Unit 0 - Observations, Measurements and Calculations: 1.3 Thinking Like A Scientist - The Scientific Method

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Unit 0 Observations, Measurements and Calculations

1.3 Thinking Like a Scientist - The Scientific Method "A logical approach to solving problems by observing and collecting data, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, and formulating theories that are supported by data" A. Observing and Collecting Data 1. Observing a. The use of the senses to obtain information (1) quantitative data (2) qualitative data 2. Experimenting a. Carrying out a procedure under controlled conditions 3. System a. A specific portion of matter in a given region of space that has been selected for study during an experiment or observation B. Formulating Hypotheses 1. Generalizations about data are used to formulate a testable statement, or hypothesis C. Testing Hypotheses 1. Experimentation yields data that results in the discarding, modification, or adoption of a hypothesis or theory D. Theorizing 1. A theory is a broad generalization that explains a body of facts or phenomena a. It must allow for successful prediction of future behaviors within a system E. Publish Results 1. Experimental results must be repeatable by other scientists 3.1 Measurements and Their Uncertainty I. Scientific Notation A. Scientific Notation 1. A method of representing very large or very small numbers a. M x 10n (1) M is a number between 1 and 10 (2) n is an integer (3) all digits in M are significant B. Reducing to Sci Notation 1. Move decimal so that M is between 1 and 10 2. Determine n by counting the number of places the decimal point was moved a. Moved to the left, n is positive b. Moved to the right, n is negative A. Mathematical Operations Using Scientific Notation 1. Addition and subtraction a. Operations can only be performed if the exponent on each number is the same 2. Multiplication a. M factors are multiplied b. Exponents are added 3. Division a. M factors are divided b. Exponents are subtracted (numerator - denominator)


Accuracy, Precision, and Error A. Accuracy 1. The nearness of a measurement to its accepted value B. Precision 1. The agreement between numerical values of two or more measurements that have been made in the same way a. You can be precise without being accurate b. Systematic errors can cause results to be precise but not accurate C. Calculating Percent Error (Relative Error)

1. Percent error can

Valueaccepted Valueexp erimental Percent Error = Valueaccepted


have negative or positive values

D. Error in Measurement 1. Some error or uncertainty exists in all measurement a. no measurement is known to an infinite number of decimal places 2. All measurements should include every digit known with certainty plus the first digit that is uncertain - these are the significant figures Significant Figures A. Determining the Number of Significant Figures 1. All nonzero digits are significant 2. Rules for zeros Rule Examples Zeros appearing between nonzero digits are significant a) 40.7 L has three sig figs b) 87 009 km has five sig figs Zeros appearing in front of nonzero digits are not a) 0.095 987 m has five sig figs significant b) 0.0009 kg has one sig fig Zeros at the end of a number and to the right of a a) 85.00 g has four sig figs decimal are significant b) 9.000 000 000 mm has 10 sig figs Zeros at the end of a number but to the left of a decimal a) 2000 m may contain from one to four sig figs, may or may not be significant. If such a zero has been depending on how many zeros are placeholders. measured, or is the first estimated digit, it is significant. For measurements given in this text, assume that On the other hand, if the zero has not been measured or 2000 has one sig fig. estimated but is just a placeholder, it is not significant. A b) 2000. m contains four sig figs, indicated by the decimal placed after the zeros indicates that they are presence of the decimal point significant. B. Addition and Subtraction with Significant Figures 1. The answer must have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal as there are in the measurement having the fewest digits to the right of the decimal point C. Multiplication and Division with Significant Figures 1. The answer can have no more sig figs than are in the measurement with the fewest total sig figs D. Conversion Factors and Sig Figs 1. Conversion factors that are known EXACTLY have no uncertainty factor and do not contribute to limitations in calculations a. 12 inches per foot b. 1000 grams per kilogram III.

3.2 The International System of Units I. SI Measurement (Le Systeme International d'Unites) A. SI Base Units 1. Mass - kilogram, kg a. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter contained in an object (1) Mass does not change with a change in position b. Weight is a measure of the force of attraction between an object and the earth (1) Weight may change with a change in position 2. Length - meter, m 3. Time - second, s 4. Temperature - kelvin, K 5. Amount of substance - mole, mol B. Derived Units 1. Combinations of SI base units form derived units Common Derived Units Quantity Quantity Unit Unit Abbreviation Derivation Symbol Area A Square meter m2 length x width Volume V Cubic meter m3 Length x width x height Density D Kilogram per Kg/m3 Mass cubic meter volume Molar mass M Kilograms per Kg/mol Mass mole Amount of substance Concentration c Moles per liter M Amount of substance volume Energy E Joule J Force x length C. The Metric System 1. Decimal system with each component a multiple or subdivision of 10 2. Common prefixes used in chemistry a. milli = 1/1000 b. centi = 1/100 c. deci = 1/10 d. kilo = 1000

3.3 Conversion Problems I. Conversion Factors A. Definition 1. A ratio derived from the equality between two different units that can be used to convert from one unit to the other Quantity sought = Quantity given x Conversion factor B. Deriving Conversion factors 1. You can derive conversion factors from the known relationship between the unit you have and the unit you want C. Operations with Units 1. Cancellation occurs with the units in the same way that it occurs with numbers common to both the numerator and denominator a. Units are handled algebraically, just like numbers b. Analysis of units can be a clue as to whether a problem was set up correctly 2. Calculations involving units must have the correct units shown throughout the working of the problem and attached to the answer


Solving Problems with Dimensional Analysis A. Analyze 1. Identify the given quantity 2. Identify the question what are you supposed to find? B. Plan 1. Develop a plan for solving the problem, using cancellation of units as a guide C. Compute 1. Plug in the numbers, perform the required calculations D. Evaluate 1. Examine your answer to determine what is reasonable

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