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World War II- The European Theater and Beginning of American Involvement Standards: Grade 8 Social Studies Standards:

S1C8PO2, S1C8PO4, S2C8PO1, S2C8PO2, S1C8PO3. Resources needed: American Journey textbooks, Rise of Dictators guided reading worksheet, Blitzkrieg PowerPoint and worksheet, Pearl Harbor YouTube videos, World War II propaganda and Women in the Workplace PowerPoint and worksheet, Comparing WWII and 9/11 propaganda PowerPoint, colored pencils, construction paper. Treaty of Versailles The Rise of Hitler Begins Blitzkrieg! Pearl Harbor: and how it helped Dictators: Invading: cause WWII: -Interactive -Students will -Students will -Students will Powerpoint watch 20 -Simulation: complete a create a timeline presentation about minutes of the pretend students are guided reading by themselves by the German battle scene in trouble and worksheet and reading about Blitzkrieg style of from the movie receive harsh answer questions Hitlers first warfare. Students Pearl Harbor punishments, each from the takeovers of complete a 5 on YouTube as writes a letter to the textbook about Austria and the question shorta class and principal explaining how Hitler, Sudetenland, failed answer worksheet complete a why punishments Mussolini and appeasement, and to go along with the worksheet that are too harsh. Stalin rose to the beginning of Powerpoint. goes along with Relate to how prominence. WWII. Students will make the video. Germans felt after their own battle Versailles treaty. plan for invading a town for bell work, and compare it to the blitzkrieg at the end. Comparing 9/11 The Homefront The Homefront Propaganda Propaganda propaganda with Part IPart II- Women in Creation- Day One: Creation- Day Pearl Harbor/WWII Propaganda: the Workplace: Two: propaganda: -Students will -After going over complete first -Continuing the three elements of -Students will -Interactive part of a Powerpoint, we propaganda begin their final Powerpoint will worksheet that will go into discussed on draft of their introduce students goes along with unintended Tuesday, students poster and to World War II interactive consequences of will create their write-up propaganda by Powerpoint the war and lead own WWII describing comparing, which talks about into how women propaganda poster where their three contrasting and propaganda had to begin using those same elements of relating it to their during WWII and working more and three elements. propaganda prior knowledge of what the more. Analyze Brainstorming and occur in their a more recent American how the attitudes sketch day. poster. Due event- 9/11. government of women by Monday. Includes visual wanted its society changed analysis. citizens to do and after the war. think. Includes visual analysis.

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