Lesson 6.2

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Introduction Oscillations can produce waves.

Waves transfer energy from one place to another without permanently displacing the medium through which they travel. When we drop a stone into a pond, the kinetic energy of the stone makes the water surface move up and down near where the stone lands; ripples spread out outwards and if an floating object on the water some distance away will start to bob up and down. It is becaused the original energy of the moving stone has been transferred to the object by the wave motion on the water surface. When we are at the seaside, we can see large as well as small waves reaching the shore. These waves arise because of the strong winds in the middle of the sea.The energy of the winds is carried by the waves to the shore. The water from the middle of the sea does not reach the shore. The wave motion is regular and repetitive (i.e. periodic motion) There are two main types mechanical waves such as sound waves and electromagnetic waves. Transverse waves Waves in which the direction of vibration of the partticles is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation called a transverse wave.

LESSON 2 Understanding waves Waves

Longitudinal waves Waves in which the direction of vibration of the particles is parallel to the direction of wave propagation called a longitudinal wave.

An example of transerve waves is sound waves.. Wave terminology Amplitude: The maximum displacement of the medium particles from the equilibrium position. Period , T: The time for one complete oscillations of each particle in the wave. Frequency, f : The number of oscillations of each particle in the wave in one second. f=1 T

The examples of transerve waves are water waves and electromagnetic waves (radio waves ,microwaves , infra-red (IR) light waves , ultra-violet ( UV), X-rays and gamma rays )

Wavelength ,


The distance between two consecutive points which are vibrating in phase. Or The distance from one wave crest to the next. Or The distance from one wave trough to the next.

plane wavefront Crest The point where a wave causes maximum positive displacement of the medium.


Trough The point where a wave causes maximum negative displacement of the medium Compression Region along a longitudinal wave where the pressure and density of particles are higher than when no wave is passing. Rarefaction Region along a longitudinal wave where the pressure and density of particles are lower than when no wave is passing The wave equation Wavespeed = frequency x wavelength v = f

Wavespeed , v The distance moved by a wave in one second. The wavespeed depends only the medium the waves are traveling through. Wavefront The locus of points which vibrates in phase.

For water waves there are two types of wavefront i.e circular wavefront and plane wavefront.

Example 1 A student moves the end of a long spring from side to side 4 times persecond. The wavelength of the wave on the spring is 0.6 m. With what speed do the waves moves along the spring? Solution

circular wavefron


Example 2 Radio waves travel at a speed 3 x 108 ms-1. What is the wavelength of FM radio waves received at 200 MHz on your radio dial? Solution

The figure shows the sound waves produced by a tuning fork.

Example 3 A long rope is stretched out on the floor. One end of the rope is then shaken. The graph shows the rope at a particular moment in time. The rope vibrated at a frequency 8 Hz. (a) Base on the figure determine, (i) the amplitude (ii) the wave length (b) What is the frequency of the sound if the speed of sound is 330 ms-1. Solution

Determine (a) the amplitude (b) the wavelength (c) the speed Solution

Waves on water- Ripple tank

Example 4

In laboratory, to produce water wave we use a ripple tank.


A shallow tray of clear plastic holds the water, and a light above the water surface projects the wave patterns on a sheet of white paper on the bench below the tank. The bright and dark bands of the wave pattern formed on the screen because the surface of water acts as lenses. The crest of water waves similar with convex lens and the trough of water waves similar with concave lens.

A mechanical stroboscope has 8 slits and rotates at a frequency 5 Hz. The stroboscope is used to observe water waves. The observer notes there are 6 successive bright bands at a distance 12 cm. Calculate the speed of the water waves. Solution

Plane waves are produced by a straight bar which hangs by two elastic bands from supports near one end of the tank. Circular waves are produced by using dippers fixed to the bar. When a continuous stream of waves is used , it is sometimes easier to see by using a mechanical stroboscope to freeze the wave pattern. When the frequency of the waves same as the frequency of the stroboscope the pattern will appear stationary. Stroboscope frequency = number of slits x rotation frequency of stroboscope or f = np

Example 5


1 Which of the following is the transverse wave different from the longitudinal wave? A B C D 2 speed period amplitude direction of vibration of the particles and direction of wave propagation Which of the following is true? Type of wave direction of the wave propagation compare with the spring vibration Parallel Perpendicular Parallel Perpendicular

The figure shows a cork floating in a water tank. A B C D 4 Longitudinal Longitudinal Transverse Transverse

In which of the following pairs is the first wave motion transverse and the second wave motion longitudinal? Transverse A B C D Light Infra-red X-ray Micro Longitudinal Radio Ultra-violet Sound Ripples

Which figure shows the movement of the cork when the wave passes? 5

The figure shows a cross-section of a water wave.

Which points are one wavelength apart? 3 The figure shows a slinky spring is moved backwards and downwards to produce a model of a wave. A C P and R Q and T B D Q and S P and T


The figure shows a model of a wave produce by a slinky spring.

The speed of a sound wave is 300 m s -1 vibrates with a frequency 0.6 kHz . What is the wavelength of the sound? A C E 0.5 m 80 m 180000 m B D 2.0 m 5000 m

What is the wavelength ? A C E 7 15 cm 45 cm 75 cm B D 30 cm 60 cm


A dolphin emits an ultrasonic wave with a wavelength of 0.01 m. The speed of ultrasonic wave in water is 1 500 ms-1. What is the frequency of the ultrasound? A C E 6.7x 10-6 Hz 3.0 x 101 Hz 3.0 x 105 Hz B D 1.5 x 101 Hz 1.5 x 105 Hz

11 Based on the figure above , which of the following is true? A B C D 8 Amplitude 6 cm 6 cm 3 cm 3 cm Wavelength 8 cm 11 cm 8 cm 11 cm

The figure shows a transverse wave is produced a long rope by a student. The students hand make The makes 10 complete up and down movements in 1.0 s

The figure shows a wavefront pattern produced by a dipper vibrating at a frequency of 12 Hz in a ripple tank.

What is the speed of the wave? A C E 12 0.5 ms-1 4.0 ms-1 20 ms-1 B D 2.0 ms-1 10 ms-1

What is the speed of the waves? A C E 2 cm s-1 12 cm s-1 36 cm s-1 A D 8 cm s-1 18 cm s-1

11 successive bright bands at a distance 20 cm is formed on the screen in an experiment by using a ripple tank. The vibrator vibrates at 8 vibrations per second. What is the velocity of the water wave in the ripple tank? A C E 40 cms-1 16 cms-1 4 cms-1 B D 20 cms-1 8 cms-1



The diagram shows the straight lines represent the positions , at one instant , of successive crests of plane waves traveling on water. The waves travel at distance 45.0 cm in 3.0 s.

A B C D 17

The waves will be far apart each other The waves will be closer together The wave peaks will be higher and the troughs lower The wave peaks will be lower and the troughs higher

What is the frequency of the water waves? A 30 Hz B 15 Hz C 7.5 Hz D 2.5 Hz E 0.5 Hz 14 A mechanical stroboscope has 12 slits and rotates at a frequency 5 Hz. The stroboscope is used to observe water waves. The observer notes there are 6 successive bright bands at a distance 20 cm. Calculate the speed of the water waves. A C E 15 60 cms-1 120 cms-1 240 cms-1 B D 100 cms-1 180 cms-1

A vibrator produces a water wave vibrates 20 vibrations per second. When the frequency of the vibrator is increased by 2 times , what happen to the wavelength of the water wave? A B C D E of its initial wavelength of its initial wavelength same as its initial wavelength 2 times of its initial wavelength 4 times of its initial wavelength


A water wave of wavelength 6 cm travels with a speed 12 cm s-1 from deep water to shallow water. At the shallow water the speed of the wave is 20 cm s-1. What is the wavelength of the wave at shallow water? A C E 8 cm 12 cm 40 cm B D 10 cm 16 cm

Which graph shows the relationship between frequency,f and wavelength, of a wave? 19

The figure shows a loudspeaker produces a sound with a frequency 300 Hz

Which of the following is true? A B C D The transverse wave is produced X is a rarefaction region The wavelength is 1.2 m The speed of the sound is 250 ms-1

16 A dipper moving up and down makes waves in a ripple tank. What will happen when the dipper frequency is decreased?



The figure shows a graph displacement- time of water waves.

Figure 1 shows a spring of load before and after the load is displaced and released to vibrate on the surface of water. Figure 2 shows a candle flame is placed in front of a loudspeaker before and after the audiofrequency generator is switched on to prodeuce a sound. Observe Figure 1 and Figure 2. (a) (i) Compare the condition of the water surface and candle flame when the load vibrate and the audio-frequency generator is switched on. (ii) Relate the observations in (a)(i) and the transfer of enegy to deduce a concept in physics with regard to the wave motion (b) (i) Compare the direction of vibration of the particles and the direction of wave propagation. Figure 1 Figure 2

Which of the following is true? A B C D 21 The period of the water wave to vibrating is 25 s The amplitude of the water wave is 0.4 m The frequency of the water wave is 0.05 Hz The wavelength of the water wave is 20

Figure 1

(ii) Based on your answer in b(i) name the type of wave in Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 2



The figure shows a graph displacement-distance for a transverse wave.


The figure shows a student setting up waves on a long lastic cord . The studens hand makes 5 complete up-and -down movement in 2. 5 s, and in each up-and-down movement the hand moves through a height of 0.4 m. P , Q, R, S and T are the points marked on the cord.

(a) Mark on the graph (i) the direction of vibration of the particles and the direction of wave propagation . (ii) two points vibrate in phase. (b) Give one example of the transverse wave . (c) ..................................................................... Determine (i) the amplitude (ii) the wavelength (a) What type of wave is produced by the cord? (b) State two points that out of phase. (c) Determine (i) the amplitude (ii) the frequency (iii) the speed of the wave (f) Give one example of the natural phenomenon to show that a wave transfer energy. ................................................................... .................................................................. ................................................................... (d) What happens to distance of PR when frequency of the waves increase?

(d) What is the speed of the wave when the frequency is 25 Hz.



The figure shows a ripple tank is set up to produce a water wave.

(a) Explain why (i) the depth of water in ripple tank be uniform throughout? . (ii) . the inner surface of the ripple tank is lined with a layer of sponge?

(b) Draw a ray diagram in the and indicate the positions of the bright and dark bands in the figure above. (c) A mechanical stroboscope has 4 slits and rotates at a frequency 5 Hz. The stroboscope is used to observe the water waves. The observer notes there are 6 successive bright bands at a distance 12 cm. Calculate the speed of the water waves.


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