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Operational amplifier and their application

Aniket 2015CE10310

Voltage follower

Lab partner-Ayush Joshi 2015EE30509

Voltage follower with an ideal operational amplifier simply gives input

voltage equals output voltage . Input impedance of operational amplifier is
very high giving effective isolation of output from signal source .

Procedure:(1) connect the network as shown

(2) Measure the output of signal generator

directly on CRO and adjust it to be 2V peak to
(3) Measure the output of signal generator across
55.4ohm resistance for input voltage 2V peak to
peak output voltage is peak to peak.
(4) disconnect the resistance and connect signal
generator output to input of circuit shown in fig.
and measured output for input voltage 2V peak to

Observation:(a) For input voltage 2V peak to peak output

curve is as shown

(b) Output of signal generator across resistance

55.4 ohm is as shown

(c) After disconnecting resistor and making circuit

as mention above output curve is

Inverting amplifier :Theory:Inverting amplifier is special case of differential

amplifier in which circuits non-inverting input V2
is grounded and inverting input V1 is identified
with Vin above .
Vout = -Rf(Vin)/Rin

Procedure:(1) Set up circuit as shown in fig.

For gain of 10 circuit is as below

For gain of 50 circuit is as below

(2) Choose resistance R1 and Rf to achieve gains

10 and
(3) Verify operation at different frequencies say 1
and 40 kHz .

Observation:(a) For resistors of 4.7 kohm and 47

kohm and frequency of 1kHz output
curve is as below

For 40 kHz frequency output curve is as


(b) For resistors of 4.7 kohm and 220

And frequency 1 kHz output curve is as

For frequency of 40 kHz output is as


Non-inverting amplifier
The input signal is applied to positive or noninverting input terminal of operational amplifier

and a portion of output signal is fed back to

negative input terminal.
Input voltage and output voltage are related as
V0 = R1Vin/R1+R2

Procedure:(1) Connect the circuit as shown

For gain of 10 circuit is as shown below

For gain of 50 circuit is as shown below

(2) Choose resistances Rf and R1 to achieve gains

10 and 50.
(3) Verify operation for different frequencies and
by plotting output vs input curve
Voltage gain = 1+ Rf/R1

Observation:(a) For resistors of 4.7 kohm and 47 kohm

and frequency of 1 kHz output is as shown

For frequency of 40 kHz output is as shown

(b) For resistors of 4.7 kohm and 220 kohm

resistors and frequency of 1 kHz output is as

For frequency of 40 kHz output is as shown

Real life applications:(1) Operational amplifiers are used as audio and

video preamplifiers and buffers .
(2)They are also used as voltage regulator and
current regulator .
(3)They are used as filters , digital to analog
convertor , analog to digital convertor .
(4)Operational amplifiers are also used as charge
amplifier , oscillators and waveform generators.

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