Logbook) Industrial Attachment Brief To Students-3

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Registration Number Name of Student Organization . Industrial Supervisor University Supervisor

What is industrial attachment? This is an academic/industrial experience in which students are attached to a potential employer in the area of computer science, information technology or information systems for a maximum of 12 weeks. Each student will be assigned University supervisor and an industrial supervisor upon commencement of the attachment. Each student should communicate regularly with the university supervisor and the industrial supervisor should also periodically review his or her work. Each student must keep a weekly report of activities. This will be submitted as a periodic progress report and may also be used to write the final report. Students on attachment are encouraged where possible to supplement their work experience with research in a related area. This will provide a greater understanding of their work assignments and/or additional insights for preparing the final attachment report. How much credit is earned? An equivalent of 6 units is earned. How to prepare the weekly reports At the end of each day of work take a few minutes to record a summary of the days activities and experience. Examples are provided below Work done Software/hardware used Information system used Who you interacted with Problem encountered Opportunities encountered Reflections on your strengths, weakness, likes, or dislikes Research done This weekly report should be submitted weekly to your University supervisor after approval by your industrial supervisor. Record the report as in the layout below.

Week 1. Day Work Done Remark

Signature of student .. Date Signature of Industrial Supervisor. Date Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

Week 2. Day Work Done Remark

Signature of student .. Date Signature of Industrial Supervisor. Date Comments by Industrial Supervisor:

UNIVERSITY OF ELDORET DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT PROGRAMME INDUSTRIAL SUPERVISOR, ASSESSMENT FORM A. To be filled by Student: .. Students Name Students Registration Number B. To be filled by Industrial Supervisor Date Student Reported. Date student Left. Number of Times absent from work STUDENT ATTACHMENT Punctuality at work (Always in time at work) 2. Duty Consciousness (Keenness in work) 3. Obedience (following instructions) 4. Orderliness (well organized in work performance 5. Dependability (Requiring little Supervision) 6. Industriousness (hardworking and usefulness) 7. Observation of code of conduct (following work regulations) 8. Personality (Mannerism, respectful) 9. Overall performance of field attachment TOTAL MARKS OUT OF (10)


Supervisors Name Signature Supervisors Designation Name & Address of Station/Organization. Date. Stations Rubber Stamp/Seal Comments:

THE FINAL REPORT This is the final report on the attachment. Students should as much as possible submit preliminary reports to both supervisors in order to get feed back on content and format and other elements such as grammar and style. These four are emphasized in assessment of the final report. Although supervisors may or may not adopt all the elements the general format below should be used for the final report 1. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. Title Acknowledgements Company organization chart Company organization chart Department/sections you work in and your responsibilities Reports Attachment activities and experience Interaction with staff in the company Problems and opportunities Computer Science background Your strength and weakness Conclusions, Recommendations, and Future learning Appendices Your work schedule Correspondence Company evaluation supervisor evaluation Samples of work done.

7. 8.

Visit by the university supervisor The university supervisor will visit every student under his or her supervision at least once to assess the students performance. The schedule of the visit will be communicated to all students by respective university supervisor at least one week before such visit.

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