Part 2H - Settling Basin

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TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................1 1. PURPOSE ..........................................................................................1 2. SCOPE ..............................................................................................1 3. TERMINOLOGY...................................................................................1 4. DESIGN OBJECTIVES...........................................................................2 5. SCOPE OF DESIGN..............................................................................2 6. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY..........................................................................3 7. TYPES OF SETTLING BASINS................................................................3 8. SELECTION OF TYPE OF SETTLING BASIN.............................................4 9. TYPICAL COMPONENTS.......................................................................5 10. DESIGN OF INLET TRANSITION...........................................................6 11. DESIGN OF SETTLING BASIN..............................................................7 12. DESIGN OF OUTLET TRANSITION......................................................20 13. DESIGN OF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY..................................................21 14. PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING............................................22





Settling Basin

Part 2F of the Design Guidelines for Headworks of Hydropower Projects provides technical criteria and guidance for the design of settling basins for headworks of run-of-river hydropower projects in Nepal. The guidelines are intended to ensure effective and economical design of these structures in consideration of the high suspended sediment content of Nepali rivers, especially during floods.

The guidelines cover the design of settling basins deemed suitable for run-of-river hydropower projects in Nepal. They deal with periodic and continuous flushing settling basins, including their inlet and outlet transitions, flushing systems and emergency spillways. The guidelines deal with the philosophy, principles and design data requirements for the design of settling basins. They discuss the hydraulic and structural design of these structures.

Terms used in these guidelines are defined below: Continuous flushing settling basin Emergency spillway Settling basin in which settling and flushing of sediments proceed simultaneously. Structure provided with settling basin to safely spill the settling basin design discharge coming from an approach canal or an intake into the parent river, usually with the help of a chute or ogee type overflow




Flushing structure Lifting velocity Longitudinal velocity Periodic flushing settling basin Sediment concentratio n Sediment transport capacity of flow Settling basin Settling velocity Tranquilizer

spillway. Structure provided with settling basin to flush out the sediments deposited in it. Vertical component of flow velocity that causes which movement of sediments in suspended condition. Velocity of flow of sediment-laden water through the settling basin. Settling basin in which sediments are allowed to settle first and are then flushed out hydraulically. Content of suspended soil particles in unit volume of water-sediment mixture. Quantities of sediments contained in 1 cu. m. of flowing water per unit time. Structure provided to remove suspended sediments from the water abstracted from the river. Velocity with which suspended sediments sink in water under the action of gravity. A kind of filter wherein the flow is forced to be distributed across the settling basin cross-section with a certain head loss.



Settling basins shall be designed to ensure that the water entering the water conveyance system is free of sediments that can damage the penstock and turbines runners due to abrasion. This shall be achieved by reducing the turbulence level in the water flow to allow suspended sediment particles to settle out from the water body and deposit on the bottom of the basin.

The design objective stated in Section shall be achieved through proper hydraulic and structural design of the settling basin and its associated structures. Normally, the design shall consist of the following activities: a. General arrangement of the settling basin, its flushing structures and its inlet and outlet transitions,. b. Hydraulic design of the settling basin, its flushing structures and its inlet and outlet transitions. c. Stability analysis, stress analysis and structural design of the settling basin. These activities shall be carried out based on the principles and procedures discussed in the following sections.







The settling basin shall be designed to be functional, easily operable and economical, both for construction and operation.
6.1 Optimum Removal of Sediments

The settling basin shall be designed to remove as much of the sediment load in the water as is economically and hydraulically possible. As removal of all suspended sediments is physically not possibe, the design shall attempt to remove as much of the coarser fractions of the suspended load as possible so that the hydraulic transport capacity of the water conveyance system can be maintained and the sediment load to the turbines, valves, etc., is reduced to acceptable limits.
6.2 Efficient Flushing

The settling basin shall be designed to ensure efficient flushing of settled sediments so that frequent flushing during floods, when the sediment content of rivers is at its peak, is not required. The settling basin shall be planned and designed such that power generation is not interrupted, or reduced, during flushing operations.

One of the following types of settling basins, categorized in terms of their hydraulic functioning, shall be used for run-of-river hydropower projects: a. Settling basin with periodic (intermittent) flushing. b. Settling basin with continuous flushing.
7.1 Settling Basin with Periodic Flushing

Settling basins with periodic flushing shall be designed to operate in two distinct phases. In the first phase, the suspended sediments in the abstracted water shall be permitted to settle in the settling basin and water that is free from as much of the sediments as possible shall be conveyed to the water conveyance system. In the second phase, the deposited sediments shall be hydraulically removed from the settling basin through a flushing system using gravity flow of water at high velocities. During the flushing, water supply to the water conveyance system may either be stopped or alternately channeled through another settling chamber or bypass system.
7.2 Settling Basin with Continuous Flushing

Settling basins with continuous flushing shall be designed to supply sediment-free water to the water conveyance system through simultaneous settling of the suspended sediments and flushing of deposited sediments. The flushing shall be achieved by continuously abstracting water from the bottom of the settling basin during operation.







The choice between settling basins with periodic or continuous flushing discussed in Section 7 shall be made based on the following factors: a. b. c. d. e. f.

Topography. Availability of water. Type and size of power plant. Cost of construction. Ease of operation and maintenance. Power outage or reduction.


A settling basin with continuous flushing, which can function with a single chamber, may be preferred at narrow sites, provided the site is sufficiently long to accommodate the basin. At sites where sufficiently wide land with relatively plain topography is available, settling basins with periodic flushing may be considered.
8.2 Type and Size of Power Plant

The choice of settling basin shall be made based on whether the power plant is a high head or a low head plant.
8.3 Availability of Water

Settling basins with continuous flushing shall be preferred at headworks where the additional water needed for flushing is readily available. On the other hand, settling basins with periodic flushing may be adopted where additional water cannot be provided at the settling basin due to hydrological or other constraints.
8.4 Cost of Construction

The choice between the two types of settling basins shall be based on a comparison of the cost of the settling basin from perspectives of construction volume and complexity. The comparison shall consider the following factors: a. Settling basins with continuous flushing generally require larger approach canals and settling basin chambers to accommodate the additional flow required for flushing. The additional construction thus necessitated may be offset to a certain extent by the lower requirements for dead storage for deposited sediments. b. Settling basins with periodic flushing may require an increased volume of construction due to the greater dead storage needed for sediments settled between flushing operations and due to the need for multiple chambers for maintaining continuity of flow to the water conveyance system. c. Hoppers used for settling basins with periodic flushing require complex construction. The use of sediment ejection pipes and valves with their flushing system also add to the cost of construction.






Ease of Operation and Maintenance

The settling basin shall be easily operable with minimal mechanical or human intervention for sediment flushing. This factor shall be particularly important to small and remotely-located projects where elaborate setups for operation and maintenance may not in place. For such projects, settling basins with continuous flushing may be the preferred option.
8.6 Power Outage or Reduction

The settling arrangement shall, as far as possible, ensure that the flushing of the settling basin does not result in stoppage or reduction of flow to the water conveyance system, resulting in power outage or reduction in power generation. A settling basin with continuous flushing may be the obvious choice to satisfy this requirement. Where this is not possible due to other constraints, a periodically flushing settling basin with multiple chambers shall be opted for.

Settling basins with periodic flushing shall consist of the following components (Figure 1): a. An inlet transition at the entrance of the settling basin to distribute the flow uniformly over the cross-section of the settling basin chamber. b. A regulator at the entrance of the chamber to control flow of water into the settling basin chamber. c. A settling chamber to settle the sediments in the incoming water. d. An emergency spillway to spill the settling basin design discharge into the parent river, if required e. An exit regulator to control the flow of water from the settling chamber to the water conveyance system. f. A flushing channel for flushing the settled sediment. g. An exit transition to ensure smooth passage of desilted water from the settling basin chamber to the water conveyance system.

Flushing cha nne l

Ca na ls

Upstre a m tra nsition pa rt

Cha m be r of de silting ba sin Upstre a m re g ula tor

Downstre a m tra nsition pa rt Ca na ls Downstre a m re gu la tor

Figure 1: Typical components of settling basin





In addition to the above listed components, settling basins with continuous flushing shall have longitudinal channels in the settling chamber to facilitate continuous flushing of deposited sediments.

The inlet transition for settling basins shall be designed to prevent turbulent flow at the entrance to the settling basin chamber. This shall be achieved through the design considerations discussed in the following sections.
10.1.1 Approach to Inlet

To maintain an even flow distribution at the start of the inlet transition, the approach canal to the settling basin shall have a straight alignment for a stretch equal to about ten times the width of the canal upstream of its junction with the transition. The hydraulic design of the canal shall eliminate secondary currents in its flow caused by rotational flow. It shall also ensure flow velocities in the range of 1.1 to 1.3 m/s.
10.1.2 Curved Approach Canal

If a straight approach canal prescribed in Section 10.1.1 is not possible, a skewed inlet may be provided to compensate for a skewed approach flow caused by a curved approach canal. The approach may result in the flow at the downstream end of the inlet transition being evenly distributed over its cross section for the design flow only. To avoid secondary currents produced due to bends, an accelerated flow may be created downstream of the bend through a pressurized canal, and the flow may then be carefully retarded to achieve an even flow distribution. Hydraulic design of this arrangement shall be optimized through physical or numerical model tests. Due to the low transit velocities in the settling basin, the model tests shall be conducted at scales not less than 1:25.
10.1.3 Inlet Transition

The geometry of the inlet transition shall ensure that the flow is evenly distributed over the width and the depth of the settling basin, especially in the desanding chamber, for all ranges of flow through the settling basin. For this purpose, a symmetrical and smooth layout of the inlet expansion shall be designed to prevent the flow from separating from the sidewalls and bottom of the transition. This shall be achieved by providing an opening angle of the inlet transition in the range of 7 to 10 along with smooth curvature (Figure 2). Where space constraints do not permit the long transition resulting from the recommended opening angles, the inlet transition may be shortened through guide walls in the transition (Figure 2) so that the opening angle between two guide walls is small enough to prevent separation. The downstream end of the guide walls shall be carefully shaped so that the water velocity at the transition outlet remains parallel to the longitudinal axis of the settling basin and does not point towards the sidewalls.



In le t

S lot te d ou tle tw a ll

/4 /4 /4

Ou tle t

S tra ig h t a p p roa c h c a n a l

Gu id ew a lls in in le t tra n s it io n


Un iform s e c t io n

Figure 2: Inlet transition with guide walls 10.1.4 Tranquilizer / Baffle Blocks

If space constraints at the headworks site do not permit a straight section of approach canal or conduit to the settling basin, even flow in the settling basin may be achieved using a tranquilizer or baffle blocks. The tranquilizer shall be designed to force the incoming water flow to be distributed across the settling basin cross-section. Care shall be taken to minimize head losses resulting from the use of tranquilizers. Suitable measures shall also be adopted for preventing trash, floating bodies and gravel from clogging parts of the tranquilizer. For major structures, baffle blocks shall be designed based on model tests.

Design of settling basin shall include hydraulic design of its chamber and flushing systems. It shall also cover the structural design of these components.
11.1 Hydraulic Design

The hydraulic design of the settling basin determination of its size and shape to secure:




a. An even flow distribution between parallel settling basins for various flows. b. An even flow distribution internally inside each basin for various flows. c. Efficient removal of deposits during flushing of the basin. The design shall be based on a careful selection of sediment particle size and percentage to be settled, considering plant maintenance.
11.1.1 Design Data

Hydraulic design of the settling basin shall be performed based on sediment and design data, design parameters and standard data on settling velocity, sediment concentration and transport capacity of suspended sediments. Sediment Data

Sediment data required for the design shall include the following:





a. Sediment concentration of the river flow, characterized in terms of the following: i. Mass content of suspended sediments, , per unit volume of water. ii. Concentration of suspended sediments, , expressed in litres of suspended sediments per unit volume of flowing water (or ppm). b. Particle size distribution of sediments. c. Mineralogical composition of sediments. These data shall be obtained through procedures discussed in Part 1C of the guidelines. Project-related Data

Project-related data needed for design of settling basins shall consist of the following: a. Sediment size and percentage to be settled. b. Design discharge and flushing discharge. c. Type of plant and its hydro-mechanical equipment. Design Parameters

The parameters needed for design of the settling basin shall include the following: a. b. c. d. Mean depth of flow Mean longitudinal velocity Flushing discharge Flow velocity during flushing or sediment concentration of flow functionally related to this velocity

The values of these parameters shall be selected such that the resulting size and shape of the settling basin yield an economical and practical design. Settling Velocity

For design, the settling velocity, , of particles with diameter up to 1.5 mm may be adopted from Table 1. Likewise, the velocities for particles larger than 1.5 mm may be adopted from Table 2.
Table 1: Settling velocity of particle size up to 1.5 mm for different water temperatures

Particle size (mm) 0.001 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.050 0.070 0.100

Settling velocity (mm/s) for different water temperatures 10 C 15 C 20 C 25 C 30 C 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.001 0.0011 0.0680 0.0790 0.0900 0.100 0.1100 0.2740 0.3160 0.3600 0.400 0.4500 0.6180 0.7100 0.8100 0.900 1.0120 1.7170 1.9730 2.2700 2.500 2.8120 2.5100 2.8800 3.2500 3.650 4.1000 5.1200 5.8800 6.6300 7.440 8.3700




0.200 0.300 0.500 1.000 1.500

17.1100 28.3100 50.7100 106.710 0 162.710 0

18.7600 29.9600 52.3600 108.360 0 164.360 0

20.4200 31.6200 54.0200 110.020 0 166.020 0

22.060 33.260 55.660 111.660 167.660

23.720 34.920 57.320 113.320 169.320

(Source: Zhurablov, 1975)





Table 2: Settling velocity of sediment particles with size larger than 1.5 mm

d (mm) 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50 3.00

(mm/s ) 170.0 178.0 190.0 212.5 232.5

d (mm) 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

(mm/s ) 268.5 300.0 329.0 355.0 380.0

d (mm) 9.0 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5

(mm/s ) 403.0 425.0 477.0 520.0 562.0

d (mm) 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0

(mm/s ) 602.0 637.0 672.0 706.0 736.0

(Source: Zhurablov, 1975) Lifting (Buoyant) Velocity of Flow

This lifting velocity of flow shall be determined through suitable empirical formulae. The following formula may be used for this purpose (Zhurablov, 1975):
Eq. 1
ul = 0 .065 (v 0.05 ) nv

where ul is the lifting velocity of flow, n is the roughness coefficient of the bed material, v is the longitudinal flow velocity and R is the hydraulic mean radius.
11.1.2 Design Considerations

The following factors shall be considered in the design of the settling basin and its flushing system: a. Suspended sediments consist of fine particles of hard or soft rock or soil with different diameters. Most Nepali rivers carry sediments of hard rock origin like quartzite, granite, senite, basalt, gneiss, etc. b. Concentration of sediments changes frequently with the river flow. c. Required removal percentage of suspended sediments depends on the quality of material (hard or soft), type of turbine and available head for power generation.
11.1.3 Design Criteria

The design of the settling basin shall be based on the following criteria: a. The settling basin shall be long enough, but economically effective, to allow settling of sediments of specified size depending upon the origin of sediments. b. The length of the settling basin shall be determined mainly by the settling velocity of sediment to be eliminated and by the longitudinal flow velocity.
11.1.4 Design Assumptions

The design of the settling basin shall be based on the following assumptions:





a. The sediment concentration of flow entering the settling basin is equal to the design sediment concentration of the river flow. b. Supply of the design flow to the power canal takes place with simultaneous settling and flushing of sediments or with sediment settling followed by intermittent flushing. c. Water level in the basin is horizontal. d. In continuous flushing, the depth of flow in the basin is constant, but the flow regime is non-uniform due to change in flow discharge along the basin length during sediment flushing. e. Average velocity of flow in the settling basin is constant and does not change in time or space. f. The settling velocity is not affected by the temperature of water. g. The vertical distribution of sediments may be triangular, rectangular or trapezoidal. h. Flushing of settled sediments takes place in uniform regime of flow.
11.1.5 Settling Basin with Periodic Flushing General Arrangement

The settling basin with periodic flushing shall normally consist of two or more chambers. These chambers shall be separated from each other by longitudinal divide walls (Figure 3). These walls shall have a rectangular or trapezoidal cross-section, and their top level shall be fixed providing a freeboard of 0.3 to 0.5 m above the full supply level, considering the mode of plant operation.

Lo n g itu d in a l d ivid ew a ll WL WL Ch a m b e r W L W L W L H

Lon g itu d in a l d ivid ew a ll Ch a m b e r S e d im e n t d iv id ew a ll

De form a t ion join ts

De form a tio n jo in t s

i. Tr a p e zo id a lc h a m b e r

ii. Re c t a n g u la rc h a m b e r

Figure 3: Cross-section of settling basin with periodic flushing

The flushing arrangement for the settling basins with periodic flushing shall include a flushing regulator, a flushing gallery and a flushing channel as an extension of the flushing gallery (Figure 4). The flushing gallery shall be provided at the end of the settling basin chamber across its entire width. The bed of this gallery shall lie below the flushing crest. Deformation joints along the length of the settling basin may be provided in concrete and reinforced concrete structures in accordance with standard practice. These joints shall be sealed with waterstops.





Ga te of inle t re g ula tor Ope ra tion pla tform

Wa te r le ve l in cha m be r during s e d im e nt se ttling


Outle t re g u la tor

Ga te of outle t re g ula tor


WL Cha m b e r




Inle t re g u la tor

De form a tion joints Ba la nc ing sc re e n

Wa te r stop

Wa te r le ve l in cha m be r during flu shing

Flus hing g a te

Figure 4: Longitudinal section of settling basin with periodic flushing 11.1.6 Settling Basin Design

The settling basin chamber shall be designed for the discharge to be passed by the settling basin to the power canal. Its cross-sectional area shall be calculated as (Zhurablov, 1975)
Eq. 2

A db =


where Ad.b is the flow area, Qc is the discharge to be passed to the power canal and Vm is adopted mean flow velocity during sediment settling. For a rectangular section, the chamber width for given mean flow depth will be
Eq. 3

Bdb =

A db Hm

where Bd.b is the width of the chamber and Hm is the adopted mean flow depth. For a single chamber settling basin, the length of the chamber shall be determined as
Eq. 4
L ch = k H m



where k is a safety factor taken equal to 1.2 to 1.4, is the settling velocity of the sediment to be deposited on the chamber bed and u* is the shear velocity (lifting velocity) determined from the equation
Eq. 5

u* =

0.042 vm R1 6

in which R is hydraulic mean radius of the flow section. For given flushing velocity, the flow depth of chamber during flushing shall be equal to





Eq. 6

hf =

Qf BchV

where hf is the flow depth of chamber during flushing, Qf is the adopted flushing discharge and Vf is the flushing velocity. For computed hf,,, the bed slope of chamber, Sch, shall be determined using Mannings equation:
Eq. 7
Sch = n2V 2 R4 3

In the absence of sediments, the flow depth at the beginning of chamber shall be given by
Eq. 8

H 1 = H m Sch

L ch 2 L ch 2

and at it end by
Eq. 9

H 2 = H m + Sch

The chamber bed slope shall be determined for different of values of Vf , and one of the computed slopes shall be adopted based on its appropriateness. The total volume of sediments deposited in the chamber with bed slope in the direction of flow shall be taken to be 0.6 Vdead, where Vdead is dead volume of chamber of the settling basin. For design purposes, the chamber bed shall be taken to be horizontal with flow depth Hm, and the total volume of the deposited sediments in the chamber at the time of its flushing shall be taken as
Eq. 10

V = V1 +V 2

where V1 is the volume of sediments formed as the result of deposition of given particle sizes and larger and V2 is the volume of sediments formed as the result of deposition of the particles lesser than that of given sizes. The value of V1 shall be obtained from the equation
Eq. 11

V 1 = 0.001 Qt

where is the volumetric sediment concentration of given particle size and larger, litre/m3, t is the settling duration of sediments in s and Q is the flow discharge passing through the chamber, m 3/s. Likewise, the value of V1 shall be obtained from the equation
Eq. 12
Qt ( 1h1 + 2h2 + ...... + nhn ) V 2 = 0.001 Hm

where 1, 2...n is the volumetric sediment concentration of separated particles of the suspended sediments in litre/m 3, Hm is the mean flow depth in the chamber with real distribution of sediments in m and h1, h2hn are the flow depths from which the separated particles of suspended sediments are settled down in the chamber in m. The



magnitudes of the flow depths shall be found by the approximate relationship (Zhurabov, 1975)
Eq. 13
hn = L ch V 'm

Eq. 14
V 'm = q H m 0 .5H

Eq. 15
H = H m h c

From Eq. 10, the sedimentation time of chamber shall be determined for the known geometrical dimensions of chamber and provided sediment concentration of the river flow, taking V = 0.6 Vdead,. In these computations, particles less than 0.05 mm may be neglected as all of these particles practically pass with flow into the power canal. Design for Sediment Flushing

Design of chamber flushing of the settling basin shall involve determination of the transporting capacity of the flow for sediment flushing and the time of flushing. Flushing Capacity The flushing capacity shall be determined as (Zhurabov, 1975)
Eq. 16

tr =

(V f 0.35 )3
h2 f

where tr is the mass of sediments transported in kg, Vf is the flushing velocity in m/s and hf is the flow depth during flushing in m. Eq. 16 may also be used to determine the flushing velocity if the transporting capacity of the flow, tr, is known, and then the flushing gallery bed slope of the settling basin may be obtained from Eq. 7. The flushing duration of the settling chamber shall be determined by the expression
Eq. 17

tf =

16 .7 s 0.6V dead ( tr 0 ) Q f

where tf is the flushing time in minutes, S is the unit weight of sediment to be flushed and 0 is the sediment concentration of the flow entering the chamber during flushing, usually taken to be the sediment concentration of river flow.
11.1.7 Settling Basin with Continuous Flushing General Arrangement

Settling basins with continuous flushing may have one or more chambers (Figure 5). More than one chamber may be desirable to enable dewatering of one basin during the dry season for inspection



and maintenance of the flushing system, etc. without affecting the operation of the plant. Alternately, single chamber settling basin with a bypass channel for this purpose may be provided.

Ch a m b e r W L B c h B s e c

Lo n g it u d i na l d iv id ew a l l S e d im e n t sd e p o s it e d be t w e e n lo n g it u d i n a l g a lle r ie s Lo n g it u d i na l g a lle r y

C h a m b e r W L B c h H B s e c

Lo n g it u d i na l d i v i d ew a ll Tr ia n g u la r p r is m b e t w e e n lo n g it u d in a l g a lle r ie s Lo n g it u d i na l g a lle r y De fo r m a t io n jo in t s

i. C h a m b e rw it hd e p o s it e ds e d i m e n t sb e t w e e ng a l le r ie s

ii. C h a m b e rw i t ht r i a n g u l a rp r is m

Figure 5: Cross section of settling basin with continuous flushing

This settling basin shall be provided with a series of bottom galleries along the length of its chamber to pass settled sediments (Figure 6). The flow area of these galleries shall be increased along the length to accommodate the increasing flushing discharge. The channels shall be covered with perforated screens kept horizontally and flush with the chamber bed. A flushing gallery shall be provided at the end of the settling basin chamber. The crest of the flushing gallery shall be placed at a depressed level to create unsubmerged flow regime in it.

Ga te of inle t re g u la tor Op e ra tion pla tform

Wa te r le ve l in c ha m b e r du ring s e d im e n ts e ttling

Outle t re g u la tor

Ga te of ou tle t re g u la tor

Ch a m be r

Inle t re g u la tor

Ba la nc in g s c re e n

De form a tion joints Ga lle ry s c re e n

Wa te rs top

S e dim e n t divide w a ll

Flu s hing g a te

Figure 6: Longitudinal section of settling basin with continuous flushing (Zhurablov, 1975) Design Parameters

Settling basins with continuous flushing shall be designed for the discharge of the power canal, Qc, sediment concentration of the flow entering the settling basin, 0, and the sediment fraction sizes to be settled in the basin. Other design parameters may be chosen from the following: a. Mean flow velocity in the chamber, Vm = 0.2 to 0.3 m/s. b. Flow depth in the chamber, H = 1.0 to 15.0 m.



c. Flushing discharge through bottom (flushing) gallery, Qf = 10 to 25 percent of Qc. d. Flushing velocity in the gallery. Design of Settling Chamber

Design of the settling chamber shall include determination of its geometrical dimensions, quantity of sediments to be deposited in the chamber, fixation of sediment concentration of the flow passing through the canal and flushing gallery and computation of dimensions of the flushing channel for sediment transport. The flow area of the chamber, A, shall be determined by the formula (Zhurablov, 1975):
Eq. 18
A= Qc + 0.5Q f Vm

The number of sections in the basin shall be obtained as

Eq. 19 n= A a

where a is the flow area of the section. The value of n obtained thus shall be rounded off to a whole number, and the flow area of the settling basin and its flow velocity shall be accordingly corrected. The length of the settling basin, L, shall be determined by the formula
Eq. 20

L =H


Bm ( u* )


where is the settling velocity of the given sediment particles to be settled in the settling basin and Bm is the mean width of the settling basin, given by
Eq. 21 Design of Sediment Settling Bm = A H

Deposition of the sediments in the basin shall be calculated for one section, and the values for all other sections shall be taken in proportion to their width. For this purpose, the design sediment and larger fractions shall be eliminated from consideration, and the quantity of remaining sediment fractions with small intervals is adopted for 100%. The depth of flow, h, with which sediment particles less than fixed size settle down partially in the basin shall be found from the formula (Zhurablov, 1975)





Eq. 22

h= L

Qf + V m Bm Vm

For each diameter of sediment particles less than fixed, the percent of sediment deposition in the basin shall be calculated by the expression
Eq. 23
p '= p h Hm

where p is the percent of sediment deposition in the basin, p is the percentage of the considerable particle diameters of the suspended sediments and Hm is the mean flow depth given by
q. 24 Hm = A B

At the end of calculations, the weight of sediment for each particle size shall be determined for its deposition in the settling basin and passage in the canal, summing all particle sizes. Design of Sediment Flushing

The sediments to be settled down in the settling basin shall be equal to (Zhurablov, 1975)
Eq. 25

b = 1 + 2

where 1 is the sediments of the fixed fractions and larger and 2 is the sediments lesser than fixed fractions. The discharge entering the settling basin shall be
Eq. 26
Qb = Qc + Q f

At the same time, sediments with flow entering the basin, R, shall be
Eq. 27
R = 0 Qb

Assuming that there is no loss of water in the basin, the amount of sediments, T, passing into the power canal shall be
Eq. 28
T = c Qc

where c is sediment concentration of flow entering the canal whose value shall be known from calculation of sediment deposition. In the settling basin, the amount of sediments settled down shall be
Eq. 29

Z = RT

For adopted flushing discharge of flow Qf, the sediment concentration of flow to be flushed at the end of the bottom gallery shall then be
Eq. 30 11.1.8 Design of Bottom Gallery
gal =
Z Qf

The bottom gallery shall have a pressure regime of flow with variable discharge increasing to the end of section of the settling basin. Since determination of flow parameters for such regime is difficult,



approximate methods shall be used for this purpose. The bottom gallery along its whole length shall be divided into parts within which the flow shall be considered to be uniform with design parameters that are taken at the middle of each part. On the basis of computation, the dimensions of the gallery, losses of head along its length and location of the piezometric line shall be determined.
11.1.9 Design of Flushing Gallery

Flushing channel below the crest of exit regulator on the canal may be designed for pressure or non-pressure regime. For pressure regime, the difference of head between the peizometric line in the settling basin and water level in the river (at the outlet) shall be known. For non-pressure regime, this channel shall be designed as an open channel with uniform flow similar to the settling basin with periodic flushing.
11.1.10 Sediment Trapping Efficiency

The sediment trapping efficiency of the settling basin is considered to be quite essential for designing this basin. In an ideal basin by means of a basin without any turbulence, all the suspended sediment particles with the settling velocity equal to or greater than w will be trapped:
Eq. 31


Hv m Q = L As

where H is the depth of flow in the basin, vm is the mean horizontal velocity of flow, L is the length of the basin, Q is the discharge entering the basin and As is the net water surface area of the basin. As there is turbulence in the low, some sediment particles will not settle as fast as the settling velocity prevails because the turbulence will always move some particles in the upward direction. Camps diagram (Error: Reference source not found) considers the effect of turbulence theoretically on the sediment trapping efficiency of the settling basin. The sediment trapping efficiency, , based on the sediment particle approach for design of the settling basin is found from Camps diagram, considering the dimensionless parameters w/u* and (wAs)/Q, where w is the settling velocity of sediment particles and u* is the shear velocity that can be found theoretically using Mannings formula
Eq. 32
u * = gRS e

where g is the acceleration due to gravity, R is the hydraulic mean depth of flow, n is the Mannings rugosity coefficient, A is the crosssectional area of flow of the basin and Se is the energy gradient given by





1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7

2.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.01 2

0.3 0.2 0.1

w . As Q 3 4 6 8 0.1 2 3 4 6 8 1.0 2 3 4 6 8 10

Reducing turbulence w u*

Figure 7: Camps diagram for sediment trapping efficiency Eq. 33

Q Se = nAR2/ 3
1/ 2

For the practical case, the shear velocity shall be determined from the following formula instead of from Error: Reference source not found
Eq. 34

u* =

0.042 vm 1/ 6 R

Vetters method for determining the sediment trapping efficiency, based on the sediment concentration approach and simplified version of Hazens method, is expressed by the formula:
Eq. 35

=1 e

wAs Q

This formula does not consider the effect of turbulence in flow of the basin on the sediment trapping efficiency in it. As such, this formula may be used with care.
11.1.11 Flushing Gates

Flushing gates shall be placed at the end of the settling basin. They shall be provided with easy access for operation.
11.2 Structural Design

The structural design of the settling basin shall be based on the design of an open water tank. The loads listed below shall be considered in the design: a. Dead loads.



b. c. d. e. f.

Hydrostatic loads. Uplift pressures. Silt load. Earth pressures. Earthquake loads.

11.2.1 Design of Outer Walls

The outer wall shall essentially act as retaining walls designed for following load conditions listed in Table 3.
Table 3: Load conditions for design of settling basin walls

Condition Usual Extreme

Description Normal earth pressure behind the wall Sudden drawdown Usual conditions with earthquake

11.2.2 Design of Divide Walls

The divide wall between the settling basin chambers shall be designed for the worst combination of design loads. For this purpose, the load conditions listed in Table 4 shall be considered.
Table 4: Load conditions for design of divide walls

Condition Usual


Description Design water level in one basin Design silt level in the same basin Adjoining basin empty Usual conditions with earthquake

11.2.3 Design of Chambers and Hoppers

For optimal design, the settling basin chambers and hoppers shall be analyzed and designed as folded plate structures. The analysis shall be conducted for the most severe condition in which the chamber or hoppers are empty and are subject to dead loads, lateral soil pressure and upward bearing pressure.
11.2.4 Lining

The bed and wall surfaces of the settling basin and flushing galleries shall be lined with abrasion-resistant material. Based on site conditions, the material may be chosen from the options listed in Section 11.2.7 of Part 2B of the guidelines

Depending on the alignment of the power canal intake, the outlet transition for the settling basin may be straight or curved in plan. In either case, the contraction part of the transition shall be symmetrical and smooth to prevent the flow separation from its side walls and





bottom. This shall be achieved by providing a closing angle of the outlet transition in the range of 10 to 15. The invert level of the gate sill for the power canal intake shall be located at an elevation slightly higher than the invert level of the outlet transition. Transitions or piers at this location shall be semicircular or elliptical in shape.

The emergency spillway shall an integral part of the settling basin. It shall be designed to safely discharge the entire design flow of water coming from an approach canal or an intake back into the parent river. It shall also pass floating materials present in the settling basin to the river.
13.1 General Arrangement

The emergency spillway shall consist of a chute or an ogee type overflow structure. A stilling basin shall be provided at the end of the spillway to dissipate surplus energy in the flow. This flow shall be returned to the river directly or through an outlet canal. In rare cases, the emergency spillway may be combined with the bottom sediment flushing outlet on either side of the abutment wall. The emergency spillway may be located anywhere along the side-wall of a settling basin on the riverside. However, its preferred location shall be the downstream end of the settling basin. The crest of the emergency spillway shall be aligned perpendicular to the longitudinal flow axis of the settling basin in order to increase its discharging capacity. The crest level shall usually be fixed at the full supply level in the settling basin, which also helps to pass the floating material downstream of it.
13.2 Flow Regimes

The flow on the emergency spillway shall be non-pressured. Beyond the spillway crest, the non-pressure flow shall be super critical with high turbulence towards the end of the stilling basin. After dissipation of surplus energy in the stilling basin, non-pressure flow shall occur along the entire length of the outlet canal in sub-critical, critical, or super critical flow regime depending upon the topographical condition of the headworks site. If the emergency spillway is combined with the bottom sediment flushing outlet, the flow regime on that spillway bay shall take a form of the gravel-water mixture with sediment after the toe of that spillway. For this case, the sediment transporting capacity of the outlet canal shall be checked to ascertain its ability to flush all the sediments coming from the settling basin into the parent river, where the end outlet structure shall be designed strongly.
13.3 Hydraulic Design

Hydraulic design of the emergency spillway shall involve determination of the crest length of the spillway, profile of the spillway



glacis, length and elevation of the stilling basin, dimensions of the outlet canal and the outlet end structures. The spillway crest and profile shall be designed based on provisions for design of overflow sections of diversion structures discussed in Part 2B of the guidelines. However, as the design discharge of the intake is always significantly less than that for the overflow section of the diversion structure and the height of the emergency spillway is low, the design criteria for the emergency spillway shall not be as stringent as those for the overflow section. The stilling basin for the emergency spillway shall be designed according to the provisions of Part 2C of the guidelines. The outlet canal shall be designed as an open flume using Mannings or Chezys formula as described for approach canals in Part 2F of the guidelines.

The hydraulic design of settling basins and their sediment flushing system shall be confirmed with hydraulic model test. A mathematical simulation of the design, based on computational fluid dynamics, may also be performed to finalize the size of the settling basin and the sediment flushing system. Such simulation shall include the effect of inflow and outflow conditions in the computation of the trap efficiency.



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