Nama: Audira Luthfia Sungkar Kelas: EKI-1E NIM: 0501222115

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NIM : 0501222115

Hello, my name is Audira Luthfia Sungkar as I am commonly called dira. I was born on
September 4, 2004 precisely in the city of Medan. I am the first child and have a younger sister
named Qilla, she is 6 years different from me. I have parents who are so amazing at supporting
me in doing anything as long as it's a positive one. My father is named Arif Fauzi Sungkar and
my mother is named Norma Yunita. The two married in 2001. It was only after three years that
they were married that I was born to complete their lives. I really like food made from chicken,
whatever it is. I don't like any food that contains seafood, because for me seafood tastes very
strange, and it makes me dislike it. I have a hobby of singing since I was a child. I really like to
sing any song, besides that at home my parents also have the same hobby, namely with music
connoisseurs. My father when he was young was very good at playing musical instruments such
as guitar, drums, and keyboards, my mother also had a pretty good voice in singing. In our spare
time, we as a family often sing together to just entertain ourselves. When I first entered the world
of education, I used to enter a Kindergarten called TK Angkasa Lanud Medan. After I graduated
from Kindergarten, I continued elementary school at Singosari Delitua Private Elementary
School, my school is close to my home, and when I was in elementary school, I went home every
day crowded with my friends riding rickshaws. Since I was in elementary school, I have loved
English lessons very much because my habit of watching western movies made me very
interested in this Subject. My passion for this subject continued as I finally entered Junior High
School, SMP Negeri 1 Delitua. Three very nice years for me because I made a good friend and it
was very exciting. After that, I continued to Senior High School, SMA Negeri 1 Delitua. Yes,
this is where my starting point begins. When I entered this high school, I majored in Social
Sciences. In addition to liking the English lesson, I also really like the Sociology lesson, because
for me it is very exciting to learn the nature of the nature that exists in humans and how we
interact with Society. Every time there is this lesson, I am always active in class by answering all
the questions given by my teacher and it is always good to re-explain the material that my
teacher explained in front of my friends. I am also a child who can be said to be brave and
always confident in doing anything, because for me if we don't dare to appear in front of the
future, we will never know what it feels like to appear in front of a crowd even though we
initially feel ashamed and anxious. But I didn't enjoy my high school days because of Covid-19
which required all activities to be done online and learning from home, this made me very sad. I
was unable to meet my friend's friend for a long time and I didn't meet the teacher teacher who
usually always attracts attention in classroom learning. Semus school activities are carried out
online such as studying. This bothered me a lot because through this online, my teacher's teacher
in teaching became less effective and I became clueless so I experienced a decrease in learning
levels. I became a little lazy and relaxed in doing the tasks assigned by my teacher. After a while
of online schooling, we finally returned to offline school and this made me happy and my
enthusiasm for learning increased again. Precisely in the early 12th grade we returned to school
again even though we didn't come to school every day. Class 12 is very hard for me because of
the many exams that must be done in order to finish immediately and enter the world of lectures.
I got the invitation path to get into college, I chose the University of North Sumatra at the time
but I was declared tidsk graduated at the time, it made me very sad that I did not enter the
university I wanted, but I did not give up easily. I went back to taking the Computer-Based
Writing Exam to get into that college and again I was declared not to have passed. This makes
me feel very sad because I did not go to university with the major I dreamed of. I feel that I have
done my best to study hard and die of memorizing the material. But I didn't give up here, I
continued to take the college entrance test until finally I chose to enter the test to a university at
the North Sumatra State Islamic University with a choice of majoring in Islamic Economics. I
am very happy to pass this test even though it is not the major I want but I am very accepted and
grateful. On August 29, for the first time I came to campus to undergo the Introduction to
Campus Culture period and I made many friends from different regions and different schools. I
am very happy to be friends with them who are very good, each of us also exchanged stories
about their school days, from here I know that there are so many differences between us back
when we were in school. After finishing this Cultural Introduction Period, we entered a
predetermined class and I parted a lot with my friend's friend who was, in class I made many
more new friends and on average my friend's friend is a foreign child and not a native terrain
person. I chose to major in Islamic Economics at this University, because I wanted to develop
my knowledge that I had gained in high school i.e. are the Social Sciences and Humanities. And
my goal in choosing this major is that I want to know more deeply what Sharia Economics is,
precisely in my direction, namely Islamic Economics, which we know at this time the Sharia
Economy has begun to develop, both in Indonesia and also in the world. In addition, the Islamic
economy also has an important role for every aspect of life driven by economic activities,
because without the running of the economy, all things will be disrupted. And with the existence
of Sharia Economy, I will take an important role in society with Islamic procedures that are not
only used domestically, but also on an international scale. As we know at this time several
countries already believe that the Islamic Economy is the best system in carrying out economic
activities, and supported by Indonesia, whose majority of the population is Muslim. This makes
the Islamic Economy quite developed in our Country. And my other goal is that when I become a
bachelor of Economics I want to contribute greatly to the development of the economy in
Indonesia which until now is still classified as a middle economy, I will also continue to study
my economics and business knowledge to a further level, namely to the Masters level which I
will pursue in the future so that it is hoped that I can become a person who can provide progress
in solving economic problems in Nationally and internationally, I also hope that the knowledge I
get will not only be useful for my self but also to help the welfare of the people at this time and
in the future.

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