001 - 2014 NSB Grade 1 Vocab List

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Scripps National Spelling Bee

Study Words for First Graders
20132014 School Year

This list includes 50 challenging first grade words and, to extend learning, 50 challenging
second grade words. If you learn the spellings and meanings of these 100 words, you will be well prepared for a first
grade classroom bee. If you would like to be well prepared for a school spelling bee, ask your teacher for the 450-word
School Spelling Bee Study List.

1. tag (noun) a game in which one player chases the others and tries to touch one to make him it.

2. put (verb) to place in a specified position : lay, set.

3. hill (noun) a more or less rounded elevation of land.

4. jam (noun) a product made by boiling fruit and sugar to a thick consistency without preserving the
shape of the fruit.

5. rug (noun) a piece of thick heavy fabric that is used as a floor covering and is not intended to cover
an entire floor.

6. try (verb) to make an attempt to achieve something or to carry out some action.

7. cork (noun) the outer tissues of the stem of the cork oak that is used commercially for cork stoppers
and insulation.

8. add (verb) to combine two or more numbers into one sum.

9. dime (noun) a coin of the United States first issued in 1796 and worth 1/10 dollar.

10. mint (noun) a soft or hard confection flavored with peppermint or spearmint and often served after

11. hope (verb) to desire with expectation or with belief.

12. shy (adjective) easily frightened : skittish, timid.

13. burn (verb) to be on fire.

14. mask (noun) a cover or partial cover for the face usually made of cloth with openings for the eyes.

15. kite (noun) a device consisting of a light material stretched over a light often diamond-shaped
framework, intended to be flown in the air at the end of a long string.

16. tape (noun) a narrow strip of natural or artificial fibers coated on one side with an adhesive mixture
and used for many purposes.

17. silly (adjective) lacking importance or serious meaning : trivial, trifling, frivolous.

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18. ants (plural noun) insects living in colonies, usually burrowing in the ground or in wood and
making chambers and passages in which they store their food and raise their young.

19. week (noun) one of a series of seven-day cycles used in various calendars.

20. grade (noun) one of the levels of an elementary or secondary school course that usually represents a
year's work.

21. lace (noun) a fine fabric with a ground of net on which patterns may be worked and which is made
of thread by looping, twisting, or knotting.

22. sank (verb) became submerged : went to the bottom : submerged.

23. acorn (noun) the nut of the oak tree usually seated in or surrounded by a hard woody cup-shaped

24. eel (noun) any of numerous snakelike fishes that have a smooth slimy skin often without scales.

25. lung (noun) one of the usually two organs that constitute the basic respiratory organ of air-breathing

26. beat (verb) to mix together by means of repeated strong turning or stirring.

27. snore (verb) to breathe during sleep with a rough hoarse noise due to vibration of the uvula and the
soft palate.

28. grass (noun) green herbage that affords food for grazing animals and that usually consists
predominantly of narrow-leaved plants often intermixed with herbs.

29. never (adverb) not ever : at no time.

30. July (noun) the seventh month of the year.

31. sleep (verb) to rest in the natural suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body
are restored.

32. punch (noun) a beverage composed of fruit juices and other nonalcoholic liquids (as tea, ginger ale)
and usually served cold.

33. lamp (noun) a light-giving device.

34. globe (noun) a round ball that has a map of the earth drawn on it and that is usually set so as to be
rotatable at an angle corresponding to the inclination of the earth's axis.

35. always (adverb) on every occasion : at all times.

36. thank (verb) to express gratitude to.

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37. moose (noun) a large mammal that inhabits forested parts of Canada and the northern United States,
stands about seven feet high at the shoulders and has long legs, a short tail, a large head and
antlers with many points.

38. count (verb) to separate one by one to find the total number of units : number or tally.

39. foxes (plural noun) any of various mammals related to the wolves but smaller, with shorter legs,
more pointed muzzle, large erect ears and long bushy tail.

40. tooth (noun) one of the hard bony appendages that are on the jaws and that serve especially for the
taking hold and chewing of food.

41. north (noun) the direction to the left of one facing east and opposite to south.

42. tower (noun) a building or structure designed primarily for elevation that is higher than its diameter
and high relative to its surroundings.

43. dinner (noun) the principal meal of the day eaten in the evening.

44. number (noun) an arithmetical total : sum of the units involved.

45. kisses (plural noun) salutes or caresses with the lips.

46. slower (adjective) moving, flowing, or proceeding without rapidity or at less than the usual speed.

47. morning (noun) the early hours of light : the time from rising to noon.

48. pillow (noun) a sack made typically of cloth and filled with a soft material used to support the head of
a person resting or sleeping.

49. myself (pronoun) that identical one that is I.

50. snowflake (noun) a small mass of ice crystals.

51. both (adjective) being the two : involving the one and the other.

52. icon (noun) a graphic symbol on a computer display screen that usually suggests the type of object
represented or the purpose of an available function.

53. link (verb) to connect by or as if by a connecting element.

54. wee (adjective) very small.

55. poor (noun) one that has little money usually used collectively.

56. grim (adjective) stern or forbidding in action or appearance.

57. cowboy (noun) a distinctively dressed horseman tending large herds of beef cattle.

58. why (adverb) for what cause, reason, or purpose : on what account : to what end.

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59. taco (noun) a sandwich made of a tortilla rolled up with or folded over a filling and usually fried.

60. hotel (noun) a building of many rooms chiefly for overnight accommodation.

61. penny (noun) a cent of the United States or Canada.

62. mister (noun) sir used in direct address and not followed by the given name or surname of the man

63. brew (verb) to prepare (as a drink or other liquid) by infusion especially in hot water.

64. alarm (noun) a device that warns or signals by means of a noise (as a bell or siren) or visual effect (as
a flashing light).

65. pulp (noun) the soft succulent part of fruit.

66. soggy (adjective) saturated or heavy with water or moisture : waterlogged, soaked.

67. popcorn (noun) the burst open form of a variety of corn that on exposure to dry heat forms a white
starchy mass many times the size of the original kernel.

68. crane (noun) any of a small group of tall wading birds resembling the herons but more closely related
to the rails.

69. bacon (noun) a side of a pig after removal of spareribs and after being cured dry or in pickle and

70. crime (noun) conduct in violation of the law.

71. hobby (noun) any favorite pursuit or interest.

72. given (verb) conferred the ownership of without receiving a return : made a present of.

73. bedtime (noun) the period set apart to settle for sleeping.

74. shark (noun) any of numerous fishes that are usually of medium or large size including the largest
existing fishes, that may be active, voracious, and rapacious predators or sluggish bottom
dwellers feeding chiefly on mollusks.

75. dislike (noun) a feeling of positive aversion (as to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive) :

76. ladder (noun) a usually portable structure for use in climbing up or down that consists commonly of
two parallel sidepieces joined at short intervals by a series of crosspieces that serve as rests for
the feet.

77. shout (verb) to speak in a loud voice.

78. doctor (noun) a practitioner of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine.

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79. shadow (noun) the image made by an obscured space on a surface that cuts across it usually
representing in silhouette the form of the interposed body.

80. behind (adverb) in a secondary or inferior position.

81. prize (noun) an honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest.

82. drink (noun) any particular natural or prepared usually agreeable liquid for swallowing : beverage,
potable, brew.

83. joyful (adjective) experiencing pleasure or delight : happy.

84. broken (adjective) violently separated into parts : in fragments : shattered.

85. tenth (adjective) being one more than nine in number in a countable series.

86. flavor (noun) the blend of taste and smell sensations evoked by a substance (as a portion of food or
drink) in the mouth.

87. yellow (noun) a color whose hue resembles that of ripe lemons or sunflowers or is that of the portion
of the spectrum lying between green and orange.

88. plastic (noun) any of a large group of materials of high molecular weight that usually contain as the
essential ingredient a synthetic or semisynthetic organic substance, that are molded, drawn or
laminated under various conditions into objects of all sizes and shapes.

89. respect (noun) high or special regard : esteem.

90. quilt (noun) a bed covering made of two layers of cloth of which the top one is usually pieced or
appliqud and having a filling of wool, cotton, or down held in place by stitched designs.

91. view (noun) what is revealed to the vision or can usually be seen.

92. animals (plural noun) any creatures except human beings.

93. second (adjective) next to the first in place or time.

94. father (noun) a male parent.

95. limited (adjective) restricted in extent, number or duration.

96. partner (noun) one that is associated in any action with another : associate, colleague.

97. flower (verb) to bloom, blossom.

98. glue (noun) any of various strong adhesive substances.

99. magnet (noun) a body having the property of attracting iron.

100. olive (noun) the fruit of the tree of the same name that is eaten either when unripe and green or when
bluish black and ripe and that yields a valuable oil.

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