ww1 Webquest

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WWI: The Home Front Web Quest Worksheet

Directions: Go through each section of the Web Quest and do the activities. I
have given you an idea of how long each activity should take you to do, keep an eye
on the clock!

I: Overview of the Home Front

Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv6RuNpfQJQ and watch The Home

Front video. After watching the video, answer the following questions about the
Home Front during WWI. (6 minutes)

1. What were some of the responsibilities children had during the war?

2. What were some of the jobs women took over from men during war time?

3. What were one of the policies but in place during wartime?

4. How do you think going from the home to the workplace had on women?
Visit the Imperial War Museums Home Front online exhibit
http://www.iwm.org.uk/history/first-world-war-home-front. Go to at least 5 of
the different links. Write down 5 things you found interesting about the Home
Front. (15 minutes)






II: Sacrifices Made on the Home Front

Do the DocsTeach activity on activities on the U.S. Home Front during World War
I. http://docsteach.org/activities/4941/detail?mode=browse&menu=closed&era
%5B%5D=the-emergence-of-modern-america. (5-7 minutes)

III: Propaganda

Read over the article about WWI propaganda http://www.bl.uk/world-war-

one/articles/patriotism-and-nationalism. (10-12 minutes)
Terms: conscriptthey did not have a choice to go to war; they were drafted

Tacticmethod, way

1. What did propaganda achieve/what was it supposed to achieve?

2. What were some of the symbols used in propaganda?

3. What was propaganda used to do?

Watch 100% American, a silent propaganda movie from 1918

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_Xasw0BmM, and answer the questions that
go along with it. (20 minutes)

1. How did it describe Americans at the beginning of the film?

2. What did the film want Americans to do?

3. How did it portray Germany at the end of the film?

4. Who was the intended audience?

5. What was this propaganda reel trying to get across?

Name: Teacher Copy Date:

WWI: The Home Front Web Quest Worksheet

Directions: Go through each section of the Web Quest and do the activities. I
have given you an idea of how long each activity should take you to do, keep an eye
on the clock!

I: Overview of the Home Front

Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv6RuNpfQJQ and watch The Home

Front video. After watching the video, answer the following questions about the
Home Front during WWI. (6 minutes)

1. What were some of the responsibilities children had during the war?

Children helped out on the farms and with growing vegetables.

2. What were some of the jobs women took over from men during war time?

Women worked in factories and ran the farms.

3. What were one of the policies but in place during wartime?

Rationing of food.

4. How do you think going from the home to the workplace had on women?

I think that once women were more accepted into the workplace during the war,
they would want to keep working after the war was over.
Visit the Imperial War Museums Home Front online exhibit
http://www.iwm.org.uk/history/first-world-war-home-front. Go to at least 5 of
the different links. Write down 5 things you found interesting about the Home
Front. (15 minutes)

**These answers will vary based upon which pages the students go to**

1. Germany had air raids on civilian cities

2. Whistling was outlawed in London during the War

3. The poppy is used as the flower of remembrance for World War I

4. Working in the war factories was extremely dangerous for the women

who worked there

5. Conscientious objectors held strikes during the war

II: Sacrifices Made on the Home Front

Do the DocsTeach activity on activities on the U.S. Home Front during World War
I. http://docsteach.org/activities/4941/detail?mode=browse&menu=closed&era
%5B%5D=the-emergence-of-modern-america. (5-7 minutes)
III: Propaganda

Read over the article about WWI propaganda http://www.bl.uk/world-war-

one/articles/patriotism-and-nationalism. (10-12 minutes)

Terms: conscriptthey did not have a choice to go to war; they were drafted

Tacticmethod, way

1. What did propaganda achieve/what was it supposed to achieve?

Propaganda was supposed to get the public to join in with nationalistic feelings and
be patriotic. It was supposed to get people to support the war effort.

2. What were some of the symbols used in propaganda?

Mythic figures, national birds and animals, female figures which were
representations of aspects like liberty and reason.

3. What was propaganda used to do?

Propaganda was used to stir up feelings in the people. Usually these were negative
feelings towards the enemy. It was also used to gain money for the war effort.

Watch 100% American, a silent propaganda movie from 1918

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_Xasw0BmM, and answer the questions that
go along with it. (20 minutes)

1. How did it describe Americans at the beginning of the film?

Americans are described as constantly spending money. In fact, the film
suggests that they spend too much.

2. What did the film want Americans to do?

The film wanted Americans to spend less, and to save their money to buy war
bonds. War bonds would help with the war effort.

3. How did it portray Germany at the end of the film?

Germany was portrayed as ridiculous-looking. He was carrying packages the

said militarism, atrocities, and clown prince. These kinds of labels
mocked the German nation and monarchy. He was also taken out with one ball
thrown by a woman, which showed him as weak.

4. Who was the intended audience?

I think the intended audience was people on the Home Front.

5. What was this propaganda reel trying to get across?

This propaganda film was trying to show that buying War Bonds would help
the war effort and allow the U.S. to win the war against Germany. It also
showed that people on the Home Front should save their money, instead of
spending it on nonessentials.

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