Alter 2

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AlterQuest Pack 01: Trials

AlterQuest Pack 01: Trials

T he fire burns warmly in Mentor's study. He turns around and greets

you, but spends little time on pleasantries before moving into the
reasons for your appearance before him:
"My friends, the path that leads to true Herodom is long and fraught with
difficulties. I have trained many young people like yourselves over the years.
Some rose to the challenge magnificently, while others paid for their failures
with their lives. I have even had the misfortune of training champions who fell
to chaos. The greatest of my failures was my first student, Zargon, whose
armies the Empire has fought against twice, both times with terrible casualties.

Would that I did not have to ask for your help, but dark forces are assembling
on the fringes of the Empire. Loretome has revealed that they have gathered at
the edge of the Sea of Claws. Their location can mean only one thing: my foolish
apprentice is returning from beyond the Northern Chaos Wastes to once again
make war against us.

The empire will soon have need of Heroes once again. Your predecessors were
also of humble beginnings, but they rose to the challenges placed before them. If
you are to inherit their mantle, you must prove yourselves worthy. The trials
you will soon undertake will determine if you are able to challenge Zargon's

Good luck. May we meet again soon…"

Quest 1 – 1

The First Task

My friends, the Emperor has seen fit to assign you your first marauding in the hills of the borderlands. They are led by a
task by which to prove yourselves worthy to succeed the title of Chaos Warrior. Prince Escalus will pay 100 gold coins to the
Hero. You are to travel to the south and destroy a band of Orcs Hero that slays this warrior.


A A Potion of Healing, capable of restoring up to four lost Body Points, sits atop
this table.

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

Quest 1 – 2

The Foothills of the Empire

It seems your work in the foothills of the borderlands is not mountain caves to get revenge. It falls to you to protect the
finished. Angered by your victory over the Orcs, another, larger nearby villages and slay this second group of Orcs.
group of the green-skinned raiders has come down from their


A A Potion of Strength is hidden inside this cupboard.

B This treasure chest contains 80 gold coins.

C This treasure chest trapped with a needle trap. If a Hero searches for treasure
before the trap is disarmed, he will lose one Body Point. The chest itself
contains 95 gold coins.

D This is Ghrag, captain of the Orc raiders. He has the following stats:
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————
9 4 4 2 3
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————
Ghrag can also attack at range with two combat dice like any other Orc Boss.

E Most of the arms and armor hanging on this rack are of Orcish make and of
no use to the Heroes, but one shield of passable quality hangs on the end of
the rack, which the Heroes may take.

a Wandering Monster in this Quest: Goblin

Quest 1 – 3

The Chamber of the Necromancer

Necromancy has long been banned within the empire's borders, name of Hasan hiding in a small crypt. Prince Escalus has
but there are always a few who practice its profane arts in offered a bounty of 125 gold coins for the destruction of this
secret. Scouts in the west have discovered a sorcerer by the necromancer.


A One random Spell Scroll is rolled up on this alchemist's bench.

B This Chaos Sorcerer is Hasan. He knows the Chaos Spells Deathbolt,

Tempest and Summon Undead.

When Hasan is slain, the first Hero to search for treasure will find the Mirror
Ring Artifact.

C The treasure chest contains 110 gold coins.

d Wandering Monster in this Quest: Skeleton

Quest 1 – 4

The Paladin's Prison

One of the Emperor's most senior knights, Sir Bram, has been mission to free Bram and slay those responsible for his
captured and confined by the forces of chaos. Every day he imprisonment. You will be paid 200 gold coins in recompense
remains in Zargon's dungeons is another victory for the cruel for Bram's safe return. No reward will be paid if Bram is slain.
warriors that took him. The Emperor has assigned you the


A This treasure chest contains a Magical Throwing Dagger. Bram's attack increases to 3 if the Heroes give him back his longsword, and

his defend increases to 4 if they give him his chain mail.
A suit of chain mail and a longsword are hanging from this weapons rack.
These items belong to Sir Bram and cannot be used by the Heroes. If Bram dies, note it for a future Quest. The Heroes may not keep his

equipment (from room C) even if he should fall; in this case the empire will
This alchemist's bench contains a Potion of Defense. take possession of his gear at the end of the Quest.

D This is Sir Bram, the captured Paladin. When a Hero enters this room,
immediately lay out the rest of the dungeon and open all doors on the board,
except for room C if the Heroes have not discovered it yet.

Use a Paladin figure if you have one, or else the Chaos Sorcerer, to represent

The Hero who first enters Bram's room may control him as though he was a
Mercenary. Bram's stats are as follows:
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————
2 red dice 1 2 2 4
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————

c Wandering Monster in this Quest: Fimir

Quest 1 – 5

The Emperor's Library

My friends, I have imperative news. The Emperor's personal secrets and rituals that should never see the light if day, except
library has been broken into by Zargon's agents. The library is in the most dire of circumstances. You must give chase to the
home to many tomes and scrolls, some of which hide dark sorcerer before he escapes with a litany of dark secrets.


A This is the Emperor's library. Books and scrolls are scattered across the floors
next to the shelves. Whenever a Hero searches this room for treasure, he or
she may choose to take a random Spell Scroll instead of a treasure card.

Kophed, an ambitious Chaos Sorcerer, stands here. He knows the Chaos

Spells Escape, Fear, Ball of Flame, Rust and Skulls of Doom. If Kophed casts
Escape, he will reappear at the position marked XX, with any lost Body
Points restored.

B This is Marston, a former Paladin of the Empire. Use a Valkyrie figure to

represent him.

Marston knows the Chaos Spell Skate and will cast it if he is injured, after
which he will move towards the entrance door. If the Heroes manage to kill
Marston before he escapes from the board, note it for Quest 2-9.

C This cupboard contains a Potion of Healing capable of restoring up to four

lost Body Points and a Fire Ring.

D The first Hero to search this room for treasure may take a pair of daggers and
a pouch of 120 gold coins from this weapons rack.

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

Quest 1 – 6

The Southern Mausoleum

Friends, Zargon moves quickly against us. Practitioners of sending you to another mausoleum in the south, the resting
chaos magics are flocking to his banner, and the empire is place for the dead lords of one of the empire's former ruling
sorely pressed to destroy them. While Prince Escalus confers houses. There may still be some valuables left within, if the
with his advisors on how best to combat this new menace, I am forces of chaos haven't taken them already.


A These four Chaos Warriors are the sentinels for this fortress. Each of them gold coins, but is trapped. If a Hero searches for treasure before the trap is
defend with two extra combat dice. disarmed, all Heroes in the room will lose one Body Point from a cloud of

poisonous gas. This damage counts as poison damage.
This treasure chest is trapped with a bladed lock. Unless the trap is disarmed,
the first Hero to search for treasure will lose one Body Point. The chest itself
is empty.

C This treasure chest is trapped with an exploding lock. Unless the trap is
disarmed, the first Hero to search for treasure will lose two Body Points,
which counts as fire damage. The chest contains an assortment of jewels
valued at 90 gold coins.

D The Thunder Ray Artifact is hidden behind the throne in this room.

E This Chaos Sorcerer is Krell, a low-level necromancer. You may represent

him with the Necromancer figure from "Wizards of Morcar", if you have it.
Krell knows the Chaos Spells Deathbolt, Lightning Bolt, Summon Undead
and Sleep.

The treasure chest in this room contains a Dwarven Rune of Seeking and 75

f Wandering Monster in this Quest: Zombie

Quest 1 – 7

Verag's Challenge
My friends, the time has come for your last trial. You have been many centuries of his life, he has fought all who would call
personally challenged by Verag, a Gargoyle who makes his themselves Heroes. Defeat the Gargoyle and his minions, and
domain in the catacombs of Fellmarg far to the east. Verag is you will prove yourselves worthy of service to the empire at the
the most powerful enemy you have faced thus far; over the highest level.


A The weapons on this rack are exceptionally rusted. No Hero would want any F This chest contains a Revitalization Potion, capable of restoring up to six lost
of them. Body Points.

B This treasure chest conceals a clever trap. If a Hero searches for treasure Verag:
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————
before the trap is disarmed, arrows will shoot out of the bookcase, attacking
him or her with four combat dice. The Hero defends against this attack MOVEMENT ATTACK DEFEND BODY MIND
normally. The chest contains 70 gold coins. 6 4 5* 4 4
—————— —————— —————— —————— ——————
C This treasure chest is filled with a cloud of sickly-sweet gas. Unless the trap is
disarmed, when the room is searched for treasure, all Heroes in the room will
*Verag defends using white shields instead of black shields.

be targeted by a Sleep spell. The chest itself contains 140 gold coins.

D This Chaos Warrior is reading aloud an incantation from one of the

Emperor's stolen books! He will neither move nor attack on his first two
turns. If the Heroes fail to kill him within two turns of opening the door to
this room, note it for a future Quest.

E This Mummy is the guardian of Fellmarg's tomb and was once a mighty
warrior. It rolls one extra combat die when attacking and has one extra Body

h Wandering Monster in this Quest: Chaos Warrior


"Y ou have done well, my friends. You have passed through these trials
and come out of them stronger. The empire will surely have great
need of that strength in days to come.

Prince Escalus has informed me that the Imperial Guard has only managed to
recover some of the Emperor's stolen documents. I am sure that if they are not
already in Zargon's hands, they will be soon.

For now, however, you have earned a brief rest. Enjoy it while you can, for when
the empire next requests your services, it will be as its Heroes."

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