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along the string and passes the discontinuity in m. Which of the

following wave properties will be the same on both sides of the
discontinuity, and which ones will change? speed of the wave; frequency; wavelength. Explain the physical reasoning behind each
of your answers.
Q15.15 A long rope with mass m is suspended from the ceiling and
hangs vertically. A wave pulse is produced at the lower end of the
rope, and the pulse travels up the rope. Does the speed of the wave
pulse change as it moves up the rope, and if so, does it increase or
Q15.16 In a transverse wave on a string, the motion of the string is
perpendicular to the length of the string. How, then, is it possible
for energy to move along the length of the string?
Q15.17 Both wave intensity and gravitation obey inverse-square
laws. Do they do so for the same reason? Discuss the reason for
each of these inverse-square laws as well as you can.
Q15.18 Energy can be transferred along a string by wave motion.
However, in a standing wave on a string, no energy can ever be
transferred past a node. Why not?
Q15.19 Can a standing wave be produced on a string by superposing two waves traveling in opposite directions with the same frequency but different amplitudes? Why or why not? Can a standing
wave be produced by superposing two waves traveling in opposite
directions with different frequencies but the same amplitude? Why
or why not?
Q15.20 If you stretch a rubber band and pluck it, you hear a
(somewhat) musical tone. How does the frequency of this tone
change as you stretch the rubber band further? (Try it!) Does this
agree with Eq. (15.35) for a string xed at both ends? Explain.
Q15.21 A musical interval of an octave corresponds to a factor of
2 in frequency. By what factor must the tension in a guitar or violin
string be increased to raise its pitch one octave? To raise it two
octaves? Explain your reasoning. Is there any danger in attempting
these changes in pitch?
Q15.22 By touching a string lightly at its center while bowing, a
violinist can produce a note exactly one octave above the note to
which the string is tunedthat is, a note with exactly twice the frequency. Why is this possible?
Q15.23 As we discussed in Section 15.1, water waves are a combination of longitudinal and transverse waves. Defend the following
statement: When water waves hit a vertical wall, the wall is a
node of the longitudinal displacement but an antinode of the transverse displacement.
Q15.24 Violins are short instruments, while cellos and basses are
long. In terms of the frequency of the waves they produce, explain
why this is so.
Q15.25 What is the purpose of the frets on a guitar? In terms of the
frequency of the vibration of the strings, explain their use.

Section 15.2 Periodic Waves

15.1 . The speed of sound in air at 20C is 344 m>s. (a) What is
the wavelength of a sound wave with a frequency of 784 Hz, corresponding to the note G5 on a piano, and how many milliseconds
does each vibration take? (b) What is the wavelength of a sound
wave one octave higher than the note in part (a)?
15.2 . BIO Audible Sound. Provided the amplitude is sufciently great, the human ear can respond to longitudinal waves
over a range of frequencies from about 20.0 Hz to about 20.0 kHz.
(a) If you were to mark the beginning of each complete wave pattern with a red dot for the long-wavelength sound and a blue dot


for the short-wavelength sound, how far apart would the red dots
be, and how far apart would the blue dots be? (b) In reality would
adjacent dots in each set be far enough apart for you to easily
measure their separation with a meter stick? (c) Suppose you
repeated part (a) in water, where sound travels at 1480 m>s. How
far apart would the dots be in each set? Could you readily measure
their separation with a meter stick?
15.3 . Tsunami! On December 26, 2004, a great earthquake
occurred off the coast of Sumatra and triggered immense waves
(tsunami) that killed some 200,000 people. Satellites observing
these waves from space measured 800 km from one wave crest to
the next and a period between waves of 1.0 hour. What was the
speed of these waves in m>s and in km>h? Does your answer help
you understand why the waves caused such devastation?
15.4 . BIO Ultrasound Imaging. Sound having frequencies
above the range of human hearing (about 20,000 Hz) is called
ultrasound. Waves above this frequency can be used to penetrate
the body and to produce images by reecting from surfaces. In a
typical ultrasound scan, the waves travel through body tissue with
a speed of 1500 m>s. For a good, detailed image, the wavelength
should be no more than 1.0 mm. What frequency sound is required
for a good scan?
15.5 . BIO (a) Audible wavelengths. The range of audible frequencies is from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. What is the range of the
wavelengths of audible sound in air? (b) Visible light. The range of
visible light extends from 400 nm to 700 nm. What is the range of
visible frequencies of light? (c) Brain surgery. Surgeons can remove
brain tumors by using a cavitron ultrasonic surgical aspirator, which
produces sound waves of frequency 23 kHz. What is the wavelength
of these waves in air? (d) Sound in the body. What would be the
wavelength of the sound in part (c) in bodily uids in which the speed
of sound is 1480 m> s but the frequency is unchanged?
15.6 .. A sherman notices that his boat is moving up and down
periodically, owing to waves on the surface of the water. It takes
2.5 s for the boat to travel from its highest point to its lowest, a total
distance of 0.62 m. The sherman sees that the wave crests are
spaced 6.0 m apart. (a) How fast are the waves traveling? (b) What
is the amplitude of each wave? (c) If the total vertical distance
traveled by the boat were 0.30 m but the other data remained the
same, how would the answers to parts (a) and (b) be affected?

Section 15.3 Mathematical Description of a Wave

15.7 . Transverse waves on a string have wave speed 8.00 m>s,

amplitude 0.0700 m, and wavelength 0.320 m. The waves travel in
the - x-direction, and at t = 0 the x = 0 end of the string has its
maximum upward displacement. (a) Find the frequency, period,
and wave number of these waves. (b) Write a wave function
describing the wave. (c) Find the transverse displacement of a particle at x = 0.360 m at time t = 0.150 s. (d) How much time must
elapse from the instant in part (c) until the particle at x = 0.360 m
next has maximum upward displacement?
15.8 . A certain transverse wave is described by
y1x, t2 = 16.50 mm2 cos 2p a

28.0 cm
0.0360 s

Determine the waves (a) amplitude; (b) wavelength; (c) frequency;

(d) speed of propagation; (e) direction of propagation.
15.9 . CALC Which of the following wave functions satises
the wave equation, Eq. (15.12)? (a) y1x, t2 = A cos1kx + vt2;
(b) y1x, t2 = A sin1kx + vt2; (c) y1x, t2 = A1cos kx + cos vt2.
(d) For the wave of part (b), write the equations for the transverse
velocity and transverse acceleration of a particle at point x.

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