Spanish 2 Affirmative Commands Worksheet

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Affirmative commands worksheet Nombre_____________________________

Spanish 2 Fecha____________________ Clase______

To form an informal command in Spanish, we simply take the tú form of a verb, and drop
the “-s”.
Examples: hablar  hablas  drop “s”  ¡Habla! = Speak!
Correr  corres  drop “s”  ¡Corre! = Run!
Vivir  vives  drop “s”  ¡Vive! = Live!

Try it!
1. mirar  __________  __________=_________
2. comprar  __________  __________=_________
3. escribir  __________  __________=_________
4. abrir  __________  __________=_________
5. comenzar  __________  __________=_________
6. beber  __________  __________=_________
7. limpiar  __________  __________=_________
8. tomar  __________  __________=_________
9. leer  __________  __________=_________
10. cantar  __________  __________=_________

Direct object pronouns attach to the end of affirmative commands. Remember,

affirmatives attach (AA).
The direct object pronouns answer 2 questions, “Who?” and “What?”
The direct object pronouns are:
Me = me Nos = us
Te = you Os = y’all
Lo/la = him, her, it Los/las = them
When you add the direct object to the end, you have to add an accent mark. You separate
the syllables of the word, and write the accent mark on the 3rd to the last syllable.

Look at some examples:

Buy the book comprar el libro compra el libro ¡Cómpralo!
So com-pra-lo would get an accent mark over the “o” in com

Write the letter escribir la carta escribe la carta ¡Escríbela!

So es-cri-be-la would get an accent mark over the “i" in cri

Open the door abrir la puerta abre la puerta ¡Ábrela!

So a-bre-la would get an accent mark over the “a” in a

Try it!
1. bring the food  __________  __________ __________
2. buy the book  __________  __________ __________
3. open the windows  __________  __________ __________
4. bring the car  __________  __________ __________
5. give the pen  __________  __________ __________
Affirmative commands worksheet Nombre_____________________________
Spanish 2 Fecha____________________ Clase______
6. sell the magazines  __________  __________ __________
7. look for the dog  __________  __________ __________
Irregular informal commands have a song to help you remember them
The “Clock” song: Di  decir  to say, tell
Haz  hacer  to do, make
Ve  ir  to go
Ven  venir  to come
Pon  poner  to put, set
Sal  salir  to go out, leave
Sé  ser  to be
Ten  tener  to have
Try it!
1. Be nice! ________________
2. Set the table! ________________
3. Do the homework! ________________
4. Make the bed! ________________
5. Tell the truth! ________________
6. Go home! ________________
7. Have my money! ________________
8. Come to class! ________________
9. Go to the store! ________________
10. Leave now! ________________

When you have irregular informal commands, attach the direct objects in the same
manner as before.

Example: Tell the truth! = Tell it!  Di la verdad! = Dila

Try it!
1. Set the table! = ______________  ____________________ = ________________
2. Do the homework! = __________  ____________________ = ________________
3. Make the bed! = ______________  ____________________ = ________________
4. Have my money! = ____________  ____________________ = ________________

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