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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

1. Draws near for mankind
their reckoning, while they in
heedlessness turn away.
2. There does not come to them
an admonition from their Lord
as a new (revelation) except they
listen to it while they play.
3. Their hearts distracted.
And they confer in secret. Those
who do wrong (say): “Is this
(Muhammad) other than a man
like you. Will you then submit to
magic while you see (it).”

4. He (Muhammad) said: “My

Lord knows whatever is said
in the heavens and the earth.
And He is the All Hearer, the
All Knower.”
5. But they say: “(The
revelations are but) mixed up
dreams. Rather, he has invented
it. Rather, he is a poet. Let
him then bring to us a sign like
the ones that were sent to (the
prophets) of old.”
6. Not a township which We
destroyed believed before them.
Will they then believe.
7. And We did not send before
you (O Muhammad) except
men, to whom We revealed (the
message). So ask the people of
the reminder if you do not know.
8. Nor did We give them bodies
that would not eat food, nor
were they immortals.
9. Then We fulfilled the promise
to them. So we saved them and
those whom We willed, and
We destroyed those who
transgressed beyond bounds.
10. Indeed, We have sent down
to you the Book (the Quran),
wherein is your reminder. Will
you not then understand.
11. And how many a township
have We destroyed that were
wrong doers, and We raised up
after them another people.

12. Then, when they perceived

Our punishment, behold, they
(tried to) flee from it.
13. “Flee not, and return to
that wherein you lived a
luxurious life, and (to) your
dwellings, perhaps you will be
14. They said: “O woe to us,
indeed we were wrongdoers.”
15. So that crying of theirs
ceased not, until We made them
as a field that is reaped, extinct.
16. And We did not create the
heaven and the earth and what
is between them for a play.
17. If We had intended to take
a pastime, We could surely have
taken it in Our presence, if We
were going to do (that).
18. But We fling the truth
against the falsehood, so it
crushes it, then behold, it is
vanished. And woe to you for
that (lie) which you ascribe.
19. To Him belongs whoever is
in the heavens and the earth.
And those who are with Him
(angels) are not too proud to
worship Him, nor are they
weary (of His worship).
20. They glorify His praises
night and day, they do not
slacken (to do so).
21. Or have they taken
gods from the earth who
resurrect (the dead).
22. If there were therein gods
besides Allah, then they both
(the heavens and earth) would
have been ruined. So glorified be
Allah, the Lord of the Throne,
from what they ascribe (to Him).
23. He will not be questioned
as to what He does, and they
will be questioned.
24. Or have they taken
besides Him gods. Say (O
Muhammad): “Bring your
proof. This (Quran) is the
admonition for those with me
and admonition (in scriptures)
for those before me.” But most
of them do not know the truth,
so they have turned away.
25. And We did not send
before you any messenger
except that We revealed to
him that, “There is no god
except Me, so worship Me.”
26. And they say: “The
Beneficent has taken a son.” Be
He glorified. But (whom they
call sons) are honored slaves.
27. They do not precede
Him in speech, and they act by
His command.
28. He knows what is before
them and what is behind them,
and they cannot intercede except
for him whom He is pleased
with. And they, for fear of Him
stand in awe.
29. And whoever of them should
say: “Indeed I am a god besides
Him.” Such a one We shall
recompense with Hell. Thus do
We recompense the wrongdoers.
30. Have those who disbelieved
not seen that the heavens and
the earth were joined together,
then We parted them. And We
made every living thing from
water. Will they not then
31. And We have placed in the
earth firm mountains lest it
should shake with them, and We
have made therein broad
highways to pass through, that
they may be guided.

32. And We have made the

heaven a secure canopy, and yet
they turn away from its signs.
33. And He it is who
created the night and the day,
and the sun and the moon.
Each in an orbit floating.

34. And We did not grant to any

human being immortality before
you (O Muhammad), then if you
die, would they live forever.
35. Every soul must taste
death. And We test you by
evil and by good as a trial.
And unto Us you will be
36. And when those who
disbelieve see you (Muhammad),
they take you not except for
mockery (saying): “Is this he
who talks about your gods.”
While they disbelieve at the
mention of the Beneficent.
37. Man is created of haste. I
shall show you My signs, so ask
Me not to hasten.
38. And they say: “When will
this promise be (fulfilled), if
you are truthful.”
39. If those who disbelieved
only knew the time when they
will not be able to drive off
the fire from their faces, nor
from their backs, nor will they
be helped.
40. But it will come upon
them unexpectedly and will
perplex them, then they will
not be able to repel it, neither
will they be reprieved.
41. And indeed, messengers
before you were ridiculed, so
those who mocked them were
surrounded by what they used
to ridicule.
42. Say: “Who can protect
you at the night and the day
from the Beneficent.” But they
are turning away from the
remembrance of their Lord.
43. Or do they have gods
who can guard them against Us.
They have no power to help
themselves, nor can they be
protected from Us.
44. But We gave the luxuries of
this life to these and their
fathers until life prolonged for
them. Then do they not see that
We gradually reduce the land
from its outlying borders. Is it
then they who will overcome.
45. Say (O Muhammad): “I
warn you only by the
revelation.” But the deaf will
not hear the call when they are
46. And if a breath of your
Lord's punishment were to
touch them, they assuredly
would say: “O woe to us, indeed
we have been wrongdoers.”
47. And We shall set up
balances of justice on the Day
of Resurrection, so not a soul
will be dealt with unjustly
in anything. And if there be
the weight of a mustard seed,
We will bring it forth. And
sufficient are We as Reckoners.
48. And Surely, We gave Moses
and Aaron the criterion and a
light and a reminder for the
49. Those who fear their Lord
in unseen, and they are afraid
of the Hour.
50. And this is a blessed
reminder (the Quran) which
We have sent down. Will you
then reject it.
51. And indeed, We gave
Abraham his guidance before,
and We were well acquainted
with him.
52. When he said to his
father and his people: “What
are these images to which you
are devoted.”
53. They said: “We found our
fathers worshipping of them.”
54. He said: “Indeed you
have been, you and your
fathers, in manifest error.”
55. They said: “Have you
brought us the truth, or are
you of those who jest.”
56. He said: “But your Lord is
the Lord of the heavens and the
earth, He who created them.
And of that I am among the
57. “And by Allah, I certainly
have a plan (against) your idols
after that you have gone away
(and) turned your backs.”
58. So he reduced them into
pieces, except the biggest of
them, that they might turn to it.
59. They said: “Who has done
this to our gods. Indeed he is
of the wrongdoers.”
60. They said: “We heard a
young man mentioning of them,
who is called Abraham.”
61. They said: “Then bring
him before the eyes of the
people that they may testify.”
62. They said: “Is it you who
has done this to our gods, O
63. He said: “But this has done
it, biggest of them, this one. So
ask them, if they can speak.”
64. So they turned to themselves
and said: “Indeed you,
yourselves are the wrongdoers.”
65. Then their minds tuned
upside down, (and they said):
“Indeed, you know well that
they do not speak.”
66. He said: “Do you then
worship besides Allah things
that do not benefit you, nor
harm you.”
67. “Fie upon you, and to
what you worship besides Allah.
Have you then no sense.”
68. They said: “Burn him
and help your gods, if you
will be doing.”
69. We (Allah) said: “O fire,
be coolness and peace upon
70. And they intended for
him a plan, so We made
them the worst losers.
71. And We delivered him and
Lot to the land which We had
blessed for the nations.
72. And We bestowed upon him
Isaac, and Jacob in addition.
And each We made righteous.
73. And We made them
leaders, guiding by Our
command, and We inspired to
them to do good deeds, and to
establish prayers, and to give
charity. And they were
worshippers of Us.
74. And Lot, We gave him
judgment and knowledge, and
We saved him from the
town which practised
abominations. They were
indeed a wicked people,
exceedingly disobedient.
75. And We admitted him
into Our mercy. Indeed, he was
of the righteous.
76. And Noah, when he called
upon (Us) before. So We
responded to him. Then We
saved him and his household
from the great affliction.
77. And We helped him against
the people who denied Our
revelations. They were indeed
an evil people, So We drowned
them, all together.
78. And David and Solomon,
when they judged regarding the
field. When (at night) the sheep
of certain people had pastured
in it. And We were witnesses to
their judgment.
79. And We gave understanding
of it to Solomon, and to each (of
them) We gave judgment and
knowledge. And We subjected
along with David the mountains
to praise (Us), and (also) the
birds. And We were the doers.
80. And We taught him the art
of making the coats of armor for
you to protect you in your
fighting (against your enemy).
Will you then be grateful.
81. And (We subjected) for
Solomon the raging wind, which
blew at his command towards
the land which We had blessed.
And of everything We are All
82. And of the devils were
those who dived (into the sea)
for him, and carried out
other jobs besides that. And
We were guardian over them.
83. And Job, when he called
to his Lord, (saying): “Indeed
adversity has afflicted me, and
You are the Most Merciful of
those who are merciful.”
84. So We responded to him,
and We removed what was on
him, of the adversity. And We
gave him (back) his household
and the like thereof along with
them, a mercy from Us, and a
reminder for the worshippers.
85. And Ishmael, and Idris,
and Dhul Kifl. All were of the
86. And We admitted them
into Our mercy. Indeed, they
were of the righteous.
87. And Dhun Nun (Jonah),
when he went off in anger,
then he thought that We had no
power over him. Then he called
out in the darkness, (saying):
“There is no god except You. Be
You glorified. Indeed, I have
been of the wrongdoers.
88. So We responded to him,
and We saved him from the
anguish. And thus do We save
the believers.
89. And Zachariah, when he
called to his Lord: “My Lord,
do not leave me alone (without
heir), and You are the best of
the inheritors.”
90. So We responded to him,
and We bestowed upon him
John, and We cured his wife for
him. Indeed, they used to hasten
in doing good deeds, and they
used to call on Us with hope and
fear. And they used to humble
themselves before Us.
91. And she (Mary) who
guarded her chastity, so We
breathed into her through Our
Spirit (angel), and We made her
and her son a sign for peoples.
92. Indeed, this your religion,
is one religion, and I am your
Lord, so worship Me.
93. And they have divided their
affair (religion, into factions)
among themselves. They shall
all return to Us.
94. So whoever does of
righteous deeds and he is a
believer, then there will be no
rejection of his effort. And
indeed, We record (it) for him.
95. And there is a prohibition
upon (people of) a town, which
We have destroyed, that they
shall not return. (to this world).
96. Until, when Gog and
Magog are let loose, and they
descend from every mound.

97. And the true promise shall

draw near. Then behold, the
eyes of those who disbelieved
will stare in horror. (They will
say): “O woe to us, we were
indeed heedless of this, but we
were wrongdoers.”
98. Indeed, you (disbelievers)
and that which you worship
besides Allah are fuel for Hell.
To it will you (surely) come.
99. If these (idols) had been
gods, they would not have come
there, and all will abide therein.
100. For them, therein, will be
wailing. And they, therein, will
not hear (anything else).
101. Indeed, those to whom
kindness has gone forth
before from Us, they will be
far removed from it (Hell).
102. They will not hear the
slightest sound of it (Hell). And
they will be in that which their
selves desire, abiding forever.
103. They will not be grieved by
the greatest horror, and the
angels will meet them, (saying):
“This is your Day which you
have been promised.”
104. The Day when We shall
fold the heaven as a recorder
folds up a written scroll. As
We began the first creation,
We shall repeat it. (That is) a
promise (binding) upon Us.
Indeed, We shall do it.
105. And indeed, We have
written in the Scripture, after
the Reminder, that the earth
shall be inherited by My
righteous slaves.
106. Indeed, in this (Quran)
there is a plain message for a
people who worship (Allah).
107. And We have not sent you
(O Muhammad) except as a
mercy for all the worlds.
108. Say: “It is only revealed
to me that your god is only one
God. Will you then surrender.”
109. So, if they turn away,
then say: “I have announced
to you all alike. And I know
not, whether it is near or far
that which you are promised.”
110. Indeed, He knows of that
which is said loudly, and He
knows what you conceal.
111. “And I know not, perhaps
this may be a trial for you and
an enjoyment for a fixed time.”
112. He (Muhammad) said:
“My Lord, judge with truth.
And our Lord is the Beneficent,
whose help is sought against that
which you ascribe.”

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