Alahqaf: in The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. Ha-Mim.

2. The revelation of the Book

is from Allah, the All Mighty,
the All Wise.
3. We did not create the
heavens and the earth and
what is between them except in
truth, and for an appointed
term. And those who disbelieve
turn away from that whereof
they are warned.
4. Say (O Muhammad): “Have
you considered that which
you invoke besides Allah.
Show me what have they
created of the earth, or have
they any partnership in the
heavens. Bring me a book
(revealed) before this, or some
remnant of knowledge if you
are truthful.”
5. And who could be more
astray than he who invokes
besides Allah, those who cannot
respond to him until the Day of
Resurrection. And they are
unaware of their calls.
6. And when mankind shall be
gathered, they (who were called)
will become enemies to them,
and they will deny of their
7. And when Our clear verses
are recited to them, those who
disbelieve say of the truth when
it has reached to them: “This is
mere magic.”
8. Or do they say: “He has
fabricated it.” Say: “If I have
fabricated it, then you will have
no power for (protecting) me
against Allah at all. He knows
best of what you say among
yourselves about it. Sufficient is
He as a witness between me
and you. And He is the All
Forgiving, the Most Merciful.”

9. Say: “I am not something

new among the messengers, and
I do not know what will be
done to me, nor to you. I do
not follow except what is
revealed to me, and I am no
but a warner.”
10. Say: “Have you considered
if it (the Quran) is from Allah
and you disbelieve in it, and
a witness of the Children of
Israel has testified to the like
thereof and has believed while
you are arrogant.” Indeed,
Allah does not guide
wrongdoing people.
11. And those who disbelieve
say of those who believe: “If it
had been any good, they
would not have preceded us to
it.” And when they are not
guided by it, they will say:
“This is an ancient lie.”
12. And before this was the
book of Moses as a guide and a
mercy. And this is a confirming
Book in the Arabic tongue, that
it may warn those who have
wronged and as good tidings for
the doers of good.
13. Indeed, those who say:
“Our Lord is Allah,” then
remain steadfast, there shall
be no fear upon them, nor
shall they grieve.
14. Those are the companions
of the Garden, abiding therein
forever, as a reward for what
they used to do.
15. And We have enjoined
upon man to be kind to his
parents. His mother carried him
with hardship and she gave
him birth with hardship, and his
bearing and his weaning is
thirty months. Until when he
reaches to his full strength, and
reaches forty years, he says:
“My Lord, enable me that I
may be grateful for Your favor
which You have bestowed upon
me and upon my parents, and
that I may do righteous deeds
as may please You, and make
righteous for me my offspring.
Indeed, I have turned in
repentance to You, and indeed,
I am of those who surrender.”

16. Those are the ones We

will accept from whom the
best of what they did, and
overlook their misdeeds. (They
are) among the companions of
Paradise. A true promise which
they were promised.
17. And the one who says to
his parents: “Fie upon you
both. Do you promise me that I
shall be brought forth when
generations before me have
passed away.” And they both
call to Allah for help (and say):
“Woe unto you, believe. Indeed,
the promise of Allah is true.”
So he says: “This is nothing but
tales of the ancient.”
18. They are those against
whom the word (decree) is
justified, among the nations
that have passed away before
them of jinn and mankind.
Indeed, they were the losers.

19. And for all there will be

ranks for what they did. And
that He may recompense them
for their deeds, and they will
not be wronged.
20. And the day those who
disbelieved are exposed to the
Fire. “You received your good
things in the life of the world
and sought comfort therein.
So this day you will be
recompensed with the
punishment of humiliation
because you were arrogant in
the land without a right, and
because you used to transgress.”
21. And mention of the brother
of Aad, when he warned his
people among the wind-curved
sand hills, and indeed warners
have passed away before him
and after him, (saying):
“Worship none except Allah.
Indeed, I fear for you the
punishment of a mighty day.”
22. They said: “Have you come
to turn us away from our gods.
Then bring us that with which
you promise us, if you are of
the truthful.”
23. He said: “The knowledge is
with Allah only. And I convey
to you that with which I have
been sent. But I see you a
people ignorant.”
24. Then, when they saw it
as a cloud coming towards their
valleys. They said: “This is a
cloud bringing us rain.” Nay,
but this is that which you asked
to be hastened. A wind wherein
is a painful punishment.
25. Destroying everything by the
command of its Lord, so they
became such that nothing could
be seen except their dwellings.
Thus do We recompense the
criminal people.
26. And indeed, We had
established them with that
wherewith We have not
established you. And We made
for them hearing and vision and
hearts. So did not avail them
their hearing, nor their vision,
nor their hearts from anything
when they denied the signs of
Allah, and befell upon them
what they used to ridicule at.
27. And indeed, We have
destroyed what surrounds you
of the habitations, and We have
shown in various ways the signs
that perhaps they might return.
28. Then why did not help
them those whom they had
taken for gods as a means of
nearness (unto Him), besides
Allah. Nay. But they vanished
completely from them. And
this was their lies and what they
used to invent.
29. And when We brought
to you a group of jinn
listening to the Quran. Then
when they attended it, they said:
“Give ear.” then when it was
finished, they turned back to
their people as warners.
30. They said: “O our people,
We have indeed heard to a
Book that has been sent down
after Moses. confirming that
which was before it, guiding
unto the truth and to a
straight way.”
31. “O our people, respond
to Allah's caller and believe
in him. He will forgive you
your sins and will protect you
from a painful punishment.”
32. And whoever does not
respond to Allah's caller, he
cannot escape in the earth, and
there will be no protecting
friends for him besides Him.
Such are in manifest error.

33. Do they not see that

Allah, who created the heavens
and the earth, and was not
wearied by their creation, is
able to give life to the dead.
Yes, indeed He has power
over all things.

34. And the Day those who

disbelieved will be exposed to
the Fire. “Is not this the truth.”
They will say: “Yes, By our
Lord.” He will say: “Then taste
the punishment because you
used to disbelieve.”
35. So be patient, as were
patient those of determination
among the messengers. And do
not be in haste for them. The
day when they will see that
which they are promised as
though they had not stayed but
an hour of day. A clear message.
So shall (any) be destroyed
except the disobedient people.

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