Story by Alyssa Satin Capucilli: For Thom - LTSRN L) U.Niel and Anna Aurelia - A - S - C

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For Thom.ltsrn l)u.nieLand Anna Aurelia -A .S .C .



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u ww h:rr l,hi r. .r,rrr |ercollinsclrr I rl,rirry,rl ( .rDl'r, ( :rt:rl,!iilt rrr lrrl,li.rli,rr Datr \\ Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Biscuil and the baby / stuy by Alyssn Sirliil t irlrx il I i ; l)i( turcs l)y l,iil Scl)or ius p (A my first I can read booKl cm Summary: Biscuit, a young puppy, rs eagcr to orccl lhc |ow brhy lllrt illrst wltil until nrp time is ovet ISBN- 10: 0-06 009459-I (tradebdg ) (lib bds ) ISBN-IO: 0-06-009460-5 ISBN- l0: 0-06-00946 I 3 (pbk ) [1 Dogs-Fiction PZ'l Cl79Bte2OO5 lEl4c22 2 Babies-Fiction IStsN- | 3: 978-0-0(>00()459' (lrrtrlchd8 .) | ISBN- I 3: 978-(f 0G(X)94d) 7 (lib h(ls ) ] I Schorics, Pat, ill II Title tll Scrics

ISBN- I 3: 978-0-06-00946 t 4 (rbk )


20030252',1 | CIP AC

SCHORIES by pictures PAT

t0ll 1213 scP 1098765

( E I f , r ff r r ' r l , l l t t r ' , 1 ' t r l , l r l t t ' t

Woof,woof! WhatdoesBiscuitsee?

Woof, woof!

Biscuitsees baby. the

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