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WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Original :ENGLISH Distr.





WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 2

World Health Organization This document is not a formal publication of the World Health Organization (WHO), but all rights are reserved by the Organization. The document may, however, be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced or translated, in part or in whole, but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. The views expressed by named authors are solely the responsibility of those authors.

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Original :ENGLISH Distr.:GENERAL


& Stability of blood, plasma and serum samples

Contributors: G. Banfi, Milan, Italy K. Bauer, Vienna, Austria W.Brand, Nmbrecht, Germany M.Buchberger, Kremsmnster, Austria A. Deom, Geneva, Switzerland W.Ehret, Augsburg, Germany* W.D. Engel, Mannheim, Germany F. da Fonseca-Wollheim, Berlin, Germany* C.G. Fraser, Dundee, Scotland V.J. Friemert, Deisenhofen, Germany S. Golf, Giessen, Germany H.Gross, Hanau, Germany W.G. Guder, Mnchen ,Germany** G. Gunzer, Clare, Ireland P. Hagemann, Zrich, Switzerland W. Heil, Wuppertal, Germany* J. Henny, Nancy, France R. Hinzmann, Krefeld Germany P. Hyltoft Persen, Odense, Denmark G. Hoffmann, Grafrath, Germany A. Kallner, Stockholm, Sweden A. Karallus, Heidelberg, Germany H. Kitta, Usingen, Germany D. Klahr, Tuttlingen, Germany D. Kolpe, Nmbrecht-Elsenroth, Germany J. Kukuk, Limburg, Germany T. Kunert-Latus, Leuven, Belgium M.Lammers, Marburg, Germany E.A. Leppnen, Helsinki, Finland P. Mikulcik, Fernwald, Germany S. Narayanan, New York, USA M. Neumaier, Hamburg, Germany M.A. Pea Amaral Gomes, Lisbon, Portugal R. Probst, Munich, Germany Y. Schmitt Darmstadt, Germany* O. Sonntag, Neckargemnd, Germany G. Tpfer, Grlitz, Germany* R. Weisheit, Penzberg, Germany H. Wisser, Stuttgart, Germany* B. Zawta, Mannheim, Germany* R. Zinck Mannheim, Germany ------------------------------------------* Member of working group ** Chairman of working group

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The WHO document "Use of Anticoagulants in Diagnostic Laboratory Investigations" (WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 1) received a surprising resonance and experts around the world provided many additional observations. This information has been included in the 2nd revision of the document. The document provides an extensive summary of observations on the effects of anticoagulants in blood, plasma and serum. Information on the effects of haemolysis, hyperbilirubinaemia and hyperlipoproteinaemia on measurement procedures has been added. WHO is grateful for the efforts made by the group of experts in collecting all the information necessary for this revised version.

Geneva, 15 January 2002

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Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood? Which Anticoagulants to Use? 1.1

Definitions.............................................................................................................................................5 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 Whole blood............................................................................................................................5 Plasma ......................................................................................................................................5 Serum........................................................................................................................................5 Anticoagulants ........................................................................................................................5


Plasma or serum?..................................................................................................................................6 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 Advantages of using plasma .................................................................................................6 Disadvantages of plasma over serum..................................................................................6 Analytical samples in the serological diagnosis of infectious diseases ........................7


Recommendations................................................................................................................................7 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 Sample collection and transport time ..................................................................................7 Centrifugation.........................................................................................................................7 Storage .....................................................................................................................................8 Evaluation of new analytical procedures ...........................................................................8 8

The Optimal Sample Volume 2.1 2.2

Definition...............................................................................................................................................8 Recommendations................................................................................................................................9 2.2.1 2.2.2 Measures which can help to reduce the required blood volume.....................................9 Documentation........................................................................................................................9 9

Analyte Stability in Sample Matrix 3.1 3.2

Stability and Instability .....................................................................................................................10 Quality assurance of the time delay during the pre-analytical phase........................................10 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Transport time .......................................................................................................................10 Pre-analytical time in the laboratory.................................................................................10 Documentation......................................................................................................................10 Actions to be taken when the maximum permissible pre-analytical times are exceeded ................................................................................................................................10 11

The Haemolytic, Icteric and Lipaemic Sample 4.1 4.2

Definition of a clinically relevant interference..............................................................................11 General recommendations................................................................................................................11 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 Documentation of interferences.........................................................................................11 Detection of a potentially interfering property and handling of sample and request ............................................................................................................................12 Reporting results ..................................................................................................................12


The haemolytic sample and the effect of therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives......................12 4.3.1 4.3.2 Haemolysis ............................................................................................................................12 Haemoglobin based oxygen carriers used as blood substitutes ...................................12

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4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.4

Detection and measurement of haemoglobin in serum or plasma ...............................13 Distinction between in-vivo haemolysis and in-vitro haemolysis .............................13 Mechanisms of interference by haemolysis .....................................................................13 Means to avoid haemolysis and its interferences ...........................................................14 Reaction upon the receipt of haemolytic samples ..........................................................14

The Lipaemic Sample ........................................................................................................................15 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 Definition...............................................................................................................................15 Causes of lipaemia (turbidity)............................................................................................15 Identification and quantification of lipaemia...................................................................15 Mechanisms of the interference by lipaemia on analytical methods ..........................15 Means to avoid lipaemia and interferences caused by turbidity ..................................16 Recommendation..................................................................................................................17 Test of interference by lipaemia.........................................................................................17


The icteric sample ..............................................................................................................................17 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 Appearance of different bilirubin species ........................................................................17 Mechanisms of bilirubin interference...............................................................................17 Detection and documentation of increased bilirubin concentrations in clinical samples...................................................................................................................................18 Prevention of bilirubin interference ..................................................................................18 20

Samples and Stability of Analytes 5.1 5.2 5.3

Blood .................................................................................................................................................21 Urine .................................................................................................................................................46

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)................................................................................................................50 51


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Serum, Plasma or Whole Blood? Which Anticoagulants to Use?

It is imperative that the in-vivo state of a constituent remains unchanged after withdrawal from the body fluid of a patient to obtain a valid medical laboratory result. This may not always be possible when measuring extra-cellular and cellular components of blood. Platelets and coagulation factors are activated when blood vessels are punctured, and their activation continues in sample containers that do not contain anticoagulant. Historically, serum was the preferred assay material for determining extracellular concentrations of constituents in blood. Today, plasma is preferred for many, but not all, laboratory investigations because the constituents in plasma are better reflecting the pathological situation of a patient than in serum. Some changes of constituents can be avoided by using anticoagulants. The types and concentrations of anticoagulants used in venous blood samples were defined in the international standard (86) in 1996. The standardized anticoagulants are now used to prepare standardized plasma samples for laboratory investigations throughout the world. This document summarizes the findings published in the literature and those observed by the contributors on the use of anticoagulants. The overview was prepared in collaboration with experts from clinical diagnostic laboratories and the diagnostics industry (68, 71).



1.1.1 Whole blood A venous, arterial or capillary blood sample in which the concentrations and properties of cellular and extra-cellular constituents remain relatively unaltered when compared with their in-vivo state. Anticoagulation in-vitro stabilizes the constituents in a whole blood sample for a certain period of time. 1.1.2 Plasma The virtually cell-free supernatant of blood containing anticoagulant obtained after centrifugation. 1.1.3 Serum The undiluted, extracellular portion of blood after adequate coagulation is complete. 1.1.4 Anticoagulants Additives that inhibit blood and/or plasma from clotting ensuring that the constituent to be measured is non-significantly changed prior to the analytical process. Anticoagulation occurs by binding calcium ions (EDTA, citrate) or by inhibiting thrombin activity (heparinates, hirudin). The following solid or liquid anticoagulants are mixed with blood immediately after sample collection: EDTA Salt of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid. Dipotassium (K2 ), tripotassium (K3 ) (41) and disodium (Na 2 ) salts are used (86); concentrations: 1.2 to 2.0 mg/mL blood (4.1 to 6.8 mmol/L blood) based on anhydrous EDTA. Citrate Trisodium citrate with 0.100 to 0.136 mol/L citric acid. Buffered citrate with pH 5.5 to 5.6: 84 mmol/L tris odium citrate with 21 mmol/L citric acid. Differences were noticed between 3.2% and 3.8% (v/v) citrate when reporting results in INR (1, 145, 192, 210). WHO and NCCLS recommend 0.109 mol/L (3.2%) citric acid. The International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) recommends the use of Hepes buffered citrate for all investigations of haemostastic functions (114). a. b. A mixture of one part citrate with nine parts blood is recommended for coagulation tests (86, 136). One part citrate mixed with four parts blood is recommended to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (86).

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 6 Heparinates 12 to 30 IU/mL of unfractionated sodium, lithium or ammonium salt of heparin with a molecular mass of 3 to 30 kD is recommended to obtain standardized heparinized plasma (86). Calcium-titrated heparin at a concentration of 40 to 60 IU/mL blood (dry heparinisation) and 8 to 12 IU/mL blood (liquid heparinisation) is recommended for the determination of ionized calc ium (22). Hirudin Hirudin is an antithrombin extracted from leeches or prepared by a genetic engineering process. Hirudin inhibits thrombin by forming a 1:1 hirudin-thrombin complex. Hirudin is used at a concentration of 10 mg/L (40). The colour codes of anticoagulants described in ISO/DIS 6710 are: EDTA = lavender/red; citrate 9 + 1 = light blue/green; citrate 4 + 1 = black/mauve; heparinate = green/orange; no additives (for serum) = red/white (86).


Plasma or serum?

1.2.1 Advantages of using plasma The following aspects support the preferential use of plasma versus serum in laboratory medicine: Time saving: Plasma samples can be centrifuged directly after sample collection, unlike serum, in which coagulation is completed after 30 minutes, Higher yield: 15 to 20 % more in volume of plasma than of serum can be isolated from the same volume of blood. Prevention of coagulation-induced interferences: Coagulation in primary and secondary tubes that were already centrifuged, may block suction needles of the analyzers when serum tubes are used; this is prevented by using anticoagulants. Prevention of coagulation-induced interferences: The coagulation process changes the concentrations of numerous constituents of the extra-cellular fluid beyond their maximum allowable limit (70, 202). The changes are induced by the following mechanisms: a. Increase in the concentrations of platelet components in serum as compared to plasma (e.g. potassium, phosphate, magnesium, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, serotonin, neurone-specific enolase, zinc). Release of amide-NH3 from fibrinogen induced by action of clotting factor XIII. Decrease in the concentration of constituents in serum as a result of cellular metabolism and the coagulation process (glucose, total protein, platelets). Activation of the cell lysis of erythrocytes and leukocytes in non-coagulated blood (cell-free haemoglobin, cytokines, receptors).



Certain constituents should only be measured in plasma (e.g. neurone-specific enolase, serotonin, ammonia) to obtain clinically relevant results.

1.2.2 Disadvantages of plasma over serum The addition of anticoagulants may interfere with certain analytical methods or change the concentration of the constituents to be measured: a. Contamination with cations: NH4 +, Li+, Na +, K+.

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Assay interference caused by metals complexing with EDTA and citrate (e.g. inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity by zinc binding, inhibition of metallo-proteinases, inhibition of metaldependent cell activation in function tests, binding of calcium (ionized) to heparin (22)). Interference by fibrinogen in heterogeneous immunoassays (202). Inhibition of metabolic or catalytic reactions by heparin: e.g., Taq polymerase in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (137). Interference in the distribution of ions between the intracellular and extracellular space (e.g. Cl-, NH4 +) by EDTA, citrate (70). Serum electrophoresis can be performed only after pre-treatment to induce coagulation in plasma.

c. d.



1.2.3 Analytical samples in the serological diagnosis of infectious diseases A variety of methods are used for serological diagnosis of infectious diseases. They include immunodiffusion, immuno-precipitation, counter immuno-electrophoresis, agglutination of bacteria, haemagglutination and agglutination inhibition, particle-enhanced agglutination, complement fixation, indirect immuno-fluorescence (IFA), enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), radio-immunoassay (RIA), neutralisation of toxins or virus-activity, immunoblot (Western blot) and others. In general, serum is used for the serological diagnosis of infectious diseases; serum must be used for certain immunological techniques such as complement fixation or bacterial agglutination tests; for other tests, including some haemagglutination tests, ELISAs or immunoblots, either serum or plasma may be used. 1.3 Recommendations

Table 5.1 indicates materials that are recommended for a specific test. The table also contains information on the utility of other sample materials as long as the results measured by that method do not exceed the maximum allowable deviation of measurement (152) as defined by the biological variation (153). A maximum deviation of 10% is acceptable for a constituent if it is not included in the list. 1.3.1 Sample collection and transport time The following sequence for filling tubes with blood from a patient is recommended to avoid contamination (70): blood for blood culture, serum [avoid serum as first tube when electrolytes shall be measured (116)], citrate, heparinate, EDTA containing tubes, tubes containing additional stabilizers (e.g. glycolytic inhibitors). Only the recommended quantity of anticoagulant should be added, wherever required, to avoid errors in results. Tilt the tube repeatedly (do not shake and avoid foaming) immediately after filling to mix the sample thoroughly with the anticoagulant. Leave the containers at room temperature for at least 30 minutes to separate serum from blood cells in blood that was taken from non-anticoagulated patients. This period is shorter when coagulation has been activated. Leave the sample at room temperature no longer than the period indicated in the table [see 5.1, (66)]. 1.3.2 Centrifugation Blood cells are rapidly separated from plasma/serum by centrifugation at increased relative centrifugal force (rcf). Rcf and rotations per minute (rpm) are calculated using the rotating radius r (the distance between the axis of rotation and the base of the container in mm) by the following equation: rcf = 1,118 x r (rpm/1000)2

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Centrifuge blood containers in 90 -swing-out rotors that the sediment surface forms a right angle with the container wall. This helps to prevent contact between the sampling needle and the surface of the cell layer or separating gel in the tube, when the centrifuged blood containers are directly transferred to an autoanalyzer for analysis. Plasma Centrifuge the anticoagulated blood (citrated, EDTA or heparinized blood) for at least 15 minutes at 2000 to 3000 g to obtain cell-free plasma. Serum When plasma coagulation is complete, centrifuge the sample for at least 10 minutes at a minimum speed of 1500 g. When separating serum or plasma, the temperature should not drop below 15 C or exceed 24 C. 1.3.3 Storage Non-centrifuged samples should be stored at room temperature for the time specified in the recommendations for stability [see table 5.1(66)]. After centrifugation, the serum or plasma should be analyzed within the time as recommended for whole blood, if the sample is stored without using a separating gel or a filter separator in primary tubes. When the sample shall be refrigerated or frozen for preservation, blood cells must first be separated from serum or plasma. Do not freeze whole blood samples before or after centrifugation, even when polymer separating gels are used. 1.3.4 Evaluation of new analytical procedures Before using a new reagent or method, examine the suitability of the procedure by comparing the results of at least 20 blood samples with normal, and 20 with pathological concentrations of the constituent to be measured. The criteria for biological and clinical interpretation (reference intervals, clinical decision limits) may have to be changed, if the mean of the difference between the samples tested deviates by more than the maximum deviation allowed (152) (alternatively by more than 10 %).

The Optimal Sample Volume

The progress in the development of laboratory analyzers has led to a reduction of the sample volume for analysis. The development, however, is not necessarily accompanied by an adaptation of sample tubes and therefore often excessive sample volumes are collected. Studies revealed (30) that 208 mL blood for 42 tests is taken during an average stay of a patient in a department of internal medicine. In intensive care the total volume drawn for 125 tests was 550 mL of blood. Previous publications describe that in half of the patients who received blood transfusion, more than 180 mL of blood were taken for laboratory tests (174). "Iatrogenic anaemia" caused by excessive blood sampling is a wellknown phenomenon in paediatrics (27), whereas iatrogenic anaemia is hardly recognized as an important phenomenon in the acute and intensive care of adult patients. The following recommendations were made for sampling reduced blood volumes for analysis (67):



The amount of sample needed for laboratory diagnostic purposes (Vol b) is defined by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The analytical sample volume (Vol a), The dead-space volume of the analyser (Da), measured as mL plasma/serum, The dead-space volume of the primary sample tube (Dp), measured as mL blood, The dead-space volume of secondary sample tubes (Ds), measured as mL plasma/serum, The amount of sample needed for number (N) repetitive analysis and additional follow-up tests, The plasma sample yield according to the respective haematocrit.

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Assuming that plasma/serum yield is 50 % of blood volume the total blood needed can be calculated as follows: Vol b = 2x [N x (Vol a + Da) + Ds] + Dp



Assuming a haematocrit of 0.50 and a need for a repetition and follow-up of laboratory tests, four times the analytical sample volume can be considered to be sufficient when plasma or serum shall be used. The following standard blood volumes are recommended for analysis using advanced analytical systems. These volumes may be sufficient in 95 % of cases to provide the laboratory results as requested:

Clinical chemistry: 4 5 mL (when using heparin plasma: 3 4 mL) Haematology: 2 3 mL EDTA blood Coagulation tests: 2 3 mL citrated blood Immunoassays including proteins etc: 1 mL whole blood for 3 4 immunoassays Erythrocyte sedimentation rate: 2 3 mL citrated blood Blood gases, capillary sampling: 50 l, arterial and venous sampling: 1 mL heparin blood

The request form for laboratory analyses should include clear information on the required sample volumes and tubes. Tubes of uniform size (for instance 4 5 mL tubes) with different filling volumes should be used. The length of the tubes should be at least four times the tube diameter. The criteria are met by standard tubes of 13 x 75 mm (diameter x length). 2.2.1

Measures which can help to reduce the required blood volume

Introduction of primary tube reading in analyzers Deletion of sample distribution into secondary tubes Use of tubes with smaller diameter Use of analyzers requiring a smaller analytical sample volume Storage of samples in primary tubes, using separators for plasma or serum Use of plasma instead of serum Documentation

2.2.2 1. 2. 3.

Any method description should include the required analytical sample volume. A quality manual should document the requested sample volumes and their handling procedure. The manual should describe the procedures how to handle patient samples that have an insufficient sample volume.

Analyte Stability in Sample Matrix

The aim of a quantitative laboratory investigation is to determine the concentration or activity of a diagnostically relevant analyte in a body fluid in order to provide information on the clinical situation of a patient. This implies that the composition of the samples for analysis must not change during the pre-analytical phase (sampling, transportation, storage, sample preparation; 70).

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Stability and Instability

Stability is the capability of a sample material to retain the initial property of a measured constituent for a period of time within specified limits when the sample is stored under defined conditions (87). The measure of the instability is described as an absolute difference, as a quotient or as a percentage deviation of results obtained from measurement at time 0 and after a given period of time. Example: The transportation of whole blood for 3 to 4 hours at room temperature rises the concentration of potassium from 4.2 mmol/L to 4.6 mmol/L. Absolute difference: Quotient: Percent deviation: 0.4 mmol/L 1.095 + 9.5 %

The maximum permissible instability is the deviation of a result that corresponds to the maximum permissible relative imprecision of the measurement. This was defined as 1/12th of the biological reference interval (152). The deviation should be smaller than half of the total error derived from the sum of biological and technical variability (153). The stability of a blood sample during the preanalytical phase is defined by the temperature, the mechanical load in addition to other factors. As time has also a major influence, the stability is stated as the maximum permissible storage time under defined conditions. The maximum permissible storage time is the period of time at which the stability requirement of 95 % of the samples is met. This is a minimum requirement, since under pathological conditions the stability of an constituent in the sample can be considerably reduced (See examples in Table 5.1). The storage time is stated in suitable units of time (days, hours, minutes). A clear distinction must be made between the storage of the primary sample (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid) and the storage of the analytical sample (e.g. plasma, serum, sediment, blood smear). The storage times are adopted for: 1. Storage of the primary sample at room temperature (20 to 25 C)

2. Storage of the analytical sample at room temperature (20 to 25 C), refrigerator temperature (4 to 8 C) and deep-frozen (-20 C).


Quality assurance of the time delay during the pre-analytical phase

3.2.1 Transport time The transport time is the difference between the blood sampling time (in general with an accuracy of at least a quarter of an hour) and the registration time of the request and/or the arrival of the sample at the laboratory. The transportation time should be documented for each sample by the laboratory. 3.2.2 Pre-analytical time in the laboratory The pre-analytical time in the laboratory is the difference between the time of analysis and the registration time of the sample. When the time at the end of the analytical phase (i.e. printing time of the result) is noted, the analysis time stated in the description of the method must be subtracted. 3.2.3 Documentation It is recommended to state the sampling time and the arrival time of the sample in the laboratory in the report for the documentation of the transport time. 3.2.4 Actions to be taken when the maximum permissible pre-analytical times are exceeded A medically relevant change of the results must be considered, when the maximum permissible transport and pre-analytical time of the sample was exceeded. The laboratory has the responsibility to mark the results of such samples with a note in the report, or to refuse to carry out the test. The latter

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decision is advisable, when medical conclusions may be derived from the result that may be detrimental to the patient. The following example illustrates the problem: An EDTA blood sample shows a rise in monocyte number from 4 to 10 % after four hours of storage measured by an automatic cell counter system. When this results is reported without comment, it could lead to an erroneous medical diagnosis that the patient suffers from a viral infection. Therefore, the clinician should be informed with a comment or a refusal, such as: Comment: The monocyte count may give incorrectly high values with the method used in our laboratory when EDTA blood is stored more than 2 hours. A control in the smear resulted in normal monocyte counts. Refusal: The maximum permissible transportation time was exceeded. Therefore the monocyte results are not stated, because they cannot correctly be determined. For the determination of correct monocyte counts, a transportation time of maximally two hours is acceptable."

The Haemolytic, Icteric and Lipaemic Sample

Medical laboratory tests are affected by endogenous and exogenous factors in the sample matrix. Certain potentially interfering factors may be recognized by a coloured appearance of the sample, whereas other factors (e.g. drugs) are detected only by additional information and/or direct analysis. Reference books provide useful information on drug interferences in laboratory analysis (178, 194, 214). Publications of standard setting organizations describe the methodology and statistical methods for the recognition and quantitative estimation of interferences in clinical chemical investigations (52, 135). It is difficult to predict the effects of haemolysis, turbidity (lipaemia) and bilirubin (icterus), especially when reagents and analytical systems undergo modification (58,59). This document provides information that the laboratory can consider appropriate actions to ensure that the results of measurement are clinically relevant.


Definition of a clinically relevant interference

The maximal allowable deviation (bias) is expressed in % deviation of the result without interference as determined by a reference method. A clinically relevant bias should be considered if the change of the result caused by the interfering substance is more than the maximal allowable deviation of the analytical procedure (152). The bias usually amounts to 1/12 (which is about 8%) of the reference interval. Data on the biological variability were published to define the medical needs. The desirable bias (B) derived from intra-individual (CVw ) and inter-individual (CVb ) variation was established for 316 analytes (153). Example: A result for plasma creatinine of 125 mol/L (1.41 mg/dL) was measured in an icteric sample by a routine method, whereas a creatinine concentration of 90 mol/L (1.02 mg/dL) was measured in the same sample by a reference method. For creatinine the maximum allowable deviation amounts to 9 % (158), the specification for B to 3.4 % (153). The result deviates by 35 mol/L, which is 39 % from the ex pected value. Both criteria confirm that hyperbilirubinaemia is a clinically relevant interference when creatinine is measured using the routine method established in the laboratory. 4.2 General recommendations

4.2.1 Documentation of interferences Documentation of method: Each clinical laboratory should specify the constituents in the quality manual that are affected by any of the following properties of the sample. The limits, beyond which the analysis shall not be performed, should be stated for each method that is subject to an interference. The

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European Directive for In Vitro-Diagnostics (IVD) states that providers of reagents must define the appropriate limiting conditions (42). The procedure for the detection of interfering properties as well as actions that should be taken with the sample, should be documented in the quality manual.

4.2.2 Detection of a potentially interfering property and handling of sample and request Each sample must be visually examined immediately after arrival or (in case of blood samples) after centrifugation and the potential interfering property recorded in the laboratory journal and report. When no visible interference is observed, it should be registered in the list by the notation: appearance unremarkable. The requests should be reviewed to identify analytes that could be affected by the observed interference in the sample. Analytes that are not affected by the interference in the sample, are measured like in samples that contain no interference using the routine method of analysis. A sample that may be expectedly affected by an identified interference, must be pre-treated to eliminate the interference before measurement is made; alternatively a measurement method may be used that is not subject to the interference. The analysis should not be made when a clinically relevant bias is expected, or if the interference cannot be eliminated or circumvented by an appropriate alternative method. 4.2.3 Reporting results Each report should include a notation characterising the samples' appearance. The observation should be documented for each sample: e.g. haemolytic, icteric, opalescent, turbid, or lipaemic, if a relevant colour or turbidity was identified. The report should indicate, that the analysis was made despite a remarkable appearance of an interference in the sample. The report should also indicate when the sample was pre-treated prior to the analysis. If the interference in a sample cannot be eliminated for a subsequent analysis, the text impaired by... should replace the report of the result.


The haemolytic sample and the effect of therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives

4.3.1 Haemolysis Haemolysis is defined as the release of intracellular components of erythrocytes and other blood cells into the extracellular space of blood (65). Haemolysis can occur in-vivo (e.g. through a transfusion reaction or during malaria parasite infection affecting the invaded erythrocytes), and in-vitro during all steps of the pre-analytical phase (sampling, sample transport and storage). Haemolysis is caused by biochemical, immunological, physical and chemical mechanisms (18, 65). During blood transfusion, complement-dependent haemolysis may be caused by antibodies reacting with the major blood group antigens. Physical haemolysis is caused by destruction of erythrocytes by hypotonicity (e.g. dilution of blood with hypotonic solution), as well as decreased (vacuum) or increased pressure. Mechanical haemolysis may occur during the flow of blood through medical devices (e.g. catheters, heart valves) in-vivo, during inadequate centrifugation as well as at elevated temperature in-vitro. Contaminating substances may also cause in-vitro haemolysis. Finally, detergents (residual cleaning agents and disinfectants) and other contaminating substances may cause haemolysis. After the separation of blood cells, haemolysis may be visible by the red colour of serum or plasma. The sample may concomitantly be contaminated by constituents of other blood cells (leukocytes and platelets). For example, cell breakdown may result in changes in blood of patients with leukaemia; the disintegration of platelets during coagulation results in higher concentrations of intracellular platelet constituents in serum (70). On the other hand, the intracellular components of erythrocytes are also released into plasma without a concomitant increase in haemoglobin concentration during storage of whole blood in refrigerators.

4.3.2 Haemoglobin based oxygen carriers used as blood substitutes Therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives (so-called HbOC = haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers) were recently developed as blood substitutes. The substitutes occur at concentrations of up to 50 g/L in

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plasma of patients under blood substitute treatment. Plasma or serum containing blood substitutes has a strong red colour (24, 92, 211). 4.3.3 Detection and measurement of haemoglobin in serum or plasma Visual detection At extracellular haemoglobin concentrations above 300 mg/L (18.8 mmol/L), haemolysis is detectable by the red colour of serum or plasma. Samples with therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives (in therapeutically effective concentration) are always intensely red coloured. Spectrophotometric detection Some analytical systems measure the extent of haemolysis by comparing the absorption of samples at two wavelengths (61). The absorption spectrum of the haemoglobin derived oxygen carriers used as blood substitutes does not differ substantially from that of natural haemoglobin. Analytical measurement Haemoglobin in plasma or serum is measured at concentrations that are below the concentration visible to the human eye (13, 110, 188). 4.3.4 Distinction between in-vivo haemolysis and in-vitro haemolysis In-vivo haemolysis may be distinguished from in-vitro haemolysis by comparing a haemolytic sample of a patient with other samples from the same patient, arriving at the same time. In-vivo haemolysis Free haemoglobin in-vivo rapidly binds to haptoglobin and the complex is eliminated from the circulating blood (as in haemolytic anaemia). Consequently, haptoglobin is reduced during intra-vasal haemolytic process. The measurement of low concentration of haptoglobin thus permits an imperative assessment of haemolysis (exceptions are inborn haptoglobin deficiency and newborn children (199)). Likewise, the measurement of haemopexin and/or methaemoglobin/albumin was used to characterize in-vivo haemolysis (199). A rise in concentration of indirect bilirubin and reticulocyte counts is a typical sign of in-vivo haemolysis, which in turn leads to increased erythropoesis. Other consequences of in-vivo haemolysis, such as a change in the LDH iso-enzyme pattern, seem less suitable for the identification of haemolysis because of their low diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. In-vitro haemolysis After in-vitro haemolysis all constituents of erythrocytes, including potassium concentration, lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase activities, increase in addition to the concentration of free haemoglobin in plasma or serum(208). In contrast, haptoglobin concentration in plasma/serum of haemolytic samples remains unchanged. Certain immunological methods differ in their ability to distinguish haemoglobin/haptoglobin complexes from free haptoglobin (199). Identification of haemoglobin derived oxygen carriers Therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives yield a visible haemoglobin concentration within the range of 10 - 50 g/L. The absorption spectrum of haemoglobin derived oxygen carriers is not distinguishable from that of haemoglobin (24, 92, 211). However, haemoglobin concentrations of this magnitude rarely occur in vivo; therefore the use of therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives must be suspected at this plasma haemoglobin concentration. Haptoglobin cannot be used for discrimination, since the oxygen carriers form complexes with haptoglobin only slowly. 4.3.5 Mechanisms of interference by haemolysis Haemolysis in-vivo or in-vitro can cause an apparent decrease or increase of results. A variety of mechanisms are contributing to these effects, some of which are summarized below: Rise of intracellular constituents in the extra-cellular space Cell constituents with an intracellular concentration 10 times higher than the extra-cellular concentration will increase in plasma/serum during haemolysis (e.g. potassium, lactate dehydrogenase,

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aspartate aminotransferase). Differences of analyte concentrations between plasma and serum are also due to lysis of blood cells (essentially by platelets): Thus, neurone-specific enolase, potassium and acid phosphatase are higher in serum. Interference with analytical procedure Blood cell constituents can directly or indirectly interfere in the measurement of analytes. Adenylate kinase released from erythrocytes causes an increase of creatine kinase and CK-MB activity especially when inhibitors of adenylate kinase in the assay mixture are inadequate (182). In contrast, adenylate kinase does not affect the immunochemical quantification of CK-MB. Pseudo-peroxidase activity of free haemoglobin interferes in the bilirubin procedure of Jendrassik and Groof by inhibiting the diazonium colour formation (198). Proteases released from blood cells reduce the activity of coagulation factors while fibrin split product formation may increase. Optical interference by haemoglobin The effect of haemolysis on various analytes measured in clinical chemistry has been thoroughly investigated (18, 58, 176). Most often, the colour of haemoglobin increases the absorption at a respective wavelength or changes the blank value. An apparent increase or decrease of a result by haemoglobin is therefore method- and analyte concentration-dependent. Likewise, the changes caused by therapeutic haemoglobin derivatives are primarily due to optical interference (24, 92, 211). 4.3.6 Means to avoid haemolysis and its interferences Haemolysis in-vitro can almost always be avoided, when the mechanism of haemolysis is known. Therefore each haemolytic sample should be documented and the cause of haemolysis identified. The most frequent causes of haemolysis, such as errors during sampling, are avoided using standardized materials and methods for the pre-analytical processes and by training and individual counselling. Sometimes reliable results can only be obtained from a truly non-haemolytic sample. In some cases, the interference can be reduced or excluded using a method that is not sensitive to haemolysis or by pre-treatment of the sample. Procedures, including de-proteinisation or molecular sieving (51) and others have not found to be useful, because of the work load involved. Today, a modification of the methodology, e.g. by using a blanking procedure by means of measurement at a second, appropriate wavelength, is preferred; although, this procedure may not be applicable for the analysis of blood from patients who received blood substitutes (59). Likewise the ultrafiltration procedure, as applied in the multi-layer film technology, reduces the effect of interference by haemolysis (178). 4.3.7 Reaction upon the receipt of haemolytic samples Each laboratory should document the procedures that are affected by haemolysis and to what extent they are affected. The procedures how to handle haemolytic samples should be described in the quality manual. This includes the criteria for rejecting the execution of analysis. The haemolysis of each sample must be documented and reported to the clinician who ordered the analysis. When haemolysis occurs in all samples of a patient, haemolysis in-vivo may be suspected. This must be immediately reported to the clinician to verify the possible causes of haemolysis or the possible use of synthetic haemoglobin derivatives. After estimation of the degree of haemolysis the sample is treated for analysis according to the degree of interference. The results of measurement may be reported as follows: Method not impaired: Report results as with non-haemolysed samples. Method impaired , but eliminated by pre-treatment: Report results after pre-treatment. Method impaired in a clinically relevant way: Instead of providing a result, report: "Impaired by haemolysis". It is not recommended to correct a measured result for haemolysis arithmetically using the haemoglobin concentration as an indicator.

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The Lipaemic Sample

4.4.1 Definition Lipaemia is a turbidity of serum or plasma which is caused by elevated lipoprotein concentrations and which is visible by the eye. A sufficiently transparent sample container is a prerequisite to detect lipaemia. Visible detection of lipaemia is also dependent on the type of plasma lipoproteins at elevated concentrations in the sample. Post-centrifugal coagulation of serum samples of heparinized patients can also be the cause of turbidity. 4.4.2 Causes of lipaemia (turbidity) Most often, lipaemia results from increased triglyceride concentration in plasma/serum. This can be due to food intake, altered lipid metabolism or infusion of lipids. After intestinal absorption, triglycerides are present in plasma as chylomicrons and their metabolites (remnants) for 6 to 12 h. One to four hours after intake of a Continental or American breakfast, plasma triglyceride concentrations increase substantially. As they cause turbidity of the sample, the patient should be requested to fast, before investigations are made that are affected by lipaemia. Metabolic disorders causing hypertriglyceridemia can hardly be distinguished from lipid infusions, cold agglutinins and monoclonal immunoglobulins.


Identification and quantification of lipaemia Optical and photometric methods for serum and plasma samples In whole blood triglyceride concentrations above 1000 mg/dL (11.3 mmol/L) cause turbidity that is detected by visual inspection. Lipaemia in plasma or serum is visually observed at triglyceride concentrations above 300 mg/dL (> 3.4 mmol/L). The extent of turbidity of serum/plasma samples is measured at wavelengths above 600 nm (e.g. 660/700 nm) (178). Detection in EDTA-blood Haematological tests are influenced by lipaemia. Thus, haemoglobin concentration is apparently increased by light scattering. The turbidity is detected by spectrophotometric analysis. The result of a centrifuged sample from the same patient taken at the same time can be used for comparison. 4.4.4 Mechanisms of the interference by lipaemia on analytical methods Interferences in spectrophotometric analysis Lipaemia interferes in photometric measurement by light scattering and light absorption. The apparent result can be either increased or reduced depending on the blanking procedure. At high turbidity, no measurement may be possible due to the limits of the linearity of the method (8). Volume depletion effect Lipoproteins decrease the apparent concentration of the analyte by reducing the available water of sample volume, since the volume occupied by lipoproteins in plasma or serum is included in the calculation of the analyte concentration. This explains why lower sodium and potassium concentrations are found in lipaemic sera, when plasma or serum is measured by flame photometry and by indirect measurement using ion-sensitive electrodes, in contrast to direct potentiometry (107). The same observation is made after centrifugation, when the lipoproteins are not homogeneously distributed in serum/plasma samples: the concentration of an analyte dissolved in the aqueous phase is less in the upper layer than in the lower phase of the sample. The converse is true for concentration of lipids and lipid soluble constituents, including certain drugs that are taken up by lipoproteins. Interference by physico-chemical mechanisms A constituent that is extracted by lipoproteins may not be accessible for the reagent, such as an antibody, for detection. Similarly, electrophoretic and chromatographic procedures may be affected by lipoproteins present in the matrix.

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4.4.5 Means to avoid lipaemia and interferences caused by turbidity To avoid interference of lipoproteins on measurement after oral intake of fat, the patient should fast at least 12 hours before blood samples are taken (186). In patients receiving parenteral infusion of lipids a period of 8 hours of interruption of the treatment is necessary to avoid interfering turbidity (70). If these measures do not provide a non-turbid sample, other causes of turbidity should be suspected. Several methods were recommended to remove lipids from serum or plasma, such as centrifugation, to produce a clear infranatant sample. Other methods include the extraction of lipids with organic solvents or fluorine chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g. Frigen) and the precipitation of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by polyanion and cyclodextrin (169). Centrifugation Centrifugation at 1000 g is effective, when chylomicrons cause turbidity. In contrast, at least 10 min, centrifugation at 12 000 g separates serum or plasma lipids by flotation. The clear infranatant must be carefully separated for analysis. Ultra-centrifugation must be employed for the separation of low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins. A centrifugation time of at least 30 min at a speed above 40 000 g is recommended. The separation of lipaemic plasma from EDTA-blood in samples used in haematology can be performed by centrifugation and exchange of the cell-free supernatant with the same volume of isotonic NaCl solution. Fluorine chlorinated hydrocarbon extraction The extraction with fluorine chlorinated hydrocarbons, suggested many years ago, can no longer be recommended for reasons of environmental protection. Polyethylene glycol The plasma/serum sample is mixed 1 + 1 (v/v) with 8 % polyethylene glycol 6000, incubated for 30 min in a refrigerator at 4 C and centrifuged afterwards for 10 min at 4 C and approx. 1000 x g . The results determined in the clear supernatant are multiplied by the dilution factor 2 (148, 161). -Cyclodextrin 200 g -cyclodextrin are dissolved in 1 L distilled water and kept in a refrigerator. Before use, cyclodextrin solution must be brought to ambient temperature. Thoroughly mix one part of cylodextrin solution with two parts of serum, and centrifuge for 1 min at 10 000 g . The clear supernatant can be used for analysis. The dilution must be considered when calculating the concentration of the constituent in the original serum sample. Experiments revealed that the results on 20 serum constituents are not affected by the precipitation of lipoproteins using -cyclodextrin (169). Magnetic beads With the exception of sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and creatinine, various clinical chemistry constituents can be determined using magnetic beads, with dextran sulfate (50 kD) coated in a concentration of 5 g/L and 250 mmol/L MgCl2 for delipidation . Add 100 L reagent to 500 L serum, and mix briefly on the Vortex mixer. Leave the tube upright in a rack for a few minutes, containing a magnet at the bottom. It is absolutely necessary to centrifuge the sample briefly, because some magnetic beads may still remain in the supernatant and bind to the cuvette of the analytical system. Multiply the results using a dilution factor 1.2. Other methods for delipidation Four different procedures for the extraction of lipids from serum samples were examined (3), including Freon 113, dextrane sulfate 500 S, Aerosil 300 and a butanol/di-isopropylether mixture. It was found that the delipidation methods may substantially alter the concentrations of certain analytes. Optical clearing systems Commercial test kits may contain detergents such as triton X-100, cholic and desoxycholic acid, lipase or cholesterol esterase to remove turbidity in plasma or serum samples. The assigned concentrations of these substances are method dependent and should not be changed by the user.

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4.4.6 Recommendation A visible turbidity of a sample must be documented and reported with the results. Transparent sample containers must be used to detect turbidity. The methods used for the measurement of certain analytes that are affected by lipaemia must be listed, the methods for delipidation and the criteria for their application must be documented in the quality manual. The method of choice for removal of turbidity from serum and plasma is a 10 min centrifugation in a micro-centrifuge with 10 000 g . When chemicals are added (e.g. polyethylene glycol, -cyclodextrin), the laboratory must prove that assigned method for measurement is not disturbed by the agent. Samples submitted for the determination of lipids and other analytes may be delipidated only after measurement of the lipids. This applies also to lipid soluble drugs.

4.4.7 Test of interference by lipaemia Various problems should be considered to examine the influence of lipaemia on analytical methods. Unfortunately, there is no uniform human lipid standard available. Patient samples with high lipid concentrations should not be frozen. A 10 or 20 % emulsion of vegetable fat emulsion as applied in parenteral nutrition (4, 21, 27, 59, 61, 112, 131, 155) is suitable to simulate lipaemia . Significant differences between the effects of physiological and the artificially produced lipaemia were observed, particularly in measurements of urea and potassium (27). Therefore, the effect of lipaemia may not be examined using exclusively a model that contains artificial fat emulsions, because the observations may not be transferable to the biological condition.


The icteric sample

4.5.1 Appearance of different bilirubin species Bilirubin occurs in plasma as a free molecule and covalently bound to albumin. In addition, watersoluble bilirubin conjugates exist as mono- and di-glucuronides (11). Studies on bilirubin interference mainly based on experiments in which free bilirubin or water-soluble di-taurobilirubin was added to serum (135). Under certain conditions the bilirubin molecules differ qualitatively and quantitatively in their effects of interference(61). Conjugated bilirubin appears in urine, when present at increased concentrations in blood. In patients with proteinuria, bilirubin bound to albumin can also appear in urine. After intra-cerebral bleedings non-conjugated (free) bilirubin causes xanthochromia of the cerebrospinal fluid. At increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier bilirubin bound to albumin can appear in the CSF. 4.5.2 Mechanisms of bilirubin interference Spectral interference Bilirubin has a high absorbance between 340 nm and 500 nm wavelengths. Therefore, the range of the linearity of a spectrophotometric procedure, using these wavelengths for the measurement of an analyte, can be a limiting factor because of the high background absorbance caused by bilirubin (48, 49). In coagulation analyzers using turbidimetric principle, a bilirubin concentration exceeding 25 mol/L causes clinically relevant changes of the measured values of antithrombin III. Interference of bilirubin at higher concentrations will also be significant in certain coagulation tests (156). The reduction of absorption as a result of oxidation bilirubin in alkaline solution is the main cause for bilirubin interference in modifications of the Jaff method without deproteinisation (48).

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In a strongly acid solution the absorption of conjugated bilirubin shifts to the UV wavelengths. Therefore bilirubin interferes in the determination of phosphate using the phosphomolybdate method through its reducing effect (37, 61). Chemical interference Bilirubin interferes in oxidase/peroxidase based test systems. Proportionally to its concentration bilirubin reacts with H2 O2 formed in the test system which causes systematically lower results in enzymatic procedures that are used for the measurement of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, urate and creatinine (61, 179). Bilirubin competitively interferes with dyes binding to albumin (115). However, di-taurobilirubin does not interfere in the procedure of dye binding to albumin (61). 4.5.3 Detection and documentation of increased bilirubin concentrations in clinical samples The visual inspection of plasma or serum samples for the detection of hyperbilirubinaemia is often not sensitive enough. This is particularly true when samples are simultaneously stained by other pigments (e.g. haemoglobin and its derivatives). Moreover, adhesive labels on primary containers can impair visual inspection. Hyperbilirubinaemia is directly detected in diluted samples that are measured at 450 and 575 nm (177). (The direct procedure of bilirubin measurement is only applied for the determination of hyperbilirubinaemia in newborns.) With the nutritional supply of carotines or carotinoids, bilirubin concentration by direct measurement is overestimated (53). The common clinical chemical methods are applied to quantitatively measure the interference caused by bilirubin. It is advisable to separate and measure the different bilirubin fractions to assess the mechanism of interference(11). 4.5.4 Prevention of bilirubin interference Method selection The high prevalence of hyperbilirubinaemia in patients from intensive care, gastroenterological, surgical or paediatric departments makes it pertinent to select analytical methods that are less susceptible towards bilirubin interference. Blanking procedures are useful to eliminate spectral bilirubin interferences, (48, 61). Parallel sample blank values give better results than methods in which reagents are added successively into a cuvette (61). Blanking procedures are often part of the analytical procedure, e.g. in the kinetic method for creatinine determination according to the Jaff principle, when autoanalyzers are used (165). The chemical interference of bilirubin in an analytical reaction is not eliminated by blanking procedures. K4 [Fe(CN)6 ] effectively eliminates bilirubin interference in H2 O2 -forming enzymatic methods based on the Trinder reaction (4). Moreover, optimal concentrations of components of the Trinder reaction can reduce the interference by bilirubin. A mixture of non-ionic tensides may reduce bilirubin interference like in the spectrophotometric determination of inorganic phosphate using phosphomolybdate (58). Actions recommended to use in procedures sensitive to bilirubin When procedures susceptible to bilirubin interference are used, the laboratory must know the limit of bilirubin concentrations where interference-free measurements are possible (application limit). The limit depends on the maintenance status of the analytical system and other variables. Unfortunately, manufacturers' data are not always available. For the determination of the application limit, 2 mL of 20 mg free bilirubin, dissolved in 0.1 mol/L NaOH, are mixed with 20 mg di-taurobilirubin, dissolved in 2 mL distilled water, in the dark. Five mL of non-icteric pool serum are added to 0.1 mL of the master solution to prepare a final bilirubin concentration of approximately 340 mol/L (20 mg/dL). Serial dilutions are prepared by mixing a non-icteric pool serum with the master solution at different proportions. The test solution must be used on the same day (135). Suitable alternative procedures must be applied for samples that have bilirubin concentrations beyond the application limit. The procedures may require a pre-treatment of samples to remove bilirubin. For the determination of serum creatinine using a bilirubin susceptible enzymatic method the sample is preincubated with 4.4 kU/L bilirubin oxidase for 30 seconds (7). However, the low stability of bilirubin oxidase limits the practical application of this procedure. Ultrafiltration of serum was also used for the

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elimination of bilirubin interference in creatinine assays (51). As bilirubin binds to proteins, serum is centrifuged in a centrifugable ultrafilter (cut off 20 kD) for 15 min at 2000 g to remove bilirubin and obtain a completely protein-free ultrafiltrate. The volume depletion effect of proteins results in an approximately 4 % higher value for creatinine in the ultrafiltrate (51). The distribution of ionised lowmolecular weight analytes on the diaphragm may be pH dependent which has an effect on the measurement results (49). If procedures for the elimination of bilirubin are not applicable, alternative analytical principles should be applied. Immunological procedures for the measurement of serum albumin can be used to replace dye binding methods that are susceptible to bilirubin interference.

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5 Samples and Stability of Analytes Key for tables

Recommended sample + Can be used without changes of result (+) Can be used with limitations (see comments, in case of citrated plasma this indicates the need to consider dilution by citrate (74)). Not recommended Decreased () or increased () values may be measured in comparison to recommended samples. Blank field means no data were found in literature. Greek letters refer to the information provided by diagnostic companies, numbers in brackets to the references. Stability and half-life times min = minute(s) h = hour(s) d = day(s) w = weak(s) m = month(s) y = year(s)

Information provided by Diagnostic Companies : ORTHO-Clinical Diagnostics; Vitros Systems : Abbott; Axsym, Architect : Roche Diagnostics; Hitachi, Elecsys, Modular : Roche Diagnostics; Cobas INTEGRA : Beckman-Coulter; Synchron LX/CX, Immage/Array, Access : Dade Behring; Dimension, BN Systems, Stratus CS : DPC Immulite : Bio-Rad : Bayer; ADVIA Centaur/ACS 180

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Blood Samples Stability

Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate


Biological half-life

Stability in blood at room temperature

Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Acetaminophen see Paracetamol Acetylsalicylate 1 -Acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid) Adenovirus antibodies

+ + +

+ +

+ + , (+)

(+) (+)

15 - 30 min 12 d 1y 5m 5m Complement fixation test, ELISA IgG, IgM

45 191

Alanineaminotransferase (ALAT, ALT, GPT) Albumin


47 h

4 d




76, 106


(+) (+) + + + (+) (+) (+)


6d 14 d (2 6 C) 1 d 4 d 4d days



2,5 m 4d 7d 7d 1w 2h EDTA

*Bichromatic assay recommended for colorimetric assay (72), EDTA binds essential cofactor zinc Special tube needed

35, 191, 202 216 76, 202

Aldosterone Alkaline phosphatase, - total - bone isoenzyme Aluminium Amikacin Amiodarone Amitriptyline Ammonia (NH4 +)

+ + + + + + -

+ + + + + (+)


4d 2m 2m 1y

4d 7d 7d 2w

30 min 3 h 4 h 25 d 17 40 h min

164 205

15 min in EDTA



1d 15 min

HPLC HPLC 205 Serin Do not use ammonium 50 5 mmol/L+ heparin. borat 2 mmol/L Contamination by sweat (13) ammonia.


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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Amylase - pancreatic - total

+ +

+ +

(+) +, +, - (+)* , , *

9 - 18 h 9 - 18 h

4 d 4 d

1y 1y

7d 7d

7d 7d

* Possible decrease of the activity by Mg and Ca binding at > 25 C

76, 121, 186, 202, 216

Amyloid A (SAA) Androstendione Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) Anticonvulsive drugs see phenobarbital, valproic acid, phenytoine Antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA) Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) Antiphospholipid antibodies Antistaphylolysine Antistreptodornase B Antistreptokinase Antistreptolysine

+ + + +

+ 1 d -

3m 8d at 25 C 1y 4d 1y 7d

3d 1d 1d 99

+ +

1m 1m

7d 7d

1d 1d

+ + + + + + + +

1m 1m 6m 3m 6m



23d 1d 2d 8d 8d 2d

+ , , , -

+ , , , -


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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Antithrombin III - functional - immunochemical 1 - Antitrypsin APC resistance - functional screening test - genotyping factor V Leiden Apolipoproteins AI, B Apolipoprotein E ApoE-genotyping Aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT, AST, GOT) Aspergillus - antigene detection - antibody Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) - prohormone (proANP) Barbiturates (see also phenobarbital) Bartonella spp. antibodies Batroxobin time

+ , +, - -

(+) , (+)


30 h

8h 2 d** 11 d 7 w (2- 6 C) 30 min

1m 1y 3m

2w 8d 5m


*Test by PharmaciaUpjohn **After centrifugation EDTA and citrate

75, 148, 192


186, 187, 191, 216

6 m (-70 3 h C)


Centrifuge within 30 min

3m 1d 1 w (4 8 C) 17 h 7 d 3m 3m 3m 8d 8d 1w 7d 4d 1d 29, 43 162 162, 170 76, 106, 186, 216

+ +

+ ,

, +


+ +, (+)

Stability of ApoE2 > ApoE4 > ApoE3

+ + +* + + + 1m 4h 8h Avoid heparinate contamination 75, 186, 192 + 50 - 120 h Unstable 6h 2d *Aprotinin 4w 6m 3d 6m 6h 6m Centrifuge at 4 C 134, 138, 195 26, 45, 196

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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature <1 d* Unstable 2w (30 min 2 h at +4C) Unstable 6m 6m Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum + +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Benzodiazepine (see also + diazepam, flunitrazepam) Bicarbonate +

25 - 50h min

5m 7d

5m 1 d * Keep tube closed *1 h after opening the tube, see also blood gases Darkness required, when stored > 8 h

45, 102, 117, 196 22, 106, 216 76, 202, 216

Bilirubin - conjugated - total (also in newborns) Blood cell surface markers (immunocytometry) Blood gases (CO2 , O2, pH)

+ +

+ +

+ +

(+) (+) + +

h 17 d

7m 7d

2d 1d


CD4 1d in heparinized blood < 15 min pO2 < 30 min pH, pCO2 < 60 min on ice


Special stabiliser recommended (Cyfix II) (157) *In heparinized Use closed gas tight blood and tubes or capillaries closed tubes


15, 22

Bordetella pertussis antibodies Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies (Lyme disease) Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) - pro BNP Brucella antibodies (Brucellose) C1 -esterase inhibitor - functional assay - immunochemical CA 125

+ + (+) ELISA, Western blot

44 + + (+) + (+) Stabilise plasma by freezing 186 + 45h 2d 5d 5d 5d EDTA

+ + +

+ + , , + , ,

5 10 d

2 d

1m 1y 3m

2d 8d 5d

6h 3d

17, 163

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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


CA 15-3

+ , , - + , +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma + , , , - + , + + - -

Citrated Plasma (+) (+) (+) -





163, 175

CA 19-9 CA 72-4 Cadmium Calcitonin Calcium - total - ionised (free)

+ + +

4-8d 3-7d 10 - 35 y min

7 d 3 d 1 d in trace element tube 1h stabilized* 2 d 15 min 1 d*

3m 3m

30 d 30 d

7d 7d Special tube *Aprotinin 400 KIU/mL Released from red stopper

163 163 164, 186, 216 186

+ -

+ (+)

- -

+ *

h min


3w 2h

3 d**

*Use calciumtitrated heparin (9)

pH-dependent 78, 202, **Stable in gel tubes for 216 25 h & 72 h after 19, 22, 91 centrifugation in closed tube (^91)

Campylobacter jejuni/fetus antibodies Candida albicans - antibodies - antigen detection Carbamazepine

+ + +

+ , , , -

+ , (+) , ,

10 - 25 h





10 % higher results in plasma () Method-dependent EDTA reduces by 13 %

26, 45

Carbohydrate deficient transferrin (CDT) Carcino-embryonic antigen (CEA)

+ +

14 - 18 d + 3 - 11 d

3d 7d

y 6m

7d 7d

7d 1d

167 63, 133, 163, 175, 200, 216

+ , , + , , , ,

Cardiolipin antibody


2-3 d


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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature 1 h if not stabilized Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) Chinidin Chlamydia antibodies (C. trachomatis, C. pneumoniae) Chloramphenicol Chloride Cholesterol


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma (+) + (+)

Citrated Plasma (+)


3 - 5 min

+ +


1m 2d 6m stabilised 1 2 w 1d


Glutathione 1.2 EGTA plasma to be g/L separated within 15 min +EGTA (34) and frozen at -20C After thawing leave for 3 4 d at room temperature before sampling DNA 45, 205 129

+ + +

+ + +, - , , + -, + +

Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholinesterase, including dibucain number Circulating immunocomplexes (CIC) Clostridium tetani toxine antibodies Coagulation factors Factor II Factor V Factor VII Factor VIII Factor VIII R: Ag

+ + + + +

+ +, , , + , - +, - +, -

(+) (+)

25h 1h

1 d 7 d

y 3 m

7d 7d

7d 7d

205 22, 76 10, 29, 43, 76 10, 29, 43 10, 29, 43 63, 76, 84

10 d

2 d 1 d 7 d 4h

3m 3m 1y 1y

7d 7d 1y 8h

2d 1d 1y 4h

41 - 72 h 12 - 15 h 2-5h 8 - 12 h 6 - 12 h

1m 1m


6h 6h

Centrifuge at 4C

2w 6m

Unstable 6 h 4h 3h 7 d* 7 d* * Sodium azide Five freezing-thawing cycles are possible

75, 189 189 75, 136, 189 189 75, 136, 189 193

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Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Factor VIII R: Co Factor IX Factor IX: Ag Factor X Factor XI Factor XII Factor XIII Cocaine Benzoylecgonin Ecgoninmethylester Coeruloplasmin Cold agglutinins Complement C3

6h 18 - 30 h 20 - 42 h 34d 50 70 h 45h < 10 min 5d 10 d

6m 1m 1m

2 w*

2d 6h

* Sodium acide

193 193 189 189 189 189 79, 117, 172

1m 4d

+, + , - (+) + (+) -



6h Unstable 6 h Unstable 6 h 4h 30 d <30 min 5d 5d 10 d 10 d 2w 8d

Fluoride, pH 5

Cocaine is converted in vitro into its metabolites.

187, 191, 202 Keep whole blood at 37C (water bath) Dependent on antibody, during storage C3c C3 During storage C4,C4c Special tube to avoid contamination Aprotinin 400- Prevent binding to glass 2000 KIU/mL tubes by using plastic Mercaptoethanol for storage 2 L/mL 11 % less in EDTA ()

+, -


Complement C4 Copper Corticotropin (ACTH)

+ +

+ + +

12 h 1 d

1d 2 d (C3c) (2 6C) 1d 2 d (2 6 C) 7d Unstable




191, 202, 216 202, 216 206, 216 44, 132, 186

3m y 6w

8d 2w 3h

2d 2w 1h


Corticotropin releasing hormone Cortisol

+ +

+ + ,

+ , , 1h 7d 3m

1d 7d

11 18 h 7d

44 34, 93, 216

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 28

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum + + + + + +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Corynebacterium diphtheriae toxine antibodies Coxiella burnetiiantibodies (Q-Fieber) Coxsackie virus antibodies C peptide C-reactive protein (CRP) Creatinine Creatine kinase (CK) Creatine kinase MB - enzyme activity - molecular mass C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CrossLaps ) Cyclosporin A + G CYFRA 21-1 Cystatin C Cytokines - IFN-, IFN- , -1 - IL-6 - IL-1 , sIL-2R , sIL, 6R, TNF

(+)* (+), + , + , , + (+) (+)

min 2-4h

6h 3 w (2 - 6 C)

2m 3y

5d 2m

5h 11 d

EDTA *Method-dependent **Patient-dependent lower results

+ +

(+)** + , , , +

44, 54, 132 191, 216

min 18 h

2 - 3 d 7 d

3m 1m

7d 1m

7d 4h Darkness CK-BB not stable

+ , , + , , , +, - + ,,
, - + ,

76, 202, 216 76, 186, 202, 216 124

+ + +

+ , , (+) ,-


12 h 12 h

7 d 7 d 8h

1y 4 w 3m

7d 7d 7d

2d 2d 1h

SH reagent

pH 8.0

Stability pH-dependent


+ +

+ + + +

+ +


10 - 27 h min min

13 d


13 d 1m 1m 2d

21 d 7d 7d


Store haemolysate More stable in EDTA

6, 46, 88, 205 163 47, 130 12, 32

7d 6m 7d 6m 2 h (heparinized blood) 1 h (EDTA)

- -

12 h

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 29

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Cytomegalovirus - antigen detection (pp65) - DNA amplification - (CMV) antibodies + D-Dimer (+) Dehydroepiandosterone- + sulfate (DHEA-S) Dengue virus antibodies + Diazepam + Differential leucocyte count - Band neutrophiles - Segmented neutrophiles - Eosinophiles - Basophiles - Monocytes - Lymphocytes Digitoxin Digoxin -

Serum + + + + (+)

+ +

+, , , +, , , , + -*

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma + + +, + , , , +

Citrated Plasma (+) (+)


68h 8 - 24 h 2 d 6m y 4d 2w 8h 1d 16, 23, 189 34, 99

25 50 h + 2 h-3 y 2 h-7 d* 2 12 h 6 7 h 3 12 h 12 h 6 d 2h2d 2 12 h 3h7d 6m 6m


5m Dry blood smear stable K3 -or K2 -EDTA: Stability temperatureand instrumentdependent *Prepare blood smear within 3 h after sampling. Do not store EDTA blood in refrigerator

45, 117, 196 73, 77, 159, 180

1.5 3 y 68d 12d

3m 3m

2w 2w

45, 216 45, 216

Disopyramide DNA und RNA analysis by amplification (PCR)

(+) -* +

49h DNA 1 w RNA 2 h


2w RNA: 5 mmol/L Guanidiniumisothiocyanate *Heparin inhibits Taq polymerase and restriction enzymes LiCl 1.8 mol/L eliminates this error.

45 81, 82, 90, 201

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 30

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum + + + + + +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Dopamine Echinococcus spp. antibodies ECHO virus antibodies Elastase Electrophoresis, proteins; see also lipid electrophoresis Entamoeba histolytica antibodies Enterovirus antibodies Epstein Barr virus - heterophilic antibodies (Paul Bunnel test) - anti-EBNA, -VCA, EA); Erythrocyte count Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) Erythropoietin Estradiol (E2 )

3 - 5 min




+ (+) 3w 37d 1d Fibrinogen to be considered when using heparinate plasma, may be eliminated by fibrin precipitation 186, 190

(+) IgG, IgM, IgA; ELISA, Western Blot *EDTA-blood 1 part citrate, 4 parts blood Shipped frozen



4d 7 d (4 8 C) 2h 4 - 11 h 6 - 24 h 1d

7 d* 5m 1y -

7 d* 2w 1d

62, 77 186 96, 186 34, 99, 216 63 57, 117, 128

+ +

+ (+) , , + + , , ,

+ (+) , , + +, ,



Estriol (E3 ) Ethanol

(+) +

(+) ,



2 w **

1y 6m

2d 6m

1d 2w

EDTA/ Heparin

*10 g/L NaF recommended to stabilise **Evaporation, use closed tubes

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 31

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Ethosuximid Fatty acids

+ +

+ (+) *

+ (+)

30 - 60 h 2 min

30 min *

5m 2d

4w 12 h

30 min 7d


1 -Fetoprotein (AFP)

Fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDP) Fibrin monomers Fibrinogen - Clauss - immunochemical Fibrinopeptide A Flunitrazepam Folate - in erythrocytes


+ , , (+)* , , , +, , + ,, , , -

(+) , (+) ,



*Activation of lipase by heparin. Freeze serum/ plasma immediately *Method-dependent

45 202, 216

186, 216






17, 95, 216 10 U thrombin and 150 KU kallikrein/mL blood *Special tube **Aprotinin or soybean trypsin inhibitor 132, 187, 189





+ +

+, + + +

<1h 4 -5 d 4 -5 d 3 min

1d 8h

3m 1m 1m

1d 1-7 d 7d 2h

2h 1-7 d 7d Stability methoddependent

150, 189 2, 75, 189, 192 189 102

< 1 d* +, , +, - (+) min 30 min , 5 d (2 8 C) 8w 1d 30 min

Follitropin (FSH)

+, , ,

+, , ,



7 d




*Store protected from light Ascorbate 2g/L Haemolysate, prepared 63, 108, by 0.5 mL blood +4.5 186, 216 mL ascorbic acid (2 g/L). Na-heparin interferes with A xsym-Test ( ). 94, 216

Francisella tularensisantibodies (tularemia)

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 32

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature 12 h Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Fructosamine + Galactose 1-p-uridyltransferase (Beutler test) Gastrin + Gentamicin +

+ +

12 d



3d Erythrocytes

183, 186

* +, , +


2h 0.5 - 3 h (< 4 h 30 y of age) 1.5 15 h (> 30 y of age) Unstable 10 min 10 min 4w

1 w* 4w

+, , (+)

1 w* *With aprotinin Freeze serum as soon as 2000 KIU/mL possible 4h

45, 186, 218 45

Glucagon Glucose - capillary - venous Glutamate dehydrogenase Glutamate oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) see aspartate aminotransferase Glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) see alanine aminotransferase -Glutamyl transferase (-GT) Glycated albumin see fructosamine Gold Haematocrit Haemoglobin A 1c

1.5 d

30 h

- +

- +

- +


min min 18 h

1 d* 1 d* 4w

7 d* 7 d* 7d

2 d* 2 d* 7d

Aprotinin 500- Stabilise 2000 KIU/mL Fluoride, mono- *Stabilised iodoacetate, haemolysate and plasma mannose

132 39, 56, 63, 186, 202, 216 186, 216

(+) (+) , + , -


1 d



76, 106, 186, 216 183

+ + 2m 1d 4 d (4 8 C) 3 d (EDTA blood) 4 d* 6 m* 7 d* 3 d* *EDTA-blood, K2 -superior to K3 EDTA *Haemolysate 77 63, 183

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 33

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum (+) +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Haemoglobin F (HbF) Haemoglobin (whole blood) Haemoglobin (plasma) Hanta virus - antibodies - RNA amplification Haptoglobin HBeAg HBsAg Helicobacter pylori antibodies Heparin (anti Xa) Heparin associated thrombopenia; HIPA test Hepatitis antibodies anti-HAV - anti-HAV IgM - anti-HBsAg - anti-HBc - anti-HBe - anti-HCV - anti-Hepatitis D - anti-Hepatitis E

+ 62, 77 (+)



7 d*

4 d*

*EDTA blood Haemolysis during clotting (49dt)

13, 69, 110

+ + + + + + +, + + , (+) (+) (+) ,

3.5 - 4 d 8d 3m 8m 3m 187, 191, 202

+ ,

4h + 1d 4w

+ + + + + + + +

+ ,

+ , (+) , + + + + , + + , + , , + , (+) , , + + (+) + , , + , + , , , + + (+)

4w 4w 4w 4w 4w

5d 7d 7d 5d 7d

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 34

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Hepatitis B virus DNA Hepatitis C virus - RNA amplification Hepatitis D virus - RNA amplification Hepatitis E - RNA amplification Herpes simplex 1 or 2 virus antibodies HHV 6 antibodies (human herpes virus 6) HHV 6-, 7-, 8-DNA amplification HI virus 1 - (provirus)DNA amplification - RNA amplification HI virus 1 and 2 antibodies HIV, viral load HLA-ABC typing HLA- B27 HLA DR typing Homocysteine

+ + + + + +

+ 81 + + +

+ , +, (+) , + + + 5 14 d 7 d 5 d Several freezing/thawing cycles possible 81, 83, 118

7d 12d

5 14 d

7d Ammonium heparinized blood Citrate-phosphate- Ammonium heparinized dextrose (CPD) blood




1 h 6 h (2 6 C)




Sodium Sample with EDTA/acidic 5, 144, fluoride 4 g /L citrate (0,5 mol/L). Store 146, 149, blood blood at 0 4 C (207). 207, 214 haemolysed EDTA sample in detergent stable for 2 d (146). Serum>plasma

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 35

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


HTLV I - antibodies (T-cell leukemia) - (provirus) DNA amplification - RNA amplification Human chorion gonadotropin (hCG) - free - total 3-Hydroxybutyrate IgA IgD IgE

81 + + 94 + + 24 h (2 8 C) + , , + , + , (+) , + + , - -, (+) + , , , , + + , , - + 6d 5d 2.5 d 8d 1 m (2 6 C) 8m 6m 6m 8m 7d 7d 8m 7d 7d 12 - 36 h 4w 1y 2d 7d

1d De-proteinisation of whole blood EDTA and citrate

191, 202, 216

+ , , , + , + , +

antigenspecific IgE IgG IgG subclasses IgM Immunoglobulin light chains (, ) Influenza virus ABC antibodies Insulin

+ + + + + + (+)


11 d 1 m (2 6 C) 17 d 1 m (2 6 C)




191, 202, 216 191, 202, 216


6m 6m

4m 1m

2m 7d


15 min




44, 54, 186, 216

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 36

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature 2 h Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma -

Citrated Plasma -


Iron (Fe)




63, 202, 206, 216

JC polyoma virus + - antibodies (progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, PML) - DNA-amplification (PML) Lactate -

- - (+) min <5 min, unstable 1 m* 3d 2 w* 8h Mannose/ fluoride, monoiodoacetate, deproteinisation Use glycolysis inhibitor tube, if not immediately deproteinised *Deproteinised in whole blood LDH platelet-dependent (42, 82, 137) Special tube 9, 63, 186, 202, 216

6 d* Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Lead (Pb) Legionella antibodies Leishmania spp. antibodies (visceral leishmaniosis) Leptin Leptospira spp. antibodies (Leptospirosis) Leucocyte count Lidocaine Lipase

+ +

(+) (+)

10 - 54 h
LDH 5 < LDH 1,2

1 h



7d 7d

76, 126, 202, 216 164

+ +

+ +



36 d

Five freeze/thaw cycles possible

44, 203

+ + + +, + + -

6-7h 13h 7-14 h


7d 6h 3w



See also differential count Separator gel EDTA binds calcium (activator), 15 % less activated in heparin ( )

41, 62, 77, 143 100 186, 187, 202

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 37

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Lipoprotein(a) Lipoprotein electrophoresis Listeria monocytogenes antibodies - DNA amplification Lithium Lupus anticoagulant Lutropin (LH) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCM) - antibodies

+ , -

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma + -

Citrated Plasma - -



2w 2-5d

2d Store at 20 C with 15 % sucrose

119, 142, 169, 216

+ + + +*, -, + + , , + , - , 7d 8 24 h 1 h 6m 6m 1y 7d 1d 4h 3d *Do not use Li-heparin Centrifuge platelet free 34, 44, 94, 216 205


+ - RNA amplification Lymphocyte subtypes Magnesium (Mg) Malaria -plasmodium antibodies - plasmodium spp. - trypanosoma gambiense Measles virus - antibodies - RNA amplification Mercury (Hg) + + - (+) 1 d * 1y 7d 7d Special stabiliser recom- 157 mended (Cyfix II) (157) *Separate blood cells 39, 76, 166, before analysis (95) 206, 216

+ (+) Microscopic examination of whole blood Blood film of capillary blood

+ + Special tube

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 38

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Methadone Methotrexate Microfilarias 2 -Microglobulin Morbilli virus - antibodies - DNA amplification Morphine, total* Mumps virus antibodies Mycobacterium spp. DNA amplification Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibodies Myoglobin

+ + + + + +

+ 24h + + + + 21 d 6 m (4 C) 6m 6m 3m Light *After hydrolysis 173 + (+) + 1d 6m 3d 3d 6m 3d Light Concentrated sample 45, 187 187

+ + + , , , + , , , (+) 15 min 1 h 3m 1w 2d 14, 33, 124, 186, 213

Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibodies Netilmycin Neuron specific enolase (NSE) Nitrazepam Opiates (see also morphine) Osmolality Osteocalcin

+ + + 23h <24 h + (+)

+ + + +*

2 h





+ + + +*




Increased in thrombocytosis Serum>plasma Light

64, 186

117, 196


15 min

3m 1d 8 w (-30 2 d* C)

3h 8h

*Aprotinin 2500 KIU/mL + EDTA (5mmol/L)

Three freezing/thawing cycles are possible.

186, 216 38, 111, 209

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 39

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Pancreatic elastase Pancreatic polypeptide Paracetamol Parathyrin (PTH)

+ + + + -

+ + , + ,

+ + + ,

+ (+) (+) 14h min 6h (2 3 d in EDTA blood) 8 12 h

6m 45 d 4m

2w 6d 2w 1d


44 45, 205 EDTA 15 % lower concentra158 tions in serum compared to EDTA plasma Stability reduced in 75, 101, plasma of patients 136, 189 heparinized


Partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) Parvovirus B 19 - antibodies (erythema infectiosum) - DNA amplification Phencyclidine Phenobarbital Phenytoin


2-8 h

2-8 h

+ + + + + , , , +, , , +, , +, , , - -, , + (+) , , (+) ,, + (+), - 26d 18d 2d 2d 6m 5m 6m 1m 6m 2d Unstable in SST tubes (10) Biological half-life shorter in children Platelet-dependent in serum (123) Neutralisation test + + + min 1 h 1y 6w 6w Platelet-dependent in serum > plasma (123, 202), haemolysis 39, 70, 76, 202, 216 26, 45 26, 45

Phosphate, inorganic

(+) + (+) +


1 h




76, 202, 216

Polio virus 1, 2 , 3 antibodies Potassium (K)





WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 40

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Primidone Procainamide and Nacetyl-procainamide Pro-calcitonin Progesterone

+ + + +

+ +, + + , , + , , + + + + , , -

+ (+) +, (+) + + , , + , (+)

6-8h 3-5h 6 10 h 1-2d 7d

5m 6m

4w 2w 1d 7d 4h 1d

45 45, 187 127 34, 63, 216 34, 44, 216







Propaphenone + Propoxyphene + Prostata specific antigen (PSA) - free + - total Protein, total + +

Three freezing thawing cycles possible + + , (+) , - + , (+) , 2h7d 4-7d Co mplex 2h 1d 1d
1 m 3 m - 2 y

1d 30 d 4w 7d 6d Plasma results higher due to fibrinogen (Biuret method) Avoid freezing/thawing cycles Separate cell-free plasma directly after centrifugation Reagent-dependent

25, 89, 114, 140, 141, 151, 163, 168, 212


186, 216

Protein C Protein S

6-8h 24 - 58 h


3m 4h

7d 4h

7d 4h

75, 122 16, 75, 189

Protein S100 Prothrombin time (thromboplastin time, Quick) Pyruvate

+ -

4 h 1 d*


8h-1 d*

4h 1 d*

2, 75, 147, 189, 192


< 1 min

*Only stable in deproteinised blood

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 41

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Renin Reovirus antibodies Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antibodies Reticulocyte count Rheumatoid factors subfractions IgA, IgG Rickettsia antibodies Rotavirus antibodies Rubella virus - antibodies - RNA amplification Salicylate Sandfly (pappataci-) fever antibodies Selenium (Se) Sodium (Na)

+ +

(+) + + + + + + + + + + + + (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)

12 h

1d 3m

1 d* 8d

*EDTA-blood 1d

63 216

15 30 min 6m 2q 7d 45, 205

+ + -

- +


+* min

2d 4 d

1y 1y

2w 2w

1w 2w

Soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) Somatotropin (STH) (growth hormone) Squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC) Staphylococcal antibodies - antistaphylolysin O

+ + +

2h min 1d 7d

2w 3m 1m

7d 8d 1m

3d 3d 7d EDTA Closed tubes

*Special tubes, contamination * Use 140mM Nastabilized heparin 8-12 IU/mL blood (9) Freeze only once

164 39, 76, 216 32, 186 34, 44, 216 133, 163

Increase by contamination (skin)

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 42

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Streptoccoccal antibodies - anti-DNAse B - antihyaluronidase

- antistreptokinase

+ + + + + + + -

+, , , +, , , + , , + , , , + + + , , + , ,

- antistreptolysin O Tacrolismus Testosteron Tetrahydrocannabinol carbonic acid (THC) Theophylline Thrombin time


6 12 h

~45 h + (+) , 3 - 12 h

7d 1y 7d 1y 1 d in women 6m 3m 1 - 4 h 1h2d (2 6 C) 1m

2w 3d 6m 3m

7d 1d 2m 3m Na-azide

6, 205 34, 99, 202 Unstable in plastic tubes 45, 117 45, 205 *Stability reagent- and heparin-dependent 75, 136, 189, 192

1h2 1-4 d* h

Thrombocyte antibodies Thrombocyte count

+ (+) (+) 9 - 10 d 4d 7 d* 4 d* * in EDTAblood Aminoglycosides, avoid Pseudothromb ocytopenia in EDTA (160) Special stabiliser (157) 75, 77, 120, 160 157

Thrombocyte function using platelet function analyzer (PFA) () Thyreoglobulin Thyreotropine (TSH) Thyreotropine receptor antibodies (TRAb)

9 - 10 d



+ + + + , , + , , (+) , - , -

3w min

2d 7d

1m 3m

3d 3d

1d 1d Spot blood in newborns

63, 186, 216 34, 202, 216

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 43

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments

Serum + +

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Thyroid antibodies Thyreoidea peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO) Thyreoglobulin antibodies (anti-TG) Thyroxine (T4 )


Thyroxine, free ( fT4 ) Thyroxine binding globulin (TBG) Tick borne encephalitis virus antibodies Tobramycin

+ + + +

+ , , + , , - , , , , , + , , + , + (+) +, , + + , + + +







34, 202, 216


3m 7d 1m

8d 5d

2d 5d

216 39, 187, 216

(+) +

0.5 - 3 h


3d 8d

<2h 8d 4m

Lower results obtained in heparinized plasma

45, 154, 205

Toxoplasma gondii anti- + bodies (IgA, IgG, IgM) Transferrin + Treponema pallidum - antibodies - DNA amplification Tricyclic antidepressants Triglycerides

8.5 d

11 d 3 w (2 6 C)



191, 202, 216 TPHA, IFT, FTA abs., VDRL, immunoblot

+ + + + + + (+) 3h-3d 7 d * y 7d 2d

31 *Decrease of 29, 76, triglycerides, increase of 202, 216 free glycerol, but only minor increase of total glycerol

+, - (+)

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 44

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Triiodothyronine (T3 )

- free (fT3 ) Troponin I

+ +

(+) , , , + , , +* , , +*

Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma + + , , + , - , (+)

Citrated Plasma (+)


19 h




Serum-plasma difference methoddependent

208, 216

3m + 2d 4w

2w 3d

1d 3h *Reduced concentration 74, 124 described in some patients (55, 181) *Reduced concentration 124, 186 described in some patients (55, 181) Do not use NH4 -heparin 76, 216, 217 202, 216 26, 45 45, 205

Troponin T

8h 1 d 7d 2d




Urea Uric acid Valproate Vancomycin Varicella Zoster virus - antibodies - DNA amplification Vasoactive intestinale polypeptide (VIP) Vasopressin (ADH) Vitamin A (retinol) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal phosphate) Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

+ + + + + +

+ + + , , +

+ + (+) +, , (+) + (+) +

min min 8 - 15 h 4 - 10 h

1y 6m 3m

7d 7d 7d

7d 3d 2d

+ + +


6d 6d 1m

1d 1d

EDTA + aprotinin EDTA

44, 132 Freeze plasma 44 63, 186 63, 85 63 63, 85 63, 108

11 h + +

2y 1y 1m d 8w

h 1d

30mi n 15mi n

EDTA, darkness EDTA, darkness

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 45

Analytes Whole blood
Hep EDTA Citrate

Biological half-life Stability in blood at room temperature 3 h (4 C) Stability in serum/plasma
-20C 4-8C 20-25C


Remarks / Comments


Heparinate Plasma

EDTA Plasma

Citrated Plasma


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin D - 1.25-dihydroxycholecalciferol - 25-hydroxycholecalciferol Vitamin E (tocopherol) Vitamin K (transphyllochinone) Yersinia enterocolitica antibodies Zinc (Zn)

3 w*


60g/L *Only with stabiliser metaphosphate, deproteinised 3d 3d


+ + + +

3d 3d 8 h unstable 1y 3m 1m unstable

63, 186, 216

EDTA UV light

63, 186 63, 186

+ + 30 min 1y 2w 1w Special tube, avoid con- 164, 202, tamination by stopper 216

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev. 2 Page 46


Analyte - 20 C Stability in urine at 4 8 C 1m 7d 4d 20 25 C 7d 3d 1d pH 6 - 7, stabilized with 0.3 % NaHCO3 Drugs Light Saliva contaminates 80, 113, 184 63, 164 184, 216 36 > 10 d 1m 4d 2d 7d 2d Acidify, pH < 2 Acidify, pH < 2 or EDTA (250 mg/L) and sodium metabisulfite (250 mg/L) *pH <1,7 pH 5, ascorbic acid Unstable in native urine Crystallisation at cool temperature 121 184 28 20 Stabilizer Comments Reference

Albumin Aluminium -Aminolevulinic acid Amphetamine -Amylase Bence Jones protein (light chains , ) Calcium Catecholamines Norepinephrine Epinephrine Dopamine Citrate Cocaine metabolite Benzoylecgonine Codeine Copper Cortisol, free C-peptide Creatinine

6m 1y 1m 1y >3w 6m >3w

Unstabilised 20 d 4d Unstabilised 1y 1y 4 w* 4m 1y 1y 1w 6m 7d 1w 6d 6d 3w

4d 3w 1 d*

78 36, 79, 117 36

3d 2d 19 h 2d 10 g/L boric acid

164 28, 93, 206 44 28, 186

WHO/DIL/LAB/99.1 Rev.2 Page 47

Analyte - 20 C Cystine Ethanol Glucose 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid Hydroxyproline Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Iron Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) 2 -Macroglobulin Magnesium 1 -Microglobulin Morphine Myoglobin N-Acetyl- ,Dglucosaminidase (-NAG) N-telopeptides (NTx ) Osmolality Oxalate pH Phosphate, inorganic 1y 6m 1y >12d* 1m 2d 2d 5d Unstable >1 y 2m > 1 y*

Stability in urine at 4 8 C 3 m* 30d 2 h 2d 5d 1m 7d 1m 7d 3d 1m 1m 7d 3d 7d 2 h 2h 5d 7d 3d 20 25 C 7 d*

Stabilizer *Stabilised in HCl 10 mmol/L azide Acidify


Reference 78 57, 117

Bacteria decrease stability.

28, 186, 187 186, 216 186 80, 113, 184 28 36, 117

Acidify, pH < 2

28, 78 80, 113, 184 36, 45, 119

12d* 7d

12d* 1d

*pH >8.0

Unstable at acid pH

213 125

4w >3m >4m (at pH 1.5)

5d 7d 3h pH < 2, HCl 1 vol %, thymol 5 mL/L 1 vol % thymol, 5 mL/L Vitamin C Increase by NH4 formation precipitates at alkaline pH 28 78 28 28, 78 unstable < 1 h unstable 2 d at pH <5.0

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Analyte - 20 C Porphobilinogen Porphyrines Total porphyrine Uroporphyrine Heptacarboxyporphyrine Hexacarboxyporphyrine Pentacarboxyporphyrine Coproporphyrine Tricarboxyporphyrine Dicarboxyporphyrine Potassium Protein Pyridinium crosslinks (collagen crosslinks) Sediment Acantocytes Casts (hyaline and others) Bacteria Epithelial cells Erythrocytes Leukocytes Sodium 1y 1 m*

Stability in urine at 4 8 C 7 d* 20 25 C 4 d*

Stabilizer *pH 6 7 by NaHCO3

Comments Acid pH Light

Reference 186, 216 63, 186




0.3 % NaHCO3, pH 6-7


Stabilized at pH 6 - 7

1y 1m >1 y

2m 7d

45 d 1d 6w UV light

28 28 204, 209 28, 103, 105 1 d* Osmolality > 300 mosmol/kg * >300 mosmol./kg **pH <6,5 ***pH >7,5 Do not freeze


1 2h 2d 2d

24 h 1-4 h 1-4 h 45 d

1 2 h *** 3h 1 h, 24 h* 24 h** <1 h *** 45 d


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Analyte - 20 C Test-strip fields Erythrocytes Leukocytes Protein Transferrin Urea Uric acid Vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA) 4w 4w Unstable >1 y

Stability in urine at 4 8 C 20 25 C



Reference 28, 103, 105

1-3h 1 d* 1w 7d

48h 1 d >2 h** 7d 2d 4d pH < 7 pH > 8 pH < 5

* >300 mosmol./kg ** Unstable at pH >7.5

113 28 Precipitation at pH <7 28, 78 28, 186, 216


7d at pH 3 - 5

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Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

Analyte Stability in urine at - 20C 4-8C 2m 3d 7d 1h 20-25C 1d 5 h 1d Up to 1h: Up to 3 h: Do not cool Transport on ice No additives No partial fixation 97, 98 Glucose lactate: Stability depends on cell content IgG: Freezing is not recommended Leukocytes, tumor cells: Store cells as dry smears Stabilizer Comments Reference

Albumin Glucose IgA, IgG, IgM Lactate

>1 y >1m unstable m

Long term storage Immediately 70 C 30 in glass or polypropylene min vessels tightly closed 1-2 h 1d

Leukocytes Protein, total Tumor cells >1y

3-5 h 6d 1 12 h

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