Recognizing Teen Dating Abuse
Recognizing Teen Dating Abuse
Recognizing Teen Dating Abuse
If you answered yes to these questions, it is likely that you are in a healthy relationship.
Trust your own instincts about your relationship to keep yourself safe and comfortable.
¾ Control where you go, what you wear, or what you do?
¾ Try to stop you from seeing or talking to family or friends?
¾ Call you derogatory names, put you down, or criticize you?
¾ Threaten or scare you?
¾ Hit, slap, push, or kick you?
¾ Force you to do something sexual when you don’t want to?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, your health and safety may be at risk. If you
think you may be in an abusive relationship, there are people you can talk to and resources
that can help.
If at any time you feel that you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Below are national hotlines that can help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
There are also local shelters, domestic violence and sexual assault agencies, teen programs,
and family violence support groups that can help you stay safe. For more information, call
any of these hotlines or ask an adult you trust about your local resources.
Remember, you have the right to a violence free relationship. The abuse is NOT your fault.