Annotated Bibliography Draft-1

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Ketcham Lacey Ketcham Dr.

Guenzel ENC 1102-0002 March 20, 2013 Research Dossier: Free Universal Healthcare in America Dossier Introduction

Based on my current research, I have found that most American citizens want universal healthcare. However, they are unsure of how to achieve it. The desire for this stems from the idea that better health insurance obviously leads to better healthcare. Those without healthcare mainly cannot afford it, even when faced with serious health problems. Universal healthcare is defined as healthcare that is affordable by all of a countrys citizens. Its main goal is to improve the health status of all who are covered by it. There are, however, differing opinions on whether or not the government should provide this universal healthcare for free. Many countries have already utilized this policy, including Australia and Russia. Under the public health insurance, Medicare, public hospital care and most medical services are free to all citizens. There are many valid arguments against universal healthcare. A substantial point is that free healthcare is not free in that we must pay for it in taxes. These expenses would either lead to higher taxes or budget cuts in important areas such as education. There are also suspicions that the healthcare industry will morph into a corrupt institution like so many other government areas. Another valid point is that healthy individuals would have to take the brunt of the cost of those who are obese, are smokers, and the like. Malpractice lawsuits would also be more numerous since the universal care makes the government liable. Though there are cons, I feel that the pros outweigh them. Many already know that the number of uninsured citizens in America is extremely high: over 45 million, in fact (including illegal immigrants). Many are also familiar of the notion that healthcare has become increasingly unaffordable in recent years. If this policy was utilized, many claim that doctors and other medical professionals could focus on the health of the patient exclusively, rather than on the insurance procedures. One very convincing point is that no matter how small the problem or how early a patient notices it, it could be treated in time if it turned out to be a deadly problem rather than waiting until their problem got really bad and they had no other choice but to bear the costs. President Obama currently resides on this ground of the issue, stating early in his presidency that this would be one of his top priorities, although it would not necessarily be free, it would be similar to Medicare.

Ketcham Research Map Research Topic / Thesis: The potential benefits of free universal healthcare in America.

Narrative: non-fiction, exposition

Field Research / Internet / Library: Interviews, online journals, articles, newspaper articles

Keywords: Free healthcare Universal healthcare Medicare Benefits of universal free healthcare American healthcare system Healthcare Reform Act

Timetable: Mar 20 Internet research Mar 21 Library research Mar 25 Internet research Mar 26 Start on draft Mar 27 Internet research/draft Mar 28 Draft Apr 2 Finish draft Apr 4 Continue research Apr 9 Last of research/start final draft Apr 11 Work on final draft Apr 16 Final draft Apr 18 Try to finish final draft

Annotated Bibliography Cannon, Michael F. How Russia Makes Universal Coverage Work. Cato Institute, 21 Apr. 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.

Ketcham This article explains that Russia states in its Constitution, Everyone shall have the right to health protection and medical aid. He seems to argue that this is a joke and is similar to the way the US would function under this policy. I will probably leave this article out since it does not seem to provide too much useful information and a lot of negativity.

The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization dedicated to individual liberties. The authors conduct independent research. It also accepts no government funding. Carolin, Michael. US Should Adopt Universal Healthcare. Daily Wildcat. Daily Wildcat, 29 Jun. 2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. Although this article is a bit outdated in the political sense, seeing as it discusses the possible fate of the presidents Affordable Care Act, it still has useful information regarding how this legislation would help the American people. Carolin agrees that the president is on the right track, though his specific plan may not be what is best. He also believes our healthcare system should be free as well. He goes on to say that the US is the only developed country that does not have guaranteed healthcare for its citizens. He brings up some arguments against the bill and refutes them with undeniable evidence from past studies and surveys. I could not find any background information on the author himself but I believe that is because this is a campus newspaper for the University of Arizona. This newspaper has been reporting news since 1889. They circulate nearly 10,000 copies daily and strive to provide a real-world learning environment for its student employees as well as its readers. Jackson, Jill, and John Nolen. Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At Whats in the Bill. CBS News. CBS News, 21 Mar. 2013. This online news article contains statistics and facts concerning the very recent components of the soon-to-be Health Reform Act. It contains ten-year government price approximations as well as how many Americans it will affect. Jackson is a News Senior Political Producer at CBS News, formerly a News Capitol Hill Producer. Nolen is a Capitol Hill Producer at CBS News, formerly a News Senate Producer. Key Principles of Universal Healthcare. Center for Public Health and Health Policy. University of Connecticut, 2006. Web. 20 Mar. 2013.

Although this work mainly focuses on the state of Connecticut, it also discusses overall problems that the entire country faces today concerning healthcare and the

Ketcham need for it to be universal, even free. It also discusses the principles set forth by the Institute of Medicine in order to institute a new universal healthcare plan. The Center for Public Health and Health Policy is centered in the University of Connecticut. Its main purpose is to coordinate public health service-related activities. It works to enhance research on health promotion and has partnered with numerous local, state, and national entities in the same field. Lavidge, Kathy. Does Universal Healthcare Make Everyones Life Better? Yale Insights, Apr. 2008. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.

This is a personal view on the aspects of healthcare from a woman who had lived in the UK, which has healthcare for all, for 14 years. She believes it brings benefits in other aspects of life other than just health. She believes it improves the quality of life for everyone. Since it is from a personal point of view, readers can relate to her and her reasons for needing universal healthcare. Lavidge lived in the UK for 14 years and did not have to worry about the anxieties that come with not being able to afford healthcare. Messerli, Joe. Should the Government Provide Free Universal Healthcare for All Americans? N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. This work provides reasons for and against this notion as well as a detailed explanation for each reason. Messerli graduated from the University of Wisconsin with degrees in Finance and Management Computer System. He is the cretor and author of most of the articles on this web site, which has been online since 2003. He is currently an auditor of major health insurance companies. Moroney, Sheila Delaney. Understanding Health Care Cost Drivers. National Institute of Health Policy, Feb. 2003. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. This work is about understanding why and how health care costs increase. She provides easily understandable pie graphs comparing where US healthcare comes from (Medicaid, Medicare, etc. what it goes towards (hospital care, prescription drugs, etc.). She also uses bar graphs to explain the growth in US healthcare spending over the course of three years from 1999-2001. She goes on to thoroughly explain the factors of why the price of healthcare is ever increasing. Sheila Delaney Moroney is the current Program Director at the National Institute of Health Policy. Her research focuses on health policy, health system reform, and improvement tactics.


Sage, Bobbie. Obamas Health Care Reform Proposal. Government Health Care and The Obama Administration, 2013. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. This work explains that Obama has recently proposed a reformation to Americas healthcare system, which would cost the government approximately $634 million. He pictures it being similar to Medicare and will allow private businesses to stay in business, which could potentially help competition and lower the costs of healthcare insurance. A main concern most people had was the pre-existing condition clause. Obama will maintain coverage even for these people when most insurance companies would not. Sage has been involved in the personal insurance industry for over ten years. She began as an agent but now researches and writes about insurance. She has serviced insurance policies from all 50 states. The Australian Healthcare System, 2011. International Profiles of Healthcare Systems. The Commonwealth Fund, 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. This online reference work entry explains in much detail Australias healthcare system. It provides answers to nearly every question one could ask about the foreign concept, including exactly who and what is covered. The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that wishes to promote healthcare that is all-around better in efficiency and quality, particularly for those who need it the most. They support independent research on healthcare issues. It was established in 1918. What is Medicare? Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. This government site explains the fundamentals of Medicare and what its different insurance parts (A, B, C, and D) cover. This is a government website. Medicare and Medicaid became programs in 1965. Many people in America have these types of insurances and this article reads like a pamphlet.

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