My History

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Story About My & My Family

By : AKMAL In this opportunity i would like to tell you about my lovely family, for me family is everything, family is a place to calm for me, my family is never make me disappointed, they always make me proud of them, now Ill tell you a lot about my family, first Ill tell you about my self, let me start from my person. First, my name is Akmal, my nick name is Akmal too, I was born in Tanjungpinang on 17 November 1988 the first child of five siblings. I have two younger brothers and two younger sisters. Our whole family was born and raised in the capital of KEPRI, That is Tanjungpinang, more precisely is in (JL. Raja Ali Haji Fisabilillah Gg Pulau Pandan, number 18 RT 02 RW 02 Tanjungpinang Kota) my family is Indonesian citizenship and embraced Islam. I have same hobby, like a play ball, swimming, drawing, online game, basket ball, and specially football, from all kind of my hobby, I really love football, because football is a famous game in every country, for football I ever have a football team, my football team name is FC GP (Football Club Gang Pandan), in FC GP club, Ive a kind position that is a goal keeper and center back, my friends and my couch tell me if Ive a talent to be a defender, and when Ive been a goal keeper Ill always all out and never give up to keep the goal. Ive a experience when Ive been a goal keeper in one match Ive get a accident to cause my left hand to move cause Ive hold the ball from striker enemys shooting, that is very hurt and horrible, Ive to change with a second keeper and need medicine from medicine officer, Im so thanks because the judge was standby the medical officer in the side yard with box medicine too. And after get some medical, I take a rest and I think this

accident is cause of me, because I dont have use a safety like a glove, and etc. When Ive been a center back, my friends and my couch tell me if Im a center back with a horse stamina, where in every practice was do in every day at 03:00 PM and over in 05:30 AM, and my couch tell if my center back position is never change with anyone, because in every match Im not nerves and look like cant tired. If I really love football, I never forget to get education from school. Because my parents was always told me, if we life in global period, we need to get any education from school, as specially education to use a programming from computer, now Ill tell about my history school. Ill begin from my kids school. First, Ive school at Al-Hikmah kids school, or better known by kids school in Misjid Raya. After graduating from there I continued my school education at elementary school Negri No.002 Tanjungpinang Kota, after that Ive school at elementary Negri No.002, I was only able to finish learning to grade 3, because of persuasion from my neighbor, where at elementary Negri No.004 has a closer distance from my house. Therefore my family decided me to transfer me to a new school. And than I go to elementary Negri No.004 Tanjungpinang Kota, in this school I only stay 1 year, because my family had to move to the new house a distance of 5 km from the grandfather house. So Ive should moved to the new school at elementary Negri No.032 Dompak. Now I can use my bicycle sport from my father to go to school, because it is more nearly. After Ive graduate from junior high school, I continued my school education at junior high school at SMP Negri 0.2 Tanjungpinang Kota, in this school Ive find with a lot of my elementary school friends, in SMP Negri 02 Tanjungpinang a school have 18 class where have piled up I.11.6, II.1-II.6, III.1-III.6.

From my house, my junior high school just 2 KM from my house, that is need 1 hour to go by foot, but I can to ride on bike to school, so I can save my time, now I can go to school in 30minutes. In my junior high school, our headmaster is Mr,Encik Abdul Aziz, his nick name is Mr.ncik, he is a very discipline person, and he have a funny habit, that is always use a same word, he always say ea where always he repeat when he have a conversation with everyone, I always hold to laugh when Ive heard that word. When I was junior high school in class 1, Ive got a I.3 class with my guidance teacher, she is Ms. Rosmelia Turnip Siregar, shes nick name is Ms. Ros, she is batak ethnic, she is English teacher, although she accent talk batak but she is humorist, that is unforgettable moment from Ms. Rosmelia. When I was in class 2, Ive got II.3 class. with my guidance teacher, she is Ms. Suryaningsih, Ms. Suryaningsih have a nick name Ms. Sur, she is a economics teacher, shes sunda ethnic, she have very smooth accent, I dont have a lot of great moment with her, but Ive fell so happy can teach by her. When I was in class 3, Ive got III.4 class, with my guidance teacher, she is Ms. Norma, Ms. Norma is Indonesian teacher, she was very famous in school because she have fierce characteristic but she good in education and she is god when she teach my class. But after I have graduated from my junior high school, I really miss teach by Ms. Norma. That is a kind story from my junior high school, I need to be sample to my family, as you know, Im eldest child, I always supplies myself to be the next leader in my family, I always train myself with give some teaching to my little brothers and sisters by my experience, I always give some example to do something and to face an any problem in this life, because I know everybody will always to face with much problem from our environment or from anywhere, so Ill try to teach them from all of my experience. To make my little sisters and brothers can be a leader in

everywhere, and make my parents so proud of me and my little brothers and sisters can be grow up by theme experience and be adult in soon, that is my big target now, so Ill try to make it be real. In my family, I always be a trust brother to my parents, and I so proud of that nick name, Ive fell so respected in my family, cause that I really love with theme, I dont know how if Ive make they so disappointed with me when Ive do mistake. But Ill always try to not do mistake. Now Ill talk about my favorite food, my favorite food is bakso (meatballs) , I love bakso because bakso have much taste, as a meat, chicken, goat, a cow and fish. But my favorite taste is a meat from a cow, that is very delicious and easy to find in restaurant, but I have a favorite restaurant, that is bakso solo restaurant, the restaurant is very famous in my home town Tanjungpinang, because they make a very delicious bakso from meat, I really love to be there. If I was go to my home town Ill always visit to that restaurant, that why I always miss my home town. Talk about my home town in Tanjungpinang, my history education is right there too, Ive start my education from elementary school and then junior high school after that senior high school. I really miss my home town now. If Ive go to my home town I swear I will go to my favorite restaurant, that restaurant is bakso solo, I dont want to go to the other restaurant. Now time and moment fell so fast, Im graduated from my junior high school, its give me a lot of great moment that was unforgettable, after that Ive gone to senior high school, in the first time check in to senior high school SMU Negri 4 Tanjungpinang, but I cant because its full capacity a list new student, Ive fell so disappointed because my friend can check in to that school but I cant, cause that my mother a company me check in to senior high school SMA Negri 5 Tanjungpinang, peoples say if that school is not bad, so I think Ill try to be list in to that school. After one week I check in to that school, I dont know why Ive fell so pessimistic can accept to that school, but my mother give me a good news, Im a student in SMU Negri 5 now, Im fell so happy, I jump to

anywhere and broke my bad, that is hurt you know, my mom so angry because Ive broke my bad, and then she give me hammer and tools to repair my bad by myself, Ive fell so happy and very sad too because nobody can help me. After that moment, me and my mom go to school shop, I need to get some preparation, that is a uniform, book, pencil, erasers, ruler, math book and etc, so we buy everything, my mom fell so bad because everything is so expensive, but when we was make queue, we see a notification, that is write if we buy more than Rp.300.000 well got a big discount last year about 35%+40%. Me and my mom so helped, and my mom always smile until home, because she can save the money to get the other preparation school to the other my little brothers and sisters. After Ive accept in SMU Negri 5, our headmaster was change with the other person, he is Mr.Drs.Honitupula Purba, hes nick name is Mr. Purba, he is decline of Batak ethnic from Medan (Sumatra Barat), he have a humorist characteristic, stylist, clear and wise, behind headmaster he is teach mathematics too, because as headmaster he need to teach too, because can give him more money in every month, I think that is humanly. He just teach mathematics for two class, that is class 2 and 3, because he dont have time to teach every class, Im so lucky can teach by him, because he was very smart, I can understand every lesson and every formula if he teach me, that why I love mathematics, because I think mathematics is easy if the teacher is a fun person, special if the teacher is so humorist in the class, that is can make me fell so fresh and ready to get education, that why I hope every day can teach by Mr. Purba, because he is humorist. A lot of moment I have got from Mr. Purba, one moment that I always remember is when Mr, Purba give us home work, I try to make that home work at home but I cant, so I ask to my mom, but she was busy that night with her home work from her office too, so I choose to ask my friends tomorrow morning in school, but in the morning I was so surprise

because nobody can do that homework. So Mr. Purba was bad mood come to class, because nobody can do that home work, he say, Ive teach you class we are very scared, and then we get punishment, that is we need to run around field in ten (10), we was so tired after that, and so perspire, but we are so happy because all of class can do the punishment. But Mr. Purba say that is just beginning, now class, do your home work on the floor we are so surprise again, and then we do homework on the floor like a salty fish, smell and so dusty, I was not lucky, I do home work beside my fat friend, his armpit was so wet and smell, I fill so repugnant and make me want to vomit, but I didnt get permission to go to toilet from Mr.Purba because I was in punishment, so I just hold my breath from his armpit. after that moment, Mr, Purba give class advice, if we cant do homework by myself, do it in group, so we can make discussion, everything can do if we do that together, after that I realized with that advice, and we make a promise where and when well do next home work. Before graduating in class 2, Ive ever called by my guidance teacher to device me to choose which one direction, in SMA Negri 5 we have opportunity to choose which one direction we want, the menu of all direction is: 1. World Education or called (IPA) 2. Social Education or called (IPS) 3. Language Education (IPB) Before, Ive fell so confused to choose which one direction, for my guidance teacher shes toward me to choose Social Education (IPS), because she know my ability is in material to be memorized, but I have a big dream to check in Social Education, my mom is support me if I check in Social Education, finally my guidance teacher give me permission, but with some requisite, that is, every lesson need 6.5 school grades, because Ive a big dreams, I think its easy, so I start from privet lesson with my smart friend in my class almost every day, and then after examination, Ive got school grades with satisfied, my point is 7 almost in every lesson, my

family so happy to hear that. Because that is a big dream that always minded in my mind, and now can be the real thing, an than I say thanks to every person whos help me to get the world Education (IPA) in SMA Negri 5 Tanjungpinang. That is a great and unforgettable moment when I was senior high school in SMA Negri 5 Tanjungpinang, I will not ever forget that moment because I really miss times like that, I think I want to do something like a nostalgia with my senior high school friends and teacher. Now I'm studying a education university Batam in Batam, I chose S1 majoring in Information Systems, faculty in engineering. I majored in Information System because I really interested in the field of hardware and software on the computer, I also have experience in the field of component assembly and installation program in computer. Now Ive a lot routine thing in my daily life, like do some work, school of course, sport and etc, Ive do some work in office because I love if I can get some money for myself, I always try to be a person whos know about working method, cooperation and anything about work, because Ive realized everyone need experience to be a professional person. Behind work Ive never forget about my education, because everything need educated, that is can show our quality, that why Ive choose UNIBA as my college, if we didnt have educated well fell so hard to get an any job, and education can supplies myself to the future. But support from my family is the important thing to get younger person like me, so in this opportunity I will introduce my family to all reader my writer, Im so happy can introduce all of my family one by one. This is my lovely family. This is my family old picture, we just have once moment to can take this picture, in this photos, I was look like younger than now, the reason why I use this picture is because all of my family is busy, my little sister Azila is in batam, my younger brother Hafiz was school In Pekanbaru, my younger brother Fuad was school in Tanjungpinang, my younger sister

Azura was school and live in Daiklingga with my parents. Just for you now, my family is not a broken home, but my parents was realize that every child need to get better education than them, so they let us to get education in the better school, like UNRI, UNIBA, Pesantren and Etc. That why my family let they children to get education in out of Daiklingga, they are believe, nothing better than get better education for them children, this is just for clear the track my lovely family from the slander, I hope all of you can understand with this moment.

MY FAMMILY Now I will introduce my lovely family one by one to all of you: First, the most right in the picture is my younger brother Fuad, he is fourth from my five younger brother and sisters,his nick name is Fuad, he was born at 22 April 1997, he was school in junior high school called Pesantren Baitul Huda at West Tanjungpinang KM.11. he is very funny person, I always do something fun with him, like play playstation, go hunting picture, he was always make me laugh with his style in front of camera. He always make our family proud because hes never forget to pray to the god. But he was got some accident last month, hes fall from his school, and that accident make his foot so hard to move, if he try to move his leg, it will be hurt, and now need to get a emergency medical treatment, now

he need to leave from his school for a while, the accident make him cant walk by foot, I hope he will get well soon. amin I think this writer will dedicated for Fuad, where he was need support from us. I hope all of you will pray for Fuad. Now Ill show you the most funny picture from Fuad.

FUAD The left of Fuad is my younger brother, his name is Hafiz, I know hes the most fat brother in this picture, but I need to honestly, he was very handsome now, Im so proud of him, and I fell so jealous with him now, I dont know what he do until she have better shape no, Ill show you his picture, I sure all of you will be surprise with him, just need one year in Pekanbaru, he can make better body, he tell me if his secret is his new hobby, that is footsal, He was school in UNRI, Teknik Lingkungan, he was born at 20 November 1992, he was 20 years old now, in his college he have good achievement, hes ever get medal from campus as the best goal keeper, and he never be arrogant of that, he is never forget with god, and I always believe if hes never use drugs, he is a humorist person, sometimes he

will be a calm person, I think he was try to say something but he cant. but when he was say some joke I can laugh so loud.


And as we can see, behind Hafiz is me, and now Ill show you my picture, Ive some dreams, after graduating from UNIBA, Ill be specialist computer in my hometown, Ill make my electronic store, where I can sell my service to the customer. But my parents have any idea, that is I can work as civil servant and can be the specialist computer too, as we know, now is global period, everything can do faster with computer, so I think that is a good idea too. This is my picture now.

Its me AKMAL

And the most left in the picture is my younger sister Azila, she is 22 years old, she have a same university with me, but different college, she is in doctor education, Im so proud if she can be a specialist doctor in my hometown Tanjungpinang, because doctor is a respected job in Tanjungpinang, Ive realized that she is have a big potential to be success person someday, because she is the intelligent one from my family, from my five brothers and sisters she is the smarted and can talk or speech in front of many people. She is a responsibility person too, my mom always believe our financial with her, and she always make a note to write our money (in/out), she was proud if she can be the trust about finance and she nick name in our family is management financial person because she was smart to spend our money, so we can save our money to the other needed.

AZILA The person who lap in the picture is Azura, she is my younger little sister, she was elementary school now, but she is so fussy in her old, she always cheerful every day, and she can read Al-Quran too, so my family so proud with her. And this is Azura picture.


In the class she always be top three, I think she will be the next leader in our family if she grow up faster, I really love her, because she is so cute and always make me laugh, because she accent is funny, she always try to say letter R but Ive heard letter L, and she will angry if Ive mock about that. The man whos sit in the most right picture is my lovely father, his name is Musfar Saleh he is humorist person, in his environment he always make laugh every person, society always love if can make a joke with him, he have a nick name to, hes nick name is yeng, I dont have any idea where that nick name come from, but I think that is because he always make a joke. Woman whos sit in the most left at the picture is my lovely mother, she always pray to the god, she is always remember me and my younger brothers and sisters to keep pray to the god every day, because we need god everywhere, she will be angry if we are not perform such prayers to the god, she will always make a call to our phone every adzan. And we are not disturb cause that, but we proud with what she do. Closing: All right, I think I have told everything about my family, I hope Ive introduce my family to reader with clearly, thanks for all attention, wassalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabarakatu.

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