Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits Aim

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Experiment No.

1 Basic Operational Amplifier Circuits AIM: To design, set up and study the performance of the following op-amp circuits (i) Voltage Follower (ii) Inverting Amplifier (iii) Non-inverting Amplifier (iv) Integrator (v) Differentiator PROCEDURE: (i) Voltage Follower 1. Set up the circuit as shown in fig.1. 2. Apply a 100mV peak sine wave of low frequency as input and observe and record the output. (If voltage levels are not measurable, increase the signal amplitude) 3. Obtain the frequency response. 4. Find the bandwidth. (ii) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (iii) 1. 2. (iv) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (v) 1. 2. 3. Inverting amplifier Design the circuit in fig.2 for a gain of -10 Set up the circuit. Apply a 100mV sinusoidal signal of low frequency as input and observe and record the output. Obtain the frequency response. Find the bandwidth and gain bandwidth product Redesign the circuit for a gain of -1. Calculate the range of gain of the amplifier considering the tolerance of resistors. Check whether the obtained gain value is in this allowed range. Repeat steps 1-5 for a gain of -1 Non-inverting Amplifier Design the circuit in fig.3 for a gain of 11 Repeat steps 2-5 as in (ii) Integrator Design and set up the circuit in fig.4 without Rf. Apply a 5V 1kHz square wave as input and observe and record the output. Design and set up the circuit in fig.4 for a dc gain of -10. The break (corner) frequency is 1kHz. Apply a 5V 10 kHz square wave as input and observe the output. Decrease the input frequency and observe the changes in output. Obtain the frequency response of the circuit. (Sinusoidal input). Differentiator Design and set up the circuit in fig.5 with highest frequency of the input signal that can be differentiated as 1kHz. Maximum gain of the circuits occurs at 10kHz Apply a 5V 1kHz triangular wave as input and observe and record the output. Increase the input frequency and observe the changes in the output


Obtain the frequency response of the circuit (Sinusoidal input.)

Questions: (to be answered in the lab record of experiment done) 1. Derive the equation H(j ) for the integrator (fig.4) and differentiator (fig.5). Assume very large open loop gain for the op-amp. 2. Give the reason for the observation in iv-2. 3. What is the use of Cf in the differentiator?

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