Magnetic Levitation Train Final Year Project

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As the world continues to grow and as cities continues to become more crowded and congested, our normal modes of transportation will not be able to handle these overpopulated areas. The answer to this transportation problem lies in the world of electro magnetism and superconducting magnets. Electromagnets and superconducting magnets have allowed us to create a magnetic requirements. This experiment in an attempt to make a levitation train; propose of this project is to find the effect of load or total weight on the friction force in a levitation train. In regular cars trains and boats the friction will increase with load. We are wondering is the same will happen with the levitation trains. Using two long magnetic strips as rails; glue them to a long piece of wood (as a base or ground) in a way that the North side of the magnetic strip stays up and also using a smaller piece of wood as a train and in the same way glue two magnetic strips at the bottom of the train. If the train is placed on the rail it should levitate because the North Pole of rail and train magnets is faced to each other. The train might slide to the left or right and that also can be controlled by side rails. The experiment demonstrates the like poles repelling principle of magnetism. The repelling force of two magnets when same poles face each other varies by the distance of magnets. The repelling force increases when two magnets get closer to each other. Magnet levitation has practical application to today's technologically-advanced world as maglev trains glide above levitation train nicknamed MAGLEV that floats on the track instead of being directly on it. This has a lot of potential to create trains that are fast with low maintenance

magnetically charged-tracks at high speeds and the trains have less wear and tear as there are no tracks to create the friction.


Page I. Title Page 1

II. Abstract .

III. Table of Contents..

IV. Questions 4

V. Variables & Hypothesis. 5

VI. Background Research 6-17

VII. Material List18-19

VIII. Experimental Procedure.20-28

IX. Conclusions .. 29-30

X. Bibliography/ Web bibliography 31

1. How does the magnetic levitation train work? 2. How are the magnets used in magnetic levitation train? 3. How the repelling force of two magnets is affected by their distance? 4. How does the weight or load on a train affect the force needed to pull the train? 5. Does the total load or weight of the train affect the travel distance? 6. Currently, what are the countries with this type on trains ?



5.1.1 Independent Variable: The weight on the friction force (Weight on the train). 5.1.2 Dependent Variable: The force in which two magnets are repelled from each other and help to pull or push the train; And the distance between magnets with similar poles faced to each other. 5.2 HYPOTHESIS

Find if the repelling force multiplies as distance reduces. The multiplication factor is probably very high because when the magnets get very close, it will be very hard to keep them together. And find the effect of load or total weight on the friction force in a levitation train. In regular cars, trains and boats the friction will increase with load. More loads on the train will increase the friction forces needed to pull the train.


6.1 Magnets Magnets have fascinated people for thousands of years. In ancient times, natural magnetism sometimes was observed to occur in iron more due to large deposits of ore magnetite that became magnetized by the Earths magnetic field. One such field is neat a city in Asia Minor; called Magnesia, close to the modern Turkish town of Soke. Magnetite masses crystals or sand also can be found in Italy, South Africa, Sweden, and parts of the United States. Natural magnets are called lodestones and often were considered magical. These stones are grayish-black and composed of a magnetic iron mineral, called magnetite, which is compound of iron and oxygen. All magnets have at least one south pole like poles of magnets repel each other. The magnets strength of attraction or repulsion depends on the intensity of the magnetic field. A

magnetic field is a range of imaginary lines of attractive or repulsive forces that, for example, indicate the direction a compass needle will point. Planet earth has one pole in the Northern Hemisphere and another in the Southern Hemisphere, and each point attracts one end of a compass needle while repelling the opposite end of compass. Magnets can be made by placing a magnetic material such as iron or steel, in a strong magnetic field. Permanent, temporary and electromagnets can be made in this manner.

The atoms forming materials that can be easily magnetized such as iron, steel, nickel, and cobalt are arranged in small units, called domains. Each domain, although microscopic in size, contains millions of billions of atoms and each domain acts like a small magnet. If a magnetic material is placed in a strong magnetic field, the individual domains, which normally point in all directions, gradually swing around into the direction of the field. They also take over neighboring domains. When most of the domains are aligned in the field, the material becomes a magnet. Before Magnetization

After Magnetization

6.1.1 Temporary magnets Soft iron and certain iron alloys, such as perm alloy (a mixture of iron and nickel) can be very easily magnetized, even in a weak field. As soon as the field is removed, however, the magnetism is lost. These materials make excellent temporary magnets that are used in telephones and electric motors for example.

6.1.2 Permanent magnets Other kinds of alloys such as alnico (an alloy of aluminum, nickel, iron, cobalt), make excellent permanent magnets. Ferrites (ceramic like materials made of iron oxides with nickel and cobalt) also make excellent permanent magnets. In these materials the domains are more difficult to dislodge, once they are aligned. 7

6.1. 3 Electromagnets Electromagnets are used when really strong magnets are required. Electromagnets are produced by placing a metal core (usually an iron alloy) inside a coil of wire carrying an electric current. The electricity in the coil produces a magnetic field. Its strength depends on the strength of the electric current and the number of coils of wire. Its polarity depends on the direction of the current flow. While the current flows, the core behaves like a magnet, but as soon as the current stops, the magnetic properties are lost. Electric motors, televisions, maglev trains, telephones, computers and many other modern devices use electromagnets.

6.1. 4 Superconductors These are the strongest magnets. They don't need a metal core at all, but are made of coils of wire made from special metal alloys which become superconductors when cooled to very low temperatures. 6.2 How did it all begin? There are many legends accounting for the discovery of magnets. One of the most common is that of an elderly shepherd named Magnets, who was herding his sheep in an area of Northern Greece called Magnesia, about 4,000 years ago. It is said that both the nails in his shoes and the metal tip of his staff became firmly stuck to the large, black rock on which he

was standing. This type of rock was subsequently named magnetite, after either Magnesia or Magnets himself. Stories of magnetism date back to the first century B.C in the writings of Lucretius, and the magical powers of magnetite are mentioned in the writings of Pliny the Elder. For many years following its discovery, magnetite was surrounded in superstition and was considered to possess magical powers, such as the ability to heal the sick, frighten away evil spirits and attract and dissolve ships made of iron! Unlike amber (fossilized tree resin), magnetite was able to attract objects without first being rubbed. This made magnetite far more magical. People soon realized that magnetite not only attracted objects made of iron, but when made into the shape of a needle and floated on water, magnetite always pointed in a north-south direction creating a primitive compass. This led to an alternative name for magnetite, that of lodestone or "leading stone".

6.3 Who discovered magnets? The first attempt to separate fact from superstition came in 1269, when a soldier named Peter Peregrinus wrote a letter describing everything that was known, at that time, about magnetite. It is said that he did this while standing guard outside the walls of Lucera which was under siege. While people were starving to death inside the walls, Peter Peregrinus was outside writing one of the first 'scientific' reports and one that was to have a vast impact on the world. It wasn't until the experiments of William Gilbert in 1600 that significant progress was made in the understanding of magnetism and it was another century or so

before other scientists began, by experimentation, to understand the phenomenon. 6.4. Scientists who helped us to understand magnets It was William Gilbert who first realized that the Earth was a giant magnet and that magnets could be made by beating wrought iron. He also discovered that the induced magnetism was lost if the iron was heated. In 1820, Hans Christian ersted, demonstrated for the first time (at a public lecture), that there was a relationship between electricity and magnetism.

6.4.1 Magnetite Magnetite is found in rock strata associated with iron deposits and has been found in the ocean floor dating from 2 to 55 million years old. Magnetite is magnetic because its molecular structure has allowed it to retain the alignment of particles caused by the Earth's magnetic field during its formation millions of years ago. When heated to high temperatures magnetite loses its natural magnetism. Not all iron deposits are magnetic, however, which for many years posed a question. Why magnetite is only formed in certain iron deposits? Recently an interesting theory has emerged concerning an anaerobic bacterium, GS-15, which has been shown to convert ferric oxide into magnetite. It is thought that GS-15 could be responsible for the creation of magnetite layers in many iron formations.

6.4.2 Magnetic force fields The area of force (magnetic field) surrounding a piece of magnetite or a bar magnet can be represented (visualized) by the lines of force as shown below, although these lines are no more real than the lines of latitude and longitude on a map or globe. 10

6.4.3 Rule of magnetism Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

Lines of force are three-dimensional, surrounding a bar magnet on all sides.

When opposite poles of a magnet are brought together, the lines of force join up and the magnets pull together.

When like poles of a magnet are brought together, the lines of force push away from each other and the magnets repel each other. 11

6.4.4 How does compass work? The north and south ends of the Earth are called the north and south poles. The ends of a magnet are called north and south poles. This is because the north pole of a magnet is north-seeking i.e. it always points to the magnetic north pole, which is close to the geographic north pole. Similarly, the south pole of a magnet is south-seeking and always points to the south magnetic pole. The Earth itself acts as a magnet with two poles and an enormous magnetic field. At some places on the Earth's surface, its magnetic force is greater than at others. Moreover, the magnetic strength changes with the passage of the Moon around the Earth. The magnetic poles also shift their positions slightly from year to year. The Magnetic North Pole and the Geographic North Pole do not coincide. Who first use a Compass? Hundreds of years ago Chinese sailors used pieces of magnetite, made into needles, to help them find their way if they were lost. A piece of magnetite, or a bar magnet, when freely suspended, generally comes to rest pointing in a north-south direction (a compass needle is a magnet). The Earth is like a giant magnet and behaves as if there is a huge bar magnet in the centre.



6.5 Digging deeper into terrestrial magnetism


For centuries travelers used compasses for navigation without understanding how they worked. For many years it was assumed that the magnetic and geographic poles were the same, a misconception that led to the early discovery of North America by Christopher Columbus in 1492. At the magnetic poles the field lines point straight up and down and so a compass there is useless. Like all forms of magnetism the Earth's magnetic field is produced by electric currents. One theory accounting for the production of these currents is that deep in the Earth's core, hot molten magma rises, cools and sinks. Then, the whole process repeats itself. It is thought that within these rising and falling masses of magma the rotation of the Earth creates organized patterns of circular electrical currents, called eddies. The interior of the planet in fact acts like a giant dynamo. Geophysicists have found that the Earth's magnetic field reverses about every 200,000 years, although it hasn't happened during the last 800,000 years. It is not known whether this reversal occurs gradually, or whether there is a period of time when there is no magnetic field at all. This latter possibility could have devastating effects for life on Earth, as it is the magnetic field which protects the Earth from deadly solar radiation. In fact, there appears to be good correlation between magnetic field reversals in the past and extinction of certain species. It is not known why these reversals occur, but it is as if the 'dynamo' in the Earth's core is turned off and turned on again in the opposite direction. The Earth's magnetic field is also involved in the production of beautiful lights over the North Pole called the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. 6.6 Some uses of magnets


The discovery of magnets was very important as they are used to make electric motors and generators. Things that would disappear if we had no electricity are telephones, lights, electric heat, computers, and televisions. Some uses of electromagnets: Maglev trains, car crushers, scrap metal sorters, telephones, computers, doorbells, tape recorders etc. Maglev trains operate without wheels as they 'float' above the track due to magnetic repulsion between electromagnets in the track and underside of the train. Maglev trains can travel very fast, up to 480 km/h (300 mph).


6.6.1 Maglev Trains The only alternatives to airplanes -- feet, cars, buses, boats and conventional trains -- are just too slow for today's fast-paced society. However, there is a new form of transportation that could revolutionize transportation of the 21st century the way airplanes did in the 20th century. The Maglev train was first invented in 1902. It was invented from a German man named Alfred Zehden of Germany.

In these days a few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains, called maglev trains. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation, which means that these trains will float over a guide way using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains. The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine -- at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks. The engine for maglev trains is rather inconspicuous. Instead of using fossil fuels, the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guide way walls and the tracks combine to propel the train. There are two types of Maglev's: ones that use like magnets which repel each other and ones that use opposing magnets that attract with each other. Ones that use repelling magnets' are called Superconducting Maglev's. The magnets allow the train to float. Electromagnetic Maglevs use Superconducting Maglevs use very cold temperature magnets in order to make electricity without any opposition. The magnets are then put on the bottom of the train. When the train moves, it forms currents from the magnets in the aluminum sheets placed in the guide way. Because of the repelling force, the vehicle rises. Also in the guide way, separate electric currents pass through which push the train forward. Electromagnetic Maglev's go under the guide way. They use opposing magnets that attract with each other. This allows the Maglev to pull upward towards the guide way. Like the


superconducting Maglev's, separate currents make magnetic fields shift which allows the train to move forward, these Maglev's travel about 3/8's of an inch away from the guide way. In order for the magnets from not hitting the guide way, the lifting current must keep being fixed. The highest recorded speed of a Maglev train is 581 kilometers per hour (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, only 6 kilometers per hour (3.7 mph) faster than the conventional TGV wheel-rail speed record. The first commercial maglev people mover was simply called "MAGLEV" and officially opened in 1984 near Birmingham, England. It operated on an elevated 600-metre (2,000 ft) section of monorail track between Birmingham International Airport and Birmingham International railway station, running at speeds up to 42 km/h (26 mph); the system was eventually closed in 1995 due to reliability problems. Perhaps the most well known implementation of high-speed maglev technology currently operating commercially is the Shanghai Maglev Train, an IOS (initial operating segment) demonstration line of the German-built Transrapid train in Shanghai, China that transports people 30 km (19 mi) to the airport in just 7 minutes 20 seconds, achieving a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph), averaging 250 km/h (160 mph).



High-force magnetic strips

5 wood blocks

6 plastic angles Compass

2 quarters

Ruler 18



Contact cement



STEP 1: The wood track foundation Line up four of the 6 inch long (15 cm) wood blocks as shown in figure P5-1. Place strips of tape on the breaks between sections to hold all four sections together. Turn the blocks over and mark two guidelines spaced 5/8 of an inch. The two pencil marks down the center of the foundation will serve as guidelines for the separation of the plastic sections.

Figure P5-1: Align four wood blocks and tape the sections together. Turn the blocks over and mark two guidelines spaced 5/8 of an inch (1.6 cm) from the edges as shown in figure P5-2.

Figure P5-2: Mark to pencil marks down the center of the foundations. The two pencil marks down the center of the foundations will serve as guide lines for the separation of the plastic sections.


STEP 2: Mounting the Plastic Angles

Apply a light coating of contact cement the length of the top of the wood-track foundation. The cement must cover the 5/8 inch space from edge of the wood to each of the two penciled guidelines along the center of the blocks. Allow the cement to dry for 10 minutes. See Figure P5-3.

Figure P5-3: Apply a coating of contact cement to the track foundation. Apply a coating of contact cement to the bottom only of each plastic angle section and set them aside to dry for a least 10 minutes. See Figure P5-4.

Figure P5-4: Apply a coating of contact cement to the bottom only of each plastic angle section. Mount the first three plastic angle sections on the right side of the track as shown in Figure P5-5.


Figure P5-7 also shows how the sections and the train are to be configured. Figure P5-5: Mount the first three plastic angel sections. To ensure that the plastic angle sections dont bind on the side of the train when the train is in motion, tape two quarters to the side of the fifth block of wood, the coins serve as a guide for the spacing, plus a small operating gap, to fit the train on the angle. See Figure P5-6.

Figure P5-6: Tape two coins to the side of the fifth block of wood that will serve as the train. The coins will ensure proper spacing to allow the train to travel.


Before you cement the next row of three angles plastic sections in place on the left side of the track, as a test, position the spacer between the angle sections to ensure a correct fit. Figure P5-7 shows the proper alignment of the angle sections and the spacer block.

Figure P5-7: To ensure proper alignment and a smooth fit, insert the spacer (the train and coins) between the angle sections.

Carefully place the remaining three plastic angle sections on the wood foundation beginning at the left until all six sections are in place.

Be especially careful to line up the ends of the angle sections so that there is a smooth transition from one section to the next.

Take your time to hold the spacer unit above and close to the wood foundation while checking to see if the angles are centered. As shown in figure P5-7, the gap separating the plastic angle sections lines up with the two pencil guidelines you marked on the wood foundation.


The wood block will act as a spacer between the plastic angles when they are installed. The width of the coins will provide just the right gap. If the gap is too great or too narrow, the train will not operate smoothly. If it turns out that the gap is too narrow for the train block after the plastic sections are cemented in place, you can lightly sand the sides of the block.

STEP 3: Mounting the 23 inch long (60cm) high force magnetic strips. Determine which side is north on the magnetic strips by holding each strips vertically and bringing the compass next to one of the wider sides. If the compass points away from that side, place a small piece of masking tape on that side to mark it. See figure P5-8.

Figure P5-8: Using your compass, determine the north pole of the 24 inch magnetic strips. On each of the two strips, attach a small piece of masking tape with an N written anon the tape. The North Pole with the N mark is the side of the strip that will always be pointing away from the plastic angle section on which it is mounted. This exact procedure is used in step 4 on the trains high force strip magnet (again with the N side of the strip pointing away from the train). Apply contact cement to the plastic angle surfaces to which the 23 1/2 inch (60 cm) strip magnet will be mounted. Also, coat the south side of the 23 1/2 inch magnetic strips (opposite the N side which you identified). Allow the cement to dry about 10 minutes.


As shown in figure P5-9, carefully lay the track so the inner side of the magnetic strip lines up with the inner side of the plastic angle and de pencil guidelines you marked on the foundation. Figure P5-9: Lay the track so that the inner side of the magnetic stripes line up with the inner side of the plastic angle and the pencil marks on the foundation.

STEP 4: Mounting the high-force magnetic strip to the train block To put the high force magnetic strips into position on the train block, follow the same mounting directions as for the track. In this case, however, use the edge of the wood block as the guide from the edge of the magnetic strip. The 5 7/8 inch long, high force magnetic strips should be positioned slightly in form the edge of the train block. See figure P5-10.

Figure P5-10: Position the high force magnetic strips slightly in from the edge of the wood block.


STEP 5: Set the train on the track Place the train on the track. For best results, the train should ride at about the height shown in figure P5-11. Please note that the magnetic strips on the car are intentionally spaced wider than the strips on the track. This allows for better magnetic balance of the car.

Figure P5-11: The train should ride at about the height shown here and in figure P5-12. Fine Tuning To obtain the best results, it is necessary to have little friction between the train and the angles. Also, the magnetic field must be evenly distributed for both sides of the train to ride equally high. The train should ride at about the position shown in figure


P5-11 and figure P5-12. The top of the plastic angle should be opposite the wood of the train rather than the top of the trains magnet. Once the train has been constructed, the fun really begins. Figure P5-12: The fun begins once the train has been constructed.

Going Further Now that the basic model has been constructed, what modifications could be made? Maybe a second train or a longer track for greater traveling distances can be made. Here are some suggestions and variations for your levitating train. Use masking tape to attach latch magnets on the ends of the train. Fasten a latch

magnet at each end of the track to a piece of cardboard so that the end magnets repel the trains latch magnets. Paint and decorate the train. Perhaps you have noticed the oscillations of the train as in moves. Are vibrations

something to be concerned with regarding friction? Experiment with any surfaces that are still showing some friction. What other experiments can be showed? Try to reduce that friction. Because spacing is not wide enough, sand the surfaces. What is the smallest height you can get?


The degree of success in any of these friction modifications can be seen by gradually lifting one end of the track and noting the height at which the car begins to move on its own; The lower this height the lower the friction. What is the smallest height you can obtain?

Try gently tilting the track to one side or the other as you are raising it and see if this allows the trains to slide with the track at a lower angle.

Another way to measure the level of friction is to place latch magnets on the ends of the train. Placing magnets on both ends balances the weight. See how far away from the end you can bring another magnet and make the train move. Remember that the greater the separation distances the lower the force and, thus, the lower the friction. Of course, another test for a change in the level of friction is to see how far the train coasts before stopping.


This experiment demonstrates the like poles repelling principle of magnetism. This is a simplified diagram showing the areas of attraction and repulsion between the magnets for this experiment.

The magnetic levitation train might have gone faster if the magnetic strip was doubled. The use of a longer track might also have allowed the magnetic train to build more momentum and the use of a force to propel the trains might also have resulted in less friction on the magnetic levitation train. Notice the repelling forces multiplies as distance reduces The repelling force of two magnets when same poles face each other varies by the distance of magnets. The repelling force increases when two magnets get closer to each other. Magnetic levitation is the use of magnetic fields to levitate a (usually) metallic object. Manipulating magnetic fields and controlling their forces can levitate an object. Most important application of Magnetic Levitation is Trans rapid magnetic lift trains Maglev trains use magnets to levitate and propel the trains forward Due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle, there is no rolling friction, leaving only air resistance. Since there is no friction these trains can reach high speeds


The key advantage of the Maglev train is that it floats on a cushion of air, with virtually no friction. This allows the train to reach such high speeds. Research has shown that the maglev is about 20 times safer than airplanes, 250 times safer than conventional railroads, and 700 times safer than automobile travel. Maglev vehicle carries no fuel to increase fire hazard. The materials used to construct maglev vehicles are non-combustible, poor penetration transmitters of heat, and able to withstand fire. Maglev can handle high volumes of passengers per hour and do it without introducing air pollution along the right way. It is a safe and efficient way to travel. Maglev uses 30% less energy than a high-speed train traveling at the same speed (1/3 more power for the same amount of energy). The operating costs of a maglev system are approximately half that of conventional long-distance railroads Governments have mixed feelings about the technology. Some countries, like China, have embraced it and others like Germany have balked at the expense. The highest recorded speed of a Maglev train is 581 kilometers per hour (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, only 6 kilometers per hour (3.7 mph) faster than the conventional TGV wheel-rail speed record. The first commercial maglev people mover was simply called "MAGLEV" and officially opened in 1984 near Birmingham, England. It operated on an elevated 600meters (2,000 ft) section of monorail track between Birmingham International Airport and Birmingham International railway station, running at speeds up to 42 km/h (26 mph); the system was eventually closed in 1995 due to reliability problems. [1]


Perhaps the most well known implementation of high-speed maglev technology currently operating commercially is the Shanghai Maglev Train, an IOS (initial operating segment) demonstration line of the German-built Transrapid train in Shanghai, China that transports people 30 km (19 mi) to the airport in just 7 minutes 20 seconds, achieving a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph), averaging 250 km/h (160 mph).




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