Miniaturised Coplanar Waveguide-Fed Antenna and Band-Notched Design For Ultra-Wideband Applications

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Published in IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation Received on 24th July 2008 Revised on 10th December 2008 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

ISSN 1751-8725

Miniaturised coplanar waveguide-fed antenna and band-notched design for ultra-wideband applications
A. Mehdipour1 A. Parsa2 A.-R. Sebak1 C.W. Trueman1
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 2W1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada H3T 1J4 E-mail: [email protected]
2 1

Abstract: A miniaturised coplanar waveguide-fed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna is presented here. The wideband operation is obtained through an optimised curvature of the radiating element. The input impedance of the antenna is matched using an elliptically tapered coplanar waveguide line. A high-band rejection characteristic at wireless local area network frequencies is achieved by inserting an v-shaped slot on the antenna surface. The frequency domain dispersion characteristic is studied by means of the antenna transfer function both numerically and experimentally. Time domain characteristic of the antenna is investigated in detail for both UWB single-band and multiband schemes. In order to efciently characterise the antenna system for an arbitrary pulse source excitation, the pole/residue model of the antenna system transfer function is presented using the matrix-pencil method.


Since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorised the use of short-range ultra wideband (UWB) signals in the frequency band of 3.1 10.6 GHz for the commercial applications [1], the demand for design of high-performance UWB antennas has been increased. Planar antennas are one of the most attractive antenna types considered for the use in UWB radio. This is because of their low cost and easy to fabricate characteristics [2 10]. In addition to high performance, the wireless industry always seeks small size antennas for use in handheld and RF/Microwave devices [5 10]. However, there is usually a trade-off between the bandwidth and the size of antenna. As a result, the miniaturisation process requires compromising between the size and performance of the antenna [5]. The small size planar antennas such as the microstrip-fed antennas with ground plane have been introduced for UWB applications in [6 8]. The size reduction in these antennas usually leads to small ground plane, which is on the substrate surface, in the opposite side of the radiation element. The surface current on the small ground plane becomes considerable, and it affects the 974

antenna performance [8, 11]. Owning a balanced structure, the coplanar waveguide (CPW)-fed antennas are very good candidates since the feed line and slots are on one side of the substrate [9, 10]. In order to judge the performance of an UWB antenna, the dispersive behaviour of the antenna should also be taken into account. The dispersion behaviour can be analysed in both frequency and time domain. In time-domain characterisation, the antenna can be veried for single-band and multiband cases [12]. In a single-band scheme that is usually considered in antenna analysis [510], the entire frequency band is allocated to one pulse. In a multiband approach, the whole frequency range is covered with several modulated pulses in different sub-bands [13, 14]. This is useful for reducing the interference. The interference can be easily avoided by stopping the signal transmission in subbands, which are used by other systems. Since UWB antennas are used for radiating different pulsesource excitations, a parametric model, which characterises the impulse response of the antenna system can be very useful [15 18]. By using a parametric model, the antenna can be IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

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characterised by a number of poles and residues for each orientation. Having the parametric model of an antenna in terms of a closed form expression, the antenna response can be easily obtained for an arbitrary pulse shape excitation. In other words, the parametric model of the antenna system is very useful in UWB communication system design. In this paper, a miniaturised CPW fed antenna is proposed for UWB applications. The antenna curvature is composed of three elliptical curves. This makes the antenna more exible for optimisation process. In order to have VSWR ,2 over the entire frequency range, the antenna is optimised using Ansoft HFSS software [19]. The antenna is then fabricated and successfully tested. To avoid interference with nearby wireless local area networks (WLANs), a notch is introduced in the antenna response, covering the WLAN bandwidth. This is realised by cutting an v-shape slot on the surface of the radiation element. To study the proposed antenna dispersion characteristics, the antenna is analysed in both time and frequency domain. Using the antenna transfer function, the frequency domain dispersive behaviour of the antenna is evaluated both numerically and experimentally. In time-domain characterisation, both single-band and multiband schemes are carefully investigated. Furthermore, a parametric model of the antenna system (pole/residue model) is obtained by using the matrix-pencil method [20]. The organisation of this paper is as follows. The antenna structure and parametric studies are demonstrated in Section 2. The radiation pattern and time/frequency domain dispersion characteristics of the proposed antenna are discussed in Section 3. Using the directional transfer function of Tx/Rx setups, the pole/residue model of the antenna system is presented for different orientations in Section 4. Section 5 contains the conclusion. Figure 1 Geometry of the proposed antenna
a b c d Top-view Cross-section view Band-Notched design Photograph of the fabricated antennas

we optimise the antenna geometrical parameters for VSWR , 2 (S11 , 29.5 dB) over the entire frequency range (3.110.6 GHz). The optimisation procedure is done by using Ansoft HFSS software optimisation tool. The geometrical parameters are obtained as: R1 R2 4, R3 8.8, R4 5.5, R5 0.5, R6 1.8, L1 6.6, L2 9, L3 7.1, g1 18, g2 1, s1 2 and s2 1.4 where the unit is millimetre. The substrate size is D1 D2 35 35 mm2. Referring to Fig. 1b, the 50-ohm CPW line dimensions are w 3 mm and g 0.2 mm. Using these parameters, the antenna is fabricated as shown in Fig. 1d. Fig. 2a shows the simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed antenna. A good agreement is observed. In order to have the notch-band characteristics at WLAN frequencies (5.155.825 GHz), a kind of slot known as halfwave resonant structure has been introduced in [2123] so

Antenna design

2.1 Antenna geometry

The proposed antenna structure is shown in Fig. 1a. The antenna is printed on the top of a light-weight 0.508 mm thick Rogers RT Duroid 3003 (1r 3, tan d 0.0013) substrate. The feed line is a 50-ohm CPW line, which is connected to the radiating element through a wideband tapered structure formed by two ellipses. These ellipses are dened by L1 , L2 , L3 and g2 parameters. This tapered transition matches the antenna input impedance to a 50-ohm SMA connector. The radiating element curvature is composed of three quarter-ellipses dened by R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , R5 and R6 parameters. By using these ellipses in shaping the radiating element, it is possible to form a smooth curved structure. Furthermore, this curvature shape provides more exibility for a further antenna optimisation. These parameters control both the bandwidth and its lower frequency limit. Making the antenna size as small as possible, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

Figure 2 VSWR of the proposed antenna 975

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far so that it resonates at the frequency f0 when the length of slot is l0/2 where l0 is the wavelength at the central notch frequency ( f0). In fact, the slot behaves like a quarterwavelength short-circuit stub in a series conguration with the equivalent input impedance circuit of the antenna or like a half-wavelength short circuit stub parallel with the input impedance of the antenna [24]. The simplest half-wave resonant structures are slits or triangular slots on the radiation element as introduced in [2123]. The slits can be used in both vertical and horizontal forms on the radiation element surface where sometimes they would be large in size. However, one of the disadvantages of the physically large slits is that they affect the radiation pattern of the antenna at out of notch-band frequencies, which is not desirable [25]. Moreover, for small antennas with compact size, the length of slot resonators is limited by the size of antenna, which limits us in adjusting the centre notch frequency to the lower frequencies of interest. To compact the slot size, curved-shape resonators (such as U or t shapes) are commonly used to achieve the band-rejected characteristics [7]. The fractal shape resonators were introduced to improve the notch behaviour of the antenna response at the desired centre frequency [25, 26]. The fractal shapes are efcient resonators due to the small dimension and high-Q operation where Q is the quality factor dened as f0/Df. Because of the high-Q operation, the antenna performance deterioration occurs only at the desired notch-band frequencies, not out of this band. However, because of the complicated structure of fractal shapes, the number of design parameters would be large. Therefore introducing a much simpler structure with high bandrejection performance and good Q-characteristic is desirable. As shown in Fig. 1c, we propose a semi-fractal v-shape slot (called Slot-A) on the radiating element surface, which shows a high-band rejection characteristic with appropriate Q characteristic. The length of Slot-A can be obtained approximately from [24] Lstub c p 2f0 1reff (1)

where Lstub 3pr0 . Slot-A is composed of two 3p/2 arcs with radius r0 . In order to compare the performance of the proposed notch-band slot with other techniques, we have inserted different types of slots on the antenna surface as shown in Fig. 3a. In Fig. 3b, the performances of different notch-band techniques are compared with the performance of the v-shape slot. The centre notch frequency ( f0) is adjusted to be around 5.7 GHz. The dimensions of v-slot are obtained as r0 2.5 mm and s0 22 mm. The width of slot is 0.5 mm. The dimensions of other slots are shown in Fig. 3a. It can be seen that for slit type resonator (Cong. I), although the band rejection is high at the centre notch frequency, the resonator shows a poor Q factor, which deteriorates the antenna VSWR for a wide range of frequencies around the centre notch frequency. For curved U and t shape slots, the resonator shows a reasonable Q-characteristic, but the band rejection magnitude (VSWR , 10) is not high at the centre notch frequency. It is observed that by using the v-shape slot, a very high notch-band rejection (VSWR 22.5) is achieved at the centre notch frequency with acceptable Qcharacteristic (VSWR . 3 for 5.4 GHz , f , 5.95 GHz).

Figure 3 Different types of slots

a Different notch-band techniques b VSWR of the proposed antenna using different notch-band techniques c Simulated and measured VSWR of the proposed notch-band technique

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Figure 4 VSWR of the proposed antenna against

a g2 b R1 parameters c Surface current distribution at 3.5, 6.5 and 9.5 GHz frequencies, when g2 1 mm and R1 4 mm

For notch-band design, we determine the best location of slot (s0) through a parametric study to obtain the highest VSWR at the centre frequency of notch. The simulated and measured VSWR of the band-notched design with r0 2.5 mm and s0 22 mm are displayed in Fig. 3c. The measured central notch frequency is 5.81 GHz, which is in satisfactory agreement with the simulation result. Because of compact size, considerable band rejection, and high Q-characteristic, the proposed v-shape slot is a very good candidate for use in this notch-band UWB antenna. Furthermore, as will be shown in the next section, the desired centre notch frequency ( f0) can be easily adjusted by sweeping one parameter, the radius r0 .

2.2 Parametric study

A numerical parametric study is carried out to evaluate the performance sensitivity to the design parameters and to obtain the optimum values. For brevity, we only evaluate the effects of two important geometrical parameters, g2 and R1 on the return loss of the proposed antenna as shown in Figs. 4a and 4b, respectively. The distance gap ( g2) adjusts the capacitance coupling between the radiation element and ground plane, which plays an important role on the antenna impedance matching behaviour. As shown in Fig. 4c, the current distribution on Region-A where the feed line is connected to the radiation element is high compared to other parts of radiating element IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

Figure 5 Band-notched design

a Normalised surface current distribution on the band-notched antenna with r0 2.5 mm b Centre frequency of notch versus r0 parameter


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Figure 6 Normalised radiation pattern of the proposed antenna at three frequencies

a b c d e f E-plane at 3.5 GHz H-plane at 3.5 GHz E-plane at 6.5 GHz H-plane at 6.5 GHz E-plane at 9.5 GHz H-plane at 9.5 GHz

over the frequency range of interest. As a result, the geometrical parameters of this region (such as g2) play an important role on matching performance. Fig. 4a indicates that the lower and upper frequencies of the bandwidth depend highly on the parameter g2 . It is seen from Fig. 4b that the low edge of the VSWR ,2 bandwidth does not change considerably with respect to R1 , whereas the high-frequency performance is sensitive to the variation of this parameter with an optimum value of 4 mm. As shown in Fig. 4c, it is observed that the 978 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

ground plane, Region-B, is close to the region of radiating element characterised by parameter R1 and has a large current distribution at high frequencies compared to the current distribution at lower frequencies. Therefore the coupling between Region-B and radiation element is signicantly affected at high frequencies by changing the R1 parameter. For the band-notched design, the normalised surface current distributions at three frequencies, 3.5, 5.7 and 8.5 GHz are IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

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depicted in Fig. 5a. It can be seen that Slot-A resonates at the centre frequency of the notch. The effect of r0 variation on the centre notch frequency is also shown in Fig. 5b.

3 Radiation pattern and dispersion analysis

3.1 Radiation pattern
The radiation patterns of the proposed antenna and bandnotched design were measured in an anechoic chamber using a standard double Ridge Horn. The normalised radiation patterns in the E-plane ( yz-) and H-plane (xz-) at three different frequencies are shown in Fig. 6. There is good agreement between the simulation and measurement results. The antenna shows nearly donut shape radiation pattern in the E-plane and almost omnidirectional radiation pattern in the H-plane over the entire frequency range of interest. It is also observed that the crosspolarisation is more than 10 dB lower than the copolarisation in both E- and H-planes at most frequencies. The relatively high cross-polarisation at a few cases can be explained by observing the surface current distribution on the radiation element (Fig. 4c). The cross-polarisation is produced by the x-directed surface current. It is observed that at frequencies where cross-polarisation exists, the current distribution is large along the parts of the radiating element, which contain the x-directed current. For example, it is seen that the x-directed current distribution at 9.5 GHz is strong at the corners of radiating element,

Figure 8 Transfer function measurement

a Tx/Rx setup b The transfer function of the proposed antenna c The transfer function of the band-notched design

which leads to a high cross-polarisation. The crosspolarisation can also be explained in terms of an array of two out of phase x-directed current dipoles at the top corners of the radiating element. The notches at 08 and 1808 in the cross-polarisation pattern shown in Fig. 6f correspond to the notches of the array factor, while the notches at 908 and 2708 are due to the dipole element factor. Fig. 7 shows the measured radiation pattern of the bandnotched design, which is normalised with respect to the reference antenna (antenna without Slot-A) for the frequencies 3.5, 5.7, 6.5 and 8.5 GHz. For simplicity, only the co-polarisation patterns are reported. It can be seen 979

Figure 7 Measured normalised radiation pattern of the band-notched design with respect to the reference antenna
H-plane (2) and E-plane (O) of Ref. antenna, H-plane ( ) and E-plane (o) of band-notched design

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

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change the radiation pattern signicantly at the frequencies out of the notched bandwidth.

3.2 Antenna transfer function

The dispersion characteristics of the antenna can be dened by the magnitude of the transfer function (jS21j) and group delay of the antenna Tx/Rx setup. Fig. 8a shows the conguration used for the transfer function measurement. The transfer function S21 can be written as S21 f HTx f HCH f HRX f Figure 9 Simulated and measured boresight gain of the antenna (2)

that at the central notch frequency ( f0 5.7 GHz), the radiation pattern in both E- and H-planes deteriorates and drops more than 10 dB lower than the radiation pattern of the reference antenna. The presence of the slot does not

where HTX ( f ) and HRX ( f ) are the Tx and Rx antenna transfer functions, respectively. Furthermore, HCH ( f ) is the channel transfer function in free space. As a result, ideally, when the antenna transfer function possesses almost a at magnitude and linear phase (constant group delay) over the desired frequency range, the received pulse is not noticeably distorted. In measurement setups, the antennas are located d 20 cm away in front of each other in an anechoic chamber. Using HP 8720 network analyser, the

Figure 10 The single-band scheme

a Pulse signal b Normalised spectrum

Figure 11 The multiband scheme

a Normalised pulse signal b Normalised spectrum of each subband pulse () and total spectrum of the signal (o)

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IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

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transfer function of the antenna is measured as shown in Fig. 8b. It is observed that the magnitude of the transfer function has low ripples and almost constant group delay over the entire frequency range. As illustrated in Fig. 8c, the transfer function of the band-notched design shows that the antenna is non-responsive at notch band frequencies. About 40 dB reduction of S21 ( f ) magnitude and more than 5 ns variation of group delay is observed at the centre frequency of the notch. Here, we only analyse the boresight transfer function of the antennas. The directional transfer function study will be discussed in the next section in more detail. The IEEE standard antenna gain can be obtained by means of the antenna transfer function [17] G f HTX f HRX f = 1 jS11 f j2 (3) gain of the proposed antenna varies between 2.15 and 4.25 dB.

3.3 Time-domain characteristics

Since the pulse source consideration and optimisation are very important for UWB systems [27], the time-domain performance of the proposed antenna is carefully investigated in this section. For wireless systems using UWB antennas, it is critical to evaluate the dispersive behaviour for different angles between Tx and Rx antennas. This is due to the fact that the antenna could be low-dispersive at some limited angles, but highdispersive at other angles. We consider two schemes known as single-band and multiband schemes for numerical studies [12]. In the single-band scheme, we assume the fourth derivative of the Gaussian function as a pulse source with the following expression st (t) Amax 3 6  t 2  t 4 !
p 2 et=s 2

where S11 ( f ) is the input reection coefcient of the antenna. Using (2), (3) can be written as 1 1 G f S21 f HCH f 1 jS11 f j2 (4)


which gives the measured boresight gain of the proposed antenna as shown in Fig. 9. The measured results are also compared with the simulated gain obtained by Ansoft HFSS software. Good agreement is observed between the simulated and measured results. It should be also noted that compared to results reported in [3, 6, 7], the boresight gain of the proposed antenna is positive in the 4 9.5 GHz frequency range where the UWB pulse spectrum contains the main energy of signal. The peak

where Amax is the peak power spectral density that FCC allows. The parameter s can be opted in order to satisfy the FCC spectral mask. With Amax 1.27 V/m and s 50 ps, the pulse signal and its normalised Fourier transform are shown in Fig. 10. In order to investigate the multiband scheme, we choose a pulse source, which is the sum of the modulated Gaussian

Figure 12 Virtual probes signals for single-band scheme

a xz-Plane b yz-Plane

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253


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Figure 13 Virtual probes signals for multiband scheme

a xz-Plane b yz-Plane

Table 1 Fidelity factor for single-band and multiband schemes Probe position (u) single-band H-plane E-plane multiband H-plane E-plane 08 0.97 0.97 0.94 0.94 308 0.962 0.927 0.873 0.863 458 0.92 0.9 0.794 0.838 608 0.855 0.877 0.734 0.828 908 0.812 0.821 0.71 0.82


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IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

Authorized licensed use limited to: University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Downloaded on July 19,2010 at 09:58:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
antenna probes is directional, the received pulse shape depends on the location of the probes (u).

4 Parametric model of the proposed antenna

In this section, the matrix-pencil method [20] is used to calculate the pole/residue model of the Tx/Rx system using the proposed antenna. The parametric model of the antenna system transfer function is expressed as Figure 14 Tx/Rx system for different orientations pulses with different carriers [13] expressed as
N X n0
2 sin 2p fc nDfm t nT0 etnT0 =s (6)

S f HSYS f 21 HCH f


st (t)

By choosing s 558 ps, we have T0 2.7 ns (%5s). This generates six modulated pulses with Dfm 1.25 GHz 10-dB bandwidth to cover the whole frequency range of interest (3.110.6 GHz). The carrier frequencies are opted to be ( fc 3.5 1.25n) GHz where n 0, . . . , 5. Fig. 11 shows the modulated pulse in multiband scheme and its related normalised spectrum. Using CST Microwave Studio software [28], we performed the transceiver setup, which consists of an antenna as transmitter and nine virtual probes (co-pol) as receivers. The virtual probes are located in both xz- (H-) and yz- (E-) planes at u 08, 308, 458, 608 and 908. Note that the probe located at u 08 is identical for the H- and E-planes. The received probe signals for the single-band and multiband schemes are shown in Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. In the single-band scheme, the received pulses in H- and E-planes show that the antenna does not impose signicant distortion on the transmitted pulse. As shown in Figs. 13a and 13b, the received signals envelope complies with the magnitude of the transfer functions between the antenna and each of the probes in the multiband scheme. To evaluate the similarity between the transmitted and received signals more precisely, we use the delity factor (F) which is dened as [29]
1 st (t) sr (t t)dt F max q 2 2 1  1  t     1 st (t) dt 1 sr (t) dt

It is noted that the transfer function of the antenna (S21) depends on the signal propagation direction and the distance between the transmitter and receiver. As a result, the antenna system transfer function (HSYS) should be determined for several Tx/Rx setups with different orientations. Different Rx orientations are displayed in Fig. 14. By measuring the S21( f ) parameter for different directions, the directional HSYS( f ) can be achieved from (8). The impulse response of the antenna system transfer function can then be calculated as
N X Rn esn t hsys t =1 HSYS f n1



where st(t) and sr(t) are the transmitted and received pulses, respectively. The delity factor between virtual probe signals and the transmitted pulse for both single-band and multiband schemes are reported in Table 1. A fairly satisfactory delity factor is observed for both schemes. In the single-band scheme, the antenna shows a delity factor greater than 0.8 in both E- and H-planes. In the multiband scheme, the delity factor is greater than 0.7 and 0.8 in H- and E-planes, respectively. It should be noted that a pulse in the multiband scheme is more distorted compared to a pulse in the singleband scheme. Since the transfer function between the IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

Figure 15 Impulse response of the proposed antenna system

a At u 08 b Pole/Residue schematic


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where =1 is the inverse Fourier transform, sn (an j2pfn) are the poles, Rn are residues, which are obtained by using matrix-pencil method. N is the order of the model. Here an and fn are damping coefcients and frequencies, respectively. The frequency domain model can then be obtained as


Rn j v sn n1


By performing the Tx/Rx system (Fig. 14) at three orientations (u 08, 458, 908), the directional S21( f ) of the proposed antenna is measured. The distance between Tx and Rx is d 20 cm for each u. Using (8), HSYS( f ) of the proposed antenna is then obtained at different orientations. Consequently, the impulse response of system transfer function is achieved by taking the inverse Fourier transform. The pole/residue model of the antenna system is then calculated using the matrix-pencil method. Fig. 15a shows the impulse response of the antenna system when u 08. The measured result is obtained from the measured S21( f ) shown in Fig. 8b. It is found that N 22 provides an accurate pole/residue model. The poles and residues are reported in Table 2 and are shown schematically in Fig. 15b. The number of samples used in the matrix-pencil method is K 100. Following [30], the pencil parameter L K/2 is chosen so that K/ 3 , L , 2K/3. More details on the matrix-pencil method are given in [20, 30, 31]. The measured transfer function of Tx/Rx system for two other orientations (u 458, 908) is shown in Fig. 16a. Since the poles obtained for one optional orientation (here u 08) can be used in model calculation for other orientations with a Table 2 Poles and residues (N 22) Pole (109) 20.617 + 16.969j 21.563 + 21.331j 22.166 + 25.881j Residue (109) 0.0372 + 0.0709j 0.5076 + 0.0753j 0.1878 + 1.2849j

Figure 16 Directional impulse response of the proposed antenna system

a Transfer function of Tx/Rx setup (S21( f )) for u 458 and 908 cases b hsys(t) for u 458 and 908 cases

little accuracy degradation, the antenna system model for 458 and 908 orientations is calculated using the poles of the model for u 08 as demonstrated in Fig. 16b. The residues for these orientations are obtained from the measured S21 . For brevity, the related residues for u 458 and 908 are not reported. It can be seen that the measured result is in very good agreement with the obtained model. As a result, the antenna system can be efciently characterised for other orientations using the directional pole/residue model.

22.849 + 31.184j 21.8813 + 0.3344j 24.202 + 38.260j 22.4963 + 1.7690j 23.831 + 42.207j 21.071 + 70.605j 3.4848 + 2.4418j 0.2373 + 0.0673j


22.047 + 67.308j 20.1366 + 0.5522j 22.628 + 60.943j 21.1025 + 0.0575j 24.201 + 49.485j 3.7285 + 0.8484j

23.488 + 52.941j 22.1644 + 2.8005j

In this paper, a miniaturised CPW-fed antenna is presented for UWB applications. Besides the acceptable impedance bandwidth, the antenna shows a stable radiation pattern over the entire frequency range of interest. Extended from the proposed antenna, a band-notched design is introduced to reject the WLAN frequency band (5.155.825 GHz). It is shown that by cutting a v-shape slot on the antenna surface, more than 10 dB gain reduction can be achieved in both Eand H-planes at the notch-band frequencies. The sensitivity IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

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analysis is performed to evaluate the effect of some design parameters variations on the antenna performance. The proposed antenna and band-notched design performance is also investigated experimentally. A good agreement is observed between the simulation and the measurement results. The frequency domain dispersion analysis is studied by means of the antenna transfer function. The antenna shows a low-dispersive behaviour with almost constant group delay over the desired frequency range. In order to evaluate the time-domain performance of the antenna, both the single-band and multiband schemes are considered. The results show that the transmitted pulse distortion is not signicant for both schemes. Considering that the proposed antenna shows an acceptable performance over the UWB frequency band, the Tx/Rx antenna system is characterised by an efcient parametric model. The parametric model is provided by a number of poles and residues after applying the matrix-pencil method. It is shown that the antenna system can be modelled by a set of 22 poles in all directions. The proposed antenna characteristics such as small size, light weight, low-manufacturing cost, sufcient bandwidth, stable radiation pattern, and low-dispersive behaviour shows that the proposed antenna is a very good candidate for UWB applications. [8] CHEN Z.N., SEE T.S.P., QING X.: Small printed ultrawideband antenna with reduced ground plane effect, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2007, 55, pp. 383 388 [9] LIN Y.-C., HUNG K.-J.: Compact ultrawideband rectangular aperture antenna and band-notched designs, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2006, 54, pp. 3075 3081 [10] CHEN S.-Y., WANG P.-H., HSU P.: Uniplanar log-periodic slot antenna fed by a CPW for UWB applications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2006, 5, pp. 256 259 [11] ZHANG Y., CHEN Z.N., CHIA M.Y.W.: Effects of nite ground plane and dielectric substrate on planar dipoles for UWB applications. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propagation, June 2004, pp. 2512 2515 [12] AIELLO G.R., ROGERSON G.D.: Ultra-wideband wireless systems, IEEE Microw., 2003, 4, pp. 36 47 [13] CHEN Z.N.: Novel bi-arm rolled monopole for UWB applications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2005, 53, pp. 672 677 [14] WU X.H., CHEN Z.N.: Comparison of planar dipoles in UWB applications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2005, 53, pp. 1973 1983 [15] LICUL S., DAVIS W.A.: Unied frequency and time-domain antenna modeling and characterization, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2005, 53, pp. 2882 2888 [16] DUROC Y., VUONG T.-P., TEDJINI S.: A time/frequency model of ultrawideband antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2007, 55, pp. 2342 2350 [17] DUROC Y., GHIOTTO A., VUONG T.P., TEDJINI S.: UWB antennas: systems with transfer function and impulse response, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2007, 55, pp. 1449 1451 [18] DUROC Y. , GHIOTTO A., VUONG T.P., TEDJINI S.: Parametric modeling of ultrawideband antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 2007, 55, pp. 3103 3105 [19] HFSS, High Frequency Structure Simulator, Ansoft Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, 2008 [20] SARKAR T.K., PEREIRA O.: Using the Matrix Pencil method to estimate the parameters of a sum of complex exponentials, IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., 1995, 37, pp. 48 55 [21] SCHANTZ H.G., WOLENEC G., MYSZKA E.M.: Frequency notched UWB antennas. Proc. IEEE Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies, 2003, pp. 214 218 [22]


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A UWB antenna with a stop-band notch in the 985

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& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

IET Microw. Antennas Propag., 2009, Vol. 3, Iss. 6, pp. 974 986 doi: 10.1049/iet-map.2008.0253

Authorized licensed use limited to: University Kebangsaan Malaysia. Downloaded on July 19,2010 at 09:58:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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