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Warhammer Quest Compendium

- Compendium Volume I

Table of Contents


2 3 5 9 13 17 19 23 26 29 36 45 49 54 55 61 66 70 75

Warhammer Quest Compendium

- INTRODUCTION Extremely unofficial Compendium containing all the Warhammer Quest articles which have appeared in Games Workshops White Dwarf magazine. The issues that contained the articles are not available from Games Workshop any longer, so this document is designed to act as an archive for those of you who would like to keep your original issues as pristine as possible.
The format and look of the original articles has been preserved as much as possible, but compromises have been taken in order to keep the size of this document manageable, for instance photographs have been reduced to 256 colours etc. The Compendium has been split into two volumes Volume 1 (this one) has all the articles and text, while Volume two has the extra board sections and event cards etc. This was done to reduce the file size. There is a lot of good articles here and theyre bound to offer something to even the most jaded Warrior. Enjoy.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

- MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (Originally in White Dwarf number 185) By Gavin Thorpe Occasionally, among their perilous adventures and heroic deeds, a party of Warriors will be caught up in a really unusual series of events. They may get lost or imprisoned - anything could happen. To represent these possibilities, Gavin has written the following rules to allow your brave Warriors to venture forth on a Special Quest. used to introduce an unexpected twist to your games. In future issues we will feature more Special Quests, Objective rooms and other expansions for your Warhammer Quest adventures.


Sometimes a straightforward adventure gets a hit more complex than it first seemed. Warriors may get lost or- be ambushed and captured before they reach the dungeon. The Warriors may even decide to go on a quest which they know will be more perilous than normal. The rewards for such bravery are great. and because of this some Warriors make a special effort to seek out impossible odds to face (these parties often include a large number of Dwarf Troll Slayers!).


To use the Special Quest card simply shuffle it in with your objective room cards when you are starting your adventure. If you draw the Special Quest card, roll to see which mishap or special circumstance has affected your heroic Warriors. This is just like finding out which adventure you are playing with a normal Objective room.
Alternatively, you can choose to set out on a Special Quest, eager for the greater rewards to be gained. If you decide to do this. simply roll a dice and consult the following pages to find out what the Warriors have found themselves embroiled in.

The Special Quest card and floorplan al the end of this article. together with the three new Special Quests, can be

Leaning on his gnarled oak staff Fizantan the Marvellous

waited patiently: for the young Warriors to recover from the shock of meeting such a fabled enchanter. Once their gasps of astonishment had subsided, he reached into the recesses of his voluminous robe and drew our the legendary Amulet of' Vanhels. This talisman he said contains the power of one of the mightiest sorcerers ever to walk the world. If it were to fall into evil hands there 's no telling what would happen! You must ensure that it is safely returned to its resting place before others find out that if is loose once more. Handing the blood-red pendant to the leader of the Warriors, Fizantan the Marvellous stepped backwards. This won't hurt began Fizantan, as smoke started to seep., from the ground around the Warriors. At least it's not supposed to...

His last words were cut off by a massive explosion and a brilliant flash of white light. Rubbing their eyes, the Warriors blinked at their new surroundings. Everything had changed They weren't in the woods any more and Fizantan was nowhere to be seen. As their eyesight returned to normal they noticed the strange runes and carvings on the walls. They had obviously been magically transported to the temple of Dagnatz, deep inside the Worlds Edge Mountains! All they had to do to complete their quest was to place the Amulet of Vanhels on the Shrine of Sigmar and return to collect their well earned payment. Of course, it would he easier if Fizantan the Marvellous had transported them into the Shrine itself instead of this dank, dark, small prison cell...

Warhammer Quest Compendium

If you are performing a Special Quest you must also find out which adventure you were on when circumstances changed. This is done as normal by drawing an Objective room card, rolling a dice, and looking up the result in the Warhammer Quest Adventure Book. For example, you may be playing the Firechasm adventure number 4 Destroy the bridge, when you become mixed up in Special Quest 5-6 - The Slavers.

The Gaol is a very small and dark dungeon cell. A noxious smell rises from the open drain and the straw is infested with all kinds of unpleasant life. It is used by the Monsters for imprisoning people they want to forget about...


Unless otherwise noted in the Special Quest description, the Warriors play out their adventure exactly as written in the Adventure Book. The main difference is the bonus rewards that you get for completing the Special Quest. This may be extra gold or additional Treasure cards - the details are noted in each Special Quest description.

At some point during each of the Gaol Special Quests, the Warriors will probably want to get into or out of the Gaol. Unfortunately, the thick iron gates of the Gaol are locked and cannot be passed until they have been opened. Handto-hand attacks may not be made through the gates but missile attacks will pass through the bars without hindrance. The Warriors may either try to smash the gates with brute force and ignorance, or attempt to pick the lock with stealth and cunning. Whichever method they choose, a Warrior must be standing adjacent to the gates to try to open them. Only one Warrior may attempt to open the gates each turn, and he may not move or attack while he does so.
To see if the Warrior is successful roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the unfortunate Warrior has set off a hidden trap which springs a poisoned spike into his arm or causes a guillotine blade to drop from the ceiling. As a result of this wound, the Warrior will remain at -1 Strength for the rest of the adventure. Otherwise add either the Warrior's Strength (for brute force) or Initiative (for picking the lock) to your dice roll. On a total of 7 or more the Warrior has overcome the locks and the gates have swung open. Any other result means that the gates stay firmly shut.

Sometimes the dungeon may contain a secret door or concealed corridor. If the Warriors finish their adventure (either by completing it, or by being cut off in a dead end) they may look for a Hidden Passage. Only if the adventure description says that the Warriors have to escape immediately, can they not search for a Hidden Passage.
Searching for Hidden Passages is simple. First, decide which board section(s) you want to search. Searching is the Warrior's action for that turn, and each Warrior may only search a particular board section once per adventure. At the end of the Warriors' phase roll a dice for each Warrior searching and consult the table below.


D6 Roll

2, 3, 4 5,6

Result Collapse! The Warrior's searching causes a part of the dungeon ceiling to fall down. The dungeon isn't blocked, but each Warrior on the same board section suffers 1D6 Wounds (with no deductions) from the falling rocks. Solid Rock! The Warrior cannot find any secret doors on this board section. Found it! Attach a Doorway to the board section and place the remaining Dungeon deck behind it to be explored as normal. Each dungeon will only ever have one Hidden Passage so there is no point searching again once one has been found.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

Minotaur Event card is turned over, then the beast lets out a tremendous bellow and smashes the gates aside! From that point on, the Minotaur will move towards and attack the Warriors just like any other Monster. Also, like other Monsters, the Minotaur is removed from play if he is cut off from the Warriors by a Cave-in, Portcullis or similar obstruction. Wherever he is met, the Minotaur is so crazed that he can ignore wounds which would normally kill other creatures. To represent this, roll a dice each time the Minotaur is hit. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 resolve the damage as normal, but on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 the Minotaur simply shrugs off the blow and takes no damage at all! If the Warriors manage to kill the crazed Minotaur it is worth 750 gold instead of the normal 440.



Roll a dice to see which of the Gaol Special Quests the warriors find themselves involved in. Because there are three entries instead of the normal six, a roll of 1 or 2 indicates The Mad Beast Special Quest, a roll of 3 or 4 is The Guards and a 5 or 6 is The Slavers.

The Warriors were caught in a trap last night, and have I found themselves the prisoners of the Night Goblins! The Warriors have been locked in the Gaol until the Night Goblin Warlord returns from his raid. Standing guard outside the Gaol are six cruel Night Goblin Archers.

The Goblins in this dungeon have trapped a mad Minotaur. The Chaos Gods have tainted the beast's mind and it is now totally insane. When the Warriors first enter the dungeon the Minotaur is safely under lock and key inside the Gaol, but the Minotaur is trying very hard to escape...
Special Rules

Special Rules

Create the dungeon as normal, but as well as the Objective room shuffle the Gaol Dungeon card into the bottom portion of the Dungeon deck. The mad beast itself is represented by the single Minotaur Event card (not the 1D3 Minotaurs Event card). You should ignore instructions on the card to draw another Event card, the insane Minotaur is always alone when the Warriors encounter it.
There are two different circumstances in which the Warriors will the Minotaur. If the Minotaur card is turned over before the Gaol has been discovered the mad beast has already escaped the Warriors hear a fearsome roar and the crash of twisted metal echoes down the corridors. Suddenly a massive shape hurtles out of the darkness! The Minotaur is placed on the board as normal and fights like any other Monster. The second way that the Warriors can meet the Minotaur is if they discover the Gaol before the Event card is turned over. In this case you should placed the Minotaur inside the Gaol. The Warriors will be able to attack him with spells and missile fire (Or hand-to-hand attacks if they're foolhardy enough to try and open the gates to let him out!). If the Minotaur is on the board and in the Gaol when the

To Start the adventure, set up the board sections as shown above. The Warriors start the adventure in the Gaol and you should place six Night Goblin Archers as shown on the diagram. The Night Goblin Archers will start shooting in the first Monsters' phase after one of the Warriors tries to open the gates, cast a spell or make any type of attack! However, until the Warriors have opened the gates of the Gaol, a roll of I in the Power Phase does not trigger an Unexpected Event.
Instead of gaining a single Treasure card for killing all the Night Goblin Archers, the Warriors find the guards' stash of loot and each one of them gets a Treasure card.

Warhammer Quest Compendium


The Monsters in this dungeon are raiding the local area for slaves, who they hope to take back to their powerful masters. An unlucky Warrior may find himself dragged off into the darkness and imprisoned.
Special Rules

in this adventure, the Warriors must find the key to open the Gaol, they cannot try to pick the lock or force open the gates. The key is held by one of the Monsters in the dungeon, but the Warriors do not know which one. To find the key, roll a dice every time the Warriors finish an Event involving Monsters. On a roll of 6, one of the Monsters was carrying the key. Give the Dungeon Gaol Key Equipment card (below) to one of the Warriors. The party can start searching for the key even if a Warrior hasn't been enslaved yet. The Warriors must return to the Gaol if they want free any prisoners. It takes a Warrior one turn to open the lock, during which time he may do nothing else while he sorts out the keys. Although he cannot attack, the Warrior can still defend himself as normal. The Warriors must leave the dungeon as explained in the Adventure Book (usually they will have to exit through the Objective room). Luckily for the Warriors, the Monsters' slaving parties have been very successful and their hoard of stolen treasure is growing rapidly. Every time the Warriors get a Treasure card from an Event, roll a dice. On a roll of a 4, 5 or 6 the Warriors get two Treasure cards instead.

Shuffle the Gaol Dungeon card into the dungeon deck (remember to make sure that the Objective room stays within the bottom seven cards). Any Warrior who is reduced to zero Wounds while there are Monsters on the board must immediately roll a dice. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 the Warrior is dragged off by the Monsters (if he was carrying the Lantern, he drops it as he disappears into the darkness!). All of the Monsters on the board are removed from play, together with the unconscious Warrior. The players do not get any Gold for Monsters that slink off in this fashion. Any captured Warriors should be placed inside the Gaol when it is found, and will have D6 Wounds left. Each captured Warrior will also have had one randomly determined item of Treasure stolen from him if he was carrying any.


To assemble your new Dungeon card carefully cut it out (remembering to keep the two halves together). Fold your Dungeon card along the dotted line. Glue the back of each half (Citadel PVA glue is ideal) and press together firmly. It's a good idea to insert a piece of thin card between the two halves to make your Dungeon card a bit more durable. Trim off any excess so that your Gaol card doesn't stand out from the rest of your Dungeon deck. To make your board section, cut around the outside of the floorplan and glue it to some card. The card needs to be quite thick so that your plastic doorways will hold the Gaol floorplan tightly. You may need to use several layers of card to make the Gaol floorplan the right thickness.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

- FLAMES OF KHAZLA (Originally in White Dwarf number 189) By Gavin Thorpe The catacombs beneath the Old World are full of monstrous creatures and fabulous treasures. Other mysteries also abound: strange temples to forgotten gods and magical shrines that can help or hinder the Warriors in their quest for riches and fame. This is just like finding out which adventure you are playing with a normal Objective Room. Alternatively, you can choose to purposefully set out on a Special Quest, eager for the opportunity to gain even greater riches. If you decide to do this, take all of your Special Quest Room Dungeon cards and pick one at random. Then roll a dice and consult the corresponding pages to find out what adventure the Warriors have found themselves embroiled in.


Last month we included an article with new rules, floorplan Land cards for the Gaol Special Quest. This was received very well by all you battle-hardened Warriors who wanted more challenges, more danger and even more treasure! In response, this month we have the Flames of Khazla Special Quest for you to add to your Warhammer Quest adventures. Don't worry if you haven't got White Dwarf 185 (shame on you!), all the rules for Special Quests are given again below.
The Special Quest card and floorplan later in this article can be used to represent an unexpected twist or mission in your games of Warhammer Quest. Along with a new Dungeon card and room are six new adventures for you to use. If you also have the Gaol card from last issue you could include that as well.


To use the Special Quest card, simply shuffle it in with your Objective Room cards when you start your adventure. If you draw a Special Quest card, roll to see which mishap or special circumstance has affected your heroic Warriors.

If you are performing a Special Quest you must also find out which adventure you were on when circumstances changed. This is done as normal by drawing an Objective Room card, rolling a dice, and looking up the result in the Warhammer Quest Adventure Book. For example, you may be playing the Firechasm adventure number 4 Destroy the bridge, when you come across the Flames of Khazla Special Quest number 6 - Warning of Khazla

Flickering Light, shone from the tunnel ahead, mixing with the
yellow glare of the lantern to cast bizarre shadows along the roughly hewn walls. Barek Thundersword waved the others to a stop and stepped forward to investigate. Drawing his Frostblade from its sheath, the Norseman squinted against the light. Ahead of him a small dais nestled in the corner where the tunnel turned sharply to the left. A gilded brazier, fully half as tall as the Barbarian, stood glimmering In the darkness. Suddenly red and green flames leapt from the brazier and licked against the stone roof in a gout of magical energy. Barek heard a voice whispering inside his head, urging him onwards. Without willing it himself; the Barbarian sheathed

his weapon and thrust his hand into the leaping flames. Pain seared along the length of his arm and suddenly his whole body felt as if it were burning. Crying out he resisted the instinct to tear his hand away. After a moment the racking pain had passed away and something solid and warm to the touch was clutched in his hand. He withdrew his arm slowly, fearful of what horrendous scars his sword arm might bear. He almost fainted with relief when he found that he was unharmed. Clutched-in his hand was a massive axe runes glittering along its haft and the head aglow with an inner fire. Raising the weapon over his head Barek let out a shout of triumph and called to his companions.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

COMPLETING A SPECIAL QUEST Unless otherwise noted in the Special Quest description,
the Warriors play out their adventure exactly as written in the Adventure Book. The main difference is the bonus rewards that you get for completing the Special Quest. This may be extra gold or additional Treasure cards - the details are noted in each Special Quest description.

Special Rules

Only one Warrior can stand on the Flames of Khazla

board section at a time. As soon as the first Warrior enters the board section a shimmering wall of magic prevents any other model entering. In the next Monsters' Phase turn over the next Event card. If this has an 'E' in the top corners shuffle the card back into the deck and keep drawing Event cards until you get Monsters. The Warrior must fight one of the indicated Monsters. The other Warriors cannot help in any way at all. If the Warrior kills the Monster he gains double the normal amount of gold. Shuffle the Event card back into the deck once the Monster is defeated.

FLAMES OF KHAZLA Just ahead of the Warriors the corridor turns sharply, and
nestled in the corner is a small shrine. An ornate brazier burns continuously with multi-coloured flames that occasionally leap up to the ceiling.

CHOOSING A QUEST Many rumours abound concerning the fabled Flames of

Khazla. The origins of these small shrines are lost in the mists of ancient history. However, many bold adventurers claim that they do indeed exist and your Warriors have heard a rumour that one of these mythical sanctuaries is within the dungeon they are heading for. Shuffle the Flames of Khazla card in with the rest of the Dungeon deck. Roll a dice to see which of the Flames of Khazla Special Quests is rumoured to be found within the dungeon.

This happens every time a new Warrior enters the board section, and so each must fight a Monster before they can continue. Unexpected Events cannot affect a Warrior while he is undergoing the Task of Khazla, so they will always affect one of the other Warriors instead. Since you will only be able to move off the Flames of Khazla by exploring through the empty doorway, it is advisable that the Warrior with the Lantern is the first to undertake the Task. 2 GIFTS OF KHAZLA

The Gifts of Khazla are a test of a Warrior's strength and courage. If he is found to have true bravery he will be rewarded. If he is found wanting he will be hideously burnt and may even die!
Special Rules

One Warrior may attempt to earn a Gift of Khazla each

turn. The Warrior must be standing next to the Flames and may do nothing else that turn. A Warrior may not attempt to gain a Gift of Khazla if there are Monsters anywhere in play. The Warrior thrusts his hands into the flames. If he succeeds in passing the test he can bring forth an item of great worth from the flames. If he fails the flames will burn him. To see if your Warrior passes or fails roll a dice and add his Toughness. On a score of 6 or less he is deemed unworthy and suffers 2D6 Wounds with no deductions for armour. If he scores a 7 or more he passes the test and removes his hands unburnt by the flames and clutching an item of treasure. Your Warrior gains a Treasure card from the deck. This card does not count towards your total for the dungeon so keep it to one side. This means you may still be given a Treasure card normally even if you have more treasure than the other Warriors. Each Warrior can only attempt the test once, whether they pass or fail.


The Task of Khazla is a magical trial by combat, created to allow only the most worthy to venture further into the dungeon. If the Warriors wish to proceed past the Flames of Khazla they must each complete the Task.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

However, if the Warrior is unlucky he may well end up with a pile of molten and useless metal! Special Rules

One Warrior may place a piece of treasure in the Flames of Khazla each turn. The Warrior must be standing next to the Flames and may do nothing else that turn. A Warrior may not do this if there are Monsters anywhere in play.
You must give up an item of Treasure, discard it immediately. Roll a dice and look up the result below to see what your Warrior gains in return. Each Warrior can only make one offering of treasure to the Flames of Khazla. 5 GUARDIAN OF KHAZLA

The Flames of Khazla are guarded by a powerful beast which must be overcome if the Warriors wish to pass. Even so, the rewards for such valour are great as the Flames of Khazla hold many treasures and secrets.
Special Rules


The Warriors are approached by an old hermit while on the way to the dungeon. He gives one of them some holy incense which he says will bring great health and strength if the Warriors can burn it in the Flames of Khazla as an offering to the gods. Before the Warriors can ask him any more about the incense, the Hermit disappears into the gloomy woods.

In the Monsters' Phase after the Flames of Khazla are discovered the Warriors will be attacked by a Minotaur. This horrific beast is placed on the board as usual, however, it is much more powerful than a normal Minotaur since the Flames of Khazla protect it. Any Warrior who tries to hit this Guardian with a non-magical weapon is at -1 to their to hit roll. Warriors using magical weapons and spells affect Guardian Minotaur as normal.
If they defeat the Guardian, the Warriors gain 440 gold and a piece of Treasure as normal. In addition, each of them gains a Treasure card from the Flames of Khazla themselves.


D6 Roll

1 2,3,4
Special Rules

Decide which Warrior has the incense. That Warrior can throw the incense onto the Flames of Khazla if he is standing next to the brazier at the start of the Warriors' Phase. Roll a dice to see what happens. On a roll of 1 the Warriors have been tricked and a huge gout of flames rushes over them. Each Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no deductions at all. On a roll of 2 or more the air is filled with a pungent, sweet smoke and the Warriors feel uplifted and whole. Each Warrior immediately heals 2D6 Wounds.


Result The Warrior is deemed a coward and a rogue and all he gets is the molten remnants of his treasure, which is worth nothing at all. Your Warrior gains a single item in return. Draw the next Treasure Card. If you are playing the Roleplay rules, a Warrior gains an item of equal value to the one he gave up. For example, if you offered a Dungeon Room treasure you gain a Dungeon Room treasure. Your Warrior gains two pieces of treasure in return, take the next 2 Treasure Cards. If you are playing the Roleplay rules, a Warrior gains items of equal value to the one he gave up. For example, if you offered an Objective Room treasure you gain two Objective Room treasures.

The Flames of Khazla have the magical property of transforming the Warriors' treasure into something else.

Warhammer Quest Compendium


It is said that the Flames of Khazla can grant visions of the

future to those who dare to stare into their depths. If the Warriors risk this ordeal they may gain vital information about the dungeon ahead.


D6 Roll


Special Rules

One Warrior may stare into the Flames of Khazla each turn. The Warrior must be standing next to the Flames and may do nothing else that turn. A Warrior may not do this if there are Monsters anywhere in play. Roll on the following table.

Result Your Warrior is temporarily blinded! For the next D6 turns he may do nothing except defend himself against Monsters' attacks, and counts as having a Weapon Skill of 1. Your Warrior gains a vision of the future. Any time in this adventure your Warrior may ignore the effects of any one successful attack, as he is forewarned and takes no damage at all. Your Warrior is shown startling images from the future. He gains the ability for the result above. In addition for the duration of one whole turn in this adventure, your Warrior may add +1 to all of his dice rolls. A roll of one still counts as a one despite this bonus.


To assemble your new Dungeon card, carefully cut it out (remembering to keep the two halves together). Fold your Dungeon card along the dotted line. Glue the back of each half (Citadel PVA glue is ideal) and press together firmly. It's a good idea to insert a piece of thin card between the two halves to make your Dungeon card a bit more durable. Trim off any excess so that your new card doesn't stand out from the rest of your Dungeon deck.
To make your board section, cut around the outside of the floorplan and glue it to some card. The card needs to be quite thick so that your plastic doorways will hold the Flames of Khazla floorplan tightly. You may need to use several layers of card to make the floorplan the right thickness.

Warhammer Quest Compendium

- CREATURES OF DARKNESS (Originally in White Dwarf number 188)

By lan Pickstock
The caverns and dungeons below the Warhammer World are treacherous places. Courageous Warriors battle against evil, questing for Lost treasures through the unending danger of bloodthirsty monsters and vicious traps. awesomely destructive Hammer of Sigmar and the deadly accurate Bow of Loren. The fourth of these new packs is the blank Event card deck which contains 17 Monster and 4 Encounter Event cards. These allow you to fill in the details of your favourite Warhammer creatures, and to create new challenges for your brave Warriors. They can then be shuffled into your original Event cards, where they will look no different. Alternatively, if you write enough, you could make a whole new Event deck! If you have lots of Chaos, Skaven, or any other Citadel Miniatures you want to use in your games of Warhammer Quest then the blank Event deck is just what you need.


Warhammer Quest is a huge game with endless opportunities for exciting combat and challenging adventure. Included in the Warhammer Quest box is the mammoth Roleplay book which expands your games in a number of ways. These expansions range from building up your character from a mere novice to a full blown battlelord, to playing a world-spanning epic covering many months of adventuring and all organised by a Gamesmaster. However, I have to say that my favourite way of playing Warhammer Quest is to simply open the box and play a game. This requires no preparation, just get three strong and trusty companions and you're all set to go!

This type of Warhammer Quest game is generated entirely by cards. These contain all the Monsters' details and special rules to describe each encounter. The treasure gained for killing these fearsome foes is also on cards, so that when a Warrior wins a piece of treasure, any special rules are to hand. Each Treasure card represents a great magic item that the Warriors can obtain by killing Monsters and progressing deeper into the dungeon. Once players are familiar with the game rules, they need look very little up in the Warhammer Quest Rulebook. This creates a fast-paced and furious game, matching the heroic action taking place deep beneath the surface of the Warhammer World. Since the release of Warhammer Quest, four new sets of cards have been added to the range, which increases the scope of your adventures. Three of these decks are packed full of new treasure items which are really easy to use you simply add them to your existing deck and play your games as before. Now the Warriors will be able to battle for immensely powerful magic items such as the

Warhammer Quest Compendium


your collection of Undead, Chaos or whatever, it's entirely up to you. However, no matter what Monsters you are adding, there are four basic elements to consider: Gold Working out the value of Monsters is really simple. The Gold value of a creature is simply its Warhammer points value multiplied by ten. All you have to do is consult the army list of the Monster and do your sums! The Profile This is the Monster's Movement, Strength, Attacks, etc. These are in the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book, or converted from the profiles in the bestiary section of any Warhammer Armies book. Converting these from Warhammer is really easy. As Warhammer Quest uses the same profiles, just copy them onto your cards ! There are, however, a couple of changes between Warhammer and Warhammer Quest profiles which you should take into account when designing your Monster. In Warhammer Quest, Ballistic Skill is the number a Monster needs to equal or beat on a D6 to hit its target, instead of a value that has to be looked up on a chart. So, to get a Monster' s BS in Warhammer Quest, look up what it needs to hit on the Warhammer quick reference table and note this down on the Event card. For instance a Dark Elf has BS of 4, which means it hits its target on a 3+. This means that in Warhammer Quest a Dark Elf has BS of 3+. The other change is the number of Wounds a Monster can suffer before it is finished off. A Monster that may only have one Wound in Warhammer can have more Wounds in Warhammer Quest! There isn't any special way to work out how many Wounds your Monster has, you can just adjust it to your liking, depending on how long you want your monsters to survive. Small Monsters like Goblins can be seen off with a single blow, while Orcs need to be more enduring. Generally, if your Monsters are good fighters, there won't be many of them attacking the Warriors, so you'll want them to survive for a turn or two more

When you're writing new Event cards, your first task is to de which Monsters to include. Naturally, this will depend on what is in your collection. For instance, you may have your own Warhammer army or perhaps you have just a few favourite miniatures that you would like to use in a Warhammer Quest games.

With Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves just out, I thought I'd use some of the new Dark Elf miniatures in a Warhammer Quest adventure. I've enjoyed playing several games of Warhammer with and against this cruel race, but what r really wanted to do was include them in the Warhammer Quest adventures that we have been running here at the Studio. I therefore decided to make my own Dark Elf cards using a blank Event pack. One set would be more than enough to make an entire Dark Elf deck that I could use to fight adventures deep under Naggaroth. However, I haven't got many Dark Elf models painted up yet, so I opted to make some Monster Event cards for the figures I had, and a couple of special Dark Elf encounters that could befall the Warriors. These could then be mixed with some of my existing cards, creating a dungeon filled with Orcs and Goblins, led by those evil Dark Elves.


When you have decided which Monsters you want to use, all that remains is to write their details on the cards. I have decided to use Dark Elves, but you may have chosen to use
Special Rules Special rules cover any special skills or weapons the Monster has. For example, Snotlings gang up on a single Warrior because they are small, Assassins ambush the party, and Rats can make a deathleap attack. Quantity The final element is how many of your Monster turn up when the card is drawn. This is probably the most important element as it achieves balance in the game. If your Monsters are very good, then they will probably overwhelm the Warriors quickly if



Warhammer Quest Compendium

there are too many of them. The key is to make each event so that it provides a challenge for the party, but by using the correct tactics and a bit of luck, the Warriors can prevail.


Ive made my own Dark Elf cards which I use in my Warhammer Quest adventures. If you take a look at the examples at the bottom of the page you can see how I filled in my blank Event cards. Before going any further, I would suggest that you write on your cards in pencil, until you are satisfied that the rules you have invented work. When you are completely sure about your Monsters, you should write them in permanently with a ball-point pen. Don't use a felt or fibre tip pen or your painstakingly created Event card may smudge!
The first few cards in my Dark Elf Event pack were really easy as the rules for Dark Elf Warriors, Witch Elves and the Naggaroth Black Guard are in the Bestiary section of the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book. With these Dark Elf troops on Event cards I wouldn't have to look through the Roleplay book every time the Dark Elves were generated. It was only a matter of a few minutes to copy the profiles, special rules and their gold values onto three of my blank cards.


These are the basic troops of the Dark Elf army and would I
also form the most common type of Monster in the dungeons under Naggaroth. Looking at my model collection, I realised that the Dark Elf Warriors would have to lose their crossbows, as my miniatures were not armed with them. Later, when I've painted some Dark Elf Crossbowmen, I'11 add a special rule for their deadly repeater crossbows!



Warhammer Quest Compendium


Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves is packed full of all sorts of interesting new troop types. My favourites are the excellent Black Ark Corsairs, so I decided that they would be the first ones I'd take out of the army book. These grim fighters were a little more difficult to work out than the previous three, but I persevered and I think that they came out really well in the end.
I especially like the Corsairs' background and imagery. Each of the deadly Dark Elf Black Arks carries a regiment of Corsairs. Every Black Ark Corsair is sworn to carry out the orders of the Black Ark's ruler without question. These warrior-knights are utterly loyal to the Lord of the Black Ark, carrying out his every whim, no matter what foul deed or heinous crime it entails. When a Dark Elf fleet reaches the coast of a foreign land, it is the Corsairs that are at the front of the raiding army. The Corsairs move swiftly, favouring light equipment and their Sea Dragon Cloaks to protect them. The Corsairs have a Warhammer profile that is the same as a standard Dark Elf Warrior, so I stuck with the same profile as the one printed for Dark Elf Warriors in the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book. Also, in Warhammer Armies - Dark Elves, the Black Ark Corsairs are noted as wearing cloaks made from the scales of the mighty Sea Dragons. These cloaks are very flexible and light, allowing the wearer to move swiftly, yet rendering him impervious to anything but the mightiest blow. The way I decided to tackle this was to penalise the Warriors if they rolled low scores on the damage dice. When a Warrior rolls to damage a Black Ark Corsair, a roll of a one or a two is ignored and does not add to the Warrior's Strength. The blow is considered to have bounced off the thick Dragon Cloaks. However, there is more than one way you can represent troops that have very good armour, special shields or some other protective artefacts. The simplest way is to give the Monster a very high Toughness or points of armour like the Dwarf Warrior. Alternatively, you could give the Monster the Ignore Pain or Ignore Blow skill (or both!). Full details of these special Monster abilities are on page 82 of the Roleplay book. You can always try new rules in games and if you like them, keep them. If they don't work out just make some modifications and try facing the Monsters again. This process is called playtesting and it's how we (and you!) test out new rules and game systems. Playtesting can be lots of fun - you get to play loads of games in which your Warriors will get cut to pieces by super-hard Monsters one moment, and be slaying Monsters that are far too weak the next. it is essential that you test out your new rules, as it is very difficult to judge exactly how a new model with special rules will interact with the other elements of the game just by looking at what you've written. Make sure you have a tolerant group of mates, who don't moan all the time and are always willing, even eager, to try out new rules and ideas. Don't listen to Wizards they're the world's biggest whingers!


This is a very important part of writing your own Event I cards. If your new monsters are really dangerous like Trolls or Vampires, you'll only need a few of them to really challenge the Warriors (or just one for super-tough foes). On the other hand, if you've written the rules for Hobgoblins you'll need at least 7 or more (2D6) for them to present more than just a minor irritation for the Warriors. Your best bet is to consult the monster tables in the Roleplay book. For instance on the Battle-Level I Monster table, result 63 indicates that D6+2 Black Guards of Naggaroth turn up. Using this as guide for my own Black Guard card, I wrote down 1D6 Naggaroth Black Guards turn up on my card. The small reduction is because the Monster tables are designed for Warriors that are playing a slightly more advanced game and hence are better equipped. Also, don't forget to consider how many models of each type of Monster you have in your collection! Make sure you can't generate more Monsters than you actually have as this can get very confusing in the middle of an adventure. Of course if you buy more of the same adversary you can always add them to your card.

The Witch Elves and Black Guard are both good monsters that will tax the Warriors' skills so only D6 of these would needed to give the Warriors an exciting battle. The Dark Elf Warriors and the Black Ark Corsairs were not quite as good as their elite brethren, but are still better than Orcs and Skaven, so D6+3 of these would confront the Warriors when their card was drawn.


So that's what I did with my blank Event cards. Now it's time to gather some hardened Warriors and set off down the nearest uninviting dungeon entrance, to slay evil-doers and discover more hidden treasures...



Warhammer Quest Compendium

- THE DARKNESS BELOW (Originally in White Dwarf number 189)

By Gavin Thorpe
There are many lost catacombs and forbidding tunnels beneath the Old World. Some of these cavernous underground cities are so deadly that even the bravest and strongest Warriors have perished in the darkened halls in their quest for gold and glory. Can your Warriors face the toughest challenges and survive? new turn starts or an Unexpected Event occurs. It's up to you to decide what method to use. Another way to vary the way a dungeon has to be tackled is through the use of the Event cards. This can make your dungeon much tougher on the Warriors, but it will also make your victory all the more glorious!


Warhammer Quest is a game of bold Warriors battling against Monsters through the caverns and catacombs that lie beneath the Warhammer World. The Dungeon and Event cards from the Warhammer Quest box (and those published in White Dwarf and the Adventure Packs) allow you to explore a myriad subterranean dungeons and fight and almost infinite variety of foes. However, there are also other ways to make each adventure totally different from the last. Hopefully, this article will provide inspiration for those of you who like to meet the most daunting challenges and survive!

If you want to vary the way you explore or generate your Warhammer Quest dungeons, a good rule to remember is keep it simple. If you have a really complex system you'll spend most of the game trying to work out the dungeon, and hardly any time adventuring with your Warriors. Although it is perfectly alright for you to come up with an intricate system to represent the Giant Labyrinth of Karak Azgal or wherever, you may find that the more complicated the rules you design, the slower the game gets. One of Warhammer Quest's best features is its simplicity - it is a fast game which represents hectic fighting and split-second decisions of life and death! For this reason, probably the best way to alter a dungeon is to simply change the way you create your Dungeon deck before you begin your adventure.

As nearly everything in Warhammer Quest is represented by a card of some sort, from the dungeon itself to the ancient and valuable artefacts that can be found, it is very easy to introduce slight but important changes to the way these are generated. For example, if you wanted to represent the Warriors being totally lost in the dungeon, you could shuffle extra cards into the Dungeon deck as you go along. This could be at regular intervals (every five board sections, say) or on a dice roll made every time a



Warhammer Quest Compendium

Passages. These are reprinted below in case you haven't got one of those issues (tut, tut!). Although normally you can't search for a Hidden Passage until there are no other exits left, you could be in a special dungeon that your Warriors know to be riddled with ancient corridors and secret tunnels. In this dungeon you can search for Hidden Passages whenever you want and there may be two, or three, or as many as you can find! However, the Monsters know about these too, and you could come up with a rule that allows them to ambush your Warriors!


To triumph against overwhelming odds is the most satisfying victory you can achieve. If you are feeling particularly suicidal (or just fancy your chances) you could have a dungeon that includes every Dungeon card and Event card you have. This means there'll be five or more Objective rooms (each filled with an appropriate number of Monsters, and an extra doorway to leave through) and miles of rooms and corridors to explore. If you survive, you'll probably end up rich enough to buy a large part of the Empire and retire!
Sometimes the dungeon may contain a secret door or concealed corridor. If the Warriors finish their adventure (either by completing it, or by being cut off in a dead end) or you have decided to play a special type of adventure, they may look for a Hidden Passage. The Warriors cannot search for a Hidden Passage if the adventure description says they have to escape immediately. Searching for Hidden Passages is simple. Searching is the Warrior's action for that turn and he may do nothing else. Each Warrior may only search a particular board section once per adventure, and only the board section he is standing on at the time. At the end of the Warriors' phase roll a D6 for each Warrior who is searching and consult the table below.


As I said before, one of the best ways to make your dungeon a bit special is to alter the Dungeon deck when you first set-up. This means that you don't have to worry about anything while you're in the middle of an adventure, everything is already in place. At its most basic level this can mean shuffling more or less cards into the pack. Alternatively, you could have a pre-determined number of Dungeon rooms to pass through and you could sort these out before you play. When you create your dungeon, you ensure that three or four of your cards are taken from the pile of Dungeon rooms. This will increase the number of Events you encounter, and ensures a horde of Monsters to battle against!


D6 Roll 1 Result Collapse! The Warrior's searching causes a part of the dungeon ceiling to fall down. The dungeon isn't blocked, but each Warrior on the same board section suffers 1D6 Wounds (with no deductions) from the falling rocks. Solid Rock! The Warrior cannot find any secret doors on this board section. Found it! Attach a Doorway to the board section and place the remaining Dungeon deck behind it to be explored as normal. Unless you are playing otherwise, each dungeon will only ever have one Hidden Passage so there is no point searching again once it has been found.

2, 3, 4 Another alternative is the crumbling catacombs. The whole cave system is unstable, and is likely to fall on the Warriors' heads at any time. For this idea, use one of your blank Event cards and fill in another Cave-in event (just copy the details from the existing card)! To even things out, you can make sure that all three T-Junction Corridors are in the dungeon deck, or you could have one specified Dungeon room with three doors instead of two. This will reduce your chances of being cut off from the Objective Room, or the way back. 5,6


Back in White Dwarfs 185 and 186 I presented two Special Quests which included the rules for Hidden



Warhammer Quest Compendium

The Deathtrap dungeon can also be fun if you have filled in some blank Event cards with lots of deadly traps. The dungeon could be a trap-ridden tomb-city in the Kingdoms of the Dead, or a cruel test by an evil wizard to make the Warriors prove themselves for his entertainment. The list is endless. With just the Treasure cards, Dungeon cards and Event cards from the Warhammer Quest box, there are so many possible variations I would be foolish to even contemplate trying to put them all here. The next section gives you some rules you can use to get you imaginations going. The best part about fiddling with the dungeon is the way you can do it with any adventure, but you could come up with specific adventures yourselves to suit the maze you have devised.


The Warriors have managed to get their hands on a treasure map. Whether it's real or a forgery they don't know, but it has led them to a series of caves which they intend to explore. One of the Warriors has the Treasure Map Equipment card (if you can't decide who, draw a Warrior Counter!). Generate and play a dungeon as normal. However, in any Exploration phase the Warrior with the Treasure Map can declare he is going to become the leader. Roll on the table on the Treasure Map and apply the results immediately. Whatever happens, the Warrior with the Treasure Map will become the Leader from the start of the next Warriors phase and for the rest of the adventure. This does not mean that the Warrior with the Treasure Map gets the lantern, but overrides the normal rules as he bullies his way into showing the Warriors where to go! The map can only be used again if a roll of two to five was made.
When the table on the Treasure Map indicates Treasure Ahead! it will be found in the next Dungeon room. When the Warriors next explore a Dungeon room, place one of the treasure chest counters from the Warhammer Quest box in the room. Any Warrior may spend a whole turn next to the chest to open it. Inside there are D6 Treasure cards' worth of magic items and valuables! This must be split between the Warriors just like any other Treasure.


A really fun, and sometimes very difficult game, is attempting two different adventures at the same time! At the start of the game generate two adventures as normal, these should be from two different Objective rooms. When you are sorting out the Dungeon deck, shuffle both Objective rooms into the bottom part of the pile. The Warriors must complete both the adventures to be successful. They will get no reward at all if they fail in either of the adventures. If they do manage to complete the adventure though, each Warrior is entitled to a hefty pat on the back and a bonus Treasure card!
You can even try three adventures at once, or try attempting two adventures in the same Objective room. One or two of the adventures may be incompatible with each other, in which case just re-roll the inappropriate result.


NEW TREASURE CARDS There are two new Treasure cards at the end of this article, the Gem of Passage and the Globe of Detection. Both of these Treasure cards alter the way the Warriors can explore the dungeon, and could even be the reason for an adventure - you could set up an adventure where the Warriors might not be able to find an escape route without one of the special items or they need the special item to find the objective room.
There is an endless variety of ways you can change and characterise the dungeons you explore. Just don't go astray in the legendary Lost Halls of Xanadan!

The Dungeon is a massive maze of doorways and tunnels, which lead off in all directions. The dungeon only contains one Objective room shuffled into the bottom six cards as normal, but all your other dungeon cards should be included. Every time the Warriors explore a Dungeon room, roll on the following table.
D6 Roll 1-3 4 5 6 Result The room is normal. The room has an extra door to the left The room has an extra door to the right The room has extra doors both to the left and right.



Warhammer Quest Compendium


It's really easy to assemble your new Treasure cards. First of all, cut out or photocopy this page. Then you should carefully cut around the front and back of each card, remembering to keep the two halves together. Next, fold each Treasure card along the dotted line. Glue the back of each half (Citadel PVA glue is ideal) and press together firmly. It's a good idea to insert a piece of thin card between the two halves before sticking them together, to make your Treasure cards more durable (cereal packet is works fine). Finally, trim off any excess material, so that your new card doesn't stand out from the rest of your Treasure deck. You should follow the same process for your Equipment cards, but it's best if you use thicker card between the two halves.



Warhammer Quest Compendium

- DARK SECRETS (Originally in White Dwarf number 190)

By Andy Jones
Snorri Ironaxe glanced back over his shoulder, listening carefully for the faintest sound. As the other Warriors investigated a trapdoor, the Dwarf caught the sound of footsteps, the same footsteps which had haunted him for so long, It was no use, he'd have to tell them now. Er, brave comrades, he began. There's something you should know... its own continent-spanning tale of glory and shame, victory and catastrophe in fairly equal measure.


From the initial roster of the four Warriors in the Warhammer Quest game, the roll call has now expanded to include six new heroes - the Pit Fighter, Imperial Noble, Elf Ranger, Trollslayer, Warrior Priest and the Chaos Warrior. Here at the Studio we have four rival groups of these Warriors, all on the lookout for booty and glory. Grunnson's Marauders, The Lost Boys, Navaak's Damned and Eldrad's Avengers are all at present missing in action in the caverns and halls beneath the Old World. The Warriors' Chronicles in the next pages give some details of these mighty heroes in action.
Having gone to the trouble of sorting out a Trollslayer, Elf Ranger or whoever, painstakingly painting up the miniature, and of course getting familiar with the rules, the last thing we wanted to do was start all over again in each game - we wanted our Warriors to go on to greater things! Section one of the Roleplay book gives rules which explain how to do just that, linking games of Warhammer Quest together into a campaign, featuring the same heroic Warriors in each adventure. There are Hazard tables to chart your Warriors' perilous journeys from adventure to adventure, and settlement rules to give you the opportunity to spend some of your hard-won gold. From the first adventuring groups composed of a Wizard, a Dwarf, an Elf and a Barbarian, we now have some very mixed groups of Warriors doing battle against the evil inhabitants of the dark underworld. Each party of Warriors has quickly developed a life and identity of its own, creating epic sagas of glory, danger and death that grow with each adventure. Every game throws up some memorable event, often setting up frictions or friendships between the Warriors - we have all knocked a Minotaur down to just one or two Wounds, only for some other 'hero' in our party to step in, despatch the staggering beast and claim the gold! Together with the Hazard tables from the Roleplay book, the adventures themselves, and the way in which the different players interact, each group of Warriors creates


As mentioned before, linking your adventures together some times means that the party starts to develop a history. Some of our Warriors have started writing their chronicles, no doubt to sell it to the glory-hungry populace when they retire! If several Warriors each write their own memoirs it can often prove to be highly amusing comparing one person's version of events with another's. This article contains a summary of two of our party chronicles, detailing the Lost Boys and Navaak's



Warhammer Quest Compendium

THE LOST BOYS Mike McVey Richard Wright Chris Colston Paul Jones Gary Morley Simon Smith Nogbad, Barbarian Taliesin, Elf Red Magnus, Wizard Jonas Faithbringer, Warrior Priest Sir Rano Debignez, Imperial Noble Skaggi Longbeard, Trollslayer

way that we use the cards at the Studio, but you may like to try different method. However, we have found that if every Warrior has a Dark Secret the adventure becomes pure bedlam, as conflicting objectives tear the party apart so take care!

Nogbad the Barbarian is the leader of the Lost Boys, and has consolidated his position since finding the Hammer of Sigmar deep in the caves below Karak Azgal. Jonas Faithbringer, Warrior Priest of Sigmar, insists that it should be he who bears the Hammer, as it is a holy artefact which should be returned in triumph to Altdorf. Nogbad's reply runs along the lines of Izza big 'amma S'mirze! You wannit, come 'n geddit!... This delicate situation is yet to be resolved! Skeggi the Dwarf died a noble death, having saved the life of Red Magnus with his very last provisions. How was he to know that in the next turn he would be jumped by a Minotaur, whilst Magnus had no Power to heal him at all? Skeggi will be remembered. In fact, his brother Skaggi has taken the Slayer Oath and is even now searching for the Lost Boys so he can be avenged. Whether he intends to kill them all, or join them on their quest in his brother's place is as yet uncertain, but what is known is that he carries his lamented brother's beard with him at all times. The latest addition to the Lost Boys is none other than Sir Rano Debignez, an Imperial Noble of fearsome repute. Rano used to fight with Navaak's Damned, but left them when he realised that the name of the group referred to the fact that they seemed doomed to fail! Damned, two of our most active parties. Each group contains more than four Warriors, and the exact composition of a party varies from adventure to adventure, depending on who happens to be free at the time. These parties have also provided a great way for us to fully playtest all the new Warriors, and you will note that Navaak's Damned contains an Elven Revenant Knight and a Halfling Thief - two Warriors who we will be producing in the future, though not for while yet.

Once the game is ready to start, roll a dice. On a 1-4, that many Warriors have a Dark Secret. If the dice roll is 5 or 6, then nobody has a Dark Secret. Use the Warrior counters to see who has a Dark Secret. Once you have worked out who has the secrets, deal each one a Dark Secret card. These Warriors are under no obligation to tell the others what they have drawn, and may hide their card if they wish! The remaining cards are then put away without anyone looking at them (no sneaky glimpses to work out which ones have been taken!).


On the following pages we've printed eight Dark Secret cards. To assemble them, first cut out or photocopy the pages. Then carefully cut around each card, keeping the front and back of each one together. Fold each card along the dotted line, glue the back of each half (Citadel PVA glue is ideal), and press together firmly. If you want to make your cards more durable then sandwich a piece of thin cardboard (cereal packet works fine) between the two halves before sticking them together. Finally, trim off any excess material and you're ready to go adventuring!
NAVAAK'S DAMNED Des Hanley Matt White Wayne Greenwood Lindsev Paton lan Pickstock Navaak Steinaussen, Chaos Warrior Gruffbeard, Dwarf Liarndel Narfi, Elf Ranger Mage Glibfoot Volespanker, Halfling Thief Calenor Fireblade, Revenant Knight

It could be said that this party of Warriors is learning the hard way that a Wizard is always useful. However, Liarndel is holding his own, proving himself adept at both combat and the arcane arts. Unfortunately, he has become rather enamoured with his Shockwave spell, and the party are often left without his healing powers! Navaak has already developed a fearsome reputation, slaying his foes with his Entrancing Blade of Mighty Striking. And if that doesn't do the trick, there is always his Poison Bite! He has to take great pains to conceal his true identity from other Warriors, and it could perhaps be not entirely coincidental that he has been the only Warrior in his party to survive the last three adventures...


Ive been following the adventures of the Lost Boys, and as I well as using the Hazard tables and so on to develop their story, we have been experimenting with a series of Dark Secret cards, which give some of the Warriors ulterior motives for adventuring! These cards provide extra background for the Warriors, explaining a little more about why they descend into the cavernous depths of the underworld, facing death and adversity at every turn. Over the next pages, you will find eight new Dark Secret cards to be used in your Warhammer Quest games. Below is the



Warhammer Quest Compendium

- A HORROR AWAKENS (Originally in White Dwarf number 191)

By Gavin Thorpe
A cry for help in the dead of night leads your Warriors into ever greater danger as they track down and pursue an evil Necromancer. A lone Witch Hunter knows of this danger that could plunge the Old World into a nightmare of war and death, but only with the help of your brave Warriors can this evil be stopped. turn they will build into an epic story, as your Warriors quest from one Monster-infested dungeon to the next. From its inconspicuous beginnings, the story develops into a cataclysmic tale where the fate of the Empire is in your hands! The rules and details for linking the three adventures together are given at the end of A Horror Awakens. To finish the campaign, the Warriors will have to overcome a series of different challenges, testing their skills to the full.


Over the following pages are three new adventures for your Warhammer Quest Warriors. You will find your brave adventurers delving into the most forbidding caverns, overcoming cunning traps and battling their way through hordes of deadly creatures set against them. There are also two new Treasure cards in this issue for you to cut out and use in these dangerous quests beneath the Warhammer World.

The first and second adventures can be played with the floorplans, cards and miniatures from the Warhammer Quest box. The third adventure, Caverns of Dread, uses the new floorplans and miniatures from the Catacombs of Terror supplement. Don't worry if you haven't got Catacombs of Terror yet, you can still play the first two adventures.
Every one of the adventures that makes up A Horror Awakens has been written so that they can be played in two different ways. Firstly, each adventure is selfcontained and can be played just like any other Warhammer Quest adventure. When you're finding out which adventure you'll be playing, roll a D6. On a roll of one to five, generate the adventure as normal from the Warhammer Quest Adventure Book. On a roll of a six you'll be playing one of the adventures from A Horror Awakens. You can just choose one of the adventures from this article and play it, after all it's your Warriors who will be risking life and sanity for the chance of eternal glory and treasures beyond their wildest dreams !


The other (and more exciting) way to play these adventures is as a mini-campaign. A Horror Awakens has been written so that if you play through each adventure in



Warhammer Quest Compendium

The Warriors have 2D6 turns to kill Alberto Larenscheld. If they fail to do this, he finishes his ritual and plunges the knife into the Marchesa's brother. When the Monsters are all dead (either before or after the sacrifice is made) the Warriors can escape through a narrow fissure in the rock face behind the Idol. The Warrior who kills Alberto Larenscheld may take the Soulstone Treasure card (which is on this issue's card sheets). If the Warriors succeed in rescuing the Marchesa's brother, she rewards each of them with 1D6 x 50 gold and a Treasure card. If they fail, but manage to escape, she covers their expenses (10 gold for the party) and coldly bids them farewell. HOLY MISSION

An important Imperial Noble has recently been rescued

from the clutches of an evil cabal of monsters. He is, in fact, a well known Witch Hunter who was investigating the lair, trying to discover the whereabouts of a cruel Necromancer. Before his capture the Witch Hunter, Duke von Steafen, managed to learn of an ancient temple. He has asked the Warriors to fetch some Blessed Water from the ruined shrine, in the hope that it may help him against the foul Necromancer. Unfortunately, when the Warriors arrive, they find it guarded by Monsters


Special Rules

To play the first adventure, Death in the Night, you will

need a Necromancer model to represent the Warriors' enemy, Alberto Larenscheld. If you have any other Event cards, such as the Orc cards from Lair of the Orc Lord, or some you have filled in using one of our blank Event card decks, you can include these in the first two adventures. DEATH IN THE NIGHT

This adventure uses the Fountain of Light Objective room from the Warhammer Quest box. Play the adventure as normal, with the exceptions noted below. The Warriors must reach the Fountain of Light, collect some Blessed Water and make their escape.
To fill his water skin with Blessed Water one of the Warriors must spend a whole turn next to the Fountain of Light, doing nothing. During that turn any Monster attacking the Warrior in hand-to-hand combat will hit automatically. Once one of the Warriors has collected some Blessed Water, he may take the Blessed Water Treasure card. One of the Warriors must collect some Blessed Water to complete the adventure. To escape, the Warriors must exit off the board section where they entered the dungeon. If the Warriors manage to escape with the Blessed Water, Duke von Steafen rewards each of them with two Treasure cards. If they manage to escape, but haven't any Blessed Water or have used it all, he gives them each 1D6x50 gold for trying their best... CAVERNS OF DREAD

The Warriors are staying in the small town of Kaltzburg, near the World's Edge Mountains. After spending their hard earned cash your party settles down for the night in a well-stocked tavern. As the night draws in, a well dressed young woman approaches your Warriors, begging for their help. She is the Marchesa Claudia von Steafen and her brother, a famous Witch Hunter, has been kidnapped by unknown assailants. She believes him to be held in a deep and dangerous dungeon not far from the town. The Warriors must explore the den of foul creatures and stop anything terrible happening to the Marchesa's brother.
Special Rules This adventure uses the Idol Chamber Objective room from the Warhammer Quest box. Play the adventure as normal, with the exceptions noted below. As the Warriors enter the Idol Chamber they can see the Marchesa's brother bound to a massive stone daemon. Standing next to the statue is a dishevelled man, holding an ornate dagger and chanting loudly (place the Necromancer model on the board). The Warriors recognise him as an inept Necromancer who has been an irritation to the Imperial authorities over the last few years. In his other hand the Necromancer holds a fist size ruby, which pulsates with a deep inner light. This is Alberto Larenscheld, son of the malevolent Gunther Larenscheld, and the rules for him can be found on pages 183 and 185 of the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book.

The famous Witch Hunter, Duke von Steafen, has tracked down an abominable Necromancer and discovered his plan to awaken an ancient evil. Deep within the Kingdoms of the Dead, in the tomb-city known as the Twisted Spire, lies the inert form of a powerful Liche - van Damneg the Dread King. The Warriors must delve into the Twisted Spire and foil the evil Necromancer's scheme. The Necromancer that the Warriors have been pursuing is none other than Gunther Larenscheld, one of the Empire's most deadly enemies. He is performing a rite to free the immensely powerful Dread King from his age-long imprisonment within the Twisted Spire.



Warhammer Quest Compendium

Special Rules

To play Caverns of Dread you will need the Catacombs of

Terror adventure pack. You should use the Undead Event cards, Treasure cards, board sections and miniatures included in this supplement. Generate your dungeon using the Dread King's Throne Room and the Dungeon cards from Catacombs of Terror, as described in the Catacombs of Terror rulebook. If the Gunther Larenscheld Event card is turned over before the Warriors reach the Objective room, they have caught Larenscheld in time. If they manage to defeat him they must still press onwards to ensure that the magic within the Throne Room keeps the malignant presence of the Dread King at bay. When they enter the Objective Room generate the Monsters as normal, but van Damneg will not be present, as he has not managed to shatter the spells protecting the world from his deadly presence. If the Warriors do not encounter Larenscheld before they reach the Dread King's Throne Room, he will be present there, along with van Damneg and the other Monsters generated by the Catacombs of Terror Monster table. The Warriors must defeat all the Monsters present in order to be certain of escaping! As normal, the Grimoire Necris

will be placed on the dais, and Larenscheld should be placed next to it. As you can see, if your Warriors can stop Larenscheld in time their chances of surviving will be greatly improved. Regardless of the Monsters they encounter, the Warriors can escape from the Dread King's Throne Room once all the Monsters are dead. As they rush from the Throne Room the walls start to crumble and the Undead around them turn to dust once the banishment of their master's spirit takes affect. However, no matter how long it takes, van Damneg will be back... If the Warriors manage to defeat van Damneg, or prevent his summoning, Duke von Steafen rewards each of them with 2D6 x 100 gold and a Treasure card.


If you are linking your adventures you should keep the same Warriors you started with. Any gold, equipment and Treasure they have left at the end of each adventure may be used in the next one. When they start the next adventure, the Warriors will have their full Starting Wounds. In addition, any equipment or Treasures which can be Used once per adventure or are Permanent can be used again.



Warhammer Quest Compendium

If a Warrior manages to wash the Soulstone he should read out the following passage: As the waters of the temple flow over the surface of the Soulstone the light inside it blazes to a blinding intensity. You see a dark, insubstantial cloud form over the waters and a chilling voice echoes around the chamber: Foolsss, I am free once again! You have my sincerest thankssss.. Once Gunther Larenscheld's spirit has departed, the Soulstone can be used as normal as detailed on the Treasure card. However, it will be up to the Warriors to prevent Larenscheld from awakening his terrifying master! Hunting Larenscheld

If the Warriors do not have Larenscheld's spirit, the Marchesa von Steafen implores them to seek out the hideous Necromancer and stop him. In fact, she begs you to finish her brother's quest, since you failed to save him!
Duke von Steafen's notes indicate the rough location of the sacred temple from Holy Mission but the knowledge of its exact whereabouts cannot be discovered. The Warriors must search a large area to locate the Fountain of Light. To represent this, rather than plunging straight into Holy Mission, you should randomly draw an Objective Room card at the start of the adventure. Do not look at the card! Only when the Warriors reach the Objective room will they know whether they have found their goal. If they have found another Objective Room the Warriors must kill all the Monsters inside before they can make their escape. Keep drawing random Objective room cards at the start of each adventure, though you do not have to include cards which represent Objective Rooms the Warriors have already discovered. The Warriors will find the Fountain of Light eventually. Only when they have completed Holy Mission can the Warriors go on and attempt Caverns of Dread. CAVERNS OF DREAD

The following section explains how to link the three A Horror Awakens adventures together. This is very simple and after playing through this mini-campaign you may well come up with your own ideas for linking either your own adventures or those from the Warhammer Quest boxed set. DEATH IN THE NIGHT

The Soulstone carried by Alberto Larenscheld in fact

contains the spirit of his father, the evil Gunther Larenscheld, most trusted servant of van Damneg the Dread King. If Alberto succeeds in sacrificing Duke von Steafen he will release Gunther Larenscheld's soul, allowing him to serve his master in the flesh once again. The Soulstone

The Soulstone will be found by the Warriors in one of two states. If Alberto managed to complete the ritual it will be empty and can be used exactly as stated on the Treasure card. However, if they stopped the unholy ceremony in time, the Warriors will have a Soulstone containing the spirit of one of the Old World's most evil men! This does not affect Death in the Night in any way, but it will affect Holy Mission.

When the Warriors start this adventure they will be in one of two situations. They may have stopped Alberto Larenscheld freeing his father's spirit and will have the Soulstone containing it in their possession. Alternatively, the Warriors might have failed to save von Steafen and they have an empty Soulstone, but no clues as to how to find Gunther Larenscheld.
Gunther's Spirit

Whether they are led to the Twisted Spire by Duke von Steafen or managed to hunt down Larenscheld by themselves, the Warriors will, hopefully, end up in the tomb-city of the Dread King. They may or may not have some Blessed Water (they'll have a hard time of it if they haven't got any!), and they may well have an empty Soulstone. Probably the best way for the Warriors to dispose of van Damneg is for one of them to cast the Blessed Water at the Dread King!
However, the longer it takes the Warriors to reach the Twisted Spire, the more prepared Larenscheld will be. To represent him activating the ancient labyrinth of the tombcity you should add an extra Dungeon card to the deck for each adventure above one it took the Warriors to find the Fountain of Light. For example, if the Warriors found the Fountain of Light on their third adventure, add two extra cards to the top of the Caverns of Dread Dungeon deck. Although this is more dangerous, the Warriors should have picked up more treasure. If you play A Horror Awakens as a mini-campaign, and manage to stop van Damneg, the Duke rewards your loyalty with an extra Treasure card. Good luck and be brave, for van Damneg will surely want his revenge!

If the Warriors have the spirit of Gunther Larenscheld, the Duke shows them a way to dispose of it. He has discovered an ancient temple, sanctified millennia past by the priests of some forgotten god. If the Warriors bathe the Soulstone in the water there it is possible that the soul of the evil Necromancer will be destroyed forever.
In order to complete Holy Mission the Warriors must exorcise the spirit from the Soulstone. This is performed in the same way as filling a water bottle with Blessed Water.



Warhammer Quest Compendium

- INTO THE DEPTHS (Originally in White Dwarf number 192) By Gavin Thorpe and Andy Jones ... good, solid Dwarf stone, exclaimed Snorri Ironaxe approvingly as he noisily stomped down the tunnel, Stay up for centuries this will, you mark my words! There was an ominous rumble, a creak, and with a shower of dust the roof suddenly collapsed on top of the venerable Dwarf.


Warhammer Quest's unique card and floorplan system means that every dungeon you explore, from its layout to its inhabitants, is different from the last. The cards and miniatures in the box provide enough adversaries for even the most glory-hungry Warrior. Add to this the enemies and new board sections from Lair of the Ore Lord and Catacombs of Terror, and the variety just keeps growing! Then there is the plethora of Warriors you can choose to play, and the blank Event card decks you can use to tailor your games to your Citadel collection. And it doesn't end there, oh no...

could come up with special rules for the Guard Room so that the Warriors can check the barrels' contents. They could find some beer, or maybe a foul Orcish brew - it's up to you to decide what's appropriate. You can even extend this to the Objective rooms. The Fire Chasm already has special rules, but do you think the Idol Chamber should rouse the Monsters to fanatical strength? Or perhaps the Tomb Chamber has some method of generating Undead creatures when the Power roll comes up as a one? There really is no limit to what you can do!

This is the latest in a series of articles showing how simple I it is, with a bit of imagination, to expand and tailor your games of Warhammer Quest to the specific type of adventures you find most exciting. It deals with one of the most fundamental aspects of Warhammer Quest - the board sections. Even the simplest changes to the board sections can dramatically influence the way an adventure is played. In case you haven't seen the earlier articles, there is an issue guide to all the Warhammer Quest articles from previous White Dwarfs on the next page.

Perhaps the simplest thing you can do to vary your I adventures is to invent new rules for the board sections you already have. Take the Circle of Power, for example. Perhaps this Dungeon room has some kind of affect on magic users, allowing them to cast spells more easily, or increasing the effect of the spells they do cast? Alternatively, it could have a negative influence, drawing the winds of magic away from the Warriors and making it more difficult to cast spells. It could do this by reducing the Power roll or decreasing the effects of a spell. You



Warhammer Quest Compendium


Treasure? The Warriors will have a hard decision to make, and they may never be sure they made the right one.

Even better than coming up with new rules for existing board sections, is coming up with new board sections themselves! If you're a budding Richard Wright (the artist who so magnificently captured the Warhammer Quest atmosphere on the floor plans in the box) you can design your own from scratch. Got an idea for a fantastic new Objective room? Well, go ahead and set to with the ol' paint and brushes! Although we plan to produce lots of new Warhammer Quest components over the coming issues, we could carry on for years without covering all the possibilities. Besides, only you know what would be your ultimate Dungeon room or Special Quest.


Featured on this issue's card sheets are three new board sections and the Dungeon cards to accompany them. You won't be able to get them anywhere else - they've been specially produced for White Dwarf! Each is relatively straightforward, but adds an interesting twist to the adventure They also show you the kind of things you can do with new board sections.
COLLAPSED PASSAGE There are no special rules attached to the Collapsed Passageway, it juts forces the Warriors to think about who wants to be at the back! However if you like you could say that the Monsters favour the Collapsed Passage as an ambush site, and so and M Event cards always represent the maximum number of Monsters shown (so 2D6 Orcs would always be 12 Orcs!).

If you're going to spend time creating your own board sections, you might as well sit down and think up some special rules to go along with them. There are only a few points to keep in mind when doing this, otherwise anything goes! Firstly, whatever you decide to do, you should relate it to the experience of your party. A trap which inflicts D6 Wounds is scary at Battle-level 1, but by the time Battle level 10 Warriors reach it, it's just an annoyance. Secondly, the rules should have a purpose, either to challenge or aid the Warriors. Rooms with whirling scythes, crushing walls and descending ceilings should allow the Warriors a reasonable chance of escape - the more dire the consequences of failure, the more likely it should be that the Warriors get away in time. Certain death is not an option! Thirdly, the rewards should justify the risks. So, if you've come up with the lair of some monstrous beast, it should have a suitably impressive treasure hoard to guard. I'm sure you've got the idea by now.
On the other hand, magical shrines, hidden temples and other rooms which may heal or aid the Warriors should be brief respites from the horrors of the dungeon, rather than regular resting places which crop up all of the time. Of course, a room which can aid the Warriors, but at a price, is always fun. How about an ancient chapel which will provide healing, but only for a donation of gold or

WARHAMMER QUEST WHITE DWARF ARTICLES ISSUE 184 185* 186 187 188 189* 190 191 TITLE WARHAMMER QUEST MISSION IMPOSSIBLE FLAMES OF KHAZLA LAIR OF THE ORC LORD CREATURES OF DARKNESS SUBJECT Andy Jones' introduction to the Warhammer Quest hobby. Introduces Special Quests and the Gaol board section and adventures. Another Special Quest with six new adventures and board section. Discusses the Lair of the Ore Lord Adventure pack. Shows how to use the Blank Event card decks to personalise your adventures for your own miniatures collection. THE DARKNESS BELOW Gives ideas on how to alter the Dungeon deck and includes new Treasure cards and an Equipment card. DARK SECRETS Ideas about Warrior parties and eight new Dark Secret cards for you to use. A HORROR AWAKENS Campaign and adventures, showing how you can link adventures and create new ones with your existing Warhammer Quest collection. *These issues both contain new rules for Hidden Passages.



Warhammer Quest Compendium


The Into The Dark card is accompanied by the spiral staircase board section. Imagine this board section is roughly divided into four squares around the stairwell itself (like the Gaol and Flames of Khazla board sections). The Warriors may either ignore the steps and skirt around the top, or they can descend downwards into the very bowels of the dungeon.
No Monsters will move onto the stairs, and whilst the Warriors are on this hoard section no Unexpected Events will occur. However, the area is saturated with dark sorcery and no Warrior may use any magic whilst at least one of their number remains on this board section. The procedure for the spiral stair is simple to use, but is a bit difficult to put into words because it involves shuffling the cards around. Here goes. Once all the Warriors are on the stairs, roll a D6. Take that number of Dungeon cards from those not in play (either because they have already been used or are spare), not including Objective rooms. Now take the remaining Dungeon deck (those that represent the rooms ahead which havent been explored yet) from the direction she Warriors were heading. Shuffle these and the spare cards into one pile and replace the unexplored Dungeon cards with the same number of cards from this new deck. The remaining cards in your hand are placed next to the stairwell and represent the rooms down the spiralling stairs. Example. The Warriors come across the spiral stair towards the end of their adventure. Behind them is a single T-Junction with four cards still unexplored. Two Dungeon cards remain ahead of them. Rolling D6, the Warriors score a 5, and take five spare Dungeon cards. These are shuffled with the two ahead of them, giving a pile of seven in total. Two of these are dealt out to replace the cards they were heading for, while the remaining five represent the dungeon at the bottom of the stairwell. The cards by the T-Junction are not affected. FURTHER MOVEMENT If the Warriors decide to move on as normal, they must explore and move off the spiral stair just as with any other board section. If they descend into the depths, turn over the top card of the stairs Dungeon deck and place the Warriors at the near end, as if they had started a new dungeon. Warriors can go back up the stairs by moving off the end of the board section. At the start of the next Warriors phase place the Warrior model on the spiral staircase section. of their wishes, but nobody ever said life was fair...THE PERILS OF THE DARK The dungeon below the stairs is dangerous indeed, the very heart of the Monsters domain. Whenever an Unexpected Event occurs while below the stairs, the Warriors should take D3 Event cards instead of just one (roll a D6, 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3). Any E type Events should be resolved before Monsters are placed on the board. Alternatively, if you are using the Monster tables from the Roleplay book, roll on the table one Battle-level higher than normal This board section forces the Warriors to make a hard choice. Firstly, they must consider where the Objective room Is, and secondly, how strong they feel. It may turn out that they will have to head into the darkness to reach the Objective room regardless DEAD END Warriors have come to a complete Dead End and must either retrace their steps or dig their way through the rubble. You cannot dig through while there are Monsters on the same board selection. HI HO, HI HO! Up to two Warriors may dig through as any one time, and both must be standing at the collapsed end of the passage. For each turn a Warrior spends digging, roll a D6 and add their Strength. Keep a track of the score (or scores if more than one Warrior is digging). When the total reaches 30 or more the Warriors break through and may continue exploring as normal.! However, if two Warriors are digging at the same time and both dice rolls come up she same (i.e.: a double) then the roof collapses again and any work they have done is ruined - reduce their digging total by the score rather than adding it CUNNING MONSTERS The Monsters that lurk within this dungeon know that bold Warriors frequently spend a lot of time near the Dead End. For this reason they regularly patrol the area and set traps so catch the unwary. The Dead End is a corridor, so only Unexpected Events will occur here. However, while a Warrior is standing on the Dead End board section a Power roll of 1 or 6 will trigger an Unexpected Event.



Warhammer Quest Compendium

- A DUNGEON OF YOUR OWN (Originally in White Dwarf number 193) By Gavin Thorpe Of course nobody knows we're here, manling! Snorri Ironaxe reassured his Barbarian companion. To prove his point, the Dwarf limped ahead of the others and into the dimly-lit chamber that was their goal, There was a cruel snicker from the darkness as the Skaven sprang their trap... round, and some slow-pokes were left at the back of the queue! Anyway, it is the matter of a few minutes to translate the appropriate Monsters to your cards. A couple of players have said to me that they find the blank cards most useful for playing adventures above Battle-level 1. Despite the horrendous amounts of pain and misery the Monster tables caused us (well, slight anguish anyway!) it is true that the Event cards are an excellent way of playing harder adventures. There is no reason why you have to have just a Battle-level 1


In White Dwarf 188, Ian Pickstock showed how you can

use the blank Event card decks to create a range of Monsters that fit your Citadel Miniatures collection. Well, I thought that this was such a good idea that now I almost always use the blank Event decks in my own adventures, along with a few more of my own ideas. This means that I can easily fight Chaos orientated adventures, or populate my dungeons entirely with Skaven and their foul minions. There are two key components to making an adventure for a specific type of adversary - the Event cards and the adventures themselves. With just Event cards you can create the right type of adversaries to fight against, but you'll still be playing the same adventures as before. To really create the dark hold of a Chaos horde or a Skaven lair, you'll have to invent specific adventures for your Warriors to complete. This is the same process we went through creating the Lair of the Orc Lord and Catacombs of Terror adventure packs. We sat down and looked carefully at what made the Orcs and Undead so characterful, and worked out how best to translate this into a series of challenging Warhammer Quest adventures. For this article though I only have a little space, so I'll just look at creating your own personalised deck of Event cards and come back to the adventures later...


Let's deal with those Event cards then. As Ian pointed out, it is simplicity itself (well, almost) to create 'M' type Event cards for your chosen race. Your first stop is the Bestiary section of the Roleplay Book. You'll find an almost exhaustive guide to every creature and troop type that can be found in the Warhammer World. Almost exhaustive. Any gaps in the Bestiary are not due to a particular dislike of the particular Monster on the part of Andy Jones (nor even our absent mindedness), they are absent merely because there was only a certain number of pages to go



Warhammer Quest Compendium

Event deck, is there? Look at some of the higher Battle-level tables and you'll see that there's plenty of Monsters to go round. At higher Battlelevels, each entry on the Monster tables can contain up to four or five different types of Monsters. If possible, try to pick entries with only one or two types of Monster so you can fit their profiles and special rules onto a single card. For example, for Battlelevel 5, your 'M' Event cards could include :: 1 Wight Lord and D6 Wights, 1Cockatrice, 1Gorgon, 1D3+1 Chaos Warriors riding Juggernauts, 3 Dragon Ogres, 1D3 Beasts of Nurgle and 1D3 Skaven Warpfire Thrower teams. This is a pretty eclectic selection of Monsters, but would allow you to fight a Battle-level 5 adventure using the cards alone.


Well, back to what I was saying about tailored Event decks. As you can see, it is simple to copy out the details from the Roleplay book, and Ian's article shows how to devise special rules for troop types which can't be found in the bestiary (send them in, we may publish an expansion to the Warhammer Quest Bestiary sometime!).
As well as your Monsters, though, you need to come up with 'E' type Events - those spike-filled pits and rooms filling with sand that make an adventure more than just a Monster bash Events of this sort can be split into two types - those that help the Warriors and those that hinder them. Those of you who read my Into the Depths article in the last issue will be thinking e's sed all dis before!, and you'd be right. But last issue I was talking about board sections, which are subtly different, if you think you know what I'm going to say next, you can skip the next paragraph (but then you'll never know... ). Well, that's the know-it-alls gone, so I can carry on with my explanation. The thing to strive for with your new Events is balance. In the same way that the more powerful Monsters come in smaller groups, so more deadly traps or larger treasure hoards should be equally rare. The only real way to achieve game balance is to do what our games designers do - playtest Try out your ideas, and modify them according to what happens. If an Event kills off the whole party, it's pretty safe to say it needs toning down a bit! On the other hand, if the Warriors stroll into a room and end up laden down with treasure when they come out the other side, you should make things a bit more difficult. As your Warriors progress up through the Battle-levels (hopefully!) you should toughen up your Events accordingly. Well, now that everybody knows about game balance I can sprinkle a few ideas into your fertile imagination - some of them may grow into brilliant Events in the fullness of time. The easiest way to do this is by way of example. Do you have your new Event cards from this month's card section? You do ?

For special rules, simply make an abbreviated version on the card to remind you - if something is too complex you can easily refer to the relevant section of the Roleplay book (which you would have to do anyway!).



Warhammer Quest Compendium

throwing spears? You could say that their long weapons enabled fight in ranks (that is, attack the Warriors from two squares away). The only limit to what you can do is your miniature collection and your imagination. With this Event, game balance was maintained by reducing the number of Orcs attacking from 2D6 Orcs to 1D6, which offsets the fact that the Warriors will be attacked before they get a chance to react.


Treasure Trove is a fun Event because it offers greater rewards, but at a higher risk. Because the chances of finding treasure and triggering an Unexpected Event are same, you really have to decide where your priorities are and how they fit you think the party is. If you get greedy when your Warriors have already been through almost the entire dungeon there is a good chance that all the Treasure in the world isnt going to save you! On the other hand, that Healing Potion could be the next card in the Treasure deck... What a dilemma!

Right, these are some Events that I just happened to have bubbling around in my head a while ago, and I got the chance to include them in White Dwarf (lucky me!). Let's take the simplest one first. By the way, all my cards are designed for Battle-level 1, but that's because as well as taking my Barbarian, Ragnar - Scourge of Evil, up through the ranks, I like to play one-off games with the different Warriors available, trying out different party compositions and generally messing about with my adventures.

The Spiders' Lair is similar to the Orc Ambush, in that it applies a special ability which hinders the Warriors from the start. In this case, it happens that the Spiders have the Web ability anyway, but you can achieve a similar effect with other Monsters. For instance, your brave Warriors could come across a particularly foetid group of Zombies and each Warrior would have to roll their Toughness or less on a D6 to avoid choking on the stench and suffering a -1 to hit penalty for the duration of the combat. To ensure game balance in this type of situation it's a good idea to either reduce the number of attacking Monsters, or increase the amount of Treasure gained for overcoming the adversaries.


The Rat Ogre is the most straightforward of the four

Event cards. I simply used the profile from the Roleplay book, noting that they roll two dice for damage and ignoring the rules for Fear, since Battle-level 1 Warriors are so full of fiery youthfulness they aren't scared of anything (it's only as you gain experience that you truly learn what terror is!). Noting that Rat Ogres are even tougher than Minotaurs, I thought a single Rat Ogre would be enough to suitably tax the Warriors skills. The choice of a Rat Ogre was purely for personal reasons - they have such a reputation for savagery and violence I wanted the opportunity to defeat one in combat!


The Orc Ambush is one of the most simple changes you can I make to significantly alter an Event. All I've done is take one of the Monsters' special abilities from the Roleplay Book (Ambush in this case) and given it to a type of Monster that doesn't usually have it. You could do something similar with a little thought. For a start, any type of Monster can ambush people (in retrospect I think that Skaven are even more appropriate than Orcs) so there's a start. Or how about Black Orcs with the Parry ability (they get to parry and therefore ignore a Warrior's blow on a certain dice roll), they'd be nasty!
The Citadel range of models contains Monsters armed with all sorts of weapons, wearing different armour and riding a variety of monstrous creatures. If you came up with rules for Giant Wolves, there's no reason why your Gobbo Wolf Riders couldn't come sweeping down the corridor towards your party! What about Beastmen with halberds instead of

All the Events I've talked about so far have been petty negative - they provide foes for the Warriors to overcome. However, not all Events have to be resolved with a few fireballs and a strong sword-arm. There is room for divine inspiration in the form of a small idol or chapel where the Warriors can heal or gain some special ability. Another option is for the Warriors to encounter the ghost of some unfortunate Warrior from the past, who guides them for a little way. This could be resolved by ignoring Unexpected Events for a certain number of turns or board sections, or perhaps allowing Warriors to turn over the next couple of Event or Dungeon cards so they can see what's in store for them. This should just enough to give them an edge, but not enough to make finishing the adventure pointless and devoid of surprises. There are many ways the Warriors can be aided without just giving them the opportunity to grab lots of Treasure!.
I could go on for ever, almost, but I'm sure you can come up with loads of ideas without me going on and on. Well, it's time to start thinking about writing your own new adventures. Until then, bye!



- WELL MET! (Originally in White Dwarf number 194) By Andy Jones Warriors come in all shapes and sizes, from the brawn of a Barbarian to the lightningfast reflexes of a Wardancer or the fencing skills of an Imperial Noble. Andy explores the mysteries of the Warrior, and discusses the composition of your heroic adventuring party. they will by and large get along just fine. However, for the more scientifically minded, there are a few guidelines which might help the new group of adventurers stay alive for more than one quest...


When choosing a Warhammer Quest adventuring party I roughly group all the Warriors into three broad categories. First are those who are particularly good in hand-to-hand combat, getting stuck in with the Monsters and hacking them down with sword or axe. Then come those with magical powers. particularly with regard to healing the wounds lost by the rest of the group. Finally come those who have unusual special abilities that can help the party in a variety of ways.
The reason for this grouping is simple. In Warhammer Quest, the action is played out through several selfcontained events, which can be anything from cave-ins and traps, to battles against Ores and Minotaurs. Some events are beneficial to the warriors, and present no potential hazard at all. These may be few and far between, but they go to show that a typical Warhammer Quest adventure is not a non-stop fight - there are more subtle forces at play. This wide range of events, hazards and rewards which the Warriors experience in each adventure creates a series of 'highs' and 'lows', battles and respites. The Warriors will have moments when they are fighting against all odds just to stay alive, whilst at other times they will be able to rest and recuperate for a while in the deserted undercaverns. To survive in this unpredictable and unknown environment, the Warriors need several strengths which they can depend on. They need battlehardened fighters to throw against the Monsters in times of conflict, and devastating magic to attack their foes from afar. Conversely, they need the power to heal injured companions when the battle is done. In the treacherous underworld they will also need the mobility, flexibility, equipment and skills to deal with an almost infinite variety of circumstances, mostly hazardous.


Warhammer Quest has now been around for a few

months, and every month we've been bringing out new Warrior packs. Including the four Warriors from the original Warhammer Quest box, there are now a total of twelve different Warriors available for you to take adventuring into the dungeons below the Warhammer world. Each of these characters has his own unique abilities and skills, and each develops into a powerful combatant as he progresses through the Battle-levels. Of course, they all start at Battle-level one, as another party of adventurers decides to take their chances in the quest for treasure and renown... The first problem for any new group of players looking to set up such a novice group is to decide which Warriors to choose. This can be resolved easily enough by each player selecting a Warrior which he likes the look of, and getting on with business. The chances are that the resulting party will have an interesting mix of different abilities, and that


So there we were, all crammed in the snug of the Broken Fang in Nuln you know rite one, just on the right down Hangman's Alley, that's right, by the statue of the old Graf: Swapping stories about our heroic adventures and planning our next expeditions we was, and mighty fine tales they was in the tellin'. Grimcrag Grunsson was there with his Marauders, along with most of the Lost Boys and an odd-looking bunch led by old Navaak Steinaussen himself- the big man kept looking cagily at a bunch of Hand of Death members interrogating the barkeep, but I dunno why. Sven Svennson from Norsca was there, between raids as you might say, and Guderian Strong-arm the Pit Fighter was making a lot of noise about spending his latest winnings. Apparently he'd totally destroyed the Black Avenger in three minutes, against odds of fifty to one, so he was pretty flush that night I can tell you. The ale was flowing freely, and the Landlord's wife had excelled herself with her game pie, if I say so myself and we Halflings are renowned for a good nose where victuals an' suchlike is concerned A very original choice of 'erbs she used, very piquant. Sorry? Okay, Ill get on with it. Tut! Eladrial and his Elves from the Company of Light were getting all snooty in the corner as usual, trying to tell us that they were the super race and more than a match for all comers, bur Old Grimcrag was having none of it. Tipped a mug of Rotbrew all over Eladrial he did - you should have seen his face - what a picture! Nearly started a fight alright, and my money was on Grimcrag any time. So, just as it was getting to daggers drawn and everyone is taking interest, the door slams open and who should walk in but Nogbad himself; looking for his Lost Boys. As Barbarians go, Nogbad is about as tough as they get hes as 'ard as nails is Nogbad, and he didn't want no rows when he could be catching up on some lost drinking! He strode up to Eladrial and Grimcrag, bold as you like, banged their heads together and then bought them both a pint! Anyways, after that things was pretty relaxed and the talk got around, as a always does, to which of us lot has the best, the most powerful team for The Job. The Job, as you might know, is how we warriors refer to the business of killing Orcs and suchlike as we raid their lairs for booty and treasure. For the most part we all likes a good Job when we can get it, but some of us is pretty high and mighty, and doesn't like such talk as being below our heroic station and so on. Take old Marcus Semmler, the Warrior Priest. He can tell you a thing or two about adventurin', gold, treasure, magic and riches you could only dream of; but he still wears that old threadbare robe. Don 't keep a farthing nor a penny for himself neither so it's said, although I wouldn't mind a quick nosey around his chambers just to make sure... No, there's no sure-fire way to say who's the best warriors as far as I can see. Sure as eggs is eggs you can say that Nogbad or Grimcrag are unbeatable in a fight, and you can 't deny that with that fancy bow of his, Eladrial is the best shot in all the world. Magnus the Red casts a wicked fireball when the fancy takes him, or so I'm told, and his magical healing has saved Nogbad and Eladrial a couple of times! Semmler might be a bit of an odd fish with his constant talk of Sigmar this and Sigmar that but he's rock solid when the chips are down and the Minotaurs abound. We argued round and round for hours about which skills and abilities were the essential ones, and which was 'extras' when, you're up against more monsters than you've ever seen before. Some went for the sword or the axe every time, others went for blazing magic. Still others reckoned that quick wits and nimble feet would win out every rime, whilst there were those who stood by a keen eye for traps and hidden dangers in the dark. All said, it was tricky one and no mistake, and as the dawn broke we were still no nearer a solution. It was then that Mortion Dagmire, the renowned Witch Hunter stood up, throwing his cloak back and doffing his hat politely. His black eyes glittered like ice, for he's a cool one is Dagmire and no mistake, and everything went pretty quiet, pretty quick.

Dagmire has a reputation for never drinking, and he was as sober as a judge when he spoke that night, having not touched a drop all night. He likes to visit the Broken Fang from time to time, to hear the rumours and keep up with the news. Right then, he seemed downright amused by our argument, and regarded us all like naughty children. Please, please, please he cried in that patronising tone he takes with all and sundry. There is no answer to what you say, no right and no wrong of the matter. You, I, we, are all warriors in our own right, and who is to say which is best amongst us? I AM! Shouted Nogbad, but he 'd had a few by then, and the others hushed him up sharpish. Mortion glared daggers at him though, just the same. My fur-clad Friend, so you are the self proclaimed best among us eh Some of the lads looked more than a little upset by Nogbad's boasting, but they knew better than to take him seriously when he was in his cups. S'right, take you all on anytime The old Barbarian just didn't know when to stop, and that Dagmire is as sharp as steel an' quick as a snake. Nogbad walked right into his trap, so he did. Best with a blade? Prove me wrong! Strongest of all? Damn right! Most powerful Wizard? Er... Renowned amongst archers? Ang on a minnit... Arch-Priest of Our Lord Sigmar? Put like dat... Nimble as a cat? But... Learned in the ancient arts? Look... Lord of all healers ? lt's... Able to disable a trap or open a secret door in a trice? Now Dagmire had grinned his wolfish grin and started walking for the door He'd made his point. He's alright when he gets going is Dagmire, and he 'd really struck a chord with the present company, who were nodding and agreeing with him. Nagbad looked pretty sheepish himself which was unlike him really. As the Witch Hunter made to leave the alehouse, he'd turned to face us all in his usual amateur theatrics fashion, and had left us with these wise words. We are all invaluable. We all have powers and skills which can save us from defeat in the caverns of night. No one hero here is better than the next. Alone we will die shameful and lonely deaths at the hands of the monsters we seek to destroy. Together, ahh, that is a different matter Together we unite our powers and become undefeatable! The key is to make sure that you take something of all us when you go adventuring, or you will surely perish. Healer wizard, fighter, spy, priest - you all have your part to play, and no single warrior amongst us takes the starring role. Good night gentlemen, or perhaps I should say good morning With that he was gone, and we were all left to think on the truth of his words. He's right you know, you have to have a bit of everything to make a great party of warriors. Next rime I go a 'venturin ', I'll be in good mixed company, you can be sure of that, or me name's nor Ned Neddley, Halfling Thief extraordinaire!


The Dwarf, Elf, Wizard and Barbarian were not chosen on a whim, but rather were selected with a cunning plan in mind.
The Barbarian clearly gives the Warriors muscle and killing power, pure and simple. He is the mainstay of the basic Warhammer Quest party, and the other Warriors follow him as their leader. His high Strength and extra Attack when berserk make him one of the most efficient fighters in the game, cleaving through Monsters like a hot knife through butter. There is always some friction between the Dwarf and the Barbarian, caused by the fact that the Barbarian always goes first because he has the lantern, and the Dwarf always goes last due to his low initiative. This tends to mean that in combat the Dwarf often misses out as the other Warriors have killed all the Monsters by the time he gets to fight! However, when he does get stuck in, not much can withstand his mighty axe! He also carries the rope, one of the few ways of getting out of a pit! The Wizard is physically much weaker than both the Barbarian and the Dwarf, but he has the awesome and greatly feared power of magic at his fingertips. Spells such as Fireball and Pit of Despair are deadly against any Monsters, so what he lacks in combat skill he can more than make up for in a fight if he wishes. However, perhaps the most important role he fills is keeping the other Warriors on their feet, whilst they in turn protect him from Monsters. If the Wizard spends all his power on attack spells then he will have none left for those vital healing spells - the end of the turn could see the unfortunate demise of several Warriors... The Elf can handle himself fairly well in a fight, but his low toughness and wounds, and lack of armour can make him fairly fragile. Balanced against his somewhat brittle nature is the fact that he has some unique skills and equipment. His bow makes able to engage Monsters from afar, and unlike the Wizard's spells can do this even if the power roll is low. Coupled with his automatic escape from pinning and his uncanny ability to dodge incoming attacks, this makes him a very flexible Warrior indeed - not to mention the fact that he has a magical potion capable of healing a Warrior back to full wounds!

So you can see that the Warriors from the Warhammer Quest box are set up as a well balanced group which can cope with most situations - a powerful combination of two fighters, a spell caster who can use magic to both attack and heal, and the Elf with his special skills and abilities. Any new party of Warriors would be well advised to follow a similar party balance as a rule of thumb, although sometimes you might take an extra spell caster or special Warrior rather than two fighters, for example. If you wish, you can just replace one or two of the Warriors from the Warhammer Quest box with new Warriors - you do not all have to have one of the Warriors from the new packs! In fact, there is a very good argument for at least keeping a Wizard in most parties of Warriors, if only for his healing abilities. If you do want to take a new Warrior along with you, the rules in each particular Warrior pack will explain how to use him in your games. Remember to put the Warrior counter for the original Warrior back in the box, replacing it with the new Warrior's! Remember too, if there is no Barbarian in the party, one of the other Warriors will have the lantern and be the leader.


Of course, you do not have to take a party of four Warriors on your adventures. You could take as few as two, or as many as six or more, depending on how many players want to get involved in the action.
If you do this, you will have to make sure that there are enough Monsters to go round! The cards and tables from the Warhammer Quest game are based on there being four Warriors to fight, and if you have fifteen different Warriors in the party, then the game as it stands will present no challenge at all! As a general rule, stick to parties of four Warriors, but if you have a party of five or six, then increase the number of Monsters by an equal amount. For example, if you have six Warriors in the party, that is 50% more Warriors than the Event cards are set up to deal with.


Look after the Wizard! - It's always tempting to just get stuck in every time, straight away, no messing. My axe always hungers for more Orc blood, its thirst is never slaked. However, never, ever, leave your wizard or healer on his own, no matter what sort of a whining cur he is. He needs your protection, and you may need his healing...

ANDY'S WARRIOR GROUP TEST TYPE Barbarian (F) Wizard (M) VERDICT Goes Berserk. Carries the Lantern. Is very strong. Lots of wounds and combat skills. A solid fighter, useful in a scrap. Not so good with missile weapons. No Yes! Yes Harder to get to grips with, but very powerful. Spells, magic items - his healing can keep the Warriors alive. Excellent choice for any party - his healing magic makes him invaluable. Yes No No Low Initiative. so sometimes misses out as he tends to go last. However, when he gets stuck in, not much can withstand his mighty axe. Has the Rope - gets you out of pits. Good with guns and other firearms, and effective skills against traps and so on. OK No Yes The Elf is never pinned, dodges, has a bow and a Healing Potion. He can thus save one of the Warriors from death, with his Potion and engage those pesky Gobbo archers from afar. A good addition, particularly with his unique and special skills and equipment. Once the party has a fighter and some magic, an Elf will complement the other Warriors very well indeed. Varies Varies Varies A good all-rounder Can be a Knight (fighter) or Mage (magic). His War Crown lets him freeze time once per game. Has a mass of spells and skills - and a big rulebook! Mmm... Mmm... Yes His Holy Book can fill in for magic quite well, his Ring of Jade heals, his war hammer can do a lot of damage. For protection, his Breastplate gives him extra toughness. A good Warrior to augment the strengths of a party. His Blessings help the other Warriors, giving them strength, etc when in dire peril. In his way! No No He has a Duelling Pistol, which is very powerful, and a Rapier. Happiest in a fight, he relies on skill and speed rather than brute strength and a big axe. His Ancient Heirloom causes fear in some Monsters. The Imperial Noble has special rules which make him a very useful Warrior, and he is a lot of fun to play. A good Warrior to complement a party which has another fighter. Yes Varies Varies The Chaos Warrior is basically there for the fight. However, he is very unpredictable as he gains random Chaos Artefacts and Attributes which may give him some special abilities like spell casting and so on. In higher Battlelevels, you take the risk of turning into Chaos Spawn, and his profile changes in a risky, random fashion. Such are the ways of Chaos - not a Warrior for the faint-hearted, but extremely exciting to play! OK Sort of Maybe A Witch Hunter is not a bad fighter, and his Pistol, Amulets and so on make him worth serious consideration for any party of Warriors. If you want to play a puritanical, inflexible and intolerant Warrior the Witch Hunter is for you! YES! No Himself Himself He will not back off from a fight, is tough and strong, and has lots of wounds to soak up damage. His Stone Bread means he is somewhat selfsufficient, as he is the only one who can eat the stuff. If you want a stalwart companion in a fight, the Troll Slayer is as good a choice as you get Yes No Yes The Pit Fighter has a choice of two weapons. His Fist Spike is great against big Monsters, as it gives him +2 Attacks, but no death blow. His Flail is good for clearing away hordes of Gobbos, as it gives him +2 strength. His Heal-Itt potion gives him a useful degree of healing power. A good starting point for any party, a Pit Fighter can fight and also heal a bit. Yes No No He is not as tough or strong as a Troll Slayer of Barbarian, but his special rules, skills and equipment make him just as powerful in a fight. He prefers hand-tohand combat and never uses armour. In his rulebook, there is a whole new settlement area to visit - the Wood Elf Encampment! Any player who enjoys playing an Elf, but who would really like to get stuck in, will love the Wardancer Letter after name indicates: (F)ighter, (M)agician or (S)pecial. FIGHTER? Yes MAGIC? No HEAL? No

Dwarf (F)

Elf (S)

Elf Ranger (FIM)

Warrior Priest (S)

Imperial Noble (F/S)

Chaos Warrior (F)

Witch Hunter (S)

Troll Slayer (F)

Pit Fighter (F)

Elf Wardancer (F)

In this case you should make sure that each time Monsters appear there are 50'% more of them. So. six Orcs will become nine Orcs. If the card says 1D6 Orcs, roll the dice as usual and then multiply the result to match the party size - so a dice roll of four- Orcs. becomes six Orcs. and so on. You should always round up in these circumstances!


What's all this about Navaak's Damned? Navaak this. Navaak that, all I hear about is Navaak! Glibfoot's Damned, that's what we should be called! Glibfoot Volespanker, scourge of Ores and Goblins alike, great leader of the most famous band of adventurers in the Old World!
On the other hand. you could allow the Warriors 1D6 x 10 gold each and pay a visit to town before the first adventure they ever play! Actually. if one of` the Warriors does fall into a pit you can always create an adventure where the Warriors have to go back and rescue him. You can bet that you will never ever venture into a dungeon without a rope again! It may seem that I have a fixation with rope, verging on obsession. but it was a blood-freezing moment when my Elf Ranger fell into a pit on his first outing. and no one could get him out. What a way to go!


On the other hand. if yell have large party of Warriors, and you are using the Monster tables, then you could try using the table one or two levels above the Battle-level of tile party. See if strength in numbers allows you to overcome more powerful Monsters they will be worth a lot of gold if you succeed !

If you want to. you can ignore all the guidelines above anti go for a totally different mix of Warriors. In this case, you would well advised to make sure that if all else fails, the Warriors in the party can each look after themselves. For example. if you do away with the Wizard. you would he mad not to make sure that each Warrior has some degree of healing power-. or that there is another Warrior in the party with a general healing In this situation you could go for a party of Warriors made up of a Pit Fighter (he has the Heal Itt potion). a Warrior Priest. a Troll Slaver, and an Elf.


Alternatively, an Elf Ranger Mage can stand in for the Wizard at a pinch. so long as he thinks very carefully about what spell to cast each turn: if he casts Shockwave at the start of the turn. then he will not be able to heal anyone at the end of the turn. which has caused grave problems in the past. This kind of party of Warriors could consist of an Elf Ranger Mage (healing). a Chaos Warrior (killing). a Witch Hunter (all rounder) and an Elf (bow, potion and special rules).

The problem here is that these Warriors have no rope, or

Levitation spell. so if someone falls in a pit trap. there is no way of getting him out. This is actually an obstacle common with all groups that have neither a Dwarf nor a Wizard. but it only applies to the very first adventure they embark on. Once the Warriors finish their first quest, they can head back into town and spend as much of their ill gotten gains on rope as they like! You can either take the risk that someone is going to fall down a pit in the first adventure or you could just take the Dwarfs rope along whatever.

Sometimes. chance may throw together a bunch of Warriors the like of which has never been seen before. All are skilled in the arts of war. all are deadly in battle. Combined together. they make for- a powerful killing machine that goes through most Monsters with ease. Typically, this kind of Warrior band could be made up of a Troll Slayer. Barbarian. Chaos Warrior and Pit Fighter although a Dwarf with his great axe would doubtless be welcome along too.

Such a group has its weaknesses, though. There is only a limited amount of healing available, which can make the Warriors particularly susceptible to damage-inflicting traps. Additionally, no one has any missile weapons, which can leave the party susceptible to long range attacks, especially since no one likes to break from pinning, and so they cannot break free to go and deal with bow-armed Monsters. On the other hand there is the endless pleasure of getting stuck into hand-to-hand fighting again and again without any of this weedy healing nonsense, and the fact that they will never run away... This is the party of death and destruction, devoid of any subtlety whatsoever.

Dwarf Warriors and human adventurers. The Dwarf from the Warhammer Quest game provides a big axe and rope, the Troll Slayer brings along his killing power and the ability to heal himself with Stone Bread, a Warrior Priest can shore up the party with the healing power of his Ring of Jade and the power of his Blessings, whilst the Imperial Noble adds a bit of spice and adventure, plus a deadly duelling pistol! This group of Warriors makes for a characterful combination.



In the Warhammer world, the Dwarfs have long since forged alliances with the humans of the Empire. As such, an interesting Warrior party is that made Lip of a mix of

By the same token, it is possible to construct a party of Warriors made up entirely of Elves. The Elves used to be a great power in the Old World, and the Elf Rangers are determined to reclaim their heritage. As such, a band of brave Warriors made up of Elves, and only Elves, would be entirely appropriate, as they go forth to rid the world of their ancient

THUD ! Theladrion plummeted into darkness as the floor gave way under his feet. The other warriors looked aghast, and Nibbler Hubshank the Halfling Thief climbed several feet up the crumbling wall of the cave in an instinctive bid to get away from the obviously treacherous floor. Shining the lantern down into the newly created chasm, Gundar Metal-Head the Pit Fighter shouted the Ranger's name Alroit daan there, Eladrian me ole mate? Anyfink bust After a moment or so checking his limbs, Theladrion peered up grumpily at the spot of light above him. It would appear that I have sustained no major injuries, my musclebound friend. Just get me out of here before some more Goblins appear with those wretched Cave Squigs! Not to worry matey, we'll ave yer aat in a trice. Now, where 's Grimcrag with 'is rope? ...ah Ah? echoed Theladrion testily, his voice echoing around the inky depths of the pit trap. Ah! indeed Mr Metal-Head well put if I may say so Lord Balaquan Schmidt, thirteenth in the line to the Schmidt estates south of Middenheim, smiled his oily smile as his laconic drawl cut the air: Your raging argument with our Mr Grimcrag at the Burning Maiden tavern led to him missing out on this adventure completely. I believe his exact sentiments were Mark my words, youll rue the day you spilt my ale, metal-brain... youll miss me, me axe and me rope before the week is out, I'll warrant, or something to that general effect. The Noble was clearly amused at the predicament, and punctuated his sentences by stabbing with his priceless rapier at the darting shadows created by the lantern. What's going on up there? Get me out immediately! the Ranger shouted. I am attuned to the forces of magic and can sense the approach of great evil! The pattering of small hairy feet echoing from up the passageway proved this not the wisest thing for the Ranger to say at that precise moment. Nibbler Hubshank didn't much like talk of nasty little things let alone great evil, and he was now headed for the distant pinprick of light that his needle sharp squint could just make out in the darkness.

'Ubshank, 'UBSHANK! Lawd 'ave mercy on 'im, 'e's gorn and legged it aggin, the little begga. The Pit Fighter scratched his head, puzzled, and stared at the hole as if willing it to deliver up his trapped companion. He put the lantern down whilst considering what to do next. Balaquan rook the decision out of the Pit Fighter's callused hands, by deftly plucking the lantern from the ground with the tip of his rapier and leisurely strolling off down the corridor with it. We'll have to go and purchase some rope my good friends. Mr Hubshank has, as usual, proven that he has an unerring sense of appropriate reaction. His well spoken voice drifted laconically down the passageway as the light receded. The Pit Fighter took one last anguished look down the now pitch black hole, from which the enraged cries of the Ranger were emerging. WHAT IS GOING ON? Er... gorra go, Theladrion me ole mate, we're off to buy some rope, sharpish, back in a trice! With that, Gundar sprinted off up the passageway after the lantern. His conscience pricked at him as he caught up with the Noble, who was strolling along the corridor whistling some vogue cantata from the courts of Middenheim. One-two-two one-two-two two-two... Oh, hello there Gundar old man. Old man, where? Ne 'er mind, wot are we doin'? We can't jest leave 'im! Best thing we could do old friend, nothing else for it I'm afraid - the lantern will not stay lit forever and even Theladrion can't magic rope from thin air or he would have been out of there ages ago. We'll be back shortly, and he has plenty to eat. All he has to do is keep quiet and stay put. The Pit Fighter gave this some thought for a few moments, then shrugged and sighed resignedly. No problem there then, really, just 'as ter keep mum. Yeah, mebbe yer right pal. Grinning contentedly, convinced that he was doing the right thing, Gundar followed the Noble. He tried to ignore the fading shouts of the Ranger which reached him even now, as his words were somewhat disturbing. Whatever Balaquan said, the thought of leaving a mate, even if just to pop to the shops, rankled with the grizzled Pit Fighters blunt sense of honour: It's at least three weeks travel each waaaayyyyy... The Ranger's voice faintly echoed through the tunnels.

enemies and perhaps retrieve some powerful lost artefacts maybe even the Crown of the Phoenix King! Because the Ranger can be either a Mage or a Knight, it is quite possible to take two Rangers in the same party of Warriors. One can be a Mage, providing magic and healing, whilst the other can be Knight to add weight in a fight. The Elf from the Warhammer Quest box brings along all his special abilities and equipment - bow, automatically break pinning, dodge, and of course, that allimportant Healing Potion. The final member of this Elven group could be a Wardancer, with his magical twin Swords of Orion and acrobatic and deadly fighting skills. That's about every aspect covered...


Not to be out done, there are more than enough Warriors

to make up a number of different adventuring party entirely of humans: from Norsca, the Empire, the temple of Sigmar, and even the Realms of Chaos. A Wizard will bring the priceless power of magic to the adventure, while a Barbarian, Pit Fighter or Chaos Warrior could bring it strength of the sword. An Imperial Noble, Witch Hunter or Warrior Priest will bring a diverse mix of skills, weapons artefacts and special equipment with him.


Of course, if you wish, you can abandon all pre-concepts and create the strangest party of Warriors which the world has ever seen! Imagine a party made up entirely of Chaos Warriors or Wizards! The former would be unstoppable in a fight, but devoid of any healing ability, depending on potions or buying provisions to keep them alive if they ever do get overwhelmed.
A group of Wizards, on the other hand, would be poor in combat with nobody to defend them against the predations of the Monsters, but what spells they could cast! Imagine what would happen when a one is rolled in the Power phase though..

- DOMAIN OF THE HORNED RAT (Originally in White Dwarf number 195) By Gavin Thorpe and friends Even in the heart of the Empire, no one is safe. Below the bright cities of humanity lurks a darkness which constantly strives to overthrow all civilisation. The labyrinthine Under-Empire of the Shaven stretches out from Skavenblight like a canker, endeavouring to create the Domain of the Horned Rat... There are many ways a band of brave Warriors may encounter the Skaven, above and below ground. The SKAVEN IN MIDDENHEIM Skaven frequently send parties of Gutter Runners to seek news from the surface, and they do not always pass Middenheim, City of the White Wolf, is one of the undetected. In addition, many of the city buildings have Empire's principle cities and gateway to the north. It is the basements and sub-basements that connect to the tunnels capital of the cult of Ulric and plays a major role in the beneath Middenheim, and therefore the Under-Empire. A affairs of the Empire. However, even this bastion of chance discovery can lead to all kinds of adventures and humanity isn't safe from the delving Under-Empire of the dangers, and the exploits of successful adventurers are Skaven. Set atop a mighty pinnacle of rock, Middenheim likely to reach Quirrik's inquisitive ears at some point, sits upon a network of ancient tunnels, dug from the bare bringing them to his unwelcome attention (and that of his rock by human, Dwarf and Skaven hands. Nobody truly Clan Eshin allies, the Assassins). knows what lurks beneath the city - its history records accounts of Chaos cults, Necromantic cabals and previous Skaven incursions. Of these, it is the threat of the Skaven that is ever-present, sustained as it is by the might of the Council of Thirteen. Numerous times in the past have the Skaven erupted from their tunnels only to be beaten back by the city's defenders. Recently, a new overlord of the Middenheim lair has been appointed by the Council of Thirteen. Quirrik is a young, ambitious Warlock of Clan Skryre, whose groundbreaking experiments with warpstone have earned him much prestige in the last two years. Now he has been commanded to develop his technology and create an arsenal of weapons with which to destroy the city.


There are three main protagonists the Warriors will face when combating the Skaven of Middenheim. These are Quirrik, the Clan Skryre Warlock in charge, and his monstrous creation, the Rat Golem. These two are carefully watched by the Council of Thirteen's spy, Skreek Deathstrike. The Event cards for these adversaries can be found on this issue's card section and the following gives a short background and the rules for each of these deadly opponents.
. From Clanrats to Plague Monks, Skaven are diverse and deadly opponents to populate your dungeons with


Quirrik first came to the Council of Thirteen's attention when he wrested power from his master in the small Skaven lair of Dreadpeak in the Grey Mountains. Using his seemingly innate knowledge of warpstone and his vicious cunning, Quirrik tricked his overlord, Grey Seer Meerlat, into performing an experiment which proved to be fatal (Quirrik had earlier sabotaged the components which led to a somewhat explosive end to Meerlat's research). Having already spent a year in preparation for this event, Quirrik was almost unopposed when he declared himself chieftain. Any opposition was quickly silenced by his personal bodyguard of Rat Ogres and Stormvermin, plus some well-paid Assassins of Clan Eshin.
Seeing much potential in Quirrik, the Council of Thirteen dispatched one of the Lords of Clan Skryre, the dreaded Ikit Claw. As Quirrik quailed before Ikit Claw, believing wrongly that he had somehow affronted the Council with his well timed coup, the Warlock began confessing to the theft of warpstone which he had been using in his own secret experiments. Ikit Claw was well pleased by his ambition and passed on Lord Morskittar's commands to go to Middenheim, to replace the recently deceased leader of that outpost. The previous ruler had died in mysterious circumstances, somehow contriving to strangle himself with his own tail... With a steadier supply of warpstone for his experiments, Quirrik has already completed one project and is well on his way to completing his next. Beneath Middenheim, in Quirrik's laboratory, is hidden a massive Warpfire generator, much more powerful than any other of its kind. With this, Quirrik hopes to smash the defences of Middenheim and then storm the stunned defenders with an army of his other creation - the Rat Golem.

from the Warriors as possible! However, if the Warriors meet Quirrik in his Laboratory he should be placed in one of the squares directly in front of the Warpfire generator. He is too close to be affected by its blasts of warpfire as explained in the Warpfire Generator's rules. Minions. Quirrik is always accompanied by some of his most trusted guards. In the Objective room this is already taken into account on the Monsters' table. If Quirrik is met as an Unexpected Event, draw the next Event card too. If this is an E type Event place it back in the Event deck. If the card indicates Monsters, place them on the board as normal. Keep replacing E cards until Monsters are drawn. Warlock. As an accomplished Warlock of Clan Skryre, Quirrik wields powerful magic to defend himself and attack his enemies. At the start of every Monsters' phase, roll a D6 on the Quirrik's Spells table below to see which spell, if any, Quirrik casts that turn.

Placing Quirrik. Quirrik does not feel safe without at least a small army between himself and his enemies. So, when encountered as an Unexpected Event, he is always placed like a Monster armed with a missile weapon: as far

D6 ROLL 1 2 SPELL CAST Eeek! Quirrik is too unnerved by the Warriors to cast a spell this turn! Warp Power. Quirrik uses the power of magic to heal his injuries. Add 1D6 Wounds to his current total. This cannot take him above his Starting Wounds total of 10. If Quirrik is on maximum Wounds already, treat this roll as a 3 (Pestilent Breath). Pestilent Breath. Quirrik's jaw opens wide and a flood of noxious fumes spills out to engulf the Warriors. Each Warrior on the same board section must roll a D6 and add their Toughness. Any Warrior who scores 6 or less suffers 1D3 (roll a D6 1/2=1, 3/4=2, 5/6=3) Wounds with no deductions. Warp Lightning. Forks of magical lightning leap from Quirrik's fingers, striking down one of the Warriors. Draw a Warrior counter to see who is hit. The Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no deductions for armour. Wither. A greenish, pallid glow stretches from Quinik's outstretched paw, sapping the strength of one of the Warriors. Draw a Warrior counter to see who is affected. The affected Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no deductions for Toughness or armour. Putrefy. Quirrik casts an illusion about himself, making the Warriors see images of death and decay all around them. Each Warrior must roll a dice, on a roll of 1, 2 or 3 that Warrior may do nothing in the next Warriors' phase. Affected Warriors can defend themselves against attack as normal.

4 5


before the Warriors phase. If he is revealed in a room, he will attack in the same Monsters' phase as he is placed. Throwing Stars. One of Skreek's most favoured weapons is the throwing star. Skreek is so skilled in their use that he can throw them even while locked in mortal combat with the enemy! For this reason, Skreek is not placed like missile-armed Monsters, but leaps straight into hand-tohand combat. However, at the start of the Monsters' phase, before making any hand-to-hand attacks, Skreek may throw a star at one of the Warriors - even if the Assassin is pinned! Draw a Warrior counter to determine who is targeted. Skreek can ricochet the stars off the walls and ceilings, so any Warrior may be hit, even if Skreek doesn't have a direct line of sight to them! The Warrior will be hit on a roll of 4+ on 1D6. A Warrior hit by a throwing star suffers a Strength 4 hit (lD6+4 damage). Weeping Blades. Skreek's weapons are coated in a highly virulent and corrosive venom mixed with warpstone powder, and are known by the Skaven as Weeping Blades. Because he has two such weapons, Skreek gains an extra attack (giving him 2 attacks in total). In addition, any Warrior who is reduced to zero wounds by Skreek in handto-hand combat will suffer more permanent injuries if later healed. Roll a dice for any Warrior who is reduced to zero Wounds by Skreek, on a roll of 1-3 the Warrior loses one point of Toughness permanently, on a roll of 4-6 the Warrior loses a point of Strength. Note that this is slightly changed from the Weeping Blades rules in the Roleplay book to better reflect the more Chaotic nature of the warpstone-based poison.

Skreek Deathstrike has only recently arrived in Middenheim, and his presence serves as a constant annoyance to Quirrik. He is quite openly a spy for the Council of Thirteen and has orders to keep track of Ikit Claw's protege. As with all Skaven, subterfuge and backstabbing is part of Quirrik's lifeblood, and Skreek's investigations make the Warlock feel more vulnerable than he would care to be. Indeed, Quirrik strongly suspects that Skreek has been paid by Clan Moulder to sabotage his Rat Golem experiments. This is, in fact, true, as a successful conclusion to Quirrik's project would seriously weaken the beastmasters of Clan Moulder - it is mainly their monopoly on Rat Ogre breeding that keeps them from being toppled by more dynamic clans. Unknown to Quirrik, Skreek also has another task, one which is far more sinister.
The real reason for Skreek's presence in Middenheim is truly horrifying, for he has been sent by the Lords of Clan Pestilens to start another outbreak of plague in the Empire. He carries a small phial of a deadly contagion which, if added to Middenheim's water supply, could kill and cripple thousands, leaving the northern Empire ripe for the Skaven to overrun. Even Quirrik does not know of this, because it potentially makes his presence totally unnecessary (should Skreek succeed in his task, his next mission is to dispose of the ambitious Warlock... ). As always, the Council of Thirteen is trying to cover for every eventuality and in many respects Skreek Deathstrike wields more power in Middenheim than anybody knows (except himself). If the Skaven were ever to truly stop plotting amongst themselves, the Old World may well be doomed!


Listed below are our suggestions to make a completely Skaven Event deck. Some of these are from the Warhammer Quest box, while the others can be made up using one of the Warhammer Quest blank Event card packs and the Bestiary section of the Roleplay Book. Of course, much of what you can use in your adventures depends upon what models you have available. If you don't have a particular miniature, simply replace the card with one from the box. Well, here's our suggested deck to go with the three Event cards in this issue. 2D6 Skaven 2D6 Giant Rats 1 Rat Ogre (also available in White Dwarf 193) 1D6+3 Skaven Stormvermin 1D6 Skaven Gutter Runners 1D6 Poison Wind Globadiers 1D6 Plague Censer Bearers 1D6 Skaven and 1D6 Giant Rats 1D6+3 Skaven Gutter Runners 5 E type cards - Cave-in is a good one!

Ambush. Skreek is an expert at attacking from the shadows, striking down his foes before they even see him. For this reason, Skreek makes his attacks as soon as he is placed on the board, just like Giant Bats. This means that if Skreek appears as an Unexpected Event he will attack



As soon as the idea of the Rat Golem came about, everybody started talking about what it should look like. Rather than deciding who (if anybody) was right, here's where we've got to so far... Left: Andy Jones thought that the Rat Golem should look like this

The Rat Golem is a prototype of a new Skaven creature. It is a mechanically modified Rat Ogre, with chunks of warpstone embedded in parts of its body to provide it with a resistance to magic and the ability to heal itself. However, it is even more stupid than normal Rat Ogres, and frequently needs repairing. It needs no food and instead draws upon the raw power of the warpstone within it to live. This source of energy is somewhat slow and erratic Right: The view the though, and the prototype is Warriors want to see of still unreliable. Once (if?) Andy's bizarre looking Quirrik manages to solve these Rat Golem... teething problems, the Rat Golem will become one of the most powerful creatures in Skaven armies, only surpassed by the dreaded Vermin Lords, daemons of the Horned Rat (or so Quirrik claims... )!
Warpstone power. The Rat Golem is extremely erratic in its movement and fighting style. Follow this procedure to work out how the Rat Golem moves and attacks each turn. 1 Roll 2D6 to see how much energy the Rat Golem can draw from the warpstone this turn and make a note of this on a scrap of paper. Draw a Warrior counter to see who the Rat Golem sees as the greatest threat for that turn. The Rat Golem is never pinned. Move the Rat Golem towards the Warrior, counting off one energy point

Above: And this is my humble creation, bedecked with pieces from every corner of the Citadel range. : for every square moved. If it cannot reach the Warrior, whether due to lack of energy or obstructing models, the Rat Golem moves as far as possible, then stops and does nothing. If the Rat Golem moves into a square adjacent to its target, roll 1D6 on the Rat Golem Attack table.

Ignore Blow. Roll a D6 whenever the Rat Golem is wounded, on a roll of 4+ the blow either hits a super-tough component or is immediately healed and the Rat Golem takes no damage. Magic Resist. Roll 1D6 if a spell is cast at the Rat Golem. On a roll of 4+ the spell has no effect on the Rat Golem.

2 3


D6 ROLL 1-2 ATTACK The Rat Golem makes a number of normal attacks using its Weapon Skill, Strength, etc. It may make one attack for each remaining point of energy it has when it reaches its target. The Rat Golem does 1D6+6 Wounds each time it hits. The Rat Golem attempts to head butt the Warrior and send him crashing to the ground. Make a normal to hit roll for the Rat Golem, if successful the Warrior takes 1D6+6 Wounds with normal deductions. In addition, the Warrior may not make any attacks in the next Warriors' phase as he picks himself up from the floor The Rat Golem picks up the Warrior in a crushing bear hug. The Warrior takes a number of Wounds equal to the remaining number of energy points, with no deductions for Toughness or armour! To see where a Warrior is thrown 5 The Rat Golem picks up the Warrior in its massive claws and flings him across the room. Refer to the diagram to the right to see in which direction the Warrior is thrown. The Warrior travels a number of squares in a straight line, equal to the Rat Golem's remaining energy. If the Warrior hits a wall or another model before moving the full distance, the Warrior (and any model hit) takes a number of wounds equal to the remaining distance. This is not modified for Toughness or armour. For example, if a Warrior thrown six squares only travels three before hitting another model, both models suffer 3 Wounds each. Roaring in anger, the Rat Golem lunges forward to take a massive bite out of the Warrior. Make a normal to hit roll for the Rat Golem. If this hits, the Warrior suffers lD3 (roll a D6 1/2=1, 3/4=2, 5/6=3) Wounds for every remaining point of energy, with normal deductions for Toughness and armour.

Quirrik glowered angrily at the newcomer his whiskers quivering at the indignity of being investigated by the Council of Thirteen.
I assure you, my experiments- have been extremely productive, and the warpstone used in their construction has not been wastedwasted. I find my masters' lack of trust-trust Surprising, but if they wish to see what my great-great work has achieved then so be it. The Assassin Skreek Deathstrike, said nothing but stared intently at the ruler of the Middenheim lair his head slightly cocked to one Side. The Clan Eshin lord licked his tail with impatience and Quirrik cowered briefly before he remembered he was Chieftain of this lair and theoretically had absolute power. Baring his fangs in a snarl, the Warlock led the way deeper into the tunnels. The walls ahead of them were splashed with greenish light and both Skaven became more excited at the tang of warpstone that hung in the air As Quirrik scuttled along the corridor his long claws beating out an intricate tattoo on the bare rock, the sleek Assassin glided past him. After much sniffing and staring about, Skreek leant across Quirrik, his dark eyes staring intently at the Warlock, and pressed a claw into a seemingly ordinary crack in the wall. As the hidden door swung open, revealing five Stormvermin: ready to spring, Quirrik started a low, strange hissing the Skaven equivalent to embarrassed laughter

My Lord-Lord Skreek, what a find-find! You have just reminded me, there is a quick-quicker way to my laboratory! How resourceful of you to find-find it. The Warlock backed away with his eyes downcast in deference, but as soon as the Assassin passed through the portal, Quirrik raised his head and his eyes glinted evilly as he started concocting his next malicious plan. The Assassin easily slipped out of the small secret corridor; silently stalking past the dark, humming bulk of the Warpfire Generator and stood waiting. What do you think-think? Dead-deadly, kill lots of no-furs, yes? Quirrik asked as he gazed lovingly at his creation. For the first time since he had arrived, Skreek Deathstrike spoke. His voice was soft and quite melodic for a Skaven, and was barely more than a whisper Not what I came to see, Quirrik. Where is the mech-mechanical Rat Ogre? I hope you will not try to hide-hide anything from me... The Assassin brought himself up to his full height, towering over Quirrik and, just for a second, allowing his black cloak to flow back slightly and reveal the arsenal of weapons carried beneath. Quirrik's nervous hissing filled the air once again and his face was split by an ingratiating grin.


Quirrik s first fiendish creation was his Warpfire Generator. It utilises the same technology as an ordinary Warpfire Thrower, but on a scale thought unattainable before. Although potentially deadly, like any creation using warpstone, the Warpfire Generator has a tendency to go wrong, and may even blow itself up!



square the line passes through, including the original target, may be hit. Monsters are never hit, they know that the Generator makes a high pitched whine before firing and dive out of the way! Roll a D6 for each potential victim. On a roll of 6 the model is hit and suffers 3D6 Wounds, with no deductions for armour. If a damage roll comes up with a double or triple one, something has gone wrong! Roll another D6 and consult the Misfire Chart below.

Due to its elevated position, the Warpfire Generator can only target certain parts of Quirrik's Laboratory. The diagram below shows where the flames cannot reach, and where a Warrior will therefore be safe from its affects.
The Warpfire Thrower uses the following procedure to fire : 1. The Warpfire Generator can only fire if there is an unpinned Skaven model standing next to it (not including the Rat Golem or a Rat Ogre). All of Quirrik's minions have been taught the basic principles behind firing it. 2. As with ordinary missile fire, draw a Warrior counter to find out who the Warpfire Generator is fired at. 3. Draw an imaginary line between the Warpfire Generator and the targeted Warrior. Any Warrior in a The red squares are safe areas and models occupying them cannot be targeted by the Warpfire Generator However this does not protect them if the Warpfire Generator misfires...

D6 Roll 1-3 Result The Warpfire Generator blows up, inflicting 2D6 Wounds on every model in the laboratory! The Warpfire Generator can no longer be fired. The Warpfire Generator leaks warpstone fuel everywhere. Any model in an adjacent square (even if on a different level) suffers 2D6 Wounds. The Warpfire Generator can no longer be fired.


A party of brave (foolish?) Warriors have managed to reach Quirriks Laboratory where they must face the heinous Warlock himself!


The stench of burning

warpstone fills the air; and the ominous hum of powerful machinery shakes the floor. In the darkness you spy the bulky form of the Warpfire Generator

save himself with magic and then plays dead until the Warriors go away. When he later meets them, Quirrik will have had time to prepare and will be a little more afraid than he was before. To represent this, if Quirrik is encountered earlier in the adventure, you should subtract 1 from your dice roll on the Objective Room Monsters table. Similarly, if the Rat Golem is destroyed and later reappears, you can assume that Quirrik has had time to make enough repairs to get the creature working again. However, it won't be up to scratch for a while and it gains only 2D6-3 energy each turn, instead of 2D6. Note that you gain gold for each time you defeat one of these Monsters, even if you do kill them as such.


Quirrik's Laboratory is split between two different levels the floor and the raised walkway. With exception noted below, models can only move between the two levels by moving up and down the stairs. The exception to this rule is Skreek Deathstrike. Skreek's acrobatic abilities allow him to leap easily from one level to the other and so he has no need to use the steps. In addition, a model on one level cannot pin, or attack in hand-to-hand combat, a model on the other level. The walkway also blocks line of sight from one side to the other. For example, a model in a room outside cannot fire a missile weapon at a model standing in one of the two pits on either side of the Warpfire Generator.


D6 Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 Monsters Quirrik, Rat Golem, 1D6 Stormvermin, 6 Skaven Warriors, 1D6 Gutter Runners Quirrik, Rat Golem, 6 Stormvermin, 1D6 Gutter Runners. Quirrik, Rat Golem, 6 Skaven Warriors, ID6 Gutter Runners. Quirrik, Rat Golem, 1D6 Stormvermin, 1D6 Giant Rats. Quirrik, Rat Golem, 1D6 Skaven Warriors, 1D6 Gutter Runners Quirrik, Rat Golem, 1D6 Skaven Warriors, 1D6 Giant Rats

As Quirrik appears on the table below and on his own Event card, it is possible for the Warriors to kill him earlier in the adventure and then meet him again in his laboratory. In this case, it is assumed Quirrik manages to

course!). There is no need to go to the Objective room, unless the Warriors feel up to it!


If the Warriors succeed in stopping Skreek they will find the phial of toxin and guess what he planned to do. When the Warriors' heroism is brought to the attention of Elector Count Boris Todbringer, he rewards each of them with 1D6x150 gold and gives them the keys to the city.
If they fail, well it's best that they leave the city as quickly and quietly as possible (and take lots of bottled water with them).

3-4: SNEAKIN' AROUND The recent discovery of a Skaven Assassin has led Boris Todbringer, the Elector Count of Middenland, to organise a hunt through the tunnels beneath Middenheim. As part of this vast military operation, your Warriors have been hired to venture into the Under-Empire to find out what they can of the Skaven.

Below are three adventures to be used in conjunction with Quirrik's Laboratory. You can play each as a separate encounter or work your way through them in sequence to form a mini-campaign. 1-2: A KNIFE IN THE DARK While out carousing one evening, enjoying the sights of Middenheim, your party happens to stop by the Broken Knife tavern. Late that evening, as you enjoy the hospitable atmosphere and share a friendly drink with the locals, you become aware of a disturbance behind the counter. Upon investigation, you find the body of the landlord in the beer cellar, stabbed several times in the back. Clawed footprints in the dank cellar lead you to a secret door, which opens up onto the tunnels beneath the city. Everybody implores you to find the barkeeper's murderer and you decide to follow the trail. However, it doesn't take you long to realise that something much more sinister is going on...

This adventure uses the Warpstone counters to represent how much information the Warriors can gather. They can exit the dungeon at any time by retracing their steps and moving off the section they started on. However, the more intelligence the Warriors can gather, the greater their rewards when they return.
The Warriors can take a Warpstone counter for each of the following encounters: If the Warriors meet Skreek Deathstrike, If the Warriors meet the Rat Golem, If the Warriors meet Quirrik, If the Warriors enter Quirrik's Laboratory and see his monstrous Warpfire Generator, If the Warriors meet a Rat Ogre, and if the Warriors explore three or more Dungeon rooms. If the Warriors fight their way through to the Laboratory and then defeat all their adversaries, they find the secret passage behind the Warpfire Generator and can make their escape without backtracking. Remember, if the Warriors retrace their steps they will only generate Unexpected Events, since the Dungeon rooms they have already passed through will have been cleared of their occupants and any traps.

As you may have guessed, your Warriors are in fact tracking Skreek Deathstrike after his first abortive foray to the surface. He is looking for another way to get above ground so that he can follow his orders to poison the population of Middenheim. Your Warriors must catch up with the Skaven Assassin before he can find a more secretive route to Middenheim. To represent this, every time you draw an event card roll a D6. If this roll is a 1, take one of the Warpstone counters. These counters represent Skreek's progress through the tunnels. If the Warriors pick up all six counters, Skreek has reached the surface and will be poisoning the wells! If Skreek is encountered before this happens, the Warriors can return safely to the surface (assuming that they defeat him of


When they reach the surface, the Warriors relay all that they have discovered to the authorities, who can use their information to devise a plan of attack. For every Warpstone counter the Warriors possess, the party gains 1D6x100 Gold, split evenly between all the party.

5-6: FIRE AND WARPSTONE! Having assessed the threat posed by the Skaven beneath his city, Boris Todbringer has ordered his troops to sweep through the warren of caverns and corridors that riddle the rock of Middenheim. However, before this attack can begin, the Warpfire Generator must be eliminated, and the Warriors have been given the task. The wizards and scientists of Todbringer's court can only think of one way to do this and ensure it can never be repaired. The Warriors must overload the machine so that it blows itself to smithereens! As you might guess, this is not without risk, but the Warriors have been promised vast sums of gold and treasure if they can pull it off...
The main problem lies in gathering enough warpstone to overcharge the generator. The Warriors will have to scavenge for the lethal substance as they make their way towards Quirrik's Laboratory.


Each time the Warriors successfully complete an Event in a Dungeon room, they may take one of the Warpstone counters. You must decide amongst yourselves which Warrior is carrying the potentially lethal rock.
If a warrior carrying Warpstone is reduced to zero wounds he may suffer more long term effects. Roll a D6 when he is healed to one or more Wounds, on a roll of a 1 he suffers a deduction to his profile as detailed in Skreek's Weeping Blades ability (lose -1 Toughness or Strength). If the Warriors pick up all six Warpstone counters they can find no more, no matter how many Dungeon rooms they search - the Warriors must make their way to Quirrik's Laboratory as quickly as they can. Alternatively, if all the Skaven are killed before the Warpfire Generator explodes, the Warriors can load the Warpstone at their leisure. Roll 1D6 and add the number of Warpstone counters the Warriors picked up (including any already used). The Warriors can choose to put in less Warpstone if they wish... Look up the result on the Overload chart.


If the Warriors cause the Generator to melt down, they each gain 1D6x100 Gold. If the Warriors can make the Generator explode (or if it happens to explode anyway... ) they are each rewarded with 1D6x100 Gold and an item of Treasure.
If they fail to do either of these, the Generator is turned on the Elector Count's attacking army and incinerates a swathe of them before beating the Imperial soldiers back. You are wanted in Middenheim, with a considerable price on your heads! Best if you leave without making a fuss...

Generate the Monsters in Quirrik's Laboratory as normal. The OVERLOAD CHART Warriors must fight off D6+Warpstone Result these creatures and counters attempt to overload the There isn't enough Warpstone to matter, the Warriors cannot destroy the 4 or less Warpfire Generator. A Generator and should make a hasty exit before the Elector Count's forces Warrior must be catch up with them! standing next to the At the start of each Power phase, roll 3D6 and treat them as damage dice 5-7 Warpfire Generator in for the Generator - it misfires on a double or triple one. Once the order to throw in a Generator has misfired the Warriors can make their escape (after piece of Warpstone. disposing of any Monsters that appeared while they were waiting). The Warrior cannot The Generator suffers a meltdown, apply the 4-6 result of the Generator 8-9 attack the same turn, Misfire chart. The Warriors can make their escape (after disposing of any but may defend himself Monsters that appeared while they were waiting). as normal. For every The Warpfire Generator explodes as detailed in the 1-3 result of the 10+ piece of Warpstone Generator Misfire chart. Once any surviving Monsters have been loaded into the eliminated the Warriors can make their escape to the surface. Warpfire Generator, roll an extra set of 3D6 when it fires if any of the 3D6 rolls comes up with a double or triple 1, the Generator has misfired!

As you progress up through the Battle-levels you can come across a massive variety of Skaven adversaries. You will meet Plague Monks and Plague Lords of Clan Pestilens, all types of Warlock including the powerful Grey Seers, and Deathmaster Assassins of Clan Eshin. Of course, there's also the dread Vermin Lords of the Horned Rat. In a future article we hope to present more ideas and rules for using the creatures of the Under-Empire in your adventures, including more brilliant new board sections by Richard Wright.


As usual, the Monsters and Events detailed in this article are designed for players using the basic Warhammer Quest rules. However, this section will hopefully give you some ideas so that you can use Skreek, Quirrik and the Rat Golem at any level you are playing. Skreek and Quirrik are probably simplest to deal with, since they are variations on an existing Monster type - an Assassin and a Warlock, respectively. Quirrik should rise in level according to what type of Warlock is seen most commonly on his own at the battle-level you are playing. For example, at battle-level 6 Quirrik should be a Warlock Champion (at least!) and by the time you reach Battle levels 9 and 10 he should definitely use a modified version of the Grey Seer rules.
Similarly, you can add Magic Weapons, Armour and Items to Skreek, and later on you should use a variation of the Deathmaster Assassin given in the Roleplay Book. He'll gain more attacks, perhaps get a bit stronger and so on. You can even create a special rule that allows him to appear, attack and then disappear again - those of you with the Catacombs of Terror pack will be familiar with Luthor the hunchback's fighting style! The Rat Golem is slightly more difficult, because there is no other creature like it. Look through the Monsters' Special Abilities section, perhaps giving him better Magic Resistance and Ignore Blow skills. You may like him to have more energy points each turn, and so on. At battle levels 1-4, the Rat Golem should have a suitable Fear factor, 4+ or 5+ perhaps. Also consider the following abilities as additions to a tougher Rat Golem: Ignore Pain, Plague and perhaps some kind of Magic Armour. And then

there's also the option of meeting more than one of these dangerous creatures (Quirrik's going to be very busy).


If you are playing with a gamesmaster and using all the extra rules from the back of the Roleplay book, the Skaven lair beneath Middenheim provides all sorts of adventure plots. For a start, you can flesh out the three adventures given in this article, expanding on the frantic hunt for Skreek and so on. There is great room for involving the Warriors, unwittingly of course, in the schemes and intrigues between Skreek and Quirrik. It's quite possible that Skreek could, through an intermediary, hire the Warriors to destroy the Warpfire Generator so that he will be paid by Clan Moulder. If Skreek fulfils his mission for Clan Pestilens, imagine the desperation of the Warriors as they frantically try to find a cure and get it to the source of the contagion. Well that's this month's instalment of Domain of the Horned Rat. We hope to bring you more Warhammer Quest Skaven rules in future issues. Cheerio!

- ON THE WATERFRONT (Originally in White Dwarf number 196) By Ian Pickstock and Gavin Thorpe This article is the first in a two-part series introducing coastal towns, ocean journeys and Lost Kingdoms to your Warhammer Quest campaigns. Don't worry though, in this issue we give full details of a brand new settlement - a Seaport where your Warriors can experience all the thrills (and spills) of harbour life.

Have the Warriors in your party trudged the length and

breadth of the Old World? Is there no dungeon depth that remains unseen? No lost towers left unexplored? No Goblin-infested caverns you haven't conquered? Does every evil Necromancer cower in terror at the mere mention of your party's name? If the answer to all these questions is a big yes, then maybe the Old World isn't big enough for you and your party any more. Perhaps you should start looking further afield - searching beyond the vast tracts of ocean, or the great deserts beyond the

guard treasures and riches that have lain hidden for millennia. This is the first part of a two part article designed to enable you to set your Warhammer Quest adventures in far and distant lands such as Nippon, Cathay, Lustria or Southern Araby. Of course, to get to these distant lands you have to cross the high seas, and to do that you are going to have to find a ship. In this first instalment we introduce a new kind of settlement, the Seaport, that the Warriors can explore and eventually set sail from for their chosen destination.


After completing a dungeon, the Warriors may choose to travel to a Seaport instead of a City, Town or Village. To get to the Seaport takes 6+D3 weeks. As well as getting passage to faraway kingdoms, Seaports are bustling trade centres and your Warriors may choose to go to a Seaport for the many rare items that can be purchased, or to check out some of the roughest taverns in the Old World!
A Seaport counts as a City and you should follow all the same rules for living expenses, stock rolls and so on. It has all the same locations that you would find in any other City. You may spend each day doing all the usual things, such as buying supplies and training. Elves, Dwarfs and other races may look for their respective Quarters as normal. At the end of the day you should roll on the Settlement Events table as normal.


edge of any known maps, to find the legendary realms known only as the Lost Kingdoms. These are lands shrouded in mystery where strange and evil monsters

Alternatively, your Warrior may choose to go down to the Harbour. The Harbour has a number of special locations that you may visit, which are detailed below. In addition, you have a chance of finding a ship Captain to take you abroad. If you spend the day in a Harbour location then roll on the Harbour Events table instead of the usual Settlement Events table.


Roll a D66, any special skills or rules that apply to Settlement Events also apply to Harbour Events,
11-13 GONE FISHING Hunting for a ship, your Warrior comes across a likely looking Captain, who unfortunately doesn't speak the same language, He impresses your Warrior with his vast collection of unique sea charts and the skill of his crew. Your whole party sets sail immediately (resolve any Warriors activities for today before you go). However, the Captain is only a fisherman and your party spends the next two months cruising the coast of Norsca for trout, roll on the Ocean Events table (see next issue), You arrive back at the Seaport with a healthy distaste for fish! 14-16 CAPTAIN Roll on the Captain's Table (see next issue). 21-23 OL' SEA DOG Whilst touring the wharves around the warehouse quarter, you run into a crippled old sailor. The one-eyed, peglegged veteran tells you the best places to find a decent ship Captain For one roll on the Captain's Table (see next issue) in this Settlement, you may add +1 to your dice roll. 24 PIRATE Roll on the Captain's Table (see next issue), the Captain you roll is also a Pirate. If you set sail with the Pirate you will become fugitives from the law! You are now Pirates, note this on your Warrior sheet. This only comes into affect with the Accused of Piracy Harbour Event (see below).


You may visit one Harbour location each day, as with any other Settlement location. See also the Waterfront Tavern later


Whilst in a Seaport, the Warriors may try their hand at a spot of trading in the exotic and rare merchandise that passes through the port every day. Your Warrior must first decide which commodity to trade in (or several if he wishes).
COMMODITY Silks Exotic Perfumes Foreign Spices Wines and Liquors Antique Weaponry * Slaves * Cost 30 60 100 150 200 300 MarkUp 1 2 3 3 4 5 Sale Value 10 10 15 20 20 25

you roll any ones, then roll a further D6. On a roll of 1 or 2 as well as losing the deal you are caught and arrested - all your commodities (illegal and legal) are confiscated and you are sent to The Brig for a week!


The Brig is not somewhere that you visit by choice, but through your travels and dealings in the Seaport you may get into trouble and find yourself thrown in The Brig. You'll be sharing a cell with cut-throats, thieves and murderers, and swapping tall stories with smugglers, mutineers and pirates. Many of your cellmates come from foreign lands and speak strange dialects (and have very bad breath)! Each day that your Warrior spends in The Brig roll a D6 on the table below.
D6 Roll 1 EVENT Deported! Your Warrior is moved to a special enclosure and gets the uneasy feeling that he is to be shipped to a distant penal colony for the rest of his natural life! Roll D6, on a roll of 1 he fails to get out of this fix and your Warrior sails over the horizon never to be seen again! On a roll of 2+ your cunning Warrior manages to break back into his old cell and escapes this appalling fate. Bad Porridge! Your Warrior is given some really bad food, deduct two Wounds from your starting total for the next adventure Cat O' Nine Tails! The guards don't seem to like the look of your Warrior and drag him into the yard for a lashing with the dreaded cat o nine tails. Your Warrior suffers -1 Toughness for the duration of the next dungeon. Treat further rolls of this result for your present visit to the Brig as a 4-5 (Chain Gang). Chain Gang! You spend the day in the chain gang, making big rocks into little rocks. Treasure Map! You bump into a wiry old man with a totally bald head and long moustache who gesticulates wildly and curses loudly in a foreign tongue before handing you a crumpled piece of parchment that turns out to be a treasure map. Upon completion of the next dungeon, your Warrior receives an additional 1D6x100 Gold.

First you must roll a D6 to see how many of that commodity you can buy. You may buy any or all that are available at the Gold cost listed on the table. However, if you roll a 1, then there is none of that commodity available. After you have bought all of your commodities you must sell them on the streets. For each item of a commodity roll a number of dice up to or equal to the commodity's Mark Up value. Add up the total of all the dice and multiply it by the Sale Value. The total is the amount of Gold you get from the sale of one item. However, if you roll any ones the deal has gone sour and you make no Gold at all and lose that item. You may repeat this until you have sold all your commodities.

ILLEGAL TRADING (smuggling !)

If you are trading in illegal items (marked on the commodities table with a * then you risk being caught by the authorities. If

4-5 6

As the seafaring Warriors leave their favourite tavern they are set upon by an Imperial Navy press gang! to sink! A passing Samaritan throws you a line, but unfortunately fails to hold the other end... When you come to, you are in a foul pauper's hospital, and have contracted various waterborne diseases. This puts you out of action for the next D6 days during which you may do nothing at all, but need not roll for Settlement Events. 52-55 BOARDING PASS During your wanderings your Warrior finds a discarded boarding pass. It is for passage aboard the Empire's most prestigious ship, the KLF II, pride of the fleet. You may treat this as a 6 result on the Captain's Table (i.e. passage on Admiral Krueger's ship - see next issue). However, this is not without risk as the real owner of the pass may turn up and report it lost (or stolen). Roll a D6 when your party boards, on a roll of 1, 2 or 3 they are arrested for the theft and sent to The Brig for D6 days (roll once for the sentence of the whole party). 56-62 PLAGUE RAT Your Warrior is bitten by a rat whilst investigating the condition of a ship's hold. Note that your Warrior is a potential plague victim on your Warrior sheet. When he next boards a ship, roll a D6. On a roll of 1 the close confines allow the plague to rapidly spread through the ship. Miraculously, your Warrior and his companions survive, but the rest of the crew die or are horribly crippled meaning the journey takes an extra D6 months to complete. On a roll of 2+ your Warrior falls quite ill for a week but manages to brazen out the blisters and raging fever. Your Warrior eventually feels fine and the bracing sea air soon gets your Warrior back on his feet again. 63-66 UNEVENTFUL DAY

2531 UNEVENTFUL DAY 32 ACCUSED OF PIRACY Your Warrior hears a loud shout and turns to see a man dressed in filthy rags pointing at him. Seize him! He's one of Bluebeard's filthy, low-down, cut-throat, rat-faced, scurvy bunch who attacked my ship! If your Warrior really is a Pirate, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 he is caught and hung! This is the end! On a roll of 2 or more your Warrior manages to evade his pursuers through various impressive feats of swashbuckling and derring-do, but must leave the Settlement immediately. If you are not a pirate, you must spend two days in The Brig before your name is cleared. See The Brig. 33-36 CUSTOMS You are stopped and searched by customs officials who think that your magic weapons and treasure are smuggled objet d'art. You must pay an import tax of 10%. Add up the value of any treasure you are carrying (not gold or ordinary equipment) and divide the result by ten. You must pay this much gold (rounding fractions down) and will have to sell treasure to make up any shortfall. 41-43 CAPTAIN Roll on the Captain's Table (see next issue). 44-51 FALLEN IN THE DOCKS Walking along a loading pier, you tread on something unsavoury and slip over the edge into the water. After bouncing on the local effluent a couple of times you start


Roll 2D6 and apply any normal Alehouse modifiers.

2. PRESS-GANGED. Whilst frequenting a dockside tavern the Imperial Navy attempt to press-gang your Warrior, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, at first he is unwilling to join the Navy, but soon finds out that he was destined for a life on the ocean wave. Your Warrior departs on the next War Galley and is never seen again! On a roll of 2-5 it costs your Warrior 2D6x10 gold to bribe the press gang into letting you go. On a roll of a 6 your Warrior stands up proclaiming to be Lord Admiral Krueger and after fining the press gang 1D6x10 gold (add this to your total) he dismisses them and tells them to report for a dozen lashes each. HORNPIPE CONTEST. The locals are holding a dancing contest to see who performs the best hornpipe. Addled with free beer, your Warrior decides to enter. He dons his trusty flared trousers and sets about embarrassing himself in front of a crowd of hardened sailors. If you (the player) dance a hornpipe for half a minute, your Warrior will win the contest and 2D6x10 Gold. If you refuse, your Warrior is mercilessly mocked his reputation goes straight down the drain and any rolls the party make on the Captain's Table (see next issue) have a -1 modifier while in this settlement... A NICE LITTLE EARNA. A couple of shifty looking sailors approach your Warrior asking him to help with their smuggling operation. If you decide to accept roll a D6. On a roll of a 1 your Warrior is caught and arrested while the sailors are trying to offload their contraband. He is sent to The Brig for two days. On a roll of a 2 or more your Warrior earns 2D6x50 gold by selling on their suspect merchandise. THE BLACK SPOT. As your Warrior quietly minds his own business, he is approached by a shuffling, one legged man leaning on a crutch, with a parrot on his shoulder. Without saying a word, the stranger presses a black felt spot into your Warrior's hand and disappears into the gloom. The Black Spot is both a blessing and a curse, as it will lead you to treasure, but at great risk. During the next adventure, Monsters will attack your Warrior in preference to the rest of the party. The one on-one rule still applies, but you will always be attacked if possible and left over Monsters will attack you. However, if you finish the dungeon you gain an extra D3 Treasure cards to keep for yourself. SICK AS A PARROT. The tavern is having a special Drink The Bar Dry night. Caught up in the festivities the night whizzes away, a blur of merrymaking and double Whalebusters. When you awake, you are lying in an alley on the other side of town, with a large skull and crossbones tattooed across your chest, Underneath is written a legend decided by the other players. Useless Land Lubber, Fisherman's Fiend, Pieces I Ate, Soft Southern Nance are all prime examples. DRINKING CONTEST. You are challenged to a drinking contest by a large, barrel-chested, hairy first mate. His chosen drink is Cap'n Ahab's Whalebuster, the strongest and most deadly-rum in the known world. The Warrior must roll a D6 and deduct his Alehouse modifier. (For example the Wizard must add +3). Another player must roll a D6 for the first mate. Repeat this and keep a running total for both contestants, it is a measure of how drunk they are. The first one to reach 30 mumbles something about his mother, slumps under the table and starts to snore loudly! If your Warrior wins, he gets a flask of Whalebuster containing enough potent liquor for D6 swigs. Each swig adds +1D6 to the Warrior's damage roll for one turn. However, roll a D6 for each swig taken, on a roll of a 1 the Whalebuster goes straight to the Warrior's head and he passes out, place him prone for 1D6 turns. You can take more than one swig in a turn, if you dare! If the Warrior loses, he wakes up in a small dinghy drifting off the coast and cannot get back into the Seaport for a day, during which he may do nothing (except paddle with his hands) and does not have to roll for a Settlement Event. If both competitors pass 30 on the same drink then your Warrior loses, as the first mate's cronies sort things out for him... 8. GOOD DICE. Your Warrior gets involved in a dice game with some off-duty harbour officials. His luck runs good and he wins 2D6x10 gold, add this to your total. DRUNKEN CAP'N. Whilst bumbling from tavern to tavern your Warrior bumps into a drunk sea captain. He pledges to take you to the very edge of the world (and beyond... ). Rather stupidly you accept. Roll on the Captain's Table (see next issue) with a -1 modifier, in addition to any other modifiers you have incurred.





10. LUCKY SCRIMSHAW. You spend the evening listening to the random mutterings of a deranged old man who claims he is the legendary Captain Nemo. You ply him with drinks in a futile attempt to shut him up, which costs you 1D6x10 gold. At the end of the night, he presses a truly ancient piece of scrimshaw into your hand, mumbling that it has saved his life on many an occasion. The lucky scrimshaw can be used once to force a monster to reroll a successful attack. The second roll stands. 11. SWASHBUCKLER. A gallant young captain shows you how to get out of a tight spot with the aid of a nearby chandelier or rope. You may use this trick once per dungeon to extricate yourself from trouble. You may automatically break from pinning and move up to six squares, regardless of any monsters or obstacles that may lie in your path, in a daring display of swashbuckling! 12. OLD SEA SHANTY. Your Warrior is taught a few lines of a rousing sea shanty. What shall we do with a Drunken Halfling, when bellowed loudly, can shatter windows and terrorise foes. Your Warrior may sing the shanty once per dungeon. Pick a Monster in an adjacent square and roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ your vocal cacophony causes the foe to flee, take it off the board. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 your din enrages the monster so much that it will attack you and only you for the rest of the combat. If you (the player) actually get up and sing a few lines at the top of your voice, then you may add +2 to your roll!



- THE LOST KINGDOMS (Originally in White Dwarf number 197) By Ian Pickstock and Gavin Thorpe

Concluding our two-part article on foreign travel, this issue we present rules for a life on the ocean wave. Now your Warriors can seek their fortunes in distant lands. Of course, they have to survive the perils of the sea first!


Last issue we introduced the Seaport settlement where your Warriors could carouse their way along the waterfront taverns, make some money trading or get pressganged into the navy! Well, now they've had their fun, here are the rules for ocean journeys and the fabled Lost Kingdoms.

Event. Note that if you meet another Captain before your ship leaves you may choose to sail with him instead, in which case roll again for the time of departure. You are free to change your mind if several Captains become available (or if you just don't like the look of the Captain you've got), but once a Captain has set sail it is too late! Remember that if you decide not to board a particular ship, you risk staying too long and rolling on the Catastrophic Events table.


Whenever two or more adventurers gather, talk usually turns to the Lost Kingdoms. They are very distant and the much-used phrase usually refers to exotic countries such as the Southlands, Lustria, Nippon and Cathay. These realms are rumoured to be replete with treasure-filled catacombs just ripe for a band of Warriors to explore. However, reaching them is not without risks. A party seeking the Lost Kingdoms must first survive the perils of a busy Seaport, find a Captain brave or stupid enough to give them passage and then cross thousands of miles of sea. The hazards of sea travel are many, from storms to attacks by the massive Kraken. Pirates too sail the waters looking for suitably rich pickings...
Before they can go anywhere, the Warriors must locate a Captain willing to transport them across to the Lost Kingdoms. This can be a bit precarious and haphazard, and it greatly depends on how desperate the Warriors are. Most Warriors will arrive in the Seaport hoping to get a reliable Captain with a sturdy ship and a trustworthy crew. However, as time passes the Warriors may have to lower their standards a little. Certain results on the Harbour Events and Waterfront Tavern tables (last issue) indicate that the Warrior has found a Captain willing and able to give them passage across the rolling waves. To find out exactly the calibre of their prospective Captain, roll on the Captain's Table, opposite.

Ocean travel is dealt with in a similar way to wilderness travel. However, the distances involved mean that each journey is divided into months rather than weeks. Each result on the Captain's Table gives you a rough idea of how long it will take to reach a Lost Kingdom, but do not roll for the exact length until you have bearded the ship. For each month of travel you must roll once for the party on the Ocean Events table. Once you have resolved the last event the Warriors have arrived at their destination and may start their first adventure in the exciting Lost Kingdoms.


Once you have found a Captain, you must find out when he departs. To see how long you have before the ship leaves, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1-2, the ship leaves tomorrow, on a roll of a 3-4 it leaves the day after tomorrow and on a 5-6 you have two days to spend before the ship leaves. On the day the ship leaves, the party may do nothing except board the ship - you may not visit any locations and there is no need to roll for a Settlement

D6 ROLL 1 2 CAPTAIN AVAILABLE Sorry, mate! The weather has taken a turn for the worse and no more ships will be leaving the port for months. You must leave the settlement and play a normal adventure. Cap'n Bob. Bob wears a patch over one eye, although you swear he keeps changing which eye. Unfortunately, Bob is such a bad navigator that the journey takes D6+6 months. In addition, if you roll an Uneventful Month, then Bob will have landed the ship somewhere and the Warriors must fight a normal adventure before continuing on their way. There's no such thing as an uneventful month with Cap'n Bob! Cap'u Scurvy Pete. Scurvy Pete is low-down pirate and not a particularly good navigator. The journey will take you D6+3 months. In addition, Scurvy Pete and his crew will steal a randomly determined item of treasure from your Warriors on a roll of a one on 1D6 (roll for each Warrior at the end of the journey). Blackbeard, Blackbeard swears to know the location of a secret passage that will allow the Warriors to get to their destination in a fraction of the normal time. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 Blackbeard has been addled by too many Whalebusters, there is no sign of the passage and the journey takes 3D6 months. On a roll of 4-6 the short cut is as good as Blackbeard said and the journey only takes D6 months (remember to roll for this after you have set sail... ). Captain Cook. Cook is a superb sailor, navigator and intrepid explorer. Cook's motto is slow and steady and although the journey takes 2D6 months, each Ocean Event may be re-rolled once (you must accept the second result) Lord Admiral Krueger. You have managed to get passage aboard Admiral Krueger's war galleon, the Empire's most famous warship: the KLF II. Krueger has hired you as mercenaries paying you 50 Gold for each Ocean Event successfully dealt with (not an Uneventful Month). The journey takes D6 months

You may visit one Harbour location each day, as with any other Settlement location.

This store contains everything needed for survival in the harshest conditions. Your Warrior may purchase the following items, using all the normal rules given in the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book. Any Warrior may purchase these supplies. EQUIPMENT STOCK COST(BUY) COST (SELL) SPECIAL RULES 7 50 10 Like normal rope, except that you may ignore the Hemp Rope first l rolled for breaking. 6 75 each See result 7 on Waterfront Tavern table (last issue). 1D6 swigs of Rum 8 75 each 10 Each sea ration restores 2 Wounds. At the end of 1D6 Sea Rations each adventure roll a D6 for each ration. On a roll of 1 they have gone mouldy and must be discarded. 8 100 10 Your Warrior looks like an exotic merchant and may Silk Robes ignore the first 1 rolled when trading commodities in the Seaport (see last issue). 10 500 50 Add Warriors WS instead of S to damage rolls Oriental Sword 7 75 5 The parrot sits on your Warrior's shoulder and warns Parrot him when he is about to be ambushed. If your Warrior is attacked by Ambush Monsters roll a D6. On a roll of a 6, the parrot warns him and the Monsters lose their Ambush ability. 5 50 5 Makes your Warrior look like a hardened seafaring Eye Patch type, allowing you to reroll any result in The Brig once per incarceration! 7 50 20 Your Warrior may dig through a Cave-in, taking Bucket and Spade 2D6 turns during which he may do nothing else. Can't be used if there are Monsters on the same board section. 5 50 5 Your Warrior may attempt to hook a Monster and Pirate Hook swap places with it. Roll a D6 at the start of your turn and add your Strength. On a result of 7 or more, you may swap your Warrior model with that of an adjacent Monster. Your Warrior may move and fight normally from this new position. 8 250 30 Compass This allows the party to navigate better in the wilds. For any wilderness travel, you may reduce the journey time by D3 weeks.

As the seafaring Warriors wave goodbye to Cap 'n Bob they are set upon by the native Savage Orcs! the party stocks up before it makes a quest into the Lost Kingdoms (try saving bandages, stockpiling rope, etc.). If the Warriors cannot reach a Seaport or City they have set out for (because of a Blizzard, for example), or they opt to risk visiting a smaller settlement, this can be very dangerous. The Warriors may spend their time as normal, but must roll two Settlement Events each day and must also roll on the Catastrophic Events table after seven days (rather than fourteen). All items bought in the Lost Kingdoms while not in a Seaport or City cost twice as much as normal. However, the Warriors can travel through the wilderness from dungeon to dungeon without stopping at a settlement, which takes D6+3 weeks. Resolve this just as if you were travelling to a settlement, rolling for Wilderness Hazards and so on.


Reaching the Lost Kingdoms is well worth the added risks of travelling across the seas. The rumours of fabulous wealth are usually true and a band of trusty adventurers skilful (or lucky) enough to return home from these exotic realms are usually rich enough to live like lords - at least for a while...
In this issue's card section you will find four new Event cards to be used in Lost Kingdom dungeons. Simply shuffle these in with the rest of your Event cards when you are playing a Lost Kingdom adventure. Generate the adventure and play using all of the normal rules. However, every time you gain a piece of treasure, roll a D6. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6, you make take an additional treasure item. In the case of Treasure cards or Dungeon room treasure, this must be shared out by the party as usual. For Objective room treasure, each Warrior should roll separately and may take an extra item of Objective room treasure for themselves if they can roll a 4 or more.


To return to the Old World the Warriors must once again

find a Seaport and Captain willing to carry them aboard his ship. This is worked out exactly as travelling to the Lost Kingdoms, except that when the sea voyage is finished the Warriors are back in the Old World and all the normal rules apply. Of course, if you're playing with a Gamesmaster, there are lots of things you can do in the Lost Kingdoms. The sea journeys too provide great scope for adventure. The Warriors might get trapped on a ship haunted by a Vampire, or get swallowed whole by a Leviathan! Anyway, here's the Ocean Events table. Have fun and don't get drowned!


You can play several adventures in the Lost Kingdoms. However, this is very difficult for the Warriors since they are strangers in a strange land and dare not get too involved with the locals lest they be caught out by some local tradition or taboo (and end up with their heads on a stake, or worse... ). For this reason, the only settlements they can safely visit while in the Lost Kingdoms are Seaports and Cities, which are more cosmopolitan than the majority of settlements. This makes it fairly important that


around before the Kraken is finally driven off - each Warrior immediately loses D6 Starting Wounds for the next adventure. 21-22: MAN OVERBOARD! One of the Warriors is watching a school of dolphins playing alongside the ship when the vessel suddenly hits a trough and pitches violently, throwing him overboard. Randomly determine one Warrior, who must discard all of the armour he has or sink to the bottom of the sea! 23: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 24-25: BECALMED The Warriors' ship is becalmed and the blazing sun beats down on them incessantly for days. Each Warrior must roll 1D6 and add their Toughness. On a score of 6 or less the Warrior is overcome by heat-stroke and suffers -1 Strength for the duration of the next adventure. 26: PIRATES! A dreaded black sail appears on the horizon and soon the ominous form of a pirate ship can be seen crashing through the waves towards the ship. The speedier corsairs soon manage to overhaul the ship and send over a boarding party to take possession. You must fight them off! Each Warrior gains his usual number of attacks and must roll to hit and damage against an opponent with Weapon Skill 3, Toughness 3, 4 Wounds. Warriors with multiple attacks may attack more than one pirate if they kill a previous foe. Once all the Warriors' attacks are worked out, roll 1D6. If the score is more than the number of pirates killed by the Warriors, they are overpowered and taken captive! Captive Warriors lose half of their gold and D6 randomly determined treasure items before being Marooned (see result 33 below). If the D6 score is equal to or less than the number of pirates the Warriors defeat, they have beaten off the attack and the ship's Captain rewards them each with D6x50 gold for saving his vessel. 31: RESCUE The ship comes across a lifeboat bobbing around in the middle of the ocean. On board are several important dignitaries, who are so grateful for being rescued that they offer to give the crew a large reward upon their safe return. Once the Warriors reach an Old World Seaport they can claim their portion of this reward (2D6x100 gold each). 32: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 33: MAROONED The Warriors have ended up marooned on a distant coast and must make their way back to civilisation on foot. They don't know where they are, or even if they're in the Old World. The Warriors must travel to a settlement as usual, but this takes an extra D6 weeks. When they arrive roll a 06. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 they are in the Lost Kingdoms, on a 4, 5 or 6 they are in the Old World. Follow all of the rules given earlier if the Warriors are in the Lost Kingdoms.

Roll a D66 for the party for each month of travelling.

11: WHIRLPOOL One dark evening the Warriors sight another sail. Soon the two Captains are talking heatedly and the stranger reports a massive maelstrom on your route. Your Captain has to chart a new route to avoid the whirlpool, and this adds an extra D3 months to your journey. 12: SEA WAR Your ship is caught up in a massive armada of Empire warships which are scouring the seas for the enemy. Although this offers some protection, the going is slower. If you wish to split from the fleet, your journey is unaffected. However, if you wish, your ship may join the armada adding D3 months to your journey time. Whilst your ship is with the fleet treat the following Ocean Events as Uneventful Months) - Kraken Attack, Pirates! and Sea Serpent. 13 UNEVENTFUL MONTH 14-15: STORMY SEAS The ship is enveloped by a tumultuous storm which tears at the sails and washes the decks free of anything not securely lashed down. Each Warrior must roll 2D6 for each item of treasure, on a roll of a double 1 that piece of treasure has been washed overboard during the storm and is never seen again. 16: KRAKEN ATTACK! A calm afternoon is suddenly shattered as an immense tentacle crashes from the water to crush the ship. As everybody dashes to defend the ship a Kraken surfaces and tries to sweep the crew from the decks. Each Warrior must make a to hit roll against an opponent with a weapon skill of 3. If your Warrior hits, roll for damage as normal (the Kraken is Toughness 4). Between them, the Warriors must inflict at least ten Wounds to beat off the Kraken's tentacle. If this fails they are badly mauled as the ship is tossed

34: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 35: SEA SERPENT A massive serpent crashes up from the waves, smashing the masts and rending a large hole just above the waterline. Roll 2D6 at the start of every subsequent month of the journey. On a roll of a I the ship starts to sink and everybody must take to the lifeboats! Roll one more month on the Ocean Events table and then refer to the Marooned result above. 36: MUTINY The ship's rum supply running out is the last straw for some of the crew, and they decide to take control! Your party must decide which faction they wish to side with - the mutineers or the Captain and his followers. Once you have decided, you must work out who wins the resulting power struggle. For the mutineers roll 2D6 and note down this score. For the Captain, roll ID6 and add the number for his result on the Captain's Table (e.g. +6 for Admiral Krueger). The faction with the Warriors' support may add +2 to their score. Whoever scores highest wins. If the Warriors backed the right side then the journey continues as normal. If they're on the losing side, they are cast adrift in a small boat. Roll one more Ocean Event and then see the Marooned result above. 41-42: SCURVY An outbreak of Scurvy rages through the crew, and the Warriors must eat their own supplies to avoid the worst affects of the disease. Every Warrior must eat a set of Provisions each month for the next D3 months or lose 1 Wound permanently for each month spent eating ship food. 43-44: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 45: GOOD CATCH The Warriors spend the relaxed, balmy evenings dangling lines over the side of the ship. Each Warrior catches enough fish to make up D3 Provisions which can be used as normal 46: LOST TREASURE Whilst getting water from a deserted island, the Warriors stumble across the buried treasure of a long-forgotten pirate. The little hoard contains D6 Treasure items, divided up as the Warriors see fit. 51-52: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 66: LAND AHOY! 53: NATIVES Whilst re-supplying the ship, the Warriors run into some natives. The Warriors can attempt to trade with the natives for food if they wish. For each item of Treasure or Trinket a Warrior offers, roll 1D6. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 there is no. exchange, but he can offer something else instead if he wishes If your Warrior rolls two ones in a row, the natives get deeply offended and chase the party off - each Warrior suffers 1D6 Wounds with no deductions (which can be healed with Provisions, etc before the next adventure starts). On a roll of 4 or more the Warrior is given D6 Provisions in exchange for the item (and may keep offering new items until he is chased off, if you wish). The cry goes out - land has been sighted ! It is up to you whether you want disembark or not. If you leave, the Captain lets you off and sails over the horizon. After investigating you have an inkling of where you are. Roll 1D6, on a roll of 1, 2 or 3 you've been left in the Old World, on a 4, 5 or 6 it really is the Lost Kingdoms. Proceed to your next adventure immediately, regardless of where you are.

54: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 55: PEARL DIVING Anchored off a tropical coast, the Warriors spy some of the locals diving for pearls. A Warrior can try this for himself by rolling 1D6 and adding his Toughness. The result multiplied by ten is the gold value of the pearls he recovers (e.g. a 6 means pearls worth 60 Gold). An unmodified roll of a 1 means the Warrior is exhausted and must stop immediately. 56: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 61: CAPTAIN NEMO There is a fountain of spray in front of the bows and a massive Dwarf Nautilus surfaces. The Captain introduces himself as Khazra Nemo, famed Dwarf explorer. He offers the Warriors new passage if they will pay him 50 Gold each and defend his ship. If they accept, the rest of the voyage takes only D3 more months during which the party may treat any Ocean Event as an Uneventful Month if they can roll a 4 or more on 1D6. 62: UNEVENTFUL MONTH 63: NORTH-WEST PASSAGE The Captain has found a new route, utilising the winds and currents. This reduces the journey by D3+1 months, to a minimum of one more month. 64 65: UNEVENTFUL MONTH

- QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Originally in White Dwarf number 198)

Q: Does the Dwarf roll an extra dice for damage with any axe or just his Great Axe? A: Just his Great Axe. Q: When using his Great Axe, the Dwarf rolls two dice and discards the lowest. How does this work when he progresses up through the Battle-levels? A: Regardless of how many dice he rolls in total, the Dwarf always rolls an extra dice and discards the lowest score (see the Roleplay Book, page 44). In addition, if any of the dice come up as a double one, he trips over and if he rolls any other type of double he can add up all of the dice rolled (including those that are not part of the double).
For example, a roll of 4, 4, 3 and 1 means the Dwarf has scored a double and therefore adds the total ro11(12) to his damage.

Q: Does the Wizard have to be using his staff as a weapon in order to gain the Power roll re-roll? A: No, he just has to be carrying it. He may also draw Power from the staff even if he is not wielding it as a weapon. Q: Can Warriors lose equipment they have on their Warrior card or Equipment cards when required to lose equipment because of an Event, Travelling Hazards Table roll, etc. ? A: No. Q: Can Warriors pass weapons and armour in the same way they can pass potions? A: No. Q: Can a spellcaster cast spells and attack in the same turn (either with a missile weapon or in hand-to-hand) A: Yes. Q: What does on the board mean? A: It means anywhere already in play, on board sections that have already been explored and placed on the table. Q: If a Warrior is trapped by a Giant Spider's web, can another Warrior attempt to free him? A: No, only the trapped Warrior can free himself Q: Could you clarify the healing rules a little bit? When can a Warrior use magic to heal himself? What about nonmagical healing with Provisions and suchlike? A: A Warrior can always heal himself, regardless of whether he is in combat, pinned or anything else. Only if he is on zero Wounds is a Warrior unable to heal himself (Roleplay Book, page 12). Q: Can a Warrior in a pit attack or be attacked? Where is he placed when he escapes? A: A Warrior in a pit plays no part in any combat, he cannot attack or be attacked and does not pin Monsters adjacent to the pit.
When the Warrior escapes he must be placed on an empty adjacent square. If there is no empty adjacent square then he cannot escape yet (you'll have to kill some Monsters to make sure there is enough room!). A Warrior cannot do anything else on the same turn he escapes from a pit.

Q: The Rulebook states that a Warrior may not use a missile weapon if he is pinned. The Elf's Warrior card states he's never pinned. Does this mean he can always fire a missile weapon? A: No! Perhaps the card should have stated automatically breaks pinning. However, if you look at the Rulebook (page 25) it says A model may only shoot if it is not adjacent to, and therefore pinned by, an enemy.. You should pay more attention to the adjacent to... part of the rule. Q: If a Wizard buys a staff from the Wizards: Guild, does
he have to be using it as a weapon to gain the +1 Toughness bonus?

A: Yes, the bonus is given because the staff can be wielded defensively and ward away enemy blows.

- GETTING OUT ONCE IN A WHILE (Originally in White Dwarf number 198) By Andy Jones

For a while now, I've been toying with the idea of taking
my Dwarf Warrior from Warhammer Quest and trying him out in a Warhammer battle. This had raised no end of problems, so I'd never quite got round to doing it. However, you can only take so many hourly visits from the White Dwarfers menacing you with demands for articles, so I've spent a couple of days getting my thoughts in order concerning this rewarding, if somewhat prickly, subject.

Rather than working out endless tables to translate each and every skill, item, spell and so on, I've come up with some basic principles to be applied in as cavalier a fashion as your opponent will allow! Whatever your Warrior, this article should give you some hints and tips on how to shoehorn him into the vanguard of your Warhammer army. After all, even the most battle-hardened dungeon adventurers can always do with some extra practice...

The intention of this article is to help you use your normal Warhammer Quest Warrior on the field of battle. Yes, the one you use down the dungeon every weekend! This means that if you want a Lord level Warrior to be your General, you're going to have to take him adventuring! This is great fun, and including your own Heroes and Lords adds loads more character to your armies. Even lowly Champions are more exciting if they have a history.

Grimcrag is a Battle-level 10 Lord after all and no mean fighter!

I've not tried Grimcrag in a game of Warhammer yet, but watch out for his first foray onto the field of battle. If Gav and Ian get their acts together, he might even be accompanied by his trusty comrades Keanu The Beaver (Gav's Barbarian), and Ian's Elf Jikiri (what kind of a name is that I ask you?). We shall see. An overriding point to be made here and now is that this is just how I sorted these conundrums out. Before fighting a battle with one of your own Warhammer Quest heroes, you'll have to agree on everything with your opponent, and let him see how you have approached the translation of the relevant skills and so on. Otherwise, there'll be all sorts of arguments later on when you start to pull out the Death Runes and Stonebread... Anyway, without further ado, here is:


Grimcrag is a Warhammer Quest Battle-level 10 Dwarf Lord, with the profile shown above. I started off by looking at his profile and adventure record sheet. By Battlelevel 10, his sheet was pretty busy and there was an awful lot of information to take in. My first tasks were going to be sorting out the Warhammer Quest only parts and then establishing some ground rules for converting what was left. A good anchor point was going to be the Dwarf army book, so I had a look to compare the profile of Grimcrag to some Dwarf characters from the book. The nearest I could find was the Dwarf General, but this isn't so surprising -

Their two profiles are, as you can see, pretty similar. However, there are some differences between Warhammer Quest and Warhammer which have to be reconciled. A Dwarf General in Warhammer with 36 Wounds would be all but invincible, simply out of sheer staying power! So, Wounds, Pinning, Damage Dice, Leadership, Ballistic Skill and Luck all need sorting before we can go any further. Pinning, Willpower and damage are only needed in Warhammer Quest and can be dumped straightaway when playing Warhammer. Only Wounds, Ballistic Skill and Leadership are relevant in Warhammer battles, with Luck as an option, and you can work these out roughly like this:

Warhammer. This is not quite as good as the Dwarf General profile, reflecting the fact that in his dungeon adventuring career Grimcrag almost exclusively uses the Grunnson Family Axe, weapon of his forefathers, a mighty and hungry beast of war as we shall see.

Grimcrag M 4 WS 7 BS 5 S 4 T 5 W 4 I 5 A 4 Ld 10

So we now have a basic profile for our Warhammer Quest Dwarf in Warhammer. This is a good start, but now the tricky bit really starts. What equipment will Grimcrag take into battle? What is relevant? How will his skills work? Which Magic Items is he entitled to? This will then lead us to our ultimate goal... his points value! As a guide, we can use the section from the Dwarf army book which tells us that a Dwarf General has a hand weapon (which is normally an ancient heirloom), any armour he likes and 3 Magic Items



As a rule of thumb, one Wound in Warhammer is equivalent to somewhere between 1 and 10 Wounds in Warhammer Quest, as deemed appropriate through long winter months of endless playtesting. For example, in Warhammer Quest a Goblin has 2 Wounds and an Orc has 4. We could pretend that there is a cunning scientific formula at work here, rather than explaining that what we did was play the game until it felt right. In fact, the formula is so cunning that I couldn't possible explain it now (multiple regression analysis and correlation coefficients of determination never were my strongest points). Anyway, this would imply that Grimcrag, in Warhammer terms, has somewhere between 3 and 4 Wounds. To decide this, you can divide the total Warhammer Quest Wounds by 10 and round off to the nearest number - in Grimcrag's case this gives a total of 4 Wounds. This is 1 Wound more than the Dwarf General, so Grimcrag is already shaping up to be very tough indeed. This, of course, will need to be reflected in his points value!

In Warhammer Quest, by Battle-level 10 Grimcrag has a vast array of magical weapons, armour and other items at his disposal. He also has many more mundane dungeoneering tools and items of equipment, which really have no place on the massed field of battle. It would take forever to go through each possible item in Warhammer Quest, including all magical weapons, items, and armour, together with all the items which can be purchased in settlements. Remember that Grimcrag's equipment is just the personal effects of this one Dwarf Warrior. There are almost endless combinations in Warhammer Quest, so no two Warriors are ever the same.
All we can do then is to give some general pointers and tips. Think first of the two different situations we are playing in. Warhammer Quest is a game which represents the Warriors' sojourn into the dark, monster-infested caverns beneath the Warhammer World. The adventure can take days of real time and parties of Warriors have been known to vanish for years on end before reappearing laden with treasure, or bearing the bodies of their slain companions. Remember too, their adventures will be even longer when you include journey time to and from the dungeons, so in Warhammer Quest the Warriors usually need to be tooled up for a pretty long haul. In your Warhammer battles, on the other hand, the real time is measured in hours. At the start of each Warhammer battle, you roll a dice to see how many turns of daylight are left. A Warhammer battle is a frenzied, hectic, cataclysmic event, with near constant action from start to end. How this affects choice of equipment and so on is quite simple. In Warhammer Quest, there are no limitations, as you are assuming that the Warriors will have time to change weapons as each new event happens, and retire to lick their wounds before pressing on. To some extent the Warriors set their own

If Grimcrag is, as his profile suggests, equivalent to a Dwarf General then his Leadership can be assumed to be 10.

In Warhammer Quest, Grimcrag has a BS of 2+, meaning that he needs to roll a 2 or more on his dice to hit with missile weapons. Converting this for Warhammer battles is a breeze - just look at the To Hit table until you find the number 2 to hit. This cross-references with the BS line to give a value of 5 - so Grimcrag has a BS of 5 in

pace. It is appropriate and fun that well-prepared Warriors can always find the spell, skill or item of equipment to overcome the situations which come their way. However, the very fact that they have so much equipment can sometimes set the Warriors up for a fall. One of the most galling, yet strangely entertaining things in Warhammer Quest is when the Warriors fail dismally at one hazard or another, perhaps ending up losing their favourite magic items, or even losing a companion. Then, a few turns later, one of the players (scanning his endless list of myriad equipment) notices the lucky charm he had overlooked at that crucial point. Does he speak up? Keep quiet? A smug I could have saved you after all, matey! is not going to earn you any friends in this situation... In Warhammer battles, time is of the essence. A Warrior chooses his armour and equipment and strides decisively into battle. Once in combat, time becomes a blur of sword and axe, blood and pain, anger and death. There is little enough time to issue orders to your troops, let alone to retire to your castle and Come :on Grimcrag, doesn't your honour demand that you fight with your Empire allies? The exasperated Envoy gesticulated wildly at the recalcitrant figure slumped at a table by the bar. King Thorgrim will be there and everything. It'll You know, like the Old Days, loads of Ores, Trolls too I'll wager, and everyone knows how much you like Trolls...

choose another sword or suit of armour! Hence the limitations on magic items. Apart from anything else, in Warhammer you have to pay points for the items you carry, and imagine the cost of a Warhammer General with all the items possessed by Grimcrag Grunnson! This takes us back to the position that for a Warhammer battle, a Warhammer Quest Warrior will have limitations as to what magic items he can take. The Warriors in Warhammer Quest have titles appropriate to Warhammer (Champion, Hero, Lord), which will dictate how many magic items they may have. The important point to make is that these must be taken from the items which the Warhammer Quest Warrior normally has in his possession - unlike normal Warhammer characters there is no looking through weighty rulebooks to select the most suitable item to use in the forthcoming battle. So, now we know how many items Grimcrag will be limited to, we have to decide how to choose them. At Battle-level 10, Lissen, sqvirt. Mista Grimcrag, 'e vents ta know vot is da deal vis dis axe fing? Da Elf... Keanu jerked a stubby finger at Jikiri Da Elf 'e say is in zee small print dat Keeng Thorgreem gets zee best axe and arma and suchlike, ya?

Well, you see... began Johan. Grunnson Family Axe or no are at all! Thorgrim can get as grudgesome as 'e likes but I'll pull 'is beard as soon as fight without... a tear glinted in Grimcrags rheumy eye, Without ol' Slaughterer. The thought obviously upset him a lot and he gripped his cards with furious intent. One of them ripped. Ooops. Now look vet you is dun.

Raise yer five an ' mine's a pint. Grimcrag glowered at his cards. Keanu the Reaver, Barbarian Lord, beckoned at the Imperial Envoy with a gnarled finger, bedecked in priceless rings. Jewel-studded bangles clashed on his heavily muscled arms and Jikiri the Elf raised his eyes heavenwards at this ostentatious and tasteless show. Keanu, my friend, you don't have to be so vulgar with your riches. The Elf flicked a lock of golden hair from his forehead and effortlessly caught the eye of the buxom serving girl at the bar. She blushed and dropped a flagon of Bugman 's Troll Repellent '33. A bottle of your finest wine, if you please. No, make it two. he whispered, yet his voice carried across the crowded room with ease. Johan Anstein, Imperial Envoy from General Sturmdrang of Nuln, sidled closer to the table, blinking nervously. He had just turned 18 and this was his first job. Go and get these three layabouts for the battle. We'll catch the greenskins in three weeks time at Mad Dog Pass. These three can never -turn down a good fight, they'd said. At the time, Johan hadn't known who the three names on the scroll were, hadn't noticed the amused grins on the general's face as he had proudly marched off with the scroll in his hand. Three more warriors for the battle, who could possibly refuse such a glorious opportunity? Then he'd read the small print and done some background research in the library before setting off, and what he'd found had made his heart quail. They were Grimcrag, Keanu and Jikiri Grunnsons Marauders. Sorry, GRUNNSON'S MARAUDERS! And here he was, a few days later, hopping nervously from toe to toe until the Reaver kept him still by pinioning one of his feet to the floor with a well thrown, very sharp dagger. The pain hadn't reached his brain yet, and he hoped nothing was seriously hurt. If anyone could pinion you expertly to the floor without seriously hurting you, if he wanted to that was, then Keanu could. It was strangely reassuring. Johan leant over towards the barbarian. His foot was starting to throb a little. Sir... ? His voice was a croak, the type a dry-throated frog would be proud of. The Hulking barbarian cleared his throat, which was well lubricated by countless assorted libations.

Best cards them. Karak Azgal. Fifth Deep. Third door on the left. Just past the Dragon and them Ogreling things. Worth some gold I'll warrant. Ruined. Grimcrag scowled and looked up at the Envoy You still 'ere, boy? The Dwarf glanced at Jikiri and nodded towards Johan, Got pluck, 'ave to 'and it to 'im. Killed better than 'im for less. Stop casting yer scrawny shadow at me boy or I'll cut yer 'air off at the knees! Johan was almost weeping. Almost. He was an Imperial Envoy though. Pulling himself together, trying to ignore the shooting pains in his right foot, he put the Imperial Employmente for Battle Warrante down on the table, stopping any further card play. Life in the Dead Ogre Inn, probably the whole town, momentarily stopped. You could have heard a pin drop, but no one dared drop one. Something inside Johan snapped, almost with an audible twang. Look chaps, it's my first job. I can't move because I'm pinned to the floor. It's going to be a good battle, lots of killing - guaranteed in paragraph fifteen, I think. Please, can we just get on with it? Thorgrim says he has to have all the best gear, because, well, because he 's King, after all... Can 't we just get on with it? Look pipsqueak, we don't go anywhere without our best stuff. Who d'ya think we are? We're Grunnson's Marauders, not Grunnson's Flamin' Annoyed People! We maraud, okay? If Thorgrim or anyone else thinks we're going to leave our best stuff at 'ome, 'e can think again. If 'is gear isn't up to the job, tough Stonebread on 'im! The Marauders all nodded sagely. Absolutely right! Vel said! And another thing, there is the huge and totally exorbitant fee that we have to charge these days, times being what they are...

Johan sighed, Gold no object, I have in my power... A crafty glint appeared in Grimcrag 's eye. No object, eh? Foolish words them, lad. 10,000 pieces we agreed on, didn 't we lads? All nodded in agreement. Assuming we 'd take the job on, of course... Grimcrag was picking unidentified black bits from under his nails with a razor sharp dagger that had a magical glint to it. Cash in advance. Ya. Advanz! I can authorise the payment from the city's coffers of... And we get to use our best stuff? Err... Okay, If' thats what it takes. Johan sighed again, more deeply. Okay, let's go! The Marauders shoved their chairs back and stood up. By my reckoning that's 5,000 gold each' Ya, Funf thouzan ' grinned the Barbarian, retrieving his dagger from the floor. Aargh! screamed Johan, hopping around on one foot. Hold on a minute! The Marauders all sat down, looking immediately bored. Grimcrag beckoned for more beer. Oh, all right then, for pity 's sake, can 't we just get going ? Don't get all shirty lad, it doesn't suit. Jikiri reprimanded the Envoy with a stern if somewhat amused look. Before he could reply, Johan was involuntarily shrieking with pain as a sturdy, heavily armed and armoured Dwarf stomped on his foot on the way out. Banks close in 'alf an 'our let's get going! Limping painfully to keep up, Johan headed off after the legendary warriors. He had a feeling that he hadn't heard the end of this. The Barbarian 's voice floated back to him from the street. Come on boy, and votch dat fut. Is nastee cut you got, ya?
he is a Lord and entitled to three items from his expansive personal arsenal. Bear in mind that some of the tools of his trade are only available in Warhammer Quest, and their special rules will need converting to be of use in Warhammer battles.

time the Dwarf rolls a 6 to hit, will cause a single extra Wound on a roll of 6 to hit in Warhammer. In order to cause 2 extra Wounds in battle, the equivalent Warhammer Quest skill or spell (or whatever) would have to cause an extra 7 or more Wounds. The Barbarian skill Mighty Blow, for example, means that for every attack the Barbarian gives up, he can cause an extra 1D6 Wounds on one of his remaining Attacks. In Warhammer this translates as an extra Wound caused per Attack surrendered.


Items in Warhammer Quest which give extra attacks, can, well, give extra attacks... Likewise, items which boost Strength, Weapon Skill and so on can be translated directly.

Toughness works differently in Warhammer Quest and Warhammer, and it's not uncommon for Warriors to have enough armour and magical items to boost their Toughness to 10 or more (and still get smashed to a pulp in minutes!).
The basic, unmodified Toughness profiles of the Warriors will translate fine into Warhammer. However, many items of armour add +1 Toughness here, +2 there, and so on. If a Warrior in Warhammer Quest has items which are easily transferable to Warhammer (light armour, shield, heavy armour, etc), then stick with the Warhammer rules. Anything else gets pretty complicated. This is because in Warhammer Quest, armour is deducted directly from Wounds caused - so if a Warrior has three points of armour, an enemy has to inflict 4 Wounds before any get through at all. Even then, Toughness is deducted. So, Grimcrag, with Toughness 5 and, say, 3 points of armour will have a total Toughness of 8.Anyone attacking him will have to cause a total of 9 Wounds with a hit just to hurt him. In Warhammer, on the other hand, each point of armour adds to the Warrior's saving throw. No armour - no save.


Some Warhammer Quest items are clearly just for

dungeon adventures. Lock tools, rope, door spikes and so on are clearly not going to be of much use on the battlefield. Common sense will win out here, but generally these sorts of items will not be taken into battle, unless perhaps you are playing a special scenario or campaign game.


If you use the convention that an item which causes up to 6 Wounds in Warhammer Quest (this includes items, skills, and so on which cause ld6 Wounds) causes 1 Wound in Warhammer battles, you will probably not go too far wrong. So, for example, the Warhammer Quest Killing Blow skill, which causes an extra 2 wounds every


This mighty weapon had been handed down through

generations of Grunnsons. However, each time the axe is passed on, a powerful Runesmith removes any enchantments placed on it - the new owner must prove his own worth and earn his own runes. Grimcrag has been very happy with ol' Slaughterer and has built up the following Runes: FOUR DEATH RUNES In Warhammer Quest, each of these adds +2D6 damage to a hit, which neatly converts into +2 Wounds in Warhammer. Each of these runes can be applied to a single hit in the battle. So Grimcrag may apply all 4 to one hit (causing +8 wounds) or to 4 separate hits, causing +2 wounds on each, or any other combination. He has to declare before rolling to hit that he is using a rune. TWO RUNES OF RESTORATION I've come up with the following rule to cover the Axe's two Runes of Restoration. Every turn, if Grimcrag has suffered any Wounds, so long as he has one or more left, he may roll 2D6. If either come up with a 6, he gets a Wound back, up to his maximum wounds score (which is 4). TWO RUNES OF DESTRUCTION Each of these runes doubles Grimcrag's Attacks and can be applied to a single turn in the battle. So, Grimcrag may apply both to one turn (giving him a total of 16 Attacks!), or on two separate turns, giving 8 Attacks in each. He has to declare at the start of the turn that he is using a rune. RUNESTONE This is a runestone burned into his axe which has a permanent effect - every time Grimcrag hits an opponent with a 6 to hit, he causes an extra Wound. Note that if he wants a turn of total destruction, Grimcrag could use all these at once - he could get sixteen attacks with the first hit in the turn causing +8 Wounds (with a possibility of doing +9 if he rolls a six to hit)! Once they're all used though, that's it for the battle. Oh, and of course the axe is magical... Conversion and effect is understandably a bit tricky. A good place to start is the basic rules in Warhammer for armour, and what the different types of armour do: Warhammer Cost 1 2 3 Armour Save 6+ save or +1 6+ save 5+ save

I use these as a rough guide for the armour available in Warhammer Quest. Sticking with the armour types from Warhammer, the best thing to do in Warhammer Quest is probably to lump the armour types into brackets. I use the guide that for up to 2 points of Toughness conferred by armour in Warhammer Quest, the Warrior gains +1 to his armour save in Warhammer. I fiddled around a bit with this guide to come up with the table below. This is about the only definite guide to any subject you're going to get in this article! For example, with light armour, open helm and a shield we get a Warhammer Quest Toughness bonus of +3. This gives a saving throw of 5+ in Warhammer - just as you would expect for wearing light armour and shield! Using this guide will keep you somewhere on track when converting armour values to Warhammer Battle from Warhammer Quest. There are bound to be some anomalies, which you will have to work out with your opponent. Remember too, that some of the items of armour in Warhammer Quest incur movement penalties and so on. These will all still apply in Warhammer, where appropriate.


Some spells or weapons in Warhammer Quest ignore armour. In Warhammer, this still applies. Likewise, some items in Warhammer Quest ignore certain number of armour points. A Rune of Smashing, for example, ignores 1 point of armour every time the weapon it is engraved upon is used. The easiest way to resolve this is to apply the same formula as for working out saving throws - for every 2 points (or part) of armour that a weapon ignores, it inflicts an additional -1 saving throw modifier in Warhammer.

Shield Light Armour Heavy Armour

As you can see, converting a Warrior into Warhammer terms is no simple task, and I'm only just beginning to realise myself what's involved. Rather than take up half of this issue of White Dwarf explaining everything, I'll draw to a close now. Next month I'll finish up, with a discussion of skills, spells and the all-important points cost, as well as presenting the finished Grimcrag Grunnson. I'm sure it'll all seem worth it when the Gobbos start fleeing the Grunnson Family Axe!


Toughness/Armour Saving throw Saving throw mod, +1 6+ -1 +2 5+ -2 +3 5+ -2 +4 5+ -2 +5 4+ -3 +6 4+ -3 +7 3+ -4 +8 3+ -4 +9 +2 -5

- GETTING A BREATH OF FRESH AIR (Originally in White Dwarf number 200) By Andy Jones


In the first part of this article, printed last issue, I explained some of the thought processes which go into converting your Warhammer Quest Warriors into Warhammer characters. I've already dealt with the Warrior's basic profile and talked a bit about converting his weapons and armour. This time around we'll cover these aspects in a little more detail, as well as looking at skills, magic (urgh!) and anything else that happens to crop up. We'll also try and sort out some way of calculating your Warrior's Warhammer points cost (that's going to be fun... ). As I said on my last outing, you should check everything you do with your opponent, as it's only polite that he has some idea what's going on!
So who're we fighting, then? 'Ope there 's enough to go round! Grimcrag's gruff voice punched through the early morning mist. Johan winced as he shuffled out of the tent, trying not to put too much weight on his injured foot. He pointed across the valley to the hundreds of campfires on the far hillside. Innumerable Orcs and Goblins could be seen milling around in the pre-dawn glow, getting ready for battle. Is that enough for you, Grimcrag? The venerable Dwarf peered myopically across the dale, squinting painfully. With an embarrassed cough he reached into a pocket and pulled out a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles encrusted with hundreds of tiny gems and held them to his eyes. Oh, there they are! With a sly wink Grimcrag slipped his glasses away and pulled painfully hard on Johan 's hair to whisper in his ear Only need 'em for distances, you see? Got a reputation and all that. Don't look so worried lad, once they get within range of ol' Slaughterer I'll see 'em just fine! There was an almighty groan and Johan spun on his heel to see what the commotion inside the tent was all about. A hand bedecked in tacky rings flailed at the flap a few times before grabbing the tent pole and uprooting it. The whole thing collapsed, leaving Keanu the Reaver standing in a circle of torn canvas, snapped wooden poles and frayed ropes. The Barbarian stretched each of his muscles with deliberate precision. The effect wasn't lost on Johan, who took an involuntarily step backwards just to keep clear The Barbarian's arms, chest and legs were criss-crossed with scars, some clean and straight, others jagged rips hurriedly stitched in the heat of battle. After groaning a couple more times, Keanu the Reaver welcomed the morning with his customary greeting. Fech! How much did I drink las' night? I veel ferry, ferry... Watching the veteran warrior collapsing was an astounding sight for Johan. Rather than folding up and falling in a heap, the Barbarian simply toppled backwards like a felled tree, crushing the remains of the tent. As Johan stepped forwards to help, Grimcrag laid a warning hand on his arm. Best not, lad. Keanu's as gruff as a bald bear in the mornin', and twice as strong. Johan sighed, clapped his hands in a decisive manner and then stood around wondering what to do. The third survivor of Grunnson's Marauders appeared. Jikiri the Elf was walking out of the nearby woods with a broad grin on his face. His step was light and he was obviously feeling refreshed and happy. Johan waved and the Elf Lord strolled over to join them. Don't Elves like sleeping in tents? I expect you prefer to see the stars glittering through the gaps in the leaves as you go to sleep, or something like that. The Elf 's gaze strayed over Johan 's shoulder and then focussed back on the Imperial Envoy, piled with a mischievous glint. Something like that, boy... Johan looked over his shoulder where Jikiri's look had fallen and saw the door flap of a tent closing. It was only after a couple of minutes that he realised the tent belonged to Severina Sturmdrang, daughter of the Imperial General, Lord Sturmdrang. He looked at Keanu who was kneeling down cradling his head in his hands and sighed for the umpteenth time. Can we just get going, please?

On their way to their favourite tavern, a group of peaceful Ogres and a Giant are set upon by three characters of low moral fibre, encouraged in their villainous act by a local Halfling ruffians.


Unlike Warhammer, Warhammer Quest does not use

inches to govern movement, spell ranges and so on. Everything in Warhammer Quest is measured by squares. Cunningly enough, though, each square measures about an inch, so squares as a unit of measurement in Warhammer Quest can be converted straight into a number of inches for Warhammer. Actually, in Warhammer Quest we don't go on about range much at all, as the action is usually at quite close quarters. However, the limitations in Warhammer Quest come down to how far the warriors can see due to the light of the lantern. The lantern illuminates the board section the leader is on, plus any adjacent sections, giving a maximum distance illuminated of around 20 squares. So, the maximum range in Warhammer Quest is 20 squares - 20 inches in Warhammer.

Of course, some weapons (crossbows, for example) are already available in Warhammer, so the established ranges and rules should take precedence before you start going mad inventing things to cover them.


Moving on from general ranges, there are spells and skills in Warhammer Quest which can potentially affect a whole board section. Bearing in mind that a board section in Warhammer Quest is up to 8x5 squares maximum, these kind of things will have an effective range of up to, say, 8 in Warhammer.
Likewise, firebombs and the like, which explode over a 2x2 square area, will cover a I radius blast area, so simply use the small blast marker from Warhammer Likewise, items that affect a 3x3 area use the larger stone thrower template.


Items, skills or spells whose effect happens once per turn in Warhammer Quest will equally happen once per turn in Warhammer. Obviously, once per adventure things will be usable once per battle.

This is up to you really. If you want to use Luck in Warhammer, it will work just as in Warhammer Quest you

So, you can see that, with some careful consideration, the Warriors' skills and abilities can be translated for your Warhammer games.


Wizards are a bit more complicated. No, in fact they're a lot more complicated. You can convert all their skills and magic items just like I have done for Grimcrag. Their spells, however, are a different matter altogether. Wizards in Warhammer Quest can get dozens of spells, whereas a Warhammer Wizard will only ever have five spells at the very best (with the appropriate Magic item). I recommend the following measures. Your wizard can pick a number of spells from any of the colour magic decks just like a Warhammer Wizard. So a novice can pick one spell, a champion two, a Hero three and finally a Lord may pick four. However, unlike most Wizards, a Warhammer Quest Wizard is much more broadminded and can therefore mix and match different colour decks as he wishes! If you have an Elf Ranger mage you could also allow him to take some of his spells from the High Magic deck, and so on with other magic users whose race has specific spells.

will get a number of re-rolls per battle equal to your Luck characteristic. This is quite tough in Warhammer, so make sure that your opponent agrees before you start using those re-rolls!

Finally, we get here! We can now work out conversions for skills, armour, spells, and so on for your Warhammer Quest Warriors. But how much is your converted Warrior going to cost to take to war?
This was the hardest part of all in converting Warhammer Quest adventurers into Warhammer characters. I was frankly at a loss as to how I was going to devise points costs for skills, spells and other small items and abilities which a Warrior picks up on his adventuring career. After scratching my head for an hour or so, I came up with the cunning notion that what I really needed was a more personal approach. We are not talking about generating Generals and so on here, we are talking about taking existing Warriors, hard-bitten adventurers one and all, and transplanting them into the Warhammer system. I think it's fair to make a certain number of assumptions then, based on their characters and careers to date, which will help out a lot with regard to points.


Skills are the easy bit here, as most of them either translate very easily into Warhammer, or are clearly only dungeon oriented. The Elf skill Doomstrike for example, may be used once per battle, and allows the Elf to add +3 to his to hit rolls for one turn. Easy! On the other hand, the Dwarf skills Tunnel Fighter or Trademaster are not going to be any use on the normal field of battle.
The guidelines already given for Wounds, Toughness, ranges, armour conversions and so on can be applied to skills, making conversion quite straightforward. The Pit Fighter skill Dirty Blow, for example, means that a Pit Fighter in Warhammer will reduce his opponent's armour save by an additional -1 if he rolls a 6 to hit. Ouch! The Trollslayer skill Lessen Blow is a bit more tricky, as in Warhammer Quest for every blow which hits him, he can ignore a certain number of Wounds (from 2 to 5) depending on his Battle-level. Using the conversion for Wounds already explained last issue means that he will never be able to ignore more than 1 Wound per hit in Warhammer, as up to 6 (or D6) Wounds in Warhammer Quest translates to 1 Wound in your Warhammer games, This is a very tough skill in Warhammer, as it means that the only way to hurt a Trollslayer with this skill is to cause more than 1 Wound per blow against him! Of course, you could say that he only ignores the first Wound per turn instead of per Attack, which would be more reasonable and is still pretty scary.


We can assume that a Warrior over his career, gets a huge number of treasure items passing through his fingers as he reclaims (loots?) stuff from the long-lost hoards below the Warhammer World. It's a pretty safe bet that he will keep the best for his own personal use. The very best! In Warhammer, excellent magic items cost around 100 points or more, so we can assume that each magic item a Warrior takes to battle will be around this value.
Why? I hear you cry. Just 'cos he has a dead expensive sword, I could let him take one of his cheaper ones to battle couldn't I?. Well, of course you can't! I answer. The point is that a hardened Warrior is going to turn up to battle with his best armour, sword and so on, or not at all. Grimcrag

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Grimcrag 4 7 6 4 5 3 5 4 10 Points cost: 560 Luck: 3

Bloodfever: Each turn, if he wishes, Grimcrag can trade ALL his attacks for one Bloodfever attack. He attacks as normal. If he kills his opponent, he moves to the place on the table his opponent occupied. If this means he can now attack another opponent he may do so, and so on, until he either fails to kill an opponent or there is no one near enough to hit! Trademaster: No use in battles.


1) 2) The Grunnson Family Axe: Lots of Runes, see last issue The Armour of Taaken: 2+ save, -1 movement, plus every time an enemy wounds Grimcrag the armour immediately retaliates and makes its wearer strike back. This is in addition to normal attacks. Invisibility Ring: For any one turn in a battle, Grimcrag may use this ring. He becomes invisible, so no-one can attack him. He. However, may fight as usual.


What follows is a list of all the gear which Grimcrag had at Battlelevel 10. I would suggest that Grimcrag was tooled up enough already with no need for further equipment, but for reference here are all the other things I would have to translate from Warhammer Quest to Warhammer if my opponent let me bring 'em along (poor sad fool!). I'd probably at least argue for being allowed my brace of pistols or my crossbow...


Endure: Ignore 1 blow per battle. Grudgelord: As the battle starts, nominate an enemy model (this should really be an enemy character model). Grimcrag has a grudge against that model. As long as that enemy still lives, Grimcrag gains +1 to all his to hit rolls. Grimcrag MUST move towards and try to kill that enemy if at all possible. Deathsong: When he loses his last wound, he remains standing, and is placed nominally on 1 wound. From now on, each time he is hit while singing his deathsong, roll a dice. On a 1-4, the blows strikes as usual, taking Grimcrag's last wound and killing him outright. On a 5 or 6, he stays at I wound, the blow has no effect. Enraged: If he wishes, at the start if each turn, Grimcrag may attempt to become enraged. Roll a D6. 1 turn 2-4 All his attacks go wild and he loses all attacks that

3 stone bread, 3 firebombs, 1 lucky charm, rope, lock tools, 4 casks of beer, 11 door spikes, I trance stone, 4 bandages, 5 provisions.


Helm of Farseeing, Hammer of Sigmar, Deathsword, Dragon Sword, Gromril Blade, Hydra Sword, Boneblade, Bending Sword, Sword of Heroes.

Crossbow, crossbow pistol, brace of pistols.

Belt of Gagron, Talon of Death, Gauntlets of Dhamzar, Crown of Night, Arkal's Powder. Grimcrag also had various other dubious abilities picked up at the alehouse and other less than salubrious locations. We will draw a veil over these, as they can only detract from his, ahem, heroic and legendary reputation...

Grimcrag fights as normal

5-6 Grimcrag gains +ld6 Attacks this turn, but is so wild that all his attacks are at -1 to hit. Grunnson, for example, has not fought his way through a thousand dungeons, slain more Dragon Ogres than the rest of your army put together, and thrown away more piddling magic swords than you can imagine, just to go to battle inadequately armed because some petty general cannot afford him. Take it or leave it he would say, and then stomp off, gruffly offended at the very thought of leaving his trusty axe behind. Be glad that he didn't bite your head off just for being rude (and he could, believe me, I've seen it done). What the Warhammer Quest player should do here is be very honest, and declare which sword/axe/items/armour he uses most in his Warhammer Quest games. These are clearly the favoured items of equipment of the Warrior, and these are what, when push comes to shove, he will turn up on the battlefield with. Grimcrag, for example, wields the Grunnson Family Axe, a fearsome weapon of evil repute. This axe was translated from Warhammer Quest to Warhammer last, and is easily worth 100 points (at the very least!).


We can then look at the gold costs of the various battle level heroes and make some more extrapolations. The different battle levels are split by title - Novice, Champion, Hero, Lord. The middle to top level in each bracket is roughly equivalent to the same title in Warhammer. So, for example, a Dwarf champion costs 48 points in Warhammer, and in Warhammer Quest costs about 4,000 gold.
Knock two noughts off and you get 40 points (or 80 points at top level champion). The only extra to pay is for skills, which there is no real equivalent of in Warhammer. We settled on a figure of 10 points a skill. This gives a total of 60 points for a Warhammer Quest Dwarf Champion of Battle level 3 converted to Warhammer, and 100 for a top level champion. A Battle level 10 Lord will cost a mighty 560 point by the time his skills are costed in, and he absolutely will not get out of bed for any less! This sounds like a huge points value, but remember that included in this once and for all points cost

are his magic items and so on, and we have already assumed that these will be the best he has! A Dwarf General in Warhammer costs 160 points, and assuming he had three magic items of 100 points each or thereabouts, we are already at 460 points. Add in skills, and sundry other abilities and extras which your opponent has foolishly let you convert, and he's probably pretty good value. His luck re-rolls alone must be worth quite a few points, and if you let him bring

along some of his stonebread and beer, he'll be happy to slay and slay (and slay!) until the sun goes down. So there you have it - you can now take you favourite Warhammer Quest Warriors to fight battles. They're going to be tough cookies, but hey, they need to be! No blood-crazed hero wants to be killed in some fruitless battle when there are still countless treasure-stacked dungeons to be explored!

Johan downed another double shot of Whalebuster's rum and sighed. The deafening roars of victorious Dwarfs still rang in his ears and his hair was matted with green blood. His foot throbbed as he rested it on a low stool in front of the fire and he poured himself another shot of rum to hopefully ease the pain. Johan jumped as the doors banged open and he cast a haunted glance towards the front of the bar He relaxed slightly when he saw that it was only some of the Reiksguard Knights. Then he heard a voice behind him which froze his blood and made his spine tingle with almost painful terror: Vot you drinkin ? Can vee join you, ya? Johan yelped as Keanu's hand slapped his shoulder in a somewhat enthusiastic fashion, crushing several priceless rings, edged with jewels, into his flesh. Valebuster's, eh? Vot you drink zat fer; can't quaff Valebuster's like proper hero, ya' As if drawn by some magical communication, the other two Grunnson Marauders appeared through the smoke that filled the tavern common room. Johan sighed and beckoned them over: Jikir' looked as if he had just stepped out of a fresh bath, his hair neatly combed, his cloak spotless as he drifted easily through the throng, seeming to avoid the countless mishaps that can waylay you on such a journey. With a wink and a wave to the serving girls, the Elf sat down and put his feet on the table in a languid movement that reminded Johan of a stretching cat. However; the sharpness in Jikir' eyes showed that this cat had its claws out and wasn't getting ready to chase any string... Grimcrag himself elbowed through the crowd like a bull in a china shop. The Dwarf was lost behind the bar for a while, but his progress could be measured by the annoyed shouts and startled yelps as he prodded the odd obstructive rump with the Grunnson Family Axe. A tough-looking Halberdier at the bar started to remonstrate with the ancient Dwarf but Grimcrag pulled the man down and whispered in his ear. The man went pale, and, as the tip of Grimcrag's axe absently strayed closer to his codpiece, the veteran gagged slightly and ran headlong for the latrines. Wotcha! What did you think of the fight then? I thought it went pretty well, considering there's so much open space - lets 'em all run away. Took me ages to catch up with some of 'em. Johan shuddered heavily as he recalled the sight of twenty Black Orcs bunched up against the river all trying to climb over each other in a frenzied attempt to he as far away .from the Grunnson Family Axe as possible. The scariest thing had been the polite way Grimcrag had waited until a poor unfortunate was thrust forward from the mob to face him.

Zat Vyvern, I fort he vould get me for a bit, before I could get a proper grip on the bedamned fing. Keanu demonstrated his special hold on a nearby wooden beam which splintered under the pressure, bringing part of the roof down on some unfortunate Halflings who were loitering with intent outside the kitchen doors. Just 'ow much gold is there in the city coffers after our lot was taken out? Grimcrag fixed the Imperial Envoy with his steely gaze and leaned closer Don't worry, your exorbitant fees haven't bled the city dry, there's plenty of gold and gems left for the main army 's payroll. Really? Fascinating. Jikir' leaned closer too, his lips twisted into a slight smile. Now wait a minute, what are you thinking? Keanu extricated himself from the wreckage of the roof and laid a friendly am around Johan's neck, his bicep forcing the poor youth's chin into his chest. Does being Envoy pay much, ya ? I bet you earn more money ten us, ya? No, not really, it's prestige mainly. I'm not even of noble birth, my father was a greengrocer Grimcrag attempted a fatherly smile, which made Johan even more uneasy. Really? Good lad like you could do better given the proper tutelage, of course. From greengrocer to soldier; eh? That's initiative, that is. Lots of opportunities for lads with initiative. Suddenly the doors were flung open again and a troop of armoured Reiksguard marched in, led by one of Severina Sturmdrang's maids. The young girl pointed in the direction of Jikiri and whispered something to their sergeant. I think it's time we left, boys. This place is a little too crowded for my liking... As Grunnson 's Marauders hurriedly made their way towards the back door loosening their weapons in a casual fashion, Johan felt Keanu 's strong grip on his arm. Come on, lad, we'll show you ze vurld and make you ze rich greengrocer ya? With a sigh he got up and followed.

- A GREEN AND PUSTULANT LAND (Originally in White Dwarf number 201) By Steve Anastasoff and Tuomas Pirinen A horrifying disease for which there is no apparent cure threatens to wipe out the entire population of an Empire town. A cry for help spurs the Warriors to find a way to save the innocents, but the origins of this plague are shrouded in mystery and legend. The Warriors must find a way to save the town - and perhaps themselves! to be played as a mini-campaign, with each one leading into the next as the Warriors track down and destroy Festasmus and the source of the plagues he is spreading across the Empire.


Each of the three quests is played using its own special rules described below. In each, you should shuffle the Affliction of Nurgle Event card (from this month's card Commanding the followers of Chaos is a pestilent Sorcerer section) into the Events deck. This reflects the exposure of Nurgle, Festasmus the Septile. The quests are designed that the Warriors will have to Festasmus' plagues, and the chance of one (or more) of them contracting some foul illness of his As the Dungeon floods behind them the Warriors stumble into yet more trouble! creation. In between quests the Warriors may travel to settlements as normal (provided that they have not contracted the Mouldering Pox affliction). In addition to the extra Event card, you will need a model to represent Festasmus himself. When the Warriors reach each of the three Objective Rooms, you can either roll on the normal Objective Room Monster Table to determine their guardians, or, better, you can roll on the special Plague Room Monster Table given in this article. This will add more character to the quests, but you will need some additional miniatures, such as Nurgle Plaguebearers, to do so.

The three quests described on the following pages allow the Warriors to battle against the most foul of all the Chaos powers - Nurgle, the lord of decay and disease.


The Warriors have arrived at the town of Salsburg near the Black Mountains, and head for the local tavern to spend their hard-earned money. The tavern of the town seems strangely deserted,

except for a man who approaches the Warriors and offers them a quest. The man is Johann Mannstein, the mayor of the town. He explains that for several months now, ever increasing numbers of inhabitants of Salsburg have fallen ill, and suffered a painful, wasting death. Worse, it seems that the disease is spreading at an alarming rate. The town healer has been powerless to stop this strange affliction, and he swears that the disease is a magical, not natural illness and thus incurable by his talents. The foresters of Salsburg suspect that the origin of the disease is a great cavern complex located high in the Black Mountains. They have witnessed many Giant Rats emerging from the forbidding place, biting animals and men who later succumb to the disease. Johann pleads with the Warriors to investigate the caverns and find a way to seal or cleanse them so the disease can be kept in check. If the Warriors agree to undertake this dangerous mission, Johann will provide them with a map of the surrounding area, including the mouth of the cavern that the diseased creatures have been emerging from.

FESTASMUS THE SEPTILE Festasmus is a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle, with the profile of a standard Chaos Sorcerer as follows: 15 Wounds 4 Move 6 Weapon Skill 4 Strength 5 (6) Toughness 2 Attacks 840 Gold At the start of each Monster phase, Festasmus can cast one spell. Roll on the Nurgle magic table to determine which spell he casts each turn. In addition, Festasmus is particularly able to resist the effects of magic. He may shrug off the effects of any spell cast at him on a roll of 4+ on a D6. Also, Festasmus may parry the Warriors' attacks. Any attack will be parried, negating all its damage, on a roll of 5+ on a D6. Festasmus wears Plague Amour. This increases his Toughness by one. Additionally, any time a blow is struck against this armour, the attacker risks catching one of Festasmus' horrible afflictions. Roll a dice each time a Warrior hits Festasmus successfully. On a roll of 1 the Warrior permanently loses 1 point of Toughness. Any Warrior reduced to 0 Toughness is dead and should be removed from play. Festasmus is armed with the Scythe of Septicity. If a Warrior is reduced to 0 Wounds by the Scythe his Toughness is permanently reduced by 1 point. Any Warrior reduced to 0 Toughness is dead and should be removed from play. Festasmus has been blessed with Nurgle's Foul Odour. The horrible stench that surrounds him means that anyone attacking him suffers a -1 penalty to hit for all their hand-to-hand attacks. However, any Warrior suffering from Odorous Blight is immune to this - they can hardly notice Festasmus' stench over their own! The Warriors may not take any of these items. They are so evil and corrupted that they would destroy any Warrior who tried to make use of them.

Special Rules This adventure uses the Fountain of Light Objective room from the Warhammer Quest box. It also uses the Stairway board section. In order to cleanse the caverns of Giant Rats, as well as all the other foul denizens that inhabit the place, they must be sealed and flooded. The only way to do this is by blocking off the outflow of a spring in the depths of the caverns. The Warriors must then find a way to escape.

Before starting you should remove the Stairway Dungeon card and set it aside. Then prepare the Dungeon deck as normal, with the Fountain of Light as the objective room. After defeating the monsters they find there (by rolling on the Objective Room Monster Table) any Warrior may then block off the spring by spending a turn, standing adjacent to the fountain. This will then start the dungeon flooding. The entrance the Warriors came in by will have already been sealed off, so they must instead find the stairs deeper in the Dungeon that lead up to safety, since the flood level will not get that high. Place a doorway at the far end of the

Fountain of Light room - the Warriors can leave through this and carry on searching for the Stairway. Roll a D6, and shuffle this many Dungeon Cards together with the Stairway card. Place these cards after the exit from the Fountain of Light. The Warriors must search through this deck to escape.

The flood level will gradually rise as the Warriors race to find the exit. At the end of each exploration phase, roll 1D6. On the first 6 PLAGUE ROOM MONSTER TABLE the water has reached the Warriors' knees 6 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, 1D6 Nurgrlings and 1D6 Giant Rats 1 subtract 1 from their Movement as they are lD3 Plaguebearers, 1D3 Plague Censer Bearers and 4 Plague Monks. 2 forced to wade through the water. On the 1D3 Plaguebearers, 1D6 Nurgrlings and 1D6+2 Skaven. 3 second 6 the water is up to their waists subtract 2D6 Skaven, ID6 Plague Monks and ID3 Plague Censer Bearers 4 a further 1 from their Movement. On the third 6 6 Skaven, 6 Giant Rats and 6 Plague Monks. 5 the water has reached their necks subtract a 6 Skaven and 12 Giant Rats 6 further 1 from their movement. On the fourth 6 the Warriors must drop all their equipment and treasure to stop themselves drowning, and they suffering from the Mouldering Pox affliction will not be continue moving with the above penalties. Further sixes admitted to any settlements until the end of the next Quest. have no more effect. Note that the Movement penalties apply to both Warriors and Monsters. Once all the PERMANENT CURE Warriors have reached the end of the Stairway they can leave the dungeon safely, the quest is complete. The Warriors are hailed as the heroes of the Empire after returning with the Cleansing Flame of Sigmar. The flame On returning to Salsburg after completing this quest, is used to cure the sick, and soon all of the victims of Johann Mannstein will reward each of the Warriors with Festasmus afflictions are on the road to recovery. The D6x50 Gold and a towel. grateful townspeople throw a huge banquet in honour of the Warriors in the town hall. But in the middle of the CLEANSING FLAME feast, a horribly disfigured man stumbles into the great hall where the celebrations are taking place. The man falls Despite the efforts of the Warriors, the diseases of Nurgle upon the floor in his death-threes, crying You promised I are spreading and soon the entire southern Empire will be would be healed, Master! I have done what you have in grave danger unless something is done quickly. The asked! Have mercy on me! Master... Within seconds the healers and herbalists are not able to find a cure, but man is dead. In his hand he clutches a decaying scroll. luckily a learned priest of Sigmar has found an answer After it is pried from his fingers the from one of his arcane tomes: according to legend, during bygone ages Sigmar himself blessed a brazier deep in a dungeon located in the Black Mountains. The flame now burns eternally and its warmth will cure any disease of Nurgle. Johann Mannstein promises a sizeable reward if the Warriors bring back the flame so that it can be used to cure Festasmus' afflictions. The Warriors probably also have a personal reason to seek the cure. The chances are that one or more of them may have already been infected with some of the dreaded diseases and plagues themselves! Special Rules This adventure uses the Idol Chamber Objective room from the Warhammer Quest box. Play the quest as you would a normal Warhammer Quest game. The Warriors must get to the sacred flame, located at the brazier in front of the daemon statue, and recover it. However, the only way that the Warriors can carry it is to use it to light their lantern. Roll on the Objective Room Monster Table when the Warriors find the Idol Chamber to determine its guardians. Once all the monsters are dead, the Warrior carrying the lantern may take the sacred flame by spending a turn standing next the brazier. The Warriors must then escape the dungeon the same way they came in. However, if the Warrior carrying the lantern is reduced to zero wounds, the flame will flicker and go out. The Warriors must then return to the Idol Chamber to re-light the lantern with the sacred flame. If the Warriors complete the quest and return to the surface successfully, then they will each be rewarded with 1D6x100 Gold. In addition, any afflictions already caught by Warriors will be cured in time for the next Quest. However, until then the results still apply, so any Warriors

Using appropriate plague-type monsters like these will add extra colour to your quests. You can write up your own Event cards with them on, or just use the Plague Objective Room Monster table from this article. Warriors can read a message: The Time of Disease shall return. The next blessing that Lord Nurgle grants to you will not be curable by your feeble gods. Thus swears Festasmus, the most favoured of the servants of the Lord of Decay. Who knows what sort of calamity Festasmus the Septile will unleash on mankind next? He must be stopped once and for all, so that the Townsfolk can sleep peacefully at night. The magician of Salsburg, a Celestial mage of great skill, uses his powers of divination to scry the location of the lair of Festasmus. The Warriors must track down Festasmus in his lair and slay him, thus ending this threat permanently. Special Rules This adventure uses the Fire Chasm Objective room from the Warhammer Quest box. In addition to the Monsters rolled on the Objective Room Monster Table, Festasmus the Septile will also be here. Festasmus is a Chaos Sorcerer, with the profile given in the Bestiary section of the Warhammer Quest Roleplay book. However, instead of casting Chaos magic, Festasmus casts Nurgle magic. Roll on the special Nurgle magic table below when Festasmus casts a spell. All of Festasmus' profile and special abilities are summarised on the previous page for your convenience. Festasmus, they will find a concealed exit on the far side of the chamber through which they can escape back out of the dungeon. Once they have returned, the Warriors will have all their afflictions cured in time for their next quest, although anyone suffering from Odious Blight may still not enter a settlement until after their next adventure (the symptoms take a while to clear after the cure is administered). Note, though, that Toughness lost through attacks from Festasmus or Plaguebearer cannot be recovered. The Warriors are then rewarded with 1D6x100 Gold and a magic item each.

CHAOS SORCERER OF NURGLE MAGIC At the start of each Monsters' Phase a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle may cast one of the Following spells. Roll a D6 on the following table to determine which spell is cast. If a spell affects only a single Warrior then pick a Warrior counter at random to determine who is affected. 1 Cloud of Flies: The target Warrior is surrounded by an impenetrable mass of flies. The victim can see nothing and can neither move nor shoot in the following Warriors' phase. They may, however, still fight as normal in handto-hand combat. 2 Plague Wind: A damp and foetid wind howls through the dungeon, bringing with it the most foul diseases. Each Warrior on the same board section as the Sorcerer suffers 1D6 Wounds, modified for Toughness, but not for armour. 3 Rancid Visitation: The target Warrior begins to rot and putrefy, fingers and toes fall off, skin blisters and decays, and eyes drop from their sockets. The Warrior suffers 2D6 Wounds with no modifiers for Toughness or armour. 4 Stench of Nurgle: All Warriors on the same board section as the Sorcerer are nauseated by this disgusting odour. All victims must lose 1 attack in the following Warriors' phase. 5 Stream of Corruption: The Sorcerer vomits forth a jet of putrid blood, maggots, excremental slims and other indescribable foulness. The target Warrior is overwhelmed by the revolting muck. Roll two dice and subtract the Warrior's Initiative as he tries to dodge out of the way of the disgusting stream.

The normal rules for using the Fire Chasm apply. When the Warriors have killed all the Monsters, including

- OUT OF THE DARKNESS (Originally in White Dwarf number 202) By Mark Brendan This article introduces us to the idea of adventuring beyond the confines of those draughty, dark old labyrinths, and gives your adventurers a change of scene. If the notion of taking your party on a jaunt around, say, a castle, or a Wizard's tower, or maybe even outdoors in the woods appeals to you, then read on and discover how to escape that dungeon... strength of their sword arm or the power of their spells. Their ambitions are to make their fortunes by liberating fantastic treasure hordes from the undeserving clutches of all manner of vile, subterranean nasties. What could be simpler? Make a stack of cash, and rid the world of evil into the bargain. Being


At the start of their careers, most adventurers are enthusiastic and wet behind the ears, young fellows who are very keen to earn a bit of loot with nothing more going for them than the

The interior of the galleys on board the Black Ark were humid and stank. Fully two thousand Human Dwarf and Elf souls laboured over foul, menial tasks, stripped to the waist and perspiring freely in the cramped and unhygienic confines. They were arranged on three levels, cooking cleaning bilges and other jobs vital to the running of the sinister stone vessel kept afloat by the will of a powerful dark mage. There was not a single slave on board, who toiled in those halls, who did not realise the import of what they were doing. They were part of a Dark Elf war fleet, led by the immeasurably wicked Pnince Mordrin Kain, coursing towards Erengrad with every intention of sacking that great city port. From there, the Dark Elves would have unchallenged access to the north of the Old World, and could sweep southwards towards the Empire itself Though they wept for the fate of their countrymen and abhorred the tasks they performed, they still bent their backs to it. Drachnas, the overseer saw to that. Plying the lash with casual brutality, arty back nor straining at the oar soon became a patchwork of bloodied weals. Better to bide one's time working and waiting for an escape, than die in ignominy as a galley slave. Uff a hulking Norseman eyed Drachnas with cold fury as once again he belaboured the shoulders of Ernst, a wizard and erstwhile travelling companion of Uff Ernst looked grey and sickly and Uff knew the mage couldn't last much longer in these ghastly conditions. The ultimate cruelty was that Ernst had within him the power to heal himself but was prevented from doing so by the black gem literally burned into his chest by their Dark Elf captors. Fearing his magic, which had reduced several of their ambush party to ashes before they were captured, the corsairs had burned the

shard of obsidian into him to shackle his powers just as they had shackled his limbs. Uff knew that if they were ever all going to get out of this hell hole alive, then he had better act soon. He knew that behind them somewhere, equally miserable, were Corwen his Wood Elf fiend, and Dwimril Silverlode the indomitable Dwarf In the week, Had it really only been a week?, he wondered, since their capture, he had chafed the ends of his strong fingers raw working at the shackles and he reckoned they were just about loose enough now for one great burst of strength to tear them free. Feigning exhaustion, he slumped to the floor You there, slave, work!, bellowed Drachnas at him, his words thick and malicious with the sibilant accent of the Dark Tongue. Drachnas stormed down the hall and unleashed a vicious crack across Uff's back with the whip. It was just the jolt the Norseman needed. With a howl of fury, he yanked the chains from the deck, twisted them around his tormentor 's throat and pulled. The single flex of the barbarian's massive muscles was sufficient to snap the overseer 's neck like a dry twig and Drachnas fell To the squalid floor in a limp bundle. In the ensuing pandemonium Uff freed more of the slaves, including his companions. Under the cover of the resulting pitched battle between slaves and captors, the team of four made their way to the upper decks. There, they knew, they had to chance to liberate their equipment and take control of the ship during the confusion...

On a precipitous walkway high in the forest canopy above Athel Loren, fiercely territorial Elves seek to drive off explorers. new to the game, as they are, they inevitably opt for the tried and tested method of raiding ancient dungeons and ruins which have long since been overrun by the many foul denizens of darkness. As a novice, this was brilliant. It had everything: excitement, danger, truly brain-melting sums of filthy lucre. Upon becoming a champion of your art the wealth was flowing nicely, thank you very much. Your abilities, combined with the amazing powers of ancient weapons and artefacts claimed from the coffers of vanquished foes, ensured your continued survival in the face of increasingly more hideous and terrifying enemies. So you sought out yet greater challenges and still more wealth to add to your coffers. Now they are calling you a hero, and you're starting to wonder, What's it all about, eh?. You've got all this cash and you can get more any time you want it by taking a pot-holing expedition to slap a few Ores about. But the jewels are losing their lustre and the acts of random violence on hapless monsters just don't cut the mustard anymore. Well, what you need is a theme, very possibly a different approach to doing what you do best, i.e. mugging baddies. Permit me to explain... they must visit in order to complete their task. These places will have yet more maps showing their layout, and will have specific encounters taking place at them. Floorplans can easily be knocked up for them using gridded paper with the correct terrain marked on in place. You can even make this three dimensional by using Warhammer terrain or, if you are artistically inclined, making up your own, special Warhammer Quest terrain. A good thing to invest in for this sort of game is an A1 sheet of paper which has had an appropriate sized grid marked on it and then been laminated. This is quite an expensive thing to do, but well worth it in the end since you can mark the positions of objects onto it using a dry marker, then wipe it clean, ready for the next encounter.



You can represent wilderness areas

simply by making up a map of the area which is to be covered in the adventure, giving the players a virtually limitless scope for directions in which to travel. However, you must ensure that their route takes them into the areas

Of course you may, quite rightly, decide that you aren't prepared to give up entirely on the usage of all those rather snazzy floorplans contained within the Warhammer Quest box, But neither are you ready to give up your new found freedom from the random dungeon bash. What you therefore need is a properly themed adventure, which need not necessarily take place in a dungeon.

A vicious melee breaks out on board a Dark Elf Black Ark as a party of adventurous captives attempt to mutiny. Those of you who own Warhammer armies are at a distinct advantage when it comes to turning out well-rounded, linked scenarios. Having a Warhammer army means that you should have a wealth of models at your disposal and be able to run games based around the particular race you field. From a background viewpoint, this is a considerably more desirable way to play games than the random dungeons, which contain the full gamut of nasties all crammed into the same small space, and also makes for good plot development. Consider, if you dare, the machinations of a Dark Elf prince bent on world domination. If that happens to be your army, then you have the several different games in correspondingly different locations, beginning, perhaps, with the adventurers being captured and enslaved upon one of the infamous Black Arks of the Dark Elf fleet and escaping to gain control of the ship. For the next scenario we could move the action to a town further down the coast invaded by the Dark Fives, where the adventurers must free the people. Next we infiltrate a castle which the wicked prince has taken, and is dug-in preparing for siege due to the brave actions of the party scuppering his war efforts in previous scenarios. We could run a final scenario dealing with the inevitable, climactic confrontation between the party and their nemesis as he attempts to escape through a warren of tunnels beneath the castle (back to basics I know, but think how much more exciting it will be after this build up).


Take another case. Using the previously published rules for Lost Kingdoms adventures, you could reason that your adventuring party decide to join an expedition to far away Lustria. You have heard rumours of ancient temples containing fabulous wealth in the steamy interior of this mysterious continent. However, instead of finding your El Dorado, you stumble instead across the territory of Clan Pestilens. On your first adventure against the foul disciples of decay you uncover a sinister plot to brew a disease so potent that if it ever reached the shores of the Old World, the epidemic would all but wipe humanity from the face of the planet. Fortunately, the texts you uncover show the location where this vile project is being researched. This calls for another journey, deeper into to the jungle in order to destroy the nest where this hideous threat is being formulated. For the final confrontation with the Skaven, have the adventurers discover the seat of Skaven power in the area and eradicate this dangerous branch of Clan Pestilens once and for all.
means to realise the adventures that ensue as the Warriors seek to foil his dastardly plot. It could be played out as

Treasure hunters in Lustria find an unpleasant surprise outside the Clan Pestilens Temple at Yersema.

There is a wealth of source material and background information to be found in the Warhammer Army books. all just waiting to be harvested for your Warhammer Quest games. And to add the final, touch, you should of course tailor your Event cards to suit the scenario you are playing. Obviously meeting a Dying Dwarf prospector riddled with Orc arrows... as you raid the Temple of Clan Pestilens in Lustria is a totally undesirable result. Instead, you should have something like, Huddled in the comer you see the limp form of a human slave. He is overcome with the vile infections the Plague Monks have exposed him to. His last action before being overcome by the fever is to thrust a key wrapped in grubby cloth into the Elf's hand, and gasp, Portcullis... With this in mind you should be able to produce events and encounters backed up with the sort of attention to detail that makes the game what it should be. Atmospheric and totally convincing. Also very important, you should consider tailoring the treasure decks to fit in with your game. More often than not, Warhammer Quest games result in a race to collect as much spectacular plunder as possible. While this is always a good motivator for the Warriors, it should not become

the be all and end all. Too often do we see Level 2 Dwarves stumping around dungeons, smiting Goblins and Bats with the Hammer of Sigmar. This is undesirable in a properly themed game the referee, if you have one, should avoid it by coming up with treasures to suit the level and background of the scenario. Those of you who possess good armies for Warhammer need not feel left out at all. With a bit of extra work, adventurers may find themselves as emissaries of the Emperor in the courts of allied powers. A position which could, with the correct plot, turn out to be every bit as dangerous as being stuck in a leaky tunnel upwind of a Troll's nest. For instance, how many Human envoys have you heard of seeing the centre of Athel Loren and living to tell the tale. Or even beyond that, it isn't exactly unheard of for the occasional internecine squabble to break out amongst the forces of light. For example, a highly trained group of mercenaries could hire themselves out to the highest bidder to steal state secrets, carry out assassinations, sabotage war efforts, you name it, it's possible. In the complex, intrigue-ridden courts of the Warhammer world, politics can be every bit as bloodthirsty as war. Remember, the only limit to what you can do is your own imagination. Dungeon floorplans can become the halls and passages of border keeps, a Necromancer's mountain tower, a Skaven infested sewer beneath a village, the network of hollowed out roots beneath the domain of the Wood Elves, or indeed anything else you care to conceive of in the dark and many splendoured Warhammer world. Now you have the means at your disposal, so get out there and give your chosen enemy a taste of good old cold steel.

The journey had, all in all, been a strange and perilous one. They had been living it up at a small seaport in the Wasteland, feasting on the spoils of a raid on an ancient system of catacombs in the hills near Marienburg. It was there they had been captured, and since then they had endured many hardships at the hands of their evil foes, and many triumphs over them too. Ernst had recovered both his magic and his health, but it had been touch and go whether he would ever enjoy either again. They had paid a physician in Erengrad to remove the stone, and in his debilitated condition the operation had almost finished Ernst off They were being hailed as heroes, and their title in this part of the world had become the Liberators of Erengrad. Uff was frankly embarrassed by such adulation, but Ernst didn't seem to mind too much, Dwimril was too stoic to even notice though, predictably, the Wood Elf Corwen positively revelled in it. Since their break out on board the Black Ark, a tale now being sung of amongst the local bards, they had succeeded in all but completely ruining the plans of Mordrin Kain. quickly gaining the helm of the ship and recovering their gear the adventurers had valiantly pitched into the defending ncorsairs. All aboard the ship there was mayhem with slaves running amok, thus preventing the Dark Elves bringing their full might to bear against the party. During the battle Dwimril vanquished the Dark Elf captain single-handedly. An unwholesome creature with an eye patch called Captain Shendec, he had lashed our in fury at Dwimril with his powerful sword. But in his rage he had overextended his reach. and his diminutive opponent had easily stepped under his guard to bring his great axe up to bury itself in the unfortunate Dark Elf's rib cage.

Whilst Uff protected the weakened Ernst, Corwen had turned the natural hatred of the Dark Elves for his kind to good use. With a mixture of taunts and derogatory gestures, he goaded a large number of corsairs into chasing him. Quickly clambering up the rigging, he had let loose the mainsail on his pursuers. Confused and pinned under the suffocating weight of the cloth, Corwen was left at his leisure to shoot burning arrows, one after the other into his trapped foes. The seagulls feasted royally. Eventually, the day was won, and the adventurers assumed control of the ship. Catching up to the rest of the fleet, they arrived at Erengrad in time to witness a ferocious sea battle already underway against a small and badly outmatched Kislev fleet. But that soon changed Moving to the Kislevites aid, the new arrivals unleashed a crippling broadside at the nearest of the three Black Arks, then rammed it, smashing it aside. As it wallowed drunkenly in the water the Kislev fleet struck too, sinking the stricken vessel. Sensing the tide had turned, the Dark Elf flagship prudently fled. Shortly afterwards rumours began to tell of Dark Elf survivors who had put in at a small village down the coast some miles, and were terrorising the locals. Soon the party were heading down there to bring the villains to justice, but after a running battle through the streets and houses, the Prince escaped once more. But there was more news. This time he was cornered, in an old keep in the hills

- ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT (Originally in White Dwarf number 204) By Steve Anastasoff Making your adventures more individual has been a common theme throughout many of our Warhammer Quest articles. In previous issues we've looked at Monsters and Events, now we have a go at the Dungeon itself.


So far in your adventures, the character and flavour has

been set up in one of three ways. Firstly by something special in the Objective room, like the gemstones containing the Warriors souls in the Fountain of Lost Souls adventure. Secondly, by something affecting the Warriors such as starting off with no weapons or armour as happens in The Beast. Lastly, by some other circumstance or situation, like a captured relative who needs to be rescued (Sacrifice?). In each adventure you reach your ultimate objective by fighting your way through the maze of corridors, passageways and rooms, hopefully overcoming whatever foes cross your path (and if you can't do that then you're usually dead). This takes you into the grand hall where you fight out the final climactic battle.

Well, in many ways the Dungeon rooms you pass through are just as characterful as the Objective rooms themselves, if a little smaller. These chambers are packed full of discarded weapons, beer barrels, magic circles and the like, all begging to be used in your Warhammer Quest games. There are so many details on Richard Wright's floor plans that it is frankly impossible to write specific rules for all of them. Anyway, you might not want the well, magic circle or whatever, to be the same in every adventure.


This article gives some pointers and tips for cunning ways to get the most out of your Warhammer Quest floor plans, so you can create customised adventures of your own.
Here's a trick that you can use to add significance to any room. When you make up your initial Dungeon deck, pick a specific room and make sure that this is shuffled in with the rest of the cards. You must reach this room before you are allowed to enter your final Objective room and complete your Quest. You'll have to think up some background for this. For example, you might have to reach the Torture Chamber before you can complete your Quest. This could be because the dungeon denizens have taken a Bretonnian emissary prisoner, and are holding him in the Torture Chamber while their information retrieval technicians go to work on him. He must be rescued so he can tell the Warriors about the fatal flaw in the Chaos Idol (their final Objective) which will allow them to destroy it.

Unspeakable horrors set upon the Warriors as they explore the dark halls of a lost temple.

The Sewer board section from this month's card can easily be incorporated into any quest. Just shuffle the card in with the rest of your Dungeon cards when you come to preparing your Dungeon deck. On entering the Sewer you should draw an Event Card, just as if it were a Dungeon Room. The Warriors emerge in the sewer itself, on the left hand side of the board section as pictured. They must climb out and work their way round to the exit. To move around in the water filled sewer section of the board, you'll have to imagine that it is divided into six squares. It's actually fairly obvious where the lines should be, but if you're having any trouble, remember the room is six squares long by three wide. Every time a Warrior enters a new square in the water, you should roll a D6. On a roll of 2-6 the Warrior may continue moving as normal. However, on a roll of a I the Warrior has encountered something unexpected (and probably horrible and slimy) beneath the sludge. Roll a dice on the following table to find out what happens to him: 1-2: The Warrior feels something brush up against his ankle. Something is definitely moving through the water. Before he has time to react, a tentacle wraps itself around his leg, grabbing hold and pulling the victim down beneath the surface of the sludge. The Warrior suffers D6 Wounds with no modifiers for Toughness or armour, before managing to fight the creature off. 3-4: Suddenly the floor gives way beneath your Warrior, as he steps into a sink hole. By the time he regains his footing, he realises that he has dropped something down the hole. Discard one random Treasure card. 5-6: Beneath the surface of the sludge, years of slime have built up, making the floor extremely slippery. The Warrior is unable to keep his footing, and slips beneath the surface, taking in mouthfuls of extremely unpleasant effluent. He may do nothing further until the end of the next Warriors phase, as he is too busy retching. To climb out (or indeed in), a Warrior must spend an entire Warriors phase climbing. Move the Warrior from the square he is standing on in the sewer, to any adjacent square on the path (or vice versa, if the Warriors want to climb back down). However, if the Warriors try climbing the wall from which the two pipes can be seen emerging, then there is a chance they will be knocked back down by a sudden gush of effluent rushing out of the pipes. Roll a D6 for any Warrior trying to climb past the pipes. On a roll of 1-3 they manage the climb before the pipes wash them back down. However, on a roll of 4-6 they are caught by a sudden and unexpected gush of effluent, which throws them back down into the sewer. Roll immediately on the table above to see what happens as they land in the sewer. Exploration Phase. On a roll of a 1, they are beginning to despair, and must lose a single Wound as it gnaws away at their will to continue. On a 6, the desire for vengeance fills the Warrior with strength, and they may recover a single Wound.

The Dungeon Cell & Torture Chamber

The Dungeon Cell and Torture Chamber are perhaps the most unpleasant places to come across in any dungeon. They are grim reminders of the fate that awaits the Warriors if they should fail in their Quest. Even the most hardened adventurer cannot help but cringe at the torture instruments that litter the floor, and the stricken remains of the former agonisingly tormented victims. Any Warrior spending too long in these rooms may begin to lose hope, or then again they may be driven onwards to avenge those who suffered and died in such terrible places. To reflect this, you might decide to roll a D6 for each Warrior standing on either of these board sections in the

The Monster's Lair

Stepping into a Monster's lair is going to be dangerous. Just wandering around in the general vicinity of a monster's lair is probably going to be dangerous, so actually stepping inside... There are lots of ways that you could reflect this when you draw the Monster's Lair Dungeon card. You could just add one to the number of Monsters appearing, or you could perhaps say that any Monsters encountered there will always be at maximum numbers. So, for example, if you were to draw an Event card saying that you encountered 2D6 Giant Rats, then you would always encounter 12.
The Circle of Power

The Circle of Power is the focus for all the magical powers that flow through the dungeon. It is a

concentration of pure magical energy, that can be tapped for the benefit of the party, or can consume them in a sudden burst of fiery mystical power. If a spell caster is standing in this room then you could allow him to add one to the die roll for determining the strength of magic. You could say, however, that if he rolls a 6, the magical energies are beyond those that normal mortals are used to controlling, and there is a chance that any spellcasters will be overcome by the strength of the magical energy. Any Warrior who tries to cast any magic in the turn that a 6 is rolled must immediately take D6 Wounds as the magical energies start to tear at their bodies.

fight it back down into the well. On a roll of 4-6 you could have them find access to a secret vault, giving the Warrior a free Treasure card. Obviously, the chain may only be tried by the Warriors once per adventure.

The Stairway

The Well of Doom

Who knows what horrors might lurk at the bottom of the Well of Doom? And who would dare pull the ominous looking chain that reaches down into the depths of the well? Your Warriors, no doubt! Perhaps the chain is attached to some horrific beast. Giving it a good tug is only likely to waken it, or enrage it. Soon, foul tentacles will start reaching up through the grate at the top of the well, wrapping themselves around the Warriors' ankles, pulling them to be crushed against the grate.
Then again, perhaps the chain is simply there to allow access to a secret vault. The Warriors could open the grate and climb down to the vault, finding an unguarded treasure horde! You might decide to roll a dice if one of the Warriors wants to try the chain. On a roll of 1-3, you could have them awaken a monster. They suffer D6 Wounds with no modifiers for Toughness or armour before they manage to

The Stairway leads down deeper into the heart of the dungeon. The deeper the Warriors go, the more dangerous the dungeon will become - only the toughest monsters can survive and thrive in the depths. One idea might be that every time you roll to see how many Monsters turn up as the result of an Event card, add I to the result. This would apply to all board sections after the Stairway. If the Warriors decide to return back upstairs, then they may revert to normal.

So now that I've given you a few of my ideas, I thought it would be worthwhile demonstrating just how you can put all these things together to make an interesting and characterful (and lethal) adventure. In this quest, the Warriors must infiltrate the palace of a Slaanesh Sorcerer. They must first find a way into the sewers beneath the palace, before battling their way through to emerge in the palace itself and kill the Sorcerer. The quest uses the Sewer board section, from this month's card, as well as incorporating special rules for several of the Dungeon rooms. Additionally, I've made up an extra Event card, to help give the feel that the Warriors are dealing with the powers of Slaanesh. It's amazing how adding just one or two Event cards can change the whole feel of an adventure!

MARIUS THE SUFERABLE Marius is a Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh, with the profile of a standard Chaos Sorcerer as follows. Note that, as presented, he is about battle level 3 and will slaughter novices. Wounds Move Weapon Skill Strength Toughness Attacks Gold 15 4 6 4 5(6) 2 840

At the start of each Monster phase, Marius can cast one spell. Roll on the Slaanesh magic table to determine which spell he casts each turn. In addition, Marius is particularly able to resist the effects of magic. He may shrug off the effects of any spell cast at him on a roll of 4+ on a D6. Also, Marius may parry the Warriors' attacks. Any attack will be parried, negating all its damage, on a roll of 5+ on a D6. Marius has been blessed by his Chaos deity with the Allure of Slaanesh. Any Warrior attempting to attack Marius in hand-tohand combat must subtract 1 from their roll to hit. Marius carries a Destroy Magic Scroll. The first time a spell is cast at Marius, roll one dice for him, and one dice for the spell caster. If Marius' roll is higher than the Warrior, he has used the scroll successfully. The spell will have no effect, and may not be cast again for the duration of the adventure. Marius wears Chaos Armour, increasing his Toughness by 1. The Warriors may not take any of these items as they are so evil and corrupted that they would destroy any Warrior who tried to make use of them. Shame on you for even thinking about it!

CHAOS SORCERER OF SLAANESH MAGIC At the start of each Monsters' Phase a Chaos Sorcerer of Slaanesh may cast one of the following spells. Roll a D6 on the following table each turn to determine which spell is cast. If a spell affects only a single Warrior then pick a Warrior counter at random to determine who is affected. 1 Acquiescence: The Chaos Sorcerer reaches out his hand and touches his victim, casting the dread power of Acquiescence upon him! Randomly select one Warrior standing adjacent to the Sorcerer. The victim must roll under their Initiative on a D6 or be overwhelmed by waves of euphoria. An affected Warrior will have all his characteristics halved, rounding fractions up. The spell will last until the Sorcerer is slain. 2 Pavane of Slaanesh: The Sorcerer unleashes the Pavane of Slaanesh against a random Warrior on the same board section as him. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the Warrior overcomes the Pavane, and it has no effect. On a roll of 4-6 the Warrior starts to dance and cavort with uncontrollable joy. An affected Warrior cannot shoot any missile weapons, or use any magic, and their movement is reduced to a single square. However, they may still attack and defend normally in hand-to-hand combat. The spell lasts until the Sorcerer is slain. 3 Cacophonic Choir: A hellish sound is conjured up by the Sorcerer, of such intensity in its wailing discord that it overloads the senses, burning out minds and shattering bones. All Warriors on the same board section as the Sorcerer immediately suffer 1D6+5 Wounds, modified as normal for armour and Toughness. 4 Cursed Caress: The Chaos Sorcerer casts the Cursed Caress against a random Warrior standing adjacent to him. The victim is overcome with waves of excited ecstasy, and quickly reaches such a state of overwrought passion that his heart explodes! The affected player rolls a D6. [f the roll is equal to or greater than the number of Wounds the Warrior has remaining, then the victim is dead. If the roll is less than the number of remaining Wounds then no damage is caused. Note that a Warrior killed by the Cursed Caress cannot be healed back into the game - they are dead for good! 5 Whip of Slaanesh: A quivering lash uncoils from the Sorcerer's outstretched hand and strikes his foes with a mighty crack. A random Warrior on the same board section as the Sorcerer is struck for a punishing 2D6 Wounds, but this may be modified as normal for armour and Toughness.

The Scenario

The first stage in preparing for this scenario is to assemble the Dungeon deck. This is done as normal, using the Sewer section as the Objective room. Once the Warriors reach the Sewer, they must exit it to reach their final objective, the Idol Chamber. This is where the hooded man's daughter is to be sacrificed. Roll as normal on the Objective Room Monster table, but in addition you should also include Marius the Sufferable, the leader of the Slaanesh cult.
If the Warriors come across the Well of Doom before reaching the Sewer, then they are able to peer down the Well and see what is happening in the Sewer. Forewarned of any danger, the Warriors need not draw an Event card when they enter the Sewer board section.

If the Warriors find the Torture Chamber before they reach the Sewer, then they may rescue the ragged prisoner who has been captured and tormented by Marius the Sufferable. After 6 Succour of Chaos: When cast, the Succour of Chaos will invigorate all monsters currently completing any events in the in play. For the duration of the next Monsters' phase, all Monsters gain a +1 bonus to hit the room, the Warriors may cut Warriors. the prisoner free from his shackles. Grateful to his rescuers, he will help show the Warriors the way into Marius' palace. To represent all Strange Goings On this extra information, you may look at the top card in the Dungeon deck and discard it if you wish. A dark stormy night, the Warriors sit around the tavern fire, telling tales of their recent exploits. They know a quest will turn up soon. A quest always turns up when they go to tell tales in the tavern on a dark and stormy night. And they're not to be disappointed. A mysterious, hooded man approaches them, offering a great reward if they will help him. It seems his daughter has been kidnapped by a cult dedicated to the Chaos god of pleasure, Slaanesh. She is to be sacrificed in his name, unless the Warriors can rescue her. A frontal attack on the Slaanesh palace would be fruitless - it is just too heavily guarded. Instead, the Warriors will have to find an entrance into the foul tunnels beneath the palace, battle their way through these sewers, and emerge right in the middle of the domain of the Slaanesh cultists. Once there, they can slay the Sorcerer who leads the cult, and with its members in disarray at the death of their leader, they can rescue the hooded man's sister. The only problem is that the caves leading to the sewers, as well as the sewers themselves, are inhabited by all manner of foul and evil creatures, who will be all too intent on devouring the Warriors (or worse!). The Guard Room is particularly heavily manned at this time, due to Marius' concerns about a possible rescue attempt on his sacrificial victim. Draw two Event cards, instead of the usual one, when you come to the Guard Room. You can shuffle in the new Event card, Fascination of Slaanesh, to your Event deck if you want to get a bit more of an appropriate feel for the adventure. Better yet, you can make up a whole bunch of suitable Event cards yourself. This way, you can encounter Daemonettes, Fiends of Slaanesh, and other such monstrosities during your quest. Once the Warriors have killed Marius, all the other Monsters will become disheartened and flee. The Warriors may then grab the girl and leave by a secret entrance in the back of the chamber. Returning back to the hooded man, each surviving Warrior is rewarded with a single Treasure card for rescuing his daughter.

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