Mechanics Problem..

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Problem 507 The 2225-N block shown in Fig. P-507 is in contact with 45 incline.

The coefficient of static friction is 0.25. Compute the value of the horizontal force P necessary to (a) just start the block up the incline or (b) just prevent motion down the incline. (c) If P = 1780 N, what is the amount and direction of the friction force? p= 1335 N p=708 n

Problem 510 What weight W is necessary to start the system of blocks shown in Fig. P-510 moving to the right? The coefficient of friction is 0.10 and the pulleys are assumed to be frictionless. 29.64

Find the least value of P required to cause the system of blocks shown in Fig. P-511 to have impending motion to the left. The coefficient of friction under each block is 0.20. 12.5

The 200-lb block shown in Fig. P-508 has impending motion up the plane caused by the horizontal force of 400 lb. Determine the coefficient of static friction between the contact surfaces. U=0.66

A homogeneous block of weight W rests upon the incline shown in Fig. P-512. If the coefficient of friction is 0.30, determine the greatest height h at which a force P parallel to the incline may be applied so that the block will slide up the incline without tipping over.47.62

Problem 509 The blocks shown in Fig. P-509 are connected by flexible, inextensible cords passing over frictionless pulleys. At A the coefficients of friction are s = 0.30 and k = 0.20 while at B they are s = 0.40 and k = 0.30. Compute the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on each block. TA=1800 TB=1600 FA= 480 FB=360

Referring to Fig. P-515 if the coefficient of friction is 0.60 and = 30, what force P applied to B acting down and parallel to the incline will start motion? What is the tension in the cord attached to A?

In Fig. P-519, two blocks are connected by a solid strut attached to each Instead of a couple, determine the minimum horizontal force P applied block with frictionless pins. If the coefficient of friction under each block is tangentially to the left at the top of the cylinder described in Prob. 527 to 0.25 and B weighs 2700 N, find the minimum weight of A to prevent start the cylinder rotating counterclockwise.9.84kn motion. 5981.75 As shown in Fig. P-529, a homogeneous cylinder 2 m in diameter and weighing 12 kN is acted upon by a vertical force P. Determine the magnitude of P necessary to start the cylinder turning. Assume that = 0.30. 5.569

Referring to Fig. P-519, block A weighs 4 kN and B weighs 3 kN. If = 0.20 under B, compute the minimum coefficient of friction under A to prevent motion. 0.397 In Fig. P-519, if = 0.30 under both blocks and A weighs 400 lb, find the maximum weight of B that can be started up the incline by applying to A a rightward force P of 500 lb. 263.57 The blocks shown in Fig. P-522 are separated by a solid strut which is attached to the blocks with frictionless pins. If the coefficient of friction for all surfaces is 0.20, determine the value of horizontal force P to cause motion to impend to the right. Assume that the strut is a uniform rod weighing 300 lb.423.85 Problem 536 in Fig. P-536, determine the minimum weight of block B that will keep it at rest while a force P starts blocks A up the incline surface of B. The weight of A is 100 lb and the angle of friction for all surfaces in contact is 15.273.20

A uniform ladder 4.8 m ft long and weighing W lb is placed with one end on the ground and the other against a vertical wall. The angle of friction at all contact surfaces is 20. Find the minimum value of the angle at which the ladder can be inclined with the horizontal before slipping occurs.50 degrees A ladder 6 m long has a mass of 18 kg and its center of gravity is 2.4 m from the bottom. The ladder is placed against a vertical wall so that it makes an angle of 60 with the ground. How far up the ladder can a 72kg man climb before the ladder is on the verge of slipping? The angle of friction at all contact surfaces is 15. 2.73m A homogeneous cylinder 3 m in diameter and weighing 30 kN is resting on two inclined planes as shown in Fig. P-527. If the angle of friction is 15 for all contact surfaces, compute the magnitude of the couple required to start the cylinder rotating counterclockwise. 14.76kn.m

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