Independent Practice Reflexive
Independent Practice Reflexive
Independent Practice Reflexive
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Now write seven sentences describing Javier’s routine based on the images above. Don’t forget
to conjugate the reflexive verb!
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A. Circle the correct translation.
1. I wash the car. a. Lavo el auto. b. Me lavo el auto.
2. Marcus showers. a. Se baña b. Él baña.
3.He shaves and washes his face in the evening.
a. El afeita y lava la cara por la noche.
b. El se afeita y se lava la cara por la noche.
4.I wake up at six in the morning.
a. Me despierto a las seis de la mañana.
b. Despierto a las seis de la mañana.
5.She wakes her child at nine in the morning.
a. Ella se despierta a su niño a las nueve de la mañana.
b. Ella despierta a su niño a las nueve de la mañana.
B. Choose the appropriate reflexive pronoun.
1. You take a shower. Tú ______ duchas.
2. I get out of bed. Yo ______ levanto.
3. Maria washes her hair. María ______ lava el pelo.
4. You-all wake up. Ustedes ______ despiertan.
5. We brush our teeth. Nosotros ______ cepillamos los dientes.
C. Write the following sentences using the correct form of the reflexive verb.
1. We take a shower. ____________________________________________________________
2. They brush their teeth. __________________________________________________________
3. I wash my face and shower in the morning.
4. She puts on make up and fixs her hair.
5. Carlos and Maria wake up and get dressed.
6. We wake up, get out of bed, and get ready for school.
D. Tu Rutina Diaria (Your Daily Routine)
Write five sentences about your own morning or nighttime routine, using at least 5 vocabulary
words, and making sure to conjugate correctly!