3 1 Plants and How They Grow

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Life Science

by Kim Fields


Comprehension Skill

Text Features

Science Content


Compare and Contrast

Captions Glossary


Scott Foresman Science 3.1

ISBN 0-328-13808-8

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Vocabulary coniferous deciduous extinct fossil germinate pollinate seed leaf seedling system
Illustration: 7 Alan Barnard; 17 Alan Barnard; 23 Alan Barnard Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman, a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd). Title Page: Lou Jacobs Jr./Grant Heilman Photography; 2 John Warden/Index Stock Imagery; 4 DK Images; 5 (R) Silver Burdett Ginn, (CL) DK Images; 8 Lou Jacobs Jr./Grant Heilman Photography; 9 DK Images; 10 DK Images; 11 (T) Jeff Lepore/Photo Researchers, Inc., (B) Stone/Getty Images; 12 Carolina Biological/Visuals Unlimited; 13 (CR) DK Images, (TL) Brad Mogen/Visuals Unlimited; 14 (TL) John Poutier/Maxx Images, Inc., (TR) Darryl Torckler/Getty Images; 15 (TL) Brian Gordon Green/NGS Image Collection, (TR) Jorg & Petra Wegner/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 16 Nigel Cattlin/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 18 (BR) Kenneth W. Fink/Photo Researchers, Inc., (CC) DK Images, (TR) Nigel Cattlin/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 19 Nigel Cattlin/Holt Studios; 20 (CL) Neg./Transparency No. K13073. Courtesy Dept. of Library Services/American Museum of Natural History, (BC) John Cancalosi/Peter Arnold, Inc., (CR) Dr. E. R. Degginger/Color-Pic, Inc.; 21 David Muench/ Muench Photography, Inc; 22 (T) The Natural History Museum, London, (C) Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis.

What did you learn?

1. How do roots help a plant stay alive?

by Kim Fields

Plants and How They Grow

2. What are some different ways that seeds are scattered to make new plants? 3. How have plants changed over time? 4. In this book, you have read about pollination. Write to explain how petals help pollination. Use details from the book as you write. Compare and Contrast How are deciduous and coniferous trees alike? How are they different?


ISBN: 0-328-13808-8 Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to: Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05

What are the main parts of a plant?

What All Living Things Need
Living things have needs. Plants and animals need food, air, water, and space to live and grow. Animals need to find food to eat. Plants are different. They can make their own food. Plants use energy from the Sun to make food.

Plants come in all sizes and shapes. They can grow almost anywhere. Each plant needs special things to grow. Most plants have four parts. Roots, a stem, flowers, and leaves are the four main parts.

This Alaskan brown bear is looking for food.

These black-eyed Susans make their own food.

Why Plants Need Leaves

Plants need leaves to make food. The leaves make a type of sugar. A plants leaves are a part of its leaf system. A system has parts that work together. Carbon dioxide gas enters a plant through holes in the leaves. Water enters a plant through the roots and stem. Leaves also take in sunlight. Water and carbon dioxide are changed into sugar and oxygen. Energy from sunlight does this. The sugar is the plants food. The oxygen goes out through holes in the leaves.
Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide goes in. Oxygen Oxygen comes out. Sunlight Sunlight goes in.

Other Ways Leaves Help Plants

Leaves also help a plant take in water. Leaves can let out extra water through tiny holes. A plant that lives in dry places may have fuzzy leaves. This helps keep water inside the plant. Some leaves help keep the plant alive. Leaves can be tough or sharp. They can be filled with poison. These leaves keep animals from eating them.

This is what a plant needs to make food.

Water Water goes in.

Sugar Sugar goes to roots.

The oak leaf is different from the leaves on a fir tree.

Why do plants need roots and stems?

How Roots Help Plants
Roots hold plants in the ground. They store food for the plant. Roots draw water and minerals out of the soil. Many plants have a taproot. Taproots are large roots that grow deep in the soil. They store food for the plant. Have you eaten a beet or a carrot? If so, youve tasted a taproot!

There are small root hairs at the tips of roots. Roots with their many hairs grow deep into the soil. These hairs take in water for the plant. Tubes carry water to the stem and leaves. The Sun can dry out a plant. On hot days, roots take in water to replace what is lost.
Water moves from the root hairs into the root. Then it travels up to the stem and leaves. Root hair


Carrots Beets and carrots are roots you can eat.

How Stems Help Plants

A stem holds up a plants leaves, fruits, and flowers. Its tubes move water from the roots to the leaves. Others tubes take food from the leaves to the stem and roots. Some stems are thin and grow along the ground. These stems can grow roots and a new plant. Cactus stems are fat and have a thick covering. This helps keep water inside the plant.

Potatoes are stem parts that grow underground. They store food for the plant. New stems can grow from a potatos buds. The buds are also called eyes. Some stems have special parts that keep plants safe. Some stems have hairs that sting animals. Other stems have thorns. Both thorns and stinging hairs help keep animals away.

These cactus plants have thorns. The thorns are special leaves.

Potatoes can be eaten. But you must dig them out of the ground.

How are plants grouped?

Flowering Plants
Grasses and trees are types of plants. Trees have a strong, woody stem to hold them up. Grasses do not have woody stems. They grow near the ground. In the fall, many grasses keep only their roots alive. In the spring they grow a new stem with leaves. In the fall many trees leaves die and fall off. These trees are deciduous. Deciduous trees grow new leaves in the spring.

Making Seeds
Flowers have special parts that make pollen. The petals of a flower attract insects or other animals. They often move the pollen. Wind can also pollinate a flower. This happens when pollen is moved to the part of another flower that makes seeds. When a flower is pollinated, seeds form. Fruit grows around the seeds to protect them.

This bee moves pollen from another plant to the seed-making part of the flower.

Pollen Seed-making part Petal

These plants and trees both have flowers. The trees are tall. The plants are short.



Coniferous Trees
Coniferous trees do not lose their leaves all at once. They do not grow flowers. They have cones that make seeds. The leaves of these trees look like needles. Pine, spruce, hemlock, and fir are coniferous trees.

Two Types of Cones

Coniferous trees make two kinds of cones. One cone is a small pollen cone. The other is a large seed cone. A seed starts to grow when pollen from the pollen cone of another tree attaches to the seed cone. Seeds fall to the ground when they are ripe. Sometimes the seeds grow into trees.
Pollen from these small cones needs to reach seeds in a bigger cone. Wind makes this happen.




How do new plants grow?

Scattering Seeds
Seeds are scattered so they can grow in new places. Some seeds are scattered by water. Wind can carry seeds that are very light. Animals carry other seeds away. Sometimes animals eat the seeds fruit. The seed passes through the animals body. Then it is dropped to the ground. Other seeds are scattered when they stick to an animals fur.

Special Ways of Releasing Seeds

Some types of cones need to be heated by a forest fire. Then the cones can release their seeds. The fire also removes other plants around the trees. This makes space for the seeds to grow.

A seed can blow away in the wind.

A seed can float away in water.

A seed can stick to fur.

A seed can be eaten.



Germinating and Growing

Seeds come in different colors, sizes, and shapes. Every seed has a tiny plant inside it. Every seed also has a seed coat. This protects the plant inside the seed. The tiny plant can grow into a new plant. Every seed has one or more seed leaves. A seed leaf gives food to the new plant.

Seeds need special things to sprout, or germinate. They need air, the right temperature, and enough water. When things are right, a seed sprouts. The seed breaks open and a seedling, or young plant, begins to grow. A young root grows down. A stem with leaves grows up. This plant uses food stored in its seed to grow.

This seed has germinated.

Seed coat

Tiny plant

Seed leaf

This seedling has sprouted. It needs water and sunlight to grow.



Life Cycle of a Plant

First, a seed must germinate. Next, a seedling grows a root downward into the soil. Then, the seedlings stem grows upward. Then the stem grows leaves. Finally, the leaves use sunlight to make sugar for the plant to eat.
Germinating seed

Soon the seedling grows into an adult plant with flowers. The flowers are pollinated and new seeds grow. If the seeds germinate they grow into new plants. Then the cycle starts again.

This peanut plant starts out as a seed. What happens next?



Adult plant



How are plants from the past like todays plants?

Plants That Lived Long Ago
A fossil is the remains of a living thing. Fossils come from plants or animals that lived long ago. We can learn about plants by studying fossils. A fossil forms after a plant dies. The plant gets pressed into mud and rots away. The mud keeps the plants form. Over time, the mud hardens into rock. When the rock cracks open, you can see the fossil.

Petrified fossils form when rock replaces plant parts. Sometimes a tree gets buried in the ground. Minerals from water replace the trees wood. Over a long time, the wood becomes stone. When a plant becomes extinct, none of its kind will ever live again. Ferns that live today are different from extinct ferns.
Petrified wood fossils


These are fossils of extinct plants.




Plants Change Over Time

By studying fossils, weve learned that the first plants did not have flowers or cones. But plants changed over time. Trees that made cones spread over Earth. Plants with flowers started to grow.

Magnolias are flowering plants. They have grown and changed over millions of years. Magnolias from long ago kept their leaves year-round. Now, some magnolias lose their leaves in the fall. But magnolia flowers have stayed the same for millions of years. Plants grow all over the Earth. They grow and live in different ways. Plants make food energy from light energy. Without them, life would be impossible!

This is a fossil of a magnolia leaf.

Magnolia trees grew on Earth when dinosaurs lived here. Dinosaurs are extinct. Magnolia trees are still found on Earth.

Some magnolias bloom all at once in spring. Then new leaves grow.



Glossary Vocabulary

What did you learn?

does not lose its leaves in the fall loses its leaves in the fall type of living thing no longer alive remains of a living thing from long ago to begin to grow when pollen is moved to a flower part that makes seeds part of a seed that provides food for the new plant young plant a set of parts that work together

coniferous coniferous deciduous deciduous extinct extinct

fossil fossil germinate germinate pollinate pollinate

1. How do roots help a plant stay alive? 2. What are some different ways that seeds are scattered to make new plants? 3. How have plants changed over time? 4. In this book, you have read about pollination. Write to explain how petals help pollination. Use details from the book as you write. Compare and Contrast How are deciduous and coniferous trees alike? How are they different?

seed leaf
seed leaf

seedling system


seedling system

Illustration: 7 Alan Barnard; 17 Alan Barnard; 23 Alan Barnard Photographs: Every effort has been made to secure permission and provide appropriate credit for photographic material. The publisher deeply regrets any omission and pledges to correct errors called to its attention in subsequent editions. Unless otherwise acknowledged, all photographs are the property of Scott Foresman, a division of Pearson Education. Photo locators denoted as follows: Top (T), Center (C), Bottom (B), Left (L), Right (R), Background (Bkgd). Title Page: Lou Jacobs Jr./Grant Heilman Photography; 2 John Warden/Index Stock Imagery; 4 DK Images; 5 (R) Silver Burdett Ginn, (CL) DK Images; 8 Lou Jacobs Jr./Grant Heilman Photography; 9 DK Images; 10 DK Images; 11 (T) Jeff Lepore/Photo Researchers, Inc., (B) Stone/Getty Images; 12 Carolina Biological/Visuals Unlimited; 13 (CR) DK Images, (TL) Brad Mogen/Visuals Unlimited; 14 (TL) John Poutier/Maxx Images, Inc., (TR) Darryl Torckler/Getty Images; 15 (TL) Brian Gordon Green/NGS Image Collection, (TR) Jorg & Petra Wegner/Animals Animals/Earth Scenes; 16 Nigel Cattlin/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 18 (BR) Kenneth W. Fink/Photo Researchers, Inc., (CC) DK Images, (TR) Nigel Cattlin/Photo Researchers, Inc.; 19 Nigel Cattlin/Holt Studios; 20 (CL) Neg./Transparency No. K13073. Courtesy Dept. of Library Services/American Museum of Natural History, (BC) John Cancalosi/Peter Arnold, Inc., (CR) Dr. E. R. Degginger/Color-Pic, Inc.; 21 David Muench/ Muench Photography, Inc; 22 (T) The Natural History Museum, London, (C) Wolfgang Kaehler/Corbis.

ISBN: 0-328-13808-8 Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permissions, write to: Permissions Department, Scott Foresman, 1900 East Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60025. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V010 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05


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