllabus : Source of light, luminous intensity, luminous flux, illuminance and photometry (elementary idea), Doppler's effect of light.

Review of Concepts
1. Radiant flux (R) : The rate of radiated energy by a source is known as radiant flux. Its unit is watt. 2. Luminous flux (0): The rate of light energy (400 nm to 700 nm) radiated by a source is known as luminous flux. Its unit is lumen. Luminous flux is given by as F = 4TII, since, total solid angle for all directions is 471. 3. Luminous efficiency: output luminous flux emitted ri = = input power consumed in watt 4. Luminous intensity: (a) The luminous intensity I of a light source in any direction is defined as the luminous flux emitted by source in unit solid angle in that direction i.e., 1= AF Aco This is called as Lambert's cosine law. 6. Fogging of photographic plate : For equal fogging, Et = constant (II cos 0j) t\ (J2COS02)(2 r?


(as usually 0j = 0 2 )

where AF = luminous flux (b) As AF = 1 Aco hence, total flux F for an isotropic point source is given by F = XAF = XIAco = 47t/ (as lAco = 47t) 5. Illuminance or intensity of illumination of a surface : (a) Illuminance E is defined as the luminous flux falling per unit area of the surface. = (b) We know that Aco E I

7. Doppler's effect in light: Let/= actual frequency of light source /' = apparent frequency v = relative velocity of source and observer and c = speed of light (a) For approach: /' >/

or Also,


if v < < < c


(b) For receding: / ' < /

AF/AA AF/Aco Aco = A A cos 8

_ Aco _ (A A cos 0)/? ~AA' AA E cos 9 7 =


and Also,

Ak = - \ c

if v < < < c

I cos 0 =


Questions. Level-1
(b) Cylindrical source (c) Search light (d) All types of sources

1. Mark the correct option for inverse square law for illuminance : (a) Isotropic point source

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

360 2. If the distance between a point source of light and a screen is doubled, then the intensity will be : (a) four times the original value (b) two times the original value (c) half the original value (d) one quarter of the original value 3. Candela is a unit of : (a) acoustic intensity (b) electric intensity (c) luminous intensity (d) magnetic intensity 4. The unit of luminous efficiency of electric bulb is : (a) watt (b) lumen Photometry and Doppler's Effect of Light (c) increased by 2% (d) decreased by 2% 7. In a photometer two sources of light when placed at 30 cm and 50 cm respectively produce shadow of equal intensity. Their candle powers are in the ratio of: 16 (a) (b) 25 25 , . 3 (c) 5




The lumen efficiency, if an electric bulb emit _ lumen . 68.5 is : watt (a) 2.5% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 20% 6. The illumination on the screen, in case of a movie hall if the distance between the projector and the screen is increased by 1%, will be : (a) increased by 1% (b) decreased by 1%

The geometrical path of a ray of light in a medium of refractive index 2 is 8m. The optical path is : (a) 16 m (b) 8 m (c) 4 m (d) none of these The luminous efficiency of the bulb in lumen/watt, if luminous intensity of a 100 watt unidirectional bulb is 100 candela, is : (a) 12 (b) 12.56 (c) 13 (d) 15 A light source approaches the observer with velocity 10. 0.5 c. Doppler shift for light of wavelength 5500 A is : (a) 616 A (b) 1833 A (c) 5500 A (d) 6160 A

1. The brightness of a source based upon sensation of eye is determined by : (a) radiant flux entering the eye (b) luminous flux entering the eye (c) wavelength of light (d) none of the above 2. The power of three sources A, B and C are same. The wavelengths emitted by sources are 4300 A, 5550 A and 7000 A respectively. The brightness of sources on the basis of sensation of eye are Lj, L 2 and L 3 respectively. Then : (a) L1>L2>L3 (b) L i > L 3 > L 2 (c) L 2 > Lj and L 2 > L 3 (d) L 2 < Lj and L2<L3 3. An isotropic point source emits light. A screen is situated at a given distance. If the distance between source and screen is decreased by 2%, illuminance will increase by : (a) 1% (b) 2% (c) 3% (d) 4% 4. The intensity produced by a point light source at a small distance r from the source is proportional to : (a) 7 r (b) r 2 (c) \ jA (d) 4 : ri (c) 10 W/cm2

(d) None of these

A surface is receiving light normally from a source, which is at a distance of 8 m from it. If the source is moved closer towards the surface, so that the distance between them becomes 4 m, then the angle through which the surface may be turned so that illuminance remain as it, was : (a) 9 = cos" 1 (1/3) (c) 9 = cos" 1 (1/8) (b) 9 = cos" 1 (1/4) (d) 0 = cos" 1 (1/6)

8. A 60 watt bulb has luminous intensity 200 candela. The

luminous flux i s : (a) 1000 n (b) 600 n (c) 800 n (d) 200 K The luminous efficiency of the lamp, if luminous flux of 200 watt lamp is 400 lumen is: (a) 2 lumen/watt (b) 4 lumen/watt (c) 3 lumen/watt (d) 8 lumen/watt On both side of a photometer 'S' as shown in the figure, two lamps A and B are placed, in such a way that A S = 60 cm and SB = 100 cm. To make the illumination unequal on the photometer from both sides, a large perfectly reflecting mirror is placed 20 cm to the left of A, with its reflecting surface normal to the axis of the bench so that the light . 60 , 100 from A is reflected on the H H N photometer. Now, through what distance A S B must the lamp B be moved in order to restore equality of illumination of the photometer ? (a) 16.25 cm (b) 15.25 cm (c) 14.25 cm (d) 13.25 cm


5. A point source generates 10 J of light energy in 2 s. The luminous flux of source is : (a) 5 lumen (b) 10 lumen (c) 50 lumen (d) none of these 6. At what rate should light energy is allowed to fall on a perfectly reflecting mirror with 1 cm of area for one hour such that the force that acts on the mirror is 6.7 x 10~8 N ? (a) lW/cm 2 (b) 8 W/cm

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

361 Photometry and Doppler's Effect of Light 11. If at the focus of a convex lens of focal length 6 metre, a point source of 36 candela is placed, then the illuminance on a screen placed normally to the emergent beam of light is : (a) 1 lux (b) 6 lux (c) 1 phot (d) 6 phot 12. If in a cinema hall, the distance between the projector and the screen is increased by 2%, keeping everything else unchanged, then the intensity of illumination on the screen is : (a) decreased by 4% (b) decreased by 2% (c) increased by 2% (d) increased by 4% 13. A small mirror of area A and mass m is suspended by means of a weightless thread, in vertical plane. On the mirror a beam of light of intensity J, is made to incident perpendicular to mirror, due to which mirror is displaced and thread makes a small angle a with the vertical. Assume mirror to be totally reflecting, calculate a : 2IA (a) a = cmg . , 3 IA c a = cmg IA (b) a = cmg IA (d) a = 2cmg (a) (b) (c) (d) 11 + Rl

R 2\



18. Two electric lamps 24 metre apart and each having luminous intensity 450 candela are suspended 5 m above the ground. The illuminance at a point 'O' shown in the figure is :

5m M

-v 13 m


5 m
-12 m

12 m

14. The figure shows the circular cross-section of a tunnel of diameter 2 m. A bulb of 100 watt is fixed at highest point of the tunnel. Compare the illuminance at lowest point P and point Q : . , V3 (a) 3 (b) 2 , , V3 (C) T

(a) 3.05 lumen/m2 (c) 1.05 lumen/m2

(b) 2.04 lumen/m2 (d) 8.05 lumen/m2

19. If a man is standing on a vertical tower of height 20 m, then the distance upto which he will be able to see on the surface of the earth is: (Radius of earth = 6400 km, Neglect the height of the man) (a) 20 km (b) 16 km (c) 25 km (d) 10 km 20. An electric bulb is from the centre of luminous intensity illumination at one (a) 8.16 cd/m 2 (c) 9.25 cd/m2 suspended at a vertical height 2 m a square table of side 2 m. If the of bulb is 60 cd (candela)^ then the corner of the table is : (b) 6.24 cd/m 2 (d) 8.72 cd/m 2


15. A screen is placed at the vertex A of equilateral triangle ABC, in such a way that the screen is parallel to the base BC as shown in figure. Three lamps placed at B, C, D give equal illumination at A on the screen and BD = DC. The ratio of their powers is : (a) 8:8:3V3~ (c) 4 : 2 : 3 (b) 16 :12 : V3~ (d) ^ 3 : 3 ^ 3 : 6

21. At any time 3 x 104 photons of wavelength 'X' metre enter the pupil of eye of area 10" 4 m 2 per sec for vision, if the minimum light intensity that can be perceived by the eye is about 10" 1 0 W/m2, then X is: (a) 6.4 x 10" 7 m (c) 2.85 x 10" 7 m (b) 5 . 9 x l 0 " 7 m (d) 4 . 6 2 x l 0 " 7 m

16. To obtain a good photographic print, an exposure of 2 s at a distance of 1 m from a 75 cd bulb is done. To obtain an equally satisfactory result, what should be the distance, if time of exposure is 12 s from a 50 cd bulb ? (a) 1 m (b) 2 m (c) 3 m (d) 4 m 17. An electric bulb is at a vertical distance of 'h' over the centre of a circular table of radius R as shown in figure. By what factor the intensity of illumination at the centre 'O' is greater than that at the edge of the table ?

22. What must be the velocity of galaxy, if the wavelength of light coming from a distinct galaxy is 0.5% more than that coming from a source of earth ? (a) 0.8 x 10 m/s (c) 2.5xlO 6 m/s (b) 1.2 xlO 6 m/s (d) 1.5 xlO 6 m/s

23. If wavelength XR = 6200 A and XG = 5400 A , then how fast one must move to see red light signal as a green one ? (a) 4.1 xlO 7 m/s (c) 6.1 xlO 7 m/s (b) 5 . 1 x l 0 7 m / s (d) 8.1 x l O 7 m / s

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

362 24. What must be the velocity of star, X = 600 nm of a star shifts by 0.1 wavelength from the position of terrestrial laboratory ? (Assume the Doppler effect) (a) 6 x l O 3 m / s (c) 0.5xlO 3 m/s if the spectral line A towards longer the same line in shift to be due to (a) 2 km/s (c) 4 km/s Photometry and Doppler's Effect of Light (b) 3 km/s (d) 5 km/s

(b) 5 x l 0 3 m / s (d) 6.25xlO 3 m/s

25. An astronaut is approaching the moon. He sends out a radio signal of frequency 5000 MHz and the frequency of echo is different from that of the original frequency by 100 kHz. His velocity of approach with respect to the moon is:

26. What will be the Doppler's wavelength shift expected for light with wavelength 'X' emitted from the edge of the sun's disc, if the period of rotation of the sun at its equator is T, and its radius is R ? (Assume speed of light c) RX . TX (b) (a) 2 KRC cT 2KRX 2JzRC (d) (c) : CT XT

Answers. Level-1





















(b) (a) (b)

2. 12. 22.

(c) (a) (d)

3. 13. 23.

(d) (a) (a)

4. 14. 24.

(c) (b) (b)

5. 15. 25.

(a) (a) (b)

6. 16. 26.

(c) (b) (d)

11. 21.

7. 17.

(b) (b)

8. 18.

(c) (b)

9. 19.

(a) (b)

10. 20.

(c) (a)

Solutions. Level-1
J_ r2 Ar =2x1%=2% r v / As the distance increases, the illumination will decrease. E 8. Optical path = geometrical path x refractive index = 8 m x 2 = 16m 9. F = 4nl F = (4 x 3.14) x 100 = 1256 lumen 10. . ... . luminous flux 1256 n. Luminous efficiency = : = = 12.56 electric power 100


v' c + v X v~ c ~X' - ^ = 5500xc = 3 6 6 7 A c + v c + 0.5c AX = (5500 - 3667) A = 1833 A

r =

1. Only light of visible range excites the retina of eye. Hence, (b) is correct. From the given graph, eye is most sensitive to 5550 A. Hence, (c) is correct. or



1 r


AE _E =- 2 Ar r % AE = 2 x 2% = 4%

Hence, (d) is correct. light energy io : = = 5 lumen time 2 Let E = energy falling on the surface per sec Momentum h of photons. p=Luminous flux =





Wavelength in (A)

X= or v = v ' c In case of reflection, change in momentum per sec = 2P = c Also change in momemtum per sec = force _ 2E Fc ~c~ => E = T


For small change, = r' 3 Ar r

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Electric Charge
Syllabus: Charges and their conservation, Coulomb's law, S.I unit, of charge, dielectric constant, electric field.


Review of Concepts
1. Definition of electric charge: The strength of particle's electric interaction with objects around it depends on its electric charge, which can be either positive or negative. An object with equal amounts of the two kinds of charge is electrically neutral, whereas one with an imbalance is electrically charged. In the table given below, if a body in the first column is rubbed against a body in the second column, the body in first column will acquire positive charge, while that in the second column will acquire negative charge. First Column (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Glass rod Flannes or Cat skin Woollen cloth Woollen cloth Woollen cloth Second Column Silk rod Ebonite rod Amber Rubber shoes Plastic objects (vi) In a closed path work done by electrostatic force is zero, i.e., r > -> F i t =0

(vii) Coulomb's law holds good for all distances greater (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) than 10" 15 m. No relativistic variation is found in electric charge. The transfer of charge without mass is not possible. The transfer of mass without charge is possible. Massless particle (e.g., photon) never be charged. Charging by induction takes place without any loss of charge from the charging body. The magnitude of induced charge is always less or equal to charging body. Electrostatic induction does not take place between point charges. Electrostatic induction only takes place between bodies of definite shape (either conducting or non-conducting.) Electrostatic force between two short dipoles of moments p\ and p2 separation r is F= F= 1

2. Elementary charge: Electric charge is quantized; any charge can be written as ne, where n is a positive or negative integer and e is a constant of nature called the elementary charge (approximately 1.60 x 10 - 1 9 C). Electric charge is conserved : the (algebraic) net charge of any isolated system cannot be changed. 3. Coulomb's law: Here, (i) F 12 = - F 2 1 < * >


6pj p2
r 4




1 3pj p2 (when mutually perpendicular) 47CEo r4

(ii) f 12 - f 21 = (iii) F 1ll2 4 7te0 r2

(xvii) Electric field due to non-conducting uniformly spherical charge:

(a) ^outside-

Some conceptual points : Coulomb's law is only applicable for point charges. (i) (ii) Like charged bodies may attract each other. (iii) Attraction also takes place between charged and neutral body. (iv) Electrostatic force of interaction is conservative in nature. > If F = electrostatic force and U = electrical potential energy, then dx (v)

(b) E.surface

(r>R) r2 v / 1 1 (r = R) 47Io R2

(c) Einside = ^ ,

(r<R) 47iR* 3q

where p = cubical charge density = Pbtential:

(a) ^outside=



dy '




The work done by electrostatic force does not depend upon path. It only depends upon initial and final positions.

1 -i, (r = R) 47l0 R 1 q(3 R2-?) 2 R3 (r<R)




Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Electric Charge 4. Electric field intensity in some particular cases : S. No. 1. Isolated charge
Isolated charge q ' P



Electric Field Intensity E4TOO ^

1 q



ry * i

1 """47TE0

H t 2a-H




_ 1P
47K0 y3


| 4

^ 1 p V3 cos 2 e + 1 "47160 ?


/r /e 7

f p


A ring of charge

4TOO (R 2 + x 2 ) 3/2


+ +


A disc of charge

Fi -2e0[i

* 1 Vx2 + R 2 J

t +



Infinite sheet of charge

E= 2eo
+ + + + + + +



Infinitely long line of charge


* 27ceor

+ + + + +

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

368 S. No. 7. Finite line of charge
+ + + + + + + + + + +

Electric Charge System Electric Field Intensity "K E1 - , i (sin a + sin B) -- 47t0.V



M 8. Charged spherical shell

-H (a) Inside, 0<r<R, (b) Outside, r>R, E=0 E= ~ 4tzEqr


++ ++


Solid sphere of charge

(a) Inside 0 < r < R , E = ^L

01r J


V+ +y \+

+ P*

(b) Outside r>R,



Questions. Level-1
6. Force between the protons and neutrons in a nucleus is : (a) only coulombian (b) only nuclear ,(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these 7. A billion electrons are added to a body, its charge becomes: (a) 1.6 x 10~19 C (b) 1.6 x 10 - 2 8 C 1.6 x 1CT28 C (c) - 1 . 6 x l O ~ 1 0 C (d) g. A positively charged ball hangs from a silk thread. We F put a positive test charge qo at a point and measure then it can be predicted that the electric field strength E becomes: (a) greater than <o ? (b) equal to

1. No current flows between two charged bodies when connected if they have same : (a) capacity (b) potential (c) charge (d) none of these 2. An isolated conducting sphere is given positive charge. Its mass : (a) remains unchanged (b) decreases (c) increases (d) may increase or decrease 3. A charge conductor has charge on its : (a) outer surface (b) inner surface (c) middle point (d) surrounding 4. In comparison with the electrostatic force between two electrons, the electrostatic force between two protons is : (a) greater (b) same (c) smaller (d) zero 5. When a bird sits on a very high voltage cable: (a) its feathers tend to spead (b) its feathers tend to compress (c) it receives an electric shock (d) neither its feathers have any effect nor electric shock is received by it

(c) less than (d) cannot be estimated <o 7 9. If a glass rod is rubbed with silk, it acquires a positive charge because: (a) protons are added to it (b) protons are removed from it (c) electrons are added to it (d) electrons are removed from it

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Electric Charge 10. The electric charge in a uniform motion produces: (a) an electric field only (b) a magnetic field only (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither electric nor magnetic field 11. An isolated solid metallic sphere is given + Q charge. The charge will be distributed on the sphere : (a) uniformly but only on surface (b) only on surface but non uniformly (c) uniformly inside the volume (d) non uniformly inside the volume When 10 14 electrons are removed from a neutral metal sphere, the charge on the sphere becomes: (a) 16 pC (b) - 16 pC (c) 32 pC (d) - 32 pC 13. Two plates are 2 cm apart. A potential difference of 10 volt is applied between them, the electric field between the plates is : (a) 20N/C (b) 500 N/C (c) 5 N/C (d) 250 N/C 14. Conduction electrons are almost uniformly distributed within a conducting plate. When placed in an electrostatic field E, the electric field within the plate : (a) is zero (b) depends upon I EI (c) depends upon E (d) depends upon the atomic number of the conducting element

369 15. A soap bubble is given a negative charge then its radius : (a) decreases (b) increases (c) remains unchanged (d) nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient 16. An electron and a proton are in a uniform electric field, the ratio of their accelerations will be : (a) zero (b) unity (c) the ratio of the masses of proton and electron in order (d) the ratio of the masses of electron and proton in order 17. There are two charges + lpC and + 5 pC. The ratio of the forces acting on them will be : (a) 1 :5 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 5 : 1 (d) 1 : 25 18. A body can be negatively charged by : (a) giving excess of electrons to it (b) removing some electrons from it (c) giving some protons to it (d) removing some neutrons from it 19. An electron of mass m and charge e is accelerating from rest through a potential difference V in vacuum its final speed will be : . , eV eV eX (b) (a) (d) (C) m m 2m m

1. A thin insulator rod is placed between two unlike point charges + q, and - q2 (shown in figure). The magnitude of electrostatic force on q, in the absence of the insulator rod is F]. But the magnitude of electrostatic force on q\ in the presence of the insulator rod is F2, then: 4. Five balls, numbered 1 to 5 are suspended using separate threads. Pairs (1, 2), (2, 4), (4, 1) show electrostatic attraction; while pairs (2, 3) and (4, 5) show repulsion therefore, ball 1 must be : (a) positively charged (b) negatively charged (c) neutral (d) made of metal An electron moves along a metal tube with variable cross-section. The velocity of the electron when it approaches the neck of tube, is :

(a) F1=F2 (c) Fj < F2

9i (b) Fj > F2

- < f e

(d) none of these

2. One brass plate is inserted between two charges. The force between two charges will: (a) remain the same (b) increase (c) decrease (d) fluctuate 3. Two uncharged thin and small metal rods x and y are placed near a non-conducting sheet s of uniform charge density o, then : (a) s attracts both x and y (b) x attracts both s and y (c) y attracts both s and x (d) all of the above

(a) greater than Vq (b) equal to v0 (c) less than u0 (d) not defined

A sure test of electrification is : (a) attraction (b) repulsion (c) friction (d) induction

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

370 7. Two metallic spheres carry equal charges. The distance between the spheres cannot be considered large in comparison with the diameters of the spheres. In which case, will the force of interaction between the spheres be greater ? ;'"> Like charges (b, Unlike charges (c) One is neutral and other is charged (d) None of the above 8. Mark correct option or options : (a) The electric charge without mass is possible (b) The charge without mass is not possible (c) The electric charge may be transferred without transferring mass (d) Mass without electric charge is not possible 9. In relativistic mechanics m = m0 -the equivalent Electric Charge 14. Two identically charged spheres when suspended by strings of equal lengths make an angle of 30 with each other. When they are immersed in a liquid of density less than the density of the material of the sphcics (a) the electric force between them increases (b) the electric force between them decreases (c) the net downward force will increase (d) the net downward force will remain unchanged 15. In the midway between two equal and similar charges, a third equal and similar charge is placed. Then third charge: (a) experiences a force on the equatorial line (b) experiences a net force on the axial line (c) is in unstable equilibrium (d) is in stable equilibrium 16. Two positively charged particles each having charge Q are d distance apart. A third charge is introduced in midway on the line joining the two. Find nature and magnitude of third charge, so that the system is in equilibrium :
+Q q +Q

"I relation in electricity for e'ectric charge is : (a) q = (jo (b) q =



(c) % =

(d) q = 1 , , -Q
(a) q = - f

Q (b) < = J 7 (d) q = 3Q

10. Mark correct option or options : (a) Like charged bodies always repel each other (b) Like charged bodies always attract each other (c) Like charged bodies may attract each other (d) None of the above 11. A particle with positive charge Q is held fixed at the origin. A second particle with positive charge q is fired at the first particle and follows a trajectory as shown (assume region to be gravity free):

, , T = 3Q (c) ~f

17. As shown in the adjoining figure two charge particles each having charge q and mass m are d distance apart from each other. If two particles are in equilibrium under the gravitational and electric force then the ratio q/m is: m m

(a) 10,-8 (c) 10 10

(b) i o -


(a) Angular momentum of the point charge q about O remains constant during motion (b) The torque of electrostatic force on point charge q about origin is non-zero (c) (a) and (b) are correct (d) (a) and (b) are wrong 12. The charge conservation principle is : (a) only applicable when charges are in rest (b) only applicable when charges are in motion (c) not applicable in nuclear reaction (d) applicable in nuclear reaction 13. Coulomb's law is applicable to : (a) point charges (b) spherical charges (c) like charges (d) all of these

(d) none of these

18. Two negative charges of unit magnitude and a positive charge q are placed along a straight line. The charge q is placed between negative charges as such the system of charges is in equilibrium. This system is i n : (a) stable equilibrium for the displacement of charge q in the normal direction of line joining the negative charges (b) unstable equilibrium for the displacement of charge q in the normal direction of line joining the negative charges (c) stable equilibrium for the displacement of charge q in the direction of line joining the negative charges (d) neutral equilibrium for the displacement of charge q along the line joining the negative charges

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Electric Charge 19. Mark correct option : Electrostatic experiment is : (a) affected on the humid day (b) not affected on humid day (c) independent of medium (d) none of the above 20. A positively charged ball hangs from long silk thread. We put a positive charge 'qo' at a point and measure F/iIq, then it can be predicted that field E :
(ay > -%

371 bodies, then : (a) both bodies must be positively charged (b) both bodies must be negatively charged (c) both bodies must be oppositely charged (d) body A may be neutral 26. If a = surface charge density, e = electric permittivity, the dimensions of are same as : e (a) electric force (b) electric field intensity (c) pressure (d) electric charge 27. Two equal negative charges - q are fixed at points (0, a) and (0, - a) on the y-axis. A positive charge Q is released from rest at the point (2a, 0) on the x-axis. The motion of charge Q will be : (a) simple harmonic motion (b) oscillatory (c) circular motion (d) none of the above 28. Two negatively charged particles of unit magnitude and charge q are placed along a straight line. If charge q is placed at the mid point between charges, then : (a) q is in stable equilibrium (b) q is in unstable equilibrium (c) q is in neutral equilibrium (d) none of the above 29. Four equal positive charges each of magnitude q are placed at the respective vertices of a square of side length I. A point charge Q is placed at the centre of the square. Then: (a) Q must not be in equilibrium (b) Q must be in stable equilibrium (c) Q must be in neutral equilibrium (d) Q must be in unstable equilibrium 30. Two small particles A and B of equal masses carrying equal positive charges are attached to the ends of a nonconducting light thread of length 21. A particle C of mass twice of A is attached at mid-point of thread. The whole system is placed on a smooth horizontal floor and the particle C is given a velocity v as shown in the figure. Which of following statements is correct ? (a) The velocity of centre of mass of the system will remain constant during motion (b) At the instant of minimum separation between A and B, there is no approach velocity between them or velocities of three particles are identical (c) The velocity of centre of mass of the system will be v/2 (d) All of the above


< b > -% f (d) none of these

F_ (c) <-%

21. Two identical pendulums A and B are suspended from the same point. The bobs are given positive charges, with A having more charge than B. They diverge and reach at equilibrium, with A and B making angles 0j and 0 2 with the vertical respectively : (a) 0 : > 0 2 (b) 0 j < 0 2 (c) 0! = 0 2 (d) the tension in A is greater than that in B 22. Two balls of same radius and mass are suspended on threads of length 1 m as shown. The mass of each ball and charge is 15 g and 126 pC respectively. When the balls are in equilibrium, the separation between them is

1 m
15 g Q = 126 n C 15 g Q = 126 |iC

8 cm

8 cm. The new saparation between them when one of the balls is discharged to half of original charge, is: (a) 5 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 2 cm 23. Mark correct option or options : (a) A point charge can not exert force on itself (b) Coulomb's force is stronger than the gravitational force (c) Electric field can exist only in material medium (d) None of the above 24. A negatively charged metallic ball is supported on a rigid insulating stand. We wish to measure the electric field E at a point P in the same horizontal level as that of the metallic ball. To do so, we put a positive charge q0 and measure F/q0. The electric field at the point P is :

(C) > ~


< f

(d) none of these <0 ? 25. Two bodies A and B of definite shape are placed near one another. Electrostatic attraction is found between the

31. Two small identical balls A and B lying on a horizontal smooth plane are connected by a massless spring. Ball A is fixed but ball B is free to move. When both balls are charged identically, then:

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

372 (a) at the time of maximum separation between balls, magnitude of acceleration will be maximum (b) at the equilibrium position of B, velocity of ball B will be maximum (c) the ball B executes simple harmonic motion (d) all of the above 32. For the metallic conductor : (a) dielectric constant must be zero (b) dielectric constant must not be infinity (c) dielectric constant must be infinity (d) dielectric constant may be infinity 33. A dimensionless body having a physical quantity varies as l/'r2, where r is distance from the body. This physical quantity may b e : (a) gravitational potential (b) electric field (c) gravitational fi^' j (d) none of the above 34 A charged particle moves in an tlcctric field from A to B and then B to A : (a) If W^g > WBA> then the field is conser- vative (b) If Wg/i =0, then the field is conservative (c) If W/t/j + WB/i > 0, then the field is conservative (d) If W,4 = W8^4, then the field is conservative 35. If two charged particles of same mass and charge are projected in a uniform electric field with the same speed, then : (a) both have same momentum at any instant (b) both have same kinetic energy at any instant (c) both have same magnitude of momentum at any instant (d) they may move on a straight line 36. A point particle of mass m is attached to one end of a massless rigid non-conducting rod of length /. Another point particle of same mass is attached to the other end of the rod. The two particles carry equal charges + q and - q respectively. This arrangement is held in a region of uniform electric field E such that the rod makes an angle with the field direction : (a) The tension in rod remains constant (b) If q is very small, the rod executes simple harmonic 2qE (c) At every instant, net force on the system is zero (d) Both (b) and (c) are correct 37. A particle having charge q and mass m is projected in uniform electric field E with speed u making angle 6 = 30" with electric field : (a) If the gravitational field is present, the path may be straight line (b) If the gravitational field is absent, the path may be circle (c) If the gravitational field is absent, the path may not be parabola (d) If the gravitational field is absent, the path may not be straight line motion of period 41 Electric Charge 38. The uncharged metallic sphere A suspended as shown in figure is given a push so that it moves towards the positive plate. Which one of the following statements is correct ? (a) A touches positive plate and remains in contact with it (b) A touches positive plate and then moves towards negative plate and remain in contact with it (c) A moves to and fro between the two plates with a constant time period (d) A moves to and fro between two plates with an increasing time period

39. A spring block system undergoes vertical oscillation above a large horizontal metal sheet with uniform positive charge. The time period of the oscillation is T. If the block is given a charge Q, its time period of oscillation will b e : (a) equal to T (b) less than T (c) greater than T (d) greater than T if Q is positive and less than T if Q is negative 40. A positive charge q is located at a point. What is the work done if an electron is carried once completely around this charge along a circle of radius r about this point charge q? (a) > 0 (c) < 0 (b) = 0 (d) > 0

Two positive point charges of magnitude q each are fixed at points A and B. The origin of coordinate system at the points A and B are situated at distance x on x-axis from the origin. Which of the following is best represented for force of interaction F versus x-graph ? (a) FA



->x 42. Two points charges +qx and + q2 are placed at a certain distance apart, then : (a) they produce the same electric field on each other (b) they exert same forces on each other (c) for minimum force between them, the magnitude of each charge must be equal to 1.6 x 10 _19 C (d) all of the above

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Electric Charge 43. An electrostatic field E of magnitude 10 N/C is directed along positive x-axis. A point charge of 10" 6 C is shifted from A (1 m, 0) to B (2 m, 0,1 m), then from point B to C (0,0, 0), the work done by electrostatic force is : (a) - 1 0 - 5 J (c) - 1 0 ~ 4 J (b) 10- 5 J (d) none of these 373 (c) all the charged particles cannot have the same polarity (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 50. A point charge q and a charge ( - q) are placed at x = -a and x = + a respectively. Which of the following represents a part of E-x graph ?
JL.E (b)

44. The electric field inside a conductor : (a) must be zero (b) may be non-zero (c) must be non-zero (d) (a) and (c) are correct 45. If a conductor encloses a charge, then in equilibrium: (a) its inner surface will have an opposite charge equal in magnitude to the charge enclosed (b) its inner surface has no charge (c) its inner surface will have same nature charge equal in the magnitude to the charge enclosed (d) its inner surface will have opposite nature but not equal in the magnitude of the charge enclosed 46. The electric intensity at a point A at distance x from uniformly charged non-conducting plane is E. Then (a) the electric charge per unit area on the plane is 2eE (b) magnitude E/2 of field is due to the charges at points within distance 2x from the point 'A' (c) magnitude E of field is due to the charges at points within distance 2x from point A (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 47. In a region, electric field varies as E = 2 x 2 - 4 where x is distance in S.I. from origin along x-axis. A positive charge of 1 |iC is released with minimum velocity from infinity for crossing the origin, then : (a) the kinetic energy at the origin must be zero (b) the kinetic energy at the origin may be zero (c) the kinetic energy at x m must be zero (d) the kinetic energy at x = 2 m may be zero 48. The electric field versus distance graph is shown, where distance is measured from the centre of the body, then :



O +a


(d) All of these O

51. A non-conducting solid sphere of radius R is uniformly charged. The magnitude of electric field due to the sphere at a distance r from its centre: (a) increases as r increases for r <R (b) decreases as r increases for 0 < r < (c) decreases as r increases for R < r < (d) is discontinuous at r = R (e) both (a) and (c) are correct 52. A conducting solid sphere of radius R is uniformly charged. The magnitude of the electric field due to the sphere at a distance r from its centre (a) increases as r increases (b) decreases as r increases (c) decreases as r increases, for R < r < (d) is discontinuous at r = R (e) both (c) and (d) are correct. 53. In the following diagrams, all the charges have equal magnitude. Electric field is zero at the centre of


(a) the body must be spherical (b) the body may be spherical (c) the body may be spherical having volume charge density (d) the body may be hollow sphere 49. Three charged particles are collinear and are equilibrium. Then: (a) all the charged particles have the same polarity (b) the equilibrium is unstable in

Equilateral triangle


(d) All of these

Regular pentagon

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374 54. A point charge Q is situated at point B on the ground. A point charge q of mass m is vertically dropped along line AB from a multi-storey building of height /(. The position of the point charge q when it is in equilibrium is :

Electric Charge (a) zero (c) (b)


47te 0 a

(d) J L 4C/ TE

qh m

<iQ 4 ne0mg

(d) none of these


60. A long thread carrying a uniform charge X per unit length has the configuration shown in the figure. An element of charge q is cut from the thread. The cutting portion is shown as small gap (AB). The electric field at the point O is : (a) zero (c) (b) < 7 4m0R

55. Two point charges qj and q2 are released from rest in a gravity free hall when distance between them is a. The maximum speeds of charged particles is : [The mass of each charged particle is m]

271E0 R

(d) none of these

qi 2 4 ke()n


<7i <2 7 4 7Co ma


2<7I 12 4 KEQina

(d) none of these

56. Six point charges are arranged at the vertices of a regular hexagon of side length a (shown in figure). The magnitude of electric field at the centre of regular hexagon is : 1 (b) zero (a) 4 n e0a

61. A point charge q = 1 C and mass 1 kg is projected with speed Vq = 10 m/s in the perpendicular direction of uniform electric field E = 100 V/m. The value of latus-rectum of the path followed by charge particle is : (a) 2 m (b) 100 m (c) 400 m (d) none of these 62. A point mass m and charge q is connected with Wall E massless spring of natural k length L. Initially spring is ' 00000000"in its natural length. If a horizontal uniform electric field E is switched on (shown in figure), the maximum separation between the point mass and the wall is : (Assume all surfaces are frictionless). 2qE qE (a) L + L + T (c) L (d) none of these 63. In the previous problem, the separation of the point mass and wall at the equilibrium position of the mass is : qE (a) l + (b)

< 7 2 nz 0 a

(d) none of the above

57. Calculate the work done in carrying a charge q once round over a closed circular path of radius V and a charge Q is at the centre :
(a) (c)

<Q / 4 7t e 0 r ?Q f I 47ie0 12 nr

<7*2 (b) 4nEQnr (d) zero



58. A point charge Q is placed at the centre of a circular wire of radius R having charge q. The force of electrostatic interaction between point charge and the wire is :

(d) none of these

4 ke0R

(b) zero

64. In the previous problem, energy stored in spring at the equilibrium position of the point mass is : c2 < 7 (b) \kE2 (a) 2k q 2p2 E (d) none of these (c) 65. A particle of mass m and having a charge q is placed on a smooth horizontal table and is connected to walls -> E k 000000M'


4 it e 0 R

(d) none of these

59. A small element I is cut from a circular ring of radius a and X charge per unit length. The net electric field at the centre of ring is :


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Electric Charge through unstressed springs of constant k (shown in figure). A horizontal electric field E parallel to spring is switched on. The maximum speed of the particle is: qE qE (a) <2mk qE (d) none of these (c) m 66. A point charge is projected along the axis of circular ring of charge Q and radius lOV^cm. The distance of the point charge from centre of ring, where acceleration of charged particle is maximum, will be : (a) 10 cm (b) 20 cm (c) at infinity (d) none of these 67. If a charged particle is projected on a rough horizontal surface with speed Vq, the value of dynamic coefficient of friction if the kinetic energy of system is constant, is : qE qE (b) ~ (a) m mg

375 (a) T=2n (b) T-2n

(c) T = 71

(d) T = 71

* 71. An infinite plane consists of a positive charge and has a C/m2 surface charge density. Calculate the angle 9, if a metallic ball B of mass m and charge + Q is attached to a thread and tied to a point A on the sheet FQ, as shown in figure : (ea = permittivity of air) (a) 0 = tan (b) 0 = tan (c) 9 = tan-I

2 Qo
e0 efl mg

2eo eamg Je 0 ea mg



(d) none of the above 72. In the diagram shown electric ofield intensity will be zero at a -q point: (a) (b) (c) (d) between - q and + 2q charge on the RHS of + 2q charge on the LHS of - q charge no where on the line + 2q

(d) none of these

* 68. A small block of mass 'm' is

kept on a smooth inclined plane of angle 30, placed in an elevator going upward, with acceleration a0. Electric field E exists between the vertical sides of the wall of the elevator. The charge on the block is +q.. The time taken by the block to come to the lowest point of inclined plane is : (take the surface to be smooth) (a) (b) 2h (g-a0) (c) 2h (g + Ua0)-<3 / m (d) ( + qE

2h (g + a0)2m h2

73. Two charged particles of charge + 2q and + q have masses m and 2m respectively. They are kept in uniform electric field and allowed to move for the same time. The ratio of their kinetic energies is : (a) 1 : 8 (b) 16 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 3 : 1 74. A copper ball of density pc and diameter d is immersed in oil of density p. What charge should be present on the ball, so that it could be suspended in the oil, if a homogeneous electric field E is applied vertically upward ? (a) Q = (c) Q = (pc - p,,)g 6E (Pc - Vo)g (b) Q = rc* (Pc-Po)g 6E

69. Two charges of values 2 pC and - 50 pC are placed at a distance 80 cm apart. The distance of the point from the smaller charge where the intensity will be zero, is : (a) 20 cm (b) 35 cm (c) 30 cm (d) 25 cm * 70. Between two large parallel + + + + + + + + + + + + + plates, a uniform vertical field is set up as shown in figure. Find the period of oscillation of the pendulum, if the pendulum of length L having a small conducting sphere of mass m and charge +q is oscillating between the plates:

(d) None of these

75. An oil drop of charge of 2 electrons fall freely with a terminal speed. The mass of oil drop so, it can move upward with same terminal speed, if electric field of 2 x 103 V/m is applied, is : (a) 3.0 x 10" 17 kg (b) 3.2 x 10" 17 kg (c) 2 . 5 x l O - 1 7 k g (d) 3.3 x 10~17 kg * 76. An electron of mass m and charge e leaves the lower plate of a parallel plate capacitor of length L, with an initial velocity v0 making an angle a with the plate and come

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376 out of the capacitor making an angle | to the plate. The 3 electric field intensity between the plates : (a) E = (b) E = mvQ cos 2 a (tan a + tan p) eL )HV() cos a ; (tan a - tan (3) eL
2 2

Electric Charge 79. Identical charges of magnitude Q are placed at (n - 1 ) corners of a regular polygon of n sides each corner of the polygon is at a distance r from the centre. The field at the centre is : (a) (c) kQ r2 (n-1) kQ y2 r2 (b) ( w - 1 ) * 2 (d) (n n V

mvo cos 2 a (tan p - tan a) (c) eL (d) none of the above 77. An electron is projected with velocity 10 m/s at an angle 0 ( = 30) with horizontal in a region of uniform electric field of 5000 N/C vertically upwards. The maximum distance covered by an electron in vertical direction above its initial level is : (a) 14.2 mm (b) 15 mm (c) 12.6 mm (d) 14.2 cm 78. A pendulum bob of mass'm' and charge 'q' is suspended by a thread of length /. The pendulum is placed in a region of a uniform electric field E directed vertically upward. If the electrostatic force acting on the sphere is less than that of gravitational force, the period with which the pendulum oscillates is : (Assume small oscillation) (a) T = 2 7i (b) 7 = 2 7 C

80. As shown in the figure a positive charge + q is placed at x = -a and negative charge - q is placed at x = + a. Then choose the curve which shows variation of E along the x-axis: . i1

i r*

j 1 x = a|

^ J x

x = - a x=j+a (b)

y 1


=1- a

(d) none of these

(c) 7 =


1. 11. (b) (a) 2. 12. (b) (a) 3. 13. (a) (b) 4. 14. (b) (a) 5. 15. (a) (b) 6. 16. (c) (c) 7. 17. (b) (b) 8. 18. (a) (a) 9. 19. (d) (a) 10. (c)

11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. (c) (a) (c) (d) (c) (e) (a) (b) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. (b) (d) (a) (d) (c) (e) (a) (c) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. (d) (a) (a) (b) (a) (d) (a) (b) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. (c) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (a) (c) (d) (d) (a) (b) (a) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. (b) (a) (b) (d) (d) (c) (a) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. (b) (b) (b) (a) (c) (d) (a) (a) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. (b) (a) (b) (d) (c) (b) (c) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. (a) (a) (d) (a) (d) (b) (a) (a) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. (c) (a) (d) (b) (d) (b) (a) (c)

1. In the figure,
F3' F2'

Fi = force due to q2 -q0

+ q0

F{ = force due to ( - qo) F3 = force due to ( + qo) ( - <70) charge is nearer to qi than + q0. Fi>Fi


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Gauss's Law and Electric Potential
Syllabus: Lines of forces, field due to dipole and its behaviour in a uniform electric field, electric flux, Gauss's law in simple geometries, electric potential, potential due to point charge, conductors and insulators, distribution of charge on conductor.

Review of Concepts
1. Electric lines of force: Faraday gave a new approach for representation of electric field in the form of electric lines of force. Electric lines of force are graphical representation of electric field. This model of electric field has the following characteristics: (a) Electric lines of force are originated from positive charge and terminated into negative charge. (h) Electric lines of force for two equal positive point charges are said to have rotational symmetry about the axis joining the charges.

Isolated positive charge

Isolated negative charge

(b) It is imaginary line, the tangent at a point on electric lines of force gives the Lines of force direction of electric field at the point. (c) The number of electric lines of force originates from a point charge q is q/zQ. Electric lines of force may be fraction. (d) The number of lines per unit area that pass through a surface perpendicular to the electric field lines is proportional to the strength of field in that region. (e) Closer electric lines of force mean stronger field. (f) No electric lines of forces cross each other. If two electric lines of force cross each other, it means electric field has two directions at the point of' cross. This is not physically possible. (g) Electrostatic lines of force never form a closed curve. But electric lines of force in the case of induced electric field are in closed curve.

(i) Electric . lines of force for a point positive and a nearby negative point charge that are equal in magnitude are said to have rotational symmetry about an axis passing through both charges in the plane of the page.

Eiectric dipole

(j) Electric lines of force due to infinitely large sheet of positive charge is normal to the sheet.

+ +

(k) If no electric lines of force are present in a region, the electric field in that region is zero and potential is constant. If a point charge is placed near a conducting plane, (1) for solving problem, the formation of image charge takes place.

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384 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential (q) If a charged particle is released from rest in region where only uniform electric field is present, then charged particle moves along an electric lines of force. But if charged particle has initial velocity, then the charged particle may or may not follow the electric lines of force, (r) Electric potential decreases in the direction of electric lines of force. 2. Solid angle : A plane consists P of a number of lines. We consider a curve PQO (shown in figure). This curve makes an angle a at point O. q . A solid consists of a number of planes. We consider a plane ABCD. If all points A,B,C,D and the periphery of the plane are joined O with a point O. It is called solid angle. Then this plane makes solid angle 'co' at point O. Its unit is steradian. Solid angle at a cone is defined as area intercepted by the cone on a sphere of unit radius having its centre at the vertex of the cone. The solid angle subtended by an area S at O is co ' dS cos 9

_ q Image charge

(m) No electrostatic lines of force are present inside a conductor. Also . electric lines of force are perpendicular to the surface of conductor. As for example if a conducting sphere is placed in a region where uniform electric field is present. Then induced charges are developed on the sphere.

(n) Electric lines of force inside the parallel plate capacitor is uniform. It shows that field inside the parallel plate capacitor is uniform. But at the edge of plates, electric lines of force are curved. It shows electric lines of force at the edge of plates is nonuniform. This is known as fringing effect. If the size of plates are infinitely large then fringing effect can be neglected. (o) If a metallic plate is introduced between plates of a charged capacitor, then electric lines of force can be discontinuous.

+ q+*
+* +, +* +* +

E0 = 0 + * + +* +" -

Some conceptual points : (i) Solid angle subtended by a closed surface at an internal point is 4rc. (ii) The solid angle subtended by a closed surface at an external point is zero. (iii) The solid angle subtended by a right circular cone at its vertex is 2n (1 - cos a) where a is semivertex angle. 3. Electric flux : The word flux comes from Latin word meaning to flow. Electric flux is a measure of the flow of electric field through a surface. It is given by the scalar product of electric field and area vector. It is denoted by < J > (> = J E * dS |

+ +* + , -

<=J ) ]
a point charge q. 1 q m 47IO , = !

EdS cos

. E

(p) If a dielectric plate is introduced between plates of a charged capacitor then, number of lines of forces in dielectric is lesser than that in case of vacuum space.

The direction of area vector is taken normal to the plane of area. (a) Expression for electric flux through an area d^ due to


(b) Expression for electric flux through a circle due to a point charge. 1 " < = z I 9; (1 - cos a,) | > 2e0 / = i

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385 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential 4. Gauss's law: Gauss's and Coulomb's law are not two separate laws. But they are supplementary to each other. Gauss's law is used to solve for a problem having high symmetry. Statement: The total electric flux through a closed surface is equal to l/0 times the total charge enclosed by the surface. Completely enclosed a volume is known as closed surface. 1 E< d S = eo Case III: When (x < r), since, electric charge only resides on the surface of conductor, hence, inside the conductor, electric field is zero, (d) Electric field due to a charged non-conducting solid cylinder of infinite length. Case I : When {x < R)
E =


p I 1 1 1

Case II: When (x = R)


Application of Gauss's law: Gauss's law is applicable for any distribution of charges and any type of closed surface. But it is easy to solve the problem of high symmetry by using Gauss's law. (a) Electric field due to uniformly charged conducting sphere (solid or hollow). Case I : When x > R E= Case II: When t0x 47tn x2 \ 0 '


Case III: When (x > R) E

M i




(e) Electric field due to infinite plane sheet of charge.

x<R E=0

It means electrostatic field inside the conductor is zero. (b) Electric field due to uniform charged non-conducting sphere. Case I : When x>R ATKoX2 x<R E=3Q

(f) Electric field due to charged conducting plate, charges resides on both the sides. E= (g) Relation between electric field and electric potential: (i) dV = ~ E - dr

Case II: When

where p = cubical charge density = ^ , 4TIR 3 (c) Electric field due to charged cylindrical conductor of infinite length. Case I : If point P is outside the cylinder and is radial and perpendicular to the surface (x > r) X E= IKEqX Case II: When x = r E= 5. System Potential: S.No. 1. Isolated charge System q e P o X Inztf


(ii) jdV = - jExdx-J



(iii) If electric field is constant between points A and B and is directed from A to B, then E= distance between points A and B



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386 System 2. Dipole

Gauss's Law and Electric Potential Potential


x E, Vx = 0

1 - - - q | +q |4r2a-H

x, i / a

/ '
/ /


p cos 9
47ieo r2


A ring of charge


+ +

47ie0 VP 2 + x 2


A disc of charge + + + +


+ x2-x]


Infinite sheet of charge

Not defined

6. Infinitely long line of charg


Not defined P

+ +

X +4 +
+ + +


Finite line of charge

+ + + + + + + + +


X j

sec (J + tan (3 sec a - tan a

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387 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential System

Potential (a) Inside 0 <r<R v=

+ +

Charged spherical shell


(b) Outside r > R



= *



Solid sphere of charge

(a) Inside 0

<r<R 6eo L R2_

/ + + +\ / ++
1+ + * + H \+ + + +y

(b) Outside r > R



6. Electric potential energy : A field of force is a region of space at every point of which a particle experiences a force varying regularly from point to point, e.g., electrostatic field. If the electrostatic field at each point of a region of space does not vary in the course of time, such an electrostatic field is known as stationary electrostatic field. In a case .of electrostatic stationary field of forces the work performed by these forces between any two points does not depend upon the shape of path but depends only on initial and final position of the points which is referred to as electric potential, while the electrostatic forces themselves are called conservative in nature. From this point of view it is clear that the work done by electrostatic force does not depend upon path but only depends upon initial and final positions. So, concept of electric potential energy comes into play, (a) Electrostatic potential energy of a system of two point charges : + qi o w+ q2

7. Electric dipole or bipole or doublet : The combination of two points charges q of opposite sign separated by a distance la, constitutes an electric dipole. The strength of electric dipole is measured in the form of electric dipole moment It is given by p = q x 2a In physics

-q In chemistry on the basis of electronegativity.




-q 2 o
U = -qiq 2

u = W2 47iE0r


-qi o


-q2 o +1 U = Piq2

Expression for field and potential at a point due to an electric dipole. An expression for potential and field at point P (r, 0) due to a dipole of strength (p = q x 2a), provided only that the point is not too close to the dipole. Case I : Expression for P (r,e) potential V: p cos 0 47io r2

(b) Electrostatic potential energy of a system of n point charges : The number of pairs = "C2 U= 1 I" 47te0 f/j = 1 rii (c) Self potential energy of a conducting sphere : <?2 U= 8KZqR Situation 1: If point P lies on end on position
0 = 0

V V =47teo r* broad side on position 9 = 90 V=0



Situation 2 : If point P lies on

(d) Self potential energy of a non-conducting solid sphere : U15e0

8 = 90 -q o +q

Here, p = constant volume charge density

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388 Case I I : Expression for electric field intensity qi

Gauss's Law and Electric Potential + qi Pi M -q2 P2 H > p2 + q2

IEI= and


cos 2

6+1 (b) (i) F =

3P1P2 Pt

a = tan

4tc0 f repulsive in nature, (ii) x = 0 (iii) U P1P2 2KEQ I 3P1P2 4TCo/4


(c) (i) F -(ii) x1



Electric dipole in uniform electric field. Case I : If elec'-ic dipole is g placed parallel to electric field, -9 +cl therefore, nci force oil dipole is _ c l zero. Case I I : If electric dipole is placed perpendicular to electric field, in this case net force on dipole will zero .but torque on dipole will not be zero. qE



47K0f clockwise +F


+ q

(iii) U = 0 8. Equipotential surface : The surface at every point of which has same electric potential, is called equipotential surface. If V is electric potential at any surface defined by V (x, y, z) = constant, is called an equipotential surface. Some types of equipotentials are : (a) All planes perpendicular to vector ! + 2 f - 1 : . (b) All spheres with centre at origin. (c) All right circular cylinders with the z-axis as axis of symmetry. (d) A family of cones.


Toque (t) = pE sin 9 or

- >

px E

Expression for work done in rotating a dipole in uniform electric field. W = pE [cos 9j - cos 9 2 ] Potential energy of dipole (U): Potential energy of dipole is defined as work done in rotating a dipole from a direction perpendicular to the field to a given direction U = -~p E


Angular SHM of an electric dipole in uniform electric field E. Let an electric dipole is initially in the direction of electric field and it is slightly displaced by an angle 0 with this position. T = 2K I PE where, I = moment of inertia of dipole about its centre of mass Interaction between two electric dipoles (a) (i) F =
3 PlP2




attractive in nature.

(ii) x = 0 (iii) Potential energy (U) = -P1P2


Some important characteristics of equipotential surface : (a) Equipotential surface may be planar, solid etc. But equipotential surface never be a point. (b) Equipotential surface is single valued. So, equipotential surface never cross each other. (c) Electric field is always perpendicular to equipotential surface. (d) Electric lines of force cross equipotential surface perpendicularly. (e) Work done to move a point charge q between two points on equipotential surface is zero. (f) The surface of a conductor in equilibrium is equipotential surface. (g) Equipotential surface due to isolated point charge is spherical.

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389 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential Some conceptual points : (i) At the point where electric field is zero, the direction of electric lines of force become indeterminate. Such a point is known as neutral point or null point or equilibrium point. There can be no charge at any point in the substance of the conductor in equilibrium state. It means the charge on a conductor in an electrostatic field resides entirely on the surface of conductor. If the electric potential is constant throughout any region in equilibrium, then there can be no electric charge in the substance of the conductor in equilibrium. If the normal component of gradient of the electric potential is continuous across any surface, then there can be no charge on the surface. The electric potential cannot have a maximum or a minimum value at any point in space which is not occupied by an electric charge. A free charge cannot be in state of stable equilibrium at a point at which there is no charge. If electric potential at any point is maximum, the point must be occupied by a positive charge. If the electric potential is minimum at any point, the point must be occupied by negative charge. The electric potential throughout the region bounded by a closed surface containing no charge, is constant.


(h) Equipotential surfaces are planar in uniform electric field.


(i) Equipotential cylindrical.









(vi) (vii) (j) Equipotential surface due to an electric dipole is shown in the figure. (viii)



1. The intensity of electric field due to a proton at a distance of 0.2 ran is : (a) 3.6 x 108 NC (b) 3 . 6 x l 0 1 0 N C _ 1 (c) 3.6 x l O ^ N C " 1 (d) 3.6 x 10 13 NC 2. Force acting upon a charged particle, kept between the charged pair of plates is F. If one of the plates is removed, force acting on the same particle will become : (a) 3F

Two concentric metallic spheres of radii and r2 (/"i > r2) contain charges Qi and Q 2 respectively, then the potential at a distance x between and r 2 will b e : 1 K-4ne0 (a) K (c) K Qi + Q2 Q2 + Ql)
X 7-J

(b) K (d) K

Ql *

Q2 r2


Ql+Q2 rl r2

5. A charge q = 8.75 pC in an electric field is acted upon by

(c) F (d) IF 3. Two point charges + 4e and e are kept at distance x apart. At what distance a charge q must be placed from charge + e so that q is in equilibrium: (a) (Of

a force F = 4.5 N, the potential gradient at this point is : (a) 3.70 x 105 Vm" 1 (b) 5.14 x 103 Vm - 1 (c) 5.14 x 104 Vm - 1 (d) 5.14 x 105 V m - 1


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390 6. A ring made of wire with a radius of 10 cm is charged negatively and carries a charge of - 5 x 10 - 9 C. The distance from the centre to the point on the axis of the ring where the intensity of the electric field is maximum, will be : (a) 0.71m (b) 7.1 x 10 - 2 m (c) 7.1 x 10 - 3 m (d) 1.7 x 10 - 2 m 7. A hollow sphere of charge does not produce electric field at any : (a) interior point (b) outer point (c) beyond 2m (d) beyond 10 cm 8. The radius of hollow metallic sphere is r. If the potential difference between its surface and a point at a distance 3r from its centre is V, then the electric field intensity at a distance of 3r from its centre is : (a) (c) x 2r (b) V_ 3r Gauss's Law and Electric Potential 13. In a circuit 20 C of charge is passed through a battery in a given time. The plates of the battery are maintained at P.D. of 20 V. How much work is done by the battery ? (a) 400 J (b) 300 J (c) 200 J (d) 100 J 14. Suppose the electrostatic potential at some points in space are given by V = (xz-2x). The electrostatic field strength at x = 1 is : (a) zero (b) - 2 (c) 2 (d) 4 15. The potential of a sphere of radius 2 cm when a charge of 2 coulomb is given to it, will b e : (a) 9 x 103 V (b) 9 x 10 11 V (c) 9 x 10 6 V (d) 9 x l 0 1 6 V 16. A lightning flash may transfer charge upto 50 C through

a P.D. of 2 x 10 V. The energy involved is : (a) 3 x 109 J (b) 3 x 10 12 J (c) 1 x 10 10 J (d) 2 x 10 6 } 17. A proton is moved between two points whose potential difference is 20 V. The energy acquired by the proton is : (a) 32 x 10~19 J (b) 3 2 X 1 0 _ 1 6 J (c) 3 2 x l O " 1 4 J (d) 32 x 10 - 1 3 J 18. The radius of the gold nucleus is 6.6 x 10~15 m and the atorriic number is 79. The electric potential at the surface of the gold nucleus is : (a) 1.7 x 10 V (c) 1.7 x 10 V (b) 7.1 x 10 V (d) 7.1 x 10 V


9. The 4 r work done in moving an alpha particle between two points of potential difference 25 V will be : (a) 8 x 10~18 J x 10" (c) 8: x 10 20 JJ (b) 8 x l 0 - 1 9 J
! (d) 8 x 10 - 1 6 J

10. The work done to transport 20 C charge from points A to another point B over distance of 0.2 m is 2 joule, the potential difference across AB is : (a) 2 x 10 - 2 V (c) 1 x 10" 1 V (b) 4 x 10 _1 V (d) 8 V

11. A ball of mass 1 g and charge 10" 8 C moves from point A whose potential is 600 V to the point B whose potential is zero volt. If velocity of the ball at B is 20 ms - 1 , what is its velocity at A ? (a) 0.17 ms-1 (b) 0.27 ms -1 (c) 0.37 ms"' (d) 0.07 ms - 1 12. Point charges of 3 x 10~~9 C are situated at each of three corners of a square, whose side is 15 cm. The magnitude and direction of the electric field at the vacant corner of the square are : (a) 2296 V/m along the diagonal (b) 9622 V/m along the diagonal (c) 22.0 V/m along the diagonal (d) zero

19. The dielectric constant K of an insulator can be : (a) ~ (b) zero (c) - 2 (d) 6 20. A solid metal sphere of radius 50 cm carries a charge 25 x 10 - 1 0 C. The electrostatic potential at a distance of 20 cm from the centre will be : (a) 25 V (b) 15 V (c) 35 V (d) 45 V 21. Two charges of - 1 0 pC and 30 pC are separated by 30 cm. The ratio of the forces acting on them will be : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 22. An alpha particle is made to move in a circular path of radius 20 cm around another alpha particle, the work done i s : (a) 8 x 10 - 1 8 J (c) 8 x 10~20 J (b) 8 x 10 - 1 9 J (d) zero

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Nitin M Sir (

391 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential

1. Determine the ratio (]\l(]2- As lines of forces of two point charges are shown in figure : (a) it follows a line of force (b) it must follow a line of force, if electric field is uniform (c) it may follow a line of force, if field is uniform (d) none of the above 6. If E = 0, at all points of a closed surface : (a) the electric flux through the surface is zero (b) the total charge enclosed by the surface is zero (c) no charge resides on the surface (d) all of the above 7. Flux coming out from a positive unit charge placed in air, is : (a)
t \


f - 4 <2 7
^ O

<i 7 ,b, | = 3

(a) eo (c) (47te0)-1

(b) EQ1 (d) 4m 0

(d) f = . (c) = 2 <?2 <2 7 2. In the given figure, electric lines of force diagram is shown. Then :

8. In a region of uniform electric field E, a hemispherical body is placed in such a way that field is parallel to its base (as shown in figure). The flux linked with the curved surface is :

(a) (c)

Ea E

= Eb > E

= E

(b) (d)

> E

> E

EA < Eg

(a) zero
(c) nR2E

(b) - KR (d)

3. In the given arrangement of charges:

A -q

B -q

9. A

S = 10 j is kept in an electric field. How much electric flux will come out through the surface ? (a) 40 unit (b) 50 unit
E = 2 I + 4 F + 7$:.


(c) 30 unit 10. Electric field at point

(d) 20 unit P is given by

E = r E0. The total flux through the given cylinder of radius R and height h is :
(a) E 0 nR2h 3E0TiR2h (b) 2E0JTR2h 4EQ




4. Electric lines of forces : (a) may form closed path (b) must form closed path (c) may be discontinuous (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 5, If a point charge + q of mass m is released from rest in a region where only electric field is present then:

11. A point charge Q is placed at the centre of a hemisphere. The electric flux passing through flat surface of hemisphere is :
(a) Q

E O (b) zero

(d) none of these

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392 12. A point charge Q is placed at the Centre of a hemisphere. The ratio of electric flux passing through curved surface and plane surface of the hemisphere is : (a) 1 :1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2K : 1 (d) 4n : 1 13. What should be the flux linked with one face of a cube, if a point charge q is placed at one corner of a cube ? Gauss's Law and Electric Potential 20. Mark the correct option(s): (a) Electric field must be conservative (b) Electric field must be non-conservative (c) Electric field may be non-conservative (d) The potential throughout the region bounded by a closed surface containing no charge may be variable 21. Mark correct statement(s): (a) When two charged bodies attract each other, then two bodies must have opposite nature of charges (b) When two charged bodies attract each other, then they may have the same nature of charge (c) Potential difference between two points lying in a uniform electric field may be equal to zero (d) Both (b) and (c) are correct 22. A Na + ion is moving through an evacuated vessel in the n positive x-direction with speed of 10 m/s. At x = 0 , y = 0 it enters an electric field of 500 V/cm in the positive x-direction. Its position (x, y) after 10 - 6 s is : (a) (10,5) (b) (1,0.4) (c) (10,0.1) (d) (10,8) 23. Mark the correct option(s): (a) An earthed conductor must have zero charge (b) If potential inside a spherical shell is zero, then it is necessarily electric neutral (c) If a charged particle is released from rest in a electric field. The particle moves along the electric lines of force (d) None of the above 24. Mark the correct option(s): (a) E varies continuously as we move along any path in the field set-up by a point charge q (b) E does not vary continuously as we move along any path in the field set up by a point charge q (c) The lines of forces of the point charge q must be continuous (d) All of the above 25. A point charge q = 2x 10 - 7 C is placed at the centre of a spherical cavity of radius 3 cm in a metal piece. Points a and b are situated at distances 1.5 cm and 4.5 cm respectively from the centre of cavity. The electric intensities at a and b are : (a) 8 x 10 6 N/C and zero (b) zero and zero (c) zero and 8.9 x 10 5 N/C (d) none of the above 26. In the given figure, two point charges qj and q2 are placed at distance a and b from centre of a metallic sphere having charge Q. The electric field due to the metallic sphere at the point P is :



< 7

14. In electrostatics, the Gauss's law is true, when the charges enclosed in the Gaussian surface are : (a) moving only (b) stationary only (c) moving or stationary (d) none of these 15. Select the wrong statement: (a) The electric field calculated by Gauss's law is the field due to the charges inside the Gaussian surface (b) The electric field calculated by Gauss's law is the resultant field due to all the charges inside and outside the closed surface (c) The Gauss's law is equivalent to Coulomb's law (d) The Gauss's law can also be applied to calculate gravitational field but with some modifications 16. The mathematical form of Gauss's law is eo(1) E ds =q Then which of the statements is correct ? (a) E depends on the charge q which is enclosed within the Gaussian surface only (b) E depends on the charge which is inside and outside the Gaussian surface (c) E does not depend on the magnitude of charge q (d) All of the above 17. The electric field in a region is given by E = axi, where a = constant of proper dimensions. What should be the charge contained inside a cube bounded by the surface, x = I, x = 21, y = 0, y = I, z = 0, z = I ?

a aeo

(b) ae 0 Z
(d) 2a e 0 / 3

18. The electric flux passing through the sphere, if an electric dipole is placed at the centre of a sphere, is : 1 (a) <b> e0 E O (c) zero (d) none of these


19. If a space has no electric charge, then: (a) at any point in the space, potential is maximum (b) at any point in the space, potential is minimum (c) at only one point in the space, potential is maximum (d) at any point in the space, potential is neither maximum nor minimum

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Nitin M Sir (

393 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential 1 (a) 4TCE0

1\ , <2 ?

47t,0 R z

(c) the electric field inside the conductor may be non-conservative in the nature (d) the electric field inside the conductor must be non-conservative in the nature 35. If potential at a point is maximum, then : (a) the point must be occupied by a negative charge (b) the point may be occupied by a negative charge (c) the point must be occupied by a positive charge (d) the point may be occupied by a positive charge 36. A free charge is placed at a point at which there is no charge, then: (a) the charge must be in stable equilibrium (b) the charge may be in stable equilibrium (c) the charge must not be in stable equilibrium (d) the potential energy of the charge is minimum 37. If the potential at each point on a conductor is same to each other, then: (a) electric lines of force may begin or end on the same conductor (b) no electric lines of force can begin or end on the same conductor (c) the electric field inside the conductor may be non-zero (d) none of the above 38. Four point charges q\, q2, (fe and q^ are placed at the corners of the square of side a, as shown in figure. The potential at the centre of the square i s : (Given: qx = l x l O " 8 C , q 2 = <3 = 3 x 7 10 - 8 C, (b) 607 V (d) 650 V -2xlO~8C,


{R2} ' [a2 + b2 (d) none of the above


27. The minimum surface density of charge on the plate, so that a body of mass 2 kg/m may just be lifted, is : (a) 2.84 x 10" 5 C/m2 xlO-5 C/m2 (b) 2.25 x 10" 5 C/m2 (c) 1.86 (d) none of these 28. The surface density of electric charge at a place on the earth's surface where the rate of fall of potential is 250 V, is : (a) 2.0 x l O - 9 C/m2
(c) 3.36 x H F 9 C/m2

(b) 2.21 x 10" 9 C/m2 (d) 3 . 5 x l O - 9 C / m 2

29. Which is independent of the medium ? (a) Electric intensity (b) Electric potential (c) Electric displacement (d) None of the above 30. If r and T are radius and surface tension of a spherical bubble respectively, the charge needed to double the radius of bubble is : (a) 4 * r [ e 0 r ( 7 P r + 1 2 T ) ] 1 / 2 (b) 8nr [z0r (c) (7Pr+l2T)] 1/2 2nr[e0r(7Pr+12T)] 1/2

(d) nr [e0r (7Pr - 12T)] 1 ' 2 31. P and S are two points in a uniform electric field E shown in the figure. If the potential at P and S are denoted by Vp and Vg then : (a) (b) VP>VS vP<ys 0

< 4 - 2 x 10 - 8 C, A = 1 m) 7 (a) 507 V (c) 550 V

(c) V P = V S (d). VP>VS> 32. An external agent pulls a unit positive charge from infinity to a point, then the potential of that point is : (a) positive (b) negative (c) may be positive or may be negative (d) zero 33. In the direction of electric field, electric potential: (a) decreases (b) increases (c) remains constant (d) none of these 34. If potential difference is applied between the ends of the conductor, then : (a) electric lines of force are not present inside the conductor (b) electric lines of force must be present inside the conductor

39. Over a thin ring of radius R a charge q is distributed non-uniformly. The work done of the force field in displacing a point charge q' from centre of the ring to infinity i s :
(a) (c)

4rceoR qq' rceoR



(d) none of these

40. As shown in the figure two point charges of equal magnitude Q but of opposite nature are placed at A and B (30 cm apart). A point charge placed on right bisector of line AB will be in : (a) dynamic equilibrium (b) neutral equilibrium (c) unstable equilibrium (d) none of the above

30 cm

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394 41. Mark for right option : (a) A given conducting sphere can be charged to any extent (b) A given conducting sphere cannot be charged to a potential greater than a certain value (c) A given conducting sphere cannot be charged to a potential less than a certain minimum value (d) none of the above 42. Two drops of water each with a charge of 3 x 10 C having surface potential 500 V form a single drop. What is the surface potential of the new drop ? (a) 794 V (b) 1000 V (c) 250 V (d) 750 V 43. If at distance r from a positively charged particle, electric field strength and potential are E and V respectively, which of the following graphs is/are correct ? (a) v 5-(volt) 3-V

Gauss's Law and Electric Potential

2 1--

mn cm) r (In

(a) 2.5 V/cm (c) - 2.5 V/cm

(b) 2 V/cm (d) 2/5 V/cm

48. If two electric charges q and - 2q are placed at a distance 6a apart, then the locus of point in the plane of charge, where the field potential is zero, is : (a) x 2 + 2X/2 - 4ax - 12a2 = 0 (b) 2x2 + y 2 + 4ax - 12a2 = 0 (c) x2 + y2 + 4ax-12a2 (d) x2 + y2 + 8ax + 12a2 =0 =0

49. Two fixed charges - 2 q and q are located at the points equidistant on the x-axis from the origin on either sides. The locus of points of equipotential lying in x-y plane is : (a) straight line (b) circle (c) v'


(c) hyperbola

(d) parabola

50. Four identical charges are placed at the points (1, 0, 0), (0,1, 0), ( - 1, 0, 0) and (0, - 1 , 0 ) : (a) The potential at the origin is zero (b) The field at the origin is zero (c) The potential at all points on the z-axis, other than the origin, is zero (d) none of the above 51. An electron is released from rest at one point in a uniform field and moves a distance of 10 cm in 10 s. What is the voltage between the points ? (a) 10 V (b) 7 V (c) 11.4 V (d) 8 V 52. A point charge q is placed at the centre of neutral conducting shell. T h e n : (a) the electric potential of the point charge q outside the shell is zero (b) the electric potential of the point charge outside the shell will be inversely proportional to the distance (c) the electric field of the point charge outside the shell will be inversely proportional to the square of distance (d) the electric field outside the shell will be depend on the position of the q inside the shell 53. In the shown figure, the charge appears on the sphere is : (a) q r

44. Calculate the earth's potential. Assume earth has a surface charge density of 1 electron/m 2 : (Given: the electronic charge = - 1.6 x 10~19 C, Earth's radius = 6.4 x 10 6 m, o = 8.9 x 10 - 1 2 C 2 /Nm 2 ) (a) - 0 . 1 1 5 V (c) - 0.225 V (b) 0.215 V (d) 0.185 V

45. Four charges, all of the same magnitude are placed at the four corners of a square. At the centre of the square, the potential is V and the field is E. By suitable choices of the signs of the four charges, which of the following can be obtained ? (a) V = 0 , E = 0 (c) V * 0, E = 0 (b) V = 0, E * 0 (d) None of these

46. A circular cavity is made in a conductor. A positive charge q is placed at the centre (a) the electric field at A and B are equal (b) the electric charge density at A = the electric charge density at B (c) potential at A and B are equal (d) all of the above 47. The variation of potential with distance R from fixed point is shown in figure. The electric field at K = 5 .. ~ is :

(0 - f
(d) 0

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Gauss's Law and Electric Potential

54. In a region, an electric field

E = E()i is present. The

potential of points A (a, 0,0), B (0, b, 0), C (0,0, c) and D (- a, 0, 0) are VA, VB, Vq and Vp respectively, then : (a) VA = VB = VC=VD (c) VD<VB< VA (b) VB = VC (d) none of these

395 i 63. Two points are at distance and r2 (rx < r2) from a long string having charge per unit length a. The potential difference between the points is proportional to : (a) 0 (c) l / o (b) log (d) ('2 ) ri r2/r{

55. At the eight corners of a cube of side 10 cm, equal charges each of value 10 C are placed. The potential at the centre of the cube is : (a) 83.14 x l 0 u V (b) 1 6 . 6 2 x l ^liu O V (c) 1 . 6 6 x l O n V (d) 1662.7 x 10 11 V 56. The work required to bring a unit positive charge from infinity to a mid-point between two charges 20 pC and 10 pC separated by a distance of 50 m, is : (a) 10.8 x 10 4 J (c) 1.08 x
^ ft

(b) 10.8 x 103 J (d) 0.54 x 10 5 J

64. The arc AB with the centre C and the infinitely long wire having linear charge density X. are lying in the same plane. The minimum amount of work to be done to move a point charge q0 from point A to B through a circular path AB of radius a is equal to :
(a) (c)
2 %

10 6

57. If VQ is the potential at the origin in an electric field E = x i + Ey j, the potential at the point (x, y) is : (a) V 0 - xEx - yEy (b) V0 + xEx + yEy (c) xEx + yEv-Vo (d) (Vx 2 + Y 2 ) (VE 2 + E 2 ) - VQ 58. The potential difference VAB

27TE0 qgX_ 2heo

In In

(b) (d)

27to q0X



between A (0,0,0) and is:

A B (1,1, 0) in an electric field E = x i + z (a)


65. A semicircular wire of radius a having X as charge per unit length is shown in the figure. The electric potential at the centre of the semicircular wire is :
(a) X/L0 (b) X/4KEQR


(b) V (d) 2 V

(c) X/AZQ

(d) none of these

59. In a region the electric potential is given by V = 2x + (a) - 2 t - 2 f + 3.fc (c) 21" 2 j" 3 ic 60. Electric field in a plane potential at infinity is x = 2 m, y = 2 m is : (a) 8 V (c) zero 2y-3z obtain the expression for electric field : (b) 3 i + 4 t - 2 f c (d) none of these varies like (2xt + 2y\) N/C. If taken as zero, potential at (b) - 8 V (d) infinity

66. A charge + Q is uniformly distributed over a thin ring of the radius R. The velocity of an electron at the moment when it passes through the centre O of the ring, if the electron was initially at rest at a point A which is very far always from the centre and on the axis of the ring is :

(2 KQe mR Kme\



(c) 4


67. Select the appropriate graph for a circular ring placed in x-y plane with centre at origin of coordinate system. The ring carries a uniformly distributed positive charge at a point (0,0, z), electric potential is V : (a) (b)

61. Two charges + q and - 3q are placed at a distance of 1 m apart. The points on the line joining two charges, where electric potential is zero, is : (a) 0.25 m, 0.5 m (c) 0.35 cm, 24 cm (b) 1 cm, 0.50 m (d) none of these

62. Assume if a test charge qg is moved without acceleration from A to B over the path shown in figure, then the potential difference between R c points A and B is : (a) 2Ed (b) Ed (c) Ed/2 (d) 3Ed

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Nitin M Sir (

396 68. If a charged particle starts from rest from one conductor and reaches the other conductor with a velocity of 10 9 cm/s, then the potential difference between the two conductors i s : [The mass of the charged particle is 9 x 10" 28 g and the charge is 4.8 x 1(T 10 esu] (a) 0.94 stat volt '(c) 1.2 stat volt (b) 1 stat volt (d) 0.2 stat volt Gauss's Law and Electric Potential (Given : mass of charged particle = 9 x 10 - 2 8 g) (a) 5.8 x l O " 1 0 esu (c) 3.8 x l O " 1 0 esu (b) 4 . 8 x l O _ 1 0 e s u (d) 2.75 x 10" 1 0 esu

74. Two identical metal balls are charged, one with potential Vi and other with potential V2. The radius of each ball is r and are a (a r) distance apart. The charges q, and q2 on these balls in CGS are : rV2 + aVi rV\ + V2a (a) <7i = 2 5~'<72 = 2 r +a r2 + a2 (rV2 - aV{) ra (rVi - aV2) ra (b) = 5 52 ' <2 7 2 r -a (S-a2) aV2 ( c ) < ? i = ^ r 92= (d) <Ji = rVi rVi (r2-*2)

69. Consider two concentric metal spheres. The outer sphere is given a charge Q > 0, then : A

(a) the inner sphere will be polarized due to field of the charge Q (b) the electrons will flow from inner sphere to the earth if S is shorted (c) the shorting of S will produce a charge of - Q on the inner sphere (d) none of the above 70. A charge Q is uniformly distributed over the surface of two conducting concentric spheres of radii R and r (R> r). Then potential at common centre of these spheres is : (a) (c) kQ (R + r) Rr kQ <R2+? (b) (d) kQ (R + r) (R2 + r2)

rV2 "<?2: (r2-*2) {r2-a2) 75. The potential of the big drop, if eight charged water drops each with a radius of 1 mm and a charge of 10 - 1 0 C merge into a single drop, is : (a) 3200 V (c) 3600 V (b) 4000 V (d) 4200 V

76. A charge q = 2 pC is moved by some external force from infinity to a point where electric potential is 10 4 V. The work done by external force is: (a) 1 x 10 (c) 0.2 x J J (b) 2 x 10 (d) 12 x J J E E B -* E E 10" 2 10 - 2

77. In the shown electric field, a positive charge is moved from point A to point B. Its potential energy: (a) (b) (c) (d) increases decreases remains constant none of these

71. Three concentric spherical metallic shells A, B and C of radii a, b and c (a <b<c) have charge densities a,-a and G respectively. If the shells A and C are at same potential, then the relation between a, b and c i s : (a) a + b + c = 0 (b) a+c = b (c) a + b = c (d) a = b + c 72. A charged spherical conductor of radius a and charge qi is surrounded by another charged concentric sphere of radius b (b> a). The potential difference between conductors is V. When the spherical conductor of radius b is discharged completely, then the potential difference between conductor will be : (a) V <7i (c) 47C fl 0 <2 7 47C0b (b) f

78. In the shown electric field, a positive charge is moved from A to B. Its potential energy: (a) decreases (b) increases (c) becomes equal to zero (d) remain same

79. The electric potential energy of electron-proton system of hydrogen ^tom is : (Given: The radius of electron orbit = 0.53 A, electronic charge = 1.6 x 10" 1 9 C) (a) - 27.17 eV (c) 36.55 eV (b) - 20.18 eV (d) none of these

(d) none of these

73. If a charged particle starts from rest from one conductor and reaches the other conductor with a velocity 10 9 cm/s, the potential difference between the two conductors is 0.94 stat volt. The charge the charged particle i s :


Two particles each of mass m having equal charges q are suspended from the same point by strings each of length a. The electrical potential energy at equilibrium position is :

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Gauss's Law and Electric Potential (For calculation simplicity, assume that the equilibrium separation between charges x a) q2a 2m0tng

397 thread at the initial instant. The minimum distance between the balls will be :

2Iq q2 + Anz0mv2l ^ 2 lq2






(d) none of these

q2 + KEQmv2l

81. Three charges Q, 2Q, 8Q are to be placed on a line whose

length is R metre. Locate the positions where these charges should be placed such that the potential energy of the system is minimum :
^ ^


3R T


87. A particle of mass 2 g and charge 1 pC is held at rest on a frictionless horizontal surface at a distance of 1 m from a fixed charge 1 mC. If the particle is released, it will be repelled. The speed of the particle when it is at a distance of 10 m Lorn the fixed charge i s : (a) 100 m/s (b) 90 m/s (c) 60 m/s (d) 45 m/s 88. At the corners of an equilateral triangle of side a (= 1 metre), three point charges are placed (each of 0.1 C). If this system is supplied energy at the rate of 1 kW, then the time required to move one of charges to the mid-point of the line joining the other two is : (a) 50 hour (b) 60 hour (c) 48 hour (d) 54 hour 89. Four point charges are arranged as shown in figure. The point A, B, C and D are lying on a circle of radius a having centre at the origin. What is the energy needed to compose such an arrangement of charges from infinity ?

/ \ (c)

4R 3

82. There is an infinite straight chain of alternating charges + q and - q. The distance between neighbouring charges is a. The interaction energy of each charge with all the others will be :
(a) -

2 ln2 q 4TIQ a 2q ln2

(b) (d)

- 2 q2 4 m0a -2 47t e 0 a


47te0 a

* 83. A thin uniformly charged rod having charge q = 2 C and length L = 2 m is placed along the x-axis as such its one end is at the Q origin of co-ordinate system. A point charge Q = 1 0 _ 9 C is placed at the point (4, 0, 0). Find the electrostatic potential energy of this system: (a) 9 In 2 joule (b) 10 joule (c) 10 In 2 joule (d) none of these 84. The charge in electric potential energy of a positive test charge when it is displaced in a uniform electric field E = E 0 j, from y, = a to yj= 2a along the y-axis, is : (a) -<?oEo (c) - 3I/qEo a (b) -2q0E0a (d) none of these

4JIO a VZq2 47io a 2 47ceofl

-q q


C X (2 V2 - 1 )

(d) None of the above 90. If Q charge is given to a spherical sheet of radius R, the energy of the system is :
(a) (c)

Q 8-kZqR Q 15rceoR



85. Two identical particles has mass m, charge q. Initially first particle is at rest and the second particle is projected towards first particle with a velocity of V from infinite. Distance of minimum approach is :

(d) none of these

4 kq2 mv2 kq2 mv


2 kq2


(d) zero

86. Two small balls of mass m bearing a charge q each one connected by a non-conducting thread of length 21. At a certain instant the middle of the thread starts moving at a constant velocity v perpendicular to the direction of the

91. A particle is free to move along the x-axis has potential _2 energy given by U (x) = K (1 - e x ) for - < x < where K is a positive constant of appropriate dimension, then : (a) at a point away from the origin the particle is in unstable equilibrium (b) for any finite non-zero value of x, there is a force directed away from the origin (c) if its total mechanical energy is KJ2, it has its minimum KE at the origin (d) for small displacement along x-axis, the motion is SHM

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398 92. Two balls with charges 5 pC and 10 pC are at a distance of 1 m from each other. In order to reduce the distance between them to 0.5 m, the amount of work to be performed is : (b) 0 . 4 5 x 1 0,-6 (a) 45 J (a) - 945 x 10 V -880xlO3 Gauss's Law and Electric Potential (b) - l O O O x K T V (d) none of these (c) V 99. An electric dipole, made up of positive and negative charges, each of 1 pC and placed at a distance 2 cm apart. If the dipole is placed in an electric field of 10 5 N/C then the maximum torque which the field can exert on the dipole, if it is turned from a position 0 = 0 to 6 = 180 is, is : (a) 2 x 10 - 3 N-m (c) 4xlO-3N-m (b) 3 x l O " 3 N - m (d) 2 . 8 x l O " 3 N - m

(c) 1.2 x 10" 4 J

(d) 0.45 J

93. Three small conducting spheres each of radius a and charge q is placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side length /. The side length I is. considerably larger than dimensions of the spheres. The electrical potential energy of system is : (a)

47IO 2 L F j s L 8m0a

i ;

100. What work must be done to rotate an electric dipole through an angle 0 with the electric field, if an electric dipole of moment p is placed in an uniform electric field E with p parallel to E ? (a) W = pE (1 - cos 0) (c) W = 2pE (1 - cos 0) (b) W = pE (1 + c o s 0) (d) none of these



(d) none of these

94. A solid non-conducting sphere of radius R having charge density p = p0x, where x is distance from the centre of sphere. The self potential energy of the sphere is :

101. The force of infraction of two dipoles, if the two dipole moments are parallel to each other and placed at a distance x apart:



nplR 4 6e


KpoR6 4eo

4ro>j x 4 VWi 4kq x4


V\V2 47I0 X4 V\Vi 37ren x 4 q (3


(d) none of these


95. What6en the electric field intensity at a point at a distance is 20 cm on a line making an angle of 45 with the axis of the dipole of moment 10 C-m ? (a) 1.77 x lO 13 V/m (c) 17.7 xlO13 V/m (b) 0.177x 10 13 V/m (d) 177 x 10 13 V/m

96. What is the electric potential at a point P, distance r from the mid-point of an electric dipole of moment p (= 2aq) : 1 p cos 8 (a) V = 47te0 r2 2p cos 0 1 (b) V = 47ie0 r3 2p cos 0 1 (c) v = 47IE0 R2 (d) None of the above 97. What is the electric potential at a point distant 100 cm from the centre of an electric dipole of moment 2 x 10~4 C-m on a line making an angle of 60 ? (a) 7 x 10 V (c) 9 x 10 5 V (b) 8 x 10 V (d) 10 x 10 5 V

102. Electric dipole moment of combination shown in the figure, is : (a) qa + qa V2 + qa (b) 2 <2qa (c) -JTqa (d) (V2 + 1 )qa

103. Six negative equal charges are placed at the vertices of a regular hexagon. 6q charge is placed at the centre of the hexagon. The electric dipole moment of the system is : -c!i (a) zero (b) 6qa (c) 3qa (d) none of the above _q _q 104. The angle between the electric lines of force and an equipotential surface is : (a) 45 (b) 90 (c) 0 (d) 180 105. P is a point on an equipotential surface S. The field at P is E then : (a) E must be perpendicular to S in all cases (b) E cannot have a component along a tangent to S (c) E may have a non-zero component along a tangent to S, if S is a curved surface (d) both (a) and (b) are correct

98. Two point charges q1=- 10 x 10 - 6 C and q2 = 15 x 10T6 C are 40 cm apart as shown in figure. The potential difference between the points P and Q is :

P - 20 cm -

Q 1

H 20 cm H20 cm -

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Gauss's Law and Electric Potential 106. Mark the correct option(s) : (a) For the point charge, equipotential surface is plane (b) For the uniform electric field, the equipotential surface is spherical (c) For the uniform electric field, the equipotential surface is plane (d) For a line of charge, the equipotential surface is plane 107. Figure show the lines of equipotentials in the region. The potentials are shown with the equipoten- tials. If electric intensities are EP and Eg, then : (a) EP = ES (b) EP>ES =0 (c) E s > EP (d) EP-Eg 108. In a region electric field is parallel to x-axis. The equation of equipotential surface is : (a) y = C (b) x = C (c) z C (d) none of th^se 109. Electric lines of force in a region are parallel making angle 45, v/ith the positive x-axis. The equation of equipotential surface i s : (a) x 2 + y 2 = c 60 V 40 V 25 V (b) x + y = c (c) x = c (d) none of these 399

1. 11. 21. (b) (a) (a) 2. 12. 22. (b) (a) (d) 3. 13. (c) (a) 4. 14. (c) (a) 5. 15. (d) (b) 6. 16. (d) (c) 7. 17. (b) (a) 8. 18. (d) (a) 9. 19. (a) (d) 10. 20. (c) (d)

1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. 101. (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (a) (c) (a) (d) (a) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. 102. (d) (a) (c) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (d) (b) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93. 103. (a) (d) (d) (a) (d) (c) (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94. 104. (d) (c) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (c) (b) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95. 105. (b) (a) (a) (c) (c) (a) (c) (c) (a) (a) (d) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96. 106. (d) (b) (a) (c) (d) (b) (a) (b) (b) (a) (c) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97. 107. (b) (b) (c) (b) (b) (a) (d) (b) (b) (c) (c) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98. 108. (a) (c) (b) (a) (c) (c) (a) (b) (a) (a) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99. 109. (a) (d) (c) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a) (a) (a) (d) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. (c) (b) (b) (b) (b) (d) (b) (a) (a) (a)

8. 1/ = 7 = Q Ane^r Q 4kEq 3 r 10. P.D. = 2J , work = ^ = l x l 0 _ 1 volt charge 20 C = 20 C x 20 V = 400 J 3 rV Q 47t0 (3T-)2 V 6r 4rceo, (3r) 2 14. Vx = d(Vx) -= dx x1-2x 2x-2 d(Vx) EM = - - ^ = 2-2x

1 2Q AkZq 3r

13. Work done = charge x P.D.

Electric field strength at x = 1 is (Ex = j) = 0

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Nitin M Sir (

Electric Capacitor
Syllabus: Distribution of charge on conductors, capacitance, parallel plate capacitor, combination van-de Graff generator. of capacitors, energy of capacitors,


Review of Concepts
1. Electric Capacitance : The electric potential at the surface of sphere containing charge cj, surrounded by a dielectric of relative permittivity er , is < 7 4jt e 0 er R = 471 eo e r R Here is a constant quantity only depends upon shape and size of conductor and the medium in which it is placed. This constant is known as capacitance of a conductor 1 c= V Unit of capacitance is farad. Some Conceptual Points : (i) A simple capacitor is the combination of two conductors placed close to each other. The electric charges on the capacitors must be equal in magnitude and opposite in directions. (ii) The capacitance of the capacitor is defined as ratio of positive charge on conductor and potential difference between conductors. charge on positive plates C= -=V potential difference between plates (iii) The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the geometry (shape and size), the gap between conductors and the material filled the capacitor. 2. Parallel Plates Capacitor in Different Situations :
s Metallic wire Metallic wire Wire ^

(b) If both plates are earthed: V, = 0

v, = o

V = V, - V2 = 0

r = = oo (_ V 0
(c) If n different sheets of dielectric constants e r] , er2, Erj, ..., ern of thickness tj, t2,..., t, t2 f are placed between t. plates of parallel plates capacitor, then capacitance is


" U s i = i en

(d) If a metallic sheet of thickness t ( t < d ) is introduced between the plates of capacitor.


M (d-t)

(e) Due to introduction of metallic sheet, capacitance of the capacitor increases. (f) If space between plates of a parallel plate capacitor is filled with a dielectric medium which linearly varies as such its value near one plate is K\ and that near othr plate is K2, then eoA^-Ka) c =K2 ln (a) Force of electrostatic interaction between plates of capacitor F =
2Ae n






l = i = V 0


v=v3-v3 =o

(a) If both plates are connected by a metallic wire.

r =

b +

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Electric Capacitor where, q = charge on capacitor plate, A = area of plate (b) Force of interaction between the plates is attractive in nature. (c) Force of interaction between two parallel plates capacitors A and B arranged perpendicular to the common axis. The separation I between the capacitors is much larger than the separation between their plates and their size. Capacitors A and B are charged to charges q\ and q2 respectively.
+ q, - Pi + q2

411 C = I a

I _ 2 b d

5. Cylindrical Capacitor: It consists of two long co-axial cylindrical conductors A and B of radii a and b (a < b), electric charge on inner cylinder is +q but on outer cylinder is ( - q) 2KEqI In

d, A KF = 3q1dlq2d2 2 T e 0 /4 T B -H

(d) Electrostatic energy stored in capacitor


= CV2 = ^ V 2 2 d


(e) Electrostatic energy stored per unit volume in electric field (energy density) L7 = i e 0 E 2 4. Spherical Capacitor: A spherical capacitor consists of two concentric spherical conductors of radii a and b (b > a). Case I: When outer sphere is earthed

Capacitance (C) =

4tc0 ab (b-a)

6. Electric Cell: Electric cell is a device which converts other forms of energy into electrical energy. This conversion of energy takes place by internal chemistry of the cell. (a) The electric cell has two terminals: (i) Positive terminal (anode) (ii) Negative terminal (cathode) (b) The strength of cell is measured in the form of electromotive force (EMF). (c) EMF is defined as work done by driving force to shift unit positive charge from negative terminal of cell to positive terminal of cell. (d) Unit is volt. Some Conceptual Points : Cell provides a constant potential difference (i) between the terminals. (ii) In the case of ideal cell, internal resistance of cell is negligible. It means the potential difference between terminals of cell is equal to emf of the cell. (iii) Electric cell always remains in neutral condition. It means if charge q leaves from positive terminal of cell, then charge q also enters into cell from negative terminal. (iv) The charge q passes through cell from negative terminal to positive terminal of the cell. Then work done by battery W = Eq. Representation of cell.

Case II: When inner sphere is earthed and outer sphere is charged with charge Q C= 4m0 b (b-a)


Case III: If both spheres are separated by a distance d

(vi) The combination of cells is known as battery. 7. For solving circuit between problem two directions come into play: (a) Loop direction: The direction is not specified and direction of loop is chosen in comfortable manner. (b) Drop up voltage: When we go from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential in loop direction, drop up of voltage takes place. In sign convention, drop up voltage is taken as negative.

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412 (c) Rise up of voltage : If we go from lower potential point to high potential point, rise up of voltage takes place. In convention, rise up of voltage is taken as positive.

Electric Capacitor Let separation is increased by distance x. M


Rise up of voltage

D r o p up voltage Loop direction

Loop direction + E

Hi (a) Let initial capacitance CQ


+ q ,,-q 'Iii:11
D r o p up voltage Loop direction Rise up of voltage Loop direction

Final capacitance C =


- q/C

+ q/C

d+x :. C < CQ, it means capacitance of the capacitor decreases.

(d) In circuit problems, two important concepts are involved. Concept 1 : Capacitor circuit obeys conservation principle * q2 of charge. *
i.e., <7 = <7i+<?2

(b) Since, battery remains connected, so, potential difference remains constant which is equal to emf of cell. (c) Energy stored in capacitor: U < UQ :. Energy stored in capacitor decreases. (d) Charge decreases q < % (e) Electric field decreases. Case II: When separation between the plates of capacitor is increased after disconnecting the battery. (a) Charge on capacitor remains unchanged q = qo (b) Capacitance decreases C < C 0 (c) Potential difference increases y>v0 (d) Electric field remains constant. (e) Energy stored in capacitor increases U > U 0

Concept 2 : In a closed circuit, the algebraic sum of rise up and drop up voltage is zero.
V = 0

8. Combination of Capacitors : (a) Capacitors connected in series : i = J_ C Cj o c, 1|


JL c2 c2 II o

10. Combination of two Charged Capacitors : + q2 -qi -qi q2 +-L


Similarly, for n capacitors connected in series - = +J - +-L+ C C] C 2 C 3 1


c, Case I: When like plates are connected together. After connection, Common potential (V) = Ci + C 2 \ y '<7i + <72^ C1 + C 2 y '<7i +<72^ C,

i=1 C = Cj + C 2 + C 3 + . . . c, -o

(b) Capacitors connected in parallel:

<1 = Ci 7 <2 = C 2 7

Ci + C

Similarly, for n capacitors connected in parallel. C = I C, i=l If medium is continuous, dC

Case II: When unlike plates are connected together. After connection <?l"<?2 ^C1 + C 2 <7i' = C! q2' = C2 <7i -12
+ C2


9. Qualitative Discussion of Capacitor: Case I: When the separation between the plates of parallel plate capacitor of area A an^ initial separation d i's increased with battery attached.

r<?i ~<?2 Ci + C 2 V

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413 Electric Capacitor 11. Sharing of Charge Between two Conductors: two spherical isolated conductors A and B are of radii B are q-[ and q2 respectively. A * B ^ (1) Polar Capacitance of A => Cj = 4keqTi Electric potential of A => Capacitance of B qi = M r K (2) Non-polar Let and (d) Dielectrics

r2 respectively and electric charges on sphere A and sphere

(i) Monoatomic material (ii) Polyatomic material

(e) Expression for magnitude of induced charge density CT, = O01 -

C2 = 4rco?"2 V2 - 51 C2

(f) Introduction of dielectric slab between plates of a parallel plate capacitor.

Electric potential of B When they are connected. A

Case I: If battery of emf E remains connected to the plates of capacitor. Common potential (V) = Loss of energy = 12. (a) (b) (c) ClVl + C2V2 Ci + C 2 V2f C =~ [ x + F= (l-x)K],

Q C 2 {VX +

~ EpflE ( K - 1) 2d

Dielectric: Non-conducting materials are known as dielectrics. Dielectrics have no free electrons. Polarization: Polarization vector is defined as dipole moment per unit volume of a dielectric material in the presence of electric field.

Case II: When battery is disconnected. C = ^j-[x + (l-x)K\,

-qldOC-l) F =2ztfi [Kl-(K-l)xf



1. In order to increase the capacity of parallel plate condenser one should introduce between the plates, a sheet o f : (a) mica (c) copper (b) tin (d) stainless steel (a) C

A o-




2. Three capacitors 4, 6 and 12 pF are connected in series to a 10 V source. The charge on the middle capacitor is : (a) 10 pC (b) 20 pC (c) 60 pC (d) 5 p C 3. Two 30 pF capacitors are joined in parallel. This combination is then joined in series with series combination of two 30 pF capacitors. The effective capacitance will be : (a) 12 pF (b) 45 pF (c) 12 pF (d) 30 pF 4. The equivalent capacitance between A and B in the circuit shown in figure, is :

(b) 2C

(c) 3C

(d) C/2

5. The equivalent capacity of the combination shown in figure is :


11 11 C

(a) C (c) 3/2 C

(b) 2C (d) C/2

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414 6. A capacitor is charged by a battery to a potential V in a R-C circuit. The ratio of the energy supplied by the battery to that stored in the capacitor, is : (a) 1 (b) 1.5 (c) 2 (d) 4 7. Two drops of a liquid are charged to the same potential of 100 V. They are then merged into one large drop, the potential of the large drop is : (a) 172 V (c) 159 V (b) 193 V (d) 100 V

Electric Capacitor 11-12 2C (b) C

1l~l2 (c) 4C

2 (qi ~ qi) (d) v ' C

13. Two capacitors (uncharged) of 2 pF and 3 |iF are connected in series. A battery of 10 V is connected across the second capacitor. The charge on the first capacitor is : (a) 30 pC (b) 20 pC (c) 10 pC (d) zero 14. A dielectric slab of thickness b is inserted between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of plate separation 'd', the capacitance of this capacitor is : Ke<>A EqA (a) (b) Kd + b(K-1) Kd-b(K-1) KeqA eo A (c) (d) Kd-b(K-l) ' Kd-b(K+ 1)

8. A parallel plate capacitor has capacitance of 10~12 F. The separation of the plates is doubled and wax is inserted between them which increases the capacitance to ? 1 2 x 10 F. The dielectric constant of wax is : (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4.0 (d) 8.0 9. A 60 pF capacitor has charge on each plate 3 x 10" 6 C then the energy stored is : (a) 1.2 x 1 0 - 4 J (b) 7,5 x 1 0 - 6 pj (c) 15 x 10~6 J (d) 2.4 x l O " 4 ! 10. If q is the charge on the capacitor and is the magnitude of the electric field between the plates, the force on each plate of the capacitor is : (a) qE (b) 2qE (c) \qE (d)

15. An air capacitor of capacitance 6 pF is immersed in oil whose dielectric constant is 2.0. The capacitance of oil capacitor will be : (a) 2.5 pF (b) 8.5 pF (c) 22 pF (d) 12.0 pF 16. The induced charge on the dielectric of a capacitor of capacitance 4 pF when charged by a battery of 50 V, is (dielectric constant of the dielectric = 4) : (a) 100 pC (b) 200 pC (c) 50 pC (d) 150 pC 17. A parallel plate capacitor having area A is given a charge q and - q on its plates. Two plates exert force of attraction given b y :

11. A slab of copper of thickness b is inserted in between the plates of parallel plate capacitor as shown in figure. The separation between the plates is'd' if b = ^ then the ratio of capacities of capacitors after and before inserting the slab will be : * (a) V2:l

1 2


(b) (d)

271A 2


2e 0 A

(b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : <2

18. If a 2.0 microfarad condenser is charged to 200 V and its plates are connected by a wire, the heat produced in the wire i s : (a) 4 x 1 0 - 4 J (c) 4 x 10 J \ (b) 4 x 10 (d) 16 x 10 J J

12. Two plates (area = S) charged to + qx and + q2 (q2 < qi) are brought closer to form a capacitor of capacitance C. The potential difference across the plates is :

19. A 30 pF capacitor is charged by a constant current of 30 mA. If the capacitor is initially uncharged, how long does it take for the potential difference to reach 400 V ? (a) 0.2 s (b) 0.4 s (c) 0.6 s (d) 0.8 s 2. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C consists of two identical plates A and B. A charge q is given to plate A and charge - 2 q is given to plate B. The space between plates is vacuum. The separation between plates is d. The electric intensity at a point situated between plates is :

1. Water is not used as a dielectric between the plates of a capacitor because its : (a) (b) (c) (d) dielectric dielectric dielectric dielectric constant strength constant strength is is is is very very very very low low high large

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415 Electric Capacitor (ii), is : 3q 2Cd (d) none of these


3. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential difference V from a cell and then disconnected from it. A charge + Q is now given to its positive plate. The potential difference across the capacitor is now : (a) V (c) 2C (b) V + -2


(ii) (b) 25 : 16 (d) 2 : 5

(a) 5 : 2 (c) 5 : 4



4. Two large conducting plates A and S have charges Q j and Q 2 on them. The charges on the sides 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively are: (a) q1=q4 = Q2 + Q1 Ql - Q2 Ql 2 Q1 Q.

9. A cond acting sphere of radius 10 cm is given a charge o f + 2 x l O " 8 C. What will be its potential ? (a) 0.03 kV (c) 1.8 kV (b) 0.9 kV (d) 3.6 kV

10. The capacitance (C) for an isolated conducting sphere of radius (a) is given by 47c EQA. If the sphere is enclosed with an earthed concentric sphere, the ratio of the radii of the spheres being then the capacitance of such a (n-l) sphere will be increased by a factor ? n (a) n (b) (- 1) (n-l) (d) aji (c) n

and q2 = - 173 = (b) <h = q3 =

(c) qi = q3 =


and q2 qi


Q1 + Q2

and qi = q4 =


(d) q1 = q2 = q3 = qi =

Q1 + Q2

5. Two identical metal plates are given positive charge Q] and Q2 (Q 2 < Qi) respectively. If they are now brought close together to form a parallel plate capacitor with capacitance C, the potential difference between them is : (a)

11. If n identical drops of mercury are combined to form a bigger drop then the capacity of bigger drop, if capacity of each drop of mercury is C, is : (a) H 1 / 3 C (c) n1/4C
(b) M 2 / 3 C

(d) NC and r2 are



Q1 + Q2

12. Two spherical conductors A j and A 2 of radii placed concentrically in air. The two are connected by a copper wire as shown in figure. Then the equivalent capacitance of the system is : 47te 0 -Xr 1 r 2 (a) ; r2 _ r l (b) 47te 0 (r 2 + r 1 ) (c) 4JTE0 r2 (d) 47te 0 r 1


Q1-Q2 ^2C d/2 d/2

6. A sheet of aluminium foil of

negligible thickness is placed between the plates of Foil a capacitor of capacitance C as shown in the figure then capacitance of capacitor becomes : (a) 2C (b) C (c) C/2 (d) zero

7. A metallic sheet is inserted between plates parallel to the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The capacitance of the capacitor : (a) increases (b) is independent of the position of the sheet which can be placed any where between the plates (c) is maximum when the metal sheet is in middle (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 8. The ratio of capacitance of two capacitors filled with dielectrics of same dimensions but of different values K arid K/4 arranged in two ways as shown in figure (i) and

13. A capacitor of capacitance Q is charged to a potential Vq and then isolated. A small capacitor C is then charged from CQ, discharged and charged again, the process being repeated n times. Due to this, potential of the larger capacitor is decreased to V. Value of C is :
A, \1/N

(a) CFL (c) Q


(b) Q -1 (d) C c

f\r 11

-1 + 1



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416 14. Three concentric thin spherical shells of radii a, b, and c (a <b < c). The first and second are connected by a wire and third is earthed, the capacity of capacitor so formed is : (a) 47te0 (c) 47te0 ab b-a b-a ab c-b c-b (b) (d) AnzQbc c-b

Electric Capacitor plate x is given a charge Q whereas the other is neutral. The electric field at a point in between the plates is given by :
(a) (c)


(b) towards right (d)

Q towards left 2Aeo 2e 0

+ + + +


+ Anen c

Q 2Ae0

towards right

15. The intensity of an electric field inside a capacitor is E. The work required to make a charge q move in a closed rectangular circuit is : (a) 2 (l + b)qE (b) 2Iq E (c) 2bqE (d) zero

16. Two spheres charged with 100 pC and - 100 pC are kept at a distance. The force acting on them is Fy They are connected with a metallic wire and then conductor is removed. The force F2 acting on them now will be : (a) equal to Fi (c) zero (b) more than F\ (d) infinite

22. Consider the situation shown in figure. The capacitor A has a charge q on it whereas B is uncharged. The charge remain present on the capacitor B for a long time after the switch closed, is : (a) zero (c) q



(d) 2q

17. The plates of parallel plate capacitor is connected by a battery of emf V0. The plates are lowered into a large vessel containing dielectric liquid with constant velocity u. Then: (a) the capacitance of capacitor gradually decreases (b) the current is drawn with constant rate from the battery (c) the potential difference between plates increases (d) the charge on plates gradually decreases 18. The amount of charge flow, when a conducting sphere of radius R and carrying a charge Q, is joined to an uncharged conducting sphere of radius 2R is : ? < (a) ( O f ( d ) f

* 23. A dielectric slab of thickness d is inserted in a parallel plate capacitor whose negative plate is at x = 0 and positive plate is at x = 3d. The slab is equidistant from the plates. The capacitor is given some charge, as x goes from 0 to 3d, then : (a) the direction of the electric field remains the same (b) the electric potential increases continuously (c) the electric potential increases at first, then decreases and again increases (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 24. Two capacitors A and B having capacitances 10 pF and 20 pF are connected in series with a 12 V battery. The ratio of the charges on A and B is : (a) 0.5 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 2 : 4 25. A 6 x 1 0 " 4 F parallel plate air capacitor is connected to a 500 V battery. When air is replaced by another dielectric material, 7.5 x 10" 4 C charge flows into the capacitor. The value of the dielectric constant of the material is: (a) 1.5 (b) 2.0 (d) 3.5 (c) 1.0025

19. The electric field in region II as in figure shown, is : (a) zero o (b) 47te0 (I) (c)


/ / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / / / .

/ / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / /


26. The 90 pF capacitor is connected to a 12V battery. How many electrons are transferred from one plate to another ? (a) 1.1 xlO 9 (c) 4 x l O 1 9 (b) 6.7xlO 9 (d) 5 x l O 1 9

(d) infinite
20. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential

difference V. The flux of the electric field through a closed surface enclosing the capacitor is CV x 2CV (a) (b) eo eo CV (d) zero (c) 2eo 21. Two conducting plates x and y, each having large surface area A (on the side) are placed parallel to each other. The

27. In the given figure, a capacitor of non-parallel plates is shown. The plates of capacitor are connected by a cell of emf VQ. Vn If a denotes surface charge density and E denotes electric field, then: (a) a A > a B (c) EF = ED (b) E F > E D (d) o A = o B

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417 Electric Capacitor * 28. In the given arrangement of capacitors 6 pC charge is added to point A, the charge on upper capacitor is : (a) 3 p C (b) l p C (c) 2 p C (d) 6 p C 29. In the given figure, find the charge flowing through section AB when switch S is closed :
2 C

3 C

(a) C j > C 2 (b) C 1 = C 2 (c) C ! < C 2 (d) information is not sufficient to decide the relation between Cj and C 2 34. The circuit shown in the figure is in the steady state, the charge in capacitors 1, 5 and 4 will b e :

(a) ECi, EC2, EC 4 EC}C 2


ECjC 2 Q7cT
z e r o

(a) CQ E/12 (c) Cq E/3

(b) C 0 E/4 (d) none of these

cr\ ^

2EC]C 2 C 4 2EQQC4 , , ' zero, 2Cj (C 2 + C 4 ) + C 2 C 4 2Ci (C2 + C 4 ) + C 2 C 4

(d) none of the above 35. In the circuit shown, q2 and 13 are respectively (a) <72 = 120pC, <?3 = 240pC (b) q2 = 280 pC, (j3 = - 160 pC (c) q2 = 120 pC, q3 = zero (d) it is impossible to find q2 and q3 unless Q and C2 are
100 V

30. When a capacitor is connected to a battery, then : (a) no current flows in the circuit at all (b) the current flows in the circuit for some time then decreases to zero (c) the current keeps on increasing, reaching a maximum value when the capacitor is charged to the voltage of the battery (d) an alternating current flows in the circuit 31. Two capacitors of equal capacity are connected in series, they have some resultant capacity. Now they are connected in parallel. The resultant capacity becomes : (a) four times of the previous value (b) one-fourth of the previous value (c) twice of the previous value (d) half of the previous value 32. Two capacitors having capacitances 8 pF and 16 pF have breaking voltages 20 V and 80 V. They are combined in series. The maximum charge they can store individually in the combination is : (a) 160 pC (b) 200 pC (c) 1280 pC (d) none of these * 33. Figure shows two capacitors connected in series and joined to a battery. The graph shows the variation of potential as one moves from left to right on the branch containing the capacitors : H

6 11F

known 36. Each of the four capacitors in figure is rated 50 pF. The DC voltmeter reads 100 V. The charge on each plate of each capacitor i s :

(a) 2 x 10 - 3 C (c) 0.2C

(b) 5 x 10 - 3 C (d) 0.5 C

Hh C,

37. A condenser of 2 pF capacity is charged steadily from 0 to 5 coulomb, which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of potential difference across its plates with respect to charge on the condenser?
V (volt) x 1 0 V (volt) x 1 0 (b)



Q (coul)

Q (coul)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

V (volt) x10 V (volt) x10

Electric Capacitor 42. The equivalent capacitance between points M and N is : M2.5 2.5


5 Q(coul)
/ \ 10


38. For circuit shown, which of the following statements is true ?

O , V, = 30 V C, = 2 p F V2 = 20 M . o C2

(b) 2C 0 (d) none of these

(c) C 0

43. If each capacitor has C = 1 F, the capacitance across P and Qis:


1 I I I

(a) With S] closed Vj --15 V, V2 = 20 V (b) With S 3 closed, V! = V 2 = 25 V (c) With S] and S 2 closed, V1=V2 =0 (a) 0.5 F (c) 2 F Q (d) With S j and S 3 closed, Vj = 3 0 V, V2 = 20 V * 39. Two capacitors A and B with capacities Cj and C 2 are charged to potential difference of Vj and V2 respectively. The plates of capacitors are connected as shown in figure with one wire from each capacitor free. The upper plate of A is positive and that of B is negative. An Hh uncharged capacitor of capacitance C 3 and lead a :B wires fall on the free ends to complete circuit, then : (a) final charge on each capacitor are same to each other (b) the final sum of charge on plates a and d is CJVJ (c) the final sum of charge on plates b and g is c 2 v ' 2 - q Vi (d) both (b) and (c) are correct 40. Five identical capacitor plates are arranged as shown in figure. Each plate has area A and distance between adjacent plates is d. The charge on plate 1 is :

(b) 1 F (d) infinity c C-rP

44. For circuit shown equivalent capacitance between S and Q is : (a) C (b) C / 2 (c) 2C (d) 3 C / 2

45. In the given figure, the equivalent capacity between A and B i s : D E A (a) 3C (c) 3 / 2 C C (b) C / 3 (d) infinity

46. For circuit the equivalent capacitance between P and Q is: ii ^ i c (a) 6C (c) 3 C / 2 II c II c II c (b) 4C (d) 6C/11 II c l c

t{)AV d d EuAV 2d


47. The equivalent capacitance between points M and N is :



41. The equivalent capacitance between points M and N is : (a) infinity (b) C 1



CIC2 CJ + C 2

(d) none of the above

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419 Electric Capacitor
(a) yC

(b) | C 0

52. The equivalent capacitance between A and B i s : 1 AOC

(c) | C 0

(d) none of these

48. The equivalent capacitance between points A and B i s :


AO II|II z c BO (a) C/4 (c) C

C2 C2


(b) C/2 (d) 2C


(a) 5C/7 (c) 7C/12

(b) 7C/5 (d) 12C/7

49. The equivalent capacitance between points A and B i s : HI" zb c , i:


53. The equivalent capacitance between the points A and C is given b y :


c, ^

n^c, to rvT^o

(a) n C \

(b) infinity (d) zero equivalent ^ (a)


, s (c)

2C + Vn 2 Ci L + 1

50. In the given arrangement of capacitors, capacitance between points M and N is :


r^ C

(b) 15 C

U T o

(d) 20 C

54. Four ways of making a network of capacitors of the same value are shown here. Three out of four are identical. The one which is different is : ii (a) , , 5C 0 (a) - J (c) 4 Cn (d) none of these equivalent HPHIir

51. In the given arrangement of capacitors, capacitance between M and N is :







(b) " J 2 (d) none of these

o B

3C 0

4Co (c) 5

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Nitin M Sir (

420 * 55. A capacitor is made up of n parallel plates and the space between the plates is filled with dielectric of dielectric constant K as shown in figure. The arrangement is such that 1 st , 3 rd , 5 th , ... plates are connected to point A and 2 n d , 4 th , 6 th , 8 th , ... are connected to point B. If the plate area is A and separation between plates is d then find equivalent capacitance : Electric Capacitor is connected to earth. Then the potentials of B and D are respectively: (a) + 1 0 V , 0 V (c) - 5 V , + 5 V (b) + 5 V, - 5 V (d) 0 V, 10 V

60. Two capacitors of capacitance Ci and C 2 are charged to 60 V by connecting them across a battery. Now, they are disconnected j| from the battery and connected to C, = 1 NF each other with terminals of unlike polarity together. The final voltage C2 = 4 | F A across each capacitor is equal to : (a) 45 V (b) 36 V (c) 60 V (d) none of these 61. Two condensers of capacities 2C and C are joined in parallel and charged upto potential V. The battery is removed and the condenser of capacity C is filled completely with a medium of dielectric constant K. The potential difference across the capacitors will now be :


(a) C = (c) C:

(n - I) K e<)A (n-l)Ke0A 4d

(b) L :

(n -1) 2d


(d) none of these


56. The equivalent capacitance of the circuit across the terminals A and B is equal to : (a) 13 pF (c) 3 pF

3V K+2 V (c) K+ 2

, 3V (b) K V (d) K


2MF -

36 (b) ^ P F 13 1 (d) 3/4 pF

A capacitor of capacitance 1 pF withstands the maximum voltage 6 kV while a capacitor of 2 pF withstands the maximum voltage 4 kV. What voltage will the system of these two capacitors withstands if they are connected in series ? (a) 10 kV (b) 12 kV (c) 8 kV (d) 9 kV

57. A parallel plate capacitor is made by pilling n equally spaced plates of same area connected alternately. If the capacitance between any two consecutive plates is C, then the resulting capacitance will be : (a) nC (c) (n + 1 ) C (b) C (d) (n - 1 ) C

63. A parallel plate capacitor is filled by dielectric whose permittivity varies with applied voltage according to law E = aV where a=lvolt_1. The same capacitor (containing no dielectric) charge to a voltage of 156 volt is connected in parallel to the first non-linear uncharged capacitor. The final voltage across the capacitor is: (a) 12 V (c) 25 V (b) 120 V (d) 10 V

58. A capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential difference VQ. The charged battery is disconnected and the capacitor is connected to a. capacitor of unknown capacitance Cx. The potential difference across the combination is V. The value of C r should be :

64. A dielectric slab is inserted between plates of a parallel plate capacitor with uniform variation of capacitance:


(b) (d)



V 59. Four equal capacitors, each with a capacitance (C) are connected to a battery of emf 10 V as shown in the adjoining figure. The mid-point of the capacitor system

CV (c) Vo


65. In the network shown we have three identical capacitors. Each of them can withstand a maximum 100 V potential difference. What maximum voltage can be applied across A and B so that no capacitor gets spoiled ?

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Nitin M Sir (

421 Electric Capacitor 70. Calculate the reading of voltmeter between x and y then {Vx - Vy) is equal to : 1 nF 2 jiF (a) 150 V (c) 180 V (b) 120 V (d) 0.200 V 3 (J.F [ H H


v) 2

66. Three uncharged capacitors of capacities C v C 2 and C3 are connected as shown in the figure to one another and the points A, B and C are at potentials Vy V2 and V 3 respectively. Then the potential at O will be : (a)

6 nF ' 20 V


l/2C2 + V3C3 OA i o C,

Ci + C 2 + C 3 Vj + v2 + v3 c1

(a) 1.3 V (c) 3.33 V

(b) 13.33 V (d) 10.33 V

c2 + c3


ViiVi+Vz) Ci (C2 + C 3 ) Vl Ci C 2 C 3 B

67. Three identical capacitors are first connected in series and then first and last conductors of combination are connected to the earth. A charge Q is given to second conductor of first capacitor. Then potential of this conductor is : Q

71. Three identical capacitors are connected together differently. For the same voltage to every combination, the one that stores maximum energy i s : (a) the three capacitors in series (b) the three capacitors in parallel (c) two capacitors in series with third capacitor in parallel with it (d) two capacitors in parallel with the third capacitors in series with it 72. Two identical capacitors A and B are joined in parallel to a battery. If a dielectric slab of constant K is slipped between the plates of capacitor B and battery remains connected then the energy of capacitor A will: (a) decrease (b) increase (c) remains the same (d) first increase then will again come to original value after process is completed 73. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is then disconnected. If the plates of the capacitor are moved further apart by means of insulating handles, then: (a) the voltage across the plate increases (b) the capacitance increases (c) the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor increases (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 74. Select correct statement for a capacitor having capacitance C, is connected to a source of constant emf E (a) Almost whole of the energy supplied by the battery will be stored in the capacitor, if resistance of connecting wire is negligibly small (b) Energy received by the capacitor will be half of energy supplied by the battery only when the capacitor was initially uncharged (c) Strain energy in the capacitor must increases even if the capacitor had an initial charge (d) None of the above 75. The work done against the electric force if the separation of the capacitor of area S is increased from x, to x2 i s : [Assume charge q on the capacitor is constant]

Q <b)g (d) f

(cj f

68. In the given circuit, potential of point A is : C, A J U v ^ l


-=? En

(a) zero (c) 2E 0


E0 y

(d) none of these

69. The potential difference between points A and B of the circuit is : (a) (C 2 - Cj)E (b) ( C 4 - C 3 ) E (C2C3-C!C4)E


(Ca + C 2 + C 3 + C 4 ) (C 2 C 3 - CiC 4 )E

' ( C 1 + C 2 ) ( C 3 + C4)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

(a) W = ^ ( x - x )

Electric Capacitor (b) W = ^ ( x -x:) 82. The energy stored in the capacitors is U when S is open. Now S is closed, the charge passed through S is Q, then :


76. A capacitor C is charged to a potential V by a battery. The emf of the battery is V. It is then disconnected from the battery and again connected with it, when its polarity reversed to the battery : (a) The work done by the battery is 2 CV2 (b) The total charge passing through the battery is 2CV (c) The initial and final energy of a capacitor is same (d) all of the above 77. A capacitor is connected to a battery. If Uq is energy stored in capacitor, UB is energy supplied by battery, then :
(a) UC = UB

7 C-r-

r : 2C
2 C

H> (b) U = CE , Q = 0 (d) u = o, Q = | C E

(a) U = 0, Q = 2CE 7 (c) 11 = 0, Q CF 6

83. Select the correct statement:

1 (b) U c = j U B (d) none of these

(c) UC > (i B

78. A condenser of capacity 50 pF is charged to 10 V. Its energy is equal to : (a) 2.5 x 10~3 J (c) 5 x 10~2 J (b) 2.5 x 1 0 " 4 J (d) 1.25 x 10~8 J

(a) The energy of a capacitor resides in the field between the plates (b) the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor does not depend on the medal of the plates (c) If the current charging a capacitor is kept constant, the potential difference V across the capacitor varies with time according to the adjacent graph (d) All of the above 84. Two identical capacitors A and B shown in the given circuit are joined A -Lin series with a battery. If a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is slipped between the plates of capacitor B and battery remains connected, then the energy of capacitor A will: (a) (b) (c) (d) decrease increase remain the same be zero since circuit will not work

79. A capacitor is charged by using a battery, which is then disconnected. A dielectric slab is then slided between the plates which results in : (a) reduction of charge on the plates and increase of potential difference across the plates (b) increase in the potential difference across the plates, reduction in stored energy, but no change in the charge on the plates (c) decrease in the potential difference across the plates, reduction in stored energy, but no change in the charge on the plates (d) none of the above 80. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, charged to a potential V, separated, and then connected in series, i.e. the positive plate of one is connected to the negative of the other (a) The charge on the plates connected together are destroyed (b) The charge on free plates are enhanced (c) The energy-stored in the system is increased (d) The potential difference between the free plates is 2V 81. An isolated metallic object is charged in vacuum to a potential VQ, its electrostatic energy being W0. It is then disconnected from the source of potential, its charge being left unchanged and is immersed in a large volume of dielectric, with dielectric constant K. The electrostatic energy will be (a) KW0 (b) WQ/K Wo (c) 2K (d) W0

T" V

85. Three plates 1, 2 and 3 of area A each and separation J between two consecutive plates d, are connected as 3 shown in figure. The energy stored, when the plates are fully charged, i s :


0.5 o AV



(d) v ' d d A parallel plate capacitor of 86. capacitance C is connected across a battery of emf. If the separation between the plates is doubled, the force of attraction between the plates by a factor of :

2e 0 AV2

(a) increases, 4 (c) decreases, 2

(b) decreases, 4 (d) remains same

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

423 Electric Capacitor 87. Force acting upon a charged particle, kept between the plates of a charged condenser is F. If one of the plates of the condenser is removed, force acting on the same particle will become : (a) 0 (b) F/2 (c) F (d) 2F * 88. In the given figure a capacitor of plate area A is charged upto charge q. The mass of each plate is m2. The lower plate is rigidly fixed. Find the value of m-i, s o that the system remains in equilibrium : K

93. A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery of constant emf. Let the electric field at a given point between the plate be Eg, when there is no medium between the plates. The new electric field at that point, if a medium of dielectric constant A is introduced between them, i s : (a) Eg/4 (c) Eg (b) Eg/2 (d) 4E 0

(a) 1 1 + 12 (b) m2 (c)



94. A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery. The quantities charge, voltage, electric field and energy associated with the capacitor are given by Q 0 , Vq, Eg and U0, respectively. A dielectric slab is introduced between plates of capacitor but battery is still in connection. The corresponding quantities now given by Q, V, E and U related to previous ones are: (a) Q > Qo (c) E>Eg (b) V > V 0 (d) U < Ug

2e0 Ag.


(d) none of the above 89. In the given figure the capacitor of plate area A is charged upto charge q. The ratio of elongation (neglect k, force of gravity) in springs. '/- JHHb 1|<MLrD C C and D at equilibrium / position is : k-, ^ i (c) k^2 k2 + (d) none of these

95. An air filled parallel plate capacitor has a capacitance of 1 0 " 1 2 F. The separation of the plates is doubled and wax is inserted between them, which increases the capacitance to 2 x 1 0 " 1 2 F. The dielectric constant of wax is : (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 8 96. A parallel plate capacitor of plate separation d and plate area A is charged to a potential difference V and then the battery is disconnected. To fulfill the space between the plates of capacitor, a slab of dielectric constant K is inserted. If the magnitude of the charge on each plate, electric field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and work done on the system in the process of insertion of a slab are Q, E, W respectively, then (a) Q = e 0 AV (b) W = eo AV 2d

90. A potential difference of 500 V is applied to a parallel plate condenser. The separation between plates is 2 x l 0 _ 3 m . The plates of the condenser are vertical. An electron is projected vertically upwards between the plates with a velocity of 10 5 m/s and it moves undeflected between the plates. The magnetic field acting perpendicular to the electric field has a magnitude of (a) 1.5 Wb/m (c) 2.5 Wb/m (b) 2.0 Wb/m (d) 3.0 Wb/m

V_ (c) E = Kd

(d) all of the above

91. If an electron enters a space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor at an angle 0j with the plates and leaves at an angle 0 2 to the plates, the ratio of its kinetic energy while entering the capacitor to that while leaving will b e : (a) cos 2 e 2 cos 2 sin 2 0 2 sin 2 Oj (b) cos 2 0!
COS 2 9 2

97. Between the plates of parallel plate capacitor, a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K is inserted. Plates have area A and distance between w L M the plate is d and charge on the plate is Q. If the Slab inserted length is x and K the edge effect is ignored then the force on the slab Area = A is : (Given: Cg = tg A/d ) >c (a) attractive and equal to TT^TT (K - 1)



sin 2 Oj sin 2 02

92. A parallel plate condenser is charged by a battery. The battery is removed and a thick glass slab is placed between the plates. Now : (a) the capacity of the condenser is increased (b) the potential across the plates is decreased (c) the electric field between the plates is decreased (d) all of the above

(b) repulsive and equal to


(c) attractive and equal to LL. ZLgL

1 + f (K-l)

(d) repulsive and equal to


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

424 98. Inside two identical capacitors, two identical dielectric slabs are _ A introduced as shown in [ figure. What will happen, if slab of capacitor B is pulled 4 a out, with the battery remain connected ? 99. A capacitor connected to cell of emf E 0 is immersed in a dielectric liquid having dielectric constant K. The liquid with in the gap is at an excess pressure o f : (a) |eoEo
K F (c) 2 eo Lo2

Electric Capacitor En Hl-

(a) During the process charge flows from a to b (b) Finally charge on B will be less than charge on A (c) During the process work done by external force F appear as heat in the circuit (d) None of the above


1 Eg' 2eT

(d) none of these

Answers. Level-1
1. 11. (a) (a) 2. 12. (b) (a) 3. 13. (c) (d) 4. 14. (c) (a) 5. 15. (d) (d) 6. 16. (b) (d) 7. 17. (c) (c)


(c) (b)

9. 19.

(b) (b)



11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. (b) (a) (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. (c) (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) (c) (c) (d) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93. (c) (b) (d) (a) (d) (b) (a) (d) (d) (c) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94. (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (d) (b) (b) (b) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95. (c) (d) (c) (b) (d) (a) (a) (c) (b) (c) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96. (b) (c) (b) (b) (d) (c) (a) (d) (b) (d) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97. (d) (b) (a) (d) (a) (d) (c) (b) (b) (c) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98. (b) (d) (a) (d) (d) (a) (a) (a) (c) (a) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99. (c) (c) (a) (d) (b) (b) (d) (c) (b) (d) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. (a) (d) (b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (d) (c)

Solutions Level-1
2. q = 20 pC (<7l - 1l)d 12. v-. 2 nS C < 7 l - I2)
+q 2

19. t=

t CV 30 x 10" 6 x 400 t

'7l -12 2C

-1 < q,/2e0S H-


30 x 10,-3 = 0.4 s


3q = 2 Q

2. The charges on outer surfaces should be same.




- Q

Q - 2q

Q 3q

Q = \i charge on inner surface V=C Electric field is given by q-Q = Q- 2q

f =

v=^L 2 Cd

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Current Electricity
Syllabus: Current as a rate of flow of charges, source of energy, primary and secondary cell, grouping of cells, resistance of different materials, temperature dependence, specific resistance, Ohm's law, Kirchhojf's law, series and parallel circuits. Wheatstone bridge, measurement of voltages, currents, potentiometer, heating effects of current, electric power, simple concept of thermoelectricity (Seebeck effect and its explanation), thermocouple and chemical effects of current and laws of electrolysis.

Review of Concepts
1. Electric Current: (a) Electric current is the rate of transfer of charge through a certain surface. (b) The direction of electric current is as that of flow of positive charge. (c) If a charge Aq cross an area in time Af, then the average current = ^ (d) Its unit is C/s or ampere. (e) Electric current has direction as well as magnitude but it is a scalar quantity. (f) Electric current obeys simple law of algebra. I 1.e., / = /j + Z2 2. Types of Current: (a) Steady state current or constant current: This type of current is not function of time. q = It (b) Transient or variable current: This type of Current passing through a surface depends upon time. i or . c I = f ( t )
Af > 0
A f

Case I I : If a non-conducting ring having X charge per unit length is rotating with constant angular velocity co about an axis passing through centre of ring and perpendicular to the plane of ring. I = RXco (e) Direct Current (DC): If the direction of current does not change then this type of current is known as direct current. (0 Alternating Current (AC): Electric current reverses its direction after a fixed interval of time is known as alternating current. 3. Current Density: The average electric current density at a point is defined as the ratio of current through the area AS which is normal to the direction of charge flows and the AS.


Aq 1= lim .

dq dt



fo J
(c) Average current! = -

rt Idt



AI J = AS cos 9 2 (a) Its unit A/m (b) Electric current can be defined as flux of current density vector. i.e.,



(d) Convection Current: The electric current due to mechanical transfer of charged particle is called convection current. Convection current in different situations. Case I : If a point charge is rotating with constant angular velocity co. T 2n T= co 1=

(c) Relation between drift velocity and current density

Here, negative sign indicates that drifting of electrons takes place in the opposite direction of current density. 4. Electric Resistance : Electric resistance (R) is defined as the opposition to the flow of electric charge through the material. (a) It is a microscopic quantity. (b) Its symbol is

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Current Electricity (c) Its unit is ohm. PI 433 10. Superconductor: The resistivity of few materials suddenly becomes zero below a certain temperature. This (d) Electric resistance R = temperature is known as critical temperature. For this transition, the material in this state is known as super where, R = resistance, p = resistivity of the material, I = length of the conductor, A = area of cross-section conductor. (a) Mercury behaves as superconductor at 4K. 5. Continuity Equation : (b) The variation of resistivity with temperature for dq superconductor. j dS = dt It11. Ohm's L a w : According to ohm's law, electric current passing through a conductor is The continuity equation is based on conservation proportional to the potential difference principle of charge. between ends of the conductor. 6. Drift Velocity ( v j ) : When a potential difference is i.e., V =IR applied between ends of metallic conductor, an electric field In vector form: is established inside the metallic conductor. Due to this, electrons modify their random motion and starts to drift E=p j Temperature slowly in the opposite direction of electric field. The average where, p = = resistivity of material velocity of drifting possesed by electrons is known as drift nn velocity. (a) In case of ohm's law, V-I graph is straight line. ex E m where,

vrf = drift velocity, e = electron charge,


mass of electron,

E = electric field 7. Variation of Resistance with Temperature: Let a metallic conductor of length I and cross-sectional area A. (b) Ohm's Law fails in case of vacuum tubes, crystal diodes, thyristors etc. 12. EMF and P.D. of a Cell: A device which supplies electric energy is called a seat of electromotive force or simply a seat of emf. The seat of emf is also called a cell. (a) A battery is a device which manages a potential difference between its two terminals. (b) e = EMF of the battery is the work done by the force per unit charge. (c) When the terminals of a cell are connected to an external resistance, the cell is said to be in closed circuit. (d) EMF has no electrostatic origin. 13. Internal Resistance of a Cell (r): Internal resistance of a cell is the resistance of its electrolyte. The internal resistance of cell: (a) varies directly as concentration of the solution of the cell. (b) varies directly as the separation between electrodes i.e., length of solution between electrodes. (c) varies inversely as the area of immersed electrodes. (d) is independent of the material of electrodes. 14. Potential Difference Across the Cell: When a battery being charged, the terminal voltage is greater than its emf V = E + Ir. Potential difference across the first cell R -wwvV! = El + Iri (discharging of cells) Potential second cell difference across the
Hi ifE2r2


R ( = R 0 (1 + at)

where, R f = resistance of conductor at temperature tC, RQ = resistance of conductor at 0C, a = temperature coefficient Some Important Points: (i) ' a ' is proportionality constant known coefficient of resistance variation. (ii) The value of a does not depend upon resistance of the conductor. (iii) The value of a depends upon the chosen. (iv) The value of a may be negative. 8. Electric Conductance ( G ) : It is resistance, G = (a) Its unit is per ohm. (b) Electric conductivity a = 9. Thermistor: When temperature increases, the resistivity of semiconductor decreases. This fact is employed to construct a thermometer to measure small changes in temperature. This device is knowon as thermistor. 1 R as temperature initial and final unit which is



V2 = E2- lr2 (charging of cells)

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434 Current Electricity


Concept of rise up and drop up of voltage: Ideal cell

16. Kirchhoff's Law: Kirchhoff's law is able to solve complicated circuit problems, (i) First Law:

Rise up _____ (b) Real cell r.E Rise up E-ir

Drop up -E r,E Drop up E-ir Incoming current = Outgoing current h+I2 =h +h + h This law is based upon conservation principle of charge, (ii) Second Law: (Loop rule or voltage law.) This law is based upon conservation principle of energy. 17. Grouping of Resistors : Case I: Resistors in series M O RI V VR WS RMN-Req-Ri In general, E,r E,r -Hill vwwR E,r Case II: Resistors in parallel R, -AAAMRM -wwvR2 WWV


Electric resistance i R WWVDrop up -IR



+ R2

R e q = R1 + R 2 + . . . + R

15. Comparing of C e l l s : Case I : Cells connected in series Let n cells each of emf E and internal resistance r then current is I __JiE_ nr + R Case II: Cells connected parallel then current is /=E R+ in





In general,


1 =

1 R\


1 ... H -


(a) Star-delta Conversion:

R, Case III: Mixed grouping



r <j r pwvvvHpvwy

R2 Delta


A - w R

HT Equivalent internal resistance = m / = nE m


R2 Initial

C B Final star R j + Rz + R 3

where R,' = R?R 2^3 Rx + R 2 + R 3

Condition for maximum current. tir = mR Efficiency of a cell (T)) ri = useful power total power produced

RiR 1^3 R j + R2 + R3

(b) When wire is drawn n times, then resistance become? n2R.

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Current Electricity (c) When a wire of resistance R is folded n times such that the new length is 1/n of its original length, then the new resistance = . n (d) If Ay A2,... An be n junctions of a network of wires, these can be connected njn -1) linear conductors. "C,= 18. Wheatstone Bridge: then by at most 435 (a) A voltmeter is always connected in parallel to the circuit. (b) To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter, high resistance R in series is connected with the galvanometer. Here, is = Rs + G

Ry = Rs + G

where, Ry = resistance of voltmeter. 21. Charging of a Capacitor: Let q be the charge of capacitor and i the current flowing in circuit after time t during the charging process. The potential difference across resistance, Vr = Ri The potential difference across the capacitor Vq = R2 R4 19. Heating Effect of Current: Heat produced (a) Power Q= w

(a) The equation capacitor


of charging




J ~

n - t/RC, < = <o (1 ~ e ? 7 ) where RC = T = the capacitive


2 V (P) = Vi = i R = ~

(b) Its unit is watt. (c) A current i enters the top of a copper sphere of radius r and leaves through the diametrically opposite point. All parts of sphere are not affected equally in dissipating joule's heat. 20. Moving Coil Gavanometer: A galvanometer is used to detect the current and has moderate resistance. A. Conversion of galvanometer into an ammeter: An ammeter is a low resistance galvanometer and used to measure current directly in ampere. (a) It is always connected in series with the circuit. (b) To convert a galvanometer into S -WWVammeter a low resistance, called shunt (S) is connected in parallel to the galvanometer Ammeter as shown in figure.

time constant of the circuit. " C (b) The time constant is the time in which the charge on the capacitor reaches 0.632 time the initial. The current during the process of charging. i = i0 e~t/RC where, I'Q = V/R - maximum current (c) The graph representing the variation of charge and current during the charging process. If


Current v during charging

<> S-

22. Discharging of Capacitor : c

Here, and


(S + G)

-WW\r(a) In this process the capacitor is gradually discharged. (b) The discharging current ceases when the potential difference across the capacitor plates reduce to zero. (c) The equation represents the discharging of capacitor through resistance R _ - t/RC where RC = T = time constant

(S)(G) RA=: (G + S)

where, R A = resistance of ammeter, S = resistance of shunt G = resistance of galvanometer B. Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter: A voltmeter is a high resistance galvanometer and is connected between two points across which potential difference is to be measured.

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436 (d) Here, time constant is the time in which charge capacitor falls to 0.368 times of its initial value during the discharging process. da _ l/Rr (e) The current at any instant i = - = -i0e (f) The graph representing the variation of charge and current during discharging process. Current Electricity 436


Current during discharging



(a) \ R

1. A steady current flows in a metallic conductor of nonuniform cross-section. The quantity constant along the length of the conductor is : (a) current, electric field and drift speed (b) drift speed on'y (c) current and drift speed (d) current only 2. The length of a conductor is halved. Its conductance will be : (a) halved (c) doubled (b) unchanged (d) quadrupled

<b)* (d) 2R


9. Three 2 2 resistors are connected to form a triangle. The resistance between any two corners is : (a) 6 2 (b) 2 2 (d) 10. The resistance of two conductors in series is 40 2 and this becomes 7.5 2 in parallel, the resistances of conductors are: (a) 20 2, 20 Q (b) 10 2, 30 2 (c) 15 2, 25 2 (d) 18 2, 22 Q 11. A wire has resistance 12 2. It is bent in the form of a circle. The effective resistance between the two points on any diameter of the circle is : (a) 12 2 (b) 24 2 (c) 6 2 (d) 3 2 12. When cells are connected in series : (a) the emf increases (b) the P.D. decreases (c) the current capacity increases (d) the current capacity decreases 13. In a closed circuit, the emf and internal resistance of a battery are E and r respectively. If an external resistance R is connected to the battery, the current flowing through the circuit shall be : E Er (a) ^ R+r R E_ (d) ^ (c) r rR 14. A carbon resistor has colour strips as violet, yellow, brown and golden. The resistance is : (a) 641 2 (b) 741 2 (c) 704 2 (d) 407 2 15. A wire 1 = 8 m long of uniform cross-sectional area 9 1 A = 8 mm , has a conductance of G = 2.45 2 .The resistivity of material of the wire will be ? (b) 2.1 x 10 s (a) 2.1 x 10 s (c) 4.1 x 10 - 7 s (d) 5.1 x 1 0 - 7 s
16. A car has a fresh battery of emf 12 V and internal

3. A current of 3.2 A is flowing through a conductor, the number of electrons flowing per second is : (a) 5 1 . 2 x l O 1 9 (c) 3.2 x l O 1 9 (b) 5 . 1 2 x l O 2 4 (d) 2 x l O 1 9

4. If the number of free electrons is 5 x 10 28 m~3 then the drift velocity of electron in a conductor of area of cross-section 10" 4 m 2 for a current of 1.2 A is : (a) 1.5 (c) 1.5 x l O " 4 m/s

x 10~


(b) 1.5 x 10" 3 m/s (d) 1.5 x 10" 6 m/s

5. A wire of resistance R is stretched so that its length increases by 10%. The resistance of the wire increases by : (a) 11% (b) 15% (c) 21% (d) 28% 6. A fuse wire of radius 0.2 mm blows out for a current of 5 A. For what current, another fuse wire of same material but of radius 0.3 mm will blow out ? (a) 5 A (b) 3.2 A (c) 4.33 A (d) 11.2 A 7. Two identical resistors are connected in parallel then connected in series. The effective resistances are in the ratio : (a) 1 : 2 (c) 1 : 4 (b) 2 : 1 (d) 4 : 1

8. The effective equivalent resistance between A and B in the figure, is :




resistance of 0.05 2. If the starter of motor draws a current of 90 A, the terminal voltage when the starter is on, will b e :

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Current Electricity (a) 12 V (c) 8.5 V (b) 10.5 V (d) 7.5 V 437 20. The sensitivity of galvanometer of resistance 406 2 is increased by 30 times. The shunt used i s : (a) 88 a (c) 6 Q (b) 14 2 (d) 16 2

17. The momentum acquired by the electrons in 10 cm of the wire when a current of 1 amp, starts to flow, is : (a) 5.6 x l O - 1 3 kg m/s (c) 2.8 x 1 0 - 1 3 kg m/s (b) 5.6 x 10" 7 kg m/s (d) 2.8 x 10 - 7 kg m/s

21. A 50 V battery is connected across a 10 Q resistor, the

current is 4.5 A. The internal resistance of the battery is : (a) zero (c) 1.1 2 (b) 0.5 2 (d) 5.0 a

18. Five resistances have been connected as shown in figure, the effective resistance between A and B i s : (a) 26 2 (b) 4.6 2 (c) 7.3 a (d) 2.8 2 ~8n

22. A galvanometer of resistance 400 2 can measure a current of 1mA. To convert it into a voltmeter of range 8 V, the required resistance is: (a) 4600 a (c) 6600 2 (b) 5600 2 (d) 7600 2

23. A battery of emf 1.2 V and internal resistance 0.5 2 is connected to resistance of 0.5 2, the P.D. across the resistor is : (a) 1.2 volt (c) 1.05 volt (b) 1.1 volt (d) 1 volt

19. If 1?! and R2 be the resistances of the filaments of 200 W and 100 W electric bulbs operating at 220 V then : (a) R j is equal to R2 (b) R\ is twice that of R2 (c) R2 is twice that of R j (d) there is no relation between R j and R2

24. A 220 V and 100 W lamp is connected to 220 V power supply. What is the power consumed ? (a) 100 W (c) More than 100 W (b) 200 W (d) None of these

1. A solid cylinder whose radius is R, rotates with a constant angular velocity co. The potential difference between surface of cylinder and the axis is :
(a) (c)

mR4w2 2e m co


m co2R2 2e

5. Two square metal plates (A) and (B) are of the same thickness and material. The side of (B) is twice that of (A). These are connected as shown in series. If the resistances of (A) and (B) are denoted by (RA) and (Rg),
then (RA/RB) is:

(d) none of these

B A Y. (a) 1/2 (c) 1/1 (b) 2/1 (d) 4/1

2. Mark correct option or options : (a) In the absence of an electric field, electrons move in straight lines between collisions (b) Relaxation time is of order 10 - 1 4 second (c) Resistivity is inversely proportional to relaxation time when number of electrons per unit volume of material remains constant (d) All the above 3. What is the drift velocity of electrons if the current flowing through a copper wire of 1 mm diameter is 1.1 A ? Assume that each atom of copper contributes one electron: (Given : density of Cu = 9 g/cm 3 and atomic weight of Cu = 63) (a) 0.3 mm/s (b) 0.5 mm/s (c) 0.1 mm/s (d) 0.2 mm/s 4. The V-I graph for a conductor at temperature Tj and T2 are as shown in the figure, (T 2 - T{) is proportional t o : cos 2 8
(a) (c)

Which of the following arrangements is correct on the basis of conductivity of materials ? (a) silver > copper > aluminium > tungsten > water (b) silver > aluminium > copper > water (c) copper > silver > tungsten > water (d) water > silver > tungsten > water A nichrome wire 50 cm long and 1 mm in cross-section carries a current of 4 A when connected to a 2 V storage battery. The resistivity of nichrome is (a) 1 x 10 - 6 2 m (c) 4 x 10 - 7 2 m (b) 2 x 10 - 7 2 m (d) 5 x l 0 - / 2 m

8. A wire with a resistance of 20 2 is drawn out so that its

sin 2 0 cot 2 9 sin 2 9


sin 2 9

sin 2 9 tan 2 9 (d) sin 2 9

length becomes thrice its original length. The new resistance i s : (a) 60 2 (c) 180 2 (b)f2 (d) 18 2

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438 9. If be the resistance of the shown conductor between faces ABCD and EFGH and R2 between faces BCGF and Ri ADHE, ~ will be : K2
8 cm

Current Electricity 438 points A and B is: (a) 22 (b) 3 2 (c) 4 2 (d) 16 2
4Q R-WWW-,


v w w 4 Q

o B

2 cm


15. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is :

(b) 4 (d) 64 (a) 0 (c) Ir 16. The net resistance between points P and Q in the circuit shown in the figure is :

(a) 1 (c) 16

10. A wire of resistance 4 Q is stretched to twice its original length. What is the resistance of the wire now ? (a) l f i (b) 142 (c) 8 2 (d) 16 2 11. The ratio of the lengths, densities, masses and resistivities of two wires A and B are 1 : 2, 1 : 2, 1 : 1, 1 : 4 respectively. The ratio of their resistances are: (a) 1 : 32 (b) 1 : 16 (c) 8 : 1 (d) 4 : 1 12. The equivalent resistance between points M and N is : ( a ) 2 2 (b) 3 2 <0<1 (d) none of the above 1n 1 Q 13. In the given circuit, the equivalent resistance between points M and N is :
w w v -


i-Wi/W-f p


1 Q

1 Q

(a) R/2 (c) 3R/5

(b) 2R/5 (d) R/3

1 Q

17. In the arrangement shown, the magnitude of each resistance is 1 2. The equivalent resistance between O and A is given by :


fo -WWW
ro B

- w w v WW\Rro wwv-


-WWVP N r w w v


-WW\R-VWW-WWVRro -WW\R-wwvro


WW\r ro w i w WWVC r0
v w w M OWWSR-

18. Ip the given circuit, the equivalent resistance between joints M and N is : R3 R, (a) zero
WW\R- v w w N (b) -

WWK - w \ w H r ro TJWWV WW,





R1+R2 + R3



(a) infinity


(c) zero (d) none of these 14. Four resistances each of value 4 2, are connected as shown in figure. The equivalent resistance between

(d) none of these 19. ABCD is a uniform circular wire of resistance 4 2 and OAC, BOD are two wires forming diameters at right angles, each of resistance 2 2. The equivalent resistance between points A and D is :

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Current Electricity (a) (c) 1 f t (b)

439 (a) r <b)|r (d) r


(0 f r

(d) f f t

20. The equivalent resistance between M and N will be : (a)ffft (b) | ft (c) 2 ft (d) none of the above 21. Figure shows five resistances, each of resistance R. The equivalent resistance between points A and B i s : vwv\. OL-WWV-r-VvWvWWV-1o -WWVR R

25. A steady current of 10 A is passed through a water voltameter for 300 sec. Assume relative molecular mass of H 2 is 2.016 and molar volume = 22.4 litre (volume of 1 mole of an ideal gas at STP.). Estimate the volume of H 2 evolved at standard temperature and pressure (Given : Faraday's constant = 96500 C/mole) (a) 0.178 litre (b) 0.278 litre (c) 1.78 litre

(d) 2.78 litre

A regular hexagon with diagonal is prepared with identical' wires, each having equal resistance R. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is : R

(a) R (c) R/5

(b) 5R (d) 2R/3 3f2 (a) R (c) 0.8R


22. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is : :

(b) 2R (d) 0.4R

27. The equivalent resistance between A and B is

3Q (a) 2 f t (c) 3 f t (b) 4 f t (d) 5 f t 3r

(a) ( V 3 - l ) r (c) V3 r

(b) ( V 3 + 1 )r (d) none of these B:

23. The equivalent resistance across points A and B is: 2r 2r

28. The equivalent resistance between points A and (shown in figure) is :

, . 2 ^ AAAAA B

(a) 3/" (b) \r

(a) 5r (c) 4r

(b) 6r (d) 3r

(0 | r (d) none of the above 29. The equivalent resistance of this infinite network is very nearly equal t o5Q :
5Q 5n 5f2

24. In the network of resistors, each of value r, equivalent resistance between A and E is : B

100 (a) (b) (c) (d) 1ft 2ft 3ft 4ft

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440 30. Irt the network shown in the adjoining figure, each resistance is 1 2. The effective resistance between A and B is : Current Electricity

/ \

n r l

lK R 2 - r2


7t[R2 IK IK nr2


2 t \ n r (c)j

IK n (R2 - r2)

36. Two cells of emf's Ej and E2 and internal resistance r^ and r 2 are connected in parallel. Then the emf and internal resistance of the equivalent source are : (a) f a (b) | Q (d) (a) (E1 + E 2 )and ' r\ r2 " rx + r2

(c) 7 2

(b) (Ei - E 2 ) and (r1 + r 2 ) (c) (d)

7 Q

Elr2 + E2rl']
rl + r2

31. In the figure, galvanometer reads zero. The resistance X is:

10 Q



+ r2



rl + r2

and (rj + r2)

37. In the given circuit, the electromotive force of equivalent cell between points M and N is : 20 E, = 5 V (a) r. = 1 Q M

(a) 7 Q (c) 14 2

(b) 21 Q (d) 28 Q

32. Seven resistances, each of value 5 2, are connected as shown in figure. The equivalent resistances between points A and B is: (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 2 7 2 14 2 35 2

(c) zero (d) none of the above

38. The potential difference between the points A and B is:

2 V, 1 Q


3 V, 1 Q


(a) 2 V (c) 4 V

(b) 6 V (d) 3 V

33. Two equilateral triangles ABC, DEF have same centroid. The ratio of sides are 4 : 2. The resistance per unit length in contact. The resistance in AB is 10 2. The equivalent resistance between A and B is : (a) 5.56 2 (b) 10 2 (c) 8.5 2 (d) none of these 34. A five pointed regular star made from a uniform wire is shown in the figure. The resistance of the section BN is : (Given : sin 18 = 0.31) (a) 0.62 r (b) 0.82 r (c) 0.97 r (d) none of the above

39, N identical cells, each of emf E, are connected in parallel. The emf of the Combination is : (a) NE (b) E (c) N 2 E (d) E/N 40 There are 45 number Of cells with internal resistance of each cell is 0.5 2. To get the maximum current through a resistance of 2.5 2, one can use m rows of cells, each row having n cells. The values of m and n are : (a) m = 3, n = 15 (b) m = 5, n = 9 (c) m =9, n =5 ( d ) m = 15,n = 3 41. A big dry cell A and a small dry cell B have the same emf. The internal resistance of A : (a) is greater than that of B (b) is equal to that of B (c) is less than that of B (d) may have any value independent of its size 42. A new flash light cell with an emf of 1.5 V gives a current of 15 A when connected directly to an ammeter of resistance 0.04 2. The internal resistance of the cell in ohm is: (a) 0.04 (b) 0.06 (c) 0.10 (d) 10

35. A copper wire of length (Z) and radius (r) is nickel plated till its final radius is (R) and length (I). If the specific the resistance of nickel and copper be k and K conductance of nickelled wire is :

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Current Electricity 43. A cell supplies a current of 0.9 A through a 2 2 resistor and a current of 0.3 A through a 7 2 resistor. What is the internal resistance of the cell ? (a) 0.5 2 (b) 1.0 2 (c) 1.2 2 (d) 2.0 2 44. In circuit shown in figure, the values of Ij, I 2 and I3 are :

441 49. The current through the 5 2 resistor is :



0.1Q c 2 V 0 . 1 O l2 |-VWW--| HVWVU2 V. 0.1 Q d ^ O 1 l f i l3

(a) 2 A (c) 0

(b) 4 A (d) 1 A

2 V

-| hVW/W-*-| HWWV-^ vwvv (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.784 0.468 0.396 none A, A, A, of 0.392 A, 0.392 A 0.529 A, 0.240 A 0.729 A, 0.126 A the above
3 Q 3Q 5fl

50. In the shown network, current through 20 2 resistor equals;

10 V 20 V

(a) | A


1 1

(b) f A (c) 1 A <d)A

-wwv20 Ci

45. In the circuit shown, the current in 3 2 resistance is :

(a) 1 A (c) 5/7 A

(b) 1/7 A (d) 15/7 A

46. A, B, C, D are four points in succession at equal distances along a wire and A, C and B, D are also joined by two other wires of the same length as the distance between those pairs of point measured along the original wire. A current I enters the network thus, formed, at A and leaves at D. The electric current in BC is :

51. When an ammeter of negligible internal resistance is inserted in series with circuit it reads 1 A. When the voltmeter of very large resistance is connected across it reads 3 V. But when the A B points A and B are short VWWOVWW-O circuited by a conducting wire R, R, then the voltmeter measures -\y 10.5 V across the battery. The E= 12V internal resistance of the battery is equal to : (a) | 2 (c) 3 2 (b) 5 2 (d) none of these

ai <>

o f

52. In the shown network current through 10 2 resistor equals: 20 V 10V (a) f A (b) A 2 (c) 1 A (d) f A

(d) zero

47. What current is flowing through 2 2 resistance ? vww 2Q __VWW vww-H b -VWW-+8 Q 2A 4n

vww, 10a vww

20 Q


(a) 2 amp (c) 6 amp

(b) 4 amp (d) 8 amp

4fi -vWW, 5 V O

48. A switch S is closed in the circuit shown in figure, 2 0 V 2Q current passed through O v w w point A i s : (a) (b) (c) (d) 4.5 A 6;0A 3.0 A zero

53. A piece of uniform wire is made up into two squares with a common side as shown in the figure. Each side has a resistance R. A current enters the rectangular system at one of the corners and leaves through the diagonally opposite corner. Find the current through the common side (J4) in terms of the entering current /j:
(a) |

(b) (d)

h 5 h 6

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442 54. A battery of cells with an e.m.f. 3 V and internal resistance 1/4 2 is connected to a circuit consisting four resistances, 3 V -ZZ. J?! = 1 Q, R 2 = 32, R 3 = 1.5 2 and R 4 = 0.75 2 connected as shown in the figure. What is the current in unbranched circuit ? (a) 3 A (b) 6 A (c) 1.5 A (d) 2 A 55. Two sources of current of equal e.m.f., are connected in series and have different internal resistances R j and R 2 (R 2 > Rj). The external resistance R at which the potential difference across the terminals of one of the sources become equal to zero, is : (a) R = RJ + R 2 (b) R = R 2 - R !

Current Electricity 442 59. The ratio of the terminal potential difference to emf, if a cell of emf E and internal resistance V is connected in series with an external resistance nr, is : 1 1 (a) (b) (n + 1) (c) (n + 1) (d) n+1

60. If 3 A of current is flowing between P and Q in the

circuit, then the potential difference between P and Q is :

2 V, 2 fi 3 A


-vww4 fi

(a) 30 V (c) 20 V

(b) 22 V (d) 15 V

61. Potential difference (Vq - VB) >n the circuit is :

1 fi 12V

(d) R = R j

5 A


-VAAAr-j Ir-WVW->
6 fi

2 fi

3 V


2 A

56. In the circuit shown in the figure, the current through:

9 V " i " 8 fi



3A (a) 15 V (c) 20 V

6 A

(b) 38 V (d) 9 V difference

2 fi
(a) (b) (c) (d) the 3 2 resistor the 3 2 resistor the 4 2 resistor the 4 2 resistor

2 Ci


62. In the figure given below, the potential between points M and N is :

is 0.5 A is 0.25 A is 0.5 A is 0.25 A

8 V , 1 fi 1 0 V , 1 fi 1 2 V , 1 fi 1 4 V , 1 fi
1 A

|-V\Ar-| hVW--| IW\I (WVi- 1 fi 1 A 1 fi 2 fi 2 fi (b) 7 volt (d) 9 volt


57. In the circuit shown in the figure, the voltage across 15 2 resistor is 30 V having the polarity as indicated. What is the value of R ?
2 A 'WWV G

(a) 8 volt (c) 6 volt

63. A circuit shown in the figure, is in the + 6 form of letter Y. The three terminals of A the circuit A, B, C have potential 6 V, g 3 V and 2 V respectively. The potentials of node 'O' is : (a) V = 5 V (b) V0 = 6V (c) V0 = 3 V


(d) V0 = 2V 64. When a voltmeter is connected across a 400 2 resistance, it reads 30 V. When it is connected with 300 2 resistance, it will read : (a) 30 V (b) 22.5 V (c) 20 V (d) 25 V
I (amp)

(a) 10 2 (c) 17.5 2

(b) 35 2 (d) 37.5 2

58. For a cell, the graph between the potential difference (V) across V (volt) the terminals of the cell and the current (I) drawn from the cell is shown in figure. The emf and the internal resistance of the cell are: (a) 2 V, 0.4 2 (c) > 2 V, 0.4 2 (b) 2 V, 0.5 2 (d) < 2 V, 0.4 2


3 0 0 fi


W i

4 0 0 fi

30 V

60 V

65. Figure shows a circuit with two cells 'x' and 'y' in opposition to each other. Cell x has an emf of 6 volts and internal resistance of 2 2 and cell y has an emf of 4 V and internal

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Nitin M Sir (

Current Electricity resistance of 8 2. What is the voltage between terminals A and B ? (a) 5.4 V (b) 5.6 V (c) 5.6 V (d) 6.0 V 66. The potential difference between the points 'A' and 'B' is :

443 71. To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter, we should connect: (a) a low resistance in series with it (b) a high resistance in series with it (c) a low resistance in parallel with it (d) a high resistance in parallel with it 72. To convert a galvanometer into voltmeter, one should connect: (a) (b) (c) (d) a low resistance in series with it a high resistance in series with it a low resistance in parallel with it a high resistance in parallel with it

(a) 5 V (c) 3 V

(b) 4 V (d) 2 V

67. Figure shows four batteries of emf E and internal resistance V are connected in series. The voltage across each battery is :

73. The certain galvanometer has a resistance of 400 2 and deflects full scale for a current of 0.2 rnA through it. The shunt resistance required to convert it into an ammeter is: (a) 0.0135 2 (b) 0.027 Q (c) 0.0405 2 (d) 0.054 2 74. The 80 2 galvanometer deflects full scale for a potential of 20 mV. A voltmeter deflecting full scale of 5 V is to made using this galvanometer. We must connect: (a) a resistance of 19.92 k2 parallel to the galvanometer (b) a resistance of 19.92 k2 in series with the galvanometer (c) a resistance of 20 k2 parallel to the galvanometer (d) a resistance of 20 k2 in series with the galvanometer

(a) 2 V (c) 1.5 V 68. In the circuit shown in the figure, the potential drop V, across the resistor of 10 Q is : (a) 1.89 V (b) 1.79 V (c) 1.69 V (d) 1.99 V

(b) 0 V (d) 0.75 V

75. A DC milliammeter has a resistance of 12 2 and gives a full scale deflection for a current of 0.01 A. To convert it into a voltmeter giving a full scale deflection of 3 V, the resistance required to be put in series with the instrument i s : (a) 102 2 (b) 288 2 (c) 300 2 (d) 412 2 76. A voltmeter having resistance of 1800 ohm is employed to measure the potential difference across 200 2 resistance which is connected to D.C. power supply of 50 V and internal resistance : 20 2. What is percentage change in p.d. across 200 2 resistance as a result of connecting voltmeter across it ? (a) 1% (c) 10% (b) 5% (d) 20%
50 V 20 Q

H i -

-vww200 Si

1800 a

69. The emf of the battery shown in the figure: 2n 2n in VWvvi r W W + i 1WWV-1 I = 1.5 A( % i l a : -p ; >6 o

(a) 6 V (c) 18 V

(b) 12 V (d) 8 V

77. When battery and galvanometer are interchanged in the case of Wheatstone bridge, then : (a) if the bridge was in adjustment before interchange, it will not be in adjustment after interchange (b) if the bridge was in adjustment before interchange, it will be in adjustment after interchange (c) if the bridge was in adjustment before interchange, it may or may not be in adjustment after interchange (d) all the above

70. For accurate measurements, the resistance of a voltmeter should b e : (a) as large as possible (b) equal to the resistance across which the potential difference is to be measured (c) as small as possible (d) infinity

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Nitin M Sir (

444 78. In the circuit when ammeter and voltmeters are out and circuit is completed, the current through the cell is I 0 and VA - Vg = V 0 . Consider the symbols : x means (A) is brought in the circuit, y means ( V ) is brought in the circuit. Then : (a) x causes I < I0, VA-VB< (b) y causes I > 10, VA-VB< V0 V0 (a) 1/6 cm (c) 25 cm (b) 1/3 cm (d) 50 cm C = 2 nF Current Electricity 444

83. The capacitive time constant of the RC circuit shown in the figure is : (a) (b) (c) (d) zero infinity 2 sec 2psec

(c) x + y causes I = I0, and VA - VB = V0 (d) both (a) and (b) are correct 79. In the given circuit, voltmeter and the electric cell are ideal. The reading of voltmeter is : (a) 1 V (b) 2 V (c) 3 V (d) none of the above 80. A potentiometer wire of length 100 cm has a resistance of 10 Q. It is connected in series with resistance (shown in figure) and a cell of emf 2 V and negligible resistance. A source of emf 10 mV is balanced against a length of 40 cm of potentiometer wire. What is the value of R j ?

84. A capacitor is charged to certain potential difference and then discharged through a resistor R. It takes 2 ps for current through R to become half its initial value. It would take 4 p s for current to become half its initial value i f : 1n (a) C is doubled (c) either (a) or (b) (b) R is doubled (d) both R and C are doubled R = 2 Mn JWWV-


85. For the arrangement shown in the figure, the switch is closed at f = 0. The time after which the current becomes 2.5 pA is given by: (a) 10 sec (c) 7 sec (b) 5 sec (d) 0.693 sec

R, /-WAArv -VWfr/ R, MMM/

10 m V

40 cm 100 cm


86. A charge capacitor is allowed to discharge through a resistor by C = 0.5 \iF closing the key at the instant t = 0. At the instant t = (In 4) ps, the reading of the ammeter falls half the initial value. The -VAM resistance of the ammeter is 2Q equal t o : (a) 1 M2 (b) 1 2 (d) 2 M2 (c) 2 2


(a) 526.67 O (c) 1580 2

(b) 790 2 (d) zero vwwion

87. A capacitor discharges through a resistor. The stored energy Uq in one capacitive time constant falls t o : (a) uo/e2 R -VWW-i B (c) u0/e (b) e u 0 (d) none of these

81. The potentiometer wire AB is 100 cm long. For what value of R, the galvanometer shows no deflection, when AC = 40 cm (shown in figure) ? (a) 13 2 (b) 17 2 (c) 15 2 (d) 21 2 uniform wire having resistance 4 2/m. The cells of small emf El = 2 V and E 2 = 4 V having internal resistance 2 2 and 6 2 respectively, are connected shown in figure. galvanometer shows deflection at the point N, distance of point N from point A is equal to : as If no the the

88. The given plots of V(t) for three capacitors that discharge (separately) through the same resistor. Then: (a) C a > C 2 > C 3 (b) C 1 = C 2 = C 3 (c) C ! < C 2 < C 3 (d) none ot the above

82. A battery of emf EQ = 12 V is connected across a 4 m long E0 R=8Q N Ei rJHWW\r-| WAAAr-1 B \

89. A silver and copper voltameters are connected in parallel to a 12 V battery of negligible resistance. At what rate is energy being delivered by the battery, if in 30 minutes, 1 g of silver and 1.8 g of copper are deposited ? (Assume electrochemical equivalent of silver = 11.2 x 10 kg/C, 7 electrochemical equivalent of copper = 6.6 x 10 _/ kg/C) (a) 42.2 J/s (b) 40.4 J/s (c) 24.1 J/s (d) 20.4 J/s

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Current Electricity * 90. At f = 0, S 2 is closed. At t = 2 RC, on the capacitor is q (f). Then : ' (a) q = 0.63CE at t = 2RC (b) q = CE at f ~ 0.37 (c) q = CE 1 at f = 3RC (d) all of the above 91. When the switch is closed, the initial current through the 1 2 vww resistor is : 6a z r 1 2 Vrt < : (a) 12 A (b) 4 A vww A (c) 3 A 3Q (d) y A
1 0

445 is closed. The charge P


97. When the switch is closed, the final charge on the 3 pF capacitor in the steady state is :

t + ,

10 kn -vww6 nF (a) 10 pC (c) 30 pC


Z= 3 fiF

- T (b) 20 pC (d) 40 pC 2Q -vww2 (iF ion -VWW2.5 V H>-

92. A capacitor C is connected to two equal resistances as shown in the figure. What is the ratio of time constant during charging and discharging of the capacitor ? (a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 (c) 1 : 2 (d) 4 93. In the circuit shown in figure, switch S is closed at time f = 0. Let I j and I 2 be the currents at any finite time t, then ratio l\/l2 ' (a) is constant (b) increases with time (c) decreases with time

98. A capacitor of capacitance 2 pF is connected as shown in figure. The internal resistance of the cell is 0.5 2. The amount of charge on the capacitor plates is : (a) zero (c) 4 pC (b) 2 p C (d) 6 pC



99. In the given circuit, switch S is at position '1' for long time. Find total heat generated in resistor of resistance (2r 0 ), when switch 'S' is shifted from position 1 to position 2 : ^vwwQ) E20 Hh



2 C

(a) -vww-VWW- A .

-vww2 r

(b) CQ EQ (C) Q)o

- v w w - Hh

(d) none of these. 100. In the figure r = 1 0 Q and C = 2 mF, the value of the steady state current I is :

(d) first increases and then decreases 94. Current through the battery, at the instant when the switch 'S' is closed i s : (a) zero (c) 4 A (b) 2 A (d) 5 A 2 MF _|| WWV2nF 3 n Hf10V

10V -vww, 2n (a) 2 A (c) zero (b) 1 A (d) none of these

95. In the circuit shown in the figure C] = 2C 2 . Capacitor Cj is charged to a potential of V. The current in the circuit just after the C, - p switch S is closed is : (a) zero (b) 2 V / R (c) infinite (d) V/2R

101. In the steady state, the charge on the capacitor is q, the current in the cell is i, and the potential of x is Vx. Then : -VWW

-vwwT C,


96. In the steady state in the circuit shown : (a) p.d. across Q is 4 V 10 ^F 1 0 (b) p.d. across 10 fi is 2 V (c) p.d. across C 2 is 4 V (d) charge on C\ or C 2 is OpC

AW / W C,

4nF 1|

(a) q = CE, i = 0 , VX = E (b) < = X ' ?

, =


V x = Z 2~

(c) q = 0,i = ^,Vx


(d) none of the above

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

446 102. The equivalent resistance between points A and B in the steady state is : , , 3 (a) j r 0 (b)|r0 , . 5 (c) 3 r 0 (d) none of the above -VWW-WWV ^WWVrn 1 fCurrent Electricity 108. For the circuit shown in figure, charge on the 5 pF capacitor i s :

10 n
_ 100V, 10fi

10 n

10 fi 20 fi

5 (iF_ _ 3|aF_

10fi (a) 100 pC (c) 300 pC


(b) 250 pC (d) 500 pC


103. A capacitor of capacitance 10 V 3 pF is first charged by connecting it across a 10 V battery by closing key Ki, then it is allowed to get discharged through 2 Q. and 4 Q resistors by closing the key K2. The total energy dissipated in the 2 2 resistor is equal to : (b) 0.05 m j (a) 0.5 m j (c) 0.15 m j (d) none of these of saturation 104. The magnitude r R2 charge on capacitor of capacitance -vww C is : CERi wwv(a) CE (b) Ri + R 3 R3 -wwv1 CERJ CER2 HH (d) (c) R 1 + R3 R2 + R 3 equivalent 105. What is the capacitance between A and R2 B in the figure ? VWAr (a) 6 pF (b) 1.5 pF A (c) zero (d) 2 pF 11vww] | 3 NF R1 6 NF 106. In the circuit, if no current flows through the galvano- meter when the key k is closed, the bridge is balanced. The balancing condition for bridge i s : Ci R (a) 7=r" = 1 C 2 R2 (C) Si Ci Cj (b) C = 2 ci (d) - f = C2 ^

109. n resistors each of resistance R are joined with capacitors of capacity C (each) and a battery of emf E as shown in the figure. In steady state condition, ratio of charges stored in the first and last capacitor is : 5R r = c SR = : C =:C

(a) n : 1 (c) (n2 +1): (n 2 -1) i

(b) ( n - l ) : R (d) 1 : 1

110. In steady state, the energy stored in the capacitor i s :


(a) \ c ERi r+ Ri+R2

I Ri

E 1 (b) \ c E 0 + f r + R-Y+R2 R\

(c) ^CE02

(d) none of these

111. A 4 pF condenser is charged to 400 V and then its plates are joined through a resistance. The heat produced in the resistance i s : (a) 0.64 J (b) 0.32 J (c) 0.16 J (d) 1.28 J 112. A certain circuit element has a current i = 2.5 sin (ot (mA), where co is the angular frequency in rad/s and a voltage difference between terminals V = 45 sin cof (V), then: (a) the value of average power is 56.25 mW (b) the value of average power is zero (c) the value of average power is 112.5 mW (d) none of the above 113. Five identical lamps each having resistance R = 1100 Q are connected to 220 V as shown in figure. The reading of ideal ammeter (A) is :


107. The equivalent resistance between points A and B at steady state will be : (a) 2r (b) f r (c)fr (d) none of the above Ri - r:

-WWNrC, -VWW -vwv^ (d) I A HH

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Current Electricity 114. The charge supplied by source varies with time t as Q-atbt2 The total heat produced in resistor 2R is

447 119. At steady state, energy stored in capacitor is : (a) 4 x 10" 6 J (b) 2 J (c) 4 J (d) zero 2 nF

, , a2R (3) 6b c?R (c) 3b

(d) none of these

120. In the circuit shown, the heat produced in the 5 2 resistor due to current flowing in it is 10" cal/s. The heat generated in 4 2 resistor is (a) 1 cal/s (c) 3 c a V s

- w / w






115. A resistance R carries a current I. The heat loss to the surroundings is X(T - T 0 ), where X is a constant, T is the temperature of the resistance and T 0 is the temperature of the atmosphere. If the coefficient of linear expansion is a., the strain in the resistance i s : (a) proportional to the length of the resistance wire. (b) equal to f l 2 R A, (c) equal to }r f l2R 2. K (d) equal to a l (IR) 116. In the circuit shown in figure, power developed across 1 2, 2 2, 3 2 resistances are in the ratio of : -WWV-

(b) 2 cal/s (d) 4 cal/s

121. In the circuit that is given, the heat developed per second between A and B will b e : 10 A (a) 650 J/s (b) 500 J/s (c) 900 J/s (d) 0 J/s

10 A


122. A constant current is passed through a uniform metallic wire. If both the length and radius of the wire are doubled, then: (a) the heat developed in wire will be doubled (b) the electric field in the wire will be doubled (c) the heat developed will be halved (d) the electric field in the wire will be quadrupled 123. Two bulbs when connected in parallel to a source take 100 W each. The total power consumed when they are connected in series with the same source is: (a) 25 W (b) 50 W (c) 100 W (d) 200 W 124. The figure shows a battery charger. The value of R so, that 25 W of power is delivered to the 11 V ideal voltage source i s :
0.05 n R |-WWVVWMf0.04 n -VWW-j^ 11 V SZ.



(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (c) 6 : 4 : 9 (b) 4 : 2 : 27 (d) 2 : 1 : 27

117. The resistance in which the maximum heat is produced is given b y : -WWr Q 6Q -VWVAr4 Q

12 n

-IH (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 2 6 2 4 2 12 2


Battery charger


(a) R = 1.23 2 (c) R = 3.32 2

(b) R = 2.232 (d) R = 1.032

118. A constant voltage is applied between the two ends of a uniform metallic wire. Some heat is produced in it. The heat developed is double i f : (a) both the length and radius of the wire are halved. (b) both the length and radius of the wire are doubled (c) the radius of the wire is doubled (d) the length of the wire is doubled and the radius of the wire is halved.

125. The power consumed by 4 V battery in the circuit as shown is : (a) 8 W (b) 7 W (c) 6 W (d) 5 W



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

448 126. A battery of emf E is connected across the circuit.. The value of R for which heat generated in the circuit is maximum, i s : (a) R = : 4 5r (b) R = : 2 R, (c)R=(d) R = 2r (a) The ammeter is faulty (b) The filament of a 3 is broken (c) The resistance of a 3 is much greater than that of a j and a 2 (d) There is a break in the connecting wire between a 2 and a 3 133. Choose the correct option : Three bulbs of 100 W, 200 W and 40 W are connected in series to the main supply of 200 V. The current will b e : (a) maximum through 100 W (b) maximum through 200 W (c) maximum through 40 W (d) same in all 134. An electric bulb is marked 100 W, 230 V. The resistance of the bulb is : (a) 229 2 (b) 329 2 (c) 429 2 (d) 529 2 135. If two identical heaters each rated as (1000 W-220 V) are connected in parallel to 220 V, then the total power consumed i s : (a) 200 W (b) 2500 W (c) 250 W (d) 2000 W 136. What must be the efficiency of an electric kettle marked 500 W, 230 V, if it was found to bring 1 kg of water at 15C to boiling point in 15 minutes ? (given specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kgC) (a) 79% (b) 81% (c) 72% (d) 69% 137. The heat produced by a heater of 100 W in 7 minutes is : (a) 10 4 cal (b) 10 5 cal (c) 1.2 x l O 4 cal (d) | x l O 4 c a l 138. The graph represents a current voltage behaviour of water. Choose the correct option: (a) Ohm's law is obeyed (b) electrolytes in general do not obey ohm's law (c) dissociation takes place at E, and it obeys Ohm's law thereafter (d) Ohm's law is not valid for low voltage 139. If an electric heater is rated at 1000 W, then the time required to heat one litre of water from 20C to 100C will b e : (a) 136 s (b) 236 s (c) 336 s (d) 436 s Current Electricity 448

127. The amount of heat generated in 500 2 resistance, when the key is thrown over from contact 1 to 2, as shown in figure is : (a) 40 x 10 - 3 J (b) 50 x 10~3 J (c) 60 x 10 - 3 J (d) 30 x 10 - 3 J

5 ^f

330 Q


128. Which bulb will fuse, when two bulbs rated as (25 W and 220 V) and (100 W and 220 V) are connected in series to 40 V ? (a) 20 W (b) 25 W (c) 30 W (d) 15 W 129. A lamp having tungsten filament consumes 50 W. Assume the temperature coefficient of resistance for tungsten is 4.5 x 10~3/C and the room temperature is 20C. If the lamp burns, the temperature of its filament becomes 2500C, then the power consumed at the moment switch is on, is : (a) 608 W (b) 710 W (c) 215 W (d) 580 W 130. The power consumed by the combination, when three electric lamps of 40 W, 60 W and 100 W are connected in parallel, is : (a) 0 W (b) 200 W (c) 160 W (d) 120 W 131. To reduce the brightness of a light bulb, an auxiliary resistance be connected in : (a) series to it (b) parallel to it (c) either series or parallel to it (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 132. In the circuit below, ammeter A reads 0.5 A. Bulbs a j and a 2 are brightly lit, but a 3 is not. What is the reason for a 3 not being lit ? H



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Current Electricity 140. A fuse wire of circular cross-section and having diameter of 0.4 mm, allows 3 A of current to pass through it. But if another fuse wire of same material and circular cross-section and having diameter of 0.6 mm is taken, then the amount of current passed through the fuse is : (a) 3 A (c) 3 x [f2 f} p A

449 146. When the cold junction is at 0 C , the equation of thermo emf is represented by E = AT + BT2. The neutral temperature is: A -2B / \ 2A <0 ~~B (b) - K ' 3B (d) -A/B

(b) 3 x V | A (d) 3 x r 3

141. An electric kettle boils some water in 16 minutes. Due to some defect, it becomes necessary to remove 10% turns of heating coil of the kettle . Now, how much time will it take to boil the same mass of water : (a) 17.7 minute (c) 20.9 minute (b) 14.4 minute (d) 13.7 minute

147. When one ampere current flows for one minute through a silver voltameter, it deposites 0.067 g of silver on the cathode, then how much charge will flow to deposite 108 g of silver? (a) 10.6 x 10 4 C/geq (c) 8.7 x 10 4 C/geq (b) 9 . 6 7 x l 0 4 C / g e q (d) 4.3 x 10 4 C/g eq

142. The metal rod of cross-section 1 0 " 4 m 2 and the specific resistance of material of rod is 150 x 10~8 m, has a uniform temperature gradient of lC/m. When a current of 0.05 A is sent through hot to the cold junction, temperature gradient is unaltered. Thomson coefficient for the material of the rod is : (a) 5.5 x l O " 4 V (c) 18.7 x l O " 4 V (b) 6 . 3 2 x l O " 4 V (d) 7.5 x l O " 4 V

148. A 20 2 resistance takes 5 minutes to boil a given amount of water. How much resistance will be required to boil the same amount of water using the same source in 1 minute ? (a) 4 2 (b) 52 (c) 6 2 (d) 3 2 149. A silver plating bath that deposites 2.60 g of silver in 40 minute, is connected in series with an ammeter, which reads 0.90 A. By what percent is the ammeter reading is incorrect ? (Given : Atomic weight of silver = 108,1 farad = 96500 C) (a) 7 % less than true value (b) 7 % greater than true value (c) 8% greater than true value (d) 5 % greater that true value 150. The amount of chlorine produced per-second through electrolysis in a plate which consumes 100 kW power at 200 V is : (Given : Electrochemical equivalent of chlorine = 0.367 x l O " 3 g / C ) (a) 18.35 g (b) 1.835 g (c) 183.5 g (d) 0.1835 g 151. A piece of metal weighing 200 g is to be electroplated with 5% of its weight in gold. How long it would take to deposite the required amount of gold, if the strength of the available current is 2 A ? (Given : Electrochemical equivalent of H = 0.1044 x 10" 4 g/C, atomic weight of gold = 197.1, atomic weight of hydrogen = 1.008) (a) 7347.9 s (b) 7400.5 s (c) 7151.7 s (d) 70 s

143. When the temperature difference between hot and cold junctions of a thermo-couple is 100 K, an emf of 1 V is generated. Assume the cold junction is heated by 20 K, the percentage change in thermo emf is : (a) 20% (c) 40% 144 (b) 30% (d) 25%

The temperature of cold junction of thermo-couple is 0C. If the neutral temperature is 270C, then the inversion temperature i s : (a) 540C (b) 520C (c) 640C (d) 580C

145. The junctions of Ni-Cu thermo-couple are maintained at 0C and 100C. The Seebeck emf developed in the temperature is :

= 16.3 x 1 0 "


^Ni-Cu = - 0 . 0 2 1 x 10" 6 V/C

(a) 2.73 x 10 V (c) 3.68 x 10~3 V

(b) 1.42 x 10

(d) 2.23 x 10 3 V

1. 11. 21. (d) (d) (c)

2. 12. 22. (c) (a) (d) 3. 13. 23. (d) (b) (b) 4. 14. 24. (d) (b) (a)

5. 15.

(c) (c)

6. 16.

(a) (d)

7. 17.

(c) (a)

8. 18.

(c) (b)

9. 19.

(d) (c)

10. 20.

(b) (b)

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Nitin M Sir (

450 Current Electricity 450

1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81. 91. 101. 111. 121. 131. 141. 151. (b) (a) (a) (d) (c) (a) (c) (c) (c) (b) (b) (b) (d) (a) (b) (a) 2. 12. 22 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82. 92. 102. 112. 122. 132. 142. (d) (c) (a) (b) (b) (b) (c) (b) (c) (c) (a) (b) (c) (c) (a; 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83. 93. 103. 113. 123. 1.53143. (c) (c) (a) (a) (a) (b) (c) (b) (b) (c) (c) (c) (b) (d) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84. 94. 104. 114. 124. 134. 144 (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (d) (b) (b) (a) (d) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85. 95. 105. 115. 125. 135. 145. (c) (a) (a) (c) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (a) (d) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96. 106. 116. 126. 136. 146. (a) (b) (c) (c) (a) (d) (b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (b) (b) (a) (a) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87. 97. 107. 117. 127. 137. 147. (a) (c) (a) (c) (c) (c) (b) (a) (a) (b) (a) (a) (c) (a) (b) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88. 98. 108. 118. 128. 138. 148. (c) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (a) (c) (c) (b) (a) (b) (b) (a) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99. 109. 119. 129. 139. 149. (d) (d) (b) (b) (a) (c) (a) (a) (c) (c) (d) (a) (a) (c) (a) 10. 29. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. 100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. (d) (b) (d) (a) (a) (c) (d) (a) (d) (d) (b) (b) (b) (c) (d)



V = E - I r = 1 2 - 5 x 10~2 x 90 = 7.5 iml p= nAl mvrf = 1 x(9xlQ-31)x(0.10) 1 . 6 x 1 0 ,-19

3.2 1.6x10 I ' lieA 1.2 5 x 10 28 x 1.6 x 10~19 x 10~4 = 1.5 x 10" 6 m/s 8.


= 2 x 10 19

= 5.6 x l O - 1 3 kg m/s J_ 1 1 _2 + l R~7 + U~ 14 14 R=y=4.6Q 19. R=Ri = and R9 220 x 220 200
220 X 220

22 x 22 2 = 22 x 22

...(i) ...(ii)


From equations (i) and (ii), we get J_ = l R' ~ R J_ R' J_ 2R 1 R R2 = 2R, 21. 50 10+r ._ 4.5

2 + 1+2 2R 5_ 2R 5 f 22.

45 + 4.5r = 50 4.5r = 50 - 45 = 5



R' = 13. Total resistance = R + r

Ig(G + R) = V 1CT-* (400 + R) = 8

R+r 15. p=RA A_ ~~ Gl 24. Consumed power = R

R = 8000 - 400 = 7600 Q


8x10- ., 7 = 4.1x10 ' s 2.45 x 8

_ (220) ~ (220)

x l 0 0 W = 100W

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Magnetic Field
Syllabus: Oersted's experiment, Biot-Savart's law (Magnetic field due to a current element), magnetic field due to a straight wire, circular loop and solenoid, force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field (Lorentz force), forces and torques on currents in a magnetic field, force between two current carrying wire

Review of Concepts
1. Magnetic Field: In magnetics, there are basically two methods of calculating magnetic field at some point. One is Biot Savart's law which gives the magnetic field due to an infinitesimally small current carrying wire at some point and the other is Ampere's law, which is useful in calculating the magnetic field of a highly symmetric configuration carrying a steady current. 2. Applications of Biot Savart's Law : (a) Magnetic field due to a straight thin conductor is p0/ B = ~ (sin 9i + sin 8z2 ) 1 4tid (i) For an infinitely long straight wire, 0! = 0 2 = 90 B= (ii) When wire infinite, M 2nd is semik J d

(i) At the centre of the loop, x = 0 B=(ii) For x R, B=



J2 x^ + R2~X2 NIR1 'iNl nR2' x3

3 /v r y y \ Here, M = magnetic moment of the loop






= NIA = NlnR2 This result was expected since, the magnetic field on the axis of dipole is Ho 2M An J (iii) Magnetic field due to an arc of a circle at the centre is B=
/_9_ W n

9j = 0 and 9 2 = ^ B= M sin 0 + sin And M And (iii)Bc-' i.e., B-d graph for an infinitely long straight wire is a rectangular hyperbola as shown in figure. -d (b) Magnetic field on the axis of a circular coil having N turns is B= Po NIR2 2(R2 + x2)3/2

2n 2R

Mi / 471


n I

Jfo or B = An




(c) Field along the axis of a solenoid is "CFTTJ

<V) u-




Po NI B = ^ r ( c os 6 2 - c o s 6 0

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

468 (i) For a long Solenoid (L R), i.e., 9 2 1=180 and 0 2 = O B = MoM (ii) At the ends of solenoid, 0 2 = 0, we get B= 0} = 90 ^N1 (for L R)
- >

Magnetic Field (ii) Here 1 is a vector that points in the direction of the current I and has a magnitude equal to the length. (c) The force of magnetic interaction between two parallel wires is F= Ho h h per unit length

3. Applications of Ampere's Circuital L a w : (a) Magnetic field due to a long metal rod of radius R ' carrying a current I : (i) If r<R, B-

Ho 1

(d) The magnetic force on a moving charged particle F=qvx (i) B B

t y

r, i.e., B<*r

(ii) If r = R (i.e., at the surface) B= Hoi 2nR

If charged particle is projected in the direction of | magnetic field q F = qvB sin 0

(b) Magnetic field of a rolenoid wounded in the form of a helix is B = >i0NI 4. Magnetic Field of a Moving Point Charge : B = - . - ( v x r ) Note down the following points regarding this equation, (a) Magnitude of B is,

Here, (ii)




qv sin 0 ^

It is zero at 0 = 0 and 180 and maximum at 0 = 90. (b) Direction of B is along ~vxl?if

If charged particle is projected in perpendicular direction of uniform magnetic field, the path of the charged particle is circular. The radius is mv V2 r= or r = qB qB
271 m

q is positive and

opposite to ~vx ~tif q is negative. 5. Magnetic Force : (a) If a closed loop of any shape is placed in a uniform magnetic field, the magnetic force on the loop is zero. (b) Magnetic force on a current carrying conductor is given by Fm = I ( l x where I = ne.Avj (i) Magnitude of F m is Fm = ilB sin 0 For 0 = 0 and 180, For 0 = 90, Fm = 0 F m = ilB (maximum) B)

The time period is T =

qB ' (iii) If charged particle is projected at an angle 0 with the direction of magnetic field, the path of particle is helical. The pitch is 2nmv cos 0 P = qB mv sin 0 qB

The radius is Magnetic Dipole:

(a) Magnetic dipole moment is M = NIA. (b) Torque x = M x B. (c) Force F = M -rr di


(c) is directly proportional to the square of the distance from the wire (d)
none o{ the

1. The strength of the magnetic field around a straight wire : (a) is same everywhere around the wire (b) obeys inverse square law


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Magnetic Field 2. A magnetic needle is kept in non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences: (a) a force and torque (b) a force but not a torque (c) a torque but not a force (d) neither a force nor a torque 3. A long wire carries a current of 20 A along the axis of a solenoid, the field due to the solenoid is 4 mT. The resultant field at a point 3 mm from the solenoid axis is : (a) 1.33 mT (b) 4.2 mT (c) 2.1 mT (d) 8.4 mT 4. A circular current carrying coil has a radius R. The distance from the centre of the coil on the axis where the magnetic induction will be -^th of its value at the centre 8 of the coil, is : (a) RV3
, , 2R

469 10. A uniform magnetic field is at right angle to the direction of motion of proton. As a result, the proton describes a circular path of radius 2.5 cm. If the speed of the proton is doubled then the radius of the circular path will be : (a) 0.5 cm (b) 2.5 cm (c) 5.0 cm (d) 7.5 cm 11. An electron moving with velocity of 10 6 m/s enters a region where magnetic field exists. If it describes a circle of radius 0.10 m, the intensity of the magnetic field must be: (a) 1.8x10"^ i (c) 14.4 x 10 - 5 'T (b) 5.6 x 10 - 5 T (d) 1.3 x 10 - 6 T

12. If a long copper rod carries a direct current, the magnetic field associated with the current will be : (a) inside the rod only (b) outside the rod only (c) both inside and outside the rod (d) neither inside nor outside the rod 13. If an electron describes half a revolution in a circle of radius r in a magnetic field B, the energy acquired by it is : (a) zero (0 1 (b) ^ mv2 (d) 7tr (BEV)



(d) (2V3)R

5. Through two parallel wires P and Q, 10 A and 2 A of currents are passed respectively in opposite directions.' If the wire P is infinitely long and the length of the wire Q is 2 cm, the force on the conductor Q which is situated at 10 cm distance from P, will b e : (a) 8 x 10~5 N (c) 4 x 10~5 N (b) 3 x 10 - 7 N (d) 4 x 10 - 7 N

(1 mv

6. Two circular coils A and B are made from similar wire but radius of B is twice that of A. The value of potential difference across them so that the magnetic induction at their centre may be same, will be : (a) VB = 2VA (b) VB = 3VA (c) VB = 4VA (d) v B = \ v A

14. If the total magnetic field due to the earth is 28 Am \ then the total magnetic induction due to the earth is : (a) 3.52 x 1 0 - 7 T (b) 3.52 x 10~5 T (c) 3.52 x 10~2 T (d) 3.52 x 10 - 4 T 15. An electron accelerated through a potential difference V enters into a uniform transverse magnetic field and experiences a force F. If the accelerating potential is increased to 2V, the electron in the same magnetic field will experience a force: (a) F (c) < 2 F

7. A beam of protons with a velocity of 4 x 10 5 m s - 1 enters a uniform magnetic field of 0.3 T. The velocity makes an angle of 60 with the magnetic field. The radius of the helical path taken by the proton is : (a) 4.4 cm (b) 1.2 cm (c) 4.4 cm (d) 2.2 cm 8. A coil carrying electric current is placed in uniform magnetic field. Then : (a) torque is formed (b) emf is induced (c) both (a) and (b) are correct (d) none of the above 9. A helium nucleus makes a full rotation in a circle of radius 0.8 m in two seconds. The value of the magnetic field B at centre of circle will be : .-19 10" (b) 10- 1 9 Po (a) (c) 2 x K T 1 9 p o (d) 2 x 10 19 Ik)

(d) 2F

04 f

16. A wire of length L m carrying a current I amp is bent in the form of a circle. The magnitude of magnetic moment is: (a) UL 471 . , IL 4tc (b) UL 271 (d) InL

17. The restoring couple in the moving coil galvanometer is because o f : (a) (b) (c) (d) magnetic field material of the coil twist produced in the suspension current in the coil

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Magnetic Field 12. A photograph record of radius R which carries a uniformly distributed charge Q is rotating with constant angular speed co. What is the magnetic field at the centre of disc ?


Ho^Q 2kR 2 C co T

(b) g c o Q (D) CDQ a cylindrical wire of a point in the wire, point from the axis of surface of the wire is : (a) > 0 (c) = 0 (b) > 0 (d) none of these

13. Electric current I passes through radius a. The current density at proportional to the distance of the the wire. The magnetic field at the
(a) (c)

Ho[ 2 na 2M 7la

Hoi (b) Ana (d) none of these

18. Three infinitely long conductors A, B and C are carrying current I as shown in the figure. The position of the point lying in the straight line AC where magnetic field is zero, is i n :

14. A charge q (> 0) moves towards the centre of a circular loop of radius R along its axis. The magnitude of B along the periphery of the loop is :

(a) between B and C at a distance of 3.2 cm from B (b) between B and A at a distance of 3.2 cm from A (c) between B and C at a distance of 1.3 cm from B (d) between B and A at a distance of 1.3 cm from B 19. In the given figure, AB = CD = N3-r V2 a,

(a) zero (0



qvR Vd^ + x2)3

OB = OC = a, BC = V2a. The magnetic field at the point O is: (V3-l)p07 (a) 0 (b) Ana (c) V3p pi 8m (d) none of these

(d) none of these

15. Two mutually perpendicular conductors carry currents /j and along x-axis and y-axis respectively. The locus of points at which magnetic induction is zero is :
(a) y =

(b) x = } y


b '2

(d) x2 + y2 = j12 b r VWW

16. In the given figure, net magnetic field at the point P i s :

20. Three infinitely long wires carrying same current I are passing through corners of a equilateral triangle. The magnetic field at the centre of the triangle i s : (a) zero (c) 3V2poI 2 na 3po[ (b) 2na I (d) none of these

r * (a) (b) (c) (d) not calculated zero non-zero infinity

17. In the given figure, all wires are infinitely long, having same electric current, C is a middle point of AB. The magnetic field at the point C is :

21. An equilateral triangle of side a is formed by a piece of uniform resistance wire. Current I is feed in one corner and feed also at the other corner. The magnetic field at the centre O due to the current in the loop is : (a) zero (b)-3|i<)J (c) V3Hoi Ana (d) g c o O

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472 22. Six infinitely long wires are passing through corners of a regular hexagon (shown in figure). The magnetic field at the centre of the hexagon is : (a) zero (b) infinity . . 3n0/ ( C ) ~4na (d) none of the above 23. A wire frame forms edges of a cube. Each edge has a length a and resistance r. A current 1 enters one corner and leaves at 0 diagonally opposite corner. The magnitude of magnetic induction vector B at the centre O of the cube is :
(a) (c) (a) h = h (b) h=ll2

Magnetic Field (c) 7X =27il 2 (d) l2 = 2kI]

* 26. A long straight metal rod has a very long hole of radius a drilled along parallel to the rod axis as shown in the figure. If the rod carries a current I. The value of magnetic induction on the axis of hole, where OC = c:


(b 2 - a2)


2ti (b2 - a2)


(b2 - a2) 2 KC


Po/c 27ia2b2

7 \



jM (c) 3a

(d) zero

27. A point charge q is placed near a long straight wire carrying current I, then : (a) there is small charge density on the surface of wire (b) there is no charge density on the q surface of wire (c) no force is exerted by wire on the point charge q (d) a large force is exerted by wire on the point charge q 28. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries a constant current I. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field B such that Bq is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The magnetic force acting on the loop is : (a) JrB 0 (c) nlrBo (b) 2nIrB0 (d) zero

24. Infinite number of straight wires each carrying current I are equally placed as shown in the figure. Adjacent wires have current in opposite direction. Net magnetic field at point P is :


29. In the given figure, an irregular wire loop of current I is placed in a uniform magnetic field B acting perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The total magnetic force on loop i s : "


, , M In 2 A V3a

(a) zero in perpendicular direction of B (b) zero but direction is in intermediate form (c) IB x (total length of wire) and direction perpendicular to B (d) not calculated in the given condition A B is

. , M In 4 ,

A .

(d) zero

25. A long straight wire and a circular loop carrying currents /i and I 2 respectively are in the same plane as shown in figure. If the magnetic field at the centre of the loop is zero, then :

30. An irregular loop carrying current 5 A is placed in a

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Magnetic Field uniform magnetic field B = 0.5 T as such straight segment AB of length 10 cm is out of magnetic field (shown in the figure). The magnitude and the direction of the magnetic force acting on the loop are : (a) 0 N and unlike parallel to BC (b) 0.25 N and unlike parallel to BC (c) 0.25 N and like parallel to BC (d) sufficient information is not available 31. Figure shows a wire of arbitrary shape carrying a current I between points a and b. The length of the wire is L and the distance between points a and b is d. The wire lies in a plane at right angle to a uniform magnetic field B . Then the force on the wire is: (a) ILB (c) I (L-d)B (b) IdB (d) none of these 473 A square loop of edge / and carrying current I is placed with its edges parallel to the x-y axis. The magnitude of the net magnetic force experienced by the loop is : (a) 2B 0 II (b) B0I0l (c) Bg II (d) BIl 35. A straight rod of mass m and length L is suspended from the identical springs as shown in figure. The spring stretched a distance x0 due to the weight of the wire. The p circuit has total resistance R. When the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of paper is switched on springs are observed to extend further by the same distance, the magnetic field strength is : 2 mgR mgR (a) (b) LE ~LE

x x

x x

x x

x x

x x

mgR 2 LE



32. A wire of sine-graph shape lies in x-y plane as shown in the figure. A constant and static magnetic field -B having magnitude 2 T exists IL y (m) perpendicular to x-y 1 X (m) plane. The magnitude / \ / \ w of force on the wire / 3 4\Q p\ J 1 PQ if a current 1 A -1 goes from P to Q is equal to : (a) 20 N (b) 9.2 N (c) 8 N (d) 4.6 N #33. A wire of arbitrary shape carries a current 1 = 2 A, consider the portion of wire between (0, 0, 0) and (4 m, 4 m, 4 m). A magnetic field given by = B> 1.2 x 1 0 " 4 T 1 + 2.0 x l O ~ 4 T j exists in the space. The force acting on the given portion is : z
I = 2A .

36. A wire of length 60 cm and mass 10 g is suspended in air by a pair of strings in a magnetic field of 0.4 T perpendicular to the paper, then : (a) if electric current in the wire is 0.41 A, the strings may be completely tension- less (b) if the direction of current in the wire is from left to right, the strings may be completely tensionless (c) when the magnetic force is upward and just equal to weight of the rod, the strings will be tensionless (d) all of the above 37. In the given figure, the loop is fixed but straight wire can move. The straight wire will: (a) remain stationary (b) move towards the loop (c) move away from the loop (d) rotates about the axis 38. The force of interaction between current elements and I2dl2 are F j and F 2 respectively, then : (a) "fi = - ~F2 (b) ~Fi = 0 , ^ 2 = 0 (c) F , * - ~F2
> >



(d) both (a) and (b) are correct 39. If two point charges q of a sufficiently large mass move parallel to one another with the same non-relativistic velocity ~v (shown in the figure), the ratio of the v q <magnitude of the magnetic and v electric interaction forces q between charges i s :

(a) incalculatable as length of wire is not known (b) ~F = [ ( i + j + k ) x ( 1 . 2 i + 2 . o f ) ] N (c) "f = 8 X 1 0 ~ 4 [ ( i + j + 1 ) X(1.2i + 2 . o f ) ] N (d) ~F = 8 x K T 4 [ ( 1 . 2 i + 2 . 0 j ) x ( i + f + t c ) ] N 34. The magnetic field existing in a region is given by x B = B0

(b) v (d) v c2

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474 40. Two long parallel wires are placed on a smooth horizontal table. They have equal and opposite charges. Work required to increase the separation between wires from a to 2a if magnitude of charge per unit length on them is X, will be : X2 In 2 (a) 47ie0

Magnetic Field 47. Two protons are moving with same velocity in magnetic field of same magnitude, then : (a) magnetic force on protons may be zero (b) magnetic force on both must be same to each other (c) magnetic force on both may or may not be same to each other (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 48. A charge q is moving with a velocity ^v1 = l'im/s at a point in a magnetic field and experiences a force Fi=<?[-lj + l ] N If the charge is moving with a velocity ~v2 = l l m/s at the same point, it experiences a force F 2 = r ( l i - l i c ) N . The
> >

(b) I n 2 TE IO

-In 2

41. Two long straight parallel conductors are separated by a distance of 5 cm and carrying current 20 A. What work per unit length of a conductor must be done to increase the separation between conductors to 10 cm, if the current flows in the same direction ? (a) 8 x l O - 5 log,, 2 (c) 1 0 " 7 l o g f 2 (b) log, 2 (d) None of these

magnetic induction B at that point is : (a) (i + f + t ) W b / m 2 (b) ( i - j + i t ) Wb/m2 (c) ( - i + j - t ) W b / m 2 (d) ( i + j - fc) Wb/m2 49. A charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field penetrates a layer of lead and loses one half of its kinetic energy. The radius of curvature changes to : (a) twice the original radius (b) <2 times the original radius (c) half of the original radius 1 (d) times the original radius 50. Two charged particles M and N are projected with same velocity in a uniform magnetic field. Then M and N are : (a) an electron and a proton respectively

42. Two thin long parallel wires separated by a distance b are carrying a current I amp each. The magnitude of the force per unit length exerted by one wire on the other is : (b) , , Mo' (C) 2iib (d) MoT 2nb Mol 2Kb2 field are basically

43. Mark correct option or options : (a) Electric field and magnetic independent

(b) Electric field and magnetic field are two aspects of the electromagnetic field (c) Electric field and magnetic field may be produced by charge in rest (d) Both (a) and (c) are correct 44. The dimensions of 1 are same as:

af <>

(b) a deuteron and a proton respectively (c) a deuteron and an electron respectively (d) a proton and a-particle respectively 51. A charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field and losses 4 % of its KE. The radius of curvature of its path changes b y : (a) 2 % (b) 4 % (c) 10% (d) none of these 52. A charged particle of mass m and charge q in a uniform magnetic field B acts into the plane. The plane is frictional having coefficient of friction p. The speed of charged particle just before entering into the region is Vq. The radius of curvature of the path after the time v0 2 PS . . mvo ~qB mvo
IS :


> !



45. If a charged particle is projected in a region of magnetic field, then: (a) the speed of the charged particle continuously changes (b) the magnetic force on the charged particle must be zero (c) the speed of the charged particle remains constant (d) the magnetic force on the charged particle must not be zero 46. Two charged particles each of mass m and charge q are projected in a uniform magnetic field B with the same speed as such planes of motion of particles are perpendicular to magnetic field B, then (a) they move on circular path of same radii (b) the magnetic forces on them are same to each other (c) the kinetic energy of particles are same to each other (d) all of the above


mvo 2qB


(d) none of these

53. A particle of mass m and charge Q moving with velocity "^describes a circular path of radius R when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of inductance L

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Magnetic Field The work done by the field when the particle completes one full circle is : (a) BQv (2KR) (b) f

475 containing uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane. Then (Trajectories as shown in figure) (a) px=p2 (c) pi < p2 (b) pi>p2 (d) none of these




(c) zero (d) BQ(2nR) 54. A charged particle + q of mass m is placed at a distance d from another charged particle -2q of mass 2m in a uniform magnetic field of induction vector B (as shown in figure). If particles are projected towards each other with equal speeds VQ, the maximum value of the projection speed Vq, S that the two particles do not O collide, is : (Assume only magnetic force of interaction between particles) -2q B q vo

59. A charged particle of mass m and charge q is accelerated through a potential difference of V volt. It enters a region of uniform magnetic field which is directed perpendicular to the direction of motion of the particle. The particle will move on a circular path of radius given by:

(b) (d)

2 Vm qB2 yfivm


(a) (c)

qBd m 2 qBd m


qBd 2m

(d) none of these

60. A circular flexible loop of wire of radius r carrying a current I is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. If B is doubled, tension in the loop : (a) remains unchanged (c) is halved (b) is doubled (d) becomes 4 times

55. A y-ray photon is passing near a nucleus, and breaks into an electron and positron. The region contains a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the plane of motion. The time after which they again converted info y-ray is : [The force of electrostatic interaction and gravitational interaction may be neglected] , , 2nm . nm (a) eB (b) 2 eB Anm (d) none of these (c) eB 56. A positive charge q is projected in magnetic field of width mv with velocity v as <2 qB shown in figure. Then time ^ taken by charged particle to emerge from the magnetic field is : m . nm (a) (b) 4 qB <2 qB ,

61. A charged particle q enters a region of uniform magnetic field B (out of the page) and is deflected a distance d after travelling a horizontal distance a. The magnitude of the momentum of the particle is :

qB d qB



2 (c) zero (d) not possible to be determined as it keeps changing 62. In a uniform magnetic field there are two charged wmv V2qB -H particles moving with velocities ~vi and ~v2 and carrying equal charges with I ~Vi I - I ~v21 = v. The velocity of one particle forms an angle a j with direction of the field, while the velocity of other particle forms an angle a 2 , then: (a) both particles move on helical path of same radii (b) both particles move on helical paths of different radii (c) when (Xj > a 2 , then pitch of first particle is lesser than that of other (d) none of the above 63. A charged particle follows a helical path of unequal pitch in a magnetic field. This means that: (a) the magnetic field is non-uniform (b) the velocity vector is not parallel to the magnetic field (c) the velocity vector is not perpendicular to the magnetic field (d) all of the above

nm 2^B


nm J2qB

57. If a charged particle of charge 5 pC and mass 5 g is moving with constant speed 5 m/s in a uniform magnetic field B on a curve x2 + %/ = 25, where x and y are in metre. The value of magnetic field will be (a) 1 tesla (b) 1 kilo tesla along z-axis (c) 5 kilo tesla along the x-axis (d) 1 kilo tesla along any line in the x-y plane 58. Two point charges A and B of and same p2 charge having and are plane > B magnitude of momenta pi respectively same in charge a having moving

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476 64. A long straight wire, carries a current IQ, A particle having a positive charge q and mass m kept at a distance y from lo the wire is projected towards it with a speed v. At the minimum separation, magnitude of velocity of the charge particle will be : (a) zero (c) (b) v (d) none of these Magnetic Field transverse mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic field with E = 120kV/m and B = 5 0 mT. Then the beam strikes a grounded target. The force with which the beam acts on the target if the beam current is equal to I = 0.80 mA i s : (a) 80 pN (b) 25 pN (c) 20 pN (d) 35 pN 71. An a-particle and a proton are both simultaneously projected into a region of constant magnetic field, perpendicular to the direction of the field but in opposite R directions. After 10 s, it is found that the velocity of a-particle has changed in the direction by 45. The angle between the velocity vectors of the a-particle and the proton i s : . (a) 90 (b) 45 (c) 4 5 + 90 (d) (45 + 90) 2 72. A positive charge is released from the origin at a place where uniform electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B exist along the positive y-axis and positive z-axis respectively, then: (a) initially the charge particle tends to move along positive z-axis (b) initially the charged particle tends to move along negative y-direction (c) initially the charged particle tends to move along positive y-direction (d) the charged particle moves in y-z plane 73. A particle of mass m and Az charge q is released from rest at the origin as shown in the figure. The speed of the particle __ when it has travelled a distance d along the z-axis is given by : (a) (c) A/p? E0d) (b) (d)

65. A charged particle enters into a uniform magnetic field B with velocity ~v at an angle 0 as shown in figure. Then the ratio of radius to pitch of helix is :

2n tan 0

(b) tan 0 (d) tan 0 2jc

(c) cot 0

66. A proton moving with a constant velocity passes through a region of space without any change in its velocity. If and B represent the electric and magnetic fields respectively, this region of space may have : (a) E = 0, B = 0 (b) E = 0 , B * 0 (c) E * 0 , B = 0 (d) E * 0 , B * 0 67. A charged particle is dropped from a small height in a region. If charged particle drops with constant velocity, then in that region : (a) * 0 , B = 0 (b) E * 0 , B * 0 mg (c) E = (d) all of these 68. When electric field E, magnetic field B and velocity "v of charge particle of mass m are collinear, then :

- 4

V 1
<7O D)



2m <?E0rf

* 74. A non-relativistic charged particle of charge q and mass m originates at a point at origin of coordinate system. A magnetic field strength B is directed along x-axis. The charged particle moves with velocity v at an angle a to the x-axis. A screen is oriented at right angles to the axis 69. A long copper wire carries current in the east direction. and is situated at a distance x 0 from the origin of The electrons are moving with a drift velocity ~u. An. coordinate system. The coordinates of point P on the observer now moves with the velocity *u. In the frame of screen at which the charged particle strikes : this observer: (a) (b) (c) (d) electric field is present magnetic field due to wire is zero only magnetic field is present none of the above

70. A non-relativistic proton beam passes without deviation through the region of space where there a i e . -iform

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Magnetic Field cos qBt , . mv sin a . qB mv sin a (a) x 0 , s i n t, 1 qB m qB m ,, .
(b) X'

477 (a) I {bl + 2ab) 0

mv sin a qB

. qBt


qB sin a cos t- 1 qB~ m mv sin a . qB sin t qB m

(b) IabQ (c) I(a2 + ba) 0

(c) x0,

qB m sin a cos t -1 qB m

(d) none of the above

(d) none of the above * 75. In a certain region uniform electric field and magnetic field B are present in the opposite direction. At the instant t = 0, a particle of mass m carrying a charge q is given velocity Vq at an angle 8, with the t/-axis, in the y-z plane. The time after which the speed of the particle would be minimum is equal to : mvo sin 0 mvo (a) (b) qE qE (c) mv0 cos. 0 qE

79. The magnitude of magnetic moment of the current loop in the figure is : (a) la2 (b) <2 la2 (c) zero (d) none of the abvoe

2nm qB

80. An insulating rod of length I carries a charge q distributed uniformly on it. The rod is pivoted at an end and is rotated at a frequency / about a fixed perpendicular axis. The magnetic moment of the system is : (a) zero (c) 81 (b) (d) nqfl2 \nqfl2

76. A particle of mass m, carrying a charge q is lying at the origin in a uniform magnetic field directed along x-axis. At the instant t = 0 it is given a velocity o at an angle 0 with the y-axis, in the x-y plane. The coordinates of the particle after one revolution will be : 2nmvg sin 6 (InmvQ sin 0 0,0 (a) o , o . (b) qB qB (c) 'InmvQ sin 0 qB 0,4 (d) (0, 0, 0)

A conducting loop carrying a current is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of loop. T h e n : (a) loop must experience force (b) loop may experience torque (c) loop must experience torque (d) none of the above

82. A charged particle moves in a magnetic field in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field. The orbital magnetic moment of circulating charge is directed : (a) parallel to magnetic field (b) against the magnetic field (c) perpendicular to magnetic field (d) none of the above In a non-uniform" magnetic field B = (Bqx) ), a square loop of side L has been placed as shown in figure. The loop can rotate about hinge line (z-axis). If 1 A current is flowing in the loop then the torque with respect to hinge line acting on the loop will b e :

* 77. Four wires each of length 2 m are bent into four loops P, Q, R and S and then suspended into uniform magnetic field. Some current is passed in each loop. Which statement is correct ?




Hinge Line

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Couple Couple Couple Couple

on loop P will be the highest on loop Q will be the highest on loop R will be the highest on loop S will be the highest

78. The magnetic moment of the current carrying loop shown in the figure is equal to :

(a) BoL3 (c) 3B 0 L 3



(d) zero

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478 84. A wire of length I is bent to form a circular coil of some turns. A current I is then established in the coil and it is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The maximum torque that acts on the coil is :
i2 (a) IBl

Magnetic Field placed at a distance of one metre from the galvanometer mirror, when a current of 10" 6 A passes through galvanometer coil (b) Current sensitivity = NAB/C 2n (c) Charge sensitivity = x current sensitivity (d) all the above

(b) AnIBI2 (d) zero


Il2B An

85. The ratio of the energy required to set-up in a cube of side 10 cm in a uniform magnetic field of 4 Wb/m and a uniform electric field of of 10 6 V/m, is : (a) 1.44 x l O 7 xlO6 (b) 1.44 xlO" 5 (c) 1.44 (d) 1.44 x l O 3 86. A circular coil of 100 turns and effective diameter 20 cm carries a current of 0.5 A. It is to be turned in a magnetic field B=2T from a position in which 6 equals zero to one in which 0 equals 180. The work required in this process is : (a) n joule (b) 2n joule (c) An joule (d) 8JT joule 87. Mark correct option or options : (a) The current sensitivity of a galvanometer is defined as the deflection in milimeters produced on a scale

* 88. A square loop of mass m, side a and carrying current I, lies in the x-y plane as shown in y the figure. It is hinged at y-axis, so that it can freely rotate about it. Q The moment of inertia of the loop about an axis through its centre of mass, and normal to its plane is -* X equal to ma2. At t = 0, an external magnetic field of induction B is z applied along negative x-axis. The initial angular acceleration of the loop is equal to : (a) uIpB ~m (2y +1) uI0nB (b) (d) IgB my uIpB (2y + l )

(c) m (2y + 1 )



(a) (b)

2. 12.

(a) (c)

3. 13.

(b) (a)

4. 14.

(a) (b)

5. 15.

(a) (c)

6. 16.

(c) (a)

7. 17.

(b) (c)








11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. 81.

(a) (d) (a) (b) (a) (a) (a) (c) (a)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. 82.

(b) (a) (a) (c) (b) (b) (c) (c) (b)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. 83.

(d) (a) (d) (c) . (b) (c) (d) (a) (d) /

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. 84.

(b) (b) (a) (c) (a) (b) (b) (b) (c)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. 85.

(c) (C) (c) (b) (c) (a) (d) (c) (c)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86.

(b) (b) (b) (d) (d) (b) (a) (b) (b)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. 87.

(d) (c) (a) (b) (d) (b) (d) (d) (d)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. 88.

(a)" (a) (d) (c) (a) (c) (a) (a) (a)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79.

(b) (b) (b) (d) (d) (c) (c) (b)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80.

(b) (a) (b) (d) (d) (b) (c) (d)

25. d

_iOy2/ ~ An r _ 10~7 x 2 x 20 3 x 10" 3 = |xlO"3T

Resultant magnetic field = V(B w i r e ) 2 + (^solenoid) + (4) mT = 4.2 mT 3 v y 4. Magnetic field on the axis of a circular coil having n turns is Ho 2n niR2 4 * ( R 2 + x2)3/2 1 M 2nni _ M o o InniR2 8 An R " 4jt (r2 + ^ 3 / 2

=f V

Field due to solenoid

^solenoid =
4 m T

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Syllabus: Bar magnet, magnetic field, lines of force, torque on a bar magnet in a magnetic field, earth's magnetic field, galvanometer, vibration magnetometer, para, dia and ferro-magnetism, magnetic induction, magnetic susceptibility. tangent

Review of Concepts
1. Magnetic lines of force : (a) The magnetic lines of force are the curves such that the tangent drawn on it at any point indicates the direction of magnetic field. (b) The magnetic lines of force form closed curves. (c) The lines of force never cross each other. .2. Work done in rotating a magnet and Potential energy: (a) Work done W = MB (1 - cos 6) Case I : If 0 = 90 (i.e., the magnet is rotated from the direction of magnetic field and brought perpendicular to it), then the work done W = MB (1 - cos 90) = MB Case I I : If 0 = 180 (i.e., if the magnet is rotated from direction of magnetic field by an angle 180), then the work done W = MB (1 - cos 180) = 2MB (maximum work) (b) Potential energy U = - MB cos 0 Case I : If 0 = 0, U--MB (minimum, stable equilibrium) Case II: If 0 = 90, U = - MB cos 90 = 0 (standard position) Case III: If 0 = 180, U = MB (maximum, unstable equilibrium) 3. Torque on a bar magnet: T = NIAB sin 0 where A = lb= area of a coil having N turns. In vector form; = T> : NIA x B = M x B where M = NIA = magnetic moment of current carrying coil = mx2l = pole strength x effective length 4. Magnetic field due to a single magnetic dipole :
B =

5. Magnetic field at a point dut to a magnet: (a) End-on position: IC




(b) Broad side-on position :


Ho M


T r

(c) At any point A (r, 0): 6 = 7 ^ ^3 cos 0 + 1 471 r 3

PO M I 5

6. Tangent l a w : B = BH tan 0 7. Deflection magnetometer: (a) Tan A-position: f

Ho M

= BH tan0

(For magnetic dipole)

(b) Tan B-position:

Ho M


(For magnetic dipole)

8. Oscillation magnetometer: T = 2K V

I ^

Here, T = time period, I = moment of inertia of magnet, B = magnetic field, M = magnetic dipole moment 9. Angle of dip : (a) B H = B c o s 8 (b) BV = B sin 5 (c) .-. tan5 = Here, 8 = angle of dip.

Ho m 471 ? 1 1 1 or NA m

Unit: Its S.I. unit is tesla or Wbm

10 4 gauss = 1 NA - 1 m~ 1 = 1 tesla

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Magnetos tatics (i) The direction of is from south to north. (ii) The direction of By is downward in northern hemisphere and upward in southern hemisphere. 10. Relation between some magnetic parameters : (a) = Ho (H+I) S (b) * 4 where, I = MQ 12 487 12. Vibration magnetometer: (a) If small magnet is placed in magnetic maridian and vibrates in horizontal plane '=2TC V I MH

its breadth is negligible, / = M0l


(c) pr = 1 + X (d) B = nH = MoPrH Here : (i = magnetic permeability, H - magnetising force, I = Intensity of magnetisation, p r = relative magnetic permeability, X = magnetic susceptibility 11. Force between two short magnetic dipoles (magnets) at separation r and having magnetic moments M j and M2: (a) When they are on coaxial position F= p0 An p 0 3M-[M2 An 6M]M 2


(b) If magnet is placed parallel to magnetic meridian and oscillates in vertical plane, ' = 2jc V I MB magnetic

(c) If magnet is placed perpendicular to meridian and oscillates in vertical plane ' = 2itVj Z_ MV

(b) When they are on broad side-on position, F=

(d) Comparison of magnetic moments by sum and difference method Ml


T! 2 + T 2 2

2 ~ T) 2 - T 2 2


6. Which one of the following is a vector quantity ? (a) Pole strength (b) Permeability (c) Magnetic lines of forces (d) Magnetic pole 7, If the distance between two similar magnetic poles held one cm apart be doubled, then the force of interaction between them will be : (a) doubled (b) halved (c) unchanged (d) one quarter of the original value The time period of a magnet placed' in vibration magnetometer will be infinity a t : (a) magnetic equator (b) magnetic poles (c) equator (d) all places Of the following, the most suitable material for making permanent magnet i s : (a) steel (b) soft iron (c) copper (d) nickel

1. If magnetic lines of force are drawn by keeping magnet vertical, then number of neutral points will be : (a) one (b) two (c) four (d) five 2. Ratio between total intensity of magnetic field at equator to poles is : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 3. A M at of magnetic needle having length 2L, magnetic moment and pole strength m units, is broken into two pieces the middle. The magnetic moment and pole strength each piece will be respectively : (b) M and J

. . M , m (a) and i\ M and m ^ (c)


(d) M and m

4. The vertical component of the earth's magnetic field is zero at a place where the angle of dip i s : (a) 0 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90 5. A compass needle will show, which of the following directions at the earth's magnetic pole ? (a) Vertical (b) No particular direction (c) Bent at 45 to the vertical (d) Horizontal

10. The sensitivity of a tangent galvanometer is increased if : (a) number of turns decreases (b) number of turns increases(c) field increases (d) none of the above

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

488 11. A dip circle is at right angle to the magnetic meridian. The apparent dip angle is : (a) 0 (c) 60 (b) 30 (d) 90 (a) 3 : 1 (c) V 3 : l (b) 3 : 2 (d) 2 V 3 : 1 Magnetostatics

20. If the angular momentum of an electron is / then the magnitude of the magnetic moment will be : (a) (c)
eJ m

12. The dipole moment of a short bar magnet is 1.25 Am . The magnetic field on its axis at a distance or 0.5 m from the centre of the magnet, is : (a) 1 x 10~4 N/Am (c) 2 x 10~6 N/Am (a) zero (c) pB (b) 4 x l O _ 2 N / A m (d) 6.64 x 10" 8 N/Am pB 3pB

(b) (d)


2m 2m ej

21. The relative

permeability is represented by p r and

13. The magnetic moment of atomic neon is : (b) (d)

susceptibility is denoted by % for a magnetic substance, then for a paramagnetic substance : (a) p r < l , X < 0 (b) p r < l , x > 0 (d) p r > l , x > 0 (c) p r > l , x < 0

14. Time period for a magnet is T. If it is divided in two equal parts perpendicular to its axis, then time period for each part will be : (a) 4T (c) T i T (d) T

22. If the angle of dip at a certain place is 45 then the

horizontal component H, vertical component V and total intensity I of earth's magnetic field have the correct relationship given by : (a) H = yl2V (b) 1 = <2H (c) I = 2V (d) V=<2 H 23. A tangent galvanometer having radius r and N as number of turns when used, it will have its reduction factor a s : (a)

15. The angle of dip at a place is 40.6 and the intensity of the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field V = 6 x 10~5 T. The total intensity of the earth's magnetic field at this place is : (a) 7 x (c) 5 x 10~5 10~5 T T (b) 6 x 10 (d) 9.2 x 10 T T

M H o rN HoN


2*r N 2nrH MQN


16. The number of turns and radius of cross-section of the coil of a tangent galvanometer are doubled, the reduction factor K will be : (a) remain same (c) be quadrupled (b) be doubled (d) be one fourth
^ A A

17. A magnet of magnetic moment 50 i Am is placed along the x axis in a magnetic field B = (0.5 i + 3.0 j) T. The torque acting on the magnet is : (a) 175 k N-m (b) 150 k N-m (c) 75 k N-m (d) 25^37 k N-m 18. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is placed in a magnetic field of induction B, the torque exerted on it is : (a) ti B> (b) - t i l ?

24. The certain amount of current when flowing in a properly set tangent galvanometer, produces a deflection of 45. The current be reduced by a factor of V3~, the deflection would: (a) decrease by 30 (b) decrease by 15 (c) increase by 15 (d) increase by 30 25. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30 with a uniform external magnetic field of 0.16 T experiences a torque of magnitude 0.032 J. The magnetic moment of the bar magnet will be : (a) 0.23 J/T (b) 0.40 J/T (c) 0.80 J/T (d) zero 26. Relative permeability of iron is 5500, then its magnetic susceptibility will b e : (a) 5 5 0 0 x l O 7
2 7.

(b) 5 5 0 0 x l O " 7 (d) 5499

(c) St x B

(d) none of these

(c) 5501

19. When magnetic moments of two magnets are compared using equal distance method, the deflections produced are 45 and 30. If the lengths of magnets are in the ratio 1 : 2, the ratio of their pole strengths i s :

In a tangent galvanometer, a current of 0.1 A produces a deflection of 30. The current required to produce a deflection of 60, is : (a) 0.2 A (c) 0.4 A (b) 0.3 A (d) 0.5 A

1. The force acting between two small magnets, placed in end on position 0.1 m apart from their centres is : [Given magnetic moment of each magnet is 5 Am 2 ] (a) 0.6 N (b) 0.8 N (c) 0-15 N (d) 0.2 N 2. Two similar equal magnetic poles when separated by a distance of 1 m, repel with a force of 10 strength i s : (a) 10 Am (b) 20 Am (c) 50 Am (d) 100 Am

N. The pole

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Magnetos tatics 3. Three similar megnetic south poles each of strength 10 Am are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 20 cm. The magnetic force on one of the pole is : (a) 0 . 2 5 x 1 0 " ' N (c) 10 x 10" J N (b) 10 N (d) none of these (a) 5 (b) 6 489 (c) 7 (d) 8 12. Two small magnets each of magnetic moment M 0 is placed parallel to each other (shown in figure). The magnetic field at point O is : (a) zero (c) 2 x 10" 4 N 13 M, = M0 H.C 2r

2 cm 2 cm O

4. Six similar magnetic poles are placed on six corners of a regular hexagon of side 10 cm. A south pole of strength 10 Am is placed at the centre of hexagon. The magnetic force on the south pole i s : (a) zero (c) 10 N (b) 47txl0"4N (d) none of these

(b) 4 x l 0 " 4 N (d) none of these

The magnetic field at point C as shown in figure i s :

5. Two magnets of exactly equal lengths have magnetic moments M\ and M 2 respectively. What is the effective magnetic moment, if they are placed one over the other such that same poles are in same direction ?
(a) M




2 2


M\ + M 2

6. The magnetic moment of the system as shown in figure, will be: (a) V3wa (b) ma (c) 2ma -2m (d) none of the above


MJ - M


M2 = 16M0 (a) lipMp 2nrl (b) (d) V2"poM0



(c) zero

And and

14. Two short magnets of magnetic moment 2 Am

7. Three identical magnets are arranged as shown in the figure. The magnetic moment of each magnet is M. The effective magnetic moment of the given combination is : (a) 6 m (b) 3 m (c) zero (d) 2 m

5 Am 2 are placed along two lines drawn at right angle to each other on the sheet of paper as shown in the figure. What is the magnetic field at the point of intersection of their axis : s i : ! N I i * i



8. The flux of B through any closed surface i s : (a) > 0 (b) < 0 (c) = 0 (d) > 0 9. A magnetic wire of dipole moment 4k Am is bent in the form of semicircle. The new magnetic moment is : (a) An Am 2 (b) 8 n A m 2 (c) 4 Am (d) none of these 10. At a point on the right bisector of a magnetic dipole, the magnetic : 1 (a) potential varies as r (b) potential is zero at all points on the right bisector (c) field varies as r 3 (d) field is perpendicular to the axis of dipole 11. Two disimilar poles of strength x mWb and 2 mWb are separated by a distance 12 cm. If the null point is at a distance of 4 cm from 2 mWb, then the value of x is :

(a) 2.15 x 10" 5 T (c) 2.15 x 10" 3 T (b) 215 x 10" 5 T (d) 21.5 x 10~ 5 T 15. The magnetic induction at P, for the arrangement shown in the figure, when N two similar short B magnets of magnetic P di " moment M are joined A at the middle so that s N they are mutually S perpendicular, will be:
, ,

(a) An (c)

HO M V 3

(b) (d)

Ho 2M An > HQ2M And3

HoM V5~ And3

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

490 16. A small magnet of dipole moment M is kept on the arm of a deflection magnetometer set in tan A position at a distance of 0.2 m. If the deflection is 60, the value of P i s : (Btf = 0.4 x 10" 4 T) (a) 2.77 Am 2 (c) 0.2 Am 2 (b) 8 Am 2 (d) none of these Magnetostatics 23. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 2.5 J/T, is placed in magnetic field 0.2 T. What work is done in turning the magnet from parallel to antiparallel position relative to field direction ? (a) 1 J (b) 2 J (c) 3 J (d) 4 J 24. Two like poles of strength mj and m2 are far distance apart. The energy required to bring them r0 distance apart i s :
(a) (c)

17. A magnet of dipole moment 2 Am is deflected through 30 from magnetic meridian. The required deflecting torque is : (B H = 0.4 x 1 0 - 4 T) (a) 0.4 x (c) 0.2 x 10" 4 10"4 Nm Nm (b) 0.4 Nm (d) none of these

Po 4tc


, Po >i/2 (b) 8rc r 0 (d) none of these

Po mpnz

18. Two small magnets A and B of dipole moments Mq and 2M0 respectively are fixed perpendicular to each other with their North poles in contact. The combination is placed on a floating body so as to move freely in earth's magnetic field (Shown S, in figure), the value of a is : (a) tan" 1 (2) (c) cos

25. The work done in deflecting a small magnet of magnetic moment 10 Am through 180 from a uniform magnetic
T field of strength 0.4 x 10 - 4 T i s :

(a) 8 x 10~ 4 J (c) 4 x 1 0 - 4 J

(b) zero (d) none of these

26. At a place the value of B H and BV are 0.4 x 1 0 " 4 T and 0.3 x 10 4 T respectively. The resultant earth's magnetic field i s : (a) 0 . 5 x l O " 4 T (c) 2 x 1 0 " 4 T (a) tan - 1 (0.75) (b) 1 0 " 4 T (d) none of these (b) tan - 1 (0.5)

(b) sin- 1 f (d) none of these

19. A uniform magnetic needle of strength of each pole is 98.1 amp. cm is suspended from its centre by a thread. When a mass of 50 mg is loaded to its upper end, the needle become horizontal, then the vertical component of earth's magnetic induction is : (g = 981 cm/sec2) (a) 0.50 gauss (b) 0.25 gauss (c) 0.05 gauss (d) 0.005 gauss 20. MandM/V3 are the magnetic dipole moments of the two magnets, which are joined to form a cross figure. The inclination of the system with the field, if their combination is suspended freely in a uniform external magnetic field B is : (a) 6 = 30 (b) 6 = 45 (c) 6 = 60 (d) 6 = 15 21. The couple acting on a magnet of length 10 cm and pole strength 15 Am, kept in c field of B = 2 x 10~5 T at an angle^of 30 i s : (a) 1.5 x 10" 5 Nm (c) 1.5 x 10~2 Nm (b) 1 . 5 x l O - 3 N m (d) 1.5 x 10 - 6 Nm

27. In previous problem, the angle of dip is (c) tan - 1 (0.8) (d) none of these 28. The real angle of dip, if a magnet is suspended at an angle of 30 to the magnetic meridian and the dip needle makes an angle of 45 with horizontal, is : (a) tan (c) tan

2 y S/3" V2

(b) tan - 1 (V3) (d) tan 2 V3

29. A magnet is cut in three equal parts by cutting it perpendicular to its length. The time period of original magnet is T 0 in a uniform magnetic field B. Then the time period of each part in the same magnetic field i s : (a) TQ/2 (b) TQ/3 (c) Tq/4 (d) none of these 30. A magnet is cut in four equal parts by cutting it parallel to its length. What will be the time period of each part, if the time period of . original magnet in the same field is T0? (a) T0/V2 (c) T 0 / 4

(b) TQ/2 (d) 4 T 0

22. A magnetic needle lying parallel to a magnetic field requires W units of work to turn it through 60. The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be: (a) 2 W (c) W (b) V3 W (d) ^ W

The angle of dip, if a dip needle oscillating in a vertical plane makes 40 oscillations per minute in a magnetic meridian and 30 oscillations per minute in a vertical plane at right angle to the magnetic meridian, is : (a) 0 = sin" 1 (0.5625) (c) 6 = sin - 1 (0.425) (b) 0 = sin - 1 (0.325) (d) 0 = sin - 1 (0.235)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Magnetos tatics 32. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period of oscillation equal to T. Now, it is broken into two equal halves (each having half of the original length) and one piece is made to oscillate freely in the same field. If its period of oscillation is T, the ratio T'/T i s : (a) 1/4 (b) 1/2 <2 (c) 1/2 (d) 2 33. Curie temperature is the temperature (a) a paramagnetic material becomes (b) a ferromagnetic material becomes (c) a paramagnetic material becomes (d) a ferromagnetic material becomes above which: ferromagnetic paramagnetic diamagnetic diamagnetic 491 38. An iron rod is subjected to cycles of magnetisation at the rate of 50 Hz. Given the density of the rod is 8 x 10 3 kg/m 3 and specific heat is 0.11 x 10" 3 cal/kgC. The rise in temperature per minute, if the area inclosed by the B-H loop corresponds to energy of 1 0 - 2 J, i s : [Assume there is no radiation losses] (a) 78C (b) 88C (c) 8.1C (d) none of these 39. Inside a long solenoid wounded with 300 turns/metre, an iron rod is placed. An iron rod is 0.2 m long, 10 mm in diameter and of permeability 10 3 . The magnetic moment of the rod, if 0.5 amp of current is passed through the rod, is : (a) 2.356 SI unit (b) 1.335 SI unit (c) 3.664 SI unit (d) 1.664 SI unit 40. Which of the following is correct representation of magnetic lines of force ?

34. A tangent galvanometer has coil of 50 turns and a mean diameter of 22 cm. The current through it when the needle is deflected through 60 at a place where horizontal components of earth is H = 30 Ho A/m, is : (a) 300 mA (c) 228 mA 35. An (a) (b) (c) (d) (b) 130 mA (d) 158 mA

atom is paramagnetic if it h a s : an electric dipole moment no magnetic moment a magnetic moment no electric dipole moment


36. The magnetic moment of a diamagnetic atom is : (a) zero (b) infinity (c) negative infinity (d) another value 37. The B-H curves S j and S 2 in the adjoining figure are associated with :



(d) None of the above 41. The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet: (a) are from south pole to north pole of the magnet (b) are from north pole to south pole of the magnet (c) do not exist (d) depend upon the area of cross-section of the bar magnet 5Br 42. The value of (a) > 0 (c) > 0 5 B 5B7 . z is: (b) < 0 (d) = 0

(a) a diamagnetic respectively (b) a paramagnetic respectively (c) soft iron and steel (d) steel and soft iron

and and

paramagnetic ferromagnetic

substances substances

respectively respectively

Answers. Level-1

11. 21.

(a) (d) (d)

2. 12. 22.

(a) (c) (b)

3. 13. 23.

(c) (a) (c)

4. 14. 24.

(a) (c) (b)

5. 15. 25.

(a) (d) (b)

6. 16. 26.

(c) (a) (d)

7. 17. 27.

(d) (b) (b)

8. 18.

(b) (c)

9. 19.

(a) (d)

10. 20.

(b) (b)


11. 21. 31. 41.

(c) (d) (a) (a) (a)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42.

(d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

3. 13. 23. 33.

(a) (c) (a) (b)

4. 14. 24. 34.

(a) (a) (a) (c)

5. 15. 25. 35.

(a) (c) (a) (a)

6. 16. 26. 36.

(a) (a) (a) (a)

7. 17. 27. 37.

(c) (a) (a) (c)

8. 18. 28. 38.

(c) (a) (a) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39.

(c) (b) (b) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40.

(a) (c) (a) (a)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Electromagnetic Induction
Syllabus: Induced emf, Faraday's law, Lenz's law, self and mutual induction.

Review of Concepts
It is well known that whenever an electric current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is immediately brought into existence in the space surrounding the conductor. The converge of this is also true, i.e., when a magnetic field embracing a conductor moves relative to the conductor, it produces a flow of electrons. This phenomenon whereby an emf and hence current (i.e. flow of electrons) is induced in any conductor that is cut across or is cut by magnetic lines of force (magnetic flux), is known as electromagnetic induction. 1. Magnetic Flux: As we know that the number of lines of induction passing through a unit area normal to the area, measures the^magnitude of magnetic induction or magnetic flux density B. Obviously in a region, smaller is the relative spacing of lines of induction, greater is the value of magnetic induction. The tangent to the line of induction at any point gives the direction of magnetic induction at that point. The magnetic flux '(Jig' through a surface of area A is the total number of magnetic lines of induction passing through that area normally. Mathematically, magnetic flux, <> : 1B :IB'AA If R is the resistance of the circuit, then e _ Nd R~ Rdt The charge induced in time dt is given by Nd (j) R
Aq =

Aq =

N A(j> R

net change in flux resistance

Obviously charge induced is independent of time Illustrative Example: Let us place conducting loop near a long straight wire carrying a current I as shown in figure. Let us try to find the direction of induced current in the loop. Firstly assume that the current increases continuously with respect to time. djj> increases. If I increases, <j) increases and hence, dt d. Therefore, is positive, and e is negative, i.e., the current is negative. Hence, the induced current is in opposite direction on the straight wire carrying current in the nearest vertical side. If the current I decreases continuously with respect to time, the direction of current will be as shown in figure. d In this case decreases and e dt becomes positive. 3. Lenz's Law: The Lenz's law is based on conservation of energy and it gives the direction of induced emf or current in the coil. >


dA = BAn

The unit of magnetic field induction in SI system is weber per metre 2 or tesla (T). 1 gauss = IG = 10" 4 tesla 1 maxwell = 1CT8 weber 2. Faraday's Laws of Electromagnetic Induction : First law: "Whenever the magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes, emf is always induced in it." "Whenever a conductor cuts across magnetic lines of flux, an emf is induced in that conductor." Second law: "The magnitude of induced emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux linkages." The direction of induced emf (or induced current) is such that it opposes the cause which is produced by it. This statement is known as Lenz's law. Mathematically,

S When north pole of a magnet is moved towards the coil, the induced current flows in a direction so, as to oppose the motion of the magnet towards the coil. This is possible only when nearer face of the coil acts as a magnetic north pole which necessitates an anticlockwise current in the coil. Then

_Nd dt

(where, N = number of conductors or number of turns in the coil.)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

496 the repulsion between two similar poles opposes the motion of the magnet towards the coils. Similarly, when the magnet is moved away from the coil, the direction of induced current is such as to make the nearer face of the coil as a south-pole which necessitates a clockwise induced current in the coil. Then the attraction between two opposite poles opposes the motion of the magnet away from the coil. In either case, therefore work has to be done in moving the magnet. Thus, it is mechanical work which appears as electrical energy in the coil. Thus, the production of the induced emf or induced current in the coil is in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.
4. Induced emf

Electromagnetic Induction Induced emf V = El = Bvl If the rod moves across the magnetic field moving an angle 0 with it, then induced emf where, Bn is component of magnetic field normal to v , here Bn = B sin 0. Induced emf = (E) = V = Bvl sin 0 The direction of induced current is given by Fleming's right hand rule, which states that if the fore-finger, middle finger and the thumb of right hand are arranged mutually perpendicular to such a way that fore-finger points along the magnetic field, the thumb along the direction of motion of conductor, then the middle finger will point along the direction of induced current. Self induced e m f : When the electric current flowing through a circuit changes, the magnetic flux linked with the circuit also changes. As a result an induced emf is set-up in the circuit. This phenomenon is called self induction and the induced emf is called the back emf or self induced emf. If I is the current flowing in the circuit, the flux linked with the circuit, (j) I or <j) = LI where, L is called the self-inductance of the coil and its unit is henry (H). We know that, e=dt -dLl dt Ndty dt -Ldl dt

Dynamically induced emf e.g., electric generator

Statically induced emf

Self induced emf e.g., primary coil of the transformer

Mutually induced emf e.g., secondary coil of the transformer

In the first case, usually the field is stationary and conductors are in motion. In second type of induced emf usually the conductor or the coil remains stationary and flux linked with it is changed by simply increasing or decreasing the current producing this flux. Dynamically induced emf: Let a thin conducting rod ab of length / moves in a uniform magnetic B directed perpendicular to the plane of the paper, downwards. Let the velocity ~v of rod be in the plane of paper towards right. By Fleming's left hand rule a charge carrier (q) in the rod suffers magnetic force qvB directed from b to a along the rod.
x x

For N turns of the coil, we know that


* > x x x > 1
x x x x

For the same coil, we can write

t +q


- > V >; B

dt Nd<.j> dt _ Ldl dt L = Ndij) dl


_N Simply we can write,L = I The role of self inductance in an electrical circuit is same as that of inertia in mechanical motion. Thus, the inductance of a coil is a measure of its ability to oppose change in current through it. Mutually induced e m f : Consider coils Q and placed near each other such that if a current passes in C\, the coil C 2 is in the magnetic field of coil Cj and vice-versa. the self the C2 coil

While an electron will suffer a force evB from a to b, along the length of the rod. Due to this force the free electrons of rod moves from a to b , thus making end b negative and end a positive. This causes a potential difference along the ends of rod. This is induced emf. The equivalent cell is shown in figure.

V = Bv/


If E is electric field developed in the rod, then V being emf induced across the rod. In equilibrium of charges, electrical force = magnetic force eE = Bve or E = vB

Whenever the current flowing through a coil (Cj) changes, the magnetic flux linked with the neighbouring coil (C 2 ) also changes. <> t2 -JjfiSLrThis causes an induced emf and hence, an induced current in coil C 2 . This C, phenomenon is called mutual -TRRT4induction. The induced emf in the second coil is known is mutually Hi" induced emf.

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497 Electromagnetic Induction The circuit in which the current changes is called the primary circuit, while the neighbouring circuit in which emf is induced, is called the secondary circuit. If /! is current flowing through primary coil at any instant, the flux linked with secondary coil is given by 02 h

apart that their mutual inductance is negligible then their equivalent inductance is
^parallel ~L1


fe MIi

where M is called the mutual induction of the coil. Also the induced emf in the secondary coil
d < ) >2

-d dt

dt In general,

Mdh (M/i) = - dt or M : 02 h

e = ~-

Mdh IT

Like self inductance, the unit of mutual inductance is henry (H). The direction of induced emf or induced current arising due to a change in magnetic flux in all case is given by Lenz's law. 5. Coefficient of Magnetic Coupling: Two coils are said to be magnetically coupled if full or a part of the flux produced by one links with the other. Let Lj and L 2 be the self-inductances of the coils and M be their mutual inductance, then VlTT2 When all the flux produced by one coil links with the other, then mutual inductance between the two is maximum and is given by M ^ V L j L2 In that case, k=1 When there is no common flux between the two wires, they are said to be magnetically isolated. In this case; fc = 0 and M = 0 In practice k lies between 0 and 1 6. Combination of Inductances : Case I: When the two coils are so joined in series such that their fluxes are additive i.e., in the same direction. For the figure shown. WOMOO'O L| w o w o w L2

7. Self-inductance of a Long Solenoid: Let r = radius of solenoid cross-section n = number of turns per unit length I = length of the solenoid. We know, that


L = ^y- X po til x 71 r 2 = po ti2Al 8. Energy Density in Magnetic field: Consider again a long solenoid of radius r, length I and having n turns per unit length. If it carries a current I, the magnetic field within it is given by B = p 0 nl Now, we have, L = p 0 Al

The magnetic energy is therefore, u=\u2 = H0n2 All2 U= -\-(ii0nD2V (Proved later)

(where, V = volume enclosed by the solenoid) II B Energy density = - = (For air cored solenoid)

(Assuming that magnetic field is zero outside the solenoid) 9. Energy Stored in an Inductor: When an inductor carries a current, a magnetic field builds up in it and magnetic energy is stored in it. Let I = instantaneous value of current.

L e q = Li + L 2 + 2M Case II: When the coils are so joined that their fluxes are in opposite directions. f M W M +

e = induced emf at the instant = Then, work opposition is done in time dt

dt in overcoming this


dW = eldt dw = ^ x l x d t at Ldl ' dt

For the figure shown above. Leq = LI+L2-2M . Note: When M = 0, then LS(

Li + L,

Case I I I : When two coils of self inductances Li and L 2 are connected in parallel, assuming the inductors are so far

dW = LI dl Total work done in establishing the maximum steady current of I is, 1 W rV dW=^LI2 LI dl = Jo a f

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498 Electromagnetic Induction Consider a test charge qo moving around the circular path as shown in figure. The work W done on it with one revolution by the electric field is Vqo where V is the induced emf. r-> - Also, W = J F - dl = (q0E) (2nr) Vq0 = ( q 0 E ) x ( 2 n r ) or V = E (2nr) Electric potential has meaning only for electric fields that are produced by static charges, it is absurd for electric fields that are produced by induction. In the case of induced electric fields, electric lines of force form a closed curves. -4 Also E dl#0

Hence, energy stored in inductor U = | L / 2 joule 10. Rise and Decay of Current in an Inductive Circuit: (i) When the switch is connected to position a, rise of current in the R-L circuit takes place.

r^r T



e = Ldl/dt L


The growth of current, i through the circuit is given by i = im ( i ~ < r t A ) where, Im = and X- = time constant of the circuit (ii) When the switch S is connected to position b, decay of current in R-L circuit takes place. In this case current I is given by

Growth of current

Decay of current

where, /, = V/R and X = L/R In the case of rise of current, when t = X 1 = 0.632 /, and in the case of decay of current, when t = X, I = 0.368 /, Note : The expressions of current may be obtained on the basis of charging and discharging of a capacitor. 11. Induced Electric Fields: A charging magnetic field produces an electric field. Hence, Faraday's law may be reformulated as

12. L-C Oscillation: As we R know that capacitor stores energy -VWWin the electric field but inductor stores energy in magnetic field. An A 6 L-C circuit consists of a S O resistanceless inductor of B 9 inductance L connected to -vflfiSUcapacitance C. This circuit is also L known by the name of the tank (a) circuit. Let us consider a circuit consisting of a capacitor of capacitance C, a resistor of resistance R, an inductor of inductance L and a battery of emf E [shown in figure (a)]. When switch S is thrown over to A, the capacitor begins to charge. When capacitor is fully charged, then switch S is thrown over to B and A is disconnected from S. In the beginning when the capacitor is fully charged and the charge stored in the capacitor is qo,- The electric field is set-up between the plates. The energy stored in capacitor is 2C The capacitor starts to discharge through the inductor at the instant connection is made as shown in figure
+ -


> E

+ + B (b)

dl = -


In the figure shown, let us consider the magnetic field-neglecting fringing-flux a cylindrical volume of radius R. Let us consider a hypothetical circular path of radius R. Assuming dB/dt increases in magnitude at a constant rate, induced electric field is shown in the figure.


- -

+ + +

dlfiSLr(C) L
> Circular path


This is the cause of flowing current. As the current rises from zero, it builds up a magnetic field in the inductor as shown in figure (c). When capacitor is completely discharged

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Nitin M Sir ( 499 Electromagnetic Induction

and the potential difference between plates of capacitor is decreased to zero, the current becomes maximum IQ. At this 1 2 instant energy stored in the inductor is UB= LIQ and energy stored in the capacitor is zero so, at this time, total electrical energy is converted into magnetic field-energy linked with the inductor. The magnetic field now decreases as emf in the inductor in the same direction as the current. The current, therefore, persists although with diminishing magnitude, until the magnetic field has disappeared and the capacitor has been charged in the opposite sense of its initial polarity as shown in figure (d). The process now repeats itself in the reversed direction. If there is no loss of energy in the circuit (only ideal concept), electric charges on the capacitor swell back, and forth indefinitely. This process is known as electrical oscillation. From energy point of view, the oscillations of an electrical circuit consists of a transfer of energy back and forth from electric field of capacitor to the magnetic field of inductor remembering total energy remains constant. Expression for Frequency of L-C Oscillation: Let us consider the situation when capacitor is fully charged- and switch is connected to terminal B after disconnecting from A. In this case, let at any instant f the charge on the capacitor is q and electric current in the circuit is I during discharging of capacitor. + q,,-q or fcose|e=fa)A J COS 0 j 0 = cof + a sin = (cot + a) or sin (at + a) = <o 7

q = qo sin (cof + a) when, t=0,q = q0, then

sin (co x 0 + a) = = 1 = sin L 1o n q = q0 sin cot + - = qo cos cof


q = qo cos cof But thi6 is periodic function. Let fundamental period be T. q0 cos [co (f + T)] = qo cos cof or => => cos [co (f + T)] = cos cof C (f + T) = 2m cof O cot + coT = 2nn cof cof+ coT=27tcof or => cof + coT = 2rc + cof coT= 27t T = = 2n <CL co frequency = f = ^ = 2 ^ L C

when 71 1, then

-vMSLrq C~ dl dq i.e. dl Jt dt l
n =

dl r

q Jr+LC dq LC /= -

General expression for I, UE and UB : Now, we know that q = qo cos cof, where co = - = VLC dq


Idl= J J - fL^ d q L 1o I2 _ 2
I2 =

I = = - aq0 sin cof


f 2LC

j j _ 1 , ? 2LC 2LC { j 0


I = - 0)q0 sin cof Now, and q2


qp cos 2 cof


1 1, UB - ^ L r = (- aq0 sin cof)2 UB=^Lqlxj sin2 cof



=C O

(say) = sin 2 cof

/=gW(^-<7 2 ) dq It'' * Jf ^, O*T A V(</-?2) Put O Jf C dt Comparison

Energy-time graph in L-C oscillation: UB + U E = A






q = qo sin 0 iq = qo cos 0 dQ

oscillations: L-C oscillation is analogous to the oscillation of a body suspended through a spring

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Nitin M Sir ( 500 Electromagnetic Induction




M L-C Oscillation

o o o o o o o

1 9 1 9 1 9 -mvA + -kxA = -kAL dx


2 1= dcj ~d~t


e = A cos

q = % cos


Mechanical Oscillation (Mass Spring System) 1 , Kinetic energy = mv Potential energy 1 2 kx

1 2 Magnetic energy = LI <?2 1 2 Electrical energy = ^ = CV

Conceptual Points: In an actual L-C circuit, the oscillations will not continue indefinitely because there is always some resistance present in the circuit which produces heating effect. Electric current is out of phase with charge.


Questions. Level-1
the secondary coil is 1500 volts, the mutual inductance between the two coils is : (a) 0.5 H (b) 5 H (c) 1.5 H (d) 10 H 9. For two coils with number of turns 500 and 200 each of length 1 m and cross-sectional area 4 x l 0 ~ 4 m 2 , the mutual inductance is: (a) 0.5 H (b) 0.05 mH (c) 0.5 pH (d) 5 pH

1. The normal drawn to the surface of_a conductor makes an angle 0 with the^direction of field B, the flux <j) passing through the area A is given by : (a) < = A*x B* | > (c) (j> = B x A 2. A coil of area

(b) <) = i > j A > (d) $ = B A 10cm z has 200 turns. Magnetic field of

0.1 Wb/m is perpendicular to the coil. The field is reduced to zero in 0.1 sec, the induced emf in the coil is : (a) 1 V (b) 0.2 V (c) 2 V (d) zero 3. When current changes from 13 A to 7 A in 0.5 sec through a coil, the emf induced is 3 x l 0 ~ 4 V . The coefficient of self induction is : (a) 25 x 10 H (b) 25 x 10 - 4 H (c) 25 x 10 H (d) 25 x 10 - 6 H 4. In LR circuit, the time constant is given by : (a) LR (b) R/L (c)

The frequency at which 1 H inductor will have a reactance of 2500 2 is : (a) 418 Hz (b) 378 Hz (c) 398 Hz (d) 406 Hz

11. A copper disc of radius 0.1 m is rotated about its centre with 20 revolutions per second in a uniform magnetic field of 0.2. tesla with its plane perpendicular to the field. The emf induced across the radius of disc is : (a) ^ volt (c) 471 x l 0 _ z volt (b) f j v o l t (d) 2K x 10~2 volt

5. In a step up transformer the number of turns in : (a) primary are less (b) primary are more (c) primary and secondary are equal (d) primary are infinite 6. Two pure inductor coils of self inductance L each are connected in series, the net inductance is : (a) L (b) 2L (c) L/2 (d) L/4 7. The self induced emf in a 0.2 henry coil when the current in it is changing at the rate of 400 amp/s, is : (a) 125 V (b) 80 V (c) 8 x 10~4 V (d) 8 x 10~5 V 3. If a current of 3 amp flowing in the primary coil is reduced to zero in 0.01 second then the induced emf in


12. The transformer is used to light a 500 W and 220 V lamp

from 220 V mains. If the main current is 0.5 amp, the efficiency of the transformer is : (a) 11% (b) 550% (c) 455% (d) 390% 13. A conducting circular loop of radius r carries constant current i. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field BQ such that BQ is magnitude of magnetic field to a plane of the loop, the magnetic force acting on the loop is: (a) irB0 (b) 2nirB 0
(c) 7UVB0 (d) zero

14. If a current increases from zero to 1 ampere in 0.1 sec in coil of 5 mH, then the magnitude of the induced emf will be: (a) 0.005 V (b) 0.5 V (c) 0.05 V (d) 5 V

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Nitin M Sir ( 501 Electromagnetic Induction

15. The mutual inductance between a pair of coils each of turns N is n, if a current i in the first coil is brought to zero in a time (, then average emf induced in the second coil is : (a) N /\
(c) NT

(b) Nn -

/J\ (d> Nn 16. A coil of wire of radius R has 200 turns and a self inductance of 108 mH. The self inductance of a similar coil of 500 turns will be : (a) 375 mH (b) 527 mH (c) 675 mH (d) none of these

17. A 50 Hz AC current of crest value 1 amp flows through the primary of a transformer. If the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary bel;0.5 H, the crest voltage induced in the secondary is : (a) 75 V (b) 150 V (c) 100 V (d) none of these 18. A 50 mH coil carries a current of 2 amp, the energy stored in joule is : (a) 1 (b) 0.05 (c) 0.1 (d) 0.5

(in weber) in a closed circuit of 1. The magnetic flux resistance 10 ohm varies with time t (in second) according to equation <) = 6f2 - 5f + 1. The magnitude of j induced current at t = 0.25 s is : (a) 1.2 A (b) 0.8 A (c) 0.6 A (d) 0.2 A The perfect formula used for calculating induced emf in a rod moving in a uniform magnetic field is: > > K K (a) e = B ( l x v ) (b) e = B ( 1 . v ) -v (c) e B x (1 K ) (d) e= B x (1 x v ) 3. A metallic circular loop of radius r is placed in uniform magnetic field B acting perpendicular to the plane of the loop. A naughty boy pulls diametrically opposite corner so that after sometime the loop changes into an ellipse of major and minor radius a and b. If total resistance of loop is R and it remains constant during the pulling, the average charge flowing through loop during pulling is : B (nab) B (nab - nr2) (a) (b) R R (c) Bur2 R

(b) current in the loop is zero (c) velocity of loop will decreases according to Lenz's law (d) none of the above
6. A

square loop lying in a perpendicular magnetic field is changed in circle. If side of square is a and change occurs in t seconds in magnetic field B tesla, the induced emf is : (a)

x x

x *

x x

4 BaA n t Ba2 --1 t n



(d) zero

Bnbr R

7. Three resistances of magnitude R each are connected in the form of an equilateral triangle of side a. The combination is placed in a magnetic field B = Bq e~ perpendicular to the plane. The induced current in the circuit is given b y : (a) (c) a2X 2 -J3R a2 B,0 A.4V3R

4. The figure shows a straight wire lying in the C plane of the paper and a uniform magnetic field x x xB x x\ 1 x x x x x x] perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The \x x x x x/ ends C and D are slowly ( V* x x V ) turned to form a ring of q q radius R so that the entire magnetic field is confined in it. The emf induced in the ring is given by : KR2B 2 (c) zero (a) (b) n R B (d) none of these

(b) -Xt (d)



(A/3) R

'a2 BQR ' -Xt X4a/3

8. When a magnet with its magnetic moment along the axis of a circular coil and directed towards the coil is withdrawn away from the coil, parallel to itself, the current in the coil as seen by the withdrawing magnet is: (a) zero (b) clockwise (c) anticlockwise (d) independent of the resistance of the coil 9. Three long parallel wires carrying steady currents 20 A, 10 A, 10 A are cut by a perpendicular plane in the vertices A and B and C of a triangle in which angles B and C are equal. The current of 20 A through A is in opposite direction of through- B and C, then : (a) on the line through A perpendicular to BC, the only point at which the magnetic induction vanishes lies on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC

5. A constant current I 0 is passing through a long straight wire (shown in figure). A rectangular loop of total resistance R is moving parallel to the wire. Then : (a) the heat generated in the loop is With constant rate.

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(b) on .the line through A perpendicular to BC, the only point at which magnetic induction does not vanish lies on the circumcircle of the triangle ABC (c) if the triangle ABC is equilateral, each side being of length 10 cm, the magnitude of the mechanical force per unit length on the wire through A is zero (d) if the triangle ABC is equilateral, each side being of length 10 cm, the magnitude of the mechanical force per unit length on the wire through A is 1732 dyne. 10. An Indian ship with a vertical conducting mass navigates the Indian ocean in the latitude of magnetic equator. To induce the greatest emf in the mast, the ship should proceed : (a) northward (c) eastward (b) southward (d) none of these

Electromagnetic Induction
(b) the string will deviate from the vertical and the magnet will remain vertical (c) the string will remain vertical and the magnet will deviate from the vertical (d) both will remain vertical 14. A small bar magnet is placed on the axis of a small conducting ring of radius r. The ring is pushed towards the dipole at a speed v that is kept constant. When the dipole-ring separation is x : (a) the induced current in the loop varies as A 8 T (b) the magnetic flux through the loop varies as x~ 8 (c) the force on the ring due to the magnetic dipole 8 varies as x (d) the magnetic moment of the ring due to the magnetic dipole varies as x~4 15. A fan blade of length 2a rotates with frequency / cycle per second perpendicular to magnetic field B. Then potential difference between centre and end of blade is : (a) nBa2f (b) 4 n B a f (c) Ana2Bf (d) 2mBf * 16. A circular loop of wire radius R rotates about z-axis with angular velocity co. The normal to the loop is perpendicular to z-axis. At f = 0 normal is parallel to y-axis. An external magnetic field B = Byf + B z 1c is applied. The emf induced in the coil will be: (a) ro^coBy sin cof (b) nr2aBz sin of

11. A very small circular loop of negligible inductance is initially coplanar and concentric with much larger fixed circular loop. A constant current is passed in bigger loop and smaller loop is rotated with constant angular velocity co about the diameter. The graph of induced current in smaller loop and time is : (a) |



(c) Jtr^coB;;, cos cof (d) nr2o)By cos cof 17. A conductor AB lies along the axis of a circular conducting loop C of radius r. If the current in the conductor AB varies at the rate of x A/s, then the induced emf in the coil C is : p0rx (b) - mxr (a) 2 (c) Ho r (d) zero


t 12. A magnet is allowed to fall through a copper circular wire. Then during fall: (a) the electric current flows through the wire (b) the acceleration of magnet is less than gravitational acceleration (c) the acceleration of magnet is equal to gravitational acceleration (d) the acceleration of magnet is greater than gravitational acceleration. 13. A bar magnet hangs by a thread attached to the ceiling of a room. When a horizontal magnetic field directed to the right is established : (a) both the string and the magnet will deviate from the vertical \\\\\\\


18. A rigid conducting wire bent as shaped is released to fall freely in a horizontal magnetic field which is perpendicular to the plane of the conductor. If magnetic field strength is B then the emf induced across the points A and C when it has fallen through a distance h will b e : (a) Bl<lgh (c) 2Bl<gh (b) (d) Bl^gh 2Bl<2gh

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Nitin M Sir ( 503 Electromagnetic Induction

19. A conducting wire in the shape Y with each side of length I is moving in a uniform magnetic field B, with a uniform speed v as shown in figure. The induced emf at the two ends x and }/ of the wire will be : (a) zero (b) 2Blv (c) IBlv sin (0/2) (d) 2Blv cos (0/2) 20. A metal rod AB of length I is rotated with a constant angular velocity co about an axis passing through 'O' and normal to its length. Potential difference A n q between ends of rod in absence of external 31/4 |4 / magnetic field is: (where e = electric charge) (a)

1 2


1 2

(a) Bar2 (c) 4Bcor2

1 2

(a) (c) ma2!2 2c


mco2;2 4c

25. A conducting ring of radius r is rolling without slipping with a constant angular velocity co. If the magnetic field strength is B and is directed into the page then emf induced across PQ is : (b) (d) ^ n2r2Bco

m 2 l 2 8e 21. A wire is sliding as shown in the figure. The angle between the acceleration and velocity of the wire is ?

26. A bicycle wheel of radius 0.5 m has 32 spokes. It is rotating at the rate of 120 revolutions per minute, perpendicular to the horizontal component of x earth's magnetic field B H = 4 x l O ~ 5 T . The emf (a) 3 0 (c) 120 (b) 40 (d) 90 induced between the rim x and the centre of the wheel will be: * (b) 4.8x10' (a) 6.28 x 10" V

22. A fan blade of length l/Vit" meter rotates with frequency 5 cycle per second perpendicular to a magnetic field 10 tesla. What is potential difference between the centre and the end of blade ? (a) - 5 0 V (b) +50V (c) - 2 . 0 V (d) + 0.02V * 23. Two conducting rings of radii r and 2r move in opposite directions with velocities 2v and v respectively on a conducting surface S. There is a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the two rings is equal to :
2 v S N B

(c) 6.0 x 10 V (d) 1.6 x 1 0 - 5 V 27. Two long parallel conducting horizontal frictionless and resistanceless rails are connected by a resistor of resistance R (shown in the figure). The distance g F AC is equal to I. A uniform magnetic field B acts vertically downwards in the region. An irregular shape of wire is placed over the rails. The force required to maintain a uniform velocity, VQ of the irregular wire is: (a) zero Bvo R (c) no sufficient information (d) none of the above (b) 28. A conducting rod of 1 m length moves with a frequency of 50 rev/s, with one end at the centre and the other end at the ^ circumference of a circular -S/A'\ Metallic metal ring of radius 1 m, about an axis passing through the centre of the ring and perpendicular to the plane of

(a) zero (c) 4rvB

S (b) 2RVB (d) 8rvB

* 24. A circular coil is placed in uniform magnetic field such that its plane is perpendicular to field. The radius of coil changes with time as shown in the figure. Which of the following graphs represents the induced emf in the coil with time ?

1 2


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Nitin M Sir ( 504

the ring. A constant magnetic field of 1 Wb/m parallel to the axis is present everywhere. Then: (a) the emf developed between the centre and the metallic ring is 157 V (b) the emf developed between the centre and the metallic ring is zero (c) the emf developed between the centre and the metallic ring is 1.57 mV (d) none of the above 29. In the figure shown, a coil of single turn is wound on a sphere of radius r and mass m. The plane of the coil is parallel to the inclined plane and lies in the equatorial plane of the sphere. If sphere is in rotational equilibrium, the value of B is: (current in the coil is I) (a) (c) mg nlr mgr sin 0 nl (b) mg sin 0 nI

Electromagnetic Induction
32. A wire of length 1.5b slides at speed V along the rails separated by a distance 'b'. The resistance per unit length of the R wire is r0. Then the potential difference between ends of the rod is : (a) Bbv BbvR
R +




(d) none of these

33. The loop ABCD is moving with velocity V towards right. The magnetic field is 4 T. The loop is connected to a resistance of 8 ohm. If steady current of 2 A flows in the loop then value of v if loop has a resistance of 4 ohm, is : (Given AB = 30 cm, AD = 30 cm)

(d) none of these

-v 8Q B t\ 5 0 m/s / (a) y (c) 10 m/s (b) 20 m/s 100 / (d) m / s

30. Two straight super-conducting rails form an angle 0 where their ends are joined a conducting bar having RQ resistance per unit length in contact with the rails and forming an isosceles triangle with them. The bar starts at the vertex at time t = 0 and moves with constant velocity v to right. A magnetic field B is present into the region (shown in figure). Find the force exerted by external agent to maintain constant velocity to the rod : (a) (c) 2 B\H 0 - tan Ro B2v2t Rn (b) BVf 0 tan Rn

(d) none of these

* 34. A rod of length I, negligible resistance and mass m slides on two horizontal frictionless . rails of negligible resistance \ by hanging a block of mass m\ by the help of insulating massless string passing ' through fixed massless pulley (as shown). If a constant magnetic field B acts upwards perpendicular to the plane of the figure, the steady state velocity of hanging mass is : (a) (c) gR B2l2 migR B2l2 upward upward (b) (d) migR B2l2 mi gR B2l downward downward

31. A rectangular loop of sides a and b has a resistance R and lies at a distance c from an infinite straight wire carrying current I0. The current decreases to zero in time tq. I(t) = I0 0 < f < tn. The tn charge flowing through the rectangular loop is : (a) HoVo


(b) M o a+c (d)

c ab

, , HoWo .

35. A conductor of length I and mass m can slide along a pair of vertical metal guides connected by a resistor R. A uniform magnetic field of strength B normal to the plane of page is directed outwards. The steady speed of fall of rod i s : , , mgR mg (a) T~T~T* O3) B2l2 B2l2R B (C) mgR (d) mgB l2R



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Electromagnetic Induction

36. The self inductance of the air cored solenoid of length 80 cm and has 500 turns and its circular cross-section has diameter of 2 cm is : (a) 150.6 (iH (b) 162.2 pH (c) 123.3 (iH (d) 102.5 pH 37. What is the mutual inductance of coil and solenoid if a solenoid of length 0.50 m and with 5000 turns of wire has a radius 4 cm and a coil of 700 turns is wound on the middle part of the solenoid ? (a) 44.17 mH (b) 48.98 mH (c) 34.34 mH (d) 36.73 mH 38. When the current changes from + 2 A to - 2 A in 0.05 s, an emf of 8 V is induced in a coil. The coefficient of self-induction of the coil is : (a) 0.1 H (b) 0.2 H (c) 0.4 H (d) 0.8 H 39. A closed circuit consists of a source of emf E and an inductor coil of inductance L, connected in series. The active resistance of whole circuit is R. At the moment t = 0, inductance of coil abruptly decreased to L/n. Then current in the circuit immediately after, is: (a) zero nE (c) R 40. Three pure inductors each of 2 H are connected as shown in the figure. The equivalent inductance of the circuit is : (a) | H 6 (c) 2 H (b) 6 H (d) none of these (c) h = E/2R for all t and I2 = | (1 - e~Rt,L) at time t (d) none of the above

505 current through the cell is found to be /2, then

Eq (a)


h=Y' ^2R

(b) / 1 =0,/ 2 =

E0 (c) h = f , 1 2 = 0

(d) none of these

45. In the figure, S is shorted at t = 0. The current at a time t after this event is Ij in 2R and I2 in R, then: R VWW47 E


(t) graph is a straight line parallel to


(b) Ii (t) graph is as shown follows

41. The sum and the difference of self inductances of two coils are 13 H and 5 H respectively. The maximum mutual inductances of two coil is (a) 6 H (b) 5 H (c) V65 H (d) 18 H 42. A coil of inductance L = 300 mH and resistance R = 140 m2 is connected to a constant voltage source. Current in the coil will reach to 50% of its steady value after time t equals to : (a) 155 s (b) 0.755 s (c) 0.155 s (d) 1.48 s 43. A coil has an inductance 3 H and a fuse wire of negligible resistance is connected in series with a cell of emf 6 V - T R S T Fuse with no internal resistance. The fuse wire will blow when the current through it reaches 8 A. If the switch is closed at t = 0, the fuse will blow : (a) just after the switch is closed (b) at t = oo (c) at / = 4 s (d) at t = 8 s 44. Study the diagram. As soon as the switch S is closed, the current through the cell is Ij. After a long time the

46. A non-conducting ring of radius r has charge per unit length X. A magnetic field perpendicular to plane of the ring changes at rate dB/dt. Torque experienced by the ring is: dB (b) X2nr* (a) X nr dt (c) X1 {2nr)'L r dt (d) zero L

47. A solenoid of inductance L and resistance r is connected in parallel to a resistance R and a battery of emf E. Initially if the switch is closed for a long time and at t = 0, then the : (a) current through solenoid at any time t, after opening the switch is ^ e " ( R
+ r)i/L

R -vww-

(b) induced emf across solenoid at time t = 0 is (c) amount of heat generated in solenoid is ^

E(R + r) ^


(d) potential difference across solenoid at f = 0 is E

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 506

48. The switch S is closed at time t = 0, the current through battery at f = 0, and at t will be :
/ N 1 A

Electromagnetic Induction raise the temperature of two coils steadily, then :


\ \ \ \ \ \ \


10 m H


i T5A'ToA


i"TRRP ion L-vww1

2 Volt

20 n

<c> (d)

Y s

49. In the figure, the steady state current through the inductor will b e : 5V (a) zero (b) 1 A (c) 1.25 A (d) cannot be determined R, vww

4Q VWWr1n 4nF
3 mH

(a) (b) (c) (d)

the two coils show attraction the two coils show repulsion there is no change in the position of the two coils induced currents are not possible in coil B

50. The value of time constant for the given circuit is :

55. A conducting ring is placed around the core of an electromagnet as shown in figure. V.Tien key K is pressed, the ring : (a) remains stationary (b) is attracted towards the electromagnet (c) jumps out the core (d) none of the above 56. The figure shown has two coils of wires placed in close proximity. The current in coil A is made to vary with time as shown in the graph.

L (a) R + r + R { 2 (c) L(R1+R2 + r) R2

6 Q


(Rj + r)

(Rl + r)

(d) none of these

51. The time constant for the given circuit is :




1 t 4H


Which of the graphs given oelow best represents the variation of the emf induced in the coil B ? (b)

(a) 4 s (c) 2 s

(b> I

\s (c)

52. Two coils are placed close to each other. The mutual inductance of the pair of coils depend upon: (a) the currents in the two coils (b) the rates at which currents are changing in the two coils (c) relative position and orientation of the two coils (d) the materials of the wires of the coils 53. A small circular loop of radius r is placed inside a circular loop of radius R (R r). The loops are coplanar and their centres coincide. The mutual inductance of the system is proportional to : (a) r/R (c) r/R2 (b) ?/R (d) r*/R 2

54. A system S consists of two coils A and B. The coil A have a steady current I while the coils B is suf _nded near by as shown in figure. Now the system is he.' . as to

57. Two flat horizontal coils are mounted as shown. Which one of the following actions will not cause the sensitive galvanometer G to deflect ? (a) Coils stationary and coil 1 moves upwards with K\ and K2 closed (b) Both coils stationary, K2 closed and or off switched on

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 507 Electromagnetic Induction

(c) With K-[ and K2 closed, a variable resistance R is increased and decreased rapidly (d) Both coils stationary, Kj closed and K2 switched on or off 58. A superconducting rod of mass m is placed on two resistanceless parallel smooth rails connected by a resistor of resistance R. Uniform magnetic field B is acting perpendicular to the plane of loop. At / = 0 velocity VQ is given to the B rod. The total heat generated in rod before coming to rest is : 1 2 (a) mv0 (c) (Bvl) /R (b) zero (d) none of these 63. Figure shows a rectangular loop being pulled out in magnetic field with constant speed v, then force and power by external agent vary with speed v as :
x x x x

* 59. A closed conducting loop of resistance R, width b and length / is being pulled at constant speed v through a region of thickness d (d>l) in which a uniform magnetic field B is present (shown in figure). As function of the position y of the right hand edge of the loop, plot the rate of production of internal energy (P) in the loop :

+ 64. Figure shows a uniform magnetic field B confined to a cylindrical volume of radius R. If B is increasing at constant rate of 0.01 T/s, instantaneous acceleration experienced by electron at r = 10 cm (< R) as shown in the figure : (a) 8.79xlO - 1 2 m/s 2 (c) 8.79xlO" 1 0 m/s 2 (b) 8.79 xlO 7 m/s 2 (d) 8.79xlO 9 m/s2 >



65. In a cylindrical region, B is static and uniform and points along the axis of the cylinder. Consider an equilateral trianglePQR with its > plane perpendicular to B. If B increases at a constant rate of 1 T/s and PQ = 1 m, the work done by induced electric force on a unit positive charge (+ 1C) taken from P to Q is : (a) positive (b) zero (c) 1/V3J (d) - 1 / 2 V 3 J 66. A magnet of magnetic moment M moves with velocity v towards a magnet. Consider a small circular loop whose plane is normal to v. Its radius r is so small that magnetic induction is almost constant over it. Then :

(d) none of these

60. With usual notations, the energy dissipation in an ideal inductor is given by : (a) LI (c) \ L ? (b) \ L l (d) none of these

61. The inductance of a coil in which a current of 0.1 A increasing at the rate of 0.5 A/s represents a power flow of ~ watt, is : (a) 2 H (c) 20 H (b) 8 H (d) 10 H (a) the magnetic flux through the area of the loop is constant (b) the electric field intensity along the tangent to the loop and in the plane of the loop is of magnitude and direction E v 4nx4 (c) the electric field intensity is in the direction along v (d) the electric field intensity is not induced anywhere

62. The energy stored in the magnetic field if current of 5A produces a magnetic flux of 2 x 10~3 Wb through a coil of 500 turns is : (a) 2.5 J (b) 0.25 J (c) 250 J (d) 1.5 J


Nitin M Sir (

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321 Electromagnetic Induction Level-1


(d) (c) 2. 12. (b) (c) 3. 13. (d) (c) 4. 14. (c) <c>. 5. 15. (a) (a) 6. 16. (b) (c) 7. 17. (b) (0 (b) (d) (b) (a) (a) (b) 8. 18. (b) (c) 9. (b) 10. (c)



11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61.

(d) (d) (c) (c) (a) (b) (d)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62.

(a) (b) (a) (d) (d) (c) (a)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63.

(b) (d) (d) (d) (a) (b) (a)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64.

(C) (d) (b) (b) (b) (a) (b)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65.

(b) (a) (d) (a) (c) (c) (d)

6. 16. 16. 36. 46. 56. 66.

(c) (a) (a) (c) (a) (c) (b)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57.

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58.

(b) (c) (a) (a) (a) (a)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59.

(a) (c) (a) (c) (c) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.

(c) (b) (a) (a) (c) (d)

Solutions Level-1
2. The induced emf in the coil is at dt dB dt
0.1 10.

X, = coL = 2miL = 2 x ^ x n x 1 =2500 L 7 n = 397.7 = 398 Hz

^..o.i-o' e = 200 x (10 x 10 ) x = 0.2 V 3. Coefficient of self induction is given by


1 2 i i . emf induced = BR co

. di = -l7t 300 x 10 - 6 x 0.5 = 25 x 10 - 6 H (7 - 1 3 )


= | BR2 (Inn) = | x 0.2 x (0.1)2 (271 x 20) 1 = - x 0.2 x 0.01 x 40it = 471 x 10 - 2 volt Input power = 220 V x 0.5 = 110 W Output power = 500 W efficiency T) = ~ ~ = 45.5%


7. Self induced emf is given by di IH =L ^ = 0 . 2 x 4 0 0 = 80 V dt 8. Mutual inductance is M 1500 = - M M= 9. From the formula M = p 0 n2 niAl = 4rc x 10

d[ dt 0-3
r u


HoN? 2 (N2 Ni \ y L 2 = 108 x

and or 2 '500*

L7 =

Po Nl nr

L 2 = Lj v N 'y


= 5H 17.

x 500 x 200 x ^r x 1 = 1607c x io- 7 104

= 0.05 x 10" 3 H

= 108 x 6.25 = 675 mH 200 v y di= 1 - (-1) = 2 amp ' 1 ^ dt = , M = 0.5H v 1 0 y ^ 2 ^ = 0.5 x 2 x 100 = 100 V e = M~- = 0.5 dt 1/100


= ^ = 12f-5 dt

5. The magnetic flux in the loop remains constant. So, induced emf in the loop is zero. Hence, induced current in the loop is zero. (j> = BA = B0e~ -j-a2

12f - 5 = 11.2f - 0.51 10 = 11.2x0.25-0.51 =0.2 A


AQ =

A (j) R

<ty 4g B (nab - nr2) >R R

_ d_ V3 , d_ aBo,< (e~Xt) dt a dt

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave

Syllabus : Alternating currents, impedance and reactance, power in A.C. circuits with L, C and R series combination, resonant circuits, transformers and A.C. generators.


Review of Concepts
1. Alternating Current: (a) and V=y0sincof I - iQ sin (at + (j)) (ii) Capacitive reactance X c = 1/co C (iii) The current leads the voltage by 7t/2. (c) Inductor in an A.C. circuit: (i) A.C. current and voltage equations are i - i0 sin at and (ii)

where VQ and /0 are peak voltage and peak current respectively. (b) Average value for half c v i e , 2/0 l av = - 0.63770 u and / = K = 0.6371 0 (positive half) (negative half)

sin (cot + rc/2)

Inductive reactance XL = 1/coL

(c) Average value for long time or one time period, hv = 0 (d) Electric charge transferred, At] - Iav x time k V0 (e) ; r m s = ^ and Vrms = (f) AH = I*msRt (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) A.C. can be converted into D.C. by rectifier. D.C. can be converted into A.C. by inverter. Electrolysis does not take place by A.C. A.C. is measured by hot wire instrument, Transformer works for A.C. only

(iii) The current lags behind the voltage by 7i/2. (d) Series L-R circuit: (i) (ii) Impedance Z = V r 2 + (coL)2 The voltage leads the current by an angle (j) = tan - 1 (co L/R) (e) Series C-R circuit: '1 aC (ii) The voltage lags behind the current by an angle (i) Impedance Z =. V 'R 2 + <j) = tan - 1 (1/coCR) (f) Series L-C-R circuit: (i) Modulus of impedance is IZI = V R 2 - coL (ii) Phase angle < = tan > j

2 V2 (m) RMS value is also known as virtual value or effective value. (n) The angular frequency of D.C. voltage is taken as zero. 2. Current and Potential Relations : (a) Resistor in an A.C. circuit: (i) A.C. current and voltage equations are i = Z sin at g (ii) and

(1) Form factor =


coL - 1/co C R

(iii) Resonant frequency of series L-C-R circuit /= 3. Power: 1 2ti VLC cos< R

P = VrmsIrms

= V0 sin at

A resistance opposes the current but does not oppose a current. Hence, current is in phase with emf. (b) Capacitor in an A.C. circuit: (i) A.C. current and voltage equations are

Here, cos 0 is power factor equal to (a) For pure resistive circuit, (b) For L-R circuit, cos < = p R IZI VR2

cos <j) = 1 R + CO2L2 R

1 = 10 sin cof + and V C = V0 sin at



(c) For R-C circuit, cos < = | >

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave 4. Transformer : (a) Turn ratio, (b) Some Important Relations : (a) c = - L (b) c0=-L= W 0 1


(c) Efficiency, output power ^ input power

E = EQ sin

(c) Refractive index =Vp r e r ES IS EP I P

C O E (d) T = =
k B

= CQ

5. Electromagnetic Wave: (cot - kx) and B = B0 sin (cof - kx) r^ - B ds = 0

(e) Energy carried by electromagnetic wave 1 2 ^E = o Efl E x volume, 2 Total energy, (i = Jig + l/g = (f) Momentum, hc (g) Energy = y p= ^ B2 UB = - x volume 2p 0

6. Maxwell's Equations : r-> -> q (a) E ds = (b) JC E0 (c) j E . d L = r d<

1p 2

2p 0

x volume


(For one photon) (For one photon)

^ dt

(d) J B . dl = p 0


6. A choke coil is preferred to a rheostat in A.C. circuit,

1. The A.C. current is given by J = 20 sin cof when the current is expressed in amperes, the rms value of current will be : (a) 20 (b) 20V2 (c) 20/V2 (d) 10 2. The rms value of current in an A.C. of 50 Hz is 10 amp. The time taken by the alternating current in reaching from zero to maximum value and the peak value will be respectively : (a) 2 x 10" 2 s and 14.14 amp (b) 1 x 10""2 s and 7.07 amp (c) 5 x 10 - 3 s and 7.07 amp (d) 5 x 10 - 3 s and 14.14 amp 3. A group of electric lamps having a total power rating of 1000 watt is supplied by an A.C. voltage E = 200 sin (310f + 60) then the rms value of the circuit current is : (a) 10 amp (b) 10V2~amp (c) 20 amp (d) 20V2 amp 4. The phase difference between the current and voltage at resonance is : (a) 0 (c) it (b) (d) -7t

then : (a) it consumes almost zero power (b) it increases current (c) it increases power (d) it increases voltage 7. A 12 2 resistor and a 0.21 henry inductor are connected in series to A.C. source operating at 20 volt 50 cycles. The phase angle between the current and source voltage is : (a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) 90 The reactance of a 25 pF capacitor at the A.C. frequency of 4000 Hz is : (a) f n 71 (c) i o n (b) V ^ Q (d) V i o n

The current in a LR circuit builds up to 3/4 th of its steady state value in 4 s. The time constant of this circuit is: 2 (b) {3> ln~2 S l n~2 f 4 , , 3 (d) (C) h 7 2 S h7IS
10. The power in A.C. circuit is given by P = E r m s i r m s cos 4 . >

5. The phase angle between emf and current in LCR series A.C. circuit is : (a) t i 0to|

The value of power factor cos ()) in series LCR circuit at resonance is: (a) zero (b) 1

(d) 71

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 516

11. A.40 2 electric heater is connected to a 200 V, 50 Hz main supply. The peak value of electric current flowing in the circuit is approximately : (a) 2.5 A (c) 7 A '(b) 5.0 A (d) 10 A

Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave

17. In order to obtain time constant of 10 second in an R-C o circuit containing a resistance of 10 2, the capacity of the condenser should be : (a) 10 pF (b) 100 pF (c) 1000 pF (d) 10000 pF
18. An A.C. series circuit contains 40 2 of resistance, 30 2 of

12. The voltage of domestic A.C. is 200 V. What does this represent ? (a) Mean voltage (b) Peak voltage (c) Root mean voltage (d) Root mean square voltage 13. The time constant of C-R circuit is : 1 (a) CR (c) CR <d,

inductive resistance then the impedance of circuit i s : (a) 70 2 (b) 10 2 (c) 50 2 (d) 70 2 19. One 10 V, 60 W bulb is to be connected to 100 V line. The required self inductance of induction coil will be : (f= 50 Hz) (a) 0.052 H (b) 2.42 H (c) 16.2 H (d) 16.2 mH
20. An 8 pF capacitor is connected to the terminals of an A.C.

14. In a series circuit R = 300 2, L = 0.9 H. C = 2.0pF u = 1000 rad/s, the 'mp^dance of the circuit is : > (a) 1300 2 (b) 900 Q (c) 500 2 (d) 40n U 15. The average power of A.C. lost per cycle is given by : 1 1 (a) 2 o'oSin(j) ( c ) \ E 0 'o tan < > ! (b) ~E0i0 cos<

source whose V r m s is 150 volt and the frequency is 60 Hz, the capacitive reactance is : (a) 0.332 x 10 2 (c) 4.16xlO 3 2 (b) 2.08 x 10 2 (d) 1 2 . 5 x l 0 3 2

(d) j E0 z0 <(>

16. A coil of inductance 8.4 mH and resistance 6 2 is connected to a 12 V battery. The current in the coil is 1.0 A at the time approximately : (a) 500 s. (b) 20 s (c) 35 s (d) 1 ms

21. In step-up transformer the turn ratio is 1 : 2. A leclanche cell (emf = 1.5 V) is connected across the primary, the voltage developed in the secondary would be : (a) 3.0 V (b) 0.75 V (c) 1.5 V (d) zero

(a) 1/IOTTC (c) zero (b) 1/5TI C (d) none of these

1. An A.C. source of voltage V = 100 sin lOOrcf is connected to a resistor of resistance 20 2. The rms value of current through resistor is : (a) 10 A /N U



2. In previous problem, average value of current for long time is: (a) zero (c) 10 A
10 /s A (a) A K (c) zero

(c, t A


6. In previous problem, total heat generated in one cycle is : (a) V2 J (b) 5 J (c) 4 A 2 J /" (d) zero In previous problem, power factor is : (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 1/2 (d) none of these The peak and rms value of current in A.C. circuit. The current is represented by the equation i = 5 sin ^300f - ^ where t is in seconds, and V in ampere : (a) 5 A, 3.535 A (b) 5 A, 5.53 A (c) 3 A, 3.53 A (d) 6.25 A, 5.33 A 9. An A.C. voltage is represented by e = 220 A 2 cos (50TC) t / How many times will the current become zero in one sec ? (a) 50 times (b) 100 times (c) 30 times (d) 25 times 10. The average value for half cycle in a 200 V A.C. source is: (a) 180 V (b) 200 V (c) 220 V (d) none of these

(d) none of these


(d) none of these

3. In previous problem, the average value for half cycle is : (b) f A K (d) none of these

4. In previous problem, total charge transferred through resistor in long time is : / \ zero (a) (c) h 25n /u\ 2 (b) '0 n (d) none of these

In previous problem, total charge transferred in 1/100 second is :

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave

11. Two alternating currents are given by 11 = IQ sin cof and (a) 1 : 1 h


I = I0 sin (5brf + <)>,) + IQ COS (100jtf + <t>2)

Then the ratio of is : k (a) greater than 1 (c) less than 1
21. In a region

Io c o s

+ *t>) (b) 1 : 0

The ratio of rms values is : (c) 1 : 2 (d) none of these 12. A current 1 = 3 + 8 sin lOOf is passing through a resistor of resistance 10 2. The effective value of current is : (a) 5 A (b) 10 A (c) 4V2 A (d) 3/V2 A 13. An alternating voltage V = 30 sin 50f + 40 cos-50f is applied to a resistor of resistance 10 2. The rms value of current through resistor is : 5
< a )

(b) equal to 1 (d) none of these

(d) 7 A 14. The electric field in an electromagnetic wave is given by E = (100 N/C) sin co f - * If the energy contained in a cylinder of cross-section 10 cm and length 50 cm along the x-axis is 4.4 x 10 - 8 J/m3, then the intensity of the wave is : (a) 12.4 W/mz (c) 15.7 W/m2 (b) 13.2 W/m2 (d) 11.9 W/m2

of uniform magnetic field B = 10 - 2 T, a circular coil is rotating at 'co' rpm about an axis which is perpendicular to the direction of 'B' and which forms a diameter of the coil. The radius of the coil is 30 cm and resistance n2 ohm. If the amplitude of the alternating current induced in the coil is 6 mA, then value of 'co' is : (a) 15 rpm (b) 300 rpm (c) 21 rpm (d) 400 rpm 22. An alternating voltage V = V0 sin cof is connected to a capacitor of capacity C through an A.C. ammeter of zero Q resistance. The reading of ammeter is : (a) (c) Zo V2 V0uC V2



(d) none of these

23. Which one of the following represents capacitive reactance versus angular frequency graph ? (a) I (b)

15. The root mean square value of voltage, if an alternating voltage is given by e = e\ sin cot + e2 cos cot is : Vc2 + e\ 2 (c) <e\e2 (a) (b) (d) none of these (c)


16. An alternating voltage V = 140 sin 50 f is applied to a resistor of resistance 10 2. This voltage produces AH heat in the resistor in time Af. To produce the same heat in the same time, required D.C. current is : (a) 14 A (b) about 20 A (c) about 10 A (d) none of these 17. An A.C. is represented by e = 220 sin (IOOTI) t volt and is applied over a resistance of 110 ohm. The heat produced in 7 minutes is : (a) 11 xlO 3 cal (b) 2 2 x l 0 3 c a l (c) 33 x 1 0 3 cal (d) 25 x 103 cal 18. The reactance of a capacitor connected with D.C. voltage is : (a) zero (b) infinity (c) 1 2 (d) none of these 19. The reactance of an inductor connected with a D.C. voltage is: (a) zero (b) < (c) I O (d) none of these 20. An A.C. voltage e = e0 sin 50f - e0 cos lOOuf is connected in series with a resistor and capacitor. The steady state current through circuit is found to be



24. Which of the following plots may represent the reactance of a series L-C combination ? (b) < D U c < 0 o ra a)


(d) none of these


25. The maximum current in the circuit, if a capacitor of

capacitance 1 pF is charged to a potential of 2 V and is connected in parallel to an inductor of inductance 10~3 H, is :

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Nitin M Sir ( 518

(a) V4000 mA (c) VlOOO mA (b) V2000 mA (d) V5000 mA then the e m f :

Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave

34. The current in resistance R at resonance is (a) zero (b) minimum but finite (c) maximum but finite (d) infinite

26. In a circuit consisting of inductor (L), capacitor (C) and resistor (R) are in series, if coL < coC (a) leads the current (b) lags behind the current (c) is in phase with current (d) is zero 27. In a circuit, a resistance of 20000 ohm is connected to a capacitor of capacity of 0.1 |iF in parallel. A voltage of 20 volt and /= 50 Hz is connected across the arrangement. The main current is : (a) 117 mA (b) 1.18 mA (c) 11.7 mA (d) 0.117 mA 28. The resonant frequency of a series circuit consisting of an inductance 200 pH, a capacitance of 0.0005 pF and a resistance of 10 2 is : (a) 480 kHz (b) 503 kHz (c) 406 kHz (d) 607 kHz 29. The frecjuency of voltage for an A.C. circuit, the equation of alternating voltage is V = 200 sin 314f is : (a) 50 Hz (b) 60 Hz (c) 55 Hz (d) 65 Hz 30. An A.C. circuit with / = 1000 Hz consists of a coil of 200 millihenry and negligible resistance. The voltage across the coil, if the effective current of 5 mA is flowing, is : (a) 7.64 V ( r m s ) (b) 7.452 v (rms) (c) 6.28 V ( r m s ) (d) 74.62


35. An inductor L, a capacitor C and ammeters Ay A 2 and A3 are connected to an oscillator in the circuit as shown in the adjoining figure



When frequency of the oscillator is increased, then at resonant frequency, the ammeter reading is zero in the case o f : (a) ammeter A j (b) ammeter A 2 (c) ammeter A 3 (d) all the three 36. A resistor R, an inductor L, a capacitor C and voltmeters Vv V 2 and V3 are connected to an oscillator 1vwwin the circuit as shown in the following diagram. When the frequency of the oscillator is increased, then at resonance - e frequency, the voltmeter reading is zero in the case o f : (a) voltmeter V\ (b) voltmeter V2 (c) voltmeter V 3 (d) all the three voltmeters 37. At resonance, in the circuit: -VWW



51. An A.C. circuit consists of a resistance and a choke in series. The resistance is of 220 Q and choke is of 0.7 henry. The power absorbed from 220 volts and 50 Hz, source connected with the circuit, is : (a) 120.08 watt (b) 109.97 watt (c) 100.08 watt (d) 98.08 watt 12. If a circuit made up of a resistance 1 Q and inductance 0.01 H, an alternating emf 200 volt at 50 Hz is connected, then the phase difference between the current and the emf in the circuit is : (a) tan 1 (n) (b) tan-1 (c) tan" 1 17 (d) tan'

200 V

3. In the series LCR circuit, the voltmeter and ammeter readings are respectively :
200 V


(a) (b) (c) (d)

the power factor is zero the current through the A.C. source is zero the current through the A.C. source is maximum currents through L and R are equal

100V, 50 Hz

(a) V= 250 V, 1 = 4 A (c) V = 1000 V, 1= 5 A

(b) V = 150 V, I = 2 A (d) V = 100 V, / = 2 A

38. A condenser of capacitance of 2.4 pF is used in a transmitter to transmit at X wavelength. If the inductor of 10" 8 H is used for resonant circuit, then value of X is : (a) 292 m (b) 400 m (c) 334 m (d) 446 m

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 519 Alternating Current and Electromagnetic Wave

39. If 20 V battery is connected to primary coil of a transformer, then output voltage is : (a) zero (b) 20 V (c) 10 V (d) none of these 40. If a dry cell of emf = 1 . 5 V is connected across the primary of a step-up transformer of turn ratio 3 :5, then the voltage developed across the secondary is: (a) 30 V (b) 5 V (c) zero (d) 2.5 V 41. An A.C. source has an internal resistance of 104 ohm. The turn ratio of a transformer so as to match the source to a load of resistance 10 ohm, is: (a) 4.62 x l O - 2 (c) 3.16xlO" 2 (b) 2.03 x l O - 2 (d) 5 . 6 2 x l O - 2 47. The wavelength of a radio wave of frequency of 1 MHz is : (a) 400 m (b) 300 m (c) 350 m (d) 200 m 48. Some radio waves of frequency of about 1.5 x 109 Hz was received by a radio-telescope from distant star. If the speed of the waves is 3 x 105 km/s, then the wave- length of the wave will be : (a) 0.1 m (b) 0.6 m (c) 0.2 m (d) 0.46 m 49. A radio wave of intensity 1 is reflected by a surface. The intensity (I), if pressure exerted on the surface is 2 x 10 - 8 N/m2, will be : (a) 3 N/m2 (c) 6 N/m2 (b) 4 N/m2 (d) 7 N/m2

42. An output voltage of E = 170 sin 377f is produced by an A.C. generator, where t is in sec, then the frequency of alternating voltage will be : (a) 50 Hz (b) 110 Hz (c) 60 Hz (d) 230 Hz 43. The electric field 'E' and magnetic electromagnetic waves are: (a) parallel to each other (b) inclined at an angle of 45 (c) perpendicular to each other (d) opposite to each other field 'B' in

50. A TV tower has a height of 100 m. The area covered by the TV broadcast, if radius of the earth is 6400 km, will be : (a) 380 x 107 m 2 (c) 595 x 107 m 2 (b) 4 0 2 x l 0 7 m 2 (d) 4 4 0 x l 0 7 m 2

51. An electromagnetic wave with pointing vector 5 W/m is absorbed by a surface of some area. If the force on the surface is 10 - 7 N, then area is: (a) 6 m 2 (c) 60 m 2 (b) 3 m 2 (d) 4 m 2

44. The energy of photon of electromagnetic radiation of t wavelength = 2000 A is : (a) 1.76 x 10 - 1 8 J (c) 0.54 x 10 - 1 8 J (b) 0.99 x 10~18 J (d) 0.63 x 10 - 1 8 J

52. The average power per unit area at distance of 2 m from a small bulb, if the bulb emits 20 W of electromagnetic radiation uniformly in all directions, will be : (a) 0.69 W/m2 (c) 0.78 W/m2 (b) 0.56 W/m2 (d) 0.39 W/m2

45. The speed of light in air, if an electromagnetic wave is travelling in air whose dielectric constant isfc= 1.006, will be : (a) 3 x 108 m/s (c) 2.5 x 108 m/s (b) 3.88 x 108 m/s (d) 4.6 xlO 8 m/s

53. The correct option, if speed of gamma rays, X-rays and microwaves are vg, vx and vm respectively will be : (a) vs>vx>vm (c) vs>vx<vm (b) vs<vx<v, (d) vg = vx = vm

46. An object is placed at some distance from a radio station. If the interval between transmission and reception of pulses is 2.66 x 10 - 2 sec, then the distance is : (a) 4000 km (b) 2000 km (c) 3000 km (d) 2500 km

54. If at a certain instant, the magnetic induction of the electromagnetic wave in vacuum is 6.7 x 10" 1 " T, then the magnitude of electric field intensity will be : (a) 2xlO - 3 N/C (b) 3xlO" 3 N/C (d) 1 x l O - 3 N/C (c) 4 x 10 -3 N/C


11. 21.

(c) (c) (d)

2. 12.

(d) (d)

3. 13.

(b) (c)

4. 14.

(a) (c)

5. 15.

(a) (b)

6. 16.

(a) (d)

7. 17.

(c) (d)

8. 18.

(a) (c)

9. 19.

(b) (a)

10. 20.

(b) (a)


11. 21. 31. 41. 51.

(c) (a) (c) (b) (c) (a)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52.'

(a) (a) (c) (a) (c) (d)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53.

(a) (a) (b) (d) (c) (d)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54.

(a) (b) (a) (c) (b) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45.

(a) (a) (a) (c) (a)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46.

(b) (c) (b) (b) (a)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47.

(a) (b) (b) (c) (b)

8t 18. 28. 38. 48.

(a) (b) (b) (a) (c)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49.

(a) (a) <a) (a) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

(a) (c) (c) (c) (b).

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays

Syllabus: Discovery of electrons, cathode rays, of electron, photoelectric effect and Einstein's equation for photoelectric effect.


Review of Concepts
1. Cathode Rays : It consists of fast moving electrons. If discharge tube is operating at voltage V, then Ei, =eV = 2 mv2 i k More about cathode Rays : (a) Cathode rays were discovered by Sir William Crookes. (b) Cathode rays are a stream of fast moving electrons almost in vacuum. (c) Mass of electrons is (1/1837) times that of hydrogen atom. (d) Methods of producing electrons : (i) discharge of electricity through gases, (ii) thermionic emission, (iii) photoelectric emission, (iv) p-ray emission, (v) cold-cathode emission or field emission. (e) The acceleration produced on electron in parallel electric field. where, v = frequency of incident radiation, V = threshold frequency, Q m = rest mass of electron (a) If v > VQ, photoelectrons are emitted. (b) If v < VQ, photoelectrons are not emitted. (c) The maximum speed of emitted photoelectrons is proportional to frequency of incident radiation. (d) The maximum speed of electrons does not depend upon intensity of radiation. (e) The number of photoelectrons depends upon intensity of light. (f) When emission of electrons takes place from the metal surface, the metal gets positively charged. (g) Photo-electric current is proportional to intensity of incident light. (h) If V is stopping potential, then Q 1 eV0=-rnvmax 2 he (i) Work function, < = hv0 = T ) >

eE m

(f) The deflection of electron at right angles to its direction of motion (x-axis) after travelling distance t in perpendicular electric field is

2. de-Broglie Wavelength of Matter Waves : mv h_J p


b P-t

(j) The rest mass of photon is zero, (k) Photon is neither accelerated nor decelerated. (1) E = pc formula is only applicable for photon. he (m) E = hv = (For a photon.) (n) Total energy of radiation = nhv, where n = number of photons. (o) The velocity of photon is always equal to velocity of light. (p) Power =

where h = Planck's constant = 6.63 x 1CT34 J-s For charged particle, its value is

, _ Th

Here, = number of photons per second, (q) Photon never be charged, (r) elm of positive rays = IE y


150 Hence, for electron X (in A) = V^ V (in volt) 3. Einstein's Photoelectric Equation : /iv = + i mu^x

where E = electric field, B = magnetic field along Y-axis, I = length of field along X-axis (s) of electron = = 1.76 x 1011 C/kg m m rB

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4. X-rays : X-rays are electromagnetic wave. (a) c = (b) (c) (d) (e) ' in vacuum. W o X-rays are diffracted by crystals. X-rays affect photographic plate. X-rays have no charge. For continuous X-rays, = he where, V = potential difference between target and the filament. (f) For characteristics X-ray, X= X= he he
for J C

Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays

Here, = energy of electron in K shell, Ei = energy of electron in L shell, EM = energy of electron in M shell 5. Moseley's Law : Frequency v of characteristic X-ray spectrum Vv" = a (z - o) where a and o are constant and screening constant. For Ka line, a = 1 and screening constant for La line, a = 7.4. 6. Bragg's Law : Direction of maxima of X-ray diffracted from crystal 2d sin 0 = nX (n-1,2,3,...) Intensity of X-rays transmitted through a thickness x of meterial -kx (k is constant) I = In e~

for Ka
f o r La



Questions. Level-1
7. The minimum wavelength of X-ray produced by electron accelerated through a potential difference of V volt is directly proportional t o : (a) W (b) <2V (<0 w

1. Matter waves are : (a) electromagnetic waves (b) mechanical waves (c) either mechanical or electromagnetic waves (d) neither mechanical nor electromagnetic waves 2. Cathode rays are made to pass between the plates of a charged capacitor. It attracts : (a) towards positive plate (b) towards negative plate (c) (a) and (b) are correct (d) (a) and (b) are wrong 3. The X-ray tube is operated at 50 kV, the minimum wavelength produced i s : (a) 0.5 A (b) 0.75 A (c) 0.25 A (d) 1.0 A 4. A beam of electrons is moving with constant velocity in a region having electric and magnetic field strength 20 V m - 1 and 0.5 T at right angles to the direction of motion of the electrons, what is the velocity of the electrons ? (a) 20 m/s (b) 40 m/s (c) 8 m/s (d) 5.5 m/s 5. If the kinetic energy of the moving particle is E, then de Broglie wavelength is : (a) X = h<2mE (c) ^ =' V2mE

8. In a discharge tube at 0.02 mm there is formation o f : (a) Faraday's dark space (b) Crooke's dark space (c) Both spaces partly (d) Crooke's dark space with glow near the electrons 9. Therm-ions are: (a) photons (b) protons (c) electrons (d) nuclei 10. X-ray is used to : (a) investigate the structure of solid (b) to charge a body (c) to activate the radioactivity (d) to change the structure of solid 11. The cathode of a photoelectric cell is changed such that work function changes from <> to 02 (0i > fe)- If the ji current before and after change are 11 and J 2 , all other conditions remaining unchanged then : (a) IX = I2 (b) h>I2 (c) Ii < /2 (d) none of these The 'figure shows the observed intensity of X-rays emitted by an X-ray tube as a function of wavelength. The sharp peaks A and B denote: (a) band spectrum (b) continuous spectrum (c) characteristic ratio Wavelength (d) white radiation

(b) (d) ^ =

6. When a beam of accelerated electrons hits a target, a continuous X-ray spectrum is emitted from the target, which one of the following wavelengths is absent in the X-ray spectrum if the X-ray tube is operating at 40,000 volt ? (a) 1.5 A (b) 0.5 A (c) 0.35 A (d) 1.0 A

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Nitin M Sir ( Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays
13. The speed of photon : (a) may be less than speed of light (b) may be greater than speed of light (c) must be equal to speed of light (d) must be less than speed of light 14. The energy of a photon of frequency/ is : (a) hf (c) h2f (d) h / f

rexpectively. If the same source is placed 0.6 m away from the photoelectric cell, then : (a) the stopping potential will be 0.2 V (b) the stopping potential will be 0.6 V (c) the saturation potential will be 6 mA (d) none of the above 21. When one centimetre thick surface is illuminated with light of wavelength X, the stopping potential is V. When the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength V 2X, stopping potential is ' threshold wavelength for metallic surface is: (a) y (b) 4X

15. Planck's constant : (a) is universal constant (b) depends upon frequency of light (c) depends upon wavelength of light (d) depends upon medium 16. If we consider photon and electron of the same wavelength, then they will have the same : (a) velocity (b) angular momentum (c) energy (d) momentum 17. Hundred photons each of energy 2.5 eV are incident on a metal plate whose work function is 4eV, then the number of electrons emitted from metal surface will be : (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) zero (d) infinity 18. The frequency of the incident light falling on a metal plate is doubled, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons is : (a) unchanged (b) doubled (c) more than double (d) less than double 19. The number of ejected photoelectrons increases with increase : (a) in frequency of light (b) in wavelength of light (c) in intensity of light (d) none of these 20. When a monochromatic point source of light is at a distance of 0.2 metre from a photocell, the cut off voltage and the saturation current are 0.6 V and 18 mA 1. Which one of the following is incorrect statement ? (a) Cathode rays are emitted out from the surface of cathode (b) Cathode ray travel in straight line (c) Cathode rays have constant elm ratio (d) Cathode rays are electromagnetic radiations 2. Which one of the following is incorrect statement ? (a) Anode rays are heavier than cathode rays (b) Anode rays are emitted out from the surface of anode (c) Anode rays are made up of positively charged ions (d) Anode rays travel in straight line 3. Cathode rays are made up of electrons. Anode rays are made up of: (a) protons only (b) protons and positrons only (c) positive residue of atoms (d) all positive particles of atoms

(c) 6X 22. An image of the sun is formed by a lens of focal length of 30 cm on the metal surface of a photoelectric cell and a photoelectric current I is produced. The lens forming the image is then replaced by another of same diameter but of focal length 15 cm, the photoelectric current in this case is: (a) [ (b) / (d) 41

(c) 21

23. Kinetic energy of emitted ray is dependent on : (a) voltage only (b) work function only (c) both (a) and (b) (d) it does not depend upon any physical quantity 24. For the same speed, de Broglie wavelength : (a) of electron is larger than proton (b) of proton is larger than a-particle (c) of electron is larger than a-particle (d) all of the above

4. elm ratio of anode rays produced in a discharge tube, depends on the : (a) nature of gas filled in the tube (b) nature of the material of anode (c) nature of the material of cathode (d) all of the above 5. In an oil drop experiment, the following charges (in arbitrary units) were found on a series of oil droplets : 2.30 x l O - 1 5 , 6.90 xlO" 1 5 , 1.38 xlO" 1 4 , 5.75 xlO" 1 5 , 1.955xlO" 1 4 . The charge on electron (in the same unit) should b e : (a) 2 . 3 0 x 1 0,-15 r (b) 1.15x10'15 (c) 1.38x10, - 1 4 (d) 1.955x10


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6. In Wilson cloud chamber experiment, two particles were found to show equal deviation but in opposite directions. The names positron and negatron were given to these particles by Anderson. Negatron should be : (a) neutron (b) neutrino (c) electron (d) proton 7. An a-particle when accelerated through a potential difference of V volt has a wavelength X associated with it. In order to have same X, by what potential difference a proton must be accelerated ? (a) 8 V (b) 6 V (c) 4 V (d) 12 V 8. The cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube from the : (a) cathode (b) anode (c) source of high voltage (d) residual gas 9. Three particles having charges in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5 , produce the same point on the photographic film in Thomson experiment. Their masses are in the ratio of: (a) 2 : 3 : 5 (b) 5 : 3 : 2 (c) 1 5 : 1 0 : 6 (d) 3 : 5 : 2 10. It the velocity of an electron is doubled its de Broglie frequency will: (a) be halved (b) remain same (c) be doubled (d) become four times 11. An electron is at rest. Its wavelength is (a) 1 (b) infinity , , h (d) it has not wave character (c) m 12. If the de Broglie wavelength of a proton is 10~13 m, the electric potential through which it must have been accelerated is : (a) 4.07 x 104 V (c) 8.2 x 103 V (b) 8.2 x 104 V (d) 4.07 x 105 V

Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays

17. The magnitude of the de Broglie wavelength (X) of an electron (e), proton (p), neutron (n) and a-particle (a) all having the same energy of MeV, in the increasing order will follow the sequence : (a) Xe, Xp, Xw Xa (c) Xc, Xn, Xp, Xa (b) Xa, Xn, Xp, Xe (d) Xp, Xe, Xa, Xn

18. Two photons of same frequencies moving in same medium have: (a) same linear momenta and wavelengths (b) same linear momenta and same speeds (c) same energies and same linear momenta (d) none of the above 19. Which one of the following is the correct graph between energy and wavelength for a given photon ? (a)


(c) (d) None of these

20. An electron is accelerated through voltage. Its frequency will be (e = charge on electron, h = Planck's constant) (a) eV (b) eVh eV (d) (c) [ J eV 21. A certain molecule has an energy level diagram for its vibrational energy in which two levels are 0.014 eV apart. The wavelength of the emitted line for the molecule as it falls from one of these levels to the other, is : (a) 8.9 x 10 - 5 m (c) 173.6 m 5 x 10" 3 W (ft = 6.63 x operating 10~34 Js)
-.16 (b) 1.6 xlO 1 (d) None of these

13. Which of the following statements is false ? (a) Material wave (de Broglie wave) can travel in vacuum (b) Electromagnetic wave can travel through vacuum (c) The velocity of photon is not the same whether light passes through any medium (d) Wavelength of de Broglie wave depends upon velocity 14. A moving electron has numerical relation X = h. Then :
(a) 77

(b) 1.2 x 10 - 6 m (d) 4 . 6 x l 0 " 7 m at 632.2 nm in 2 second ?

22. How many photons are emitted by a laser source of

(a) 3 . 2 x 1 0,16 -.16 (c) 4 x 10 10

(b) ve = (d) none of these

(c) both (a) and (b)

15. The de Broglie wavelength of a bus moving with speed v is X. Some passengers left the bus at a stopage. Now when the bus moves with twice its initial speed, its kinetic energy is found to be twice its initial value. What will be the de Broglie wavelength, now? (a) X (b) 2X (c) )J2 (d) XIA 16. Proton and a-particle both are accelerated through the same potential, the ratio of wavelengths is : (a) 2 (b) V2 (c) 4 (d) 1/2 V2

23. Only a fraction of the electrical energy supplied to a tungsten light bulb is converted into visible light. If a 100 W light bulb converts 20% of the electrical energy into visible light (X = 662.6 nm), then the number of photons emitted by the bulb per second is : 28 (a) 6.67xlO 1 9 (b) 2 x 1 0 ->19 (c) 6 xlO 3 6 (d) 6 . 3 0 x 1 0 ' 24. The number of photons emitted by a 60 W bulb per second, if 10% of the electrical energy supplied to an incandescent light bulb is radiated as visible light, is : 16 ,19 (b) 1 . 8 x 1 0 (a) 1 . 8 x 1 0 (c) 1 . 8 x 1 0,11
,21 (d) 1.8 x 10'

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays
25. The momentum of a photon having energy equal to the resi energy of an electron is : (a) zero (c) 1.99 x 1(T 24 kg ms" 1 (b) 2.73 x 10~22 kg ms" 1 (d) infinite (a) v < 4
(c) V > J

(b) v (d) v>

26. A perfectly reflecting solid hemisphere of radius R is placed in the path of a parallel beam of light of large aperture. If the beam carries an intensity I, the force exerted by the beam on the hemisphere is : (a) (c) 2tt R2I 4 KR2I (b) K R2I

33. Einstein's photoelectric equation states that E^ = h\~- ((>. In this equation E^ refers to : (a) (b) (c) (d) kinetic energy of all the emitted electrons mean kinetic energy of the emitted electrons maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons minimum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons

(d) none of these

27. A parallel beam of monochromatic light with power of 3 W incident normally on a perfectly absorbing surface. The force exerted by the light beam on the surface is: (a) 5 x 10" y N (b) 10" 8 N (c) 5 x 10" 7 N (d) 2 x 10" 8 N 28. Consider the shown arrangement to obtain diffraction pattern when a monochromatic radiation of wavelength X is incident on the narrow aperture. If a = 3X, in the ? a diffraction pattern obtained on i screen , the number of intensity minima would be : (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 29. Photodissociation of water H 2 0 (/) + /iv H D *

34. The work funciion of a certain metal is 2.3 eV. If light of wave number 2 x 106 m" 1 falls on it, the kinetic energies of rastest and slowest ejected electron will be respectively: (a) 2.48 eV, 0.18 eV (c) 2.30 eV, 0.18 eV (b) 0.18 eV, zero (d) 0.18 eV, 0.18 eV

35. When the electromagnetic radiations of frequencies 4 x 10 15 Hz and 6 x 10 15 Hz fall on the same metal, in different experiments, the ratio of maximum kinetic energy of electrons liberated is 1 : 3 . The threshold frequency for the metal is: (a) 2 x 10 15 Hz (c) 3 x 10 15 Hz (b) 1 x 10 15 Hz ,15 (d) 1.67 x 1 0 Hz

> H 2 (g) + | o 2 (g)

has been suggested as a source of hydrogen. The heat absorbed in this reaction is 285.8 kj/mol of water decomposed. The maximum wavelength, that would provide the necessary energy assuming that one photon causes the dissociation of one water molecule is : (a) 6.95 x 10" 28 m (b) 4 . 1 9 x l 0 " 7 m -31 m (c) 6 . 9 5 x l O (d) 1 . 7 2 x l O " 6 m 30. Photoelectric effect supports quantum nature of light because: (a) there is a minimum frequency of light below which no photoelectrons are emitted (b) the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends only on the frequency of light and not on its intensity (c) even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, the photoelectrons leave the surface immediately (d) all of the above 31. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted from a surface is dependent on the: (a) intensity of incident radiation (b) potential of the collector electrode (c) frequency of incident radiation (d) angle of incident of radiation of the surface 32. If the work function of the metal is (j) and the frequency of incident light is v, there is no emission of photoelectrons when :

36. A surface is irradiated with ultra violet radiation of wavelength 0.2 pm. If the maximum velocity of electron liberated from the surface is 8.8 x 105 m/s, then the work function of the surface is : (a) 3 eV (b) 4 eV (c) 5 eV (d) 6 eV 37. Choose the correct option for the graph between the frequency of incident light and the stopping potential: (a) It is a parabola (b) It is a straight line (c) It is a hyperbola (d) It is a circle 38. A metallic surface ejects n-electrons per second, when exposed to green colour light of certain intensity I. The long wavelength limit for the surface being 560 nm. If the surface is exposed to same intensity I of green, yellow and red light simultaneously, then the number of electrons emitted will be : (a) n (b) 2n (c) 3n (d) 9n 39. The work function of a substance is 1.6 eV. The longest wavelength of light that can produce photo-emission from the substance is: (a) 7734 A (b) 3867 A (c) 5800 A (d) 29000 A 40 A photoelectric cell is connected to a source of variable potential difference I connected across it and the A photoelectric current is plotted against the applied potential difference. The graph in the broken line D represents one for a given -> V frequency and intensity of the incident radiation. If

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the the (a) (c) frequency is increased and the intensity is reduced, curve which now represents the situation is : A (b) B C (d) D

Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays

50. Photoelectrons comes out when a metal is radiated by indigo light but not by green light. Would photoelectrons come out when the metal is radiated by orange light ? (a) Yes (b) No (c) Yes, if intensity of radiation is increased (d) Yes, if metal is radiated for a long time 51. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 66.26 nm and intensity 2 W/m2 falls on potassium surface by which photoelectrons are ejected out. If only 0.1% of the incident photons produce photoelectrons, and surface area of metal surface is 4 m , how many electrons are emitted per second ? (b) 3 x 1 015 (a) 2 . 6 7 x 1 0,15
-.17 (c) 3 . 3 3 x l O 1 '

41. A photoelectron has a frequency ve. It was ejected by a photon having frequency vp from a metal of work function Then which of the following is correct assuming all of the energy of photon is utilised ? (a) < = Vp - v c ( > (c) v p = ve (b) v p >v e (d) vp = /j(t> + ve

42. Work function of a metal is 10 eV. Photons of 20 eV are bombarded on it. The frequency of photoelectrons will be: ,, , 10 10 (a) =(b)>y
1 (c) < 0 h

(d) 4.17xlO 1 and


(d) > 1 0 - h

52. The stopping potentials are (Vi - V2), if he f h J_ respectively is : (a) (b)

and V2. The value of

43. A radiation is incident on a metal surface of work function 2.3 eV. The wavelength of incident radiation is 600 nm. If the total energy of incident radiation is 23 J, then the number of photoelectrons is : (a) zero (c) = 104 (b) > 10 4 (d) none of these

are wavelengths of incident lights, he n e

1 , 1 X2


X2 J_

(d) A f i hclXx

44. Two sources A and B have same power. The wavelength of radiation of A is Xa and that of 8 is Xb. The number of photons emitted per second by A and B are na and nb respectively, then : (a) Xa > Xb (c) if Xa < Xb, na < nb (b) if X > Xb, na < nb (d) if Xa > Xb, na = nb

45. Ultraviolet beam of wavelength 280 nm is incident on lithium surface of work function 2.5 eV. The maximum velocity of electron emitted from metal surface is . (a) 8.2 x 105 m/s (c) 7 x 10 5 m/s (b) 106 m/s (d) none of these

53. The work function of the metal, if the kinetic energies of the photoelectrons are j and E 2 , with wavelengths of incident light Xj and X2, is : EiE 2^2 1^2 (b) (a) X2 X2 ~ XjA^E^ (Ei - E2) X{k2 (d) (X.i - X ) E (c) 2 2 (X1-X2) 54. A radiation of wavelength 2000 A incident on the metal surface, with work function 5.01 eV. What is the potential difference must be applied to stop the fastest photoelectron emitted by metal surface ? (a) 1.19 eV (b) 6.19 eV (c) 3.19 eV (d) 4.19 eV 55. For a certain metal v is five times of v 0 and the maximum velocity of coming out photons is 8 x 106 m/s. If v = 2v0, the maximum velocity of photoelectrons will be : (b) 6xlO"m/s (a) 4 x 10 m/s (c) 2xlO 6 m/s (d) 1 xlO 6 m/s 56. A red bulb and violet bulb of equal power emits nR and ny number of photons in a given time, then : (a) nR = nv (c) nR<nv (b) (d) nR>nv nR>nv

46. In previous problem, the stopping potential is : (a) 1.9 V * (b) 10 V (c) 3 V (d) none of these 47. Threshold frequency for photoelectric effect from a metal surface of work function 4.5 eV is : (a) 1.1 xlO9Hz (b) 540 Hz (d) none of these (c) 1.1 x 10 15 Hz

48. If nr and nb are the number of photons of red and blue lights respectively w'th same energy, then : (a) nr > nb (b) nr<nb (c) nr = nb (d) no relation between nr and nb 49. The number of photoelectrons emitted per unit time depends on (v > VQ) : (a) (b) (c) (d) threshold frequency frequency of the incident radiation intensity of the incident radiation density of the metal irradiated

57. When a surface 1 cm thick is illuminated with light of wavelength X, the stopping potential is V0, but when the same surface is illuminated by light of wavelength 3X, V0 the stopping potential is The threshold wavelength for metallic surface is : (a) 4X (c) 3X (b) 5X (d) 2X

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Cathode Rays, Photoelectric Effect of Light and X-rays i r 58. Photoelectric effect shows : (a) wave-like behaviour of light (b) particle-like behaviour of light (c) both wave-like and particle-like behaviour of light (d) neither wave-like nor particle-like behaviour of light 59. What is the energy of photon of wavelength 24800 A ? (a) 0.5 eV (b) 0.9 eV (c) 1.1 eV (d) 0.75 eV 60. Choose the correct statement: (a) The continuous X-rays are produced because of transition of electrons from outer shell to inner shell whereas the characteristic X-rays are produced by deceleration of incident electrons (b) The characteristic as well as the continuous X-rays are produced due to deceleration of incident electrons (c) The continuous X-rays are produced due to deceleration of incident electrons but the characteristic X-rays are produced due to transition of outer shell electrons to inner shell (d) The continuous as well as characteristic X-rays are emitted due to transition of electrons from outer to inner shell 61. If X-ray tube is operating at 15 kV, the lower limit of the wavelength of X-rays produced is : (a) 0.82 x 10~7 m (b) 0 . 8 2 x l 0 ~ 8 m (c) 0 . 8 3 x l 0 " 1 0 m (d) 0 . 8 2 x l 0 " 1 3 m 62. The X-rays beam coming from an X-ray tube will be : (a) monochromatic (b) having all wavelengths smaller than a certain minimum wavelength

(c) having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum wavelength (d) having all wavelength lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength 63. At its closest approach, the distance between the mars and the earth is found to be 60 million km. When the planets are at this closest distance, how long would it take to send a radio-message from a space probe of mars to earth ? . (a) 5 s (b) 200 s (c) 0.2 s (d) 500 s 64. At one time, the metre was defined as 1650763.73 wavelengths of the orange light emitted by a light source

containing Kr atoms. What is the corresponding photon energy of this radiation ? (a) 3.28 x 10~19 J/quanta (b) 1.204 x 10~31 J/quanta (c) 1.09 x l O - 2 7 J/quanta (d) 4.01 x 10 - 4 0 J/quanta 65. A ruby laser produces radiations of wavelengths, 662.6 nm in pulses whose duration are 10~9 s. If the laser produces 0.39 J 'of energy per pulse, how many photons are produced in each pulse ? (a) 1.3 xlO 9 (c) 1 . 3 x l O 2 7 (b) 1.3 x l O 1 8 (d) 3 . 9 x l O 1 8

66. Specific heat of water is 4.2 J/g C. If light of frequency 3 x 10 9 Hz is used to heat 400 g of water from 20C to 40C, the number of moles of photons needed will be : (a) 1.69 x l O 2 9 (c) 2.80xlO4 (b) 1.69 x l O 2 8 (d) 2 . 8 0 x l 0 5


11. 21.

(d) (a) (b)

2. 12. 22.

(a) (c) (b)

3. 13. 23.

(c) (c) (c)

4. 14. 24.

(b) (a) (d)

5. 15.

(c) (a)

6. 16.

(c) (d)

7. 17.

(a) (c)

8. 18.

(b) (d)

9. 19.

(c) (c)

10. 20.

(a) (b)


11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61.

(d) (d) (a) (c) (b) (a) (c)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62.

(b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c)

3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63.

(c) (c) (a) (c) (a) (a) (b)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64.

(a) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (a)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65.

(b) (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (b)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66.

(c) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b) (c)

7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57.

(a) (c) (b) (b) (c) (b)

8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58.

(a) (d) (b) (a) (a) (b)

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59.

(a) (a) (b) (a) (c) (a)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60.

(c) (c) (d) (d) (b) (c)

^ _h " ^~ \ or ' (KE) m a x = fcv-<j> 20. The number of photoelectrons indirectly proportional to intensity of light. . \
24 d e B r oglie

19. FroSTEinstein's photoelectric equation hv = < + (KE) m a x > j

wavelength is given by X =

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Atomic Structure
Syllabus: Rutherford's model of the atom, Bohr's model, energy of quantization, hydrogen spectrum.

Review of Concepts
1. Bohr's model: (i) Time period of revolution of electron : (i) T = j (ii) T = (1.52x 10 - 1 6 ) (j) AE = 13.6 (k) ^ = R f. "1 V "2
2 2


Ze 47reo r

mv r

Here, e 0 = 8.85 x 10" 12 C2/Nm2,

1 = 9 x 109 Nm2/C2 47I(0 Here, v = velocity of electron in nth orbit r = radius of nth orbit ill = mass of electron nh (b) mvr = 2tt n = principal quantum number, n = 1, 2,

sec v /

" 2/ ,

eV where Hj < h2


Here, R = Rydberg constant = 1.0973 x 107 per metre . (1) Frequency of radiation :

h = Planck's constant = 6.63 x 10" 34 Js (c) (ii) rn = " ^ x 0.53 A v y Here, Z = atomic number, (for H-atom Z = 1) (i) r = nmZe2 Zez 2 E 0nh 10 s

_AE h

c X 1

2. Rutherford's model: Rutherford scattering formula

NA =

N0nt (2Ze2)2

(d) Speed of electron : (i) z = > (ii) v = f ) 137


4 ( 4 7 t e 0 ) 2 r 2 M ) 2 ' sin 4 ^


Here, c = 3 x m/s (e) Kinetic energy of electron : K= (f) lmv2 2""" - mZ2e4 4e2n2h2 mZ2ei mZ2e* 8 zhi2h2

where NQ = total number of a-particles that strikes the unit area of the scatterer; n = number of target atoms per m 3 ; t = thickness of target; Ze = charge on the target nucleus; 2e = charge on a-particle; r = distance of screen from the target and VQ = velocity of a-particle at nearest distance of approach. Distance of closest approach: r0 = 4tcO 2 Zei Ek (where Ey is KE of incident particle)

Potential energy: U-

3. Spectral series

(g) Total energy : (i) E = K+U = Z2Rhc

2[2 8e5n2h2

(a) Lyman: 'Z* eV n


(ultraviolet region) where n > 1 4 n2 (visible region) where n > 2 f1 9 2 (infrared region) where n > 3 f =R (I 16 2

(ii) E = where,

= -13.6

(b) Balmer :

me '"" (Rydberg constant) 8eq ch (h) Orbital frequency of electron : R= f liTT mZV 4e n3h3

(c) Paschen: (d) Brackett:

(infrared region) where n > 4

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(e) Pfund :

Atomic Structure

25' (infrared region) where n > 5

(f) Humphery :

J_ = R 36'

where n > 6

Objective Questions
1. The mass of an electron in motion depends upon: (a) direction of motion (b) its velocity (c) initial mass of e~ (d) its shell number 2. The mass and energy equivalent to 1 a.m.u. respectively are : (a) 1.67 x 1CT27 g, 9.30 MeV (b) 1.67xlO" 2 7 kg, 930 MeV (c) 1.67xlO"" 27 kg, 1 MeV (d) 1.67xlO" 3 4 kg, 1 MeV 3. It is given for the azimuthal quantum number 1 = 3, the total number of different possible values of the magnetic azimuthal quantum number, / is : (a) 3 (c) 5 (b) 4 (d) 7 (a) R , . 5R (C) 36 (b) 3R ( d ) f

11. For electron moving in nth orbit of the atom, the angular

velocity is proportional to : (a) n (b) 1 / (c) respectively are: (a) 10" 14 m, 10" 10 m (c) 10 _ 2 0 m, 1 0 _ 1 6 m (b) 10 _1 m, 10" 8 m (d) 10~~8 m, 10 - 6 m (d) i

12. The order of size of nucleus and Bohr radius of an atom

13. In the lowest energy level of hydrogen atom, electron has the angular momentum:

4. The acceleration of electron in the first orbit of hydrogen atom is: (a) (c) 4 n2m (b) (d) h' 4n2mr m2h2 4KV


5. If the electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from an orbit level tii = 3 to an orbit level 2 = 2, the emitted radiation has a wavelength given by : , _ 36 (b) (a) 5R 36 R (d) \ = (c) X ~R
6. Number of electrons

h < * F S 14. The velocity of an electron in its fifth orbit, if the velocity of an electron in the second orbit of sodium atom (atomic number = 11) is v, will be : 22 (a) v

i ,.

(c) 2 V


15. Atomic hydrogen is excited to the nth energy level. The maximum number of spectral lines which it can emit while returning to the ground state, is : (a) -n(n-l) (b) n(n + 1)

that constitute one ampere of (b) 6 2 5 x 1 0 12

->16 (d) 625x10*

current is : (a, 265x10


(c) n(n +1)

(d) n (n + 1)

(c) 4.8 x lO10

16. The KE of the electron in an orbit of radius r in hydrogen

The angular momentum of electron in hydrogen atom is proportional to : (a) ^ (c) r 2 8. The radius of hydrogen excited state, becomes : (a) half (c) four times 9. If Bohr's radius is Rq, hydrogen atom will be : (a) 3 R 0 (b) 6R0 atom, when it is in its second (b) double (d) nine times then radius of 3rd orbit of (c)

atom is : (e = electronic charge)


r e2

(b) \

17. In the lowest orbit, the binding energy of an electron in hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy required to take out the electron from the lower three orbits in (eV) will be: (a) 13.6, 6.8, 8.4 (b) 13.6, 10.2, 3.4 (c) 13.6, 27.2, 40.8 (d) 13.6, 3.4, 1.5
18. Minimum excitation potential of Bohr's first orbit in

(d) 12R 0

10. In terms of Rydberg Constant R, the wave number of the first Balmer line is :

hydrogen atom is: (a) 13.6 V (c) 10,2 V

(b) 3.4 V (d) 3.6 V

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19. A proton and an alpha particle having same momentum enter a magnetic field at right angles to it. If rj and r2 be their radii respectively then value of T\/r2 is : (a) 1 (c) 1/2 (b) 2 (d) 1/4

1. a-particles are projected towards the nuclei of the following metals, with the same kinetic energy. Towards, which metal, the distance of closest approach is minimum ? (a) Cu (Z = 29) (b) Ag (Z = 47) (c) Au (Z = 79) (d) Pd (Z = 46) 2. An a-particle accelerated through V volt is fired towards a nucleus. Its distance of closest approach is r. If a proton accelerated through the same potential is fired towards the same nucleus, the distance of closest approach of proton will be : (a) r (b) 2r (c) r/2 (d) r/4 3. The distance of closest approach of an a-particle fired towards a nucleus with momentum p, is r. What will be the distance of closest approach when the momentum of a-particle is 2p ? (a) 2r (b) 4r (c) r/2 (d) r/4 4. Which of the following is incorrect regarding Rutherford's atomic model ? (a) Atom contains nucleus (b) Size of nucleus is very small in comparison to that of atom (c) Nucleus contains about 90% mass of the atom (d) Electrons revolve round the nucleus with uniform speed 5. In Rutherford experiment the number of a-particles scattered through an angle 60 is 112 per minute, then the number of a particles scattered through an angle of 90 per minute by the same nucleus is : (a) 28 per min (b) 112 per min (c) 12.5 per min (d) 7 per min 6. Which of the following curves may represent radius of orbit in H-atom as a function of principal quantum number ? (a) 7. The equivalent current due to motion of electron in first orbit of H-atom is : (a) 0 . 7 x l O - 3 A (c) 10" 3 A (b) 9 x l O " 3 A (d) none of these

8. As the orbit number increases, the distance between two consecutive orbits in an atom or ion having single electron: (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains the same (d) first increases and then becomes constant 9. If the radius of first Bohr's orbit is x, then de Broglie wavelength of electron in 3rd orbit is nearly :
(a) 2nx ( b ) 6TZX

(c) 9x

(d) x/3

10. Rydberg atoms are the hydrogen atoms in higher excited states. Such atoms are observed in space. The orbit number for such an atom with radius about 0.01 mm should b e : (a) 1 (b) 435 (c) 13749 (d) 117 11. How many times larger is the spacing between the energy levels with n = 3 and n = 4 then the spacing between the energy levels with n = 8 and n = 9 for a hydrogpn like atom or ion ? (a) 0.71 (b) 0.41 (c) 2.43 (d) 14.82 12. In one revolution round the hydrogen nucleus, an electron makes five crests. The electron should belong from: (a) 1st orbit (b) 4th orbit (c) 5th orbit (d) 6th orbit 13. The circumference of the second orbit of an atom or ion having single electron, is 4 x 10~9 m. The de Broglie wavelength of electron revolving in this orbit should be : (a) 2 x 10 - 9 m (c) 8 x 10 - 9 m (b) 4 x l 0 ~ 9 m (d) 1 x 10~9 m

14. In each of the following atoms or ions, electronic transition from n = 4 to n = 1 takes place. The frequency of the radiation emitted out will be minimum for: (a) hydrogen atom (b) deuterium atom (c) He* ion (d) Li 2 + ion 15. If an electron is revolving round the hydrogen nucleus at a distance of 0.1 nm, what should be its speed?



(a) 2.188xlO 6 m/s (c) 4.376xlO 6 m/s

(b) 1.094x 106m/s (d) 1.59xlO 6 m/s

16. The angular speed of an electron revolving round the H-nucleus is proportional to: (a) 1/r (c) 1/r2 (b) 1/r* 2 (d)

Nitin M Sir (

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17. The angular momentum of the electron in third orbit of hydrogen atom, if the angular momentum in the second orbit of hydrogen atom is L is : (a) L (b) 3L (c). | L (d)

Atomic Structure
26. An energy of 24.6 eV is required to remove one of the electrons from a neutral helium atom. The energy (in eV) required to remove both the electrons from a neutral helium atom is : (a) 38.2 (b) 49.2 (c) 51.8 (d) 79.0 27. The energy of an atom or ion in the ground state is - 54.4 eV. It may be : (a) He + (c) Hydrogen (b) Li 2+ (d) Deuterium

18. If an electron is moving around a nucleus of charge 2e in a circular orbit of radius 1CT10 m, then the initial frequency of light emitted by the electron is : 5 .i (a) 4.2 xlO 1 5 Hz (b) 0.36 x 1 ,01 " , Hz (c) 3.6 xlO 1 5 Hz
, 15 (d) 4.2 xlO 1 3 , Hz

19. An electron of hydrogen atom is revolving in third Bohr's orbit (n =3). How many revolutions will it undergo before making a transition to the second orbit (ii =2). Assume the average life time of an excited state of the hydrogen atom is of the order of 10~8 s (Given : Bohr radius = 5.3 x 10~12 m): (a) 2.5 x 106 rev (c) 4.5 xlO 6 rev (b) 3.5xlO 6 rev (d) 1 . 5 x l 0 6 r e v

28. The ratio of the frequencies of the long wavelength limits of the Balmer and Lyman series of hydrogen is : (a) 2 7 : 5 (b) 5 : 2 7 (c) 4 :1 (d) 1 : 4 29. For a certain atom, there are energy levels A, B, C corresponding to energy values < Eg < EQ. Choose the correct option if "ky X2, are the wavelength of radiations corresponding to the transition from C to B, B to A and C to A respectively : (a) (c) = + + =0 (b) A.J + A2 (d) 3X2 = X3+2X2

20. In Bohr's orbit of hydrogen atom m kg is mass of an electron and e coulomb is the charge on it. The ratio (in SI units) of magnetic dipole moment to that of the angular momentum of electron is : e . e (a) (b) 2m m 2e_ (d) none of these (c) in 21. If 0.51 x 10" - 1 0 metre is the radius of smallest electron (b) He +

orbit in hydrogen like atom, then this atom is : (a) hydrogen atom (c) Li 2+ (d) Be 3+ 22. How many different wavelengths may be observed in the spectrum from a hydrogen sample if the atoms are excited to third excited state ? (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 23. The maximum number of photons emitted by an H-atom, if atom is excited to states with principal quantum number four is : (a) 4 ' ( b ) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 24. In previous problem minimum number of photohs emitted by the H-atom is : (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 . (d) 4 25,,-For hydrogen atom the difference between any two consecutive energy levels (where n is the principal quantum number) : (a) is always the same (b) decreases inversely with n (c) decreases inversely with n 2 (d) decreases inversely with n 3

30 The energy required to excite an electron in hydrogen atom from the ground state to the next higher state, if the ionisation energy for the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV is : (a) 3.4 eV (b) 10.2 eV (c) 12.1 eV (d) 1.3 eV 31. The wavelength of the emitted radiation, if electron in hydrogen atom jumps from the third orbit to second orbit is :

(c) X =

rM i

5R X=36


(d) * = |

32. Any radiation in the ultraviolet region of hydrogen spectrum is able to eject photoelectrons from a metal. What should be the maximum value of threshold frequency for the metal? (a) 3.288 xlO 1 5 Hz (c) 4.594xlO 1 4 Hz (b) 2.460 x 10 15 Hz (d) 8 . 2 2 0 x l O 1 4 H z

33 Balmer gives an equation for wavelength of visible hi1 radiation of H-spectrum as X = ^ The value of k in n2 - 4 terms of Rydberg constant, R, is : (a) R (b) 4R (c) R/4 (d) 4/R 34. When an electron jumps from higher orbit to the second orbit in hydrogen, the radiation emitted out will be in (R = 1.09 x 107 m - 1 ) : (a) ultraviolet region (b) visible region (c) infrared region (d) X-ray region

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Nitin M Sir ( 537 Atomic Structure

35. Deuterium atoms in the ground state, are radiated by photons of energy 12.8 eV. What will be the energy of induced radiation of longest wavelength? Ionisation energy of deuterium is 14.4 eV : (a) 12.8 eV (b) 10.8 eV (c) 1.6 eV (d) 2.00 eV 36. There are only three hydrogen atoms in the discharge tube. The analysis of spectrum shows that in all the hydrogen atoms, electrons are de-exciting from fourth orbit. What should be the maximum number of spectral lines? (a) 6 (c) 4 (b) 1 (d) 5 43. 29 electrons are removed from Zn-atom (Z = 30) by certain means. The minimum energy needed to remove the 30th electron, will be (a) 12.24 keV (b) 408 eV (c) 0.45 eV (d) 765 eV 44. An electron of kinetic energy EQ is scattered by an atomic hydrogen sample in ground state. The minimum value of EQ SO that a photon of wavelength 656.3 nm may be errlitted by H-atom is : (a) 12.09 eV (b) 13.6 eV (c) 14.6 eV (d) none of these 45. A H-atom moving with speed v makes a head on collision with a H-atom in rest. Both atoms are in ground state. The minimum value of velocity v for which one of atom may excite is : (a) 6.25xlO 4 m/s (c) 7.25
n, Orbit

37. For an atom of ion having single electron, the following wavelengths are observed. What is the value of missing wavelength, x ?
n 3 Orbit 40 mm x mm

(b) 8 x l 0 4 m / s (d) 13.6 x 10 4 m/s


xlO 4


60 mm

(a) 20 (c) 60

(b) 40 (d) 120

38. The figure shows energy levels of a certain atom, when the system moves from level 2E to E, a photon of wavelength X is emitted. The wavelength of photon 4 produced during its transition from level E to E level
2 E (4/3) E E-

46. A photon of energy i 5 eV collides with H-atom. Due to this collision, H-atom gets ionized. The maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron is : (a) 1.4 eV (b) 5 eV (c) 15 eV (d) 13.6 eV 47. The minimum frequency of light which can ionize a hydrogen atom is : (a) 3.28 x 10 15 Hz (c) 91.1 Hz (b) 5 x l 0 1 5 H z (d) none of these

48. Which of the following is wrong about spin of electron according to quantum mechanics ? (a) It is related to intrinsic angular momen- turn (b) Spin is rotation of electron about its own axis (c) Value of spin quantum number must not be 1

O (a) 3X (c) A/4 (b) 3/4 A . '(d) 2X

(d) spin

value of spin quantum number represents up

39. The ionisation energy of Li 2+ atom in ground state is : (a) 13.6 x 9 eV (b) 13.6 J (c) 13.6 erg (d) 13.6xlO~ 1 9 J 40. The first excitation potential of a given atom is 10.2 volt, then the ionisation potential is : (a) 10.2 volt (b) 13.6 volt (c) 30.6 volt (d) 20.4 volt 41. For a single ionised helium atom, the longest wavelength in ground state will absorb : (a) 912 A (b) 304 A (c) 606 A (d) 1216 A 42. If an electron drops from 4th orbit to 2nd orbit in an H-atom, then (a) it gains 2.55 eV of potential energy (b) it gains 2.55 eV of total energy (c) it emits a 2.55 eV electron (d) it emits a 2.55 eV photon

49. For which of the following set of quantum numbers, an electron will have the lowest energy? (b) 4 , 2 , - 1 , | (a) 3, 2,1, ~ (c) 4 , 1 , 0 , 1 (d) 5, 0,0, |

50. The angular momentum of the a-particles which are scattered through large angles by the heavier nuclei, is conserved because of the (a) nature of repulsive forces (b) conservation of kinetic energy .(c) conservation of potential energy (d) conservation of total energy 51. px, py and pz all the three have the same energy in : (a) isolated H-atom (b) He atom (c) He + in magnetic field (d) Li 2+ in electric field

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52. Which of the following statements about orbital angular momentum of an orbital is wrong? (a) It is measured by V (/ + 1 ) / (b) Its direction is fixed in space (c) Its direction always make the same angle with 'z' axis (d) Its x, y components change with time 53. In the case of Compton effect, which of the following is applicable? (a) Energy conservation (b) Momentum conservation (c) Charge conservation (d) All of the above 54. If only three quantum numbers of two electrons are the same, then which of the following is not correct? (a) They have same energy in the absence of magnetic field (b) They have same energy in the presence of electric field (c) They have not same energy at all (d) Both are present in the same orbital 55. Which is the common node for all orbitals : (a) x, y and z-axis (b) xy, yz and xz planes (c) nodal spheres between two orbits (d) nucleus 56. The number of nodal sphere of 3s-orbital are (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0 57. Stability of half filled sub-shell is caused by : (a) exchange energy (b) greater spin multiplicity (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above a 58. In 2p electronic configuration only two electrons have the same spin quantum number. Which of the following statements is wrong about it? (a) This is against the Hund's rule (b) This is excited state (c) This can be represented by 11 | 11 ^ | (d) This is not possible 59. The number of orbitals in 3rd orbit are : (a) 3 (b) 10 (c) 18 (d) none of these 60. How many quantum numbers are explained by Schrddinger's model? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 61. Number of lobes of 2p-orbital as in yz- plane is : (a) 2 .(b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8 62. In an isolated (free from any electric or magnetic field) Fe atom, all 'd' orbitals are not the same in energy due to : (a) they all are in different orbits (b) they all are not of same shape (c) presence of magnetic field of other eitctrons (d) P have different shape than others 63. Pauli's principle is not applicable to : (a) proton (b) neutron (c) photon (d) 7t~ 64. In nitrogen atom outer p-orbital is as pi, Py, p\ but not pl, p\, Pz because : (a) repulsion between electrons is minimum in first case (b) p1 is stable than p2 (c) latter is opposite to Pauli's exclusion principle (d) latter has only one unpaired electron 65. The change in frequency of a photon of red light whose original frequency is 7 . 3 x l O 1 4 H z when it falls through 22.5 m, is : (a) 1.8 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 7.3 x 10 14 Hz (d) none of these 66. An electron and a positron are moving side by side in the positive x-direction at 1.5xl0 8 m/s. When they annihilate each other, two photons are produced that move along the x-axis, then : (a) both move in positive x-direction (b) both move in opposite directions along x-axis (c) both may move in same direction (d) both (a) and (c) are correct 67. x and y components of an orbital angular momentum is zero for any instant and z component is h/n. The azimuthal quantum number of this orbital is : (a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 2 (d) 3 68. z component of an orbital angular momentum is h/n, its magnetic quantum number is : (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) - 1 (d) 0 69. If the value of 1 is 3, which value of m is not permissible ? (a) 3 (b) - 3 (c) 2.5 (d) 0 . 70. Considering 3d-orbitals, how many lobes are present in the xy-plane ? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8 71. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not possible? (a) n = 4,1 = 1, m = 0, s = + ^ (b) n = 4, / = 3, m = - 3, s = - 1 (c) n = 4, J = l , m = + 2,s = - | (d) n = 4,/ = 0,m = 0,s = - ^ 72. Energy of an electron of isolated hydrogen atom does not depend upon (a) principal quantum number (b) azimuthal quantum number (c) magnetic quantum number (d) temperature of atomic gas

Atomic Structure

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Atomic Structure

73. The wavelength of Ka line of zinc (atomic number 30) if Ka line from molybdenum (atomic number = 42) has a wavelength of 0.7078 A is : (a) 4.414 A '(c) 2.375 A (b) 1.4148 A (d) 1.792 A (d) b is independent but a depends on the metal 76. If the uncertainty in the position of a particle is equal to its de Broglie wavelength, the minimum uncertainty in its velocity should be : v (b) ( A ) 4n TK mv (d) (C) 4Km 4k 1 1 1 77. Particles having spin ' 1 <-2 etc., are called : (a) Fermions (c) Kaons (b) Bosons (d) Leptons


74. The wavelength of the Ka line for an element of atomic number 57 is X. What is the wavelength of the Ka line for the element of atomic number 29? (a) X (c) 4X (b) 2X (d) XJ4

75. In Moseley's equation, Vv~= a ( Z - b ) , which was derived from the observations made during the bombardment of metal target with X-rays : (a) a is independent but b depends on metal (b) both a and b are independent to the metal (c) both a and b depend on the metal

78. Particles having spin 1, 2, 3 ... are called : (a) Fermions (b) Bosons (c) Leptons (d) Mesons

l. ii. (b) (d) _ 2. 12. (b) (a) 3. 13. (d) (c) 4. 14. (c) (d) 5. 15. (a) (a) 6. 16. (d) (b) 7. 17. (a) (d) 8. 18. (d) (c) 9. 19. (c) (b) 10. (c)

1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. (a) (b) (d) (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. (a) (c) (d) (b) (d) (b) (c) (d) 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. (d) (a) (b) (d) (a) (b) (c) (b) 4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74. (c) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (c) 5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75. (a) (d) (d) (d) (a) (d) (a) (b) 6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. (b) (b) (d) (a) (a) (b) (b) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77. (c) (c) (a) (d) (a) (c) (c) (b) 8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78. (a) (c) (a) (a) (b) (d) (b) (b) 9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. (b) (a) (b) (a) (c) (d) (c) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. (b) (a) (b) (b) (d) (c) (d)


i = ne = 1 n
= -

14. = 625 x 10 16 Here, 9

2 -2

1 t)OC-> n

1.6x10" - 1 9


r n

2 v2~S m vl 47IO


2v 5 kZe1

r~(3 r 10. Wave number, v = ^ = R Here



"1 "2 n-i = 2, 2 = 3 _ 5R


kZe mv = -

:. Kinetic energy of electron in Hth orbit

For n = 1,

mvr = mvr =



KE =

e2 -

(Vr = r)

Nitin M Sir (

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Syllabus: Atomic masses, size of the nucleus, radioactivity, rays and their properties-alpha, beta and gamma decay, half life, mean life, binding energy, mass-energy relationship, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.


Review of Concepts
1. Nucleus : It is most dense space of the universe, (a) Radius : R = R A 1/3

(vii) m a v a = niyVy (In one dimension) (viii) In general, "p a + ~p = 0 Here, ~pa = momentum of a-particle, "p = momentum of daughter nucleus

where, Rq = 1.1 x 10 (b) Volume :


m, A = mass number

V = ! * R 3 = |,IR30A (c) Density : Density = Mass of nucleus Volume of the nucleus Am 4 a V3,3 - K (RqA ) m

(b) P-decay: It is stream of fast moving electrons. In this process, a neutron is converted into proton and electron. The basic equation is n p + e + v (anti-neutrino) (i) v is chargless, massless particle. It is just like photon. Its spin is 1/2. (ii) Cause : Nucleus has too many neutrons relative to number of protons. (iii) Effect: Due to emission of (J-particle, the mass number remains constant, but atomic number increases by 1. (iv) Decay equation: zX 14,,Y + z+ 1 4- v

= 10 17 kg/m3

where mp = 1.67 x 10~27 kg, R 0 = 1.3 fm. (d) Atomic mass unit: 1amu = - kg mass 6.02 x 10 26 = 1.66 xlO" 2 7 kg = 931 MeV/C2 (e) Atomic number (Z) = number of protons. (f) Mass number (A) = number of protons + number of neutrons. 2. Decay Processes : (a) a-decay: It consists of He 2+ ion. (i) Cause : Large size of nucleus (A > 210). (ii) Effect: Mass number decreases by 4 and atomic number decreases by 2. (iii) Decay equation: , A 4> , e4tt zX Z-2 - + 2 "
238 92


^N + fT + v

(v) Q-value: Q = (.mx-my) c Here, mx and my are atomic masses. (vi) Q-value energy is shared by emitted electron and anti-neutrino. For maximum kinetic energy of electron, antineutrino energy is negligible. Q = (KE) max of electron (c) Positron emission or p+ decay: Positron is anti-particle of electron. Its rest mass is equal to that of electron and charge is + e. (i) Cause : Nucleus has too many protons relative to number of neutrons. (ii) Effect: Mass number remains constant but atomic number decreases by 1. (iii) Basic equation : p n + e + V (neutrino) (iv) Neutrino is anti-particle of anti-neutrino. (v) Decay equation:

energies to

(iv) Q = [m (AXZ) - m(Y) - m (He)] c 2 (v) This process provides kinetic daughter nucleus and a-particle. (vi) Q = \ myVy + | m a vl e.g.

_^Y + e + + v

(vi) Q-value: Here mx and my are atomic masses.

64Cu > ^Ni + e+ + v 29 Q = (mx-my2mc) c2

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Nucleus

(d) Electron capture : This is similar to positron emission. In this process, inner most atomic electron is captured by nucleus. (e) y-decay : y-rays are electromagnetic waves of short wavelengths. The main reason for instability of nucleus is excess energy of nucleus. Due to y-decay, neither the mass number nor the atomic number changes but energy of nucleus reduces. 3. Law of Radioactive Decay: (a) N = N0e~Xt Here, N = present number of radioactive nuclei N 0 = initial number of nuclei , , . . 0.693 A. = decay constant = - r :half life period (b) A=A0e~Xt Here, A = activity at an instant t = XN AQ ~ activity at f = 0 (c) The number of decay nuclei in time t is N1=N0-N = N0(l-e-Xf) (d) Unit of activity : 1 curie = 3.7 x 10 10 disintegrations per second or becquerel (e) Mean life = 1/X 4. Radioactive Decay in Different Situations : (a) Disintegration and formation of radioactive substance simultaneously: Formation . decays A r t) q (constant) The useful equation is ^ = q - XN, where q = rate of (d) Radioactive equilibrium: XxNx = X2N2 5. Binding Energy : The binding energy of a nuclide Z,XA is given by E B = [Zmp + (A - Z) mn - mx]c2 where mp = mass of proton, m = mass of neutron and mx = mass of nucleus. Here factor [Zmp + (A - Z)M - mx] is called the mass defect. Binding energy is utilised to bind the nucleons in the nucleus or to break the nucleus into its constituent particles. 6. Nuclear Fission: Breaking of heavy nucleus in two nuclei
92U 235

N,= N0X1 ^ A2 Xi >
~ /


N 3 = N0

Xxe'^ - X^e'^' X2


(c) Decays of nuclei by two processes simultaneously : In this case, Xef[ =


formation of A. (b) Decays chain: Nx N3 2 decays ^ decays A C unstable stable unstable Here, dNi = - X-jNJ

+ on1

> x + y + p (on1) + 200 MeV


dN2 , TT = AjNi - X2N2 dt But Nx + N2+N3 Also, = constant


dN3 j = X2N2 dt

Ni =

where x and y are any two isotopes having mass number about 40% to 60% of original nucleus and p is number of neutrons which may be 2 or 3. 7. Nuclear Fusion: Synthesis of lighter nuclei into heavier nuclei at a very high temperature = 2 x 10 7 K at high pressure. In a nuclear reactor: (i) A moderator is used to slowdown neutrons. Graphite and heavy water are suitable moderators. (ii) Cadmium, boron and steel rods are used as controller in nuclear reactor.


Questions Level-1
XmNA M (d) mNAeK

The penetrating powers of a, P and y radiations, in decreasing order are: (a) y, a, p (b) y, p, a (c) a , p , y (d) p, y, a A sample of radioactive material has mass m, decay constant X and molecular weight M. Avagadro's constant = NA. The initial activity of the sample is : (a) Xm


If radium has half-life of 5 years. Thus for a nucleus in a sample of radium, the probability of decay in ten years is: (a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 100% (d) 60%

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 546

4. The binding energies per nucleon for a deuteron and an ot-particle are x\ and x2 respectively. What will be the energy Q released in the reaction ? !H 2 (a) 4(x-1 + x2) (c) 2(X1 + X2)
+ 1H 2-

13. a, p and y radiations come out substance : (a) when it is heated (b) when put in atomic reactor (c) spontaneously (d) under pressure and electrons is: (a) 11, 12, 11 (c) 12, 11, 0 of a radioactive

-* 2 He 4 + Q (b) 4(X2 - x:) (d) 2(x2-x1)

5. n alpha particles per second are emitted from N atoms of a radioactive element. The half-life of radioactive element is : (a) sec
, .
N tu\ gee (b) n . . . 0.693 ?! (d) sec

14. In the nucleus of uNa 23 , the number of protons, neutrons (b) 23, 12, 11 (d) 23, 11, 12

15. The nucleus of nucleon number 16, has nuclear radius 3 x 10~15 m, then the radius of nucleus having nucleon number 128 is : (a) 3 x 10 - 1 5 m (c) 6 x 10~15 m (b) 1.5 x 10~15 m (d) 4.5 x 10~15 m


0.693 N



6. The half-life period of radium is 1600 years. Its average life time will be : (a) 3200 year (b) 4800 year (c) 2319 year (d) 4217 yar 7. A sample of a radioactive element of 16 g is taken from Kota to Patna in 2 hour and U vas found that 1 g of the element remained undisintegrated. Half-life of the element is : (a) 2 hr (b) 1 hr (c) \ hr (d) \ hr

16. A particle moving with a velocity th of light will cross a nucleus in about: (a) 10 - 8 sec (c) 10~47 sec (b) 10~12 sec (d) 10 - 2 1 sec

8. The half-life of radioactive substance is 3.8 days. The J_ time at the end of which 20 th of the radioactive substance will log 10 e = 0.4343) (a) 13.8 days (c) 33 days remain undecayed is: (given

17. The alpha and beta particles cause ionisation because of : (a) photoelectric emission (b) compton collision (c) pair production (d) the electrostatic force , 18. One milligram of matter converted into energy will give : (a) 90 J (c) 9 x l 0

(b) 16.5 days (d) 76 days > D + a.

(b) 9 x 10 J J (d) 9 x 1 0 J

9. A parent nucleus "}'p decays into a daughter nucleus D through a emission in the following way "'p The subscript and superscript on the daughter nucleus D will be written as : (a) "n'D (C) ' " J D

19. In the fission of uranium, 0.5 g mass disappears. The energy obtained is: (a) 1.25 kWh (b) 1.25 x 10 7 kWh (c) 0.25 kWh (d) 1.25 x 104 kWh 20. In nuclear reaction
2He i A + zX

n' m-ij (d) r 2 * D


m+ 4 D

10. The number of nuclei present in a mass m gram of radioactive element of mass number A is : (a) 6.02x 10 23 m/A (c) 6 . 0 2 x 1 0 2 3 mA (b) 6.6x1034 m/A (d) 6 . 0 2 x l 0 ^ A / m
-i 34



A +3

A Z'M '

where M denotes : (a) electron (c) proton 21. In the given reaction zXA * z + i^A

(b) positron (d) neutron

11. The activity of a sample of radioactive material is Aj at time fj and A2 at time t2 (t 2 > fj). Its mean life is T such that: (a) A1/1 = A 2 f 2 (c) A 2 = A 1 e ( f i " , 2 ) / r (b) M -Ay h-h = constant

> Z-iKA~4



(d) A 2 = A J

12. Mark the correct option, for the substance which cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay : (a) electrons (b) protons (c) neutrinoes (d) helium nuclei

Radioactive radiations are emitted in the sequence : (a) a,p,Y (b) P , a , y (c) Y,a,p (d) p, y, a 22. The critical mass of fissionable uranium 235 can be reduced b y : (a) surrounding it by neutron absorbing material (b) surrounding it by neutron reflecting material (c) heating the material (d) adding impurities

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Nucleus

23. When number of nucleons in nuclei increases, the binding energy per nucleon : (a) increases continuously with mass number (b) decreases continuously with mass number (c) remains constant with mass number (d) first increases and then decreases with increase of mass number


1. The radius of (a) 3.125 Na 23 nucleus is : (b) 23xl0"15m
-15 (d) 1.1 x lCT13 .m

10. O


F19 + e + v


(c) 11 x 1CT15 m

2. A heavy nucleus (mass number = A) splits into two new nuclei, whose mass numbers are in the ratio 3 :2. The ratio of radii of these new nuclei are : (a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 1 / 3 :2 1 / 3 (d) 2 1 / 3 :3 1 / 3 3. The rest mass energy of electron is : (a) 0.8 MeV (b) 1.66 amu (c) 0.5119 MeV (d) none of these 4. The mass of electron in atomic mass unit is : (a) 0.0005498 (b) 0.5119 (c) 0.5498 (d) none of these '77 5. The atomic mass of AI is 26.9815 amu. The mass of electron is 0.0005498 amu. The rest mass energy of AI 27 nucleus is (a) 1862 MeV (b) 25119.78 MeV (c) 25113.12 MeV (d) none of these 6. The atomic mass of B 1 0 is 10.811 amu. The binding energy of B 1 0 nucleus is [Given : The mass of electron is 0.0005498 amu, the mass of proton is mp = 1.007276 amu and the mass of neutron is mn = 1.008665 amu] : (a) - 678.272 MeV (b) 678.932 MeV (c) 378.932 MeV (d) none of these 7. The binding energy of Na 23 is [Given : Atomic mass of Na 23 is 22.9898 amu and that of is 1.00783 amu. The mass of neutron = 1.00867 amu] : (a) 931 MeV (b) 186.54 MeV (c) 5.38 MeV (d) none of these 8. The binding energies per nucleon are 5.3 MeV, 6.2 MeV and 7.4 MeV for the nuclei with mass numbers 3, 4 and 5 respectively. If one nucleus of mass number 3 combines with one nucleus of mass number 5 to give two nuclei of mass number 4, then : (a) 0.3 MeV energy is absorbed (b) 0.3 MeV energy is released (c) 28.1 MeV energy is absorbed (d) 3.3 MeV energy is absorbed 9. What is the binding energy per nucleon of 6 C 1 2 nucleus ? Given: mass of C 12 (mc) = 12.000 u mass of proton (mp) = 1.0078 u mass of neutron (mn) = 1.0087 u and 1 amu = 931.4 MeV (a) 5.26 MeV (c) 15.65 MeV (b) 10.11 MeV (d) 7.68 MeV

In this decay, the rest mass energy of O 1 9 and F 19 are 17692.33 MeV and 17687.51 MeV respectively. The Q factor of the decay is : (a) 4.82 MeV (c) 17.69 MeV (b) 7 MeV (d) none of these

11. The binding energy expressed in MeV is given for the following nuclear reactions :
2 He 2 He 3 4

+ on1 + 0n1

2 He 4 + 20 MeV > 2 He 5 - 0.9 MeV

Which of the following conclusions is correct? (a) 2 He 4 is less stable than both 2 He 3 and 2 He 5 (b) 2 He 4 is less stable than 2 He 3 but more stable than
2 He 5

(c) 2 He 4 is less stable than 2 He 5 but more stable than

2 He 3

(d) 2 He 4 is more stable than both 2 He 3 and 2 He 5 12 The energy of the reaction Li 7 2 2 He 4 if the binding energy per nucleon in Li 7 and He 4 nuclei are 5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV, respectively, is (a) 19.6 MeV (b) 2.4 MeV (c) 8.4 MeV (d) 17.28 MeV n=p + e , n = neutron, p = proton, e = electron The decay equation is (a) correct (b) wrong (c) sometimes correct (d) sometimes wrong

= 19 F + A + B

15 Electric field and magnetic field do not cause deflection in : (a) a-rays (b) f$-rays (c) y-rays (d) positron
16. Which one of the following processes is an example of

In the given decay equation, A and B indicate (a) electron and anti-neutrino (b) positron and anti-neutrino (c) positron and neutrino (d) electron and positron

weak decay? (a) j r - y + e + + e (c) n -> p + e~ + v e (b) n (d) y^>e+ -*y+y + e~

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 548

17. The mass number of a nucleus is : (a) always less than its atomic number (b) always more than its atomic number (c) sometimes equal to its atomic number (d) all of the above 18. When the atomic number A of a nucleus increases : (a) initially the neutron-proton ratio is constant (b) initially the neutron-proton ratio increases and then decreases (c) initially the binding energy per nucleon increases and then decreases (d) the binding energy per nucleon increases when neutron proton ratio increases 19. Which of the following is wrong about P+- emission? (a) Proton convert into neutron (b) (3+-emission is anti-neutrino associated with emission of

27. Which of the following is correct statement? (a) Average life is time in which no disintegration takes place (b) Average life is the average time upto v.'hich the unstable nuclei exist, before its disintegration (c) {3/4 is the time in which one-fourth of radionuclide will decay (d) The product of half-life and average life have same value for all radio isotopes 28. Four vessels A, B, C and D contain respectively 20 g-atom (f1/2 = 5 hour), 2 g-atom (f1/2 = 1 hour), 5 g-atom (t1/2 = 2hour) and 10 g-atom (f1/2 = 3hour) of different radio nuclides in the beginning, the maximum activity would be exhibited by the vessel is : (a) A (c) C (b) B (d) D

(c) P+-emission is caused by decay or 7t+ (d) No change in masb number due to this emission 20. p-emission must be associate^ with : (a) neutrino emission (b) anti-neutrino emission (c) positron emission (d) proton emission 21. The most stable nucleus should have : (a) even number of protons and odd number of neutrons (b) odd number of neutrons and odd number of protons (c) even number of protons and even number of neutrons (d) even number of neutrons and odd number of protons 22. Nuclear isomers differ in : (a) number of protons (b) number of neutrons (c) number of ti~ (d) energy 23. Radioactivity can be effected by : (a) temperature (b) pressure (c) radiation (d) all of these 24. A sample contains one kg O 1 9 nuclei. The sample decays according to following equation. O 19 F19 + e + v The mass of sample after one half-life period is : (a) lesser than 1/2 kg (b) equal to 1/2 kg (c) slightly less than 1 kg (d) equal to 1 kg 25. The number of C 1 4 atoms in a sample is 100. The half-life period of C 1 4 is 5730 year. The number of C 1 4 atoms in the sample after 5730 year : (a) must be equal to 50 (b) must be equal to 100 (c) may be equal to 90 (d) must be equal to 90 26. Which of the following nuclear reactions occurs in nature for the formation of tritium? (a)

29. The half-life of Tc99 is 6 hour. The activity of Tc99 in a patient, 60 hour after receiving an injection containing this radioisotope is at least 0.125 pci. What was the minimum activity (in pci) of the sample injected? (a) 1.25 pci (b) 12.5 pci (c) 128 pci (d) 125 pci 30. A radioactive sample has an initial activity of 50 dpm, 20 minute later, the activity is 25 dpm. How many atoms of the radioactive nuclide were there originally? (a) 20 (b) 1000 (c) 1443 (d) 2 31. The radioactive decay rate of a radioactive element is found to be 10 3 disintegrations per second at a certain time. If the half life of the element is one second, the decay rate after three second is : (a) 1000 (b) 250
10 / X 0 0 (c)

IA\ lOR (d) 125

32. The count rate of a radioactive nuclei falls from 992 counts per minute to 62 counts per minute in 10 hour. The half-life of the element is : (a) 1 hour (b) 2.5 hour (c) 5 hour (d) 6 hour 33. Half-life period of a given radioactive sample is t. Its average life would be : (a) xln2 (b) In 2

34. Choose the correct option, if T and Tm denote the half-value period and the mean-value period, respectively of a radioactive element: (a) Tn = Tm (b) Tn > Tm (c) T < Tm (d) T > Tm 35. The half-life of radium is 1600 years. The number of atoms that will decay from 1 g sample of radium per second is (Given : Atomic weight of radium = 226) : (a) 3 . 6 x 1 010 (c) 4 . 2 x 1 0

Li 6


n1 o" 1



(b) sB^ + (c)

5B n+

2 2 H e 4 + !H 3 -> 6 C 1 2 + : H 3 2 2 He 4 + 1H3


(b) 7 . 2 x 1 0

10 10

(d) 4 Be 9 + jD 2

(d) 1 4 . 6 x 1 0

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Nucleus

36. At certain time the activity of three radioactive materials are in the ratio of 3 : 4 : 5. What will be the ratio of their activities at any further date? (a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 2 : 3 : 4 (c) 3 : 4 : 5 (d) 5 : 6 : 8 37. 20% of a radioactive substance decay in 10 days. The amount of the original material left after 30 days is : (a) 51.2% (b) 62.6% (c) 15% (d) 21.27% 38. In how many months, (3/4)thof the substance will decay, if half-life of the radioactive substance is 2 months? (a) 4 month (b) 6 month (c) 8 month (d) 14 month 39. The half-life of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 2 hours. If the sample emits radiation of intensity which is 32 times the permissible safe level, then the minimum time taken after which it would be possible to work safely with source is : (a) 8 hour (b) 10 hour (c) 16 hour (d) 2 hour 40. The ratio of half-life to the mean life of a radioactive sample, if X be the decay constant of a radioactive sample is : (a) 0.693 1 (c) 0.693
2 3 8

549 (a) A = (c) A =


MNAX^ t -Xt

(b) A =




~ [ N A

46. The radioactive nucleus may emit : (a) all the three a, (3 and y radiations simultaneously (b) all the three a, (J and y, one after the other (c) only a and p simultaneously (d) only one a or P or y at a time 47. Half-life of radioactive 6 C U is 8000 years. What will be the age of wooden article if its 6 C 1 4 activity is 1/3 of that of newly cut wood? (Take log 10 3 = 0.477) (a) 6788 (c) 8788 48. The nucleus (a) (b) (c) (d) 9a 6a 9a 6a and and and and
rt IA

(b) 8748 (d) None of these Pu 9 4 decays to


Pb 82 by emitting :

12p-particles 9p-particles 6P-particles 12p-particles

(b) 0.746 (d) (0.693)

49. The activity of a radioactive sample goes down to about 6% in a time of 2 hours. The half life of the sample in minutes is about : (a) 30 (b) 15 (c) 60 (d) 120 50. A radio isotope disintegrates both by a and P-emission. The half-life with respect to each decay is Tj and T 2 , respectively. The overall half-life, T with respect to disintegration will be :
(a) T = TA + T 2
(c) T =

41. The number of (3-particles, if a radioactive element decays into

83Y 222

is : (b) 6

(a) 4

(c) 2 (d) 1 42. A particular nucleus in a large population of identical radioactive nuclei survives 10 half lives of that isotopes. The probability that this surviving nucleus will survive the next half-life is : (a) 1/10 (b) 2/5 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/210 43. How long will it take for 75% of the atoms of a certain radioactive element, originally present to disintegrate? The half-life of the element is 10 days : (a) 240 days (b) 3.6 days (c) 15.6 days (d) 4.15 days 44. For measuring the activity of a radioactive sample, a count rate meter is used. At certain observation, count rate meter recorded 5050 counts per minute but after 10 minutes later, the count rate showed 2300 counts per minute. The disintegration constant (A.) is : (a) 0.065 per min (b) 0.078 per min (c) 0.24 per min (d) 0.868 per min 45. What should be the activity of a radioactive sample of mass m and decay constant X, after time t ? Take molecular weight of the sample be M and the Avagadro number be NA :

(b) T = T J X T 2

TjxTZ hTT2

T1 + T2 (d) T = :

51. A radioactive sample decays with an average life of 2 min. An inductor is shorted through a resistance R, then the value of resistance R for which the ratio of the current through the resistance to the activity of the radioactive sample remains constant is : (a) 10In22 (b) 5 f l (c) 10 Q (d) 5 In 2 52. Find the number N of nuclei of a radioactive element X at time t, if at time t = 0, the element has NQ number of nuclei. Assume nuclei of the element X is being produced at a constant rate ' a ' and the element has a decay constant X : (a) N = (b) N = (c) dN =x e~u) + N 0 e~u + N0

(d) N =

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 550

53. The half-life of a radioactive sample is T. If the radioactivities of the sample are R j and R 2 at time Tj and T 2 respectively, then number of atoms disintegrated in time (T2 - Tj) is proportional to : (a) ( R 1 + R 2 ) T (c) (Ki-R2) T (b) ( R 1 - R 2 ) T (d) (R1+R2) T

60. Moderator in a nuclear reactor slows down the neutrons to : (a) decrease the probability of escape (b) increase the probability of nuclear fission (c) decrease the probability of absorption (d) all of the above 61. When the nucleus of the (a) (b) (c) (d) U 9 2 disintegrates to give one nucleus of 2 0 6 Pb 8 2 , the number of a-particles emitted and number of p-particles emitted are : 4 and 8 respectively 6 and 8 respectively 8 and 6 respectively 8 and 10 respectively

54. Analysis of potassium and argon atoms in a moon rock sample by a mass spectrometer shows that the ratio of the number of stable Ar 40 atoms present to the number of radioactive K 4 0 atoms is 7 : 1 . Assume that all the argon atoms were produced by the decay of potassium atoms, with a half-life of 1.25 x 109 year. How old is the rock? (a) 1.25xlO 9 year (c) 8.75 x 109 year 55. Consider : A - a >B - a (b) 3.75 x 109 year (d) 1.00xlO 1 0 year > C where the decay constants

62. In a particular fission reaction, a 2 3 5 U 9 2 nucleus captures a slow neutron. The fission products are three neutrons, a 142La57 nucleus and a fission product zX. Then Z is : (a) 30 (b) 34 (c) 35 (d) 36 63. The number of fissions of power of 1 W is : (a) 3 . 1 x 1 0,10 (c) 3.1 xlO 1 9 64.
92U 238 235U 92

of A and B are 3 x 10~5 s" 1 and 2 X 10~8 s" 1 , respectively. If the disintegration starts with A only, the time at which B will have maximum activity, is : (a) infinite (c) 5 x 107 s (b) 3.33 X 10 s (d) 2.44 x 10 5 s

required to produce a

(b) 3 . 1 x 1 0,13 (d) 3 . 1 x 1 0

9 0 Th 234

decays to

with half-life 4.5 x 10 9 year. The

-a - a 56. Consider: X > Y Z where half- lives of X and Y are 2 year and one month respectively. The ratio of atoms of X and Y, when transient equilibrium [Ti/2 (X) > T1/2 (y)] has been established, is : (a) 2 4 : 1 (c) 23 :1 57. Consider: P - a Q - a (b) 1 : 2 4 (d) 1 : 23 >R where decay constants of


gTh 234

is in excited state and hence, emits

further a gamma ray to come to the ground state, with half-life 10 - 8 s. A sample of 9 2 U 2 3 8 emits 20 gamma rays per second. In what time, the emission rate will drop to 5 gamma ray per second? (b) 0.25 x 10 (a) 2 x 10 - 8 s (c) 9xlO9year (d) 1.125x 10y s year

P and Q are 4 and 1 min~\ respectively. The ratio of number of atoms of P and Q, when secular equilibrium [Ti/2 ( P ) TJ/2 (Q)] has been achieved, is : (a) (b) (c) (d) 4: 1 1:4 1 :131400 131400: 1

yr - 1

65. In which of the following nuclear reactions, the product is incorrectly matched? (a) (b)
96Cm 5B 242(a,2) 7N 13 97Bk 243 10(a,)

(c) 7 N 1 4 (n, p) 6 C 1 4 (d)

14 Si 28

(d, ri)


58. Isotopes, which undergo spontaneous fission are found in n-p graph : (a) above (b) below (c) above (d) in the 59. Which of possible? (a) (c)
92U 92 U :

66. Which of the following nuclei is produced when a 2 3 8 nucleus undergoes a (d, 2ri) reaction followed by 92U a beta decay? (a) (c)
93 Np' 9 4 Pu

the belt of stability the belt of stability or below the belt of stability belt of stability the following nuclei is fissionable but not (b) (d)
92U235 239


(b) (d)
92U 238

9 4 Pu 92U




67. Name the following nuclear reaction : (a, 6p, 13n)

8 8 Ra 228



9 4 Pu

(a) (b) (c) (d)

particle-particle reaction capture reaction fission reaction separation

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Nucleus

68. In a nuclear fission : (i) in elements of high atomic mass number, energy is released. (ii) linear momentum and total energy are conserved, but not angular momentum. (iii) linear momentum, angular momentum and total energy are conserved. (iv) the probability of neutron being absorbed by a fissionable nucleus, increases when the neutrons are slowed down. (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct (b) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (ii) and (iv) are correct 69. If 9 2 U 2 j 5 reactor takes 30 days to consume 4 kg of fuel and each fission gives 185 MeV of usable energy then the power output is : (a) 2.75 x 10 10 W (c) 3.5 x 10 10 W (b) 0.012 x l 0 1 0 W -.10, (d) 7.63 x 10 i u W

71. According to drop model of nucleus which of the following cannot be explained? (a) Fission (c) a-spectrum (b) Fusion (d) All of these -> |He The energy released in this reaction is : (a) 23.834 MeV (b) 200 MeV (c) 931 MeV (d) none of these 73. In a fusion process, a proton and a neutron combine to give a deuterium nucleus. If mn and mp be the masses of neutron and proton respectively, the mass of deuterium nucleus is : (a) equal to mn + mp (b) more than mn + mp (c) less than m n + mp (d) can be less than or more than (mn + 74. Fission of a heavy nucleus can be performed by : (a) neutron (b) proton (c) a 2+ -particle (e) all of the above (d) photon of X-ray

72. It is proposed to use the nuclear reaction

70. What is the total energy released during a fission reaction


1 H+ 2 3 5 U

+ 1L6Te + 2 i 40" ' 52'" ' ~0

no 10C

9 8 Zr

if the resulting fission fragments are unstable hence, decay into stable end products = 1.0087 amu,

42 Mo


54 Xe

by of

successive emission of (3-particles? Take mass of neutron mass of = 236.0439 amu, mass
136 Xe

75. The energy released per nucleon of the reactant, in the thermonuclear reaction is 3 1H2 > 2 He 4 + jH 1 + on1 + 21.6 MeV (b) 7.2 MeV (d) 1.8 MeV (a) 21.6 MeV (c) 3.6 MeV


= 97.9054 amu and mass of

= 135.9170 amu :

(a) 198 MeV (c) 185 MeV

(b) 220 MeV (d) 230 MeV

Answers Level-1
1. 11. 21. (b)


2. 12. 22.

(c) (b) (b)

3. 13. 23.


4. 14.

(b) (a)

5. 15.

(c) (c)

6. 16.

(c) (d)

7. 17.

(c) (d)

8. 18.

(b) (c)

9. 19.

(d) (b)

10. 20.

(a) (d)


1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71.

(c) (d)

(b) (c) (c)

2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72.


(d) (d)
(b) (c) (a) (c)


3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73.



(b) (d) (b)



4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74.

(a) (a)

(c) (c) (b) (b) (c) (e)

5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75.


(C) (a)

(d) (a) (c)

6. 16. 26. 36. 46.

56. 66.

(a) (c) (a) (c)

7. 17. 27.

(b) (c) (b) (a) (c) (d) (d)

8. 18. 28.
38. 48. 58. 68.

(d) (c) (a) (a) (c) (b) (b)

(c) (c)

47. 57. 67.

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69.

(d) (c) (c) (b) (d) (c) (b)

10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70.


(b) (c)
(a) (c)

(d) (a)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Semi-conductor Devices
Syllabus: Energy bands in solids, conductors, insulators and semi-conductors, p-n junction, diodes as rectifier, junction transistor as an amplifier. transistor,

Review of Concepts
1. Pure or Intrinsic Semi-conductor: Generally, the elements of fourth group behave as semi-conductors, e.g., silicon, germanium. (a) The resistivity of semi-conductor decreases with increase of temperature. (b) At OK, conduction band is completely vacant and semi-conductor behaves as insulator. (c) A pure semi-conductor has negative temperature coefficient. (d) In the case of pure semi-conductor, number of conduction electrons = number of holes. (e) Electric current is Here, I e = current electrons, I/t = hole current (f) Pure semi-conductor is also known as intrinsic semi-conductor. 2. Impure or Extrinsic Semi-conductor: If impurity is added to intrinsic semi-conductor, then the semi-conductor is known as extrinsic semi-conductor. The process of adding impurity to semi-conductor, is known as doping. (a) For p-type semi-conductor: If trivalent elements (e.g., indium, gallium, thallium etc.) are doped to semi-conductor, the resultant semi-conductor, is known as p-type semi-conductor, (i) In the case of p-type semi-conductor, majority charge carriers are holes.
Ge . II Ge II Ga ~ Conduction band _ Ge Ge



(ii) In the case of n-type semi-conductor, majority charge carriers are electrons. (iii) The conductivity of semi-conductor is a = n g ep e + nAep
Conduction band 3 Impurity level

I = Ie + k due to conduction


Here, ne = density of conduction electrons Mt = density of holes f pe = mobility of electron (iv) The number of hole-electron pairs is proportional to Here, AE = energy gap T = temperature in kelvin 3. p-n Junction or Semi-conductor diode : T 3 / 2 e~ A E a k T


; Ge


Impurity level L Valence band

Reversed biased

(ii) The impurity atoms in p-type semi-conductor are known as acceptor atoms, (b) For n-type semi-conductor: If pentavalent element (e.g., phosphorus) is added to semi-conductor as impurity, the resultant semi-conductor is known as n-type semi-conductor. (i) The impurity atoms in n-type semi-cor^"''tor are known as donor atoms.



- t x

Forward biased

(d) For ideal diode, the resistance in forward biased connection is zero.

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Semi-conductor Devices

(e) For ideal diode, the resistance in reversed biased connection is infinite. (f) In the case of ideal diode, drift current is zero. (g) If no voltage is applied to diode, drift current and diffusion current are same in magnitude. (h) The drift current and diffusion current are always opposite to each other. (i) p-n junction does not obey Ohm's law. 4. p-n Junction as a Rectifier: A rectifier circuit converts A.C. into D.C. (a) Half wave rectifier circuit:
Input A.C.signalf'^'

where Rp is the forward resistance of junction. In forward biasing, I-(ii) Currents (iii) Power Rp<<<RL

V0 sin (cof + <> |)

21Q I0 J dc = and i r m s =

= W RL (iv) Efficiency ot rectification



x 100% = -

1+ Z

81.2 o/ /o Rp

Input voltage Output voltage

VQ sin


(v) Ripple factorr = ~ = 0.482 'dc 5. Transistor: xzs. 'ZZS

Emitter Base Collector



P i

(i) 1 =

(cof + <> |)

Rl + Rf
Emitter Base Collector

Emitter Collector

where Rp is forward resistance of junction. In forward biasing,


Rp <



P Base \ Emitter

V0 sin (cof + 4>) I=I0 (ii) Currents L c = 71 (iii) Power


=A V2

= Jdc rL

PAC =TIMS(RL + RF) (iv) Efficiency of rectification Pdc x 100% = 40.6%

1 +



(c) IE = lE + Ic IQ AIQ (d) a = = < 1 (common base configuration) IE Ic Af c (e) p = = > 1 (common emitter configuration) IB Aig a p , (f) P = 1 - a or a = pr+ 1 6. Common Base Transistor Amplifier : npn transistor used as amplifier in CB mode is shown below :

(v) Ripple factor

r = ^ = 1.21 Jdc hr > 2dc 'ac U


(b) Full wave rectifier circuit:

Input A.C.signal (rw

npn transistor used as amplifier in CB mode (a) Current gain a = AIE \ lJVcb - constant

(b) Voltage gain A v = ^ f 1 = l T ~ x a AVin R in aR (c) Power gain Ap = ax R in (i) 1 = V0 sin (cof + (j>) ~~ Rl + RF
= a2


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 558

7. Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier : (a) Current gain (3 =

Semi-conductor Devices 558

v = constant

(b) Voltage gain Av =


= (3~ L\ V in I\{T in R

(c) Power gain AP = P x p


Output ripn transistor u s e d a s amplifier in C E m o d e

A = P2 Pin

Objective Questions
1. The nature of binding for a crystal with alternate and evenly spaced positive and negative ions is : (a) metallic (b) covalent (c) dipolar (d) ionic 2. After ordinary temperature, an increase in temperature increases the conductivity of: (a) conductor (b) insulator (c) semi-conductor (d) alloy 3. In a television tube, electrons are accelerated by : (a) magnetic field (b) electrostatic field (c) both of these (d) none of these 4. At 0 K a piece of germanium : (a) becomes semiconductor (b) becomes good conductor (c) becomes bad conductor (d) has maximum conductivity 5. Solid C 0 2 form : (a) (c) 6. An (a) (b) (c) (d) ionic bond (b) van der Waal's bond chemical bond (d) covalent bond electronic oscillator is : just like an alternator an amplifier with feedback nothing but an amplifier a.c. to d.c. energy converter 10. In a p-type semi-conductor, the majority carriers of current are: (a) holes (b) electrons (c) protons (d) neutrons 11. The energy gap between conduction band and valence band is of the order of 0.07 eV. It is a : (a) insulator (b) conductor (c) semiconductor (d) alloy 12. In a common emitter amplifier, input resistance is 3 2 and load resistance 24 2. What is the voltage gain ? (take a = 0.6) (a) 8.4 (b) 4.8 (c) 2.4 (d) 1.2 13. Potential barrier developed in a junction diode opposes : (a) minority carries in both region only (b) majority carriers only (c) electrons in n-region (d) holes in p-region 14. Depletion layer consists of: (a) electrons (b) protons (c) mobile ions (d) immobile ions 15. Si and Cu are cooled to a temperature of 300 K, then resistivity: (a) for Si increases and for Cu decreases (b) for Cu increases and for Si decreases (c) decreases for both Si and Cu (d) increases for both Si and Cu 16. Packing fraction of simple cubic cell is :

7. The current gain of transistor is 100, if the base current changes by 10 pA. What is the change in collector current ? (a) 0.2 mA (b) 2 mA (c) 1 mA (d) 0.5 mA 8. With the increase in temperature, the width of the forbidden gap will: (a) decrease (b) increase (c) remain same (d) become zero 9. The impurity added in germanium crystal to make n-type-semi-conductor is: (a) aluminium (b) gallium (c) iridium (d) phosphorus

(a) /x (c)



17. In tt-p-n transistor circuit, the collector current is 20 mA. If 80% of the electrons emitted reach the collector, the emitter current will be : (a) 9 mA (b) 11 mA (c) 12.5 mA (d) 0.1 mA

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Semi-conductor Devices Level-2

1. A w-type semi-conductor has impurity level 20 meV below the conduction band. In a thermal collision, transferrable energy is kT. The value of T for which electrons start to jump in conduction band is : (a) 232 K (b) 348 K (c) 400 K (d) none of these 2. The band gap for a pure semi-conductor is 2.1 eV. The maximum wavelength of a photon which is able to create a hole- electron pair is : (a) 600 nm (b) 589 nm (c) 400 nm (d) none of these 3. Assume that the number of hole-electron pair in an E 2t A / iT intrinsic semi-conductor is proportional to e Here, AE = energy gap and k = 8.62 x 10" 5 eV/kelvin The energy gap for silicon is 1.1 eV. The ratio of electronhole pairs at 300 K and 400 K is : (a) e~5,31 (b) (c) e (d) none of these 4. Electronic current is in (a) conduction band (b) valence band (c) either of the two (d) none of these 5. Semi-conductors are formed if the bonds are (a) van der Waals (b) ionic (c) metallic (d) covalent 6. Semi-conductor devices are (a) temperature dependent (b) current dependent (c) voltage dependent (d) none of the above 7. Which one of the following is not the advantage of semi-conductor device in the electron tubes ? (a) Unlimited life (b) Greater efficiency (c) No-warming up time for switching (d) Low consumption of power for cathode heating 8. If pt, and p/, are electron and hole mobility, E be the applied electric field, the current density J for intrinsic semi-conductor is equal to (a) nxe (pe + p/,) E (c) H j e ^ . + p,,) (b) n^e (\in - \ih) E

(p;,) as 0.135 m2/Vs and 0.048 m2/Vs, respectively. If the voltage applied across it is 2 V and the intrinsic charge concentration is n, = 1 . 5 x 1 0 m , then the total current flowing through the crystal is : (a) 8 . 7 8 x l O - 1 7 A (c) 7 . 9 8 x l O - 1 7 A (b) 6.25x 10~ 17 A (d) 2 . 4 5 6 x l O " 1 7 A
A o

n . In a semi-conductor diode, the barrier potential offers opposition to only (a) majority cairier in both regions (b) minority carrier in both regions (c) free electrons in the n-region (d) holes in the p-region 12. Which one of the following diagrams correctly represents the energy levels in the p-type semi-conductor?
(a) Band

gap (b)
Band gap

- Conduction band Valence band - Conduction band Valence band Conduction band Valence band Conduction band


Band gap Band gap


Valence band

13. A potential barrier of 0.4 V exists across a p-n junction. A constant electric field of magnitude 10 6 V/m exists in the depletion region. The width of depletion region is : (a) 4 x l O - 7 m (c) 5 x 10 - 7 m (b) 0.1 mm (d) none of these

14. In the given circuit all diodes are ideal. The current through battery (shown in figure) is : ~K| < W A V \3 Q 5 O

20 V

E (H-e + 1-1/,)

(a) 2 A (c) 3 A

(b) 1 A (d) none of these

9. If the resistivity of copper is 1 . 7 x 1 0 Q cm, then the mobility of electrons in copper, if each atom of copper contributes one free electron for conduction, is [The atomic weight of copper is 63.54 and its density is 8.96 g/cc] : (a) 23.36 cm2/Vs (c) 43.25 c m W s A(10~ 4 m 2 ) (b) 503.03 cm /Vs (d) 88.0cmz/Vs

15. In the given circuit, diode D is ideal. The potential difference across 4 2 resistance is :
10 V

3Q 3 Q

vww4 Q

10. A pure silicon crystal of length I (0.1 m) and area has the mobility of electron (pe) and holes

(a) 10 V (c) 4 V

(b) 5 V (d) none of these

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( 560

16. In previous problem, assume that diode is not ideal. The

Semi-conductor Devices

drift current for diode is 40 pA. The potential difference across the 4 2 resistance is : (a) 10 V (b) 40 x 10 - 6 V (c) 160 x 10 - 6 V (d) none of these 17. In the given circuit, diodes are ideal. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is : 20n 20 a

(a) (b) (c) (d)

20 2 10 2 infinity 40 2

20 CI 20 a 23. In a p-n junction diode, holes diffuse from the p-region to the n-region because : (a) the free electrons in the n-region attract them (b) they are swept across the junction by the potential difference (c) there is greater concentration of holes in the p-region as compared to n-region (d) none of the above 24. When we apply reverse bias to a junction diode, it : (a) lowers the potential barrier (b) raises the potential barrier (c) greatly increases the minority carrier current (d) greatly increases the majority carrier current 25. In case of p-n junction diode at high value of reverse bias, current rises sharply. The value of reverse bias is called : (a) cut off voltage (b) inverse voltage (c) zener voltage (d) critical voltage 26. A p-n diode is reverse biased. The resistance measured by an ohmmeter connected across it will be : (a) zero (b) low (c) high (d) infinite 27. The depletion layer in a p-n junction diode consists of layer o f : (a) positively charged donors on the p-side and negatively charged acceptors on the n-side (b) negatively charged donors on the p-side and positively charged acceptors on the n-side (c) positively charged donors on the n-side and negatively charged acceptors on the p-side (d) negatively charged donors on the n-side and positively charged acceptors on the p-side 28. A transistor operating in a common base configuration has forward current gain factor, a = 0.99. If the emitter current changes by 1 mA, then the changes in the base current will be : (a) 100 mA (b) 0.01 mA (c) 0.99 mA (d) 99 mA

18. The circuit is shown in the figure. To obtain maximum

current, what value of resistor must be connected in series with the diode, if the diode used in the circuit has a constant voltage drop, of 0.5 V at all currents and has a maximum power rating of 100 milliwatt ? R iV \ / WA 1.5V (a) (b) (c) (d) 1.5 2 5 2 6.67 O 200 2 0.5 V

19. What is the plate current in a diode valve under the space charge limited operation, when the plate potential is 60 V ? In a diode valve, the plate current is 320 mA, when the plate potential is 240 volts : (a) 30 mA (b) 20 mA (c) 40 mA (d) 10 mA 20. A tungsten emitter works at 2500 K. To increase the emission current densitiy by 20%, how much change in the work function is required ? (Given: log 2 = 0.3, log 3 = 0.477) (a) 0.016 eV (b) 0.039 eV (c) 2.54 eV (d) 0.254 eV 21. What is the work function of tungsten at 1500 K temperature, when a diode valve with a tungsten filament works at 1500 K ? Assume the work function of tungsten at 0 K is 4.52 eV : (a) 4.71 eV (b) 0.39 eV (c) 8.86 eV (d) 1.25 eV 22. Choose the correct option for the forward biased characteristics of a p-n junction :

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( Semi-conductor Devices

29. If both the collector and emitter junctions of a transistor are forward biased, the transistor is said to operate in the : (a) active region (b) saturation region (c) cut off region (d) none of these 30. In the active region operation of a transistor : (a) the collector-emitter junction is forward biased (b) the collector-emitter junction is reverse biased (c) the collector-base junction is forward biased and the emitter junction is reverse biased (d) the collector junction is reverse biased and emitter-base junction is forward biased 31. Choose the correct option for n-p-n transistor : (a) (b) 35. In previous problem, transconductance is (a) 0.1 Q""1 (b) 0.2 2_1 (c) 10 ft-1 (d) none of these 36. In previous problem, input resistance is (a) 102 (b) 0.1 k2 (c) 2 k2 (d) none of these 37. What is the current gain for a transistor used as common emitter amplifier, if the current gain of the common base n-p-n transistor is 0.96? (a) 16 (b) 24 (c) 20 (d) 32 38. The input resistance of a common emitter transistor amplifier, if the output resistance is 500 k2, the current gain a = 0.98 and the power gain is 6.0625 x 106, is : (a) 198 2 (b) 300 2 (c) 100 2 (d) 400 2 39. The plate resistance, if for 5 k2 of load the value of voltage gain of an amplifier be 1/3 of the amplification factor, is : (a) 12 k2 (b) 10k2 (c) 15 k2 (d) 5 k2 40. In the operation of n-p-n transistor compared to that of a triode, the p base acts as : (a) emitter (b) cathode (c) grid (d) plate 41. A transistor, when connected in common emitter mode, has a : (a) high input resistance and a low output resistance (b) medium input resistance and high output resistance (c) very low input resistance and a low output resistance (d) high input resistance and a high output resistance




32. If the ratio of change in current in emitter and corresponding change in current in collector is 1.013, then the value of a is : (a) 0.987 (b) 0.100 (c) 0.900 (d) none of these 33. In previous problem, the value of P is : (a) 75.92 (b) 76.92 (c) 78.32 (d) 0.987 34. A signal of 20 MV is applied to common emitter transistor amplifier circuit. Due to this, the change in base current and the change in collector current are 20 |JA and 2 MA. The load resistance is 10 k2. The voltage gain is : (a) 20 V (b) 10 V (c) 50 V (d) none of these

1. 11. (d) (c) 2. 12. (c) (b) 3. 13. (b) (b) 4. 14. (c) (d) 5. 15. (c) (a) 6. 16. (b) (d) 7. 17. (c) (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (a)

1. 11. 21. 31. 41. (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) 2. 12. 22. 32. (b) (c) (c) (a) 3. 13. 23. 33. (a) (a) (a) (a) 4. 14. 24. 34. (a) (a) (b) (a) 5. 15. 25. 35. (d) (a) (c) (a) 6. 16. 26. 36. (a) (c) (c) (b) 7. 17. 27. 37. (a) (d) (c) (b) 8. 18. 28. 38. (a) (b) (b) (a) 9. 19. 29. 39. (c) (c) (a) (b) 10. 20. 30. 40. (a) (b) (a) (c)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

Solved Paper 2 0 0 2
The inductance between A and D is : 9. A wire when connected to 220 V mains supply has power dissipation Pi. Now the wire is cut into two equal pieces which are connected in parallel to the same supply. Power dissipation in this case is P2. Then P2: Pi is (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 3 If 13.6 eV energy is required to ionize the hydrogen atom, then the energy required to remove an electron from n = 2 is : (a) 10.2 eV (b) 0 eV (c) 3.4 eV (d) 6.8 eV Tube A has both ends open while tube B has one end closed, otherwise they are identical. The ratio of fundamental frequency of tubes A and B is : (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 4 : 1 A tuning fork arrangement (pair) produces 4 beats/sec with one fork of frequency 288 cps. A little wax is placed on the unknown fork and it then produces 2 beats/sec. The frequency of the unknown fork is : (a) 286 cps (b) 292 cps (c) 294 cps (d) 288 cps A wave 1 = a sin (cof - kx) on a string meets with another / wave producing a node at x = 0. Then the equation of the unknown wave is : (a) 1 = a sin (cof + kx) / (b) y = -a sin (cof + kx) (c) y = a sin (cof - kx) (d) y = -a sin (cof - kx) On moving a charge of 20 coulombs by 2 cm, 2 J of work is done, then the potential difference between the points is : (a) 0.1 V (b) 8 V (c) 2 V (d) 0.5 V If an electron and a proton having same momenta enter perpendicularly to a magnetic field, then : (a) curved path of electron and proton will be same (ignoring the sense of revolution) (b) they will move undeflected (c) curved path of electron is more curved than that of proton (d) path of proton is more curved Energy required to move a body of mass m from an orbit of radius 2R to 3R is : (a) GMmlllR (b) GMm/3R (c) GM111/8R (d) If a spring has time period T, and is cut into n equal parts, then the time period of each part will be : (a) 7Vn (b) T/^i (c) nT (d) T





(a) 3.66 H (c) 0.66 H 2.

(b) 9 H (d) 1 H


A ball whose kinetic energy is E, is projected at an angle of 45 to the horizontal. The kinetic energy of the ball at the highest point of its flight will be : (a) E ' (b) E/V2 (c) E/2 (d) zero From a building two balls A and B are thrown such that A is thrown upwards and B downwards (both vertically). If VA and I>B are their respective velocities on reaching the ground, then (a) VB > VA (b) VA = VB (c) VA > VB (d) their velocities depends on their masses If a body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 3 cm in a wooden block, then how much will it penetrate more before coming to rest ? (a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction between earth and a satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the satellite will : (a) continue to move in its orbit with same velocity (b) move tangentially to the original orbit with the same velocity (c) become stationary in its orbit (d) move towards the earth If an ammeter is to be used in place of a voltmeter, then we must connect with the ammeter a : (a) low resistance in parallel (b) high resistance in parallel (c) high resistance in series (d) low resistance in series . If in a circular coil A of radius R, current i is flowing and in another coil B of radius 2R a current 2I is flowing, then the ratio of the magnetic fields, BA and BB produced by them will be : (a) 1 (b) 2 <c)i (d) 4












If two mirrors are kept at 60 to each other, then the number of images formed by them is : (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (


357 A IEEE Solved 'A charged particle q is placed at the centre O of cube of length L (ABCDEFGH). Another same charge q is placed at a distance L from O. Then the electrons flux through ABCD is : D H 1O q c (a) e, + e f = e (c) ^ = 31. (b) 9; Of = 20,1 (d) Or - 0, = 20,,


Infrared radiations are detected by : (a) spectrometer (b) pyrometer (c) nanometer (d) photometer If No is the original mass of the substance of half-life period ty2 = 5 years, then the amount of substance left after 15 years is : / \ No No No ... N0 ( a ) T ( b ) <c)T ( d ) T By increasing the temperature, the specific resistance of a conductor and a semiconductor : (a) increases for both (b) decreases for both (c) increases, decreases respectively (d) decreases, increases respectively If there are 11 capacitors in parallel connected to V volt source, then the energy stored is equal to : (a) CV (b) | C V 2 (c) CV^ (d) CV

32. G

(a) q/4m)L (c) q/2w)L 19.

(b) zero (d) q/3m)L 33.

If in the circuit, power dissipation is 150 W, then R is : R (a) 212 -WWW* (b) 6 n (c) 5 a (d) 4 Q. ww2Q '15V 34.


Wavelength of light used in an optical instrument are A.| = 4000 A and A2 = 5000 A, then ratio of their respective resolving powers (corresponding to Ai and X2) is : (a) 1 6 : 2 5 (b) 9 : 1 (c) 4 : 5 (d) 5 : 4 Two identical particles move towards each othc. with velocity 2v and v respectively. The velocity of centre of mass is (a) v (b) v/3 (c) v/2 (d) zero If a current is passed through a spring then the spring will : (a) expand (b) compress (c) remain same (d) none of these Heat given to a body which raises its temperature by 1C is : (a) (c) At (a) (c) water equivalent specific heat absolute zero, Si acts non-metal insulator (b) (d) as : (b) (d) thermal capacity temperature gradient metal none of these



Which of the following is more close to a black body ? (a) Black board paint (b) Green leaves (c) Black holes (d) Red roses Which statement is incorrect ? (a) All reversible cycles have same efficiency (b) Reversible cycle has more efficiency than an irreversible one (c) Carnot cycle is a reversible one (d) Carnot cycle has the maximum efficiency in all cycles Length of a string tied to two rigid supports is 40 cm. Maximum length (wavelength in cm) of a stationary wave produced on it, is : (a) 20 (b) 80 (c) 40 (d) 120 The power factor of an A.C. circuit having resistance R and inductance L (connected in series) and an angular velocity co is : (a) coL coL (c) R (b) (d) (R 2 + CO2L2)1/2 _R
( R 2 - CO2L2)1/2










Electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature is evident by : (a) polarization (b) interference (c) reflection (d) diffraction Which of the following is used in optical fibres ? (a) Total internal reflection (b) Scattering (c) Diffraction (d) Refraction The escape velocity of a body depends upon mass as : (a) iii" '(b) m1 (c) m2 (d) w 3 Which of the following are not electro- magnetic waves ? (a) Cosmic-rays (b) y-rays (c) (3-rays (d) X-rays Identify the pair whose dimensions are equal : (a) torque and work (b) stress and energy (c) force and stress (d) force and work If 0; is the inversion temperature, 0 is the neutral temperature, 0(- is the temperature of the cold junction then :


An (a) (b) (c) (d)

astronomical telescope has a large aperture to : reduce spherical aberration have high resolution increase span of observation have low dispersion



The kinetic energy needed to project a body of mass m from the earth's surface (radius R) to infinity is : (a) mgR/2 (b) 2mgR (c) mgR (d) mgR/4 Cooking gas containers are kept in a lorry moving with uniform speed. The temperature of the gas molecules inside will : (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain same (d) decrease for some, while increase for others




Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

AIEEE Solved

Paper-2002 (a) g,g (c) g~a'g


(b) g - a, g - a (d)

When temperature increases, the frequency of a tuning fork : (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains same (d) increases or decreases depending on the material If mass-energy equivalence is taken into account, when water is cooled to form ice, the mass of. water should : (a) increase (b) remain unchanged (c) decrease (d) first increase then decrease The energy band gap is maximum in : (a) metals (b) superconductors (c) insulators (d) semiconductors The part of a transistor which is most heavily doped to produce large number of majority carriers is : (a) emitter (b) base (c) collector (d) can be any of the above three in a simple harmonic oscillator, at the mean position : (a) kinetic energy is minimum, potential energy is maximum (b) both kinetic and potential energies are maximum (c) kinetic energy is maximum, potential energy- is minimum (d) both kinetic and potential energies are minimum

The mass of a product liberated electrochemical cell depends on :

on anode in an


(a) (It)1'2 (b) It (c) Ht (d) I2t (where t is the time period for which the current is passed)


At what temperature is the rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen molecule at 47C ? (a) 80 K (b) - 7 3 K (c) 3 K (d) 20 K The time period of a charged particle undergoing a circular motion in a uniform magnetic field is independent of its : (a) speed (b) mass (c) charge (d) magnetic induction A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a ring are released from top of an inclined plane (frictionless) so that they slide down the plane. Then maximum acceleration down the plane is for (no rolling) : (a) solid sphere (b) hollow sphere (c) ring (d) all same In a transformer, number of turns in the primary are 140 and that in the secondary are 280. If current in primary is 4 A, then that in the secondary is : (a) 4 A (b) 2 A (c) 6 A (d) 10 A Even Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency because we cannot : (a) prevent radiation (b) find ideal sources (c) reach absolute zero temperature (d) eliminate friction Moment of inertia of a circular wire of mass M and radius R about its diameter is : MR MR (b) MR (c) 2MR (d) (a) When forces Fi, Fi, F3 are acting on a particle of mass 111 such that F2 and F3 are mutually perpendicular, then the particle remains stationary. If the force F1 is now removed then the acceleration of the particle is : (a) Film (b) FiFilmFx (c) (F 2 -F 3 )/m (d) Film Two forces are such that the sum of their .magnitudes is 18 N and their resultant is perpendicular to the smaller force. Then the magnitudes of the forces are : (a) 12 N, 6 N (b) 13 N, 5 N (c) 10 N, 8 N (d) 16 N, 2 N Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4M at a specific instant. The ratio of the respective distances at which the two cars are stopped from that instant is : (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 1 : 8 (d) 1 :16 1 mole of a gas with y=7/5 is mixed with 1 mole of a gas with y = 5/3, then the value of y for the resulting mixture is : (a) 7/5 (b) 2/5 (c) 24/16 (d) 12/7







Initial angular velocity of a circular disc of mass M is coi. Then two small spheres of mass m are attached gently 58. to two diametrically opposite points on the edge of the disc. What is the final angular velocity of the disc ? (Mm M+m (01 (01 (b) (a) M in (c)

M + 4 III




+ 2M




The minimum velocity (in m s - 1 ) with which a car driver must traverse a flat curve of radius 150 m and coefficient of friction 0.6 to avoid skidding is : (a) 60 (b) 30 (c) 15 (d) 25 A cylinder of height 20 m is completely filled with water. The velocity of efflux of water (in ms - 1 ) through a small hole on the side wall of the cylinder near its bottom, is : (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 25.5 (d) 5 A spring of force constant 800 N/m has an extension of 5 cm. The work done in extending it from 5 cm to 15 cm is : (a) 16 J (b) 8 J (c) 32 J (d) 24 J A child swinging on a swing in sitting position, stands up, then the time period of the swing will : (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain same (d) increase if the child is long and decrease if the child is short A lift is moving down with acceleration a. A man in the lift drops a ball inside the lift. The acceleration of the ball as observed by the man in the lift and a man standing stationary on the ground are respectively :









Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

4. If a charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q such that the system is in equilibrium then the value of q is : (a) Q/2 (b) -Q/2 (c) Q/4 (d) -Q/4 Capacitance (in F) of a spherical conductor having radius 1 m, is : (a) 1.1 x 10~ll) (b) 10~6 (c) 9 xlO" 9 (d) 10" 3 A light string passing over a smooth light pulley connects two blocks of masses m\ and inz (vertically). If the acceleration of the system is g/8, then the ratio of the masses is : (a) 8 : 1 .(b) .9:7 (c) 4 : 3 (d) 5 : 3 Two spheres of the same material have radii 1 m and 4 m and temperatures 4000 K and 2000 K respectively. The ratio of the energy radiated per second by the first sphere to that by the second is : (a) I : 1 (b) 16 : 1 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 9 Three identical blocks of masses m = 2 kg are drawn by a force F = 10.2 N with an acceleration of 0.6 ms on a frictionless surface, then what is the tension (in N) in the string between the blocks B and C ?

A IEEE Solved



Wires 1 and 2 carrying currents h and ii respectively are inclined at an angle 0 to each other. What is the force on a small element dl of wire 2 at a distance r from wire 1 (as shown in figure) due to the magnetic field of wire 1 ?



(a) ~

hh dl tan 9
im dl cos Q

(b) ^ AKr

nn dl sin 9



(d) -7^- iiz'2 dl sin 9

At a specific instant emission of radioactive compound is deflected in a magnetic field. The compound can emit: (i) electrons (ii) protons (iii) He 2+ (iv) neutrons The emission at the instant can be (a) i, ii, iii (b) i, ii, iii, iv (c) iv (d) ii, iii

(a) 9.2 69. (b) 7.8

(c) 4

(d) 9.1

One end of massless rope, which passes over a massless and frictionless pulley P is tied to a hook C while the other end is free. Maximum tension that the rope can bear is 360 N. With what value of maximum safe acceleration (in ms~2) can a man of 60 kg climb on the rope ?

Sodium and copper have work functions 2.3 eV and 4.5 eV respectively. Then the ratio of the wavelengths is nearest to : (a) 1 : 2 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 Formation of covalent bonds in compounds exhibits : (a) wave nature of electron (b) particle nature of electron (c) both wave and particie nature of electron (d) none of these A conducting square loop of side L and resistance R moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular to one of its sides. A magnetic induction B constant in time and space, pointing perpendicular and into the plane at the loop exists everywhere with half the loop outside the field, as shown in figure. The induced emf is :
x x x x x x x



(a) 16 (c) 4 70.

(b) 6 (d) 8

A particle of mass in moves along line PC with velocity V as shown. What is the angular momentum of the particle about P ?

x L x x x x x x







(a) ilivi (c) mcr

(b) nwl (d) zero

(a) zero . , vBl (c ) - r

'(b) RvB (d) vBL

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

5 A IEEE Solved Paper-2002

(a) (b) (d) (c) (a) (c) (c) (a) (b) 5. 13. 21. 29. 37. 45. 53. 61. 69.



9. 17. 25. 33. 41. 49. 57. 65. 73.

(d) (b) (b)

(a) (c) (c)

(b) (b)
(a) (c)

2. 10. 18. 26. 34. 42. 50. 58. 66. 74.

(c) (c) (b) (a). (b) (b) (b)


(b) (a)

3. 11. 19. 27. 35. 43. 51. 59. 67. 75.

(b) (c) (b) (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) (a) (d)

4. 12. 20. 28. 36. 44. 52. 60. 68.

(c) (b) (c) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (c)

6. 14. 22. 30. 38. 46. 54.. 62. 70.

(c) (a) (b) (c) (b) (c) (d) (b) (d)

7. 15. 23. 31. 39. 47. 55. 63. 71.

(a) (a) (b) (b) (b) (c) (a) (c) (c)

8. 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72.


(c) (a) (c)

(b) (d) (d) (a)

( Hints & Solutions

So, niAgh = | niAvjl



3H 4.

Similarly, Therefore,

VB = V2#/i

Here, inductors are in parallel


Let initial velocity of body at point A is p, AB is 3 cm.


2 = it2 - 2as 2 v / = Z^ - 2a x 3 )

L~3+3+3 2. L=1 At the highest point of its flight, vertical component of velocity is zero arid only horizontal component is left which is tlx = ucos 8
Given :

Let on penetrating 3 cm in a wooden block, the body moves x distance from B to C. So, for B to C w=2'
u = 0'

z, fl=y

9 = 45 ux = ucos 45 = u 72 f a2^

S = X,fl= (0)2 =


Hence, at the highest point kinetic energy E = - milx = ^ m E ~ 2 3. From conservation of energy, potential energy at height h = K.E. at ground Therefore, at height h, P.E. of ball A P.E. = iriAgh K.E. at ground = mAv\

u V2

1 2

v 2

- 2 ^R X

2 t ' 2

x =1

5. mw = E 6.

When gravitational force becomes zero, then centripetal force on satellite becomes zero and therefore, the satellite will become stationary in its orbit. A voltmeter is a high resistance device and is always connected in parallel with the circuit. While an ammeter is a low resistance device and is always connected in series with the circuit. So, to use voltmeter in place of ammeter a high resistance must be connected in series with the circuit. Magnetic field in circular coil A is Similarly
BA =

poM 2R

R is radius and i is current flowing in coil.

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

S o l v e d Paper 2 0 0 3
1. A particle of mass M and charge Q moving with velocity ^describes a circular path of radius R when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of induction B. The work done by the field when the particle completes one full circle is :



(b) zero (d) BQv 2nR

(c) BQ 2nR

8. The length of a wire of a potentiometer is 100 cm, and the emf of its stand and cell is E volt. It is employed to measure the emf of a battery whose internal resistance is 0.5 2. If the balance point is obtained at I = 30 cm from the positive end, the emf of the battery is : , \ 30 E ( a ) 100.5 30E y ' 100 - 0.5 (c) ^ ^ where i is the current in the potentiometer wire 30E

A particle of charge - 1 6 x 10 - 1 8 coulomb moving with velocity 10 ms _1 along the x-axis enters a region where a magnetic field of induction B is along the y-axis and an electric field of magnitude 104 V/m is along the negative z-axis. If the charged particle continues moving along the x-axis, the magnitude of B is : (a) 103 Wb/m2 (b) 105 Wb/m2. (c) 10 Wb/m (d) 10~3 Wb/m2



3. A thin rectangular magnet suspended freely has a period of oscillation equal to T. Now it is broken into two equal halves (each having half of the original length) and one piece is made to oscillate freely in the same field. If its period of oscillation is T', the ratio T'/T is : (a) | V2 (c)2

9. A strip of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80 K. The resistance of : (a) each of these decreases (b) copper strip increases and that of germanium decreases (c) copper strip decreases and that of germanium increases (d) each of these increases 10. Consider telecommunication through optical fibres. Which of the following statements is not true ? (a) Optical fibres can be of graded refractive index (b) Optical fibres are subjected to electro- magnetic interference from outside (c) Optical fibres have extremely low transmission loss (d) Optical fibres may have homogeneous core with a suitable cladding 11. The thermo-emf of a thermocouple is 25 fiV/C at room temperature. A galvanometer of 40 ohm resistance, capable of detecting current as low as 10~3 A, is connected with the thermocouple. The smallest temperature difference that can be detected by this system is : (a) 16C (b) 12C (c) 8C (d) 20C


4. A magnetic needle lying parallel to a magnetic field requires V units of work to turn it through 60. The V torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be : (a) V3W (b) W (c) (V3/2) W (d) 2W 5. The magnetic lines of force inside a bar magnet : (a) are from north-pole to south-pole of the magnet (b) do not exist (c) depend upon the area of cross-section of the bar magnet (d) are from south-pole to north-pole of the magnet 6. Curie temperature is the temperature (a) a ferromagnetic material becomes (b) a paramagnetic material becomes (c) a ferromagnetic material becomes (d) a paramagnetic material becomes above which : para- magnetic diamagnetic diamagnetic ferro- magnetic

12. The negative Zn pole of Daniell cell, sending a constant current through a circuit, decreases in mass by 0.13 g in 30 minutes. If the electrochemical equivalent of Zn and Cu are 32.5 and 31.5 respectively, the increase in the mass of the positive Cu pole in this time is : (a) 0.180 g (b) 0.141 g (c) 0.126 g (d) 0.242 g 13. Dimensions of meaning, are :
(a) (c) [L^T] [L2T"2] lio eo

7. A spring balance is attached to the ceiling of a lift. A man hangs his bag on the spring and the spring reads 49 N, when the lift is stationary. If the lift moves downward with an acceleration of 5 m/s2, the reading of the spring balance will be : (a) 24 N (b) 74 N (c) 15 N (d) 49 N

where symbols have their usual (b) [L 2 T 2 ] (d) [LT -ii

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

12 AIEEE Solved A circular disc X of radius R is made from an iron plate of thickness t, and another disc Y of radius 4R is made from an iron plate of thickness f/4. Then the relation between the moment of inertia Ix and Iy is : (a) Iy = 32/x (b) Iy = 16Jx
(c) IY=IX (d) IY = 64/x



(a) 0.03 Q (c) 0.9 H 24.

(b) 0.3 Q (d) 0.09 Q


The time period of a satellite of earth is 5 hours. If the separation between the earth and the satellite is increased to 4 times the previous value, the new time period will become : (a) 10 hour (b) 80 hour (c) 40 hour (d) 20 hour A particle performing uniform circular motion has angular momentum L. If its angular frequency is doubled and its kinetic energy halved, then the new angular momentum is : (a) L/4 (b) 21 (c) 4L (d) L/2 Which of the wavelength ? (a) y-rays (c) a-rays

The physical quantities not having same dimensions are : (a) torque and work (b) momentum and Planck's constant (c) stress and Young's modulus (d) speed and (poo)



Three forces start acting simultaneously on a particle moving with velocity vf These forces are represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle ABC (as shown). The particle will now move with velocity :







(b) (3-rays (d) X-rays


When U ' nucleus originally at rest, decays by emitting an alpha particle having a speed u, the recoil speed of the residual nucleus is : 4u 4u (a) (b) 238 234 4u (d) (c) K ' 234 238 Two spherical bodies of mass M and 5M and radii R and 2R respectively are released in free space with initial separation between their centres equal to 12R. If they attract each other due to gravitational force only, then the distance covered by the smaller body just before collision is : (a) 2.5R (b) 4.5R (c) 7.5R (d) 1.5R The difference in the variation of resistance with temperature in a metal and a semiconductor arises essentially due to the difference in the : (a) crystal structure (b) variation of the number of charge carriers with temperature (c) type of bonding (d) variation of scattering mechanism with temperature A car moving with a speed of 50 km/hr, can be stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. If the same car is moving at a speed of 100 km/hr, the minimum stopping distance is : (a) 12 m (b) 18 m (c) 24 m (d) 6 m A boy playing on the roof of a 10 m high building throws a ball with a speed of 10 m/s at an angle of 30 with the horizontal. How far from the throwing point will the ball be at the height of 10 m from the ground ? [ = 10 m/s2, sin 30 = 1/2, cos 30 = V3/2] (a) 5.20 m (b) 4.33 m (c) 2.60 m (d) 8.66 m An ammeter reads upto 1 ampere. Its internal resistance is 0.81 ohm. To increase the range to 10 A, the value of the required shunt is :

(a) (b) (c) (d)


less than v* greater than v* | | in the direction of largest force BC y v? remaining unchanged


If the electric flux entering and leaving an enclosed surface respectively is 0i and 02, the electric charge inside the surface will be : (a) ( ) 2 - <t>i) 0 <> (b) (<t>i + <(>2)/eo (c) ( J 2 - <J>i)/eo <> (d) ( T I + 02) E <> O A horizontal force of 10 N is necessary to just hold a block stationary against a wall. The coefficient of friction between the block and the wall is 0.2. The weight of the block is : (a) 20 N (b) 50 N (c) 100 N (d) 2 N A marble block of mass 2 kg lying on ice when given a velocity of 6 m/s is stopped by friction in 10 s. Then the coefficient of friction is : (a) 0.02 (b) 0.03 (c) 0.06 (d) 0.01 Consider the following two statements : A. Linear momentum of a system of particles is zero. B. Kinetic energy of a system of particles is zero. Then : (a) A does not imply B and B does not imply A (b) A implies B but B does not imply A (c) A does not imply B but B implies A (d) A implies B and B implies A Two coils are placed close to each other. The mutual inductance of the pair of coils depends upon : (a) the rates at which currents are changing in the two coils (b) relative position and orientation of the two coils (c) the materials of the wires of the coils (d) the currents in the two coils









Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

.4IEEE Solved 31. Paper-2003 39. 13 The displacement 1/ of a wave travelling in the x-direction is given by y = 10" 4 sin 6 0 0 f - 2 x + metre, A block of mass M is pulled along a horizontal frictionless surface by a rope of mass m. If a force P is applied at the free end of the rope, the force exerted by the rope on the block is : / \ nb\ (a) M + m 777T7 ( ) M- m FM (c) P (d) M + m
P n l P m


A light spring balance hangs from the hook of the other light spring balance and a block of mass M kg hangs from the former one. Then the true statement about the scale reading is : (a) both the scales read M kg each (b) the scale of the lower one reads M kg and of the upper one zero (c) the reading of the two scales can be anything but the sum of the reading will be M kg (d) both the scales read M/2 kg A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the lower end. The weight stretches the wire by 1 mm. Then the elastic energy stored in the wire is : (a) 0.2 J (b) 10 J (c) 20 J (d) 0.1 J The escape velocity for a body projected "vertically upwards from the surface of earth is 11 km/s. If the body is projected at an angle of 45 with the vertical, the escape velocity will be : (a) 11 V2 km/s (b) 22 km/s (c) 11 km/s (d) 11/V2 m/s A mass M is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time period becomes 5T/3. Then the , ill . ratio of is : M (a) 3/5 (b) 25/9 (c) 16/9 (d) 5/3 "Heat cannot be itself flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature" is a statement or consequence of : (a) second law of thermodynamics (b) conservation of momentum (c) conservation of mass (d) first law of thermodynamics Two particles A and B of equal masses are suspended from two massless springs of spring constants h and k2, respectively. If the maximum velocities, during oscillations are equal, the ratio of amplitudes of A and B is : (a) Vh//c2 (c)

where x is expressed in metres and t in seconds. The speed of the wave-motion, in ms" 1 is : (a) 300 (b) 600 (c) 1200 (d) 200 40. When the current changes from + 2 A to - 2 A in 0.05 second, an emf of 8 V is induced in a coil. The coefficient of self-induction of the coil is : (a) 0.2 H (b) 0.4 H (c) 0.8 H (d) 0.1 H In an oscillating LC circuit the maximum charge on the capacitor is Q. The charge on the capacitor when the energy is stored equally between the electric and magnetic fields is : (a) Q/2 (b) QN3 (c) Q/V2 (d) Q The core of any transformer is laminated so as to : (a) reduce the energy loss due to eddy currents (b) make it light weight (c) make it robust and strong (d) increase the secondary voltage Let F*be the force acting on a particle having position vector F a n d f^ be the torque of this force about the origin. Then : (a) Ft F = 0 and F*. x h 0 (b) X% 0 and F*. x?= 0 0 (c) r t f j t 0 and F ft* 0 (d) r l x ^ 0 and 44. A radioactive sample at any instant has its disintegration rate 5000 disintegrations per minute. After 5 minutes, the rate is 1250 disintegrations per minute. Then, the decay constant (per minute) is : (a) 0.4 In 2 (b) 0.2 In 2 (c) 0.1 In 2 (d) 0.8 In 2 A nucleus with Z = 92 emits the following in a sequence : a, a, p - , p~, a, a, a, a; P~, p~, a, p+, p+, ex. The Z of the resulting nucleus is : (a) 76 ' . ( b ) 78 (c) 82 (d) 74 46. Two identical, photocathodes receive light of frequencies f\ and fz. If the velocities of the photoelectrons (of mass m) coming out are respectively 01 and V2, then : 2h 7 7 2ll (a) vf - vz = (/1 - f i ) (b) vi + V2 = 111(A +/2) ? 1 "2.H (c) v\+ v2 = (/1 + fi) 47. (d) 0 1 - 0 2 = 2h 111( / 1 - / 2 )












(d) ki/k2



The length of a simple pendulum executing simple harmonic motion is increased by 21%. The percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is : (a) 11% (b) 21% (c) 42% (d) 10.5%

Which of the following cannot be emitted by radioactive substances during their decay ? (a) Protons (b) Neutrinos (c) Helium nuclei (d) Electrons

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

14 48. A 3 volts battery with negligible internal resistance is connected in a circuit as shown in the figure. The current I, in the circuit will be : 57. .4IEEE Solved Paper-2003 14 A spring of spring constant 5 x 10 3 N/m is stretched initially by 5 cm from the unstretched position. Then the work required to stretch it further by another 5 cm is : (a) 12.50 N-m (b) 18.75 N-m (c) 25.00 N-m (d) 6.25 N-m A metal wire of linear mass density of 9.8 g/m is stretched with a tension of 10 kg-wt between two rigid supports 1 metre apart. The wire passes at its middle point between the poles of a permanent magnet and it vibrates in resonance when carrying an alternating current of frequency n. The frequency n of the alternating source is : (a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz (c) 200 Hz (d) 25 Hz A tuning fork of known frequency 256 Hz makes 5 beats per second with the vibrating string of a piano. The beat frequency decreases to 2 beats per second when the tension in the piano string is slightly increased. The frequency of the piano string before increasing the tension was : (a) (256 + 2) Hz (b) (256 - 2) Hz (c) (256 - 5) Hz (d) (256+ 5) Hz A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (P.E.), the kinetic energy (K.E.) and total energy (T.E.) are measured as function of displacement x. Which of the following statements is true ? (a) K.E. is maximum when x = 0 (b) T.E. is zero when x = 0 (c) K.E. is maximum when x is maximum (d) P.E. is maximum when x = 0 In the nuclear fusion reaction, ?H + ?H > f He + n given that the repulsive potential energy between the two nuclei is - 7.7 x 10~14 J, the temperature at which the gases must be heated to initiate the reaction is nearly [Boltzmann's constant k = 1.38 x 10~23 J/K] : (a) 10 7 K (b) 10 K (c) 10 3 K (d) 10y K 62. Which of the following atoms has the lowest ionization potential ? (a) ^ N


(a) 1 A (c) 2 A 49.

(b) 1.5 A (d)|A 59.

A sheet of aluminium foil of negligible thickness is introduced between the plates of a capacitor. The capacitance of the capacitor : (a) decreases (b) remains unchanged (c) becomes infinite (d) increases The displacement of a particle varies according to the relation x = 4 (cos Kt + sin lit). The amplitude of the particle is : (a) - 4 (b) 4 (c) 4V2 (d) 8 A thin spherical conducting shell of radius R has a charge q. Another charge Q is placed at the centre of the shell. The electrostatic potential at a point P at a distance R/2 from the centre of the shell is : 2Q 2Q 2q (a) (b) 47I(I R 4keoR 4TTEOR (i+Q) 2 (d) 4KEOR 4nzol< 47l0 R The work done in placing a charge of 8 x 10 18 coulomb on a condenser of capacity 100 micro-farad is : (a) 16xlO"32 joule (b) 3.1 x 10" 26 joule (c) 4 x l 0 ~ 1 ( l joule (d) 32 x 10" 32 joule








The coordinates of a moving particle at any time t are given by x = at3 and 1/ = p/3. The speed of the particle at time t is given by : Z riz. (a) 3/V (b) 3 f 2 Va 2 + p2 or + [3" (d) Wa z + pz (b r V a a 2 + p2 During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its absolute temperature. The ratio Cp/Cv for the gas is : (a) | (b) 2 (c) | (d) |


13 3 Cs 5 5

( 0 ?>Ar



The wavelengths involved in the spectrum of deuterium "TD I are slightly different from that of hydrogen spectrum, because : (a) size of the two nuclei are different (b) nuclear forces are different in the two cases (c) masses of the two nuclei are different (d) attraction between the electron and the nucleus is different in the two cases In the middle of the depletion layer of reverse biased p-n junction, the : (a) electric field is zero (b) potential is maximum (c) electric field is maximum (d) potential is zero


Which of the following parameters does not characterize the thermodynamic state of matter ? (a) Temperature (b) Pressure (c) Work (d) Volume A Carnot engine takes 3 x 10 6 cal of heat from a reservoir at 627C and gives it to a sink at 27C. The work done by the engine is : (a) 4.2 x l O 6 ] (c) 16.8 x 10h J (b) 8.4 x 10 6 J (d) zero


Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

.4IEEE Solved 65. Paper-2003 (a)g-5|cos6 b a (c)

<b)?H|sin. b (d) a in i

If the binding energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV, the energy required to remove the electron from the first excited state of Li 2+ is : (a) 30.6 eV (b) 13.6 eV (c) 3.4 eV (d) 122.4 eV A body is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering a constant power. The distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to : (a) P 4 (b) t312 (c) f1/4 (d) ,1/2 t1 A rocket with a lift-off mass 3.5 x 104 kg is blasted upwards with an initial acceleration of 10 m/s . Then the initial thrust of the blast is : (a) 3.5 x 10 N (b) 7.0 x 10 N (c) 14.0 x 10 N (d) 1.75 x 10 N



A 220 volt, 1000 watt bulb is connected across a 110 volt mains supply. The power consumed will be : (a) 750 watt (b) 500 watt (c) 250 watt (d) 1000 watt The image formed by an objective of a compound microscope is : (a) virtual and diminished (b) real and diminished (c) real and enlarged (d) virtual and enlarged The earth radiates in the infra-red region of the spectrum. The spectrum is correctly given by : (a) Rayleigh Jeans law (b) Planck's law of radiation (c) Stefan's law of radiation (d) Wien's law To get three images of a single object, one should have two plane mirrors at an angle of : (a) 60 (b) 90 (c) 120 (d) 30 According to Newton's law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to (AO)", where A0 is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings, and n is equal to : (a) two (b) three (c) four (d) one The length of a given cylindrical wire is increased by 100%. Due to the consequent decrease in diameter the change in the resistance of the wire will be : (a) 200% (b) 100% (c) 50% (d) 300%





To demonstrate the phenomenon of interference we require two sources which emit radiation of : (a) nearly the same frequency (b) the same frequency (c) different wavelength (d) the same frequency and having a definite phase relationship Three charges - qi, + qi and are placed as shown in the figure. The ,v-component of the force on - q\ is proportional to :




r 1.
9. 17. 25. 33. 41. 49. 57. 65. 73. 2. 10. 18. 26. 34. 42. 50. 58. 66. 74. 3. 11. 19. 27. 35. 43. 51. 59. 67. 75. 4. 12. 20. 28. 36. 44. 52. 60. 68.

(a) (c) (b) (c) (a) (a) (d) (a) (d) 5. 13. 21. 29. 37. 45. 53. 61. 69.

(b) (c) (a) (d) (d) (c) (b) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b) (b) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (b) (d)

(b) (a) (c) (d) (c) (d) (c) (c) (a) (d)

(d) (c) (c) (c) (c) (b) (b) (d) (b)

6. 14. 22. 30. 38. 46. 54. 62. 70.

(a) (d) (d) (b) (d) (a) (d) (b) (c)

7. 15. 23. 31. 39. 47. 55. 63. 71.

(a) (c) (d) (d) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c)

8. 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72.

(d) (a) (b) (a) (d) (b) (b) (a) (a)

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

S o l v e d Paper 2 0 0 4
1. Which one of the following represents the correct dimensions of the coefficient of viscosity ? (a) [ML~1 T ~ 2 ] (b) [ M L T - 1 ] (c) [ML" 1 T - 1 ] (d) [ M L ~ 2 T - 2 ] A particle moves in a straight line with retardation proportional to its displacement. Its loss of kinetic energy for any displacement x is proportional to : (a)x2 (b)e* (c)x (d) \ogex A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h metres. It takes T seconds to reach the ground. What is the position of the ball in 773 seconds ? (a) hi9 metre from the ground (b) 7h/9 metre from the ground (c) 8h/9 metre from the ground (c) 1 7 M 8 metre from the ground If A x B = B x A, then the angle between A and B is : (a) TI (b) TC/3 (C) K/2 (d) N/4 A projectile can have the same range R for two angles of projection. If Ti and T2 be the time of flights in the two cases, then the product of the two times of flights is directly proportional to : (a) 1/R2 (b) 1/R (c) R (d) R 2 Which of the following statements is false for a particle moving in a circle with a constant angular speed ? (a) The velocity vector is tangent to the circle (b) The acceleration vector is tangent to the circle (c) The acceleration vector points to the centre of the circle (d) The velocity and acceleration vectors are perpendicular to each other An automobile travelling with a speed of 60 km/h, can brake to stop within a distance of 20 m. If the car is going twice as fast, i.e. 120 km/h, the stopping distance will be : (a) 20 m (b) 40 m (c) 60 m (d) 80 m A machine gun fires a bullet of mass 40 g with a velocity 1200 m s - 1 . The man holding it, can exert a maximum force of 144 N on the gun. How many bullets can he fire per second at the most ? (a) One (b) Four (c) Two (d) Three Two masses mi = 5 kg and mi = 4.8 kg tied to a string are hanging over a light frictionless pulley. What is the acceleration of the masses when lift is free to move ? ( g - 9.8 m/s2) (a) 0.2 m/s2 (b) 9.8 m/s2 (c) 5 m/'s2 (d) 4.8 m/s2 10. A uniform chain of length 2 m is kept on a table such that a length of 60 cm hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg. What is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table ? (a) 7.2 J (b) 3.6 J (c) 120 J (d) 1200 J A block-rests on a rough inclined plane making an angle of 30 with the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the plane is 0.8. If the frictional force on the block is 10 N, the mass of the block (in kg) is (take g = 10 m/s ) : (a) 2.0 (b) 4.0 (c) 1.6 (d) 2.5





A force F = (5 i + 3 j + 2 k) N is applied over a particle which displaces it from its origin to the point r = (2 i - j) m. The work done on the particle in joules is : (a) - 7 (b) + 7 (c) + 10 (d) + 13 A body of mass m accelerates uniformly from rest to vi in time t\. The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function of time t is : mv\t mv\t mv \t (a) (b) (c) (d) fl t\ A particle is acted upon by a force of constant magnitude which is always perpendicular to the velocity of the particle. The motion of the particle takes place in a plane, it follows that : (a) its velocity is constant (b) its acceleration is constant (c) its kinetic energy is constant (d) it moves in a straight line A solid sphere is rotating in free space. If the radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass same which one of the following will not be affefted ? (a) Moment of inertia (b) Angular momentum (c) Angular velocity (d) Rotational kinetic energy A ball is thrown from a point with a speed v0 at an angle of projection 0. From the same point and at the same instant, a person starts running with a constant U Q speed to catch the ball. Will the person be able to catch the ball ? If yes, what should be the angle of projection ? , (a) Yes, 60 (b) Ves, 30 (c) No (d) Yes, 45 One solid sphere A and another hollow sphere B are of same mass and same outer radii. Their moment of inertia about their diameters are respectively IA and IB such that : ... IA dA
( a ) IA = IB ( b )IA>IB (C ) IA<IB

4. 5.










where 4a and ds are their densities.

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

A IEEE Solved 18. Paper-2004 26. 23 A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period fi, while the corresponding period for another spring is tj. If the period of oscillation with the two springs in series is T, then : (a) T = fi + f2 (b) T2 = t} + ti (c) T ~ 1 = i i 1 + G 1 27. (d) T - 2 = /T2 + f2 2 The total energy of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion is : (a) X (b) x1 "ill (c) independent of x (d) x " where x is the displacement from the mean position. The displacement y of a particle in a medium can be expressed as : y = 10" 6 sin | lOOf + 20x + j m, where t is in second and x in metre. The speed of the wave is : (a) 2000 m/s (b) 5 m/s (c) 20 m/s (d) 5jt m/s 29. A particle of mass m is attached to a spring (of spring constant k) and has a natural angular frequency too- An external force F(f) proportional to cos cof (co^coo) is applied to the oscillator. The time displacement of the oscillator will be proportional to : (a) ? co-co 2 1 (c) m (co + co2) 30. (b) (d) m (co - co2) m co + co particle, the amplitude is coi of the force, while the frequency C02 of the force, A satellite of mass m revolves around the earth of radius R at a height x from its surface. If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth, the orbital speed of the satellite is : (a) gx (c) 19. (b) JlL R-x





The time period of an earth satellite in circular orbit is independent of : (a) the mass of the satellite (b) radius of its orbit (c) both the mass and radius of the orbit (d) neither the mass of the satellite nor the radius of its orbit If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the earth's surface, the gain in the potential energy of an object of mass m raised from the surface of the earth to a height equal to the radius R of the earth, is : (a) ImgR (b) \ mgR (c) - mgR (d) mgR



Suppose the gravitational force varies inversely as the ;; th power of distance. Then the time period of a planet in circular orbit of radius R around the sun will' be proportional to : (a) R ^ (c) R"


(b) R ^ (d) R



A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length I by applying a force F. The work done in stretching is : (a) ~ (b) El (c) 2FI (d) f


Spherical balls of radius R are falling in a viscous fluid of viscosity r| with a velocity v. The retarding viscous force acting on the spherical ball is : (a) directly proportional to R but inversely proportional to v (b) directly proportional to both radius R and velocity v ' (c) inversely proportional to both radius R and velocity v (d) inversely proportional to R but directly proportional to velocity v If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube : (a) air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes become equal (b) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes are interchanged (c) air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger (d) there is no flow of air motion in water with a period t, while the period of oscillation of the bob is to in air. Neglecting frictional force of water and given that the density of the bob is (4/3) x 1000 kg/m3. What relationship between t and fo is true ? (a) t = to (b) t = to/2 (c) t = 2f 0 (d) t = 4f 0

In forced oscillation of a maximum for a frequency energy is maximum for a then : (a) coi = C 2 0 (b) C l > C 2 O 0 (c) coi < C02 when damping damping, is large (d) coi < (02

is small and coi > C 2 when 0


One mole of ideal monoatomic gas (v = 5/3) is mixed with one mole of diatomic gas (y= 7/5). What is y for the mixture ? y denotes the ratio of specific heat at constant pressure, to that at constant volume, (a) 3/2 (b) 23/15 (c) 35/23 (d) 4/3 If the temperature of the sun were to increase from T to 2T and its radius from R to 2R, then the ratio of the radiant energy received on earth to what it was previously, will be : (a) 4 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 64 Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamic system ? (a) The internal energy changes in all processes (b) Internal energy and entropy are state functions (c) The change in entropy can never be zero (d) The work done in an adiabatic process is always zero




23. The bob of a simple pendulum executes simple harmonic

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

24 34. Two thermally insulated vessels 1 and 2 are filled with air at temperatures (Ti, T2), volume (Vi, V2) and pressure (Pi, Pi) respectively. If the valve joining the two vessels is opened, the temperature inside the vessel at equilibrium will be : (a) Ti + T 2 (b) (Ti + T2)/2 (c) 35. TIT2(PIVI+P2V2) PIVIT2 + P2V2TI
( d )

A IEEE Solved Paper-2004 40 41. An electromagnetic wave of frequency v = 3.0 MHz passes from vacuum into a dielectric medium with permittivity e = 4.0. Then : (a) wavelength is doubled and the frequency remains unchanged (b) wavelength is doubled and frequency becomes half (c) wavelength is halved and frequency remains unchanged (d) wavelength and frequency both remain unchanged Two spherical conductors B and C having equal radii and carrying equal charges in them repel each other with a force F when kept apart at some distance. A third spherical conductor having same radius as that of B but uncharged, is brought in contact with B, then brought in contact with C and finally removed away from both. The new force of repulsion between B and C is : F 3F F 3F (a) f (b) f (c) (d) f A charged particle q is shot towards another charged particle Q which is fixed, with a speed v. It approaches Q upto a closest distance r and then returns. If q was given a speed 2v, the closest distance of approach would be : Q

TiT2 (PI VI + P2V2) PiViTi + P2V2T2 42.

A radiation of energy falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to the surface is : (a) E/c (b) 2E/c (c) Ec (d) E/c2 The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a composite slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of thermal conductivity K and 2K and thickness x and 4x, respectively are T2 and Ti (T2 > Ti). The rate of heat transfer through the slab, in a steady state is /, with / equals to :



(a) r (c) r/2 (a) 1 37. (b) 1/2 (c) 2/3 (d) 1/3 44. A light ray is incident perpendicular to one face of a 90 prism and i ~ totally internally reflected at the < glass-air interface. If the angle of reflection is 45, we conclude that the refractive index n : J 1 4 5 f N, j ^ /

(b) 2r (d) rl4

Four charges equal to - Q are placed at the four corners of a square and a charge q is at its centre. If the system is in equilibrium, the value of q is : ( a ) - ( 1 + 2^2) (c)-^(l+2V2) (b)-2(1+2^2) (d)-| (1+2^2)


Alternating current can not be measured by D.C. ammeter because :

1 (a ) " < ^ 2 38.




A plano-convex lens of refractive index 1.5 and radius of curvature 30 cm is silvered at the curved surface. Now this lens has been used to form the image of an object. At what distance from this lens, an object be placed in order to have a real image of the size of the object ? (a) 20 cm (b) 30 cm (c) 60 cm (d) 80 cm The angle of incidence at which reflected light is totally polarized for reflection from air to glass (refractive index n), is : (a) sin (c)

(a) A.C. cannot pass through D.C. ammeter (b) A.C. changes direction (c) average value of current for complete cycle is zero (d) D.C. ammeter will get damaged 46. The total current supplied to the circuit by the battery is : (a) 1 A (b) 2 A (c) 4 A (d) 6 A The resistance of the series combination of two resistances is S. When they are joined in parallel, the total resistance is P. If S = nP, then the minimum possible value of n is : (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1



(b) sin" 1 (1 In) (d) tan" 1 (ri)


tan" 1



The maximum number of possible interference maxima for slit-separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young's double-slit experiment, is : (a) infinite (b) five (c) three (d) zero

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

AIEEE Solved 48. Paper-2004 25 is increased to two times and its direction is reversed. The distance is also increased to 3d. The new value of the force between them is : (a) - 2F (b) FI3 (c) - 2F/3 (d) - F/3 58. The length of a magnet is large compared to its width and breadth. The time period of its oscillation in a vibration magnetometer is 2 s. The magnet is cufalong its length into three equal parts and three parts are then placed on each other with their like poles together. The time period of this combination will be : (a) 2 s (b) 2/3 s (c) 2<3 s (d) 2/V3 s The materials suitable for making electromagnets should have : (a) high retentivity and high coercivity (b) low retentivity and low coercivity (c) high retentivity and low coercivity (d) low retentivity and high coercivity In an LCR series a.c. circuit, the voltage across each of the components. L, C and R is 50 V. The voltage across the LC combination will be : (a) 50 V (b) 50V2 V (c) 100 V (d) 0 V ( zero) A coil having 11 turns and resistance R 2 is connected with a galvanometer of resistance 4R 2. This combination is moved in time t seconds from a magnetic field Wi weber to W2 weber. The induced current in the circuit is : W2-Wi n (W2 - Wi) (a) (b)5Rt 5Rnt n (W2 - Wi) (W2-W1) (d)(0Rt Rut In a uniform magnetic field of induction B, a wire in the form of semicircle of radius r rotates about the diameter of the circle with angular frequency 01. If the total resistance of the circuit is R, the mean power generated per period of rotation is : Bnr2(o (.Bnr2co)2 (b) (a) 8R 2R (Bum2)2 (Bum)2 (d) w 2R 8R In an LCR circuit, capacitance is changed from C to 2C. For the resonant frequency to remain unchanged, the inductance should be changed from L to : (a) 4L (b) 2L (c) LI2 (d) L/4 A metal conductor of length 1 m rotates vertically about one of its ends at angular velocity 5 radians per second. If the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field is 0.2 x 1 0 " 4 T, then the emf developed between the two ends of the conductor is ; (a) 5 pV (b) 50 pV (c) 5 mV (d) 50 mV According to Einstein's photoelectric equation, the plot of the kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons from a metal Vs the frequency, of the incident radiation gives a straight line whose slope : (a) depends on the nature of the metal used (b) depends on the intensity of the radiation (c) depends both on the intensity of the radiation and the metal used (d) is the same for all metals and independent of the intensity of the radiation (c) An electric current is passed through a circuit containing two wires of the same material, connected in parallel. If the lengths and radii of the wires are in the ratio of 4/3 and 2/3, then the ratio of the currents passing through the wire will be : (a) 3 (b) 1/3 (c) 8/9 (d) 2 In a metre bridge experiment, null point is obtained at 20 cm from one end of the wire when resistance X is balanced against another resistance Y. If X < Y, then where will be the new position of the null point from the same end, if one decides to balance a resistance of 4X against Y ? (a) 50 cm (b) 80 cm (c) 40 cm (d) 70 cm The thermistors are usually made of : (a) metals with low temperature coefficient of resistivity (b) metals with high temperature coefficient of resistivity (c) metal oxides with high temperature coefficient of resistivity (d) semiconducting materials having low temperature coefficient of resistivity Time taken by a 836 W heater to heat one litre of water from 10C to 40C is : (a) 50 s (b) 100 s (c) 150 s (d) 200 s The thermo-emf of a thermocouple varies with the temperature 0 of the hot junction as = a 0 + bQ2 in volts where the ratio alb is 700C. If the cold junction is kept at 0C, then the neutral temperature is : (a) 700C (b) 350C (c) 1400C (d) no neutral temperature is possible for this thermocouple j h g electrochemical equivalent of metal is 3.3 x 10" 7 kg per coulomb. The mass of the metal liberated at the cathode when a 3 A current is passed for 2 seconds, will be : (a) 19.8 x 10" 7 kg (b) 9.9 x 1 0 " 7 kg (c) 6 . 6 x 1 0 " 7 kg 54. (d) 1 . 1 x 1 0 " 7 kg A current i ampere flows along an infinitely long straight thin walled tube, then the magnetic induction at any point inside the tube is : (a) infinite (b) zero < 0 ^ . 2 tesla 4tc r 55. (d) tesla r











A long wire carries a steady current. It is bent into a circle of one turn and the magnetic field at the centre of the coil is B. It is then bent into a circular loop of n turns. The magnetic field at the centre of the coil will be : (a) nB (b) n2B (c) 2nB (d) 2n2B The magnetic field due to a current carrying circular loop of radius 3 cm at a point on the axis at a distance of 4 cm from the centre is 54 pT. What will be its value at the centre of the loop ? (a) 250 pT (b) 150 pT (c) 125 fiT (d) 75 (iT Two long conductors, separated by a distance d carry currents h and h in the same direction. They exert a force F on each other. Now the current in one of them





Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

26 66. The work function of a substance is 4.0 eV. The longest wavelength of light that can cause photoelectron emission from this substance is approximately : (a) 540 nm (b) 400 nm (c) 310 nm (d) 220 nm A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3 xlO 4 V/m so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the drop will be : (take the mass of the charge = 9 . 9 x 1 0 " 1 5 kg and g = 10 m/s ) (a) 3.3 x 10" 1 8 C (c) 1.6 x 10" 1 8 C 68. (b) 3 . 2 x l O " 1 8 C (d) 4 . 8 x l O " 1 8 C 71.

AIEEE Solved Paper-2004

When npn transistor is used as an amplifier : (a) electrons move from base to collector (b) holes move from emitter to base (c) electrons move from collector to base (d) holes move from base to emitter For a transistor amplifier in common emitter configuration for load impedance of 1 kQ (hfc = 50 and hoe = 25 pA/V), the current gain is : (a) - 5.2 (b) - 15.7 (c) - 24.8 (d) - 48.78 A piece of copper and another of germanium are cooled from room temperature to 77 K, the resistance of : (a) each of them increases (b) each of them decreases (c) copper decreases and germanium increases (d) copper increases and germanium decreases The manifestation of band structure in solids is due to : (a) Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (b) Pauli's exclusion principle (c) Bohr's correspondence principle (d) Boltzmann's law When p-n junction diode is forward biased, then : (a) the depletion region is reduced and barrier height is increased (b) the depletion region is widened and barrier height is reduced (c) both the depletion region and barrier height are reduced (d) both the depletion region and barrier height are increased




A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts which have their velocities in the ratio 2 : 1 . The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be : (a) 21/3 : 1 (b) 1 : 31/2 (c) 31/2 : 1 (d) 1:2 1 / 3 The binding energy per nucleon of deuteron ^H^ and helium nucleus ^He j i s 1.1 MeV and 7 MeV respectively. If two deuteron nuclei react to form a single helium nucleus, then the energy released is : (a) 13.9 MeV (b) 26.9 MeV (c) 23.6 MeV (d) 19.2 MeV




An a - particle of energy 5 MeV is scattered through 180 by a fixed uranium nucleus. The distance of the closest approach is of the order of : (a) 1 A (b) 10" 1 0 cm (c) 10" 1 2 cm (d) 10" 1 5 cm

(a) (b) (b) (b) (d) (b) (d) (d) (d) 5. 13. 21. 29. 37. 45. 53. 61. 69.

1. 9. 17. 25. 33. 41. 49. 57. 65. 73.

(c) (a) (c) (c) (b) (c) (a) (c) (d) (c)

2. 10. 18. 26. 34. 42. 50. 58. 66. 74.

(a) (b) (d) (b) (c) (d) (c) (b) (c) (b)

3. 11. 19. 27. 35. 43. 51. 59. 67. 75.

(a) (c)

(c) (a) (a) (c) (b) (d) (c)

4. 12. 20. 28. 36. 44. 52. 60. 68.

(c) (b) (a) (b) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c)

6. 14. 22. 30. 38. 46. 54. 62. 70.

(b) (c) (d) (a) (a) (c) (b) (b) (c)

7. 15. 23. 31. 39. 47. 55. 63. 71.

(d) (b) (b) (a) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

8. 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72.

(d) (a) (c) (d) (b) (b) (a) (b) (d)

( Hints & Solutions

1. From Newton's formula il = .'. Dimensions of dimensions of force dimensions of area x dimensions of velocity -gradient [L ] [T ] A (Avx/Az) 2. As given in question, retardation (negative acceleration) a= x => a = kx where fc is a proportionality constant dv = kx dt dv dx , dx' dt~KX dv dx ,

. v=

dx dt

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

S o l v e d Paper 2005
1. A projectile can have the same range 'R' for two angles of projection. If 't\ and 'f 2 ' be the times of flights in the two cases, then the product of the two times of flights is proportional to : (a ) R 2

(a )S=ft

A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the rate/through a distance S, then continues at constant speed for time t and then decelerates at the rate (b)S=i/f2 (d) S = j U 2 to come to rest. If the total distance travelled is 15 S, then :

(b) (d)

(c )S

= \ft2


An annular ring with inner and outer radii Rx and R 2 is rolling without slipping with a uniform angular speed. The ratio of the forces experienced by the two particles situated on the inner and outer parts of the ring, is : ti , , Ri (a) ^ (c) 1 , J R i'2 (b) Ri


A particle is moving eastwards with a velocity of 5 ms" 1 . In 10 seconds the velocity changes to 5 ms" 1 northwards. The average acceleration in this time is : 1 _2 (a) -7=ms towards north-east V2 (b) ms
1 -2

towards north

R (d) Ri 10.


A smooth block is released at rest on a .45 incline and then slides a distance'd'. The time taken to slide is times as much to slide on rough incline than on a smooth incline. The coefficient of friction is : (a) 1ik (c) Us = 1 (b) p* = (d) R

(c) zero 1 (d) ms

towards north-west

A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2 m/s . He reaches the ground with a speed of 3 m/s. At what height, did he bail out ? (a) 91 m (b) 182 m (c) 293 m (d) 111 m A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of inclination 'a'. The incline is given an acceleration 'a' to keep the block stationary. Then 'a' is equal to : (a) /tan a (b) gcosec a (c) g (d) g tnn a A spherical ball of mass 20 kg is stationary at the top of a hill of height 100 m. It rolls down a smooth surface to the ground, then climbs up another hill of height 30 m and finally rolls down to a horizontal base at a height of 20 m above the ground. The velocity attained by the ball is : (a) 40 m/s (b) 20 m/s (c) 10 m/s (d) 10^30 m/s A body A of mass M while falling vertically downwards under gravity breaks into two parts; a body B of mass 1 2 M and, a body C of mass M. The centre of mass of bodies B and C taken together shifts compared to that of body A towards : (a) depends on height of breaking (b) does not shift (c) body C (d) body B



The upper half of an inclined plane with inclination (j) is perfectly smooth, while the lower half is rough. A body starting from rest at the top will again come to rest at the bottom, if the coefficient of friction for the lower half is given by : (a) 2 sin < | > (b) 2 cos < } > (c) 2 tan <) ] (d) tan < | > A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3 cm. How much further it will penetrate before coming to rest, assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion ? (a) 3.0 cm (b) 2.0 cm (c) 1.5 cm (d) 1.0 cm Out of the following pairs, which one does not have identical dimensions ? (a) Angular momentum and Planck's constant (b) Impulse and momentum (c) Moment of inertia and moment of a force (d) Work and torque






relation between time t and distance x is 2 t =ax + bx, where a and b are constants. The acceleration is : (a) - labv2 (b) 2bv 3 (c) - lav3 (d) lav2

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

14. The moment of inertia of uniform semicircular disc of mass M and radius r about a line perpendicular to the plane of the disc through the centre is : (a ) M r 2 (c) Mr 2 15. (b) ^ Mr 2 5 (d) \ u ? 23. 22.

AIEEE Solved Paper 2005

Consider a car moving on a straight road with a speed of 100 m/s. The distance at which car can be stopped, i s : [p^O.5] (a) 800 m (c) 100 m .(b) 1000 m (d) 400 m

A particle of mass 0.3 kg is subjected to a force F = -kx with k = 15 N/m. What will be its initial acceleration, if it is released from a point 20 cm away from the origin ? (a) 3 m/s (b) 15 m/s (c) 5 m/s2 (d) 10 m/s2 24. The block of mass M moving on the frictionless horizontal surface collides with the spring of spring constant k and compresses it by length L. The maximum momentum of the block after collision is :

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the first law of thermodynamics ? (a) It is not applicable to any cyclic process (b) It is a restatement of the principle of conservation of energy (c) It introduces the concept of the internal energy (d) It introduces the concept of the entropy A T ' shaped object with dimensions shown in the figure, is lying on a smooth floor. A force 'F is applied at the point P parallel to AB, such that the object has only the translational motion without rotation. Find the location of P with respect to C : AI


1 ~



HUM 21

(a) <Mk L (c) zero 17.

(b) M l 2M


A mass 'in' moves with a velocity V and collides inelastically with another identical mass. After collision the Ist mass moves with velocity ^ in a direction perpendicular to the initial direction of motion. Find the speed of the 2 n mass after collision : (a) v (b) V3" (0 (d) f

<a> / (C)|Z 25.

(b) | (d ) l


A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises upto 8 cm. If the entire arrangement is put in a freely falling elevator, the length of water column in the capillary tube will be : (a) 8 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 20 cm If 'S' is stress and 'Y' is Young's modulus of material of a wire, the energy stored in the wire per unit volume is : (a) 2S Y /x

The change in the value of 'g' at a height 'h' above the surface of the earth is the same as at a depth'd' below the surface of earth. When both 'd' and 'h' are much smaller than the radius of earth, then, which one of the following is correct ? (a =| 2 (c) d = 2h (b =

(d) < = A f



A particle of mass 10 g is kept on the surface of a uniform sphere of mass 100 kg and radius 10 cm. Find the work to be done against the gravitational force between them, to take the particle far away from the sphere (you may take G = 6.67 x 10" n Nm2/kg2) : (b) 3.33 x 10 - 1 0 J (a) 13.34 x l O " 1 0 J (c) 6.67x 10~9 J (d) 6.67 x 10" 1 0 J

si (b) 2Y S_ (d) 2Y



Average density of the earth : (a) does not depend on g (b) is a complex function of g (c) is directly proportional to g (d) is inversely proportional to g A body of mass m is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed v in a time T. The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function of time, is given by : / \ mi'2 , /i \ mv2 .2 , . 1 TO2 , . . . 1 mv2 ,2

A gaseous mixture consists of 16 g of helium and 16 g Cp of oxygen. The ratio of the mixture is : (a) 1.59 (c) 1.4 (b) 1.62 (d) 1.54



The intensity of gamma radiation from a given source is I. On passing through 36 mm of lead, it is reduced to . The thickness of lead, which will reduce the 8 intensity to ^ will be : (a) 6 mm (b) 9 mm (c) 18 mm (d) 12 mm

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir ( AIEEE Solved Paper 2005

29. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases when electromagnetic radiation of wavelength shorter than 2480 nm, is incident on it. The band gap in (eV) for the semiconductor is : (a) 1.1 eV (b) 2.5 eV (c) 0.5 eV (d) 0.7 eV A photocell is illuminated by a small bright source placed 1 m away. When the same source of light is placed ^ m away, the number of electrons emitted by photocathode would : (a) decrease by a factor of 4 (b) increase by a factor of 4 (c) decrease by a factor of 2 (d) increase by a factor of 2
31. 35.

A system goes from A to B via two processes I and II as shown in figure. If AUi and AU2 are the changes in internal energies in the processes I and II respectively, then :


V (a) A!ii=AU 2 (b) relation between AUX and AU2 cannot be determined (c) AUI > AUI (d) AL/2 < Aiii 2 The function sin (cof) represents : (a) a periodic, but not simple harmonic> motion with a . , 2K period (b) a periodic, but not simple harmonic, motion with a period r co (c) a simple harmonic motion with a period 2tc/co (d) a simple harmonic motion with a period 7t/co

Starting with a sample of pure

\ of it decays into 8 Zn in 15 minutes. The corresponding half-life is : (a) 10 minute (b) 15 minute 1 (c) 5 minute (d) 7 minute If radius of the 13 AI nucleus is estimated to be 3.6 Fermi, then the radius of ^ T e nucleus be nearly : (a) 6 Fermi (b) 8 Fermi (c) 4 Fermi (d) 5 Fermi

66 Cu,




The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is : T i

A Young's double slit experiment uses a monochromatic source. The shape of the interference fringes formed on a screen is : (a) hyperbola (b) circle (c) straight line (d) parabola Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equations y\ 0.1 sin 1100 T/ + - | and y2 = 0.1 cos Kl. The t phase difference of the velocity of particle 1, with respect to the velocity of particle 2 is :

2TC Tr


(a) (c)

(b)f (d)f

(a) |




The figure shows a system of two concentric spheres of radii and r2 and kept at temperatures Ti and T2, respectively. The radial rate of flow of heat in a substance between the two concentric spheres, is proportional to :

A fish looking up through the water sees the outside world, contained in a circular horizon. If the refractive 4 index of water is and the fish is 12 cm below the water surface, the radius of this circle in cm is : (a) 36V7 (b) H on a black paper. diameter 3 mm. distance at which [Take wavelength


(c) 36V5 (d) 4V5 Two point white dots are 1 mm apart They are viewed by eye of pupil Approximately, what is the maximum these dots can be resolved by the eye ? of light =500 nm] (a) 5 m (b) 1 m (c) 6 m (d) 3 m


(n - r\)

A thin glass (refractive index 1.5) lens has optical power of - 5 D in air. Its optical power in a liquid medium with refractive index 1.6 will be : (a) I D (b) - 1 D (c) 25 D (d) - 25 D

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

AIEEE Solved Paper 2005 42. The diagram shows the energy levels for an electron in certain atom. Which transition shown represents the a emission of a photon with the most energy ? - n= 4 I n=3 n-2 (a) 200 Q (c) 500 Q ^0. (b) 100 Q (d) 1000 Q

Two sources of equal emf are connected to an external resistance R. The internal resistances of the two sources are R\ and P 2 (^2 > Pi)- h the potential difference across the source having internal resistance P 2 , is zero, then : ( a ) R = P2X(Pl+M ( b ) R = R 2 _ R i (C ) R : (Ri - Ri) R1P2 (d) R = R1R2 (P2-P1)

I (a) 111 (c) I 43.



IV (b) IV (d) II

n= 1

(Pi + Ri)


If the kinetic energy of a free electron doubles, its de-Broglie wavelength changes by the factor :
(a) |

(b)2 (d) <2


In a common base amplifier, the phase difference between the input signal voltage and output voltage is : I \K 4 (b)n (c) zero (d)

A fully charged capacitor has a capacitance 'C'. It is discharged through a small coil of resistance wire embedded in a thermally insulated block of specific heat capacity 's' and mass'm'. If the temperature of the block is raised by 'AT', the potential difference ' V across the capacitance is : 111CAT ^jlmCAT (b) (a) s msAT (d) V - 2 ^ (c) C One conducting U tube can slide inside another as shown in figure, maintaining electrical contacts between the tubes. The magnetic field B is perpendicular to the plane of the figure. If each tube moves towards the other at a constant speed v, then the emf induced in the circuit in terms of B, 1 and v, where / is the width of each tube, will be :



In a full wave rectifier circuit operating from 50 Hz mains frequency, the fundamental frequency in the ripple would be : (a) 50 Hz (b) 25 Hz (c) 100 Hz (d) 70.7 Hz A nuclear transformation is denoted by X(n, a) > 3Li. Which of the following is the nucleus of element X ? (a) I 2 C (c) jjB (b) (d) I 1 Be


A moving coil galvanometer has 150 equal divisions. Its current sensitivity is 10 divisions per milliampere and voltage sensitivity is 2 divisions per millivolt. In order that each division reads 1 volt, the resistance in ohms needed to be connected in series with the coil will be : (a) 10 3 (b) 10 5 (c) 99995 (d) 9995 Two voltameters, one of copper and another of silver, are joined in parallel. When a total charge q flows through the voltameters, equal amount of metals are deposited. If the electrochemical equivalents of copper and silver are Z\ and z 2 respectively, the charge which flows through the silver voltameter is : 21 22 (b) (a) (d) (c) < 7 22 21 1+ 1+ 21 In the circuit, the galvanometer G shows zero deflection. If the batteries A and B have negligible internal resistance, the value of the resistor R will be : 500Q -VWWW

(a) Blv (c) zero 53.

(b) - Blv (d) 2 Blv


A heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only one part is now used in the heater. The heat generated will now be : (a) doubled (b) four times (c) one-fourth (d) halved Two thin, long, parallel wires, separated by a distance 'd' carry a current of 'i' A in the same direction. They will : 2 ppr (a) attract each other with a force of (2nd) Mo/2 (b) repel each other with a force of ^ ^ 2 (c) attract each other with a force of - ^ t (2nd2) (d) repel each other with a force of



uo'2 (2nd)

55. 12V B

When an unpolarized light of intensity /0 is incident on a polarizing sheet, the intensity of the light which does not get transmitted is : (a)i/0 (b)\lo (c) zero (d) Jo

Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

AIEEE Solved Paper 2005 56. A charged ball B hangs from a silk thread S, which makes an angle 6 with a large charged conducting sheet P, as shown in the figure. The surface charge density G of the sheet is proportional to : (a) cos 0 (b) cot 0 (c) sin 0 (d) tan 0 Two point charges + 8 q and - 2 q are located at x = 0 and x = L respectively The location of a point on the x-axis at which the net electric field due to these two point charges is zero is : (a) 2L (c) 8L 58. (b) | (d) 4L 66. 64. 5 If / is the intensity of the principal maximum in the Q single slit diffraction pattern, then what will be its intensity when the slit width is doubled ? (a) 2/o (b) 4/o



Two concentric coils each of radius equal to 2n cm are placed at right angles to each other. 3 ampere and 4 ampere are the currents flowing in each coil respectively. The magnetic induction in weber/m' at the centre of the coils will be (p 0 = An x 10~7 Wb /A.m) : (a) 12 x 10" 5 (c) 5 x 10~5 (b) 10~5 (d)7xl0-5


Two thin wire rings each having a radius R are placed at a distance d apart with their axes coinciding. The charges on the two rings are + q and - q. The potential difference between the centres of the two rings is : (a) qRIAmod2 (c) zero (b)

A coil of inductance 300 mH and resistance 2 Q. is connected to a source of voltage 2V. The current reaches half of its steady state value in : (a) 0.05 s (b) 0.1 s (c) 0.15 s (d) 0.3 s The self inductance of the motor of an electric fan is 10 H. In order to impart maximum power at 50 Hz, it should be connected to a capacitance of : (a) 4 pF (b) 8 pF (c)lpF (d) 2 pF An energy source will supply a constant current into the load, if its internal resistance is : (a) equal to the resistance of the load (b) very large as compared to the load resistance (c) zero (d) non-zero but less than the resistance of the load A circuit has a resistance of 12 ohm and an impedance of 15 ohm. The power factor of the circuit will be : (a) 0.8 (b) 0.4 (c) 1.25 (d) 0.125 The phase difference between the alternating current and emf is Which of the following cannot be the constituent of the circuit ? (a) C alone (b) R, L (c) L, C (d) L alone


2JIE0 1 471EO W T I



A parallel plate capacitor is made by stacking n equally spaced plates connected alternatively. If the capacitance between any two adjacent plates is 'C', then the resultant capacitance is : (a) (n - 1 )C (b) (n + 1)C (c) C (d) nC When two tuning forks (fork 1 and fork 2) are sounded simultaneously 4 beats per second are heard. Now, some tape is attached on the prong of the fork 2. When the tuning forks are sounded again, 6 beats per second are heard. If the frequency of fork 1 is 200 Hz, then what was the original frequency of fork 2 ? (a) 200 Hz ' (b) 202 Hz (c) 196 Hz (d) 204 Hz If a simple 2 2n a (c) 2na (a) dt2 harmonic motion is represented by





- + O T = 0, its t i m e p e r i o d is : C

n b\ (



(d) 2 n J a


The bob of a simple pendulum is a spherical hollow ball filled with water. A plugged hole near the bottom of the oscillating bob gets suddenly unplugged. During observation, till water is coming out, the time period of oscillation would : (a) first increase and then decrease to the original value (b) first decrease and then increase to the original value (c) remain unchanged (d) increase towards a saturation value An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency ? (a) Zero (b) 0.5% (c) 5% (d) 20%

A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are acting along the same direction in a certain region. If an electron is projected along the direction of the fields with a certain velocity, then : (a) its velocity will decrease (b) its velocity will increase (c) it will turn towards right of direction of motion (d) it will turn towards left of direction of motion A charged particle of mass m and charge q travels on a circular path of radius r that is perpendicular to a magnetic field B. The time taken by the particle to complete one revolution is : 2nq2B 2nmq (a) B m 2 nm 2nqB (d) (c) 1 n ~qB



Nitin M Sir (

Nitin M Sir (

73. In a potentiometer experiment the balancing with a cell is at length 240 cm. On shunting the cell with a resistance of 2 2, the balancing length becomes 120 cm. The internal resistance of the cell is : (a) 1 2 (b) 0.5 2 (c) 4 2 (d) 2 2 The resistance of hot tungsten filament is about 10 times the cold resistance. What will be the resistance of 100 W and 200V lamp, when not in use ? (a) 40 2 (c) 400 2 75. AIEEE Solved Paper 2005 (b) 20 2 (d) 200 2


A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences : (a) a torque but not a force (b) neither a force nor a torque (c) a force and a torque (d) a force but not a torque

V 1. 9. 17. 25. 33. 41. 49. 57. 65. 73.

(c) (a) (c) (d) (b) (c) (d) (c) (c) 5. 13. 21. 29. 37. 45. 53. 61. 69. (d) (b) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (b) (a) 6. 14. 22. 30. 38. 46. 54. 62. 70. (c) (d) (b) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 7. 15. 23. 31. 39. 47. 55. 63. 71. (c) (d) (a,d) (c) (b) (d) (a) (d) (a) 8, 16. 24. 32. 40. 48. 56. 64. 72. n (a) (c) (a) (a) (b) (d) (c) (d)

(d) (a) (c) (c) (c) (a) (b) (a) (c)

2. 10. 18. 26. 34. 42. 50. 58. 66.

(d) (c) (d) (d) (c) (a) (b) (b) (b)

3. 11. 19. 27. 35. 43. 51. 59. 67.

(a) (d) (b) (b) (a) (c) (d) (a) (c) (c)

4. 12. 20. 28. 36. 44. 52. 60. 68.

75. 74. (a) (d) None of the choices is correct.

Hints & Solutions

1. A projectile can have same range if angles of projection are complementary i.e., 8 and (90 - 0). Thus, in both cases : R=

u2 sin 20

Hence, f ^

R ma^ mv i ,..(i)

e fi = h 2u sin 8 2u sin (90 - 8) $ 2 u cos 8 ...(ii) and and mv2




From Eq. (i) and (ii) ht2 = Mc 2 i 4u2 sin 0 cos 0 2u 2 sin 20

fi F2

max ma2 mR2a>2 mR 2 co2

2 iC sin 20 S 8



Nitin M Sir (

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