Describe My Self

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Describe my self

My name is Eneng Siti Muniati. My family usually called by the name ensy, Eneng Siti

is the name that took from my grandfather.

I was born on jully 25, 1998 in Pandeglang, Banten, Indonesia. I was the fifth of six

children, and of course we are a very large family, my father worked as the teacher in

one of elementary school, he had die when I was in senior high school. And my mother

be a house keeper, she has strong for to be a role model for her children.

I have a small body, short, and thin. Since I junior until now, I felt my body is not

change, although I ate much for dinner, to got a perfect body like another girl, but I less

for the sport. Sometimes I shy look other that have a perfect body.

I graduated from high school in my hometown, that is Al-mizan Islamic Boarding

School, at that time,I have some target for my future planning, I will continue my study

to the far from my hometown, but my mom forbid me to do this my desire. Some reason

is, I am the girl, I have bad daily actifity, I am a forgetful person, I am a weak for face

my problem. And that is some reason I heard.

Right now, I am studying in Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, majoring in English

Department. I do not like this subject, I have many reason, why I choosed this subject

without likely, in high school, I thought, the priority of my school is religion and

language, Arabic and English, yeah, I like Arabic language, and I do not like the

English language. But my fate indicate me to study in this university, and this is a
common of university, that there is no Arabic language, that is way I choosed English


I want to graduate as soon as possible to be a teacher for the student, have a profession

to get the money for survive my live. My obligation is to get a smile my mother to

proud of me.

That is all.


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